#also sonic and tails just vibing is so cute
curetapwater · 1 year
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Aaaaa cute!!
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akarisandraws · 8 months
What's your big opinion on every Sonic character don't skip any detail
Dude, do you know how many sonic characters are there?
Like a lot. So im gonna keep it on the main ones LOLL
Maybe i'll add to this tho. We'll see.
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Sonic: He's my favourite character of all times! Such a funky fella. I love his way of thinking, (as in everyone deserves second chances and freedom is important) and of acting, with the whole attitude. He gives me a sense of freedom that i haven't felt from any other media at all! Its quite impressive honestly. I could write pages upon pages on how Sonic as a character is like the peak of literature in my eyes, but this post would get way too long. In summary tho, i like almost every aspect of Sonic the Character.
Tails: The baby! I also really love tails! I think his role as a sideckick is very endearing, and is a great balance to sonic in all possible ways. One problem with modern Tails, though. He's portrayed as a coward. And like??? That's not who he is?? Like C'mon sega.
Knuckles: He don't chuckle!! Final part of team Sonic, and Sonic's first rival! I really like the knucklehead. But as is the norm, Sega screwed him up badly on Boom. I despise that they're supposed to be the same Knuckles. Because they're not. I like Boom Knuckles, as his own character, but granted, Boom is an acquired taste.
Amy: Honorary part of team sonic! I love her! Mostly on the IDW Comics. I think they handle her excellently in there. I know that Amy is a hated character by the fanbase because most say that her only purpose is to be the "girl character love interest" and i can agree up to some point in some games, but in IDW she's sooo much better. We stan IDW Sonic.
Shadow: Yet another case of Sega making character assassination. Shadow's like, one of the most complex sonic characters there are, If not THE most complex one. And i love that! Though im very sad that Sega hasn't been able to replicate that SA2 Magic quite as well. Will SonicXShadow (heh) give him justice? Stay tuned.
Rouge: MY GIRL!! Ok so controversial opinion, Rouge's my second favourite sonic character, just because i think its hilarious that she (once) was the leader of team Dark. So She commanded a killing machine and An alien experiment. What a girlboss! 10/10 Character.
Omega: Gotta be honest, not much of an omega fan. But i really like his dynamic w/Rouge and Shadow. It's pretty sweet that they become friens :)
Cream: The other baby! I think she's the sweetest character. Like fr. I really want to see her more often on the games! Though i get why in recent games she hasn't appeared. Suddenly the adventures got way too serious. Still want her back in the games though!
Blaze: Fire princess! I fr am so salty that she isn't as much in the games. Like, what gives? She's such a successful character (With good reason btw) and you arent like, putting her in the stage?? outrageous. But yeah, i really Like Blaze. Her contrast and similarities with sonic are great! They make a great duo too.
Silver: The sweetest most unhinged boi in the sonic canon. I find it very funny that in his first appearance he was all angsty and stuff, but now he's full on optimism and sunshine. I love the juxtaposition on that behalf. Boi is cute but he can mess you up.
The Chaotix: Oh i love the found family trope. Espio's my fave for sure. He's the funny ninja, what else do you want? Though Vector and Charmy are great too. Vector has such a cool ass dad vibe. And Charmy... is Charmy. if yk yk.
AAAAND I think i'll leave it there. Should i include someone else? lmk.
Thanks for the ask!
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lyrarizi · 6 months
After rewatching sonic prime alot of times i can finally give my honest reveal:
Season 3 really dissapointing
S1 and S2 were really great tho!
S1: "2nd fav. season" (don't got much to say abt it 🙃)
- sonic his charactertisation felt kinda weird, he ignored his friends and is impulsive to the max
- sonic realising what he has done was kinda sad
- nine was AWESOME
S2: "fav. season"
- i liked the aspect of sonic going on a chase through the shatterverse to collect the shards
- the pirates were ASSHOLES!
- forest part never got me hooked so much
- good fights not too many and the pace went well (for me)
- i wanted more chaos sonic he was a dark mirror of sonic himself and it was really intersting
- Once again nine was a fucking badass
- the betrayel was executed well ig
Sonic was really ignorant to nine but nine got his own faults too
But the line: "like the real tails would, I am REAL!" was so raw and the pain i can only imagine nine felt in that moment...
S3: "least fav. season ofcourse"
- i enjoyed evil tails very much
- episode 1 was fantastic but shadow being pulled out of the picture was bullshit
I also wanted a longer reaction to the betrayel of nine, i saw a comic dub of sonic having a panic attack. Now i know that is far too many of emotions for sonic to be allowed, but atleast they could've showed some tears and panic
- the fight episodes got bland real fast.
Just fighting the same ol' robots again, they get defeated, nine repairs them, the same again
- i did like episode 6 tbh...
The fight of the iconic duo and later the iconic trio was my favo fight in the season
Beautifully crafted
- episode 7..... where to begin?
To begin with: nine his redemption was forced and executed garBAGE
Sonic just went from, this motherfucker needs to PAY for his action to, aw im sorry i saw 1 palmtree and i understand why you wanted to murder me.
Aside from that i almost liked the rest of ep7
The race against time with sonic to save him from certain death was really wholesome
The Amy's were fucking cute and knux carried my sonknux heart ❤️
Shadow rescuing sonic was beautiful and i LOVED it very much
BUT! sonic should've had more emotion to seeing his friend again.
That cliffhanger was totally unnecessary and we know now that is just a symbol for sonic and his friends running into a brand new adventure
Couple other notes:
- voice acting was fucking awesome!
@mactheactor killed it (i want him to be the main sonic tbh
he is up there in my top 3 VA for sonic with @snapscube sonic aka penny parker and jason griffith (1st: penny sonic, 2nd: devon sonic, 3d: jason sonic)
he got the cockiness and the teenager vibe of sonic like jason and ryan have for example
he has all the talent and passion, emotion for the voice and it felt like i actually heared sonic himself)
- animation was really good!
i am not trying to bring the series down!!
i am just saying my thoughts but the series is amazing and should definitely deserve a watch if you like sonic things or if you just like action or multiverse thingies
That was my review of sonic prime i love to hear yur opinions on my review and what you agree and dont with ❤️
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beevean · 6 months
I think another reason I don't like the writing in Frontiers is that it feels... egotistical? Like idk the entire air around the games just gives off "Oh here's the game that will save us from the big bad 2010's writing, so praise it!"
Also just how I feel the more dramatic parts feel trying too hard, like when Sonic is slowly being corrupted, I felt next to nothing... the game felt like it was grabbing me by the shoulders and going "See this scene??? See how much pain Sonic is in??? FEEL SOMETHING!!!"
I use the word "pretentious".
Frontiers clearly aims to have a different story than usual. Event-wise, it's pretty paper thin: Sonic rescues his friends and uncovers the mystery of these new islands he's stuck in. No big deal, Sonic games don't need a big complex plot. But unlike, say, Heroes or Generations, Frontiers has little to no levity, the music is bombastic in an attempt to inspire awe and wonder, and it's heavy, heavy on character interactions. Introspections, even. Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman are supposedly eviscerated by the writing, with all their fears and doubts and desires exposed, like a drawn out character analysis and, yes, a blatant rerailment from the terrible Pontaff games. Tails and his arc that is literally "wow I sure sucked in Forces, what was up with that" is the most obvious example of this, but I have talked extensively how Frontiers feels like a huge love letter to SA1 in the worst of ways.
