#also the next post is john and henry laurens
theatresystem · 7 months
Pinned post, probably?
Hi Hello Greetings Salutations , Alexander Hamilton is talking!
I thought about trying to create separate account for us a system since host hates to admit we're a system on their main. No idea why, it's sad=(
Anyway, I think it's introduction time, probably?
Alexander Hamilton
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Soo, I'm 19 y.o! Go by he/him, cis male! I'm bisexual!
From what I was able to understand, "my time" is somewhere in the middle of "Stay alive" song! But I know about the future, just don't remember it and etc. So don't be surprised that I don't show sympathy toward Philip or something.
My tag: #TrulyYoursADotHam
Not sure what else to say, so.. Moving on!
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No surname, yeah.. Or at least I do not Know it. Also they're co-host.
They're 12, go by they/them>he/him, non-binary! Also aromantic + asexual!
They barely speak English so I don't think they will show up somewhat often, but if you don't mind Russian, I think they will be happy to talk with you!
Also they write great fanfictions. A.Ham approved!!
Tag: #SeuWriting
Henry John Sparks / Kyton
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Next is our Host, HJS or Kyton. Also can be called Kei. And Kyton is pronounced as Kaiton! It's important!
He's 15, goes by he/him, trans*boy! And Panromantic!
Likes to draw, enjoys theatre. Can be too shy sometimes, but trust me you'll love him once you get close!
His tag: #KytonBeingGay
Johnathan Garcia
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They're weird, actually.. Also can be called John in short. Or Nathan. Whatever, doesn't really care.
Go by any pronouns, don't care about gender. He's 16, and considers himself to be the protector. Sadly can act agressive and swear too much.. I don't like their behavior.(Fuck you Hamilton)
Tag: #Johnathan that will bite off your head
John Laurens
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John's version from "Theory of Slavery" fanfiction. Not sure about his time-line. He/him, cis male, gay(but won't ever admit it). He's a caretaker.
Probably, the end? At least for now.
Tag: #John who definitely is not a slave
We also have Alastor but he's in dormant now, and we're not sure when and if he will return!
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quillsink · 3 years
FIRE AND THE FLOOD BY VANCE JOY: How it relates to John Laurens’s love life
This post is entirely for me to ramble and I doubt any of y’all are gonna read it but here you go because I needed to fucking write this shit down 
TW - Death, internalised homophobia, implied sex
I was only walking through your neighborhood
Saw you out loud honey in the cold I stood
Anywhere I go there you are
Anywhere I go there you are
So now we have three POVs and I’m going to walk you through each one of them
Okay so let’s imagine this is John’s view. We have John and Alex’s relationship finally starting, and John is walking through camp with Alex, and it’s cold, it’s in the snow, but there’s a black-haired soldier and Alex’s hand brushing his and all he can think of is Francis. Or, second option, we have Francis switching sides and going to Washington’s headquarters, and there we have John, with “Saw you out loud honey in the cold I stood//Anywhere I go there you are” and Francis is in the SC House of Representatives and votes for John to go to France, so it’s almost like Kinloch is haunting him. AND THEN WE ALSO HAVE HIS KID BEING NAMED FRANCES :)))
Okay now let’s go to Francis’s POV. After the breakup, we have the same Francis going to Washington’s headquarters and we have the first “Anywhere I go there you are.” But for the second one, we have the whole him voting for John to go to France, then we ALSO have his wife dying close to John’s death date (or birthday I forgot lmao) AND WE HAVE HIM GETTING ON A SHIP CALLED THE JOHN AND FRANCIS.
Holy shit this is getting long and it’s only the first verse. So here we have after John dies, and Alex is like, haunted by his ghost? Idk lmao. He also sees the Laurens name everywhere when he corresponds with Henry over the matter of a slave, and whenever he hears of abolition he thinks of John, then he names his kid John Church Hamilton for fuck’s sake we all know he was thinking of Laurens even if it was technically after Angelica’s husband.
I been getting used to waking up with you
I been getting used to waking up here
Anywhere I go there you are
Anywhere I go there you are
There you are
There you are
PART 1 (laurloch) - So he and Francis have just started their relationship, and John is weird about it cuz internalised homophobia shit. He keeps seeing him around Geneva, the first verses apply for the “Anywhere I go there you are.”
PART 2 (lams) - He and Alex have just started their relationship, and John had to get used to seeing him in the corner of his eye, everywhere he is since the aides are in such close quarters. OR, this can be interpreted as Francis still haunting him during lams.
Same as with John, basically just getting used to their relationship.
Same as with Francis, getting used to dating John.
You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Okay now we have John dating Alex. So first “You’re the fire.” This. This refers to Alexander motherfucking Hamilton. His hair is fire, his ambition is fire, he is a fire, he’s always compared to one—so can his relationship with John, cuz love is like fire idk 
So John and Alex are dating and everything is great, except for one thing—he’s haunted by memories of his relationship with Francis!! Because I love to torture John in my headcanons. Anyways, he’s haunted by this.
So this- these memories are the flood. The memories of Francis are the flood that douses the “fire” that is his love for Alexander—every time he wants to kiss Alexander, touch him, talk to him, ignite that “fire,” the flood that is his memories of Francis douses that.
Now if we’re looking at this from Alex or Francis’s POV, you can compare John to fire because of how they cared for him at some point or another, and again love can be compared to fire. 
AND THE FLOOD IN THIS CONTEXT—the flood is John’s internalised homophobia, his reluctance to be in a relationship because he’s scared of “sin” or whatever. That’s the flood that douses the love that is fire in this context!
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood
Okay so, this can be interpreted as John when he’s having an anxiety attack or some shit, self hate, self harming, depressed, generally mentally fucked up, but Alex or Francis is there to help him calm down. Fire and the flood, see above for my fangirling.
Since we met I feel a lightness in my step
You're miles away but I still feel you
Anywhere I go there you are (anywhere)
Anywhere I go there you are
1. JOHN 
PART 1 (laurloch)—he’s happy when he starts the relationship with Francis because he feels like he’s finally worth enough for someone to want him, and this gives our boy a major self esteem boost. Then, the miles away, because John moved to London later and Francis was still in Geneva.
PART 2 (lams)—happy because of the relationship because again, self esteem boost. Again, they’re always far apart but “I still feel you”
Same, happy because of the relationship but constantly apart.
Late at night when you can't fall asleep
I'll be lying right beside you counting sheep
So Alex or Francis have trouble sleeping and John helps them sleep, or John has trouble sleeping and Alex or Francis helps him sleep
Anywhere I go there you are (anywhere)
Anywhere I go there you are (anywhere)
There you are
There you are
You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood
Just a repeat of the lyrics here, already analysed
Now listen here she said
Boy when you know you'll know
And I know
So this can be interpreted as little John being curious and asking Eleanor questions about love and relationships. OR. THE MORE HEARTBREAKING OPTION. HE HAS A BREAKDOWN AFTER HE MARRIES MARTHA AND IS LIKE “I DON’T KNOW IF I LOVE YOU OR NOT” AND SHE’S LIKE “When you know you’ll know” AND SHE FINALLY ACCEPTS THAT JOHN WILL NEVER LOVE HER.
Now this. This can be little Alex asking Rachel about love and relationships. Or. Or it can be him asking Kitty or someone I don’t know but Rachel is the more heartbreaking option tbh.
You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood
Now this is just another repeat, and so the song ends!
Anyways that was my fangirling over dead gays, hope you liked it-
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4th of July: John Laurens and Slavery, and why we shouldn’t idolize him
I’ve written several drafts of posts trying to explain John Laurens’s complicated relationship with slavery and, in a broader sense, how the hypocrisy of freedom for our country--while denying the freedom of enslaved people--has led directly to the situation we find ourselves in now, in terms of race in America.
I’ve struggled with even going there, because I’m trying to focus on the present now, not the past. But I firmly believe that America can only fix its present once we’ve faced our past. And I want this information on my blog. John Laurens was not a perfect man, not even close. He was an abolitionist, yes. But how he came to these views is complicated and his personal conduct towards African-Americans is often troubling. Too often, in fact, the racist ideas of his era are visible in his writings.
There’s lots out there about not glorifying or idolizing historical figures, such as Thomas Jefferson, Washington, and other slave-owners.
This is becoming particularly clear today, with the truth of violent systemic racism in America finally becoming more fully recognized. When people watch videos of a black man begging for his life under the knee of a policeman, that brutality becomes undeniable.
But John Laurens is often exempt from this “historical disclaimer” of sorts. In the world of the Hamilton fandom and even more broadly in history, he becomes The Abolitionist, a White Savior figure who abhorred slavery and fought for racial justice, no exceptions, no fine print.
But there is a fine print for John Laurens. And it is a vital one to examine, because it shows us the importance of carrying our beliefs into our personal lives, not just our political ones.
First, let’s acknowledge the circumstances John was born into.
South Carolina, where he was born in 1754, was a southern colony, and as such relied mainly on agriculture in its economy. The rich plantation owners were the pinnacle of society. Washington’s family is an example of one such rich and powerful plantation owning family. The wealth and standing in society of these men led to positions in the government. And a man who illustrates this perfectly is none other than Henry Laurens.
Henry Laurens, John Laurens’s father, was, despite his pleading to the contrary, a significant slave owner and slave trader. Though in his private life he claimed to dislike slavery, he co-owned the largest slave-trading house in North America, Austin & Laurens. It doesn’t matter what he thought, or claimed to think. What matters is what he did.
Henry Laurens owned between close to three hundred slaves. His attitude toward the treatment of his own slaves was dehumanizing, self-righteous, and willfully ignorant. He chose to look upon himself as a “good” slave owner, rather than actually face the horrors he was perpetrating. He wrote in a letter that he’d rather treat his slaves “with Humanity” and make “less Rice” than “submit to the Charge of one who should make twice as much rice & exercise any degree of Cruelty towards those poor Creatures who look up to their Master as their Father, their Guardian, & Protector.” What Henry is trying to say here (to my reading) is that he’d rather his plantation produce less of a crop and not work his slaves too hard than treat his slaves cruelly to produce more profit.
Henry Laurens, in an attitude that is all too familiar today,  consistently chose to think of himself as an exception to the problem rather than as part of the problem. He was quick to talk up abolition and condemn cruel treatment of enslaved people. But when it came to his own slaves, he insisted that “my Servants are as happy as Slavery will admit of, none run away, the greatest punishment to a defaulter is to sell him.”
I don’t know how John’s mother, Eleanor Ball Laurens, viewed slavery, but she also came from a large slave-owning family. Even if she personally didn’t approve of the practice wholeheartedly, she benefitted directly from slavery and married someone in the slave trade.
So this is the life John Laurens was born into. A life of incredible privilege, sourced directly from the the slave trade and the labor of kidnapped and enslaved Africans. This is the first thing that needs acknowledging in terms of John’s relationship with slavery. He was able to accomplish much of what he did because of his social standing and wealth as the son of a very powerful South Carolinian, powerful mostly because of his standing in Southern society.
John was able to get his education in Europe because of slavery. He was able to use his father’s influence to become an aide-de-camp to George Washington. His social standing and quality of life all stood upon the backs of slaves.
Because of this background, John was exposed to the brutal truths of slavery since he could understand the world around him. Is this how he came into his abolitionist views? It absolutely could be. But it is more likely that John first became serious about abolition when he was taken to Europe for his education. He attended a school in Geneva, a cosmopolitan place that was very open to new ideas. Being an abolitionist was not considered as radical there as it was in the Southern Colonies, and there was more writing on the subject of abolition, including a poem by Thomas Day, an abolitionist patriot, whom John was friends with.
So John’s serious thoughts on abolition may have partly been a product of being away from a place where slavery seen as a part of life and being in a place which was more open to abolition. John may have thought slavery wrong for a long time, but lacked adequate support to be vocal about it.
Significantly though, John did not abandon his beliefs when he returned to America. He continued to be a vocal abolitionist, and unlike his father Henry, confronted actual slave owners and tried to convince them to free their slaves… including his boss, General George Washington.
He also converted Lafayette into an ardent abolitionist, and Lafayette, even after Laurens’s death, stuck to these beliefs. He later in life even bought a plantation and ran it with the labor of paid black people, to prove it could be done.
But once we get to the war, we must also talk about Shrewsberry.
John didn’t own slaves, technically. But his father dispatched two of his slaves to serve as John’s valets during the war, one of whom was named Shrewsberry. (Something to note: I am not sure if these slaves were paid or not. I would assume not, and I have yet to find a record of payment, if it did exist. But if anyone knows more about this, I would love to know the answer, as it’s an important question to think about.)
This alone would mar John’s “perfect abolitionist” image, but it gets more disturbing when you consider how John viewed and treated his valets. I should mention we don’t have a ton of evidence of their living conditions, but what we do have is distressing.
On to the primary evidence: if you read the correspondence between John and his father, a funny/not funny pattern is that John is always requesting clothes, fabric, hair powder, etc., from his father. He usually thanked his father for these items. But here is a quote from a letter John wrote to his father on December 15th, 1777: “Berry received a hunting shirt and a check shirt. If there be any difficulty in getting him winter clothes I believe he can do without.” So while John advocated for black Americans in his public life, his private conduct tells differently.
And this is further evidenced when, after Laurens’ death in 1782, Thadeus Kosciuszco wrote to Nathaniel Greene that John’s slaves (his father's technically, as explained above) were “nacked” and that they were in need of “shirts jackets Breeches.” (“nacked” meaning “naked.”)
While John Laurens was certainly more enlightened than the average man of his time on the subject of slavery, he still had trouble connecting his broader ideas of freedom and emancipation to his personal life. He also wrongly blamed Shrewsberry for the loss of a hat, writing to his father, “Shrewsberry says his hat was violently taken from him by some soldiers as he was carrying his horses to water. If James will be so good as to send him his old laced hat by the bearer I hope he will take better care of it.” The blame for this incident obviously lies upon the soldiers who stole Shrewsberry’s hat, but John acts like Shrewsberry was in the wrong, or somehow that having the hat “violently taken” indicated that Shrewsberry was not taking care of the hat. The automatic and unjust condemnation of Shrewsberry again speaks to how John did have the prejudices of his time period in his head, even as he fought against them in a broader sense.
Later in the war, John left Washington in favor of his home state, South Carolina. He wanted to raise a regiment of slaves to fight for the patriot cause, who would then be emancipated for their service. John had written his father about the idea earlier, saying,
“I would bring about a twofold good, first I would advance those who are unjustly deprived of the Rights of Mankind to a State which would be a proper Gradation between abject Slavery and perfect Liberty—and besides I would reinforce the Defenders of Liberty with a number of gallant Soldiers—Men who have the habit of Subordination almost indelibly impress’d on them, would have one very essential qualification of Soldiers—I am persuaded that if I could obtain authority for the purpose I would have a Corps of such men trained, uniformly clad, equip’d and ready in every respect to act at the opening of the next Campaign…”
Reading through this carefully, we can see some ideas expressed here that are important to note. Firstly, “proper Gradation between abject Slavery and perfect Liberty.” This means that though John did want to free the slaves, he did not think that black people should have the “perfect Liberty” that whites enjoyed. Additionally, when John writes, “Men who have the habit of Subordination indelibly impress’d on them” he is suggesting (to my reading) that because slaves were constantly treated as inferior, they would be good soldiers (I assume because soldiers have to obey their commanding officers.) Honestly, this reads to me like John wanting to take advantage of the cruelty slaves endured because “They’re used to it.”
