#idk what the green tracker was for; i think maybe back up?
amorhedera6 · 4 months
the bad kids as pixie hollow fairies
psa: i’ve only seen the movies and i haven’t read the books, so if you’re a book person pls bear with me.
gorgug thistlespring - tinker fairy
tinker fairies are known for ingenuity and creation. they make all kinds of tools and contraptions to help their friends lives easier. they mend things, create things, and their signature color is green. it just makes sense.
kristen applebees - light fairy
also fairly obvious. with kristen’s connection to the sun through her family and the moon through tracker, this one was bound to be. light fairies can bend sun or moonlight, keep pixie hollow aglow, and are known to make rainbows. the mechanics of species don’t exactly line up, but i could see a young kristen being a sunlight fairy, devoted to keeping the sun filtering in the direction it was meant to and keeping everything a light. a growing kristen would work instead with the moonlight, training fireflies, and keeping a lantern of moonlight that keeps darkness from being threatening.
fabian seacaster - water fairy
he lives in a boat, people. what else was there? water fairies and manipulate water, shape it, control it, and also are often found seeking boats in the waters. they can create fountains and communicate with water-animals, often assisting fish and tadpoles in learning how to swim. imagine the hangman as a fish. come on.
fig faeth - animal fairy
animal fairies are known to interact with and feel the emotions of any animals in pixie hollow. they are also known to be the most emotional fairy type, as they are feeling others emotions. they help animals reach the mainland and are skilled trackers. fig’s constantly summoning animals (sexy rat, the daymare), comparing herself with animals (the “german shepherd” mode), connecting with animals (giving a dog a bardic at the black pit, the pet oyster that she supposedly carried around for weeks in freshman year) or pretending to be an animal (orangutan at loam farm), and i think that the mask gorgug gifts her for moonar yulenear is an extension of that. fig’s very very caring for all her friends, and i think that would easily extend over to animals.
riz gukgak - fast flying fairy
fast flying fairies have control over winds, can create breezes, go up to triple the speed of a normal fairy. they also carry bigger wings, which might, in turn, make them look smaller. such speed would be incredibly helpful for stealth, when trying to get away from someplace and hide quickly. i think riz would fit will here as someone who’s constantly running around searching clues, not sleeping, doing the most that he can. he needs extra speed to keep up.
adaine abernant - frost fairy
i think adaine being a winter fairy makes a lot of sense, with her family being ambassadors from fallinel. maybe the winter fairies are just british. a forst fairy can create frost from their fingertips, or if they are particularly skilled they can conjure it from anywhere. they can freeze plant life, make icicles, and need to keep cold in order to live. with adaine pulling a wand of frost out of her jacket in freshman year, her personal connection to basrar’s ice cream shop, and her most prominent color being blue (the school uniform of hudol, her denim jacket, her eyes, her sword, her character art even has her magic depicted as blue), i think she makes a perfect frost fairy.
i have no idea what kind of story this would make, but i love it. like a small flock of fairies accidentally getting lost, leaving pixie hollow, and having to find their way back from neverland while accidentally fighting a dragon? idk i just love them thanks
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brokenhardies · 3 years
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Multiverse AU - Power Rangers 2017 Gwax
Kristen Froseth as Gwen Hartford
Andre Dae Kim as Dax Lo
@seize-the-droid @anotherunreadblog @ocfairygodmother @kazinejghafa @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @seymours-secret @witchofinterest @akabluekat @booty-boggins @anna-phora @starcrossedjedis @bravelittleflower @jewelswrites-ish @ryutabas @thecaillic @fuckitup-in-style
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smokahuntis · 5 years
Word count: idk but it’s long as shit
Warnings: angst, extreme angst, violence, blood, gore, mentions of death, fluff... is that a warning? This is mainly about the character not really about Din? Made up places and people.
Summery: Din and Cara set off to Mesonia lab to find Tempestas, and Tempestas dwells on the past to make an escape
Authors note: this is really long and I’m sorry, it’s so long that tumble cut me off, so I had to edit. Also sorry this is mainly about the character not really the romantic stuff yet, part 3 is out!
 Chapter 1: Tempestas
Chapter 3: Fulgur
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The Mandalorian say in the small, now restored bar of Nevarro, Cara Dune across from him, a small bundle of green on her lap. His helmet was scanning the room non stop looking for any way this can end bad.
“From the sound of it it sounds like there is no way she can be alive.” Cara said as she bounced the small child on her knee, only to get him to stop touching her dark hair. “ to survive a crash like that, it’s crazy.”
“I know but, that was her voice on that recording.” He said look at her threw the helmet.
“Maybe you just want it to be.” She commented and finished her drink.
“No, I know her,” he grabbed his rifle from the table and began to put it over his shoulder.
“Now wait, I didn’t say I wouldn’t help, I just want to know for sure if this is her.” Cara said reaching her hand across the table, Din sat back down. “I’ve heard a lot of stuff about Tempestas, just not never from you. Why is that?”
Two days before the crash,
Her ship landed on the green grass of Sorgan, blowing it with the gush of wind the ship gave. Pressing a few buttons the wings of the ship folded in, flattening onto the sides of the ship as if they don’t even exist. She stood from her seat exiting her ship, her arm band going off, opening the message from Din.
‘Bounty is taking longer then usual - Din’
So she sent one back, saying she was going to Nevarro to finish a job. So she got back into her ship the wings expanding out, spanning 50 feet each. Her ship was her pride, specially after the removal of her helmet. The Alibine was a large ship that was originally made for a crew of 5 and three pilots, but with the help of a friend she had it wired for one captain.
The ship it’s self was white, blue, and silver. Colors that represented the Wraith well.
“ If I hadn’t taken that job, she would be here.” He said tilting his head, Cara could tell he was avoiding what little eye contact could be made.
“You can’t blame yourself, you didn’t know.” Cara said picking up the kid.
“ I didn’t know, but I should’ve been there.” He said taking the tired child from her hands.
“If you need help I’ll help, but I need to know exactly what I’m getting myself into.” Cara said standing.
“I’m not exactly sure.” He said looking at her, she saw her reflection in his helmet.
“Well let’s find someone who does.” She said walking out with him.
They peered over Greef’s shoulder as he worked on finding the location of the message.
“Can you get anything from it.” Cara asked looking down at him.
“I think I know who took her but as of where she is now, I can’t really tell anything yet. “ he said looking at the dark haired Shock trooper.
“ you can tell who took her from that message?” The Mandalorian ask.
“No, I remember hearing things back when the crash happened, a few said storm troopers and few said twi’leks, but after what happened in Ryloth I don’t think it was Twi’leks.” He said turning looking up at the pair.
“Why would stormtroopers want her?” Din asked and he began to pace to around the room Greef now called an office.
“Well I wouldn’t say it’s the stormtroopers themselves, more like, the empire.” Greef says watching him, and looking at care and whispering. “ is he okay?” Which in return she just shook her head.
“The empire is gone.” He said looking at Greef. “Plus she can’t fight for them if they’re not even fighting.”
“Maybe they don’t want her to fight.” Cara says crossing her arms and looking at the Beskar covered man. As if I’m cue, Greef’s tracker dinged finding the source of the message.
“ Mesonia...” he says looking at him, “You can’t go to Mesonia, you’ll die there.” Greef said giving the Mandalorian a stern look.
“If that’s where she is I’m going. I have to save her.” He said grabbing his rifle.
“Are you even going to think about this!” Cara asked as the Mandalorian started for the door.
“ on the way! Come on!” He said and the make shift crip followed him along with the dark headed girl.
“Oh gods...” Greef said letting his head fall into his hands when they lefts.
“ so what exactly is in Mesonia?” Cara asked as she leaned against the wall of the razor crest.
“It’s a high security science lab, they test weapons and people.” Din answered eyes not leaving the space in front of him as he flew the razor crest.
“So the legends are true?” Cara asked. “She really is a Wraith?”
“Half wraith.” He said correcting her.
“Ok, half wraith, what can she do?” She corrected herself and asked purely out of curiosity.
Age 15
“You can do it (Y/N) come on.” Din and another foundling names Crows cheered her on as she focused her energy onto the painted target.
Her fingers started to turn white and her palms ice blue, the veins that flowed threw her slowly turning black at the start of her chest. Ice, ice flew from her finger tips and into the target. But soon after she dropped the the ground, doubled over in pain, clutching her chest. Din and Crows fell down helping her, crows yelled for help but the only thing din noticed was her hair, the front has more gray in it then usual.
“Did I do it?” She asked din, who was two years older then her.
“Yea, you did it, it was a real Storm (Y/N).” He said smiling down at her, wiping away the tear that fell down her cheek. In his grasp her pain faded into nothing but a cold sting.
She let out an airy laugh, “ I don’t think I should do that again.”
“I don’t either...” he said helping her up.
“ the ice at the time looked like it did nothing to the target, but when I looked back at it it was spreading like a fire.” The Mandolorian spoke, stars twinkling in the visor of his helmet.
“If the Empire has her they could be using her as a weapon.” Cara said walking the kid. “ just like the kid.”
“A part of me hopes it wasn’t her, and she died in that crash...” he said turning to Cara.
“Why is that?” She said looking at him.
“Because if she won’t side with them, they’ll torture her till she does, and she’s as stubborn as Blurrg.” He inquired before turning his attention back to the stars.
2 days ago, Mesonia
“Sir! She’s agreed to talk to you.” A young scientist said as he walked up to the general that over watched Mesonia, Grov Matoa.
“Has she now? “ he said walking towards the east wing of the large building. “Have her transported to the lab, I’ll be there ima minute.”
“Yes sir.” The young boy said walking away to give the orders.
(Y/N) say in the white cold room alone, waiting. She couldn’t keep this up long, she couldn’t bare it. She had to do something, and it seemed like the only options at this point. When the troopers came in to get her, she stood and went with them freely. There hands wrapped tightly around her arms as one encased her hands in thick metal bonds.
She walked with them out of her room and down the halls, her eyes floating to every sign they past. Maintenance, cell 6, cell 8, cell 10. After cell 10 they turned down a hall way, that’s when she saw it, communications, she needed to be there. Her (E/C) eyes flickered between the guard in front of her and the twin on her sides. She let out a short cough, which caused both men on her sides to elbow her to say be quiet, weak.
She focused what energy she had left, swinging her leg up kicking the guard in front of her to the floor. Jerking her arms from the guards holding her, she swung her metal cased hands at the one on her right, hitting him in the head knocking him to the ground, kicking the one of the left in the chest and into the wall. The metal that closed around her hands began to frost over, cold spreading threw the hall. The first guard stood and grabbed his blaster. Just as he was about to shoot the confining metal shattered onto the hard white floor. Her hands now free, with frost lingered on them. The stormtrooper only looked at her and ran leaving the other two in the floor.
A grunt brought her out of her daze and she looked down at the one guard and then the other, she shot two blasts freezing them to there spot as she walked into the communications room, seeing a silver coated guard.
Age 17
(Y/N) walked into Din’s room looking for him. “Din?” She said looking into at the figure by the window, causing him to turn. The old helmet that was placed over his beautiful face shined in the light of the moons that seeped threw the window. “What are you doing?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” He said looking at her.
“ I was looking for Crows, he should be back by now, I figured at ask you if you’d seen him.” She said, though she had her helmet on he could feel her worry.
“No I hav-“ he was cut off, by a scream.
“Medic!” A woman yelled. The stomping of there boots could be heard at they ran down the halls. Din and (Y/N) looked at each other before rushing out to find who was hurt. When entering the medical room they found him, Crows, the dark hair boy. (Y/N) ran to his side grabbing his hand.
“Crows, what happened?” She asked as the medic reached forward taking off his new beskar helmet, it was shiny, silver, and covered in his own blood. The dark headed boy could hear the worry, the fear, in her voice. His head lulled yo face her and he gave a small smile.
“You sound worried, doll face.” He said, finishing it with a cough, blood flying from his mouth. He reached up his hand resting in her helmet.
“You’re an idiot.” She shook her head and took her helmet off to look at him. Crows always flirted with the (H/C) haired girl. Even when her head started to turn white when she used her powers. But he knew she would never be with him, he saw the way she looked at Din when it was just them, exposed and free. ‘The Foundling Three’ that’s what they were. A young group of Mandalorians that gave everything they could to helping, Crows never fought for units or beskar, he fought to help others, to free others.
“I’m your idiot, Tempestas...” he closed his eyes. He looked almost peaceful.
“Hey, crows stay awake.” Din said looking down at his friend. The medic had been using Bacta-spray to his wounds while they talked.
“I’m awake...” his voice was weak, he couldn’t keep up. “I’m just, tired.”
“Don’t give me that shit, stay awake Crows.” Din said looking at him.
“I think I’ll need to take him to surgery guys.” The medic said looking at them.
(Y/N) nodded and looked at him one last time.
“If you die, I’ll kick your ass do you understand?” She said finally realizing tears had rolled down her cheeks.
He nodded and chuckled before groaning. “What else would you do, doll face?”
Din placed his hand on her lower back and guided her out of the room. She turned hugging him when they left, but just before the doors closed she saw Crows helmet one last time.
Caught in the memory (Y/N) didn’t even realize what she had done, the silver coated trooper laid on the floor, his helmet in her hands. She snapped out of her daze and typed in the code she repeated day after day.
A red lite blinked showing its recording.
“I-if anyone can hear this, I-it’s” her voice had been scratchy from not talking for so long, dry now from speaking. “Tempestas, send help.” Before she could give her location the door to the communications office opened and she hurried to send it. Feel the familiar sting of the stun rifle run threw her back.
Her body seized and she grabbed the gun from the trooper on the floor, shooting the trooper that hit her before she could pass out. The trooper fell and the shock waves stopped. She stood giving herself a moment to recover, she gripped the wall of the room before stepping out. She kept the E-11 on her side as she leaned on the wall coming face to face with a familiar face.
“You did some damage, Tempestas.” He smirked looking at her weak state.
“Grov...” she chuckle shaking her head. “ I didn’t expect you to be back this week.”
“I didn’t expect you to kill 5 of my best troopers.” He said gesturing you the carnage on the floor.
“Those were your best?” She said in a sarcastic shock.
“This is the farthest you’ve gotten so far, I’m shocked.” He said waking towards her.
“I’ve killed 84 of your men in the past two years alone... this is the farthest I’ve been?” She said looking up at the man in the mask.
“You sent a message out, so yes.” He extended his arm to her. “Walk with me.” She looked him up and down and took his arm, she had to lean on him for support.
He started walking with her down the halls, helping her over the bodies of the heart frozen troopers.
“I wonder who they will send in your rescue, a bounty hunter? The new republic? Or maybe Din Dijaren.” He said looking down at the almost white haired girl.
“How do you know that name?” She asked, to weak to yell at him. Fear struck her once she sunk into her mind. Had he gotten Din, had din died while you were away. How could he know.
“That is not your concern now, Tempestas.” He guided her into what seemed to be a dining room. “The only thing you need to worry about it eating and listening .”
Current time
The Mandalorian day with the kid on his lap as he guided the ship, Cara had fallen asleep in the passengers seat. He was almost to the planet Mesonia was on, Tritani, an outer rim planet that was barley populated because of its cold weather. And because of this there wasn’t a safe bay to land the Razor Crest. After the Mesonia showed up on his radar he found a safe place to land.
“We’re here.” He said waking Cara up.
“We’re just gonna go in blindly? We don’t know anything able the place din...” she said tiredly.
“You have a point,” he looked out the front of the ship seeing the lab down below the mountain he landed on. “ I’ll scope it out, get to know what I can. Watch the kid.” He said placing the child in her lap causing her to groan.
(Y/N) sat in her cell, thinking over the offer the empire gave her. But then she thought about Din, how did Grov know his name. She soon found herself smiling, thinking about Din.
2 years before the crash.
(Y/N) walked out of her ship without her armor, or helmet. “Din.” She said cashing him to look up from the fire he was making. He simply smiled and walked over to her.
“You’re late.” He said wrapping his arms tightly around her, she did the same to him.
“I know, I’m sorry, I got caught up with delivery.” She said holding him close to her, he himself had no armor on.
“It’s ok.” He said as she leaned her head on his chest, his lips meeting the top of her head. “Are you okay?” He asked moving to see her face, noticing her bangs are now completely white. “What happened.”
“It’s nothing I’m fine, come on let’s go sit down.” She said walk with his arm wrapped around her shoulder, over to the fire. They didn’t sit to, it’s not that she hates the warmth she’s just scared of being to close.
They drank late into the night until he fell asleep with her fingers in his hair. It caused her to chuckle and kiss his head. Those meetings were their favorite things in the world. The touch, the scent, everything. They’d lay in each others arms forever if they could, but it was never anything past that. They both were to scared of emotion after Crows. Crows... Crows
(Y/N)’s eyes shot open and she mustered all the power she could, her hands started to cluster frost bite around them. But it wasn’t enough. Emotion she needed emotions, so she thought.
Age 17
(Y/N) stood over Crows bed holding his hand waiting for him to wake up.
