#bonus: him saving tubbo first
4thebedrockbros · 3 months
( The base is PJO but I'm still making shi- up, this is Tommy centric btw )
Philza Minecraft as a Chiron like figure to the camp, just taking in the god's stray children, very in character. He's married to Thanatos (whos is actually Kristen in this AU).
Technoblade as an Athena son but cursed by Ares because of his human family cult and disrespect toward the war god. The curse of the voices is hard to control and he's luckily found by Phil after loosing control once.
He's been in the camp since he was 8 and is 19(?) at the time of the story.
Bonus info: The guy has a lot of respect for Demeter since farming is one of his favourite thing to do.
Tommy as a non-claimed kid, found by Tubbo (a Satyr) while a monster was attacking his school (because of him). They both run away from it, but Tommy has to kill it when the monster grabs Tubbo (He's his first ever friend, he can't just let him die) and that's how our guy made his way to the camp
Bonus info: Mortals just thought Tommy was crazy and seeing monster everywhere, they also put it on the account of him being autistic (Autistic!cTommy <3)
Tommy is very much against all of the rules and very angry about the fact that his godly parent just chose to ignore him so he tends to cause problem and get into fights a lot in his first days at the camp
+ Tubbo being in a semi coma from being injured is really not helping
So Phil kinda puts Techno on the case because of him being one of the best fighter and Tommy clearly needing an outlet, Phil is also worried about the youngling just turning against the gods and even the camp (Luke style yk) which is enhanced when the Pythia (that is possessing Ranboo here) appears and says a new prophecy in front of the whole camp where Tommy is mentioned to be the cause of the world's end or the hero that will save it.
(It's honestly still a messy idea but y'all get it)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Story time! Ranboo and tubbo adopt tiny!Michael after finding him in the streets on their way home. Soon, it becomes obvious that Michael had been abused the last time he was adopted, now ranboo and tubbo, make it their mission to help Michael and be the best parents.
Bonus if there's noms involved, but only if you want
AHHH this is really cute! i have so so so so so so SOOOO many beeduo/bee n boo family prompts so i'm just gonna respond to this in bullet points!
tubbo and ranboo had been lingering around a human neighborhood just to make sure one of their human friends (tommy) got home safely
after they watched tommy get home, they make their way back to their own giant neighborhood.
on the walk back, ranboo picks up a scent but thinks nothing of it. that is, until tubbo speaks up about the very same thing.
so they're not really panicking cause yk they were just near humans, but even as they finally got back to their neighborhood, they still picked up on the smell.
the two look around, then after a while they find a tiny micheal, who had been struggling to keep up with the giants' footsteps but finally got the attention of the two giants and immediately started motioning to be picked up.
the two were unsure at first, but it seemed harmless so tubbo picks the kid up. the very first thing they notice is the bruises, cuts, and scars covering his skin. and the little sobs and bloodshot eyes from the kid aren't anything to help the obvious hypothesis that the kid had been less than lucky with a family.
despite their hesitance and general lack of knowledge about children, especially young humans, they take the kid back to their house and try to patch him up. it goes well, except for the fact that the kid barely talks, even though he looks the age where he should.
a few days later and the pair have made a little progress. they've adorned the kid with a name and have seen improvement in the injuries.
then, one day, tommy comes over unprompted. it was a startling discovery considering that tubbo and ranboo always make an effort to save tommy the trouble and danger of walking through giant territory. but, tommy seemed persistent with his dire need to come over. apparently, some adult had been parading the streets yelling out for a kid and proceeding to knock on every door in search of them. tommy decided to leave before the "obviously drunk, and really loud drugged up dude" got to his place.
anyone feel free to use this! i WOULD write but i just have been soo out of it and just never want to touch google docs for a good few days. thank you for the idea tho! maybe i'll attempt some art, no promises tho cause the creative juices are really scarce 😓
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saintofanything · 3 years
a comprehensive essay on why the disc finale being staged is bad writing and makes no sense
"the disc war finale was staged” (all /rp)
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let’s go down the list and nitpick every single little detail i can think of why the finale being staged makes more plotholes than it solves and is clearly a retcon
first off: punz had already betrayed dream by fighting against him at doomsday
this was the biggest argument, but it’s true. punz fought on the side of l’manberg during doomsday, when previously he had been a well-established ally. it was a big deal that he was not part of the doomsday trio because from the other character’s POVs, it signaled that he had gone against dream
this is further hinted at by the fact punz knew what dream was planning in the finale but was also not involved - he was supposed to look like he had betrayed dream while dream secretly reached his real goals and punz could stay as an informant and spy to the SMP
narratively: punz betraying dream continues the over-arcing theme of how cutting off your attachments is reciprocal, and how dream set up his own failure by insisting attachments were a negative. punz literally says this verbatim in his stream the night before, saying that he and dream aren’t really friends and that he’s a mercenary, so he should go where the money is. 
as an aside - tommy paid punz off. how would dream plan for this to have happened? was it just a convenient bonus that punz had an excuse and that it didn’t matter, punz was always going to do this? then why wasnt he saying goodbye at the prime path when that would have been a show of him caring for tommy and tubbo? 
punz is the sole reason that clingyduo won in the finale
no one knew where they were or how to get to them 
the entire server felt like their death was inevitable and were helpless. we don’t see their POVs but they were saying goodbye at the prime path. we have no indication that anyone was planning on mounting a rescue without punz’s involvement
even though he had already betrayed dream, it’s odd he waited when if he’d really betrayed dream he’d have told them ASAP. when originally, it’s more than punz was struggling with his decision to agree to tommy’s payment and betray dream. 
again i cannot emphasize enough that punz is the ONLY reason tubbo is not dead and tommy kidnapped/in prison, without him there was no chance of anyone - even if they tried! - being able to find them
now let’s summarize what was happening before punz and the server showed up (aka why dream was winning):
tubbo was going to be killed by dream
tommy was going to be kidnapped and put in prison for crimes he’d been framed for 
the server, despite their goodbyes, were still unhappy with tommy for these crimes 
dream, who no one knew had committed those crimes or about exile, was still on neutral terms with many members of the server even though others hated him 
dream’s vault was completely unknown to anyone (potentially even punz) as well as his power of resurrection
dream had all 3 lives 
from dream’s perspective, no one on the server was willing to oppose dream at this point, tubbo and tommy were the last defiance with l’manberg destroyed and broken apart
so now, punz steps in. the server saves tommy and tubbo, and now all of dream’s plans are ruined and his secrets revealed. even his closest friends like sapnap have turned against him and see him as evil. tommy reveals the framing, the vault, and his plan to murder tubbo and put him in prison.
now almost the entire server is now against dream unanimously.
narratively: we now know dream’s motivations! it’s about control! we know he has cut himself off of attachments, and the cost of this is that he has no friends and no allies. he is worse for having done this! we get the big payoff!
that’s the narrative lesson - that tommy is not wrong for having attachments, and that dream is wrong for trying to use people’s attachments against them, that it doesn’t make them weak, but him cutting off his attachments DOES because he has no one who cares! hurting people has a price! 
now let’s put this into character perspective. the RISKS/LOSSES of dream’s “faking it” plan:
the entire server is against dream and knows of his plans to use their attachments against them - including punz! 
he has lost 2 lives and almost a 3rd - tommy was very close to permakilling him, the only reason he stopped was because of wilbur being revived. and with that, anyone else could have stepped in and killed him (like sapnap!)
tommy is free to heal (aka unlearn his manipulation!) and tubbo (the strongest support tommy has) is alive 
everyone knows about his ability to resurrect people, an ability others might kill or torture for 
even if he perma-dies, no one will revive him even if he tells them the spell because, again, he is only alive because of that and everyone hates him
he is trapped in a prison that he knows is inescapable only by outside help, and is objectively inhumane (both by his own design)
even if he does escape, the entire server will now be hunting him
he no longer has access to the discs that once gave him control over tommy as well as the rest of the server guarding their valuables 
he now owes techno a favor instead of the reverse meaning he not only had to cash in techno’s favor but OWES a favor, so double-loss 
this breakout has led to the new server members being educated about his atrocities to some degree, meaning people who were previously skeptical or even on his side like michael mcchill dislike him despite having never met him 
the REWARDS/WINS of dream “faking it” 
seriously, there is not a single “win” for him here, dude sat in prison for almost a year and got tortured and killed two people which was fun for him i guess but is in every single way shape and form worse off than he was before the finale 
punz is on his side 
like was all of the above?? worth it???????