Henry wrote back that what John was offering was hardly better than slavery, again assuming his attittude of “my slaves are happy.”
John wrote a long letter in return, explaining his reasoning and also basically being like, “dad please support me, dad, please.” But there are also some phrases here, in his letter defending his abolitionist views, that are revealing about the prejudices John harbored. 
He writes, “I confess, indeed, that the minds of this unhappy species must be debased by a servitude, from which they can hope for no relief but death, and that every motive to action but fear, must be nearly extinguished in them.”
Note John’s reference to slaves as a “species” rather than a race. (And, by the way, race is a social construct, not an actual biological thing.) The belief that blacks and whites were separate species was common at the time, and often used by slave traders to justify their actions. And this bit of writing shows that even if John didn’t really believe this wholeheartedly, he at least had the idea in his head. However, later in the letter John does use “race” so it’s a little unclear what he actually believed.
And we can see the belief that black people were not as intellectually capable as white people, owing to their enslavement.
Gregory Massey puts it this way: “Young Laurens reasoned that blacks were not innately inferior to whites; rather, their apparent mental deficiencies resulted from generations of enslavement.”
John goes on, “I have had the pleasure of conversing with you, sometimes, upon the means of restoring [the slaves] to their rights. When can it be better done, than when their enfranchisement may be made conducive to the public good, and be modified, as not to overpower their weak minds?”
What sticks out here is, of course, the assertion that the slaves had “weak minds.”
Essentially, John thought that once black people were allowed to live free, “rescued from a state of perpetual humiliation” as he put it in the same letter, their nature would change to more like whites. Black Patriots and Loyalists: Fighting for Emancipation in the War for Independence by Alan Gilbert states, 
“Nonetheless, John Laurens retained a slave-owner’s perspective about the psychology of blacks at the time. In a 1776 letter to his father, he ignored manifold black acts of resistance and their hunger to be free: ‘There may be some inconvenience and even Danger in advancing Men suddenly from a State of Slavery while possessed of the manners and Principals incident to such a State... too suddenly to the Rights of freedman. [T]he example of Rome suffering from Swarms of bad citizens who were freedmen is a warning to us to proceed with caution.’ [...] The son insisted, however, on the principal that slavery is simply wrong, the immoral shackling of another: ‘The necessity for it is an Argument of the complete Mischief occasioned by our continued Usurpation.’”
But the same book also says, “John Laurens was a practical abolitionist. Favored by nature and fortune, he chose no easy path. He could, for instance, have worked for Washington, recruited a company of white soldiers as his father urged, and still have advocated for the “public good.” Instead, he committed himself to the nobler course of fighting determinedly for abolition.”
However, “18th century abolitionist” usually did not mean someone who believed black and white people were equal and should have the same rights. It meant that you wanted to end slavery. The difference between these views often gets blurred for John Laurens. Saying that John Laurens was an abolitionist is accurate, but he probably did not believe that black and white people should have the exact same rights, at least not at first. That needs to be acknowledged. John was an abolitionist, but it is unclear how much equality he really wanted. 
Only paying attention to his anti-slavery professional life also leads to the idea that it is safe to idolize Laurens, rather than critically examine his complex views on race. The idea forms that he is the one white man from the 18th century we can be fully proud of. The one we can say is our beautiful cinnamon roll without having to confront his relationship with slavery. The fact that John Laurens wanted to help enslaved people gain their freedom doesn’t change the ways in which he benefited from white supremacy, nor how he treated his personal servants, nor the racist ideas he expressed in some of his writings.
This does not mean Laurens was evil, or that you can’t like and admire parts of him. By the standards of other revolutionary figures, like the aforementioned Jefferson and Washington (and Madison and Hamilton to an extent*) Laurens was remarkably enlightened. But also, that in itself is terrible. Like, the idea of a “good guy” from the 18th century is still one that believed that black people had “weak minds” owing to their enslavement. 
If we truly want to reckon with the racial sins of America, and how they originated, we need to see figures like Laurens for all they were. Not just the noble abolitionist, but also the inherently privileged white man whose righteous public crusade was enabled by the very system it sought to end, slavery. We also need to see him as the extremely wealthy young man who regarded the command of his servants as part of the natural order of his life.
I didn’t write this solely for history. John’s story is a reminder to all allies that actions based on our beliefs are important to make in our private lives, as well as public. Yes, it’s important to advocate for racial justice in our public and professional lives. But it’s also important to examine and be honest about our own forms of privilege and the ways in which we have internalized the racism of the world around us. All white people in America benefit from slavery and the systems it was built upon, even those whose forebears came to America long after slavery was abolished. I firmly believe that a step forward for racial justice in the US is simply to acknowledge privilege, because we cannot fix a broken system until we realize all the ways in which it is broken. 
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ajbwasntwriting · 4 years
Daughter!Reader x Negan, Reader x Daryl: Chapter 5. Secrets hurt
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Listen I don’t know why I decided to give each chapter an artsy title I just did. Also as anyone following this may have noticed this story isn’t gonna be regularly updated but rather updated when I have something I’m proud enough to post though I am determined to finish this series, just school comes first. I hope you understand.
I’ll only post more chapters if previous chapters get a good reaction so if you enjoy this please heart it, reblog it, and/or reply to it. Interaction inspires.
if you wish to be added to the tag list please dm me. All chapters can be found under the tag AJ’s Negan’s Daughter AU
The winter continued like that. He’d bring you food and you’d give him goods, even visiting multiple times a week. Sometimes he’d tell you about the stuff, holding up a jar of applesauce ‘from The Kingdom. The guy who runs it used to own a tiger’ or loaf of bread ‘the hilltop grows the grain, but Alexandria makes it.’ You would hum and nod along, knowing he was just trying to convince you to come back. Mainly because he’d ask if you wanted to come back with him and you would be ‘grateful but happy where you are’
You had asked him to start making lists so you knew what to find and you always tried your best to deliver. Cloths, blankets, kitchen utensils, baby bottles-
“Baby bottles?” you asked, pointing at the item on the list. He nodded.
“John and his wife are pregnant and we don’t have enough to go around.” He explained from the comfort of your couch, feet up on the table.
“But you have some?” you continued, not believing what you were hearing “You have...children? As in...babies?”
“Yea. I keep telling you we’re building a society.” he laughed at your bewilderment. “You’d fit in gr-” your mind ran as what you knew was coming ‘Here it comes again. No never works with these people. How do I get him to shut up?’
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” you cut him off, smiling. You turned to your kitchen unit, pulling out a large bot, a can of vegetable soup, and salted beef that Daryl had brought that day. “You’ve brought me so much it’ll probably go bad before I can eat it all.”
In that time he had stood up and walked over to the kitchen, now leaning on the counter. His sudden appearance made you hold your breath “When did ‘get out’ become ‘stay for dinner’?” he asked, seemingly amused.
“When you stopped understanding what ‘I don’t wanna be part of your group’ meant.” You retorted, cutting up the salted beef with a dedicated kitchen knife. “Are you staying or not?” you turned to him, stopping your cuts for the moment. He nodded with a shallow ‘yeah’, making you smile then go back to cutting. You poured the meat and soup into the pot, placing the lid on top. “Some snow on top to water it down and we’ll be sleeping with full stomachs tonight.”
You had him carry some bowls and a ladle up to the roof. Within an hour the fire outside was lit and the food was cooked atop four bricks you were lucky enough to be able to upgrade your cooking fire with, the old lamp now repurposed into a weapon. There was no conversation but you didn’t feel like you needed it. The wind was calm, letting Daryl look out over the city. “Do you know where the museum is?” He asked while you were stirring the soup.
“A couple of blocks down,” you called back. “Why?”
“Me and a few others are planning on raiding it in the summer” he answered, not turning back to you.
That’s when you realised something. You had heard about all these friends. Carol, Michone, Saddiq, Rosita, Eugene, Henry, Ezekiel, Lauren. He’d mentioned them in passing, saying how they made something he brought you or appreciated something you brought him. Yet he always came alone. It would’ve made more sense if Rick was doing these deliveries, you’d met him before the winter. Sure you stitched up his leg.
The two of you were sitting in front of the fire as it fizzled out when curiosity got the better of you. You swallowed the food in your mouth.
“Why are you always here alone?” you asked, he looked up at you from the other side of the fire. “It makes more sense to have people watching your back but for the past month or so you’ve been visiting me on your own. Why?”
“That’s how it is” he scoffed between mouthfuls.
“That’s how what is?” you snapped.
“You’re allowed to be all secretive but I’m meant to have my cards on the table.” he cut back. You thought it over a second, then went back to eating. You both finished up as the fire mellowed, taking your leave back inside. You carried the pot while he held the bowls. Back in your unit, you piled the dishes into the sink.
“I should get going,” he said, going to pick up his back.
“Y/N!” you nearly yelled. “My name is Y/N,” He looked back at you incredulously. A tense silence fell over you both “Before this,” you waved your hand to motion to the apartment “I was with a few people...including my father. We managed to secure a building, kept the walkers out but after some time new people arrived and a few of them got...Protective, I guess. Including my old man.” You crossed your arms and leant against the sink, the floor now far more interesting than the man in your apartment. “People died keeping me safe when they didn’t need to, all ‘cause my old man refused to let me help, but we were still bringing in new people but not everyone was helping, either cause they weren’t allowed to or didn’t want to. That caused anger to boil in the group and then...more people died.” Thinking back on the Sanctuary tears began to flow, but your voice didn’t shake and your body stayed firm. “I ran away and I’ve been hiding ever since ‘cause I know they’ll kill me if I’m found.” You finally looked back at Daryl who had been hanging on to your every word. You wiped away your tears. “You said I can’t be secretive, well there it is.”
“I didn’t mean-”
“You don’t wanna go home” you cut him off. “You don’t like where you rest your head, that’s why you’ve been spending more and more time out here with me. I get it.” you pushed off the sink, leaning under it to pick up a jug of water to do the dishes with. “You can leave or you can stay the night. I don’t mind.”
You turned your back on him to focus on the dishes. He picked up his things and left without another word. ‘That’s it’ you thought as you scrubbed the pot, now getting more aggressive with it, ‘you fucked up Y/N.’
The following morning you woke up, opened your bedroom door, and saw a familiar red-neck on your couch. You couldn’t stop the smile that plastered your face, but you did grab some clothes from your closet then went back to your room to dress. This time when you left he was up. “‘Morning” he croaked as he stretched. “This couch was a lot comfier the first time.”
Your relationship continued like that for the next while. He’d visit you more regularly, stay for dinner, and usually, he’d stay for the night. You got tired of the complaints about the couch and cleared out the second bedroom. You liked having him visit and were willing to facilitate it. He’d even begun leaving a few things there. Functional stuff like arrows for his bow and fuel for his bike. You found him some clothes and extra blankets, and a bigger bag to carry stuff home.
You didn’t ask why he didn’t want to be with his people. After keeping everything a secret for so long it didn’t feel right, but you could guess. Between your family and your time in the army, you had developed a skill in reading people, a skill you noticed he also had. Maybe that’s why every second didn’t need to be filled with conversation. Though you wish it was so you could know more. He was kind, there was no question of that with everything he did for you without even knowing your name. Though when he came to your apartment he was tense, and he was never happy to leave. This made you think he was going somewhere he didn’t want to be, but he had to be. He always talked so highly of the settlements, trying to get you back there. He must be going someplace else.
The winter passed, your garden began to flourish again, and the walkers thawed. You thought after the winter Daryl would stop visiting but he still showed up. He didn’t come as often for a time, saying he wasn’t gonna make the trip unless he had enough to offer you. You frowned at this “Do come out” you ordered him. “You’ve got people relying on you. Children and everything and I’m able to find stuff in the city you need.”
“I don’t wanna leave you short. Our deal ya know-”
“Screw the deal, Daryl.” you huffed “You’re my friend and I wanna help you”
“Oh we’re friends?” he commented, with a cheeky smirk “Didn’t you try to kill Rick.”
‘So Tara told them’ you thought. “Yes,” you said “In a friendly way.” normally he wouldn’t find that funny, but these past few weeks escaping away to your hide-out had given him a chance to get close to you. “Come and visit me when you can, please? I got nobody else to steal my food.” That afternoon you both search for some last pieces for Daryl, having to go deeper and deeper into the city. You talked about his group’s plan to go to the museum and raid it for seeds and old machinery. You saw first-hand what a crack-shot he was with his crossbow, you whistled as another went down “Not bad bow-boy. How’d you get so good with that?”
“Before all this” you started, walking ahead to pull the arrow out of the dead one. “Me and my brother, Merle, used to move around a lot. We used to hunt sometimes for sport, sometimes for food, but he’d always make it a competition. Decided to learn a quieter weapon so I could beat that son of a bitch.” Another two walkers approached as he spoke. He shot a bolt through one of them while you took the other down with your knife. “After that, he never helped hunting again”
“Sounds like a sore loser” you commented, pulling the arrow out of the walker's head and handing it back to Daryl. He took it and reloaded the bow.
“You have any brothers or sisters?”
“Nah” you shook your head, keeping a lookout while he reloaded. “My old man said I was a miracle baby. Mom was always sick. They thought they’d never have any. I used to hate it but after hearing how Merle left you in a cell while he ran off with your girl, I’m glad.”
“Ahh, he wasn't all that bad,” he commented, walking alongside you.
“No one is as bad as they seem when you know them. At least that’s what my superior officer said”
That evening he couldn’t stay, but he left with a heavy bag and that made you happy. As the evening descended you went back to your unit. The following week would be quiet since Daryl had his big raid coming up. Though you didn’t realise how quiet until you were in the midst of it.
You had scavenged a few things. At this stage, the apartment building had been picked dry but you had a few children’s cloths and some old bandages from first-aid kits that had seen better days. As usual, you had piled everything in Daryl’s room. As usual, you were reading another book. As usual, it failed to entertain you since you’d read it about three times now. As usual, you fell asleep on the couch, not completely though because you heard the front door open.
You sat up sharply. “Dary-”
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fanfics-andstuff · 3 years
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf
1755-01-11: Olivia and Alexander Hamilton’s Birth - Olivia and Alexander were born in Charlestown, St. Kitts, and Nevis.
 1765-01-16: Hamilton’s Father Left - James Hamilton, Olivia and Alexander Hamilton's father, and a Scottish Laird, left Hamilton and his family, most likely due to the fact, Olivia, Alexander, and James Jr. were his illegitimate children. It was a relief for the children because he would always beat up James Jr. and Olivia, trying to protect their youngest sibling.
1766-02-17: Hamilton’s Mother Dies - Rachel Faucette Buck, Hamilton's mother, died on February 19, 1768. Cause of death: Yellow Fever. After her death, Alexander and Olivia moved to live with their cousin for a year. Before she died, she gave Olivia the Hamilton ring (gold ring, amethyst pearl-shaped center, and small emerald cut emeralds) that was said to be passed down from generation to generation and a navy blue and dark purple diary, she gave Alexander her necklace from George (5 sapphire petals, a red ruby center, and a thin gold chain).
 1766-02-20: Hamiltons In Court - John Lavien (Rachel’s husband) arrived wanting a divorce decree. He wanted the court to reward the entire estate to his son, Peter because the twins were illegitimate. Alexander and Olivia had their uncle, James Lytton, sign a false birth year for court documents that had them add two years their senior. The only thing they got was books taken from Peter, thanks to their uncle.
