#also she told him it was a dealbreaker if he did drugs and now he won't snort coke with me so that's lame asf like dude you're dating a cop
mightyaphrodytee · 1 year
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Lol, that was season 5, but…
Holy shit so much information has poured all over us for the last two months, it’s hard to keep everything straight in your head. I broke my shoulder during Scandoval, I had endless time in bed, in pain, so I did a rewatch (I’m currently mid-season 7, and I’m not committed to seasons 8 or 9). Every episode. Every blowup, every fight, every meltdown, all the drunkenness and drug abuse, all the infidelity and accusations and denials and tears. And I have thoughts. For posterity, darlings.
I’ve learned (and seen with my own eyes—Florida Girl) that BOTH Tom AND Ariana had some kind of pact, and I think they both took it seriously until Tom abandoned it for Rachel, that they would keep their private struggles, whatever they might be, OFF the show and hidden from their castmates and “friends.” I believe with all my heart that nobody on the show or in production really ever questioned it. No one ever leveled an accusation at their relationship. Tom and Ariana were like the closest thing to an audience pov on the show. The DRAAAAMA was Jax, Jax, Jax, Jax, Stassi, Stassi, Stassi, Stassi, fistfights and party crashing and cheating and a breakup…! We were barely shown Tom and Ariana’s conflict over having children, which seemed significant when Tom said it was a dealbreaker, then immediately retracted it when confronted by Ariana. That, plus their difficulties with intimacy and Ariana’s body image issues, was all we knew. They had each other’s back to an insane degree for YEARS, because of this pact, and now the floodgates are open, And we know that when Lala tells Ariana about what really happened at that party the day Ariana’s grandmother dies, Ariana had a meltdown and refused to film with Lala, who had to sit at a table and wait while production talked Ariana down and got consent to film. That’s why she abruptly turns and yells for Tom to come join the Lala info dump, saying I’m not gonna do this, so…let’s get him. And he was absolutely stone cold caught in a lie right then and there.
How could Ariana so easily dismiss the certain knowledge, via Lala, who was there at the party with Sandoval (and Raquel), that TOM LIED TO HER ABOUT NOT FINDING AN UBER SO HE COULD STAY WITH RAQUEL. So, like, I feel like that should’ve been the red flag to end all red flags.
And she definitely had her doubts, no matter how hard she rode for him publicly, because her INTUITION told her to see what she could see when she had the perfect opportunity to look at his phone. The photos app I guess, which is the iOS camera roll. What a shock it must have been. It’s like you’re flying off the edge of the earth, right up into outer space, no tether to humanity because everything is a lie. UGH I RELATE and probably am projecting my shit onto Ariana, which I’m not trying to do fr fr.
Dude, if she had followed me she would have known I wasn’t at Schwartz’s WORST STATEMENT OF THE EPISODE CONGRATS SCUMBAG
But every time you stayed out late or overnight, Ariana checked your location, which was always at the complicit Schwartz’s house
So you left your phone there while you went off to Rachel’s?
Because OBVIOUSLY you’re no fucking stranger to her apartment (!!!)
There is no way in hell I would ever believe that Sandoval wouldn’t run to his work wife, in whom he has confided everything, and confess every detail, with a TON of drama because it’s Sandoval, to expunge his guilty conscience alllllll over Schwartz. Please. He knew everything from the jump, but of course he took no action beyond urging Sandoval to confess. For seven months. He knew. These people are such great liars.
Every line out of Ariana’s mouth, in her confrontation conversation with Tom, was poetry. Eloquent, blunt, sincere, honest, brutal, true. That woman! I admire her dignified reaction in this episode while also side-eyeing her own complicity in not wanting any breaches of the wall of positivity that she helped create. But everyone on this show has their good and their bad, and we’ve seen it all. Ariana’s very first episode! Disaster. She was playing a tough girl character, not herself.
Brittany is the exception to that and has never done anything wrong or shady or hurtful or mean girl-ish.
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gayopinion · 2 years
i feel bad when i don't like my male friends straight girl partners cause i'm like is this just internalized misogyny? and i was worried it was for a while but no actually sometimes women just suck...... my friends gf literally interns at a military defense company as a computer engineer like girl you are the one coding the drone strikes i think it's more than just misogyny when i say i don't fuck w ur vibes at all. i even thought she was bisexual but she's not she just dresses like it like can it get any worse.....?
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Control Z Season 3: Ep 4&5
-Okay, I genuinely for the life of me cannot fathom why AYS would be targeting Natalia? She wasn’t there when Susana died, and the implication is that she didn’t even know what really happened. Did they just assume she was involved because she knew everyone and was María’s sister?
-Claudia. Girl. Why are you risking everything for Pablo of all fucking people, why is he so important to you HOW DID THIS HAPPEN HOW DID WE GET HERE
-Idk, maybe it really is María. Honestly no one else really makes sense at this point? Idk why Natalia would be leaving messages to herself, and Raúl being set up to be the culprit again is way too heavy-handed of a red herring. Gerry is doing his own thing, Bruno obviously wants nothing to do with this, they wouldn’t have the guts to make it Sofía, there’s no reason for Claudia to pretend to be herself, Gaby is in Spain, it’s obviously not Pablo, who else is left? Is it Javier? He did say that thing to his teammate about “You won’t forget about me” God PLEASE don’t make it Javier that would literally be the laziest, most unintelligent writing decision I’ve ever seen.
-Like...unless it’s a minor/side character like Javier’s dad (which makes no sense) or Ernesto (because he’s good at computers) or Rosita (which...I guess because she’s petty?), but the previous two Culprits™ have been part of the main cast, so it seems weird that they would stray from that now.
-I...Luis never told his mom he was gay? He was never able to get comfortable enough to tell her? Oh God, that’s so sad, this poor boy he deserved so, so much better.
-Okay, Marta’s lenience with Gerry makes a bit more sense now. She feels like she didn’t do right by her son, and Gerry was obviously also dealing with internalized (and externalized) homophobia, so she sees a way to...I guess atone for Luis? So that something like that won’t happen again? And it’s an interesting parallel with what Gerry’s going through in the center with the inmate who reminds him of Luis.
-Idk, the only thing I’ve got is that it’s Marta and she’s acting nice, for the sake of getting revenge for her son, or that it’s Ernesto. Like it genuinely, logistically doesn’t make sense for it to be anyone else.
-What did Natalia see that made her suspect there was more to María’s (supposed) death? Also, like...when she said that no one else in the group was really a better person than her and that at least she was acting on behalf of someone else...she had a point.
-“Javier pointed a gun at me and then took all my money” Raúl uh...you kind of missed some context there. You missed a couple steps in that explanation.
-Okay, now I feel stupid for not realizing that Javier’s dad moved the body. I wondered why he was all of a sudden playing soccer again. But alas.
-...Um. They. Drugged. Sofía. So she wouldn’t know Javier told his dad and that his dad moved Susana’s body. That’s. Wow, that’s fucked up.
-Why are they regressing Javier’s character like this??? Is it so Raúl looks better by comparison and they can make him Sofía’s endgame???? I HATE!! IT HERE!!!!!
-Okay, but also. Raúl, lest we forget, straight up kidnapped Sofía in season 1. If that wasn’t a dealbreaker, I don’t see how this is. God, the double standard this show applies to Raúl in terms of absolving him of behaviors that no one else can get away with is just. Utterly infuriating.
-...If a teacher in acting class got that in a students personal space, they would be fired. (Okay, well, the world is hell so maybe they wouldn’t actually. But at least one of the students would, at minimum file a complaint.)
-Alex. Baby girl. Any adult who is your teacher and insists on being romantically/sexually involved with underage-student you is manipulating you. Automatically!! It’s so sad that she can see it so clearly with Claudia but not in her own situation. I want so much better for her than what she’s getting out of this narrative.
-“Everything I do is for you” BUT SHE DIDN’T ASK YOU, DUDE!
-”Do what you feel” Um...she has. On multiple occasions. With you. But now she said no. Leave her alone, UGH someone please kill this dude.
-Goodness, the stark contrast between Raúl trying to tell Sofía what she wants and goad her into a relationship and Natalia and Javier earnestly communicating and being on the same page.........please tell me this was intentional.
-Is it Quintanilla? He’s the only major character left unless this is pretending-to-be-dead María. Maybe he hopes he can get back with Sofía’s mom because he’s helping her daughter?
-The music choices are much better this season.
-Is...is Pablo dead now?
-“There are many of us” Did Raúl inadvertently spawn a cult?
-Okay that actually makes sense. And there were tiny hints, so in retrospect it doesn’t come completely out of nowhere.
-It’s not Sofía’s mom as a way to get back at her dad for being unfaithful, is it? I’m just trying to find any and all possible story angles here.
-Okay, I’ve watched 5 episodes in a row, I think I need to take a break.
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crowgale · 3 years
Resident Evil 2 AU
Claire Redfield x Elza Walker
Generally the characters are the same, but with a kick of real so they aren't blank slates. Elza herself is a street-smart, confident young woman with a troubled past.
Born Elizibeth Walker in Anchorage, Alaska to parents separated before she was born, her father was an fortuitous yet endearing construction worker who took custody of her until he went missing during the construction of an Umbrella Research Facility in the Rockies during her early teens and was then sent to Connecticut to live with her mother, who was an abusive drug addict.
In her teens she developed a keen interest in motorcycles while overstudying in a library to avoid her mother and further strengthed it with part-time jobs in various mechanics. Eventually she lost hope in her father being found and her increasingly hostile mother drove her to runaway from home, using connections she developed through gangs and mechanics to move to Florida and join an amatuer racing contest in Daytona under the alias 'Elza' (Her father's nickname for her)... where she broke the track record 4 times (The first was the previous fastest lap time, she then broke her own fastest laps 3 times).
By her 18th birthday she had left her criminal ties behind and became a minor celebrity on the fast track to becoming a professional bike racer. She had sponsers ready to pay her into any university she wanted, emancipation from her mother and enough money saved up from work and victories to let her live as an independant young woman.
Elizabeth was gone. She was Elza now, and she had found her path to happiness.
By 1996 Claire had enrolled in the University of Houstan, Texas. Chris hoped she would enrol in Kansas City so she'd be closer to him but she wasn't going to be his little sister forever. She had grown up quick after their parents died... they both did.
Elza and Claire first met the week before classes started, Claire having just moved into the dorms a day before; Elza arriving like a perfect storm the next day on an customised kawasaki sports bike and a trailer full of her belongings.
Claire recognised her of course, her debut into the racing world made national headlines. So like a dork Claire was shy and tried to avoid Elza as she rode in on her Harley Davidson, after running an errand off campus.
Elza however, heard the sound of a Harley and wanted to know who owned it. She took one look at Claire in her red leather shorts, that 'Made in Heaven' jacket tied around her waist and that tight black bodysuit she had no business looking so sexy in, decided 'Yeah, I'm chilling with you!" and was having none of it.
There was, what a native of Northern Ireland like myself would call, a fresher's fair that night and like a hawk Elza seeked out the introverted Claire and started asking about her bike.
By the end of the night, Claire's shyness vanished upon realising that the seemingly untouchable queen of bikers, whose body was covered in tattoos and whose hair was as wild and untamed as the wind, was actually a massive dork. Elza however found someone who had quickly seen her and not the racing queen. The dealbreaker came when Elza asked what made her get a bike to begin with.
"Well... my brother owned a Suzuki before but... I guess I saw the film 'Akira' and that's what made me do it"
"Oh my god bitch me too!!!"
The two would then become firm friends. Elza being the misadventurous one who managed to talk Claire into actually leaving the library and give herself a break from studying; Claire being the one to get them out of trouble and keep Elza grounded. The two became a power-couple without realising, defending the other from rude people who mocked Elza for daring to be a woman racer or harassed Claire for her looks or for trying to latch onto a celebrity. It went without saying no one could harass these women if they wanted their hearing and face intact.
Things would eventually become more personal between the two. The week after New Years, Elza received news that her mother had died from a drug overdose. Although she didn't need to, Claire bought a side-car for her bike and rode her to New London for the funeral.
The service itself was tense. Elza being uncharacteristically silent and the lack of relatives worried Claire as the service ended. She never saw Elza's eyes look so cold as she gave her eulogy, which she soon realised was a stock eulogy the minister gave to those who didn't write one.
A while after she was buried in the a man approached Elza in the cemetary, introduced himself as her mother's dealer and decided that since she was a famous racer her mother's debt would pass on to Elza and that she would pay him else there would be cpnsequences; it goes without saying she refused to pay off the debt and apathetically asked him to leave.
Claire was on him like a wolf the moment he slapped her and was ready to kill him when he started to threaten her with a knife.
She very nearly did.
They left New London that evening amidst a police BOLO for a woman with auburn hair seen kicking the living shit out of a man in a graveyard. They made it to Kent Island before a blizzard rolled in and they had to say at an inn along the Chesepeake Bay.
That night Claire meant to apologise for her actions, stating she saw her get hit and just... reacted. But Elza pulled her into a tight hug and finally released her pent up emotions. She told Claire about her fathers disappearance, about the years of torment at her mothers hands, that this wasn't the first time something like this happened, that she doesn't understand why she's crying if she hated her mother so much and how much it hurt to remember all those terrrible things and have someone make her feel like that scared little girl again.
Claire, feeling her best friend shake in her arms, doesn't know what to say. She's silent for a time as Elza holds onto her like a lifeline, as if letting go would make her fall off the Earth itself. She finally tells Elza that she isn't that little girl anymore.
"You are Elza Walker! Yhe Woman who can never be slowed! You're unreachable! Unstoppable! And no one will ever hurt you again!... I... don't want to see you hurt again"
Elza didn't speak for a while after that... but eventually she did and what she said broke Claire.
"I've wished for someone like you my whole life Claire"
Life returned to normal soon after that. One tournament race was enough to bring Elza Walker roaring back to life and with a vengeance. She was faster, she was braver, her smile after each weekly victory able to light up the world... or at least Claire's, who now made it a point to go to every race, or at least watch it on TV if the race was in a city too far out of reach.
Elza knew Claire was watching her... she figured that's why she was doing better now.
Spring came and went, the summer exams now already a fading memory to the pair, but foreshadowed by Claire losing her part-time job and being unable to find another one. With no means to pay for her student fees it looked like she would be forced to drop-out.
But Elza wouldn't have any of it.
"I know how you can pay off your fees. A guy in my pit crew retired a month ago and I've been short two hands ever since. It's hard work but the pays good and if I make pro next month it'll be even better"; she said idly at a bar one evening.
"You... you want me in your pit crew?"; Claire asked incredulously.
"No, I want you as my personal pitbabe so I can drool at you in a tight spandex jumpsuit looking all cute with dirt on your face"; Elza said with a lop-sided smile.
"Hm... seriously Claire, I want you there with me. I can't imagine anyone better to look after me on the track"; Elza said confidently.
"...You do take way too many risks"; Claire mused, before Elza held her cheek in her hands.
"You told me once that I am the woman who can never be slowed... well Redfield, I'd slow down for you!"
Elza's manager might have called her decision to hire Claire personally driven and entirely unprofessional. However, Claire proved herself highly compotent within a week of employment, being able to keep up with the repairs, adjustments and tyre changes her job demanded.
It was also found that Elza actually listened to Claire whenever she was pushing her luck, which turned out to be a blessing in the final race of the season in San Francesco. Her main rival who was tied for 1st with Elza didn't want to lose to a woman, and in the final 3 laps had begun making poor judgement calls to try and keep up with her. Risky overtakes, tight cornering and high speed was equally met, and soon Elza found herself in a dogfight she refused to lose.
If Claire hadn't screamed at her to brake before the last corner, she would have been thrown off her bike with her rival after an attemped inside lane overtake resulted in them losing control of the bike and wiping out.
Elza won of course, making it into the professional league. It was a dream come true. At no point after she took off her helmet and locked teary eyes with Claire could she make any expression that wasn't a bashful smile or tears of joy. It also seemed like she couldn't stop looking at Claire during the victory reception or later that night on the train ride home... where she had too much to drink, leaving Claire having to help Elza meander into the sleeping car after the 8th Buttery Nipple.
She helped her move herself onto the bed, but Elza didn't let go of her hand. Instead she brought her hand to her lips and kissed her knuckles and held it to her cheek as she openly wept.