“oh but his grand master plan is to make people think he’s changed and that tommy is insane” BUT THAT’S NOT HAPPENING?
a) sapnap, sam, quackity, tubbo, phil, jack, and hannah all hate him and have been outspoken that he is bad and has made no effort to change. sapnap actively tells dream this to his face when dream tries to ally with him.
b) those same people are all, to varying degrees, aware of how horrible dream is and how attached he is to tommy, and have actively said they will defend him/kill dream 
sapnap promised tommy he’d protect him if he escaped and told him to get behind him when dream did and is currently actively hunting dream
phil has sworn to kill him and is protecting tommy and promised he believes him when dream vanished (which, duh, the kid is bleeding and frantic, of course he believes him) and phil is friends with techno
quackity has offered tommy anything he needs to keep him safe
sam and jack have reached out to check on him and sam warned tommy that dream would be after him. both of them want dream dead. 
tubbo obviously knows how bad dream is do i even need to say it
hannah is aware of dream hurting tommy and has actively defended him when eryn tried to frame him and was telling boomer how bad dream is
and why would he need to do all this?! nobody knew it was him who blew up the community house! nobody knew his plans for their attachments! it would have been so easy for dream to start playing sad and pitiful after the finale and blaming tommy for everything and that now that tommy is in prison dream can finally move on and heal and they can all be happy family again! that was, before this retcon, almost certainly his plan! 
narratively: making the disc finale staged undoes dream’s motivations and character themes, makes him seem like a total moron who is torturing himself for literally no reason with an endgame that is literally unachievable because of his own actions that he himself set up to be revealed
it turns him from a power-hungry, god-complex villain strung up by his own puppet-mastery and defeated by the power of love and friendship and reaping the misery of his own designs and a story of an abused kid fighting back and winning against his abuser
to dream being an idiot who puts himself through hell for no gain and no reward and retconning his motivations while undoing the win of tommy and tubbo for, and i cannot stress this enough, no fucking reason
it sucks. it’s bad writing. all they had to do was have dream pay off punz and it would have made complete sense, in-character, and kept all of the impact that s2 had without retconning anything. i hate it. no one has given a single reason why it’s good writing, just that it’s a “twist” which yeah, it is, but it sucks. it’s shocking but it sucks in every single way. 
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rooksilver · 4 years
Okay but the fact that Tommy called Tubbo after he died and said “where is that button. They fucked up for the last time.” REALLY gets me because there’s a glimpse of the old Tommy, the rage-filled Tommy who challenged Dream to a duel for L’manburg’s independence. A sharp contrast to the person he’s become, wanting to rebuild and save instead of kill and destroy. But for a moment, he’s the old Tommy again. And it’s for Tubbo. It’s because they killed Tubbo. And who stops him? Tubbo, again. He says, “come back to pogtopia.” And tommy replies, “you want me to come back to pogtopia?” And stops talking about the button. Their friendship is just. Hhhhh no thoughts head full
Bonus: tommy calls tubbo, tubbo says “hello?” and the first thing tommy says in reply is “are you alright?” HHHH
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sapnapsimper420 · 3 years
SBI Family Headcanons:
❥︎ genre // fluff
❥︎ characters // SBI + Tubbo, platonic
❥︎ warnings // n/a
❥︎ reader pronouns // not mentioned
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• You'd be adopted into the family young, probably the last addition after Tommy
• Phil would see small you, a shivering kid on the side of the road, and immediately come at you with wings spread and food in his hands
• The moment you got home he'd let you sleep in his room, on a little cot on the floor because that's the only place you felt safe at first
• You cannot tell me he wouldn't make you a blanket, and it'd be your favourite colour and then some horrendous fabric with it
• Would try to coax you out of the room and into socializing with food or small little trinkets because that's what worked with Tommy and he's just kinda clueless
• Once he gets you your own room, he starts leaving little gifts in there as a surprise for you
• Left a handwritten note once and then stopped when he saw you crying over it because he didn't think they were good tears (they were)
• Somehow is the first person you warmed up to
• Traumatized child bonding?
• Anyway. Shares his discs with you and will just. Sit there and listen to them with you
• Absolutely drags you into pranks with him, which is how the rest of the family learns more about you
• "Y/N helped!" "Y/N helped you put blue hair dye in my shampoo?" "Yeah bitch!"
• He struggles with showing he cares but you get the memo after he started yelling at Techno when he yells at you for something dumb
• If you're having a bad day he scrambles around the floor like a little raccoon in order to make you laugh
• Introduces you to Tubbo and does his whole "you are taking my favourite sibling away I hate you bitch boy" to Tubbo because you guys get along so well
• Gifted you Chirp for your birthday because you mentioned really liking it after hearing Wilbur hum it
• Won you over with songs
• Once Phil got you your own room he would sit outside the door with his guitar and would play songs
• Oh, you had a bad day? Anxiety getting to you? He would sit there for hours just strumming random tunes, maybe singing a few things in an attempt to ground you
• Will act as your voice if you just. Can't ask for something or don't want to say something
• "They said no pickles" vibe y'know
• Would help you dye and/or style your hair if you asked
• Literally is just wrapped around your finger
• Will try to bake with you, and it is always a massive failure
• Has a special song he wrote for you for a lullaby, or a birthday anthem, or just anything
• Tried to teach you guitar on several occasions. Key word: tried
• Protective brother to the MAX
• Willing to fight a tree if you ran into it
• If you can't sleep he'll just go into your room and sit with you. Sometimes he'll bring a book and read to you and sometimes he'll just be there as another presence
• Teaches you how to fight and is absolutely floored when he sees you already know how to
• If he ever gets mad at you or upset he immediately apologizes and runs to get Wilbur to play music for you
• Actually is the person to get Wilbur if you're feeling anxious in general, he just wants to help you but he doesn't know how to
• "Y/N. Here's some netherite" when you already have an entire set of enchanted netherite armour, sword, and axe
• Will occasionally leave books under your pillows with sticky notes and notes written in it, so that you can add your own notes over his
• Saves the baking you and Wilbur try to make
• Oh, you want to learn something new? He's already researching it and perfecting it in case you need help. Whether that means an entire language or an instrument, he's on it
Bonus: Tubbo
• Immediately after Tommy introduced you to him he handed you a bee necklace
• "Tommy said you like bees!"
• Sometimes will sneak you to the closest bee hives and will force you to lay in the grass with him to soak up some sun with the bees buzzing around you
• The peace never lasts long thanks to Tommy but it's a nice gesture
• Gave you a bee pin for your birthday one year and you haven't taken it off your jacket since
• Enlists your help in his crimes because neither of you seem to be the kind of people to commit crimes (you both are. Mostly arson)
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samplingmoonsters · 3 years
Prophecy here this was supposed to be a short ask I don't know what happened
Sorry if getting such long asks it's overwhelming remember to rest sleep well drink water and eat you are very appreciated hope you have a good day today
Au where dream dies during the prison break or even for max angst he dies while hopefully waiting for Techno to come back but Techno's simply too late or Sam had enough of him or Quackity found out he was actually there
They still need to break Ranboo out but with how pragmatic Sam is remembering he did kill his horse and forgot about a kidnapped child just because he didn't serve as leverage anymore he would probably kill Ranboo and keep him locked up in the same cell
So it's just GhostBoo who spawned there but Techno doesn't know this so he still goes and feels completely confused and doesn't really understand Ranboo who apparently only had one live left and it's like him and Phil but he isn't and it's also injuried but seems not to mind
The Michael picture it's still there but GhostBoo just says oh it's something the other guy left cute kid right half orphan now or something apathetic like that
They still save Connor and take Dream's ghost with them because I really can't imagine Techno being like well at least now I don't have a favour to repay so he would still try to free GhostDream and take AliveDream's corpse out of there Techno wouldn't stand to see it rotting by itself in the back of the cell a constant reminder of how he failed
This all while GhostDream who barely even knows who he is is just trying to keep up because he's never actually known anything outside this cell
GhostDream would be more like Ghostbur and not remember the bad parts of their lives which for Dream is basically everything maybe he remembers a little pre first disc war Bad and And being kind to him in jail and some moments with Punz and some with Techno enough to still trust him and some moments of comfort and intimacy they had during the jail which are his only memories of the jail itself
But it's harder to get GhostDream who's a lot more docile and much more scared of everything because he may not remember Quackity and Sam but he still flinches at anything that has anything to do with them
Bonus points for GhostDream not understanding why Sam his friend who's always protected him is now doing this to him he asks but Sam just tells him it's what he earned for himself
So Techno leaves the prison with GhostDream GhostBoo Connor who I'm always going to acknowledge as Dream's son so an orphan and two corpses plus a mission to rescue Michael
Safe enough to say that this is probably the worst Techno has ever failed at something he kills Sam the moment they are outside and Bad too even though Bad didn't actually do anything because he's too lost on his frenzy
Back at the Antartic everybody stays because Techno knows there's no way this Dream can survive anywhere on his own
So he stays with Techno Techno has to bury Dream's corpse and they grow close again GhostDream shows his genuine happiness at Techno being there at all he's a lot more open and easy to connect with he doesn't remember what he wrote in the books or how he left the blueprints anywhere and he remembers Techno promising to comeback as a good thing even though he died before Techno actually arrived
Techno keeps asking GhostDream how he can make up to him after saving Michael with Tubbo but GhostDream either doesn't know anything AliveDream would have wanted and tells Techno AliveDream deserved bad things and not good things or simply says being allowed to stay is enough for him
At some point Techno does start growing fonder and more comfortable with this new version of Dream they live a pretty comfortable and Cottagecore Arc life I envision these two were already officially together during jail so those are all moments that GhostDream still fondly remembers
But Techno still knows that this isn't the Dream he remembers he loves this Dream too for sure but he can't forget the fact that he failed the person he loves and now he's probably rotting away in limbo all on his own
I imagine eventually Punz and GhostBoo would meet up for GhostBoo to tell him the plan went completely off the rails Dream is dead and then Punz would decide it's for the best If he can only reveal himself to Technoblade who Dream seemed to trust so incredibly much
They don't really get along Techno still seems Punz as an easy traitor and Punz sees Techno as the useless person who left Dream to die on his own but they both want to revive Dream
I would say at the end they choose to revive him because real Dream would be down there in limbo suffering on his own forever and neither of them can allow that to happen any further
Also the idea of Dream's limbo being either the Manhunt being forever chased by his best friends who want to kill him this used to be a game and the SMP lands used to be on his favour and now they are not or straight up the Pandora's Vault
The angst of Dream saying well at least the scenery is going to be different now when he dies only to wake up on his own cell again
So at the end Techno just has a lot of hesitations and doubts and his own inner angst before receiving Dream back
He for sure doesn't tell him to go anywhere and is expecting Dream to be furious to hell and back to him for not fulfilling his promise instead Dream is incredibly grateful and just plain happy to finally be outside
They revive GhostBoo as well and Punz kinda force stops the plan or at least delays it and modifies it as much as possible because Dream has already harmed himself enough on this quest of his
And at the end they all just live together in the communist comune Dream gets lots of people that love him and want him to get better and a safe place to rest
The rest of the server doesn't know he's been revived so he feels a little safer Techno is just happy to have his love back
I think GhostDream and AliveDream should fuse because I don't want an innocent GhostDream to suffer forever
And Techno and Tubbo become besties after bonding over their dead husbands so they celebrate together after they are revived
Plus cute Ranboo Dream Punz and Michael moments when they take care of him together
sad but very cute idea! I love it uwu
I think it would be really sad but make for good drama if Ghost!Dream hated his former self. He maybe can't remember much, but the things people tell him and the battlefields he saw tell him everything he needs to know about what a bad person he had been.
