#also the dracula reference is in fact a dracula daily reference as well so ya know
plutoswritingplanet · 2 years
Release (Jake Lockley x Female!Reader)
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a/n: didn’t proof-read that, ya’ll know that Holychild song? yeah, that’s basically it
Warnings: Dub-Con, just straight up filth, manipulation, semi-public-bathroom-donging
Summary: Steven has been acting strangely today, but when you decide to confront him about it, things escalate (in your favor...or do they?)
- D'you need any help with that, love?
A familiar tone of voice startles you enough to completely lose any semblance of balance you'd previously had. The red plastic bucket perched on your hip slips past your grasp, and clatters to the floor, various cleaning supplies flying out. You swear under your nose and bend down to pick up your scattered stuff, throwing a gray rug into the offending bucket with an annoyed huff.
- I didn't... - your voice comes out raw and utterly venomous.
The man, who was responsible for this whole mess, laughed quietly from above, before joining you on the floor. You gave him a quick, angry look and immediately couldn't shake a weird feeling, that something was not exactly right. He held your eyes a bit longer than you were used to, eyebrows scrunched together and lips pressed tight. He looked like Steven, sure, but at the same time, he didn't...
- Didn't know you are that much of a scaredy-cat - Steven muses, putting a plastic container of a floor cleaning product into the bucket.
Your eyebrow raises at the quip, but instead of saying something extremely clever, you stick out your tongue. Steven has been a dear friend of yours for quite some time, introducing himself as the gift shop seller a while back. After that, you both would spend your breaks together. He would talk about Ancient Egypt, a subject he was clearly passionate about. And you would pass him some pastries off-charge. That, and you get to stare at his handsome face while he talked.
You weren't exactly sure when this crush has started, only that you've slowly grown attached to those little talks of yours. Soon after, you started to notice the way his dark eyes would light up, whenever you'd ask a question, it didn't matter if it was truly inquisitive, or just plain stupid. He answered all of them without as much as a blink of an eye. Then, there were his lips. His stupid lips that curved up so sweetly, when he saw you walking towards him with almost-illegal sandwiches, you've managed to sneak out of the cafe. Oh, and you'd be a fool to forget those wonderful hands, sorting through piles of educational booklets at a lightning speed. Slender fingers gliding across the pages, making your head swim with the most delicious ideas.
That is, until you'd remember yourself, and mentally slap across the face.
Steven was your friend. One, that, to your knowledge, harbored no romantic feelings towards you whatsoever. And so, you'd bottle up your frustrations, and join him on the breaks with a tight-lipped smile.
- Oh, don't look so mad, sweets - he chuckles, sliding the bucket into his own hands, before you even think of reaching for it yourself - See, I'm helping you clean up, gotta mean something.
It's the voice, you conclude. He sounds different, like he's lowering his tone artificially. You've spent quite some time listening to him talk at lenght, which is why this sudden difference really stood out to you.
You both stand up, knees cracking as you do. Steven watches you puff out your apron with a small smirk, that looks somewhat foreign on his sweet face, but you decide not to question it for now. Just like you decide to ignore the sudden shift in his accent, making it sound like a bad, American parody, of how British people talk. You jot all of that down to exhaustion after a long day at work. With a shrug and a wave, you lead him towards the staff room of the cafe.
He follows silently, ducking slightly when shoving aside the beaded curtain of the entrance.
The room is so messy, it's honestly embarrassing, but neither you, nor the other workers have found the strength to tidy it up before closing it for the night.
- Where should I put this? - his voice sounds different as well, lower and gravely, it sends a slight shiver running up your back.
You crane your neck back to look at him. He's leaning on the door frame, some of the beaded threads fall over his shoulder. His eyebrows quirk up when he notices you looking, a bigger smirk playing around on his lips, and you nearly do a double take, because this expression is just so not-Steven-ish.
- The - you swallow hard, and swear he watches your throat move - The chair, just chug it somewhere, will you...
