#also the life update thing for my jmu professors is going to wait until the beginning of the semester now
the-music-keeper · 1 year
Winter Break To-Do List
Split into two categories this time.
1. Clean out my email inboxes. (That was a LOT of emails.)
2. Laundry. (I did some bonus laundry tonight.)
3. Pack. (The usual suspects are left to be packed)
4. Get wrapping paper. (My dad was kind enough to grab some wrapping paper for me!)
Academic Things
5. Do cataloging stuff. (WOW, that took forever and a DAY.)
6. Read the chapter. (It would be very nice to be able to come back and tell my advisor, "Hey, I can meet you about the chapter whenever!")
7. Read the JURM article. (IT'S DOOOOOOONE.)
Is any of this going to get done today? Nope. But I am hoping to do some of it tomorrow.
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