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persephoneofhades · 4 years
i think it is worth pointing out that ben didn't carry that secret about ian on his own, ryn knew from the get go and they were complicit in keeping maddie in the dark and just as ryn said she could have helped ian too and decided not to. i do think it's not really fair to ryn's evolved morality and her sense of right and wrong for maddie to act like her choosing not to save ian is somehow less of an evil than ben making that exact same choice
furthermore as much as i love maddie i can't help but take offence to seeing her say shit like 'what will you do, kill him?' referring to robb as if she thinks ben is actually capable of that now when his choice was essentially made in seconds and following him basically imagining this nightmare scenario in which she dies. i wish he had told her about it because maybe she'd have some compassion and realize it wasn't some on a whim decision
i do hope ben can get the help he needs with his addiction to the songs and now those cells injections and i really hope ben, maddie and ryn can all come together again. i'm a polymarine shipper and very much not for excluding one member of this triad but i'm seeing this trend of people wanting to push ben out of it but ryn and maddie are queer and polyamorous and clearly in love with him and i think they work better as a triad than they are now with ben/ryn together and maddie/ryn together 
Okay, so I’m putting this all in one ask, but I will attempt to treat it like 3 in terms of how I respond to it.
This is going to be SUPER long so it’ll be under a cut.
So I’m going to start with the first bit that people have brought up that it’s unfair for Maddie to absolve Ryn of letting Ian drown and then keeping the information from Maddie but to break up with Ben over it. She says in the episode that it’s “different” for Ryn, though they never have her explicitly state WHY she believes it’s different so all I can do is try to explain my point of view on why I believe it’s different and maybe why I can understand Maddie seeing it as different. Obviously, this becomes super subjective and I do wish they’d had Maddie be a little more eloquent about why she thinks it’s different.
I have not seen that episode where Ian kidnaps Ryn in a while now, but I’m pretty sure I remember Ryn was somewhat disabled due to a drug or just physical exhaustion or something. She couldn’t fight back the way she normally could have and it’s not clear whether that continued after she transformed or not. I can’t even totally remember how Ian’s car ended up in the ocean, something’s telling me Ryn was finally able to do something and it causes him to accidentally steer himself off a cliff, but like I said, I can’t recall it in detail. But I do remember Ryn being not completely herself physically and it’s why he’s able to kidnap her AT ALL and that’s something Maddie would have known, something that’s NOT true of Ben. Ryn has the excuse of being in a far more vulnerable position than Ben, so her reaction to flee from her kidnapper once she’s finally given the ability to do so is more understandable than Ben leaving Ian to die.
Ryn also, while definitely learning, is always going to have her instincts. Honestly, the fact that she LEAVES Ian to drown rather than attacking him in the car is fucking MAJOR for Ryn. And I think it goes to show my earlier point that she recognizes she’s in a vulnerable position and is choosing to flee rather than fight. Ryn has gone from someone who would basically kill nearly any human to a person who will ally herself with some humans but kill the ones who threaten her to someone who seems to hesitate to kill others even when they betray her. She’s made a TON of progress! But it’s never been MADDIE who held her to a standard of not killing people, it was DALE. I can’t even remember if Maddie knows Dale HAD that conversation with Ryn, they were definitely alone in the car together and I don’t know if it’s ever made clear whether Ryn or Dale tell Maddie about the conversation afterward or not.
So from Maddie’s point of view, she’s probably trying to be understanding about Ryn’s instincts and the things she’s been taught in the water about survival. And this combined with the understanding that Ryn FLEES her attacker when she’s somewhat physically disabled means that, while Maddie would obviously have preferred for Ian to live, Ryn has a pretty solid excuse. RYN knows that she’s been told it’s not good to kill people (or let people die I guess) if you can defeat them some other way and her attempt to get Maddie to blame her for it is a sign that she remembers that, even if she didn’t follow that rule at the time. She’s having to see her instinctive actions through a human lens.
Ben also isn’t the one who was kidnapped. So again, like with the fact that Ryn is disabled, Ben is far less at risk than Ryn is in this situation. And they all know it, they know that Ian would not have fought Ben if Ben had freed Ian and helped him up to the shore. Ryn’s secret is effectively out, but she knows she’s not supposed to be revealing herself and this is a situation where it would be MUCH better for her to flee. NONE of that is true of Ben.
And while this isn’t super clear and could be considered a headcanon, we know that Ryn SEES Ben coming, she looks at him as she leaves the car and then swims off and leaves Ben behind. I think there’s something of an unspoken “I’m fine, you don’t need to worry about me” and some kind of understanding on Ryn’s part that he’s going to go check on Ian. She doesn’t go grab Ben to swim back WITH him even though we know she goes straight back to Maddie. She LEAVES BEN WITH IAN. I think Ryn was maybe under the impression that Ben was going to free Ian and try to save him so she didn’t have to. I don’t think Ryn knew any more than Maddie did that Ben LET Ian die. She probably assumed that he either couldn’t get the door open and had to come up for air himself or that Ben was just too late or something and that Ian died despite Ben’s efforts, not because Ben didn’t MAKE any. So while she doesn’t say anything to Maddie, I think she’s under the impression that Maddie knows everything there is to know. Ryn obviously came up before Ben did and Ian was not with her, so there’s nothing to admit to that Maddie can’t figure out for herself.
Finally, Ryn’s actions aren’t out of character for her whereas Ben’s VERY much are for him and I think that’s something Maddie’s picking up on. I’ve discussed a few times how Maddie’s history with substance abuse issues and drug addiction in relationships with someone she loves are a long-standing character trait that has already caused her to break up with Ben once back in Season one. I think she’s recognizing the red flags and the signs that Ben is doing things that are uncharacteristic, but isn’t aware that it’s related to him being addicted again because she has no idea that he’s done that. Maddie KNOWS what she can handle in a relationship and this kind of erratic behavior isn’t it. She’s recognized a red flag and is leaving the relationship because of it. That isn’t true for Ryn. Ryn has already killed someone in Maddie’s defense, so she knows that that is something Ryn COULD do if she feels threatened enough and has clearly already chosen to accept that facet of Ryn’s personality in order to be in a relationship with her. She knows Ryn would not do something like that except under super dire circumstances, and being kidnapped while physically disabled would probably count as a dire circumstance. Again, as I’ve said a few times now, that ISN’T TRUE FOR BEN. Ben is not in dire circumstances, his life has never been in danger, and leaving people to die has just never been something he’s been willing to do before this episode. It’s not NORMAL for Ben, but it’s something Ryn has a history with, so it doesn’t bring up red flags for behavioral issues in Ryn the way it does with Ben, something Maddie recognizes as a dealbreaker for herself.
TL;DR I think Maddie has a POINT that it’s different for Ryn that it is for Ben. Ryn is only just learning that it isn’t okay to kill people in your own defense unless you have zero other choices, Ryn had been physically disabled and was very much more at risk from Ian than Ben was, and I don’t think Ryn lied to Maddie about anything.
Okay, on to the second ask about Maddie making a sarcastic comment to Ben referencing his letting Ian die after he makes some jealous comments about Robb.
Yes, it’s a bit of a low blow, but in her defense, Ben’s being kind-of an ass himself in this scene. He’s making some valid points, but he’s being ridiculously condescending and patronizing about it. They DIDN’T know that Robb was safe at the time, so he has a point that Maddie needs to be careful about how much Robb learns about her life, but it’s not as if Maddie doesn’t KNOW that already. Maddie is getting justifiably insulted and angry at Ben’s behavior and so she throws Ian’s death back in his face to remind him that Ben’s response to people learning things about the mermaids isn’t necessarily any better and he has no platform from which to preach at her about this issue. Especially since Ian got involved in the mermaid stuff THROUGH BEN.
And your argument that Ben made a split second decision based on a paranoid hallucination is kind-of a moot point because, as you said, Maddie doesn’t know shit about it, so how would she be able to take it into consideration when having an argument with Ben about what he did? And honestly, I don’t think she believes it was a premeditated incident, she’d be a LOT more worried about him if she thought he’d planned Ian’s murder somehow. No, she KNOWS it was a split second decision to just, let him drown and pass it off as an accident he couldn’t prevent. And the vision doesn’t change much. She KNOWS that Ben did it to try to protect Ryn and she understands the impulse to try to eliminate the threats to the mermaids, she just sees this as a step too far. I think even if she DID know that Ben had some sort of drug-induced hallucination, she STILL wouldn’t agree with him. She’d still tell him he went too far, that he crossed a line.
i’m a little confused at your argument, though, you say “she thinks ben is actually capable of that now when his choice was essentially made in seconds“ implying that the quickness of Ben’s decision is what exonerates him because it wasn’t pre-meditated but you follow it up with “[she’d] realize it wasn't some on a whim decision“. So is his justification for what he did that it wasn’t pre-meditated murder or is it that he thought it through somehow in like 5 seconds flat and decided it was worth it? Because those are two ENTIRELY different arguments for why Ben’s actions weren’t as bad as they seemed.
Finally, for your last ask, I too want them to find a way to help Ben with his addictions and I do hope the injections do something although next episode’s promo and blurb seem to imply the injections start having some BAD side effects finally which isn’t a good sign.
I agree that Ben/Ryn don’t work on their own well at all, at least not right now while Ben is lying to Ryn all over the place and not really communicating with her effectively.
I DISAGREE, though, that Maddie/Ryn don’t work on their own. I think Maddie/Ryn are the most healthy leg of this triangle right now and have been for a while. I wrote a post a little while ago about how I think Polymarine works because the three sort-of represent a balance of traits within each other and I still believe that and I hope we can get back to that. But I think Maddie and Ryn could absolutely work on their own without Ben in a way that Ben and Ryn DO NOT work without Maddie. Mainly because Maddie is the reasonable one, she’s the least impulsive of the three whereas both Ryn and Ben tend not to think too much before they leap and it gets them into trouble more often than it doesn’t. They each tend to enable each other and Maddie is their voice of reason. She’s also one of the most understanding and tolerant of the three, the one least likely to jump to violence as a first resort. I think that she and Ryn work as balances on each other in the same way that Ben and Maddie worked on their own before they met Ryn. I think for good polyamorous relationships to work, too, that the relationships between each leg needs to be good on its own, not just when they’re all together and that’s where the triad is having issues because Ben is making both of his relationships with Ryn and Maddie dysfunctional and unhealthy.
TL;DR I think there’s a LOT of reasons why Maddie might be seeing a difference between Ryn’s leaving Ian in the car and Ben’s leaving Ian in the car. I think while Maddie’s comment is certainly a low blow, it was done in reaction to Ben being an asshole so I’m letting that one go and Ben is still the first person Maddie calls when she needs help so she clearly still feels like she can rely on him when she needs him. I think Ben needs to work on fixing himself so he can make his separate relationships with Ryn and Maddie healthy again in order for Polymarine to work. I’m not arguing for Ben to be pushed out indefinitely, but I think I’d rather see Ben need to take a back seat than Maddie and there’s a lot of worry about Maddie getting sidelined for Ben/Ryn to take center stage and I can understand that worry.
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t-anyasen · 7 years
aaranya au: an old fashioned affair
general notes; nsfw. set in medieval india, so probably around the time the mughal empire had started to rise. trigger warnings for death.
Tanya looked at her mother, who lay in an opium drenched haze. The same way she'd been ever since Tanya had turned fifteen and become old enough to dance in courts; she had replaced her mother, but the roving eyes were still the same. She was done with the attention though. She was tired of her beating heart, she was tired of these graceless men who had treated her mother so poorly, driven her beautiful mother to drugs. She was tired of their hearts too and was waiting for the right man: the man whose heart she would cut out. Pushing in the ​nath​, Tanya adjusted the large earrings she was wearing and twirled for the ​darzi​ who only gave her a nod, deeming her acceptable for the dance in the evening court. It was to be a grand event; it marked the inaugration of ​Rajkumar​ Aarav into the court. His father was still the ​Raja​ but this meant that Aarav would be sitting in on court which meant Tanya had found her mark. She was going to seduce the prince.
Aarav knew it was ridiculous but he hadn't wanted this inauguration to be such a big event; because really--it meant nothing. His father was still ​Raja saab​ and Aarav would always just be the spoilt ​Rajkumar.​ Nothing was going to ever change because Aarav truly believed his father had some special boon from some Gods up above. No matter how wounded the elder man would get in battle--he'd bounce back. Don't get Aarav wrong, he loved his father, but being an adult ​Rajkumar​ meant he'd be given some responsibilities at least right? But his father didn't agree. And so Aarav spent his days riding around, engaging in playful sword fights with some of the Royal Guard against his father's wishes. ​'Agar woh aapke saath aise matarghasti karte rahe, toh hum sab ko hifazaat kaise karenge?'​ He was right of course, but whatever happened when the ​Raja​ wasn't in the kingdom didn't need to be told to him. Aarav was dressed in his royal formal attire, complete with a turban upon his head as he walked into the royal court. He and his father had seats away from everyone else, and with a better view of the girls dancing for them. He just hoped it wasn't ​boring​ because really, Aarav would rather flirt with one of his mother's handmaidens, then watch some girls dance and play coy.
Tanya had been adjusting the ​jhumkis​ she was wearing when one of the dancer girls came rushing in, her cheeks flushed. "​Tumne sunna Tanya?​" Tanya only shook her head, she was usually far removed from the gossip, not by choice but out of force. She never spent long enough with the girls because of her mother's opium addiction and most of her time was spent worrying if the woman had killed herself from the addiction. "​Raja saheb ne aapko chuna hai! Unke bete ke liye​." Tanya's eyebrows furrowed before it struck her. She remembered a similar custom being around when she was a young girl, she'd seen the other girls who were around her age rushing out of the house at odd hours because the young princes had called them to their chambers. She was to be the ​rajkumar​'s personal dancer, available whenever he wanted. A small smile curled around Tanya's features, pushing out her dimples. This aligned with her plan perfectly; it was as if the ​Raja saheb​ had dumped him right in her lap for destruction. She was also the youngest dancer so she always entered the routine last, as if she were the 'centerpiece' so to speak. Tanya swirled in, gliding past the other dancers and bowing to both symbols of royalty before returning to do her part of the choregraphy.
Aarav had kept his eyes on the various girls dancing in the court. They were all wonderfully skilled in performing the ​mujra's,​ each one looking even more beautiful than the one before her but he wasn't really entirely interested in any of this. ​Only that was until he saw ​her.​​ This girl was absolutely stunning and the way she moved was absolutely fluid. It made him think of ​shayari​ and how he'd love to pen his thoughts against the blank canvas of her back. He cleared his throat to keep from staring too long and that's when he spotted his father gesturing something to him, and realized this was the girl chosen to be his ​private​ dancer. Aarav could only smile, he'd be quite happy with this arrangement, but he just hoped she wasn't one of those girls who acted all pricey with him. He'd dealt with a few of those during foreign tours he'd gone on with his father, and he really wasn't one to chase after a girl if she declined once or more. He raised his hand in appreciation once she finished her routine before throwing one of the nearby roses in her direction, wanting to ensure her attention was ​solely​ on him.
Tanya glanced down at the rose at her feet, before giving the ​rajkumar​ a coy smile as she nodded her thanks, lifting up the rose. She pushed into the waistband of her skirt, and gave him her thanks, her hand out in front of her face as she angled it slightly. Most of the girls in the court were Muslim, and Tanya certainly was no exception. There was only one dealbreaker, her father was a Hindu, and a member of this court of smug men. She sashayed out last, following the group who was already through the door. The smirk remained on her lips because she could still feel his eye on her back. Tanya turned back to give the prince a subtle wink before disappearing through the door. Of course it was a ruckus back in their quarters too with all the girls fussing over her as they teased at her hair, plucked at her eyebrows and spritzed her in perfume. She'd been changed into a much more ​girlish​ pink ​anarkali​, and her heavy ​jhumkas​ had been replaced by small dangling earrings. Tanya exhaled slowly, keeping the rose in her hand as she knocked on the prince's private chambers. She had a plot to accomplish but that didn't mean she wasn't nervous; especially considering she was ​barely​ seventeen.
