#also thank u for the ask nova ily <3
bishounen-jump · 1 year
Tag 10 People You Wanna Get to Know Better
tagged by @danhoemei thank u for still tagging me even tho it takes me forever dlkfajdl;kfjd;klfj ily <3
Relationship Status: I'm just chillin lol
Favorite Colors: umm yellow probably? dark blue and dark grey are also v nice
Favorite Food: gyoza!! specifically my mom's
Song Stuck in My Head: it was reincarnation apple for the longest time but now it's this cover of 熱異常 by miyashita yuu :') how does his mouth move that fast slkajfdslkfjad; also i rlly like the lyrics
Last Thing You Googled: "teru big nair" i wanted to search for "teru big hair" for a fanart idea i've had for years but never done but i made a mistake😓 lsdkfaj;lsdkfaj
Time: 1 pm
Dream Trip: tbh i'm so tired that any trip sounds like too much work? something not too strenuous, i guess, like looking for shells at the beach or something. looking for rocks in a creek. i suppose i'd want it to be pretty warm though
Last Thing You Read: stereotypical life of a reincarnated lady, so glad it was finally finished after like 2 years <3 absolutely love the art style
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: i really like reading thousand autumns!!! it was so fun to read aldsk;aj;dsklf yan wushi is my blorbo now shen qiao my beloved and i'm obsessed with yanshen's dynamic aaaaaaaaaa
Last Book You Hated Reading: uhh i skimmed through one of those elsie dinsmore books bc of a post i saw. poor girl, the post described her pretty unkindly even though she was being abused (probably they read it too long ago to remember the specifics)
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake:I don't do a whole lot but anything with eggs i guess??? except i get really excited and often end up smashing the eggs akjfkljf;kldjf
Favorite Craft to Do in Your Free Time: i like to make horrible little drawings sometimes, but besides that embroidery when i have the energy!! got back into crocheting recently also
Most Niche Dislike: umm when people get mad about people saying "why is this so funny ldkfjads;lkfj;dsk" and are like "obviously it's the humor that makes it funny" it's literally just a thing to say! it's like saying "why would you keep this in the tags." you just say it even if it's not necessary or completely true. when i say "why i am laughing lmaooo" i'm not asking for a fucking answer lkdsfjalk;sdfjaksdfljlk
Opinion on Circuses: i don't remember a whole lot about them! i remember wondering why everyone thought the clown was funny though. like i didn't get why a guy crying was funny lmao
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: i'm ok i guess, i can read a map and follow directions, i am aware of the position of the sun but usually i don't really care lmaoo it's not the end of the world to get lost (most of the time)
tagging: @unfotp @taira-nova-34 @gothamstan @eccedentesiast-sapphic @joy-drops @kjthenbee @psychicai and anyone else who would like to! as always no pressure!!! <3
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punksarahreese · 2 years
would you like to share some of your thoughts for restart? 👀👀👀
Restart my beloved <3
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Sarah didn’t show up for rounds one day and Ava was mildly concerned
Because this was only about a week after her avoidant moment and Ava knew she hadn’t been in the best mindset
She went to ask Goodwin about it because it was customary when a student didn’t show to double check and apparently Sarah had called in
Ava really tried to leave it alone
Maybe Sarah was just sick
So she went about her day and let surgeries be a distraction 
Until the next day Sarah wasn’t there still
Ava was completely preoccupied her whole shift
Connor was surprisingly the first to pick up on it
Mostly because he found Ava in the locker room before a pre op typing away on her phone
He was of course annoyed with her and was like “Ava you’re not seriously stalling a pre op meeting for whoever you’re texting”
Ava just shook her head because she wasn’t in the mood to argue
So she didn’t push him away when Connor peaked over her shoulder
A long winded email thread boasted Sarah’s name at the top
“You seriously don’t have her number?”
“That’s not very professional, Connor. She’s my student.”
“So why are you blowing off work to message her?”
So Ava conceded and told him her worries
And it was really that moment where Connor realized Sarah meant a lot of Ava
Not just in the way him and Sam teased her about
Like Ava clearly cared about the med student a lot to check in on her like this
And in a way he got it
Ava was still surprised when he didn’t press it anymore
Just elbowed her gently and said “she’ll come back when she’s ready. Just come do the pre-op, Avey.”
Connor calling her Avey has been on my mind all week
So she did eventually go back to her work
And Sarah responded eventually
“Sorry, Ava. Family trouble, I had to go see my mom.”