I'm sure Techno would hate to hear his lover(?) say such bad things about himself and he would try to make Ghost!Dream understand that he may have been a bad person but he certainly had his reasons, also no matter how bad c!Dream was, he still could be sweet and caring, especially to Techno.
It would be a back and forth between them, and no matter what Techno said Ghost!Dream wouldn't get it. Why would such a sweet person like Techno love someone like c!Dream? It didn't make sense in his mind.
Anyway, I guess it would lead up to c!Dream and GhostDream having difficulties when they fuse back together. Maybe he would have a split personality for a short time until his two halves finally found peace which each other.
Post-fusion Dream would be a little creepy. He would speak to himself sometimes. One time, Techno woke up at night cause he heard someone talk downstairs and when he sneaked down to investigate, he just found Dream muttering to himself in front of the fireplace. One voice would sound angry while the other would be strangely passive, hollow.
When Techno announced his presence, Dream would suck in a breath and freeze up. Slowly he would turn around and give Techno the sweetest smile ever (ghost!D), while his eyes are hollow, and emotionless from past trauma (c!Dream).
Every time Techno would get freaked out when he saw Dream muttering to himself, but he would support and love him no matter what. He loved all of Dream no matter what version.
Yeah... those are some of my thoughts on the prompt! Very nice, idea, indeed! Σd(゚∀゚)
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birdcanart · 4 years
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moobloom tommy does not like a da bee 
[image description: the first image is a halfbody digital sketch of tommyinnit with yellow cow ears, horns, a tail and small yellow flowers growing from his hair. He has an uneasy expression as four very large bees crawl over him and he's saying 'save me tubbo’. the second image has two digital sketch headshots of tubbo, the first showing him looking on amused, holding in laughter and the second showing him leaning forward as he bursts out laughing. End I.D]
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[image description: a digital sketch of tommy and tubbo. tommy is standing stiffly as the bees cling to him, pleading tubbo for help saying ‘Tubbo! It’s not funny!’. tubbo is kneeled on the ground laughing, and says back ‘BUT IT IS!’ end I.D]
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corysmiles · 3 years
Theres a... lot of amgst right now, and I think Im on Blues side with just wanting some fluff lately. So heres some fluffy giant house hcs!!
• The giant fam struggle with figuring out how to live with a human at first, there all worried about scaring or hurting Techno so they extremely overcompensate for being gentle and making sure they know where he is so they cant accidentally step on him or something. Techno finds it sweet, especially in comparison to how terrifying it was to be around them before he knew they werent going to hurt him, but it gets old. This is how they come up with the idea to instal walking ledges around the house so Techno doesnt even need to be on the floor anymore.
• Techno introduces them to Steve, the field mouse he befriended. They all love him. Steve stays in his human sized house extension usually, and quickly learns to take advantage of the walking ledges.
• Wilburs almost always awake at night so once Technos out in the open, he always notices when his tiny older brother isnt sleeping as well. He will always scoop him up and make him nap in his hands, cradling him against his chest.
• Tommy got jealous that Techno was always picking Phil for extra warmth on colder days, he decided to show off how warm his fuz was by kidnapping Techno from one of the crows trying to take him to Phil. Techno wasnt happy about either Tommy or the crow grabbing him, but Tommy definitely proved to be a cozy shoulder to sit on.
• When Phil first invents the shrinking potion so they can visit Techno during tournaments, he had to test out how long they lasted first. But he wanted the potions to be a surprise so he had Tommy and Wilbur take Techno out of the house for the day for some distractions. Phil is back to normal size by the time they return, but Techno cant help but wonder why Phils suddenly training his crows to stop grabbing and playing with Techno when he used to let them do it even at his own request to fetch him. (The crows played with Phil the whole time he was tiny. Phil did not appreciate it, especially when one got him completely sealed in its beak. He never realized how scary it was.)
• Technos complaining about the cold again, it is winter after all, but Tommy and Phil are both out getting food for the house. Wilbur doesnt have feathers or fuzz though. So instead, he gets a small mug and fills it with hot tea. Techno is weary of the idea at first but Wilbur assures him that this tea is really good for the skin! Itll be a double bonus to getting warmed up! So he tries it, and it is very nice. But Tommy and Phil absolutely make fun of the man terrified of giants mere weeks ago willingly sitting in a mug of tea when they get home.
• I don't know if you had any plans for Tubbo and Ranboo in this, but I was thinking... what if they were human (hybrids still, but human sized) that Tommy befriends during a visit to the human world to watch Techno compete? He starts spending his time between Technos matches with them, until Techno finds out and is worried Tommy will accidentally reveal himself to these two random kids he just met. We could have this whole hidden identity (species in this case) plot like from a movie that ends with Tommy being forcibly revealed as a Giant, maybe Tommy gets captured by bad people and Techno doesnt know but Ranboo and Tubbo saw, so Tommy thinks hes done for when the two humans surprise him by coming to rescue him instead of writing him off as a monster like Techno made him worry they would? 👀
Angst is fun but fluff is good for the soul, dont forget to keep a healthy balance!! Take care of yourself!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Omg yes I love these ideas
Man the one about Phil training the crows to stop picking up Techno is so good. He would feel so bad for letting them grab Techno without realizing how scary it is.
And yes!! I love the idea of Tommy meeting Tubbo and Ranboo as humans. Maybe he’d even steal some of the potion and go to visit them without Techno when they become closer. Of course if Phil ever found out Tommy would be in so much trouble.
And I think that Techno would be so awkward about wanting to be held anyway so the fact that the giants want to hold him would be really nice (even if he wouldn’t say it). Also Wilbur would get Techno his own mug to be his own little hot tub during the winter
Tommy would try to teach Steve tricks. Like he’d give the Moshe pieces of cheese for rolling over meanwhile Techno is mad for turning his awesome mouse into a house pet.
After Tommy saved Techno from the crow he’d braid pieces of Tommy’s hair just so he could sit on his warm shoulders. When Phil and Wilbur saw the small braids that asked for it too, and now they all have tiny braids from Techno.
Also the idea of Tommy having to reveal himself as a giant to Ranboo and Tubbo is soooo good. Like it could be one of the times he visits them without telling his family and the potion wears off too fast. Then maybe a fighter like Techno would see him and try to slay (or even sell) him. It would be up to Tubbo and Ranboo to find their friend
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this, I really love all these ideas can’t wait for more giant house au stuff 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
I was going to actually post this before asks closed (didn’t get the chance), but Teddy Bear Anon, you are one of my favorite people and a magnificent creature. You get my vibe. 
About Bad canonically being Sapnap’s dad I feel like that has so much extra angst potential when we consider the rest of the found family. Like. Sapnap, Tommy, and Fundy all have dads who started with the best of intentions but for one reason or another ended up slowly becoming a danger to them. I imagine Tommy and Fundy one day showing up with a cake and telling Sapnap “We regretfully welcome you to the shit dad club” and Sapnap is torn between being upset still and laughing over the absurdity of the situation.
Bonus points if Tommy made the cake using a recipe book that Niki gave him, the last gift Niki ever gave to Tommy. Tommy was originally a really bad cook/baker but after the egg really started to take over he went full survivalist. Leaning to cook was necessary but learning to bake was something he did as a way to raise everyone’s spirits. He’s never gotten the flavor quite to match with Niki’s perfectly but everyone agrees he’s gotten pretty decent in terms of skills. He and Fundy in particular will sometimes just spend an entire day in silence baking and then quietly eat their creations while reflecting on the friends they’ve made and lost over the course of L'manberg’s lifetime. When the group got back to the past and Niki made cookies for Tommy and Fundy the pair very nearly started crying.
Tommy is in an interesting position as a character since he did commit a lot of minor crimes and acted as a general nuisance but he was also still a child. (A very traumatized one considering I canonize SMP Earth with its unlimited lives but even more wars. Including against God. Tommy fought God just let me have this.) He acknowledges the moments when he went over the line and has tried to apologize. In particular at some point before the egg fully takes over he pulls aside Jack and tells him that he’s sorry for the way he acted when he was still in exile, taking one of Jack’s lives and all. Jack and Niki in particular are an interesting subject to address and a painful one for immune!Tommy to think about when he sees younger Niki because the three never fully tossed out the hatchet but it was obvious in the eyes of someone like Sam that both of them were growing more and more hesitant to hurt Tommy. It was made worse by the fact neither were even marginally immune, and it didn’t take long for the egg to get to them.