(and the unnecessary dig at Baldy McNosehair that is also the second time in a row from Flynn :\ let it go, man)
Like, alright. Let's be real. Games like ShTH, '06 and Forces wanted to be taken seriously too. They did not succeed at it, for various reasons. And while ShTH makes me laugh for how tonally dissonant it is, and I don't think Forces is as cringe as it was made to look like, I still think '06's story is largely boring and a bit tryhard for the series, although it has a few funny/cute moments. So yes, overly serious games are not new in the series.
But Frontiers really gives me a whole different vibe. Like it doesn't just want to be taken seriously: it wants to be praised as a pivotal moment in the series. Perhaps it's precisely because of how it solely exist to "fix" characters, how it shoves as many references as it could as candy for the old-time fans (when one of the complaints of the Pontaff games was that they felt disconnected), how everything about it, and now I'm also adding the gameplay, feels like it doesn't exist for its own sake, but to be "a step in the right direction". Like that it's the biggest accomplishment it can reach. It's a step in the right direction. It's better than what came before. We are fixing the series. Right?
(I wouldn't mind the attempt to show how Sonic was suffering from the corruption. I genuinely like the scene where Sage keeps questioning Sonic's resolve and he just keeps going with a gritted smile. I sure mind how the game was rushed into giving it a non-conclusion lmao, and Final Horizon didn't really fix things.)
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This is my Green Day themed patch vest! It’s gonna be a long 3 part post because I literally love this thing, but I’m open to suggestions for other Green Day themed patches I could do (also this was a Beast to write, so you if you see any typos or spelling mistakes please let me know).
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A little background:
I thrifted this as a jean jacket and cut off the sleeves to make it a vest. Then I used the fabric of the sleeves to make pockets and inside pockets to the vest, since the original jacket had no pockets whatsoever. This way, I was able to make the pockets as bigs as I wanted (about the size if a cd case). Unfortunately I have no pictures of it before I modified it, but thats what I did to it.
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Working at a craft store, I get to thoroughly abuse the discount offered to employees. I bought a bunch of cool fabric in the smallest size cuts our store allows. Then I just hand stitched each strip into the inside of the jacket with black thread so it wouldn’t be as visible from the outside.
From left to right in the picture the fabrics are:
ACDCs Highway to Hell album cover, Beetlejuice (The Movie), Aerosmith logo, Nightmare on Elm Street, a bunch if skulls and grey roses, Mandolorian fabric with various characters helmets on it, Pink Floyd fabric with the inflatable pig from Animals, a bunch of overlapping Gizmos from Gremlins showing various expressions, and Back to the Future fabric with the DeLorian on it.
The inside pockets also have their own separate linings. On the right pocket is Scooby-Doo fabric with the gang on it, and some rainbow paw print fabric that I thought was cute. On the left pocket in some Sonic the Hedgehog fabric with Sonic, Tails, Rouge, Knuckles, Cream, Eggman, Blaze, and Silver inside rings, and the other fabric on the left pocket is a black fabric with the Queen logo on it in white.
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Again using my employee discount, I got a ton of our different stud trim and messed around with what I though looked cool. I started by just straight up fabric gluing the trims to various seams in the jacket as I saw fit, and then sewing the trim down after that as a precaution (thimbles my beloved).
Okay now for the patch tour. Every time I try to make a patch vest of some kind I get disappointed in myself with the results. So to avoid that for this project since this vest has been my favorite so far, I decided to make it Green Day themed to start. Then I can see where it goes from there. I tried to have one patch for each studio album, so I’m going in order of album.
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1,039 Smoothed out Slappy Hours- Paper lanterns is my favorite song from this album. I just painted the song title on black fabric with white paint first, and went over in in color when the white had dried. The letters are are all capitalized and slightly staggered on purpose. The green paint should glow in black light.
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Kerplunk- just screen printed the flower and ironed in onto black fabric. I do mostly song titles for the other albums, so I was just trying to do something that wasn’t a song title (although I’m thinking of making a Christie Rd sign).
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Dookie- i found this shirt at a thrift store and I already own one, but I just knew it would make a sick back patch. I had some leftover fusible interfacing from a project I did in April, so I fused some to the back of the section of the shirt I cut out to make the patch, and then again to another plain black piece of fabric cut from the back of the Dookie shirt. I used some very strong, washable fabric glue and glued the two pieces together. This made for a very thick, very durable back patch. I rolled a bottle over the two fabrics to smooth it out and really get the glue to stick. I sandwiched the patch between two large flat surfaces, and put some heavy items on top of it for 24 hours. Finally, I pinned the patch down and sewed it.
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Insomniac- I had a little bag of letters cut out of old shirts I couldn’t wear anymore, and thought the ransom note aesthetic fit Insomniacs vibe perfectly. Walking Contradiction is my favorite song off of Insomniac. That is often my reasoning behind most of the patches I made for this vest. I have a big thing of modge podge that I bought for a project that never ended up getting finished. I used this modge podge to seal a lot of these patches, giving them a slightly shiny finish. For this, I used the modge Podge as glue and a finish to keep the letters from falling off. When I took this picture the vest wasn’t complete, but I also added a couple stitches onto each letter as reinforcement in case the letters end up falling off.
My photo limit is maxed out so Part 2 and Part 3 is coming soon?
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cheetahsprints · 10 months
(If you don't like mentions of a slash ship featuring certain anthro hedgehogs just scroll past!!!! Quickly!!!)
TL;DR (You can skip this blurb if you want the full story)
I went from being like neutrally aware of the Sonic franchise characters' existence to totally obsessed practically overnight with Shadow and Sonadow. Went full speed ahead brainrot on them because of a freaking dream where cartoon (unspecified) Sonic & co accidentally entered the dimension of live action Sonic. Shenanigans ensued, most notably a dreambrain-hatched live action Shadow fighting his cartoon version because of his attitude toward Sonic & co.
(End of TL;DR)
[Text wall below for details]
A few nights ago I had a random as hell dream about Sonic the hedgehog and I am now here I have watched freaking Sonic Prime on Netflix because the mental images wouldn't leave me alone so I treated it like a weird message from the universe e send Help
My only previous interactions with sonic stuff was some person I followed on twitter for something else posting art of it (mega long time ago), watching the sonic live action movies why I have no idea (super long time ago), and that joke game that went surprisingly hard The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog which I completed even though the minigames to progress got hard AF for me (pretty long time ago) and like even before all that I knew of Sonic from ads, memes, and various posts on social medias. But I didn't fully engage with it.
Side note: the twitter posting was mostly sonadow and I would look it over like uh-huh ok the vibes check out and just keep scrolling like lsdfkjdskl but that is pretty much the main reason I knew Sonic/Shadow existed but at the time I didn't actively seek it out or try to learn more.