Aarav had been pleased to see that while she was still respectful, she still took the rose and nodded her thanks before keeping the rose in a place he hadn't expected it to be. He'd seen most girls tuck it behind their ear but this girl was certainly ​very​ different. He couldn't stop staring at her even as she made her way out of the court, wondering just how it was possible for someone to hold his attention so intently in less than a proper meeting. Still he was about to look away when she turned and winked at him leaving him greatly amused. He had ​not​ at all expected that but he was pleasantly surprised, perhaps this could be a very good arrangement indeed. Aarav made his way back to his chambers, bidding his father goodnight. He knew what was ultimately supposed to happen in these private chambers with these women, but he didn't like the thought of being with someone against their will even if they were meant to serve you in any way. He'd let things progress however they did and leave it at that. When he heard the knock, he knew she was there and cleared his throat. ​"Andar aajaiye,​" another trait instilled in Aarav from his mother, he'd speak respectfully to ​everyone​ regardless of their social standing. But when she stepped into the room, he felt almost besotted with her simple look. She'd changed into more comfortable clothing it seemed, and looked more nervous than she had at the court which left him to believe she was here very unwillingly.
Tanya smiled in relief at the kind way he had asked her to enter; she'd heard horror stories from the other girls of how rough these men could be. Perhaps the only reason why she was nervous. "​Humne kabhi nahin socha ki humare rajkumar ji itne-- samman punye honge.​" She bit down on her lip, wondering if she'd said too much, if she'd been too disrespectful. The girls had chastised her about not speaking her mind too often in the presence of royalty - something that Tanya was notorious for. She placed the rose on the center table before bending down to pour the drink into the cup. She wrapped her hands around the cup before moving towards the prince, holding the mug out for him.
Aarav watched her step more in the room and was glad he'd chosen to sit on the armchairs by the window instead of on the bed like he'd been before; that would've made it seem like he was calling on her for one reason, and one only. He heard her words and had an amused smile on his face, surprised at how outspoken she was. "​Tumhare? Badi jaldi humko aapna bana liye aapne..​" he was speaking softly now, not wanting to startle her even more than she already was. She'd kept her gaze lowered and it made him wonder why she was so incredibly nervous when he hadn't even said anything to spark this reaction. He took the mug from her and drank it before keeping it on the table, telling her with his gestures that she didn't need to take it, and instead could take a seat across from him. That way maybe she'd raise her gaze to meet his once more; she hadn't been that apprehensive when they'd made eye contact in the royal court after all.
Tanya graciously took the seat he had offered and finally met his gaze. "​Hum toh aise hi hain, jisko dekha, unko dil deke apna bana liye​." If she played the part of the besotted courtesan perfectly, she'd have him eating out of her hand. He was already amused at the way she had spoken her mind, and hadn't chastised her the way that she was sure the older men would, so they were already off to a good start. "​Maaf ki jiye ga. Humne yeh pehle kabhi nahin kiya, toh hum jaante nahin hai-- taur, tareeqe.​" That much was true, but Tanya had another reason for telling him this; she was telling him this because she knew it would garner his trust, he would think of her as someone to be protected, someone to fall in love with. She played with the edge of her ​dupatta​, staring at him.
Aarav had to try something to wipe this smile off his face because she was having him remain amused for far too long. He nodded at her before rubbing at his chin gently. "​Sab ke saath aap aisa karti ho?​" He wanted to know if this was something normal for her, to becoming close with anyone even when they wouldn't have her best interests at heart. Because he knew the other men in the court and they were despicable at best. He shook his head at her words before looking away from her, this time out the window instead. "​Maafi ko koi gunjaazish nahi hai. Aapne kuch ghalat nahi kiya aur kaha.​" But when he heard her reasons, it made him wonder why someone like her would be forced into this place. "​Isme koi taur tareeqe nahi hai, aur hum aapse vaada karte hai, ke hum koi aisi baat ya harqat nahi karenge jise aapko zara bhi hitchkichahat ho.​"
Tanya shook her head at his words. "​Sabko nahin, sirf aap jaise logon ko-- saaf dil.​" She listened to his words and hid a smile behind her hand, perhaps getting him to fall in love with her would be easier than she thought. Forget the father, the son was eating right out of her palm. "​Par aap humko itne ache se kaise jaanoge? Ki aap jaano humari har harqat, har khwahish, har hitchkichahat se waqif ho?​" She had let her voice lower significantly as she stood from her chair, moving closer to him as she perched herself on the edge of his armchair. Tanya knew she had to do something; if their headmaster learned that Tanya had not been doing the job she'd been sent to do - she would be banished. Then she would have no way to care for her mother.
Aarav had to pride himself on the way she said he had a ​pure​ heart. It made him feel like he wasn't wrong in doing what he was doing with her. He wasn't being so horrible, and maybe she was realizing that and it would help them move things along--he just wasn't sure where this would lead. But before he could say anything else, he heard her words and was about to answer. But his train of thought was gone when he watched her stand to sit down on the arm of his chair. "​Waqt ke saath sab ek doosre ko jaan pate hai.​" He did end up taking her hand in his though, wondering why he loved the thought of her actually ​wanting​ this closeness rather than being forced into it.
Tanya stared down at their hands, and gave a soft smile. The smile of course was more for Aarav's benefit than anything else; it was the smile that she knew affected people deeply. Her dimples were showing, her eyes scrunched up and she wanted him to fall for her. Not because she had any semblance of feelings for him, but rather because it would make this task a lot easier if he was already ensnared in her trap - that way Tanya would not have to expose herself too him too greatly, narrowly avoiding falling in love with him too. The problem with these plans was that it was too easy to fall into it yourself, the lines between fake and real quickly ​blurring​. She turned to look at him with intrigue. "​Acha? Aap humein jaan na chahte hain?​"
Aarav felt his heart start racing when he caught her smile. God she could seriously ​wound​ people more than one could in ​battle​ with that type of smile. He took a deep breath, having to physically control the urge to stick his finger in the hole her dimple created but he succeeded in keeping his hands to himself. But when he saw the way she turned to look at him, he had to take a step back. Did he want to know her? ​Yes,​ but you still have to watch yourself. ​Rajkumar's​ were never allowed to engage in anything ​other​ than physical relationships with members of the dancing court. But If Aarav didn't watch himself, he knew he could end up falling into something a lot more with Tanya, and it was all because of that smile and hesitancy she showed him; along with her beautiful grace and the ability to always speak the truth.
Tanya could see his internal dilemma and really hoped that his father trained in him in the ability to hide his facial expressions, considering that she could read him like an open book. She could the conflict in his eyes, in the downturn of his lips and she nudged him gently with her shoulder. ​Aapne humare sawal ka jawab nahin diya? Hum bura nahin maanenge agar aap nahin jaan na chaste. Hum hain nachaniyan, aap hai rajkumar​." Tanya shrugged, quickly dropping the smile as she let go of his hand and settled it in her own lap.
Aarav reached for her hand once more when she let go of his. He didn't like losing that warmth. He reached for her hand again and shook his head at her words. "​Woh hum dono ki pechaan hai, usse koi mita nahi sakhta,​" he took a deep breath before giving her another smile and shrugging. "​Lekin aapke sawaal ka jawaab haan hai, hum jaan na chahte hai aapko, agar aapki ijazaat ho toh,"​ Now he was trying to be teasing mainly because he needed her to feel comfortable even if this was their moment together. Plus he didn't even know her name yet. "​Naam kya hai aapka?​" She couldn't have been too old, maybe eighteen, but he still found it right to talk to her with respect until she decided otherwise.
Tanya let out an inconspicuous sigh of relief and nodded. "​Mera naam Tanya hai. Hum aapka naam jaante hai-- sab jaante hai. Aarav ji​." She looked around, mildly afraid that somebody would pop out to slap her for using the prince's name. She had no status to be calling him by name, even if she ​was​ his private dancer, free for him to conduct a physical relationship with. Her heart however fluttered at the way he seemed so adamant that their titles would never matter enough for them to get to know each other. Part of her felt a little bad for doing this to him, especially considering how kind he was. She slid slightly off the arm of the chair - except that meant Tanya was now in Aarav's lap and her cheeks colored with real embarrassment. She would have gotten up except his hands were keeping her there, holding on tightly to hers.
Aarav raised his eyebrow at the way she said his name. It was in a different tone and he found himself loving the way she was being so coy about it. It made him wonder about just what else she knew about him. But when she slid off the armchair and into his lap, he wasn't complaining. It wasn't as if he hadn't had that before with other women, but with Tanya--it felt different. The reason was because she was being shy in a way that the others hadn't been; almost as if they'd assume that Aarav preferred the girls to be brazen and bold--in reality, he wanted them to be real without putting on a pretense. "​Aapka naach bahot acha hai,​" his voice was so much softer because of their close proximity and the fact that he wanted to kiss her but controlled his urges so far.
Tanya lowered her head slightly in appreciation. "​Shukriyah​," she thanked, playing her coy nature to the fullest. There was something comforting about being in his arms this way, the way he held her as if he would not force himself upon her was the complete opposite of the horror stories all the other girls had told her, and her own mother's story. "​Aapko sach mein rajkumar ban ne ka shauq hai kya?​" She'd heard whispers from around the courtyard and amongst the courtesans that the king was not exactly pleased with the actions of his eldest born son. She wanted to hear it from him, as a pretense to know him better.
Aarav gave her a small smile at her words and contemplated his answer. He didn't want to be a ​Raja​ that had to be watched by everyone's eyes. He wanted to be a king that could run his kingdom in his own way. He didn't want to be a king if that meant he'd have to be only someone ruled by everyone else's rules. But what startled him the most was how Tanya looked and seemed genuinely interested in knowing his thoughts and virtually his deepest fears. He rubbed at her back gently, almost soothing himself in a way. "​Nahi,​" the admission was soft and barely spoken aloud but he knew she'd heard it. "​Raja saab ko nahi lagta ke main Raja ban ne ke layak hoon.."​ He gave her a tiny smile, almost feeling as if the mood for the evening was gone.
Tanya internally smiled at his admission. ​Bingo​, she'd found his weak spot, the chink in his armour so to speak. Her own arms came around him, her hand rubbing soothing cirlces into his back. "​Aapko kya lagta hai? Aap acche Raja ban sakte ho kya?​" She wouldn't ask him just yet why his father thought that he wouldn't make a good king. There were of course whispers floating through the palace: the ​rajkumar​ was too rowdy, too impulsive, too volatile and her personal favorite - he thought with his heart, not with his head. Tanya continued rubbing cirlces into his back, and felt a sudden flash of very ​real​ sympathy for this boy in front of her.
Aarav looked down when he felt her arms circle around him. He ended up resting his head against her shoulder, surprised at how the intimacy didn't scare him. He felt her soothing him and realized that she was doing the same thing he'd been doing. But he at her question, he ended up looking up at her and frowned. He wanted to ask ​her​ what she thought, but then he realized--she didn't know him well enough to make that opinion but he still wanted to ask her. "​Shayad,​" he shrugged. "​Lekin hume sach mein kitna pata hai? Aapko kya lagta hai? Hum Raja ban sakhte hai?​" He wished he didn't ask her, because that would be putting her on the spot but he still wanted to know.
Tanya pursed her lips at his question, her hand slowly travelling up to gently pat at his hair. "​Humein lagta hai ki aap acche Raja ban sakte hain. Raja saheb ache aadmi hai par unko logon ki zyada fikr nahin hai. Unhe sirf jung se matlab hai, aur Hindu se. Aapko dekh ke lagta hai ki aap logon ki bhi kadr karoge.​" Tanya suddenly quietened, wondering if she'd given away too much. She wasn't supposed to delve her honest opinion at all, it would make it so much more difficult to betray him - to pull away from him. Except every word she'd uttered had been true; she genuinely thought that this man in front of her would be a good king, a ​great​ king even.
Aarav didn't know how much his expression was giving away but really, he was surprised at her words. Each thing she said led him feel incredibly strong because he wanted to be that. He really ​wanted​ to be that type of King that she mentioned. "​Aapko sach mein.."​ He trailed off before looking at her own expression, this time his one hand resting against her cheek, wondering if he could kiss her and so he took his chance and leaned into her. He had never had such a chaste kiss before and this felt so different. He pulled back from the kiss, his eyes opening as he rubbed her cheek gently. "​Aap beyhaad sundar ho,​" he whispered before pulling back, praying he hadn't jeopardized this whole thing.
Tanya kept her eyes shut for a few more seconds, trying to recover from her racing heart. She could feel it beating loudly in her chest, making its presence more than obvious. It was so hard to control herself around this man, something that could present itself as a problem. She finally opened her eyes when he complimented her, two splashes of color appearing in her cheeks as she looked down, her dimples making a reappearance. "​Aise sharminda mat karo, rajkumar ji. Aapne bahut khoobsurat ladkiyan dekhi hongi, hum unko muqable main kuch nahin hai​."
Aarav loved her flushed cheeks, ​whoa--​love?!​​ That was too soon. He ended up shaking his head at her words and smiling. "​Aisa sach nahi hai. Aap mein kuch alag baat hai. Khaas kar ke aapke jo yeh gaade parta hai na?​" This time he did raise his hand to poke her dimples before he ended up laughing. Why was this so incredibly easy with her? He didn't feel that tension that he thought he would when he was meant to be with some woman. But the problem was--he knew she was in his chambers for a reason, he just didn't feel comfortable in pressuring her into anything more than they'd just done. He'd done other things with other girls, but those were relationships that were starting into something else, but with this girl, he knew that they'd never been given a fair opportunity to exist in their world and he didn't want to be one of those other men who took advantage like that.
Tanya squealed when she felt somebody lift her up into their arms and her arms automatically wound around Aarav's neck. "​Aarav ji, aap kya kar rahe ho?​" But there was a teasing note in her voice, giggling, dimples visible. She was smiling a lot more around him, a glow on her face that even the courtesans had noticed. Her mother remained oblivious, as usual; she found her opium a lot more interesting than her own daughter's life. A daughter whose earnings as a dancer in the court were mostly spent on her mother's addiction. She'd tried to wean the woman off once, but it had ended drastically forcing Tanya to give up. Her cheeks were flushed once he had let her down and she kept her arms around his neck, on her tiptoes as she pressed a soft kiss to his nose. Tonight, she was dressed in a sheer white ​malmal ki salwar kameez​, the ​dupatta​ carelessly slung over her shoulders. She'd taken to wearing the tiniest red ​bindis​ on her forehead, even though she knew full well that the courtesans weren't allowed. A ​bindi​ represented their fidelity, represented that they were married and courtesans never got anything like that. She wore it for Aarav, knowing that he liked it on her, liked that she was his.
Aarav had heard the ​cham cham​ of her ​payals​ when she'd entered his chambers and now it was routine for her never to knock but just enter whenever she deemed fit. She had a key of course, if anyone asked what she was doing in the ​mahal​ so late at night, it would be her bargaining chip to explain but thankfully such a situation had not presented itself yet. Aarav was close to her now and so he quickly scooped her into his arms and twirled her around, laughing when she squealed and slipped her arms around his neck. "​Hum? Hum toh kuch nahi kar rahe,​" he murmured before letting her down so that he could see how she'd chosen to deck herself out for him today. She was wearing as simple ​salwar kameez​ but it was the ​jhumka's​ he'd given her in her ears, and the tiny ​bindi​ she sported that reminded him of how far their strange yet loving relationship had come. Aarav had not imagined feeling quite so besotted with her, but from that first ​mulaqat​ itself, he was hooked and considering she reciprocated her feelings, at least she seemed to--he knew it was okay to shower his money and jewels on her as he deemed fit.
Tanya shyly dropped her gaze when he had set her down, admiring her. She knew that he had noted the ​jhumkas​ he'd given her; ​jhumkas​ which she'd learned were made of pure gold. The ​dupatta​ of course hid the small necklace he had given her too, a plain gold chain with a pendant made of emeralds and rubies. Something far too rich for a mere courtesan. It was why she kept it on her person at all times, knowing that if she even took it off for a second - it would get stolen. Something she could not afford. Tanya didn't understand herself what she was beginning to feel for this man, a certain sense of belonging. When she was with him, in his arms, his gaze on her the way it was right now - she wanted nothing more than to bask in it forever. "​Vaise aaj aap bhi bahut ache lag rahe ho Rajkumar​," she whispered, her arms wrapping around his neck once more as she sidled closer to him, pressing her lips to his. ​This is just a ​game​. You can't develop feelings for him. You need to get more information out of him,​ Tanya repeated to herself as a mantra, knowing she couldn't fail. The Muslim army camps were beginning to get anxious due to the lack of information Tanya had been providing. She couldn't forget her real mission, couldn't let the lines between real and fake get blurred.