“He’ll wake up, I promise...” din said rubbing her back.
“What if he doesn’t...” she said, her eyes trained on the dark headed boy, only a year older then her.
“Then we will fight for him, like he wanted.” Din said and pulled her into his chest.
“Din...” the raspy voice of Crows said causing (y/n) to turn and grab his hand again. “(Y/N)...” he smiled faintly.
“Hey buddy...” she said smiling at him.
“Have you been crying?” He said reaching up wiping her tear away gently. “Din what did you do to the poor woman...” He said causing Din to roll his eyes.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He chuckled. “How are you feeling.”
“Like I was died and came back.” He said looking at them.
“You didn’t die... you won’t” she said giving him a stern look. He only opened his mouth to reply and started coughing again. “Here” she sat him up giving him water.
(Y/N) opened her eyes thinking over the memory, the cluster of frost coated the room but it was still not enough. She tried harder and felt her hair began to move, her veins turning black and the hardened walls of the room began to crack. But she needed more, she needed what she locked away.
Age 21
Crows, Din and (Y/N) fought together side by side, the battle field was chard the trees ablaze. The bounty was meant to be easy, specially with three of them, but with the lack of information they didn’t know the bounty was actually an imperial spy. Just when they were about to catch him troopers jumped them from the trees. They always fought back to back but the troopers separated them. (Y/N) looked around for Crows and Din, finding Din wasn’t to far away but Crows was across the field. That’s when everything felt in slow motion. For both of them.
Three storm troopers surrounded Crows and shot one by one, it wasn’t until the final blow taking off his helmet, she knew what had happened. She tried running towards him to try and save him if she could hit Din stopped her. Wrapping his arm around her waist her pulled her back towards the ship, before it was her on the ground.
As they entered the Razor Crest, she pushed him off. “Why did you do that!”
“He’s gone (Y/n)” he said calmly making his way to the flight deck.
“I could have saved him!” She said, hot on his heels.
“You couldn’t have saved him.” He was still calm but she could hear the slight anger in his voice.
“You don’t know tha-!” He cut her off.
“I do know that!” He turned his finger to her chest. “We barley made it out! I can’t loose you too (Y/N)!” The anger in his voice was bright and burning, but the calm that replaced hers was cold and dark.
“You already have...” she said pushing away from him.
That was it, that was what she needed, because when she opened her eyes she was 50 ft off the grown, hair white ice surrounding her, Tempestas.
The lab below was destroyed, the only thing she could see of it was Grov, the masked man that’s tortured her for 6 years. But (Y/N) being (Y/N) she needed the last word, and the storm inside would stop until she had it.
Din had fallen asleep on watch, he hadn’t slept for days so he couldn’t help but close his eyes. Cara woke him up, shaking him.
“Din wake up now!” Cara said and he stood up quickly seeing the blizzard that had formed.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Mother dragon (11); Winchester brothers x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay first of all I would like to thank everyone who was patient with me for this next part of Mother Dragon. College has been such a bitch lately with essays, homework, and final projects that needed my attention cause in just a few weeks I’ll be graduating and I want every grade to count. So thos those who have waited patiently, I want to thank you soooooo much :)
And I would like to say I apologize for the shortness that this part maybe I wanted it to be longer but with what I had in mind, it needed to be it’s own chapter so I kinda left you guys on a cliffhanger *Salem’s evil laugh* But here we are finally shown our villian of the pic and boy do I have a special face cast in mind for him and for some (or most) of you you’ll end up screaming in your seats (it’s a goodie :))
Anyways idk when I’ll have pt.12 up it’ll possible be after I’m done with school and done with all my final papers/exam. But when I do, it’ll be nothing but pure updates of the series cause I’ve got the ending done and had it done for awhile, so I hope this satisfies your hunger for Mother Dragon until then :)
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*3rd Person POV*
In the beautiful and one of the top capitals in all of England, Liverpool.  There along a stretch of 20,000 acres of forests and woodland as well as a river path which lead to the sea stood a mansion as well as a warehouse jointed beside it.
Walking around the perimeter of the house were men and women carrying large guns that looked more like military weapons when suddenly they heard the sounds of three dragons roaring.  They cocked their guns but as soon as they saw through the streetlights guiding the dragons to land safely, they knew better and lay down their weapons.
From inside the mansion a short, stoutly man who appeared to be in his late 50’s, bald and wore a white lab coat raced through the corridors until he reached the double doors that led to what looked like a study room.
Although it looked more like a master bedroom due to the size of it.  Along with old antiques dating back all the way to the Medieval times, there were also dragon bones décor the entire place.  Hanging along the wall like prized game like a hunter would sport an animal head on a mount.
There at the center of the room was a large Victorian desk and leaned forward asleep on said desk that sported dozens of maps was a man with unruly brown curly hair that made him look like a shaggy lion.
He was a well-built man.  Not too buff, but definitely not lean, along his left upper bicep just below his shoulder was a tattoo of the symbol of Saint George slaying the dragon.
“Sir. Sir.” The doctor spoke in what sounded like a German or Swiss accent.  He then entered inside the study room and walked up to the desk toward the sleeping man and said, “Pardon my intrusion sir, but your dragons have returned with the recent capture….”  The man sleeping on the desk took a dagger and slammed it repeatedly on compass that was on the table, smashing it to pieces.
He tiredly raised his head up to reveal that he had a small mustache and beard, had piercing green eyes, and scars all over his face, including one that went down from the crown of his head, over his left eye and stopped to his cheek.  He sleepily glared at the doctor and whispered.
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“I was dreaming Doctor Zemo…..of the Alpha.”
“Deacon?” question the doctor now known as Zemo.
“And in my dream; I was—a magnanimous hero.” The man sat up against his tall chair which was engraved gold and red velvet cushions. “To the people of world.” He took a sip of some clear drink probably either vodka or ale.
But the surprise fact was when he lifted his other arm, there was only a stump left down to his mid-forearm.
“I even thanked the head of the Alpha. For his kind taking away my arm.” Which made the doctor cringe because his arm was not only taken away, but also burned to 3rd degree. “And for allowing me to get this fine arm. For gutting, and ripping throats of his own kind. Where one takes a piece of me. I take millions from him.”
The man continued to brag as he now brought out a metal arm with dragon-like claws at the end and as soon as he put it back on, it activated and he wriggled his fingers around testing it.
“So the dragons made you a better trapper sire?” asked Doctor Zemo.
“Made me better?” question the metal armed man.
He walked towards the doctor forcing him to walk backwards as the man continued,
“My bloodline goes all the way back to the first dragon killer Saint George. I never needed such luck such as this arm to make me better. YOU THINK I’M BETTER BECAUSE OF THIS!?!?” He roared in the Doctor’s face, his index claw just barely a centimeter away from piercing Zemo’s eye.
“No, no Lord Percy, no.” Zemo stammered. Percy glared soullessly at the Doctor before pushing up his glasses back from his nose up to the bridge of it. “Thank you.”
“Thank Lucifer his Beta went deaf.” Percy got out of Zemo’s face and went back over to his desk to put his metal arm into a bowling pot of water.  Filled with flour, vinegar and salt to clean up the metal claws and buffer them up a bit as he continued, “If that cousin of yours hadn’t put him in the river, he’d have killed me by now. Why did you wake me doctor?”
“Lord Percy; your dragons have come back. And they brought back the one that killed Dragon 346782.” Percy shot his arm up, his claws now shining under the light of his office dripping with left over vinegar.
“Show me the beast!” he hissed.
Once the dragons fully landed and dragged the unconscious body of (y/n) towards the mansion, Percy as well as some other trappers and hunters gathered around.  The dragon that held (y/n) in it’s grip dropped her down like a piece of meat.
“That is no beast. It’s a girl.” Said Doctor Zemo.
“I can see that it’s a girl you imbecile! Now why did this stupid reptiles bring me a human!?” he yelled at the acid spitters which made them submit fearfully as they backed away.
“Hey boss, you seen the armor she’s wearing?” asked a strongly built hunter who had a crossbow strapped to his back.  Percy knelt down and touched the armor and was in awe.
“Dragon skin?”
“You think she’s a hunter too? Trapper even?”
“Whoever this girl is, she’s valuable. But we can’t have her rushing away so quickly. At least not before I get the chance to talk to her. Take her to the guest quarters and alert me when she wakes up.”
“Yes boss.” He then flung (y/n) over his shoulder and Percy couldn’t help but stare at the unconscious girl with intriguing eyes.
Meanwhile miles away as the sun began to rise, Warren flew back towards the den hoping to find the Winchester brothers and Castiel.
He flew as fast as he could back towards the den hoping to find them and give them the helmet that (y/n) had given them as a warning that something bad had happened to her.
Back at the den, Sam and Dean just woke up and walked out of the den to see Castiel standing out almost as if he were on patrol.
“What’s going on Cas?” asked Sam.
“It’s been a couple of days since (y/n) left the den and I’m beginning to worry about her.”
“Wait you—you mean to tell me (y/n) is gone again!?” Dean snapped.
“Can’t you find her? Use the Enochian tracker you placed on us?”
“I am but—it’s like I’m being blocked from seeing her.” Soon coming over the horizon, Cas saw Warren flying toward them. “But I think I might know someone who might know. Warren’s back, and he was the reason she left the den.”
“I swear if that British blonde-headed dick killed her or even laid a scratch on her, I don’t care what will be his fate, I’ll end it right here, right now.” Sneered Dean.
Soon enough Warren landed panting heavily as his wings tucked back into his back.
“And where the hell have you been?” snapped Dean. Warren looked up and said.
“I said where the hell have you been?!”
“You’ll have to speak up Winchester I—I’m a little hard at hearing, especially after long flights.” Before Dean could pop his lid off, Cas held him back before walking towards the dragon.
“Where’s (y/n)? I know she went after you the other day after the rumble with Kisara.”
“She did come after me yes. And she kept trailing me, stubborn girl you have to deal with.”
“She can be that. But where is she Warren?”
“We got caught in one of Percy’s traps. Soon more of his dragons, the acid spitter that invaded the nest shortly after you all found out about her little dragon secret. She sent me back here to you three to give you this.” Taking out of his black leather jacket was (y/n)’s dragon helmet. “She used herself as a decoy allowing me to escape. But I’m afraid she might’ve been kidnapped and taken to Percy.”
���The same Percy that’s been hunting you all?” asked Cas. Warren nodded.  Cas looked down at the helmet and said to Warren. “Stay here, I’ll talk to the brothers.” He then turned away and walked back towards the Winchesters.
“So what’s going on Cas? Did he hurt her?”
“No. In fact it’s worse than her getting injured by a deaf dragon with anger management issues. She’s being taken by those acid spitters to Percy. The dragon hunter that’s been after this nest for years now.”
“Wait you mean the one Deacon and Stephen told us about in that story?” asked Dean.
“Yes. He comes from a long line of dragon hunters, going back to the very first known dragon slayer.”
“Saint George.” Answered Sam.
“Wait but why would he want (y/n)?” asked Dean. “And just where does this guy live?”
“Do you think Warren might know?” Sam suggested.
“It’s a longshot but maybe.”
“How do we know we can trust him? I mean guys c’mon after all he’s tried to kill (y/n) on several occasions, he almost killed Kisara’s first litter of unborn babies, he’s not exactly on our side.”
“On our side or not, he still came back and told us where (y/n) is at and gave us this.” Cas said as he held up her dragon helmet. “And the more time we waste here, the more time Percy could be doing who knows what to her. If he’s as ruthless as I’ve heard, then there’s no doubt he’ll treat (y/n) like any other dragon he can get his hands on.”
Soon the three hunters were in agreement.
“Hey Warren!” Dean exclaimed. The blonde dragon looked up at them and Dean continued, “You got any idea where Percy’s hideout is?”
“I might know the way. But getting in there won’t be easy. Not only does he have his lackie trappers and hunters guarding the entire perimeter of his home, but he also allows his acid spitters to patrol. You three won’t last long.”
“Well we’ve survived worse. Plus she’s our sister. And we don’t leave family behind.” Said Sam.  Warren exhaled through his nose deeply and muttered.
“I may live to regret this.” He then phased into his dragon form and lowered his right wing for the brothers and the angel. All three of them climbed up onto Warren’s back and he took off flying.
However they were unaware of the snake-like dragon that was listening in from the shadows of the den.
As they flew higher in the sky, Castiel heard Warren’s voice say to him.
‘Give me that helmet. I’ll be able to track her easier if I have something that has her scent.’ Cas then handed the mask to Sam and said to him.
“Give that to Warren.” Sam nodded and as Warren curled his neck inward, Sam lowered the helmet so that Warren could take a deep inhale of (y/n)’s scent.  He extended his neck back outwards and sniffed a couple of times before his pupils sharpened into a snake’s and he let out a roar.
“He’s got her. Hang on!” Cas told the brothers and almost on a dime, Warren flew faster towards Percy’s mansion.
*My POV*
When I finally woke up, I found myself in some sort of prison.  Unlike the prison cell back in the dragon’s den, this felt like I was in an actual prison cell.  There was nothing but metal walls all around me, however instead of being chained up against the wall I was lying on a bed.
“What the hell?” I muttered.  I soon heard locks on the door being unlocked and as soon as it opened, there stood a woman with short black hair, stern cold brown eyes and a tattoo of a raven on the side of her neck.
“You’re awake. That’s good.” She said in an ‘I don’t care’ kind of tone.
“Yeah, and who are you?”
“My name is irrelevant to you. The boss would like to see you.”
“So soon? Whatever will I wear?” I sassed at her and it was at that moment I was slammed against the wall being pinned by her and she sneered.
“Don’t get cute kid!”
“Ah, ah, ah remember what I had said earlier Jane dear.” We both turned and there I saw a man with a messy mane of curly brown hair, I noticed that he only wore one black glove on his right hand.  The woman glared at the man before literally dropping me down to the floor and trudging out of the room in a huff.  “So sorry about her love, Jane can be quite—eccentric at times.”
“I’ve dealt with worse.” I said as I stood back up and rubbed my neck.
“You don’t seem like one whose dealt with worse.” He said.
“Believe me you don’t know the half of it.”
“Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Percy.” He said as he held out his bare hand instead of the gloved one.  I was skeptical about him but I shook his hand.
“Diana Fischer.” I gave him one of my many FBI alias that I came up with along with Sam and Dean.  “Where—exactly am I?”
“In my mansion. 20,000 acres of forests and woodlands that have belonged to my family for generations.”
“Damn, my childhood neighborhood was only an acre.”
“Well when you come from a privileged bloodline it comes with the territory. I never really cared for much of it. It’s just for show if I’m honest.”
“So why am I here? Surely a rich man with a house such as this doesn’t just bring guests like me over? Much less with a dragon welcoming committee.”
“Ahh yes. See they’re really just for security purposes really. Something my team decided was a good idea.” Of course I knew he was lying because I knew the real reason why thanks to my son and his friends.
“Of course. And they just assumed I was a threat.”
“Afraid so, but don’t worry I will deal with them later. Oh silly me where are my manners you must be starving poor girl, please why don’t you join me for dinner? Maybe have a drink. You—are legal to drink right?”
“Yes I’m 23.”
“Marvelous.” He then guided me out of the room and I was now in an elegant dining hall that looked like it belonged in the 15th century with a large chandelier hanging over the table and a gourmet food selection as far as the table reached from each side of the room. “Please take a seat by me and have whatever your heart desires.”
He sat down at the head of the table and I sat to his right and looked at every piece of food imaginable.  I’ll tell you if Sam and Dean were here, they’d go completely gaga over this food, especially Dean when I saw that there was chicken, pork, steaks, turkey, and any other kinds of meat.
Sam would have a field day with the fruits and salads around the table, it was like a farmer’s market shrunk to miniature size and parked itself right onto the table.  There was also dessert trays like Turkish delight, chocolate turtles, Crème brûlée, cakes, ice cream, etc.
“So Diana, since I told you a little bit about me, why not tell me about yourself?”
“Oh I couldn’t possibly. My story is boring compared to yours.”
“No really I insist.” Percy said as he reached out for some of the ham slices and Turkey legs.  Knowing that he probably had an idea to spike or poison whatever food I would go for, I reached for the same foods he did, no matter what he picked. “For one thing I must compliment this suit you’ve got on. I mean it’s absolutely phenomenal. Who designed it?”
“I did.”
“Really? Well then you must be a clever girl. What exactly are it’s mechanisms?”
“Simple pully structures and leather texture.” I gave him a brief synopsis without telling him everything.
“Hmm. Now the scaling patterns you’ve designed into it. Looks almost like real dragon skin. Have a fancy for them?”
“My knowledge of them only exists through Game of Thrones and how to train your dragon. With a bit of Dragon heart mixed in.”
“They are magnificent beasts of mythology aren’t they?” he asked me.
“You could say that.” I said nonchalantly. “What’s your opinion on dragons?”
“Oh well my family has been in ties with dragons since the Medieval ages.” I looked around and saw a painting of Saint George himself hanging proudly just above his head. “You know something Diana. You strike me as the type of young woman who is a fighter.”
