#also the idea that Missa didn’t live
hydriad81194 · 10 months
haha dont think about q!Phil’s parental instincts
Don’t think about him immediately viewing Bolas as his baby birds in an unsafe nest, for 2 of them were also winged
Don’t think about him seeing the flowers Tallulah loved to plant in Jaidens colourful wings, Chayanne’s duck in Bagheras feathers
Don’t think about his reaction to finding out at least three of his sweet, baby birds couldn’t make it out of the nest, two of choosing to stay without a fight, the other fighting to help others after realizing his father couldn’t save them this time
Don’t think about q!Phils parental instincts, and how he thinks he failed every single child of his in some way
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clamsjams · 1 year
possible reasons for the eggs to be kids hanging around with students at a college:
- kids they mentor (tbf thatd probably be more appropriate for highschool but it could maybe work)
- they babysit the kids occasionally and now they just tag along sometimes
- relatives of some sort they just happen to look after, maybe siblings or cousins
- kids of professors that just chill at the college sometimes and they just jokingly 'adopted'
just some ideas I thought of, they're not very good but I figured I'd share because I really like the au idea. If this is unwanted input then I'm very sorry, please just ignore the ask :)
no thank u so much for ur ideas that was actually what i was hoping for when i made that post i was hoping someone might have something that i haven’t thought of yet!
those are pretty good ideas too, i have a couple of eggs with similar stories, they all go to the preschool on campus, so they at least know each other from there, i’m just working on how the players come in
the ones i have a good solid plan for are chayanne, tallulah, richarlyson, and trump
chayannes: his parents are rich and always working, phil is his nanny and he’s with phil a lot, he also got attached to missa, who’s phil’s roommate
talullah: similar situation as chayanne, wilbur gives her music lessons and her parents don’t rlly care about where she is so she hangs out with him even outside of lessons bc she’s lonely and he’s attached
richarlyson: some random relative of cellbits dropped him off at the favela (the house the brazilians live in together) now the brazilians have to take care of him while cellbit tries to track down his parent
trump: maximus’s little brother, their parents are pretty distant so max ended up taking care of trump the most, along with his roommate, dan. lately tho, max has been focusing more on sofia than trump and trumps been feeling neglected. especially since dan disappeared
i have a few ideas for a few other eggs, just nothing as defined
bobby: i was thinking that maybe his parents run the restaurant on campus that roier works at, so bobby hangs out with him. and then jaiden works at a wildlife rescue with birds, and they have after school programs for kids that bobby comes to a lot. and then i guess roier and jaiden become friends through bobby
ramon: fit works at the gym on campus, so maybe ramon does like martial arts lessons with him or something
dapper: i feel like dapper could be bbh’s foster kid, bbh seems like the kind of guy to foster kids who need it, i’m just not sure it makes sense for a guy in college to be allowed to foster kids or why dapper would be in the system in the first place
and then i have like basically no clue for juanaflippa, pomme, leonarda, and tilin
Edit: 2/13/24 privated for archival reasons
he’s not mentioned by name but the whole au was ph//ilev//er based soooo
edit: 7/30/24 didn’t realize u couldn’t private asks and forgot abt this, ill figure it out sometime i guess but who cares rlly
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theericardo · 4 years
·          Alyssa Milano as Phoebe  Halliwell
·          Rose McGowan as Paige  Matthews Mitchell
·          with Holly  Marie Combs Ryan as Piper Halliwell
·          and Shannen  Doherty as Prue Halliwell
Co – Staring
·          Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt
·          Jacob Tremblay as Wyatt  Halliwell
·          Sunny Suljic as Chris  Halliwell
·          Brooklynn Prince as Melinda  Halliwell
·          Dafne Keen as Coop Halliwell
·          Ivan Sergei as Henry Michell
·          Iain Armitage as Henry  Michell, Jr.
·          Dafne Keen as Hayley Michell
·          Dorian Gregory as Darryl  Morris
·          Victor  Webster as Coop Halliwell
Guest – Starting
·          LeToya  Luckett as Eloise Gannibal
·          Lovie  Simone as Eloise Gannibal’s sister
·          Paul  Giamatti as William Alford
·          Reese  Witherspoon as Miss. Alford
·          Keith  David as Slave #1
·          Uncredited  Baby as Letitia Gannibal
·          Tyrel  Jackson Williams as Zygon
·          Sandra Prosper as Sheila Morris
·          Ken Page as Adair
·          Ian Abercrombie as Aramis
·          Christopher Cazenove as Thrask
·          Jon Stewart as Crill
·          Oded Fehr as Zankou
·          Charisma Carpenter as Kyra
[Scene: flashback to February 27th, 1670 – Salem Village, Massachusetts Alford’s plantation – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford.]
(Elosie was a “House N***er” at that time to slaver owner to William Alford and his missis.)
(With Eloise being a “House Nigger,” she did not have to work outside like the rest of the slaves did.)
(That night, William came home, drunk.)
(Him and the misses got into an argument.)
(The two argued back and forwards with each other.)
(Miss. Alford stormed off, leaving the dazed but drunk William there with Elosie, who happens to have overheard the whole argument.)
(William bolted towards and manhandled Elosie.)
Elosie: *screaming* “Let me go Missa!”
William: “Quiet N***er!”
(William dragged Elosie outside to the side of the house where he raped her tell she stared to bleed.)
(Slave #1 and Elosie’s sister found Elosie laying there.)
Elosie’s sister: *crying* “Elosie.” “Elosie, sweetie wake up.”
(Little did they know, Miss. Alford was watching from the widows’ view.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to February 28th, 1670
– Salem Village, Massachusetts – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford on the Alford’s plantation.]
