#while the second movie follows from things not said to crown and punishment
brokenhardies · 3 years
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Multiverse AU - Power Rangers 2017 Gwax
Kristen Froseth as Gwen Hartford
Andre Dae Kim as Dax Lo
@seize-the-droid @anotherunreadblog @ocfairygodmother @kazinejghafa @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @seymours-secret @witchofinterest @akabluekat @booty-boggins @anna-phora @starcrossedjedis @bravelittleflower @jewelswrites-ish @ryutabas @thecaillic @fuckitup-in-style
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Perfection Isn’t Perfect
So, as some people know, I lost a bet to @imthebadguythatsfine and my punishment was to write 3K words of whatever they wished. My prompt was: cutesy anaroceit date! It was originally supposed to be something completely different, but plot came and slapped me in the face. So here we are!
Summary: Roman, Janus and Virgil were planning on having a fancy date, but it was canceled due to bad weather. Roman will not stand for it, and assures his loves that they don’t need fancy clothes and nice makeup to have a good date night. Anaroceit with nonbinary!Virgil, genderfluid!Roman, and background QPR Intrulogicality
Warnings: Implied Sex (Remus), language
Words: 3,333
Virgil sighed as they scrubbed the makeup off of their face. Another date night lost to bad weather. Just their luck. They looked up at the corner of their mirror, smiling sadly at the two pictures taped there. The first one showed Roman up on a stage, her pink pronoun bracelet proudly on display, giggling as she spun in circles. The other photo showed Janus at the zoo, holding an intense staring contest with a python (Virgil had actually recorded that entire experience, mainly because it took their boyfriend a full 2 minutes to remember that snakes didn’t blink).
Virgil loved their partners with all of their heart. They had all met in high school, each one from a different social group. Roman, the theatre nerd. Janus, the popular kid. Virgil, the resident bad boy and social outcast. None of them would’ve met if it hadn’t been for Roman’s twin brother, Remus. Remus had quickly attached himself to Janus and Virgil, and introduced them to Roman a few months later. The rest, as they say, was history.
Virgil shook their head, focusing back on their makeup. They’ve been dating Roman and Janus for a few years now, but it was nearly impossible to spend time with both of them. Roman was always auditioning for some play, hoping to rack up enough credit to reach Broadway. Janus was still in college, trying to fulfill his dreams of becoming a lawyer. And Virgil didn’t know what to do with their life. They were currently a manager at the local supermarket while commissioning artwork on the side. Virgil was the only one with a predictable schedule, and even then they were constantly busy. They could usually score a lunch date with either Roman or Janus, but the third was almost always busy. Today was supposed to be their first three-person date in over a month. Virgil sighed. They were looking forward to seeing their partners face-to-face. They would just have to settle for video chats and texts.
Virgil sighed as they continued to wipe off their makeup. Janus and Roman always looked like they were runway models, especially during dates. Virgil would spend hours on their makeup and hair so they didn’t look homeless in comparison. It was kind of daunting, actually. Their partners always looked perfect, with perfect makeup and unwrinkled clothes. Virgil would probably die of embarrassment if their partners saw the way they look at home, wearing only a baggy hoodie and some sweatpants, their hair tied up in a messy bun.
Virgil screamed, jumping as they threw their makeup wipes at the bathroom door where the sound was originating. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Remus standing there, soaking wet. Remus grinned. “Pack your pajamas and toothbrush, we’re having a sleepover!”
Virgil blinked slowly, staring at their best friend. “What?”
Remus started bouncing slightly as he grabbed Virgil’s hand. “C’mon! You need to get out of this stuffy apartment. I’ve got food and games and movies!” He smirked. “So grab your sexiest pjs and come on!”
Virgil blushed before sighing. “Alright, geez. Just let me get this makeup off first.” Remus sometimes crashed at their place for ‘sleepovers,’ but this would be the first time that Virgil stayed at his place. But Remus was right, Virgil did need to get out of their apartment and stop focusing on their ruined date.
Remus giggled. “Alrighty then! I’ll be downstairs.”
Ten minutes later, Virgil stood in their living room, backpack hung loosely around their shoulders. They were still bummed that they didn’t get to go on their date, but at least they could spend some time with Remus. “Let’s go.”
“Alrighty, then! Get ready to get wet!”
“Why am I getting- oh.” Virgil stared at their now open apartment door, rain pouring so quickly that they could barely see a few feet in front of their face. Virgil sighed. It’s not like anyone’s gonna see me like this. With that, Virgil marched out into the rain, shuddering as the initial chill soaked through them. Virgil quickly locked the door before sprinting towards Remus’ car, not stopping until they were safely in the backseat. Remus followed a few seconds later, and Virgil snorted as they saw the air freshener hanging on the mirror. It had the outline of a deer with the words Oh Deer in the middle. Virgil snorted. “Did Patton get you that?”
Remus’ grin softened as he looked up at the air freshener. “And what if he did? I’m allowed to get gifts from my squishes!”
Virgil laughed. “Yeah, but it’s an air freshener.”
Remus huffed. “I recognize that some people might not appreciate my natural scent, but that does not mean you should ridicule me, Emo!”
Virgil chuckled. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get out of here, trash rat.”
Remus laughed as he turned on the car. “Why are you in the backseat?”
Virgil raised their eyebrow. “Because last time I sat in the passenger seat, there was a squirrel in your glovebox.”
“First of all, I did not know about the squirrel. Second of all, that was one time!”
“Yeah, one time too many!” They both chuckled at that, before the car descended into a comfortable silence. A few minutes later, they arrived in front of a house. Virgil started to unbuckle before they realized something. “Remus, this isn’t your house.”
“Uh-huh.” Remus responded, staring at his phone.
“...Then why are we here?”
“You’ll see.”
Virgil huffed, leaning back in their seat. They scrolled through tumblr for a few minutes before the car door opened, someone climbing into the passenger seat with their umbrella and bag. “Sorry, I couldn’t find my face… masks…”
Virgil locked eyes with Janus, feeling their cheeks heat up. Janus was still wearing a fancy yellow button-up shirt and some black slacks, but his hair was ruffled and his makeup was gone. Virgil turned to look at Remus, who was silently giggling at the scene. “You said this was just the two of us.”
Remus chuckled. “I said no such thing! I just implied it!” He turned the car back on and drove away, humming a merry tune he’d heard from Patton while ignoring the tense silence around him.
Virgil could barely stop themself from openly staring at Janus. They’d never seen Janus so… casual. Janus was always dressed to perfection, his perfect makeup and hair only topped by Roman (Roman was the only person Virgil knew to carry both a makeup back and hairspray at all times). It was odd to see Janus without his perfect hair and makeup. A good odd, but still odd nonetheless.
Just as Virgil was contemplating breaking the silence, Remus pulled up to another house. This time it was Janus who pointed out the obvious. “Remus, this isn’t your house.”
Remus giggled. “I never said you were staying at my house. Now come on!”
Remus immediately ran inside, ignoring the rain around him. Janus opened his door and immediately opened his umbrella, then stood there silently. Virgil wondered what he was doing as they got out of the car, until Janus moved to cover both of them with the umbrella. “I assumed you didn’t bring your own.” His tone was slightly teasing, and Virgil was relieved that they might get through this night with minimal awkwardness. “Come now, no need to keep Remus waiting.”
Virgil surveyed the house they were in. Cardboard boxes lined the walls, each one labeled for a different part of the house. They heard laughing from further in the house and followed it, Janus trailing quietly behind them. They reached the kitchen and saw Remus giggling on a barstool, watching as someone whistled and danced as they put something into the oven. His blue pronoun bracelet was a sharp contrast to his bright red pajamas with gold crowns. His hair was sticking up in every direction, and when he turned around Virgil noted that he had no makeup on. But it was still impossible to not recognize him. “Roman?”
Roman chuckled sheepishly. “Surprise?” He gestured to the house. “I was gonna tell you on our date tonight, but that didn’t really happen, so…” Roman clapped his hands (Virgil fondly noted years ago that he only did that when he rambled and needed to get back on topic). “Yeah! This is my new house! I was gonna tell you all about it in person but there was rain so I decided to show you instead!” He made cute little jazz hands. “Tada!”
Virgil blinked in shock while Janus spoke up. “Roman, Darling, I understand why you wanted to show us your home, but why did you have Remus bring us? And why be so secretive about this?”
Roman rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Well, after our date got cancelled, I was talking with Remus-”
“More like bemoaning”
“Talking about how I wish we could have a date without one of us being absent or the weather ruining everything, and Remus asked why we couldn’t just have the date here? And that’s when I realized something.” Roman started gesturing as he spoke. “All of our dates are so ridiculously formal! Other than texts and video calls, when was the last time we spent time together without fancy makeup or perfect hair? I can’t even remember!” He gestured around the mostly-empty kitchen. “So I’ve prepared a perfect date, set with no expectations whatsoever!”
Now it was Virgil’s turn to speak up. “Date?”
Roman smiled softly. “Now, no need to fret. I can hear the wheels turning in your head, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance.” Virgil blushed at the nickname. “The point of this is to spend time together without any stress of trying to look and act perfect. If we can’t have a nice time like this,” he gestured to his pajamas “then how are we gonna have a happy life together?”
Before Virgil or Janus could even try to respond, Remus spoke up. “Well, if you no longer need your bestest twin ever to be your uber driver…”
Roman chuckled. “Go hang out with your squishes. I know you’ve been dying to see them all day.”
“Damn right I have!” Remus quickly made his way out of the kitchen, waving to Janus and Virgil. “Bye Janny! Bye V! Have fun and use a condom!”
“Tell Pat and Specks we said hi! And tell Specks that he still owes me a jar of Crofters!” Roman called out as Remus left, smiling at the laugh he got in return. He then turned back to Virgil and Janus. “So! I have a pizza in the oven and various junk foods throughout the kitchen. I’ve set up some MarioKart and Disney+ in the living room, and I have some moisturizers and nail polish if you’re up for it!”
Janus said something, but Virgil didn’t hear it, their thoughts running wild for a moment. They didn’t even realize that their partners were trying to get their attention until they felt a hand on their shoulder. They saw Janus’ hand, but it was Roman who was in Virgil’s direct field of vision. Roman gave them a curious look, and Virgil let out a shaky breath. “Sorry, I’m still adjusting to this. I just went from a random hangout with Remus, to a potentially awkward hangout with Remus and Janus, to knowing that I’m now on a date with both of my partners without any way to even try and look nice.”
Roman smiled softly. “That’s why I had Remus bring you two under the guise of a sleepover. I didn’t want you to panic and try to force yourself to be formal and make yourself uncomfortable.” His face then became serious. “However, I understand if this was too sudden. If you want, I can drive you home now. Or you can take up the guest bedroom and have the night to yourself. We would never judge you for something like that.”
Virgil shook their head. “No, I want to do this. It just… hit me all at once, I guess.” They felt their cheeks get warm with embarrassment.
Roman chuckled. “No need to feel embarrassed, Panic at the Everywhere.” He then held out his hand. “Now, onward to video games and Disney movies!”
Virgil giggled as they grabbed Roman’s hand, holding their other hand out for Janus to take. Roman let them to the living room, which was almost completely bare. “When did you move in here, Roman?”
“A few days ago. I wasn’t planning on decorating before showing it off, but we don’t need Disney posters to have a good date!” He pushed a controller into Virgil’s hands. “Here, pick your character. You too, Jack the Fibber.”
“Out of my way, Janus!”
“Sorry Darling, but first place is mine.”
Virgil smirked as they heard their partners bickering. “Eat shell, bitches.” Two red shells shot out, hitting their mark.
“Aggh, Virgil! Love of my life, why do you do this to me!”
Virgil giggled at Roman’s dramatics, but was suspicious when Janus remained silent. Just as they were a few seconds from winning, Virgil felt a hand gently grip their chin and tilt their head-
Virgil felt lips on theirs and groaned into the kiss, not realizing their mistake until they heard the sound of someone crossing the finish line. They quickly looked back at the screen and saw their character stuck on a wall in 5th place. They quickly finished their race before turning back to Janus, who was now smirking. “You little shit!”
Janus laughed. “You wouldn’t let me be in first, so I returned the favor.”
Virgil gestured over to Roman, who was dancing on the other end of the living room. “You let Roman win! That’s not fair!”
Janus kissed them again, a teasing smirk on their lips. “All’s fair in love and war, Love.”
Virgil grumbled as their cheeks grew warm from the kiss. “Shouldn’t the pizza be done by now?”
Roman gasped as he ran to the kitchen. “THE PIZZA!”
Virgil laughed as their boyfriend attempted to save the pizza. “Why didn’t you set a timer?”
“Well EXCUSE ME for being so utterly distracted by my beautiful partners!”
Virgil laughed, until they felt a hand cupping their cheek. They turned to face Janus, who gave them a fond smile. “He’s right, you know.” He slowly began to trace Virgil’s cheekbone with his thumb. “You are quite beautiful, with and without the winged eyeliner.”
Virgil snorted. “Says you. You and Roman are always beautiful.”
“And the two of you have beauty that rivals the divine!” Roman yelled, coming back with a plate of misshapen pizza slices. “A small portion was charred, so I had to cut it out before I could cut the slices, but it’s still good!” Roman quickly put the plate down before running back to the kitchen. “I’m gonna go get some drink, go ahead and start without me. Bon Appétit!”
Virgil cautiously grabbed a slice, and watched as Janus did the same. They quickly took a bite and watched as Janus took a bite so small that they wouldn’t have known it was there unless they saw Janus take the bite. They snorted, and explained when they saw Janus’ curious stare. “That’s the first time I’ve seen you eat without silverware, and you ate that the exact way I thought you would.”
Janus gave Virgil a small smile. “Well, I typically don’t eat finger-food, so I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Take what as a compliment?” Janus and Virgil turned to see Roman coming back with three cans of soda.
“Virgil had found my eating habits amusing.” Janus set snootily, but the amusement in his eyes was unmistakable.
“Eating habits?” Roman asked as he grabbed two slices of pizza.
“Yeah, he always takes the world’s smallest bites, no matter what he’s… eating.” Virgil was now staring at Roman, who had taken a bite of his newly made pizza-sandwhich, with a cheesy inside and a crust-coated outside.
Roman noticed that he was being stared at and became confused. “Yes?”
Virgil continued to stare at the pizzas. “...You know how some people have things that could make or break a relationship?” They gestured to the pizza. “Thi-this is it.”
Roman snorted. “My Knight in Shining Armor, are you seriously willing to abandon me over my pizza eating habits?”