“And what makes you say that?”
“Well beyond the self-manufactured suit. You have this look in your eyes that just screams like you’ve seen hell and back.” Oh you have no idea.
Suddenly I felt a little queasy and my head started spinning like a top. What the hell? But he—I was grabbing the same foods he did, why was he not affected by it?
“Seems we’re feeling a bit under the weather, aren’t we Diana? Or should I say (y/n) (l/n).” How the hell did he know my real name? It was then two hulky strong men.  
They roughly picked me up and that’s when I saw Percy take out a needle filled with a purple serum.
“Let’s start over now shall we? Starting with how you were able to take down one of my dragons on your own?” He came right up to me and injected the needle into my neck and I just let out the most agonizing scream.
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lordclover · 5 years
A Burning Rose
So I started a fanfic a while ago on Ao3 and never posted it to tumblr c’: idk for sure if I’ll post weekly updates here too, but I thought I’d give it a go! 
Summary:  Arthur had always been curious in strangers he's encountered. He's stopped one too many times to talk to people, helped people for no particular reason, and had gotten mixed results. He'd been shot before because of it and met decent folk. At the end of the day he always had a unique story to write in his journal, a memento of his experiences. One day he spotted a horse on its own and decided to investigate. His curiosity leads him to meet a photographer that he'd never expect to find similarities in, yet the more time he spends with her the more he realizes they're kindred spirits.
Chapter One:  Arcadia for Amateurs
               Arthur had been heading down an empty path towards Strawberry, hoping to find the trapper, when he spotted a horse in a forest grove. He watched as it vanished among the trees and he frowned. Slowly Arthur looked around, searching for a smoke trail. No one was camping, but that didn’t mean the horse was alone.
              He spurred Whiskey on, but couldn’t help but look back at the horse. Arthur sighed.
              “Let’s just make sure they’re alright,” Arthur told Whiskey. “Ain’t no harm checkin’.”
              He knew that wasn’t true, some folks reacted badly to anyone getting close. Yet Arthur couldn’t stop himself from wanting to make sure the horse was accompanied by someone. He was already heading towards Strawberry; he could bring it by the stables if it was alone. Make some money as well.
              He guided Whiskey towards where he’d seen the horse and studied the ground to follow where it’d gone. Going hunting with Charles had made him a significantly better tracker. He still wasn’t great, but he had gotten better. He reckoned he’d never be a fantastic hunter, but that didn’t matter much. As long as he could provide food for the gang, he was content.
              He spotted the horse not far away; she was standing still then. Arthur dismounted Whiskey and walked over to the American standardbred. She was a gorgeous horse, a dappled tan with a well-kept mane. An expensive horse, but worth every penny. Her saddle and bridle matched her well, both rather expensive. The saddle he couldn’t justify as much as the horse, his own saddle was just as good and half the price. The horse looked up at him, before flicking her ear and looking to the right. Arthur followed her gaze to a woman standing by a camera of some sort. She had soft blonde hair pulled back into a neat bun. She looked completely out of place in the woods, her skirt too clean, her hair too well kept. Arthur frowned at her curiously, unable to force himself to walk back to Whiskey. She said something under her breath and looked up at a bag that was laying a couple yards in front of her camera. He couldn’t stop himself from wandering closer, his curiosity finally getting the better of him.
              “Morning to you,” Arthur said as he approached, trying not to startle her.
              She turned to look at him, her light green eyes evaluating him with one quick look, leaving him taken aback. She was beautiful, a kind of beautiful that made him question why she was here. After being in Valentine for so long, it was strange to see a woman that seemed respectable. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but she wasn’t it.
              Her expression was calculated, he knew she was already planning ahead, steps ahead of him. It was the same look Hosea had when he was planning something.
              “Hello,” she said, her accent noticeably French. Her voice was silky and so smooth he wondered if she’d ever misspoken.
              “Lovely day isn’t it?” she asked.  
              “Sure,” Arthur said with a slight shrug.
              It was a good day for him, he hadn’t been shot at yet. His standards had gotten pretty low in the past few weeks.
              He couldn’t help but noticed the necklace she was wearing. It was partially hidden, the pendant under her shirt. It was an expensive necklace; he could tell even with part of it obscured. He was willing to bet it was at least sixty, maybe more depending on the pendant. He wondered if she’d encountered trouble before, if that was why it was hidden. Surely, she knew that anyone with a keen eye would know its worth even with part of it hidden. Why even wear it?
              He’d only spent a second taking this in, but she seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. She studied him with an uncertain frown, her eyes drifting to his gun briefly. He waited for her next move, more than willing to leave if she didn’t want him around. In truth he’d probably stolen from people like her, well… there wasn’t any questioning it, he had. They’d strayed from their Robin Hood mentality, but Arthur was trying not to rob decent folk. At least when he could, lately it felt like they were forced more and more to do it whatever it took to survive.
              She turned back to her camera and Arthur frowned.  Wasn’t she afraid? She’d noticed him studying her necklace, yet she had her back to him. She fiddled with something, before frowning again. She looked up towards the bag once more.
              “If you don’t mind me askin’, what exactly are you doin’?”
              “Photography,” the woman said.
              “Figured as much,” Arthur said.
              “Of course,” she said with a small chuckle. “You’ll have to forgive me, I am not… well I’m not as good at this as I’d like to be.” She looked back up at the bag and shifted the camera ever so slightly. She studied it again and shifted the camera once more. “I have been photographing wildlife, but… it is a difficult venture.”
              She walked away from the camera and towards the bag. Arthur peered over the camera and examined it curiously, before following her. She noticed this and smiled slightly. He returned it instantly.
              “Stand here, would you?” she asked.
              “Here?” Arthur asked as he walked over to where she directed.
              She nodded and then frowned in thought. She stepped in front of him, looked back at her camera, and then put her hands on his arms, shifting him over. He obediently moved and she studied him again. She took a step back, seemingly satisfied. Arthur smiled slightly in amusement. He reckoned he didn’t know much about photography, but he was beginning to wonder just how much she knew.
              “Juliette Bellerose,” she said as she offered her hand.
              “Arthur Morgan,” he said as he accepted her hand.
              She shook his hand.
              “Pleasure to meet you,” Juliette said.
              “Likewise,” Arthur said.
              She started back towards her camera.
              “I’m trying to capture images of the great predators in America,” Juliette explained.
              “You trying to get yourself killed?” Arthur asked in disbelief.
              “No,” Juliette said simply.
              “Isn’t there easier things to photograph?”
              “Oh of course, monsieur Morgan, but I love a challenge,” Juliette said.
              There was a word he didn’t know, monsieur. He didn’t have a strong enough grasp on English to know if it was foreign, but he figured it was French. He wasn’t about to ask, unwilling to prove himself an idiot yet.
              “Portraits ain’t challenging enough?” Arthur mused.
              “Portraits are so dull… people always dress up, they might as well paint a picture, it’d be just as accurate,” Juliette said with distaste. “It’s painfully pretentious as well.”
              He wouldn’t call her pretentious, but he was growing more and more certain she’d been around plenty of pretentious people. She certainly didn’t grow up among wildlife.
              “How’s that?” Arthur asked.
              “People love to pretend they’re something they’re not,” Juliette explained. “But… the truth always gets out, somehow.”
              He watched as she fiddled with the camera for a moment. Juliette smiled in satisfaction and stepped away from the camera.
              “Thank you,” Juliette said.
               He nodded and walked back over to her.
              “So how exactly are you planning on photographing predators without getting killed?” Arthur asked.
              “I have been trying to make bait out of meat and lay it out far enough that they’ll hopefully be more interested in it than me.”
              “That doesn’t sound very safe,” Arthur said.
              “I am still alive,” Juliette said with a small shrug. “I’ve lasted longer in America than I thought.”
              That was a curious mentality to hear from someone like her. Still alive. Why even come out here if she figured she was going to die? Surely someone like her didn’t have to be, must have had options.
              “That’s good, I reckon,” Arthur said.
              “I’ve gotten some good photos, but I’m afraid I only have one down.”  
              Arthur raised an eyebrow, but she simply smiled. He shook his head as it finally dawned on him. She had a knowing look in her eyes and seemed amused.
              “Clever, miss Bellerose,” he chuckled.
              “Juliette is fine,” she said. “I’m afraid predators have proven harder than I had planned, although I have gotten several-”
              Her gaze shifted over and her eyes widened. Arthur turned to see a coyote at her bag, nuzzling it curiously. Arthur stepped out of the cameras way as Juliette snapped a photograph. The coyote looked up at the snap of the camera. It grabbed the bag and dashed off.
              She said somethin’ in a language he didn’t understand, his guess was French but he couldn’t be certain. Her tone expressed enough for him to guess what she was saying, she sounded awfully annoyed by the coyote’s thievery.  
              “Don’t worry,” Arthur said as he started to chase after it.
              The coyote sprinted up the hill and Arthur followed as close as he could. They went up the hill and down towards an outpost.
              “Leave the bag!” Arthur called after it.
              The coyote ignored him and ran down to the outpost. Coyotes were fast, but this one was burdened by the bag. It continued for a while further, before finally dropping the bag and darting away. It was lucky, Arthur had considered just shooting it. He walked over to the bag.
              “A wildlife photographer,” Arthur scoffed as he picked it up.
              He started back through the outpost and towards where she’d set up. Her smile was still at the forefront of his mind. One down. He knew she’d called him a predator, but he couldn’t help wonder why she wasn’t afraid of him. She knew he wasn’t just a traveler. Might figure him a bounty hunter, but that wasn’t much better than what he was. He hoped for her own sake she didn’t make a habit of inviting dangerous people to chat.  
              As he started down the hill, he spotted her at the camera. She looked up as she heard his footsteps.
              “Ah, thank you!” She said. “At least now I know the bait works.”
              “Yeah well, bag full of meat will tend to bring out the worst in the local population,” Arthur said as he handed it back to her.
              She accepted it, before setting it down by her camera.
              “You’re quite the gentleman,” she said.
              “Don’t know about that,” Arthur muttered.
              “Nevertheless, thank you,” Juliette said. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you, the trapper I bought the bait from wasn’t up for much negotiation… but I suppose without much competition that makes sense…”
              “No, he ain’t known for bargaining,” Arthur said. “You be careful now; you don’t want to attract the wrong animals or people.”
              “Of course,” Juliette said. “I do my best to keep out of trouble.”
              “I find that hard to believe,” Arthur said.
              “It is America, the land of trouble,” Juliette said with a smirk. “Who am I to avoid it?”
              Arthur smiled slowly, thoroughly perplexed. She seemed a smart woman, yet he couldn’t quite comprehend why she wouldn’t avoid trouble. Hunting predators wasn’t an easy feat, Hosea and him had learned that the hard way.  
“Thank you again, monsieur. I appreciate your help.”
              “Don’t worry about it,” Arthur said as he started back towards Whiskey.
              “Take care, monsieur,” Juliette said.
              “I ain’t the one tryin’ to get myself killed,” Arthur said as he mounted Whiskey.
              “I find that hard to believe,” Juliette returned.
              She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with amusement, and he chuckled. She smiled and continued to fiddle with her camera. Arthur guided Whiskey back towards the path, smiling to himself.
[ small note in case it wasn’t obvious, I replaced Albert Mason in this with my own character bc i loved the potential of him but it just wasn’t fully explored so... I wanted to explore it but then one thing led to another and now i have a different character in his role lol ] 
Check it out on Ao3 to see all the current updates! 10 Chapters currently up
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Athenas Masterpost
This is going to cover everything Athenas, like the official page and trailer, both new trailers, the art book preview, and some stuff shown in the ign trailers. It’s a lot.
There will NOT be endgame spoilers in this post. If there’s anything that comes up that I want to discuss, you can find it in a spoiler post I’ll be making soon :) I DO discuss a thing that occurs during the first 3 hours of BL3, though I think that’s pretty okay with y’all lol
tl;dr: there’s too much to summarize. 13 days until bl3. lmao im screaming on the inside.
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“A misty, tranquil planet that has recently attracted the wrong kind of attention. Athenas is mostly uninhabited, save for a sect of monks known as the Order of the Impending Storm who have made their home in the high peaks of the mountains. What secrets do they guard here, inside ancient walls that were built long before humans set foot on Athenas?”
We definitely got a lot less info for Athenas than the other planets, and I can see why. They want to keep it mysterious.
Also, I’m not saying I totally called it that the pyramid was Eridian, but I totally called it. I am surprised it’s implying that the entire area was built by them, but what can ya do 🤷‍♂️
Anyway, since this post is long overdue, let’s just jump right in!
The Athenas video is nearly half the time of the Eden-6 one, so there’s not a lot to cover unfortunately:
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We’ve seen this shot multiple times before
also the emphasis that Athenas is ‘tranquil’ and ‘peaceful’ ahahahaha no it’s not.
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i love these dudes! Order of the Impending Storm!!! I wonder if their funky goggle things have anything to do with Sirens, like how they have Siren-trackers. I also really love their outfits. lowkey want one of these robes.
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a great overview look of the area leading up to the pyramid. I got more to say about this... but it’s probably best if i leave it for later on in the post after we get more info
also, note the water and the rocks and stuff on the left there. This will come into play later... not even in this post. a later post.
also i totally called this being an ancient aliens reference lol
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Vault logo on the flag there. definitely shows how much these guys worship the Vaults
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This!!! I have so much to talk about here!
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alright so now that we know what the vault keys look like.... this doesn’t appear to be part of any of the Vault Keys we’ve seen. especially not the Promethean one. not even the pyramid shaped one.
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im mostly interested in this because this is obviously a monk, her robes match the ones we saw above with the hood. she doesn’t appear to be Eridian because we’ve seen the Watcher and the other Guardians, who are built in the image of the Eridians, and she looks wayyy too human. We’ve also seen statues of the Eridians in that one shot of the Pandora temple.
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so it seems like the monks have gone inside the pyramid before and... built this statue? for some reason??? It’s interesting that she has an extra pair of arms as well. I wonder if she is like the Siren ancestor of Amara. which could prove my theory that the next successor of Amara would have another set of arms... it might also explain why Amara’s tattoos are everywhere on the buildings (outside of her being the Tiger)
it would also explain this shot, the skeleton with the book, which we now know we’ve seen before with Maya:
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so even though they’re protecting the pyramid/temple, i don’t think they’ve been avoiding it entirely- at least not for the first time after discovering it. maybe they stopped going in after they discovered something bad, somethin like iunno... the Rampagers?
it would be Really Weird if the Eridians built that statue, especially when they probably didn’t know what humans looked like at the time. unless of course they helped shape humanity or smth. meaning they probably personally created Sirens. oh that’d be wild... i wonder if we’re going to learn about how early Sirens shaped humanity in that case. discovering fire could be entirely different lol
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“hallowed land” 
i wonder if this is where we’ll have anointed gear explained to us... i imagine the order is still worshipping Eridian/Siren stuff, so them having all sorta knowledge of this stuff would make sense
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more Maliwan. you guys notice we see cultists purely on Eden-6 (outside of the crashed ship), but Maliwan purely on Athenas? a mix on Promethea, tho that’s bc we’ve actually gotten gameplay. 
So my guess is Maliwan has joined up with the cult (be it through whatever means: Maliwan is in) and they’re looking for the Promethea key. which makes sense. they’re attacking Rhys on Promethea, so when he helps us out, word probably gets back to Maliwan (somehow) and they swap from wanting to take over Atlas (either by defeating them w/ Zer0/that giant space laser/whatever or just changing priorities) to wanting to open that fuckin Vault. Teaming up with the CoV is the best way to ensure that happens. I’m sure there will oodles of betrayal going on between the two parties.