(Miss. Alford demand for Elosie to not step foot back into their house.)
(Since then, Elosie has been working inside.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to October 31st, 1670 – Birth of Letitia Gannibal on the plantation.]  
(It was raining hail with high gusty winds at the midnight of 31st of October,1670.)
(Eloise along with every other slave was wearing “N**ro Clothing.”)
Eloise’s sister: “Keep pushing Eloise, she’s almost here!
Eloise: *grunts*
Eloise’s sister: “She’s here Eloise!” “She’s here!”
*baby starts crying*
Eloise: *crying, tears of joy * “She’s adorable.”
Slave #1: “What are you going to name her, Elosie?”
Eloise: “Letitia…” “Letitia Gannibal”
[Scene: September 22nd, 2017 – 11:00 pm. Living Quarters at Magic School with Chris, Melinda, Henry Jr., and Hayley.]
(Chris, Henry Jr., and Hayley are chatting among each other)
Henry Jr.: “So you’re telling me, Wyatt tried to kill you?”
Hayley: “Like, kill – kill you?”
Chris: “Yea, he actually did.” *looks over to Wyatt* “I can’t stand him sometimes, but he’s my brother, and I still love him.”
Melinda: *reads Wyatt’s mind* “He’s thinking the same thing Chris.”          
Chris: “Didn’t mom tell you stop reading people mind?”
Henry Jr.: “Yo, you can read minds Mel?” “That’s sick!”
Hayley: “Neither me nor Henry didn’t come into our powers till we were 10-years-old!”  
Henry Jr.: “You’re like 2, right?”
Melinda: *gives Henry Jr. a dirty look. * “Just because my birthday is on a Leap Day, doesn’t mean I’m 2-years-old stupid!”
(Chris and Hayley laughs at Melinda’s clapback at Henry Jr.)
[Scene: Still in Magic school, but with Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Wyatt, and Leo.]
(Wyatt sitting alone from the rest of the kids.)
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Phoebe)
Piper: “Wyatt Matthews Halliwell, get your butt over here now, mister!”
(Wyatt walks over slowly.)
(Wyatt approaches Piper with his head slumped down.)
Piper: “You sir, have gotten out of hand!”  “You used magic in public, that one!” “You used magic on your father, that two!” “You used magic-”
(Leo steps in and cuts Piper off.)
Leo: “Piper, let him catch a break”
Piper: *exhale* “You’re grounded, for 2 weeks!” “No magic, no video games, no hanging out afterschool for anything!”
Wyatt: “But Chris u-”
Piper: “Don’t you BUT me mister!” “I mean it!”
(Piper starts chanting)
Piper: “I don’t think he comprehend.”
“He uses magic to depend”
“Child lock them for two weeks, till then”
(White orbs form centers around Wyatt.)
(The orbs shift into a form of a lock and magically goes into Wyatt.)
Piper: “When I meant no magic, I meant it.”
(Wyatt walks away.)
Phoebe: “Piper sweetie, I don’t think that was a smart idea.”
Piper: “Whenever that” *points to Phoebe’s pregnant stomach* “comes into his powers, then you can do whatever you want to do with him and his powers.”
Paige: “Uhm, I have kids.” “Matter-of-fact, they developed powers similar to yours Piper.” “Honey, I feel like you did the wrong thing.”
(Piper sits down in a chair.)
(She fixes her long-layered bangs and crosses her legs.)
Piper: “What's done is done.” “I didn’t strip him of his powers, I just put a child lock on them so he can’t use them freely.”
[Scene: Still in Magic school, cuts back to Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda.]
(Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda are still chatting among each other.)
(Wyatt walks over.)
Wyatt: “Chris, can I talk to you?”
Chris: “Yes.”
(Chris and Wyatt walk over to the side from everyone else.)
Wyatt: “You know, I never had the attendance to harm you.” “I never should have used magic on you in the first place.”
Chris: “I never should have cut you off or be an asshole to you, or even st-.”
Wyatt: “Stop it Chris.” “I was in the wrong also.” “For god shakes, I almost killed you!”
Chris: “Can we agree, not to kill each other?”
Wyatt: “I can’t make any promises.” *laughs*
(Wyatt and Chris hug.)
Henry: “Ok kids, it’s time to go to school go to bed.”
(Every child heads to a room to sleep.)
(Henry Jr puts up a biker with Henry.)
Henry Jr.: “But dad, its Friday?”
Henry: “Bed, now Jr.”
Henry Jr.: “Fine!”
(Henry Jr. walks to bed.)
[Scene: September23rd, 2017 – 8:25 am In the Underworld with Prue.]
(Prue is now out of her outfit that was covered in dust “death outfit”.)
(She is now wearing a sheer-black tank top, black high waisted pants, and Yuko-40 platform heels.)
(Prue is sitting at The Source’s throne.)
(Demon shimmers into the underworld.)
Demon with shimmering power: “Prue Halliwell.” “What the hell are you doing here?”
Prue: “Haven’t you heard,” (hopes down from the throne.) “I’m here to run this place.” *flips hair* “And you are?”
Zygon: “Zygon.” “I’ve heard about you.”
Prue: “Ahh, do tell.”
(Zygon walks up to Prue.)
Zygon: *walking circles around Prue* “The Charmed One.” “The Power of Three.” “A trio, well quartet, of sister witches.” “Destined to serve the good and good only.”
Prue: *nods her head* “Stop.” “For starts,” *flips hair* “I’m not a good witch.” “I don’t do good.”
Zygon: “Oh, Honey, do you even remember yourself?” “You’re one of them.” “But something is different about you.”