Ava didn’t really believe her
Maybe she did go back to Connecticut
But it didn’t sit right that she hadn’t told Ava and she wasn’t responding to her
It just wasn’t like her
And maybe Ava was super anxious until she saw Sarah again <3
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The backstory to this tsf which I may actually write as a oneshot
Ava had been called to the NICU
A baby was born premature with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
He also had transposition of the great vessels (aorta and pulmonary artery are switched)
She was called to consult but the second she saw his heart on the echo she knew there wasn’t anything she could do
The neonatologist knew that but needed the confirmation
The mother was in surgery, complications during her emergency c-section
And the father refused to leave the surgical waiting area
Ava broke the news to him up there
“Your son has a critical heart defect. Given his weight and the state of the organ I cannot ethically recommend surgery.”
“What are you saying?”
“Unfortunately his body is not receiving enough oxygen and we can only make him comfortable. His organs will begin to shut down, we’ve already seen indications of liver failure.”
The father was silent
He stared at Ava for a while but then turned away, returning to his pacing of the hallway
She was taken aback but couldn’t help but explain again
“Sir, I’m afraid your son does not have long. If you would like to hold him…”
“No,” he said firmly, “Cassie should be the one to hold him first.”
“I don’t think-”
“I’m not leaving until she’s okay.”
So Ava went back to the NICU
She couldn’t stop herself even though she had other things to do
She knew medically this baby would not survive until his mother was out of surgery and stable enough to see him
And Ava knew far too much about grieving fathers to know she shouldn’t push him to see his son
She couldn’t bear the idea of this baby dying alone in that incubator
They had given the child painkillers, though he did not have the energy to show any indication of his pain
He wasn’t on the vent because they knew it would do nothing, his heart was not connected properly to sustain a proper rhythm or oxygenate him at all
Ava tried so hard to be careful as she picked him up from the bed, the infant fitting almost in one hand alone
He was cyanotic and cold, even as she wrapped a blanket around him and held him close she knew his body couldn’t hold any heat
And so she stood, holding the baby close because no one deserved to die without knowing a little comfort
Ava had never been one to do this, it felt like a boundary a surgeon shouldn’t cross in most moments
But this was different
He was so little and she knew every single thing that was going wrong in that moment
The clock on the wall said half an hour had passed, the infant’s breathing hoarse and barely there
He was mouth breathing and each inhale shook him
Ava knew it was time
All she could do was press a kiss to his tiny head and watch helplessly as the monitor flatlined
And Ava was shaking when she reached out to silence the tone
A nurse came in then, she had been hovering outside because she didn’t want to disturb the doctor
But Ava knew she couldn’t stay and risk bursting into tears
So she let the nurse take the baby and she left the NICU
Beelining for the elevator to the roof because she couldn’t stand being in the building
Ava found herself standing by the guard rail of the roof
And she let the tears starts
Even though she hated how helpless it made her feel
This is why she wasn’t in paediatrics
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queerharry · 3 years
hi, i love you. i miss you. i hope you have a good day 💞
Hi did you know that I love you so so much 🥺🥺
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< mutuals >
aka, my favorite people on this godforsaken hellsite
in no particular order, just how i saw you guys on my followers page anyway this is my excuse to geek out about yall cause <3
@tama-jam been putting up with my bs for 9 years now love her. talented artist and writer and musician and I could literally talk about you for hours but I'm not gonna so I don't write a 12 paragraph essay
@topazastral we really don't talk much? ur super super cool tho I'm just bad at talking to people lol
@radioactive-gold been dealing w my shit for 2+ years and love em for it. keep talking about ur gay exy boys forever please
@decora-peaches one of my first kick ass followers on my writing blog and I still appreciate you to this day <33333
@asleep-on-the-moon !!! you!!!! ur so funny and for what. we need to talk more
@domestic-void literally an angel I still reread that lev fic bc that's how I met you you're so sweet <3
@atomicfanboy platonic bf #1 I love you
@shirari we r stressed about school and vibing. i need to figure out how tf to write for shirabu so I can write fic specifically catered towards you. also you're such a talented artist??