Janus gave Virgil a bewildered look. “And haven’t you seen Remus eat pizza? He eats it the exact same way.”
Virgil huffed. “Well I’ve learned from personal experience to not look anywhere in Remus’ general direction while he’s eating.”
Roman laughed, leaning over Janus’ lap to cup Virgil’s cheek with his hand. “You still love me though, right?”
Virgil pretended to think about it for a moment. “Hmm, I don’t know… I think I need a little persuasion.”
Roman chuckled, and soon Virgil’s personal space was filled with nothing but Roman. His mouth on Virgil’s, one hand in their hair, the other rubbing small circles into their collarbone-
“Ahem.” Virgil and Roman parted to look at Janus, who appeared more flustered than annoyed. Virgil could sympathize, having sat between Roman and Janus during a make-out scene before.
Roman smirked. “Aw, are you jealous, Love?” He looked Virgil in the eye and they nodded before they both leaned over to press a kiss to the corners of Janus’ mouth. They continued to kiss their respective halves of Janus’ face until it was redder than a tomato. Virgil pulled back and matched Virgil’s smirk as they watched their blushing boyfriend attempt to form words.
“...There! Now we just have to let it set for 20 minutes.”
Virgil groaned as they resisted the urge to touch the face mask. “How can you do this every night? I’m already wanting to scratch my nose.”
Janus smirked. “Practice, and the desire to have a good self-care routine.” He glanced down to Virgil’s hands. “Your nails are drying nicely.”
Virgil glanced down at their nails, the various black and purple patterns complimenting each other nicely. “Yeah, they are. I think they’re dry too.”
“Well then, would you like a distraction from wanting to touch your face?” Virgil turned to look at Roman, who was plugging in a speaker. They watched as Roman connected his phone to the speaker, and a soft tune floated through the air. It took Virgil a moment to recognize the tune.
Virgil snorted. “Sleeping Beauty? Seriously, Princey?”
Roman gasped in mock offense. “Hey, it’s a lovely song!” He held out his hand. “Now, care to dance?”
Virgil sighed before grabbing Roman’s hand, allowing him to pull them up into a standing position. Roman immediately shifted to a leading position, and Virgil let themself be guided through the dance. Dancing with Roman felt like walking on clouds, every step of uncertainty matched by Roman’s confident movements.
After around a minute of dancing, Roman spun Virgil away. Virgil moved with the motion, expecting to be pulled back into Roman’s embrace. They let out a small squeak when instead they were gently tugged into Janus’ hold. Dancing with Janus felt like they were a snake and Janus the snakecharmer, Virgil instinctively yet shakily following every move in tandem with Janus.
Janus eventually spun Virgil towards the couch in a loose hold, and Virgil let themselves spin across the room and land on the couch. They watched as Roman quickly took Virgil’s spot, following Janus’ lead. It was exhilarating to watch Roman and Janus dance. Every movement was filled to the brim with passion. You could tell with every heartfelt look and gentle touch how much they truly loved each other. And every second of watching reminded Virgil of how much they loved their partners with all of their heart.
Roman and Janus both reached out towards Virgil, their other hands locked together. Virgil smiled at the loves of their life before placing their hands in theirs, letting themself be pulled back into the music.
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
May Snippets Masterlist (2020)
2020 Snippets Master Masterlist
May Snippets Request List
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Bjorn asks you to be his queen after you two have known each other since you were children
Catching Hvitserk having a midnight snack while you’re both trying a new diet
NSFW Ubbe fucking you into the mattress
Hvitserk doing ridiculous things to try and get you to fall for him (but you already have feelings for him)
Sigurd saying that Ivar can’t pleasure a woman and Ivar snaps, revealing that you’ve been cheating on your husband, Sigurd
You turning down every marriage proposal because you want to look after your father; Ragnar
Ivar realizing why you make him wear a necklace of a vial with your blood when he gets injured in battle
Killing an assassin while Ivar’s asleep and cutting out his tongue so he doesn’t wake Ivar
The brothers and Ragnar being protective over you when your beauty becomes known throughout the land
Asking Aslaug if it’s alright that you call her ‘mother’
Hvitserk encouraging Ivar to tell you about his crush on you
Ivar returning from a raid with jewels that he’s kept aside for the intention of spoiling you
NSFW Ivar being insecure about being naked in front of you for the first time
Your army coming to Ivar’s aid in a war he’s losing with a message telling him that he’s not dying until you allow it (twin!sister)
Hvitserk, Ubbe, and Sigurd knowing they have to be on their best behavior when around Ivar if they want good food from you
Deciding that it’s better to end things with Ivar when you get the offer of a better life somewhere else
Ivar suspecting you have a lover because he feels like you’re drifting away from him
Hvitserk rambling about being safe as he mends your injured hand
Ivar going above and beyond when you’re sick because he’s convinced you’re going to did (part ??)
Practically having Hvitserk’s order ready every morning because he orders the same thing everyday
Ivar refusing any suitors because he feels they’re ‘not worthy’ of you (part ??)
Ivar coming into his room after a long day and finding you sleeping on his bed because you missed him (part ??)
Telling Bjorn you only love him as your older brother when he confesses that he loves you (part ??)
Bjorn doing mundane things for you as a way to show you he loves you
NSFW Bjorn eating you out like a starved man
NSFW Going down on Bjorn under his desk while he does some work
NSFW Trying to keep it together as Ivar goes down on you while you’re on the phone with a friend
Hvitserk returning home from spending the day with his toddler, exhausted, but in awe at the fact that you can look after 2 kids and be pregnant
Ivar thinking that you’re in love with Hvitserk when he sees you laughing with him. But it’s actually something else
NSFW Hvitserk ‘punishing’ you for stealing his clothes (part 2)
Having a serious conversation about the law with Ragnar ant the brothers (gen z!reader)
The brothers' reaction to you dying your hair pink (gen z!reader)
NSFW Everyone thinks you’re super innocent, but Bjorn knows that you’re the complete opposite
NSFW Dom!Lagertha rearranging your guts with a strap on
People not second guess it when you slip a hand under Ivar’s shirt to feel his muscles
Lagertha feeling slightly brokenhearted to see you (her daughter) being close with Aslaug when she visits with Bjorn
Ivar realizing that he’s falling in love with you, but decides that it’s for the best to arrange a marriage for you (part ??)
How Estadir is around you on a daily basis (Hefna)
How you and Estadir met (Hefna)
NSFW Alpha Bjorn waking up in rut to you in heat and grinding on his leg in your sleep
Aslaug and Ivar joking that you’re his girlfriend and you blush and try to hide in his chest (much younger!reader)
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Each of the brothers spoiling and showing off to you to try and get you to like them more (little sister!reader)
NSFW Being a brat and teasing Bjorn before he puts you in your place
Ivar refusing to get up until you kiss him
Aslaug overhearing you telling Ivar why you can’t go through with the arranged marriage (part 2)
Ragnar finding out that the sons fake getting along so that you’ll talk to them
Losing your baby when a slave purposefully give you the wrong tea because she’s in love with Ivar
Ivar throwing a tantrum because you won’t marry him (part 2)
Telling Margarethe to keep her advances on your husband - Hvitserk - to herself
Lagertha overhearing you comforting Aslaug and saying how you’ll always be her daughter (part 2)
Having enough of your sister trying to seduce Ivar and having no choice but to banish her (part 5)
One of the brothers catching you making out with someone in a supply closet (part 2)
Killing the slave Ivar infatuated with because you don’t share your husband
Defeating Ragnar and deciding if you should kill him or spare him (part 3)
Ivar being happy that you’ve given him peace and a home he can call his own where he’s loved and respected
Aslaug being happy to see Ivar marry the girl she’s been in love with since he was a young boy
Your oldest son walking in on you and Hvitserk doing it
Coming back to Kattegat and telling your brothers you’re pregnant (perfect little sister!reader) (part??)
Ivar no longer being upset letting you breastfeed your child after seeing how happy you are and how strong the bond is with you and the baby (Only Mine) (part 2)
Giving birth to your first child and he barely fits in Estadir’s hands (Hefna)
Stepping in as a mother figure to the sons after marrying Bjorn
Being the big spoon when you find Sigurd asleep
Ivar finally telling you what the doctor said after days of silence (blind!ivar) (prequel)
Staying in bed with Ivar and trying to distract him from pain during a bad leg day
Meeting Ivar’s brothers upon arriving in Kattegat (Hefna)
Joking with Estadir that you may have to start your own tribe because of how many children you have (Hefna)
Ivar buying a bigger bed so that he can finally sleep with all his children and not get kicked off (part 2)
Telling Ubbe that you’re not hitting on him, but actually on his wife, Torvi
Alpha!Hvitserk finding you nesting
Spending time with Ivar and Hvitserk after a long day (shared girlfriend!reader)
Introducing your suitor to your brothers for the first time and trying to stop them from scaring him off
Hvitserk calling his brothers for help when you’re sick because he doesn’t know how to take care of a sick person
Ivar refusing the crown because he wants to keep you and his family away from danger
Ivar daughter asking if you’re her new mommy after dating Ivar for a while
Ivar and his brother teaching his daughter how to fight after she was attacked
NSFW A threesome with Hvitserk and Ivar
Ubbe mentioning how you haven’t aged a day because you’re immortal
Coming to Kattegat with your dragons to form an alliance and Hvitserk catches your eye
Begging Ivar to let you keep a kitten you found
Having a small rivalry with Ivar because he doesn't like how you steal attention away from him
Being best friends with Ivar and meeting his brothers, but you had a one night stand with Hvitserk
Thinking that Ivar’s only asking you to marry him because you’re pregnant, you say no
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Meeting the Ragnarssons and your child takes a surprising liking to Ivar
NSFW Finally having sex with Ivar after being secretly in love and he finds out that you’re just as crazy as he is
Ivar coming back after letting you go and finding that you found someone else
Having your first daughter with Bjorn and she turns out to be a daddy’s girl (part 2)
NSFW Teacher/Student role playing with Ragnar
Ivar coming home and knows by the smell that you’ve been baking
Mafia!Ivar struggling to kill you after finding out that you’re a spy
Celebrating your birthday with Ragnar and the brothers
Relieved to see Ivar coming back to you alive after a long raid
Knowing that his brothers are going to meet up with friends, Ivar tags  long and falls for you right away
Ivar getting an awkward boner while watching a movie with you (his roommate) and having to talk about his feelings for you
You son coming back to Kattegat to take vengeance on Ivar for what he did to you and telling Ivar that he’s his son
The brothers following Hvitserk and being caught by you, his secret girlfriend
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Loki taking care of you when you’re very sick
You owl whining all the time to Bucky on a mission after switching animals (The Owl and the Wolf)
NSFW Bucky eating you out and making you squirt
Geralt and Jaskier fighting for your affection, but you have eyes for Yennefer
Feeling insecure when one of Jaskier’s lovers starts flirting with him
Telling Geralt how it is that you know him when he’s never met you before (part 2)
Jaskier explaining to Geralt how he needs to do something romantic for your birthday
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Jaskier regretting introducing you to Geralt when you tell embarrassing childhood stories
Jaskier writes a ballad for you for your wedding
Both you and Geralt being surprised that Jaskier could fight off an Alpha much larger than him
Basically disappearing when you cuddle with Geralt because you can hide in his cloak
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smilerforyou · 4 years
You Will Be King (Gale/Thom)
A/N: Well, here's the first non-Gadge piece. I don't know why but Thom and Gale's relationship has always interested me, and I've been imagining what they'd be like together for a while now. We get very little of Thom in the books (bummer!), but I always imagined the two of them as inseparable. Not a whole lot of Thom/Gale romance going on here, today, but if you're interested, I'd love to continue the piece!
This piece is inspired by Netflix's The King. I'm kind of OBSESSED with Timothée Chalamet and have been watching all his movies again recently. I just finished The King for a second time and it inspired me to write another royalty piece.
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Gale paused outside of the throne room, his spine stiffening. The last time he entered this room he told his father he was gay and was engaged to a man. Their wedding would be at the end of the summer – to mark their second anniversary – and he would be moving out and abdicating his direct line to the throne immediately.
Now, after six months, his hands still sweat the way they did that day. He curls and uncurls his fists, trying to wick away the sweat bedding on the palms.
He doesn’t know why his father has summons him to the palace after all this time. It certainly couldn’t be for forgiveness. Gale’s own siblings haven’t even been allowed to communicate with him since the day he had left, and – despite being invited to his wedding – hadn’t been allowed to come. It had hurt Gale more than he wanted it too, finally sharing a union with someone he loved without the witness of his family. Their absence had felt wrong then, and still do now. So, standing in front of the be wooden doors with the family seal engraved into its center put an awkward weight on Gale’s chest. The pressure came from within, bubbling his fears and worries with it.
The guards patiently waited for approval to open to the door – something they didn’t have to do now that they held no loyalty to him anymore. But now that Gale is standing in front of the doors…he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be ready to face his father again, to see the disappointment his father’s eyes placed upon him every time they were in the same room. He has gravely disappointed his father, ripping away the long-sipped cocktail of monarchal succession. The old-fashioned recipe sweet to thy country’s tongue and thy country’s citizens, a taste so strong and recognizable that one unbalanced flavor would spark an outburst. Gale is the glass hitting the bar top, his father’s voice the disgruntled complaint for a remake, but Gale wasn’t remake-able.
Gale has known for years that he desired male attention and only male. He fumbled with it, became connected with it, in darkened alleys and sticky bathroom floors. Gale’s body always ended up the same: pushed against the alcohol covered wall with someone’s impossibly hot hands pressured firmly against his stomach and their lips confidently pressed to his throat. It only came out in places where the other residents wouldn’t remember seeing him there when they opened their eyes the next morning, too drunken to spill the tea to the media about a prince with unroyal desires.
Very few people knew about his internal desires. He displayed them only when appropriate, as desires should be. At palace galas and garden parties, he tucked his desires away and forced himself to only admire the well-fitting suits with his eyes instead of his lips. His desires is his own problem to control, not exert onto anyone, but outside, in the well past midnight moonlight, he unleashed his desires with any willing body.
When he came stumbling back home in the early mornings, his oldest sibling, Lucinda, would just shake her head and lock the underground tunnel door behind him. As they stumbled through the old musty tunnels, they whispered about the men they shared their beds with – or rather the men whose beds they lay in. Once they pushed open the hidden library door, no words of desired hands or sharp teeth or warm thighs would ever be spoken. They kept each other’s dick appointments between themselves, immunity granted through shared collateral.  