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in all seriousness, actually, im curious why we don’t see these good boys on Promethea. maybe they’re only for the top-tier squads? (mechanically, probably higher-level enemies) they look super high tech, so i would not be surprised if Maliwan thought Atlas would be an easy takeover so they didn’t send everything they could have
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Nog! not much to say here tbqh
“Protect Athenas Before It’s Too Late”
I imagine before Maliwan gets the Vault Key or some other wild power, like power over the Rampagers. seriously, in the We Are Mayhem trailer, there’s a rampager are fighting on the side of Maliwan (altho if this is The One Rampager, or just One of Many is hard to tell. it could morph depending on which element it is. we just don’t know. personally i think there’s 1 per planet... i’ll explain later)
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From the Art Book Preview:
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Alright yes. “Maliwan forces have already seized control of the monastery, where part of the Promethean Vault Key has been located, turning a simply recovery mission into a vicious firefight...... A large and foreboding crypt built into the side of the mountain was also designed, and might perhaps have housed the Vault Key fragment deep within its gloomy interiors”
i don’t think this means the crypt is like an actual area. it would be interesting to discover that the pyramid is a giant crypt because... jesus. it would fit with the whole pyramid theme, at least. altho im wondering if this is more like a labyrinth situation where they’re trying to keep a Rampager inside as well as the treasure... which MAY be a Vault Key Fragment
Actually, this brings up a great point: did Atlas spread the Vault Key out throughout the planets? Is this where Typhon originally found that Key fragment? wtf was in the Vault that Atlas needed to disassemble the Key and return its fragments? oh boy i hope it’s something scary
From the Moze Eden-6 E3 Gameplay:
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oh ye this. okay so this is definitely 100% Eridian. I’m guessing we get this from Athenas because this seems like a fairly important object and, well, Athenas is all about Eridian stuff. When we go through the next few videos, keep an eye out for the temples. You’ll see the glowing red diamond shape constantly reappearing there.
one of the devs admitted that there are hunks of Eridian Writing left around the world that will ‘open up’ things for the players, so I imagine this is exactly what we’ll use to get to it. If this IS only for endgame stuff I’ll be slightly disappointed. I know we have access to this before Eden-6, since there are gameplay videos that show the player breaking the Eridium chunks with this thing. the above one is from the Moze Eden-6 gameplay, tho I’ve also seen newer footage from the Balex gameplay with this same tool
The following clips can be found in this video:
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im mostly interested in the wall art here
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what looks like a sun or a planet
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this symbol which makes an appearance elsewhere
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these two are the same area, im imagining this is the fight up to the pyramid, with Maliwan forces and barricades everywhere
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the sun again in the background (middle top)
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this cool piece (bottom left of the above pic) which looks like a hand covered in glowing blue. i imagine this is some sorta representation of Phaselock? mainly because of the blue orb in the palm of her hand
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not much to say about this area tbh. looks like a residential area to me, so possibly not in the residential district
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writing on the top mid-right. 
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idk why i just noticed these trees are green and not red but yeah, that’s interesting. so probably a different area from Amara’s trailer aka: not Partali
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and yet we see amara’s tattoos on the building in the back right. sorry for such terrible quality btw, tumblr ate these images and spit them back out
These clips can be found in the Borderlands are Yours trailer:
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looks like the small building we see directly next to Maya and Ava
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altho very clearly not the same exact area so im curious what these are supposed to represent. tbh im kinda reminded of graveyards. i really hope there aren’t corpses in those omg
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another better look at the two pieces of art. i imagine the one on the right has something to do with the eridians given its in a diamond shape, which we know has something to do with the eridians now
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also im not playing amara first (possibly last. depending on how i feel fl4k may go last) but HOLY SHIT her action skills are beautiful
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i know he’s probably a vault monster but like... 
idk i feel its kinda sad gearbox is showing off a VAULT MONSTER of all things in so much promo material. like why is he fighting with Maliwan/the cult in the We are Mayhem trailer??
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sup with that?
does he have multiple stages?? is that’s why he changes elements? goes from two heads to wings to extended necks. like wtf is up with this guy?? he definitely looks like he can be elementally charged given his eye sockets aren’t glowing when he emerges like they do
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here but then
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this dude looks like he has an entirely different skull like...
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this dude is a corrosive one who also seems to be working with Maya (who i guess IS probably the corrosive aligned siren)
and we’re guessing the nuclear charged one is the one from Athenas... for reasons i’ll explain below
AND honestly i've been thinking and maybe the fire one is actually from Promethea? and maybe there’s another that’s on Eden-6 and another on Pandora?
alright so i have 2 reasons for this. one involves spoiler talk with the cloth map, so that won’t be discussed here (but if you see the map and the planets, you’ll understand what i’m alluding to here, most likely). the other is that in this screenshot of all the quests from the Eden-6 demo:
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we see immediately after “hostile takeover” is the quest “the impending storm”. which is, indeedy, a reference to the Order of the Impending Storm. We know they’re on Athenas, so I imagine we run over to Athenas to get part of the Vault Key. We’ve established from the art book that’s where it is.
but then after The Impending Storm, Space-Laser Tag (which we all know is that giant-ass laser thing in the asteroid belt), and Atlas, at Last, there’s a quest called Beneath the Meridian.
And we know this area... is definitely underground. we’ve seen with the fire-y boy that the ceiling is just rocks
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then we see this shot with the nuclear (?) one where the window outside is clearly showing off mountains/sky, which we know is kinda Athenas’s deal
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and we know these two areas are the same v ^
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since there’s the same ‘Vault’ in the background
so my only problem with this entire theory that there’s multiple rampagers is that
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we see the twins killing/absorbing the red/fire one’s power which is also on athenas since the background is the same as the vault area from the above two pictures. unless there’s a similar vault-thing on promethea and eden-6. we know there’s one on Pandora, but that one is outside so.
so i guess they are the same beasty boy but... why why why show us one of the vault monsters
it’s so cool going in blind and not knowing what you’re going to get out of it.
so im going to say this is a minor vault monster (especially given it’s not exactly the same rock-like design as the other vault monsters) and the ‘vaults’ are actually something smaller. maybe they hold keys, or the pieces of the keys, or they’re part of that teleportation network i keep talking about (and i guess i should just make a seperate post about it) but i don’t know if these are actual Big Boy Vaults. especially when the Rampager doesn’t match actual Eridian-created Vault Monsters
that said given we see a bunch of dead guardians on the floor, its possible the rampager killed them? but i get the feeling we might actually be the ones to pull the trigger cause... combat is fun
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so. yeah. if the rampager is guarding something that’s fine. i wanna believe teleportation network. i’d love to see the twins come in, walk out of that vault, absorb the rampager’s powers, and then walk out after locking us in like ‘peace’ and we have to use the teleportation system to make it back to promethea with the vault key fragment or whatever
[im here after the cloth map reveal like... uh huh. i see. u dumb bitchard.]
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idk i just thought this was a fun screenshot lol
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ah yes
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that’s eridium
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this also appears to be in the temple, but, like, again if there’s more than one temple this could also be on Pandora or even Eden-6. Kinda leaning towards Pandora. HOWEVER since we only know for certain this sort of temple area is on Athenas (from that one statue shot), we’re gonna analyze this bad boy right now (also lowkey think this is Pandora because of the varkid nests but shhh)
what do i actually have to say about it? uhhh not much tbh. i think i’ve said all that needs to be said concerning the twins mutating cultists with slag/eridium. 
i will say im pretty shocked at, like, the eridium HORNS and shit. so maybe this is just some cool little miniboss. (okay not mini because look how big he’s gotten!! just like Bloodwing :D)
you know what, it looks like he’s standing on one of these
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floor tile things, and now im super curious. is the fire part of a trap? is it powering this lad up? i definitely know he’s a cultist because he’s got the neon light tubes on his shoulder pad
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see here
you can see these on other cultists like goliaths and such and such
also this is pretty similar to what we’ve seen in the LLE (especially the powersuits) given their bodies also form eridium crystals when they’ve ascended
i feel like its powering him up
you know during the fight with bloodwing when Jack powers up bloodwing using the elemental flamethrower things? would be interesting if this is similar to that.
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like dis
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the radiation boy is back and he’s actually elementally charged this time
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also i love the chest mouth lmao
has anyone here seen stretch armstrong? like that one episode where Gabe (crostini man) gets turned into a bunch of flexarium monster chunks
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but yeah, awesome mouth my guy.
im curious if it’s being elementally charged to cryo or if it’s stopped being charged. if this is like a cutscene between different stages in the fight, etc etc. 
this also looks fairly similar to this area here
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but red this time. which... may tie into the elemental stages. which maaaaay tie into those floor platforms elementally charging that demon baby up above. bloodwing 2.0!
You can find the following clips in the Official Guide to the Borderlands:
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god i keep telling myself to be on the lookout for athenas clips but i get so distracted by the gorgeousness of this fucking game i forget and have to keep going back
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if that dude in the back floating was t-posing i would have lost my shit
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new Siren tattoos!!! we haven’t seen these before. they’re very flowy, i love them. i hope we get to meet the siren with them!
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i also loooooove this area in the back. i hope we get to climb it and explore. i would love to just be able to climb to high up areas in bl3 and look down and see the area i just came from. it’s possible! we have the technology! thousand cuts / bnk3r ascension 2.0!!!
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more of amara’s awesome looking powers
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zane has 2 trans pride skins im so happy 😄
also look at how teeny tiny that ‘Vault’ is in the back!!! it’s only like 2x the size of Iron Bear!!! gimme BIG vaults!! GIANT VAULTS
also also
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the VOID vault
i get a feeling these are connected somehow.
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sniper spoooot
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not much to say about this tbh. zane’s claw things look fucking dope tho. i want one irl.
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we’ve seen this shot a few times before already
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alright before you get mad, let me explain why i think this is athenas
you see this picture
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this maliwan jackass. the building to his left is 100% athenas architecture.
the rocks in the top picture look identical to the ones next to him. plus we’ve seen water in the distance of some of the areas of Athenas
it could also be Eden-6 (which honestly i would not be surprised if it is instead) but given the ivy and the rocks i felt it was worthwhile to put in. plus the moving eridian structures are so cool looking. i feel like that’s going to be a puzzle.
oh oh also
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maybe that area leads into/exits from here? because they’re both underground in cavern-like areas
but like... it could also be eden-6... because of that one shot of the temple area in the side of the cliff ASDFHDGJFJGFHSD
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still radiation charged. 
also seriously this ‘Vault’ is wayyyy smaller than a regular Vault. like... the one in BL2 that you can walk right up to... huge. and nothing even comes out of it. the Warrior climbs up from over the edge
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the bl1 is much bigger than this one, too. also the vault of the traveller, i would argue is the biggest out of all of them but eh
for the Vault of the Sentinel, the actual arch we see... i’ve already gone over why i don’t think that’s a ‘real’ vault and that its all more of a simulation, but you can read that whole thing here bc i am trying my damndest to not get off topic for this post because holy fucking shit. this got long.
Alright so. Onto the website pictures
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another cool shot of the academic district, really showing off the pyramid in the background. god i wanna know what that is. could be the temple (underground things notwithstanding). it’s probably holding that statue with the vault keys in either arm
you know the one, it’s at the beginning of this post. but damn that thing is huge!! i am hoping it holds more than just the promethean vault key. 
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did i already talk about how there are siren tattoos written along the edges of this area??? because... damn.
also the symbol for what is probably Vault Key sitting right smack dab in the middle??
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also sorry i just noticed those blue shapes are moving. like a fountain or something?? weird light.
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i mean... the trees are also warping in the background. wonder wtf is going on here... 
anyway whatever she’s holding actually doesn’t match up with any of the vault keys we’ve seen so... wtf are you???
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a very nice shot overlooking the water. also a wind turbine in the background. i think the area on the left is where we’ve seen ava and maya? but dont hold me to that lol
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definitely looks the same. even has the tree
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another shot of that area i think we’ve seen Amara fighting in
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big shot of the pyramid with the vault symbol everywhere. and the planet with the beams coming out of it. which in retrospect...
anyway that’s spoiler talk so let’s talk in another post.
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another shot of athenas from a slightly different angle, we’ve seen this one before, too, and i remember because i complemented the road signs
annnnd im tired. good night everybody.
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sol1056 · 6 years
as one of those Pidge stans that talks a lot with other Pidge stans, I have to say many of us are frustrated with the fact she really didn't have any development and also kind of tired of everything just being family-arc with her, instead of properly bonding with the team. In fact, I'm scared they're just going to kill off Matt now just for the sake of having her focus on family again, when it's the perfect time to make her move to something else.
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Pidge is a textbook example of a character who gets too much love. She agonizes over whether she’ll achieve her goals, but it’s never really in doubt that she will — the one time it seems she won’t, the show resolves the question immediately. Without those doubts or consequences, nothing’s forcing her to change, so… she doesn’t. 
The creators set her up to walk through the door already-done. She needed to be introduced about ten steps before that, development-wise, so we could see her grow and change and become herself. The S5 flashbacks told us Pidge was bullied, but I guess we’re supposed to assume she got over that before the story started. 
Which is really rather disappointing. Had she started a bit earlier in her path, her reaction could’ve been quite different when Lance tried to bond (less “Pidge doesn’t like people” and more “Pidge is certain any invitation must be a trick”). It also might’ve made more sense why she’d ditch the paladins and head for her family; they were the only safe harbor she’d ever known. Her progress in finding her family could’ve then become an outward manifestation of her progress internally, in finding her own voice. 
Incidentally, letting Pidge still struggle with post-bullying trauma could’ve created interesting tension between Keith and Pidge. Keith struggles with reading the social cues, but he very much wants to belong; he just doesn’t know how. Pidge can read the cues but damn if she doesn’t care, she’ll smackdown before she’s smacked. They seem simpatico but their motivations are in direct opposition, and a mission where they’re forced to work together could’ve turned them into a real oddball kind of siblingship.  
After S5, I happened on an interview where JDS said they decided early on that Pidge deserved a happy ending. Which rankles from the POV of any other character — especially Keith, Allura, and Shiro, who all lost so much and paid such high prices — but it’s also frustrating, too. Pidge needed to earn that happy ending, not just be handed it by newbie creators who coddled her like the worst of helicopter parents. 
(Hrm, like… helicopter writers. A new phrase. Handy.) 
It seems counter-intuitive, but a character only ‘earns’ their victory through difficulty. The closest she ever comes to a hard choice is early S1, when Sendak hijacks the castle. By S5, she’s been shown as so resourceful on her own that it’s kinda dubious Lotor has much to give that Pidge can’t ferret out through other means. So losing Lotor doesn’t really cost her much, which is why she can toss him away so easily. 
Even her saving throw in S6 is hollow, because we never saw her grapple with the morality of installing a shut-down program on the leader of her team — without his knowledge, even. No, we only find out about that after Pidge’s choice is shown to be the right one, so she’s never forced to suffer any true consequences. The narrative skips right to validating her choice, instead.
What if, instead, her ‘galra tracker’ had had certain flaws she couldn’t fix. And even Matt’s additional data provided no further clues. Then Lotor comes along, and he knows some handful of codes, or an engineer’s understanding of how the security relays work… idk, something that could unlock all the secrets Pidge has been struggling with for three seasons. 
Now put the choice of her father’s retrieval vs Lotor’s knowledge that’s helped Pidge unlock, say, the Empire’s supply lanes or top-secret exchanges or something. Billions of lives could be saved. If she weighs all those lives as valuable, can she really say one person (Sam) is worth more, in the big picture?
That would’ve been an interesting twist, forcing a difficult choice. And it might even be a surprise: say, she decides a billion lives do outweigh her father’s one life. We could’ve gotten Pidge having a heart-to-heart with Allura over loss, maybe another with Hunk or Lance about family. And… one with Lotor, telling him why she was arguing against his exchange. She could’ve gone from the amoral fix-it plot device to finally stepping up as a full adult of the team, aware of the consequences and benefits, and this time making the hard choice Shiro alluded to back in S1. 
(I’d then have Lotor then speak to Allura and/or Kuron. Lotor didn’t know a father’s love, but Pidge did, and Lotor isn’t willing to ask Pidge to sacrifice her father. So, Lotor volunteers for the exchange. Cue Kuron saying, “Maybe we can figure out a way you don’t have to…”)
Hell, just think if Pidge had been involved in the lion swap, and she’d also been locked out. What if she’d switched to Blue, and been forced to provide that support, while Allura had ended up in Green? Oh, the possibilities — but they hinge on having creators who understood that what makes a character truly interesting isn’t wrapping them in cotton stuffing, but in pushing them to their limits and then just enough beyond. Only then can we see what the character is truly made of. 
The EPs’ kind of love never pushed Pidge, nor tested her. It only stifled her, and the story’s definitely weaker for that. 
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Cool Smash Possibilities #3: Captain Toad
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Welcome to another edition of this cute Tumblr series I’m writing! While personally, I would love to play as both Funky and Alm, I don’t actually think they’ll even be logically considered for Smash. But for today’s entry, I actually have a little bit of hope for this little fungi. Not only being one of the more prominent WiiU Mario spinoffs, but also being featured in quite a number of Mario games himself, there’s no better time to include Captain Toad into the Smash Brothers roster.
The Origin:
Toad’s been a pretty reoccurring character/species since the start of Mario’s Mushroom Kingdom adventures in 1985. They usually assume a minor role in the series, while also appearing in literally every spinoff game as a playable character. They even appear in Smash, though the use of Peach’s Neutral B special. I believe this makes sense, as Toad joining the Smash roster would be equal to a random Goomba or Koopa Troopa joining. Yoshi’s a special case, as the dino is sort of one of many, but he’s also starred in numerous games and has a much larger presence in both the Mario and Nintendo world. Plus, the Mario franchise sure does have a lot of playable characters as is, so having the Toad character as a special move tied to Princess Peach makes sense. So, you may be ask, what makes Captain Toad so different? Well, here’s some more backstory. During 2008′s Super Mario Galaxy on Nintendo Wii, Mario will sometimes encounter a wandering group of Toads, assisting the plumber thoughout the level. Sometimes they will give him the power stars he seeks, others they just sort of whimsically commented on the galaxies they explored. Regardless, the red Toad of this brigade wore a light on his head, and is essentially the prototype Captain Toad. They appear again in 2010′s Super Mario Galaxy 2. This exact group of Toads appear again in the next big console Mario Game, 2013′s Super Mario 3D World, with a major redesign. Not only do they show up during some stages, but you take control of the leader (now officially dubbed “Captain Toad”) of this brigade during special challenge levels. These levels have you control the Captain though diorama like obstacle courses, using the gamepad to control the camera. Captain Toad cannot jump, so he can only run to avoid obstacles in order to collect the 5 Green Stars and complete the challenge. These levels were ridiculously popular on the Miiverse Social Media community, and thus, the developers ended up using these as base for their next game. Thus, comes 2014′s Captain Toad Treasure Tracker! Captain Toad’s very own game that feature a comfy collection of diorama levels to complete, including even boss levels. Captain Toad is of course joined by Captain Toadette and the rest of the Toad Brigade, on their quest to find lots of treasure. It was announced like a month ago that it’s getting an updated port on Nintendo Switch, including levels featured in 2017′s Super Mario Odyssey... Which Captain Toad was also featured in! Hidden in the many Kingdoms, Captain Toad will give Mario a single Power Moon when found and talked to. Mario can also find Captain Toadette residing in Peach’s Castle after the game is completed, and gives Mario a Power Moon for every achievement he completes.