(Zygon stare into Prue’s eyes.)
Zygon: “You’re newly empowered.”
Prue: “What does that even means?”
Zygon: *still circling walking around Prue* “The Window of Opportunity, my dear.”
“Prue: “What does that mean?”
Zyon: “You, can easily be persuaded to be either good or evil.” “By the looks of it, you’re already chosen that path.”
(Prue folds her arms.)
Prue: “I got to get my hands on that book.”
Zygon: “What book.” “Are you referring to The Grimoire?”
Prue: *little smirk*“No, stupid” “It’s this book, that I keep having flashes about.” “Ritch-violet, red cover, with the named engraved into it, kind of on the smaller side.”  
Zygon: “Never heard of it.”
Prue: “Maybe those women who called me their ‘sisters’ have it.”
Zygon: “Might I say, I could be some help.”
(Prue uses telekinesis tosses Zygon into a wall.)
(Prue then uses telekinesis to pin him down on the floor.)
Prue: “Thanks for the offer, but I got this.” “I’m going to look for that book.” “Regardless of what I have to do.”
(Prue gives Zygon a wink as she astral teleports out from the underworld.)
[Scene: 9:00 am – Split screen phone conversation between Darry, who is at the San Francisco Police Department. Paige, who is at Magic School.]
*cellphone rings* Darryl: “Go for Morris.” *clutches his mobile with phone with shoulder* *Paige explaining to Darryl about Prue* “Say what now!?”
Paige: *abbreviating herself* “Prue, is alive.”
Darryl: “But ho- how?”
(Paige explains to Darryl how Prue came back in further details.)
Paige: “Can you put an IP out for her?” “Just in case she shows up?”
Darryl: “Sure, Paige.”
Paige: “Thank you.”
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
(Darryl walks out his office.)
Darryl *in a loud voice*: “Alright, we are putting IP out for a ‘Jane Doe’.” “Caucasian, black hair, green eyes, mid-to late 40’s.”
Female Detective: “Does she have any medical conditions?”
Darryl: “She, doesn’t remember herself.”
[Scene: 9:20 am- Living Quarters at Magic School with Paige, Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
Phoebe: “So, what did he say?”
Paige: “Well, he placed an IP out for her, just in case she decides to resurface back on the Earth place.”
Phoebe: “Maybe I could sense her to see if she did.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I don’t think it would be good to use your powers to the distinctive level.” “It might induce your labor.”
Phoebe: This is my sister for god shakes, I at least have to try.”
(Paige pulls Coop to the side.)
Paige: “Piper, Leo and I are going to speak The Tribunal.”
Coop: “The Tribunal?” “Why?”
Paige *bobbing her head*: “For starters, we don’t know, hell, nobody from ‘Up there,’ knows about the book.” “Maybe The Tribunal could help.”
Coop: “Last time you all went there for help, they stripped Phoebe of her powers.” “We don’t know what they might do to Piper for finding the book, let alone for Wyatt for casting a spell.”
(Piper walks in.)
Piper: “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.” “We are all willing to take.” *walks closer to Paige and Coop* “We need answers, and we need them now.” “Even if that requires a consequence of having are powers striped, goddamnit, I’m willing to do so.”
(Leo walks in.)
Paige: “Are you ready?”
Piper and Leo: “Yes.”
(Piper and Leo hold on to Paige and orbs out, leaving Coop with Phoebe.)
[Scene: 9:48 am- Still in Living Quarters at Magic School with Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Phoebe gets into a mediation position.)
Phoebe: “I need complete quietness, please.”
(Phoebe closes her eyes and starts of sensing for Prue)
Phoebe: “I can’t sense her.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I think you should stop.”
Phoebe: “Instead of me sensing her like any other normal person, I’m going to try sensing her through are blood relationship.”
(Phoebe was able to sense her.)
(Phoebe starts to levitate)
Coop *with panic in his voice*: “Phoebe, stop.” “You’re scarring me.”
Phoebe: “I can sense her.” “She’s not in The Underworld, but where?”
(Phoebe’s eyes turn pure white as her premonition power kicks to get a glace of the area.)
(*flashes* The San Francisco Police Department.)
(*flashes* Prue walking into the station.)
(*astral premonition in an invisible form*)
Darryl: “Prue, you don’t have to do this.”
Prue: “Oh, but I do.” “If you’re going to put an IP on me,” *punches Darryl* “leave a women age out of it!” “Oh look, I got blood on your white shirt.” “To bad.”
(Darryl passes out.)
(Prue hears astral Phoebe’s thoughts.)
(Prue starts to chant.)
Prue: “What is not seen”
       “Make seen”
(astral Phoebe visibly fades into a corporal form.)
(Prue gives an evil smirk.)
astral Phoebe: “How can yo-”
Prue: “- You read thoughts?” “I guess my powers are growing also.” “I don’t know where you and your *air quotes* sisters hiding, I will get you.” “I will get that book.” “And I will be the new Queen of the Underworld.” “LEAVE!”
(Premonition ends.)
(Phoebe flops back down to the grown from levitating.)
(Phoebe’s water’s breaks.)
Coop: “I told you that you should have stop, Phoebe!”
Phoebe: “Would you shut up for one second and get me to the infirmary!”
[Scene: 10:00 am- At The Tribunal’s meeting area with Leo, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Leo.)
(Piper and Paige starts chanting.)
Piper and Paige: Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit!
(The Tribunal appears)
Tribunal all together: “How may we help you this time, The Halliwells?”
Piper: “Well, I found this book while having work done at the manor and I came across this book with the title Book of Damned.’”
