#also the first movie follows the first half (skipping once a ranger) and ends with mack finding his scematics
brokenhardies · 3 years
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Multiverse AU - Power Rangers 2017 Gwax
Kristen Froseth as Gwen Hartford
Andre Dae Kim as Dax Lo
@seize-the-droid @anotherunreadblog @ocfairygodmother @kazinejghafa @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @seymours-secret @witchofinterest @akabluekat @booty-boggins @anna-phora @starcrossedjedis @bravelittleflower @jewelswrites-ish @ryutabas @thecaillic @fuckitup-in-style
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noona-clock · 6 years
One Night - Part 3
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Park Seo Joon x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
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October 31st, Year 4
“Are you sure we have enough candy?” you asked with a deeply furrowed brow.
“No,” Seo Joon answered. “But if we run out, we run out and buy more next year. That’s all we can do, babe.”
You simply let out a sigh as you dumped out the final bag of assorted chocolate candies into the pumpkin-shaped bowl.
Seo Joon hid a smirk as he stepped up behind you, sliding his arms around your waist and bending to rest his chin on your shoulder. “It’ll be fine. Why are you so worried?”
“I’m not worried,” you murmured as you felt your cheeks heat with embarrassment. “It’s just... it’s our first Halloween in this house, as a married couple. It would be nice if it was... nice. And not stressful. And telling kids I don’t have candy to give them is stressful.”
“Well...” Seo Joon moved to kiss your cheek, softly blowing a raspberry before he continued. “Would it make you feel better if I told you I stopped on my way home tonight and bought three more bags?”
A smile tugged at your lips, and you turned around in his hold. “Did you really?”
“Yes, I did. I knew you would stress about it.”
You let out a very happy sigh, standing on your toes and pressing your lips to your husband’s. “This is why I married you. Because you know me better than I know myself.”
“And because I buy three large bags of candy we probably won’t need which means you’ll end up getting to eat them.”
You giggled softly against his lips, kissing him about six more times.
The two of you had just gotten married over the summer; it was not only your first major holiday together as Mr. and Mrs., but it was your first Halloween living in the same place.
You’d moved in together after getting engaged, but that had happened just after New Year’s, only about ten months ago. So while you had now spent five Halloweens together (including the one on which you two had met), this was your first one together in an actual house where there would be actual trick-or-treaters.
Even though Halloween still wasn’t your favorite holiday, you were looking forward to it. Everything was just more exciting in this first year of marriage. All the firsts you got to celebrate, all the milestones you reached.
But, you had to admit, it was weird not having your anniversary on Halloween anymore. I mean, not your real one, at least. You could still acknowledge the fact you’d started dating four years ago today, but getting married tended to nullify that with a new anniversary. It was actually kind of frustrating having to start all over. I mean, going from four years to less than one? But whatever, it was totally worth it.
“All right, shall we get the movie started?” Seo Joon murmured, though he definitely seemed like he had no intention of pulling away from your kisses anytime soon.
“Mhm,” you hummed. But you also definitely seemed like you had no intention of pulling away from your kisses anytime soon.
But then you were interrupted by your doorbell ringing, and you jumped almost a foot in the air because you were so surprised.
“Our first trick-or-treaters!” you gasped.
“Okay, don’t panic,” Seo Joon instructed. “Just follow the plan.”
You froze, slowly quirking an eyebrow up at him. “...What’s the plan?”
“Grab the bowl.” He took the bowl from the counter and handed it to you. “Go to the door. Answer it. Give the candy.”
You stared at him with a half-amused, half-confused look on your face.
“You are such a dork,” you told him with a shake of your head. “I know I just said ‘this is why I married you,’ but remind me again why I married you.”
You turned on your heel then and headed for the door, clutching the bowl of candy. And, now that your husband was behind you and no longer looking at your face, you allowed a sneaky smirk to tug on your lips.
“Because I bought extra candy because I knew you would be stressed and because I know you better than you know yourself and because I’m handsome and because I love you.”
“Right, right, right,” you replied quickly as you approached the door. “I can definitely use all of that to overlook the fact you’re a complete dork.”
“You’re one, too!” Seo Joon retorted.
But there was no room for witty repartee now because you had just opened the door and were greeted with a high-pitched chorus of “Trick-or-treat!”