My brain is so so so weird and the dream was somewhat vivid like watching a movie omg where the live action sonic and pals met the cartoon versions of the characters?? even though I never watched any of the cartoons before??? as such it wasn't a specific series, I just knew it in the dream they were from a generalized cartoon universe
Specifically it was Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles in the movie group, while the cartoon group had Amy and Rouge instead of the other two alongside Sonic, who I only even really knew about because of the April Fool's game. And Shadow was also there in both groups because why not I guess and they (the Shadows) fought each other because the movie one thought the cartoon one was a jerk lmao idk? Yeah my subconscious decided it couldn't wait for Sonic 3 and made up its own version of movie Shadow.
Early in the dream there was also a little kid clone of Sonic who belonged with the cartoon group. There were some cute interactions but in nonsensical dream fashion that character just disappeared later like he was never there lol
…There was some plot about the cartoon group needing to get back to their dimension because Sonic accidentally got them blasted into the movie one somehow... after watching Sonic Prime I'm like my dream was so FREAKISHLY similar to that show's plot, but I SWEAR I knew nothing about the premise of SP before the dream. Although, in the dream they were like... multidimensional travellers doing hero stuff and had met other variants before, just this time it wasn't intentional and it messed something up.
Uh getting off track... (which the dream itself did a lot tbf)
Anyway, what I remember is the movie dimension made the cartoon group look in the more realistic style so at first Shadow thought the actual movie group were the ones from his dimension (Shadow & Amy got separated from Sonic & Rouge) and was rude to them because he was so ticked off blaming Sonic for being a dumbass and yelling at Tails for not preventing whatever happened or something, so actual movie Shadow appeared like. don't talk to my friends that way asshole and beat the absolute shit out of him. There was an explanation Tails gave that the movie Shadow was more powerful for some reason I don't remember and Amy told cartoon Shadow to stop trying to beat him. But yeah bro was so pissed movie Sonic had to step in and physically stop him because he wouldn't listen to and/or overpowered anyone else. He reminded Shadow that the other Shadow was still him, in a sense.
Cartoon Sonic and Rouge appeared and Sonic started bickering with cartoon Shadow. but the movie versions were best friends so they were watching them like wtf is wrong with y'all. Movie Shadow got fed up quickly and punched cartoon Shadow again and stood protectively in front of both Sonic versions bristling and wouldn't take his eyes off his counterpart. Cartoon Shadow was so goddamn confused by Shadow's protectiveness and asked how Sonic had made movie Shadow his loyal bodyguard (derogatory) Amy and Rouge like explained the backstory to the movie crew, which is fuzzy to me but it was something along the lines of, Shadow had been brainwashed to rival Sonic, tricked to think that Sonic was evil (unbeknownst to that Sonic who in his pov had this random edgy hedgehog start attacking him out of nowhere during a mission) and they had a lot of intense fighting before Shadow found out the truth. But the two of them never quite got over the misunderstanding. Listen I didn't know Shadow's backstory, literally none of it, but I have read the wiki since ok
Meanwhile movie Shadow, in the dream, was made and raised in a lab and similarly believed he was made as Sonic's rival/equal. Behind the scenes some government thing or whatever were afraid of Sonic's power and wanted a backup plan. But some evil guy stole and unleashed Shadow. At first it was basically just a duel, Shadow admired Sonic, but the evil guy had put a chip in his head that when activated made him try to kill Sonic. Eventually he was subdued and the chip deactivated- and despite everything Sonic insisted Shadow come with him to his home and the rest was history. This unfolded in like flashback style.
There was a funny part where Shadow questioned Sonic's home like "What kind of base of operations is this?" In a very unimpressed tone. Sonic said sarcastically "Oh, sorry if you were expecting my own Fortress of Solitude." And I guess Shadow was allowed to watch tv because he got the reference and shot back "Does that make me Lois Lane?" Didn't make a whole lot of sense sdlfkjds but movie Shadow delivered this line very confidently and flirtatious and just walked away leaving Sonic shocked LOL
And then later Shadow complained that the government people would always rewind and loop the villainy parts and he never got to see if Lois and Clark kissed (It's been too long since I watched any Superman movies so I couldn't tell you if this makes sense) and Knuckles teased him for being a romantic, and then the whole team binge watched every Superman movie.
In the "present" at some point movie Sonic and Shadow pulled their alternate versions aside and like told them off for being mean to each other lmao cartoon Sonic was kinda like uwu I didn't know Shadow had feelings he's like a lone wolf and like was surprised by his counterpart's vehemence. Movie Sonic told cartoon Sonic that Shadow can be a great friend if you give him a chance. I don't remember the Shadowses convo much but it was a lot more chill despite the fighting before (though still prickly) because Shadow's reasons were more valid and it was more of a pep talk from movie Shadow that if he opened up more it might give the others around him more opportunity to know and accept him.
I remember there was this one specific heavy emotional line in the dream that stuck with me when I woke up said by cartoon Shadow about Sonic, "He's my best friend but I'm obviously not his" DFKLJDSKJ
Additional small detail that movie Sonic and Shadow had known each other for over 2 years during dream events. And they were quite close and in sync. But still bantery
My brain basically conjured a LITERAL FANFICTION in my sleep and I have been thinking about it a lot What's hilarious is I knew next to fuck all about these characters my brain pulled the plot points of this dream out of its ass
Typed out, this dream probably sounds a lot longer than it was... the "scenes" just felt oddly detailed for how mashed together and quick passing they were.
But yeah I kept thinking about the dream and like daydreaming more scenes and it somehow turned even more into Sonadow (like, I imagined Cartoon Sonic & Shadow finding out in a very abrupt way that the movie versions were an item. <- to my delight I did find a fic with a premise very similar to this just not movie universe related. Also played with the idea of Sonic and/or Shadow accidentally kissing the wrong counterpart in their excitement at being reunited which Awakened Some Things for the receiver of the unexpected passion😂 )
The dream kinda acted as a base that inspired daydreams to spiral out from my brain without permission but I just... mentally jumped into it because ships sometimes grab you like that.
And Sonic Prime made my sprouting interest worse, basically fuel to the fire, so now I am obsessed with them... like what a fucking way to get into a ship
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the-sky-queen · 5 months
JUST FINISHED EPISODE 6!!! Before I unblock the Knuckles Series tags, I wanted to give my closing thoughts.
Overall, I really REALLY enjoyed this! :D I laughed a lot, the tension was good, the animation and choreography was incredible, and everything was just all around amazing. I wish we got to cut back to Green Hills every now and then though. Getting a little side plot with Sonic and Tails would have been cute and very nice. But I really enjoyed Wade and Knuckles' dynamic, though I think Knuckles should have had a bit more development and screen time.
One thing I absolutely ADORED was the theme song, along with the constant theme of older music scattered throughout the series. I gasped out loud when I saw Wade's discman. (My sister still has one!) I grew up listening to CDs. When it was time for a roadtrip, my family would grab one of our big CD cases for the car ride. So looking at that theme song animation made my heart absolutely soar. ❤️ And while I didn't recognize any of the songs they played in the episodes (save for a couple), I can really appreciate the vibe. I also grew up listening to my dad's music. Stuff from when HE was growing up. It just felt right to have Wade into all kinds of music.