Turning your head rather quickly, you listen as the plastic bucket hits the floor somewhere. With trembling fingertips, you start to fiddle with the knot tying your apron on your back. Your nails scrape the coarse fabric, as you dig into the ribbon. Then, suddenly, you gasp, as another set of calloused fingers joins you. You can't find the courage to turn back and look at him, as the presence of his larger frame looms over you. His warm breath tickles the stray hair at the top of your neck, the feeling making you sway in place, as you let your eyelids flutter shut.
You have no idea where this newly found confidence came from, but your mind was running wild with too many possibilities, to truly question this situation. That is, until you felt the apron loosen, and fall from your waist. White fabric pooled around your feet, and you stared dumbfounded at it for a moment, completely lost in the unlikeliness of this situation.
- Y'know - he drawled in a way that reminded you of an old-timey Hollywood movie - You have a really pretty neck...
A sudden flood of flushed panic washes over you, and with a jerk you grab your tote bag from the nearby chair, and rush towards the exit, clearly refusing to even look at the man. The apron lays abandoned, partially stuffed under the small space between the floor and the counter.
- Do you need some help locking up the stand? - you call over to him and try the best you can to ignore the low chuckle he lets out.
The beaded curtain hits you in the face, as you all but run out of the staff room. He follows, naturally, with a relaxed pace and a knowing smirk.
- I'm actually done for today - you can hear the smile in his voice.
Both of you enter the main hall of the Museum, where finally, you stop. A deep breath later you're turning around to face him, and yet again are struck with this looming feeling that you're looking at a completely foreign person. Steven stands a couple of paces before you, arms crossed on his chest, his body leaning nonchalantly on one leg. There is this energy swarmig around him in waves you've never experienced before. It feels like he has undergone some kind of transformation before arriving here today.
- You're acting very strange - you murmur, finally voicing your concern.
To that, he immediately straightens up, a flash of concern coming over his features, but dissapearing almost as fast as it came. His body shifts, shoulders slouching over ever so slightly. You catch it all, the change, eyebrows raising pointedly.
- I don't know, what do you mean? - there it is again, that weird parody of an accent.
It makes you laugh in confusion and mirror his previous stance by crossing your arms and leaning slightly back.
- Is this, like, a bit you're doing? - you chuckle, giving him a once over - I mean that accent is ridiculous, you sound like Keanu Reeves in that one Dracula movie. All "paaardon my intruuusion" - you laugh, giving an overly-dramatic reenactment.
- Again, don't know what you mean - he mutters, taking a step back.
Oblivious, you walk up to him, looking up at his red face. You've never seen Steven this flustered, and you've seen him blush before. This time, his entire face goes beetroot red, even the tips of his ears are flaming up. You notice his eyes shifting around, dark and endless, they jump from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, finally landing on your smiling face.
- Honestly, what is this? - you reach up to touch his forehead, pressing the outside of your palm to his skin, as if cheking for fever - It's like you're a different...
The rest of the sentence dies down on your lips, as Steven reaches for your hand, fingers encircling your wrist in a tight hold. You freeze, finally getting a closer look at him, at the way his jaw clenches, the upturned corners of his mouth, the wild eyes.
- ...person...
He smiles, teeth on full display, something Steven never did.
- Now, are you that smart, or am I just that fucking awful at acting, carino? - the man, who was Steven just moments ago, leans in, his breath fanning over the soft skin of your wrist.
At first, it's confusion, plain and simple. Yu're staring up at the man in front of you, wide eyed and shaking. No way this was true, how could this even be possible. You've known Steven for such a long time, and he never mentioned having a twin. A kind of creepy, kind of hot twin.
- Who are you?
The man smiles, exposing his straight, white teeth. His smile has a bit of a sinister curve to it, one, that makes your stomach tighten in anticipation.
- It's a bit complicated, but for now... My name is Jake - the man bows his head slightly.