 1767-02-17: Hamilton’s Cousin Committed Suicide and James Jr. Left to Become a Carpenter- Peter Lytton committed suicide over the death of his wife. Alexander and Olivia are now, with no money and family, or destitute orphans. James Jr had to leave the twins behind to become an apprentice of a carpenter.
 1771-01-16: Alexander In Charge Of A Trading Charter - Since girls couldn’t work, Alexander had to. Turns out, that Alexander had the perfect “age” for jobs.
 1772-08-31: Hurricane Maria Hits - Hurricane Maria hit St. Croix, where Alexander was working and Olivia was nearby to look out for her younger brother.
 1772-09-06: Alexander Writes About Hurricane Maria - Alexander wrote to his father describing the storm and gained the attention of the island’s elite. He “wrote his way out”.
 1772-12-01: Olivia Receives a Letter That Alexander Died - Somewhere between these months, Olivia gets a letter that the ship Alexander was on sunk and there were no survivors. She was then sold to a family in Setauket, Long Island as a slave, where she meets Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Smith, Abraham Woodhull, and Caleb Brewster.
 1776-09-15: Olivia Gets Freed - Thankfully Olivia was considered white, so she was taught how to improve her grammar, writing, healing, cooking, etc. She still had her Nevis accent, but Olivia could play it off by saying Spanish was her native language. Speaking of languages, Olivia was fluent in French, Latin, Greek, Italian, Danish, and Hebrew. 4 or so years later, Olivia was a free woman.
 1777-04-27: Olivia Reunites With Alexander - Olivia gets assigned as a spy for the continental army. The rest of the army gets word that she had the same last name as Alexander’s. After being reintroduced to each other, Olivia forces Alexander to take more care of himself (eating, sleeping).
 1777-09-11: Olivia gets shot in the side during the Battle of Brandywine.
 1777-10-18: Olivia And Alexander Presumed Dead - Both Hamilton twins jumped in the Schuylkill River and swam deeper, hoping the British Cavalry presumed them dead. They were washed down miles going with the current of the river. Alexander carried her unconscious body to the Patriot camp. Hercules Mulligan found the twins and helped them get to their destination quicker.
 1777-10-19: Washington Finds Out The Twins Are His - Olivia woke first and told Washington to read her diary for answers because she was too tired. He found out about Olivia’s life story and found out Olivia Rachel and Alexander James Hamilton were his biological children. Washington then found out about the Hamilton family ring and Rachel’s flower necklace. Olivia and Washington swore to never tell this to Alexander and to any human being (not a certain diary written in code that no one, but Olivia and Alexander can understand).
 1777-10-20: Olivia sneaks off to the Battle of Paoli, instead of resting.
 1777-10-21: The Locket - Washington gave Olivia a gold locket engraved with ‘Together In Mount Vernon, Virginia’ complete with a gold chain. Inside was a portrait of the Hamilsiblings (Alex, Olivia, Ben, and Laf) on the right and a portrait of the Washington couple on the left.
 1778-05-25: Olivia Comes Back - After disguising herself as a black-haired, Dutch woman, named Denise Melody, she returned to Washington about the British army. Olivia resigned as a spy because she didn’t want to come back to England ever again. But mostly, she was afraid that King George III would force her to marry him.
 1778-05-26: Olivia Becomes The First Woman General - After listening from every soldier in the Continental Army, General George Washington makes Olivia a General. The only difference is that she would be traveling with the main camp because she doesn't have enough experience to lead her own army. She helped train the under-trained soldiers, sewed clothes for those who were practically naked, negotiated with wealthy families to give the army food, helped with the battle plans because of her knowledge as a spy, and her overall kindness and empathy to everyone helped her rise to the top to not only the soldiers but to the rest of the people in the Colonies.
 1778-06-28: The Battle of Monmouth - Olivia saves Benjamin Tallmadge from William Bradford when Charles Lee ordered him to. The rest of the army arrives behind Washington. Olivia participates in the Battle of Monmouth. 
 1778-09-15: Olivia And Lafayette’s Relationship - In Olivia’s diary, she didn’t specify the date because she wrote “I believe it is the 15th of September 1778”. In the entry, she wrote about her and Lafayette’s relationship began as platonic but over time, it became romantic.
 1778-11-01: Olivia Joins The Culper Ring - After begging and pleading to her father and Commander in Chief, Olivia joins the Culper Spy Ring with the rest of the members: Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abigail, Abraham Woodhull, and Robert Townsend. Olivia gets a golden band from Apollo that helps disguise her appearance with the use of the mist, she gives the other rings to the other members. They created a cover that the golden rings were from their deceased family member. In reality, they used it to signal the others when they need help or have information about the British.
 1778-12-15: Olivia As a Maid - Olivia disguises herself as a beaten and branded girl as a Caribbean slave, even though she was white by the Continental Army to John André's home to spy on him. She later resigns from her post before her next battle.
 1779-07-16: Stony Point - Olivia helps capture Stony Point, New York with the army.
 1779-11-17: Olivia And John Get Married - To keep the relationship between John and Alexander less suspicious, Olivia proposed a marriage proposal to John’s father; Henry, who knew about their secret relationship, agreed. Even though both adults were married, they had no love for the other than familial love. They agreed that their marriage was only public and behind closed doors, they would seek out their paramour (John-Alexander and Olivia-Lafayette).
 1780-06-17: Olivia’s Quadruplets - 9 months later, Olivia gave birth to 4 children: Rachel Olivia, Alexander John, George Benjamin, and Elizabeth Gilberta Laurens from oldest to youngest. The godparents of each child were Olivia-Martha Washington, Alexander-George Washington, George-Benjamin Tallmadge, and Elizabeth-Lafayette. Because of this, Olivia took a break from the army for a while.
 1780-09-23: Caleb Brewster and Olivia Find Out Arnold's A Traitor - After talking with Anna Strong, Brewster and Olivia ride full speed towards West Point, NY to deliver the message to George Washington. Ben and Olivia tried to shoot Arnold, but due to their closeness, they couldn't.
 1780-10-02: John André Hanged - André was born a child of Athena and knew about the Greek Gods. He knew that Olivia was spying on him, but didn't comment on it until they were in private before his execution. The Fates had cut his string in front of him when Olivia posed as a maid and had demigod dreams of his death. John knew that Olivia was a legacy of Apollo and Athena, he didn't want to hurt his family.
 1780-12-14: Alexander and Eliza Get Married - Eliza accepted John’s relationship with her husband as long as Alexander doesn’t cheat on her with other women.
 1780-12-15: Olivia Boards L'Hermione - Olivia joins Lafayette to bring down turncoat Benedict Arnold. They join 1, 200 troops and sail south to Virginia.
 1781-05-20: Abraham Boards L'Hermione - Abraham gets captured by the French and gave information to Lafayette, but before anything else happens, the ship gets attacked by cannons. When Brewster and Olivia identify Abraham as a spy for the Culper Ring named Samuel Culper Sr, they sail to Yorktown, Virginia.
 1781-09-28: The Battle Of Yorktown - Olivia gets shot 3 times during the battle but recovered soon after. Lafayette soon bid Olivia farewell to sail back to France. Olivia gives him her very long lock of braided hair inside a portrait locket necklace of her for him to remember her by. He also gives her a braided lock of his hair and a portrait locket of himself.
 1782-01-22: Olivia Becomes An Aunt - Phillip Hamilton was born.
 1782-08-27: John Laurens Dies - Olivia, Alexander, Hercules, and Lafayette get letters from Henry Laurens that John died in South Carolina. In her letter, Olivia receives her husband’s wedding ring. Heartbroken, Olivia vows to never marry again.
 1782-09-01: Olivia And Alexander Return To New York - Olivia gets a house in Harlem near her brother and his family. She led a quiet life with her children, unlike Alexander, for a while.
 1783-01-01: Olivia Bids Angelica Farewell - Over the course of the years, Olivia and Angelica became best friends. She hated the fact that Angelica and her family would go back to the same country they fought for years.
 1783-06-20: Pennsylvania Mutiny - Olivia watches the 10 leaders of the Pennsylvania Mutiny be gunned down by their own men beside Alexander and Ben.
 1783-09-03: The End Of The Revolution - The Treaty of Paris was finally signed which negotiated between America and Great Britain, ended the revolution, and recognized America as an independent.
 1787-10-?: Alexander Asks Olivia To Co-Write The Federalist Papers - Sometime before the writing of the Federalist Papers, Alexander asks Olivia to co-write it with John Jay, James Madison, and himself. Olivia politely declined because she believed that the three men could do it without her.
 1787-05-25: The Twins Go To The Constitutional Convention - Olivia Hamilton Laurens and Alexander Hamilton were one-half of the New York delegates. The former was the only woman to go to the Constitutional Convention. Though the twins did little in writing the Constitution, they signed the paper anyway.
 1789-02-04: Olivia Becomes The First Woman Vice President - Olivia ran for President all in good fun. The results were unanimous because she was one of the contributing factors that helped America become independent, only second to George Washington, and became the Vice President of the United States.
 1790-03-22: Olivia Meets Thomas Jefferson - When Jefferson and Olivia met, let’s just say that they will forever be enemies. This is partly the reason why Alexander and Jefferson were also enemies.
 1790-06-20: Olivia Refuses To Go To The Jefferson Dinner - Olivia doesn’t go to the dinner with Jefferson, Madison, Alexander, and a few others saying she had other things to do. But she doesn’t go because she didn’t want to be caught in the middle of a verbal fight between Alexander and Jefferson, again.
 1791-07-05: Olivia Finds Out About Alexander’s Affair - Alexander needed to speak to someone about his affair with Maria Reynolds, so he went to Olivia (naturally). Olivia slaps him and tells him about his promise to Eliza when he married her. She tells him if her husband finds out and tells/writes you to give him money to keep the affair a secret, he himself would pay entirely.
 1792-?-?: Olivia Receives Word About Lafayette’s Capture - Historians would never know the date when Olivia gets a letter that Lafayette fled from France and in prison because she only wrote the year and stopped writing in her diary for the rest of that year. They figured that she was extremely heartbroken to write.
 1793-02-25: Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf -  Olivia was poisoned by a loyalist named Micheal Key. Thankfully the poison was expired and went on to sit in Mount Vernon for hours talking about the establishment of the first U.S. bank. But due to Olivia’s frail and weak body for not eating and sleeping at the correct times, she became gravely ill. She sent her four children to Setauket with Abraham Woodhull. the week before. The four mentioned people came to her room in Mount Vernon. minutes before Olivia died. She gave Washington the locket he gave her all those years ago, gave Benjamin her sun hair comb he gave her when the war was over and her golden spy ring, gave Eliza her and John’s wedding rings and gave Alexander the Hamilton family ring and her diary (she instructed him to only read the entry about their true heritage when he is on his deathbed). She then instructed Ben to give Lafayette, her one true love, to give the gift he gave her when they started their relationship, a sapphire bracelet when he visits America once more. Olivia told the three to forgive her for leaving too early, she remembered the time she gave Washington piano lessons (which failed), the time where she forced Alexander to eat and sleep more regularly, and the time where she helped Eliza with her pregnancy with Phillip and her other children. She sang, “Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf,” which she does when she tries to reassure those around her. Olivia’s last words were, “I’ll see all of you on the other side, John, my love, I’m coming.” She was buried in Trinity Church Cemetery with a large monument. When the States learned of her death, the nation stopped working for days. Everyone who knew her (which was a lot) attended the funeral ceremony. Washington placed a bronze statue of Olivia depicting her holding a gun in her right hand and her diary in her left hand with the four rings on her fingers to show that women too, can be powerful.
 1793-02-26: Micheal Key Hanged - Because he assassinated the Vice President, Micheal John Key was hanged the next day at noon.
 1867-01-11: Olivia On Currency - In memory of Olivia, they put her face on the $20 on her birthday. However, in 1928, she was briefly replaced by Andrew Jackson but quickly regained her place after much controversy. 
 1999-12-15: Olivia Becomes Lyria - Olivia Rachel Hamilton Laurens, rebirthed to Lyria Eclair Graham de Vanily, the most powerful demigoddess of her century.
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racebox-of-higgars · 3 years
//plops down at table with three notebooks//
Good evening.
You shall now be the subject of my rambling and info-dumping, seeing as you have recently reblogged a post about invading your ask box to do just that.
So, buckle up, my beloved mutual, for I am about to talk your damn ears off.
We all know historians are heterosexist shabuire, yes? Yes? Good. So I've taken it upon myself to send an f-you to all of them and collect evidence for one of the historically accurate ships they so desperately try to erase. The one in question here is, of course, Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens, or more commonly known as Lams.
I've done... a lot of research, to put it mildly. And yes, as a matter of fact, I do consider reading letters from the late 1700s and screaming because I can feel my heart MELTING as research.
Anygay, there's a lot that I have right now so I'll just hit the highlights, because if I go completely in-depth with everything I've found, this'll be thousands of words longer.
The year is 1779. The month, April. The date... unknown. Which sucks. Alexander and John have fought together for years at this point and are very close... friends. This is the first time they've been truly separated. The letter open with:
"Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that ’till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent on the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on condition that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have so artfully instilled into me."
So pretty much what this opening paragraph is saying is this: "*Sexual innuendo* And I'll keep telling you that until you die. So you know I hate everyone and don't want to have any attachments to anyone. But you've managed to worm your way into my heart, even though I didn't want it. So now that you've done it, please keep doing it, for you if not for me."
Now that's just hella gay. Like, hella fucking gay.
The middle paragraphs are mainly talk about the war, so skipping those for the end because that's when things get spicy as FUCK.
Alexander asks John to find him a wife and goes into great detail about exactly what he wants in a wife. I saw a theory somewhere (I can't remember where) that Alexander was actually describing John and yeah, it pretty much checks out. Keeping in mind deliberate irony is a thing.
So then he goes on to say: "...mind you do justice to the length of my nose and don't forget, that I ⟨– – – – –⟩." 'Nose' is a slang term. And the - - - - - are crossed out words. We'll get to those later.
The last sentence of this letter is: "I have gratified my feelings, by lengthening out the only kind of intercourse now in my power with my friend." and I find this. So. Sweet. He's pretty plainly missing John. And just- he uses the word intercourse. How- how is that platonic? This is gay. They're gay. It's gay.
In almost all the letters that survived, they're signed with "Yours", "Affectionately Yrs.", "Yrs most sincerely", "Yr affectionate", and "Yrs forever" from Alexander. "Adieu, my dear boy", "My love as usual", "You know the unalterable sentiments of your affectionate Laurens", and "Yours ever" all came from John, with the last being the most common. That's... also not terribly straight. Something additionally interesting is that John's father, Henry Laurens, called his wife, Elenor, "Dear girl." That would make it explicitly romantic in his eyes. John also called his wife that in the only surviving letter from him to her. Oh yeah, he's married and has a kid, btw.
So pretty much how that happened was John's boyfriend Francis Kinloch broke up with him, he banged Martha probably 'cause he was sad and pissed and had a lot of feelings, she got pregnant, then he married her out of pity. Alexander knew none of that. And they were really close. The only reason he found out was because he happened to stumble upon some stuff he shouldn't have, and he was pissed. The whole paragraph about him detailing the wife he wanted? Pretty much petty payback.
Devoted is an interesting word, isn't it? Stronger than it's synonyms, such as caring or loyal. So if we skip ahead a few years, Alexander is engaged to Eliza. He tells John about this, John responds, and in his next letter he says: "...as if after matrimony I was to be less devoted than I am now." He's telling him, "Don't worry, I'll still love you as much as I always have. Just because I'm getting married, it doesn't change my feelings for you." Again. Heterosexual explanation? None.