I have only a few complaints. First: Wanda was kinda really, really annoying. She got better as time went on, but she was really bad at first. She felt like a kid who never grew up. Like seriously, why is she still picking fights with Wade??? You're both adults! Act like it! The whole dinner scene over all was just painful to watch. It felt waaaay too similar to some dinners I've had with my own family, which yes, points for accuracy I guess, but I just felt like Knuckles the entire time. Awkward, wishing they'd just quit arguing and enjoy dinner, feeling out of place. I'm not sure if that's what they were going for or not. (The fight scene to protect the candles was very nice though :D)
Second: Pachacamac. I dunno, he was really annoying, and not at all like his power hungry, war mongering, cold, game counterpart. I also feel like he was really unnecessary? He probably could've been written out really easily. His 'funny' bits weren't even that funny and there was so many other opportunities for comedy during the episodes. He was really unneeded.
Finally: Almost everything in episode 4. The . . . low quality rock opera thing???? I'll admit, that the way they did all the practical effects and stuff was really cool! But everything else? WHY. Why are we doing this? Why are we singing? Why are we cutting Knuckles out of almost an entire episode? Why?????? I feel like this episode could've been done so many other different ways. HOWEVER! I really enjoyed the bit at the end. Seeing Wade stand up to Sinclair was AMAZING and I was cheering him on the whole time.
I kinda also wish they'd hinted at the third movie a bit. For a bit of set up. But they did clear up that GUN didn't always go by GUN, which I guess fixes our 'how did GUN kill Maria if they were only created after the first movie' problem!
Anyway, save for a few rough patches, this is a really good show! (Probably would've been better with one episode per week though. Can you imagine the suspense factor?? Would've been EPIC!!)
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pancreasman · 1 year
My own Sonic 3: a very bad dumb thesis
I haven’t been able to physically stop thinking about the third sonic movie so I was like fuck it I’m gonna write all this down but fuck it’s so long now. I did this instead of sleeping wtf.
Part 1: old characters and their arcs
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Sonic’s thing in this movie is finding his destiny as a hero and where he belongs in the universe. It has to end with him saying bye to his human dad John or whatever his name is because I’m pretty sure these movies are meant to serve as origins. Or at least that’s how I’m treating it.
I think our first look at sonic after the last movie would be him struggling to lay low. He would be doing small-town hero work and trying to explore green hill as much as he can but he’s got a bit of a “when will my life begin” “part of your world” shtick going on. He’s itching to get out there and he’s also kind of questioning his own origins. He doesn’t know what he is or where he’s from except that he’s a hedgehog with power he doesn’t understand.
I like imagining a scene where he rewatched that hologram from Longclaw over and over looking for some sort of clue about his origins but he just can’t find anything. Later in the movie perhaps he’ll reuinite with Longclaw or maybe she’s like dead or something idk.
So when he hears about Planet Mobius for the first time he is immediately intrigued by the idea of other people like him. So he has to choose between earth and that new place. And then when Shadow comes into the mix and introduces the chaos emeralds, which are revealed to share the same type of power as Sonic, that throws an extra wrench into the mix.
Overall, Sonic’s arc is just taking everything he learned and experienced in the last two movies and using it to become the hero of Mobius and he leaves and becomes the Sonic the hedgehog we know today.
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This is his realizing he’s a badass arc. He probably has one of the more simple arcs of the cast. He starts out wanting to be like Sonic, but after failing to be like Sonic, he realizes he can only be like himself.
Tails’ real shining points are in his relationships with other characters. I want a montage of Sonic and Tails broing out and doing dumb kid things. Tails just thinks Sonic is endlessly cool and Sonic thinks Tails is endlessly cool and Sonic protects him from danger and they have sibling vibes and aghhh
I also like the idea that Tails and Amy know each other because I think that friendly reunion would be cute. I know Tails said he didn’t have any friends on his home planet but Idk I just want a scene where Tails shows up after Amy and Sonic have already been introduced and they’re so excited to see each other and Amy’s like “you’ve been taking care of him all this time? Thank you so much!” To Sonic and they’re just good friends and they hug that’s all I want
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Knuckles’ whole deal is an internal conflict between his past and his future, his sense of responsibility with his true wants. He’s been on earth for a bit, he’s becoming accustomed, he’s vibing, but he’s sort of latched onto the idea of assuming Sonic’s responsibility of looking after the master emerald out of guilt for the actions of his ancestors.
Yes, his people obviously didn’t deserve to be slaughtered, but the master emerald was there thanks to their recklessness, and now he must protect it not only from those who might use it for evil but as the final remnant of his past.
So he’s kind of latched onto that idea and still holds some of his previous ideals about honor and legacy. However, as the story goes on we see him break from his ideas of preserving the past and rather paving way for the future. And also just letting himself catch a break and getting over the guilt and the responsibility he’s put on himself. Part of this breakthrough is through Amy which I will talk about later.
Also he hates Rouge. But also kinda digs her. Idk they just argue a lot but also they fight and it would be so cool. I talk about it more in Rouge’s section
Also the part in sonic 2 where knuckles hoists up Tails like he’s his little brother that’s. That’s the vibe with him and Tails. All three of them are brothers and Sonic and Knuckles fight a lot but they will kill for Tails and they’re bros.
Part 2: new characters and their personalities (and voice headcannons)
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first scene of the movie is her trying to steal the master emerald. After teaming up with shadow and Robotnik, she inevitably gets betrayed and has a change of heart, then switches to the good side.
I want her to be the funniest character in the movie aside from Shadow. She will be the snarkiest, campiest, bestest girl. And I want the animators to go all out giving her expressive character acting and charm. However, while doesn’t take herself too seriously and isn’t afraid to crack a joke or tease an opponent, she’s also fucking deadly and incredibly cool. Let her be cool because she is cool.
I imagine the movie would start with your standard good vs evil teams, but at some point Rouge gets redeemed and switches over to Sonic’s team and Sonic begins to go with Shadow to find out more about the chaos emeralds and his past.
Anyway, the most interesting relationships she has in the movie are with Knuckles and Shadow. The very first scene of the movie I think should be Rouge and Knuckles meeting, then bantering and flirting, her trying to steal the emerald, and them fighting before she escapes. When she gets her redemption they continue to argue and banter, but it’s cute and they’re on the same team now, even if Knuckles insists he doesn’t trust her.
Her friendship with Shadow I think would need several scenes dedicated to it cause I really want them to bond. I want Rouge to take him under her wing and implant the idea of mistrust in Shadow’s head and then have to deal with the repercussions of treating him that way after her redemption. I want them to trauma-bond. They’re gonna be besties and then there will be a fallout but they’ll be left with a profound respect and admiration for one another.
Now, for the biggest debate in all of sonic history. Should she keep her boobs? I say yes because it would be funny to see parents get offended by a bat with boobies. But also as a woman it’s nice to see those kinds of body types in a non-sexual context and movies like this are no exception.
Also if you haven’t already seen I am a firm believer that she needs to be voiced by Wendie Malick. If you need convincing, go find my proof of concept animatic that is totally serious and not a shitpost.
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In this movie she’s a general, sort of like in forces, but she still prides herself on being very cute and is still super sweet. She’s just a little more level-headed and has more of a goal since she doesn’t already know Sonic and wouldn’t have a motivation otherwise.
Amy comes from Mobius. She is going after Rouge after finding out she has a chaos energy detector and needing to find out that she’s up to.