Aarav knew it was silly but he'd spoken to one of his father's advisors, asking about how if he chose to get his ​courtesan,​ in this case Tanya out of the Royal court, was it possible? Evidently it was, but the advisor told him that Tanya had chosen to stay like this because she needed to keep earning money and that was something that made Aarav curious. He knew she'd allowed him to buy her gifts and jewels but he also wondered if she'd allow him to give her whatever money she needed so that he could break her free from this life she was forced to lead. It was true that because she was with Aarav, she wasn't made to dance ​as frequently​ but there were still moments it happened and Aarav was growing to detest it. He smiled though at her words and shrugged. "​Acha? Aapko pasand aaya hai?​" He looked down at his simple green ​kurta,​ having chosen it because he recalled her saying she liked him in that color. "​Suno, hum aapse kuch poochna chahte hai,​" he cleared his throat before taking her on his lap, but this time on the bed instead of the chairs.
Tanya nodded, her eyes attracted to the green color. It suited him she decided, made him look extremely regal - even if it was just a simple ​kurta​. It was in moments like this that Tanya wished she wasn't a courtesan, that she wasn't trying to dupe him because as the days grew longer and their time together much more frequent, the more Tanya's heart grew attached. She followed him to the bed, easily settling into his lap as she took his hands in hers, resting them in her lap. "​Poochiye​," Tanya allowed, content in distracting herself by playing with his fingers, entangled in hers. Part of her wished this could be their reality, that there wasn't the proverbial sword hanging over the cord of their relationship. One that would sever once he learned how she had betrayed him. He wouldn't understand, not when he had everything handed to him. Aarav wouldn't understand Tanya's plight: to learn that you had a father who was a member of a Royal Court, to have a drug addict for a mother, to be forcefully thrust into the courtesan business to support your mother. He wouldn't know that the Muslim camps who were currently supplying her mother the opium would ​kill​ her if Tanya did not bring information on how to destroy the ​Raja​.
Aarav had noted the way her eyes darted to his ​kurta​ and smiled, loving that she was acknowledging his outfit even if she wasn't saying the words about it. He loved that about their relationship, things could be unsaid and still be conveyed. "​Hume pata chala hai ke aapko paise ki zarooraat hai,​" he cleared his throat before wondering why he was feeling so apprehensive asking about this. He knew she could say no and that would be it, but instead--he just really didn't want her to say no because he knew how much this could both help her, ​and him.​ "​Aur hum aapko paise dena chahte hai,​" he whispered before looking down at their intertwined fingers. Aarav had always been the one oversharing in their relationship because he trusted her completely but she never told him anything and that worried him immensely, especially considering he didn't know why she was so scared of telling him things.
Tanya knew that he was only trying to help her, that he was asking her from the goodness in his heart. She wished at times he wasn't so kind, it would make it a lot easier to hurt him the way she was currently. Yet the headstrong proud teenager fired up in her chest and she froze in his embrace. "​Humein nahin chahiye aapke paise Rajkumar saheb. Koi ehsaan mat karo hum pe - khudh paise kama sakte hain hum​." Her conscience told her to simmer down, that her anger would blow her cover but she didn't know how to explain it. She couldn't tell him that the reason she worked her was because of her mother, of her mother's addiction. He would never want to be with her if she told him the truth. They would kill her mother then, and Tanya's life would be in shambles.
Aarav frowned at her, feeling the way she tightened up in his arms. He loosened his grip on her and let her move away if she needed to. Because the way she reacted told him that she wasn't at all comfortable with him, no matter how much she pretended to be. That made him a bit upset because she had gotten lucky with him. If she'd been handed to anyone else--she'd have been treated ​so much worse.​ Still he sniffed and cleared his throat. "​Ehsaan nahi tha, sirf madat karna chahte the hum, taa ki aapko aur logon ke saamne naachna na paare, lekin agar aapko woh karna acha lagta hai, toh kijiye."​ His tone was harsher now and it shouldn't have been but he was worried about her and that's why he didn't want her to leave him but ultimately someone else could decide he wanted her, and could pay the ​Raja​ any amount of money to have her and he couldn't let that happen.
Tanya flinched at the harsh tone he was spitting his words in. ​He loves you​, her conscience whispered smugly. It made sense: the way she noticed his fists always clenched when she was dancing in the court in front of all of the other royal subjects, or the way he would glare at anyone else who stared at her appreciatively. It was only confirmed now, the way he'd spat out how she could continue dancing for other men if she enjoyed it so greatly. This entire conversation was going south and Tanya couldn't let it. She had him in her grasp, he loved her; she just needed to continue to extract information from him despite how much it made her heart ache. "​Rajkumar ji​," Tanya whispered, taking his hands in hers once more while she waited for him to look at her. "​Humara woh bilkul matlab nahin tha. Humein kaunsa shauq hai ki aise naache.. Sirf satra saal ke hain hum, aap hi batao - humein acha lagega kya? Aise khator aadmiyon ke saamne naachna? Unki gandi nazar ko apne jism pe behne dena?​" She shook her head, surprised at the tears that had started to drip down her cheeks at an alarming rate. Was she finally opening up to him? "​Bilkul pasand nahin hai, par yeh karna padta hai humein. Apni Ammi ke liye...​" Tanya pulled her hands away from his then, wiping quickly at the tears. "​Unko nashe ki lath hain, aur humein unki jagah leni padi yahan pe. Jitne paise bante hai, unke lath main lut jaate hain. Chahe bhi toh hum yeh kaam nahin chod sakte."
Aarav had been looking at one the books that lay on his side table, feigning interest in it, as if he wasn't even aware that she was right there with him. He knew it was stupid but every single day and night he was falling more in love with her. And it seemed to him that Tanya was appreciative of his attention but otherwise she enjoyed her life the way it was and that ​hurt​ him. Because when he spotted the other men applauding her dance or appreciating her beauty, he hated it. She was ​his.​ But his anger died quickly when he felt her take his hands, it was in the soft way she'd said his name that left him feeling warm inside. Except at her words, he only felt helpless. She was dealing with so much at such a young age but she still refused to take his help and that's what bothered him. "​Aise rote nahi hai,"​ he murmured before wiping away her tears and holding her close. "​Hum unko madat dilvayenge. Aap humara yakeen kaare,​" he whispered praying she'd agreed but something told him that her body language was saying no--she wasn't going to let him help her.
Tanya shook her head, her eyes wide and brimming with tears. "​Kab tak aap madat karte rahenge humari Rajkumar saab? Hum sirf aapki-- aapki veshya hain. Ek din aapki shaadi hogi, kisi rajkumari se... Hum aapki zindagi main sirf thodi derr ki ahemiat laate hain.​" These were all the lies she would feed him, to see how deeply he loved her; if he would refute her claims. She hated referring to herself as a ​courtesan​, knowing that she was definitely much more than that. Tanya had already informed the Muslim camps about the small kingdom just west of Delhi that the ​Raja​ was riding this weekend to acquire, and they had rewarded her with a little gold of her own, something to spend on herself. THe guilt of betraying Aarav hurt, it pinched but she knew this was what she had to do. This was her plan to avenge her mother, and how she'd lost her life to the heartless men in the royal court - it didn't matter what she broke in her warpath.
Aarav felt his heart break at the words she'd uttered and shook his head furiously fast. "​Aisa bilkul nahi hai. Aap humare liye uss se kahi baarke hai. Aap nahi jaanti ke aap humari zindagi mein kya ahemiat rakhti hain."​ He took a deep breath, wondering how he could tell her that none of that was what he wanted. He didn't want to marry someone else, and he certainly didn't want to let ​her​ go. "​Tanya, hume aapse pyaar hogaya hai, isiliye hum yeh sab keh rahe hai aapko. Aap sirf veshya nahi hai humare liye.​" He looked away from her then, wishing he had some way of making her believe him but instead he could see the way she was feeling so incredibly broken down at the reality she was facing.
Tanya felt her heart clench when he admitted that he loved her. She had finally got what she had wanted, for the prince to fall in love with her. So why did she not feel as victorious as she imagined she would? ​It's because you love him too​, her conscience whispered and Tanya shut her eyes, a single tear dripping down her cheeks. "​Hum bhi aapse.. behadh ishq karte hain​," she murmured quietly, her gaze snapping up to look around his room; she was afraid that somebody would overhear and flog her for even having such a thought. He was a prince and she was a mere courtesan. Indulging in anything but a physical relationship could have dire consequences for Tanya - most of which included whipping. She'd seen it happen to one of the other girls when she was much younger. It had scarred her for life. Instead of saying anything though, she took his hand and placed it against her chest, allowing him to feel the rhythmic thump of her heart, a rhythm which only sped up erratically when she pressed her lips to his. Tanya would allow herself this much; she would give herself to him tonight, the one night where she turned off everything else in her brain except her love for him.
Aarav felt like the words she said back, soothed over his aching heart, making him believe that maybe he wasn't the only one thinking there was more here than there was. But when he saw her say the words with a tear, it made him wonder why she was feeling so much pain at reciprocating his love. "​Tanya,​" he cupped her cheeks once more and pulled her close, his forehead against hers before he saw the way she took one of his hands and pressed it against her chest. He could feel her heart beating and could only smile at how it sped up when the kissed. He loved kissing her, it was like every time was different, every kiss told a different story. The one right now--was telling him what he wanted to hear, that she loved him with her entire heart and she wanted everything with him. He did as well, he wanted to tell her everything too, how he'd imagined a wedding, both a ​nikaah,​ and a Hindu ceremony if she allowed and that's when he knew he was getting too ahead of himself. His father, would ​never​ allow that to happen, but Aarav would ​never​ let her go either. He pulled her closer to himself, allowing her one hand to be placed against his chest, right where the knots of his ​kurta​ were.
Tanya looked up at him in surprise when she felt him take her hand and placed it against his ​kurta​. Her heart sped up in pure anticipation, unable to believe that she would finally get what she had been dreaming of. Her hands were shaky as she undid the knots of his ​kurta​ and allowed it to slip off his person. She settled comfortably on the bed underneath him as she shut her eyes. She wondered if he would notice how inexperienced she was. She hoped he didn't, as did her frantically racing heart. For a split second, Tanya desperately wished that they were in a different setting, that their social classes were not so far apart that she could never envision a future with him. Not only that but she was a ​Muslim​, something that would never make their relationship plausible even if they were of similar social standing. She would allow herself this night, this night to give him all of her emotions, all of the love she'd forced in her chest. "​Aarav​," she whispered his name finally when she felt his lips down at her neck, his hands expertly undoing her ​kameez​. It was the first time Tanya had uttered it the way a lover would, the way an ​equal​ would.
Aarav nodded at the unasked question in her eyes. He knew what she was doing when she let him feel her heart beat while they kissed and how she'd professed her love to him. Until now, Aarav had never once expressed desire to take their relationship further, being content in their kisses and moments together. But he could feel his heart asking for it now, to become one with the only woman he'd felt this strongly for. He watched her undo the knots and slip his ​kurta​ off revealing the white undershirt that he donned underneath. He kept that on still, drawing the curtains around his bed so that they were hidden even if they were disturbed in case of any emergency. Aarav pressed his lips against hers while he unbuttoned her ​kameez,​ her ​dupatta​ already laying discarded on one side of the bed. His lips lowered now, exploring her exposed skin until he heard her say his name. It caused his heart to speed up and him to even look back up at her, in surprise by also adoration. "​Aaj se aap humko sirf Aarav bulayengi,​" he murmured against her stomach before undoing the ​salwar​ as well and letting it fall to the floor. He reclaimed his position over her, supporting his weight with his hands while he simply stared at her, almost surprised at how innocent and yet ​in love​ she looked.
Tanya avoided his eyes shyly, her cheeks flushed once more. She always seemed to be flustered around him, out of breath too. It was as if whenever she was around him, he took over all of her sense, claiming his hold on her. "​Theek hai​," she whispered, her heart cracking at the same time because while she would agree to what he had asked of her, it would only be tonight when she would mean the love in her heart. She felt her fingers clench at the sheets when his lips moved down to her stomach and a soft roll of pleasure washed over her, never have been touched this way: with love and admiration. He respected her; Tanya knew this of him. Aarav not only loved her, but he also respected who she was, despite her profession. It was precisely why her heart ached whenever she thought of betraying him such a way.
Aarav had always known that he'd end up getting married to some princess from some faraway land, in order to form an alliance with their kingdom. That was why he'd never believed in receiving or giving this love that he shared with Tanya. This was special and he knew it. His mother had often told him when he was younger that he'd just know when something was right. She was, of course, telling him in matters of ruling his kingdom but right now, Aarav knew it applied to Tanya. Everything about her, everything ​with​ her was always so right. He could feel the way her body stiffened but in a way that showed her nervous feelings rather than her dislike for whatever he was doing to her. His fingers and his mouth were his tools and her body was his canvas. And yes, he finally got the chance to ​write​ his ​shayari​ against her bare back while she lay on her stomach and simply stared at him.
Tanya shivered when she felt his fingers trace along his back, writing nonsense words and she watched him with a keen interest. "​Kya kar rahe ho tum?​" She paused then, realizing that she'd stopped calling him ​aap​, that she finally believed him to be her own. She shut her eyes then, resting her head on the pillow as she tilted her head to the side so she'd still be able to stare at him. Tanya then wished things were different between them. She wished that this was their reality, that she was allowed to be in his chambers without the stamp of a courtesan. She wished that she could tell him the truth but Tanya knew what would happen if he learned of her betraying nature. He would have her banished, the love in his eyes for her would all disappear and Tanya would be left holding onto the shards of their broken relationship.
Aarav smiled at her before shaking his head, not yet ready to answer her. He continued to write in the words of ​Mirza Ghalib,​ loving how every line of his poetry seemed to be made for her. Once he finished, he inched closer, his lips pressing against her forehead before he whispered his words, "​Shayari likh rahe the hum, aapki tareef mein,​" Aarav had heard how she'd uttered the less formal way of addressing someone but he deemed that as in her letting him into her heart. He gave her the respect in his words because she'd never told him otherwise, and he'd never wanted her to think that he could call her whatever he wanted because she was ​his.​ He could see her smile and wondered if she'd had any regrets of what they'd just done, but she wasn't hurrying away or scared to be around him which told him that he was merely overthinking everything.
Tanya shook her head in disbelief at the sheer love he was expressing for her and she inched closer to him, closing the distance between them before pressing her lips to his. "​Aap nahin, tum kahiye humein​," she whispered against his lips before pulling away slightly, keeping their foreheads pressed together. For as long as this night lasted, Tanya wanted to be his. She wanted to be his in the way she had imagined in the late nights of her broken home. She wanted for him to give her all the love she could bear, even love she couldn't. Tanya wanted him to break her with his love, to fill her with enough love to last a lifetime. She knew that if he ever found out, it would be ​that​ love which would keep her alive. For all the times she'd reminded herself that this was just a ​​game���​, that she wasn't allowed to fall in love - she had disregarded it, and fallen in love anyways. A fact that would now prove dangerous for her as it laid her loyalties on the line.
Aarav felt her whispered words and couldn't help but smile. "​Tum--tum bahot khaas ho humare liye, aur hum tumhe kabhi khona nahi chahte.​" But somehow saying his fears out loud made him wonder just how real they could become and in that moment, he tugged her closer almost so that they were was no space separating them. He could feel her thinking about something even if he did not know what it was. She was dealing with something inside, perhaps her mother's worries were plaguing her. But Aarav had already made the decision to go against her wishes and attempt to get her mother the help she needed. After all, Tanya had said that she loved how much he ​cared​ about everyone in his kingdom and not just the wealthy affluent ones; this was his chance to prove that yet again.
Tanya had been waiting in Aarav's chambers for the past half hour, the ​thaali​ of ​rang​ in her lap. She shut her eyes, trying not to think of how she'd betrayed him just a few hours ago. He'd told her of his father's plans to take over another kingdom, a small campsite of Muslim people. Tanya had reported it to the Muslim warriors who had thanked her for her services, placed a packet of opium in her hands for her mother and another packet of gold for her. ​Holi mubarak​, they had sniggered as they told it to her, forcing Tanya's heart to break further. It was only when she heard the door open that she wiped at her tears quickly, setting the ​thaali​ down on the bed and pressing her hand into the ​laal rang​. She stood up then, waiting for Aarav to appear in front of her. "​Holi mubarak​," she whispered, her hand pressing against his cheek as she colored him in red, as she colored him in her ​​love​​.