@mysterystarz wife #2 (only #2 bc inez was first I'm sorry). can and will fight akaashi for your heart
@shoyotime wife #1 and I remember following u and talking to you when I was a measely little blogger at 100 followers or less and u had just hit 400 and now ur like super famous I'm so proud of you babe
@ellesmain TUMBLR BIG SISTER NUMBER ONE BEST SISTER RIGHT HERE also one of my top fav writers on here your stuff is so good teach me your secrets. also ur so pretty ugh
@agonyaster my favorite fuckin little sibling ever I'm so platonically in love w you. thank u for the albedo luck you can have all of my itto luck.
@possiblypoe gay ass /j. anyway thanks for letting me geek out about my characters and thanks for being gay for them and plz keep talking about tokyo rev and jjk forever
@haikyuuublog we do not talk v much however!!! ur very cool and funny <3 /p
@0ltremareart CAN U CALL MY STARSTRUCK OMFG gonna expose myself here but I didn't realize we were mutuals and the first time I talked to you I was so nervous and then. and then I realized like 4 minutes after I sent an ask that we were mutuals . hihc apparently you think I'm cool enough to follow so I shouldn't have been embarrassed. so then I just screamed into a pillow for 2 hours bc I was embarrassed <//3 anyway matchablossom rights
@k-kazvha WE WILL GET ALBEDO ITS GONNA HAPPEN WE WILL GET THE BOY also when I finish this dumb world quest I cant do we should play genshin together
@i-li we have not talked in a while but you are very chill!! i haven't seen you online a lot I dunno if that's me or my dash being dumb and not letting me see ur posts
@criso ANGEL ARTIST OMFG we met and had nothing in common and now I gay panic to you 24/7 and geek out about sk8 and yuri on ice and its wonderful <3
@atsuvu you give such strong friend vibes like. just that really cool chill friend that everyone loves I hope u know that
@kitacharm we need to talk more I feel like I only talk to you through nova but that's alright. one day when I start being able to talk to people I will yell about random things in ur inbox
@animated-moon tendou supremacy. also ur like super sweet and give me big sibling vibes. but like the slight crackhead energy older sibling vibes
@kodzukoi another one that gives me older sibling vibes I feel like people are just gonna start adopting me at this point
@merucry tumblr dad officially ily and I still look at that fairy thing u drew me in that one day
@rudolphsboyfriend LITERALLY TALENTED. INCREDIBLE. LOML /p HOW DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO god the gender envy I get from you /hj
@kade-is-gay PRONOUN BUDS <3 what can I say about u ur so awesome
@chuupetarou platonic fiance and fellow cherry simp I cannot wait to get to know u better. lets be gay and piss off the conservatives together <3
@rqkuya YOUUUUUUUi cant wait till the day I pass you in ar rankings which is never gonna happen but that's okay ur awesome ily. rosaven supremacy
@coastalmangoes I don't think we've ever interacted personally but ur really funny and rb good stuff
@official-lucifers-child starstruck part 2 you're SO COOL I didn't think you were still following me tbh anyway hi!! you also give strong older sibling energy although I don't. i don't think you're that much older than me but that's alright lol /pos
who knew I had this many mutuals wow
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domjaehyun · 3 years
hiii !!! i hope ur having an amazing day bc u deserve it <3 can i ask what ur fav fics are? ik u have a fic recs tag but which ones r ur favs? ily !! 💖💖
i am gonna use this time to gush about my absolutely massive writing crush on @smileysuh so. yeah um....... i have never read a fic by nova that i haven’t absolutely LOVED. like i’m. i’m reading her latest fic rn and i am having the time of my LIFE she is so talented i’m jealous uh i mean in love UH i mean...a huge fan okay thank you go read these ones specifically
the set up (johnny)
claim (johnny)
switch series (johnny, jaehyun, hyuck)
baby face (hyuck)
scent (hyuck)
also you might be wondering why none of these are on my fic rec blog and that is because i am: trash and i feel like i absolutely suck at giving feedback most of the time but just know these are like. my favorite fics i reread them constantly
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h3artmate · 4 years
tag game
Tagged by: @plottwiists thanks man ily
Name: niko
Zodiac: scorpio (no im not evil i am just sad and horny)
Fav. Musicians or bands: currently probably mcr and top but it changes like. every other week so for all i know next week it could be the fuckin wiggles
Fav. Sports team: I Do Not Like Sports
Other blogs: none lmao
Do I get asks: like. once but i do not care
How many blogs do I follow: 168
What I’m wearing: black skinny jeans, an mcr shirt and my compression gloves
Dream vacation: iceland <3
Dream car: fuckin. chevy impala or some fancy futuristic car there is no in between
Fav. Food: honestly i dont know but lately ive been craving taro boba and yeah its technically a drink but it counts
Languages: english and like. some german and french but barely enough to hold a conversation
Celebrity crush: frank iero lemme give u a big kiss (he aged so well and guitar skill? sexy)
Random facts: i have an undercut in like. the very long mohawk style that every trans guy has tried and my hair is currently still dyed bright red so i am just a fusion of gerard and mikey. also i have freckles on my stomach and a birth mark on my thigh
Tagging: i doubt roe, keith, dani or nova would wanna do this but if u do go wild lmao. also anyone else who wants to do this ur welcome to
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piesforjack · 7 years
hiiii yesss!! so if you’ve seen my last canada post (HA that’s a pun bc our mail service is called “canada post” har har har...anyway) u know that i had some records to set straight, so to speak, so i’m back at it again w canada FACTS aka things you probably don’t know but might be useful and helpful in your attempt to flesh out realistic Canadiana™. this is in honour of me hitting 500 followers, thank y’all so much ily all and thanks for bein awesome!!!