" I hate Congress—I hate the army—I hate the world—I hate myself. The whole is a mass of fools and knaves; I could almost except you and Meade." Keep in mind that at this point now, Alexander was married. And he didn't include his wife in the exemptions. Only John and one of his closest friends, Richard Meade. Dunno 'bout you, but that seems rather telling to me. He also says at the end: "My ravings are for your own bosom." And I can't. His ravings are for John's heart I can't.
These are just some of the highlights of my nearly six thousand word book on this subject. I would happily copy/paste it all, but I'm not gonna subject you to that XD For full viewing the link is here, should you wish to listen to me ramble and rant in more detail.
Thank you for allowing me to dump this all on your lap, and I shall now bid you adieu. //vanishes back into the shadows//
HI, sorry it took me so long to answer this, I’ve had a pretty full-on day. 
This was actually super interesting to read. I actually did a little bit of research into this about a year ago, when I was writing Lams fanfiction, so I knew about the ‘cold in my professions, warm in my friendships” letter, but not any of the others, so thanks for this!! It was a really fascinating read, and I definitely learned a lot from reading it. Have a good day :)
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dear-alex-chill · 4 years
Today on January 11th Hamilton was born in Charleston, Nevis.
Born into poverty, Hamilton faced many struggles in his life. A hurricane destroyed his home at the age of 17, at the age of 11 he began working at a counting house as a clerk. When he was roughly 19 Hamilton journeyed to America (New York) under the financial aid of Henry Livingston. He met his friends such as Hercules Mulligan and John Laurens in New York and in his early years at war. He also met Marquis de Lafayette in war. Laurens, Laffayete and Hamilton had been referred to as the Gay Trio by Washington’s Nephew. He later became a prominent political figure and fighter in the revolution. He is known for his lasting effects on our government and Financial system.
Revolutionary War and Washington:
In the american revolutionary war Hamilton served as Washington’s Aide-de-camp for the longest time. His Military Stances; Major General and Lieutenant Colonel in the continental army with allegiance to New York and The US. he served in the battle of Yorktown, commanding a battalion that stormed redoubt 9. The battles he served in notably are: Battle of Harlem Heights, Battle of White Plain, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth, and The Siege of Yorktown. Hamilton was a son-like figure to Washington although it took a long time to finally allow Hamilton to fight in a battle and command a battalion.
Political Career:
Hamilton began his political career shortly after the war ended. He wrote the federalist papers with James Madison and John Jay, served as a lawyer often defending wrongly treated british people. He attended and participated in the constitutional convention, signed the constitution, and served in Washington’s Cabinet as Secretary of Treasury. He also drafted and ended up creating the financial and banking system used today. He was known for his feuds with Thomas Jefferson and his tendency to endorse a government that many feared would end up like Britain. Hamilton could be referred to as the Nancy Pelosi of his time. He held great power and influence, however he was more disliked than liked at the time. He made important decisions and knew the leaders of the country well, but would never be able to hold the presidency due to the fact that he was unelectable. He had most of the Democratic-Republicans against him and even members of his own party disliked him. (Recognize the name John Adams?) He was widely popular in both good and bad ways and did heavily influence the young nation, but there were things Hamilton simply could do.
Children and Family History:
Born to James Hamilton and Rachel Faucett Lavine. His parents divorced in roughly 1758. Shortly after James left to live on his own leaving Rachel to set up a small shop to provide for her sons. He had a brother named James too. Rachel died in 1768, leaving him a technical orphan with no contact to his father.
In roughly December 14, 1780 - July 12, 1804 he married Elizabeth Schyler
His children include; Philip, Alexander, Angelica, James Alexander, John Church, William, Eliza, Philip (Yes there were two)
His relatives included Philip Schyler, Angelica Schyler Church, and Margarita “Peggy” Schyler.
The Fatal Duel:
On July 11th, Burr and Hamilton met on the Weehawken river on the New Jersey side. Burr’s second was William P. Van Ness, while Hamilton's was Nathaniel Pendleton. There was a doctor present as it was custom for duels. The intent was to keep the duel a secret so they left separate docks. From early letters describing the duel it was clear Hamilton intended to throw away his shot and end the duel with both men still living. However, when it came to the duel Hamilton did not traditionally (and debatably correctly) Delope. Normally the parson would aim and shoot the ground, Hamilton aimed skyward and ended up shooting a tree behind Burr. Burr acted in panic and turned to shoot Hamilton, delivering the fatal blow. Hamilton died the next day.
Life and Legacy:
Hamilton had both ideas and initiative. He was willing to go through on his ideas, all of which were directed at a goal. He was ambitious, headstrong, and a hard worker. He demonstrated gratitude, moral principle and was good natured while also being impulsive, arrogant and jealous which created the interesting life he had. Known for Establishing the Financial System of America and the Reynolds Pamphlet and Affair, Hamilton is truly one of the most interesting founding fathers. And today 264-266 years ago, He was born.
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I highly recommend checking out this Quora page. It's got a lot of interesting facts
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duggardata · 4 years
Info, Please:  Extended Families  (Part 1, Duggars + In–Laws)
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So…  I think it would be nuts to actually draw out of a family tree, since it would have to be so, so huge.  But, I’m happy to provide a written Post about this!  I’ll trace each family back to the Great–Grandparents of Josh, etc., usually dubbed the “Second Generation” by Duggar Data.  I’m not going to include any Uncles, Aunts, Great–Uncles, Great–Aunts, or Cousins, except for the Duggars / Bates.  Too much to research, and it’s maybe a bit too invasive for the less high–profile families.
Part 1 will be Duggars + In–Laws.  Part 2 will be Bateses + In–Laws.  Part 3 will be the rest of the Predictor Families.  Onward, to...   
The Duggar Family
Josh, etc.’s Parents are James Robert (“Jim Bob” or “J.B.”) Duggar (b. 1965) + Michelle Annette (Ruark) Duggar (b. 1966).  Their Paternal Grandparents—i.e., Jim Bob’s Parents—are James Lee (“J.L.”) Duggar (1936–2009) + Mary Leona (Lester) Duggar (1941–2019).  Their Maternal Grandparents—i.e., Michelle’s Parents—are Garrett Floyde Ruark (1924–2010) + Ethel Marie (Hardin) Ruark (1927–1991).  Jim Bob has 1 Sibling (Deanna).  Michelle is 1 of 7 Children.
Paternal Grandparents   James Lee + Mary Leona (Lester) Duggar
Maternal Grandparents   Garrett Floyde + Ethel Marie (Hardin) Ruark
Paternal Aunts / Uncles   Deanna (Duggar) Jordan
Maternal Aunts / Uncles   Pamela Ethel Peters, Freda Benderman (d. 2015), Evelyn Alice Ruark, Kathie Ann Arnold (1952–2013), Carolyn Ann Hudgins, Garrett Floyde Ruark, Jr.
Parents   James Robert (“Jim Bob”) + Michelle Annette (Ruark) Duggar
Children   19 Children  (Josh, Jana, etc.)
Grandchildren   17 So Far  (+1 On The Way)        
In–Laws...  After the jump.
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The Burnett Family
Abbie (Burnett) Duggar’s Parents are John Haskell Burnett II (b. 1958) + Cheryl Denise (Clay) Burnett (b. 1959).  She has 7 Siblings—namely, John–Clay Byford, Hannah Joy, Caleb Andrew, Charity Faith, Maggie Ruth, Carinna Elizabeth, and Benjamin Josiah.  Neither set of Grandparents is known; however, her Paternal Grandfather is presumably John Haskell Burnett, Sr.  (See Also.)
Paternal Grandparents   John Haskell Burnett, Sr.  +  [ Unknown ]
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   John Haskell Burnett II + Cheryl Denise (Clay) Burnett
Children   John–Clay Byford Burnett, Hannah Joy Dornick, Caleb Andrew Burnett, Abbie Grace Duggar, Charity Faith Wearden, Maggie Ruth Burnett, Carrina Elizabeth Penn, Benjamin Josiah Burnett    
Grandchildren   10 So Far  (inc. Grace Annette Duggar)     
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The Caldwell Family
Kendra’s Family consists of her Parents, Pastor Gene Paul (“Paul”) Caldwell (b. 1977) + Christina (Hamrick) Caldwell (b. 1979), and 8 Children—Kendra Renee, Lauren Hope, Micah Joel, Nathan, Timothy, Olivia Grace, Jesiah Mathew, and Isaiah Gabriel.  Her Paternal Grandparents are Marion Lynn + Peggy Ann (Dragland) Caldwell.  Her Maternal Grandparents are Unknown.
Paternal Grandparents   Marion Lynn + Peggy Ann (Dragland) Caldwell
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   Gene Paul (“Paul”) + Christina (Hamrick) Caldwell
Children   Kendra Renee Duggar, Lauren Hope Caldwell, Micah Joel Caldwell, Nathan Caldwell, Timothy Caldwell, Olivia Grace Caldwell, Jesiah Mathew Caldwell, Isaiah Gabriel Caldwell  
Grandchildren   2 So Far  (Garrett David Duggar and Addison Renee Duggar)  
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The Dillard Family
As for Jill’s Husband, Derick, his Parents are Cathy (George) Byrum (Previously Dillard) (b. 1957) + Richard (“Rick”) W. Dillard (1957–2008).  His Stepfather is Ronnie Byrum.  He has 1 Sibling—a brother, Daniel David.  His Grandparents are Norman + Sue Dillard (Paternal), and Shuford George + Vergie (Wilkerson) Payne (Previously George / Pipher) (1932–2014) (Maternal).
Paternal Grandparents   Norman + Sue Dillard
Maternal Grandparents   Shuford George + Vergie (Wilkerson) Paine
Parents   Richard “Rick” Dillard + Cathy (George) Byrum
Children   Derick Michael Dillard, Daniel David Dillard
Grandchildren   3 So Far  (Israel David Dillard, Samuel Scott Dillard, and Jaxon Michael Dillard)
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The Forsyth Family
Joy’s In–Laws include Austin’s Parents, Terry Lynn Forsyth (b. 1959) + Roxanne (Waters) Forsyth (b. 1963), and his sister, Meagan.  Roxanne is Terry’s 2nd Wife; he was previously married to Julia Ann Rowe, but got divorced in 1982.  Terry + Julia had 2 Children—Brandon Lynn and Rachael Marie—who are Half–Siblings of Austin.  Nothing is known about Austin’s Grandparents.
Paternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   Terry + Roxanne (Waters) Forsyth; Terry + Julia (Rowe) Forsyth
Children (w/ Roxanne)   Meagan Elizabeth Ballinger, Austin Martyn Forsyth
Children (w/ Julie)   Brandon Lynn Forsyth, Rachael Marie Tunstill  
Grandchildren (w/ Roxanne)   3 So Far  (+2 On The Way)
Grandchildren (w/ Julia)  10 So Far  
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The Keller Family
The Keller Family is headed by Parents Michael “Mike” Edward Keller (b. 1959) + Lillie “Suzette” (Stembridge) Keller (b. 1955).  Together, they have 8 Children—Esther Joy, Rebekah Ann, Daniel Michael, Priscilla Lynn, Anna Renee, Nathan Edward, and David Nathaniel.  The Paternal Grandparents are Unknown.  Their Maternal Grandparents are Melvin Rudolph Stembridge, Sr. + Dorothy Mae (Adams) Stembridge (d. 2008).  
Paternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Maternal Grandparents   Melvin Rudolph Stembridge, Sr. + Dorothy Mae (Adams) Stembridge
Parents   Michael Edward + Lillie “Suzette” (Stembridge) Keller
Children   Esther Joy Shrader, Rebekah Ann Hunt, Daniel Michael Keller, Priscilla Lynn Waller, Anna Renee Duggar, Susanna Grace Bridges, Nathan Edward Keller, David Nathaniel Keller
Grandchildren   22 So Far (+1 On The Way)  [Note—This includes non–Quiverful Couples’ children, which I typically don’t discuss.]
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The Seewald Family
Looking to the Seewald Clan, Ben’s Parents are Michael Seewald (b. 1974) + Guinnevere (“Guinn”) (Eaton) Seewald (b. 1974).  He has 6 Siblings, namely—Jessica Lane, Danielle, Michelle Alaine, Ethan, Faith, and Tommy Jack.  Ben’s Grandparents include Bob + Arlene Seewald (Paternal), and Robert (“Bob”) Eaton (1950–2019) + Deborah Eaton (Maternal).
Paternal Grandparents   Bob + Arlene Seewald
Maternal Grandparents   Robert (“Bob”) + Deborah Eaton
Parents   Michael + Guinnevere (“Guinn”) (Eaton) Seewald
Children   Benjamin Michael Seewald, Jessica Lane Lester, Danielle Seewald, Michelle Alaine Seewald, Ethan Seewald, Faith Seewald, Tommy Jack Seewald      
Grandchildren   3 So Far  (Spurgeon Elliot Seewald, Henry Wilberforce Seewald, Ivy Jane Seewald)
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The Swanson Family
Lauren’s Parents are Dwain Charles Swanson (b. 1975) + Lana M. Swanson (b. 1975).  Nothing is known about the extended family; both sets of Grandparents are Unknown.  Lauren is 1 of 9 Children.  Her siblings include Lily, David, Lydia, Daniel, Dustin, Drew, Luci, and Duke.
Paternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   Dwain Charles + Lana Swanson
Children   Lauren Milagro Duggar, Lily Swanson, David Swanson, Lydia Swanson, Daniel Swanson, Dustin Swanson, Drew Swanson, Luci Swanson, Duke Matthew Swanson        
Grandchildren   1 So Far  (Bella Milagro Duggar)
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The Vuolo Family
Updated 4–22–20 w/ information provided by an Anon...
As for the Vuolo Clan, Jeremy’s Parents are Charles (“Chuck”) Henry Vuolo (b. 1951) + Diana Lynn (Salamon) Vuolo (b. 1955).  Jeremy has 2 Living Siblings—Valerie and Charles—and a 3rd Sibling (Angela; d. 1984) who was stillborn.  (It seems she was Valerie’s twin, since Angela’s death of death is Valerie’s DOB.)  Jeremy’s Paternal Grandparents are Tony + Ann Vuolo, and Jeremy’s Maternal Grandparents are Stanley Peter Salamon (d. 2013) + Mary Elizabeth (Gillespie) Salamon (1926–2009).  
Paternal Grandparents   Tony + Ann Vuolo
Maternal Grandparents   Stanley P. + Mary E. (Gillespie) Salamon
Parents   Charles (“Chuck”) Henry + Diana Lynn (Salamon) Vuolo
Children   Valerie Vuolo, Charles Anthony Vuolo, Jeremy Joseph Vuolo
Grandchildren   1 So Far  (Felicity Nicole Vuolo)
Next up, the Bates Family + In–Laws...  Stay tuned for Part 2.
