#also that friend can't believe im not in high school bc i look younger than i am
guinevereslancelot · 11 months
[steps into direct sunlight and bursts into flames like a vampire]
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kooktrash · 11 months
i feel like last anon was being obtuse
at least for the USA there are two sets of 18/19yro
ones in highschool
ones in college/are living adult lives
reasons to believe that yandere highschool anon MAY BE a minor
anon is a 15-17 yro minor who wants to be aged up in fic to a 18yro/senior and wants Jungkook the same age
anon is a 15-17 yro minor and wants Jungkook to be older but not out of highschool hence the 18yro ages
anon is a 18 yro who wants Jungkook the same age and is still in highschool
Or on the off chance, this is an adult tryna re-live highschool through fic (which im putting my hands up and backing away cuz i dont know what to make of that)
thats not hard to grasp... like come on
when i graduated HS in 2021, i was 19 (my bday is late - nov 2002). i felt like an adult when i entered college. i was not talking to other 18/19yros who were still in highschool cuz thats weird to me, even if we were the same age (excluding siblings/cousins). i dont know how other peoples highschools function but we rarely mingled with lower grades unless in extracurriculars but even then once you graduate you only really keep in contact with the friends you graduated with so...
but anyway, i was not reading online fics/published books set during highschool cuz that part of my life has passed.
and i even waited till i was in college to REALLY start reading smut fics. like i dabbled as a hardheaded minor but stopped cuz i realized that sex is not the end all be all of life. its only a minor aspect so i went back to being in a child's place (cartoons, barbies, and justice store). luckly i didn't need an adult to block and yell at me to leave them alone.
i say all this to say that highschool 18/19 is very much different than college/adult living 18/19, so people can very well tell highschool students to be off their page but still have 18/19 ADULT friends who go to COLLEGE or work a 9-5 and pay they bills.
but also highschool is boring and such a confining setting. you can't do much with it. even most books with highschoolers take majority of place outside school and dont even touch on highschool life.
the only one i can think of 13RW and we all know that could have taken place in college or military base/barracks or a futurist space academy on a actual space ship. hell that's probably why the book/show was so crazy cuz it had to be spiced up from regular ass highschool life.
im sorry this is long but yall not bout to make my good sis look bad/weird. like think critically for a second before asking.
ok no let’s talk about this 🤔
the anon felt the need to point out that I had a friend who is 18/19 like first of all who are you talking about bc if it’s who I THINK you’re talking about. she’s about to be 20 🤧 second, me choosing not to write characters 18/19 and below shouldn’t be a problem. I’m 21 YEARS OLD why would I want to write a character a couple years younger than me? even the idea of writing an 18 year old jk in high school with explico content is weird to me.
also, I graduated high school six months after my 17TH BIRTHDAY [oct. 29, 2001] and that was four years ago cause I graduated in 2019 , why would I want to write high school ANYTHING?
when I started college I was 17 and obviously had older friends too bc like you said that’s how adult life works. I have a coworker I’ve known since she was 17 and I didn’t even start hanging out with her till after she turned 18 bc what would I have in common with a high schooler?
anyways, the anons are running out of things to complain about so this time it was about me not wanting to write younger characters, just say you’re bitter or a minor and move on [and I’m not referring to the person who commented on my friend being 18/19 bc idk what their true intention was]
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