#also the thumbnail makes the quality look worse than it is
pumpkinnkidd · 10 months
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juliametzgerart · 8 months
I have shared versions of this on other platforms before, so I might as well make a tumblr edition: here some tips for MtG portfolios I gathered and might be interesting for some people who follow me. 1. Since this is a trading card game, here comes the obvious one first: Always keep in mind that these are card illustrations, they have to be readable in super small. Which means that strong silhouettes and value structures are a must have. If you work digital, check the zoomed out version on regular basis, or even have some jpgs to check their thumbnails in your file browser. That can give you an idea about their readability. Traditionally you can of course take some steps back, or take some photographs to look at smaller previews on your devices. Also: print illustrations often come out darker than their screen versions, be careful with your darks! It's rather easy for things to go muddy, even if they look good on screen. In doubt, increase the brightness a bit. It's okay to have different versions for screen and print to meet their needs.
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2. Be versatile about your topics and compositions. Zoom in, zoom out. Don't fall into the trap of your own comfort zone zoom level of showing things, or one way of doing things. It can be positive to offer purposefully unusual options.
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3. Be aware of the focus. If you have a magician with a staff, ask yourself if the card is about the staff(artifact), the mage (creature) or perhaps even the spell. The composition and focus of the illustration should shift accordingly! Clear action is important for readability – since that is not just visual hierarchy here, but also storytelling. Which brings me to the next point: 4. Good narrative matters, but mechanics matter even more. So, again, be very aware of your illustration's focus. You can potentially add extra elements for the story to make it more fun, but it should not get too convoluted, and even less should it distract from what the card it actually about. If you come up with your very own ideas for a portfolio this is of course much more open than if you work from a description. But you can find a bunch of official MtG descriptions online which are super useful for training.
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5. Show care. Plan the illustration, get the references in place. It's the best time to get good habits in place, and really finish the pieces. Don't make them weaker by going too fast, that is not convincing. It just lets people assume worse things for tight deadlines. This does not mean everything needs to be rendered to death - but shape design should remain thoughtful and purposeful even where soft and lost edges are used.
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6. It's potentially okay to have your specific stylistic or thematic niche. It can mean less assignments at times, but can also mean more special ones. It's cool though for your voice to be visible as long as the other needs of the product are met.
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7. Never stop using those references. Get them, make them, use them - take them seriously. (at least for any of the more realistic styles). It's one of the most repeated tips for any student to actually just use more references. They do a ton to get complicated things like anatomy and lighting right, but also cultural references and versatility. Many of the best Magic artists also make the best references – it's not a coincidence. Learn from the people who have already established themselves, they have great wisdom to share. 8. Your quality has to match the current roster. Yeah, sorry, no way around that one. You need at least to be as good as the currently "worst" artist in the roster to have a chance. And the ADs need to be sure that even on a bad day your art can meet their quality bar. Which is the reason why you likely need several art pieces at the required level, to prove it wasn't just some lucky fluke. Though once you're really there, that also means a bit less pressure to perform, since you're likely comfortable at your skill level and can only go up from there.
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wander-wren · 8 months
got another bot-spam comment on ao3, but this one is extra weird. let’s do some investigating!
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for those not in the know, The Haunting is my dark whumpy “todoroki gets adopted by aizawa” fic. it’s also 60k words long. so right away i’m doubting this person read it. that plus the generic vibes? bot comment. but i’m also pretty sure i’ve heard of this channel before, specifically because it wasn’t crediting authors. hm. so i go check it out: http://www.youtube.com/@DnWhatIf
first of all, these are the videos i’m greeted with:
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now, i don’t want to bash anyone’s taste, but this is so extremely not my thing. nooooo way. some of these read more like crackfic, which is fine, but tonally the difference is SO much. and just makes it even more glaringly obvious that they aren’t reading the fics they’re spamming or even giving them a cursory once-over (or putting strong filters on the bot? i’m not clear how bot comments work)
because this is the first thing you see about The Haunting:
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i’m guessing, if it wasn’t completely random, it’s the fact that i tagged izuku as a character. and really it’s just lazy, the whole thing. it’s all bots. ai art in the thumbnail, ai voice reading the fic, bot making comment spam for you. zero respect. if this was an actual podficcer i would consider it! hell, i might even accept ai voice readings (MAYBE), if it was obvious there was a human person who cared behind them. it could certainly be a tool for good, since podficcing isn't very common (we love you podficcers. if i had a little bit more confidence i would be one of you).
but anyway, hang on, lets back up a step, because the whole reason i looked into this was the credits issue. the video “what if deku became a teacher at ua” (ugh) (i hate the title gimmick also) is going to be my guinea pig.
so in the little intro (also done by ai), it says “all credits to their respective authors” which, yikes. however, they do link to their permission statement and the fic in the description, so it….could be worse. but also, these are the comments
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(and it continues like that for a bit)
the channel name also has a 4.0 after it [edit: it did when i started this post, then i got distracted for two days, and now it is gone. hm], which implies they’ve had a lot of trouble with keeping it up. so it seems likely that this is the channel i heard about stealing fics, they just finally learned to get permission and give credit to try and keep it up this time. the permission statement on this video is real (i wondered if they would just link to something else and assume no one would check), but even THAT author references being “freaked out” (positive?? unsure) when they heard of people finding their story on youtube. before giving permission to upload with credit. so that’s not great
also this sludgepit of content is absolutely the thing that attracts people with no patience clamoring for updates literally one day after the video goes up. go figure. bad vibes all around.
also, if you’re wondering about the quality of the reading (i’ve stumbled on some pretty good ai voices as of late!), it’s, uh. i don’t actually know about how all this works, but i feel like when you pick a voice to read a story it should at least be able to approximate character name pronunciation. and flow.
but alas.
i also don't want to bash the authors in question but the truth is from the very minimal poking around i did (not giving this channel any more of my time than absolutely necessary), the writing featured is....mediocre at best. which is fine and good for the fandom ecosystem and i will NEVER be anything but happy that people are writing and posting less-than-perfect works, especially since some of these premises are pretty unique and i think it's better to have the fic than not. we all start somewhere, fanfic is an excellent way to practice and get feedback at the same time, etc.
but these channels, these kinds of operations, they're going to prey on new and young authors and that's who is going to be saying yes to them. because they want the exposure, they want to be told their work is good enough for someone else to care to record it for youtube, they haven't been around long enough to recognize this for what it is: someone taking extreme shortcuts to get views and likes and a bit of notoriety off of other people's work. and that's shit.
and remember that youtube videos can be monetized!
now, i doubt this channel in particular has been monetized, although it does meet the minimum requirements as far as numbers go:
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it shouldn't meet the requirements for the monetization policies, specifically these ones:
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especially with the disclaimer in the beginning that the content is not their own--which might be why previous versions of the channel did not give credit. who knows.
however, youtube DID just have some scandals about people making videos that were pretty much entirely plagiarized, which were monetized, so i don't have the highest hopes in the world. still, it doesn't seem monetized, so no strikes against this particular creator for that, at least, but defo something to look out for if anyone ever brings up hosting podfics on youtube.
so yeah, bot spam, not a complete scam this time but definitely really sketchy, bad vibes all around. and i still kind of want to give them permission to use my fic just to see what would happen, lmao
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
youtuber Sukuna
I beg you to read the shitposts I made about this, they are delicious. You don’t have to of course but...if you loved me you would :) s/n = screen name, and I hope you chuckle at Sukunas screen name
Content warning: uhmhm lowkey incel shit(mean internet comments and whatnot)
part two --- part 3
Name: Sukuna. Age: 25. Height: 6 foot 5 inches. Occupation: toxic Youtuber, fitness trainer and hot guy.
Sukuna wasn’t exactly known for being kind. He wasn’t nice to others, rarely having anything good to say about anyone, and he’d made a successful Youtube career out of it. First starting as a fitness trainer at his gym, through encouragement from his clients and the notion of a quick cash grab, he started Youtube.
He didn’t care about it and that reflected in the quality of his videos and editing. He didn’t have consistent uploads, just filming and posting videos whenever he wanted, analytics be fucked. But somehow, that worked out for him, and he quickly found himself with over two million subscribers just frothing at the mouth for his next video.
And those subscribers were some of the worst people. Sukuna didn’t care about fostering a safe space online for others, not in the slightest. His comment sections were atrocious, both on his Youtube and his Instagram. It was full of toxic men one-upping each other constantly and dragging on each other for not being able to work out as much as Sukuna did.
Sukuna was a large part of why his fanbase were so toxic. He himself often made bad comments about others, whether fellow creators or people that happened to appear in the backgrounds of his videos, and on more than one occasion he’d been ‘cancelled’. None of that mattered though, all he cared about was shitting on other people and making money.
Sometimes he played video games and posted it, but not too often. Sukuna often stated he wasn’t so much of a fucking lonely loser that he’d play video games all the time, and so the gaming videos he did post were few and far between. He played angry shooter games and GTA, mindless button clicking he could get lost in for a few hours for a video.
Laying in bed one night after uploading his most recent video, one where he rages at 12 year olds on GTA online, Sukuna was just scrolling through his phone mindlessly. After he uploads video game content, like clockwork, he gets recommendations for gaming channels. He only watches a few of them, mostly leaving mean comments saying what losers they are, but one catches his eye.
He’s never been recommended this kind of video before. The thumbnail is light and bright with some pink aesthetic lights in the back. But the most enticing thing is the person in the middle, cute pink cat ear headphones on and a bright smile.
“Let’s see…” Sukuna mumbles to himself, mindlessly clicking the video. He hasn’t even read the title, he only clicked it because they were cute, and here he is nearly blinded by the bright setup they have.
“Hi everyone, it’s (Y/N) here and I’m really excited today! We’re going to be playing this new game I found!” Sukuna is immediately enraptured by the sound of your voice, watching how your face changes as you talk. His eyes drift off to the decor behind you, cute plushies and healthy plants, and some twinkling fairy lights. There’s books as well, and your chair is one of those ergonomic gamer chairs he has as well but in pink.
Sukuna watches the video dumbly, totally in the dark about whatever you’re doing, but loving it all the same. All he knows is that he likes the sound of your voice, and when you laugh and smile at a funny part in the game, it makes a light flush come to his cheeks.
It only takes one video for Sukuna to spiral into more of your content. He watches a video on your gaming setup, and he’s surprised that so much technology can come in pink. He watches a video on how you edit, a few of you cooking in your kitchen, and even a few vlog videos.
He quickly subscribes to your channel, and when you plug your social media, he immediately goes there. Pulling up your Instagram, he stares at your profile picture and almost audibly coos at you for being cute.
Your profile is just as cute as your videos are and Sukuna barely remembers to follow you before he’s going through your whole feed, liking every picture he sees. Sometimes he leaves comments, only one word though, ‘cute’. He’s never liked something so outright cute before, it wasn’t who he was and it definitely didn’t fit with his brand.
Falling asleep after following you on every platform, Sukuna wakes up thinking about you as well. And he also wakes up to hundreds of comments from all his accounts, bombarding him with questions and screenshots from last night.
‘OMG Sukuna liked (Y/N)s posts!!’
‘Sukuna is so gross and toxic, you better stay away from (Y/N)!’
‘EW why the fuck do you like this bitch?’
There were hundreds of comments that he waded through. Most were from his fans, expressing disgust at how many photos of yours he’d liked and wondering why he, Sukuna, most heterosexual alpha male on the planet, would like a pretty in pink Youtuber who had bubbly intros and whined when their animal crossing villagers wanted to move away.
Other comments were from your fans, some in awe that he would like you considering how much he said he hated overly cute things. Other fans expressed concern, worried what this might mean for their favorite Youtuber. Did Sukuna want to cause problems, potentially hurting you? He did have a reputation of bullying others, so this wasn’t far fetched.
Checking your Instagram, you didn’t make any comment about it. There wasn’t any update or anything, but on his end he was being tagged in endless Twitter threads with screenshots of him liking your posts and commenting under them.
“For fucks sake.” He grunted, clenching his phone in his hands. The amount of notifications he was getting were starting to upset him and he nearly threw his phone to get them to stop.
Ignoring his phone for the rest of the day, Sukuna went to the gym like he always did and trained with his clients. Some of them brought it up to him, asking him if he had a mind break last night and forgot what he was doing. Sending them harsh glares, Sukuna refused to talk about it.
“Oh my fucking god.” Sukuna nearly wailed when he got home, finally checking his phone. His name and yours had begun trending, and the hashtag #protect(Y/N) was also. Muttering angrily under his breath, Sukuna turned on Instagram live.
“Okay what the fuck!” He shouted, seeing the live become instantly flooded with people all screaming about you and him. “You’re all fucking annoying, you know that?” Glaring harshly at the camera, he read some of the comments that went by.
‘Are you two secretly dating??’
“Who gives a shit why I liked their stuff, you’re a fucking weirdo for keeping track of me. And we aren’t secretly dating, dipshits.” Rolling his eyes, Sukuna scoffed as more comments came in begging for a collaboration. “And think about it you morons, why would we collab? Our shit is too fucking different, what would we even film about?”
Sukuna stayed on Instagram live for nearly an hour answering questions asking about you. Every time he had to answer that you weren’t secretly dating, he got a little more annoyed. Not at the comments themselves but at the fact that it was true; you didn’t even know he existed.
Ending the live in a huff, Sukuna didn’t feel any better than before, and it was made even worse by the fact that everything he said was being relayed to Twitter, and you were tagged in every tweet.
“These idiots!” Staring at his phone, Sukuna couldn’t believe what he was seeing. On your Instagram stories, you’d posted a q&a for your followers, and nearly all of the comments were about Sukuna.
“Hi everyone! No, me and Sukuna aren’t dating!” You said, laughing a little to ease how uncomfortable you were. “To be honest, I’ve never even heard of him before! As you know, my content is very...different from his, so our circles don’t exactly intersect. But I’m always happy to have new followers and potential friends!”
“Fuck me.” Sukuna groaned, cringing at how uncomfortable you looked having to address the sudden onslaught of questions. For once he wished he’d actually given a shit about his online presence, so that maybe one day your circles could intersect. He knew he scared you, he scared a lot of people, and this was just proof.
“Uh, Sukuna if you see this, hi it’s nice to meet you!” You said in the next slide, puffing out your cheeks and waving cutely at the camera. It made Sukuna blush, and he hated it. “Thank you for following me and liking my content! I was very surprised that you found me!”