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monoxidecahedron · 4 years
Heyyyyyy I saw ur post about the explain ur latest writing peice badly and now I want to know moreeee!!!tell meee!!!!! Want read good writ ggg
okay first of all I mean this very lovingly but are you quite alright
the jamilton angels & demons, right? okay so I haven’t quite plotted it out in my head yet but the premise is that Thomas is assigned to turn Alex so that when Armageddon comes he’ll fight on the demons’ side (good omens called they wanted their premise back but i hung up on them) and that’s basically all demons do because Armageddon won’t come for centuries but anyways John is assigned to turn him to the angels’ side, and they’re rivals because Thomas encouraged his brother Lafayette to turn his father Henry Laurens, making him a fallen angel, and Laurens turned Lafayette, making him a risen demon but he doesn’t like to think about that- anyways so he works with Alex at the law firm and they end up fucking somehow and then Thomas is in love with him and he’s like oh shit we’re in a relationship??? but i’m supposed to make him hate me?? because that’s the quickest way to turn him?? and i don’t actually want him to hate me?? and so then he has to break Alex’s heart and tell him he never really loved him and I don’t know what happens next, I just wanted to write some soul-crushing angst anyways here’s what I have so far (under the cut):
Being a demon was… interesting. It had its perks. He could do anything he pleased, basically. The main job of the demon was to try to turn humans to their side for Armageddon. You might have thought that’d be easy, given the state of humanity in general. But no- it wasn’t that easy. To turn a human you’d have to get them to reach a certain point where they become, in a sense, evil. There’s a certain turning point, something inside them that snaps. And that’s when they become loyal to Devil. Not the devil, although Devil certainly wouldn’t mind getting called that. No, Devil was their name. The ultimate demon. All demons answered to him, and he was the one who would lead them in Armageddon, when the time came to fight the angels. 
There’s no accurate gauge for the turning point in humans, especially because they vary so much, but most associate it with murder. When they’re willing to murder, in cold blood or not, that’s when they’ll turn. So they goad them, haunt them, do whatever it takes to get them angry. Every demon starts with anger. 
Which is why, when Thomas Jefferson, the demon, first laid eyes on his newest assignment Alexander Hamilton, he was sure it would be an easy one. The man was a hurricane, and he was constantly furious. At the government for “not doing their goddamn jobs” (that may have been Thomas’s fault for turning the vice president and half the senate; it hadn’t been very hard), at John Adams for being a “stupid motherfucker”, at the printer for not working. 
Thomas didn’t normally do turning jobs; he didn’t exactly see a reason to. He was perfectly fine living a human life, where you could be as bitchy a person as you liked and no one batted an eye like they would in Heaven or were bitches back like they would be in Hell. But there were two selling points for this job: one, Alexander intrigued him, and he was curious about him. Two, John Laurens, the pretentious angel son of Henry Laurens, the fallen angel, was also trying to turn him to the angels’ side. He hated Laurens, and the feeling was mutual. Probably because Thomas had encouraged his brother, who lived in Heaven and tried to get angels to fall, to target Henry Laurens specifically. Oops. (Laurens had turned his brother, Lafayette, making him a risen demon, but he didn’t like to think about that.)
So when he strode in to his first meeting at Washington & Co., the first thing he did, naturally, was to pick a fight with Alexander. John Laurens, who’d been working there for about a week and had already gained Alexander’s trust, tried to calm him down, but Alex rose to the bait like a dog offered a particularly tempting treat. 
“Are you stupid? This plan will save the company! We’re already tanking because of the charity cases we’re taking on, we need this to-” “You’re not even in the financial department. This isn’t even your job, Hamilton. Maybe you should focus on your own cases. That might help the company, although with the intelligence you’ve shown so far, I highly doubt it.” Hamilton growled at him. Thomas smirked. This would be so easy. And so much fun, too. There was something about the way he got all riled up that amused him to no end. 
And so they fought. Fought and fought and fought. Argued for hours over the smallest details, got into screaming matches in the hallway, probably gave Washington headaches with the way they lit into each other like they were doused with gasoline. Still, he didn’t get fired, because his work was exceptional and he may have been using a little bit of demon power. 
John Laurens was using his own powers, too. By the end of the week he saw them walking back to John’s car together, giggling about something. Thomas noted something odd in John’s expression, something he hadn’t seen in a while. It ticked him off, and he couldn’t quite figure out why.
He was still thinking about it as he entered his house, dropping his briefcase at the front and shedding his jacket. As he made his macaroni, he decided it wasn’t worth thinking about, shoving it to the back of his mind and forgetting about it. He plopped down onto his velvet couch, propping his feet up on the headrest, and ate his mac and cheese, watching some TV show that he barely registered. He was still thinking about how to irritate Hamilton, ruin his life and drive him to murder as he went to bed, but such is the way of a demon.
In the morning, he arrived at the firm, making his way to his office and nodding at coworkers as he passed. Spotting an intern carrying a drink for Hamilton, he offered to carry it (“I’m heading his way anyways, it’s no problem”) and dumped it in a trash can as he rounded the corner. He caught a glimpse of the label, which indicated that the contents were an all-black coffee with extra caffeine, if that was even possible. Apparently it was. 
I also have this alternate storyline where John’s in love with him and Thomas wants to make him jealous and now I’m thinking I should have gone with that-
but yeah! thanks for asking, it’s really appreciated!
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History Asks: 2, 3, 7, 8, 19, 29, & 61, please!
Hi! This is late I’m so sorry!
2: Favorite underrated historical figure?
Julie D’Aubigny! Click the link to read about her bisexual dueling antics.
3: Funniest historical kerfuffle?
All the ways the CIA and others tried to assassinate Fidel Castro. Here is a link to the wikipedia page because it’s so fucking wild. One time he was at a hotel and put his shoes outside the door to be polished and they put hair loss powder in his shoes thinking it would make his mustache fall out and no one would respect him anymore.
7: Which time period would you like to live in?
I’m taking this as completely ideally, barring lack of medical knowledge or misogyny or homophobia etc. So either late Victorian England or oh just please take me back to the revolutionary war.
8: Favorite tv show based on historical events, but not really faithful to real life?
My top 4 are Outlander, Black Sails, TURN: Washington’s Spies, and Ripper Street.
19: If you could travel back in time and kill anyone, who would it be?
Listen I’m not a fan of these questions when people are like “I’d kill Hitler” etc. bc butterfly effect, BUT
The British officer who shot John Laurens can CATCH THESE MF HANDS
29: Rant about your favorite topic.
Ohhhhh I don’t know if you’re ready for this. I have so many favorite topics. so here’s what I’m gonna do. Remember the other history ask I answered with the question about the presidential assassinations? I had spent an hour and a half writing a whole thing about the background of Lincoln’s assassination before I realized it wasn’t needed in order to answer the question about the repercussions. So here’s that plus the thing about the repercussions that I was leading into.
“ John Wilkes Booth was a well-known confederate sympathizer, and though he himself never joined the confederate army, he had many contacts within the disastrously put together confederate government and secret service. Since 1864, Booth had been forming a plan similar to one put forth by Confederate Secret Service member and Virginia Tech president Thomas Nelson Conrad. A plan to kidnap Union President Abraham Lincoln. Conrad’s plan was approved and they sent a team of men after Lincoln, but the mission was soon abandoned because Lincoln’s security was too tight. Unlike Conrad’s plan, Booth’s was to get the president at a moment of vulnerability outside the White House - and to kidnap key members of his cabinet as well, ransoming them for Confederate prisoners. However, after seeing an April 11th speech in which Lincoln promoted giving Blacks the right to vote, Booth decided to assassinate him instead. The next day, April 12th, the Union victory over Richmond and the Confederate army’s surrender was announced, making kidnapping a moot point anyway. On the morning of April 14th, Booth went to get his mail at Ford’s Theatre, where he was an occasional stage actor, and the owner’s brother started bragging to him that Lincoln and his wife would be attending a play there that night. He knew it was the best chance he had, and he arranged for a getaway horse to be waiting for him, and for his co-conspirators to assassinate Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Seward at their respective homes. By targeting Lincoln and the next two successors to the presidency, it’s clear that Booth intended to chop the heads off the Union government, throwing it from post-war victory into chaos, giving the Confederates a chance to reorganize and rally their remaining forces. Union Commander in Chief Ulysses Grant was supposed to attend the play as well, but he and his wife decided last minute to visit relatives instead. At 10:14 that night, during the second act of the play, Booth snuck into the presidential box and shot Lincoln in the back of the head. His escape was cut off by the man who had come in Grant’s stead - Major Henry Rathbone. Booth stabbed him, jumped over the balcony to the stage, and raised his knife, yelling “Sic Semper Tyrannis.” (Thus Always to Tyrants, which Brutus is alleged to have said after killing Caesar. Also the state motto of Virginia.) Then he and his co-conspirators ran, having failed to kill Johnson and Seward. (The guy supposed to kill Seward only managed to non-fatally stab him, DESPITE THE FACT THAT SEWARD WAS BEDRIDDEN BECAUSE OF A CARRIAGE ACCIDENT. The guy who was supposed to kill Johnson chickened out and got drunk instead. Which sucks because...well, you’ll see.) Lincoln died just after seven the next morning. The secret service and Union army caught up to him and the others and killed booth. The eight other conspirators were sentenced to life in prison. Then Johnson was sworn in as president. 17th president Andrew Johnson is regarded as one of the worst presidents in history, and is one of 3 presidents to be impeached - the only one who actually left office as a result. He had an anti-black stance that went against everything Lincoln stood for, opposing the 14th amendment and every other bill that would grant civil rights to freed slaves. Back then, the rule was still that the runner-up in the presidential race was VP, so the President and VP were opposing parties, which is actually smart and kept power from becoming too imbalanced and corrupt in either direction. The stances of the parties were essentially the opposite of what they are now, as well, so Lincoln as a Republican was far more liberal than Johnson. Southern states rejoining the union re-elected many of their old leaders and the strong rights of individual states that fanned the early flames of the war allowed them to pass anti-black laws that deprived freed slaves in their individual states of the rights to which the Emancipation Proclamation entitled them. Congressional Republicans (read: liberals) who still held the majority, refused to accept senators from those states, and wrote legislation to overrule them. Johnson vetoed them all, and Republican (read: liberal) congress overruled him right back, and this pattern went on for the rest of the administration. Sound familiar, anybody? So much of his cabinet spoke out against him and he fired so many of them that Congress restricted his ability to fire people. He continued trying to impeach the Secretary of War who had put out a reward for Booth’s capture, electing to go down causing as much chaos as he could, and was impeached as a result. Essentially, if Lincoln hadn’t been killed, Johnson would never have been president, and the transition from war to reconstruction wouldn’t have been as awful as it was. Congress wouldn’t have been distracted by Johnson’s antics and would have been able to focus on sending aid to suffering rural areas and rebuilding the country. The lack of aid to rural areas gave an upper hand to urban areas, hence, companies. This is when corporations started to get their foot in the door and tip the scales in favor of higher populated areas/more wealthy areas. So “democratic-republicanism” which favored stronger states rights instead of central government, because they thought it would be “better for farmers and rural communities,” actually led to the alienation and starving out of farmers and rural communities. Hmm, almost like it was never a valid stance to begin with. The Democratic Republicans, back in the Hamilton-era days, weren’t even a proper political party. They had to scramble for a stance that made sense, because they were originally called the Anti-federalists, and their ONLY stance was to oppose the Federalists because they (Thomas Jefferson mainly) hated Hamilton. BUT THAT IS ITS OWN RANT. Anyway. We are still in the Reconstruction period. If it weren’t for Booth, it’s likely that we would have made it further than this.” END RANT
61: Favorite ancient civilization?
Oh I am such a sucker for the Greeks.
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Swiping a question off @duggardata because I’m bored and stuck on ideas for original material. Note that I am excluding unmarried adult children and couples with fertility issues.
Final Child Count: Fundie Edition
The Duggars
Josh+Anna: Anna has a child approximately once every two years (like clockwork), but the spacing has increased ~1-2 months each time for the post-2015 pregnancies, so my best guess is 9-10 if spacing keeps increasing.
John+Abbie: If Abbie keeps getting HG during her pregnancies (and as she’s a tad older with a first born), I can’t see them going above 8, with 6-7 as my final guess; it really depends whether or not they announce co-pilot #2 this year.
Jill+Derick: If (big if) they do have another one, then three is the stopping point; personally, given Sam’s approaching the age of 3 and no signs of a pregnancy to speculate on, I think they may be done. Final guess is 2-3 with a heavy leaning on two, though Jill’s definitely open to the idea of a third even if Derick isn’t.
Jessa+Ben: I think they’ll easily keep going with attempts at home births as often as possible, faking surprise with every announcement. I also don’t think that the quick turnaround between Spurgeon and Henry was what the Seewalds wanted, so I’m guessing that they’ll aim for a spacing a little less than the Henry-to-Ivy gap; doing some quick math (assuming J is fertile til 43 like Michelle and the between-child gap is approximately two years) yields a total of 11 children, though I could easily see them hitting up to 14 if I’m wrong about spacing.
Jinger+Jeremy: They’re going to go for the “big-but-not-circus” family for pastor credit, so 4-5 is my guess with ~2.5 to 3 years between kids. I’m expecting them to announce next, but I wouldn’t put it past the Seewalds to beat the Vuolos to the Baby News Train.
Joe+Kendra: Two under two with no signs of slowdown anytime soon - if they don’t break 12+ kids I will be very surprised. If Kendra keeps having pregnancies without complications, these two are my bet to not stop until she can’t have any more, and I think that could be anywhere between 14-16 kids. If nothing else, they are well on track to hit double digits’ worth of pregnancies before Kendra is 35 (cue screaming).
Josiah+Lauren: My theory is that Lauren is hoping for spacing closer to Anna’s than Kendra’s, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they have 10-11 and stop there. If they lose another pregnancy, they’ll name it and go down the alphabet and announce the name, causing people to speculate what happened to the skipped letter.
Joy+Austin: All signs point to Quiverfull, but it really depends how this pregnancy/birth experience goes. I’m going to go with 8-10 as a tentative guess, as I can see them both wanting a lot of kids but I can’t see them going for more than one last child after Joy is ~40.
The Bateses
Zach+Whitney: With a big gap between their daughters and appearing to (at least publicly) have relaxed on their fundie-ness, I’d guess 7-8 with a slight leaning towards 7 kids.
Erin+Chad: Every year and a half like clockwork, the Paine family has another baby; the Duggar Data Predictor estimate of 15 kids looks likely. If something goes horrifically wrong with a pregnancy (heaven forbid), then Chad may put his foot down and say no more, but I doubt that’d stop Erin.
Alyssa+John: Zoe turns two soon and no word/hint of a pregnancy from the Websters (as it seems they’re focusing on Alyssa’s health), so I think there’s a small chance that they’re satisfied with their three daughters. However, I could see them going for a fourth because they want a boy. If they have a fourth daughter, they’d stop. 3-4 is the final estimate and the one I’m most confident of with the Bates family.
Tori+Bobby: They’ll give the Paines a run for their money in the baby department - Kade is just 16 months old and Kolter is fresh out of the womb. Should they maintain that pace, 17 kids is totally feasible. However, there’s a part of me that feels like whatever number Erin and Chad have, Tori and Bobby will have that many plus one, just to spite her sister.
Carlin+Evan: They’ll have a bunch in rapid succession, then stop; I definitely don’t think they’ll stop as early on as Alyssa, but they won’t have a zillion like Erin or Tori; 8-9 seems safe enough as a bet, if probably on the conservative side.
Josie+Kelton: Getting such an early start may lead to a larger amount of kids, but Kelton will pull the plug at the slightest sign of complications at birth. My best guess is 9-10 with spacing longer than expected at ~20ish months between births.