For years, so many men let him into their warm beds, whispering how beautiful and delicate his petite body was, how his unmarred skin glistened in the glow of the moon. More often than not, the men would rave to him about being in bed with the prince, but Gale pretended it was role play, convincing himself that in those moments he was nothing but an ordinary man.
He was anything but ordinary then. He was indeed a Prince of Panem.
It wasn’t until he met Thomas Michael Grayland that he finally felt the freedom only ordinary men felt. Thom rarely mentioned anything about royalty, and definitely not while in bed. In the rare moments where royalty passed his lips, it was of criticism, mostly toward Gale’s father. Thom resented the King for his oppressive tactics he used on his children. He hated the way Gale was stifled and silenced all because he was the eldest male and would be destined to ascend the throne. Thom was the first person Gale had ever breathed the words abdication to, and he was the only man who pushed Gale to follow what Gale’s heart said was true. He never pressured Gale to make a choice or to choose him over the crown, but a part of that might have been that Gale wore his weathered heart on his sleeve. There was never a moment’s hesitation about abdicating. Gale had wanted it for years, since he could remember understanding what the line of succession meant for him. And despite his sweaty palms, Gale had rolled into the throne room that day confidently covered in the smell of Thom’s day-old cologne and mint Chapstick.
And he’d do it again, just this time with a little more sweat on his palms.
He nodded and the doors slowly began to open.
“Your Majesty, your son has arrived.”
“Gale,” King Marcus said coolly, his eyes desert dry of warmth upon landing on his son.
“Father,” Gale bites out. He doesn’t deserve that title after everything, but Gale bites his tongue.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I have called you here today.” He waits for his son to nod before continuing. He confidently shifts in this throne, the unnecessary crown placed lightly on his head. It seemed to float there, like it was meant to be there, although Gale’s own shoulder felt its weight from across the room. Gale had always noticed the ease in which his father took to ruling, to the fancy and expensive suits, the heavy crowns and robes always appearing to float weightlessly on his shoulders.
Gale could admit that his father is an excellent king, there was no doubt about that. The kingdom took great pride in plastering his face everywhere and worshipping the ground he walked on. On the other side of that very same coin, though, Gale could also say that his father is a shitty dad. In the younger years, when royalty and lines of succession and duties were far, far away, he can remember the good dad he had. The one who taught him guitar and piano and how to write a song, the dad who would run through the big rain puddle that turned their backyard into a lake, the dad who would bake cookies with them in the kitchen and eat half the cookie dough before it even reached the oven. But as Gale grew older, their relationship changed, and Marcus became more of a dictator than a father. He disguised his harsh punishments and disappointed stares as a father’s love, but Gale knew that Marcus hated the person Gale had become.
Marcus had always viewed Gale as weak. He constantly told him that he was “too romantic,” and “needed to stop wearing his heart on his sleeve,” but Gale didn’t know how too, nor did he think it would be very beneficial. Gale – who dealt through most things with tears – would be told to harden his exterior and only cry on the inside.
“A King is meant to be a powerful leader, not a crybaby,” his father would rant at him constantly.
But Gale didn’t feel like a king, he felt like a child whose feelings got hurt.
As Gale grew older, and his tears were shed in the quiet of his mother’s arms in his darkened bedroom, Gale watched his dad turn into his father, who would eventually turn into his king. Gale’s emotional state and desire to be loved would sever all familial ties between them. They became harsh master and unwilling student.
After a long pause, Marcus spoke again, and much like the last time they had spoken, the words are condemning.
“You will be king.”
The words echoed through the empty room, bouncing off the marble floors and the gallery seats and passing through the crystal beads of the high chandelier.
“No.” It came out harder than Gale expected his voice to allow, but he reveled in the reverence of answer, the clarity that rang through the single syllable.
The King’s chin rises only a fraction. “You will be king,” he repeats.  
“I will not.”
“It is your destiny.”
“I have not soughtit,” Gale spits out, “I abdicated the throne. Don’t you remember?”
“I remember.” His father’s eyes grow harden, the gray turning to stone and his fist curling around the armrest with great tension. “I know you did, but you mustbeking.”
“I do not wantit.”
“I cannot have your sister on the throne. She are far too devoured by her own interests. And your brothers and younger sister are too young. Rory isn’t even 13 yet, let alone 16. It must be you, Gale.”
“I don’t wantit,” he repeats.
“It isn’t about want, Gale.”
“Everything is about want, father. You can’t force me to place a hideous crown on my head. I abdicated; I’ve made my choice. Parliament won’t change the decision now.”
Marcus sits back in his throne. A spark a fear spreads through Gale’s chest as his father’s face twists with satisfaction.
“Your mother and I have spoken to Parliament.” His full lips spread into a wicked grin. He knows how much Gale values his mother and her trust. For her to agree with his father on this means the years of preaching to him to be himself and only himself has to be lies. “It will not be a problem. They have already agreed to reverse your decision.”
“This is bullshit!” the words echo harshly in the room. “You didn’t agree with my decision to leave this fucked up family, despite the years of abuse at yours and Parliament’s hand. You wouldn’t even throw me a bone and allow me to be who I am. I abdicated for a reason, father–”
“So you could suck a cock.” It wasn’t even a question, just a statement.
“And many indeed I did, but I did that with a crown on my head. My loyalty lies with only one cock outside these walls.”
“You’ll grow out of it. Once that crown is on your head, you’ll find the pleasures of a woman. Of an heir.”
“Are you speaking from personal experience?”
He knows the weight of that insinuation, of the repulsion that will rise in his father’s chest being associated with such a comment. He knows this, so he uses it.
“You disgustme!”
“My happiness — your own son’shappiness — disgusts you? This is the reason I left the family, Father. I gave up my title to be who I am. To be with him, to celebrate the beauty of who we are, of love. I never asked for this life, Father. I never wanted royalty or a crown or a title. I wanted simplicity and someone to love me.”
“England loves you.”  
Gale spits on the floor for real this time, stamping his foot into it and smearing it into the floor.
“England has showed me time and time again it does not love me, and she will not love me,” he growls.
Marcus’ voice lightens for a mere second, “Gale, I wish this could be diff—“
“It canbe different, Father. You choosefor it to proceed this way.”
“We have to sacrifice our lives for our country. We are born to be dutiful, to love England.”
“But do youlove me?”
He father stills in his chair, his head shifting to one side, his eyes widen a fraction. “Of course I do.”
“Just the old me?” Gale volleys back.
“Yes, the old you. The only who isn’t drunk off satanic desires, yes.”
“It. Is. Not. Satanic.”
“Isn’t it? Nowhere in our church does it say to engage in such relations.”
“FUCK THE CHURCH! Fuck you, Dad.” He chest heaves with such weight. Gale likes to think of himself as a calm individual, a steadfast partner. The only man who can make Gale lose his shit is Marcus. “If you love me, leave me alone. Don’t call me back to palace to rip the life I’ve built from myself.”
His father’s face boils red. “You likeliving in poverty? You likethe disgusted looks? You likebe disgraced among your own people?”
Gale rolls his eyes. “Father, please, they were worse when I had a sparkling crown on my head.”
Marcus shifts in his seat again, crossing his ankle over his knee. It was the first time that Gale had noticed that his father is incomplete. His bare foot pokes out from under the heavy robe, his poke tattoo of a crown on the bottom of his foot is almost completely worn off now. Much like his reign over his kingdom.
But what bothered Gale the most was the fact that his father couldn’t even be bothered to dress for him, but had time to put on a crown. Gale was such a disgrace and afterthought that shoes weren’t even important enough to be worn in front of him.
“Of course you’ll have to marry again,” his father began. “We can move Thom somewhere no one will know him, make a deal with a neighboring nation. We can say he died, or you made a mistake – although that might cause a national scandal. Mmm…we’ll figure it out later. Margaret Undersee is still available to marry and we–“
“Father, stop.”
“Gale, there’s a lot—“
“To do? There is nothingto do, Father. I will not be king no matter how hard you try to ignore my answer. You’ll just have to remain king until Rory is of age or bend the rules to make him king at 14, like you’re clearly willing to bend the rules to break my abdication.”
“Gale, it is your—“
“No, no. I reject your offer.”
“You cannot do such a thing. I am the King.”
“I’m going to ask you again…Do you love me?”
“Of course I do, you’re my son.”
“Do you love me more than England?”
“Gale, please. This isn’t a discussion worth having.”
“Answer me, Dad.”
Marcus’ face softens are the mention of ‘dad.’ He sighs, looking across the room at his son. His pale, thin son stares back him. The clothing that once fit him now hangs off his shoulders and pools against his withering body. The shadows under his eyes were darker than night and his once smooth hands are now puckered with scars from broken guitar strings. Marcus could almost hear the sad melody playing off his son’s aura, the single violin playing a soft note of a sinking chord.
“Of course I love you,” he finally says.
A silence settles over them as Marcus waits for his son’s reply. He could see the tears well up in his son’s eyes. And despite the words of criticism being on the edge of his tongue, he lets his heart speak first. He lets his son drown in his emotions just this once. He watches a single tear run down his son’s cheek, the tips of fingers tingling to wipe it away.
“I wish you loved me as much as you love England.”
He had seen through. Gale had seen through the lie.
Gale turned on his heel and made way for the door. The guards raced to pull open the door in time for Gale to run through them, but Marcus stops their descent. Gale would have to push through his own door. He didn’t mind, his father always made things difficult.
His hands wrapped around the steel handle, the thick metal cold in his hands. He stopped, leaning his forehead against the door, wishing he could leave without the last comment, knowing he couldn’t.
“I hate you!” he cries out, his breath heaving in his chest.“I hate you.”
“Gale.” His voice was light, soften by the moment of emotion.
Gale turns around, peaking through heavy eyelids and tear stained lashes. His breath catching in his throat, choking him. He wails unapologetically into the open air, his hands the only thing keeping him from sinking to the floor.
“You must be king.”
He collapses.
A/N: Should I continue?
Fanfiction.net Profile
Gadge: The Mini Stories 
Gadge: The Mini Stories: Chapter 37 (if you wanna leave a comment here, that’d be much appreciated!)
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
My MCU Namor Movie Proposal
So with the recent acquisition made by Disney, we’re going to be seeing a lot of new additions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The thing is, there is still that legal trouble with universal so there are some characters up in the air. One of which is Namor the Submariner.
As a fan of Namor’s, I would love to see him one day come to the big screen, but its likely not going to happen any time soon. That said, I decided to write my own concept for a Namor movie.
Full disclosure, I am not a professional writer, nor am I film student. I’m just a guy with a passion for comic book characters. That said I’m not ignorant to the new for an adaption to, y’know, change for movie going consumption. Again, this is just an amateur work that I had wrote and isn’t meant to be taken too seriously. If we ever do get a Namor movie, I will not be disappointed that it isn’t similar to this.
(I’d like to thank @marctheaveragecomicnerd for looking at my original draft)
So it all starts in the Antarctic and a ship called the Oracle. The Captain, Leonard Mackenzie finds a woman stranded on an ice shard. Taking her in, learning her name is Fen, Leonard teaches her language after seeing her write in a crude unknown letters. Fen’s old odd writing’s are secretly tossed overboard to a blue and webbed hand. The two eventually fall in love, with Fen becoming pregnant. But then a raiding party of Atlanteans arrive.
The Oracle’s superior weapons blast them for the most part. Leonard finds Fen, turning blue and sees her winged feet and realizes what she is. Fen apologizes walking up and hugging him telling him she doesn’t know what’s happening, but her love for him was real. Leonard also apologizes (For killing the attacking Atlantean’s, though that isn’t spoken.)
Fen departs. In the water she is met by a merman, who is her nephew, Byrrah. She leaves Leonard behind, fearing for his safety.
Back at Atlantis, a warlord named Skarka is trying to demonstrate a plans of attack on the surface dwellers to the Emperor of Atlantis, Thakorr. Revealing he was the one who sent out the raiding party. But Fen and Byrrah arrive and Fen shares what she learned from her time on the Oracle, as that was what she was intended to do.
Skarka hopes to use this knowledge, but that’s shot when Fen suggests they should stop assaults on humans for the time being. Stating that humans just have too much advanced technology for their small army.
When Skarka presses her on the decision, saying that atrocities humans have done to the sea and that should have no right to do this to superior born creatures like the,. Fen states that regardless, she won’t let more of their people die pointlessly against superior weaponry. Skarka comes to the conclusion that Fen has been tainted by man. And that she has shamed their proud race. Emperor Thakor yells “Imperious Rex” and pushes back Skarka, banishing him for his words against his daughter. Skarka leaves taking loyalists with him and his young son, Attuma.
Byrrah leaving a comment that those were still strong soldiers they lost. Fen promises that they’ll train a great army soon and that she is carrying an heir to lead them.
Flash forward as a Roxxon oil ship is ready to drill but are then attacked by Namor who defeats them, ripping apart their ship. Watching him is a group of troops not joining in on the fight. He returns to Atlantis where Fen is now Empress. Here, Namor goes to train with his cousin Namora. (Who is kind enough to her cousin to keep her skin pale underwater like her cousin’s)
Byrrah addresses Namor’s skin with Fen. He doesn’t change from blue to pale upon entering the surface and people whisper of his half-breed birth.
Cut to a ship of a human Doctor named Lemuel Dorcas and his assistant Todd. The two have embedded Attuma, Skarka’s son with bio enhancements. Attuma vows that with this strength, he shall claim revenge for his father and on the human race.
Dorcas only asks that in return he gets to still live in the ocean when Attuma’s plan is in motion. He then tells them they better move.
Namor and the other Atlanteans come to another Roxxon ship. This one with the bodies of merman strung up on the side. Namor again fights alone, but then also on the boat is Attuma.
Many watching are wowwed and Attuma challenges Namor for the title of incumbent king. Attuma gets into Namor’s head, telling him that he can’t be king when not a single Atlantean will obey or follow him. (Saying maybe it's his skin) Attuma postulates on how they have the power now to fight the surface, holding Fen to her words on raising an army.
Attuma and Namor battle in the belly of a sea monster. Attuma shows off his bioenhancement which gives him the strength of two thousand men and defeats Namor.
To protect her son from death, Fen relinquishes the title of queen to make Namor’s sentence banishment. Fen is locked away and Namor’s broken body is sent out to drift. Namora goes to find Namor’s body, while Byrrah keeps watch on Atlantis. Namor drifts semi-conscious through polluted waters but is saved by a man in a red and white scuba suit.