- Where's Steven? - your eyebrows scrunch together, the muscles of your arm working under your skin, trying to wrench yourself out of his grasp.
- Oh, he's out there somewhere - Jake waves his free hand around his head, and your confusion continues to grow. - I just...
He sighs deeply, frowning slightly, as he pulls on your hand, making you step closer. Then, his head dips down, like he's about to share some terrible secret with you, and in a way, he does.
- I just couldn't keep listening to him fumble around you - the man explains, his dark eyes captivating yours in an intense stare - He would just fidget and fidget, and do nothing, even though we could all see clearly, he wanted to ask you out.
- Wait, he did? - despite the strangeness of the situation, you can't help but ask, blood immediately flowing up to your face.
- That and so much more, corazón. You have no idea, what is going on in this... - his hand comes up, pulling at the curly strands of his hair - This nerd-head of his.
You're going to pass out, you're sure of it. Everything is too hot, you can feel your chest expanding and contracting with every breath you fight for. He smells of Steven's cologne and cigarette smoke, which should've been a dead giveaway that something is wrong. Steven doesn't smoke.
- Marc would never help out, he's still hung up about that Layla of his - the man mutters, words coming out rushed and frantic, like he couldn't quite keep up with his brain. - But I could do something. I wanted to do something.
He leans impossibly close, those dark eyes of his flickering briefly to you parted lips. You start to hold in your breath, but before Jake can close the distance, you jerk back abruptly.
- Wait, hold on a minute! - finally, you take a long step back, tugging at your wrist with enough force to make him let you go - Who is Marc, what the fuck is going on?
Jake puts his hands up in an expression of surrender, trying to pacify you, as you throw an angry look his way. Then, he sighs, rolls his eyes and you want to scream at this patronizing gesture.
- Do you know what DID is?
Suddenly it all clicks into place, a wave of realisation crashing over you. Yeah, you know about DID. It was one of the interesting things that appeared on your 3am raid on Wikipedia. Random facts, collected through half-concious research. Multiple personalities, alters, trauma, all that shabang. With a shuddering breath, you look up at the man you though you knew.
- Are you protecting Steven? - your voice is quiet and uncertain.
Jake blinks a couple of times, before shrugging nonchalantly. You can see his hands form fists at his sides, making your heart jump.
- I don't know who is who - he explains, finally letting go of the British accent - All I know is that Steven is too much of a wuss to ask you, so I will.
Your breath catches in your throat, as he takes two long strides towards you.
- Do you want to fuck in the bathroom?
- What?
- I said...
- No, no don't - you wave your hands in front of your mortified face - Don't say that again.
The man smirks, trying to catch your eye contact.
- Why not? - you know a teasing tone when you hear it, and this is deffinitely one.
- Because it's embarrassing! - you whisper-scream, finally looking up.
The moment your eyes meet, everything seems to stop. Jake's expression changes slightly, from the ever-present smirk, to a fond smile, one, that makes butterflies have a seizure in your stomach. Slowly, as if giving you an escape route, should you need it, he raises his hand towards your face, fingertips sliding from your jaw, up to your cheekbone, and then back down. His thumb gently swipes at your lower lip, pressing slightly to expose your white bottom teeth.
You're pretty sure you're going to die of heatstroke, if this keeps up any longer. His eyes catch yours in a swallowing gaze, and you jump right in without a second thought, the deep waves of chocolate enveloping you completely. It's getting harder to breathe, your chest rises and falls rapidly, heart beating wildly, so hard, you can almost feel it slamming against your ribs.
- It wouldn't be fair to Steven - you try to reason, voice weak and breathy.
- From what I can tell, Steven is equally excited - Jake laughs quietly, eyes flickering quickly between your eyes and your parted lips.
His hand leaves your face in favor of sliding down the front of your neck, fingertips grazing your skin, creating delicious shivers in their wake. Now you can truly feel it, the coil tightening rapidly in the pit of your stomach. That one gesture wakes something fiery in you, and your whole body sways in tandem to Jake's touches, which finally reach your waist. Delicately, as if testing the waters, he spreads his hand on your upper thigh, dragging your flowy skirt up ever so slightly.