Aarav had spent the day dodging every one of his advisors and other friends and soldiers trying to color him for ​Holi,​ choosing to have them give him just a ​tilak​ and wiping it off almost instantly. He'd never really been a fan of the festival, mostly because his father had kept him away from participating. Still he was dressed in a complete white ​kurta​ when he entered his chambers after listening to his father's advisors telling him of how ​Raja saab​ should be back fairly quickly since this mission of his wouldn't be too hard of a battle. When he entered though and spotted her, he ended up smiling. But it was when she pressed the color against his cheek that he realized he had no problem with ​Holi,​ as long as he was being colored by someone he loved. He gave her a quick kiss to her forehead before looking down at the ​thali​ of colors she'd brought. His fingers still dipped into the red color before he raised it to her cheek, and pressed his fingers against her skin. A split second decision told him to place the color against her forehead too, in her parting but he knew she wouldn't appreciate it, and so he used the remaining color on her other cheek. "​Holi mubarak--tumko bhi.​"
Tanya smiled when he placed the color on her cheeks. She had seen his hand hovering and wondered if he was going to spread the color in her ​maang​. Her heart deflated slightly when he decided it against it and instead placed it against her cheeks. "​Tum aaj itne khush nahin lag rahe, kuch hua hai kya?​" She knew already that the king would be fine. This fight was meant to be simple, and the people had given her their word: their word that the ​Raja saab​ would not be hurt in their battles, nor would Aarav. Her heart still raced in her chest however, in the fear that something had happened. It had been happening often, the strange feeling in her stomach - one that would force her to run to the bathroom, spewing up the contents of her stomach. Tanya had her own suspicions but would not voice them.
Aarav wasn't happy, but he hadn't had anyone else ask him, mainly because he was a good pokerface except when it was in front of Tanya. He supposed it was because of his level of trust in her. "​Raja saab aaj ek jung ke liye gaye hai,​" he frowned before wondering just how much to burden her with. "​Pata nahi, aaj ek ajeeb sa darr hai humare mann mein, lekin aur koi baat nahi hai. Aur hum ko aisa shobha nahi deta, ghabrana.​" He cleared his throat before looking back at her, deciding to allow himself a chance to be distracted but before he could even lean in to Tanya--he had a soldier rush into the chambers. ​"Rajkumar ji! Rajkumar ji! Jaldi aajaiye! Raja saab ko gheri chot aayi hai, aapko bula rahe hai.​" Aarav stared at the soldier who decided to retreat after announcing his news before he turned to Tanya who was looking extremely apprehensive and nervous all of a sudden. "​Tumhe kya hua? Paani pee lo,​" he murmured before standing and straightening out his clothes. The thoughts were all plaguing his mind, how his father had failed missions one after the other lately, there had to be some common factor that Aarav just couldn't see yet.
Tanya waited for Aarav to leave before she too disappeared from his chambers. Her heart hammered in her chest; they had promised, promised that there would be no harm coming to Aarav or ​Raja saab​. How could they go against their word? ​Did you really expect them to be trustworthy?​ Her conscience sneered and she knew it was right. Tanya rushed home, her ​dupatta​ over her head, cheeks colored in the red color. Her hand had been at her cheek so that when she entered the house, her hand running through her hair, some of the colored powder had dropped into her parting - a fact unknown to her. It was then the same bubbling feeling rose and Tanya felt herself weaken as she collapsed on her knees, throwing up again. Her mother appeared in front of her. "​Tujhe uss se prem hua na? Iss liye aisi bewakoof harqat ki​." Tanya stared at her mother in confusion, unsure of the correlation. "​Beta, teri khok main ek bacha hai​." The words that made Tanya's head spin; she'd tried so hard not be her mother, to avoid all the mistakes she'd made in the past. She'd forgotten the biggest one - ​falling in love​. She needed to tell Aarav, he needed to know. It was why she made her way to his chambers the next day, dressed in a sombre white; he needed to know that he had a child, a child in her stomach. It didn't matter that she hadn't bathed since she'd seen him last, that she'd barely washed the color off her cheeks, the red in her parting ​still​ there. She rushed into his chambers, the ​chamm chamm​ of her ​payals​ alerting him that she was here and yet he didn't turn the way he usually did. Tanya's heart dropped to her stomach, something was seriously wrong.
Aarav had been walking towards his father's chambers when he thought about everything that had been happening in the last few months. Every mission his father had gone on had resulted in the worst way. Everything would go wrong, and his father would return empty handed, almost as if they'd been tipped off about his father's attack prior to everything. And it had only been happening when one thing changed in their inner workings; Tanya had come into his life. ​​No.​​ He couldn't even think of Tanya being a mole for the ​muslim​ groups that were threatening terror on their kingdom. She'd never do that to him. But her hesitancy with him in the first little while, and then the change in her when she decided he was falling in love with her. Her adamant behavior to not accept any help from him, all of that was just making him wonder about everything and suddenly it all ​clicked​ into place. Tanya was the one who'd been selling him out. Only things he'd told her were somehow being conveyed to the other groups, which only made him wonder if anything she'd said to him was real. Now he stood there in his chambers, the ​Raja​ turban sitting on the pedestal on the side because that was Aarav's new title. His father had died from the attacks made on him and now Aarav would have to claim the throne and all the responsibilities that came along with it. And none of it really made any sense to him considering how broken he still was over the betrayal he'd been dealt by the one person he'd given his heart and soul to. When he'd heard the ​cham cham's​ of the ​payal's​ on her enter his room, he'd stiffened up, unable to understand what was right and what was wrong. He closed his red-rimmed eyes tightly before turning to face her. He'd seen the white on her, and knew she was aware of what had transpired in their kingdom; something she'd helped transpire. But as he dragged his gaze up to meet her own, he spotted the red color in her parting and froze, ​when had he done that?​ ​It doesn't matter! She betrayed you and your kingdom.​ "Aapko kuch kehna hai humse?​" He couldn't call her ​tum​ anymore, not when he felt so distant from her.
Tanya stiffened when she detected the chill in his voice. Her gaze fell on the turban sitting on his bed and she shut her eyes. He was the ​Raja​ now, whatever dreams she'd crafted of them together, of raising this child the way he'd promised to get her out of this mess were now shattered. He would never want to be with her; the coldness in his tone only made sense if he'd figured it out. "​Aarav...​" She shut her eyes, knowing he would chastise her for using his name. It was still worth a shot, especially when heart beat in rhythm to his, when every breath of hers was now tied to his - a concept she wouldn't have been able to fathom a few short months ago. Still she inched closer to him, trying to reach for him and not at all surprised when he pulled away. "​Hum... maafi chahte hain.​" There was nothing else she could say any longer. Her hand rested instinctively on her stomach, knowing that she had become her mother. In her quest to be nothing like her, Tanya had ended up ​exactly​ like her: in love with a man way beyond her social standing, raising his child all alone, a child of mixed religion.
Aarav pulled away from her, ignoring the light thumping of his heart telling him that this wasn't what he wanted to do. He wanted to give her the chance to explain but instead he simply just stared at her. ​"Maafi? Aap maafi kyun maang rahi ho? Zara woh bhi batao.​" He wanted to hear her say it, he wanted to know if she even felt a smidgen of guilt for the betrayal she'd done to him. Everything seemed to make sense, Tanya had nothing to say to him, because she wasn't sure how to say anything that could explain anything. She'd been the reason his father had died and now all the love he felt for her--was almost dying. ​That was a lie,​ because seeing her in front of him with that ​laal rang​ in her ​maang​ left him feeling as if she was still his.
Tanya shut her eyes, as if the thought pained her. She knew that he wouldn't make it easy for her to admit the truth, but he wouldn't believe her even if she told him that she really ​did​ love him. It had started as a game but she'd completely fallen for him. "​Kyunki-- humne... hum aapke Raja saab ke maut ke gunegaar hain​." Tanya slowly opened her eyes then before moving away from him. She knew what would come next; he would expel her from his chambers, forever. And Tanya would have to raise this child on her own. She just hoped, no she ​prayed​ it wasn't a girl. She didn't want the same fate for her daughter, like the one she'd been dealt.
Aarav closed his eyes at her words, he knew what was expected of him right now. He was to slap her because she'd betrayed the kingdom and ​him.​ But he couldn't do that. Not to her. That's why he merely stayed there as she moved away from him. He couldn't stop her, he couldn't make her leave but he still had to. He had duties and responsibilities now to uphold. "​Aapki yeh sazaa hai abse, ke aap kabhi bhi is rajya mein phirse kadam nahi rakh sakhti."​ He frowned before remembering about her mother and how the older woman needed care. "​Aur aapki aami ki dekh bhal hum karvayenge. Aur jab woh theek ho jayegi, tab hum aapke pass bhej denge. Aaj ke baad yeh kabhi yaad bhi nahi rakhna ke humare aur aapke beech mein koi bhi rishta kabhi tha."​ Aarav frowned, feeling his voice cracking as he said his final words. ​"Aapne hume dhoka diya hai, aur hum nahi jaante kyun, lekin hum jaan na chahte bhi nahi hai.​" He turned then, wanting to watch as she left him--for good.
Tanya felt a sob rip through her throat at his words. She had been expecting the banishment but she hadn't been expecting his harsh words that followed. How was she to forget the soft moments they'd shared in these chambers, when he'd kissed her for the first time, when he'd given her the ​jhumkas​ she was wearing, or when he'd placed the necklace on her. A necklace which she would now have to return; she would return the ​jhumkas​ too but she couldn't. Not when it was the first present he'd ever given her. Her hands shook as she undid the clasp and set the necklace down on the table. She turned away from him, tears dripping down her cheeks at a steady rate. Why wouldn't he stop her? Didn't he ​love​ her, the wya she loved him? Wiping at her tears furiously, she stepped out of his chambers only to be greeted by the guards. She knew this part too, she'd seen it happen to other courtesans who'd stepped out of line, who'd been banished. Tanya followed them quietly to the dungeons, to her punishment. She bore it all silently, all the lashes that were given for committing treason against the kingdom: a hundred lashes against her back to be exact. Tanya never cried out in pain though, not when she'd already faced the worst pain in her life. The pain of knowing that she'd broken the heart of the only boy she'd ever loved. When they finally undid her arms from their restraints, Tanya collapsed on the dungeon floor, her once pristine white ​kurti​ now completely slashed and covered in her blood. She needed to leave and she tried voicing this to the guards who only nodded. They knew of her banishment orders and so loaded her into a ​palki​ before depositing her outside the kingdom, in no man's land.
Aarav felt like it was just yesterday when he'd learned of her betrayal. A part of him always regretted letting the other guards handle her banishment and punishment. He should've been the one to command that she not be hurt. If he had--then he'd never have heard that one ​​piercing​​ scream that haunted his dreams every single night for the past twelve years. He'd never gotten over losing Tanya. He'd told her to forget everything but how could he ask that of her when he himself was unable to let anything of their relationship go? Her necklace that she'd given him back still hung attached to one of his own chains that he wore inside his clothing. That was his way of being close to her. He'd also helped her mother through a drug recovery and had sent her off to be with Tanya wherever she was, but Aarav had chosen to stay removed from everything, knowing that if he found out where she was--he wouldn't be able to stay away. Even now he was galloping into his next battle, and her thoughts were on his mind. Aarav had been a great warrior in all his battles following his father's death but that was only because he had chosen those moments to lock away Tanya in his heart. He hadn't done that this time. He'd been fighting against the camps that were nearby their kingdom when out of nowhere another horse had come in his direction, slitting him across the fleshy part of his neck and torso, leaving a deeper gash there. When Aarav fell to the ground, he expected his attacker to come back and cut his head off considering he was now at his mercy, but instead the other warrior came closer and lowered his scarf revealing his face before uttering the one sentence that was sure to haunt Aarav just as much as Tanya's scream did. "​Ammi ke liye,​" and Aarav had watched him mount his horse and ride away leaving Aarav there to bleed out, until unconsciousness took him over.
Tanya called around for her son multiple times, pushing the hair away from her face. "​Prem, khana lag gaya, kahan hain aap?​" Her son was so much like his father, in almost every way: in the way he enjoyed sparring with his sword, the love he had for her, how much he cared for the other people in the village. Of course not to mention that every time she looked into her son's eyes, she was reminded of similar brown eyes that bored into hers with equal honesty. Even if she had never married Aarav, her life was still in name. The red in her ​maang​ from ​Holi​ proved that enough; she'd placed the ​sindoor​ in her parting every day after that. "​Ya Allah, Prem yeh aapke chehre ko kya hua hai?​" Tanya asked with worry, noting the cut on her son's cheek and the way he was avoiding her gaze. Her heart sank, worrying if he'd involved himself in the world of war and religion, the world she'd tried so hard to keep him away from. "​Ammi maine kardiya. Unko sabaq sikhaya humne. Unko bhi aapki tarah zakhm diya​." Tanya stared at her son in confusion before it clicked. Her son had sought out his father. She shut her eyes, pulling away from him. "​Khana andar hain​," Tanya told him before disappearing into the bedroom. Even to this day, laying straight on her back brought her pain. Gone were the days where she was as white as milk, where she looked like a princess in every right. Her face was now dusted tan because of her long days in the sun. She groaned in pain when the fabric brushed the scar the wrong way. It was a phantom pain, a representation of her pain with Aarav.
Aarav could hear the young boy's words in his head over and over, making him wonder what exactly it meant. Of course, Aarav had plenty of enemies so this child could be avenging anyone really, but something told him it was more personal than that. The truth was--he knew in the back of his mind what this meant, and who the little boy was but his heart as refusing to admit that it was a possibility. Instead, he used his advisors and guards to seek out Tanya's mother, he'd heard from his men that the woman hadn't been living with her daughter and was back in the royal court but stayed away from the opium now. He'd asked for her to meet him in the conferring chambers and when she arrived, coughing but still looking better than when he'd first seen the woman. "​Namaste, hum aapse aapki beti ke baare mein jaan na chahte hai,​" the woman looked bewildered slightly and Aarav knew it was probably out of shock because while he never ​stopped​ thinking about Tanya, he never spoke her name in front of anyone. "​Woh ab kahaan hai? Hume pata hai ke aap unke saath nahi rehti..​" Aarav listened as the elder woman told him about how Tanya hadn't wanted her to stay with him and that left him confused. She'd done ​all this​ for her mother and now that her mother was clean and healthy--Tanya had nothing to do with her? Still, he took her address, surprised to learn that Tanya was living in the nearby town that was part of their ally's kingdom, one that Aarav was allowed to freely travel to and from. That's when he decided that he had a short visit to pay, for his own sake. Ther was more to this encounter on the battlefield with that boy than he was understanding, and the sinking feeling in his stomach told him that he'd only get his answers when he faced Tanya after all these years and that's how he found himself inconspicuously on her doorstep; not wanting everyone to know that the ​Raja​ was there.
Tanya had sent her son to help the neighbors with something or the other. They were carpenters and Tanya was sure that there would would something or the other to do that would keep Prem busy. So when she heard the knock on her door, Tanya frowned. She lifted the dupatta over her head, the ​sindoor​ in her parting fresh. Pulling open the door, she froze once she recognized who it was. Her hand immediately pressed to her back, a reminder of her betrayal; a reminder of how she was to stay away from him. "​Aap yahan kaise Raja saheb​?" She gestured for him to enter, not meeting his gaze for longer than a millisecond.
Aarav hadn't realized that seeing her again after so long would stir up the same feelings he had way back when. Because see, despite her betrayal--his love hadn't died and now seeing her there in front of him, looking so tired and worn down, tore at him. "​Hum, hum aapse milne aaye hai,​" Aarav wondered upon seeing the ​sindoor​ in her parting if she'd perhaps married someone else from this kingdom and had lived a happy life after being shunned from their world. Maybe it had done her some good, gotten her out of that horrid cycle she'd been stuck in. She of course had to be aware that he was the only ​Raja​ who'd chosen to remain unmarried and appoint someone as his successor rather than marry solely for the sake of an heir.
Tanya furrowed her eyebrows at his statement, unable to make neither head nor tail of it. He had been the one to command her to forget that he ever existed, that they'd ever had a relationship of a romantic nature. It was then she saw the bandage peeking through his royal garb and shut her eyes. This was what her son had meant when he claimed to have avenged her: to scar his father the same way the father had scarred his mother. "​Ji Raja saheb, andar aiye. Maafi chahte hain, humara ghar koi Rajmahal nahin hain.​" She shook her head before wiping her face with her dupatta as she sat on the floor, having given the straw mattress to Aarav. "​Bataye hum kya seva kar sakte hain aapki​." It pierced Tanya to behave so aloof with a man whom she loved so deeply but they were his orders - she was never to remember that they had ever been in a relationship. And Tanya would follow it no matter how painful it was.