Awaking in a lab, he learns the man is name is Walter Newell, an oceanographer and marine biologist, who fixed up Namor. Namor is hostile but spares him for his deed. He is meet by Namora, but then succumbs to some infections thanks to the pollutants and Walter takes him for better treatment.
Namor in the town where Walter goes to find some some treatments for him, learns of Walter having an interest in constructing an undersea city. Namor also learns about the Oracle ship in this port town.
Namor wishes to fight Attuma again but Walter and Namora states that these wounds show Namor isn’t ready. Namora convinces her cousin to take the trial of Poseidon.
Walter uses his knowledge in oceanography to find its coordinates. They journey across the world together with Walter bonding with the two as Namor takes in surface life.
Attuma is readying his army, building something from all the ships they’re destroying. But when he hears from a scout of Namor’s plan for the trial, Attuma sends a top men of his to Dorcas asking for one to be modified. This leads to a boat chase where the trio fight off Dorcas’ enhanced Atlanteans and when they are beat, Dorcas turns one Attuma’s men into Orka.
Namor takes the trial. Having to fight a huge sea monster and confront the spirit of Thakorr. While Namora and Walter fight Orka, who followed them to the trial area.
Namor eventually realizes why fighting for the title of king from Attuma is important. He has spent all this time trying to fight and prove himself to the people of Atlantis so they see his as one of them and fight for him. But a true king is fighting for is his people. They don’t fight for him.
He passes the trial and screams “Imperious Rex!” Defeating and taming the sea creature and handily beating Orka. They interrogate Orka, on his enhancements, and he mentions Dorcas. A doctor who moved under the sea as the world will be under water one day. They realize Attuma plans to skin the surface and kill off any opposition with charges made from the ships and drills Attuma has been destroying.
The three confront Attuma’s army. While Namora and Walter and the sea monster from the trial fight the brunt of the army and Byrrah leads a revolt of loyal Atlanteans, Namor and Attuma jump on the back of Attuma’s sea monster, as it becomes the battlefield for the two.
Namor confronts Attuma on his hypocritical beliefs of strength when all of his plans have been thanks to the strength of surface-dweller science. Attuma claims it’s all for the betterment of their people. For homo mermanus to be at the top of the food chain by any cost so they can seek their vengeance. Namor yells that humans who deserve justice will see it, but not all should be punished. Just as how he will not see his people die pointlessly. Attuma saying that they aren’t his people, for he is still a filthy half-breed.
Namor yells Imperious Rex and fights back, damaging Attuma’s bio enhancements. He defeats Attuma by knocking him into his undersea charger. Fen is released by Walter and then orders Attuma’s clan be imprisoned. Namor is crowned king and then gives Walter is also given permission to build a hydroponic city in the seas.
Namor also names Namora as his second in command and wants her help as they negotiate with the surface. Namor then sets foot on the surface, revealing himself to the world and asks to speak with the leaders of the surface.
The mid credit scene is of Dorcas in a panic. Fearful that the atlanteans will come after him for aiding Attuma, but he can’t return to the surface as it’s doomed anyway. Todd tries to calm him, but Dorcas injects him with a mutagen from behind causing his teeth to grow sharp.
Dorcas says they need to be ready for the future. Then a red headed Atlantean woman steps onto their base and says that they helped her father, Attuma. The woman is Andromeda.
End credit scene is Walter being asked to try Atlantean delicacies, but can’t because of his suit’s helmet.
Anyway, thanks for reading. As I said, its just my idea for a character I really hop to see in the future.
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fanfic-collection · 7 years
Loki x Reader: The Valkyrie
Some self indulgent nonsense, feel free to not like it, I don’t even know how I feel about it. Basically a drabble that I had been thinking about since before Thor 3 had a release date and there was a Valkyrie in the movie - I always pictured them with wings but yea, I like the idea of the wings being a magical illusion, but I might add more if people think it’s worth it, like I said, kinda self indulgent (no spoilers, this is an old idea that I finally wrote)
“Allfather,” A guard called to Loki. Loki turned still working on getting used to the title in his current disguise. “Have you forgotten?” The guard smiled placatingly, perhaps amused that Odin might be growing old and forgetful.
Loki hesitated, “It seems I must have, what is it?”
“Your monthly visit to the prisoner is today.”
'Prisoner?' Loki wondered inwardly, “Ah, yes, of course. Take me to them.”
The guard bowed. “A little out of it today, Allfather?” He smiled as he straightened up.
Loki chuckled, “Perhaps I am not as young as I used to be. Lead the way.”
The guard motioned to several other guards to join them, leading Loki to the dungeons, deep in the bowels of Asgard. They walked for ages, far past any of the regular prisoners. Loki felt a twinge of unease, passing his old prison and that familiar doubt that he might be found out crawled up his spine. Yet Loki was a master of lies, and he knew better than to give into such doubts.
They finally reached a massive set of iron doors, the prison itself hidden from view.
“Here we are Allfather,” The guard said cheerily.
Loki walked up to the door and rested his hand on the iron, curious that such thick metal would be placed instead of the usual clear magical barriers. “What curious decisions I make sometimes,” Loki muttered as Odin.
The guard chuckled, “Yes, well, you were adamant that she remain in darkness.”
'She?' Loki mused, even more unusual, and yet, women were certainly as capable of breaking Asgard's laws as any man. Examining the door, Loki saw that it could only be opened with Gungnir, Odin's magical spear. Loki rarely went anywhere without the spear and this time was glad for it.  He raised the weapon and placed it into the keyhole.
The doors swung inwardly without a sound. The room itself was pitch black, and for all Loki could be sure, it might even be empty. For a moment he wondered if this was some type of trick, that he had been found out and they intended to lock him away; yet the guard stared at him earnestly, waiting for Odin to do something.
Loki inclined his head and entered into the cell. The doors swung shut behind him and he was left in darkness. Loki blinked several times, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the gloom, an ability that he had magically learned, to see in even the blackest of nights. Accepting that the guards weren't going to follow him, he cast a glowing light on his hand and raised it to illuminate the room.
A single prisoner knelt at the far end of the room, bound in chains. Her neck was chained in place, arms pinned towards the ground that she might barely move, and a blindfold placed on her face. Her clothing was in tatters, revealing much of her skin, and her hair was dirty and ratty but it was unmistakable who she was. You.
“No.” Loki whispered in Odin's voice, rushing to your side.
Your head jerked up as you heard Odin's utterance. Struggling in vain, you tried to pull away but his rough hand had already touched your cheek. You hissed angrily, “Come to mock again, old man?” You snarled.
“I know you.” Loki whispered.
“No shit,” You snarled, “You come here every month to gloat, to demand I change my ways, to curse my own decisions.”
“And you don't?”
“What does it look like, you fool? Have you gone senile in your old age?” You struggled against the chains but you were so weak, near starvation and years of solitude had robbed you of your strength.
“You were the Valkyrie imprisoned by Thanos...” Loki trailed off.
Loki could sense you rolling your eyes beneath the blindfold. “Figured that out, have you?”
“And I locked you away?”
“Have you truly gone mad, old man?” You spat angrily.
“You were imprisoned with me,” Loki coughed, “with my son.”
“Yes, and as you well know, it is my charge to protect the crown, but with Loki dead to you, I forsook my duties. Your words. Why am I even reminding you, you should know this. Are you an impostor?” You leaned forward squinting your eyes, as though if you tried hard enough, you could see past the blindfold.
“You kept me alive.” Loki whispered, using his real voice, the illusion fading away. The room was magically concealed, no outsider could see within and Loki was certain of it.
Your voice faltered, “What treachery is this, old man?” You tried to snarl but the fight was taken out of you, the blow too low for you to have seen it coming.
Loki knelt down before you, slowly removing the blindfold, his true form visible.
You blinked several times, the rush of bright light blinding you a second time.
Loki cupped your cheek, his thumb smoothing over the soft skin. You pulled away, tears rolling down your cheeks as you shook your head.
“No, it can't be, you mocked me, told me he died.” You shook your head viciously, “You wretched old man, what type of torture is this?”
“It's not a torture,” Loki whispered, “it's me, I'm real. What happened?”
You closed your eyes, resigned to whatever madness had befallen you. “I was a valkyrie, protecting some far off land, important to Odin. I saw the younger prince falling to his death and I knew I had to act. Catching him, saving him, but I failed, we both fell into the clutches of the mad titan. And Loki,” You trailed off sadly, “Loki was broken, warped by the infinity stone, forced into madness and I was left behind unable to protect him as a valkyrie should.”
“You did protect me, you tried harder than any other has.”
“But I failed. Loki was lost and the tortures... but Loki he broke free of Thanos' control and I was able to escape, but I had already failed. This is my punishment.” You hung your head, “I deserve this. I could not save Loki.”
“But I lived, love, I survived, and I was brought back to Asgard, in chains granted, but alive. How did you fail?”
“It was already too late for you, Odin, I should have acted sooner and not abandoned my post, but what was worse, my greater crime...” You blinked hard, trying to make out the details of Loki, your vision still fuzzy, unused to the light after so long. “I loved him.” You smiled weakly, “I loved your son, the one you damned and cursed and refused as your son and that is what caused me to abandon my post. Are you happy you old wretch? I've admitted it to you.”
Loki leaned forward his lips meeting yours in a soft kiss.
You hissed and pulled away, headbutting him as hard as you could. Loki reeled back, stumbling away from you, “What was that for?”
“Odin you disgusting old man!” You roared.
“Look at me!” Loki yelled, cupping your face with his hands, gazing into your half blind eyes. “I'm not Odin, do you understand? Do you hear me? Please.” Loki's eyes welled with tears, “I loved you as well, since I was a child and I met you while you trained to join the other valkyrie. I have always loved you and...” Loki hesitated, “I need someone to know. I am so alone as Odin, Frigga is dead, Thor is gone, no one knows.” Loki hung his head still cupping your cheeks.
You struggled to raise your arm against the chains, hand brushing Loki's cheek. “Loki?”
Loki looked up at you, eyebrows doing that thing you loved when he was upset or nervous. “Now do you believe me?”
“God of lies and mischief?”
Loki chuckled, nodding his head, “Yes, the very one.”
You lunged at him, arms wrapping tight around his lean body, face buried in his shoulder as you sobbed. “You died, though, the guards told me as they gave me my meals.”
“It is quite hard to kill a trickster.” Loki replied as he nuzzled his face against your neck, his hand stroking through your hair.
“Come, let's get you out of here.”
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elizatellsthestory · 7 years
The Lost Prince || Part 1
Prompt: In Another World Fandom: Naruto (Anastasia AU) Pairing: SasuSaku Rating: T Summary: Orochimaru has overtaken Konoha and killed off the entire royal family, or so he thought. Years later, rumors whispered throughout the country claim that the two Uchiha princes somehow escaped the massacre. Sakura is ready to brush the gossip off as just that, but when a young man who is being chased by Oto shinobi and fits the description of one of the princes collapses on her, she’s tempted to believe Naruto’s prodding and help the stranger be reunited with his family. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the stranger also happens to be her ticket to a better life.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of characters. I am making no profit off of this and am only writing it for my entertainment. The same goes for the story Anastasia.
A/N: I’m a couple days late for this prompt, but it’s gotten a lot bigger than I expected—like turned into a multi-chapter fic big. And I promised myself I wouldn’t let myself do a multi-chapter so soon after coming back to writing fanfiction, but the idea wouldn’t leave me alone. I’ve been listening to the Broadway soundtrack of Anastasia and can’t get the idea of Sasuke as Anastasia and Sakura as Dimitri out of my head: Thus my Anastasia inspired AU was born. And just to make it clear, it is an Anastasia inspired AU so it’s inspired by both the movie and the musical, and it will follow the formula, but it isn’t going to be a complete copy of either the movie or the musical with just names being swapped out. I’m taking some liberties and adapting it to the characters and telling it in my own way. That said, I hope you enjoy the first chapter!
Since Anastasia has the alias of Anya, I had to come up with one for Sasuke and chose Hiei since Kishimoto said Sasuke was inspired by a character named Hiei.
[ao3] [fanfic]
Chapter 1
The Land of Fire was but a shadow of what it had been a mere decade ago. Sakura had only been a child when the Otogakure regime had taken over. There wasn’t much she remembered from before, but the night the Uchiha Monarchy was executed was seared in her mind. She remembered taking shelter in an abandoned shop and praying that no one would find her. People were reckless and there were many who had joined in the violence simply for the sake of violence. The gunshots, the clang of metal against metal and the stench of smoke had permeated the air the entire night. The small had even stuck around for days after. It was the night everything had changed.
Life on the streets had never been easy, but the new regime didn’t make it any easier. Their new ruler claimed that everything would be equal under his rule, but everyone just seemed poorer instead. The ambitious and unhappy were dealt a swift and harsh punishment, and anyone who so much as stepped out of line risked disappearing. As she grew, Sakura learned to circumvent the Sound shinobi posted around the city. She had tried being a good and loyal Otogakure citizen, but devotion to the state didn’t fill her stomach. She had to resort to stealing and bartering for whatever she needed to stay alive.
She was heading back to her current place she’d been squatting for the week with a still warm loaf of bread beneath her oversized and ratty jacket when she found him. He was a pale young man in clothes as worn as hers. The dark bags under his eyes stood out as much as the dark locks of hair on his head against his ashen skin. He seemed to be walking in a daze, and Sakura’s heart reached out to him. Yet another poor victim of the new way of life no doubt. The man could barely keep his eyes open. Before she could pull her gaze from him, the loud pop of a truck backfiring had him on his knees with a startled yelp, and Sakura was over to him in a matter of seconds.
“Hey!” She rushed to his side, arms already around him to help him up. “It was just a truck. You’re fine.” He looked up at her dazedly, eyes blinded by the bright winter sun reflected off the dazzling snow. His expression was a mix sheer exhaustion and fear, but even he took a moment to marvel at the sight in front of him. Pink hair? The regime he’d grown up in had always seemed so colorless. It drained the life out of everything. It must have been a trick of the light.
Against his better judgement, he slumped against her, finally allowing his body to give out on him. He was so tired, he simply had to trust that this person wasn’t going to turn him in to the nearest guard.
Sakura pursed her lips together and hauled his arm over her shoulder. She couldn’t leave him here, and it was more than clear to her that the stranger needed food and a safe place to rest for the night. With a grunt, she began to half drag him to the abandoned palace she and her friend had made their temporary home. Mentally, she berated herself for her habit of picking up strays when she could barely manage to feed herself.
By the time she’d gotten him to the worn-down room she and Naruto had been calling home, the stranger was out cold and Naruto was scrambling over to her.