without further ado, buckle up, buds, here we go again!!!!
canada eradicated pennies not too long ago. basically, we don’t have a 1¢ coin anymore, we only have 5¢ coins ergo all payments paid in cash are rounded up/down accordingly. jack and ransom 100% hate this because now they’re so annoyed by the concept of carrying around pennies (”what’s the point!?!? 1¢??! USELESS!!)
along this same vein, canada doesn’t have a $1 bill, we have coins known as a loonie ($1) and a toonie ($2), the smallest bill we have is $5 (jack is still consistently weirded out by paper dollar bills. it feels wrong.)
ALSO while we’re on the topic of money, all our bills are different colours (blue for $5, purple for $10, green for $20, red for $50, brown for $100), they’re also waterproof (not heatproof tho!!!), and the $100 ARE NOT officially created to smell like maple syrup but i can assure you i’ve sniffed some bills that do smell like maple syrup and i cannot explain why (ransom still gets confused w american money “it looks like monopoly money, jack!” “i know, bro, i know”)
IN OTHER MONEY RELATED TRAINS OF THOUGHT, there are two main canadian airlines: air canada and westjet. they both have a total monopoly on canadian travel so it’s real damn expensive to fly anywhere in canada from within canada. it sucks a whole lot. (just remember than whenever you write ransom/jack flying home. it’s a pretty penny even if jack is loaded)
age of consent is 16 across canada
the drinking age in canada is 18/19 (dependent on provinces), however, CANADA WIDE the legal adult age (to vote, essentially) is 18.
driving ages differ province to province (you’d have to google because even i don’t know every province)
SPEAKING OF PROVINCES, canada is split into provinces and territories: 10 provinces and 3 territories. here’s a breakdown of each (it’s long, skip if you wanna!!):
british columbia (BC)
west coast best coast, lots of mountains, very hippy dippy, home province of vancouver aka movie city central, capital city is VICTORIA not vancouver, rains a lot, is known for being the birth city of ryan reynolds (your welcome), is split into two main sections: the mainland and the island (even though BC is composed of many islands, vancouver island is referred to as THE island), bland football team, even blander NHL team.
alberta (AB)
neighbour to BC, cowboys, hyper-conservative, also mountains, capital is EDMONTON not calgary, lots of extreme weather (sunshine and +20 (celsius) and then it’ll snow. alberta is weird like that), oil oil OIL, two mediocre football teams, home of the calgary stampede (again, cowboys), i often refer to alberta as the texas of canada and i’ve never had someone disagree tbh, mediocre hockey teams (including connor mcfuckingjesus don’t get me started)
saskatchewan (SK)
neighbour to AB, pronounced SASS-CAT-CHEW-WAH-N, flat flat FLAT, farmers galore, capital city regina (hahaha laugh it up it’s not that funny once you’re beyond the age of 10), even more mediocre football team (i’m only saying that bc i’m from manitoba, the rival province), tbh i don’t know much about saskatchewan except that we drove all the way across it once for a roadtrip and i swear to god we didn’t see another vehicle or human for the entirety of our trip across
manitoba (MB)
neighbour to SK and also the prime rival, capital city winnipeg (YES IT’S A REAL PLACE, I WAS BORN THERE, I LIVED THERE FOR 18 YEARS, CAN CONFIRM, STOP IT), cold as FUUUUUCK in the winter (-40 (celsius) and schools don’t close until it’s -45, so, deal w THAT), mosquitoes fucking galore (it’s disgusting and awful and makes being outdoors AWFUL), we also have polar bears!! (more north, but, still!!!!), really cool live theatre and music vibes, very dry heat, UBER MEDIOCRE FOOTBALL TEAM (but still better than SK rough riders bc provincial rivalry!!!), SUPER mediocre NHL team (i only say this because my mom’s a jets fan whereas i’m a pens fan...lmao BYE MOM), tbh can’t say many mean things bc i still love wpg with at least half my heart!!!!