(All the Tribunal have a puzzled look on their face.)
(Start to whisper among each other.)
Piper: “Helllo people, we still need answer?”
Crill: “Book of Damned goes back to Salm Witch times.”
Paige: “That is why we seen Melinda Warren in Phoebe’s vision.”
Thrask: “As long as nobody cast a spell from that book, we should be fine.”
(Piper, Paige, Leo give each other a startled look.)
Leo: “Why not?”
Adair: “That book is magically linked to Letitia Gannibal.”
Piper: “I’m sorry who again?”
Crill: “Letitia Gannibal” “Just like how the Warren- Halliwell bloodline stared, the Gannibal-Bennett line started.” “She’s was the first of her bloodline to earn magic also.”
Thrask: “Instead of using her magic for good, she used it for evil.” “Starting the mythological of The Window of Opportunity.”
Paige: “What would happen if such casts a spell from the Book of Damned?
Adair: “If anyone casts a spell out of that book, will awaken Letitia herself!”
Leo: “Well we have a problem.”
Piper: “Wyatt cased a resurrecting spell, which brought back Prue from the dead.” “She doesn’t remember her and she’s using magic for evil acts.”
Adair: “Prue is going through the Window of Opportunity, meaning that she has 48 hours to choose a side to align with.”
Piper: “What the hell you mean the Window of Opportunity, she was already a good witch!”
Thrask: “By the looks of it, she self-choice evil.” “She has time to algin with good if she pleases.”
(The Tribunal looks among each other.)
Crill: “As for Wyatt, he will be held accountable for his acts for using forbidden magic.”
(The Tribunal summons Wyatt present.)
Wyatt: “Why am I here?”
Thrask: “Wyatt Halliwell, you are charged with using forbidden magic, by awaking a force of evil.”
Wyatt *with range in his voice*: “How the hell I suppose to know it was an evil book.” “Bullshit!”
Piper: “Language, mister!”
Wyatt: “I want a trial!” “I demand a trail now!”
Thrask: “Piper, Paige, I’ve just been informed that Phoebe just had her baby.”
Piper: “Paige you go back and check up on Phoebe, I’m staying her.” “There is no way in hell they are going to strip Wyatt of his powers.”
Adair: Actually Ms. Halliwell, we prefer Leo to stay while you and Paige go back to aid your sister.
(Piper rolls her eyes.)
Paige: Piper sweetie, just come on.
Piper: “Fine!” “Leo, let me know what happens.” Don’t leave any details ou—”
(Paige orbs her and Piper out before Piper gets to finish her word.)
Crill: “Let the trail begin.”
Adair: “For the plaintiff side, we have Zankou”
Leo: “Zankou!?”
(Zankou is summoned in flames)
Zankou: “Miss me?”
Thrask: For the dependent side we have Kyra.”
(Kyra is summoned in white orbs.)
Kyra*with a big smile on her face*: “I guy!”
Leo: “Kyra, I haven’t seen you since- ”
Kyra: “Since I was vanquished.” “I know.”
The Tribunal: “Let us begin!”
[Scene: 1:20 pm- Magic School’s infirmary with Phoebe, Coop, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper.)
(Phoebe is swaddling her newborn.)
Piper: “Phoebe.” “Phoebe, are you ok.”
Phoebe: “I’m fine Piper.” “Everything is fine.”
Coop: “I want everyone to meet Ryan Victor Halliwell.”
Piper *with a smile in her face and tears forming in her eyes *: “Victor.”
Phoebe *smiling, crying*: “Dedicated after are father Victor.”
Coop: “He weighted a whooping 9 pounds.”
Paige: “Well, we know he was going to be healthy because Phoebe kept her mouth stuffed with food.”
Phoebe: “Hello, right here!”
(Everyone busted into laughter.)
Phoebe: “We got to get Prue, because she has Darryl in the Underworld.”
Piper: “That’s it.”
Paige: “What Piper.”
Piper: “She has to go.” “Paige orb me to the manor to get the book to from the attic.” “
Paige: “Piper, she’s are sister.” “You just can’t vanquish her like any other demon.”
Piper: “Are Prue died in 2001.” *in tears* “Are Prue would never attack a friend, yet alone an innocent.” *wipes tears* “She needs to be vanquished.”
Phoebe: “Hey, we are not vanquishing our sister Piper.”
(Phoebe climbs out the bed.)
Phoebe: “I got an idea.” *wipes the tears off of Piper’s face* “It requires the Book of Shadows and Sheila.”
[Scene: 2:50 pm- In the Underworld with Prue, Darryl, and Zygon.]
(Prue has Darryl pinned down in a chair.)
Zygon: “Why do you have this mortal in The Underworld.”
(Prue is sitting in The Source’s throne)
Prue: “Have you heard of touch your goddamnit nose.” *crosses her legs* “He’s leverage.”
Zygon: “Ahh, for what?”
Prue: “the Book of Damned, dip-shit.” *sighs* “I read your mind when I first meet you and know you was slow.” “But good god, I didn’t know you was this god damn slow.”
(Darryl wakes up dazed)
Darryl: “Pru- Prue?”
Prue *mimicking Darryl*: “Pru- Prue?” “Stop calling my name like that!” You wouldn’t like for me to call your name like that.” “Da- Darryl.”
Darryl: “Why can’t I move?”
Prue: “Because, I’m using my powers to tame you.”
Darryl: “What do you want from me?”
Prue: “It’s not what I want from you” “It’s what I want to trade you for.”
(Darryl brakes loose from Prue’s telepathic withholding.)
(Zygon used his powers to melt Darryl’s shoes in spot.)