Her relationship with Sonic is not necessarily romantic as I imagine that the moviemakers wouldn’t want to include that. However, it’s like the closest it can possibly get without crossing the barrier. I want to play with the idea of Amy being the more level-headed, caring, and detail-oriented one of the group. She’s there to remind everyone to slow down and use their heads. I want to see a scene where Sonic becomes overwhelmed and feels the need to rush into battle, but Amy centers him and time literally slows down, like a slo-mo shot, she becomes his anchor in that moment and is the only thing able to slow him down.
After Rouge’s redemption, they become besties and we can have a girl power moment during battle.
She also has a moment with Knuckles after he learns she’s part echidna which inspires him to think about a possibly different future for the echidna legacy as he’s never heard of a hybrid echidna before. Before that moment, the two would have likely butted heads.
I like the head cannon of her being Anna Kendrick. But for some reason, when thinking about it originally my first thought for her was Kristen bell. Idk I think it fits
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honestly I think that prime would be a pretty good blueprint for Shadow’s personality in the movie as he’s fucking awesome in that show, but I think the key difference is giving Shadow this sense of grief. He’s just full of anger and sorrow and fear because he just woke up from this 50 year stasis and is suddenly confronted with a lot of responsibility and stuff going on. Like a cross between his debut self in SA2 and his prime self.
Other than that, make him reckless and impulsive but also have this inflated ego and sense of justice or righteousness. But also let him get a little cocky during a fight and crack a joke every once in a while. You know, personality.
His role in the story is he’s brought back by Robotnik in order to complete the Robotnik family legacy and to harness the chaos emeralds to take over the world.
He has already been exposed to the information about the Chaos emeralds and so part of his role in the story is actually introducing this stuff to Sonic.
Like, I want a scene where Shadow explains how Sonic’s power and the emeralds’ power are one in the same, yet he doesn’t know why or how, and he shows Sonic how to use chaos control.
I think initially he and Sonic would be similar to Knuckles and Sonic in the second movie where they just kind of fight and Sonic is like “who is this chump” but as each of them become genuinely curious about Sonic and the emeralds and Shadow gets suspicious of Robotnik, they sort of convene and try to find the truth. And they’re each trying to bring the other to their own side, but then they realize they’re kind of on the same side anyway.
And then at the end we find out his dramatic backstory with Maria and Gerald. I physically NEED us to see his backstory in the movie it would be so good. I want to see Shadow being created. His adventures with Maria and them bonding, and then her tragic death. And I want Maria to be played either by some random Disney channel child actress who will become a pop icon in the next 5 years or a random child actress from a very sad movie I’ve never heard of.
Also, if paramount wants the fans to be happy, all the Sonic and Shadow fights need to be animated by sonadow shippers I don’t make the rules that’s how you please us.
As for Shadow’s voice, I’m thinking Norman Reedus. He’s just kind of a badass and I think he could suit the role well. Also I find it funny
Part 3: the Jim issue… the jimssue. Nevermind
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So, you may be wondering: how is eggman supposed to return if Jim Carrey retired? Well I have an idea and I think it’s fucking hilarious. My pitch is thus: Jim Carrey is not OUR egg man. OUR egg man that we see in the games is actually agent stone
We all know agent stone is kind of fruity, so what’s fruitier than taking your dead lover’s name, bioengineering yourself beyond recognition to achieve his intellect and completing his family’s legacy of project shadow in his honor?
Then it could even tie in to Knuckles’ theme about the difference between carrying on a legacy and letting it take over who you are as a person. While he’s no Jim Carey, I still like the actor for Stone and think it’s such a stupid idea it just might work.
Plus, I imagine Eggman ends up following sonic to Mobius and I love the idea of every evil plot that he commits in cannon being fueled by him grieving his dead gay lover Jim Carrey who’s identity he stole.
Part 4: Misc
(Btw if you’re wondering why I haven’t mentioned any of the new human characters yet that’s because I don’t care about them)
Other things include a shot of mobius where we can get a bunch of character cameos in the background like team chaotix or cream and Vanilla.
We can get a modern band to do a cover of escape from the city because I feel like that’s the song everyone knows but we got to get crush 40 to do a remastered version of live and learn.
Knuckles needs to stop talking like a robot it’s weird especially in the end scene of sonic 2 why does he talk like that. I imagine that considering they’re giving him his own spin-off series this will end up being toned down but I just hope it’s not laid on as thick in sonic 3. I’m fine with him not understanding earth stuff cause like he’s an alien but he doesn’t have to speak in fractured sentences.
Pumpkin hill leitmotif. I don’t care where I don’t even care if they don’t go to pumpkin hill just put in the doo doo doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo-do-
Part 5: conclusion
So yeah I think that’s it…
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guynamedultimax · 1 year
Giving Sonic characters an anime fighter-style makeover + dream roster for said anime fighter
So not too long ago, probably a year-ish, I wanted for a Sonic fighting game with Arc System Works graphics and gameplay (basically Guilty Gear Strive but for Sonic characters) and I was like "oh, imagine if it took place in an AU which is basically just my own take on post-SGW Archie but with characters from EVERY continuity and they all wear outfits that make them more urban or smth" I didn't have a lot of ideas for this AU but basically one of them was to make Sonic wear something like a bomber jacket that's more reminiscent of plane pilots (considering the fact that he was the original owner of the Tornado). I should have the drawing somewhere in my room, I'd just have to find it. I then kinda took a step back when I saw this:
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(if someone is able to find who made the image above please send me the link to credit them, I know it's a Twitter image but I forgot the account)
This is a scrapped alt for Project M (for those of you living under a rock, the ORIGINAL Smash Bros. Brawl mod that made Brawl more like Melee and added Mewtwo and Roy back in the game) with Sonic wearing an outfit which is VERY CLOSE to that of his "humanized" version drawn by Uekawa. And after seeing this I'm like "y'know, he could wear this in Kingdom Hearts AND Guilty Gear and not bat an eye" (despite the fact that Guilty Gear designs have a shitload of belts).