Smash Statistics:
So okay, before I start this, I want Toadette as an alternate skin for Captain Toad. I don’t think this should be a problem, as Corrin, Robin, and the Wii Fit Trainer have both sexes as Alternate Costumes. Now that that’s out of the way, Captain Toad should be similar to Little Mac in ways. He doesn’t have the jumping power that other Mario series characters have, but he should be very fast on the ground. That doesn’t mean he CAN’T jump, because that would cripple him severely in a game like this, but he has a hard time lifting off the ground. Captain Toad’s basic attacks would mostly involve him using his head and his feet, as they both have prominent size. Captain Toad’s Neutral Special would be a variation of Peach’s Neutral B, though while Peach’s spores shoot in front of her, Toad’s would cover his entire body. I guess it’d be similar to Corrin’s stupid Dragon counter, but not nearly as much knockback. I’d make his Forward Special a powerful Back Pack Swing. Not only would Toad use this to propel horizontally in the air, but also as a hard hitting swing attack with pretty decent range. I’m bringing back the Propeller Block from Mario 3D Land to be his Up Special, giving him a predictable recovery that causes slice damage from the propellers. Finally, his Down Special would be Turnip Pluck. While Peach’s turnips have different faces and gimmicks, Captain Toad would pull out a predictable turnip. He’d do it much faster than Peach, just to toss in a cute little nod to Super Mario Bros. 2. When Captain Toad gets the Smash Ball, he pulls from the ground his mighty Super Pickax! This cute little item is actually based off of the Hammer in Donkey Kong, and therefor will give Captain Toad all the benefits of said item, as well as invulnerability. The Pickax disappears after a while, so score your KOs!
Home Stage:
I feel like fighting on top of one of those Diorama stages would be really cute. I don’t really know which one, though. Maybe something with cute shy guys in the background, as well as the rest of the Toad Brigade hidden somewhere. Maybe the stage will change as it’s rotated around, meaning you have to adapt to new hazards you might’ve seen in the background, like those said Shy Guys. That, or toss Captain Toad’s stage into New Donk City or an Odyssey themed stage. IDK, I’ve never designed a video game before.
Reasons For!
-Captain Toad perfectly aligns within that timeframe between Smash 4 and the new Smash, and Sakurai heavily drew from that timeframe for the last game. -I feel like Captain Toad just appeals to everyone. Old School fans would love to see Toad in this game, newer fans get the major Captain Toad fanservice. Guys would find his hard hitting fast playstyle hilarious, gals would think he’s hella adorable. I can imagine all the memes just sprouting up like shrooms including this little guy. -I don’t think Captain Toad has much competition from other Mario franchise characters. Like, Pauline MAYBE, but Waluigi and Daisy haven’t appeared in as many mainline Mario games as Captain Toad has. Plus, Toad has been in the spinoffs since Super Mario Kart, I think he deserves a little more priority than those two.
Reasons Against!
-Sakurai’s usually super adamant on his choices in Smash. Toad has been Peach’s Neutral Special since Melee, and it’s unclear if Captain Toad will be enough to change his mind. -Toads have always walked that line between an Actual Character and Generic Series of Characters. I think Captain Toad is an Actual Character, but y’never know what the developers think. -Mario as a franchise has six characters and a clone already, while also semi encompassing the Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Wario franchises. The Mario franchise has a lot of characters in Smash as is. Maybe after Rosalina and Bowser Jr., Sakurai would want to simmer down on those Mushroom Emblemed guys?
Overall, I think Captain Toad has potential. He could be really fun, if added! It just depends if Sakurai is willing to give the fungi the 12 Part Video Game franchise + Anime Adaptation he deserves. Anyway, my next Cool Smash Possibilities will be out on Sunday, but I’m going to provide an interesting twist: you guys can vote for the next Cool Smash Possibility. If you guys have any characters you’re dying to see, feel free to DM me, and the most popular one will be done on Sunday! I’m familiar with most Nintendo franchises, the 3rd Party characters I might have to do a bit of research but I mean y’know, that’s it. See ya Sunday!
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pitch-pearl-void · 7 years
I've been wanting something like this for a while... but... What if, instead of Phantom ending up in the Human World and befriending Danny, Danny ends up in the Ghost Zone and befriends Phantom? *coughs* Not a very good idea, I know, but I just want to see it and I don't know if I can write it myself, since there's been some family issues lately :(
Dear Mom and Dad
The good news is I turned on the portal! The bad news is I’m trapped on the other side…
I’m not dead!  I think. I’m in the Ghost Zone you two were always talking about, and it’s bright creepy strange hellish cold desolate indescribable, you’ll just have to see for yourself when you GET ME OUT OF HERE! 
Nothing makes sense in here! There are these floating doors and rocks, and this green glowing stuff that’s everywhere, and the ghosts
I take back everything I said about not believing in ghosts. You were right about everything. They exist and they’re rude, thoughtless, scary complete assholes who only think about themselves. I’ve just been cut off from home and I don’t know if I’ll ever see you guys again and all he can think about is
Maybe I should start at the beginning.
After you guys gave up on the portal, me, Tucker, and Sam decided to look around and see if we could fix it for you, and if you guys get me out of here I swear I will never go near your inventions without supervision again I swear! Please! I just want to go home I miss you guys I miss everyone how long have I been gone
Since I’m the only one with a ready-made jumpsuit, I went inside to see if there was something wrong with a wire while Sam and Tucker checked around the outside. It wasn’t their fault! We all just wanted to help and it seemed safe enough. I guess we should have unplugged it first but
Okay, I don’t know what happened exactly. I think I pressed a button? I might have pressed a button. Just all of a sudden, the portal started working. I was still inside, and it was really loud. I didn’t know what was going on, and I didn’t have time to run or duck or anything. There was a lot of light, a lot of green light, and then there was this sucking sensation like I was getting sucked down a drain. I think it hurt but I don’t know for sure. I think I saw my fingers stretching so I’m sure it had to hurt, but I don’t remember any pain?
Anyway, I blacked out, and when I woke up again I was on my back and all I could see was this boy with white hair looking down at me and I thought I was dead because he has this white glow about him and he looked like a
A boy ghost and his dog found me before I’d even woken up. The dog (he’s called Cujo I guess) doesn’t like me and won’t stop growling, but the other guy seems more curious and confused than dangerous. He looks a lot like me? It’s really scary weird. He didn’t believe humans actually exist! Can you believe it? He seems convinced now, but only because his dog attacked me.
That’s the weirdest thing. He tried to bite me, but he passed right through me! I don’t know why it happened or how I did it, but Cujo kept trying to bite and claw at me and it kept happening. I might’ve been screaming the whole time, but in my defense this dog is huge! The ghost boy managed to pull Cujo off me after a while, but he didn’t seem to have an explanation for what happened either.
He did agree that I’m probably a human though. Win?
Anyway, he calls himself Phantom. Actually he calls himself Danny Phantom, but that was too weird and he said it was okay to just call him Phantom. He says most people just call him Phantom anyway. He doesn’t have any friends to call him Danny but maybe he’s just making that up?
He might not have believed in humans, but he says there have always been rumors about the Real World (he calls it the Human World but whatever) along with rumors on how to get there. He agreed to help me get home if he can come too. I didn’t want to agree (ghosts are bad right?) but how else am I supposed to get home? I waited outside the portal doors for—well, I don’t know how long. There isn’t any way to record time in this stupid place. Point is the doors aren’t opening. He’s my only chance.
On the bright side, he seems more interested in just seeing what the Real World is. There’s nothing evil about that right?
So Phantom’s first idea was this guy called “Wulf” who’s locked up in ghost prison. Awesome. But he can apparently rip holes in a dimension? Worth a shot. I guess.
Phantom had this weird idea that humans can do magic or something. I guess the episode with Cujo made him believe it. Ha! Nope, I’m just a wimpy teenager that can’t even fly so he has to carry me. (For the record: not awesome.) He told me to wait outside because I’m that useless and now he and Cujo are trying to bust that guy out. I’m using the time to write down everything in my English notebook. You guys always wanted to be here, and since it seems I’ll be living here for the rest of my life I may as well take notes. If I ever see you guys again, it’ll be helpful right? So you won’t ground me for life?
Actually it’s been a long time since they went inside. Maybe I should
Day 1
Like I said, there isn’t really any way to tell time here, so I’m just basing it off my sleep schedule. It’ll work for now. You should have seen Phantom’s face when he found out I willingly “shut down” for eight hours. Oh the horror of not being aware of my surroundings 24/7! Actually that is pretty scary in the Ghost Zone. I take it back.
We had to run fly pretty far to get away from the prison guards, but we found an uninhabited area after a while. I was pretty exhausted by then so I just sort of, like, dropped. Phantom panicked, the ghosts that escaped with us panicked, but I managed to calm them all down. Sort of. Ghosts are weird. They’re fascinated by humans, but I seem to spook (ha ha get it?) them as much as they scare me.
One of the ghosts can make—it’s not food. For one, it glows like everything else around here. But she can make it out of thin air and it tastes like food so
I’m just saying, I won’t starve. It’s a big plus in my opinion. She made me enough to stuff my backpack. She seems…happy to feed me. Scary happy. Said she’d make me as much food as I want and that I could come and see her whenever I ran out. Tried to put some sort of tracker signature on me (according to Phantom) so that she could track me down and make sure I was eating right but Cujo wouldn’t let her. Thank you oversized hellhound, I think I love you.
If you’re wondering, the prison break was…not a success exactly. Phantom and Cujo got captured, like, seconds into the raid and I, magical human that I am, had to bust them out by using my super awesome walking-through-walls ability, which is apparently a thing along with passing through ghosts that want to hurt me. I freed them and everyone else I could reach. Phantom seemed to think a jailbreak would make a great distraction, and since it worked, I’ll give him that, even if his other plan was a complete toss.
We actually found Wulf in the confusion, but Wulf (who is actually a wolf man, go figure) doesn’t speak English. He does have the ability to rip holes in dimensions though! He used it to escape the prison. Without us.
Not exactly according to plan.
Phantom seems really nervous about something, but given that we just broke ourselves and a dozen prisoners out of jail, he has reason to be. The guards sure seemed determined to catch us. We lost them now, but are we running from, like, the law or something now? Does the Ghost Zone have a government?
The other ghosts don’t seem to like Phantom much. I guess he wasn’t lying. They’re really stiff around him. They’re already leaving, though, so he won’t have to deal with them for much longer, at least.
I’m going to stick with Phantom (and Cujo). Just seems like the thing to do after leading a jailbreak together. Besides, he’s dropped the whole useless-human act. He’s treating me differently now. Respect is really nice, especially coming from a guy your age (probably) who can shoot death rays from his hand.
I’m really tired. I don’t know how long I’ve been awake but it’s been a really exhausting day. Cujo is standing “Guard” over me, and Phantom is talking to the Lunch Lady (the ghost supplying me with the glowing ghost food-that-isn’t).
I’m as safe as I’m likely to be in this awful place.
Now if everything wasn’t glowing.
Day 4
Finally convinced Phantom to let me use his cape last night (or whatever). He seems really attached to it, you’d think it was a part of him or something.  Given this weird place and how the cape has this really strange tingle-inducing feel to it? It might be? Idk honestly but while the GZ isn’t cold it definitely isn’t warm either. I typically have to sleep on solid (floating, always floating) rock, which is cold. And hard. Just really uncomfortable. I have to choose between using my backpack as a pillow or as a blindfold when I sleep.
Meanwhile, Phantom’s flying around with this really warm looking white cape. I kept thinking I could lay it on the ground and then wrap up in it and it would be bliss and I was right. I can stand the faint buzz and the weird looks Phantom gives me in the “morning” so long as he keeps letting me use it. Cujo seems a bit calmer around me too. Maybe there’s a scent? Ghost scent since obviously I can’t smell it. I’d put up with that too if it meant I could have a blanket every night.
We’re trying to track down another ghost called Desiree. Phantom seems a bit unsure about this one. She’s a ghost that can make any wish come true. The flaw is that she makes the wish come true in ways you never meant it to and she grows more powerful with every wish she grants. That sounds like a problem. But they say she’s one of the ghosts who used to be human, so Phantom’s hoping she’ll be willing to help.
That’s something interesting you guys might like to know. Apparently not every ghost lived, died, and became a ghost. According to Phantom, most come into existence randomly, usually around a large gathering of that green stuff he calls ectoplasm. That’s how he came into being. Some ghosts are born from the coupling of two or more ghosts and when I asked how /that/ happens, his face turned green and he started sputtering.
I’m guessing the same way babies are made. Only more “ghostly”
A ghost being born after the death of a human is a controversial topic, apparently, since they appear the same way other ghosts do, except they have memories of being human. They can’t prove it, few ghosts have even seen the Real World, and so it’s like a myth. Like people saying they “saw the light” or their dead relatives or whatever is a bit of a myth for us.
My stumbling into their Zone is like an alien walking into a Starbucks!
Phantom thinks this is really cool and I think it’s hilarious so we’re constantly making jokes about it, especially when we come across another ghost and they just gawk at me.
Side note: I’m almost positive Phantom was telling the truth about not having friends.
Desiree hates Men and the Real World and is even more antag—antogonis—uh, hateful towards Phantom than the other ghosts.
Long day. I’m tired. Phantom is letting me use his cape again. He’s probably just grateful I saved his ass. Again. I hope this becomes a thing.
The cape sharing, not the saving.
Cujo is even letting me lean against him. Phantom is sitting on the boulder beside us. He doesn’t look so good. He’s hugging his knees to his chest and just kind of staring at nothing. Maybe I should say something
Day 10
There is something in the GZ that can affect me against my will. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I hope it was something unique to “the Zone’s Greatest Hunter” because  
I guess being able to walk through everything that’s trying to hurt me made this place seem less dangerous than it actually is. There’s a lot that can go wrong. I’m not really safe here. Especially since it seems we really have upset some sort of governmental law.
I mentioned that Phantom is always pushing us to keep moving, never staying in one place too long, and it’s like we’re running from something? That something turned out to be the GHOST KING. Bad bad bad, wtf, a little warning would have been nice?! He’s not searching for us himself, he’s too important for that. No, he has others do his bidding. Because he’s a freaking king.
I don’t know what we did to piss him off so much, unless he’s just really pissed about the jailbreak? But one of his bounty hunters, Skulker, captured me and Phantom and locked us in a cage. The bars had a weird glow, and I wasn’t able to walk through them. Phantom was freaking out, thinking we were going to be handed over to the king, but Skulker seemed more interested in keeping us as some sort of creepy collection of his. The similarities between me and Phantom haven’t gone unnoticed in the GZ, I guess. Skulker kept talking about having a matched set. Gross.
Thank god for Cujo. I don’t know how we would have escaped without him.
Me and Phantom were pretty shaken afterwards (duh) so Phantom finally relented and took me to his “lair”
I mentioned it a couple days ago. The lairs are supposed to be an extension of the ghost’s will because it formed from the same ectoplasm as the ghost or something. It’s not just rude to enter a ghost’s lair uninvited it’s dangerous because they have complete control over that tiny area of the GZ. That makes Phantom’s lair the safest place for us, but Phantom has been pretty protective of the place. I just thought of it like a bedroom, but I guess it’s a bit more private.
I don’t know what I was expecting. The outside was the usual non-descript purple door, but inside was this like snow cave. It was freezing, the walls were actually crusted with ice! I got to see how a ghost can control what’s inside the lair when Phantom got rid of the snow and ice. He didn’t look too happy about it, but between me freezing to death and his ice kink I think he can deal. I didn’t really ask him to do it, he just saw me shivering, sighed, and started changing things.
And he made me a bed! Well sort of. He’s never seen a bed, and I wasn’t able to describe one very well, so he just created this sort of lump of furs in a corner. After sleeping on bare rock for however long it’s been, I’m not going to complain. It looks like heaven, I can’t wait to sleep. I sat on it as soon as he finished and I haven’t gotten up since.