Prue*walks up to Darryl*: “Poor Darryl.” now you don’t have any shoes.” “Now, shut up and SITT!”
(Darryl flops to the ground.)
[Scene: 2:45 pm Magic School’s with Phoebe, Piper, Paige, and Sheila.]
(Paige orbs back into Magic school with Piper and Sheila)
Sheila: “So let me get this straight.” *tilts her head at Paige* “You want me to roam free in The Underworld, just to use me as bait?”
Paige: “Yep, that’s the plan.” “But, trust us, we will be right there behind you.”
Piper: “Phoebe what did you want with the book?”
Phoebe: “I’m looking at the binding potion in the book.” “Something had me thinking, what if we tinker with the potion.
Piper: “Go on.”
Phoebe: “Instead of binding with Prue’s powers, we remove them, hoping it would break her from The Window of Opportunity.”  
Paige: “That might actually work.”
(Ryan, who is in his bassinet, starting crying.)
Phoebe: “Oh is little Ryan hungry?” “Oh yes he is, Oh yes he is.”
(Sheila walks over to the bassinet.)
Shelia: “He looks just like Coop.”
Phoebe *bottle feeding*: “He really does.”
(Phoebe stops bottle feeding Ryan.)
(She takes him out the bassinet, burps him a couple of times, and places him back in.)
Phoebe *walks over to Coop in the other room*: “Ryan has been feed and sleep.” “I’ve pumped milk just incase he wakes back up.”
Coop: “Phoebe-”
Phoebe: “Be safe, I know.”
(Coop kisses Phoebe on her forehead.)
(Paige, who has already made the revamped binding potion, approaches Phoebe and Coop.)
Paige: “Ready, Phoebe?”
Phoebe *nods*: “Ready”
(Phoebe, Piper, and Shelia holds on to Paige as she orbs them into The Underworld.)
[Scene: 3:00 pm- The Underworld with Phoebe, Piper, and Paige, and Sheila where Prue was with Darryl.]
(Phoebe, Piper, Shelia, and Paige orbed into The Underworld.)
Shelia *running over to Darryl*: “Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?”
(Darryl mouth was shut and he was still.)
Shelia: “Honey what’s wrong?’
Prue *struts out the shadows* *mimicking Shelia*: ““Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?” “No, he’s not.” “He’s under my control.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to throw Shelia.)
(Paige catches Shelia using telekinetic orbing, placing her back on the ground.)
Paige: “I don’t think that’s nice, Prue.”
Prue: “You’re right dear, let me pick on someone my own size.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to create a telekinetic energy ball, and chucks it at Piper, Phoebe, and Paige.)
(Piper explodes it, midway.)
Piper: “Nice try.”
Prue: “I’m going to ask one more time, where is the book!?”
Phoebe*pulls out the Book of Damned*: “This book?”
Prue: “Yep, now be a gem and hand it over, or Darryl here will be a vegetable for the rest of his living, breathing live.”
Piper: “Now!”
(Paige throws the potion as Phoebe opens up the corked glass bottle so that she would be able to capture Prue’s powers.”
Prue: “No!”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to have the bottle bust before traveling her way.)
(This causes the bottle to burst in front of Piper instead.)
(The potion working biding every sister power, but Phoebe, that makes them Charmed - Piper’s Molecular Immobilization, Prue’s Telekinesis, and Paige’s Telekinetic Orbing.)
(The bottle then magically teleports back to magic school.)
Prue: “I’ve had it with the games!” *tries to use telekinesis but does not works*
Phoebe: “You know what Prue, me to.”
(Phoebe’s lounges herself using levitation at Prue.)
Phoebe: “Feel this, bitch!”
(Phoebe uses her Empath and Premonition power to make Prue see her childhood and make her experience the emotions that occurred during that time period.)
(It was enough to knock Prue out, releasing Darryl her Telepathic hold.)
(Shelia and Phoebe walks over to help Darryl)
Paige: “Ok, Let’s go now!”
(Paige orbs all of them out of there back to Magic School.)