“Oh, wow!” you gasped as you laid eyes on the two cutest kids you’d ever seen. I mean, they might have been the cutest because they were dressed up as a unicorn and a Hogwarts student, but whatever. They were still adorable.
You gave them each a handful of candy (knowing you could afford to be generous because of your own generous husband), smiled at them, waved at their parents hanging back in the driveway, and wished them a Happy Halloween.
“Okay,” you began as you closed the door and set the bowl of candy on the small table you’d set out in the entryway solely for this occasion. “I know we just got married. But I want kids. Like, now.”
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“You do not,” Seo Joon smirked. “Those kids were just out of control adorable.”
“I know, but our kids would be out of control adorable!”
“Yes, they would,” he agreed, putting his hands on your shoulders and turning you toward the living room so you could start watching the movie. “They will be. When we have them. In a few years.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” you sighed. “For once.”
Of course, both of you wanted children, but you were still young! You were still under thirty, and you would much rather enjoy all the time you could with your new husband. You would much rather travel and rescue a dog and watch primetime TV that wasn’t cartoons (and have sex whenever/wherever you wanted, but shhhh, no one needs to know that) and wait a few years to change your entire lives.
As Seo Joon was bringing up Hocus Pocus on Netflix (it had become your traditional Halloween night movie after that first year), the doorbell rang again. You squealed excitedly before dashing back down the hallway and picking up the bowl of candy.
You exclaimed over a group of Power Rangers, doling out their treats before they left and you skipped back to the living room.
“Halloween is a lot more fun with trick-or-treaters,” you announced as you plopped onto the couch next to Seo Joon.
“Are you going to commandeer the candy? Or do I get a turn?” he asked as he moved to put his arm across the back of the couch behind you.
“You can have a turn!”
Seo Joon grinned over at you, reaching up with his free to hand to take your chin in-between his thumb and index finger. “Do you know how cute you are?”
Before you could respond, he puckered his lips and kissed you quickly.
“You’re very cute,” he whispered.
“Am I... the cutest wife you’ve ever had?”
He burst out laughing, and a huge, goofy smile lit up your face.
“Yes, you are the cutest wife I’ve ever had. And ever will have, thank you very much.”
You beamed over at him before turning back toward the television and settling against the couch.
Even though you’d nestled into Seo Joon’s side countless times now, even though you’d rested your head on his shoulder for who knows how many hours, everything felt new again.
So maybe erasing everything and starting over with a new anniversary after getting married actually made sense.
Because, yes, you had been dating for over three and a half years by the time you’d gotten married. You knew everything about each other, you’d been through ups and downs, you’d seen it all.
But now that you could look at Seo Joon and say ‘That’s my husband,’ things just felt different.
You were probably crazy, but it didn’t matter.
As long as Seo Joon was by your side, nothing truly mattered.
And then the doorbell rang again, and Seo Joon jumped up to take care of this next round of trick-or-treaters.
So... as long as Seo Joon was by your side metaphorically, nothing truly mattered.
Part 4
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Monthly Movie Recap: March 2017
Monthly Movie Recap: March 2017 
March was slow for movies for me, I had was out of town for two weeks and was super busy at school so I didn't get to the theater as much as I would have liked. This month I was able to see Logan, Beauty and the Beast, and Power Rangers. I saw Power Rangers twice but the other two I only saw once. 
 Did anyone else feel like March was the month of nostalgia movies? Especially with Beauty and the Beast and Power Rangers. To some extent you could argue for Logan as well. 
Ranked favorite to least; I would go with Logan first, Power Rangers second, and Beauty and the Beast third. 
Logan: It did not come to a shock for me that that Logan was my favorite movie this month. 