Aarav felt the distance in her words so easily, and how could she not behave that way? After all, he'd been the one who told her to forget everything about him, to forget that they ever shared anything. Yet every word she spoke, acting like anyone else who was meeting him for the first time--it pained his heart. He entered her home and took a seat on the ​khatiya.​ He hadn't worn his ​turban​ or any of his extremely formal garments but it was still enough to remind her of who he was and the difference in their stature. But then why was it that in his heart, he still couldn't form a real distance between them? ​Stop it Raja saab, she could be ​married.​​ ​"Aapne shaadi ki hai?​" He cleared his throat, gesturing to the ​sindoor​ in her parting, trying to forget the moment he'd seen ​his​ ​laal rang​ in her parting. That wasn't what he'd come to ask her, but right now--he couldn't say the other words, he couldn't ask her if that boy who'd come to attack him had been her son, because as much as Tanya may detest him now for what he'd done--she couldn't go to such lengths. ​Couldn't she? Isn't she the one who betrayed you in the first place? Selling you and your father out to the enemy?​
Tanya looked up in surprise at his blatant question. She wondered as to why he cared; he was the one who had told her to move on, to forget that they had ever shared anything. Of course it was a different story that Tanya had been unable to comply with his wishes; her every breath was still tied to his. "​Nahin ki​," she murmured quietly, before pulling the ​dupatta​ tighter over her head. She couldn't believe she had ben so foolish to believe that he would remember the color in her parting, color that he had applied. She had been a fool to think that she loved him, that he still loved her.
Aarav felt as if ​uski jaan mein jaan aayi,​ when he heard her say that she hadn't married anyone else. This meant that ​laal rang​ was still from him. She applied it diligently every day for the past twelve years even if he was the reason she'd been punished in such a ruthless manner. He wanted to touch her, to reach for her, to hold her in his arms again but he knew how unlikely that was considering she probably hated him still for what he'd done; even if it had only been because of her betrayal. He'd been about to say something more when he spotted a small photograph in a frame on the side table, it was Tanya with that same boy who'd given him his wounds. "​Yeh naujawaan--kaun hai?​" Oh Aarav already knew, he could feel the words she was about to say before she even said them but he couldn't believe it was true. Why hadn't she come to him then? ​You banished her, why would she come to you?​
Tanya followed his gaze before shaking her head, a small smile on her face. Just thinking about her son managed to do that; he was a breath of life in her otherwise extremely dreary existence. Tanya shrugged before giving the answer Aarav wanted to hear, "​Prem, mera beta​." She'd wished she could say it was their son because it was; that was what she had rushed to his chambers to tell him, only to be banished from Aarav's life forever.
Aarav could see a hint of the smile he'd fallen in love with on her face but it still wasn't nearly as bright as it once was when she'd be light and cheerful in his chambers. That was his fault, he'd snatched that and everything else from her life. When he heard her response though, he knew what she was implying even if the words weren't said. ​Prem wasn't just her son, he was Aarav's as well.​ Closing his eyes, he let his head fall into his hands. He'd made such a mess of his life all because of her betrayal; she always told him she admired how much he cared for others--but he'd proven her wrong now considering how he hadn't cared enough for her--the woman he was still madly in love with. "​Aap hume bata sakhti thi, ke aap--Ammi ban chuki thi,"​ he was frowning now, wondering why she'd have remained so adamant to keep his son from him. So many years had been lost out on in their relationship andconisdering how Aarav had treated his mother, he doubted Prem would even ​want​ to acknowledge him as his father.
Tanya shut her eyes as she leaned against the wall at his words, at the unspoken accusation she found in them. She ​knew​ that she should have reached out, should have said something but she couldn't. Not when his words were still so fresh in her mind, not when he hadn't even wanted to give her a chance to explain herself. He didn't even try to understand the bind that she was in; he didn't even listen to how she'd begged them not to hurt either member of the royal family. How was she to know that they would go against their word? "​Hum bataane aaye the aapko uss din. Jis din aapne humein apne rajya se nirvaasit kardiya tha. Par phir--unhone humein maara... Aur humein laga ki hum aapke maafi ke liak nahin hain, ki shayad humari yahi saza thi ki hum bhi apni ma jaisi zindagi jiye, ki humara beta bina baap ki bada ho."
Aarav was frustrated even though he hated hearing that she was hurt, all it did is remind him of that piercing scream that haunted his every night till today. He would never forget the sheer pain and anguish in that scream. But he still wished she'd have tried. "​Tum phir bhi keh sakhti thi Tanya,"​ unconsciously he jumped back into that lack of formality with her because she was still ​his​ no matter what. "​Koshish toh kar hi sakhti thi--itne saalon tak tum sab kuch akele sehti rahi..​" his voice trailed off, unable to believe how much strength this woman carried inside of her. ​She still sold you and your father out,​ and while Aarav knew that was true, it made him wonder if she'd have ulterior reasons for that--her mother and financial reasons to be precise. ​"Kyun kiya tha? Dhoka kyun diya tha hume? Humare prem mein kya kaami thi ke tumne aisa kiya...​"
Tanya felt her heart flutter when he used her name again, when he used the informal tone with her. It made her feel, even if only for a split second, that they were alright again. She was living in a fool's paradise; there would be no ​them​ ever again. "​Kaise koshish karti? Aap Raja saab hain, aapne humein nirvaasit kar chuke the. Bhool gaye hain kya aap? Nirvaasit ka matlab? Agar hum aane ke koshish bhi karte, humein mar diya jaata​," Tanya snapped. How dare he accuse her of not trying? How dare he think she would want to keep their son away from him? She quietened however, her chest still heavy with anger at his question. "​Humari ammi ki lath... unhone unn logon se udhar liya tha, aur lath main gir ke karza wapas nahin chuka payi. Iss liye hum nachaniyan bane, par phir woh paison se khush nahin the-- unhe... unhe jankaari chahiye thi. Humne mana karne ki koshish ki, par unhone dhamki di - ki woh humari ammi ko jaan se maar denge." She wiped at her tears then. "​Aisa nahin tha ki hum chahte the Raja saab ko kuch ho, ki ​aapko​ kuch ho. Bola tha humne, unhone ne vaada kiya tha ki aap dono ko kuch nahin hoga... Jhoot kahan unhone ne humse."
Aarav frowned at the way she was almost forgetting all that had passed between them with the way she snapped. "​Chabi thi na aapke paas? Uss chabi ka matlab aapki suraksha thi. Woh dikhane se koi aapko kuch nahi kar sakhta tha. Kher chodiye, ab un sab baaton ka koi faida nahi hai.​" He got off the ​khatiya​ and knelt down where she was, wanting to take her in his arms and wipe those tears but he knew he'd lost that right when he'd banished her without listening to anything she'd wanted to say. "​Tum ro mat, tume pata hai ke hum tumhari ankhon mein ansoon nahi dekh sakhte,​" these words were said in a whispering tone, almost as if he were afraid of how she'd react to him. He didn't want to say anything about how she'd still betrayed him and the kingdom and so he merely shook his head. "​Hum jaante hai ke ab kehne se kuch nahi hoga, lekin jab hume pata chala ke tumne unhe sab bataya--aisa laga ke jaise tumhari taraf se jo bhi tha--woh sab nakli tha, aur woh bewafai ne hume tod diya tha..​"
Tanya didn't know what had taken over her when he came close to her, the way he had abonded the ​khatiya​, almost as if he was abandoning his status to be with her in this moment - that she surged forward and pressed her lips to his. The second she did, it was as if she finally realized the starvation she had been in for the past twelve years; as if she'd been living in a coma for the past twelve years and his lips against hers had finally woken her up, it had set her free. The ice in her veins thawed over, blood rushing to her ears but she pulled away all too soon, ashamed of what she had done. Tanya was no longer a courtesan, she was just a ​commoner​ and he was the ​Raja saab​ - there was no way they could indulge in this anymore. She had no right over him, not even in a purely physical relationship the way she would have if she had her previous status.
Aarav had to hold her to keep himself from stumbling back especially at the force in which she kissed him. He couldn't help but kiss her back, the familiarity in that moment was too much for him to let go off. Aarav had abstained from any type of relationship in these twelve years, even when he was so angry at her betrayal he still couldn't be a traitor to his love and the feelings they'd shared. He felt her pull away from him and shook his head, tugging her back. "​Humne tumhe bahot takleef di hai na? Ek takleef aur deh sakhte hai?"​ It wasn't going to be that easy, just because she kissed him didn't mean she forgave him, and even if she did, it didn't mean that his little ​Rajkumar​ Prem would forgive him for hurting his mother either but Aarav had to try. "​Humne hamesha tumhe humara kaha, kabhi nahi kaha ke hum aapke hai, lekin sachai wohi hai, itne saalon mein, hum tumhare hi rahe.​"
Tanya wished he hadn't said that; it pierced through her heart. Especially because she knew that he would leave, and would never return. Then Tanya would be left alone in this house with his words echoing in her mind, and no way to ease the pain they brought. "​Aapko kehne ki zaroorat nahin thi, hum mehsoos kar sakte the​," she murmured, talking in past tense. It would be easier on her heart if she treated this as something of the past, as if he didn't ​​still​​ love her. If Tanya acknowledged that his love was still fresh, that he still loved her - she would drown in the pain of her own feelings, because they would be able to do nothing about it. They could never be one; not even when she had been a courtesan.
Aarav frowned at the words she said, wanting to understand why she was still so adamant to keep him at a distance. ​"Tum mehsoos kar sakhti ​thi?​ Ab nahi karti?​" He inched a bit closer, this time lifting his hand to cup her cheek, not at all surprised by how she leaned into his touch. "​Ab bhi kitni khoobsurat ho tum,​" and she was. To him, she'd always be the most beautiful woman he'd laid eyes on. He knew she didn't believe anything he said, when in reality--it should be him with his doubts, but he still knew his life was incomplete without her and that needed to change. "​Tum--tum wapas aaogi na? Humare saath? Prem ko leke?​" He might've been pushing it, but this was Aarav--ruled by his heart and never his head.
Tanya let her eyes close when he cupped her cheek, the warmth filling her pores. She wouldn't believe him of course, not when she knew she was no longer as beautiful as she used to be. Still she smiled at his words, a little reassurance blooming in her chest, dimples showing. It was at his request however that Tanya froze. "​Wapas? Aapke saath... Raja saab, hum... Hum ab maamuli ho chuke hain, aapke raj gharane main rehne ki aveshakta nahin hain ab.​" Her eyes however told a different story; they spoke of how badly she wanted to take up his offer, to be the family she often dreamed of late at night.
Aarav saw her dimples and felt his heart start racing once more, it's like she didn't realize how much of an effect they still had on him. He loved the way though that she kept her smile there, reminding him of the first few time she met her and found her smile so incredibly intoxicating. But when he heard her words, his own smile fell. He hated hearing her call herself just a ​commoner​. "​Tum humare liye kabhi maamuli nahi ho sakhti, humne tumko kaha hai na? Tum bahot khaas ho, woh badal nahi sakhta.​" He nodded at her, reassuring her through his gaze that he would make this happen. It would be difficult yes, but he wasn't going to let her go this time. "​Suno, hum Raja hai, aur humare faisla hi sabse ucha hota hai. Agar hum tumko aur humare bete ko, humara rajya ke waaris ko ghar lejaana chahe, toh hum kar sakhte hai,​" he took a deep breath, completely aware of just how difficult it was going to be to make this happen. But he would not let anyone cause a hinderance this time; this was his family and they deserved to come home.
Tanya nodded at his words slowly, wanting to believe in him this time. "​Theek hai​," she whispered. "​Hum aapke saath wapas aayenge, jab aap kahoge​." She stood up then, wiping at her tears even though her body ached and protested at the loss of his arms around her. She knew that her son would be home soon too and he would not take too kindly to her talking to his father, the same father whom he'd tried to hurt. Tanya would have to explain a lot of things to him, if she were to convince their son to move into the royal palace with his father.
Aarav wanted to tell her then, to stop calling him ​aap,​ but he knew he'd lost that right the moment he'd banished her. It would come with natural progression whenever she wanted it to. He felt her move away and sighed before nodding at her, telling her quietly that he'd be back, and she should trust him. But as soon as he returned back to his palace and ran into one of his advisors, he knew it wasn't going to be easy. The other man had him followed which meant he knew exactly where Aarav had been and was very unimpressed by it. "​Aap aise nahi jaa sakhte Raja saab, yeh sab theek nahi hai.​" Aarav gave the man a smile before raising his hand and telling him to stop talking because he wasn't going to pay any heed to his advice. "​Hum Raja hain, aur humne yeh faisla kiya hai ke Tanya aur ​humara​ beta, dono yahaan aayenge, raj mahal mein rehne.​" The advisor continuously told him about how that would be frowned down upon and how people wouldn't want to ally with their ​rajya​ anymore and so then and there, Aarav made a significant decision. He'd make a new home, just for them. It would be in the same courtyard, but it would be a place she lived, protected from all these people who'd want to see her and taunt her. Aarav would ensure she'd face no more disgrace or humilation; she'd already suffered enough for her entire life.
Tanya stared in surprise at the ​palki​ that was currently situated outside her house and clutched her plain satchel closer to her chest. She hadn't been expecting him to send for her and her son in such a grand way. Tanya's gaze fell to Prem who looked completely awestruck at the sheer force of people who had been sent to bring them home and nudged her son's shoulder. "​Abhi bhi shikayat hain kya aap ko apne Abbu se?​" At the hesitant shake of his head, Tanya sighed; she understood that sentiment. Her arm wrapped around his shoulder as she bent down to press a kiss to his hair. "​Chaliye, aapke Abbu humara intezaar kar rahe honge​." Which was why Tanya was surprised when the ​palki​ did not stop at the ​rajmahal​ she knew but an even grander palace right in front of it. "​Yeh kya hai?​" "​​Aapka​ rajmahal​." And Tanya understood this was what he had meant by ensuring her safety and his own pride in the kingdom. It stung a little but she pushed it down, following behind her son who rushed into the palace.
Aarav had arranged for Tanya and Prem to both be brought home when the palace was finished, which had also happened in record time since Aarav had waited twelve years and wasn't sure he could handle any more time away from her. He knew her, though, and he knew how affected she was by their difference in social standing and him building her a palace away from the main, would hurt her--he just hoped she understood why he'd done it, and the fact that her's was now even more beautiful than the one he was meant to reside in. He heard the sounds of her arriving through the gates and made his way with his entourage to go greet her, happy that his few ​dai ma's​ were there to greet her traditionally and welcome her into her new home. Aarav stood just behind them, his eyes on the mother-son duo, waiting for everyone to be gone so he could happily take the both in his arms.
Tanya stared in disbelief as the mean old ladies who'd always glared at her whenever she would skip into Aarav's room as a young girl because he'd called on her, were now greeting her with smiles and coloring her forehead with the ​tilak​. She turned to look back only to find Aarav there, smiling at her and she looked down in embarrassment. The palace was grand; that was a definitve. Except in her drab clothing, Tanya felt as if she didn't belong here either. The only expensive item on her person were the ​jhumkis​ he'd given her all those years ago - she'd never taken them off. Once they all had left, Tanya turned to meet Aarav's gaze. "​Yeh aapne humare liye banaya?​"
Aarav didn't know if her averting her eyes this time was because she was shy under his gaze or for another reason. He really did hope it was the former though. Still he stood there in the doorway, leaning against one of the pillars until the ladies left, leaving him with his little family to explore what would be their new home. He heard her question and nodded. ​"Pasand aaya tumhe? Aur nanhe Rajkumar, aapko aapna nahi ghar kaisa laga?​" He was still nervous around Prem, not because his son had used the sword on him but because Aarav's experience around kids of any age was very limited at best. But while Prem went ahead in the palace, Aarav took Tanya's hand before stepping into their new home. ​"Hum jaante hai ke tumhe ajeeb lag raha hoga, yahaan rehna--sabse door..​" he trailed off, unsure of how he could attempt to make this seem better than it was.