ontario (ON)
neighbour to MB, capital city toronto, home of the capital city of CANADA, ottawa, muskoka chairs, so many fuckin lakes (everyones fave place to camp/own a cabin), extreme winters just like MB, niagara falls, again a rly cool arts district here (in TO and surrounding area), 3 football teams bc why the fuck not (fffffuck the TO argonauts), 2 NHL teams (everyone in canada hates the leafs. that’s not a fact but i could find enough evidence of it to convince you it is), basically TO is considered the center of the fucking universe according to everyone who lives in TO and everyone who lives outside of canada bc no one knows anything else about canada. canada might as well JUST be TO for all people fucking care. just. fuck toronto. (i think it’s a canadian thing to be Bitter and Annoyed about toronto’s unending praises from every corner of the map) ((jack is V much “fffffuck toronto” and ransom is V much “fuck you toronto is RAD”)
quebec (QC)
neighbour to ON, pronounced KUH-BECK not KWUH-BECK or KEY-BECK and lord have mercy on your soul if you dare say it like “Q-BECK”, capital city quebec city, french-canadian province that’s threatened to “leave” canada multiple times, HOME OF OUR DING DONG HIMSELF, MSSR. ZIMMERMANN!!!, poutine holy fucking HECK god bless poutine (if you think it’s gross i already don’t like you sorry 100000% NOT SORRY. jack and ransom love some good ass poutine oKEEEEER), a rly good music scene (osheaga music festival is top notch), essentially a canadian paris except people speak quebecois not france-french (but you can get away with it in most respects, there’s differences but the foundations are the same, bc DUH they’re the same language but essentially different dialects, KIND OF similar to mandarin and cantonese (although that particular case has more nuances than this one but you get the idea))
newfoundland and labrador (NL)
neighbour to QB, capital city st. john’s (not to be confused with saint john, NB...yeah there’s another province w almost the EXACT SAME CITY NAME sigh i know it’s dumb and rude) i’ve never really been to the east coast so idk what to tell you but LOBSTER and FISHING and WEIRD FUCKIN ACCENTS, another coastal place so it’s p weird and hippy dippy, but i’ve only ever heard that they’re lovely people, often referred to as newfies.
now, the maritime provinces....starting with new brunswick (NB)
just south of QB, capital city fredericton, v small in comparison to other canadian provinces (as u can tell), again don’t know much about NB but i know they’re big on fish and are basically Maine The Second (they’re pressed right up against maine so, it’s basically maine 
nova scotia (NS)
south-ish of NB, capital city halifax, HOME TO THE REAL LIFE DING DONG OF MY HEART, MISTER 87, SIDNEY CROSBY, a full on island, full of wonderful kind people a la mister crosby himself (honestly, it’s just a bunch of super kind people), really cool coastal scenery with amazing seafood (as you’d expect), home of the city that many a traveller has confused for sydney australia, very old-fashioned (idk how to explain???) but just like...you feel like you’re in a storybook when you’re there, lots of lighthouses, overall a v nice place to be
prince edward island (PEI)
the teeny-tiniest place in all of canada i’m certain, north-east-ish of NB and NS, capital city charlottetown, honestly i’m running out of things to say, it’s exactly like NB and NS had a baby that never grew out of infancy it’s so small.
now onto the TERRITORIES which are all up north...yukon (YT)
pronounced YOU-CON, north of BC, east of alaska, capital city whitehorse, cold as heck (tundra baby!!), extremely expensive living conditions ($9 for a 2L of milk, $18 for some fuckin apples...absolute fuckin robbery), lots of hunting and fishing goes on up here (aka lots of people hunt/prepare their own food), lots of mountains and such, v beautiful.
northwest territories (NT)
above AB and SK, capital city yellowknife, used to be bigger but then it was divided up (creating the new territory nunavut), v similar to yukon but with less mountain and more lakes, again v cold bc TUNDRA, my cousin met her husband while working in yellowknife...she’s from MB and he’s from ENGLAND aka what kinda fucking fateful BS...amazing, p cool w lots of islands and such far up north, it’s neat and suuuper beautiful in the summer (so many flowers lksdfjlskad)
nunavut (NU)
pronounced NEW-NUH-VUH-T, north of MB, capital city iqaluit (pronounced EE-CAL-EW-IT) used to be part of NT but they separated into two territories circa 1999, again v similar to the other territories, beautiful scenery with an OBSCENE amount of islands (colouring in maps was always a fucking DOOZY), again, not much to say. just a rly lovely place.