“Of course I did, idiot, you’re fucking cute.” He muttered under his breath.
“I know a lot of people are asking for us to do a video together and I know our content is really different, so don’t feel pressured to respond or anything, but the offer is open! If you’d like, we can collab on something.”
“On what?” He asked like you were there.
“I cook sometimes, and I know you cook too! Maybe we can make a cooking video? You can teach me how to make healthy food or something!” Sukuna could tell a fake laugh when he heard one, and you definitely had one right now. “Anyways, thank you! Bye Sukuna!” But hearing you say his name cutely like that made him not care.
He nearly responded right away, accepting the collab offer now that you’d spoken about it, but he didn’t want to seem desperate. He watched through the rest of your Instagram stories, going back and replaying the parts where you talked about him over and over and his heart clenched every time when you said his name.
In the dead of night, Sukuna DM’s you after watching your latest video and leaving the simple comment ‘check your DM’s’.
“Fuck, what should I say?” He’s suddenly stumped as he looks at the keyboard. Typing and retyping a message, in the end all he can say is hi. He doesn’t expect a reply, ever, but when he gets a vibration on his phone two seconds later he jumps to read it.
(S/N): hi Sukuna! :)
(cursedgod): hey
Real fucking smart, repeating what he just said.
(S/N): is there something you wanted to talk to me about?
(S/N): I hope you haven’t been annoyed at all the notifications you’ve been getting!
(cursedgod): No it’s okay
(cursedgod): we can collab if you want
Good Sukuna, good. Play it cool, don’t let them know that your fingers are actually trembling because you’re nervous.
(S/N): do you want to?? I don’t want to pressure you! I know we’re pretty different haha
(cursedgod): yeah, let's do it. Cooking?
(S/N): sure!
Looking around his home, he was suddenly assaulted with the fact that he didn’t have any furniture. He barely had a proper bedroom, just a mattress on a bare frame and a dresser. His lounge room was the same with his computer setup in one corner and then nothing else. There was only a couch, a mounted TV and a fold out table and chairs for his dining room.
(cursedgod): I know a studio kitchen we can use, I’ll send you the address
Thank god he’d done promo work for a brand in a studio one day, otherwise he’d be fucked.
(S/N): awesome! I’m free next Saturday!
And just like that, it was a date. Well, a meeting. Sukuna knew it wasn’t a date, but his heart still thumped like it was one. Confirming the time, he ended the conversation with a curt goodbye and obsessed about it throughout the night.
When the day to meet you came, Sukuna nearly ran late trying to pick out his clothes. He’d never cared about looking good or presenting himself well in front of others, whatever version of him he turned up in was what they got. But for you, he wanted to try a little harder.
Waiting outside the studio space, Sukuna rubbed his hands together nervously. You’d messaged a day or two ago offering to put the video on your channel since it probably wouldn’t fit his aesthetic, so he didn’t have to bring his shitty camera equipment.
“S-sukuna?” Snapping his head up, Sukunas mouth fell open looking at your curious face a few feet away, an Uber driving off behind you. You were even cuter in person, just his fucking luck. How was he expected to act like a normal person when his recent obsession was here looking better than he could have imagined.
“Hi.” What comes out is a grunt, not the smooth word he’d hoped. He can see you eyeing him up, taking in all the thick and corded muscles of his body. It made his chest puff out a little, he worked hard for this physique and to have you so openly looking at him made him happy.
“It’s nice to meet you!” Sticking your hand out, you smiled politely at him.
“Same.” Shaking your hand with a firm grip, Sukuna could feel the difference in your palms. Yours was soft and nicely moisturized and he had callouses everywhere and a few cuts and scrapes.
Opening the door for you, Sukuna led you to the studio space he’d rented out. It was a clean and modern kitchen, not unlike his own, but it had appliances and looked actually lived in. Helping you set up a few camera angles, Sukuna felt a pang of nerves hit him in the stomach.
“Sukuna, can we take a picture together?” You asked before starting, and Sukunas brow furrowed deeply. Why would you want to take a picture with him? His expression must have scared you, because you quickly backtracked. “F-for promo for this video, on Instagram and stuff!”
“Sure.” God, did he feel bad or what. He shouldn’t have made that face at you, now you wouldn’t look him in the eye. Crouching down to get the right angle for you, Sukuna watched you pick a cute animal filter.
“Just do what I do.” Throwing up a peace sign, you cutely tilted your head from side to side and smiled. Sukuna tried to do the same but he looked awkward, and most of all he was blushing pretty bad.
You snapped a multitude of pictures, some at different angles and some with different filters, and in all of them Sukuna was blushing at least a little. He managed to smile more as it went on, even laughing at one of the filters.
“Thanks! I’m going to post these really quick and then we can get started!” Giving him a brief smile, you turned back to your phone and set about editing some of the pictures. Looking over your shoulder, Sukuna could see that he looked like a blushing high schooler meeting their idol for the first time and not a grown man.
Once the photos were posted and you tagged him in everything, it was time to start. Setting up your marks on the floor, you took a generous drink of water and cleared your throat.
“Are you ready for the intro? I’ll start it and introduce you, okay?” You’d actually prepared a script for yourself, and showed Sukuna as well.
“Okay.” Stepping in front of the camera, Sukuna bristled at feeling you so close to him. Your arm brushed his casually as you were fixing your shirt, and Sukuna was glad he’d worn his most expensive cologne for this.
“Hi everyone, welcome to today's video! As you know, I’m (Y/N), and today we have a special guest today!” Throwing your arms in the air, you motioned to Sukuna.
“Hi.” He nodded, barely cracking a smile. He could feel you looking at him like you wanted to say something, but he didn’t look.
“So, many people have been asking for us to do a collaboration and it’s finally here!” Clapping your hands lightly, you rocked on your heels and nudged his shoulder with yours. “Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?”
“Uh-” The playful nudge you’d given him was enough to make Sukuna short circuit. “I-I-” He suddenly couldn’t remember how to speak. “Rice?”
“Let’s try that again.” You laughed. “Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?” This time, you didn’t nudge him with your shoulder.
“We’re gonna…” the words were on the tip of his tongue, they wanted to come out and be spoken but he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Nodding reassuringly, you took a deep breath in and out, and Sukuna shakily copied. “One more try?” When he looked at you, Sukuna expected to see a hint of annoyance in your face, but there was none. You were just smiling softly at him, waiting for his answer.
“Yeah. I’ll uh, I’ll get it next time.” Stepping away from the camera, Sukuna took a drink of water and cleared his throat. Cracking the bones in his neck, he took a deep breath and came back. “Let’s do it.” No more fucking embarrassments.
“Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?” You asked for the third time, slightly swaying your body side to side this time.
“We’re gonna make katsudon today.” Finally, the words he wanted to say came out.
“That’s right! As you can see, Sukuna is really fit!” You immediately hopped in, giving his arm a brief squeeze. “And he knows how to make a ton of healthy meals!”
“So I asked if he could help teach me, and all of you at home, how to make it!” Smiling at the camera, you waited a few seconds before relaxing and turning it off. “Did you like that? We can refilm it if you want.”
“No, it’s okay.” Running a hand through his hair, he pointed to the bag of rice he’d brought. “Let’s get started on this shit.”
Taking fifteen minutes to film the two of you filling up the rice cooker, when it was over, you set about getting aesthetic shots of the other ingredients. Sukuna tried to seem casual off to the side on his phone, but he was really watching you.
Getting started on chopping the ingredients, Sukuna somehow managed to say the things he was supposed to without stuttering too badly. He was amazed that you could make the things he was doing sound so interesting, your narration as you held the camera and tried to do things yourself was impressive to the man that barely knew anything about cameras.
“Sukuna, I need help cutting the meat.” You whined, tapping the meat on the cutting board with a knife. “I don’t remember how you showed me.”
“Here.” Without thinking, Sukuan grabbed your hand with the knife in it and moved it for you. “You just have to move your wrist more, it’s not that hard.” Doing it a few times, when Sukuna felt your chest expand with air against his, that’s when he realized how close the two of you were. “S-sorry.” Immediately jumping back, he stared at the floor.
“Thanks!” Giving him a smile, you kept at it.
“I’ll fry the meat.” Stepping in as soon as you were done, Sukuna already had the hot oil ready. He was eager to cook and do something with his hands instead of - what he felt like - was awkwardly watching you off to the side.
“Okay!” Grabbing the camera, you focused on the pan. “You’re really good at this, Sukuna!”
“T-thanks.” Staring directly at the pan, Sukuna didn’t look away. Even with the hot oil popping up from the pan a few times and burning his fingers, he didn’t flinch at all.
“Ow!” But you did. Your hand had gotten too close, and when Sukuna flipped the meat, some of the oil had gotten on your hand.
“Shit.” Abandoning the pan, Sukuna was ready to drag you over to the sink for some cool water.
“I-it’s okay, it was only a little.” Shaking your stinging hand, you point to the food. “But I think the meat might burn.”
Narrowly avoiding disaster with the meat, when it came time to cook the eggs, you made a joke about how you liked your eggs in the morning and Sukuna burnt them almost immediately. While not an overtly sexual comment, the implications of the words still affected him.
Somehow, he managed to make the dish come together and while his plated dish didn’t come out the best, yours looked at least halfway decent with overcooked meat and burnt eggs. The only things not messed up were the rice and vegetables, and even then Sukuna was surprised.
“We did it everyone, we made katsudon!” Holding up the bowls, you smiled big and nudged Sukunas shoulder again. “You saw we had a few mishaps along the way, but that’s okay, that’s what made it fun.”
“Yeah, it was fun.” Sukuna chuckled. Despite him being more nervous than he’d ever thought possible, he had fun cooking alongside you.
“Sukuna, will you try mine? I made it super pretty and everything.” Holding your dish up to him, Sukuna wasn’t expecting you to do that. Now he felt bad that his looked so ugly and like a teenaged boy made it; he almost said no.
Eating yours though, somehow it tasted better than he was expecting. It must have been how you prepared it, and the fact that you cared so much about the presentation. Eating it in silence, he let you eat in peace as well for a few minutes and compliment the food to the camera.
“Alright, that’s the end of the video!” Putting your bowl down, you turned to Sukuna. “I had so much fun today, thanks for filming this with me.” Now was his chance to make everything better. Putting his bowl down and bolstering himself with confidence, Sukuna threw his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close to him.
“Thank you (Y/N), I really did enjoy today. I hope we can film again soon!” He squeezed your shoulder and smiled really big at not only you but the camera as well. He knew he was blushing, he knew that even the tip of his nose was a nice rosy shade, but he didn’t care. If people teased him for it, then so be it. But he wanted you to know how he truly felt.
“R-really? You want to?” You asked, looking up at Sukuna from your place smooshed against his body.
“Aww, well you heard it here first everyone! Sukuna wants to shoot another video with me!” Clapping your hands a few times, you waved at the camera. “Okay, bye everyone!”
“Bye.” Sukuna waved too, waiting a few seconds before letting you go and turning off the camera.
“Sukuna, did you really mean it? You want to film another video with me?” You were in utter disbelief. All this time, he’d just seemed very standoffish, if not a little awkward around you. You were happy to film this video with him, he had way more followers than you and it would help boost both your channels, and to hear him say that just made it even better.
“Yeah, I was serious.” Sukuna spoke around stuffing his mouth with the food he still had left. He was more hungry than he thought, the nerves doing a good job of twisting his stomach during the video. Now that it’s over, he can finally relax.
“That makes me really happy.” Eating the rest of your food as well, you leant against the counter. “This is gonna sound kind of mean, but I was really scared to film with you today. I thought you were going to be really mean.”
“Shit, you did?” He grimaced, letting out a sigh. “Sorry I had you worried.” He could already imagine the comments you would get from his fans.
“It’s okay! You’re actually way nicer in person, I was surprised!”
“That’s good.”
“And you’re really buff, you have muscles in places I didn’t even know were possible!” You laughed bashfully at that comment, and avoided looking at him when he stared at you in shock. “I couldn’t help but notice…”
Were you checking him out? Had you been checking him out this whole time and he didn’t even realize? He had seen you eyeing him up when you first met, but were you looking at him like that at other times as well? Now he’d really have to watch your video to see if it was true.
“Thanks, it’s my job.” Could he have said that any lamer? “My job outside of all this, I mean. I’m a trainer at this fancy gym downtown.”
“Oh, I’ve seen some of your videos at your gym! I know which one you’re talking about.”
“You do? You’ve seen my videos?” If he wasn’t surprised before, he was now.
“Yeah, you know I had to do a little research beforehand.” You nodded, beginning to clean up the dishes around you. “And I know you’ve already watched almost all of my videos, so it only seemed fair.”
Did you have to bring that up? Now Sukuna was embarrassed again.
“Y-yeah, I did.” Clearing his throat, Sukuna helped gather the dishes. He took up washing them, another task he could do to get his mind off you. As you took down the camera equipment, he nearly broke several dishes and utensils from scrubbing too hard.
“I’ll call you an Uber.” He said when all was said and done and you were back at the front of the building.
“You don’t have to, it’s okay.”
“No, I want to.” Quickly calling you a ride, Sukuna fiddled with his phone a little more. “Uh, could I- could I-” His voice kept leaving him, and he had to cough a few times. “Can I get your number? I really liked your camera shit and I want to improve mine.” Okay, it wasn’t a total lie. He did like your setup and wanted to make his just as good, but he really wanted your number to potentially talk to you more about things outside of Youtube.
“Sure! Go ahead and type it in.” You were quick to give him your phone, a cute pink phone case on the back of it. Typing it in, he can’t help but notice the little devil emoji you add by his name. He wants to ask, but your ride is already pulling up.
“Bye!” Setting all your camera gear inside the car, you turn and wave goodbye.
“See ya.” Just as you’re about to close the car door, Sukuna gets a burst of confidence. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“Okay!” And off you go. Sukuna watches the car drive off until he can’t see it anymore. He takes his time getting to his own place, eagerly awaiting your message with every step. But even when you do message him, all he can do is send a thumbs up back and nothing else.
It’s about two and a half days after that that you text him again, letting him know you’re done editing and that you’re going to post the video soon. It wasn’t a very long video to begin with, so the editing was simple enough. Sukuna replied with what appeared to be a lackluster ‘can’t wait’, but on the inside he was shaking. He’d already screenshot all the pictures the two of you took together and added them to a folder.