“You’re late! Where have you been? The city guards have been out for blood today, and—hey, Sakura…who’s that?”
“I’ve been a little busy,” she huffed and motioned for him to take the stranger. “I don’t know. I just found him like this.” As soon as the man was taken from her, she moved to grab a dusty pillow from a formerly extravagant divan. She gave it two pats to rid it of dust and set it on the floor near to the fire. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but she figured heat was more important. “Set him down here,” she instructed, shrugging off her jacket and laying it out for him on the floor.
“Sakura, you’ll never guess what I heard today,” Naruto gossiped while he laid the stranger down.
“I hope it’s about some magical surplus of food.” Sakura pressed a hand against the unconscious man’s cheek. His skin was cold to the touch. Taking a long stick she’d brought in days ago, she poked the fire to urge more heat. The wrought iron fire poker that had accompanied the hearth once upon a time had long been stolen along with most objects of worth in the palace.
“I’m being serious! Haven’t you heard the news?”
Sakura merely shot Naruto an exasperated look from her place on the floor by the fire and took the bread from inside her jacket. Ripping it into thirds, she tossed one over to the blonde man. Naruto returned her look with a cheshire cat grin. “Don’t tell me you were gossiping instead of finding us food,” Sakura sighed tiredly.
“No, but Sakura! It was worth it this time!” He scooted closer and cupped his hands around his mouth dramatically, whispering in her ear. “Word on the street says the Uchiha princes somehow escaped the massacre. There are whispers of the Crown Prince surfacing after all these years in Tsukigakure, and his brother is still on the run somewhere. That’s why the guards have been so brutal, they’re making an example of anyone who so much as implies the Uchiha could take back the throne. Orochimaru is scared.” If possible, Naruto’s shit eating grin only grew. “They’re hunting down anyone who even remotely looks related to the Uchiha line or has anything to do with them. People are just disappearing! I can’t believe Orochimaru was so sloppy.”
Sakura’s green eyes widened at the news. It was too much to take in at once, but one thing was certain. They couldn’t stay there. She stuffed the rest of her bread in her mouth and began to spring into action.
“Naruto, you idiot! This is nothing to smile about! Where do you think we are? What do you think they’ll do to us if they find us squatting in the royal palace? We’ll look like sympathizers to the crown!”
Immediately, Naruto’s face fell.
The stranger woke on a hard ground to the sound of fire crackling, the low hush of hurried voices, and the rustle of movement around the room. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind, children’s playful laughter faded away and his mind jumped into consciousness. He sat up with a bolt and looked around him, ready for a fight. Instead he was met with an old, poorly kept room and two strangers staring at him.
“Who are you?” he snarled, hands reaching for anything he could use as a weapon, but the place had obviously been looted over the years, and there wasn’t much to be found. If looks could kill, his piercing eyes would have them both dead twice over.
“If anyone should be asking that question, it’s us,” Sakura snorted. “You’re the one who fainted in my arms.” Naruto sniggered half way through stuffing an old shirt in a bag, and Sakura nudged his side in reprimand. “Here,” She tossed the last third of the bread to the stranger who caught it deftly. “You look like you need it.” She only just resisted pestering him for a thank you, but the sharp look in her eyes got the message across.
The dark-haired man stared down at the bread then back up at the pink-haired woman—so he hadn’t been hallucinating—who was looking at him expectantly. “Thank you,” he grit out before tearing into the bread with his teeth. He still didn’t trust her, but he was famished and wouldn’t turn away the food.
“Sakura,” the pink-haired woman pointed to herself then back to the blond, “and Naruto. You’re welcome.”
“What’s your name?” Naruto questioned, abandoning his packing to come closer to the mysterious man. The mysterious man who proceeded to ignore the question and glance around the room instead. Again, childish laughter and footsteps rang in the back of his mind.
“Hey!” Naruto barked, glaring at the man. “The we fed you and gave you shelter, the least you could do is tell us who you are and what happened to you!”
The man returned Naruto’s glare and intentionally stuffed the rest of the bread in his mouth, taking his time eating it, before he finally gave his answer. “Hiei. I’m called Hiei.” He glanced between the Naruto and Sakura who had returned to her hurried packing. “And I’ve been running from Oto shinobi for the past week. They’ve been chasing me non-stop.” Every town he’d stopped in, arrests were being made, for what, he didn’t care enough to stay and find out. He’d been unlucky enough to be spotted by an especially persistent soldier.
Green and blue eyes met briefly before Sakura turned to address Hiei fully. “My coat, if you please.” She pointed, and Hiei looked down to find a long brown coat bunched up beneath him.
“Hey, Sakura. Don’t you think he looks like the prince?” Naruto whispered, hand to her ear while Hiei handed over the piece of clothing. She glanced at the picture of the Royal family on the wall behind Hiei. She couldn’t deny that there was a resemblance, but she couldn’t think about that now.
“Just leave it Naruto. It’s just a rumor.” And yet, it was a rumor that could get all of them killed if they were found. It didn’t take a genius to guess that Hiei was being hunted for that very resemblance as were many unfortunate citizens of the new regime.
“But Sakur-”
“Look, Hiei,” Sakura interrupted the blond, “The two of us are getting out of here. You can come with us, or you can go your own way, but I’d advise you not to stay here either way.”
“Why would I go with you?” Hiei scoffed. “A large group of us would just attract more attention. Neither of you look like you’d blend into a crowd well.”
“Fair enough,” Sakura shrugged. She couldn’t fault him for his logic. “We’ll let you see yourself out.” She grabbed Naruto’s bag and pushed it into his hands. “Let’s go,” she gave the blond a stern look when his blue eyes trailed back to the portrait.
Hiei watched them leave before pulling his coat tighter around him and turning to look at the portrait that had transfixed the blond so much. He was met with multiple ebony gazes staring down at him. It seemed to be a likeness of both the royal family and the extended family. Every single person in the frame had raven hair and pale skin. It wasn’t a combination that was entirely uncommon, after all he had similar features, but it was the eyes that paralyzed him and held him in his place. There was something…familiar…warm about them.
The roaring of the fire in the hearth suddenly sounded much louder in his ears. It’s heat against his skin was no longer comforting, but scalding. The laughter that had been ringing in his ears morphed into screams, and he was frozen to his spot as the eyes bore into him.
He could have been standing there for seconds or minutes, he didn’t know. A loud thud rang throughout the palace and jolted him back to the present. Soldiers’ stomps echoed down the hallway as voices approached.
“We’ve got intel that some girl was seen dragging him through here. Check every room. We’ll get him this time. He can’t run forever.”
Hiei grit his teeth. Yakushi Kabuto. The man had been chasing him throughout the all fire country since he’d been found passing through a small village by the border. Hiei didn’t know what the Oto shinobi wanted with him, but he knew better than to be caught. He would not be one of the many that had been made to disappear.
“Should we really have left him there all alone? I mean if it was bad for us to be caught there, imagine if someone found him there, looking like he does.” It had been thirty minutes since the two had abandoned the palace, and Naruto’s thoughts were still with the stranger. Sakura wouldn’t deny that hers were too, but she knew she had to be the responsible one between the two of them. She had to be the one to get them out of the country before they were stuck there forever.
“I don’t know what else you expected me to do. It was his decision, and he was right. We’re more likely to get into trouble together, especially if he really does have someone on his tail,” Sakura murmured as they made their way to the black market. Konoha—or rather the newly named Otogakure—had been their home for a long time, but enough was enough. It was almost impossible to keep themselves fed, and with citizens getting attacked, there was no safe option but to leave the place. Of course getting out was easier said than done. Borders had already begun to close. “We have to look out for each other, first and foremost.” Her voice wasn’t without remorse. Life had toughened her and made her a realist, but that didn’t mean she didn’t wish there was something she could have done to help the stranger.
“But you’ve gotta admit there’s a resemblance,” Naruto persisted in a low voice so as not to be overheard. He may be naturally loud, but even he knew better than to be caught talking about treason in public. “What if Hiei is…him? What if his brother is really waiting for him in Tsukigakure?” Growing up on the streets as an orphan, Naruto had always dreamed of what it might be like to be reunited with his family. Even if the opportunity wasn’t possible for him, he felt compelled to help anyone else presented with the same opportunity.
“Then he’s probably already been caught and taken in,” Sakura frowned, trying not to think too hard about it. She tried not to feel guilty for leaving him there against her better judgement, and she tried to ignore the inkling of a feeling that she’d seen Hiei somewhere before. “You know the soldiers weren’t far behind us, and you know what kind of shape he was in when I found him. It would have taken a miracle for him to get away. Now stop thinking about it and help me track down some exit visas. We can’t stay here.” She offered him a grim smile.
“But what if he did get away? He could have a family waiting for him. Don’t you believe in happy endings?”
“Once upon a time I did. Then I grew up.” Sakura felt bad for putting Naruto down. He really did seem excited about the prospect, but he couldn’t go believing that every dark-haired, pale boy was the lost prince.
“I bet his brother would pay a pretty penny to have him back,” Naruto tried a different tactic, “We’d never have to scrounge for food again.We’d never have to be cold again.”He could see that he’d captured Sakura’s attention. “And I’ve heard Tsukigakure is like a paradise compared to this place. Imagine the beaches. Imagine being warm.”
She bit the edge of her lip in thought for a moment then shook her head to rid herself of the paradise she had already begun to imagine. “It’s too late. Even if we did go back, he’s probably long gone. Try not to think about it, okay?” She patted his shoulder before starting off to hunt down visas. “Now get looking. I’ll meet you back here.”
She walked away from her friend and was soon distracted by shouts from people peddling their wares. They tried to entice her with fur coats and royal antiques left behind during the siege, but she was single minded in her search.
She had to have only been away from Naruto for ten minutes when she heard the commotion. Screams rang out, and in the blink of an eye, people had begun to grab their products and run. Sakura cursed under her breath. First they’d been run out of their shelter, and now they could be caught buying from the black market. It was just their lucky day. Quickly, she pulled up her hood to hide her recognizable hair, and began to weave through the masses. Screw exit visas, they’d get out of that damned country any way possible.
Part 2
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littleprincesstae · 7 years
Perfect Imperfections: Chapter 1
House Rules:
Major decisions must be discussed and made together.
There must be cooked food at all times.
There must be fresh fruits and vegetables at all times.
Both Tae and Daddy must, at least once a month, clean the house thoroughly.
No swearing under any circumstances.
Saturday and Sunday are pajama days unless otherwise stated.
Sunday is Bonding day-- no television, no phone, no tablet, and no laptop day (unless there’s an emergency).
Daddy feeds the fishes in the mornings and Tae in the evenings.
Work-related matters are kept to the bare minimum when at home.
The weekend is strictly no work day.
There aren’t many rules in the Jeon household, but the ones that are set in place are obeyed by everyone to the best of their abilities.
Jeongguk tries to not bring his work home, but being a partner at one of the better-known law firms in the state makes it inevitable for him to not answer some e-mails during commercial breaks or while waiting for the food to be ready; there are always unread e-mails in his inbox and he’s constantly reading, replying, and composing to the point where he can probably do it in his sleep. It’s strenuous, at times, especially when he notices the subtle downturn of Tae’s lips or the way the little cuddles up to him quietly and just sits there, watching as Jeongguk types on his laptop, but it’s a necessary evil. Jeongguk’s work gives them the roof over their heads, the food they eat, clothes they wear, and everything they need (also things they don’t need, like the two coffee and popcorn machines, which Jeongguk had reasoned with himself were just in case.)
Reading and answering e-mail is the only work related thing he's allowed to do, though, his phone being put on ‘do not disturb’ mode the moment he enters the house. Some of his clients still believe that Jeongguk is at their disposal during all hours of the day, so he was forced to talk to his partners (who are also two of his best friends), Seokjin and Namjoon, soon after Tae moved in with him. What his clients are doing is very inconvenient and insensitive and the three of them agreed that it would be best for him to ignore his phone when he’s at home. If there is an emergency and they need to reach him, Seokjin and Namjoon know to call his home phone.There aren’t many hours between Jeongguk coming home and heading to bed, so he wants to spend as much time as Tae as he possibly can without anyone intervening, especially snobby clients who think they own Jeongguk and his services.
Even then, he hates not being able to give Tae the attention he deserves but is endlessly happy and proud of how understanding his little princess is. He understands that Jeongguk’s work is important and he tries to help as much as he can by playing quietly or making him coffee when he notices the big yawns that shake through Jeongguk’s tired body. The elder is proud and lucky, and it makes him wonder what he’s done to deserve such a precious life-partner like Tae (Taehyung not excluded.)
Because of his busy weekdays, Jeongguk tries to make up for the time they’ve lost on the weekends. At first, he took Tae out to different amusement parks, then he took him to playgrounds and picnics, but when he noticed that Tae was much livelier and happier when they were goofing around in the house, Jeongguk changed tactics.
They stay up late on Fridays watching movies and eating candy (dubbed Candy Day by Tae), snuggled up against each other, and go to bed when Tae’s half-asleep against Jeongguk, his eyes half-lidded and heavy. On Saturdays, Tae is the first one up (leaving Jeongguk to sleep, because he knows how tired he is from work), sneaking out of bed at around nine to play with his dolls and watch cartoons until eleven, which is when he starts to feel really hungry and goes to wake Jeongguk up with barely suppressed giggles and small kisses against his face and lips. It takes around ten to twenty minutes for Jeongguk to even manage to keep his eyes open for more than two seconds, and even longer than that for him to get up and be a functional human being. In that time Tae patiently waits and tells him what he wants to do that day. They have a nice routine.
The fun part about the weekends is that they're all different and honestly, Jeongguk doesn't know what they'll be doing as it's usually Tae who decides on the day's program either when he's waking Jeongguk up on Saturday or if it requires leaving the house, Friday afternoon. It's exciting, to say the least, and sometimes Jeongguk thinks he's more excited for the weekends than Tae is.
Sometimes they make animal-shaped pancakes or eggs, other times they make waffles or grilled-cheese sandwiches, or they go to the bakery down the street to buy something from there, which they end up eating in the backyard if the weather is nice enough. Sometimes they watch a movie if their stomachs feel particularly full, or they just head to Tae’s playroom for a fun day involving anything from dressing up (Tae as the princess and Jeongguk as Prince Charming, though sometimes it's the other way around) to painting their nails (yes, even Jeongguk’s), to making their own fairytale books (so far, they have two: Kiki the Clumsy Monkey and Once Upon a Time in the Jungle). They do many things together, most of them ridiculous to the point where they need to shower (Tae has these little balloons filled with paint and they sometimes use to re-enact battle scenes out in the backyard and end up covered in paint), but those moments make some of the most precious memories and Jeongguk will not give them up for anything.