- But - he stops, eyebrows scrunching together, as he looks you square in the eyes - If we are going to do this, I need to hear you say, that you want this.
Your teeth catch on your bottom lip, a gesture he immediately notices, and swallows with his eyes. There are several thoughts filled with worry running across your mind, but it all goes down a mental drain, the moment you feel his thumb carressing small circles into the flesh of your thigh.
- Is Steven truly okay with this? - you ask, holding onto crumbs of reason.
- I could let him front, but I think he actually prefers it to happen this way - Jake smiles, showing off two rows of perfectly white teeth.
- Fucking hell - is all you manage to say, before nodding once, then twice, then three times, before finally taking a long breath in - Yeah, okay yeah, let's do it, let's fuck in the fucking bathroom.
Jake actually snorts a laugh at that sudden vulgarity, but you choose to ignore the spark in his eyes for your health's sake. Emboldened by the worries you chose to throw away, your hand finds Jake's, prying it from your thigh and lacing your fingers together. He follows you without a word, as you lead him towards the guest bathrooms, hidden behind heavy-looking, ornate doors.
The inside is basked in a warm light, the stalls are all closed, and Jake makes a run through all of them, knocking on every single door. You watch his eager moves with amusement. Finally, he turns to you and nearly trips on himself, when trying to get to you. There is darkness in his eyes you would've never anticipated, when he finally reaches you, hands immediately flying towards you hips.
- I've been waiting for this moment, for a very long time, gatito - is all the warning you get, before he dives down, lips smashing into yours at a bruising pace.
There is no sweet and gentle in this kiss, only hunger, deep and unrelenting. Your hands fly up to his shoulders and chest, trying to find balance, as Jake starts to push up on you with his entire body. There is a telltale feeling of something hardening quickly against your leg, and the realization, that you've managed to make this man fold in such short time makes you moan into his mouth with delight.
His hands travel up, one of his big palms giving your left breast a small squeeze. Then, in record pace, Jake slides his hands to the meat of your thighs, grabbing a hold of them, and yanking you up onto the sink with surprising ease. You squeal at the sudden feeling of being lifted, before your ass hits the cool, marble counter. There are sinks on both sides your body, and the mirror behind you is almost touching your back.
Finally, when you think you're going to pass out from the lack of oxygen, Jake tears himself from your lips, giving them a parting bite and a scandalous lick of his tongue. Then, he sinks further, teeth scraping the skin of your throat. You're shivering under his touch, as he goes further down, kissing your collar bone and the space between your breasts. Then, in an unexpected show of tenderness, he presses a kiss to the tops of both of your breasts, peakig from under the dress.  
- You're so sweet - he mumbles - So sweet I could just eat you up.
Your skirt is slid up, until it pools right under your stomach, and for a second Jake freezes, staring rather obviously at your underwear, which by this time has become a small mess in its own right.
- But, we don't have that much time - he sighs, and it almost sounds regretful.
- We don't? - if your mind was in it's right place, you would've found the whine pathetic, alas, all you could really focus on at the moment, were Jake's hands, kneading your thighs and spreading them further apart.
- We don't- he concludes, shooting a quick look towards the bathroom door.
To be quite honest, you don't even get the chance to feel disappointed, as Jake suddenly stands to his full height. One arm encircles your waist and forcefully slides you forward, while the other has a small fight with your underwear, trying to push it aside. You yelp, head falling onto the man's shoulder, when his fingers finally reach their goal, swiping at your bundle of nerves.
The first contact nearly makes you jump, and Jake wastes no time, as he immediately grinds his palm onto your clit, his long fingers searching for the entrance.
- So tight - he huffs a laugh into your hair, and the gruff sound of his voice sends delicious shivers up your back.