Tanya wished she could tell him that she loved it every time he addressed her as ​tum​, or that she was mildly jealous of how easy it was for him to slip back into their relationship as if nothing in the past twelve years had ever happened. She wished her heart was that ​pure​. She wished that she could go back to using his name in that soft hesitant tone she would use in his chambers, or the way he'd declared that she could only call him ​tum​ - she wished that it could be her reality again. Yet it was harder for Tanya, every time she tried she would remember the way he hadn't wanted to listen to her, how he'd allowed her to be banished despite knowing the punishment was a hundred lashes. If he had loved her, would he have done that? ​It's the past now Tanya. It's time to let it go, he's making amends.​ So Tanya intertwined her fingers with his before smiling. "​Aap rahenge na humare saath? Aur Prem bhi toh hai... akele thodi na hain hum.​"
Aarav could see her thoughts running over time in her head but he didn't press to find out what she was thinking. He knew she didn't trust him yet, and he didn't fault her for it. Aarav didn't find it easy to entirely trust her either, but decided to leave it up to fate. If she was meant to betray him again, she would but somewhere he knew it was very unlikely and he liked believing in her more than he'd care to admit. He felt her intertwine their fingers like they used to once upon a time and found himself smiling back at her. ​"Bilkul rahenge, aur haan humara beta bhi toh hai humare saath,"​ he brought their clasped hands up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss as he led her inside, showing her the different rooms and areas for her to call her own. He'd also built a prayer room, one side with a few idols that represented their Hindu side, and one side with the ​Quran​ so that she could be close to her own faith as well. Once they both arrived there, he stepped inside, this time picking up the ​sindoor​ and placing it against her forehead, ​"jab tum Holi pe aayi thi na, mujhe sindoor lagana tha tumhari maang mein, lekin--mujhe nahi laga tha ke tumhe acha lage ga. Lekin itne saalon tak tumne--aapni maang sajayi rakhi, toh ab pehli baar hum khud karna chahenge.​"
Tanya shut her eyes at his words, feeling her tears drip down her cheeks, the relief stuttering in her chest. Her heart ached, chest constricting once she felt him place the ​sindoor​ in her parting. It was only when his hand pulled away that she burst into tears, burying her face in his chest. She remembered a similar time when they had been much younger, when she had cried about her mother, about how she didn't want to be doing what she did. It had been the most honest Tanya had ever been with Aarav, when she'd let him into her heart. She remembered what had come after that too; she remembered how that had been the night when their love had been consumated, when they had conceived the symbol of their love - their son. "​Humein maaf kar dijiiye..​" she whispered into his chest. "​Hum kabhi aapko... dhoka nahin dena chahte the. Aur uss din... jab aapne humein dafa kiya tha, humara dil toot gaya tha Aarav​," Tanya admitted, looking up at him with red rimmed eyes brimming with unshed tears.
Aarav was startled when she started to cry, especially when he wasn't sure why it was happening. "Tanya," he whispered before wrapping his arms around her, trying to soothe her, his hands were rubbing slow circles around her back, trying to comfort her when he heard her words and shook his head. ​"Tumhe maafi maangne ki zarooraat nahi,​" he said honestly. Aarav had been angry, he'd been very upset when she'd betrayed him but with time, her reasonings, her motives--all became clear to him. But yet, he'd believed that she'd have moved on post her banishment and that was the main reason he never seeked her out. Aarav felt his own heart break again when she told him how she felt when he banished her, plus the way she said his name only brought back all their memories from the past. "​Tum hume kabhi maaf kar sakogi?​" He asked softly, wiping away her tears before taking a deep breath. "​Hume pata hai ke tumhare liye mushkil hoga, aur hum umeed karta rahenga, lekin zabardasti nahi hai..​"
Tanya looked at him, once he had cupped her cheeks tightly. How was she to tell him that she had forgive him when he had come back for her, that seeing him outside her doorstep, looking so shy and nervous had been enough to thaw the ice in her heart. She nodded, a small smile breaking out on her features, coupled with a sob that ripped through her throat. "​Hum koshish zaroor karenge Raja saab. Par uske liye, aapko woh hare rang ka kurta pehen na padega​," Tanya teased, pulling away from him as she furiously wiped her tears once she heard her son's footsteps coming down the stairs.
Aarav was about to lean in to kiss her on the forehead when he heard her words and had to move away to burst into laughter. He wondered if he should tell her he'd kept that ​kurta​ but had never worn it after her banishment. That and so many other things had been locked away in a room that was in his chambers because everything in it reminded him of her and the relationship they shared. Aarav had gathered all those items to burn them but his heart hadn't allowed it and so now all of that was being used to decorate their new home. The same curtains, the same paintings the two of them spoke about during some of their lights nights, everything was back there. Once he spotted their son, he held his hand out for him to join them, smiling when he did so. "​Aur aap? Aap hume maaf kar payenge, jo humne aapke saath aur aapki Ammi ke saath kiya?​"
Tanya sat up in the bed when she heard noises coming from the ​aangan​ of the palace. She stretched her arms up, wiping the sleep from her eyes as the sunlight filtered from the ​zardosi​ curtains and splattered against her face. She smiled, pushing away the sheets and stepping out of the curtained bed, her feet pushed into the slippers. Tanya picked up the shawl from the ottoman and wrapped it around herself to hide the plain ​salwar kameez​ she had worn to bed with Aarav as she made her way out. Looking down the balcony, she smiled at how the father and son were sparring with their swords. This was all she wanted, a true family. And now she had one, with the man she loved. ​Isn't it too late?​ Her conscience asked in regards to the years they'd spent apart, and Tanya shook her head. She had been fearful of that too but last night had proven her wrong. It had been the first night since she'd come to this palace that he'd spent here, and they had spent most of the night talking, the way they used to before. It had been so easy to fall back into their patterns, and Tanya made her way down the stairs, leaning against the pillar as she watched both father and son spar, a small smile on her face while waiting for either one of them to notice her. She wouldn't mind if they didn't, perfectly content in just watching them.
Aarav believed that if all of this was a dream, it was one he didn't want to wake up from--maybe ever. For the first time in more than twelve years, he was ​​happy​​. And that was all due to this family he'd brought home. His ​Rani sahiba,​ Tanya was everything he remembered, if maybe a little quieter and guarded than before but he understood it. A bit of distance would exist between them, but it was a distance that Aarav would diminish even if it were the last thing he did. But his son, his Prem was everything he'd imagined his son to be. The boy loved everything Aarav had grown up with and that's how he found himself engaging in a sword fight with his son, both of them laughing and shouting happily. That's when he noticed Tanya standing near the pillar and without warning, Aarav ran in her direction--taking refuse behind her. "​Bas bas Yuvraaj Prem, hum thak chuke hai, aur ab hume aapki Ammi ko waqt dena hai. Aur jahaan tak hume pata hai, aapki padhaai ka samay bhi ho raha hai? Chaliye jaaye, baaki ka khel wapas aane ke baad.​" He watched Prem head back inside before h wrapped an arm around Tanya and tugged her closer. "​Tum kab uthi? Aur chori chori chup ke se hume dekh kyun rahi thi?"​ He was teasing her of course, but Aarav was still worried mainly because he was ​​so​​ happy that he wasn't sure what bad news was on its way.
Tanya rested her head on his shoulder, sighing contemplatively. "​Bas thodi derr pehle​," she whispered, shutting her eyes. "​Dil bhar gaya tumhe aur Prem ko dekh ke​." It was true; seeing them both so happy, so full of life and filling this entire palace with happiness had only made her heart grow warmer. Her fingers tightened around the loose white ​kurta​ he was wearing and reached up to kiss his cheek. "​Vaise aapke naashte ka samay ho gaya, abhi tak aaya nahin? Humein bhi bhook si lag rahi hai..​" She played nervously with the necklace: the same one that he had given her all those years ago, feeling a strange sinking feeling in her stomach, a sense of foreboding as if something awful was about to happen.
Aarav hummed at her words, wondering why it hadn't arrived yet as well but they'd have to first prepare it in the main kitchen and then someone would have to bring it over. He was yet to employ staff for this palace, because a part of him wondered whether or not she would prefer to have this home be just hers, without any outside interference. "​Aata hoga, lekin hume aapse kuch poochna bhi tha,​" he took a deep breath before sitting her down outside in the swing while he sat next to her, both of them moving with the light breeze. "​Kya tum chahti ho ke uss mahal ke jaise, yahaan bhi har waqt tumhari seva ke liye log ho?​" This was ​their​ home which meant all decisions would be taken collectively.
Tanya pursed her lips at his question, pondering it with genuine seriousness. "​Chaubis ghante ke liye nahin​," she murmured quietly. "​Sirf ek ya do sevak rakho har waqt ke liye, agar humein kisi cheez ki sakht zaroorat ho, aur tum doosre mahal mein hoge. Par haan hum chahte hain ki yahan pe bhi bawarchi aur naukar ho. Humein bura lagta hai ki unko wahan bhi banana padta hai, phir aur mehnat se yahan laana padta hai​," she admitted, her hand holding his as she traced the veins on the back of his hand quietly, letting him swing them.
Aarav wrapped his arms around her once more, this was why they were a perfect match. She cared about people and their lives, the same way Aarav always did. But he let her take his hand and swung them both quietly before leaning close to her and pressing his lips against her forehead. "​Tum hamesha aur logon ke baare mein sochti ho, kabhi khud ke baare mein socha?​" Aarav was one of those people though who knew how difficult it would be to convince some of their ​sevak's​ to come and work here for a ​Rani Sahiba​ who hadn't been formally introduced to the ���rajya​. But that's why Aarav was convinced that's what he needed to do. Somehow, he had to convince his advisors to allow him to give his wife the respect and position she deserved.
Tanya had been moving through the palace with ease, making her daily rounds before she would go to her son's study, check up on him and how he was faring with his studies when she paused in front of a slightly ajar door. She knew this was Aarav's study, where he held meetings sometimes (when he was allowed to) and had been about to close the door fully when she froze at the words being spoken. They would echo in her mind forever. It was how she found herself seated up on the roof, shelling peanuts quietly when she heard footsteps. Her hands quickly wiped away at the phantom tears before she exhaled. ​Another wife​, she'd have to be the other wife now. No matter what Aarav would say, she would always be the other wife because she was of a different faith - a faith that his court didn't approve of.
Aarav had his fists clenched together, needing to ​control​ the urge to physical assault his advisors who were trying to convince him against something he deemed unimaginable. They all thought he should be married to someone more ​suitable​ to be the ​Rani Sahiba​ but Aarav wouldn't let that happen. He couldn't. He was in love with Tanya, and he couldn't just move her aside because his court wanted him to marry a Hindu princess for strategy purposes along with the point of having an heir. But Aarav's heir was always going to be his ​first born​, Prem. The papers had already been written and stamped with the royal stamp indicating as such. But he had to give this idea some thought because it was necessary for his kingdom to prosper. People were revolting because of his relationship and marriage with Tanya, something he'd never understand. With a deep breath, he closed the doors on the advisors and went off in search of his wife, needing to discuss it with her first. He had let the anxiety get to him when he hadn't spotted her anywhere until he was directed to the door by some of the ​sevaks​. He pushed open the door there where he caught her sitting there with peanuts in front of her. She'd been crying, he could tell from how she wiped away at her face. Had he made her unhappy? He knew it was still hard for both of them but he'd given her everything that was his and in his power ​to​ give her. "​Tum yahaan kyun behti ho? Akele aise--kuch hua?​"
Tanya looked up when he sat down next to her and gave him a smile, forcing the dimples out so he wouldn't be alarmed. She shouldn't have bothered, not when he knew her better perhaps better than she knew herself. Tanya offered him the bowl of peanuts before shrugging as she let the ​dupatta​ fall from her head onto her shoulders. "​Aise hi, yahan se suraj ko doobte hue dekhne ka kuch aur hi maaza hai​," she lied; her heart thudded in her chest and she knew that she would have to tell him how she felt, it would eat her alive. "​Humne suna.. jo woh log keh rahe the. Ki aapko ek aur shaadi karni chahiye, ek ​Hindu​ rajkumari se​." She shut her eyes, the words paining her as she forced them out, "​Humein bhi lagta hai ki aapko karni chahiye... Aapke rajya ke liye. Log khush nahin hai-- aur agar woh khush nahin hai, toh aap kaunse maineh main ek ache Raja hue?​" Her lips pursed then, voiced choked and jaw clenched. She didn't want him to marry another woman but she couldn't be so selfish; maybe this was her real punishment for betraying him all those years ago. Her punishment was that she could never ​truly​ have him to herself.
Aarav loved that he could sit with her, not needing to be touching her at every moment, but instead relish in the fact that their relationship was joined by everything, their minds were connected just as well as they were physical. Even now he could feel her sadness vibrating off of her and onto him, making him wonder what was going on until she started speaking. He reached over for her hand as soon as she spoke about overhearing everything. He rubbed small circles on the back of her hand before taking a deep breath when he heard her voice choke up. He hadn't wanted to hurt her and that's all he was doing yet again. ​"Unke kehne se kuch hota nahi hai. Faisla humara hai..​" but his voice lacked the power of a proper king and he knew she'd be able to tell, just like he could always tell when something was wrong with her. "​Yaad hai? Tumne pehle din poocha tha, ke kya hum ek acha Raja ban payenge ke nahi? Ab hume nahi lagta ke hum ek ache Raja hain. Raja hone ka matlab yeh toh nahi--ke hum Rajya ke liye khud ka hi maan marde..humne ​aapse​ prem kiya hai, shaadi ki hai, hum kisi aur se nahi karni..​" And that's when he scooted over in his ​kurta​ and held her from the side, wishing there was some way they could escape whatever the future was set to bring. He knew he'd have to ultimately do what was asked, and she'd have to come to terms with it--but it would never be fair to her not matter what, not even if Aarav would ​​never​​ give the same importance to his new wife.
Tanya rested her head against his chest, pulling her feet up to her own as she sighed. "​Aur hum yeh bhi jaante hain, kis uss din jab humne kaha tha ki aap ek ache Raja banoge - hum sach bol rahe the. Yeh sach hai ki hum aapko itne ache se nahin jaante the tab, par humne aapke aankhon main pada tha aur hume lagta hai ki aapko unki baat mann ni chahiye.​" She exhaled slowly, squeezing his hand tightly as she turned to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "​Hum bhi tumse behadh pyar karte hain Aarav, aur yeh baat humse koi nahin cheen sakta. Na koi nayi Rani sahiba, na koi munim."
Aarav gathered her closer and sighed when she spoke, smiling because of the memories it brought back to him. He could still remember how he'd been so hopeful when she'd told him he could be a good ​Raja;​ it was still something he thought of because when he was first forced to take on the throne, her words had gone through his head for the first little while. Yes, even when he was trying desperately hard to ​hate​ her for what she'd done. But when she spoke about him agreeing to the advisor's advice about getting married again, he stiffened up. Didn't she understand how much it repulsed him to think of betraying his love for her that way? But he felt her kiss and looked in her direction, a small smile on his face at her love confession before sighing. "​Vaada kariye humse, ke tum hamesha yeh yaad rakhogi. Humari zindagi mein tumhare siva koi aur nahi hai, na aa sakhta hai.​" He held her close before pressing his lips to her temple. "​Humari Rani Sahiba sirf tum ho,​"
Tanya shut her eyes at his words, knowing that she wouldn't be able to keep that promise. Even if she was putting on this act of being selfless, Tanya was anything but. She also knew that her son wouldn't take too kindly to the fact that his father was getting married a second time, for a wife who would be the ​Rani Sahiba​ for the entire kingdom. It made her wonder if it would start to seem as if he had shut her away in this palace, to keep her away from public eye: almost as if she were a dirty little secret. ​Stop it Tanya! You know its' not like that​. And she did know it wasn't like that but it didn't stop her from wondering. "​Vaada karte hain​," Tanya whispered, fully aware that it would be broken because of her doubting heart.
Aarav hadn't realized how the moment he'd agreed to his new marriage, the ​rishta's​ would start lining up. He'd left the decision up to his advisors, making sure they told the princess that the relationship would be for name, would be strictly in the public eye and he'd be living with ​his​ wife and son in their palace. It was during this whole time that Tanya had gotten pregnant for the second time, and due to the proper customs, she was to deliver their child in a place that wasn't this palace and so now that she was arriving back home, Aarav had been pacing their palace ensuring everything was in place to welcome her and their newborn baby into their home. He'd felt Tanya become more and more distant since his marriage to Suhasi, the ​rajkumari​ he'd been forced into marrying but he hoped that with the arrival of their new baby, things would get better. It was wishful thinking.