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fireprooflarryfics · 5 years
🏙roommate au larry fics🏙
🏙Unraveling - D1ona30🏙 (10.1k) Harry sat there with his head in his hands trying to figure out why he knew these types of things. He thought over the past few weeks, how he’d just known at certain times what Louis had been thinking or feeling, needing or wanting and it didn’t make sense to him. Until he had the wild thought, “Can I read Louis’s mind?” tags: mind reading, bottom louis, explicit
🏙Maybe One Day - pointerbrother🏙 (60.5k) “I’d like to say welcome to you all, old friends and as well as new, I’m honoured that you’ve come and that we’re all embarking on this as first-timer’s together,” Liam says, raising a glass. They’re all sat cross-legged in a circle on the livingroom-rug that Louis and Zayn rolled out just half an hour ago, with champagne in plastic-cups and Niall plinging intermittently on a badly strung guitar. Like a proper sixties hippie commune. Like what they are now, Louis supposes, give or take fifty years. “Cheers to our new family! Let it be a happy one!” When Louis and the majority of his friends agree to live together in one big house in Manchester, the idea seems crazy, but like a great opportunity. Louis just forgets to factor in the issue of living a bit too closely with people that he’s always wanted even closer than that. Mainly Harry, that is. tags: a/b/o, harry sleeps around, read tags/warnings, light angst, omega louis, alpha harry
🏙blind from this sweet, sweet craving🏙- missandrogyny🏙 (31.1k) “So, I guess we’ll go?” Louis asks later, when Harry has calmed down and eaten his weight in Chinese food. He plays with this chopsticks, spearing another piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind. We could make it an adventure.” Harry observes him, watches him seated across from him on their old living room carpet, with a container of food on his lap. He’s fidgeting, avoiding meeting Harry’s gaze–he probably knows that Harry’s mad at him for ruining the one chance they had to get out of this situation. And he’s not wrong, Harry is definitely very mad. Harry wants to strangle him and castrate him and smack him upside the head. But he’s also Harry’s best friend, and despite everything, despite all the fuck-ups and the plot twists and everything just not playing out the way it should, he’d still rather be stuck in this situation with Louis than any of the other boys. He’s got Harry’s back, and in a weird, abstract way, he knows they’ll be able to get out of this situation, together. Harry sighs. “We’re going,” he says resignedly, his shoulders slumping. Oh well. There are definitely worse ways to spend the weekend than pretending to be engaged to his best friend. tags: fake relationship, friends to lovers, styles family 
🏙Only You - mystic_believexx🏙 (78.4k) A strict school, a forbidden love and a burning hatred that turns to passion so hot Louis' in very real danger of getting burnt… After pulling one prank too many on their high school's Principal, Louis and Liam get transferred to Stanford Institution, a boarding school with a reputation for handling rebellious teens. Louis' determined to buckle down and follow the rules so he can come back home as soon as possible but unfortunately for him, his roommate-one Harry Styles- has other plans. Sometimes things have a funny way of working out... tags: hate to love, high school, boarding school, angst, ptsd 
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Cold Storms Ch. 3
Chapter - 3 (1) (2)
Word count - 2304
TW - mentions of child abuse
Summary - First assignment it partners! Virgil ends up getting paired with someone who is overly excitedly trying to be his friend. ALSO, THOMAS IS BEST TEACHER I LOVE THIS
Fun Facts - This is the “3rd Grader Angst Fic” if it has a nickname, decided by me and approved by my boyfriend. Also, the facts about Giant Squids are from an assignment I did myself when I was in like 4th grade and I had nothing to do.
AN - Sorry this took so long I’ve been struggling a lot lately and this isn't the best…..
Tag List - @minamishipist @theprotectedpuff @preyed-llama @theawesomemaple @migraine-marathon @sombraplayslazertag @nightmarejasmine @missa-fawn 
Virgil was sitting in the classroom as soon as Mr. Sanders opened the room, an hour before school even started. He sat in silence with the teacher, who was typing out things on his school-issued laptop. Mr. Sanders had been concerned when he saw Virgil outside of the room as early as he was, but he was content with the shy boy’s company. Virgil was reading a book he had picked up about cats called Warriors. Mr. Sanders looked up at the student, wearing the same hoodie as yesterday.
“Virgil? May I ask you about your family? The only thing that the records say about it is that you live with your father.”
“O-Oh well, Mom disappeared when we were in New Mexico,” Virgil said, trying to cover up the fact that she had been killed. By you, Virgil. You killed your mother. That gunshot in her head is your fault. The voice in his head was almost screaming. He watched Mr. Sanders, who nodded and watched the small boy, thoughts that he didn’t say flying through his mind.
Thomas had thought it weird that Virgil wore a sweatshirt so early into the school year. But the nerves of losing his mother, whether it be death or abandonment, was stressful enough to give anxiety. Thomas knew, from experience around others and own personal experience that a sweatshirt was nice to wear with anxiety, hoodies especially. Although, Virgil’s current one needed some fixing up.
“If you ever want to talk, I’m always here for you Virgil. I know how hard it can be to move somewhere new, and it must be difficult to not have your mother with you.” Thomas walked over to Virgil's seat. “Your sweatshirt is horribly tattered, I understand that it could be a comfort item for you with losing your mother, but if you would like, would you mind if I borrowed it so I could ask my friends to sew it back up for you?”
Virgil thought for a moment. Most of the newest marks from his father were coerced by the shirt and pants he worse, but he still wouldn't feel comfortable, being able to accidentally touch someone and perhaps ruin them.
“If you would like to borrow another sweatshirt, I’m sure I can find one for you in the nurse’s office until this one is fixed,” Thomas said, seeing the flicker of emotions and thoughts in the child's eyes. Virgil nodded at that and Thomas left the classroom to the nurse’s office.
Virgil looked down at his desk and smiled. It was small but genuine, thankful for the teacher who seemed to actually care about his students. A few moments later, Thomas returned with a plain black hoodie and Virgil took off the purple and black one he worse. Hi accepted the sweatshirt from the teacher and slipped it on. It was a bit large, but Virgil liked it.
“T-thank you, Mr. Sanders” Virgil said, smiling up at the teacher. Thomas felt his heart melt and smiled back at the boy. “Of course, Virgil. You’re one of my students, meaning I will do about anything for you.”
“Mr. Sanders, do you have any children?”
“I’m afraid not, my husband and I have not sent back word if we can adopt or not. I hope we get it by the end of the school year.”
Virgil nodded and pulled the new hoodie closer, opening his book once more.
About ten minutes before class, Amber and Rosanna entered the room. They both went to their seats, greeting Virgil and Mr. Sanders. It was a minute after they entered that Andy walked in. Virgil looked up and gasped at the other child’s appearance. His eye was black, a faint outline of dried blood seeping from his nose. He was in another hurt too big for him, looking down. Virgil got up and walked over, along with Rosanna and Amber.
“Andy, are you okay?” Virgil asked softly, looking at the other child. He nodded, it the way he pressed his lips together and kept darting his eyes about made it seem as if he really wasn’t okay. Rosanna went to her bag and came back with some baby wipes.