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46ten · 4 years
The Forgotten Fifth
I started this post years ago, but unfortunately since have lost many of my notes. Still, at this time (and the day after Juneteenth) I think it’s critical that we understand that Black Americans have been here since the beginning, have advocated for themselves, and have fought for themselves. Our inability to “see” Blacks in American history means we don’t understand why Native American slaughter and Westward expansion happened, we discuss the goals of the antebellum “South” as though 4 million Blacks did not live there (and comprised nearly 50% of the population in some states), we rarely bring forward the consequences of the self-emancipation of enslaved Blacks on the Confederate economy, and so on. 
It’s also critical to reject false historical narratives that place white Americans as white saviors rescuing Blacks. Within the Hamilton fandom, there is a strong white supremacist narrative embedded in the praise for John Laurens*, an individual who could not be bothered to ensure the enslaved men with him were properly clothed - which says more about his attitude towards Blacks than any high language way he could write about them as an abstraction. And if we want to praise a white person for playing a big role in encouraging the emancipation of Blacks during the American Revolution, the praise should go to the Loyalist Lord Dunmore in that roundabout way.
The Forgotten Fifth is the title of Harvard historian Gary B. Nash’s book, and refers to the 400,000 people of African descent in the North American colonies at the time of the Declaration of Independence, one-fifth of the total population. Unlike commonly depicted, Blacks in the colonies were not waiting around for freedom to be given to them, or to assume a place as equals in the new Republic. Enslaved Blacks seized opportunities for freedom, they questioned and wrote tracts asking what the Declaration of Independence meant for them, they organized themselves. And they chose what side to fight on depending on the best offers for their freedom. At Yorktown in 1781, Blacks may have comprised a quarter of the American army.  
Most of what’s below is taken from wikipedia, other parts are taken from sources I have misplaced - the work is not my own.                     
In May 1775, the Massachusetts Committee of Safety enrolled slaves in the armies of the colony. The action was adopted by the Continental Congress when they took over the Patriot Army. But Horatio Gates in July 1775 issued an order to recruiters, ordering them not to enroll "any deserter from the Ministerial army, nor any stroller, negro or vagabond. . ." in the Continental Army.[11] Most blacks were integrated into existing military units, but some segregated units were formed.
In November 1775, Virginia’s royal governor, John Murray, 4th early of Dunmore, declared VA in a state of rebellion, placed it under martial law, and offered freedom to enslaved persons and bonded servants of patriot sympathizers if they were willing to fight for the British. Lord Dunmore’s Ethiopian Regiment consisted of about 300 enslaved men.               
in December 1775, Washington wrote a letter to Colonel Henry Lee III, stating that success in the war would come to whatever side could arm the blacks the fastest.[15] Washington issued orders to the recruiters to reenlist the free blacks who had already served in the army; he worried that some of these soldiers might cross over to the British side.
Congress in 1776 agreed with Washington and authorized re-enlistment of free blacks who had already served. Patriots in South Carolina and Georgia resisted enlisting slaves as armed soldiers. African Americans from northern units were generally assigned to fight in southern battles. In some Southern states, southern black slaves substituted for their masters in Patriot service
In 1778, Rhode Island was having trouble recruiting enough white men to meet the troop quotas set by the Continental Congress. The Rhode Island Assembly decided to adopt a suggestion by General Varnum and enlist slaves in 1st Rhode Island Regiment.[16] Varnum had raised the idea in a letter to George Washington, who forwarded the letter to the governor of Rhode Island. On February 14, 1778, the Rhode Island Assembly voted to allow the enlistment of "every able-bodied negro, mulatto, or Indian man slave" who chose to do so, and that "every slave so enlisting shall, upon his passing muster before Colonel Christopher Greene, be immediately discharged from the service of his master or mistress, and be absolutely free...."[17] The owners of slaves who enlisted were to be compensated by the Assembly in an amount equal to the market value of the slave.
A total of 88 slaves enlisted in the regiment over the next four months, joined by some free blacks. The regiment eventually totaled about 225 men; probably fewer than 140 were blacks.[18] The 1st Rhode Island Regiment became the only regiment of the Continental Army to have segregated companies of black soldiers.
Under Colonel Greene, the regiment fought in the Battle of Rhode Island in August 1778. The regiment played a fairly minor but still-praised role in the battle. Its casualties were three killed, nine wounded, and eleven missing.[19]
Like most of the Continental Army, the regiment saw little action over the next few years, as the focus of the war had shifted to the south. In 1781, Greene and several of his black soldiers were killed in a skirmish with Loyalists. Greene's body was mutilated by the Loyalists, apparently as punishment for having led black soldiers against them.
The British promised freedom to slaves who left rebels to side with the British. In New York City, which the British occupied, thousands of refugee slaves had migrated there to gain freedom. The British created a registry of escaped slaves, called the Book of Negroes. The registry included details of their enslavement, escape, and service to the British. If accepted, the former slave received a certificate entitling transport out of New York. By the time the Book of Negroes was closed, it had the names of 1336 men, 914 women, and 750 children, who were resettled in Nova Scotia. They were known in Canada as Black Loyalists. Sixty-five percent of those evacuated were from the South. About 200 former slaves were taken to London with British forces as free people. Some of these former slaves were eventually sent to form Freetown in Sierra Leone.
The African-American Patriots who served the Continental Army found that the postwar military held no rewards for them. It was much reduced in size, and state legislatures such as Connecticut and Massachusetts in 1784 and 1785, respectively, banned all blacks, free or slave, from military service. Southern states also banned all slaves from their militias. North Carolina was among the states that allowed free people of color to serve in their militias and bear arms until the 1830s. In 1792, the United States Congress formally excluded African Americans from military service, allowing only "free able-bodied white male citizens" to serve.[22]
At the time of the ratification of the Constitution in 1789, free black men could vote in five of the thirteen states, including North Carolina. That demonstrated that they were considered citizens not only of their states but of the United States.
Here’s another general resource: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part2/2narr4.html
*The hyper-focus on John Laurens is one of the ways white people in the Hamilton fandom tell on themselves - they center a narrative about freedom for Blacks around a white man (no story is important unless white people can stick themselves at the center of it, no matter how historically inaccurate!). Lord Dunmore’s 1775 proclamation, if known, is seen just as cynically politically smart, while Laurens’ vision is seen as somehow noble.
**Whether Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation - encouraging enslaved Blacks to rise up and kill their owners and join the Loyalist cause - played a major role in the progress of the American Revolution was hotly debated as part of the 1619 project. 
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quillsink · 3 years
😭🌹for the ask!
😭 What awful things has your historical figure done?
*cracks knuckles* Now to list the shittiness of John Laurens.
Im gonna keep this short, but if you want more info, you can check out the blogs @/john-laurens and @/ltcol-laurens, and here’s a post on Laurens and slavery
As sincerely as a Republican can be to a Royalist
One, he treated his slaves pretty terribly. Well, they weren’t technically HIS slaves, they were his father’s but still, SLAVES WORKED FOR HIM AND HE WAS AN ABOLITIONIST NEED I SAY MORE
Yes I will aNYWAYS. Here are some instances I can think of - John’s father sent some clothes for Shrewsbury (John’s slave) and John basically replied if there is any difficulty getting him clothes, “I believe he can do without” JOHN YOU FUCKING—
Shrewsberry had a hat “violently taken” from him while at camp, and Laurens said that he should be more careful next time, PLACING THE BLAME ON SHREWSBERRY, THE LITERAL VICTIM HERE MY GOSH THIS FUCKING RACIST—
When John died (I think it was after his death idk) Someone wrote of John’s slaves, saying they were naked and had little to no clothes (this fancy boi continuously asking henry for clothes and not giving his slaves any like a fucking hypocrite once again HE HAD SLAVES IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE-)
He wrote that slaves needed something of a gradation between “abject slavery and perfect Liberty,” so he still didn’t think they deserved equal rights as whites. *sighs* John you fucking racist why. Why. WHY.
He also called them an “unhappy species.” s p e c i e s. S P E C I E S. HE CALLED THEM A FUCKING SPECIES
Idk the exact quotes, but he also said they have subordination impressed on them from generations of slavery, and he also said slaves have “weak minds” or some shit and JOHN SERIOUSLY
He was slightly sexist (though not as sexist as some others), but this is a little more complex to study, so I haven’t gone that deep into it yet. I remember he visited Martha (his sister) at Bath once, and was pretty fussy about deportment and grace and some nonsense, and he once referred to some quarrelling officers as ladies disputing at a country dance (i think this was in reference to the french officers at rhode island but i don’t remember the exact quote) and generally he talked of women in a pretty sexist fashion, like they should know their place etc.
Aaaand then theres the whole Martha Manning thing. I think marrying her after getting her pregnant was the right thing to do to protect their honour and to make sure the kid was legitimate but like...John... WHY WOULD YOU GET HER PREGNANT IN THE FIRST PLACE. I get there were a lot of motives, like the Francis breakup and internalised homophobia etc, BUT IT WAS STILL PRETTY MEAN TO GET A WOMAN PREGNANT WHO YOU DONT EVEN LOVE AND NO ONE WAS FORCING YOU TO AND THEN BARELY WRITE TO HER JEEZ
I think @/john-laurens has a good post on this
Again I haven’t studied this as much as I’ve studied racism so if anyone wants to add on to this feel free!
Gosh this got long lmao just me ranting about John’s shittiness
🌹 If you can save anyone, who would it be?
JOHN LAURENS. While he was still very, very racist, I believe he may have been able to help with abolition and fast forwarding racial equality (not much but still) and imagine a Hamilton Laurens duo at the founding of the nation. Perfect.
Also I just didn’t want him to die lol
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Two unrelated questions—1: Do you support the theory that John Laurens’s (and possibly Alexander Hamilton’s) death was assisted suicide? 2: What do you think life would be like if Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens could’ve gotten married? I love your blog, and I am totally going to never ever bored in House #7.
These are great questions! This is going to be a pretty very extremely long post, particularly the bit about your first question, so I added sub-sections to make it easier to read. I hope this is helpful!
TW: Mentions of possible suicidal and self-hating thoughts and feelings. If anyone reading this has had these sort of feelings, please reach out to someone and get help. Do not give up. You are loved. You are needed. You are worthy.
1: John Laurens and possible assisted suicide
This first question is difficult to answer, and there are lots of theories on it. It can also a very painful topic to discuss. Please take note of the TW. If this post is going to be triggering or upsetting to you, take care of yourself and skip it.
Let’s review the facts and circumstances around Laurens’s death to start.
After assisting Hamilton with taking redoubt 10 during the battle of Yorktown, John Laurens traveled back to South Carolina to again try and pitch the South Carolinian delegates for his black battalion. This was his third attempt, I believe.  Again, his idea was quickly shot down, and it may have made it worse that that was what everyone was expecting. A letter from George Washington written July 10th, 1782 states, in a somewhat cynical tone perhaps more reminiscent of Hamilton’s worldview, 
“I must confess that I am not at all astonished at the failure of your Plans.That Spirit of Freedom which at the commencement of this contest would have gladly sacrificed every thing to the attainment of its object has long since subsided, and every selfish Passion has taken its place—it is not the public but the private Interest which influences the generality of Mankind nor can the Americans any longer boast an exception—under these circumstances it would rather have been surprizing if you had succeeded nor will you I fear succeed better in Georgia.”
John Laurens was also collecting intelligence for General Greene, his commander at the time. 
It is worth noting that most of Laurens’s time down south after Yorktown was spent trying to find military glory, which he did not achieve. He led several unsuccessful or insignificant skirmishes with the few remaining British soldiers.
Laurens also had just heard of the death of his wife, Martha.
He was confined to his bed with malaria, but heard that there was going to be a fight by the Combahee river on August 27, so he literally got up off his sickbed to fight in what has since been dubbed a ‘small skirmish.’
The British soldiers had been tipped off about the continentals coming. Laurens, who was leading a small detachment of soldiers, knew this. He could wait for more soldiers to arrive, or he and his men could start fighting.
Three guesses as to what he chose.
John Laurens had visited the Stock family the past night, and “enjoyed the company of Mrs. Stock and her daughters.” (John Laurens and the American Revolution, by Gregory Massey)
Now, I know there are many theories on this, but in this post I’m going to be examining two main ones. Firstly, that John Laurens’s death was not suicide, but instead another desperate grasp for glory, and alternately, that his death was to some degree planned and/or expected.
Theory A: John Laurens’s death was not assisted suicide/planned/intentional:
In very simple terms, this theory is mainly supported by the fact that John Laurens (and Hamilton, for that matter) were honor-obsessed and both had a thirst for military glory. Both were needlessly reckless in battle from the very start. Lafayette observed of Laurens at the battle of Brandywine, “It was not his fault he was not killed or wounded, he did everything that was necessary to procure one or t’other.”
Some evidence that also supports this is that Laurens’s battalion idea failed several times. He may have wanted to prove himself by becoming a famed fighter like the warriors of Greece and Rome that he admired. 
His dash to the Combahee can be seen as in line with this. Opportunities for fame in battle were running scarce and Laurens didn’t want to miss any possible opportunity. You can also apply this to why he went ahead instead of waiting for the rest of the men during the battle. It would have been seen as more courageous to face them head on, outnumbered. 
John Laurens was often overshadowed by his father, Henry Laurens. Military fame of the right amount could’ve possibly elevated John his father’s social status.
Also important to note, what Laurens did on August 27th was not out of character. So one could make a compelling argument that even if Laurens was not planning to survive the war, the battle at the Combahee was not necessarily the one he wanted to go out on. Especially because it was such a small action, not a glorious stroke of military genius.
So I do think that it isn’t unreasonable to read John Laurens’s death as accidental, however, if you are asking for my specific opinion I do think this next possibility is more likely.
Scenario/evidence in which John Laurens’s death was assisted suicide/planned/intentional:
(This is where the TW applies most heavily, just one last warning.)
John Laurens had a privileged life in some ways, certainly. He was the son of an extremely rich man, got part of his education abroad, and generally had all the inherent advantages to being a rich white man who was the eldest son of an even richer white man.
But his life (much like his friend Lafayette’s,) though seemingly tranquil and privileged, was filled with grief and loss from a young age. John Laurens’s mother, Eleanor Ball Laurens gave birth 11-13 times. Of these children, only five lived past early childhood. When John was about three, one of his closest playmates, his older brother Henry, died. And this was only one of many times (the exact number unknown because of the disputes of how many children Eleanor actually had) that John lived through the death of a sibling.
And there is one sibling death in particular that almost certainly hit John the hardest. His 10 year old brother Jemmy, while they were in Europe, and while John was technically in charge of him, fell and fractured his skull. Much like the Hamilton’s spending the night with a dying Philip, all John could do was try and comfort Jemmy while waiting for the inevitable.
Then of course there was the Francis Kinloch break-up. Obviously horrible. Then (possibly as a result of that breakup) getting a girl pregnant and being forced to marry her. 
America. War. Alexander Hamilton. Love. Keeping the love hidden. France. Yorktown. The last attempts to become a war hero.
It is fact that Laurens and Hamilton based their relationship off Ancient Greek, Roman, etc. gay relationships. In this tradition it was traditional to be reckless in battle to impress your lover. So maybe it makes sense for Laurens to act insanely reckless when he and Hamilton are fighting together. But why would he keep acting that way after Hamilton goes home?
While on the subject of Hamilton, some of the most compelling evidence for John Laurens’s death being a suicide is that he clearly struggled with self-hate, likely because of his sexuality, for a long time. Think about it; he lived in a society that was not just unaccepting of same-sex love, and particularly acting on same-sex love, but it was literally a crime and being caught could result in extreme punishment.