(This is a copy of my post from right after I saw it, and since I haven't seen it again, I can't add anything new until I see it again)
I had been anticipating this movie since I first saw the trailer. I had recently really invested myself in the Marvel universe and was very excited for this movie. I saw it opening night (technically the Thursday before since my local theater allows Thursday night showings) with my dad and my brother. They liked it as well. I was interested in the R rating.I thought that it was a good amount of like blood and gore, but I also don’t get shifty around that kind of stuff in movies. I just recently started to get into the whole marvel and XMen world but honestly this movie was so good and I didn’t necessarily feel like I had to watch anything else to understand what was happening. Having the basic understanding of who Logan and Charles are would probably be helpful though. I loved the tone of the trailers, how I got kind of a western vibe from it and I thought it carried over into the movie too which I was really impressed by because lately I feel like trailers are not matching up to their movies. Also you know how in some movies, all the fight scenes are shown in the trailers and nothing is really a surprise? Yeah, not here. I felt like I got so much more from it. Yes it was an action movie but I also didn’t really feel like it was because it had a pretty solid story that I wanted to follow as well, not just watch the fight scenes. It was also a two and a half hour (about) movie but it did not feel like it at all, I think because it help my interest the whole time, it made the movie seem shorter because I was so engrossed in it. There was always something going on but it never felt like overwhelming or too busy or rushed. Timing was great. I’m so happy it was rated r because I feel like if it was pg-13 than it would have lost a lot of important moments. Plus there wouldn’t be as much use of the f word. Which by the way I did not feel was overused or used inappropriately, it always felt like it was well placed, whether in frustration, rage, or comedic. Dafne was absolutely amazing was Laura. She’s what, eleven years old? She was just so good and caused me to die like a dozen times. She’s eleven and did such a good job with how violent and gory this movie is. Laura was ruthless at times, if she got upset that was it and she was going full force, decapitating people, ripping them up and all. I was so intrigued by her because I never knew what she was going to do next, and if I thought I did, I was wrong and she did something completely different. When she first spoke, I don’t know why but I just assumed she would speak English, but when she spoke I was so impressed because that’s how it should be and I don’t know why I thought any differently. I love how yes she was ruthless and violent but you also saw that she was still a little girl. Playing with the buttons on the elevator, messing with the car window switch, riding the horse outside the gas station, and finally at the end when she calls him Daddy just broke me because she’s so young and even though she’s see so much, done so much, she’s still a little girl somewhere in there. Some of my favorite moments from her include when she decided to drive the car to get Logan to urgent care, her clinging to the picture of her and the other kids, when she called Logan daddy, her speech at his makeshift funeral, and I think the best moment of all: when she turned Logan’s cross into an X. An odd phrase that I can’t completely remember but something along the lines of that people can be considered weapons of mass destruction and that really stuck out for me. Emotions. Emotions. Emotions Just all over the place but that’s what makes it so good, the emotions are just so fitting. It was almost hard for me to see this is a superhero movie because it wasn’t. And it’s not just like “oh well yeah this is a good superhero movie” no like this is just a great movie, regardless of superhero context. Overall, I can’t say enough good things about this movie. I’m not-so-patiently waiting for the next time I have a chance to watch it. It was a road trip, literally and figuratively, in the way that it was about the journey. 
Watch Again?: I’m trying to see it again as soon as possible. Like trying to skip my gym class to see it 
Will I watch the sequel?: I don’t know if sequel is the right word to use here but the answer is still (and always will be) YES 
Power Rangers: I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie. I knew that I would see this movie after seeing the trailer, I've been into the whole superhero/action movies lately and this seemed up that ally. But I did not expect to like it as much as I did. Now when I say that I know nothing about Power Rangers, I mean it. Not like when I say I don't know much about superheroes but I really kinda do, no like I really don't know anything about Power Rangers aside from the toys my brother played with as a kid. I went to see it with my mom, dad, and brother the first time; they do not share my opinion. I personally really liked it, some aspects felt childish but then I had to remind myself that I was literally watching a Power Rangers movie. I felt like the first two thirds of the movie was great, beyond my expectations, but fell in the third act. Here were some thoughts I wrote down while watching the movie the second time: 
 Did I walk into the remake of The Breakfast Club? 
soundtrack was excellent; especially the song they ended on. Not the song in the credits but right before that 
besides HandClap in the training scene, that could have been better  
Kimberly cutting her hair in the bathroom was a little too on the dot 
No one is as mean and blunt as those girls who literally cut Kimberly out of the picture 
Jason Scott looks like a mix between a young Zac Effron and Chris Pine 
Billy directly says he's on the spectrum so there o tip-toeing around it 
I love Jason and Billy's friendship 
When Jason reminds Billy to keep breathing
"I got you buddy," 
Kimberley made a horrible mistake, horrible choice, but someone reminds her that it doesn't make her a horrible person and I love that  
Bill Hader for Alpha 5 was such a good choice. He was funny and cute. Reminds me of BB8 in a way 
“Different color coins. Different Kids, different color kids!” 