He never stopped being chaotic. Tommy at his core is just that kind of person. He did, however, grow up enough to act in a more mature manner. Started to recognize what’s too much. In particular he became a lot less violent and willing to lash out after Sam Nook in essence reparented him. He’s still an absolute wild card of a person, which in the eyes of Sam and Sapnap is a good thing. For this au I think we should actually address Tommy having severe ptsd and during the building of his hotel/the early days of the egg before it becomes a noticeable threat it shows. He’s a lot more subdued. Shows of aggression all carry a kind of desperation and his typical jokes feel flat. Lashing out at people slowly becomes more of a defense mechanism to see if someone’s going to leave or betray him, to test the limits of how nice they’re willing to be. After all, nice people have only ever been nice to Tommy when they wanted something from him. His eyes, especially after L'manberg is blow sky high, are well and truly gray. The first time Tommy genuinely laughs after filling Sapnap’s room with chickens is considered celebration worthy to them. His pranks take on a more hermitcraft-esque feel to them which honestly makes them more funny.
By the time they get to the past Tommy has recovered, but he still carries the kind of maturity that like Teddy Bear mentioned is reminiscent of age swap Tommy. When he gets especially stressed though, Immune!Tommy will slip into moments where he acts as tired and done with the world as age swap Tommy. With that said, most of the time he just acts like a more mature Tommy. Nothing could ever completely erase his unique vibe which Ranboo has gone on record as describing “Willing to fight God deaf, blind, and backwards just to prove a point." 
Immune Fundy and Tommy get on really well once Fundy manages to catch up with the rest of the group. It gets to the point where everyone from the past is kinda shocked since smp Fundy and Tommy do not get along. At all. Literally the first night Fundy’s back someone goes to wake them up and they find Fundy asleep on top of Tommy which is a wild experience since this Tommy is a goliath who often refuses to take off his full Netherite max enchant armor. He really becomes a "looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll” kinda mans.
Also, yeah, this is Dream’s retirement arc. He is literally just sitting in the corner watching Tommy dote on his younger self and Tubbo before completely pile driving two of the most powerful people on the server straight into the dirt. At some point Tommy sits down with past Punz. He tells this Punz that their Punz died protecting him and Tubbo and that Tommy never got to properly thank their Punz so he’s going to thank this Punz. Tommy then gives Punz an entire stack of Netherite. If we’re gonna go ahead and agree on Phoenix Tommy then Tommy is fire proof, meaning he probably spent a large amount of time in the nether to avoid the egg crew and get rare supplies. Meaning he also probably did a lot of mining just to distract himself and it resulted in him being loaded. Tommy used to have a fear of tnt and explosives but he seems like the type of mad lad to say “exposure therapy” and make a massive cavern in the underbelly of the nether.
I think it would also be really interesting to dedicate like, a couple of chapters to other people’s perspectives. I kind of want to set the time they arrive in the past partway through the Pogtopia arc since I like mildly unhinged but not completely gone Wilbur. Plus then it also makes more sense for Techno to be there. Just prefer the aesthetic really. I want to have Wilbur see this version of Tommy and come to a sudden “oh” moment. I want to have a moment where Tubbo looks between his Tommy and this new Tommy, seeing himself nowhere to be found, and has enough what the fuck moments to become aggressively protective of his own Tommy. Especially if immune!Tommy ever admits to the past Tubbo why he is the way he is, what he faced under the thumb of the people he trusted. Which, out of everyone on the server, Tubbo would be the first one from the past to actively learn. 
I am fully on board with Tommy knowing how to sew. That should just automatically be canon in literally ever AU. Tommy for all intents and purposes is still Phil’s child for me. Survival runs in the family the same way that chaos does, so he’s got a ton of basic survival skills that he just doesn’t show off because it’s still Tommy. He would have been completely fine in exile if it wasn’t for Dream. Whenever someone ruins their clothes in the Immune group they automatically go to Tommy and at first the past versions are very confused (except for past Tommy and Tubbo obviously) and then Tommy’s just “Sapnap this is beyond ruined it can’t be saved, let me make you something new” and within a couple days he makes Sapnap a completely new outfit. Like maybe Sapnap fell into a lava pool because Blaze Sapnap Supremacy and his clothes are beyond saving and everyone is beyond baffled when Tommy just acts like this is a weekly occurrence. He’s memorized Sapnap’s measurements and style tastes and already had a new outfit in the works for him that Sapnap immediately adores upon it being presented to him. It takes about a week for past Eret to learn that Tommy stress sews new clothing and he cannot think of a better model. Eret has never had such a full closet. Eret has everything from three piece suits to ball gowns now. Eret lives in terror of the days where Tommy disappears god knows where with Fundy and the two reappear with a new wardrobe for the entire god damn server. 
Speaking of disappearing I really like the idea of part phoenix and part tanuki Tommy for a couple reasons. Being a Tanuki he’d have access to enough magic to hide his hybrid traits, which if they’ve been present for long enough would be a necessity to him. Additionally think about Fundy and Tommy building a den under Church Prime that slowly turns into a maze. Think about it. It starts off simple and then they both start digging more and it gets deeper and deeper and more complicate and the two just refer to it as their den and the only ones who are fully aware of the connotations of that word are Sam, Sapnap, and Ranboo who remember the absolute hell that was trying to navigate the original. Just Fundy and Tommy bonding over the fact they are literally the only creatures on this server that have this catacomb memorized and at the end of the catacomb is their saferoom which connects to rail way that the two spent a month straight on. It goes at least 25k blocks from spawn and it’s a final emergency resort in case they can’t stop the egg and the Immunes needs to regroup and essentially try again (if they keep bringing their younger selves with them then hopefully they’ll finally get an army large enough to stop this, but everyone really hopes it doesn’t come to that.)
I’m working on the first chapter of my fic right now actually if I’m gonna be honest and phoenix Tommy is absolutely without question canon to it but I’ve still been going back and forth on if I want him to be part tanuki as well or just blessed/favored by one like Teddy Bear mentioned. I’m also tucking away the whole thing about the magma blood for later use. Phoenix Tommy just makes sense. They used to call him Zombie Kid for a reason back on SMP Earth, he just literally does not die ever unless he decides he does.
~Snapdragon & Firefly
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bisqueri · 4 years
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Tubbo will NOT be the next Schlatt and Tommy will NOT become the next Wilbur
(This is the text form version of my video where I talked about my own idea and stuff. The video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgZMFkdUTiY)
Salutations! I will be talking about my thoughts/general ideas about Villaininnit and Villain!Tubbo. 
Do I personally think that Villaininnit and Villain!Tubbo will happen? As of 12/17/20, not too likely for Tommy, because he has Technoblade backing him up and his moral compass has still not misaligned, but the possibility of it for the future is still there. Tubbo on the other hand… Oh I am mostly certainly sure, because he is already on the path to Villainy.
(Continuation below because it’s kind of long)
Now let’s start with the whole Tubbo-Tommy-Schlat- Wilburt connection. What is this connection? This is the idea that as the story progresses Tubbo will grow to become more like Schlatt and Tommy will grow to become more like Wilbur. Their predecessors. This idea has grown in popularity specifically in the Tumblr side of things due to the Exile arc. In this arc Tubbo goes against his cabinet and exiles Tommy. During this exile Tommy is slowly going off of the deep end. Several characters in canon, also pointed this idea out especially in the iconic line of “As long as I won’t become the next Schlatt, you can’t become the next Wilbur”.
What do I personally think of this connection? I think I can see why it’s so popular, not only is it backed up by canon lines by the characters, but the imagery of Tubbo with horns and Tommy with Wil’s coat is simply spectacular. However, I’m thinking of a different idea, because I think this whole connection is not that strong.
I’ll explain why. Tommy and Wilbur, though the connection is quite stronger than Tubbo and Schlatt I feel still doesn’t work that well.What separates them the most is their reaction to being exiled. Wilbur was filled with anger, he used that anger to start a new movement to save his country back with pride. He started clearing and building a new home the moment he got exiled. Tommy, on the other hand, is distraught and hesitant to start anew. He’s not angry, he’s frustrated.  
With the ominous message from the Exile arc about how people only respect him when he has power. Tommy will most likely have a power hungry arc in the future. Where he will do anything to get what he wants, different from Wilbur’s goal of destroying the thing he cannot have in what I assume is his miserable attempt to preserve it’s essence. To save L’manburge from Jschlatt
Tommy’s descent in the exile arc differs from Wilbur, Wilbur was more manipulative. Taunting Tommy on how he’ll never be president. While Tommy’s descent was filled with violence as seen with his actions towards Techno and JackManifold. Kinda like how Schaltt was with his old cabinet who was trying to help him.
The Tubbo and Schlatt connection, I think is way off. The problem here is that Tubbo said it himself, he doesn’t want power he doesn’t want control he wants what’s the best for New L’manburg. You can’t connect them on a goal oriented level. because Schlatt wants power. Schlatt simply does what he thinks is the best for himself.
The motivations of these characters should be the most important thing in connecting them. Because I believe that a character’s motivation, what a character wants will pave the way onto how they will achieve it and who they will become. So if Tommy-Wilbur parallels don’t align because Tommy wants to reclaim what was his, while Wilbur wanted to preserve what wasL’manberge; and Tubbo-Schlatt parallels don’t align because Tubbo wants what’s good for New L’manberg, while Schlatt wants what’s good for himself. Then what’s another idea we can apply to these characters.
Well, I present to you the Tommy-Schaltt and Tubbo-Wilbur connection.  I believe that the characters that have been paired off in this new connection have more in common than the connection I mentioned earlier.