Furthermore, John Laurens, as namesake, eldest son, etc, was under massive amounts of pressure to be perfect. To not bring shame to the family. 
When John was in SC towards the end of his life, he had been away from Hamilton for more than a year. It is possible that without the gratification of the relationship (i.e., they are together, interacting on a day-to-day basis) John began to feel more unsure of their relationship? We do see that when John was away from his lovers, the relationships grew more distant and even unraveled. Yes I’m talking about Francis Kinloch now. But also as more time went by and Hamilton was back home in Albany and John was still in SC, their letters become less frequent. (Or more frequent but destroyed or lost. Honestly though JCH why???)
I also think that Laurens may have been worried that he and Hamilton’s distance was the only reason they could keep up a romantic relationship. Could Laurens have felt that once he “put on the toga” or joined congress, he and Hamilton would have to be just friends because of Hamilton’s wife and child? Judging by this line from a letter from Hamilton to Laurens, “Your impatience to have me married is misplaced, a strange cure by the way, as if after matrimony I was to be less devoted than I am now,” we can infer that Laurens may have at first have been supportive of the idea of Hamilton having a wife, perhaps because he thought that Hamilton was just using her to appear straight. In this letter, Hamilton also does allude to suicide. He tells Laurens, “For your own sake, for my sake, for the public sake, I shall pray for the success of the attempt you mention; that you may have it in your power to act with us. But if you should be disappointed, bear it like a man; and have recourse, neither to the dagger, nor to the poisoned bowl, nor to the rope.” I think it is extremely interesting that this comes in the same letter as the one where Hamilton tells Laurens he is getting a wife. The attempt Hamilton refers to in this passage is the attempt to free Laurens from being a prisoner of war, but I wonder if it has some sort of double meaning. 
I also believe it significant that Henry Laurens seemed to get very anxious when John sent him a letter from Geneva at mentions suicide. From John Laurens and the American Revolution: “John’s haste perhaps explains an ambiguous passage that slipped into one of his letters. He referred to ‘two people the most addicted of any in the World to Suicide.’ Alarmed by these words, Henry sent an emotional reply: ‘What can be meant by addicted, to an Act, which can be perpetuated but once & no Man’s devotion to it can possibly be determined from anything short of the Commission? But, my Dear Son, I trust that your opinion on that Question is So firm, that you are armed with Such irrefragable proofs of the Impiety as well as Cowardice of Self Murther, as puts you out of danger of being made a Convert to Error, by any Man be his “Rank and distinction” ever So great, or by the finest thread of declamation tickling the ears and & fatally Captivating the Hearts of Giddy & inexperienced youth’”
The context of the passage from John’s letter is unknown, but his father acts so defensive and seems to be reassuring himself that John would never do that in his letter that I wonder if it was already a topic that Henry worried about. If this is the case, this suggests that John knew was queer from a young age, not just when he met Francis Kinloch, (and that letter is from around that time, just as a side note.) and/or that John had had mental health issues before this time.
Also significant: moving forward to August 1782, John was sick. He was bed-ridden. And he knew the fight at Combahee river was not going to be big. It was a small foraging party. All the redcoats were going to do was basically steal some flour. But still, he dragged himself over there.
He led his men forward even though they knew the redcoats were ready.
Then he immediately was shot down.
So, --dear anon who is probably horrified with the length and long-windedness of my reply--, here is the theory that makes most sense to me:
John Laurens had been having mental issues like depression for a long time. When he was with Francis Kinloch they alleviated slightly, but when Jemmy died and Francis Kinloch broke up with him, they came back full force. Since being with Kinloch had made John happier for a time, he decided to seek out more love. Wait a minute, John thought, if I can love a woman, that’d be killing two birds with one stone... the love will make me feel better, and it may cure me of my forbidden love for men.
But when John got Martha pregnant and was forced to marry her, I doubt that made him feel better. So he wanted to go to America and fight in the war. He believed in his countries independence, and this would be a way to go out with easy glory on the battlefield, should he want to.
He met Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton managed to convince John that their love wasn’t a sin or a sickness, and they were happy together. 
Then Hamilton told Laurens he was getting a wife. He knew that this would be hard news for his Laurens, so in his next letter he made sure to make clear that they could still love each other.
But Laurens did not think that would be possible, once he realized that Hamilton really did love his wife, and was not just using her to appear straight. Laurens also knew that even if they did continue their relationship after the war, both he and Hamilton would feel guilty for what they were doing, especially considering that Hamilton really did love Eliza so much.
When the black battalion plan failed for the last time, it brought feelings of failure and hopelessness to Laurens.
When Laurens heard of the death of his wife, it brought back the guilty feelings for getting her pregnant, especially because she had fallen ill trying to bring Fanny to meet her dad in France.
When Laurens visited the Stock family the daughters again reminded him of his inability to have love for women. They also perhaps reminded him of his own wife and daughter who he had essentially abandoned in Europe.
With the war nearly over, Laurens decided if he wasn’t going to survive this war, he had to fight in some battles. So he got off his sickbed to go fight. 
He knew it would be risky to go ahead without waiting for the main army during the small action at the Combahee, but he had done things that reckless before. And if he was going to die in battle, this would likely be one of the last opportunities.
To conclude this answer: I do support the theory that Laurens’s death was to some degree suicide, with assisted suicide being the closest label to what I believe it was. However I do think it was a complicated death that doesn’t necessarily fit perfectly within any label. I believe it was a combination of mental issues partly borne of being queer in a time that was unaccepting of same-sex love, the failure of his plans for abolition, being reckless in battle regardless, and, if he was going to die, wanting to die a war hero.
I think these factors together led to a premature death that was not planned exactly, but probably pre-mediated upon. What I mean is, Laurens wasn’t going to try and get killed, but he wouldn’t be cautious or try particularly hard to not get killed. 
As for Hamilton, I honestly think it could go either way. Though I tend to lean toward Chernow’s answer, which is that it was not suicide, just stupid. (Like, Hamilton, your son literally died by shooting at the sky in a duel you are taking your own advice that failed horribly??) The main reason I believe this is that Hamilton had something Laurens lacked; a family whom he loved very much. Even though his political standing was slipping, I don’t think Hamilton would’ve wanted to leave his wife and kids.
Anyway, I hope this answers your question. Now for the much less depressing answer to the question,
2: What do you think life would be like if Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens could’ve gotten married?
I’m slightly unclear on whether you mean if they could’ve gotten married back in the 1700s or whether you’re asking for the modern AU I think is most accurate.
Assuming you mean if they could’ve gotten married in the 1700s, I think that they would have as long as it was main-stream and socially acceptable. I think they would’ve been very happy together, and I like to indulge in the fantasy of President Laurens and VP Hamilton.
I think John Laurens would not have died. I think he and Hamilton would have worked in the government together. I also do not think Hamilton would have would’ve dueled Burr.
John Laurens and Hamilton would’ve written together about 1,000,000,000 pamphlets against Jefferson and Madison. 
The only duel would be Laurens vs Jefferson.
And they would’ve lived to a lovely old age together, adopted some kids, and lived happily ever after.
Never mind this is also depressing.
Thank you for the kind words about my blog and the great questions! Yes, if you are bored, house 7 is the answer. 
If anyone has other asks for me, feel free to, well, ask them! And if you would prefer a short answer just tell me so, I won’t be offended!
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obsessedwithduggars · 6 years
Updated Baby Name Guesses for the Babypocalypse!!
As of 1/10. This is about to be a very long post. I’m so sorry in advanced. 
After yesterday’s announcement that Jessa and Ben are expecting their third baby AND the new speculation that Jana is courting based on her having an instagram account (!!!), I am making an updated list of my baby names guesses for the next grandduggars. I’m also putting these in order of which I think they will have babies. 
*** Sorry this took 2 months to post lmao ***
Ben & Jessa Charlotte Elizabeth or Charlotte Hannah for a girl. So I looked up the names Charles Spurgeon and William Wilberforce (who Spurgeon and Henry are named after) and clicked the “people also searched for” and Hannah More, Elizabeth Montagu, Elizabeth Griffith, and Charlotte Lennox appeared. 
Calvin Tozer for a boy. After A. W. Tozer and John Calvin. 
Jessa has said that she likes older sounding names so I think these both go perfectly and they also sound great with Spurgeon and Henry. I do think this baby will be a girl.
Josiah & Lauren Someone on here said that they think that their theme will be an “S” theme. Josiah and Lauren’s families both have letter themes and Josiah and Lauren’s middle names both start with M but that’s Josh’s theme. So J, L, D, and M are out as far as letters for them to go with. So going with S would be the safest route. 
Sofia Milagro for a girl. Sophia is such a pretty name, it starts with an S, I can see Lauren liking that name, and it goes really well with Lauren’s middle name.
Silas Matthew for a boy. It starts with an S, goes with Josiah’s nickname “Si” and the middle name is also Josiah’s, so he finally gets his name sake. 
I think their first will be a girl.
Josh & Anna Mia Lynn for a girl. M theme still going strong. Lynn is Priscilla’s middle name and both of their daughters have family middle names. Renee after Anna and Grace is after Susanna’s middle name (Anna’s sister) and of course Jordyn Grace. So I think that is a good guess for at least the middle name. Only picked Mia because it goes with Lynn.
Miles Edward for a boy. M themeeeee. Edward is Anna’s brother Nathan’s middle name and I believe that is her father’s middle name too. I only picked Miles because again it goes with Edward.
I think their next child will be a girl. 
John & Abbie  Hudson John for a boy. I saw the name Hudson the other day and when I was making this list I thought it sounded really cute with the middle name John which I definitely think they will use for a middle name for their first son. 
Emmie Grace for a girl. For some reason this name kept coming to my mind when I was trying to think of a girl name for them. It’s nick name sounding like Abbie is and it’s cute and sounds southern, which both John and Abbie are.
I do not think they will have a theme. I think their first child will be a boy.
Derick & Jill Anabel Michelle for a girl. Going with their -el theme and then naming her after Michelle.
Gabriel Richard for a boy. -el theme. Naming after Derick’s dad.
I think their next baby will be a girl. 
Joe & Kendra Hunter Paul for a boy. I just feel like at some point a Duggar person will name their child Hunter. I definitely see it from Joe and Kendra. Paul after Kendra’s dad. 
Brinley Renee for a girl. I just see all the -ley girl names happening in the Caldwell-Duggar household. Renee after Kendra.
I think their second will be a boy.
Jeremy & Jinger Isaac Joseph for a boy. Felicity means happy and so does Isaac. Joseph after Jeremy and I guess after Joe too because Jinger has mentioned how close she is with Joe.
Evelyn Diana for a girl. Evelyn is apparently a close name to Felicity. And I think it’s pretty like Felicity. Diana after Jeremy’s mom.
I think they’re having a boy next.
Austin & Joy Ellianna Joy for a girl. Elliana means “God has answered me” apparently. Saw it on pinterest. Made the spelling with two n’s to put Anna in the name. So it is double Joy’s name. lol
Ezra Terrance for a boy. Ezra is a biblical name and I feel like it goes with Gideon. Terrance after Austin’s dad Terry. 
I think they will have a girl next.
Jana (for fun) because courtship speculation. Ava Marie for a girl. 
Owen William for a boy. 
I think Jana, whenever she has a child, will have a girl first.
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fourteenacross · 6 years
prompt response: fake dating
Well, someone sent me a fake dating ask and somewhere between the drafts folder and hitting “post,” the entire thing just poofed out of existence. THANKS, TUMBLR. Luckily, I had the response saved in a google doc. So, sorry to the original asker, your exact request is lost to the whims of tumblr, but the general jist of it was Ham/Laurens fake-dating.
The idea that I had for this was immediately bigger than just a ficlet, cause for fake dating to be done to my satisfaction, it needs time to properly DEVELOP. So this is more along the lines of a “I’ll tell you about a fic I’m not writing” sort of thing than an actual ficlet--my apologies.
Alex and John are part of the same friends group in New York, a mish-mash of folks who went to college together, their friends who moved to the city after graduation, and other people who have been assimilated into the group over time. John was an early member of the group, one of the core folks who went to the same college, and Alex came along later, and even though they have the same sense of humor and attitude and interests, they've never been the closest of friends. They tend to have standalone crazy adventures in between seeing each other at group gatherings and talking on Twitter, but they don't go out regularly as friends.
They do, however, go out regularly as fake boyfriends.
The nature of Alex's job sometimes has him going semi-undercover to report on...I don't even know, this is a fantasy world where this is a regular thing that happens, okay? So he usually wants to bring a date, so there's someone else around to help him out if he gets in over his head or cause a distraction so he can do some snooping. Plus, he's much more inconspicuous with a date--no one brings a rando undercover with them and a couple wandering around and chatting with people looks much less odd than a single dude nosing around.
Anyway. John is usually his go-to for these occasions because a) he's one of their only friends who encourages these plans, b) he grew up very wealthy, so he knows the ins and outs of navigating the social mores of events like the ones Alex is usually trying to get into, but c) his dad, who would be known in these circles, is white, and people mistake the surname "Laurens" for "Lawrence" when spoken out loud often enough that he doesn't send up any red flags with folks who might know his family. And while John's not single, he's in a long distance relationship, so it's unlikely that someone will see him with someone else around town and think that something's up.
So this starts as just another one of those events--Alex is working on some political story and scores tickets to a big charity gala that's going to draw a lot of the folks he's investigating. He calls up John, who agrees to come with him, and they go to the party, just like any other evening. They're eating canapés and making small talk and then, someone to the right of them says, "John?!"
And John turns around and it's his fucking father.
And it's not UNREASONABLE that his father, a moderately high ranking member of the House of Representatives, would be present, but his dad usually only goes to things in Washington or South Carolina, and when he is in New York, he almost always gives John a call so they can have lunch or something.
So John's staring dumbfounded and Alex looks like a deer in headlights as the person they're chatting with says, "Oh, Laurens! Are you related?"
And Henry says, low-key offended-like, "Of course we're related, he's my son."
And the person gets all awkward about it--because they never in a million years would have pegged this Latino kid as Henry Laurens' son, despite knowing the back of their mind that he had married a Puerto Rican woman who passed away several years prior--and manages to stammer, "Well, I was just having a lovely conversation with him and his young man, Alexander, was it?"
And Henry raises an eyebrow and says, "Your 'young man'?"
And John says, "Uh...."
And Henry says, "Well, I must say, it's something of a relief. I tried not to comment on it--" A lie, he totally commented on it all the time. "--because I know you cared for him, but I never liked that Francis boy and your siblings and I all knew that he'd never actually emigrate to be with you."
Which is an uncomfortable moment because, obviously, John is still with Francis, though he's been starting to suspect the same thing after five years of long distance and vague promises that Francis is looking into moving, really, and also...well, he's not actually dating Alex.
But he can't give up the game, so he forces a smile and says, "Yeah, Francis and I ended things and, uh, this thing with Alex is pretty new."
Alex is doing complicated math in his head and manages to read the situation well enough to put on his best self-deprecating smile and offer his hand to Henry. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir, if a little earlier than expected." 
They make semi-awkward small talk for a few minutes while John is internally screaming, until Henry sees someone waving him down and excuses himself. But before he leaves, he says, "I imagine we'll talk more at Martha's wedding."
And John says, "Uh."
But Alex says, "I imagine we will. I look forward to it, Congressman Laurens."