The scene of Billy in the water when the first find Zordon's ship, that was beautiful  
The way Zordon was able to move around to talk to the different Rangers was pretty neat 
Trini isn't straight and it was just insinuated, it was addressed 
Jason's graphic tees are awesome and I want to know where I can get them 
My favorite is "Cash Only" 
I like how it's questioned if they'll still be friends when it's all over 
Rita's colors and costume remind me of Loki from the avengers but it still looked awesome 
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours" 
There's not really a romance and I love it 
I love them passing notes to each other, especially the lighting bolt at the end 
"We should start a band" 
How the hell do they know how to work the megazord right away? 
 There's no way they could even know how to work their own, let alone the mega where each person controls a different limb 
But making it dance at the end was pretty cool 
Does Jason have a little sister? There's a pink bike in his yard and a little girl holding his hand at the fishermen's funeral 
The way they carried Billy all the way back after he died, and the song was perfectly paired with it 
"No one dies alone" 
 Jason's sword (I guess that's what you would call it) is very Psylocke from XM:A but I'm still into it 
Is "Hold the line" a reference I don't understand because I don't get football? 
I can't tell if I love the use of the 90's power rangers song or hate it 
Not a single person woke up when Rita visited Trini? Nor did anyone question the holes in the wall? 
"Sorry Bumblebee!" 
The Krispy Kreme product placement was done well, I didn't feel slapped in the face with it 
Speaking of being slapped in the face, that's how they defeat Rita? 
Ok but like Angel Grove is still in ruins after all of that right? 
Tommy Oliver or Tomi Oliver? Either way I'm in  
Watch again?: Yes, probably not in theaters again but will for sure rent it and buy the DVD 
Will I watch the sequel?: Yes 
Beauty and the Beast: I honestly thought I would like this movie more than I did. I'm a huge Disney fan but honestly I just wasn't feeling this movie. It's been a long time since I've watched the original but I decided not re-watch the original going into this because I didn't want to just be comparing the two the whole time. The technical aspects were amazing and really well done. What I did love about this movie (I feel like I should start with the good stuff) was the music! It was excellent! My favorite was Be Our Guest, that is also my favorite from the original though. I loved the scene where she is teaching a little girl how to read and when she told Gaston that she didn't want to have dinner and it wasn't because she was busy, just didn't want to, that was awesome. The costumes, where Disney excelled with Cinderella, I thought was a little short here. I did really like the opening scene where everyone was in elaborate white outfits. I wasn't really a fan of the jacket type things Belle wore a few times. But I did like her 'blue dress'. Now the yellow dress. I just didn't like it, I didn't like the necklace choice but I did enjoy the hairstyling. I felt like I was looking at Emma Watson in a Belle inspired costume, not looking at Belle. The last dress, the while floral one, it was alright. I was indifferent about it, didn't love it but didn't hate it. I loved the castle though, I thought it was beautiful. Ugh I would love to have a library like that and those chandeliers were gorgeous!
I was actually frustrated with myself because everything technically about this movie was great, I just didn't really enjoy it. It was fine, good, but not outstanding for me. Maybe I had too high of expectations from how much I loved Cinderella. But it was like when you try on a shirt and it fits well, it's made well, good price, everything's technically great about it but you just don't like it. You don't know why, there's no real logical reason, you just don't like it. That's kind of what this movie felt like for me. 
Watch Again?: yes, I feel like I should
Will I watch the sequel?: I don't think think that's the right word, but I will always watch any Disney movie so yes 
Overall: March was a pretty solid month for movies. There's a couple that came out this month I wasn't able to see this month but will get to in April. Also tons of trailers started to be released towards the end of the month, which is getting me excited for the summer movie season. I wish I could have gone to the theater more this month, just didn't work out, but I am extremely happy with the movies I was able to see. 
Next month: I'm most looking forward to Gifted released in April. Will also probably see Smurfs: The Lost Village with my best friend because she loves kid movies and I take any excuse to go to the movies. Also I never got around to seeing Before I Fall this month because it left my local theater so quickly so hopefully next month I will.
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firstpuffin · 5 years
Checklist for the next series of Dragon Ball Super:
I believe I’ve made a few passing references to anime over my articles and recently even analysed a part of the popular series Dragon Ball. Given how big a part of my life it has been (getting me through the lowest part of my life) I’m kinda surprised that I haven’t spoken more about it, although that’s easy to justify: anime fans don’t typically represent themselves well. I wanted to establish myself before starting the nerd talk so as to avoid being associated with the weeaboo culture.