Most of the time it’s fun and games, but when rules are broken, punishment ensues and Jeongguk is very strict about punishments, even if his heart breaks a little at seeing Tae upset and in tears. Early on they agreed that before any punishment is carried out, they must discuss why either of them is being punished so they understand what they’ve done wrong. That way they learn from their mistakes and don’t repeat them, something Tae has struggles with from time to time.
Daddies getting punished for breaking rules isn’t common, at least to Jeongguk’s knowledge, because they don’t have rules, at least, not the way littles ones do. That’s why, when he brought the matter up with Tae, the little had giggled cutely and said, “Daddies don’t get punished,” thinking it was a joke. Jeongguk had been and still is serious, because for him it’s important for Tae to understand that despite everything, they are equal when it comes to rules and breaking them. He is Tae’s Daddy; he takes care of Tae day and night and loves him more than life itself, which is why it’s important for him to show his little that breaking the rules has consequences for everyone, not just littles ones. It’s important for Jeongguk to show Tae that everyone gets punished when they break the rules, no matter who they are or what they do. And that everyone makes mistakes once in a while, and that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as you realize what you’ve done wrong and try not to do it again.
Figuring out punishments for Jeongguk had been difficult because he can’t get a spanking or put into time out, but they managed at the end, especially once Tae said that not all punishments have to be painful. As long as they make you think and reflect on what you did, then they’ve successfully done their job. After praising his princess and gifting him with a new set of nail polishes, they wrote the following punishments down:
Half an hour on the treadmill on a setting of Tae’s choice.
Hundred pushups/pullups while counting aloud.
Seven-minute plank.
Clean the aquarium.
Besides the house rules, there are also Jeongguk’s rules for himself, and for his princess, and Tae’s rules of himself, and for his Daddy. It’s important that both of them have rules for each other, but also rules for themselves. It’s what keeps them both grounded and also what helps Tae feel in control of himself. He needs those rules to help him navigate in the real world, but also in his head, something the little has problems with from time to time.
Jeongguk’s rules for Tae are printed on a pink sheet of paper, the edges decorated with little crowns and stars, with birds and hearts scattered across the page. There’s a lot of glitter and stickers and some words are difficult to read, but Tae’s eyes glow every time he looks at the frame, so Jeongguk doesn’t really think it matters as long as it makes his princess happy.
Daddy’s rules for his princess:
Always tell Daddy if you are having unhappy thoughts.
No secrets - Daddy can’t help if he doesn’t know what the problem is.
No lying - always tell Daddy the truth and nothing but the truth.
Always answer your phone, unless there’s a very good reason not to.
Always tell Daddy if he said or did something that made you unhappy.
Daddy’s office is off-limits unless otherwise stated.
Always be extra careful when alone in the kitchen.
Never hesitate to call Daddy if something is wrong, even if he’s at work.
Then there are Tae’s rules for Jeongguk, which are printed on a red sheet of paper at Tae’s insistence (“Red is Daddy’s favorite color, so it has to bed red!”, “Okay, princess, if you say so.”) with hearts and musical notes and honestly, how could Jeongguk have said no when the little had looked at him with sparkling puppy eyes and a bright smile? Jeongguk’s happiness revolves around Tae and he is weak.
Tae’s rules for Daddy:
Treat Tae with respect and love.
Please, don’t lose your temper when you’ve had a bad day at work.
Tell Tae if something is making Daddy unhappy - Tae is always there for Daddy just like Daddy is always there for Tae.
Don’t break any promises you’ve made.
Always be honest with Tae, just like Tae is always honest with you.
When Tae was making his own rules he asked Jeongguk to help him because he wasn't sure what to write, and it was making him anxious. Jeongguk knows of Tae's many struggles and exactly how hard it was for him to ask Jeongguk for something so big, so it makes Jeongguk feel even more appreciative when recalling that particular memory. He tried to make the rules simple and easy to follow, yet also encouraging and positive, and with Tae's help, they managed to create a list of the most important rules Tae needs to follow.
Tae’s personal rules:
Daddy loves you and wants what’s best for you - do not think otherwise!
Always tell Daddy if something is troubling you or Taehyung, even if you feel like it’s nothing important.
Your feelings are important!
Your problems are real, even if they feel insignificant and made-up - do not think otherwise!
You do not annoy Daddy, even if you sometimes think you annoy him - it’s not true!
Give Daddy lots of kisses every day!
Always smile for Daddy! He loves your smiles!
And, of course, Jeongguk’s rules, which are just as important as the rest of the rules, because even Daddies need guidance, sometimes, and to be reminded of certain things, like how punishments are important. Even though Jeongguk is strict, he has a weakness when it comes to Tae, and punishing his little is very difficult for him, even if he knows it's necessary, which is why he sometimes needs a reminder.
Jeongguk’s personal rules:
Help Tae prepare for the day (pick out clothes, help with his hair and makeup)
Always give Tae your attention - the more the better.
Give Tae treats when he’s being good.
When a rule is broken, be strict.
Always praise Tae, even if he hasn’t done anything of importance.
Tae’s bedtime is also your bedtime (unless there’s an important work-related matter you need to deal with)
Tae’s punishments were the hardest to come up with, because the little was so emotionally fragile, even the smallest things could set him off. Punishments like spanking were completely out of the question, because of reasons Jeongguk tries to not think about anymore, and washing his mouth with soap wasn’t really on the table since Tae never said bad things. Even though it made him pout and whine, Tae sat with Jeongguk when he was asked and both of them made six punishments they were satisfied with and which worked and got the job done.
Tae’s punishments:
Fifty lines of the broken rule in the Punish Notebook.
Sweets restriction.
Time-outs (length depending on the rule that has been broken)
Grounding - no playdates, no playtime, no TV, no phone or laptop, and definitely no games.
No talking for a specific period of time.
No kissing Daddy for a period of time.
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mst3kproject · 7 years
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519: Outlaw
I don't want to talk about the Gor books.  I don't think I need to talk about them – there's plenty to mock in Outlaw without going into its source material.  Anyway, if I were going to talk about them I'd have to read them, and everything I've ever heard about them tells me that I definitely don't want to do that.  They sound like a Fifty Shades of Grey for basement-dwelling misogynist nerd stereotypes.
A couple of assholes named Watney (no relation to the guy who got left behind on Mars) and Cabot (no relation to the author of The Princess Diaries) are on their way to a bar when they are forced to make a detour into another dimension.  Fortunately, this is a sequel: Cabot has been here before and so rather than dying of thirst in the desert, they find their way to the cardboard city of Coroba. There, the two become embroiled in a plot by Queen Lara to murder her husband and seize power.  She imprisons Watney and the rightful heir, Princess Talena, and sends a bounty hunter to capture the escaped Cabot.  After much pointless wandering around, the conspiracy is revealed.  The bounty hunter kills Lara, Cabot marries Talena and becomes king, Watney is sent back to Earth, and Zeno the High Priest does basically nothing despite being played by the only cast member anybody in the audience has ever heard of.
Quick Note: the 'desert snake' that appears in one shot appears to be a Burmese python, a semi-aquatic species that lives in the rainforests of southeast Asia.  They could not have gotten that more wrong if they'd tried.
Besides that stunning failure of herpetology, the thing about this movie that most sticks in my mind is the kissing.  Cabot and Talena share several kisses.  They're supposed to be epic and passionate, but there's something weirdly mechanical about them, like we're watching exaggerated stop-motion animation of a kiss. It's as if neither Urbano Barberini nor Rebecca Feratti have any actual experience of kissing, and are trying to kiss based on having read an anatomical study of the muscles involved.  Gross.
After that, the second thing I remember about the movie is how incredibly fake everything in it looks.  Cabot's flashback tells us that Gor is a harsh world, and it breeds harsh people – this is supposed to be a gritty, raw, half-savage place, where the aristocracy wallow in decadence while the common folk toil in the mud, and where death is always a just a hair away.  The sets and costumes are admittedly elaborate, and there is at least some unity of design (unlike, say, Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell, where they just used whatever they could find in the prop warehouse), but everything looks like it was made in a high school art class.  King Marlenus' crowns appear to be made of cardboard and hot glue, spray-painted gold.  Talena and the 'Leather Women' look like they're wearing bondage gear from Spencer's Gifts, while the dancers are in 'sexy genie' Hallowe'en costumes.  The entire city of Coroba is built out of plywood, except for the parts that are built from styrofoam (hence why the slaves are being worked to death in the styrofoam mines).  That stupid 'lizard woman' face painted on the wall looks like the work of a twelve-year-old who has just learned how to grid out facial proportions.
The biggest problem with Outlaw, however, is one that only becomes obvious after a little thought.  Having pondered the film's story for a while, trying to figure out why it seems so pointless, I eventually realized – it's because Cabot, our ostensible hero, never does anything.
Well, that's not quite true.  He does a couple of things, but nothing he does ever matters.  He beats up some sand Nazis when they first arrive on Gor, but that has absolutely no connection with the rest of the plot.  He gets himself and Watney to Coroba, where he is conveniently present to be framed when Lara murders her husband.  Afterwards he flees into the desert where he and his sidekick Hup get lost and wander in circles for a while.  They find a group of slavers chasing people in the middle of nowhere for some reason, and stage a jailbreak which frees exactly one slave.  Then they're caught by the bounty hunter and taken back to Coroba, where both Lara and Zeno try to bargain for Cabot's loyalty and fail.  The villains lose not because of him, but because they turn on each other.  The whole movie could have happened just fine even if Cabot never bothered to show up.
It's not like there weren't opportunities for him to do something.  Cabot could have gotten the slaves in the desert camp to rise up against their captors, and then rallied them into an army to storm Coroba.  He didn't do that.  He could have snuck back into the city to free Talena and get the support of the people to put her on the throne.  He didn't do that either.  He could have pretended to join forces with Zeno against Lara, or Lara against Zeno, or just killed Lara when she tried to seduce him.  Didn't do that.  He could have led a revolt in the styrofoam mines after the cave-in sowed discontent with the regime.  Didn't do that either. Cabot seems to spend the whole movie waiting around for a chance to do something heroic, but every time one arrives he lets it pass by.
What about any of the other 'good' characters?  An old wizard called the Elder was the one who brought Cabot and Watney to Gor, in the hopes that they would accomplish something.  He gets stabbed by Lara before he can tell them what.  Talena spends most of the movie in a dungeon.  She maims a couple of dominatrices but that's about it for her.  Hup follows Cabot around, complaining about how hot, hungry, and lost they are.  Watney, too, rots in jail, out of sight and out of mind, for ninety percent of the film – then at the final showdown, he announces to the public that Lara murdered King Marlenus.  This is what brings about the end of the movie, as the bounty hunter kills her with a spear and Cabot and Talena are able to become King and Queen.  That's right, folks – the only ‘hero’ character in the movie who does anything directly to overthrow Lara is fucking Watney.
Watney deserves some kind of award for being probably the most hateable single character ever to appear on MST3K – and that's saying something.  His competition includes such nails-on-chalkboard specimens as various Gamera kids, the peeping soldiers from Attack of the The Eye Creatures, and Mitchell, but Watney blows them all away.  He's a sexist pig, a whiny asshole, and a fucking idiot combined.  Lara promises to make him a king and he seriously expects her to follow through on it, even still shouting threats at the guards who drag him away.  Yet at the end, when he, Cabot, Hup, and Talena are all about the be executed, he's the only person who responds proactively.  The movie would have ended the same way without Cabot, but not without Watney.  I guess that makes him the hero.  What a horrible thought.
So much for the good guys.  How about the villains?  Zeno mixes potions and has passive-aggressive arguments with Lara, but she gets fed up and kills him before he can really take any action against her.  Lara herself is a cartoon character – she's evil, and that's one hundred percent of her personality and motivation.  There is exactly one line in the movie that hints at a backstory for her. She claims that she had to learn the hard way that power is all that matters.  This suggests that she may have been a slave herself before rising to her current position, and if it had been explored a little this could have made something interesting out of her.  Historical parrallels could be drawn to Anne Boleyn or Irene Sarantapechaina, a former concubine using royal authority to punish those she feels have abused her.
But nobody else in this movie has more than one dimension, so why should she?  She seems interested in nothing but power for its own sake.  The reponsibilities that come with wielding it are entirely immaterial to her – she just wants to tell people what to do and then watch as they are forced to do it regardless of whether it actually makes any sense.  In fact, a number of the things she does, such as ordering the slaves to be locked in during the cave-in at the styrofoam mine, seem to have no purpose beyond exercising this total authority.  It's as if she wants to be surrounded by people who despise her, while she enjoys the fact that they can't do anything about her.  Imagine if she had a twitter account.
Then there's the most nonsensical character of all, the bounty hunter.  I think his name is Horst.  Lara hires him to bring Cabot and Hup back, he does so, she pays him, and he leaves.  It seems like his role in the story is done, but then he turns up again at the finale to kill Lara for no reason other than Watney said so.  I was sure this scene had to be otherwise motivated.  MST3K must've cut the bit where we find out she cheated him out of money or something – but no, apparently he just decided that it was time for the movie to end.  Maybe he's the hero.
The movie, however, treats Cabot as the hero throughout, so I suppose Cabot is the person it wants us to emulate.  What does that mean?  I guess it means that when evil appears to have triumphed, all we need to do is keep our heads down and wait it out.  We can put up with other people doing terrible things as long as we don't explicitly support them, and occasionally make some small show of loyalty to good, and sooner or later somebody else will topple the evil for you.  White-Liberal-est movie ever.
See what I meant?  There's heaps to complain about in Outlaw, and I didn't have to mention the books once.
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
May Snippets Request List!!
This is a list of all the Snippets that you can expect to see within the month. I will add to the list as the coming in and those that are posted will be crossed out.