Your hips jolt in place, as he enters two fingers into you, palm still grinding on your nerves, like his life depended on it. The pace he sets isn't the fastest, but it surely is hard. It's not long before he pulls a long moan out of you, accented by the obscene sound of his fingers pumping into you.
- I-fuck! - you curse under your breath, when he curls his digits into you, hitting a spot you almost forgot existed - Jake, shit, oh my god!
- Yeah? - he sounds almost as out of breath as you are - You wanna cum?
It's tempting to say yes, so very tempting. The coil in your belly is tightening by the second, but there is a part of you, that still wants more.
- On - his fingers curl again, and your words are interrupted by a high squeal - On your cock, Jake, please fuck me.
He pulls out so quick it's jarring. Doesn't even bother to wipe his glistening hand, instead it flies straight to the belt, unbuckling it in record time.
- The lady gets what the lady wants - he laughs to himself - Turn around and bend over.
- What?
His only answer comes in forcefully sliding you off the sink and manhandling you into his preferred position. Soon, you're looking at your own face, hair tousled, cheeks red and eyes glistening. He stands behind you, his figure towering over your frame. He braces one of your legs up on the sink, and after an awkward pause, where he gives an appreciative nod at your exposed pussy, you felt him nudge your entrance.
You held your breath and closed your eyes, but nothing happened. When you cracked one eye open, you could see in the mirror's reflection. You give him confused, and frankly annoyed look.
- Are sure? - he asks seriously, bith hands gripping your hips tightly.
The question actually startles you, making you sway your ass in front of him, in a clear display of impatience.
- Wha-?! Yes! Fucking yes, Jake, Jesus Chriiiiioh-! - your voice drifts into a sharp moan, as he enters you in one sharp thrust.
- Shit - he curses behind you, and for just a second you catch a glimpse of his furrowed brows and tight lips, before all thoughts disappear from your head.
The pace he sets is punishing. Every thrust makes you jump on the marble counter, your head rests on the mirror, where it starts to fog over, because of your ragged breaths. Jake's hands grab at everything they can. Your shoulders, your bouncing tits, your hair, your bruised hips.
Your stomach starts to tighten with every move. Jake seemingly senses your approaching peak, molding himself over your body, so his right arm can easily slide between you and the counter. Suddenly, you're being lifted ever so slightly, forced to look at reflection of the mess you have become. He's close to, if his stuttering rythmn is anything to go by.
Finally, his fingers fond your throbbing clit, and with an intensity of a man on a mission, he begins to rub quick circles. There is no sound coming out of your mouth anymore, the pleasure knocking the wind out of hour lungs.
Your nails scrape the marble counter, as the band in your gut snaps. A high-pitched cry escaped your lips, echoing through the empty bathroom. Your body spasms around him, and the pulsating heat causes Jake to moan into your ear. His thrusts become shallow and crushing, and soon after he's cumming as well. He's grunting lowly into your ear and your eyes snap open, to see his face twisted in pleasure. He looks beautiful, as his thighs begin to shake, and you feel hot liquid on the inside of your thigh.
The both of you stay like that for a second, regaining your composure. His ragged breaths tickle your oversensitive skin. Slowly, like he's handling a small porcelain doll, he slides out of you, hands giving your back muscles something that might've resembeld a massage, if you both weren't so completely out of it. Then, after a shorl while, you feel him try to clean you up to the best of his capacity, using, what you deeply hope was a handkerchief.
- Are you alright? - he asks, bending down to slide your underwear up your legs.
- Mhmmm - is all you can say, not trusting your voice completely.
Finally, with a groan, you unfold yourself from your bended position, Jake helping you regain your balance, as he leans down to press quick kisses along your shoulders. You let yourself enjoy the feeling of being cared for, as he steps around you and starts to put your hair into place, starts to straighten your clothes. The last thing you would've expected after this whole ordeal, was aftercare in a museum bathroom. And yet, here you were, melting into his gentle touches.
- You were amazing, sweetheart - he murmurs, leaning down to kiss you hair - But I have to go now.