  Yes, I might be just a bit paranoid about how people view me, and yes that’s because I would absolutely do the same.
 Now that I’ve exposed my insecurities let’s introduce the actual article.
  The Dragon Ball story originally ran from 1986 to 1997 under the names of “Dragon Ball”, “Dragon Ball Z” (which you mostly likely know) and “Dragon Ball GT”. In 2015 “Dragon Ball Super” began, entirely new, apparently entirely ignoring GT and it… was divisive up until it came to a close in 2018. It followed the boy with a monkey tail and who later turns out to be one of the alien Saiyan race as he aimed to become stronger and stronger; long story short imagine Kal-El with a tail, training to reach the godlike power that he is so often portrayed with.
  I could go into how the series was rushed which caused the quality to suffer at the start or I could mention how the main character, Son Goku, suffered from writing that turned him from single-minded, smart but under-educated, into a bumbling fool and a poor misrepresentation of the character. But for such a negative person I do try to look forward into the positive.
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-Did… did they make him bigger instead of drawing him closer? -
pictures from otakutale.com
  No, I’m looking at what I want to see in the next series, should it happen. As with all stories that get me invested, there are a number of things that I want to see expanded on and events that I want to see happen. Just to be annoying these things don’t tend to happen, but I can always hope and here are a few that I would like to see.
Let’s start small; Bulma’s sister interacting with the cast:
  One of the main characters of the show is Bulma, who is also the one responsible for the story. When Bulma was sixteen years old she met Goku and she had been a regular character ever since, helping out with her brain (and wealth) while charming viewers with her vanity and sheer force of character. In a short spin-off we discover that she has an older sister who hasn’t turned up in the two decades since the story began.
  Her sister, who’s name I haven’t mentioned yet because I want to establish that she is a person and not an obscure sentient item of clothing, is called Tights and she is a writer who lives…somewhere. Tropical I think.
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-Tights in her first (I think) anime appearance-
  As she only really appeared in the spin-off it could be assumed that she isn’t “canon”, or part of the “real” story; however, she appeared briefly twice in Super, making her canon and also meaning that she even has a voice actor so it is now not only possible for her to appear in the story, but I’d even say it’s now expected. In the credits of the final Super episode she is even seen with the main cast so we know they’ve met.
  So why do I want to see this so much? Well, because I’m a big softy and I think it’d be cute. But also, I like character interaction and Dragon Ball has some very interesting characters. Heck, Bulma’s husband Vegeta is a godlike alien who once tried to destroy the Earth and actually killed her ex-boyfriend (don’t get any ideas). This means their children are half-alien which could be the cause of prejudice, and I always find the rejection of such things to be sweet, so I’d like to see that. On a similar note, it could also be cool to see Vegeta’s brother Tarble, but I don’t see that happening.
  I could go on but it’d be more of the same, which is why it’s only the first entry.
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Android 17’s family:
Another character who started off as an antagonist, No.17 soon became redundant when the true villain of the arc appeared and afterwards he followed his dream to be a park ranger. It’s kind of bizarre given his murderous tendencies at the beginning, but let’s just put that down to being an edgy teenager. His sister, No.18, was also a villain who was forgiven and she got hitched to another main character, Krillin. No.18 goes down in history as one of the few Dragon Ball wives who retain their personality after marriage, they have a kid and it’s a very sweet family.
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-androids 17 and 18 respectively-
  Perhaps I should mention that while they are referred to as “androids”, the siblings are actually modified humans although how they were modified and in what ways are not really explored.
  Anyway, No.17 disappears until Super where he becomes vital to the story, and we find that he has a family himself, including two adopted children which is…interesting. As I mentioned he first appeared with very little regard for life and in an alternate timeline he and his sister eradicated most of Earth’s population, so learning that he has adopted children shows a massive change that I want to see explored.
  Basically I want to see his family; the type of person that he would marry, the type of child he would have and how they get along with those they adopted. While we know he’s met Krillin and their child, they know nothing about his family and it could be really sweet.
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-Future No.17; Yeah, time (travel) changes everything-
The matured children:
This might sound a bit odd but those who have watched Super will understand what I’m getting at. Towards the end of the Z series our heroes have been pumping out children and despite Super apparently going on for a while two of these children just haven’t grown, physically or psychologically. One of them, Trunks, seemed to have some character development about mid-way but nothing has come of it, while the other, Goten, may actually have become younger.