“Here we go.” As soon as the video went live, Sukuna watched it. He was mortified as soon as it started at the blush so evident on his cheeks, and how it stayed throughout the whole thing. He groaned at the part where he helped you cut up the meat, he almost wishes you’d cut it out. Every little detail that made him embarrassed was there, every little nuance of his actions you’d managed to capture and make it cute.
(Y/N): How do you like it??
You texted him after twenty minutes, eager to hear his thoughts.
(Sukuna): it’s good, good editing and stuff
(Y/N): yay! I’m going to read comments in a few hours, you should too! I bet people will be really shocked!
(Sukuna): yeah no doubt
Oh, he was definitely going to read the comments. Whereas you were going to wait for a fair few to come in before commenting, Sukuna frequently refreshed the page and read the new ones as they came in. You were right, a lot of people were surprised, but he also saw a lot of his fans as well.
‘Ew Sukuna really cooked for that bitch? They can’t do it themselves?’
‘Yeah, why do they have to rely on him? Useless as fuck lol’
‘Sukuna only did this to get laid, (Y/N) looks like an easy fuck’
All of those comments, and many more, made his blood boil. Usually, he wouldn’t care at all about the comments, letting them fester in his comment section and spiral out of control. But for you, it was different.
‘Fuck off and die you pieces of shit. Leave (Y/N) alone or say it to my fucking face’
Sukuna sent that message, along with a variety of other threats, to all the people that insulted you. He didn’t care that this wasn’t his channel and that you would deal with it in whatever way you wanted to. He needed to defend you against the unwanted audience he’d brought you.
Luckily, after seeing Sukunas messages, all of his fans backed off. They knew how serious he was about his threats and there were many rumors that he actually did go and beat people up who said things he didn’t like. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of his torment.
With Sukunas name attached to the video and his heavy presence in the comment section, the video easily went viral. It was easily the most viewed video on your channel, getting on the trending pages of several different platforms.
(Sukuna): hey
It’s nearly a week after the first video that Sukuna messages you, and the hype is still going strong, and your follower count grows greatly from it.
(Y/N): hi! What’s up?
(Sukuna): do you want to film a video for my channel now? We can play a game, I have a few
(Y/N): sure that sounds fun!
Oh how wrong you were. The game Sukuna chose was a scary game, a shooter game with scary zombies and a lot of possible jumpscares. He doesn’t tell you either, so on the night of filming - he insisted on it being nighttime to get the full scary effect - you were caught off guard.
“I don’t know about this.” You whined once you saw the title. The two of you were video calling alongside playing the game together, and Sukuna’s eyes flicked to your figure on the screen.
“It’ll be okay, I’ll carry you, don’t worry.” He had started filming as soon as he’d set up the game, and you were filming yourself as well for him.
“You promise it won’t be too scary?”
“If it’s too scary just close your eyes and I’ll protect you.” Smiling softly at you, he started up the game. The beginning was fine, just a quick introduction to the game, but as soon as things started to get moving, you were scared.
“Sukuna a zombie is eating me!” You screamed, frantically pushing buttons in an attempt to get it off.
“It’s okay!” He quickly got rid of it, and made sure to stay close to your character as the story progressed.
“(Y/N) stay by me, there’s about to be a whole lot of them.”
“Close your eyes there’s about to be a jump scare here.”
“Don’t worry about getting that item, I’ll grab it for you!”
Sukuna nearly forgot he was being filmed, saying sweet things to you to help encourage you and make sure you weren’t overwhelmed. There were many parts where you screamed in fright and Sukuna was there to coo at you and tell you it was okay. He made sure that your character never died, making sure to keep you close until the end of the game.
“Sukuna, that was so hard!” Squishing your cheeks in your hands, you looked at him through your phone.
“It was fun though, wasn’t it? I had fun with you.” Completely abandoning the game, he stared down at his phone with a soft smile on his face.
“Yeah, when there weren’t so many zombies.” You stuck your tongue out at him, and it made him laugh. Leaning his head into his hand, Sukuna grinned when you yawned.
“Aw, are you tired? Better go to sleep soon.” His voice dropped to a lower volume, like you were right next to him.
“I will.” You yawned again and it made Sukuna yawn as well.
“Get off the phone and go to bed, you’re making me tired too.”
“Fine.” Whining out the word, you waved sleepily. “Goodnight Sukuna, I’ll send you the video files in the morning, okay?”
“Night.” Waving back, Sukuna waited until you hung up to turn his stuff off as well.
In the morning, Sukuna was ready to edit. What usually took him a week to edit out of laziness, he took only a day to edit this video with you together. Rewatching the footage, he nearly gagged at seeing how soft his face got when he looked at you, and most of those parts were left in because he couldn’t stand to watch them and fix them.
(Sukuna): videos up
The next day, he messaged you. Once again Sukuna patrolled the comments, swiftly deleting any that said even a hint of a bad thing about you. There was less this time, what with Sukuna adding a warning at the beginning of the video threatening anyone that talked down at you.
This video, like the first, went viral. But for a much different reason. Since Sukuna was emotionally unable to deal with how sappy he was and edit those parts out, everyone got to see how soft he was for you. If the comments weren’t mean, they were screaming about how you and Sukuna must be dating now, because why else would he look at you and talk to you like that?
And much to Sukuna’s dismay, there were also fancam edits of you two together. Any clippable moment of him being sweet on you in the videos you’d made together along with the photos you’d posted on Instagram were edited together and posted on Twitter. You both were tagged in every single one, making sure Sukuna saw all the videos of you and him together. He saved all of them too, delighting in the way you looked with him with all those pretty filters.
By the end of the day, people were trying to put a ship name together for the two of you and he’s seen you repost a few fancams with cute messages of thanks as well. Seeing you receptive to the fans screaming about the two of you made him happy, even if he was still too nervous to text you about anything outside of Youtube.
As more comments came in, people on Twitter were begging him to do a vlog with you. You had quite a few on your channel, going to cafes or filming what your day or week was like. Sukuna had watched them all and was jealous of every single person that appeared alongside you.
(Y/N): hey I’m doing a live on Instagram if you want to join me! I know people really like us together lol it’ll be great for views
(Sukuna): sure
Did you want him to join now? He’d just gotten out of the shower and thrown on a pair of sweats, he wasn’t exactly decent. But he didn’t want to waste time getting ready only for you to end the live.
“Hi Sukuna!” You smiled and waved when he appeared on the screen.
“Hey.” He waved back, not caring about the angle he was holding the camera in. He saw hearts begin to fill up the screen and comments started to fly by, almost all in caps about the fact he was shirtless talking to you.
“Guys, don’t be weird! Who cares that Sukuna is shirtless?” You tried to stop them, but it was clear you were flustered as well. You weren’t looking at him, peeking at him through the screen a few times.
“God you’re all thirsty as fuck.” Sukuna finally looked at himself on the screen. He was shirtless and in bed, hair slightly damp and tousled on his pillow. Reading a few comments, he shot up. “Of course I’m wearing pants, you nasty fuck!” Storming out of bed, he stood in front of the only mirror in his house that wasn’t in the bathroom and turned the camera around. “See, look!”
“Oh.” Gasping softly, you were glad Sukuna didn’t notice you screenshot the live. Clad in only gray sweatpants, Sukuna’s freshly cleaned skin gleamed in the light of his bedroom and every single muscle and edge of his body was on display.
“There, told you I wasn’t fucking naked.” Rolling his eyes, he flopped back down on the bed. None of the comments had gotten any better, all of them talking about how hot he was and how you were so lucky to know him in real life.
“L-let's talk about something else.” You stammered, not showing your face on camera for a few minutes. Sukuna laughed at the comments teasing you for being embarrassed, agreeing with some of them under his breath.
“So, what the fuck are you all doing here?” Sukuna posed the question at the chat, but at you as well.
“Well before you came everyone was talking about you...and you know how everyone has been begging for us to vlog?” You started off slowly, peeking an eye at his face.
“I wanted to call you to ask how you felt about that?” How he felt? Why did you want to know?
“You couldn’t have texted me that?” That wasn’t necessarily what he wanted to say, but it made you chuckle, so it was okay.
“No! I wanted to ask so everyone could know!”
“I don’t mind it.” If you wanted to vlog with him, he would do it in a heartbeat.
“So…” Worrying your lip, you looked off camera for a few seconds before looking directly at Sukuna. “Would you like to be in a vlog with me, at a cafe? It’s outside the city, kind of far, but we can rent a car or-”
“Yes.” Sukuna interrupted, nodding his head quickly. “I’ll come. We don’t have to rent a car, I’ll drive.”
“Really?” The comments were just as shocked as you were. Sukuna never filmed anywhere but his home and the gym, this would be a monumental occasion.
“Did you want me to say no?”
“No!” You screamed immediately, nearly dropping your phone. “I just- I wasn’t expecting you to say yes!”
“Well I did.” Sukuna bit his lip, running a hand through his hair and flexing his arm. “So I guess it’s a date, huh?” His normal asshole confidence was back now that you were appearing through a screen and not right next to him. A surprised sound came from the back of your throat, and you nearly dropped the phone again.
“Y-yeah! A date!” It felt good to have you flustered for once and not Sukuna. Laughing heartily at you, Sukuna smirked at the comments.
“Was that all you wanted to ask me or was there something more?”
“No, that was it!”
“Alright.” Licking his lip and letting his tongue hang out of his mouth a little, Sukuna watched you bite your lip as well. “Well I’m gonna go, I got stuff to do, but I’ll text you later (Y/N).” Dropping his voice as he said goodbye, Sukuna left the livestream.
“Holy fuck.” As soon as his phone was off, Sukuna let out a breath he’d been holding in. His heart was pounding hard despite how confident he was in his actions. Flirting was nothing new to him, but with you it felt different and like he’d never done it before in his life.
He watched the rest of your livestream while he finished getting ready for bed, laughing at the comments still teasing you about getting flustered with him. The notifications for Twitter were going off as well, and he knew for sure that there were new fancams for him to check out later.
(Y/N): Sukuna!! You’re so embarrassing!
Texting him after your stream, your cheeks were still burning at the memory.
(Sukuna): hey, you said it would be good for views and it was
(Y/N): I know…
(Y/N): did you really mean it, about coming with me?
(Sukuna): of course. If I didn’t want to I would have said no
(Y/N): that’s good lol!
There was a lull in conversation, and Sukuna nearly fell asleep waiting for you to either text him again or for him to figure out what to say next.
(Y/N): so, a date huh? Are you going to bring me flowers?
Now he was awake. He didn’t expect you to bring that up again, and his eyes flew open. Sukuna’s fingers hovered over the keyboard, mind going blank on what to say.
(Y/N): lol just kidding! I know you only said that for the stream! I’ll text you later about the details, I’m about to knock out
(Y/N): goodnight :)
Well shit. Now he definitely wanted it to be a date.
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soramei · 3 years
Intentional - Part 5
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Landing your first real job at JYPE was something short of a miracle. You were prepared to face the new struggles of this elusive career whilst moving to a new country, however, nothing could have prepared you for him. Will stolen glances, secret touches, and hushed nights spent in the recording room ever be enough for the both of you?
Genre: idol!bang chan au, forbidden relationship, coworkers to eventual lovers, slow burn
Warnings: cursing, eventual smut
Word Count: 4.0k
A/N: yeah so about that upload... i was really busy this whole week but i hope to start uploading mondays again! thanks for understanding!!
Taglist (reply to be tagged!): @planetdemon​ @hvunvely​ @fluffybitch0325​ @fashi0nablee @juststop88 @straykisz @theultimaterad @margaritas-en-la-montania @meowtella
There was a pause in the phone call.
You started biting your nails, instantly regretting what you had just done. Basking in your stupidity, you could only wait for his response, for it was too late to retract what you had just said. Your day must have been worse than you thought. It must have been so bad that you had the nerve to ask Bang Chan — an idol, a person with a strict schedule, somebody who you had an argument with — to come over to your pathetic little apartment.
You kept nibbling on your fingers.
“I’ll get my jacket.”
You froze, eyes wide.
“Huh?” You were bewildered. You weren’t even expecting an answer, much less this.
“It’s cold this late at night,” he explained, “I’ll be there soon.”
You didn’t know what to say. You heard rustling on the other side of the call.
“Wait, I’ll tell you my address,” you blurted out.
“You did,” he said.
You frowned, trying to remember if you did or not. That’s right. You blushed at the memory of your first day of work.
“Oh yeah, umm, I’ll hang up now.” You awkwardly said, hanging up before Bang Chan could fit another word in.
You were a statue in your own apartment, clinging on to the last words exchanged on your phone. In actuality, you didn’t know why you asked him to come over. It was just blurted out in the moment. Or maybe it was a result of your extremely frustrating day. Either way, you felt extremely embarrassed that you did so, especially so late at night.
You started boiling some water, still trying to rationalize what you had just done. This was normal for friends, right? Na-eun and Yoojin came over just yesterday and you were friends with both of them. You knew for a fact that you two were friends, but you still couldn’t find an explanation for the strange feeling in your chest whenever you were around him.
Turning your phone on, you checked your face in the selfie camera. It was a miracle that your makeup didn’t smudge off. You thanked your new ‘CLIO’ foundation cushion, it looked like all that time you spent doing your makeup didn’t go to waste. You stared at your reflection for a couple more seconds before turning your phone off. Why did it matter what you looked like anyways? You wiped off any remaining lipstick with the back of your hand.
The kettle started rumbling, letting you know that the water was ready. You took out your mug to prepare some tea. It was a bad idea to have tea this late at night, but there was something about your mother’s tea that could knock a grown man out.
Sipping your tea, you turned on Youtube to an episode of a Korean web-drama that was getting really popular. It was another one with some rich CEO and a clumsy average girl, but you still watched, fully enamoured. On the recommendations list, there was a video with Felix — the other person you saw at the cafeteria on your first day — on the thumbnail. I can never escape from work, you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes.
You clicked on it anyways, just to pass the time. Watching through the video, you were shocked by the production value. Well, that, and Bang Chan. Whether it was hair and makeup or just his acting, he was so different from the person you knew in real life. You were in awe by his natural charisma gleaming at you through the screen as it was a rare quality that few people you knew possessed. Embarrassingly, you found your eyes drawn to only him in every group shot. He looked good in an apron.