“Sometimes they can be useful,” she said, wiping away the dried blood. She was careful but was able to make the bruise be covered mostly, making sure that Mr. Sanders was out of the classroom every few minutes. When Andy looked better, most of the class was inside, waiting for the bell. Virgil moved back to his seat, Roman Logan, and Patton all already sitting in their seats.
“I still don’t understand why you’re planning Halloween this early, Logan” Roman said as Virgil silently slid into his seat. Patton looked over at him as Logan spoke. “Well, Roman, this was we can be able to come up with the best costumes and get them prepared in time. We increase the levels of items that will produce serotonin for the adults, cute items mainly, and we get more candy. That’s why I’m thinking the idea of wild animals, you being a lion, Patton being a wolf and myself as a penguin. Those are the most popular wild animals for cuteness, you now”
Logan’s rant was cut off by the bell. Mr. Sanders walked in, looking up at his students.
“Hello class, today we will be starting with reviewing over math. I have placed a math workbook in all of your desks, so could you each take them out and open to page 3 to practice addition and subtraction?” Virgil opened up the book and began to do the math. He watched as Logan finished first, then himself. Logan was still reading the book on Roman history as Roman himself was third at the table to finish. Patton took the longest but was faster than some students like the Blond who sat next to Andy, whose name was Chris. Andy seemed to like Chris a lot and tried to help the other child. Virgil felt a small smile form as he watched Andy laugh at a joke Chris made. At least he's trying to make others happy was working, even if he was hurt.
Mr. Sanders wrote the problems on the board and solved them with the class, most students getting stuff right.
“Okay Class, now today we are going to need partners for a special project. We are all going to read out of the biology textbook on an animal of your choosing and then write a paper about it. You will be working with partners, with the person sitting next to you. Virgil looked at Patton, who was smiling at him with teeth so white it was like looking at recently-fallen snow illuminated by an LED flashlight. He doesn't want to be your friend the voice said. You’ve already rejected him once.  Virgil shook his head and looked at the biology textbooks that Mr. Sanders handed out. He opened it and filled to a random page, landing on Giant Squids.
“Oh, this is cool!” Patton said, looking at the images comparing the Squid to other things, including its eye to a child’s head. Virgil shivered. He didn’t think it natural, that something like that existed.
“Okay let’s just read,” Virgil said quietly. Somehow Patton had heard him over the noise and the two began to read about the Giant Squid. Patton then asked Virgil important notes that they think they should have and Virgil writing the paper. The two had worked quite well together, handling the task with an almost unspoken agreement of Patton organizing while Virgil, whom ad better handwriting, would write the paper.
Soon, it was lunch once more. Once again, Virgil sat alone with a warm sandwich and juice. He sat in the same spot as the day before, looking at other children laughed with friends. Andy, Rosanna, Amber, and Alex all came up and sat at his table. Virgil smiles softly as they all greeted him and started talking.
“So Virgil, where’s the sweatshirt you were wearing yesterday?” Andy asked, looking at the black cloth. His black eye was still covered, and he seemed to jump when any loud noise was made.
“Oh, Mr. Sanders said that he could have some of his friends sew it back together. He got me this one from the nurse” Virgil said.
“That’s good, I mean at least you won’t be dealing with the thought of your sweatshirt falling apart,” Andy said, trying to have an optimistic outlook on the situation. It was refreshing to Virgil.
“Yeah, plus you could keep it,” The twins said together. They both only had an apple, which annoyed Virgil. He looked in his brown bag and found a bag of chips that he had grabbed before quietly leaving his house. He tossed it to the twins, who looked at him with appreciation and he shrugged.
“I have a sandwich” The explanation didn’t stop them from both getting up and hugging him. Virgil hugged the girls back and they finished their food they all walked back to Mr. Sanders classroom to spend recess reading. Mr. Sanders looked at them as they walked in and gave them a soft smile.
Mr. Sanders knew that they didn’t have good home lives, Virgil’s mother being gone, the twins living with only their older brother, Andy with his mother, and Alex with an older sister and father. They were all from broken families. Thomas just wanted to make sure they had friends, and with the way that Andy and Virgil laughed, Amber and Rosanna hung around Virgil, and Alex was almost clinging to Andy, it seemed he had done something good. He smiled as he texted his friends, Talyn and Joan, to see if the couple could go to his house and help him sew up the jacket he had carefully put in his tote bag.
Virgil looked up at Mr. Sanders to see the teacher softly smiling. Virgil knew, deep down, that Mr. Sanders was one of the best teachers that he could have ever asked for. He turned back to his friends to see that Andy had grabbed a book about spiders.
“This is so cool,” He said, opening up to some tarantulas. His eyes shined bright with interest in the arachnids and Virgil looked at the pictures. Shimmering blue tarantulas next to a large orange one. Virgil had always associated tarantulas with the color black so to say that he was surprised about the colorful spiders was an understatement.
“That’s not cool, it’s creepy,” Alex said as she looked over Andy’s shoulders. The boy laughed as he closed the book. The bell rang and the group sat in their individual seats as the rest of the class made their way into the room. After Mr. Sanders confirmed all the students were back, he passed out little notepads. “These are going to be your multiplication books, on each page we are going to start multiplying numbers that have already been written on the pages.”
Virgil opened the book and saw a large 0 on the first page. Mr. Sanders walked up the board and wrote out numbers from 1 to 15. He then made equations with each number being multiplied by 0 and went through the lesson, showing how each number multiplied by 0 was 0 because it was as if there were none of the numbers. Virgil understood and the lesson finished after everyone filled out the paper in the notebook.
