#also technically Grandpa doesn't know I'm gay but I think. I think I'm making it obvious at this point.
So adding stuff to my Wishlist because it's nearing Christmas time and was struggling to think of ideas when Mother mentions making a separate "safe" wishlist for Grandpa
Which makes me remember that I'm in a place that won't judge or question my choice to wear anything pride-related anymore and proceed to add all the pride clothing to my Wishlist that I want <3
(For context, Grandpa prior to earlier today(still confused as fuck about it) refused to call me by my chosen name + would just. Not use pronouns for me. At all.)
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hamarhemmo · 3 years
More LGBTQ+ book/movie/game etc. recommendations!
Stradew Valley: A lovely game with simple pixel graphics. Basically you live on a farm that your dead grandpa left you and you get to make friends in the small town the farm is in. There's 12 characters that you can marry (6 guys, 6 gals) and also one friendly shadow person who you can take as a roommate. As you could guess all of the bachelors/bachelorettes are bisexual. Costs about 10€, available on almost all gaming devices I think.
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The Arcana: A dating sim. Yes, they are pretty cliche but Arcana is seriously great. Basically you're a magician's apprentice, and you get to date cool people. You can even play all routes at the same time if you want. You get to choose your characters pronouns (he/she/they) and name. You can change them anytime. Of the dateable characters 3 are guys, 2 are gals, and one is enby. Julian's and Lucio's routes have some sexual humor but nothing extreme, and Muriel's route has some talk of past child abuse I think (haven't played it yet). The remaining three routes should be suitable for anyone. Free, for mobile.
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Mulan: Everyone already knows the plot, right? Technically not about a trans guy but I've still always enjoyed watching it on dysphoric days. Also Li Shang is a bi-icon.
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Night at the Museums: If you follow me, you've probably already seen them, but basically they tell about a nightguard in a museum where everything comes alive at night. One of the characters is gay (Octavius) and I'd dare to say that Jedediah isn't straight either. Also Ahkmenrah just acts really gay. They are very funny and the characters are mostly historically accurate. The movies are on Disney+ at least.
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Old Guard: The movie came out in 2020 so it has actually good LGBTQ+ characters :D. Anyways, it's about these immortal guys who do cool stuff and try to keep their immortality secret. It has five main characters of which two are dating (Joe and Nick) and one is wlw (Andy). Joe and Nick are the sweetest couple I've ever seen. Anyways I think there's gonna be a second movie in a few years. It's based on a comic thingy I haven't read. The movie is on Netflix.
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One Topic At A Time: A lovely YouTuber, huge ally, and a dad figure for us all. Makes mostly videos where he reads memes from LGBTQ+ subreddits. Notoriously doesn't get innuendos. He's just a very sweet person, okay?
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Kurtis Conner: A popular commentary YouTuber. His videos aren't necessarily about LGBTQ+ but he always tries his best at being inclusive, and has raised money for LGBTQ+ charities.
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Lucas Cruikshank: Probably the gayest person I know. Does commentary and reaction videos. A bit questionable humor here and there but mostly suitable for anyone to watch. Definitely entertaining. He's the guy from Fred movies.
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Jammidodger: A bisexual trans dude. Makes a lot of videos about LGBTQ+. Often goes through Reddit and has collabed with One Topic. His fianceé/wife is also bisexual and makes videos. (Her name is Shaaba.)
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I may add something to this post later if I can think of more stuff.
Also tell me if I should keep the pictures or nah.
EDIT: I somehow forgot the TV show:
Shadowhunters. (It's also a book series but I haven't read it and it's very different, so i'm gonna only be talking about the show.) Anyways, the universe is hard to explain but basically there's humans (mundanes), shadowhunters and downworlders. Shadowhunters are part human, part angel, and downworlders are part human, part demon. (Also there's seelies who are part angel, part demon but anyways.) Basically shadpwhunters kill demons and are usually racist aginst downworlders. Let's get to the gayness: There's a lot of characters but of of the important characters one is gay, one is bi, one is ace, and the rest just give huge LGBTQ+ vibes. Also there's a lot of LGBTQ+ side characters. In my opinionthe gay stuff is really well done, considering the fact that the author is a cishet woman. I don't really know what else to say, but I definitely recommend.
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pafsplayground · 4 years
Page is super self conscious, that's why he's literally the only one in his immediate family who wears a mask.
Lil Meg was found rummaging in the trash by Jiri, she immediately bit Jiri's wings upon being picked up.
The last time Twist had more than two airheads they almost broke their leg after forgetting that their hand isn't attached to their body and tried to dangle from a tree. They were not allowed candy since.
Claymore LOVES coffee. It doesn't have the same effect to him as it does to others (cuz hes an alien) but he likes it.
Kinda obvious but Claymore smells like clay.
Page has a strawberry garden in his and Twist's backyard.
Fluff brings Claymore coffee from the Cafe whenever she visits her brothers.
Jiri, who started as just my internet persona, is now considered a universe jumping being. This is why she plays a roll in Lil Meg meeting Page and Twist despite not technically belonging in their universe.
Tove and Fluff have been friends since 7th grade.
Draca likes all meat EXCEPT for turkey, for some reason. Nobody knows why but that's the ONLY meat she won't eat. She is why ham is present at family dinners during this universe's version of thanksgiving.
Yes, they have a different version of thanksgiving in this world.
