#also since it's 5am here I'm going to reblog this into my queue for tomorrow too
wistfulwatcher · 1 month
so then… as a person who is new to tumblr and doesn’t understand the queue, can you please explain it :D
for sure!! i assume that you sent this in regards to this post, so i won't rehash it. but in addition to those benefits, i personally love that the queue function allows you to mix up the type of content, so rather than going on a reblogging spree in a tag, you can fill your queue and shuffle it, and then you get a good variety in there. which might not matter so much for my followers, but i personally love to see the stuff i'm reblogging, and i like to get little bursts of various fandoms throughout the day ❤️
now, as to how it works mechanically, i've put a little walkthrough below the cut (with screenshots):
first, just to summarize, queuing posts is the same thing as reblogging, it just delays when they appear on your blog. so, if you reblog something it goes to your blog immediately. if you queue it, it goes into your queue, where it is held in a line (or, a queue) to be posted to your blog at a later time. you are able to set your queue to move things from the queue to your blog in various intervals, which i'll discuss in detail later on.
to use your queue, you will need to fill it as your first step. ("fill" it here just means put one or more things into it - you don't need to have more than one post in there for it to function, but "filling" it is the term most commonly used.)
to add to your queue, find a post you want to reblog, and begin to reblog it as normal. when the reblog page pops up, you'll see the "reblog" button in the bottom righthand corner:
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if you click the arrow to the right of the word, you get these options:
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if you click the "Add to queue" option it will change your blue button to say that
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and when you click it, it will go into your queue instead of post immediately onto your blog.
now that you have a post in your queue, you'll want to go into your queue to set your parameters for how often you want your queue to dole out posts. go to your blog, and on the right hand side where it lists your stats, click the queue link:
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this will take you to your queue page, where you can see all of the posts currently in your queue (you can see how many you have in there next to the queue button, for example i have 111 right now). at the very top of the queue page, you will find where you can change your queue settings (options circled in red):
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the first option is how many posts you want your queue to put out each day. i currently have mine set at 18, but you can choose any number between 1 and 50 (it's just personal preference/how full your queue is). you can also set the times of day (automatically based on your account's time zone) your queue will run. the shorter amount of time, the more quickly your posts will release, and the larger amount of time the more spread out they will be. when you change any of these numbers, you will see the projected timestamp on your queued posts change. for example, with my current settings, my next post will release at 5am tomorrow:
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but if i change that to a start time of 5am, this post won't release until 5:56:
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there are also two buttons at the bottom of that setting block: shuffle and pause. if you press the shuffle button it will, well, shuffle your posts. it will randomly reorder when things will be released, and you can see the new order by scrolling down. for example, when i shuffle, my new next post is shown:
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and, when you click the pause button, your queue will stop putting out any posts until you tell it to resume.
also, i know i've been referring to reblogs, but to confirm, your queue will also work with original posts. when you start a new post it will be very similar - you'll have the "post now" option instead of reblog, and you'll select "Add to queue" etc., and add the original post to your queue as well.
since you're new to tumblr/the queue, i'll also highlight the "schedule" option that you can also see when you open your reblog options. the schedule function works similarly to the queue (a scheduled post will show up in your queue, even) but instead of being doled out randomly/according to your overall settings, you can choose exactly what day and time you want it to post. when you click it, the date and time pop up right below the schedule option, and you can select the time you would like:
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one last note: you might have noticed that some people use a "queue tag" of some sort (e.g., "queue," "cool as a queuecumber," etc.). this is not necessary and it won't automatically be added to anything you queue. (there are ways to do that if you'd like, but it's a bit more advanced so let me know if you want me to get into that and i can answer that separately.) the reason to do this is just to let people know that you aren't "actively" blogging or available.
i hope that answered your questions! if not please let me know and i'll be happy to clarify/explain anything further ❤️ happy queuing!
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plcyersandpieces · 4 years
Hi, y’all.
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything with this blog, and I’m sorry for just up and disappearing like that.  I guess I came back for a bit to give a wave and make official what everyone probably already knew--this blog on hiatus and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.
The trouble is, when I started RPing here, RWBY was my huge hyperfixation.  Unfortunately, it no longer is.  I still love it and I still have some writing ideas, but right now, my attention’s been turned to other interests (namely, Final Fantasy XIV) and trying to get my own original writing off the ground.  This has left me with very little bandwidth for RPing RWBY on the regular, which sucks for everyone I’ve left hanging high and dry.  For all of that, I apologize profusely.
However, I’ve made some adjustments for if/when I return.  After some deliberation, I’ve made the decision to permanently drop Sienna as a muse.  I hope we all understand that the White Fang, as was written in the first two volumes, had started out analogous to the Black Panther Party in the United States during a very turbulent time that many would say never really ended.  Sienna herself shares many philosophical similarities with Malcolm X.  Given these ideas, I don’t feel that it’s appropriate, especially in light of recent events, for me, a pasty-white lesbian, to tell her story.  I empathize, sympathize, and stand in support of Black people and agree that Black Lives Matter--but ultimately, I do not and cannot share in that experience or tell any kind of story like that.  It’s not my story to tell.
As far as Blake and Ilia go... Blake was the basis of my roleplaying here in the RWBY RP community and Ilia is, perhaps, more of an analogy of LGBTQ+ rights (after all, the Stonewall Rebellion happened for similar reasons as what’s happening now) which is a story I can tell.  Blake has moved past her time in the White Fang, as has Ilia.  I will be as respectful as I can regarding the White Fang where it comes up for them, but it will still be from the limited perspective of a privileged white woman, and I apologize for that.
At any rate, TL;DR: I’m sorry for vanishing, but at this time, it looks like that’s the norm for me now.  I’ll still check in from time to time and will still reblog muse art when I see something I like, but for now RP is on hold indefinitely.
If you play FFXIV, I’m on Mateus, part of the Crystal datacenter.  You can DM for character names (I have a few, lol).  If you just wanna talk, hit me up on Discord: Zhanael#5939 (though please let me know who you are).  And in the meantime, please take care, and stay safe.
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