Bjorn asks you to be his queen after you two have known each other since you were children
Catching Hvitserk having a midnight snack while you’re both trying a new diet
NSFW Ubbe fucking you into the mattress
Hvitserk doing ridiculous things to try and get you to fall for him (but you already have feelings for him)
Sigurd saying that Ivar can’t pleasure a woman and Ivar snaps, revealing that you’ve been cheating on your husband, Sigurd
You turning down every marriage proposal because you want to look after your father; Ragnar 
Ivar realizing why you make him wear a necklace of a vial with your blood when he gets injured in battle
Killing an assassin while Ivar’s asleep and cutting out his tongue so he doesn’t wake Ivar
The brothers and Ragnar being protective over you when your beauty becomes known throughout the land
Lagertha telling you that it’s alright to call Aslaug ‘mom’
Hvitserk encouraging Ivar to tell you about his crush on you
Ivar returning from a raid with jewels that he’s kept aside for the intention of spoiling you
NSFW Ivar being insecure about being naked in front of you for the first time
Your army coming to Ivar’s aid in a war he’s losing with a message telling him that he’s not dying until you allow it (twin!sister)
Hvitserk, Ubbe, and Sigurd knowing they have to be on their best behavior when around Ivar if they want good food from you
Deciding that it’s better to end things with Ivar when you get the offer of a better life somewhere else
Ivar suspecting you have a lover because he feels like you’re drifting away from him
Hvitserk rambling about being safe as he mends your injured hand
Ivar going above and beyond when you’re sick because he’s convinced you’re going to did (part ??)
Practically having Hvitserk’s order ready every morning because he orders the same thing everyday
Ivar refusing any suitors because he feels they’re ‘not worthy’ of you (part ??)
Ivar coming into his room after a long day and finding you sleeping on his bed because you missed him (part ??)
Telling Bjorn you only love him as your older brother when he confesses that he loves you (part ??)
Bjorn doing mundane things for you as a way to show you he loves you
NSFW Bjorn eating you out like a starved man
NSFW Going down on Bjorn under his desk while he does some work
NSFW Trying to keep it together as Ivar goes down on you while you’re on the phone with a friend
Hvitserk returning home from spending the day with his toddler, exhausted, but in awe at the fact that you can look after 2 kids and be pregnant
Ivar thinking that you’re in love with Hvitserk when he sees you laughing with him. But it’s actually something else
NSFW Hvitserk ‘punishing’ you for stealing his clothes
Having a serious conversation about the law with Ragnar ant the brothers (gen z!reader)
The brothers' reaction to you dying your hair pink (gen z!reader)
NSFW Everyone thinks you’re super innocent, but Bjorn knows that you’re the complete opposite
NSFW Dom!Lagertha rearranging your guts with a strap on
People not second guess it when you slip a hand under Ivar’s shirt to feel his muscles
Lagertha feeling slightly brokenhearted to see you (her daughter) being close with Aslaug when she visits with Bjorn
Ivar realizing that he’s falling in love with you, but decides that it’s for the best to arrange a marriage for you 
How Estadir is around you on a daily basis (Hefna)
How you and Estadir met (Hefna)
NSFW Alpha Bjorn waking up in rut to you in heat and grinding on his leg in your sleep
Aslaug and Ivar joking that you’re his girlfriend and you blush and try to hide in his chest (much younger!reader)
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Each of the brothers spoiling and showing off to you to try and get you to like them more (little sister!reader)
NSFW Being a brat and teasing Bjorn before he puts you in your place
Ivar refusing to get up until you kiss him 
Aslaug overhearing you telling Ivar why you can’t go through with the arranged marriage (part 2)
Ragnar finding out that the sons fake getting along so that you’ll talk to them
Losing your baby when a slave purposefully give you the wrong tea because she’s in love with Ivar
Ivar throwing a tantrum because you won’t marry him (part 2) 
 Telling Margarethe to keep her advances on your husband - Hvitserk - to herself
Lagertha overhearing you comforting Aslaug and saying how you’ll always be her daughter (part 2)
Having enough of your sister trying to seduce Ivar and having no choice but to banish her (part 5)
One of the brothers catching you making out with someone in a supply closet (part 2)
Killing the slave Ivar infatuated with because you don’t share your husband
Defeating Ragnar and deciding if you should kill him or spare him (part 3)
Ivar being happy that you’ve given him peace and a home he can call his own where he’s loved and respected
Aslaug being happy to see Ivar marry the girl she’s been in love with since he was a young boy
Your oldest son walking in on you and Hvitserk doing it
Coming back to Kattegat and telling your brothers you’re pregnant (perfect little sister!reader) (part??)
Ivar no longer being upset letting you breastfeed your child after seeing how happy you are and how strong the bond is with you and the baby (Only Mine) (part 2)
Giving birth to your first child and he barely fits in Estadir’s hands (Hefna)
Stepping in as a mother figure to the sons after marrying Bjorn
Being the big spoon when you find Sigurd asleep
Ivar finally telling you what the doctor said after days of silence (blind!ivar) (prequel)
Staying in bed with Ivar and trying to distract him from pain during a bad leg day
Meeting Ivar’s brothers upon arriving in Kattegat (Hefna)
Joking with Estadir that you may have to start your own tribe because of how many children you have (Hefna) 
Ivar buying a bigger bed so that he can finally sleep with all his children and not get kicked off (part 2)
Telling Ubbe that you’re not hitting on him, but actually on his wife, Torvi
Alpha!Hvitserk finding you nesting
Spending time with Ivar and Hvitserk after a long day (shared girlfriend!reader)
Introducing your suitor to your brothers for the first time and trying to stop them from scaring him off
Hvitserk calling his brothers for help when you’re sick because he doesn’t know how to take care of a sick person
Ivar refusing the crown because he wants to keep you and his family away from danger
Ivar daughter asking if you’re her new mommy after dating Ivar for a while
Ivar and his brother teaching his daughter how to fight after she was attacked
NSFW A threesome with Hvitserk and Ivar
Ubbe mentioning how you haven’t aged a day because you’re immortal
Coming to Kattegat with your dragons to form an alliance and Hvitserk catches your eye
Begging Ivar to let you keep a kitten you found
Having a small rivalry with Ivar because he doesn't like how you steal attention away from him
Being best friends with Ivar and meeting his brothers, but you had a one night stand with Hvitserk
Thinking that Ivar’s only asking you to marry him because you’re pregnant, you say no
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Meeting the Ragnarssons and your child takes a surprising liking to Ivar
NSFW Finally having sex with Ivar after being secretly in love and he finds out that you’re just as crazy as he is
Ivar coming back after letting you go and finding that you found someone else
Having your first daughter with Bjorn and she turns out to be a daddy’s girl (part 2)
NSFW Teacher/Student role playing with Ragnar
Ivar coming home and knows by the smell that you’ve been baking
Mafia!Ivar struggling to kill you after finding out that you’re a spy
Celebrating your birthday with Ragnar and the brothers
Relieved to see Ivar coming back to you alive after a long raid
Knowing that his brothers are going to meet up with friends, Ivar tags  long and falls for you right away
Ivar getting an awkward boner while watching a movie with you (his roommate) and having to talk about his feelings for you
You son coming back to Kattegat to take vengeance on Ivar for what he did to you and telling Ivar that he’s his son
The brothers following Hvitserk and being caught by you, his secret girlfriend
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Loki taking care of you when you’re very sick
You owl whining all the time to Bucky on a mission after switching animals (The Owl and the Wolf)
NSFW Bucky eating you out and making you squirt
Geralt and Jaskier fighting for your affection, but you have eyes for Yennefer
Feeling insecure when one of Jaskier’s lovers starts flirting with him
Telling Geralt how it is that you know him when he’s never met you before (part 2)
Jaskier explaining to Geralt how he needs to do something romantic for your birthday
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Jaskier regretting introducing you to Geralt when you tell embarrassing childhood stories
Jaskier writes a ballad for you for your wedding
Both you and Geralt being surprised that Jaskier could fight off an Alpha much larger than him 
Basically disappearing when you cuddle with Geralt because you can hide in his cloak
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abitoflit · 7 years
The Godfather, a Feudal Dynasty
The Corleones from Mario Puzo’s novel entitled, The Godfather and Coppolla’s film adaptation, have been compared to a feudal dynasty within contemporary America for several different reasons. The first is because of their efforts to increase their power by employing methods, which are similar to those utilized by feudal European lords. The lords, which ruled over medieval Europe often sought to widen their spheres of influence and heighten their power by increasing their level of prestige, incorporating new, once uninhabited lands into their holdings, conquering the lands of their enemies, acquiring vast stores of various resources, etc. Don Vito Corleone came into power within New York’s contemporary society and managed to expand his reach using several different means. For example, by helping Mrs. Colombo keep from being evicted from her apartment by Signor Roberto in the novel and by assisting several individuals who asked favors of him after her coming, (e.g. Amerigo Bonasera who asked for help after his daughter was injured by two young men), Don Corleone developed a reputation for being an individual who could “get things done.” As a result, over the course of several years, he developed a positive reputation and become a widely-sought out individual by those seeking one form of assistance or another. Don Corleone also widened his sphere of influence by helping Johnny Fontane with his career in the entertainment business. For example, he helped Johnny attain the lead role in Jack Woltz’s movie, which was said to be perfect for him. In Puzo’s novel, he also funded some of Johnny’s projects, which allowed him to extend his influence from New York to Hollywood. Finally, Don Corleone built an economic empire by working from the ground up. He began by working in a grocery store before raising money by helping those who came to him complete certain tasks. From there, he invested in various business sectors, (e.g. oil and gambling), in order to become fabulously wealthy. This too, increased the influence the Don had over New York and some other cities within the United States.
Another way in which the Corleone family may be likened to a feudal dynasty is through their attempts to extend their economic reach in much the same way that did feudal lords. While a feudal lord may have attempted to increase his trade routes and partners and acquire the various means of production, (e.g. various forms of technology and machinery), the Corleones chose to increase their financial gains by investing in several different business sectors. At first, Don Vito Corleone was described as an individual who generated income legally in the novel—while working at a small grocer. As time wore on however, there was a visible shift in his character once he made the decision to rid his neighborhood of Fanucci. From that point on, he maintained a relatively legal generation of income by completing various favors for those who came to him and asked for help and by selling olive oil. In many ways, his “olive oil empire” may be described as the “legal front” used to cover up some of his illegal or otherwise “unsavory” business practices. For example, in both the novel and the film, the Don acquired wealth in a more “unsavory” manner by investing in things such as gambling, bootlegging, union corruption, and by collecting “protection money.” He also considered investing in narcotics and chose to assist Johnny Fontane with his career with the hopes that he would be able to increase the family’s financial resources. Much like feudal lords, the Don also managed to wage war between himself and his enemies, before forging a sort of uneasy peace. For example, in the novel, Don Vito Corleone murdered Fanucci, who was terrorizing the town where he grew up. The Don also arranged to have Maranzano murdered, before “the Maranzano empire was incorporated into the Corleone operation,” (Puzo 207), which not only increased the Don’s holdings and his influence; but, swept in an era of peace amongst the warring families.
Finally, the Corleones manage to mirror the “political sense” of feudal lords by protecting their own, punishing those who wronged them, and rewarding those who served them loyally and faithfully. Feudal lords often protected their subjects with the assistance of their vassals and knights. Oftentimes, their subjects would pay them taxes in order to ensure that they and their lands would be protected by the lord from invaders and other threats, such as wild animals. The Corleone family has a similar practice in which they collect money from local business owners in return for protection from various threats to their livelihood, such as thieves and looters. Furthermore, after Michael killed both Sollozzo and McCluskey in order to help avenge his father and help protect his family from harm, he was sent to Sicily until things “quieted down” and “blew over” so that he could remain safe from harm and out of the hands of the police. As I mentioned previously, the Corleones made a habit of punishing those who had been unkind to them. An example would be when Paulie Gatto’s death was arranged. Paulie Gatto betrayed the family and sold the Don out to Sollozzo and his men, which was what allowed them to make the failed attempt on Vito’s life. Once Sonny found out about Gatto’s treachery, he arranged to have him murdered so that his father could be avenged. Finally, the Corleone family gave gifts to those who benefitted them and served them well. Typically, this came in the form of money and was given to those who successfully completed the tasks that were assigned to them, (e.g. the murder of a rival family member or a disloyal family member). Individuals who served the Don loyally may also be awarded with promotions. Tom Hagen would be a prime example of this practice because he served the Don faithfully as his “adopted son.” He went to college, became a lawyer and used his skills in order to expand the Corleone empire, before being promoted to the rank of the Don’s consigliere.
I believe that Coppola called The Godfather “the story of a king and three sons” because there are several stories by the same name, which share an emphasis on family and the theme which states that “every piece plays its part and contributes to the functioning and wellbeing of the machine.” Perhaps the most famous of all of these stories is a parable from the Bible, which describes the existence of a king, who had three sons of different ages. When the youngest came of age, the king is said to have gifted each of his three sons with a plot of land of the same size and value, before telling each of them to do whatever he wanted with it. The king explained that after five years had passed, he would return to the land and inspect it to see what his sons had done with it before using his newfound knowledge to help him determine who would take his crown following his death. The eldest son built a forge to make both weapons and armor. The second built a school, while the third spent the allotted time planting and cultivating a farm. When the five years had passed, the father returned to his son’s land and inspected their work. After having done so, he explained that each of the sons had “won” because they had each created something that would benefit the kingdom. This inspired his sons to continue to do the things they loved most and work in areas that they were the most talented in, in order to help their father’s kingdom survive. Vito Corleone is similar to the king from these stories because he is the Don, (or leader), of one of the most powerful mafia families in New York. He and his wife have also given birth to three sons- Sonny, “Fredo,” and Michael. Sonny is like the oldest son from the story of the king and his children because he is viewed as being both physically powerful, quick to anger, and violent; his instincts often leading him to act aggressively, especially when he was faced with the attempted murder of his father. Therefore, he benefitted the Corleone family by having a good mind for combat and for reacting passionately and aggressively in the instances in which his family was wronged. Michael is most like the “middle son” from the story of the king because he was an educated man, who later used his intelligence to help his family to survive and to thrive, (e.g. by outsmarting Sollozzo and McCluskey so that they could be killed and their threat to the family disposed of). “Fredo” was most similar to the youngest child from the parable because he “nourished” the family with his presence. Until the shock of his father’s attempted murder overcame him, he always made a point of being there for his father whenever he needed assistance. In other words, he was always “physically present” and willing to do whatever his family needed in order to help sustain them. When he was sent away to Las Vegas in order to help with his father’s hotel business, he did his best to make the hotel thrive so that the family could be “sustained” by the money it brought in.