Lee, Hunter's daughter, plays Smash Bros and mains Kirby.
She has also completed every run in Undertale. Including all the neutral endings.
Fluff likes musicals. Her current favourite is The Lightning Thief musical. Totally not just me projecting on my own characters
Draca struggled with her sexuality for a while because she was never introduced to the concept of sexuality (not her mom's fault, you can't expect a dragon to think it's important to specify. Her mom is very supportive.)
Probably cursed but in this universe the Cats musical is called Humans and Humans (2019) is just as cursed as Cats (2019).
Fluff makes great smoothies.
Hunter has a Reddit account SOLELY because he frequents r/roastme. He's very well known there.
Lee has TONS of Worms-on-strings. She sells them for two dollars a worm at school. She has multiple packs of thirty sitting in her closet.
Fluff loves buying succulents. She has three on her nightstand.
While Fluff has a green thumb, Draca has a black thumb of death. She can't even water a plant without killing it.
Draca is lactose intolerant.
Which is a real shame because she loves cheesecake.
Fluff's tail gets REALLY heavy after a shower and she spends 30 minutes after showering using a blow dryer on it.
Lee has Minecraft pajamas. Tons of them. More than just the Enderman onesie.
Amari has a tiktok account with 10k followers.
Hunter does his best to be a good dad to Lee. He goes all out on birthday decorations and themes.
The Boone-Kless family get together once a month for DnD. Draca's mom hosts for the atmosphere, she also roleplays the bbeg because it hits different when a 50 foot long dragon is the one monologuing.
Lee has ADHD and uses fidget toys and sensory stuff.
Page loves trail mix.
There is literally no reason for twist to not have an arm I just decided why not and gave them a floating hand and no arms. Their twin sister is perfectly normal.
Oh yeah they have a twin sister.
While uncle Alistair could have raised the Boone kids, he was already dealing with 2 year old Adya and Twist so he didn't want an infant and a six year old to worry about.
The Boone kids were raised by grandma and grandpa Uroe instead.
Fluff was 4 and Hunter was 9 when they found Claymore and his little crash site. (I'll talk about Claymore's story in a separate post.)
Lee WILL talk your ear off about her special interests.
Despite everyone in this universe being furries, pets do still exist. It's like a monkey-human situation.
Fluff wants a pet snake.
Both Fluff and Page are eggnog monsters. During the holidays, it's best to get your cup before they even know it's in the house or you won't get any.
Draca is a great cook. Fluff on the other hand, is better at baking.
Page and Fluff bond over baking.
As much as she loves the latte art Fluff can do, Lee is no longer allowed more than one (1) cup of coffee a week.
Nobody knows why Hunter and Fluff's parents had a hit on them. It's a cold case.
Hunter has nightmares about his parents.
Hunter made some mistakes as a teen and as a result, is a single dad. Lee's mom wasn't a nice person. He blames himself.
Draca can breathe fire but she doesn't use it often. When she gets tired, little puffs of smoke come out of her nose.
Switching universes for a sec, the largest age gap between the Test Subjects is 3 years (Sty 13, Carmen 16)
The youngest known subject was 9 but the "researchers" felt like they were too annoying and stubborn to deal with.
The current youngest known subject is 12. They are not central to the story. If it's any consolation, the Test Subjects do end up busting out the others eventually.
The Test Subjects were captive for 2 years. Adam was 13. Cam was 13. Sty was 10 (and a half!).
After busting out; Adam, Cam, and Sty helped Carmen out. As a result, freeing Julie as well.
Julie is an asshole and never gets redeemed in any way. She manipulated and took advantage of Carmen and deserves what she gets.
Not a single main character in The Test Subjects is straight. Not one.
Adam is aro ace.
Cam is an ace lesbian.
Sty is a demi boy (they/them and he/him) and gay.
Carmen is a lesbian.
Julie is.... Well.... She's Julie. She doesn't care. She's pan, I guess.
Cam spent MONTHS stumbling around before Adam and Sty just went "nope, we are GETTING you a cane"
The "researchers" didn't give two shits about the subjects comfort or pain. They'd regularly perform horrible stitching and this resulted in them just saying "if it bothers you so much, fix it yourself".
Basically the subjects performed surgery on each other to PROPERLY stitch up whatever transplants they had.
They also bandaged them poorly, so the subjects would have their "roommates" fix it.
The rooms they were kept in had one "bed" that they either fought over or took turns on.
They weren't kept in the best condition is what I'm saying.
Carmen is the mom friend of the group.
If I could draw it right, Carmen would have a lip piercing. We'll have to settle for earrings for now.
On the topic of piercings, Draca would definitely have an eyebrow piercing if her scales didn't get in the way.
Speaking of Draca, she was a very rebellious teenager. One time she graffitied a huge green dragon on the side of a building that cut down a ton of trees in front of her mom's cave.
Speaking of Draca's mom, she's bisexual and currently dating a Sapper named Trix.
Back to the dnd thing, here are their most played classes.
Draca tends to play barbarians or paladins. Real tank-y classes.
Fluff plays druid or sorcerer.
Claymore likes playing bard.
Hunter tends to go for rangers.
Twist likes playing a wild mage.
Page prefers wizards or warlocks.
When they let her play, Lee plays a Cleric.
Mipos, Draca's mom, never told Draca what kind of dragon they are.
Lee decorates her room with stickers and posters.
These are the Boone-Kless fam's current PCs
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