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-to my eyes it’s not one growing but the other being shrunk-
  As fans we want to see these two grow up and become their own people and just to tease us further, at the end of Z there is a 10 year time-skip where we see them as adults. Now we’ve seen in the Dragon Ball series that as a Saiyan Goku develops slower than humans before having a sudden and extreme growth spurt, so maybe this is what’s going to happen.
  There is the possibility that as a children’s anime they want there to be young boys for the viewers to connect to; there are now the children Pan and Bra (I know it’s a weird name; remember Tights?) but they are both girls and Dragon Ball is aimed at boys so… This might be the way they are thinking, even if it’s kinda irrelevant considering the boys so rarely appear.
  It’s important to remember that the reason why the children don’t appear is exactly because they are children: in the final (for now) arc of Super they weren’t involved because they weren’t mature enough and every time that something interesting happens Goten can’t get involved because his mother Chi-Chi makes him study (like seriously! how often is Goten gonna get to meet a time-traveller? give him some freedom already!). But as teenagers they are just as useful as Goku was when the story started (he was twelve years old!) and we can start having some decent storylines with them.
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-Goten and Trunks after the timeskip-
More Saiyans:
The reason why changes depending on what the author wants, but the Saiyan planet was destroyed not long after baby Goku was sent away and there are only a few full-blooded Saiyans still alive, with two of them being killed within a year of us learning about Goku’s alien heritage. From memory, there are three full-blooded Saiyans currently (four if we include the latest movie) and one of them is never seen; there are five human-Saiyan children, one of which is second generation and I’m not sure how the genes would work in this case so I hesitate to call her “half-Saiyan”.
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-it was a good-looking movie, if a bit lacking in plot- gif from crunchyroll.com
  However! In the Dragon Ball universe it has been established that there are currently twelve universes (ignoring timelines because that’s just a mess) and at least one of which has a whole planet of Saiyans who evolved slightly differently. Our heroes have met three of these and there has been a promise to visit the planet. On top of this, we know from the Saiyan we don’t see and possibly from the movie I mentioned (and screw it, different timelines too) that there is the chance of Saiyans from the local universe surviving too.
  But why would I want to see this? After about two decades we’ve discovered that female Saiyans can achieve the famous Super Saiyan transformation (there was a surprising amount of debate on that) and we know enough stuff about the Saiyans from both universes, so what’s left?
  Character interaction, that’s what. The Saiyans we know are exceptional in talent and sheer motivation, so where they are all beyond planet destroying levels of strength and capable of the aforementioned Super Saiyan transformations, they may be the only ones who are at that level. Our heroes could go to this planet that is the mirror image to their own and the conversations would be fun, but so would seeing the locals react to the sheer power that Goku and friends have achieved; we’ve seen hints of this already, but more time could be spent here and with reactions on a greater scale thanks to the sheer amount of local Saiyans.
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-two very different histories of the same species-
  Is that it? Nope. So far both Goku and Vegeta have shown a very clear lack of interest in their own long dead people, but seeing an entire planet of their kin could awaken something in them. But their own planet is long dead, right? Except in the latest series they introduced the Super Dragon Balls (hence the series name) that can grant literally any wish (this power may be neutered at some point but we’ve seen seven universes get resurrected so…), including bringing a single planet back.
  And as I said, the Saiyans of each universe are very different so this war-like but relatively weak race would need putting in their place by our heroes, and that could be very, very fun.
 As you may have noticed I like characters and their interrelationships quite a lot. Thus it’s a shame that Dragon Ball is largely a dorky action series which doesn’t do much with families… heck, two out of the four wives I remember are just that: wives. The author has confessed to having difficulty writing women. Only Bulma and No.18 are anything more than just wives and mothers, and both of them are great! (no disrespect to wives and mothers, but Videl has lost most of what made her great in Z; and not because she’s a wife but because that’s all she is now)
  I’m going to leave it here for now as I have a few things I want to see and I don’t want this entry to go on for too long. Dragon Ball is a fun series if you just want to relax with something that isn’t too serious, and as long as you can let certain poorly-aged characters slide. Master Roshi is kinda…unpleasant; thankfully he doesn’t appear much later.
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-picture of Roshi- Just… just fuck this guy-
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