I think that Puzo referred to his story as a “tragedy” because it mimics the various tones and structure, which were used in the tragedies of the Ancient Greeks. Hundreds of years ago, the Greeks frequented the theater and would watch either the comedies or tragedies that were presented there. Comedies were meant to be lighthearted, jovial, funny compositions which promoted laughter. Tragedies, on the other hand, were meant to be both sad and dramatic. Mario Puzo’s novel entitled The Godfather encompasses both of these things for a number of different reasons. For example, it is sad because Don Vito Corleone faced the loss of his father at a very young age and was forced to leave his home in Italy in order to help ensure that he remained safe. It is also sad because many of its characters are forced to contend with divorce and/or adultery. For example, Sandra Corleone is supposed to contend with the fact that her husband, Santino Corleone, “sleeps around.” Johnny Fontane is also forced to deal with his second wife who he likens to a “whore” as she is known to accept other men into her bed on a regular basis. Johnny is also forced to deal with a host of mixed, often negative emotions, which surround his divorce to his first wife, “Ginny.” The novel continues to mirror “classical” tragedies because the Corleone family is faced with the death of the Don and some of their associates, such as Genco Abbandando and Luca Brasi. It is also rather unfortunate that many of the story’s main characters were forced to “grow up too fast.” An example would be Don Vito Corleone, who had to grow up swiftly, in order to evade the dangerous individuals who murdered his father. Finally, “dramatic,” “tragic,” and “sinister” tones permeate throughout the entirety of the novel, which allows for its readers to lump it into the “tragedy” category alongside Puzo.
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mandimormon-blog · 8 years
Once upon a time in a village named Covington.  A vibrant, young housewife polished her floors to reduce pathogens transmitted by bodily fluids (primarily vomit).  She scrubbed and scrubbed the tiles with a brush assuring each square was meticulously cleansed and free of germs.  She mopped the entire home, freshly.  Just then, the smaller, younger, less feisty girl on this given day, entered the bathroom, and in a blink of an eye explosive diarrhea splattered across the bathroom, covering the girl’s clothing, the bathtub rug and virtually every square of tile in the entire room. 
We’ll call this story Monday. (In case you were wondering, I repeated the process of sanitation.  Names of persons have been protected.  If you don’t have children and you find this story gross or inappropriate, good luck in your future.) Since the morning routine had been unusual, getting just two kids ready for school, while trying to separate them from the illness occurring in the same little cottage, when my son arrived home after school, and had been hanging out for over an hour, Remi realized he'd worn his pants backwards, all day long, and the zipper was unzipped in the back, displaying the perfect view of his Big Hero 6 undies.  Wow.
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On Tuesday morning, my oldest daughter said to me, “Mom, I want to make a unicorn for my Valentine’s Day box.”  Admittingly, I was up for the challenge but a part of me thought back to simpler times, when I was an elementary-aged child and Pinterest didn’t exist.   We didn’t get samples of the best of the best Valentine boxes ever made in the history of crafting.  
Here came the moment I’d been waiting to happen for months.  Which ‘recycled’ or ‘repurposed’ boxes from my storage closet would be utilized and which ones would be truly “recycled”?  If you missed it, several weeks ago, I wall-posted a friend of mine who happens to be the blogger behind “Save Time, Make Time”.   My predicament was – I long to be a minimalist.  I dislike clutter and too much “stuff”. But I’m not a true minimalist, because I will occasionally buy paper products for convenience and drink out of a plastic water bottle.  I have my shortcomings, as we discovered in ‘Purgeney 2017’.  Regardless, Lamora wrote a spot-on-topic blog focusing on how to organize these items that seem to get tossed into my utility closet into an unruly heap.  Things like plastic bags, used gift bags, grocery sacks (ALDI shoppers unite!), and cardboard boxes.  
After her inspiration, I organized this closet.   I even put a couple of nails into a board 1) to hang my grocery sacks on and 2) to manage clothes to be donated < #organized  - I give a half laugh at that because of the current status of my closet upstairs, it’s better.  After recycling two ginormous bags full of paperwork, but FAR from perfect.  Another side bar, I hate staples.  I broke two nails in the process from ripping staples out of schoolwork.  After I was finished with hours of sorting, organizing, and recycling, there were probably 57 (no joke) staples I had to clean up.  
Did you know you could create a unicorn out of two empty cereal boxes, an empty oatmeal box, and a square kettle box?  You can. Magical crafting supplies include duct tape, a white roll of paper, a variety of colorful crepe paper, and a Sharpie.
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I’d done extensive Pinterest research on choice Valentine’s Day boxes.  I had even found a few unicorns but Reis wasn’t impressed she wanted a very specific head-shape, like the unicorn emoji.  So, on her handy, dandy Chromebook (I wonder if modern-day Steve from Blue’s Clues would have a Chromebook?), she pulled up Google Images and showed me.  Maybe I’m not remembering accurately, because it was a few days ago now, but I think at that point there was the sound of dramatic scissor chopping, duct tape tearing, and my eyebrow lifted slightly higher on one side, as I glanced back and forth at my cardboard and at the screen of the “perfect unicorn representation”.
As did my thing, Reis did hers.  She chopped three strips of crepe paper, out of each piece of approximately 18 inches, in each of her desired colors.  She was very particular over this.  She also chopped hearts out of the glitter duct tape, printed her name, and cut small pieces of “frayed” white crepe to add texture on a couple of the sides of the box.  Very clever.
It only took a couple of hours, start-to-finish, and a Dollar General Run for tape, glitter duct tape, and more crepe paper, and it was done.  Voila!  Presto!  
The crown of the unicorn head, (I’m guessing it’s the crown - like a human head), there’s a flap we taped, and double taped, and triple taped  - in every direction – maybe 22 times – to allow entry for Valentines!  
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Too much detail?  I apologize.   Let me briefly explain Remi’s Valentine Box (which is actually a bucket).  Sure, this isn’t in chronological order, Remi went with me to the Dollar Store a couple of days before unicorn crafting, to select her supplies.  She, too, had found a great example of a cupcake on Pinterest. She loved it!  The thing is, this pinner somehow had access to a rounded piece of foam and was able to shove all of her pieces of tissue paper into that to secure it.  We had no such luck with a rounded piece of foam.  But while shopping Remi came up with the idea we could probably use a bowl. Best suggestion ever.  We found a cheap plastic bowl, a plastic bucket, tissue paper (ripped into strips), a red bouncy ball, cardstock for the cupcake liner, and about 24 glue sticks to secure the tissue paper to the plastic bowl. Thanks to my husband’s handy work, he cut the perfect circle in the bowl for the “cherry” or the red ball to fit on top. Kids insert their cards and candy through that, and it falls into the “cupcake”.  
This project, too, was a little bit time consuming.  I had a meeting on Monday night so after getting about ¼ of the way through it with Miss Remi, I had a short recess but came right back to hot gluing the night away, when I returned.  Remi helped by gathering a couple of strips of tissue paper in the color she wanted (she wanted a pattern, friends), and folding those, using a small elastic to tie around each piece and fluffing it.  Then I’d place glue and she’d carefully stick it down to the bowl.  She was happy to be able to take it to school the next morning.  
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A piano lesson, a basketball practice, a choral performance of the Star-spangled Banner, a basketball game, a trip to the Temple, an afternoon enjoying PERFECT weather, and The Lego Batman Movie.
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This was just the latter-half of the week.  A few time slots in our schedule were double-booked.  For example, baseball camp.  Oh, baseball camp.  
I will never be prepared when unexpected tantrums arise.  I have two examples from this weekend.  
This first concerning baseball camp – we arrived on Saturday morning a few minutes later than our goal. There was much scurrying around the house, beforehand, it didn’t help I, personally, was running behind after running. So much so that I didn’t shower… yeah, that happens, a lot.  I sometimes have to blow the sweat dry in my hair, because that’s the only option I have. Saturday mornings seem to be notorious for my children turning off their listening ears.  I only said, “Please get your shoes on.”  or “Get your shoes on.”  or “GET YOUR SHOES ON NOW!” – only like 18x.   I asked my oldest daughter and her friend to straighten up her bedroom and get into real clothes, as opposed to pajamas, because the day was expected to be glorious, as my two youngest and I shuffled out the door, to my younger daughter’s first basketball game of the season.  
Back to where I deviated from when beginning that last paragraph, we had to round up a jersey, go change into it, and by that point, the bleachers were almost full, so Jude and I opted to sit on the floor.  At this moment, Jude realized it was Saturday.  He realized Baseball Camp is on Saturdays.  Then he got really frustrated because he was upset I was prioritizing Remi’s first game over Baseball Camp.  He began to sob stating in between gasps, “I want to go to BASEBALL CAMP!”  Then he began to hit me every 15 seconds or so, out of anger.  He was clearly throwing a tantrum, which I hadn’t seen in months, not even in the privacy of our own home.  Being a child you always pick the most in-opportune moments to breakdown and give the illusion your parents suck and you don’t have to obey rules. There were only like 100+ other parents, grandparents, siblings, and kids, there, witnessing my child’s tantrum.
I didn’t speak under my breath, while gritting my teeth, (although I’ve used that method before, come on, we all have), I just ignored him.  I told him we couldn’t make it this week, we will try to make it next week. I didn’t threaten him (I’ve done that before, too).  I didn’t bribe him (this is my favorite choice while in public).  I just patiently waited until my husband arrived. Usually, I vocalize, “Your dad will be here in five seconds, cut it out.”  But I refrained.  He naturally quit when my husband arrived and said the exact same thing I said to him. “We couldn’t make it this week, we will make it next week.”  
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Why does it work for him and not me?  The world may never know, but this is how the dynamics are.  I’ve been told I lack a follow-through.  I threaten but it’s white noise, because my kids know I become soft and don’t follow through with punishment.  It’s honestly because I start considering how my children really are good kids, the choices they’re making are just because they’re independent. Should they respect their parents? Absolutely.  There’s a fine line, friends.  
Remi did great at her first game.  She was a little nervous but she made a couple of baskets and did a good job of listening to instruction.  She loves sports and physical fitness.  
When we returned home, I went to check on the oldest girls and guess what?  They were in their jammies, the room was a disaster, and they were watching a video on the Chromebook.  I reminded them 7x more (give or take), the room needed straightened up and they needed to get out and get some fresh air, but it was like I was speaking a foreign language.  
I bobbed and weaved around the house as I picked up shoes, and random items, wiped down counters, and threw laundry in.  I was trying to expedite the cleaning process so I, too, could get outside and enjoy the beautiful day.  My personality type will not allow me to “enjoy” anything until my tasks are done, otherwise, my stress levels rise.  I don’t think I’m the only one.  
I reminded my oldest, again, and again.  So, I sent my husband a text and said, I’d like for her to get outside but not until her room is cleaned up and she’s ignoring me, Ignoring me while I beat on the door over and over, again, because it’s locked.
A few minutes later, he walked through the door with a drill.  Without saying anything, he unlocked the door, and took the door down, as in removing it.  That was the moment crap it the fan.  This was the most ultimate punishment in the entire world, friends.  You would think that we grounded her for all eternity. Nope, just removed the door.  She had a complete and total meltdown.  The reason I’m saying this isn’t because it’s funny, (it’s a little funny because as an adult human, we know this is minor in an eternal perspective) but to shed light for other parents, sometimes something seemingly subtle can make the biggest different in obedience.  Through the complete meltdown, my husband told her if she changed her behavior he would put the door back on that night, but not until she changed.  
It worked!  It worked!  If you have a tween or an 11 going on 25 year-old, this could help you, too. You’re welcome.
Let me back all the way up to last Sunday, because I finally posted the last blog on Saturday.  Last Sunday, we had our Second Annual Sabbath Bowl!
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What is Sabbath Bowl? It’s exactly as it sounds.  We prepped some amazing superbowl-inspired appetizers, quite the spread.  We turned our dining room table into a football field and created two teams. This year it was the Lumpers v. Jedos. A set of Elders (or boy missionaries, as Jude calls them, usually 18+), and a set of Sister Missionaries (girls 19+) that are serving our Ward currently, or the church  building we attend, participated.  My mother attended this year, too.  She has vast knowledge of the Bible and that is our basis, a bible trivia game.  We began with our mini football on the 50 yard-line.  Coin toss gave possession to our starting team who answers questions until they can’t answer or answer incorrectly, gaining 10 yards with each correct answer.  If the question isn’t complete, the other team can intercept the ball.  Gram was on fire.  She carried her team to the lead and maintained a tie.  In fact, they were more than generous during a question for the other team (consisting of all males), or else the girls would’ve clinched the victory.  When the score was tied up the final question was a written question to see how many of the original apostles they could name, accurately.  The Jedos ended up with the win on this one, but Gram was still our Sabbath Bowl MVP for her biblical accuracy.  
This is such a great time that we feel like adding in an Olympic Games or Final Four version of this would be super great.  As soon as it was over I was ready for the Third Annual Sabbath Bowl, next year.  Is this how football fans feel about the Superbowl?  I wonder if next year we should add in some gospel-related commercials, like a mix between Taboo and Charades?  I enjoy doing the sports announcing for this activity.  It’s great to witness this game going down, so much passion! 
Here we are to Sunday, again.  The sun is shining gloriously outside.  I love the sun.  In my mind I wanted to take a family walk, but the wind is crazy out there.  I’m on a gluten-free cake pop kick, not for myself, I can’t eat that on AIP, but for anyone else.  I’m been making them like they’re going out of style.  Also, I found this yummy snack mix recipe that my children enjoy and I gave to our Young Women, at church, today, as a Valentine gift.  It’s super easy to make and it’s gluten-free!  Win-win.
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Do you remember that mantra kick I was on a couple of years ago?  Yeah, I think it was right after Time Out for Women, which is coming up, woot-woot! 
Anyway, in my head, I create mantras all of time like self-talk.  Sometimes it’s something like, “You can do hard things” or  “Just breathe.” or “Brussel Sprouts are good. You should like them.”  To be brutally honest, I was on a Brussel Sprout kick and now to think of them makes me want to gag.  Everything in moderation, even Brussel Sprouts.
There is a point, I promise.  The point or quote I recently have discovered and felt impressed to focus on is, “Nothing changes until YOU change.  Everything changes once YOU change.”   Apply that to everything.  To give you a visual or more personal example, consider these areas: Fitness, Health, Diet, Occupation, Education, Church Experience, Work Relationships, Marriage, Personal Relationships, Parenting, Budgeting - I could go on but those encompass a lot.  There’s a video circulating about how blaming lack of motivation is complete crap, as in it doesn’t exist.  This isn’t my advice to you, this is my advice to me.  I just wanted to remind everyone life isn’t perfect, my life definitely isn’t perfect and change is what’s going to make a true difference.  I don’t want to have a perfect life that’s not what I’m striving for, but I am trying to be better than I am, now (note: not better than anyone else but myself).  Progress is important - it’s growth.   Choices are what determine destiny.  
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