You got distracted by more random videos before clicking back on your drama. The next episode was just about to start when the buzzer to your apartment rang.
It was Bang Chan.
Hurriedly, you shuffled towards your door. With your hand on the handle, you took a deep breath before opening the door.
“Hey,” you smiled.
“Hey,” he smiled back. He was leaning over you, his forearm on the doorframe. His coat was bulky, almost engulfing his whole upper body. He was wearing the same beanie you saw on multiple occasions, and in his hand was a white plastic bag.
You stepped aside, silently gesturing for him to come inside. He took your hint and sauntered in the room, head turning left and right to observe his surroundings.
“It’s not much,” you blushed, realizing how small your apartment really was. You could basically see all your belongings from the center of the room.
“No, it’s cute.” Bang Chan looked at you, taking his hat off. His dimple peaked out. “I brought some leftovers from that barbecue place. The kids and I went there after our shoot today.”
So that was what the bag was. With only food on your mind, you rushed to help hang Bang Chan’s coat before setting the table up.
The food was really good. They were leftovers, but it was so good. Stuffing a bite of pork belly in your mouth, you sighed. Where was this food earlier today?
“It’s good, right?” Bang Chan asked whilst chewing on a piece of meat. “I’ll take you next time.”
It was like he read your mind. You nodded eagerly in response, to which Bang Chan replied with a smirk.
“So, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck, “how was your date today?”
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to remember that embarrassment of a night. It was such a pity too, because that man was probably the most gorgeous man you’ve ever witnessed. You swore he had just stepped out of a webtoon when you first met him.
“It was alright,” you shrugged. It was difficult to reflect on the date without putting a damper on your mood, but maybe vocalizing it would have helped ease your discomfort. “He compared me to a model, you know.”
Bang Chan chuckled, making you look up in confusion.
“Was it because you looked exactly like the model?”
“No,” you replied.
His face immediately fell. “You’re kidding, right? Y/n, tell me you don’t believe anything that loser said. He’s got to be something below garbage if he was comparing two women.”
“Thanks, Chan.” You tried to force a grin on your face. “I appreciate it.”
There was a pause.
“I know my opinion means nothing, but Y/n, I think you’re beautiful.”
You stared into Bang Chan’s eyes, frozen like a statue. Your heart was beating so loud that you could hear it more than you could feel it. He stared back at you from across the table; mouth parted, breaths uneven.
You’ve received many compliments before, to which you would always reply with a smile and a quick ‘thank you’. However, it felt as if your brain malfunctioned in this moment and your heart was the only thing keeping you alive. You could still feel your body, but you couldn’t think.
“Thank you, Chan.” You awkwardly coughed, blushing profusely. Immediately focusing your eyes at the table, you couldn’t bear to keep looking at him.
The two of you ate in silence, with only the tapping of chopsticks adding to the ambience of the room. You wanted to make conversation with him, but you did not want to be the first one to break the silence. It frustrated you that you were so shy right now as you’ve never been like this back home.
To heck with it, you thought. There was no need to be shy around him.
“So,” you still couldn’t look him in the face, “any shows you’ve been watching lately?”
Small talk was good. You could do small talk.
“Actually, I’ve been wanting to watch this Transformers movie for quite a while.”
“Transformers?” You’ve never heard of that one. It must’ve been an American movie.
“Seriously?” his eyes widened. “You’ve never seen Transformers before? Oh, we’ve gotta watch it now.”
“You wanna?” you smiled. “I haven’t used my TV since moving in.”
“Mhm, let’s do it.” He stuffed the rest of the leftovers in his mouth before standing up and clearing the table.
You watched him clear the table in a trance. You should have offered to help since it was your own home, but watching the veins on his hands appear and disappear was way more interesting. Watching him, you suddenly remembered the hoodie.
“Oh, that’s right!” You exclaimed, shuffling over to the bag with the hoodie in it. Taking Bang Chan’s black hoodie out, you held it up to him with both hands.
He looked down at you and chuckled.
“Keep it,” he took it from your hands and slipped the hoodie over your head. “At least until you buy a new jacket.”
“I will.” You rolled the sleeves of his hoodie higher to show your hands. You turned the light off, leaving only the floor lamp to illuminate your apartment. Grabbing the remote from your coffee table, you summoned Bang Chan over to the couch.
You turned on the TV, fooling around with the remote control for a few seconds before giving up.
“I give up.” You sighed. Pouting, you handed the remote over to Bang Chan. He took it from you and started reading the buttons.
“Netflix, right?” Bang Chan asked, to which you nodded. “There we go.”
He scrolled through the titles, looking for the coveted movie. Once he found the movie, he quickly selected it and turned the subtitles on. That was nice of him, you thought. Although you also studied english in university, it was nowhere near the level of watching a full english movie.
The title sequence started and you tried to immerse yourself in the movie. You watched in awe, surprised at the fast pace of the action already.
Fully engrossed, you started to sink your back into the couch. Half-way throughout the title scene, you felt Bang Chan stretch his arm behind you to rest on the back pillow. Suddenly, you started feeling too aware of your surroundings. You sat up straighter.
Throughout the whole movie, you caught wafts of Bang Chan’s cologne everytime he moved. He smelled like safety and familiarity.
You turned your head up a little to get a glimpse of his profile, mapping out every edge and curve of his face. The light illuminated the tip of his nose, along with his dewy cheekbones and chin. The plum of his lips were let slightly open, allowing his teeth to peek out slightly. You unconsciously let out a sigh.
“Something wrong?” He turned his body to face you.
You shook your head and focused on the movie.
The rest of the movie was pretty good, although it lost you at parts. You watched the end credits in silence, not knowing what to say.
“So,” Bang Chan cleared his throat beside you, “I should get going now. Since it’s late.”
You turned your head to face him, not realizing how close the two of you had physically gotten throughout the movie. Looking up at him, your face was inches away from his. His face was almost enveloped by the darkness of your apartment. You heard his breathing get heavier.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “you should.”
He didn’t get up though.
You heard his staggered breath as you kept looking in his eyes. The end credits had long been over by now. Your own breath was just as shaky and you heard your heart beat out of your chest.
He started leaning in. Slowly.
Your eyes widened. You gulped, your nerves snapped you back to reality all of a sudden. Wasn’t he supposed to be your friend? This wasn’t what friends did… Right?
Clearing your throat, you leaned back shyly.
“You should go. I don’t want the others to notice you’re gone.”
“Yeah.” Bang Chan’s lips flattened in a line. Without another word, he stood up and walked towards your door.
You followed him in silence, hoping to at least send him off. Wrapping your arms around your torso, you watched as he put his boots on in the dark. He tied his laces, and with a nod, he opened the door and stepped out.
You were left with a sour taste in your mouth and a cloudiness in your head. Still standing in front of your door, you tried to process what had just happened. However, you couldn’t. All you could think about was the soft curls of his hair, the delicate threads of his eyelashes, and his lips. The dusty rose of his lips. The parting of his lips. Inviting you in.
You were frozen, looking at nothing particularly. The only thing on your mind was Bang Chan.
The door opened.
“Hey, sorry, I forgot my jack-”
His sentence never got a chance to complete itself as you rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. As your lips touched his, you felt a fire ignite in you like nothing you’ve felt before. Your fingers clawed at the nape of his neck, wanting more. Wanting to be closer.
Almost immediately, Bang Chan responded. He was taken by shock at first, but his hands didn’t waste any time to grip your waist. You felt the muscles of his shoulders tighten as he pulled you closer.
He moved you back into your apartment by the waist, lips never leaving your own. You blindly shuffled backwards, only focused on trying to get closer to him. If that was even possible.
You ignored the clunking of his boots against your clean floor, allowing him to guide you to the couch. A whimper left his lips as you used your hand to comb through his hair, pulling it. His soft brown curls were silk against your fingertips.
The back of your legs hit the couch and he turned you around so he could sit on the couch. Your lips finally left his. You gasped for air, trying to steady your deep breaths.
Bang Chan’s breathing was synchronized with yours, his equally as unsteady. He reached his hands out again, grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him. You were a ragdoll, responding to whatever he wanted to do to you.
With each knee on either side of him, you gripped his jaw and kissed him again. The fire inside of you instantly reignited. It was addicting.
The two of you didn’t dare to separate from each other, only parting to gasp for air every now and then. Even in the dark, you could imagine the plum of his lips and the threads of his eyelashes. This drove the fire in you more.
“What if the boys realize you’re gone?” you breathed out the next time you parted from his lips. They were most likely sleeping, but the thought still worried you.
“Fuck them.” Bang Chan exhaled. Grabbing the back of your neck, he reconnected his lips with yours. You gladly complied.
His sloppy kisses slowly moved from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck, eliciting a soft whimper from your throat. This seemed to only edge him on as kept leaving sloppy kisses against your neck, all the while running his hands up and down your waist.
His cologne surrounded you, keeping you safe. Soon later, the adrenaline left the two of you, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing to fill the room. You brushed your thumb under his eye to which he deeply inhaled.
“Chan?” you said. He was leaving kisses all over your collarbone.
“Hmm?” He didn’t seem to pay much mind to what you were saying.
“It’s half past three. I really think you should get going.” You didn’t want him to leave, but you were almost sure he had another packed schedule for tomorrow.
“Mhmm.” Your words went in one ear and out the other as he made his way up your neck again. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and let out a small moan.
“C’mon, get up. How did you even get here, by the way?” It took everything in you to break away from his touch, but you were starting to get sleepy.
“Taxi.” He said, helping you get up from his lap. He stood up after you, brushing his hand against your waist one last time before making his way over to his jacket.
“You’re allowed to ride a taxi?” You tilted your head, sceptical.
He slipped his jacket on.
“No.” He peppered little kisses on your cheeks. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that now.”
You giggled, pushing him by his shoulders out the door. He played along, pretending to stumble with every step he took back.
“Text me when you get home,” you said, repeating what he said to you on your first day of work.
He nodded in response and winked before turning around to head home. As soon as the door shut, you slapped both hands against your face. Your little act of impulse had spun your head in spirals. You didn’t know whether to feel relieved at the fact that Bang Chan reciprocated your impulsive actions, or to worry that you had not only just kissed your coworker — but also a freaking idol. No one — not Manager Chen, your friends, or even anyone in the general public — could know about this. If they did, both your careers would be screwed.
You doted on this thought as you got ready for bed, only the worst possible outcome came to mind. If either your manager or his manager knew about what happened tonight, you could get fired. Or even blacklisted. You sat in bed, nervously biting your nails.
Your phone buzzed.
Bang Chan: Hey, I got home. Nobody’s awake… ^^
Bang Chan: Don’t think too much, alright? It’s late, go to sleep…
You felt relief reading his text. For some reason, he knew you were overthinking your actions. You decided to listen to his words and go to sleep.
The next day, Sunday, was very uneventful compared to the day before. You texted Bang Chan back when you woke up, but because of his busy schedule, he hadn’t had the time to reply yet.
Yoojin called in when you were eating lunch, asking about your date. You told her the truth, explaining how there would definitely not be a second date with that man. She sounded disappointed and vehemently tried to set you up with another man in her pool. You politely declined, thinking about your restless night with Bang Chan.
You finished some work ahead of time to free up the next week. Since you were invited to work with Manager Chen at the content shooting, you assumed that you could lessen your work stress ahead of time.
The shooting days were allocated for Friday and Saturday, with there being an overnight stay at the mountains. Whilst you didn’t know the arrangements for Stray Kids, you were informed that the production crew booked a small lodge for the team. You were excited to not only see a behind the scenes of a real shoot, but to also possibly form a closer relationship with Manager Chen.
You were thankful that you did some work ahead of time as Monday’s workload was so much lighter than usual. People were still coming to you with their ideas for the project, but with your other work done, you had the time to go through everybody’s ideas.
You didn’t hear from Bang Chan the whole day, which was nothing out of the blue. You remembered him showing his schedule to you once. The amount of things he had to do everyday had your eyes bulging out from their sockets. All of a sudden, you were thankful for your nine-to-five job.
The next couple of days ran the same way as your Monday, with you easily breezing through your workload. Since you had more time during your breaks at work, you took to exploring the part of the building that you could. You admired all the art, the trophies, the awards and memorabilia. Of course, you also spent more time with your new friend Na-eun.
On Thursday, the day before the shoot, you were helping the producers by translating some notes for the script. All was going smoothly, when you got a text.
It was from Bang Chan.
You weren’t going to lie; you were curious as to what he sent you. He was basically silent the whole week so far, and if you were being honest, you missed hearing his voice. And seeing his face. And feeling his hands brush against your waist.
Bang Chan: Come to my recording room… I’ve got something to show you.
Your eyes lit up right away, curious as to what he wanted to show you. Quickly checking the time, you decided to take your lunch break then and there. After all, you didn’t have much work left for the day anyways.
Locking up your computer, you zoomed inconspicuously past all the other cubicles and made your way to the elevators. You weaved through the hallways of his floor, praying that your memory didn’t escape you. It seemed like your memory was on your side today as you found yourself in front of a familiar set of doors. You didn’t bother to knock before going in.
Inside was Bang Chan: feet up on the desk, drinking from his iced coffee, concentrating on his producing software. You smiled. He looked so comfortable, even in an ‘office’.
He had his headset in, and didn’t seem to notice that you had entered. You went up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, and immediately threw his feet off the desk and stood up upon seeing that it was you. You smirked.
“I should really put a ‘please knock’ sign on the door.” He cursed under his breath. He reached behind you to close the door.
You giggled.
“So, what do you have to show me?” you wondered aloud.
“A new song. Since the filming is tomorrow, the producers put me on a time crunch to finish the song by today.”
So that was why he was so busy, you thought. You didn’t realize how the sudden filming would have impacted his schedule for the month. Especially since it would take up two whole days.
He let you sit in his chair, and hovered over you to press play on the song. His chair smelled like his cologne.
As he was playing the song, your eyes drifted up to see his face. The face — even after only four days — you missed. The dark circles under his eyes were prominent. That, along with his disheveled hair, told you that he truly was dedicated to his work. You imagined him sitting where you were, two in the morning, sipping on his iced americano.
“You like it?” His eyes drifted towards you, resembling a puppy bringing a ball back to its owner.