For a moment, you think he means literally walking out of the bathroom, but soon after, his whole body becomes rigid, eyes rolling to the back of his head, as a strong shiver runs through him. Then, as if a magic spell has been lifted, a familiar lopsided smile falls onto his features, and his eyes regain the gentleness they have been missing all day.
Steven is back, your Steven is back, and suddenly your face grows red. Has he seen it all? Will he say something? Anxiety runs through you in waves.
- Y/N - he looks at you, then around the place, his eyebrows furrowing slightly - WHy are we in the bathroom?
- What?
Cold sweat climbs down your back, as you watch confusion and utter obliviousness paint Steven's features. Your throat closes, as words refuse to form in your mind, the realization of what just happened hitting you like a bus.
- Did you close the cafe already? - Steven asks, starting to make his way towards the door - We can wait for the bus together, if you want?
With a sharp intake of breath, you shake yourself out of the initial shock. Then, as if on autopilot, you let Steven lead you out of the bathroom, following like you always did. There is a pinprick of anger, brewing under your skin, as you watch his back intently, knowing somewhere in there, hidden in Steven's psyche, sits Jake.
That motherfucker.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
7/23/2021 Reading Progress - Almost 2 Years
I know I posted a little about reading progress a few days ago, but it’s really just exciting to me! And really really motivating!
These past few days, I’ve been reading one of my favorite fanfic writers. I started intensively reading, and now I can get by reading faster (which for me is only 140 characters a minute ToT so still quite slow but hey its something) and just looking an ACTUAL only 4-5 new words per chapter (which is 4000-5000 characters).  Just the fact I am ACTUALLY 98% comprehending chinese reading material. And material I actually want to be reading. Goal reading material! Because like? 
Even when I was extensively reading before, I was reading stuff that was ‘hard’ to read extensively (enough that I’d need to think and use any clues from context to guess what’s going on for certain key words and phrases I didn’t know but needed, and there were enough of those that I needed to focus a lot). This is really like the first extensive reading I’ve been able to do where I can actually just relax and speed read the extensive reading if I want to. Where it feels more like reading Lord of the Rings fast, or Dracula (some vocab I don’t know or weird phrasings for me but its fine to get through until I get used to it) - or some stuff easier now like reading Good Omens (where its an easy read where I get comfortable fast). Where it feels much more like reading english, just slower (and with less context hints for new words lol - since english I can sound out and guess if I heard it before and already know all the ‘word stem’ hints of meaning). Now, because of there being less ‘context stuff’ i can rely on compared to english, i do plan to keep using a digital dictionary to read sometimes (especially because it is the FASTEST way for me personally to reinforce new hanzi pronunciations). 
Like. This past week I’ve been following the Silent Reading audiobook along with the novel, and also just reading the Chinese novel. And also just reading some new stuff by one of my favorite fanfic authors. And I’ve been able to. The fanfic story is a bit easier, so I suppose I can read it with no prior context! (That’s what I looked up about 5 new words for - chairman, deputy were the keywords I needed then most of the rest made sense from context lol). And Silent Reading I read in english but like years ago, so many paragraphs felt new to me but they were fine to read except a few description-dense sections where something economic-related was being said (along with some 4-character phrases I wasn’t sure of). I knew lately I’ve been able to read new Guardian chapters while following along with the audiobook without the english translation, if I don’t want to know every single word but just follow the plot/most of it, so its been really cool seeing this week that I can do it with Silent Reading too! 
I’m fairly sure my level of comprehension is like this: the more murder mystery, investigative/detectives, more contemporary, more supernatural, more romantic, more daily life - the more I will comprehend it. 