“Okay, well now I think it is time for us to start reading a book for class. I will be reading the first Harry Potter book, and this is for a grade. After each chapter, we will have a test.” Mr. Sanders began to read the book, walking around the class and doing different voices for each character. Virgil felt his eyelids grow heavy and felt his head fall onto the desk
Alone. He was alone. Darkness surrounded him. He was cold and he tried to tighten the jacket around him. He started to walk to try and find someone, something, anything that wasn’t this darkness. His legs grew tired after a while, but he continued. He saw something in the distance that was blue and began to jog to try and catch up with it, however, the chill felt as if ice water was being poured down his back. He shook it off and continued on running, trying to catch up with the blue item that was becoming smaller the faster he ran. The jacket flew off of him and the cold seeped into him and chilled him to the bone. He stopped  He was shaking-why was he shaking?
Virgil woke up to Patton and Mr. Sanders looking at him concerned. Patton had a hand on his shoulder and he sat up, he saw Andy looking at him concerned.
“Wha- what happened?” He said, looking around at his classmates. Even Roman seemed to be concerned.
“You fell asleep and I think you had a nightmare. Do you want to go get some water to calm down?” Mr. Sanders said, rubbing small circles into Virgil’ back. He nodded and got up, shaking. He walked down the hallway and got a drink of water before returning to class. Patton looked at him and smiled, handing him a drawing.
“I made this when I saw you were sleeping!” He said. Virgil looked weirdly at Patton but opened it up to see Virgil in a bed with a stuffed cat with “Hope you have wet dreams” written in Patton’s semi-messy scrawl.
“Th-thanks Patton,” Virgil said. He had never gotten a gift from someone other than his mother and was surprised. Smiling, he put it in his desk and continued with the lesson that Mr. Sanders had started when he was out.
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yangarah · 7 years
RWBY Soundtrack Analysis: Neon
I actually made a short analysis of the episode this song is from when it came out! It got a few notes and apparently I noticed things that other people hadn’t. That was cool. This will probably be very similar at first.
“We’re all born with a dream we wanna make come true. The best will climb to the top like me, the rest will end up like you! I bet it’s hard to live with knowing that you’ll never be this fine. Don’t be distraught, don’t be sad, you gave it your best try!” So when Weiss and Yang are waiting for the fight to start, Yang asks Weiss what they can expect. “Well, seeing as [Atlas’] kingdom, academy, and armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategy.” Neon rushes in on her skates, rainbow flying out from behind her. “Or, whatever they are.” Weiss and Yang disregard the previous ideas when they see the appearance of their opponents. But I think that they do have a very carefully rehearsed strategy. Neon insults Yang before the fight even starts, making her clumsy and distracted, separating her from Weiss almost immediately, and continuing to taunt her throughout the match. This strategy would have given team FNKI the victory if it weren’t for Weiss. Neon even exchanges a glance with Flynt (Coal) during the countdown. They’ve studied Weiss and Yang’s moves thoroughly. They know EXACTLY what they’re doing. And Neon even says “never missa beat, never missa beat,” ON BEAT, rigidly, for the whole match. That’s some strict, militant behavior.
“Listen, girlfriend, can’t you see? I’m all of the things that you’ll never be! I’m cool like the rain and I’m hot like the sun, I’m a neon rainbow and you’re no fun.” During this part, Neon shoots Yang’s arm with ice. Then tells her “You should cool off. Get it?? Because you’re angry.” Yang’s whole thing is being sunny. Her NAME is basically “Sunny Dragon”. So Neon calling herself “hot like the sun” is reeeeally edging into Yang’s territory, and it’s right at the part where Neon makes a pun. Which is Barbara’s Yang’s shtick. So of course she gets pissed.
“Maybe time to retreat? You need a diva review. You can see I never miss a beat. Your makeover’s long overdue! Just try and understand this, it’s not that I am I am trying to outshine! You’ve got your ‘inner beauty’, we can’t all be divine!” THIS IS DRIPPING WITH HUBRIS. It’s like the epitome of passive-aggressiveness right below Oceans 11 with women. “Oh, I love how you just wear anything.” (yes, I did make a John Mulaney reference while analyzing RWBY).
“No one likes a girl who wears a silly frown, just wear a smile and you’ll turn it all around! Just think of happy things you’ll see in no time. Fun every day, the clouds roll away, try it you’ll see, just be more like me!” So this is like, the most condescending bridge I’ve ever heard. In the episode, Neon says “Ooh, blotchy-eyed. You know you’re actually kind of pretty when you’re angry!” Someone pointed out that a lot of what Neon is saying to piss off Yang is what a rude, misogynistic guy would say to a girl he was catcalling, or dating, or bothering in general. “Just wear a smile”, “I wasn’t trying to say you SHOULD go on a diet! I was saying you really NEED to go on a diet!”, “She’s EASY! But kind of annoying!”
Basically, Neon is being an enormous rainbow turd in this fight to rile up Yang, and it is SOOOO satisfying to watch Neon lose so.. explosively. I’m not in love with the fact that so much of her dialogue was negative towards fat people. I know why they did it, but really, it didn’t have to be that way. So I’m gonna take this moment to say, no matter what you look like, no matter if you love your body or if you don’t think of it as something you need to have feelings toward, just remember that you’re valuable, you are loved, you make a difference, and if anyone treats you like Neon treated Yang then feel free to slap them upside the head. And also, ladies, lift each other up. Be the kind of women who have each other’s backs and bask in the successes/accomplishments of other women. <3
Please buy the RWBY soundtrack!!!! It’s seriously so awesome. Casey Lee and Jeff Williams are rockstars and I love them and want to support them. <3 <3
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