WOO congrats if you read all that lmao now lets get into some other stuff!!
our thanksgiving is in october, the second monday in october to be exact. it’s only been a thing since like??? the 60s??? like it’s a brand new concept, essentially, and i’m not even 100% sure why we have thanksgiving but we do (it’s mostly a charade, thanksgiving means nothing in canada, it’s a completely arbitrary reason to be grateful and eat some fuckin turkey) (jack and ransom both support arbitrary turkey holidays)
canada’s national sport is actually, like, officially lacrosse?????? i know what the fuck (i bet ransom follows lacrosse)
marriage equality has been a thing since 2005 (doesn’t mean jack wasn’t excited about the USA, just, not quite as overcome as bitty was)
winnie the pooh? based on a real bear from winnipeg, MB. yeah, be fuckin jealous y’all
if you didn’t know canada has universal health care. it’s pretty fucking rad.
idk if this is Too Obvious but canada has two official languages, english and french, so all of our packaging/instructions has to be in both languages. everything. from toothpaste to trampolines. everything. signage is a bit more dicey, most trans-canada highway signs are in both languages but more rural/urban ones probably aren’t (jack gets thrown off still when he instinctively looks for the french translations on packaging for nothing to be found. it happens more than you think)
oh also?? we used british spelling, meaning we add a bunch of ‘u’s where they don’t really need to be. this is 100% a point of contention between bitty and jack. 
CANADA IS METRIC. IT’S RLY SIMPLE PALS. everything is in groups of 10s. 10 millimetres = 1 centimetre. 100 centimetres = 1 metre. 1000 metres = 1 kilometre (aka how we measure speed, km/hour) you get it? (the prefixes, ie. milli, centi, kilo, are huge helpful hints)
the exception to this is baking measurements??? unlike the UK we couldn’t escape the wrath of cups and teaspoons and all those other arbitrary measurement devices. we still use those (for the most part)
we use fucking celsius okay (except on ovens, mostly because they’re american distributed machines ergo run in fahrenheit) anyway it’s p straightforward:
celsius is in relation to water temperature, ergo, 0 degrees celsius is waters freezing point, anything below that is freezing (relatively, of course), anything above it is not. this is especially useful for discussing weather, as, y’know, most people typically use temperature for (outside of the kitchen and hospitals, that is)
+20? nice summer day. -40? typical MB winter, +30? typical fuckin central canada summer, +7? dependent on where you live it could either mean SHORTS!! (central canada) or a light jacket (west coast), again it’s all relative to your acclimatization
okay i think this is long enough!! here’s some random nostalgic things that ransom and holster def remember/love dearly
i pray with all my heart that jack has this funny little soft spot for ‘corner gas’ in the same way i do (it’s a canadian prairie sitcom CLASSIC and i love it SO MUCH)
jack and ransom both have a strange crush on rick mercer
ransom definitely had some misconceptions about what being 16 would be like because of this fuckin show (he also 100% did the air guitar to the theme song)
this show meant a whole heck of a lot to lil bb jack (who 100% watched cartoons in english AND french okay????)
ALSO (i think i mentioned this in the last post but!!) ransom grew up watching caillou in english, jack in french, and they argue all the time about the differences between the two.
ransom remembers being a little bab watching this nonsense right before bed with a cup of warm milk and exactly two oreos (just me??? pshhh i don’t believe it)
jack had very strategically thought out how he would destroy his competitors at this game show
jack loved babar. don’t even touch me. just. imagine tiny jacques w a lil stuffed elephant my hearT!!!!!
ALSO MCFUCKING T’CHOUPI ET DOUDOU!!!!!! i watched this one in english but i can only imagine jack loved it
okay. okay. again, thank u for reading, i hope this was helpful!! lemme know if there’s anything i missed!! who knows, i might make a third installment one day!?!??!
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