Tommy and Schlatt both have selfish goals. Tommy wants his discs. Schlatt wants his power. Both of them also have violent tendencies which is most obvious during their descents. Tommy lashes out violently to the people who were trying to help him, just like a certain goat.
we know that Tommy can put his discs to the side-- he’s not that selfish, but Tommy is changing. He’s done putting his own desires to the side, he wants what is rightfully his. I can imagine Tommy realizing that the only way he’ll get his discs back is to become powerful. Give Tommy his villain arc, he deserves to go feral in the pursuit of power. Both Tommy and Schlatt have been exiled, I desperately hope that when Tommy returns from his exile he gets the power that he craves in order to get what he wants.
Tubbo and Wilbur. What do they have in common? Wilbur wanted to destroy L’manburg, while Tubbo wants to protect it. The thing they have in common is their unyielding love for L’manburg. A devotion that ruins one’s morality. That’s what Tubbo and Schlatt don’t have in common, Tubbo has ideals he maintains, Schlatt doesn’t. However these ideals are slowly being broken. In a reddit post, Wilbur confirmed that Tubbo is a lawful good. Tubbo stick to what is right and what is good. But as we can see Tubbo is under immense pressure from his cabinet, they don’t respect him. His cabinet wants power and they don’t see Tubbo as powerful. So, Tubbo in this current arc is turning against his morals of peace in order to satisfy his violent cabinet. He even broke the no armor rule. He’s changing and not for the better.
This sounds a lot like Wilbur during his time in Pogtopia. Where Wilbur’s sanity cracks under the pressure of his fellow Pogtopians wishing for a great ruler. Wilbur tossed his old days of adamantly using words to fight, when the war came he wielded his weapons. Since he can’t have his country, he’ll have to destroy it in order to protect L’manburg from the hands of others.
I predict that Tubbo will end up betraying the butcher army once he realizes how futile this quest is. That what Quackity is doing is ruining Tubbo’s beloved L’manburg. If Tubbo completes his road to villainy I think he’ll end up as a scary villain who manipulates and smiles through things. Tubbo cares about L’manburg the most. It’s the only thing that has been trusted to him, and I’m sure he’ll do anything to protect it, morals be damned.
There’s already hints of Tubbo becoming more obsessed with L’manburg. During the beginning of the Exile Arc, something stuck out to me. When Tubbo exiled Tommy he said “Dream, please escort Tommy out of my country”, not L’manburge, or New L’manberge it’s my country.  When he first said it, I immediately got flashbacks to Wilbur repeatedly saying “my L'manburg”.
So in conclusion, while Tubbo-Schlatt, Tommy-Wilbur have more connections aesthetically, I think that narratively Tubbo-Wilbur and Tommy-Schlatt have a stronger connection. Tubbo and Tommy know the score. They know that Tommy shouldn’t end up like Wilbur and Tubbo knows that he shouldn’t end up like Schlatt. They’ll do everything to not end up like their parallel predecessor . But nobody is stopping them from becoming like the other’s predecessors.
Tubbo will become  not like Schlatt but like Wilbur.
And Tommy will become not like Wilbur but like Schlatt.
Is this true Who knows? All I know is that these two will end up as on opposite sides of the battlefield
Bonus prediction:
Yo guys a short prediction on what I think will happen in the Christmas Festival. Philza will inform the Antarctic anarchist commune on the event and how Dream will be there. Tommy suggests that it’ll be the perfect time to try and get his discs back, and Techno will think it’s perfect time for revenge, and of course ghostbur is happy to attend a festival. On the day of reckoning. Dream gets trapped and all is going to plan. However I believe that Tommy’s unresolved confused feelings about his manipulator will cause him to help dream. Imagine the cinematic parallels of Tommy enderpearling to defend a trapped Dream just like how he enderpearled to Tubbo during the festival. Techno will help Dream escape this assanation, he owes dream a solid after all. And Phil will follow and protect his sons, because he doesn’t want to be helpless anymore. He wants to protect his family. And as things are going down Tubbo vs. Tommy. Wilbur will be breaking down filled with so much repressed memories begging to be let out. Maybe he’ll remember, and who knows what will happen to him. Maybe this will be the time that Tubbo realizes that the butcher army is ruining new l’manberge and he has to save his country.
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Dream SMP Prompt 16 – Fantasy AU
Ranboo lived his whole life in the village under Dream’s rule knowing three absolute truths:
First, the High Council is made up of those blessed by the gods – immortals on a sacred mission to protect the innocent and defend the gods’ honor. Second, Dream and his companions are high council members who were lucky enough to return to the village to aid them and speak for the council. Third, if you were lucky, you could be chosen to join the council and become an immortal yourself.
Ranboo was very lucky. Not only was he chosen by Dream to join the council, but so were his two friends, Tubbo and Tommy. They’d get to become immortals together.
However, once they live the safety of the village and taken to the ritual site, it becomes clear very quickly that something is wrong. There is no such thing as the High Council. But there is a secret to immortality – a child on the cusp of adulthood is the main ingredient.
Dream wasn’t lying. There was an opportunity to become an immortal: whoever decided to ‘take care’ of their friends for him would be given the opportunity to become like him. They all refuse and are willing to accept their fate. Until known heretics Philza and Technoblade break in and save them.
With their entire world shattered and their lives revealed to be nothing more than lies, the three of them must make a choice. Can they trust Philza and Technoblade?
Bonus Ideas:
Wilbur and a few others are people Phil and Technoblade managed to save from being sacrificed. They haven’t always been successful, since Dream tries to avoid making a pattern out of it, but there have been some survivors.
Phil is offended by the whole thing on his wife’s behalf – no one gets to use her to trick children like that.
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lunaflower · 3 years
Six of Crows AU (dsmp)
In which c! Wilbur, c!Jack Manifold, c!Tubbo, c!Techno, c!Ranboo and c!Tommy are the crows (uhh spoilers for six of crows btw)
Wilbur (Kaz): the leader of the crows, oldest member of the Dregs out of the 6 of them and mastermind of all the plans. Has the iconic Kaz cane. Gets offered a one in a lifetime offer by none other than Dream, one of the richest merchants in Ketterdam (Jan Van Eck). Dream wants him to infiltrate the Ice Court in Fjerda and bring him the Grisha that created jurda parem, a highly addictive and debilitating drug that enhances grisha's abilities. Has a huge soft spot for Tubbo and Tommy but refuses to admit it.
Jack (Jesper): has known Wilbur the longest. He's the best sharpshooter the Dregs have but, unlike Jesper, he's not a Grisha. That's just all pure Jack Manifold talent, because it's Jack Manifold. However, he maintains Jesper's gambling addiction. Suspects from the beggining there’s something up with Tommy and, because he knows Wilbur so well, he’s aware Wilbur is probably actively hiding it from the rest of them. It pisses him off, making him kinda hostile towards Tommy at first.
Tubbo (Inej): was sold to a show house in Ketterdam when he was young to be a cleaning boy. His tiny stature and ability to go by unnoticed make him the perfect spy. And Wilbur recognized that back then and ended up buying off his indenture so he could work for the Dregs. Was tasked with keeping an eye on Tommy before the heist. Visits Ranboo regularly, even though Wilbur told him not to get too close. Looks up to Wilbur a lot, especially since he was the one to save him.
Ranboo (Nina): Heartrender (works at one of those houses where they calm the costumers and remove negative emotions and all that) and some Tailor abilities (naturally looks like irl Ranboo but tailors himself to have black hair and dual-colored green and red eyes). Just like in the books, was captured by druskelle, which led to him making and losing a friend, ending up in Ketterdam. Kinda swore off his more uh...violent powers after a nasty incident where some people may or may not have ended up dead, but then Wilbur needed him for the job and oh well (enter morality conflict here).
Techno (Matthias): pretty much the same as the books. He's the druskelle that helped Ranboo escape and became friends with, before Ranboo got him arrested in the worst prison in Ketterdam (it was to save him, but Techno doesn't know this). Does not want to be here, but will anyway because he wants to get out of Hellgate more and, sadly for him, Wilbur is his ticket out. Has a particularly nasty attitude towards Ranboo (because backstory).
Tommy (Wylan): demolition's expert, except, he's the secret Grisha instead of Jack (at first Wilbur and Tubbo are the only ones who know). Second plot twist that isn't really a plot twist: he's Dream's "charge". Dream picked him up off the streets when he was a little kid because he knew he was Grisha and wanted to train him and use him to his advantage (being c!dream I think you know how good of a time c!Tommy had). He's a Fabrikator, but Dream kinda wanted him to use his abilities in a more agressive/fighting style, so that's how he rolls mainly. After meeting the crows, he starts learning how to use his abilities to actually create things (aka starts healing) and eventually makes Wilbur a new cane.
Fundy is Kuwei, aka the Grisha they end up rescuing from the Ice Court
Philza is the boss of the Dregs, he took Wilbur in and advocates for him a lot, since the rest of the gang kinda dislikes him
Schlatt is pretty much Pekka Rollins. Quackity is his second in command, but he's secretly working with Wilbur to take him out
Eret is Nikolai aka the king of Ravka, Puffy is Zoya (a Squaller) and Niki is Genya (a Tailor)
George is Alys Van Eck (but in a non shippy way, every relationship in this au is platonic, so basicaly he’s just a friend of Dream´s), because I think that is funny
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deadpatrol · 3 years
the only think i know for sure about the pafl au is that false disposition is such a c!clingyduo song. (tubbo as yura tommy as sanya (bonus wilbur as sergei)) but thats just for canon dsmp. Parties are for losers (the song) i think works well for the reincarnation au! but this time with tubbo as kayta and wilbur as yura and tommy as sanya
(So much rambling below the cut. Like, so much.)
