#also tamaki wanting to do hot pot...he wants to do family things :')
tamasous · 6 years
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YOTSUBA TAMAKI [NEW YEAR 2016] Rabbit Chat Part 2: New Year Memories 
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5
Tamaki: Manager, did they have the mochi Ousama Purin?
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work Tamaki-san! Please wait a little! I was at the food toy corner earlier, so I’m going from there now!
Tamaki: New Years special Roppu-chan?
Tsumugi: Yes! You figured it out!
Tamaki: Nn-- Because Iorin started praying in front of me again
Tsumugi: I-I see…! Lol
Tsumugi: Ah! I found it! Exactly 10 pieces!
Tamaki: YES----------------
Tamaki: (jumping Ousama Purin emoji)
Tsumugi: We did it! Now we can definitely eat with everyone!
Tamaki: I told Sou-chan just now that there were exactly 10, and he said it’s because of my daily good deeds. Is it thanks to me? (1)
Tsumugi: I’m sure it is…! I’ll bring them after I finish work!
Tsumugi: If there’s anything else, I’d like for you to tell me…
1. Is there anything you’d like to do? Tamaki: Kite-flying. The kids at the facility said they wanted to do it, so I want to practice.
2. Is there anything else you’d like to eat? Tamaki: Hot pot? I’ve never done it before.
3. If there’s anything that has left an impression on you on New Years, please tell me! Tamaki: When I was at the facility I ate the facility director’s homemade zouni. That’s about it. (1)
Tamaki: Is there a kite at the office?
Tsumugi: I asked Banri-san and he said there is!! He thought everyone would play with it together, so he left it on top of the desk.
Tamaki: Really? Thanks Ban-chan--
Tsumugi: Will you use it soon?
Tamaki: Yeah. When I told Sou-chan that I’m gonna teach the facility kids how to fly a kite, he said he’d do it with me
Tamaki: When I looked it up on my phone, it said it’s better to do it with 2 people.
Tsumugi: That sounds fun! When you return please show me!
Tamaki: Leave it to me.
Tamaki: (fire punching Ousama Purin emoji)
T/N: (1) I believe Sougo is referring to good karma. Tamaki has been a good boy... ;-; (2) Zouni-- mochi soup which is eaten on New Years. 
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Izumi Mitsuki: King Pudding Rabbit Chat Part 5
Mitsuki: Manager, g’work! We are doing the customary opening ceremony.
M: This King Pudding onesie is really cute! The clear file is also made neatly!
Tsumugi: Good work, Mitsuki-san! I’m glad you said that. >< Please share them with everyone.
M: It seems that Tamaki is fighting with childish Yamato-san over the King Pudding plushies, but it’s a pain to me so I’ll try not to get involved with it lolol
T: R-Right. It might be best to evacuate from there lol
M: But anyways I was talking to Sougo about what to do, but the tons of puddings in the fridge, is that a gift?
T: Yes, when I greeted the company to say thanks for the project, I got those a lot ><
M: Aren’t there like thirty?! You carried these alone?!
T: It’s totally fine! A King Pudding itself is not that big. 
M: But, still its in a jar tho…?
M: The effect of the training is showing here huh...
T: There are lots of advantages to having muscles! I also want to do the same training as everyone.
M: Manager’s a girl so it’s fine for you not to do that! If there’s something heavy, I’ll carry it so you can rely on me!
T: You said a similar thing before huh..! Thank you. I’ll consult with you next time.
M: Please, really. You should understand that you are a girl...
T: Y-Yes. ><
M: But anyways, we split this 30 into 4 per person and Sougo and I wrote all the people’s names by hand! We’re writing their signatures but Iori’s is like a signature on paperwork, it’s easy lololol Even though there are lots of strokes lololol
T: You won’t have many opportunities to write other people’s signatures, so that’s new!
*T: Whose signature is hard? 
M: Sougo’s writing his own but if I wrote it I’d definitely think Sougo’s was hard. The balance of the S is pretty important for this!
M: Sougo said it now but, there’s a lot of puddings so you were talking about arranging them to cook? lolol
T: I don’t know if it’s called an arrangement, but we were talking about the possibility of pudding with tabasco or soy sauce! Lol
M: Boys like to think about that huh. Lol One day Sougo was also excited when we did secret hot pots lolol
T: It’s the same vibe as boys mixing many flavors at the juice bar right… lol
M: Girls don’t do that? 
T: I don’t do it much. 
M: Seriously! Mixing vegetable juice and carbonated water actually goes well together so you should try it! Lol
T: I definitely won’t do that! Lol
M: Speaking of, does Manager go to family restaurants?
T: Of course! I went a lot when I was a student.
M: I see I see! I don’t go to family restaurants much with the members but, I wonder how the inexperienced group like Sogo, Nagi, and Riku would react lololol
T: Maybe they know the existence of family restaurants itself isn’t it…?!