Phantom doesn’t seem to have a problem with that. I don’t think he likes me being here. Every time I move, he flinches and looks at me like he’s expecting me to attack him or something. His unease is making ME twitchy. There’s definitely something more to this lair thing that I’m not grasping. Cujo wouldn’t even come inside.
Maybe it’ll help if I go to sleep. Hopefully I won’t dream of being locked inside that cage. I don’t think I’ve ever been that trapped. I couldn’t stand up or stretch or anything. I couldn’t even move without elbowing Phantom. If I hadn’t been so scared, the tight quarters might have been awkward. We were practically in each other’s laps. I wasn’t even thinking about that at the time. I don’t even want to think about that NOW.
Whatever. I have a bed. It tingles a bit like Phantom’s cape, but I don’t care. It’s been ages since I had a good night’s sleep.
Day 11
I guess Phantom was even more shaken than I thought. We’re staying in his lair a while longer, possibly a whole “day.” He doesn’t seem as tense as last night, but I get the feeling he’d kick me out in a heartbeat if he thought I’d be safe out there by myself. Does that mean he cares? Maybe I’m reading too much into it. But I think we’re friends by now.
This is supposed to be the part where Phantom tells me what ghosts do for fun, but apparently lairs are just for resting and relaxing and recharging and all that boring stuff. He does seem a bit more sleepy than usual, if ghosts can get sleepy. He still doesn’t want me to touch anything, though. And sudden movements are a sure-fire way to get glared at. Still, it’s better than last night. He’s even sitting on the bed with me.
And now he’s watching me write but
I don’t think he can read?
Danny Phantom needs to chill the fuck out
Okay, he definitely can’t read. But I guess it’s kind of rude to be writing when he’s right there so I guess we’ll just talk? There’s got to be something we have in common
Note to self: the first thing we’re going to do when we make it to the Human World is stargaze. I gotta find my telescope. Phantom is going to freak!
Day 14
I miss you guys. So much. We just crossed a “river” that just looks like a more liquid version of ectoplasm. It loops through the air like some sort of demented roller coaster, and I swear I could hear you two babbling excitedly about running tests and talking about chemicals and molecules and physics and all that other stuff I don’t understand.
I wish you guys were here to see this with me. I’m living your dream without you. It doesn’t feel right to be so far away from you and still feel like you’re right beside me.
Day 16
I’m running out of paper. I guess the daily diary-note taking is hard to sustain when you only have one notebook and a pen.
In other news, along with looking for a way home, dodging the King’s and Walker’s agents, and learning the ins and outs of the GZ and its society, me and Phantom seem to be getting a reputation as the ghost and his still living humanity. Myth stacked upon myth. It was kind of funny at first, but it’s starting to get annoying. I feel like a freak. Everybody here keeps staring at us. They have a lot of questions and they keep trying to touch me. I don’t let them of course, and that just leads to more questions and excitement. I wish they’d just knock it off.
We wouldn’t have to deal with it in the first place, but Phantom is running out of ideas and needs to gather information. That means talking to other ghosts. Urgh.
Fortunately we seem to have stumbled on something. A ghost called Ghost Writer can warp reality with his writing, so maybe he can open a portal? Worth a shot.
Btw, is it possible for a ghost to be touch starved? Phantom’s been touching me a lot more recently. He’ll put his hands on my shoulders and float above me or wrap his tail around my ankle or just stand with his shoulder brushing mine. And he leans into my hand whenever I touch his shoulder or whatever. It’d be embarrassing, but he seems to do the same with Cujo, especially when he’s nervous. The first time we talked to a ghost, he kept his hand buried in the scruff of Cujo’s neck and didn’t let go until we were flying away.
Combined with how the other ghosts treated him and the way he tried to compare a mother and father to a master or mentor and it made me realize how lonely he must be.
Hey, mom, dad, he’s called Phantom and he followed me home. Can we keep him?
Day 18
Ghost Writer can only warp reality by sucking people into his books.
The guy was like a hermit and kind of rude. But we did have to knock on his lair to get his attention since that seems to be where he spends all of his time. Given Phantom’s reaction to me being in his lair the first time, Ghost Writer was a calm summer night.
Phantom seems to be getting better about it, though. He even left me in his lair by myself for a little while. He didn’t tell me where he was going and I was too happy to be trusted in his ultra-private space by myself to question him. When he got back, he handed me a notebook he’d gotten from the Ghost Writer. Said he noticed how I was running out of paper.
I don’t
I didn’t know what to say
I hugged him and he freaked out
So good news, I have more paper! Score! It’s actually really great because as silly as this diary-note thing is, it helps. A lot little. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d run out. I wonder if Phantom knew that.
Day 22
I’m seriously sick of green. I don’t know if I mentioned that before. There’s just so much green in here, and it’s not the cheery kind of green you see in the spring and summer. It’s like this sickly, goopy green. I miss blue skies. And sunshine. And just anything but a black void with glowing ectoplasm leaking everywhere.
But I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t have some charm, and Phantom seems determined to show me some of its wonders while we’re still here. Honestly, once you get over the wrongness of being able to walk along the underside of a floating rock, it starts to get pretty cool. I think it might be like space in a way. The rocks and other floating debris seem to have a gravity (or magnetism) about them that holds me to the surface like the Earth does, but if I jump too high, I escape whatever’s holding me down and I’ll just drift in that direction without any sign of slowing down or stopping.
It’s still faster to fly with Phantom or ride on Cujo, but it’s still really neat.
I wish I could say it gets boring or that the landscape (broken up as it is) is all the same, but I’ve seen upside down waterfalls and crystal tree forests and bubbling yellow tinted lakes with some sort of red creature swimming just beneath the surface and all kinds of bizarre rocky structures. And that’s not even counting the ghosts we pass.
It’s scary but exciting.
You guys are so going to lose it when you get here. It’s amazing. I suggest you get a local guide, though. They make it worthwhile.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
D a n n y  P h a n t o m
D u a n n y  P h a n t a o m
Day 25
We have three options that we know of to get to the Human World, but none of them are easy. One is to track Wulf down since Phantom thinks he’s still in the GZ, but it’s more like a passing attempt. We’re doing it as we go. The second is another myth, but if humans are real, maybe Clockwork is as well? They’re as hard to find as Wulf is, though. The for sure option is called the Infi-map. The problem? The Ghost King has it. Joy of joys.
Speaking of the king, we crossed paths with a ghost called the Fright Knight. Phantom used to work for him or something. They definitely knew each other and he was ordering Phantom around, and since the Fright Knight works for the King that means Phantom did too, probably as another knight. That would explain the other ghosts’ wariness of him.
At least, until he cut ties and tried running away with me. If we had managed to free Wulf and escape to the Human World that first night it wouldn’t have mattered, but because we’re still stuck in the GZ, the King is angry and after Phantom’s head.
You don’t flaunt the King’s authority.
I guess that’s why they’re after Phantom. But the Fright Knight said he had orders to take me captive as well so we’re both being targeted by the strongest, most influential ghost in the Ghost Zone. Holy shit. We knew that before, but it’s a bit more real with this giant ghost knight in black armor staring down at me and announcing I’m a wanted fugitive.
Before you get too worried though, he let us go. Said something about pretending he never saw Phantom and to stay away from Phantom’s lair for a while. Yeah. Phantom can’t believe it either. It’s been several hours (best guess) and he’s still got this amazed look on his face.
Is it really so hard for him to believe someone might care about him?
Day 30
Well. It’s been a month. Give or take. I’m still not home yet, but I haven’t given up. I’m going to see you guys again. I will.
But is it okay if I enjoy myself too? It’s not wrong that I’m actually maybe a little glad I got sucked in here? If the accident hadn’t happened when and where it did, I never would have met Phantom, and while I hate what the ghosts are saying about us being the living and dead versions of the same person, I’d be lying if I said meeting him wasn’t like finding a missing part of myself.  God that sounds cheesy.
I’ve seen things I never would have seen and met people I’ll never forget because I went into the portal. Cujo, the Lunch Lady, the Box Ghost, the terrifying but super cool Fright Knight
I miss you guys. But
It’s okay that I don’t regret this. Right?
Day 33
Remember that time you guys thought I had a crush on Sam? Ha ha funny story…
Day 34
Day 36
He can almost read now I’m not writing this shit down. But that thing he just did, he needs to not do it again. He doesn’t even realize holy shit I’m fucked
Day 37
We found Clockwork! Sort of. He They found us really. What’s your policy on ghosts being pseudo gods? If there was ever a ghost that might deserve the title it’d probably be this one.
Get this: they are the ghost master of time. They manipulate time and jump in and out of the time stream like it’s like it’s a fucking afternoon stroll or something. They can open portals not just to any when but to any where.
And yet they wouldn’t help us. Jerk.
We hadn’t returned to Phantom’s lair since Fright Knight’s warning, and the constant flight is wearing on Phantom. It’s wearing on me. I miss that bed and the security. Plus Phantom is more relaxed there. So we were talking about going back since it’s been a long time when this clock hand appeared, swished around in a circle, and out floated the oldest ghost I’d ever seen. Think grandfather time, complete with knee-length beard and knobby wrists.
They said “Don’t”
The fuck.
We’d been searching for this guy ghost for I don’t know how long and they just pop out of nowhere in the middle of a conversation and say “Don’t”
I was about to yell something I probably shouldn’t when they, I don’t know, shifted into a little bucktooth kid. It’s kind of distracting. You just don’t see that every day.
They did answer a few questions so I guess it wasn’t so bad, but it’s another dead end. They have the power to send us to the Human World. In fact, they could send us to the exact moment the portal activated so you guys wouldn’t have to worry about me and Sam and Tucker wouldn’t blame themselves and whatever else is happening at home right now. They can do it, the problem is they won’t. There were a lot of reasons, something about the journey and not the destination, but I think it mostly came down to “suffering breeds character, get home on your own, you lazy bum.” Could just be me though.
They did say that if we kept going the way we have we would eventually get to the Human World. I guess I can live with that. But I would have appreciated something a little more definitive. What if I get home, like, a decade from now? Yeah, I’m home but holy shit I’m an adult and I have to move out anyway.
Should mention, Phantom had this ridiculously stunned look on his face for most of the conversation. Between me and Clockwork, I don’t think he’s ever going to disbelieve a “myth” again!
He was more concerned about his lair once he snapped out of it. That’s his home. It’s supposed to be the safest place in the entire GZ for him, and suddenly it’s not. It’s so unsafe that a literal ghost god interrupted a private conversation just to say how dangerous it is. He looked crushed.
The lair itself is Phantom’s safe harbor, but the area surrounding it is where the danger lurks, I’m guessing. The ghost king probably set guards on the door.
And that’s crossing a line. I don’t care if he’s a king, that’s just fucked up.
I wanted to just deal with the guy then and there. I’m sick of running from him. Phantom looked angry too, and Clockwork wasn’t stopping us, but
Well, you can’t just topple a king, can you? We’re just two kids and a dog. What are we supposed to do, storm the castle? Granted Phantom was a knight and I’m a mythical creature and Cujo is the size of a horse, but it’d just be the ghost prison all over again. Better to keep low for now, I guess.
Phantom managed to get a promise from Clockwork that they’d let us know when his lair was safe again. They seemed a little too amused. They know something, and it’s really annoying.
The whole thing sucks. I miss the lair.
Day 41
Had a bit of a celebration today but it flopped. Phantom was able to summon ice to his hands outside his lair, and this is apparently a Big Deal. It means his “core” has matured or is mostly matured. I guess it’s like puberty.
The cores are kind of like a star’s core. It’s where all the energy and materials are created before being pushed to the outer parts of the body. The energy doesn’t cycle like a human’s does; it’s just radiated out of the ghost’s body because their core creates a continuous stream of energy. That’s why there’s this, like, static charge surrounding Phantom and why his cape and lair cause that tingling sensation. It clings to things, and since each core is unique, it’s like leaving a signature on everything they touch.
And I sleep with Phantom’s cape every night so every time I wake up his signature lingers on me for I don’t even know how long and fuuuuck no wonder he kept giving me weird looks
Some cores have an elemental affinity, and in Phantom’s case it’s ice. Now that his core is maturing, he’s able to create ice and his core will start producing more cold energy. I had noticed he was getting colder, but it was so gradual I didn’t really think about it. He was super excited about it until he realized he couldn’t visit somebody. I’m guessing they’re some kind of mentor to him. He didn’t want to talk about it, and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to try.
Apparently, along with being their own internal battery, the cores are how ghosts have uh sex. Their shape doesn’t matter, their gender doesn’t matter, heck the number of ghosts getting it on doesn’t matter. Their cores just have to come into contact and then
I don’t know how they get pleasure from it or whatever, and I don’t care. Phantom’s core is located in his chest, and that’s why he freaked out when I hugged him, but it doesn’t matter.
I’m human. I don’t have a core.
I’m an idiot.
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starryeyed-char · 7 years
a drabble™
Prompt- Hey idk if you do request but if you do could you make some Lance fluff along the lines of where Lance finds a abandon infant on a mission and he sneaks it into the castle and basically raises it. I love your blog TYSM- anon
This took me way too long to write... I don’t even remember how long ago the request was sent? Sorry! I’ve figured out I’m much better at angst than fluff, except for when the fluff comes after angst. Fluff on its own? I’m not as good at that. This is pretty short, just a drabble really, so it won’t be on my AO3 (probably). And since it’s not a full one-shot,,, it doesn’t have a title. Oops. I’m not sure how I feel about it, so if you like it let me know I guess? I hope you like it, anon! Still, this was really fun to write!
“This is why I have trust issues,” Lance grumbled to himself, pushing vines out of his way with the end of his bayard.
According to Allura, the mission was supposed to be nothing more than routine scouting. A distress beacon had been detected, but her scans picked up no alien settlements, or organisms besides plants. But she'd insisted that they check anyway, so they'd all flown down in their lions and split up to search.
The princess had declared the planet 'entirely harmless,' much to Hunk's skepticism. Lance was beginning to realize that they should start listening to the yellow paladin's instincts.
Carnivorous plants seemed to be lurking around every corner. Vines tried to grab his feet, large venus fly-traps snapped as he walked past, and he guessed a decent amount of the vegetation was poisonous, since he could do nothing but cough after taking his helmet off for just ten seconds, even if his scanners picked up oxygen in the atmosphere.
And now his coms weren't working. His earpiece, which should've brought with it the voices of the rest of the team, now only seemed to be able to echo static. The constant white noise was becoming increasingly annoying, but Lance couldn't remove his helmet, and he didn't want to shut off his coms in case the connection returned.
All things considered, it was no wonder he didn't hear the loud, pitiful sobs right away. But when he did, Lance wasted no time in rushing towards the sound, nearly falling over an offending tree root as he did so. Annoying, but Lance counted his blessings that the tree wasn't sentient.
He pushed his way into a small clearing in the area, and his eyes immediately snagged on the moving bundle on the floor. Writhing inside a pile of blankets was... a baby?
It was about the same size as a human infant, but the similarities stopped there. Its skin was tinged a bright orange, with green eyes that were solid in color. Darker spots of orange that bordered on red were scattered across the child's nose and cheeks, and its ears were pointed.
Her ears were pointed, Lance realized, as the baby kicked the blanket away. He was there in a moment, family instincts kicking in as he lifted the baby into his arms, rewrapping the blanket around her. She blinked at him, cries stopping almost instantaneously, and made a completely unintelligible sound.
The sudden cut off of static and Allura's voice in his ear nearly made Lance drop the baby. “Paladins, return to your lions. It appears that whoever left the distress beacon must've left the planet ages ago. Did any of you find anything?”
Lance wasn't sure what made him do it. Maybe he didn't want to hear what he knew the others would tell him, that they couldn't keep a child on board the castle ship while fighting a war. But he couldn't just abandon her, not when she was still staring at him happily like that.
“No, I didn't find anything,” Lance told them, then shut off his coms. He stared down at the baby, and let loose a resigned sigh. “How am I going to pilot with you?”
Lance stared at the baby in his arms, sleeping contentedly back in his room.
“I really didn't think this through, did I?” he ran a hand through his hair. “Do we have any food for babies on this ship? And where am I going to get you clothes? Where will you sleep?! What'll I do when I have to go fly the blue lion, and form Voltron? Take you with me?” He collapsed backwards onto the bed, the infant now sleeping soundly on his chest.
Thankfully the team didn't have any pressing missions planned, just some rough training schedules. Lance was able to make do. Food goo turned out to be edible for the baby, and he found diapers in the infirmary. Unfortunately, he'd had to make some pretty weird excuses to Coran for that one, but Lance didn't mind. No clothes, but she didn't seem to want to wear anything besides her blanket or Lance's jacket, anyway. Lance had started calling her Rosie, somewhat after his little sister Rosa, who also had a passion for stealing Lance's clothes.
Hunk had even managed to create some sort of milk substitute, though he never told him what it was for. Another plus of being best friends with Hunk, he'd help you out with no questions asked, figuring you'd just explain it to him later.