AGREE. HARD AGREE. False Disposition with Tommy as Sanya is SUCH a beloved concept. However, let me hit you with this: make it bedrock bros. Yura as Technoblade and Sergei as Dream. I'm telling you, the exile arc parallels write themselves.
Dream: "This world is a cruel place to people like you / I'll keep you safe," / said the prison guard, digging his grave.
Techno, after Tommy betrayed him by going back to Tubbo and L'Manberg: Once again I was left in the dust. / Destructive ones like me / fold when there is nothing to bust.
Techno to Tommy, talking about getting revenge and destroying New L'Manberg: "So dear, are you having fun? / Ah, sorry for spiking your guns. / You mind if I join you now?"
Tommy: "Oh it's okay, I'm calm--"
Techno: "You know I really hate this town."
YES YES Reincarverse Parties Are For Losers isn't something I had considered before but ABSOLUTELY. I LOVE THAT. Also consider Parties Are For Losers with Yura as Ranboo and Kayta as Tubbo.
Of Ranboo: I never wanted / to fade away / yet here I am. Oh, just another troubled youth on the diagram.
Of Ranboo: I say it’s awful / The smoky grey, crumbling view / Just makes me want to break away / Run away / But you / Say it's normal / And so we keep tumbling through / And everyday I'm hammered by this dire deja vu.
Ranboo and Tubbo: "Oh, what’s the use of escaping the future / When you can mold it into whatever you please?" She sings / And I don't know if it’s something she really believes / My sadness seeps through my clenched teeth.
Ranboo and Tubbo: The loser looks in the eyes of the girl and / The room is caving in / "It's okay, it's okay," I say / And just like that, she turns into a monster / There's nobody to show up and save the day.
And The Mill. TALK ABOUT A CLINGYDUO SONG, MY GOD. The Mill is about president Tubbo and Tommy during the exile arc and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Tubbo: It's getting harder / To act like I don't really care / I'm sorry but these earnest words of yours are just too much to bear
President Tubbo, after thinking that Tommy's committed suicide in exile: I'll draw a circle in the sand / Drive myself around the bend / In a desperate attempt to hold onto your battered hand / Rocked to sleep beneath the snow / She is bathed in youthful glow / "Strong enough to let it go," he says / but, darling, I don't know. / This isn't my first time sinking lower than the low / How hard can it be to never let it overflow / Oh, I've gotten used to being haunted long ago / All I need to hear's a simple / "hello"
Of Tommy: "Now, remember, dear, / you've always been too kind."
President Tubbo: Oh it's nothing new, the visionless leading the blind / It's easy to say, "why don't you leave it all behind" / And this moral compass is forever misaligned / All I need to hear is that you'll be there / By / My / Side / But you can never know that / "Too / strong / to / die." / Or was that me again? / I / Know / That / There has to be some hope that's / Just / Out / Of / Sight.
Tubbo and Tommy: Once again we were left in the dust / Self-hating ones like us crack when we betray someone's trust / So if you must / Shield your heart with these layers of rust / The sun will rise / Until then I'll / Be waiting for you on the other side.
Occam's Razor is without a doubt about c!Wilbur and c!Tommy after c!Wilbur's revival. 100%.
Wilbur, to Tommy: And even though I think this could be our goodbye / There's defiance in your eyes / Ah, of course, it must be pitiful to see someone with a face like this / Even if that somebody is me...
Wilbur, talking to Tommy about how he never really cared about L'Manberg: It's a dead-end endeavor, it's time you understood / That this whole situation won't bring you any good! / Oh, I know that your heart's beating faster than it should / But I can't let you in - wouldn't even if I could.
Wilbur: It's a dead-end endeavor, of course I understand / Seems the devil has found business for my idle hand / It's unlikely, you tell me. I tell you, it connects! / Call it my wishful thinking, I call it common sense. / It's a wicked endeavor, I've always understood / That this whole situation won't bring me any good / For a moment my heart's beating faster than it should / But I can't let you in, even though I wish I could.
Wilbur, maybe about Tommy or about Ranboo and recruiting him for the Burger Van: I'm not one to see people as a means to meet an end / But some ventures require a sacrificial lamb / This particular troubled youth on the diagram / Found his footing in saying "I need, therefore I am."
Punch It, Punk! is about c!Tommy, if only because Anya and Tommy give me similar vibes.
Tommy: City wrapped around the borderline / Seems to be set on crushing every dream of mine / Well, screw that! / I won't settle for a boring life / I have no ammo, but an ambition to fight
Tommy about Wilbur, just because it makes me laugh: My older bro's a loser
Tommy and Tubbo: Team Buster bursts onto the scene! / The coolest rebel kids the world has ever seen / Both you and I are lost in this pathetic place / At least that way the fear doesn't hit like a mace / And now you ask me "Do you want to run away?" / My mind is racing, what am I supposed to say? / "If nothing holds you here, then you don't have to stay." / I want to say "okay." - I'm ashamed but I'm suddenly afraid.
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thebadchoicemachine · 4 years
Yall want some MYCT Magnus Archive Headcanons I may or may not draw? (Pt 1?)
I will try to include individual trigger warnings at the beginning of each explanation as much as I can think of. They may seem a little overboard but better safe than sorry. Remember, TMA is a horror podcast. 
1. An End Avatar (TW, Numb/Apathetic Mindset)
He’s a reaper. An immortal. You only live once but life’s become, not meaningless, more like desaturated. He doesn’t care in a cheery “oh well” way. He’s pretty chill about it. He’s extremely chill about it. He is disturbingly chill about it. At first it seems great, he’s just a nice chill guy! No evil schemes or vicious plots. Just spending time with him seems to calm your nerves. And then you spend more time and you begin to understand why, things aren’t as important as you make them seem. You catastrophize a lot. Then a catastrophe happens and you’re not... upset. Why... why would you be? It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. It won’t in a hundred years and it doesn’t now. would end the same anyways. And then he starts to be less and less relatable. Why is he so happy? Why does he bother to go meet people and smile and eat or laugh or frown. You can’t belive you ever complained that he was so mild about everything, any amount is more than is worth. Why bother? Why... bother...
2. A Vast Avatar (TW, Heights?)
He just fucking tosses people into the sky instead of being upset with them. Do anything he doesn’t like? SWOOSH. It’s to the point it’s not even a malicious thing, it’s just routine. He gets up, goes to the store, picks up some groceries, sends a person who cut in line to a void of dusk with swirling black clouds where you fall so long you can’t tell if you’re flying up or down or left or right, maybe gets some mints, goes home, puts groceries away, does the dishes, etc. 
(the rest of the cast below the cut)
1. A Corruption Avatar (TW, Body Horror Surrounding Lungs, Swarming Insects, Implied Murder.) 
He has bees in his lungs and he loves them very much. If he ever gets something stuck in his throat or has water go down the wrong pipe he will FEAK OUT. He often has to cough up honey (and sometimes bees). It’s... a process. He just sits over a bucket or jar and hacks his little heart out. He sometimes saves the honey and offers it to people. Amazingly, his friends never take him up on the offer. Unsuspecting people who don’t know the.. supernatural origin of the honey find they have some... unpleasant side effects. (Bees. The side effect is bees. Specifically ones trying to fly down their throat.) Oh well, being a part of a hive isn’t for everyone. The really unfortunate ones make good fertilizer for his flowers, though! His lungs are literally a hive. If you tried to listen to his heartbeat you’d hear buzzing. He will sometimes hold flowers over his open mouth to let the bees get some easy pollon. He doesn’t usually actively seek out “prey” but when he is trying to feed on that good old fear he’ll act super sweet, too sweet, and then open his mouth and let the bees fly out. It’s very creepy but to him it’s just funny. (Also, all of the bees have names and he has a funeral for every single one that get’s killed.)
1. A Spiral Avatar
I- I mean have you seen a single one of his videos?
2. A Stranger Avatar (TW, Unreality Depersonalization )
He mocks people as their own reflection, hopping from pond to mirror to camera to scream at them (sometimes literally) that they do not know who they are. It starts off subtle (Wasn’t your hair a bit longer? Weren’t your eyes a shade lighter? Did you always have that birthmark?”) but grows and changes until it gets to the point you stand in front of a mirror and every time you blink you look completely different. You feel your face, you look at your hands, but it’s no help. They change too fast. Your pictures change too, every single post on all your social media looks like different people posted it- wait... did you always have this platform? You don’t remember ever using it before. You have so many posts... none of them match up. You throw your phone away, noticing you never had the case on it. You turn to real photos for help but they are none. Of course not. You feel like just giving up as you shuffle through photo after photo, you don’t know what you really look like, so what? But then something catches your eye. A photo of you in the 5th grade concert. You don’t remember going to that school. You’ve never played an instrument, have you? Something screams yes and no at the same time. You throw the box down and grab your phone. You need to call someone. You pace throughout a house you recognize less and less searching for clues, reminders, as the phone rings. Your best friend answers. You throw the phone down again. You don’t have a best friend. You’ve never really been one for friends. No, that’s not true, you had a few really good ones but you’ve grown apart. No, that’s not true, you only have one real friend, your boyfriend. No, you don’t have a boyfriend, just a close friend. No, you have many friends just none that are close enough for this bullshit. You stop. No. No you don’t like swearing, do you? Do you? Who are you? Who are you? Your reflection laughs. It’s eating popcorn and making you do a stupid dance. What a bitch.