M: I don’t know but, I’ll guess about when they first went to a family restaurant lolol
M: Sougo: “It’s this delicious but it’s this cheap?! I hope if they aren’t facing financial difficulty...”
M: Nagi: “This quality with this price. I’m sorry but won’t you call the chef who made this?”
M: Riku: “Yamato-san said that when you push the drink bar buttons, the staff is pouring it from the behind, is that true?!”
M: I think I did it pretty well lolol
T: Somehow Yamato-san showed up too! Lol
M: Because he would tease Riku even though he would feel guilty later lolol
T: I could imagine the scenery in my head. As expected of Mitsuki-san! Lol
M: I want to go to a family restaurant and inspect it! If 7 guys went to a family restaurant, wouldn’t we expectedly stand out?
T: Right! It might cause trouble to the staff if you stand out but… I’d want to try seeing it someday! lol
M: [Smiling Kinako Stamp]
T: You won’t have many opportunities to write other people’s signatures, so that’s new!
T: Whose signature is easy?
M: Definitely Yamato-san lolol If you write it weakly, it does look like it!
M: Sougo said it now but, there’s a lot of puddings so you were talking about arranging them to cook? lolol
T: You won’t have many opportunities to write other people’s signatures, so that’s new!
T: You’ve thought of your signature since a long time ago huh!
M: Well, I’ve admired Zero since I was little so I thought about a signature just in case! The case came really late, but I’m really glad... 
M: Sougo said it now but, there’s a lot of puddings so you were talking about arranging them to cook? lolol
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chococustard · 6 years
((I’m really sorry if I’m becoming too annoying with asks and all that!!! U don’t have to respond!!)) Kind of random, but out of curiosity, do you have any A/B/O AU family headcanons?? I honestly would LOVE to know more about all of them!! Thank you sm!!
legit i have a shit ton of notes in my notebook with my horrible hand writing and basically nonsense notes and while writing the edited ver a) like the dingus i am i accidentally clicked a thing and lost all the answers b) the internet dies haaah
mido worries about his mom getting overwhelmed by paparazzi so as a pro hero he doesn’t really give off his name to the public and the name midoriya kinda just fades over time
i’m guessing heroes give birth in secluded hospitals who won’t give off their info yeah? but mido’s location got leaked somehow and yu got kidnapped by villains which then todo fucks shit up and got her back so since then they’ve been kinda worried about safety and shit
inko stands in as guardian for school related stuff most often since todo and deku are mostly busy
idk why i kinda hc todo’s mom as an ice dancer or something (look at how that boy works with ice that does not come from endeavor) she used to take the kids to the ice rink and teaches them to skate. todo still holds that place as a safe space and goes to the one a few train stations away from campus after he gets his shit together. he took deku there for their date and ends up also taking the girls there too.
rei gets out at some point, as she gets used to being in society again she stays with inko (and all might//SHOT) at deku’s old room when he got a place with todo. she gets along with them and also mitsuki. they have tea together and share embarrassing stories about their kids it’s great
yu and tsumu plays mostly at tsumu’s house which was closer to the school, they hit it off super well and they even talk about each other to their families, todo and deku are super relieved to know their girl has another friend. yu actually met mirio and tamaki already but are not aware they know her parents
so tsumu one day just “hey you wanna come over for dinner we’re having bbq you should bring your family over!” and they do come over cause why not i guess and then the 2 families meet and damn
their balcony is filled with potted plants courtesy of inko. there’s also a small bottle with a single morning glory flower, wrapped in a blue ribbon and a duck cutout stuck into the dirt
no one uses watashi in the house, yu uses boku, chi uses ore, yu calls them oka-sama and otou-sama and generally uses more formal speech while chi uses the more common -san honorific, not sure if this is relevant of anything but yeah. also todo calls deku bunny from when they started courting (2nd year)
they have a thing with nicknames. obviously deku uses -chan, but also
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baku and kiri works as partners tho sometimes kiri helps out with the fatgum office, they have an office at home and basically a small gym
meat. so much meat. there’s always meat in the fridge
baku and kyou both eat with so much fucking spice and chilli kiri’s basically kinda used to it to a point. but if they have the girls over (like when deku’s in heat//SHOT) they have to have extra of the low impact portion. one time chi took the spicy portion by accident, apparently she’s immune
they’re an outdoor family basically. whenver they can they go mountain climbing when kyou is old enough. baku’s chili peppers kept getting stolen by animals, he tries every time to blow them up
baku and kiri dated and courted first, but deku and todo mated first cause of a quirk related accident. but then they got engaged and married first because baku is fucking petty.