I'd say a design like this could fit the vibe/aesthetic I'd be going for in a project that's essentially a Sonic fighting game in an AU which is made up of elements from all continuities. I know I also kept searching for a Shadow "equivalent" to this and I am so, SO torn between making essentially something similiar to the outfit above (so essentially either one of Shadow's outfits from Rivals) OR ramp up the edginess and make him wear something on the lines of this:
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Horrible 90's Attire but it's Sonic Adventure 2 by Yanimae on DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/yanimae/art/Horrible-90-s-Attire-But-it-s-Sonic-Adventure-2-705847763)
The cast would generally all have a clothes revamp and I'm gonna go over some of the most obvious ones:
-Tails should absolutely wear something that screams "I'm the smart prodigy" and I'm thinking he should get the bomber jacket I was gonna give to Sonic before seeing the PM scrapped alt -Treasure Hunter Knuckles like this is so obvious it's not even funny he fits perfectly with the tone, that's one of the top tier things Sonic Forces: Speed Battle did so far -same for Secret Agent Rouge (or alternatively her stealth outfit from Rivals 2 and Sonic X) and DJ Vector these are actually banger alts
-Amy wearing something on the lines of her Fleetway Comics outfit but with the colors of her more known outfit would rock ngl
-Eggman wearing an outfit similar to the one he wears in the first movie (so something like this https://twitter.com/RendersSSBU/status/1252674435342938113 ) -Metal Sonic having a new coat of paint that makes him more loyal to the Eggman Empire (essentially Chrome Metal from Speed Simulator) -Espio in his Ninja attire from Rivals 2 -Silver wearing some kind of Tron-esque time cop coat showcasing more that he's from the future or smth
-Blaze essentially wearing a more "regal" version of her regular outfit -Cream & Cheese dressed up like girl scout cookie sellers (its cute and it fits their personality) -ANGLER BIG ANGLER BIG ANGLER BIG ANGLER BI- -Omega possibly also receiving a coat of paint that shows he works for G.U.N with the rest of Team Dark
-Scrapnik Mecha Sonic and Scrapnik Mecha Knuckles enough said
-Surge cosplaying as Scourge. Hear me out on this one it makes SENSE-
This was more or less the roster I came up with for the fighting game itself
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Mighty, Sage, Mecha Sonic by ShadowLifeman on DeviantArt Ray by Prime-01 on DeviantArt Nack, Bark, Mephiles, Infinite, Honey, Mecha Knuckles, Fleetway SS by ??? Classic Sonic by Kidd Kai on DeviantArt Bean by E-122 Psi on DeviantArt Zavok by Solbliminal on Twitter
Everyone else is from official SEGA art or from artists who worked with SEGA, template used from the DBFZ roster
Here's also a few details on each character and on some of the thought process behind this roster and/or gameplay:
-I considered a three button system a-la BlazBlue with an equivalent for a Drive that I haven't really developed in my brain, plus a Ring mechanic like Sonic Smackdown, where if you get hit with a strong attack you lose Rings and if you get said Rings you can heal back some of your health -The starting roster would mostly be Teams Sonic, Rose, Dark, Chaotix, Silver, Blaze, Gemerl, Eggman, Sage and Metal Sonic, with the final boss possibly being Mecha Sonic, the rest would be split among a few seasons of DLC -The only real characters I forced myself to include were Mimic and Rough & Tumble because I was running out of space to make a symmetric heroes-and-villains roster (and I originally considered for Surge & Kit to be a 2-in-1 deal like some of the Chaotix that would "mimic" a playstyle meant to evoke playing as both Sonic and Tails in Sonic 2) -Sonic himself would have a mix of moves between Frontiers and Smash Bros., but 90% of his Smash moveset would basically be used for Classic Sonic in general since he's 90% ball anyways there
-Everyone would have a movelist as big as that of the average Strive character (which makes sense when you look at how many unique techniques each character actually has from the wiki pages lol)
-Charmy and Ray are "built-in" assists like Android 17 for base DBFZ but I couldn't come up with full movesets for them sadly
-Super transformations are extremely hard installs to pull off (full meter stuff + super specific button inputs too) that make you utterly broken for a short amount of time at the cost of all your current red health (these include Super Sonic (both classic and modern), Super Shadow, Super Silver, Burning Blaze, Neo Metal Sonic and Super Mecha Sonic, possibly even Excalibur Sonic with the regular BK Sonic being instead used for the base form)
-I originally planned for Jet to call for Wave and Storm in battle but then I realized you could more or less flesh them out to be a bit more unique compared to him.
-Zavok is Ginyu from DBFZ, if you know you know
-Mephiles and Infinite LOOK LIKE they have the same "kit" but Mephiles' playstyle and game could and should definitely fit a shadow manipulator like him while Infinite is more of a guy who attacks aggressively at any distance
-Honey and the Hooligans would be essentially "translated" versions of their movesets from Fighting Vipers and Sonic the Fighters into an anime fighter environiment
-Emerl and Eggman Nega are alternate costumes for Gemerl and Eggman respectively (I did not use actual Emerl as the base because Gemerl has a cooler design and he does show up in comics these days) -I considered Lanolin to form a full Diamond Cutters team with Tangle and Whisper but I realized she hasn't done much so far action-wise to include her, so both her and Belle (for the same reason) could be assists for Whisper and Tangle respectively
-I ALSO considered Marine to be playable but she hasn't shown any actual powers beyond that one thing in the end of Sonic Rush Adventure which nobody ever really understood what it was- I recall Ian Flynn saying in the Encyclospeedia that it's water powers? eh, nobody really trusts that book anyways
-I'd find cute if other characters showed up in taunts and animations for the playables (like Chip for the Werehog, Vanilla for Cream, Froggy for Big, Tikal for Chaos, etc.) -Fleetway Super Sonic would essentially be the game's Omega Rugal (the extremely hard DLC boss you have to beat to unlock for playable use). Also he's voiced by Jacaris because I cannot picture any other voice for him at this point now sorry
-Instead of making Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles full blown villains I'd make them anti-villains/anti-heroes where in the game's plot they don't immediately side with the heroes because they just wanna live in peace on Scrapnik Island
-Didn't add Archie characters because of space but if I DID do it, I would've done Sally (and made her another Ginyu with the rest of the Freedom Fighters) and/or Eclipse the Darkling
-Other scrapped characters from even earlier takes on the idea are Tekno from the Fleetway comics, Shade from Chronicles (deleted because of a horrible human being) and Longclaw from the movies
-Plot would happen in an original universe, again, but heavily focused on games and IDW, and essentially be dealt with like how Guilty Gear Xrd handled it (with multiple iterations of the same game progressing the plot): in the first "Phase", the one with only the base roster, Eggman is attempting to mess around with Ancient technology and data from the Starfall Islands to replicate the Phantom Ruby's powers, somehow "resurrecting" and/or "summoning" in the second "Phase" past villains, which causes the heroes (and, begrudgingly, Eggman, Sage and Metal) to call in for reinforcements/allies, and to search for the Chaos Emeralds so that they could stop the villainous rampage, with everyone mostly deciding to gang up on Mephiles, Infinite and the Deadly Six as they pose the bigger threats when combined together. A third and final "phase" would focus on the aftermath of the event (but more so specifically on Starline and his Imposters because I want them to get better in the public eye, I know a lot of people don't like IDW but I love the idea of Sonic having a more detailed Rogues Gallery in official SEGA-endorsed media)
Oh and that edgy Fist Bump remix from the Sonic Sessions is absolutely the intro theme to this game i'm not sorry.
That is all, thank you for coming to my rambling and stay hydrated. Just don't drink Dasani, it'd be like drinking poison (if you know you know)
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astralithium · 3 months
Now that off the rails is out, here’s some racing headcanons for the Trustfall crew:
Let’s start with Tails this time!
Drives: ATV (technically), the Whirlwind Tornado (mashup of S&SASR Unleashed and TSR)
Favorite course: Tick Tock Clock (DS)
Race style: Will hang out in second or third place for the majority of the race, and then start making a play for first about halfway through the second lap.
Fun facts: I wanted his kart to be special, since he’s owned several different ones over the course of his career. Hence, he gets a mashup kart, and single-handedly gets to change the rules of the whole game. (You go, fox boy)
Drives: Bike. Likes the Mach Bike (Wii), or the Sports Bike (MK8). If she must use a kart, it’s the Light Tripper (DS)
Favorite course: Sweet Sweet Canyon (MK8)
Race style: Gets to the front of the pack as quickly as possible and then uses items for defense.
Fun facts: Peach is really good in Beyond because I main Peach in Mario Kart, and have since I was a little kid. I could never play competitively, but I am pretty good! (HMU if y’all ever wanna play 8 Deluxe together!)