3. A Flesh Avatar (TW, Body Horror Surrounding Faces and Skin)
You’re a piece of meat, he’s a piece of meat, everyone’s meat. Like Chicken Nuggets.He’ll steal your face right off it’s skull and dance with one in each hand. He’ll put words in your mouth like you’re a puppet with bones. He’ll make you say the dumbest shit because it’s funny. Even when it’s obviously not YOU talking. 
1.  A Hunt Avatar (TW, Stalking/Genocide) 
Many people have suggested a slaughter avatar but I don’t see it. Yeah, he kills (blood for the blood god and all that) but I don’t see it. The Slaughter is about the moment. The unplanned snap. The sudden outbursts. I don’t see that in techno. You know what I DO see that also involves quite a bit of bloodlust? The chase. The planning, the target, the unstoppable dread and panic that overtakes his victims once they realize who is after them. The power. Calculated genocide of victim after victim. The HUNT. My two pain points of evidence: His potato war videos, that time he took over the world, and his stalking speech to Quackity. Go watch an animatic of Technoblade chasing down Quackity and tell me he is not a Hunt Avatar. 
1. A Desolation Avatar (TW, Abuse/Torture)
Everything he touches burns and hurts. Sometimes it’s on purpose, sometimes on accident, but either way he’s caught up in enjoying the drama. I’m gonna be honest, my main inspiration was the Villainbur aesthetic but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Look at nearly any of his 100 player videos; designed to create maximum pain for hs enjoyment. Even the Dream SMP where he was mostly a good guy and more tragic than anything else fits. Maybe that Villain Arc was his first dabble as an avatar of destruction and pain. Even making his own father kill him could have been along the lines of “how can I milk as much despair out of this as possible.”
1. A Slaughter Avatar (TW, Straight Up Murder)
Now HERE is a character right up that slaughter’s alley. No thoughts, not plans, just unbridled passion and rage and violence. He just stabs people whenever he feels like it (which is often) sometimes just with sticks. Like a rabid raccoon just jumps straight at people’s faces out of nowhere, always starting shit and stoking fires to make people angry at each other. 
2. A Buried Avatar (TW, small tight spaces)
Tunnels and caves and sticks and spots. He’ll burry you under a mountain, he’ll lock you in a tree. Dirt man. His usual MO is trapping people under an avalanche of stones and rocks and rubble. Basically just lava casting your bones. Everything he makes is ugly but not just in a ”that’s literally a pile of rocks in the middle of the road” way in a bit of an indescribable “looking at that makes me feel like I’m breathing in straight gravel.” 
Bonus: Ranboo as a Dark Avatar/Victim. He is not a willing avatar like Jude or Helen, he’s more along the lines of Oliver and Jon.
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We’re back with Summoning family! I’m referencing Rustic House Club in this fic, so you might want to go read it, especially the bonus chapter as  it has a bit that leads into this chapter, though it’s not necessary to read.
also ay yo @petrichormeraki ! new chapter!
The moment Jrum had seen Sam, he rushed to the redstoner and attached himself to one of his legs. Grum quickly followed to help pry his younger brother off the man, but Jrum made it as difficult as possible. “I am sorry for my brother. I assume you are Sam?”
“Yeah, that’s me. Can I ask what that was about?”
“Your mask. It resembles that of a creeper in such a way that it makes you resemble someone we are familiar with. Jrum likely saw the mask and presumed you to be him. He is already rather homesick.”
“Hey, don’t worry. I’m happy to help you two. Puffy said you needed help with some redstone?” Sam asked, earning a nod from Grum.
“Correct. We are robots that are powered by redstone. Our circuitry is complex enough that we do not have a way to easily self recharge, thus a charger for us will need to be constructed. Jrum? The blueprints if you please?”
Jrum handed a sheet of paper to Sam. It had various orthographic views of the device as well as interior images and instructions on how to build it. “That’s the tweaked version since our dads could make it smaller.”
Sam looked over the blueprints. “Hmm, yeah, this is gonna be pretty big, but it’s manageable. Do I need to make one for each of you?”
“No, we should be able to share.” Grum replied. “Though two would indeed be a better option, we would not want to force you to do more work, and once we have one charger, the two of us will be able to make a second ourselves without any looming deadline.”
���Alright then, let’s start making this thing.”
Sam took them to an open area which he also explained was where they could build a place to live around the charger. Grum thought that was a good idea as he mapped out the area for Sam and Jrum to start working. Grum also helped out as much as he could, but he had given much of his battery charge to Jrum, and soon it showed.
“You doing okay there?” Sam asked Grum, who’s movements were stuttered and slow. Grum didn’t respond, just continuing to work. “Hey kid? Uh, Jrum I think? Something’s up with your brother.”
Jrum stopped what he was doing and came over, looking at his brother. “Oh… h-he’s in low power mode. I… Grum do you want some of my charge?” Grum didn’t respond. He didn’t want to use any power for it. “Here, let me just connect us up.” Jrum started to pull out a cable, but Grum stopped him. “Don’t. Finish the charger. Instead. I’ll be. Fine.”
Jrum still looked worried, but slowly put the cable away. Sam went back to working, and Jrum almost did as well, but then Grum collapsed, now completely out of power. “No!” Jrum was immediately back at Grum’s side and started shaking him. “Please wake up! P-Please! I don’t want to be alone! W-wake up!”
Sam wanted to comfort the robot, but what just happened showed just how important this project was. So instead he just started working as fast as he could without messing up. Jrum reluctantly joined him after a few minutes, working slowly.
They had almost completed it when Jrum’s movements also became stiff and laggy. Sam paused what he was doing again to be next to Jrum, not wanting to leave him feeling alone. “What. If I. Don’t wake. Up again?” Jrum asked.
Sam gave a comforting hug to the robot. “You will. I promise.”
Jrum slowly hugged the man back. Sam held on until he felt Jrum’s grip loosen, and when he pulled away, Jrum was also completely off, save for the symbol of an empty battery before it disappeared, leaving everything dark.
“Now are you all sure this is a wise decision?” Xisuma asked, admin panel open and ready to send the group of six to Helscraft. 
“Yes! This is probably the last place we have to look!” Tommy shouted at Xisuma, surprising him. “And if we have to fight for them back! So be it!”
Mumbo put a hand on Tommy’s shoulder. “Calm down. This isn’t exactly the first time we’ve lost someone in there. I’m sure if the bots did end up in Helscraft, they’re probably in safe hands.”
Tommy looked over at Grian who gave a sad smile and nodded. “We’ll just need to be a little careful. Last time we were there I got mistaken for someone else, and since that person was the empress of the world, it could happen this time too.”
“Okay, someone good will have the kids, people are going to try and kill Grian, we protect him. Great! Got it! Let’s go!”
Xisuma rolled his eyes but smiled at his newest hermit before sending the group off to the hels dimension.
The group found themselves standing on a small island made of mycelium as well as being on fire. The water surrounding the burning island was a blood red color, though it otherwise looked like water. Mumbo walked over to a chest and pulled out some boats before putting them down. “Alright, we’re heading to that main island in the distance over there.” He pointed. “We’re going to need to find a portal that’s made of something that looks like glowstone, but isn’t. From there we follow a path lined with blue clouds. No questions, just get in the boats.”
The only time Tommy had heard Mumbo that serious was when he was scolding the bots, so he immediately listened and got in a boat, Tubbo getting in behind him. He followed behind the boats Mumbo and Techno were rowing, going towards the main island of the world. Looking at it was a bit jarring. He could tell this was like the hermits’ cowmercial district, but it also looked like it was a part of the SMP with how destroyed and griefed it looked.
Grian led them to a portal that looked like it was made from a golden material with blue magic in the middle. When Tommy went through, he was surprised to see something that looked so much like the standard overworld. Though it resembled a plains biome, something Tommy absolutely hated, it also didn’t with its mint green grass and blue dirt. Trees with light green, blue and navy leaves speckled the land, and unfamiliar mobs roamed the land. There was also one other difference. The place was absolutely freezing. 
“Wh-wh-where a-are w-we?” Tommy chattered out before he was handed a blanket made out of wool. Mumbo had one of his own and was handing out one to each member of the party, save for grian who was using his wings instead. One blanket had been brought for the avian though, and Techno took that one too, as being a piglin already made the overworld chilly, so this was on a different level.
“This is the aether. It’s what they have instead of the nether in Helscraft.” Grian answered. “And while The nether is supposed to be closer to the core of the world, making it much hotter, this place is far up in the air, making it extremely cold. The spawn here has something to make the air here breathable, but outside of this place, you need extra gear to breath for very long as there’s not much oxygen. Fortunately the path we’re going on has something set up, which is why those blue clouds are there. But also do not touch them because it will not end well for you.”
After Grian’s warning, everyone was very careful as they walked the marked path. Beings made of clouds attempted to attack as they walked, but the group had bows that made quick work of the mobs. Finally, as they drew close to the end of the path, a large rustic style mansion stood completely undamaged like the main island had been.
“Alright, now hopefully the bots are there.” Grian said, half under his breath before running towards the mansion. Tommy was the first to run off after him, the others all following behind. Just before they reached the front door, it opened, and Grian walked out.
“Oh! Grian! You came for a visit! How nice!” The second grian spoke before setting down a picnic basket and hugging his double.
“Nice to see you too NPG, but… please tell me you at least thought I would visit.”
The other Grian, NPG, tilted his head. “No, I’m sorry but I didn’t. Was I supposed to know? Did I forget a planned gathering?”