baku’s parents fucking love kiri he’s a good boy he’s glad baku somehow ended up with someone so great. baku however have to holds himself back to be a good boy™ to kiri’s more traditional family. he managed somehow
when baku’s parents meet kiri’s they’re shocked to find how they find baku as a charming and wonderful young alpha and they’re glad their eijiro found someone who accepted him. SO MITSUKI OUT OF SPITE INVITES THEM A LOT AND BAKU HAS TO ENDURE SO MUCH SHIT
baku ended up basically deaf so he has to learn sign language, kiri the ever supportive bf learns too, as well as their families, and they also thought it to kyou
friday nights are mario kart nights, no holds bar
the rest of the baku squad (and camie) often visits but since they converted the extra room to baku’s office and their couch isn’t all that big they have to sleep at mido’s place, or borrow their extra futon
kiri, when asked if he wants another kid, “holy shit no it was so hard to get my body back into shape ok and also how the heck do you even hold yourself as a hero not to save people IZUKU SOMEHOW DID IT MORE THAN ONCE IM STILL SHOCKED”
when kyou got his quirk he accidentally burned his bed, then screamed to dad and pop hOLY SHIT I GOT MY QUIRK
he was so proud of it at first and shows it off at schooltho when it's found out that he has little control with it, as lava often seeps through his skin and out of his mouth at random times, almost hurting the other kids, the at first popular kyou was feared by his peers, until yu got her quirk late in the year and was able to put out his lava whenever
"you're not scared of me? even before you got your quirk?" "why would i it's not like you did it on purpose" also like she's used to baku. that goes along for years until kyou presented. yu comes over after school with meds and stuff, but kyou, out of his mind and his body out of his control, attacked her, trapping her in a cascade of hot burning lava. she managed to escape with some mild burn and they kinda got awkward for a while. they're cool eventually
however when yu presented the fear of that happening again got way fucking worse
momo and kyouka wants to be independant yeah, so they got their own apartment (more of a penthouse if anything) with their own money
a note, dams are gender neutral pronouns for moms, sires for dads
itsu calls momo dad, kyouka mom
since he’s mute since birth, in addittion to sign language, as his interest with music grows they make a system for basic stuff he can make with notes and sequenses as answers where he’s unable to use signs
momo however also makes a list of codes for specific teas
he carries around at least a whistle or kazoo, mostly he uses a harmonica
momo’s parents worries at first about enrolling him into a normal school but momo and kyouka themselves are convident their kid can get along with the other kids
they right, even without his connection as their kid
is he a goth? not really, he just really likes the color black
he also like birds, he has a bunch of photos and encyclopedias of birds in his room
kyouka often holds charity concerts, momo and itsu always comes to support her
it surprised everyone when iida, the rule abiding iida, had ochako pregnant before they got married, so with the power of the iida family they got engaged and married so fucking quick
tho really it was an accident, ocha misscounted her birthcontrol pills during her heat and they’re already courting anyway and their familes are already aware of each other and get along well so whatever
also i need someone to get me like, you see iida and ura, they cute right, pure and soft. but holy shit when ocha’s in heat she takes no shit and is basically a goddamn dominatrix
they, deku and todo shares a hero agency, so basically when tenma was born they made a baby space for him in their shared office with toys and shit and the sidekicks can play with him, they’re putty in his chubby hands. same thing happened with the tododeku kids. the sidekicks are all okay with this
there’s not many support and rescue heroes, so ocha often gets called in as an instructor at ua, she brings tenma for lessons for her students to safe
tenma likes to hang around the future heroes, he likes to play hero
“senpai senpai do you need help!” “ooh ye see i think i accidentally blew my shoe way up that tree can you get it for me?” “YES!!”
he takes martial arts lessons as early as from 3 years old, as a teenager he’s able to fight midair
so like not sure yet, tamaki’s either an omega or beta so tsumu is either theirs biologically or adopted so
either way if she’s their biological kid, during his heat tamaki used his quirk when doing the dirty so the genes stick and mutates and shit
tamaki doesn’t really like making appearances on tv and in public, he even rarely sign for merch deals, tsumugi often finds knock off merch of him and she likes to get it as a kind of joke cause the design was actually kinda funny, mainly this actually
she also likes to find show cameos of him, that too was hilarious
she loves hanging out with aunt nejire they often go shopping, she’s the one who bought her the knock off suneater shirt
“lol you wanna know why your dad’s hero name is suneater?” “what?=D” “tha-” tamaki: NEJIRE I SWEAR TO GOD
also like mirio totally acts like the protective big bro to eri when someone likes her
she likes buff/big bodies, mostly to sleep on, she sleeps on mirio and mr fatgum
she has a bunch of miruko merch cause she’s a rabbit and has strong ass legs and she may or may not have a gay awakening cause of that
here is, in fact, said bootleg shirt
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she likes the giant gaping mount
he teaches the hero course and LIKE HIS DAMN DAD IS A LITTLE SHIT TO HIS CLASS
so he’s the one who changed the entrance exam to make it more fair for kids with quirks that are not flashy his, so the robots are then deligated to the recomendation exam kids while the regular ones gets a basically game of hide and seek with his hero buddies and the older students
i actually have this for his hero costume back from goddamn january i dont even know
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i, i have nothing for fuyusei they met at the hospital and they hit it off and that’s….. it
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