Those seem to be my more ‘comfortable domains’ vocabulary wise. Specifically mystery/supernatural/contemporary (since most anything I watch or read is in usually at least one of these genres partly). When I get into xianxia, the farther it is from the very joking/basic SVSSS xianxia vocab the less I can comprehend. I did read 28 chapters of Tian Ya Ke before so maybe some of that will help with reading wuxia genre, but I’d argue it was months ago and tyk doesn’t really go very deep into using wuxia genre words compared to some novels. So basically my xianxia and wuxia vocab is very basic main-plot words like you’d hear in show scripts, but not necessarily enough to follow the details of novels - I do think I know enough to follow the overall main plot though. Happily, Tian Ya Ke and Qi Ye are on my reading list in the future, so they may both help more with political/court and wuxia genre words so that those genres get more comprehensible for me. 
I’m really excited about the tyk and qy reads now, since I planned to read them extensively while glancing at the english translation for help if I didn’t understand. And since I’m starting to be able to extensively read some of priest okay, then doing that with a novel while using the translation so its like a bilingual-resource to reference making things easier, should not be as hard/intensive as it might have been a few months ago. 
This is just. For me a very big milestone. I’m at a point where some of my goal reading is something I can extensively read without too much pain, and have enough hanzi-knowledge to guess some new words and phrases from context a decent amount of the time.
Summary: it’ll be 2 years in a month. And I’m officially at a point where some of the goal novels are able to be extensively read, genuinely, and some of the ‘goal other stuff’ is extensively readable now (some fanfics, some easier bl novels, etc). Past me would be really excited. ToT
I plan to: keep reading intensively and extensively (with an emphasis on reading through a lot more characters/words), keep doing L-R Method and listening-only during day (keep working on improving listening). And occasionally shadowing now/repeated listening/practicing speaking. In the long term: I’d like to read my grammar guide and practice writing/speaking from what I learn. 
That plan has worked really well the past few months
Related: my japanese reading skill! Because weirdly enough its been seeing improvements too!
So, I already realized me knowing more hanzi definitely helps me ‘guess more japanese words’ from context. Because: 1. its like english-french, while some are false cognates with nothing actually in common I can sometimes figure that out from the fact the scene is ‘wrong’ for the word I would’ve guessed, and I do know the word endings in japanese so that helps guess if its noun/adjective/verb, and I do know around 2000 common japanese words specifically so that also helps me notice what’s not actually similar in meaning. 2. so i’ve got this basic framework to guess stuff from context: 2000 japanese words I do know, some basic grammar recognition, ~2000 hanzi I do know and then however many chinese words I know, rough recognition of some of the katakana words, and then I usually try to read something I have prior context for so I’ve either read/played in english or know the overall plot main points in english. Apparently all of this helps a lot.
Now its not putting me on anything near 98% comprehension lol (except maybe KH2 since I know that story so well I really do figure out a lot but its more like idk 90% and me just very good at telling ‘unknown part’ was ‘probably X’ but not actually able to be sure, so i can follow fully but i’m not able to learn from a certain amount just cause i can’t be sure its not perhaps actually-something-else more nuanced). But whatever comprehension it puts me at, its enough to follow the main plot (better than I could ever do before with japanese lol with anything more than... well anything... i couldn’t follow even simple manga main overall plot unless i had a dictionary at year 2.5... so now the fact i can generally follow main plot of games, and catch a decent amount of details - not a majority but still regularly noticing some details, all without a dictionary, is pretty cool to me). 
Lately I’ve been watching some REALLY old Shin Megami Tensei and related game lets plays in japanese, with the player reading aloud (so hopefully I learn some actual word pronounciations my biggest weak point). Because I understand enough right now that I can pick up a lot more just by continuing to watch. Like, playing KH2 I could pick up the ‘reading’ of some new stuff and grammar. But with a voiced lets play, I can also try to pick up those new words and maybe if I’m lucky how the more common ones are pronounced as they’re said again and again. I figure I can probably learn a lot more words this way, and continue getting used to the grammar, for a while before I see less frequent payoff. For now, I’m seeing constant easy payoff from doing it. I’ve got a lot of grammar I’ve read details on but not seen regularly enough to get used to, so that all gets reinforced and learned better. And I’ve got a lot of hanzi I know, and doing this helps me start learning the similar-cognate kanji and words writing/pronunciation, the slightly different ones and their rougher meaning along with writing/pronunciation, to be aware which ones are totally different (tho depending on scene context i may or may not learn these words at least i’ll know they’re not the same). 