“No… I just… Grum and Jrum… they got k-killed… and their respawn… th-they didn’t show b-back up… w-we thought they m-might be here and…”
“Oh no! That sounds horrible!” NPG covered his mouth in shock. If there’s anything I can do to help, I will. I just need to visit Sense first.” NPG picked up his basket again. “If you want you could come with?”
Mumbo put his hands on Grian’s shoulders. “I don’t think that would be a good idea after their last meeting.”
“What the fuck did this Sense guy do?” Tommy asked, making NPG look over.
“Oh hello! I don’t believe I caught your name.”
“I’m Tommy. These are Tubbo, Philza and Technoblade. Now what about this Sense guy?”
“It is nice to meet you all. Perfect sense is the Hels counterpart to Mumbo here. From what I can tell, the first meeting between him and Grian did not go well at all.”
“How so?” Phil asked, dad instincts cropping up.
“He got extremely handsy with Grian.” Mumbo answered. “To put it lightly, clothes almost came off and Grian was left with a bruise on his neck. After that he tried to kill the both of us along with NPG.”
“Oh I remember seeing that bruise.” Tommy replied. “Now I get why Grian got so upset about my comment about your guy’s love life.”
“I wouldn’t mind meeting the guy.” Phil spoke up. For all we know, he could have some answers about your kids. If he was willing to mess with you before, he could be doing it again.”
“Alright then! Follow me!” NPG started to lead them off before doubling back and grabbing masks for everyone to wear. Once they were on, then NPG started leading the group through the unprotected land. A number of creatures attacked, but the group was relatively safe. 
Eventually they reached a large chasm, the sky below going down for miles, any ground below obscured by clouds. If there even was any ground below. “Okay now this is probably going to be scary for most of you, but what we’re going to do is jump onto this small purple cloud. Once you do, try not to move, there are blue aerclouds below, but it’s not the most fun thing in the world trying to get back to the start. Here, I’ll go first.”
NPG jumped onto the purple cloud and was immediately launched into the sky, rocketing forward until he hit another purple cloud that caused the same effect. He kept at this for a bit before finally landing on another island on top of some while clouds. The robot then turned around to face the others and waved them over.
There was a bit of screaming from some of the group as they were thrown over the chasm by the clouds, glad to be back on solid ground by the end. Once Grian had gotten over - flying instead of using the clouds much to everyone’s dismay - NPG started walking again until they finally reached a clearing. There wasn’t a single mob in sight, but there was a small house made of some unfamiliar wood, similar to what NPG’s mansion had been made with.
“Sense! I’m here to visit again! And I brought some friends!” NPG called out and then there was the rattling of chains coming from inside the building. The group immediately drew weapons, ready to face whatever game out of the building, but they lowered them as someone stepped out.
The man for the most part looked like Mumbo, but there were a number of things that made him different. His hair was much longer and looked matted, with something similar going on with his mustache. He had a blue tie that had stains which Tommy recognized as being from blood. The stains themselves were all near the top of the tie, where a large scar was present on the man’s neck, just above the fabric. His wrists were cuffed, about a foot of chain connecting them and his hands were stained bright red from redstone dust. His feet were in a similar situation, the ankles cuffed and connected, but a much longer chain was also linked to one of the cuffs, leading back into the house. Finally, the man was rather skinny. Mumbo himself was lanky which added to his height, but this man was so thin that some of his bones could be seen and his clothes hung on him loosely.
“Okay! So I got you some beef, though I made sure to soak it in broth all night so it’s nice and soft. I’ve also got some swet gummies that have some essential vitamins as well as some milk and blueberries. And then, once you’ve had all of that, I brought youuuuu” NPG dragged the word out as he slowly pulled something out of the basket. “A candy cane!”
Sense grabbed at the food and NPG was soon helping the helsmit eat. Grian and Mumbo were absolutely horrified at the scene, and even the group from the SMP were taken aback at the state this man was in. He was so weak, he could barely chew without help, which was very different compared to the evil genius Grian and Mumbo had the displeasure of meeting before.
When Sense was done eating, NPG went back to the basket. “So I know last time you said your dust was wearing out, so I brought you a new piece to play with!” The helsmit’s eyes lit up when NPG handed him a bit of redstone dust. He messed with it a bit before putting it away in his pocket, and then pulling out a death ray and pointing it at Mumbo, who was currently standing closest to him other than NPG.
Tommy took a step closer, drawing his sword and immediately the weapon was pointed at him. However, Sense was still weak and his hand was wobbly. Before he could hold it steady, NPG smacked the ray gun out of his hand and put it in his own inventory. “Bad Sense! Next time you won’t get any candy!”
“Did True do this to him?” Mumbo asked, now even more worried about meeting her to make sure the boys weren’t there.
NPG looked back and tilted his head. “What? Oh no. The new emperor did!”
“I thought you said True was the empress again.” Grian spoke. “You said that Sense got dethroned a few days later. Wouldn’t that be True?”
“Nope! Someone different. In fact I’m his second in command! Or running mate. Either works! He didn’t need one since it wasn’t an election or anything, but he insisted. Oh! We should go talk to him and see if he knows anything! He doesn’t really use any communicator so I have to visit him if anything comes up. But if Jrum and Grum are with him, I’m sure they’re just fine since I talk about them so much to him!”
Before anyone in the group could say anything else, NPG led them away and over to a large campfire. Techno raced to it once he could see it and held his hands out to warm himself. “Oh, you don’t have to do this. This will just take us back to the main island. There’s only really supposed to be one, so it takes you back to where you entered the dimension in, but Xannes made more!”
“Who’s that?”
“Oh, that’s Evil X’s name. I get to call him that because I’m his friend!m Anyway, let’s go!”
The group used the magic of the campfire to pull them back into the overworld. NPG Was almost immediately off running towards the castle, leaving the rest of the group to catch up. They went through a number of halls in the castle before finally getting to a set of large decorated double doors. “Okay, so he’s in here. I’m pretty sure he’ll let you guys come in and say hi and ask your questions, but I don’t want to be rude and assume, so I’m gonna go in there and ask.”
Everyone was perfectly fine with that, getting a moment or two to catch their breaths since none of them were robots like NPG. The door was still cracked open, so everyone was able to hear as he spoke to the emperor, so they listened in as they waited and rested.
“Hi! I just finished visiting Sense!” There was a pause, none of them hearing the emperor. “He managed to make a death ray. I think he kept lying when he said his redstone was wearing out. But he wasn’t able to use it on any of us.” There was another pause, this one much shorter. “Oh! Some friends came to visit! Grian and Mumbo had a question for you and also brought their friends along named Tommy, Tubbo, Philza and Technoblade! They were wondering if they could come in and talk with you.”
Everyone couldn’t help but hold their breath at the pause before a small cheer erupted from NPG and he was almost immediately back at the door. “Okay, he said you can come in and ask him things!”
The robot pushed the door open all the way before running back into the room. Grian watched as his creation sat down in a smaller chair next to a large throne centered against the far wall. Tommy gave a quick laugh at the cheery robot before his gaze moved over to the one sitting in the throne and it suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe. Beside him, Tubbo was having a similar reaction and both Phil and Techno drew their weapons.
Sitting on the throne was a man. His elbow rested on one arm of the throne as his hand pressed against his cheek, holding his head up. His legs were crossed as well, giving him the look of someone who was bored or just didn’t care. A bandana was tied around his face like a bandit, covering his mouth and nose. A single brown eye was visible, starting down towards the group, meanwhile the other eye and the rest of that side of his face was covered with a mask of white porcelain, a simple smiling face carved into it.
“Dream…” Tommy spoke aloud, his voice trembling.
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OOH, BEFORE I FORGET AGAIN. This has nothing to do with today’s stream, actually it’s a thought I had about the Disc Finale streams that I forgot to write down the first time I had it.
Because we’re amazing at taking any tiny scraps and applying them to lore, how about we talk Starting Soon music? (When I said “tiny scraps I meant it.” These two are very obviously simping for Sad-ist in their Disc Day choices: Tommy picked Warriors - complete with his pre-stream shouting in the instrumental breaks: very cool - and Tubbo picked his old favourite, Boom Boom, which now puts the fear of God into me everytime I hear it.
But when I thought about it, it almost seemed to reveal something about their mindsets that day to me. Tommy plays Warriors of the War animatic; epic and dramatic and cool, sure, but think about what it scored. The animatic to the L’Manberg revolution, a.k.a. the last time Tommy and his friends got one over on Dream. Something he was desperate to finally replicate, after all the losing and suffering he’d endured since then. The final showdown that he was walking into with the confidence that they could win. (And before you say anything, yes I’m aware L’Manberg technically lost the war. I mean the last time they managed any kind of win. Also, there’s the added bonus that the win links directly to the Discs. Which, y’know, kinda important that day.)
So what does Tubbo play? Boom Boom. Still theatric, still atmospheric and still certainly enough to send chat into a frenzy. But again, think of what period that music underscored. Wilbur’s fall from grace, the Manberg regime, and the Festival. I don’t think I have to summarise that event, but the crucial detail here is Tubbo died. That was where Tubbo lost his second canon life, and Tommy was unable to save him or avenge him (in Manberg and the Pit respectfully).
And it kinda stuck out to me, especially when we have the hindsight of what was about to happen, that while Tommy was gunning for that win, preparing himself for the fight, Tubbo might have (mentally) been preparing for the worst. Would he have genuinely thought they’d be able to walk out of there with two discs and two lives? Almost certainly not. He’s much too smart and sensible for that. So maybe that’s why he was so calm while reassuring Tommy when it looked like the end for him. He’d internally prepared. He’d rehearsed his script. He refused to be caught out again.
Or maybe I’m just reading too much into a starting soon screen or two.
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