“It’s amazing. I don’t know how you managed this in just a few days,” you said. And you were sincere too. You couldn’t imagine yourself doing any of this.
“Eh, you know, late nights.” he shrugged. “Wanna see another?”
You nodded, and the two of you began listening to another one of his songs. You listened in silent wonderment.
However, the silence didn’t last long as the two of you soon found yourselves on the couch: hands all over each other, lips the same. You were lying underneath him, his arms resting on either side of you to hold his weight up. Your lips never left his as you ran your hands up and down his defined biceps.
The two of you couldn’t stay away from each other. The sound of the songs that he had put on shuffle filled the room, along with a fleeting sigh of moan every now and then. Bang Chan’s hand had started wandering up your blouse when, all of a sudden, the door opened.
“Hey, I have the lyrics h-” He stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Got Me Loosin All My Cool| M|
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Pairings: Jungkook X Reader | Jimin X Reader( Smut) FT- Side Tae & Yoongi
Note: Kook is in 80% of this but he’s “new” to the dynamic...so the smut is with Jimin and the OC...not Kookie!
About- Jimin and yourself take Jungkook shopping for a new suit to wear to the “Spectrum” launch party! OH, and Jimin fucks you in the backseat of your truck in the parking garage of the mall…..
OR: You know Kookie still in that “Broke college grad” phase only being with the company barley a month, and you don’t want him to feel self-conscious at the event! You’ve also been too busy to really check in with him to see how he’s adjusting! So, you thought something like this, in a more laxed atmosphere, would be a good solution! Oh and Jimin, honestly he’s just nosey as fuck and inched himself along, like nobody really invited him he invited his damn self! Also Jungook can’t underatand why the fuck your all so damn attractive...like...why!?
Jungkook’s a sweetheart and lowkey confused and whipped for everybody
Tae’s kinda being a spoiled asshole
Yoongi’s over it!
Jimin’s being a brat, he’s not use to having to “Behave” around others, espeically while your wearing “that” dress.....
-Song Reference- COOL-  Dua lipa
WC: 6K
WARNINGS: Semi-public sex/Top OC/Power bottom Jimin/ Spit play/ Cum play/ Fingering (F receiving) Cockrings/Lube (yes ppl actually use that IRL )Dirty talk/ biting, finger sucking
FINAL NOTE: This little excerpt is the prequel to the next full-length one-shot “All Eyes On Me” which is Hoseoks official ‘Intro” if you will. The full Summary for that can be found in the Masterlist which is linked below! Also if you’re new here..this is a stand-alone one-shot within my OT7Poly AU called “7 Deep” Short version: Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with!
(Sneak peek)
Jungkook’s happy I guess almost surprisingly so, I mean yeah Yoongi and yourself seemed cool in the interview, and when he did is work interview the vibe was chill. But let’s get real, we all know shit always seems better than it actually is in the interviews!
For one he honestly wasn’t expecting to be given such free reign already which is also why he’s happy as hell he didn’t listen to his roommate’s Mark and Ten and lie on his resume. Granted, everything still had to go through Yoongi first but he wasn’t just... I don’t know editing thumbnails like he thought he was actually doing real work. He’s been here barely a month and he already has reels he can add to his portfolio! Learning new tips and tricks, believe it or not, even through his internships he’s learned that some people are stingy when it comes to sharing knowledge. Yoongi however was far from that, thankfully he was well aware that just because you teach someone your “secrets” doesn’t mean you’re essentially replacing yourself! What makes you good at your job isn’t just how it’s done its how you do it!
If only Kookie could stop internally fangirling over Yoongi his life would be a little easier! He’d seen hundreds of your companies films before and being the production major he is..of course, he’d watch it the first time to jack off..then the second time he’d find himself just as if not even more turned on for the production quality. That’s something Onyx is always praised for..”Aesthetically pleasing porn”. Every morning, Yoongi would sit him down and show him something new and for the first time he finally understands what people mean when they say that someones mind is..attractive! Not Yoongi himself though, because that’s his boss and that would be weird but like his brain, ya know? Yoongi’s brian is sexy in a broboss way...I don’t know just go with it!
Anyway, Kook’s current project was actually one of his favorites so far because it was forcing him to actually challenge himself! This was something actually requested by Hoseok, who he learned was 26, the head of marketing, always bouncing around like he’s had 6 expresso shots and somehow manages to make streetwear look professional…. But anyway the task is creating trailers for films that are pc enough to not be blocked on platforms like IG but spicy enough to get ppl to wanna watch the full thing. Making a climax without the actual climax if you know what I mean. So he’d have to sit there and watch the films, try not to get hard and wanna jack off while watching said films...then take notes and screencaps of the best moments and compile them together without showing “too much”. He’s never been so thankful that he could wear sweatpants to work….because…..yeah it was hard..literally and figuratively hard...but like I said he’s happy and can pay his bills so that’s cool too!
Don’t get me wrong he still feels a little out of place at times and surprisingly enough not for the reason he expected! Two months shy of his 21st bday he assumed he’d feel a type of way because he’s the youngest but that’s not the case! Hell, they went to Nobu for lunch last week and Jin actually slid him his drunk so he wasn’t the only one not drinking!  Flashing him a cheeky little wink and whispering “Don’t tell mom” in reference to you once Kook looked back at him like a deer in headlights! It seems as though they care more about his talent than his age which is the way it should be because he knows he’s good at what he dose!
However, Onyx is kinda like those offices you see on TV, the kind he never thought where real, behind closed doors the environment is far from pc! It’s not a normal morning unless somebodies cursing out there computers! This morning he swore Taehyung told Jimin he had a shrimp dick…… There’s “that’s what she said” jokes being thrown out left and right, people cracking jokes on one another. And it’s not that he feels uncomfortable by any means again he’s a 20 y/o kid from LA it’s just ...he’s new...ya know? So he doesn’t know if he’s “allowed” to do that! So in the meantime, he just spends his days laughing until his chest hurts!
But besides that everybody’s chill , he’s still trying to learn people, regardless of how laxed the office is everybody’s busy as all hell especially Namjoon and yourself! The two of you are actually his biggest mystery, he’s never thought of marriage being something that he’d want. He’s always heard that people change, and shit gets boring, but even in a work environment that’s far from the vibe he gets from the two of you! You actually make marriage seem exciting, worth it, like a gift, not a task…..
Something else that he can’t truly wrap his head around is that your his boss, like legitimately his boss! Somebody that looks like you,I mean fuck your not even 30, you sway around the office in your little dresses and designer heels! Always dolled up hell sometimes he questions if he’s the one in some upscale porno! Actually, not just you all of you why the fuck are all of you so effortlessly attractive and put together?! To make it even worse you all know your shit too! Two days ago for example Kook went to Yoongi to ask if there was a certain way he wanted the ending credits to come into frame, and instead of Yoongi responding you did! Using terminology that had him ready to run home and pull out his “Intro to production” text box! Shit don’t make any Goodman sense...even Yoongi sitting in his office looking like he could be in one of the films he’s editing and no, god no why is he thinking this about his higher-ups?! No, no, nope try again Jeon!
However, now that we’re on this topic, there is one person that he can’t quite wrap his head around...I mean yeah he’s nice but he just seems more reserved around Jungkook than everyone else. Which is odd considering he’s the one Kook meet first, he’s actually the one that encouraged him to even submit his resume, to begin with! What makes it even odder is Yoongi and yourself actually told him that Tae was the most outgoing...it’s not that Jungkook nessercally thinks Tae dislikes him it’s just ...I don’t know, I don’t know…I guess he was just...warmer when the two of them met at Starbucks then he is now that they actually work together!
...And I guess that’s why he almost shit himself when his phone rang and the incoming name rang though as….”Taehyung Kim”...he kinda hoped he pocket dialed him and would just hand up! But wait, I guess you can’t really do that from a landline can you?? Fuckkkkkk
“I know technologies come a long way Kook, but phones don’t answer themselves ya know…” Eyes fluttering over to see Yoongi smirking at him, tone blatantly amused as he flipped through a file he had in his hands.It’s like he could sense how nervous he is too “Don’t worry about Tae, he’s more bark than he is bite, he’s literally a puppy dressed in Gucci…” Flicking his chin in the direction of the phone with a reassuring smile.
With a timid nod and shaky fingers Jungkook picks up  the call on the final ring “H-hello??”
“Jungkook? Can you come to my office in the next 5 or so minutes?” His tone wasn’t rude by any means but it also wasn’t the most inviting. Eyes fluttering overly timidly in Yoongis direction because he knew Tae was loud enough that the elder could hear and he smiled fondly, nodding in approval. Arms crossed firm against his chest, head cocked to the side, eyes squinting slightly from under his black baseball cap, as if he was now purposely trying to hear the conversation.
“Umm, yeah, yeah of course…” God, why does he sound like he’s still going through puberty right now!? Voice fluttering ina and out of an octave!
Tae just hangs up, no goodbye ...promoting Yoongi to roll his eyes, with an exasperated sigh...Jungkook just sits there for a moment, not too sure what to do!
“You’re free to go, Seok dosen’t need these until Friday and your deifiently far enough along, a little time away from your desk wont hurt! Oh, just save your stuff first though! The systems moving slow as fuck and I’m about ready to break my damn computer so I’ll probably do a system reboot while you’re gone!”
Jungkook nods timidly, swallowing so hard he’s sure Yoongi heard it, fingers scattering to do as Yoongis instructed, he literally feels like he’s going to throw up! Why does Tae make him so nervous? I mean no offense but Tae isn’t even his boss why is he more freaked out of Taehyung than is actual boss!
He hears a heavy sigh fall from behind him, as Yoongi invites himself to take a seat, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder ‘First off, you’re doing fucking great, and I mean that, so step back...and breath...” Squeezing his shoulder slightly, tone calm yet stable enough to ground the younger! 
 “Second, I’m ordering lunch from that coney up the street, Hyungs treat” He watches Jungkook go to open his mouth in protest and Yoongi just groans, loud and obnoxious, eyes fluttering to the back of his head more times than he can count!
“Don’t even try and give me that “Your not hungry bullshit” Eyes narrowing in the youngers direction challangingly “So let’s try this again, what do you want? And yes Tae can wait I already texted him and told him so you’re fine! Now go to google and pull up Leo’s menu and lets order lu-”
“Yonngggggiiiii!!!’ Whines through the studio, which only promps the man in question to slowly sink into his chair as if he was trying to make himself dissapear! And before Jungkook can even make heads or tails as to what’s happening...a pair of skin-tight leather pants, a florial silk shirt, that was sitting so low it mideswell not even be buttoned, flashy shades and windswept pastel pink hair comes strutting in... Looking like something straight out of Vouge so again he asks why the fuck does everybody look like this!?
Not even botherng to ask if he’s interupted anything, just flinging his arms around the production manager’s neck, propping his chin on top of his head,
“I need like...20 headshots edited...in the next half hour” Jungkook watched Yoongi go completely ridgit a scowl on his face as he tried to pull away but the casting manager only held on tigher “...and before you kill me even though I drunk some of it this Amerciano is for you soooo, I feel like I’ve made it worth or while, please and thank you! ” Smiling so big his eyes dispered into his face it took everything in him not to coo and swoon all at the same damn time!
Jimin fucking Park......
That’s all she wrote for now, don’t know the post date yet, I’ve written up wo when they actually go to the mall so it’s like halfway done.....
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calumcest · 4 years
there’s no time for running away now
so me exposing myself: yes i write fics that i never post. here is one of them that i’m pretty sure i wrote while completely out of my fucking mind at like 2am and have not re-read or edited so? absolutely cannot guarantee the quality of this fic in any way shape or form please do not hold me accountable for any of its content. unless you like it in which case please do hold me accountable because i require at least 3 doses of validation a day to survive. also this fic was literally me coming up with the final line and then writing 2.4k just to have a reason to have it
It’s three a.m., and Ashton’s awake. 
On the surface, that might not appear to be a problem. And ordinarily, it wouldn’t be - ordinarily, Ashton would either roll over groggily, will sleep to come with every fibre of his being and maybe a quick prayer or two, or read something mind-numbingly boring like his urgent work emails to send him back to sleep. This, however, isn’t the most ordinary situation. 
Ashton is awake because of Luke. 
And, okay, that’s a bit of an unfair characterisation. It’s actually Ashton’s racing thoughts keeping him up, but since Luke’s the focus of said thoughts swirling in a huge cluster through Ashton’s mind, overlapping and interlocking so Ashton can’t pick them apart from the love love love that’s threading through them all, he’s going to blame it on Luke. And it’s not exactly Ashton’s fault he’s in love with Luke, is it? He’d challenge anyone to spend years crammed in tight spaces with Luke Hemmings and not fall in love with him. 
(Michael and Calum don’t count, obviously. Ashton’s never seen two people so blinkered by love in his life, and he’s equal parts envious of their deep, easy love and grateful that they’re not his competition. He’s not sure he could take on Calum’s thoughtfulness if it came down to it.) 
The real problem is that Ashton’s alone. They’re in a hotel, some shitty place in northern England that Ashton can’t even remember the name of, but they’d all been so ecstatic to find out that they had a room each (each!) that they hadn’t been able to bring themselves to care. They’d all hopped straight in the shower, washing off three days’ worth of sweat and grime, and then one by one dropped out of the group chat (Ashton had heard Calum’s door clicking open and shut, muted footsteps and muffled voices), until Ashton thought he was the only one left awake. 
When Ashton’s squashed in a tour bus with God knows how many other six-foot-something men in their twenties, there’s nothing he wishes for more than a moment to himself. He sneaks the moments in when he can - a few minutes backstage, a few moments on the bus in the morning before anyone else has woken up, before Luke comes padding in with bleary eyes and a sleepy smile that makes Ashton’s stomach flip - but it’s never more than ten minutes, never enough time to feel the solitude. Now, though, he’s got nothing to do besides let the seclusion envelop him, listen to the silence and his tinnitus and let the ringing infiltrate his thoughts. 
It’s been so long since Ashton’s been on his own, really been on his own - usually on hotel nights, he’s so exhausted and grateful for a proper bed he falls asleep fully-dressed and wakes up disoriented - that he’s kind of forgotten what it’s like. He’s forgotten the way that his thoughts start to squirm around in his mind, all clamouring for his attention, one following the other in such rapid succession that Ashton barely has the time to process them before the next one is already gripping him by the throat and forcing him to look at it. He’s forgotten how fucking overwhelming it is, how it makes his breath catch in his throat, his stomach churn, thinking himself in spirals that he can’t think himself out of. 