The kid didn't even cry that much, not when in close proximity to Lance. Everything went surprisingly smoothly, at least for the first few days. Lance knew he was good at sneaking around from back at the Garrison, but it surprised him just how little the others paid attention to him on the ship during down time. If he was spending less time at meals with the others, no one seemed to notice.
It only stung a little, knowing that if Shiro or Keith tried to hide something like this, it wouldn't work in the slightest. They were too important.
Still, Lance couldn't complain, if it meant keeping Rosie on the ship.
Then came the crib.
Lance found it in an old Altean nursery room. The castle was a castle, after all, so it had plenty of normally functioning rooms. The crib was a little dusty, but Lance had fixed it up, tucked Rosie in under the blanket and his jacket once she was asleep, and then gone to bed himself.
He awoke hours later to crying and screaming from the crib, and he rushed forward to shush her, rocking the child back to sleep. It was only after she quieted down that Lance heard the loud pounding knocks on his door.
He opened it, albeit reluctantly, to reveal Keith in nothing but his signature shirt and boxer shorts, looking considerably panicked. “What the hell was that?”
“What was what?” Lance asked innocently, leaning against the doorframe to obscure the crib from view.
Keith raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “I heard screaming.”
“Oh, that was... me! I was having, um, a nightmare,” he twiddled his thumbs, refusing to meet Keith's eye.
Lance had no idea how he got away with it, later on. Keith was bad with social cues, and probably mistook Lance's awkwardness for embarrassment rather than lying.
Keith stared at Lance for a few moments, before turning and retreating back to his room next door. “Well, quiet down,” he grumbled. “And you scream like a little girl.”
It was one of Lance's first times in his lion after that mission to the abandoned planet when everything fell apart. Surprisingly enough, there were no problems during battle, as Lance had put Rosie down for a nap. The issue was when Allura ran a scan of the castle to check for possible trackers after they retreated, and instead found an extra life form on board the ship.
“There appears to be an intruder!” she declared over the coms. “Her signature isn't moving around, but I'll pull up a video feed of her location now!”
“Where is she?”
“Lance's room,” the princess answered.
“Wait, princess, don't-”
But the gasp from Allura was enough to tell him he was already too late. Luckily, she didn't decide to tell the others until after they'd returned to the castle, when the lions were safely in their hangars.
“Lance has a baby?!” Hunk asked, his voice reaching an impossible pitch. “And none of us noticed? How the quiznak have you been taking care of it for so long?”
“When did he have the time to manage that?” Pidge wondered aloud.
“It's not my baby!” Lance exclaimed, outraged. “I just... I found her, on that planet last week, with the distress signal? And I didn't want to just abandon her, but I knew you guys wouldn't want an infant on the castle so... I tried to keep it from you?” He looked up nervously to meet their eyes, and Shiro met his gaze, unamused.
“I don't know how you could ever have imagined this would last permanently,” Shiro muttered, before a small smile spread across his face. “But I'm impressed you hid it for this long. And you've taken pretty good care of her.”
“Did you really think we'd tell you to just leave her?” Keith asked, staring down at the baby that was now refusing to let go of his pinky finger.
Lance shrugged, glancing hopelessly at Allura. Her stern glare softened.
“We cannot keep a child on the castle, not when we are constantly fighting Zarkon,” she began. “But... until we find her a new home, you can care for her here, Lance. Now that all of us know, we should be able to keep her safe until we find a family.”
“We'll... we'll be able to visit though, right?” Lance asked, staring fondly down at the sleeping Rosie in his arms.
“Of course.”
96 notes · View notes
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
"Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap auto insurance?
Ok im 18 with a lience and my papa is thinking of giving me his ford f 150. wat is a super cheap insureance i can get? i dont need all the extra ****. and legally do i even need insurance??
Do I have too much insurance?
I live in California, where the minimum required liability insurance limits are 15/30/5. I drive a 97 Ford Taurus and the cost of a deductible if I were to have full coverage would exceed the value of this old car- so I only have liability. My coverage is 50/100/25. I'm 25, my husband is 22, we have no accidents on our record, are good students and have absolutely no assets whatsoever. I'm beginning to wonder if we have more insurance than we need. I don't think I'm comfortable dropping my insurance to the required 15/30/5 minimum, but at the same time, I'm not sure if finding the happy medium at 25/50/25 would be a wise choice. I just want to make sure we're prepared, but not getting ripped off. Any advice?""
Car insurance!!?
i finally got my license , my dad is giving me his car and he has insurance but my name is not on the policy. can i still drive. Im leaving for vacation in two weeks so putting my name on the policy will just cost money for just two weeks. i won't be back for three months from vacation.""
What is the insurance cost for a 40 year old male driving anew ferrari?
dont worry im not 40 nor can i afford a ferrari. im just wondering how much it costs to maintain one?
""CAR INSURANCE FOR A 17-YEAR-OLD, 5000 quotes. Genuinely can't find any quotes less than 5000.?""
1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, no tracker fitted yet (intend on). Not bought the car. 17-year-old as the main driver and owner, passed a month ago (roughly). I know it's obvious, but KAs are the easiest cars to buy, the car is valued at 995 (the one in mind). I can literally find 5000 quotes. The car is worth less than one fifth of this. And yes, I know that car insurance will be expensive, but reading over forums etc, some people have managed to get it down to 2000. I've tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. Admiral won't give me a quote and places like Tesco will only quote 18-year-olds. I will literally LOVE anyone who knows of any quotes around 2000-3000. And I realise that insurance companies take the Michael, but please don't state the obvious with a comment like Insurance will be expensive - 5000 is about right , surely it can't be, I've found so many forums of people saying they have quotes from 2000, but not telling me where from. ):""
Do any insurance companies do SEASONAL motorcycle insurance?
I am deploying at the end of the summer and was curious if any insurance companies do seasonal or monthly insurance. I live in NJ so if you know of any place that does this please let me know. I tried riders insurance and progressive already. Thank you
Best Child insurance plan?
Which insurance plan should will be best for child , including study and marraige?""
What car insurance companies offers the cheapest price for insurance for drivers under 25 years old?
I'm currently 23 and I am about to get my first car ( a sedan). Which car insurance company offers the best prices for car insurance in new york state (or just in general)? does the popularity of the brand mane of the car and model affect the insurance price? for example, would the insurance of a 2002 honda civic be more than that of to 2003 hyundai elantra (let's say both have the same mileage of 85,000)? thanks
Insurance Cost?
what is the monthly insurance cost for a new cadillac escalade for a 32 year old driver with a perfect record
Will my Insurance go any higher if paid off by Collision ?
I bought my Acura in 2006 and have been in mint condition since then. Recently, the snow plougher scratched my car and didnt leave a note. I called the manger of the snow plougher and filed the police report. He took the responsibility but during the report he said that he will give the name of the driver and vehicle later. After few weeks when I didnt hear I called the manager and he said his company will not cover anything and I can do whatever I can.... I called my insurance company and they are willingly to cover through my insurance - Collision, instead of comprehensive. The repair is $2000 + rental car for 9 days ~$2500. My deductible is $100 for collision and $50 for comprehensive. Do you think if they use Collision my insurance rate will go higher ? [Ofcourse I dont have any choice at this time. my insurance company said they cannot file a lawsuit or anything against the snow plougher company]""
Insurance payments for a car?
I have a 2007 nissan altima sedan. Obviously 4 doors, v4 engine. And I wanna know how much I would pay for insurance a month. I have mercury insurance and I want a rough estimate. Here's the thing. I'm 18. And a guy. (Idk if that matters) but since I'm gonna pay for the insurance. I wanna know a little more info on everything.This isn't my first car. I had a 92 Honda Accord and my mom told me that my portion was a little more than 200/more. I read that they may charge more for cars older than 1997.so if any one has experience or if they are dealing with the same issue I'm having. Any info would help. Thanks.""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Am I paying too much for auto insurance?
Right now, I am using Amica, I am paying $265.30 a month for a 2010 toyotal carolla, I am a brand new driver (like as of yesterday) so I know these factors pay into my insurance rates. This is full coverage. This was the lowest I could find... Geico was at 712 per month! and an agent said the lowest was 344 that she found... I guess I am lucky that I found Amica at the rate I have but I just want to make sure...""
If i were to drop my car insurance for a few months can i get it back when i want?
basically my car sucks in the winter (i.e. the snow lol) so i havent been driving it for like 3 months now, and it will prolly be another 2 months till i begin driving it again, and im paying my car insurance on it but really im not using it lol, and moneys a little tight, so i was wondering if i were to drop it for a few months, can i jus call back up or w/e and get my insurance back on it with no problems, or fees or anything, or should i jus continue paying the remaining months, im 19 so my rates arent cheap lol (even tho ive had no accidents)""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I got a speeding ticket, paid for it, went to traffic school to get it removed off my record. But before it got removed, my car insurance found out and now i want to change to a different car insurance company. If I change car insurance companies, will the new car insurance company find out I had a ticket from my old insurance company? Thanks for your help, I'm so confused!""
How does car insurance work?
I work at *** insurace services and im a secretary. i do nothing but answer calls. i want to know how this place works. i know they insure taxis,. limos, trucks. and personal cars. but how do my managers get paid. HOW DOES THIS PLACE WORK. so i dont have to feel lost all the time at work. i still dont know why they hired me.. weird""
What Insurance Company is it?
does anyone know the insurance company that offers burial insurance and the information comes to you in a Green envelope with a picture of a african american couple in the 60's on it need desperately.thanks
What would health insurance catagorize a house call as?
I was on vacation, and got very sick. Small rural area, options were low, so the concierge referred Mobile physician housecall care to the hotel room. they did not take insurance, but told me to submit it to my insurance. I don't know what to put on the claim form??? not an office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help please...thank you""
What Car insurance should i get at 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old who is unemployed. I need car insurance that is cheap and is helpful. I need to know how much insurance is.
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
""How to save more money as a teen, for a car and motorcycle?""
I'm about to turn 16, and would like to save up for a reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. It has to be American, or anything other than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause dad works for GM. I am paying for the car on my own, most likely, but maybe I can convince parents to pay 1k or so. Money is tight right now in my family. Dad got demoted last year during GM's bankruptcy, and may get a promotion in spring. My Mom is opening a restaurant this year, which is going to cost a lot. I got a job in November at a brand new Kroger grocery store, where I get minimum wage and cannot work over 16 hours per week because I'm only 15. I have saved a little over 1.2k in the bank. I also have invested $500 of my own money this year into stocks, which are up a little. This might sound dumb to some, but I have dreamed of buying a motorcycle. I want a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. AND YES, I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS MONEY, (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I'M NOT AN IDIOT. I also need to plan on how to save for that. Any tips, help, and info would be great! Thanks so much.""
Life Insurance help?
I need help in determing how much life insurance I need to take out should something happens to me Facts you may need to know - I have a 1 month old daughter and I want her to be taken care of if something was to happen to me - Her father and I aren't married ~ with that being said is it recommended to leave him some money to provide for her - Also if something happened to me before she is 18 insurance companies I have contact stated that the money would be set in a trust (this is good but like I said I also want to have money available sooner than 18) - Funeral expenses - I am currently am in debt about $4,000 which I am continuously paying down abd I have a car loan $ 18,000 All this being said please help me in determining how much insurance I should take out and how much to leave to her dad and please suggest what other factors I may have left out in determing how much insurance""
Car Accident - Auto insurance Question?
Today I was involved in a horrible collision. Car made a complete stop put hazard lights on, I made a complete stop at a reasonable distance however 15 seconds after I stopped I look at the mirror and a taxi van cab slams right into me my car goes flying forward hits the truck infront of me and bounces back, air bag goes off . Long story short I'm in horrible pain and have evident bruises . Police arrived filled out reports. The man that hit me was found at fault for both collisions. So my major concern is : I called my insurance company , made the claim they took down all the info but at the end of the conversation she told me that if I don't have full coverage I'm out of luck then she asked me if I do which I don't remember . So I'm taking a look at my policy contract and I don't see anywhere where it says full coverage ... I think it is full coverage since my car was being financed. All it basically says on the contract is liability limit $ 1 000, 000 So if they write off my car what happens next?""
I receive a health insurance stipend but keep it in savings instead. is this okay?
i went from being fully covered with my company in los angeles, but i moved to new york 7 months ago, where their insurance doesn't cover. in lieu of this, they give me a stipend. however, it's not nearly enough to cover cost of insurance here, so i've been putting it in a savings account until i can afford a plan in my budget and/or emergency health situations. my boss just asked me for proof of insurance. i will tell the truth of the matter, but what will happen? what can they do?""
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
How would you change your car insurance if your car was over ten yrs old?
idk what my stupid teacher means by that.. i know that car insurance would increase but im not sure thts what she is asking with this question.. thankyou =]
Average car insurance estimate?
How much would insurance cost for a 17 yr old male to drive an insurance group 13 car e.g. Mercedes C200 etc - as a second driver! It will be parked in a driveway and is about 8 years old! Thanks for your help
How much is health insurance in arizona?
How much is health insurance in arizona?
What License would you need to sell Dental Insurance in IL?
I have both my Health and Life Insurance Licenses. Can I sell dental insurance?
6 month or Year car insurance?
Which one of these is more desirable? Seems like the year car insurance premium is higher than the 6 month. Also, how do you cancel a policy and get a policy with a new insurer without hurting your credit?""
What is the lowest car insurance rate I can get in Michigan?
I'm 21 and I don't have any car record and I'm looking to purchase a Lincoln MKZ. I also live in the greater Detroit metropolitan area.
About how much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old that just got her liscence?
About how much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old that just got her liscence?
""Can a car insurance provider cancel your insurance quote, without giving a refund?""
I recently renewed my car insurance with the Cooperative, I was charged and thought I was insured. After a few days I received a letter from the cooperative saying they have decided to terminate the insurance quote. If i want to know why I have to write a letter. After noticing Ive been charged and not given back a refund, I called and asked why this is. They said they wont refund the money, and all I could do is appeal for the money! They said the appeal has to be a letter sent to them, not email. Can they do this? Not only did they refuse to insure me (when they have done for so many years now), then they sent a letter saying they've decided to terminate it, without giving a reason, and they dont even mention anything about the money theyv charged me, I had to call in, and they tell me they wont refund the money?????""
Can you get insurance for something you order online?
I'm buying a macbook pro from Pc world but will I be able to get insurance?
Cheapest car insurance south australia?
what is and the price, for the cheapest car insurance places in south australia for a japanese import car with a turbo for a p plater, 16 years old, nealry 17? thanks""
What is an average auto insurance cost for a sedan in Alberta?
I am wondering what an average auto insurance cost is to be suspected. If this helps I will be a 16 year old male driving a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan.
State farm car insurance people?
I am writing to find out what my options might be-to see if you guys might have some feedback. Long story short-I was in an accident on 6/28, that was my date of loss, submitted the claim then, my car is in the process of being repaired-and it will be ready 7/23 which is ridiculous. Basically my renewal is up on 7/19-however, I wanted to switch to Geico. I have been with State Farm for 12 years and I am amazed at the service-or lack thereof-and their turn around time requirements. They are charging me $668.00 for the same exact coverage as Geico would for six months however, I've added towing/rental reimbursement with Geico and it's only $303/6 months. I have several policies with them, and should be getting a larger discount IMO. I've heard Geico is awesome with claims and have friends that have used them. I am writing to find out if I can switch during a claim process-has anyone else done this? Thanks!""
Which insurance company?
I am 17 year old male in the UK. I have a Citroen Saxo 1.1L 3 door 2000 car. I bought the car for 800. It is not modified in any way and it is in a secure garage every night. Having my dad as the policyholder is not beneficial because although he has been driving for over 30 years, he has always had a company car and has never owned, and therefore never had insurance. I have looked everywhere for insurance and the cheapest is 3500, most quotes are over 4000 and around a third of the results are over 10000. This is 3rd part F+T and using sites such as Confused, Compare the Market etc. I also tried getting quotes direct from the company and it's no cheaper. If anything it's more expensive. Which companies should I try, and has anyone else been getting ridiculous quotes like this?""
Do i need car insurance?
don't ask me why but i didn't get my license until a year and a half ago (im 23). I don't own a car but regularly drive my girlfriends. Her car is fully insured by herself and mother, and the car is totally paid off. I've asked this question for a while, some say i do need insurance, others say i don't because it's fully covered. So do i?""
NY parked car accident insurance laws.?
Some guy hit my car while it was parked in the road. He knocked on the door and gave me his insurance policy and other information. I live in Rochester, NY and my insurance provider is AIG. If i file a claim, who's insurance pays for the damages (new fender and door)? Will there be a deductible on my part? Will my premiums go up? Doesn't NY have some stupid no-fault law? Or should i just make him pay for everything out of pocket?""
Cheap car insurance!!!?
hello i am a 17 year old boy looking for cheap car insurance what is the best car and the best company to go with with to get the cheapest prices.
""If you have car insurance, is it still valid during the period of a license suspension?""