Tanya hadn't been sent too far to live out the last three months of her pregnancy. It had been a house full of ladies in waiting who flitted from the main palace to this ​haveli​ that Tanya was made to stay at. They liked to talk ​too​ which meant that Tanya would hear every single piece of gossip floating in the palace. Most of what she heard was harmless: aimless talk about relationships between staff. Except when she did hear something of substance, it always seemed to involve the ​Raja saab​ and his new ​Chotti Rani​. She'd heard that he'd been staying at the main palace for the entire duration of Tanya's leave, that he spent a lot of time with her, made public appearances - and every single piece of information tore at Tanya's heart. Holding her baby tightly in her grip, Tanya made her way up the steps to the palace, her entourage of ladies behind her and looked up to meet Aarav's eye. Despite her pain, her heart skipped a few beats at the sight of him - the way it always would.
Aarav could barely contain his excitement when he spotted her walking up the steps to their palace. His heart was racing and it wasn't just because of his new baby, but because of ​her​. They'd spent twelve years apart and then these three months just felt like too long now, and if he was honest--he was worried that she wouldn't want to come back. Call it an irrational feel but he was petrified that she'd decide to stay away from him and he'd be forced to live without her. "​Dekhe toh, humari nayi taqaat?​" And it was true, his new baby would be his new strength to deal with the rest of the world while this palace remained his haven. He was smiling at Tanya but her expressionless face left him distraught. Something was wrong and he couldn't understand. But as she handed him their new baby girl, he felt his heart melting. ​"Hayye kitni sundar hai yeh nanhi si jaan? Aur inki aankhein, bilkul tumhari tarah hai Rani Sahiba,​" he looked up at her, about to make a comment about whether their little daughter would have dimples but he quieted seeing the way Tanya chose to stare at him still as blankly as before.
Tanya had shut her eyes when Aarav cooed at their daughter, unable to get the image of him with his newer, younger and perhaps even more ​beautiful​ wife out of her head. It was only when he started talking of how their baby girl's eyes were just as big and brown as hers did Tanya felt her heart crack. She knew she should have stayed put, should have put on a facade the way she was expected to but she wasn't ​really​ the ​Rani Sahiba​ was she? She was just a Muslim girl, a ​courtesan​ whom he'd fallen in love, and who had betrayed the entire kingdom. What would he possibly want with her when he had somebody so pure like his ​Chotti Rani?​ With these thoughts swirling through her mind, Tanya moved past Aarav, the soft ​chamm chamm​ of her ​payals​ echoing through the courtyard of the palace as she entered the chambers, not even a single glance to her son or his father.
Aarav had watched her walk away from him, unable to understand why. He'd locked eyes with his son as well who'd told his father with his eyes that he'd go check on his mother. Aarav gave him a small nod before dismissing the rest of the ladies around the palace, thanking them for his service before directing them to the side where one of his ​munim's​ would give them each a gold chain as ​shagun​ for his newborn baby girl. Aarav turned, still holding the calm little girl in his arms, gently rocking her before entering their bedroom. There he spotted Tanya with Prem in front of her. ​"Ammi, kuch boliye na, aapko kya hua hai?"​ Aarav was nearly sure she hadn't seen him and so he paused and waited, hoping she'd at least answer their son and tell him what was wrong and what was going on.
Tanya took her son's hands in hers and exhaled. "​Aap humein sach batayenge na Prem, ki aapke Abbu aur uss... uss aurat ke beech main kya hai?​" Although something told Tanya that why would Aarav even tell his son that he was embarking on a new relationship with somebody other than his mother? She sighed before looking down. "​Humein bas darr lagta hai... aapne dekha hai usse, woh humse chotti hai aur sundar bhi. Aur woh Hindu hai, bilkul ek Rani Sahiba ki tarah​." Perhaps it was unfair of her to dump her troubles on her son but she knew he would take them, and he did, taking a seat next to her. "​Ammi, Abbu aapse pyar karte hain. Woh sirf doosri rani ke paas iss liye the kyunki unko bola gaya tha munim ji ne." Tanya nodded, before letting her son go, ashamed that she'd let her jealousy take the best of her.
Aarav shut his eyes at his wife's worries. How could Tanya think that because Suhasi was younger that he'd automatically gravitate towards her? Didn't she understand that he ​hadn't​ married for twelve years because she was the only woman he'd wanted to be with? And besides even if Suhasi was perfect to the outside world, for Aarav it would always be Tanya. He watched Prem head out of the bedroom and entered it himself, setting their almost asleep baby girl in her little swing. ​"Agar tumhe humse shikyat hai, toh humse kaho..aise chup chup na raha karo. Hume acha nahi lagta. Waise bhi aap itne mahino se door thi humse aur ab bhi--door hi ho."​ He didn't turn though, he just kept swinging their little girl in that little swing, not wanting to face Tanya to admit how much it hurt to face her distance.
Tanya despised the way he had slipped his tone from informal to formal in the span of two seconds and Tanya felt as if she was watching her entire relationship with him disappearing through her fingers. She stood up then, rushing to where he was and wrapping her arms around his waist. She pressed her face against his back and shut her eyes. "​Humein sirf darr tha, pata nahin kyun.. Woh teen mahine, kitne mushkil se guzre aur hum jaante the ki ghar main aapke liye ek aur patni thi...​" Tanya felt a fat tear squeeze its way through her shut eyes and drip down her cheek.
Aarav turned around and held her close before taking a deep breath. "Tanya, ​ek aur patni ka matlab yeh nahi hai ke humara pyaar tumse hat ke uske paas jayega.​" He closed his eyes before opening them to wipe away her tears. "​Hum na kabhi usse pyaar kar sakhte hai, na karenge. Humara parivaar tum ho, humara beta hai aur yeh nanhi si rajkumari hai. Hume aur kuch nahi chaiye.​" He lifted up their daughter once more, gesturing for Tanya to come closer as well before he hummed quietly and turned to her. "​Iska naam kya rakhenge hum? Aur hum tumhe pehle hi bata dete hai, yeh humari aankhon ka tara ban chuki hai, aur iss khoobsurat tofe ke liye shukriya.​"
Tanya peered at their daughter fast asleep in her father's arms and smiled. "​Zaira. Iss ka naam hum Zaira rakhenge​," she whispered, unable to look away from the flushed pink cheeks of her daughter, reminding her too much of roses. Just like the rose Aarav had given to her the first time they had ever met. It hadn't been red; Tanya remembered that. It had been a soft pink rose, one which Tanya had cherished ever after it had wilted and died.
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dangerrobots · 4 years
the ballad of my daddy non-issues
or: Parents are like, whatever, right?
My mother and father met because they grew up in the same small suburb in the boston northshore. After a brief marriage at age 20 (lol what) that ended in divorce, my mom spent her twenties working a few different jobs, going snowmobiling and camping on weekends with my dad and their squad, and taking care of her ailing parents. I understand that my dad, ya boi, FB, was a pretty cool person when he was my age. They had one of those gross intra-squad relationships and knocked my mom up when she was 29. By the end of my fetushood, my parents had already basically split up. They fought constantly, because my father was a control freak and also the type of person who would threaten to crash the car he was driving with his pregnant girlfriend when they argued. I, my mom, and later my little brother scraped by in a small duplex in the town my parents grew up in. When FB wasn't off dirtbiking in the woods and ignoring my mom's calls, my brother and I spent Wednesday evenings and every other weekend with him. I remember these visits happily. Where my mom could be described as a hands-on parent (that's poor for "took no shit"), time at dad's was essentially the wild west. While he slept until noon and woke up hungover, i could play Sonic the Hedgehog uninterrupted for 6 whole hours! He'd make blueberry pancakes at 1:30pm. Then he'd go work ineffectively on one of the many broken down Chevys in his driveway while I ran wild and unsupervised in the woods near our house all afternoon, chasing squirrels and probably contracting Lyme disease. He'd order pizza for dinner every night because at 38, the only things this man knew how to cook were pancakes and oven quesadillas. I was living the life. It was the fucking best. Unbeknownst to me, my parents were gradually getting back together while I was busy enjoying having two bedrooms in which to keep two separate Webkinz collections. One afternoon when I was nine, my mom told me that we were moving in with FB. I later learned the reaction she was expecting was that movie childhood joy: I was supposed to jump up and down, delighted that "we're gonna be a real family!" while drawing a picture in crayon of all of us underneath a smiling sun. I was smarter than that, and also too much of a selfish little shit.I had never known a life where my parents lived together, and I had borne witness to enough screaming arguments to know that there was good goddamn reason for that. Why would I want to give up two Christmases? I had the best of both worlds. My mom was the responsible one who made sure my homework got done and my shots were up to date; my dad let me play video games until 2am and carve fallen branches into shanks in the woods. The delicate balance of my life was going to conflate into miserable chaos. Now older and slightly less of a cynical asshole, I can see how this must have felt to my mom. She wanted her children to have two parents that got along, and she was lonely as hell. Despite everything, she loved my dad. So when he showed up at her doorstep with flowers and a cleaned up act - and a foreclosure notice on his house that he bought in 2007 like an idiot, who gave this man a mortgage? - how could she say no? The last thing she needed was this brat raining on her parade. There's not much I can say about what happened next except I CALLED IT. My mom caught FB in their bed with a (ex)friend of theirs THE DAY WE MOVED IN. Somehow, that was not a dealbreaker. But it didn't get any better. They fought constantly, and my dad had few qualms about getting physical. FB is not good at many things, and money management is certainly not among them. He racked up credit card debt and wanted my mom to bail him out. It broke my heart to watch my mom be disappointed again and again. At this point, I hated his stupid guts. He and I had an extremely strained relationship; the only reason we didn't outright fight more is my mom would kick my ass if we did, which just made me angrier. By age 11 I was a sullen nightmare of a kid. Coincidentally, I was 11 when mom and FB had the fight that would become The Final Fight (cue the WWE Smackdown theme). If you're interested, the fight was over how my mom filed her taxes against my dad's wishes. Apparently this was an unforgivable offense. My mom drove us kids home one February afternoon to find the locks changed and the driveway empty. We were stranded. Thanks, dad. As torn up as I was about having a total fuckup as my dad, it was on my mom's behalf I wanted to hunt FB down and kill him. But as the years passed, the rage and the hurt faded. We were totally fucked at first, because FB had tanked my mom's credit and school bus driving doesn't really pay 2-bedroom rent money in NoSho. But my mom made it work. We survived. "Daddy issues" is one of the most cliche of cliches. The meme of girls with daddy issues becoming strippers and porn stars is inescapable. Men with daddy issues are always more heroic and and up becoming Batman or something, which I would argue is indicative of far worse problems. And listen, I get it. I love male validation as much as the next clown. I have gotten naked in some very questionable situations! Paternal trauma probably gave me psychological issues! But here's the thing - I have never met a single goddamn person who doesn't a) have a complicated relationship with their dad and b) live for that sweet, salty male validation (gross). Yes, even those straight lacrosse bros with rich daddies - you think they don't kiss the ground their dads walk on while secretly harboring subconscious resentment stemming from all the micro-rejections they've felt when dad went to a work meeting instead of their childhood baseball game? And then those bros don't seek constant validation from their fellow bros to fill the gaping hole in their emotional psyche? Holy shit, I should be a psychiatrist for the wealthy. Then I could pay for my own psychiatrist. What a dream. I have always known my dad was a trash human. I do and always have tried to look that raw sewage in the eye and make the best of it. People are trash in general, but men are a special brand of trash. I have learned to be grateful for the lack of additional paternal trash I have to deal with in my adult life, which is already mostly garbage. FB has kept on living his weird life, occasionally getting addicted to drugs and shacking up with a few new naive girlfriends. Meanwhile I can focus my energy on getting over the past father garbage, without having to be on the lookout for too much new and exciting garbage. At least until FB shows up looking for money. Which should be any day now. Thanks, dad!
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Control Z, Episode 2-3
-I know the new principle is supposed to come off as an uncaring jerk, but I’m just SO HAPPY that an authority figure is FINALLY calling out Quintanilla and Raúl for SOMETHING.
-Okay, I’m sorry. Why have they forgiven Raúl, but not Alex? Alex was at least TRYING TO DO SOMETHING SHE THOUGHT WAS RIGHT? She was actively trying (horribly) to correct a wrong that WAS IN FACT RAÚL’S (and Gerry’s ofc) FAULT???? Look, I know this probably sounds unfair since I am an Alex Apologist™, but Alex is at least taking accountability; Raúl is just an asshole. (“Alex, you buried someone alive” Yes, and Raúl kidnapped someone and tried to save his money over a different kidnapped teenage girl who was in mortal danger, like have some consistency here.)
-Claudia wants to be an actress!!!!
-Wtf, theatre teacher, these are STUDENTS, obviously they aren’t going to be doing Shakespeare monologues perfectly, THAT’S WHY YOU ARE TEACHING THEM, God why are all the teachers in this show absolute trash.
-...Oh, this is an interesting direction to take Gerry’s story in. Confronted with a guy who reminds him (and us) of Luis, who is instead treated horribly by Gerry’s peers instead of Gerry himself. Presumably, since he failed Luis, he’ll help this guy, especially since he’s being bullied for “acting too gay” just like Luis was.
-Why...why is Quintanilla trying to push Alex and Gaby back together??! She was his colleague and ALEX’S TEACHER, WHY IS THIS MAN AN EDUCATOR WFT IS WRONG WITH HIM
-When did Pablo become heart-eyed over María. I swear if this show ends with the two of them being a couple...
-Also, why are he and Claudia friends now????
-I...do not like the way this theatre teacher is interacting with Claudia. But maybe that’s just because Gaby is.....there. And still being treated like some Tragic Love Interest.
-Hmmm, New Inmate covered up for Gerry. Interesting. This could either be a really interesting dynamic or a catastrophically-badly-handled one.
-Natalia!!!! Confirmed okay!!!
-So obviously she and María are faking María’s death, but the question is obviously WHY. I don’t think María is behind this, but...tbh it really COULD be Natalia? I’m sure Maria told her about what happened on the roof, and it would make sense that Natalia would only do this when she was absolutely sure her sister was out of the way and wouldn’t be blamed. Her embezzlement being revealed by Raúl is why she made the decision to Get In Debt With The Drug Cartel (I cannot believe these are real plotlines on a teen drama as I type them out, lmaooo), so I can see her blaming him (and, by extension, the people around him). Please tell me she’s not doing this because she’s mad Javier broke up with her, I’ll be so disappointed.
-FUCK, MARÍA TRIED TO KILL HERSELF??!? I mean. There’s no body, which means she’s not dead as per Usual Mystery Rules, but. God. That was...unexpectedly dark.
-Ohhh, does Natalia blame The Gang for (what she thinks is) María’s suicide??? (Sorry, I’m still stuck on the theory that she’s the culprit.)
-I did appreciate the little detail of Sofía, who survived a suicide attempt, knowing immediately what Natalia means when she tries to hint at what happened with María. While Javier seems to need it spelled out for him. Good job, show!
-If Sofía really does believe Alex...and she’s proven that Bad Hacking Behavior isn’t a dealbreaker.......Sofía/Alex endgame? (I know I made this as a joke before season 2 started, but honestly? I think I’m here for it in earnest now.)
-You know what? Sofía going to law school actually makes a lot of sense. Once again, good job, show!!
-Oh, God, is the theatre teacher having a predatory “““relationship””” with Claudia? I cannot handle this again, I really can’t.
-Ugghhh, he IS, please let this end, can we STOP DOING THIS.
-It seems like they might have Claudia hook up with Pablo, and you know what, if it means she’s not “““dating””” her teacher, I’ll take it. I’ll take just about ANYTHING to not have any of the endgame relationships be teacher/high school student.
-I genuinely thought Claudia was hardcore into María, I am SO confused as to what they’re doing with her.
-Okay, so she’s not going to hook up with Pablo, but he sure tried. (Presumably because she’s the only connection he still has to María? Yikes, that’s messed up, lmao.)
-.........PABLO??? Obviously it’s more complicated than that, but. His name is?? On the essay???? And he was in the car? Like I think whoever it ACTUALLY is was getting Raúl and Pablo in the same place so Pablo would unintentionally kill Raúl by running him over (which. sadly. did not actually happen. Sorry, I’d like to say that one day I’ll shut up about hating Raúl, but it’s basically my Brand™ at this point, and also I can’t pretend like I’m not spending every second of this show hoping he’ll die.)
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