And then he's gone and John quickly excuses them from the other poor soul stuck in conversation with them to drag Alex to the bar.
"That could have gone worse," Alex says.
"Alex, I cannot lie to my father," John says gravely as the bartender pours him a whiskey. "And I don't mean because of my moral character or something, I mean because he always finds out. He has a sixth sense for it. I'm surprised he hasn't already called me out on it. Fuck."
"Well, it's not like, long-term lying," Alex says. "He'll be back in South Carolina soon and then it'll just be the weekend of your sister's wedding. Which is, what, like, two months away?"
"I'm going for a long weekend!" John says. "Thursday to Sunday!"
"It'll be fine," Alex insists. "We'll get through the weekend and then a couple weeks later you can tell him we've broken up and then we can move on with our lives. It's not like we're not good at acting coupley." He takes John's already half-finished glass from him and drinks from it, as if to illustrate his point. John snatches it back.
"This is going to explode in our faces," John warns him. "I should just go alone and say we broke up."
"You wanted to bring one of us anyway because you got a plus one and Francis wouldn't come and you didn't want to go alone," Alex reminds him. "You were just bitching about it in the group chat. Mattie and I both volunteered. I'll go, it'll be fine."
John is pretty sure it won't be fine, but he also knows that this isn't the time to have this argument. Alex is here for work reasons and this is all just a distraction, so he muscles up and downs the rest of his drink and sighs and says, "We can talk about it later. Let's get back to your thing."
They don't exactly get back to it later. Alex heads home after the party to write and they don't get a chance to see each other again until Mattie's birthday brunch the next weekend, when Alex gleefully tells the story to all their friends. Mattie, who knows John's family, finds the whole thing fucking hilarious and everyone else is pretty amused as well. John brings up that they need to figure out what to do about the whole mess, and their friends high-key pressure them into going to the wedding and pretending to be a couple. Some of them because they think it's hilarious, but Mattie and Ned and a couple others are of the mind that they would make a really good couple and Francis is fucking toxic and maybe this will give them a little push towards each other.
At this point, there are seven weeks left until the wedding, which seems like forever, but they figure the best way to play this game is to make it as close to the truth as possible, so they start hanging out together a little more than usual. John keeps going to Alex's work shit with him, but they also hang out on the weekends and go to shows together and do other dumb coupley things. Alex takes John to a lecture that he sleeps through and John takes Alex on a bike ride outside of the city that nearly kills him. They text a lot more too, making up elaborate stories for how they got together. They've already decided to essentially tell the truth once removed--that they were friends and John kept being Alex's plus-one to work things and they realized they liked each other--but making up crazy stories has become a dumb game they play with each other, each playing off an element of the previous story to make a new one. So Alex will send John a message that says, "I used to be a lion tamer on the weekends and one of the lions got out and cornered you and I had to sweet talk it away from you, forever earning your love" and John will crack up and send back, "You fell into the lion enclosure at the zoo over a stupid dare and I helped fish you out right before the lions made a meal of you."
John's dad calls him a couple times during these seven weeks and it's surprisingly easy to lie to him, possibly because most of it isn't lies. He really did go to a concert this week and Alex really is taking him out to dinner tomorrow night and he really is looking forward to it. A lot, actually.
Which is something that John has been thinking about pretty seriously throughout this. He knows most of their friends and all of his family think Francis is a jerk. They met during John's study abroad during the fall semester of his senior year of college and started dating while he was over there. And then Francis came over and did a semester just outside of the city about a year later, after John had already graduated, meeting the proto-version of the gang for the first time. They were largely unimpressed, and get more and more unimpressed as time goes on and Francis visits less and less and his excuses for not coming back get weaker and weaker. And, honestly? Part of him already knows and has already accepted that this isn't going to work out. Despite all of Francis' promises in the first year and a half they were together, he's never going to move to New York. He's never going to prioritize John. And that's something that John has to think about. 
Alex, meanwhile, has always had kind of a thing for John. A friend-crush. He never thought about it hard or seriously--he wasn't pining--because John was already in a relationship when they met, so the idea to think about John as a potential partner literally never occurred to him. It's hard not to think about it now, though. They're doing all this dumb couple stuff together and the dispassionate, logical part of his mind is pointing out that they are extremely compatible as a couple. Schedule-wise, temperament-wise, personality-wise, they work on a lot of levels. John is also hot and funny and just...it feels good. It feels good to be around him.
Which is kind of a bummer. Because, odds are, it'll stop after the wedding. They'll still be friends, sure, but Alex will miss all this extra-curricular hanging out they've been doing. Even the stupid shit like hiking and bike rides--he has to admit that the middle part, the part between hiking to a spot and hiking back, was kind of nice. Alex doesn't get out of the city much, and hanging out on the top of a mountain, sprawled in the sun and talking to John about nothing much in particular, had been the first time in a long time that his brain felt really...quiet.
But they'll still be friends. And maybe they can still have the occasional, intentional one-on-one friend hangout, instead of just the shenanigans that they accidentally get up to when they're the only two people interested in one local event or another.
He resolves to take advantage of this last week and have as much fun as possible, a resolution that John is also making. One of two, actually. The other one is that John is gonna sit down next weekend, after the craziness of the wedding is behind them, and figure out what to do about Francis--what he wants to do about Francis, how to approach Francis about his desires, and what to do if (when) Francis' own desires are in direct conflict with them. He's not looking forward to it, thus the decision to enjoy himself and not think about it for a few days.
They get to South Carolina and John introduces Alex to everyone. He and Martha immediately get on like a house on fire, which is potentially going to be an issue in the future, but John tries to ignore it. They spend a couple days doing all sorts of pre-wedding stuff, Laurens-Ramsay family bonding activities that Martha and David have come up with. John and Alex score two definitive victories for the Laurens Family by dominating first at pub trivia and then at paintball. John is genuinely enjoying himself, catching up with his siblings and chatting with David's family. He and Alex have completely abandoned the concept of personal space, which he figures makes them look pretty coupley until Martha pulls him aside as he heads to change for the rehearsal dinner.
"I know I told you that David's family is old school Southern," she says, "but I didn't mean--they're not like...homophobic. David has a couple gay cousins. It's cool."
"I...didn't think they were?" John says, which is not strictly true--some of the Ramsays have certainly made some under-their-breath comments, but some of John's extended family does the same thing. He's used to it.
"I just mean, you and Alex don't have to be chaste around them or anything."
John blinks at her. "We...what?"
Martha is blushing a little. "You can kiss him! Is what I mean! You don't have to, like...hide it or anything."
Kissing Alex hadn't occurred to him.
"Oh," John says. "Uh. Good to know."
He's still thinking about the conversation as he wanders upstairs. It must be clear on his face, because the first thing Alex does when he walks into their room is ask what's wrong.
"Nothing," John says. "Just...Martha pulled me aside to say none of the relatives will make a big fuss, so it's okay for us to kiss."
"Is it?" Alex asks seriously. He's half in his dress shirt, a curious expression on his face. "I just mean, I don't want to get you into trouble with Francis."
John considers it for a moment as he pulls off his t-shirt and looks through his garment bag for a shirt.
"I think it's fine," he concludes. "I mean, nothing that happens in front of my family at a wedding reception is gonna be too intense and I kiss Mattie all the time and Francis doesn't care." Mattie is, of course, both a girl and a lesbian, but in theory that shouldn't matter.
"Good to know," Alex says, and moves into the bathroom to do his hair.
And the rehearsal dinner is fine and the morning of the ceremony is fine. It becomes second nature to lead Alex around with a hand on the small of his back or let himself be led with a hand on his elbow. They rib each other affectionately and socialize with family and even kiss a few times. They're chaste kisses, sweet and quick, the kind of comfortable kisses you give someone you've known forever. They're good kisses, too, quick as they are, and even though he's not supposed to think about it until next weekend, he can't help compare them to Francis, who never kisses him casually because he's never casually around.
John cries all through the ceremony and Alex only makes fun of him a little. And at the reception, they dance together and with everyone else. When Martha is dancing with John, she says, "You know, I really like Alex. I tried to be chill about Francis, but he always seemed like kind of a jerk, and I hated that he kept stringing you along with promises of moving to New York. Plus, I only saw you guys together that one time, but it seemed so stilted. You and Alex are already so comfortable, it just makes me happy to see it."
"Thanks," John says. "I like him a lot."
He's not surprised at all, at this point, to realize he's telling the truth.
Towards the end of the reception, the two of them end up out on a balcony, the pounding music of the dance floor making their ears ring the moment it's muffled behind the french doors. Alex collapses onto a bench and John sits next to him.
"Man, your family knows how to party," Alex says. "I've never been to a wedding like this before."
"Yeah, it's pretty typical of heterosexual weddings where money is involved," John says. "I'd almost forgotten that not everyone has hipster DIY queer weddings in botanical gardens and apple orchards."
"Well, it's a good thing we're not really dating because I don't know if I could survive planning a wedding like this," Alex says.
John tilts his head up, staring up at the sky. There are so many more stars here than in New York. "Is it, though?"
"Is what?" Alex asks.
"Is it good we're not dating?" He looks away from the sky and over at Alex. "Sorry, I just keep thinking about how much I like you and it sucks that I'm dating someone else."
Alex is quiet for a moment. "It does suck that you're dating someone else," he agrees. "I like you too."
"I don't want to be the type of guy who dumps someone because he's met someone else," John says. "But our relationship is already pretty garbage. But it's also possible I'm just looking for excuses to justify it to myself, you know?"
"In my experience," Alex says, "if you're actively looking for reasons to justify breaking up with someone, you probably want to break up with them either way. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who's only with them because they can't come up with a good reason not to be."
"I'm not really like that, I swear," John says, flushing with guilt. 
"No, I know," Alex says. He looks over at John and grins. "And I can't pretend I'm being objective when I offer you that advice, so."
And John thinks about meeting Francis and those first tentative days together, feeling each other out. He thinks about how the giddy rush of a new relationship faded almost instantly into the nagging anxiety that John would be leaving the country soon. He's never felt comfortable with Francis the way he already feels comfortable with Alex. He never had this easy intimacy. And it's no one's fault--maybe if he stayed in the UK or Francis made good on his promises to come to New York, things would have been different, but it's hard to build that comfort over text and skype, and these days they barely manage that.
He makes a decision a week earlier than he intended, and he kisses Alex.
It's not a chaste kiss. It's not lewd, but there's intent. There's passion and affection, it's a kiss that's a kiss, not a greeting or farewell or absent moment of acknowledgement. John kisses Alex the way he would have if this had been a normal date, if they had been out together and had this much fun and mutually expressed an intent to do it again. He kisses Alex like he wants it to be the start of something more.
And Alex kisses back.
They pull back, both of them grinning, though Alex is a bit dazed. John pulls out his phone and checks the time and swears under his breath.
"What's wrong?" Alex asks.
"It's the middle of the night in London, I can't call Francis and break up with him."
"Just to be clear," Alex says. "That means we're gonna date, right?"
"Yes, genius, that means we're gonna date," John says, grinning, and Alex just leans forward and kisses him again.
John should probably feel worse about the kissing, but so far it's just kissing and it's hard to feel connected to Francis and the tattered remains of their relationship when Alex is here with him, having spent weeks showing more interest in John's life than Francis has since they were twenty-three.
And John doesn't intend for them to just full-on make out at his sister's wedding, but the next thing he knows, his little brother Harry is saying, "John, are you--oh shit!"
John pulls away from Alex, guilty for half a dozen reasons, only some of which make sense.
"Um," he says. 
"Sorry," Harry says. "I just--um. Martha wants a cousins picture with Nana before Aunt C takes her home?"
"Right," John says. "Um--"
"I'll be here when you're done," Alex tells him, and then lifts his hand off of John's upper thigh--and when had that happened--and John stumbles back into the party.
They take the cousins picture and then they take a dozen more family pictures, even though they did posed paragraphs before and after the ceremony. And when John goes to find Alex, he's not out on the balcony, but waiting at the table with a drink.
"I know we should talk more," he half-shouts over the music, "but I figure we came here to enjoy the party, so we might as well do that while we can."
Which seems like a good plan, so they toast and dance some more and flood the wedding hashtag with stupid pictures and dance the last dance and then stumble onto the hotel shuttle, arm and arm. They're tipsy when they get back to their room and half-undress before collapsing onto the bed, lying side-by-side and staring at each other.
"We should talk," John says.
"Yeah," Alex says. "Totally."
"We can't have sex until I break up with Francis," John says.
"I'm 100% with you," Alex says. 
"I don't cheat," John says.
"I wouldn't never think that," Alex says.
"But is it really cheating if the only reason we haven't broken up yet is that he's asleep?"
"I mean, I'm staying neutral in this decision, but it's just a few hours."
They're both quiet for a moment.
"Maybe we can just make out for a while?" John suggests. "I'm pretty tired anyway. And I haven't had sex with another person in two years, so that feels like a lot to process tonight anyway."
"I am definitely on board with this plan," Alex says.
So they do that. And it gets maybe a little heavier than either of them intend, but their hands stay above the waist, John's arbitrary definition of what's acceptable and what isn't, and they eventually fall asleep.
John gets up super early the next morning, first because he's in a weird place and he has to pee, but once he's up and takes his phone and goes out into the hallway and calls Francis. And they have a very short, awkward conversation where Francis first thinks that John is breaking up with him because he saw on social media he's been hanging out a lot with some guy, but John clarifies that he met someone else. Francis tries to be indignant about this for approximately five seconds before John reminds him that he literally just basically admitted to doing the same thing, and Francis concedes.
When John goes back into the hotel room, Alex is half awake and watching him from the very inviting looking bed. John holds his phone up for Alex to see.
"I broke up with Francis," he says.
"Then take off your pants," Alex says, and John bursts out laughing and pounces on him.
And John thinks a lot about growing up and relationships and figuring out who you are. He can't help but keep comparing his relationship to Francis to this new thing with Alexander--it's the only other relationship of his adult life--but it's not the same thing, not at all. He's not sure if the physical distance caused the emotional distance or just kept them mired in a false sense of intimacy, but it was never like this. It was never this easy and fun, because when it started John was twenty-three and a nervous mess trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Now that he's older and settled and confident, it's easier to put his guard down around Alex. It's easy to let himself have this, fun and simple and freeing.
Of course, he doesn't really think about all of that until later, because first they have sex. Twice. And when they go down for brunch later that morning, he's positive they look entirely fucked out and overly pleased with themselves, but they're hardly the only couple with that glow, so the comments are raised eyebrows are minimal.
They spend their last couple days in South Carolina alternately hanging out with John's family and stealing time away because they can't keep their hands off of each other. Which is also a problem the next day on the flight back to New York and then on the cab ride to John's apartment. It's less of a problem once they're inside John's apartment, for the most part--the gentleman forced to ride the elevator with them, for example, might not agree. 
Later in the afternoon, when they've graduated to the cuddling and take-out portion of the day, talking endlessly about themselves and their lives and their hopes for the future, John gets a text from his dad. It says, It was pleasant to meet Alexander. He has potential. I hope we'll be seeing more of him.
("Wow," John says, "I think you might already be my dad's favorite of the various siblings' partners. You might even give me enough clout to knock me up from last place on the list of his favorite kids, even."
"I'm irresistible," Alex says, and John doesn't give him the pleasure of admitting that yes, he is.)
You definitely will, he types back to his dad, filled with a breathless sort of joy that it's no longer a lie.
Will this ever be a full story? Who knows. I contain multitudes.
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