Drives: Kart. Mostly uses the B-Dasher (DS) or the Standard (MK8). Shooting Star (DS) if he’s feeling fancy.
Favorite course: Moonview Highway (Wii)
Race style: Rarely ever wins, but super competitive regardless. Averages about 4th or 5th place every race.
Fun facts: This guy never wins when I play a Mario Kart game, which is why he sucks at it in Beyond. (Is it because I main Peach? The rivalry system or whatever???)
Drives: Kart. The Speedstar (S&SASR).
Favorite course: Cloudtop Cruise (MK8)
Race style: Drifts often, but can’t get the purple boost very often.
Fun facts: I always saw the S&SASR playstyle as being very fluid, compared to Mario Kart? Which is why Sonic drifts around a lot in his kart. (My brother and I both main Aiai in that game, i secondary main Amy.)
Drives: Bike. Favors either the Standard, the Comet, or the Jet Bike (all MK8)
Favorite course: Daisy Circuit (Wii)
Race style: Same as Tails, actually! (Kid had to learn from somewhere)
Fun facts: Also a top champion in Beyond because of my real life—he was my dad’s main for the longest time. Since my dad got me into gaming and taught me everything I know, I figure it’s fitting
Drives: ATV. Favors the Wild Wiggler (MK8)
Favorite course: Kalimari Desert (64)
Race style: Off Road Queen. Will hang out at the back of the pack just to farm mushrooms and go off the track when she can
Fun facts: She’s not usually that bad, but she got annihilated during Beyond’s exhibition races because she missed the memo that it was Rainbow Road Only. Off road skills will only do you so much good on those courses.
Drives: Bike. Either the Yoshi Bike (MK8) or the Dolphin Dasher (Wii)
Favorite course: Not to be too on the nose here, but it’s Yoshi’s Island (MK8)
Race style: Just here to vibe
Fun facts: Generally the crowd favorite for how cute and easygoing he is. Isn’t terribly competitive at the game, but does alright.
Drives: ATV, the Land Breaker (TSR)
Favorite course: Dino Dino Jungle (MKDD)
Race style: If road rage was a person, it would be Knuckles. Plays very aggressively. (Not quite prepared to take hits, though.)
Fun facts: I like to think he single-handedly brought back the “punch to steal items” mechanic from Mario Kart: Double Dash. That was fun. (Why isn’t that in more Mario Kart games?) He is, needless to say, very good at the battle modes.
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girlcraft2003 · 1 year
If all of the Sonic characters were dogs, what breeds would they be?
OOOOH BOY I AM RUBBING MY HANDS TOGETHER LIKE A GREMLIN The long answer so it'll be under the cut (cast is Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, Blaze and Eggman!)
Sonic: Greyhound. One of the faster dog breeds and just an overall great dog! So cute! Tails: American Fox Hound. Play on words but also good-natured Knuckles: Rottweilers. Good at guarding and protecting. I also just think they are cute Amy: Papillon. Known for being athletic and pretty dogs and I dunno she just gives me the vibe Shadow: Doberman or a German Shepard. Both sorts of misunderstood dog breeds are just intimidating but very loyal. I also have a GShep mix sooo. Rouge: Border Collie. Looked up mischievous dog breeds and it was #1. She looks like she would Omega: Those robotic dog toys that were popular in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Silver: Shetland sheepdog. He has psychic abilities (idk how else to word it) so he's GOTTA be a smart breed! I also love Sheepdogs and Silver. That or a Samoyed. Blaze: Dalmation. Cmon. Classic fire dog. Even if she's a cat. Specifically a Rainbow Dalmatian. SO CUTE!! Eggman: A siamese cat. If everyone else is a furry and he's human, he DESERVES to be a cat. If I HAD to make him a dog he would be a Poodle
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crystallizabethine · 9 months
Thoughts on episode 1:
Sonic booing at himself during Eggman's convention rant is wonderful.
Ok so he's now a wanted fugitive. . . Might wanna get out of that conversation bud- aaand he's suggesting they up his bounty price.
Lol he's just sitting there like "Yeah I totally belong here"
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Also I love how his spin action mimics a circular saw. (Wait is that what it's supposed to be all the time??)
Tails, who has done absolutely nothing besides look adorable: "We sure showed them, didn't we Sonic? :D" He's so cute ^v^
Aha there's the chili dogs
Ok so chili dog guy's evil.
Why does Coconut feel like Robotnik's bitter ex? He kissed his picture and everything!
Gotta love how Sonic gets random disguises with no explanation.
Scratch and Grounder are giving Papyrus and Sans vibes. That explains why I'm already loving Scratch!
I'm so glad Sonic told Tails and I when it's appropriate to call 911. I feel so informed!
I already adore this show.
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sonamy-flashfic · 2 years
okay, while it’s fresh in my mind, here are my thoughts on sonic prime based on the preview! (under the cut, for those avoiding spoilers)
so. overall, i don’t think it’s bad. the writing is pretty childish but the concept and overall plot so far is pretty solid, i think?
mostly i wanna talk about the characters, with relevant plot details mixed in-
so, let’s start with sonic. prime!sonic is... well, he’s going hard on the childish side, and also he’s kind of an overconfident idiot. like, if you manage to upset tails in your first five minutes of existence that’s a red flag, i feel? he’s very enthusiastic and confident, and he does love his friends but he’s very very very bad at listening to anything they say- and that upsets them, because! yeah! it would be pretty upsetting to feel like you’re being ignored, especially when it gets you into way more trouble than before. like every problem sonic walks into here is 100% self-inflicted. i’m not a huge fan of sonic sounding like he’s a younger kid (it especially contrasts oddly with everyone else being more or less the same as usual), but given that that’s the direction they’re going for this deven mack did a solid job with it- i’d say it’s a good performance.
we don’t see much of prime!amy, but what we do get is pretty solid: looks like they’re focusing on her role as the heart of the team, as someone who can rally people together and see the best in others. i like her voice, too, but that’s not surprising since shannon chan kent has haunted me for years now.
prime!rouge is iconic. her brief scenes were absolutely the highlight for me, the characterization was on point- she’s in on sonic’s egg-bashing team for her own reasons, seemingly, and she’s got a lot of the distinctive style and personality of her game counterpart i feel- kazumi evans (adagio dazzle and also rarity’s singing voice from mlp:fim) was the perfect pick for her. for years i’ve found rouge’s voice way too high-pitched and grating, but this could very easily become my favorite portrayal of her!
prime!tails is pretty much just tails: he’s a genius kid messing around with technology stuff. it’s also a plot point that he’s very tolerant, and basically never gets upset- making the fact that sonic somehow managed it in the first five minutes to be even more impressive. despite that, he also got over it quickly and clearly has a lot of faith in sonic despite being aware of his faults- what little we get to see of their relationship is very cute! ashleigh ball’s performance feels a bit odd, but i think it’s just that i’m really used to colleen o’shaughnessy- it’s not a bad portrayal, and there’s usually a period of adjustment for these things.
prime!knuckles we really don’t see much of- just enough to get a feel for the vibe they’re going for. it’s nice to see his serious personality make a return, but i don’t have a ton of thoughts on him at the moment. adam nurada’s performance isn’t bad, but it is distracting- everyone else sounds so young, whereas his voice is far deeper.
