#also the thought of not having makeup on bc it’s hot kms
cynical-things · 5 months
i actually HATE holiday clothes shopping
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cidnangarlond · 4 years
Did someone say NOSY?? 😈 15 17 21 25 27 28 29 32 33 36 41 42 43, and 44 as well :]
15) Favorite movie
HMMMMMMM right now I’d say 2004′s “Night Watch” it is absolutely bonkers and I love it so so dearly
17) Someone you miss
My sister and my nephew! Like yes I saw them a couple weeks ago but still <3 and also my mom! She lives 2 hours north of here and man if I had a car I could spend weekends with her that’d be fun
21) What I love most about myself
Right now I’d say my pink hair bc I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on it!! Other than that my long as shit eyelashes so I never have to use mascara :) (not like I wear makeup anyway but You Know)
25) My idea of a perfect date
I’m a dinner and a movie kind of person, or just like. going to the aquarium and doing stuff like that and vibing, or hanging out at the beach just relaxing with some food :)
27) A description of the boy/girl I like
WELL they are a few inches taller than me and actually dyed their hair a light blue some time back so. inadvertently we now match dkjhsfkjds but they’re super funny and thoughtful and caring and I love talking to them about anything and everything <3
28) A description of the person I dislike most
I can literally namedrop this dude I went to high school with him and had classes w him 3 years in a row and he’s a meninist Trump supporter and so fucking annoying I hate him so much. I’m glad I never wanted to do doctor stuff because the college he’s at is where I would have gone and I don’t think I could have mentally handled seeing him in person around campus (Isaac I hate you so fucking much)
Highlight of my life was correcting him on something in senior year English class and my friend telling me at lunch that he looked so shocked a woman corrected him and I like my girl. you have NO idea how much happiness that fills me with
29) A reason I’ve lied to a friend
Most of the time it’s birthday related stuff or gift related stuff but there are times where it’s like, me not trying to hurt their feelings or pretending I don’t know about something to get the info on said situation which is pretty fun having all that information ad being able to do like. whatever I want with it. many times I could have ended friendships but I would have felt bad and people wouldn’t like me for that :/ anyway I still lie to a guy I knew in high school and say we’re friends when he’s really weird and I want him away from me Forever
32) What words upset me the most
Bro I hate being called a liar SO BAD. Like I can handle anything else, be it jealous, boring, irritating, etc but A LIAR? oh my god I’ll go apeshit I’ll get SO mad
33) What words make me feel the best about myself
Uhhhhhhh truth be told since my entire left all the praise I got was for my schoolwork and not Me as a person most things don’t make me Feel much of anything I’m just like cool yeah okay thanks. I do take pride in my work and getting validation on the great job I did but as for Myself. hmmmmmmm probably related to getting people gifts and stuff and seeing them get super happy and thank me because it’s just what they wanted. love that feeling :)
36) Where I would love to live
Ideally right near campus here, but in a better world where I have lots of money. anywhere but the United States
41) Where I want to be right now
Mentally I want to be stable but asleep in bed with no worries no homework no class or work, just vibing and sleeping or playing Skyrim and listening to a podcast
42) The last thing I ate
Peanut butter out of the jar but before that harvest cheddar Sun Chips
43) Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
I don’t actually think he’s like. Mega Sexy but the last image I saw reblogged before this was Mads Mikkelsen and I’m gonna fuckin kms I hate y’all for making see the Hannibal renaissance now that it’s on Netflix like it’s 2013 again. If you asked me in 2013 tho I probably would have said he was hot. anyway I know she’s an anime woman but Noi Dorohedoro
44) A random fact about anything
I used an AMV I made in high school getting over 300k views on my college applications
Thank u Bren!! <3
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