The fact that Luke’s next door isn’t exactly helping matters. The hotel walls seem to be a product of a scientific experiment into creating materials that are one atom thick, so Ashton can hear every move Luke makes. He heard it when Luke padded into the bathroom for a shower, when Luke ambled over to the desk, heard the entirety of the news that Luke had on for about twenty minutes (apparently the Queen’s giving a speech tomorrow, and the EU are looking to pass a law about interest rates). He heard it when Luke got changed, heard his fucking jeans drop to the floor, heard him tossing and turning trying to get comfortable on the lumpy mattress. He can hear every creak of Luke’s bed, can almost make out Luke’s deep breathing if he really strains his ears, and it’s making it impossible not to think about him. Not that Ashton’s particularly good at ever not thinking about Luke. Luke Hemmings is definitely the majority shareholder of Ashton’s mind. 
Now, though, at three in the morning, in a shitty hotel room in God knows where, a country that isn’t home and never will be, on his own with nobody there to ground him, it feels frightening, more overwhelming than Ashton could ever put into words. He’s so in love with Luke, so fucking in love with Luke, and it puts everything on a knife’s edge. His sanity, his friendship with Luke, his career - everything’s on the line because Ashton can’t say no to those baby blues.
At half-past, when Luke rolls over in bed and makes a little noise of contentment, duvet rustling as he moves, Ashton breaks. 
“Wha’?” Michael says groggily when he picks up, sounding too sleepy to be annoyed. 
“Are you awake?” Ashton says, as quietly as possible, gnawing at his lip. 
“No,” Michael says, and then the line cuts out. Ashton hates him. 
“Are you up?” Ashton asks, when Michael picks up again, on the first ring. 
“Am now, dickhead,” Michael grunts. “‘s up?” 
“Luke.” There’s a pause, then a rustling sound and quiet footsteps, and then the sound of a door locking. 
“Ash, it’s three thirty in the fucking morning,” Michael says, and his voice echoes strangely, bouncing off the walls of what Ashton can only suppose is his en-suite, but it’s soft, understanding. He knows why Ashton’s still up, why he’s getting a call from across the hall at three-thirty in the morning. 
“Yeah,” Ashton says, hoping Michael understands yeah, that’s why I’m this fucked up. Everything feels worse at night, when Ashton doesn’t have the bright light of day to convince himself that it’s not that bad, he’s not going to fuck everything up that badly. Michael sighs, and it’s tinny and a little staticky, and Ashton’s suddenly struck with the thought that Michael’s voice is being beamed up to a satellite thousands of miles away before being sent back to Ashton, even though he’s about five strides away. It makes him feel a little sick, that level of removal between the two of them. Michael’s a few metres and yet thousands of miles away. 
“Ash,” he says gently, which is never a good sign from Michael. “You’ve got to stop torturing yourself like this.” Ashton bites at his thumbnail. 
“‘m not torturing myself,” he mumbles. 
“Oh?” Michael says, a note of scepticism in his voice. “You’re not lying in bed at three-thirty in the fucking morning thinking about how in love you are with Luke, convincing yourself you’re going to fuck everything up because of it?” Ashton hesitates. 
“Fuck you,” he says eventually, and Michael doesn’t even retort, just sighs again, heavy and sad. 
“I don’t like seeing you like this,” he says. 
“You’re not seeing me,” Ashton says, a little childishly. 
“You know what I mean.” Ashton does, and he hates it. It adds a sheen of guilt to all the other confusing emotions bubbling through him, that Michael’s got to deal with this, got to walk the tightrope of being between his two best friends. 
“Sorry,” Ashton says, a little too meekly. 
“Don’t,” Michael says sternly. “You’ve got to do something about it, Ash. You can’t spend the rest of your life stuck in perpetual limbo.” Ashton tears at a hangnail, relishing the way it stings when he rips it. 
“Do what?” Ashton says. “‘s not like I can tell him. Could fuck everything up.” He hesitates, and then adds: “Could fuck your life up.” 
“You think that matters more to me than your happiness?” Michael says, sounding genuinely incredulous, and Ashton loves him, absolutely fucking loves him, and absolutely doesn’t deserve him. 
“I love you,” he tells Michael, who snorts, the sound echoing strangely in the bathroom. 
“You’d better,” he says, but it’s fond. “C’mon, Ash, you’ve got to talk to him at some point. What the fuck else are you going to do? Sit around and wait for Luke to get married and have two-point-five kids?” Ashton blinks up at the ceiling, stomach churning at the thought of Luke with a faceless spouse and a white picket fence. 
“Maybe,” he says, counting the stains on the white paint to give him something else to think about. “Doesn’t sound like the worst plan in the world.” 
“No, Ash, it does,” Michael’s tinny voice tells him. “Christ. You’re such a fucking emotional masochist.” Ashton sighs, and casts his gaze down to the hem of his shirt, picking at a loose thread.
“What the fuck would I even say?” he says. It’s not like he’s never envisioned it; a grand declaration of love - always returned by Luke, of course - but in his fantasies, it’s a certainty that Luke’s going to feel the same way, so there’s none of that gut-wrenching, stomach-rolling uncertainty, no bile rising in his throat, no clammy hands and dry mouth. 
“The truth?” Michael suggests. Ashton rolls his eyes. 
“Mike, I can’t just waltz up to Luke and tell him I’m in love with him,” he says.
“Worked for me,” Michael says, and Ashton can almost hear him shrugging. 
“That’s different,” Ashton says, because it is. Michael’s not a massive fucking overthinker. 
“Is it?” Michael says, a little shrewdly. “I didn’t know if Calum felt the same way. But what else was I gonna do, wait around the rest of my life wasting my time on him? I needed closure either way. Would’ve spent the rest of my life making myself miserable living off hope otherwise.” Ashton knows he’s right, knows from the way his stomach sinks and his heart speeds up, but hates it, wants to rationalise why he doesn’t need to tell Luke, why he shouldn’t. “You’re overthinking it,” Michael says into the silence, like he knows exactly what’s going through Ashton’s mind right now, and Ashton scowls. 
“Right, fuck me for overthinking something that could end my career,” he hisses, gripping the phone tighter than necessary because his hands are a little cold and clammy now at the thought of having to actually stand in front of Luke and say the words I’m in love with you. 
“You’re such a fucking drama queen,” Michael says, tutting. 
“Are you insane?” Ashton demands, incensed, and this is good, this is safe. He can redirect all the discomfort and anxiety into righteous anger; he can handle that. That’s well-worn territory with him and Michael. 
“I’m not doing this, Ash,” Michael says sensibly, because he knows Ashton far too well for Ashton’s liking. “You can’t keep running from your feelings the minute they get too heavy for you to bear. ‘S never gonna get any better if you’re not letting yourself process it. It doesn’t go away on its own.” 
“I know,” Ashton says hopelessly, because he does, and it’s what he’s been trying to run from. He knows he can’t live in this limbo forever, but he can’t bring himself to take a step in either direction. “Fuck, Michael. I don’t know if I can do it.” 
“You can,” Michael says, gentle, encouraging. 
“It’d fuck everything up,” Ashton says. 
“It won’t,” Michael says. “You’re both mature adults.” He pauses, and Ashton knows they’re thinking the same thing, and then he adds: “Okay, well. You’re a mature adult. I’ll drag Luke into maturity kicking and screaming.” Ashton can’t help but huff out a laugh at that, chest warming as he hears the meaning behind what Michael’s saying - I’ll fight your corner. I’ve got your back. 
“What if he doesn’t feel the same?” Ashton says, biting his lip. 
“Then at least you know,” Michael says. “And you can start moving on.” Ashton swallows, ignoring the pain of the lump in his throat. 
“I don’t want to,” he says, and it comes out a little strangled. 
“I know,” Michael says. Ashton waits for something else, for him to justify it, but there’s just staticky silence from Michael’s end of the line. 
“That’s it?” 
“What, you want a deep, motivational speech as to why you should tell him?” Michael says. “I’m not going to give you that, Ash. Do it or don’t, it’s up to you. But you’ll never be able to rest, never have your mind to yourself, until you do it.” Ashton exhales shakily. 
“Yeah,” he says, and his voice cracks, because God, it’s fucking terrifying, thinking that he might have to face Luke and say the words I’m in love with you in order to get his own sanity back. “You’re right.” 
“I know,” Michael says, and Ashton huffs out a laugh to cover the flutters of panic in his chest. “Can I go back to sleep now?” Ashton blinks, and nods. 
“Yeah,” he says again, voice a little steadier this time. “Sorry.” 
“‘S okay,” Michael says through a yawn, and Ashton has to stifle a yawn of his own. Christ, he’s actually fucking drained. Overthinking should qualify as a sport. “Love you. Not as much as I love Calum, though.” 
“Arsehole,” Ashton says, rolling his eyes, but he’s smiling. “Love you too. But not as much as I love Luke.” 
“I’d fucking hope not,” Michael says. “Don’t want you to be fantasising about fucking me.” Ashton wrinkles his nose. 
“I don’t want to fantasise about that either,” he says. 
“So don’t.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Good,” Michael says, stifling a yawn. “Don’t fantasise about Calum, either.” 
“Why the fuck would I fantasise about Calum?” Ashton wants to know. 
“Hey,” Michael says, sounding a little affronted. “What the fuck are you trying to say?” 
“I’m saying neither you nor Calum are exactly at the top of my fantasy list when Luke’s right there,” Ashton says. 
“That’s fucking rude,” Michael tells him. 
“What the fuck? You just told me-” 
"Yeah, but on principle you should want to fantasise about us,” Michael interrupts. “You just aren’t allowed.” Ashton rolls his eyes. 
“I’m not fantasising about anyone except Luke,” he says. 
“I don’t want to know that.” Jesus Christ. Michael’s fucking impossible. 
“Go to fucking sleep,” Ashton says, because arguing with Michael is a waste of time on the best of days, let alone at four in the fucking morning. 
“I’ve been trying,” Michael says, and there’s rustling sounds as he gets to his feet. “Night, Ashton. Love you.”
“Night,” Ashton says, but Michael’s already hung up. 
He plugs his phone in and rolls back over in bed, the emotional exhaustion starting to kick in, and he closes his eyes, ready to fall asleep, when from Luke’s room he hears a very, very clear-
“Night, Ash.” 
taglist: @sadistmichael @callmeboatboy @clumsyclifford @angel-cal @tirednotflirting @cthofficial @tigerteeff @haikucal @queer-5sos @i-am-wierd-always @stupidfukimgspam @bloodyoathcal
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bxdcubes · 4 years
“I’m a loyal subscriber!” “... Im deleting the account.” Stoyd? Stiles somehow finds Boyd’s YouTube channel where he reviews comics?
I’m sorry because it’s been ages. But at first, I really didn’t know if I would find an idea for this. I hope you like it!
Stiles found Boyd’s channel by an accident. He was on an anxiety-fuelled internet bender looking for a distraction and fluctuating from one interest to another when he saw the cover of one of his favorite Iron Man comics on a thumbnail for a YouTube video. 
He wasn’t quite sure what he expected from the video itself, but within three minutes he got completely hooked and the sole reason for it was the YouTuber behind it. Boyd reviewed comics, something he seemed to be doing on and off for a year, judging from his channel page, and he did so with wit and a kind of dry, sometimes dark humor that Stiles really appreciated. 
Boyd was also ridiculously handsome and Stiles might have had to rewind some videos a few (dozen) times, feeling at times absolutely devastated by how beautiful Boyd’s smile was.
He watched all of the videos on Boyd’s channel in the span of three days and honestly, it was the best not-sleep he had in a while. It also meant that he spent the remainder of his week off work rewatching his favorites, sometimes playing them in the background as he cooked or cleaned his apartment. 
It was just that Boyd’s voice had a soothing quality to it and focusing on it, being now familiar with the videos, helped Stiles to settle his mind when his thought threatened to run amok. It was just like rewatching his favorite show with the difference of Boyd being an actual real person.
Stiles didn’t even mind that much that Boyd seemed to have abandoned his comic reviewing carrier a few months back and there didn’t seem to be going to be any new uploads.
It didn’t stop him from commenting on every single video one night, thanking Boyd for his work and helping Stiles take his mind off life in general. It just seemed like the thing to do even if immediately after Stiles got embarrassed at how overzealous some of it might have sounded and spend a whole day anxiously awaiting any notifications that might pop up.
But nothing of the like happened, Stiles’ week off ended and he got back to his job at the bookstore just as tired as he felt last week. 
He got welcomed by a friendly slap on the back from Erica and the order to shelve their latest shipment of books. So Monday as usual.
Only when Stiles stopped at the comic section of the bookstore he almost lost his grip on the box of comics he was holding because right there next to the display stood Boyd.
And Stiles did feel like an absolute creep right then, recognizing Boyd solely by the shape of his ears, Boyd’s profile and what he gleaned from the videos to be Boyd’s favorite hoodie since Boyd wasn’t even facing Stiles. 
He didn’t know why he did it, maybe he just wanted to see if it really was him, if he was as handsome in real life as on camera, if his smile would have the same quality to it, if his smile would be just as sweet. But, feeling absolutely weirded out and strangely excited, he approached Boyd.
“Hi,” he said, a little shakily, “Can I help you with anything?”
Boyd looked at him then, smiling politely, and it was him, Stiles would recognize him anywhere, so Boyd’s “Thanks, I’m just browsing.” didn’t put Stiles off in any way.
His mouth though seemed to have gained a mind of its own because in the next moment he just blurted out, “I’m a loyal subscriber.”
Immediately, he could feel his face heating up in embarrassment, and Boyd’s obvious surprise only made it worse.
“... I’m deleting the account.”
Scratch that, what Boyd just said was the absolute worst.
“What? No!” Stiles exclaimed, then cringed at himself. He finally put the box he was holding on the floor because he was only making the situation worse and the box was in the way, “Sorry, I mean, please don’t delete it. I know this is probably very weird to you and I’m creeping you out, but if nothing else, please don’t delete the videos. They’ve been a great way to help me deal with anxiety lately and yeah, it’s your channel and you can do with it what you want and an absolute stranger like me really shouldn’t be telling you what you’re doing, but please?”