prime!big is there very briefly, along with froggy. you love to see a fisherman and his frog. his voice (ian hanlin) was also jarring, but like tails it’s because i’m so used to how he’s usually talked throughout the series. it’s not a bad change at all! overall, big just seems like a nice guy.
prime!shadow (ian hanlin again) is... we do not see a lot of him. it’s hard to get a read on him, but what little we get is interesting: there’s definitely something up with him, anyway.
prime!eggman seems- pretty standard? though, like sonic, somewhat kid-ified. brian drummond does a fine job with him. orbot and cubot are here, too, and they seem about the same as ever!
now for the alternate universe characters:
the chaos council... sure is! why is there an eggman baby. why is there a gamer eggman with frosted tips?? (is that even the word for those anymore???) but it’s an interesting concept, and i can absolutely get behind going completely off-the-wall for something like this
as for the more direct counterparts...
i’m very fascinated by rebel rouge and renegade knuckles, and it’s nice to see that even in a world without sonic the two of them would have met regardless (which makes sense- they didn’t meet because of him in the first place!). we don’t see a ton of them, but we do see them keeping tabs on sonic, and i’m excited to see where the show is going with them!
new yoke city!big still has froggy. froggy has a little suit and hat to match his. that is all. <3
nine, aka alt-tails, is far less tolerant than prime!tails; which makes sense given his backstory. he’s just as clever, but puts that intelligence toward defending himself and avoiding the people around him. i’m excited to see more of him, too!
rusty rose is. um. so. i very much did not have ‘evil cyborg amy rose’ on my bingo card! but here we are, huh? of all the characters to be roboticized (because that’s... basically what this is. they don’t use the term, but that’s what it is), amy is probably the one that hits hardest for me- especially upon revealing that she has no heart, and a little bird in its place. it makes me wonder exactly what happened to her- hopefully we’ll find out.
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kaycode1999 · 1 year
Hey!!!!! (●’◡’●)ノ I'm just curious, aside from BumbleBee, is there any other TF characters you headcannon as aroace?
And just in general (doesn't have to be TF) characters you headcannon as aroace?
Hmm. So I do kinda get aroace vibes from Perceptor, maybe blades as well (also since he and Bee are buddies I think it would be cute to see them in a QPR)
For non TF characters I would have to say I think Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory is definitely on the aroace spectrum because he had like 0 interest in dating and anything sexual until he got to know Amy really well (I know they really didn’t portray him well in that regard but still). Abed from community strikes me as aroace which he’s my favorite character so no surprise there😂 Also Sonic and tails
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prowerprojects · 10 months
Making an Island for my new au...
I have 15 zones that need naming, and I've only named 2 so far. Hard!
The au itself is kind of... ok so I was watching this video rating all of 200+ Mlpfim episodes (still in the process), and I thought it would have been cool if we had a Sonic cartoon that was mostly slice of life, and only had the gang facing Eggman or some other major threat in the finale or premiere of a season.
So I decided to make an au! (It kinda lost the mlp vibe in the process though. But it's still supposed to be somewhat cutesy because the main characters are "the cute ones" in the cast)
I made a new Island for no reason other than so I could change it in whatever way I want.
So Amy, Tails and Cream would be the main characters there and they would all live on that island. Amy lives in a big city in the middle of it, Cream and her mom live in a small village and Tails has a lab etched into a cliffside in a secluded area.
The other major characters that live on the same island are the Chaotix. They live in the other major city on that island (it only has 2), but this city is a port city.
Everyone else is where they usually are in canon.
I also put a lot of more obscure characters from adaptations on that Island (none from any comics, but there is a Sally Acorn. She isn't based on Princess Sally, or Fleetway Sally, but on yet another versionof her). There's Sticks. There's Boom!Knuckles that I remade into a separate character. The Witchcarters will be there. I'll probably makensome ocs (but we'll get there when we'll get there)
But that's just the Island, it doesn't mean that the characters who don't live there will not he important to the au. (I just wanted to have a clear base setting that I can mold however I want)
I have some "episode" ideas, but I still need to jot them down.
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
female hyenas have penises. kinda. more on that later.
so as many people following me probably don’t know because I don’t talk about it a lot, I am a furry. when I was a kid some of my favorite games were ratchet and clank, crash bandicoot, spyro, gex, sly cooper, okami, dust: an elysian tail, pokemon… final fantasy 12. I also never played but love the design of banjo kazooie and starfox. I love night in the woods. I love aggretsuko. I love animal crossing. I love five nights at freddy’s…’s visual design. against all odds I love undertale. my default race in the elder scrolls swaps between khajit and argonian. the only races I ever main in WoW are the tauren worgen and pandaren (AND VULPERA)! king is my tekken main. dark souls’ crow demons... enough said. I love zelda and in its later years it started getting more and more furry with each major installment. I love sonic the hedgehog. twokinds is my favorite webcomic. beastars is probably my favorite anime of the 2020s. and none of it is sexual. I just really love anthropomorphic animal characters!
…okay maybe I have a huge crush on a few characters. rivet. coco. carmelita. fran. krystal. isabelle. roxy. blaze. others I won’t name because you’ll just make fun of me. but a whole lot of it is nonsexual. regardless I’ve always wanted to settle on a particular species for my fursona.
fox. cat. wolf. skunk. rabbit. raccoon. ermine weasel.
but every one of these choices has just been me settling. I looked at a list and thought well I might as well pick one of these because that’s what everyone else does. to be a normal furry I have to really vibe with a certain animal and align with that particular choice wholly. completely. like society tends to do for sexuality. you have to pick 1. no more, no less. so I kind of wandered around between them all not really picking any in particular and figured I’d get around to it eventually but as time went on it just didn’t go anywhere. until today.
so I just randomly realized that my name rhymes with hyena. and then I realized hey wait a minute I fucking love hyenas. so I did some research on the cultural impact of hyenas and… it’s really sad. the whole world hates hyenas. muslims hate hyenas. african tribal faiths hate hyenas. the greeks hate hyenas. jews hate hyenas. damn near every single culture in the region hates them. they’re vampires. they’re werewolves (er. werehyenas?). they’re the ghosts of cannibals (if only there was a single word for a creature that was the evil ghost of a cannibal). they’re the evil mounts that evil witches ride in the night. some real fucked up stuff. and I think that’s really sad, as I LOVE hyenas. they’re one of my favorite animals. the way they’re kinda dogs kinda cats kinda neither, the way they’re shaped like fucked up demented little monsters, the way they’re murdering bastards, the way they laugh. and I’ve heard that they taste very interesting. I’d eat em.
so I decided, them. hyenas. they deserve better and I would be one hot and sexy cute and adorable hyena. fursona selected, I’m a hyena now motherfucker!
and then my partner told me female hyenas have dicks. I was like bro what? and I looked it up. lady hyenas have an appendage that looks (if not functions) like a penis.
and I (dfab, trans, no desire or plans for surgery) thought
hell. yes. bonus points. I’m double over a hyena now.
is it culturally appropriative of African culture to pick an African native animal as my fursona? …nope. no it’s not. shut up fuck you do not pass go don’t touch my inbox. :)
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