My point is: now engaging with japanese is a lot more relaxing and enjoyable. (I realize lol a few months ago playing in japanese or watching a lets play was doable but exhausting, so perhaps i am getting more used to it or actually have learned a little lol). In the sense that, now it feels a lot more like ‘reading french when i started learning’ - i feel like i have a LOT more scaffolding to lean on and help me when i’m struggling, whereas i know the first 2.5 years i studied japanese i felt drowning since nothing was familiar - not the grammar, not the words, not the sound, not the lack of word-spaces, etc. Now it feels like there’s a lot more i have ‘some prior experience’ with (from grammar being restudied over and over now lol and i still need much more lol, to onyomi kanji pronunciations now being my favorite lol and kanji my favorite part of reading), so when i’m diving into japanese instead of drowning i have some floaties to grab onto usually (unless i go outside of the domains i’m used to).
By domains i mean - if I try listening-only i still drown (since then i only have grammar and 2000 japanese words i’m still rusty on listening to), if i do listening-watching without subs i have fewer floaties to grab (i have my 2000 learned words but am super rusty on hearing them especially without kanji to see for reference), obviously if its an old or technical text i will drown (im used to modern japanese, and very specifically daily life or supernatural/light-fantasy video game stories). So like... nier, kh2, crisis core, persona games, smt games, are much more in my comfort level of following a plot (again with subs, because without subs it HAS to be something i know the english well for if i’m going to follow much besides simple daily life parts since i’ll need the visual context and prior context to guess what’s going on just in general - not understanding those parts of the japanese). 
Long story short, its been super fun for me lately engaging with japanese. Japanese is NOT even in my ‘realistic’ study plan right now lol!
But this month I still: read a chapter of japanese translation of Guardian, played 4 hours KH2, read the opening scenes of the script of FFX (fyi: in Idiom app they made HUGE improvements I can now play the audio line by line and repeat-automatically as much as i want AND the definitions now come from much better dictionaries), watched 40 minutes of SMT game lets plays (both with and without audio - though since my pronunciation info literally doesn't exist for so many words I decided adding audio as often as possible would be better). 
My ultimate goal for japanese was to be able to play the games I like in japanese, and follow them before localization changes. I’m not picking up the level of info necessary to be fully satisfied with how much I’m noticing. But I do follow enough now that I’m able to start practicing/studying japanese BY playing the games I want or engaging with them in lets plays/scripts etc. And its very motivating to know I’m far enough into this goal to be studying by doing (at least for now, if it stops paying off as much I’ll likely need to approach it from new angles for a while). But like? I can taste it! I’m starting to do what I want, not as well as I want but I am starting to be able to do those things. And that’s really exciting. 
Side notes: I still personally want to continue reading my grammar guides until I've finished them (japanese in 30 hours, tae kim, sakubi), and keep going through clozemaster. Both of these were helping, do help, and ensure I’m building the weaknesses (grammar i just need SO much more help with for japanese, and clozemaster gives me actual word definitions and pronunciation and lets me practice listening skills and grammar in context which are ALL weak points for me). So that’s the overall japanese goal for a long while (yes i might also finish Nukemarine’s memrise decks if i ever feel up for flashcards again lol). 
In the LONG long term, i would probably want to move onto my other japanese study books i own while continuing to go through clozemaster - i have two reading-japanese books i think would help a ton especially if i want to speed up reading speed and/or read novels more, a sentence pattern book that for me personally would help with reinforcing and getting comfortable with grammar and common words (particularly for long term active use). I also have a kanji remembering book i probably could go through - although by then idk how many kanji i’ll remember the pronunciations and meanings for by then.
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