Boyd stared at Stiles for a long moment, his eyes roaming over Stiles’ face, cataloging his desperation probably, before finally saying, “Okay.”
Stiles sighed in relief, “Thank you.”
“But only because you’re really cute,” Boyd said, smiling and Stiles’ face felt so hot it might actually fry some eggs.
“Oh, um. Thanks?”
“Look, this might be a bit forward,” Boyd continued and he looked a little shy then, “But you’ll probably admit this whole meeting is weird, so maybe you wouldn’t mind getting a coffee with me sometime?”
“Yes!” Stiles exclaimed, then backtracked, “I mean, I wouldn’t mind getting a coffee with you, in fact, I would like that, a lot.”
The way Boyd smiled at that surely made better men than Stiles weak in the knees. And as weird as their first meeting was it made for a great video a few weeks later when Stiles got to be a part of the renewed and rebranded comic review videos on Boyd’s channel. 
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sgtrolandhills · 4 years
Is Pat All? || Jared & Roland
TIMING: After the events at Pat’s Place PARTIES: @themidnightfarmer & @sgtrolandhills SUMMARY: Roland meets Jared to ask questions about what happened at Pat’s.  CONTENT: Food poisoning tw, mass poisoning tw
The hospital had been kind to Jared. He hadn’t been in there for himself very often, but he’d been in repeatedly visiting other people. His last long stay was when Nell had been in from her stay at the ring. They’d not been on speaking terms so he’d hung around mostly with the nurses on the floor, bringing them coffee and lunch in exchange for affirmations that she was doing okay even if they couldn’t give anything more than that. So there he sat waiting for more questions, whatever they’d meant by that. A pudding cup in hand despite being a short stay patient and a cup of coffee to his left, perks of being in with the nurses. Jared looked up when the curtain pulled back and he put his phone down to give the man his full attention. “Oh hey, how the tables turn. I’m afraid I’m keeping the pudding this time.” 
Going through and interviewing all the witnesses at Pat’s had been a tedious process thus far, but Roland was determined to get to the bottom of this. He was not about to let yet another major incident become a cold case. Not on his watch. Not when they got a tip ahead of time. He’d made his way down the hall to visit the next patient. It brought a slight flip to his stomach to see the young man who’d been kind enough to bring him pudding was one of the victims. Thankfully, he seemed to be okay, but Roland supposed they’d have to put off their trip to the bar. “I wouldn’t dream of stealing a patient’s pudding,” he joked. It was good to see Jared could make light of the situation. “Think we’ll have to reschedule our drinking night though.” He took the seat besides Jared and said, “I was hoping I could ask you a few questions about what happened at Pat’s.” 
“Reschedule? No way, what's a little bit of cyanide in the afternoon.” Jared was kidding obviously, but he’d found a little levity was doing wonders for the mood of the hospital staff dealing with all this. It also helped him cope himself with the reality of what had happened as well. The idea that so many had been poisoned so easily was pretty terrifying, and Jared was honestly trying not to think about the personal danger he’d been in. But still the nymph nodded with a small smile given for the other. “I don’t know how much I could tell you, but ask away.” 
“Very funny, Jared. There’ll be plenty of cyanide free weekends to enjoy a drink during,” Roland responded with a slightly playful air in his tone. He tried to lighten the overall mood. A mass poisoning was bleak and not something most would want to dwell on. It didn’t erase his responsibility to find whoever was behind this. He rubbed the back of his neck before he dived right into the questions. “Did you happen to have any drinks from the bar? We’re thinking that may be the common link.” 
“One weekend soon alright, I’ll definitely need some sort of day out after this.” He was trying to keep the levity, but it was getting a little harder the more time he had to dwell on the events of the re-opening. Jared felt his smile dim a little and he crossed his legs on the hospital bed. “No drinks from the bar, but I did have a glass of water that was pre-poured and taken around by a waiter? Do you think it was in the water too?”
“Absolutely,” Roland agreed. The younger man was earnest and friendly which were traits he respected. It was never easy to transition to the darker parts of conversation, but it was necessary. Whoever hurt Jared and the others at Pat needed to serve their time behind bars, likely until they rotted away in their prison cell. He shoved the anger down and sympathetically offered, “I know it’s not easy to recount this stuff. It sounds likely it may have been. Do you recall if the waiter was grabbing the water from bottles or from the bar perhaps?” There was still a roaring suspicion that the bartender who ran off had something to do with this. 
The nymph had been ignoring his thoughts of the whole incident, both to try and make the hospital staff's job a little easier as they were likely dealing with a lot of very emotional people, but also just to keep himself together. So his memory of the experience as he was urged to try and sort out the details was a little messy in his head. Jared chewed on his thumbnail idly before he answered. “It seemed odd to be bringing around just cups of water on a tray. I think maybe he came from behind the bar, but I didn’t see any bottles I don’t think. Then again I was sort of busy talking to this fisher guy about stuff, it’s a bit of a blur?” I didn’t see anyone else take a glass from the tray though I don't think. It was full when I took mine and everyone else was at the bar.”
Roland nodded along as Jared recounted the ordeal at Pat’s. While water going around on trays at such a large event wasn’t entirely suspect, he knew it had to be the water. Everyone had eaten the food, but not everyone had ended up with some altered form of cyanide in their systems. “Noted, that’s something for us to check into surveillance wise,” he explained. These experiences were often traumatizing for victims, so he never liked to rush his way through questioning. After a moment, he asked, “How did you hear about the re-opening event?” 
“Got a flier at the market. And I loved Pat's place, coming back after mi- after I was on holiday for a while over winter to the news it had been completely done in was pretty terrible. I’d have gone to Pat’s funeral, he was a stand up guy.” Jared was going on a tangent but he couldn’t seem to stop his mind whirring. “I really hope the place isn’t over for this, Pat would never do something like this. Pats place is too home-y for poison you know? The food wasn’t the same though I guess, now I think about it…” Jared looked at Roland and chewed his thumb nail again. “Did you ever go to Pats from before?”
If the flier was found at the market, it didn’t seem as if Jared was specifically targeted in that case. He remembered Luce mentioned her sisters specifically received invites. It was odd to Roland that some people would be exclusively invited but not others. He’d look more into that aspect of things later. He couldn’t pin whether this was intended to target certain individuals or just some sicko who wanted to hurt a bunch of people. If the latter was the case, it would have made more sense to poison the food. He nodded along and said, “I know some people were specifically. We’re trying to figure out if there was any rhyme or reason to who was poisoned.” Jared really was a good kid. Roland couldn’t imagine Pat’s recovering from this sort of catastrophe. “I guess we’ll see what comes of Pat’s. I had never been before it closed. I’m still fairly new to town. Only been here a few months. Did you recognize any of the staff from the previous Pat’s?” 
The nymph wasn’t sure what was worse. The thought that some people had been targeted specifically and then others were taken as collateral, or the idea that perhaps it had only been done at random to spread the most panic. Jared nodded forlornly at Roland and heaved a sigh to clear his mind. “You missed out bud, Pats maybe wasn’t the highest quality food, but the whole place was filled with those good people and strong coffee.” He shook his head and lifted his hospital coffee from the bedside table to sip. “A lot of the staff died when Pats got hit, the only waitress I know that survived didn’t go back to the place. Got a job somewhere else in town after she got outta hospital last I heard. Sorry I’m not giving you very much. I think she was approached to come back for the reopening if you want her number?”
This Pat fellow probably would have been sad to see what came of his restaurant. Roland was almost glad he wasn’t around to see it. It was apparent that Jared was upset over what happened at Pat’s. Who wouldn’t be? He did his best to keep his tone gentle and clasped his hands together in his lap. “It sounds like quite the place. I wish I could have seen it in full swing before all of this.” He remained quiet for a moment as he thought the situation over. He’d asked all the standard questions and Jared answered to the best of his ability. “Hm, it does seem this wouldn’t be at all connected to the old ownership or staff then. I would like to have her number. See if she knows anything further about the new management that could be of use.” He took a brief pause before asking his final question. “Did you happen to notice anything off about the event before you and others began falling ill?” 
“It was really great before all this mess for real. No other place like it. Worked as a dishwasher there one summer even.” When Roland said he’d like to take Mandys number he lifted his cellphone from the table and scrolled through. “It’s not weird to give a girls number out if it’s the cops calling right?” Jared joked lamely as he placed the device on the table and spun it around so that Roland could read off the number. “The whole thing seemed so normal. The fliers were everywhere so tons of people showed up. The place felt like I imagine any reopening could feel like. The first people to start to get sick didn’t really get noticed by anyone I don’t think. Everyone was too caught up in themselves. But once people started actually falling to the floor that’s when it was obvious things weren’t going good.” Jared grimaced at Roland and shrugged a little. “Probably not the best person to have to question. I tend to get single minded around cheap food, especially a buffet like that.”
It was quite a shame that Pat’s legacy was ruined by the new ownership who Roland had a hunch may have been responsible for this. There was nothing solid to go off of yet, but he’d keep digging until he found answers. It seemed like he was digging more holes than he could keep track of these days, but it didn’t make him any less determined. He forced out a chuckle at Jared’s joke. He’d been through a lot, the least Rol could do was acknowledge his humor. “Don’t worry, I don’t think I’ll be creeping Mandy out.” This was strictly related to a case. It was highly unethical to act inappropriately with witnesses or anyone in custody. He listened along as Jared explained the event and from his perspective, it all seemed normal until it wasn’t. He could understand being more focused on the atmosphere, food, and socializing. It wasn’t like he could have possibly anticipated what was coming. “I see,” he started before putting the cap back on his pen, “I appreciate you taking the time to fill me on what you witnessed. I know you loved the place and this whole thing must have been difficult for you. I can assure you I won’t be giving up on this case until you, Pat’s, and everyone else affected is brought to justice.” He put his pen and notepad back in his back pocket and extended his hand out, “I’ll talk to you again soon, Jared. Think we’ll both need that rain check sooner rather than later.” With a wave, he left to go talk to his next witness. He could only hope they turned up something more.
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robogreaser · 4 years
This is a Long Time Coming...
It’s been a relatively hard task to sit down and make sense of, well, a lot of things as of late. I could chalk it up to the state of the world, but it’s been troublesome for significantly longer than that.
Long Story Short Version: I’ve been in a hell of a place, mentally, physically, and otherwise.
The proper story is a hell of a lot more involved than that and I know damned right well it’s going to take me a fair bit to explain myself and my various professional and social failings over the past... while. I’m gonna try to contain this under a read more, of course, but I apologize to mobile users if tumblr fucks that up.
Okay. That took a fair more bit of effort to figure out than I remember. Which, I suppose, is a fair enough bit of a segue into one thing that’s happened to me.
Tumblr has been deteriorating.
Whether I like to admit it or not, tumblr has been my go to social media platform since... 2011. Yeah. I’ve spent the vast majority of the decade here. I’ve seen a lot. Sure, I’ve lurked elsewhere, but I really cannot stand the interface and nature of a lot of other social media, especially the likes of twitter. Unfortunately for me, this place has been in constant decline for years now at this point. It extends well beyond the porn ban, but that’s a whole separate discussion.
I’ve lost touch with a lot of people I care about, some vanishing into the ether, some ghosting me, some just drifting into other communities or onto other sites. I’ve come to terms with the majority of this. It’s been happening for a while. It’s the very nature of digital relationships. It hurt, and I do think it’s contributed to a fair bit of stress and depression that has resulted in my... withdrawal from online spaces. It’s not a major factor, but its here, it’s present, it’s a factor in all of this.
I’ll be honest in that, well, I’ve tried to make this post several times over the past several weeks and months. It’s hard. Talking about my issues, using ‘I’ and ‘me’ so much in a post... it’s a bit jarring. But I’ll try to suck it up.
It’s been ten years (god I fucking hate time) since I’ve graduated high school. Yeah. It’s a fair thing to say that, on reflection, that’s incredibly jarring. The vast majority of that time has been... relatively unstable. I spent a fair few years working on my book and my publishing journey, now all but scrubbed clean from this blog (more on that later) and... well... Trying to be an adult. I’ve applied to, gotten accepted, and had to withdrawn from my dream school twice in this time. I’ve had a fair few jobs, nothing worthy of my resume, and lost all of them in one form or another, whether being fired for retaliating to my shitty work conditions, or, well, quitting for the sake of my own health during this pandemic. There has been a lot of family troubles. I’ve been through a lot of... ‘varied’ living situations, some horrendous, some just stressful, some, like now, actually really good compared to the others. And for the past few years in particular, it’s been constantly one thing after another, nonstop.
In short, progress is slow, but it’s happening. I don’t care to delve into a lot of these sorts of personal details lest this get to a ridiculous length, but that’s the short of the stuff I’d rather gloss over.
I’ve been on a health... Let’s call it a journey. I’ve been on a health journey. Over the past few years I’ve gone through the long processes of being diagnosed with ADHD, discussing my options regarding my depression and anxiety, and finally getting myself on a medication regimen that works. And then, because the health care system is a joke, I was without insurance. I had been off my medication, an absolute lifesaver and release of burden on my garbage tier brain, for eighteen months. Until last week. I think it’s fair to say, between my revolving door of living situations, employment, and then being un-medicated in a continually more stressful environment... That this is the main reason I’ve been absent. I’ve had no focus. There were weeks where I had no drive to do anything outside of routine that others depended on. I had not only gone back to how I was before situating my mental health, but in some ways, found a worse state.
Finances have been slowly eating away at me. I had been working a part time retail job until November, which made decent enough money, but not nearly for the amount of work and responsibility I was handling. I got fired. I found work with one of the big, corporate postal services. The pay was phenomenal, but it began to actively destroy my health, mainly physically, but also mentally, especially considering I was working a graveyard shift. Eventually when I began having prolonged health issues there, and then a whole lot of the symptoms of covid-19, on top of them turning me down for an entry-level position outside of the package handling, I had to quit. This was shortly after the lockdowns, in early April, and I refuse to look back despite people like my parents insisting on me trying to get work there again. Sure, the pay was phenomenal compared to anything else I had until then, but I cant continue to sacrifice my health. As of now, I’m unemployed, and... well...