I'm soon going to have my license suspended for 30 days. My car insurance is paid through next year. Will it still be valid during my suspension period? (i.e. liability if my girlfriend drives it even though she's licensed / insured as well or for comprehensive damage, etc.). No, I will not be driving my car or any other during my suspension period. I just wanted to know if there are generally any 'clauses' in policies that eliminate the ins. co. liability if the insured has a suspended license and something happens to the vehicle. Separate question: Does adding a car to your policy trigger a license check by the insurance company? Thanks for your help!""
18 Yeasr old with 94 ford taurus wagon. cheapest insurance??
I'm 18 and just got a 94 ford turus wagon for my first car. where do you think i should get my insurance?
""My boyfriend that has no insurance borrowed my car and got rear ended, will my insurance cover?""
I let my boyfriend take my car to go drop off his friend and he ended getting backed into by a truck and severely damaged my back bumper. Because it was on private property, the police couldn't do anything but observe us exchanging information. My boyfriend doesn't have insurance, but my car is insured. Will my insurance company be able to cover my damages, even though I was not present? This accident was the trucker's fault because he backed into my car, but this guy didn't even have an ID but the car was his family & supposedly it's insured. Please no smart remarks, I am asking because I'd appreciate some advice.""
Young Drivers Insurance question?
I'm 18 years old and passed my driving test on the 30th September 2010. I don't have a car because I cant afford the insurance. I'm working full time. I found a nice little car, a 2001 RENAULT CLIO, 1.2 16V 3dr Hatchback. I used a price comparison site to get a basic idea of what the insurance would be on it - and using my real own details and it was 5993. So I messed around a bit and added my mum as a second/extra driver. The price crashed down to 3,153. The option to add another driver was still there so I added my dad too and the price is now 2,617 - much more in my price range. I called them in and was like look at this and what do you think and they both agreed that there was something wrong with it and there would be a catch somewhere but I disagree. They said it would affect their own no claims however when added a extra driver no information about an extra driver is there. Are they right that there would be a catch? And can someone give me some more information about this please! Thanks!""
What would the insurance and maintenance cost be for these cars?
1995 Ford Escort LX sedan M/T 1996 Saab 900 SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 M/T Im looking to buy my first car soon and I have found good deals on these and since I will have to pay for the car, insurance, and gas myself, overall price stays in mind.""
Cheapest insurance companys in the uk?
whats the cheapest insurance company in the uk
Car modifications and insurance?
Hey I'm young with my first car so insurance is high. What modifications will either not affect my premium or affect it by a little. Thanks
Ok I am for the poor getting Health Care....And I am also for insurance reform?
for crying out loud there are kids poor with illness..for them to not be insured is just insane... 1.What I am not for however is this fine for not having insurance if you can afford it.It is there choice and they should be made to pay for there health care should it go South...If they lose there house,car etc than that is there fault because they made a choice.AND please don't come on here and say there is not a fine for it because there is..I just read it again... 2.What I would also like to know is why the Democrats voted out the amendment to the bill that stated that if you have insurance you will not have to replace it with something else?Is that not something Obama has already promised would be in the bill... Thanks for all the Answers ahead of time...""
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Finding Health Insurance Plans?
I'm 25 and will be off my parents plan at the end of the month and with a history of preexisting conditions, it's hard to find any one that will accept me. We've been looking and calling and going through a insurance broker and no one will take me. Is there any company or health insurance plan that is less strict on new customers? What do I do?""
Misspelled name on car insurance card.?
I have allstate car insurance .They just misspelled it by one letter, what is supposed to be an N is an M , I've had the card for like a month and its misspelled on my old one too. Does it really matter?""
Unemployment Insurance California?
I have been recently laid off after working for a company for 13 years. I filed for unemployment, but was denied benefits because I am currently employed by another company. However, it is a commission only position (Loan Officer) and I am learning the trade and have not made any sales, hence I have not been paid. I feel I should be able to get unemployment benefits until I actually get paid. Do I have a case for an appeal?""
""Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Whats the best Health Insurance for Canada?
I'm going to Canada on holiday, and need to have some health insurance. Could anyone please tell me where I can get this from? Also, what the best health insurance consists of? Thanks!""
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I'm still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
Auto insurance?
i have had my license for a little over 2 years now. My first year pay for auto insurance was 200$ a month (roughly) on my second year pay it was raised to 250$ a month (roughly). i have never gotten into an accident or gotten any tickets (never even been pulled over...). is it normal for auto insurance to be raised by that much, i know for newer drivers its a lot but i figured it would start high then get lower not start low then get higher. i have arbella mutual ins. and driving a toyota corolla ce perfect condition with no problems with it. i live in MA. if that makes a difference""
Has anyone insured a 17yr old learner driver if so where?
Hi I want to insure my 17 yr old son 18 this year he is about to learn to drive on my car insurance, I rang my insurance they said they dont insure anyone under 25yrs it it due to run out in may so i will be going elsewhere any ideas where would insure someone of that age and how much did it cost many thanks""
""Im 16 and i want to get a R6, i want to know how much it would cost for insurance?""
I live in the U.S, Florida and i am taking the MSF course.""
Getting Health Insurance?
I recently moved to New York City and the health insurance is expensive here. I was living in Virginia with my family and they still live there. Can I apply for Virginia health insurance, even though I'm living in NYC?""
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of:?
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of: Answer Hedging. Passing risk to someone else. Risk premium. Systematic risk. a and d
I'm 17 I have my license. If I borrow a friends car /test drive a car with insurance & I get pulled over will I get introuble?? Do I also need insurance on my name and on the car or just on me?? Can u explain thanks. I heard you have to have insurance on the driver and car or something like this thanks. I live in Oregon.
Is it possible to get very short term car insurance?
My grandfather passed away about a month ago and i inherited his car. I've driven it for a few weeks planning on switching my insurance from one car to another. I have decided I want to insure both cars because no I plan on selling and or trading in both of them. My question is: 1) will my grandfathers old car stay insured until the end of his insurance period? (silly question which I'm sure is a no.) but mostly 2) is there any short term insurance that would last about one month at the most? I'm a college student with very little money, so I was hoping to find something affordable. I live in Pennsylvania""
Boxer Dogs and homeowner insurance?
in the state on Louisiana in the N.O area does Boxer dog cause ur insurance to rise?.. and what are some links?
Insurance for senior parents?
I'm considering enlisting in the military. One of the benifits I will recieve is life insurance at an affordable cost. I can get a joint policy with my 2 senior parents (who are currently uninsured) given that they are my dependents. In order for them to qualify, my parent's AGI has to be less than $3200. My father is a licensed chauffer (cab driver) and my mother retired early, and is recieving SS benifits. Will the annual SS amount disqualify her? My father does not file for taxes, and currently owes for not filing. (cabbies don't deduct taxes, they make what they make, I guess) My question is, will this be a stretch to try to get them insured via my military benifits, considering their situations?""
Do I have to pay 30 in advance on my car insurance?
I live in Florida and my car insurance says I have to pay 30 days in advance. Is this true? Does anyone know the statute?
How much would it cost to be put onto someone else's insurance?
If it is a 17 year old who is going to be put onto one of his parents insurance so he can drive their car, will the amount added on be roughly the same as if he were to have his own insurance or slightly more/slightly less etc? Cheers.""
What will happen if I drive without car insurance and get caught?
I drive my parents Grand Prix every once in a while, but i do not ever drive the ford expedition. I asked my stepfather will it be okay for me to drive back to college, he said no. He said that it will cost to much to add me on at this point. My mom does not want me to drive sometimes, because she think my license will be revoked or I would have to pay a large fine. I want to have a car on campus, because I do not like being stuck their mostly throughout the week, even though the semester is about over. Is it a good idea to drive without car insurance.""
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
How much will my auto insurance go up(rough idea) if I get a job where I would use my car?
Just curious what range it might fall in. My premium with state farm is very low, about $70 a month with full coverage on a 1994 3000GT. Milage would be like 125 a day.""
Can I ask my own car insurance to pay?
I was a passenger in my friends car when a tire from a semi ( that drove away and identity is unknown) hit several cars and my back hurts. I want to go to a chiropractor but have no insurance. I don't want to sue the driver or go after the drivers insurance because he is my friend. Can I choose to ask my own insurance company to pay?
Temporary vehicle registration and insurance in California for uk citizen?
Hi, Myself and a friend will be travelling to California next month to purchase a 1960s vw campervan. We will be driving it to the shipping port to export it back to the uk. I've been told we can get a temporary registration which lasts 28 days and will allow us to drive the van. I've been on the californian DMV website but cannot find any more information or the forms. no email address either! So far I just know we will need to have an insurance certificate to get the temporary registration. Couple of questions really, Do I need to purchase a van before I can get the temporary registration? Ideally I would like to go buy a van and drive it away there and then from the seller but Im thinking I'll have to put a deposit down or similar and get the info and go to the DMV before I can take it away? Second question is insurance, I guess the best idea would be to go with an American company. Will they insure a uk citizen who's just over for a few weeks with just a uk driving license? Any suggestions of companies who may do so? In the uk we have a company called swift who only deal online. This would be ideal because then I wouldn't need an address forms/certificates to be sent. Any ideas? Reason were not getin it transported is because we want to do a bit of travelling on route to a east coast port.""
Car insurance for a Ford Mustang GT?
I am saving up to buy a 2004 Ford Mustang GT for my 19th birthday. I have no wrecks or tickets on my record and have been to driving classes. How much would insurance be if 1) I had the car put under my parents name or 2) I had it put under my name only
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in ...show more""
""3 penalty points on licence, as a named driver, how will this affect insurance?""
My daughter was learning to drive and bought herself a little clio, but, it was cheaper on insurance, if I went on as a named driver, I've had a clean license for over 30 years. But, I got a speeding ticket in November and three points on my license. My daughter went on to pass her test, and informed the insurance company, pushing her premium up really high. Anyway, I forgot all about my points. This week she was involved in a crash, will my non disclosure mean they won't pay out?""
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
What would be considered as a franchise of Allstate ? ?
Would it be the actual insurance agent ?
Cheapest car insurance?
2001 ford mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy impala, 2000 chevy blazer, and a 2002 chevy camaro. Put them in order from most expensive to least expensive based on insurance and gas. I am an almost 16 year old guy, if that helps! thanks!""
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much are you paying for motorcycle insurance?
I'm trying to get a quote for insurance on a 2008 Ducati 848. I tried Geico, State Farm, All State abd Progressive but they all are quoting me around the same which is around 4k a year for full coverage and 1k a year for just liability. This seems crazy to me as im only paying $350 a year right now for full coverage on my ninja 250. I know the Duc has a much larger engine but the price difference is drastic. Im a 23 year old male with 2-3 years riding experience. Clean record and i did the MSF course when i started riding. The 848 im trying to buy is used and i would be paying in full. How much are you guys paying?""
What should i expect in a auto accident and insurance settlement?
I was hit from behind on Wednesday evening heading to work. The driver was ticketed by the police and their insurance company has admitted full liability. Injury wise, I have whiplash which thankfully, is going away now. My car, according to their adjuster, is going to be claimed as totaled. So, my car is valued at 7400, and repairs just from visual inspection, are 7015. So they are going the totaled route as its cheaper for them. After they buy the car from me, they will sell it to salvage, expect to get 2k from it, and only be out 5400 instead of a full cost of repairs. So I've had the car for a year and half, taken out on a 5yr car loan. I still owe 12k on it. After they cut a check to the lean holder, I'm still responsible for 5k on that loan. The bank and my insurance at the time didn't offer gap insurance. Stupid of me, I let my current policy expire to search around for a more affordable policy. I kept procrastinating, and the accident happened with me having no insurance. Lucky he hit me and is at fault. I'm trying to see what my options are. I've gone to the liable company's website and see their basic plan for my state, law requires 25k in property liability for at fault accidents, plus medical etc. So I'm wondering what should I expect from the lady handling this claim. I'm not fooled when she called me yesterday and said that she is here to work with and for me. Saying that there is probably a lot of talk about lawyers, just know they will take 30-40% of you settlement. Know that I'm here to work for you, try to work with me I'm thinking my head total bull crap. 1, she works for her insurance company first, and will have their interest first, 2, she works for their client and to protect them from me in a suit. In the end, I'm not stuck with a car that they will not fully pay to have repaired, and will still owe 5k after they pay the loan holder the value of the car. My credit is damaged and getting a new loan is probably not going to happen easily. I really don't want to get a lawyer but I now have a car sitting in my driveway that I can't use plus a balance in the end. Anyone got some suggestions as to what I should realistically expect. The lady mentioned a liability settlement, repair settlement, medical expenses settlement, and personal injury settlement. I'm not out to make money on this as that just will not happen. But I have no car and will owe 5k still. I'm just like...f**k""
What car insurance do you have?
Im trying to find one that's cheaper I recently have 21st Century. What's the name of your car insurance and do you like it?
How much would car insurance cost for a new driver? liability.?
im bout to be able to get my car so i need to kno how much car insurance will cost for me. new driver. and liability coverage.
Does my teenager need to be added to my insurance policy BEFORE he receives his driver's license?
Three of my friends didn't add their kids until they actually had their licenses, and the driving school said that technically they are covered by the parent's insurance while driving with just a permit. When I called AAA, they said I needed to add him. If I don't have to add him to the policy until he's actually a licensed driver and save the enormous $$$ it'll cost, I'd prefer to wait.""
Questions about health insurance.?
I'm trying to get health insurance for myself since I have been to my doctor last week and he looked at my swollen cheek and said that it might be cancer tumor, but they're not sure about it and running a biopsy and will know by end of the week. Now, the health insurance companies are denying me coverage because I told them about the doctor's appointment and now considering the tumor as preexisting condition. I was wondering if I didn't tell them about the tumor and got the insurance and got admitted to a hospital, and the insurance company sues me later on; would that a valid sue or could I actually fight it? I only need the insurance till January since the Affordable Care Act comes out in January in which any preexisting cause goes out the window. Thank You!""
Really pissed with car insurances?
when you have a accident and it is you fault and you only have basic insurance but STILL you have to pay the damage of the vehicle you hit so why do we pay for car insurance if we still have to pay more? is like if i'm paying to fix the other car and still paying the regular price to my insurance. are they stealing? or why the government let them do that?
How much adding coverage for substitute vehicle to my insurance will cost me?
I live in Mass
""I am due to start driving next September, what cars get you cheaper insurance, and what other things can i do?""
i looked on some sites, some saying as much as 7000 in the uk, can i get that a little cheaper? thanks""
""If your under 30yrs old and you drive a car, how much is your car insurance each month, and who are you with..?""
i want to get a car, but don't know where to start, ive tried the insurance website, but not sure what some things mean, as ive never had a car before, i just want some kind of idea of what range of money i will be paying out each month..thank you for your time.""
Can i get driver insurance without owning a car ?
from who and roughly how much ? I've got a clean record.
Where can I find cheap car insurance in Philadelphia?
I know the auto insurance rates in Philly are expensive. Why is this and where do I go to find the best price?
If My Mom has insurance coverage can i still get insurance with her if i own my own car?
ok so my mom has car insurance on her car, but she was telling me she registers my car under her name that the insurance will cover me and the car. But if the car is under my name can i still get insurance with her??""
""After i register my car how much time do i have to get insurance, while still driving?""
I just registered it today and i was wondering if i can drive it around, till i get insurance this weekend. Im in MN.""
Need help with car insurance questions.?
I'm getting my license in a few months and I am looking into car insurance and so forth. I live in Gulf Breeze,Florida. Taking the drivers ed. class. Make A's in school. What would be the best car insurance company to go with? The cheapest car to insure? Anything really that you know and could give me information on would be greatly appreciated. Thanks""
Is AETNA a good health insurance to get?
my benefits package came from work, it offers medical from Aetna is that a good health insurance provider? What about Guardian Plan ppo for Dental??""
What are the books that insurance companies use?
What are books that are full of the variations of ways that people have died, that insurance companies use to produce statistics called or labelled as genre.""
What is required for a new resident in England (from Canada) to get car insurance?
Moving to England shortly, and it will be so much easier to find work and move into a new place if we have a car first. What information will we need to get insurance? We will be living with friends, so we could use their address and phone number until we get our own place. But will we need a national insurance number before we can get car insurance? British bank account? We'll be getting those things, but it would be so much easier to have the car first. Basically, what is required for us to provide in order to get a car bought, insured, and on the road? (We'll be paying cash.)""
Car insurance problem!!! Please help!!!?
My problem is that I had a car accident last monday, and I just picked the police report. I called the other person insurance (Which is responsible for the accident), and they told me that his policy is suspended because he didn't pay. Basically he was driving without insure. ***My question is what I need to do now??? I have a repair estimate, which is $1,400.""
Can I drive my uncle car but im under my grandmothers insurance?
I am under my grandmothers insurance and my uncle let me borrow one of his cars for a month. the car is under his insurance. if i was to get pulled over would i get into trouble for driving his car. all of his insurance information is in the car and his registration. and will i need to bring proof of me under my grandmothers insurance?
Is there any affordable health insurance out there(about 140-180 dollars a month)?
Not health savings accounts ...Is there anything by the government for Americans trying to live the American Dream on a modist income.
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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