I’m working on my commission queue. It’s art. It’s stuff I’ve owed friends (luckily those who are incredibly understanding and good to me) for an embarrassing amount of time, even before moving to and from Oklahoma at the end of 2016. I’m terrified of being the person who is known for taking commissioners’ money and running.
I know, I’m not good at giving updates. I’m not good at a consistent work schedule. I’ve had numerous tech failings over the past few years that constantly slow my roll on any progress I have made. Hell, I’ve had files corrupt despite being two thirds of the way complete when transferring from one computer to another. I’ve lost my cable for my external hard drive. I’ve had my tablet go to hell and back multiple times. But I am working. I am trying. I am sitting down as often as I can between looking for work and managing family nonsense to try and get my workload tidied up.
Which... brings me to my next point. And one I’m rather... ashamed about.
I have used trello, infrequently, since taking on a large load of commissions, and despite not being faithfully updating it and checking back on it, and using it to it’s fullest potential, I had kept, at the minimum, a list of all the work I did owe people using it. Well. Dumbass me attempted to use a mobile app. In short, in an effort to try and make myself tech literate and allow me easier access to my queue, I ended up deleting it. Somehow.
I’ve gone through and slowly flagged all my paypal notices and various emails concerning my commissions. I’m putting it together again. I’m trying. Granted, I am damned sure I am going to be missing someone, somewhere, somehow. I know it. I’ve got a shit brain, and despite my need for organization and minimalism, I don’t put it past me to have missed something along the way.
If you have commissioned me, please, do not hesitate to reach out and contact me regarding your commission. I owe every last one of you a massive apology for my continued failure to produce what you have paid for.
More likely than not, I have a wip already started somewhere, and if not, I have a slew of reference and thumbnails already compiled together somewhere on my computers. I am not ignoring this work. It’s been painfully, embarrassingly slow. It’s been one obstacle after another. But I have every intention of doing this work, and, likely, upgrading the quality of the finished piece past what my commissioners have paid for simply because I do feel bad about the wait time.
I have been inexcusably unprofessional. I know this and I am working as best I can with the time and resources I have to correct it.
In a similar vein, as I mentioned before, I have slowly been cleaning up my rather unimpressive publishing attempts. I’ve gone through and cleaned this blog recently, deleting reference to my work by name and the process of trying to get myself published. I may have missed a few posts here and there, but for the most part I would like a clean slate in regards to building a social media platform surrounding my written work. And this is the part where... I am probably going to be the most upfront and honest with you reading this than I have been publicly before.
I am not ashamed of who I’ve been online these past ten years or so, but it reflects only a sliver of my personality, a sliver of who I am as a whole. I catered to a very specific subset of who I am in pursuit of finding acceptance in communities much larger than myself. I’ve learned a hell of a lot about myself in that time. I figured out what’s important to me, my health, my sexuality, my relationships and my long term goals. I’ve found a very important group of friends. I’ve found people who understand and empathize with a lot of the things I have been through, experience, and am at my core.
But the fact of the matter is, this hypersexual, sci-fi aesthetic-oriented, very open person is only a singular facet. And it is not nearly enough of a reflection of who I am, or who I want to be as a professional, public adult. Will I always be gay for robots? Yes. Will I, when time permits and creative energies are present, continue to make nsfw art? Absolutely. Will I always have a toe dipped in erotic literature and the like? Most likely.
But a lot of me, a lot of my emotion and strife and feelings regarding most things in the world, are completely separate from this. It’s separate from me liking porn on twitter or having a homestuck roleplay blog. It’s separate from who I am in real life, with my boyfriend or with my family or with my work. And I have been dwelling on this, sincerely, for a while. I need to allocate more energy into my life. The separate life offline and online too, where I am pursuing an actual professional career, because, at the end of the day, I want to be an author. I want to have a career telling stories. And, in my time online, I’ve found a lot of skeletons in authors’ closets, the kind that really put mine to shame, and the kind that will always be a footnote to their work. You know the ones.
I want my creative work to speak for itself. I want people to be able to enjoy what I do without a specter, without my time and energy having to explain to a future audience why it is I had explicit thoughts about x,y, and z. I want to be able to write a book, write many books, and have people enjoy them without a footnote about me, a person with a sexual life and a history exploring it through years of depression and isolation, clouding it. It’s not fair to my work. It’s not fair to a future reader. It’s not fair to me.
I’ve got several social media accounts made and slowly coming to life that I need to spend more time with as I try and pursue this new, second leg of a very long journey into publishing. I’m not going to link those here, now or in the future. It’s likely a few people I know and trust have access to them. But I am, effectively starting over from scratch trying to build a platform as a writer. And it’s hard. Juggling that, alongside all of the things in the world today, alongside family and my relationships, alongside my commission queue? It bears down on me and if I didn’t have experience handling more than one thing at a time, I might trip up more frequently. Hell, I forget to post and use those new accounts regularly.
But I’m trying.
I’m not moving away from my current social circles or hobbies or anything like that. I’m not abandoning any fandom or friends or communities. But I am going to be trying to balance myself more thoughtfully moving forward, past just commissions, past just writing.
I’m here. I’m moving forward, slowly but surely, and I am making an effort to improve.
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mcrmadness · 4 years
Oooo, how about two from each of them? Fanfic asks: J and P, film asks: 15 and 16, music asks: 20 and 26.
OMG thanks!!! :DDD
Ask games: Fanfic asks, Film asks and Music asks. (People you can still send me asks if you want, asks are fun to answer to!)
A little background before we get to the questions: I haven’t written too many, actually only 6 quite short ones (and one of them is a bit longer than usual) about Die Ärzte (Bela/Farin FTW) and all of these I have written between the years 2009 and 2012, so I was 18-21 which means they are not that good. And there’s lots of things I wouldn’t write anymore. I also have a WIP on my computer, I started it in 2012 but stopped writing altogether only to start writing again in the end 2018, it has bit over 28k words currently and tbh I have written 90% of that when I started writing again two years ago. I still have my old ones up on LiveJournal (ask for a link), but I haven’t published anything fron this later one as I’ve just been writing down all kinds of snippets whenever I have had an inspiration. I think those are also a lot better in quality than what I wrote before, the old ones are quite cringey.
J. What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I guess we talk about those fics I have also finished, now. It’s actually hard to decide but I would say my favourite is either Why not even once? or The Boring Book Freak. I think the latter is actually The favourite.
The first one (was actually my second dä ff overall) is set to happen in 2003 and in that one Farin is leaving for another vacation somewhere and Bela wants to go with him, but Farin wants to travel alone and Bela is struggling with that, as well as with Farin finally leaving and having to somehow survive his time at home without Farin there. The writing itself is bit stupid and I feel that the end got bit too far but otherwise I like the idea.
The second one (came actually after the previous one) is set to happen in the early/mid 90s (my fave Bela/Farin era btw) and on that they just are at some random summer cottage. Now, fuck cottagecores and such, I wrote it because summer cottages are a thing in Finland and I wrote it when cottagecore was not even cool yet. Somehow I imagined that it would be very Farin-like to rent a cottage from the middle of nowhere, in a forest and then spend a weekend or so there with Bela. Who then is not entertained at all and is bored because Farin won’t put away his book and won’t give him any attention, so he tries everything to get Farin’s attention. I especially like the visual images this fanfic gives to me, I can see their hairs and outfits so well and those are also aesthetically very pleasing. (They look the same as in that Absolut Live interview from the 90s, I don’t control their looks with my fics usually, I just have an idea and then my brain creates how they look in that particular scene :D)
I have also written a short songfic around the lyrics of their song “Ich weiß nicht (ob es Liebe ist)” and it was fun to imagine that as Bela/Farin. That was fun to write.
This got a bit long so I put the rest under a cut:
P. What are your favorite tropes to write?
(Had to google what a trope is lol. I’m old-school and no longer know most of the terms unless they’re old terms.)
Angst - I put my own angst, sadness and angriness into my writing often. It’s when I feel like in real life I would need other people but I don’t know how to reach out or don’t just feel comfortable about opening up, I open up a file and start writing. This is also where we get to the next trope...
Hurt/Comfort - But not so that X hurts Y, but that Y feels hurt for other reasons and then X comforts them. I kinda got obsessed with this theme after being bullied at school so I was always hurt but never comforted, so I often go back to those feels and emotions with my text to look for that comfort (hug, nice words, whatever) I never got in real life.
Fluff - This is bit complicated because I like writing fluff but I also hate reading fluff I have written. Because it does not sound like me. And sometimes when I write, I feel like standing behind my own back and vomiting a little on the inside because of how cheesy and disgusting that is but still I can’t stop writing. And then I feel like a different person when I read them because I can’t believe it’s ME who wrote them. The same way when I watch movies and people kiss, I always look away. And I want to look away when I read my fanfiction. But I can’t, especially because I know I looked at that scene in my head when I wrote it.
Humour - I love humour so much and I like to include this to my writing. Normally I put the humour in my comics but some of that fits also in the regular texts too.
These are super tough but also fun - I have been trying to think of what to answer to these for days.
15. A film everyone loves but you hate?
The Avengers (-12). Sorry but not sorry. Well I don’t hate it but I don’t understand why everyone says it’s the best Marvel movie ever. It’s not. It’s full of clichés and stupid forced heteroromances and whatnot and the plot was just so, so predictive I don’t understand why it’s often talked about as some sort of cinematic master piece. I literally was able to tell everything that was gonna happen next when I watched it for the first time. Only cool things in that movie are Loki and Iron Man, whose character I already liked as I had seen the Iron Man movie and liked it. But I hated both Thor movies (the third one is awesome tho). 
I like Marvel and I have seen I guess most of the movies - before MCU all good Marvel movies to come out were The X-Men movies and Spider-Man movies, and because I saw so many terrible Marvel movies, I was avoiding the whole MCU and I got into these movies much later and still, after seeing them all, I say The Avengers is one of the worst ones. Thor and Thor 2 are pretty much even worse (and I haven’t even seen the Hulk movie because it looks terrible), mainly because I just can’t stand the fact they’re mainly just built around Thor and his love interest...
16. A film you love but everyone else hates?
Spider-Man 3 (or the whole trilogy with Tobey Maguire). I see we continue with Marvel here but seriously I don’t understand why everyone is always picking on Tobey’s version of Spider-Man? And people especially hate the third movie and how Venom was portrayed in it (I’m obsessed with Venom’s human teeth pls I want his teeth), when it’s actually the best one for me. The second one is bit boring because it was again all about whining and Mary-Jane... Anyway, the reason why I am so attached to these movies is that I saw the first Spider-Man movie from TV when I was a teenager and in junior high myself, and I was bullied and a bit of a nerd so I could relate to Peter Parker a lot, and it gave me just so much strength to see him become Spider-Man and to stand up against the bullies and other assholes.
I also saw the third movie in the movie theater and there was one scene during which I started hysterically laughing with my friend because of an expression Tobey made as he was sitting on a bed, I don’t know why but somehow I just totally lost it at that :D It still makes me laugh so much when I see it! And when the movie ended, I heard a The Killers song “Move Away” for the first time during the end credits and TK was one of my favorite bands at the time (and still is).
20. a song that empowers you
It gotta be Dead! by My Chemical Romance:
This album was what got me through all the shit that happened when I was 15+ and especially this song always made (and still makes) me feel so good. I often listened to my old mp3 player while walking to school and back home and every time this song came by, I just felt like nothing can harm and that life FINALLY was so great! It’s so energetic and still makes me feel that living is actually super awesome.
26. a song that taught you a lesson
Hmmm. I think I will answer to this with Dusche by Farin Urlaub.
That thumbnail is terrible but... And why did I choose this song? Well, I’m all for the sound what comes to music and I’d say at least 80% of all lyrics go way over my head. I just don’t have the skills for understanding poetry and also very poetic lyrics make me go crazy. I hate not knowing and when I have to assume, guess and interpret something. I don’t want to guess but I wanna know what someone has actually thought.
Dusche was the first song that had lyrics that for the first time ever actually spoke for me. I probably saw some video with English subtitles a fan had made and it just blew me away because holy shit, people are capable of writing lyrics even I can understand??? And that way I realized I can like lyrics but only if they make absolutely no sense (aka are funny or somewhat crazy, like Dusche) or when they are written in a story form or sung from the 1st person view or to “you” or in passive - but only if I can get behind the idea there.
After Dusche, Farin’s song Porzellan followed. And one of my absolute favourites is Karten. So, Farin is one of the only few people whose lyrics I have been able to understand. I still don’t hear lyrics and don’t understand a majority of the lyrics my fave bands write, and I have understood only a couple of Bela’s lyrics and I’m not sure if I’ve understood any of Rod’s lyrics. It’s not even about the language barrier anymore really, it’s just the topics or wordings I cannot comprehend.
Thank you again for the ask! This was very interesting to ponder and answer to :)
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duxarcana · 5 years
Clear Card Chapter 40 Review
Looks like the fandom has kind of died down; there was no hype about the new chapter, and no one is talking about it. Since it seems no one else has uploaded a review of the new chapter, I’ll do so here (not that anyone will ever read it). 
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So let’s start off with the GLORIOUS cover artwork. I’ll admit I let out a rather loud squeal when I first saw the video thumbnail. This is one of the most beautiful outfits Syaoran has worn, and the similarity of its style and color scheme to his previous outfits makes me hope that we may one day see this as a battle costume. Kaito looks stunning here as well, and it’s nice to see his staff in colour. The image of these two enemy magicians who both hold the power of the Moon and are connected to time, depicted together, wielding their magical artefacts among clock gears with a full moon in the background--this image is simply ethereal.
Now, moving on to the content of the chapter:
We start off with Sakura recounting to Tomoyo the circumstances of The Mirror attending school in her place. I’m always down for some good Tomoyo content (which seems to be kind of lacking in Clear Card), so this chapter was off to a great start.
We also find out that because of all this, poor Syaoran was late to class. Since he seems to have quite a serious concern for punctuality, I hope he wasn’t too stressed out about the situation. I feel bad for the poor card, too. Accidentally coming to class without the homework was scary enough for me back when I was in secondary school, even without attempting to impersonate someone else on top of it! At least Sakura apologizes for putting her through that.
Sakura then gives the outfit she wore back to Tomoyo, and explains that she repaired it with Repair. Tomoyo comments on how much the card resembles her. I find it kind of funny that although she had seen it earlier in Chapter 34, she didn’t notice it looked like her because she was too busy fangirling over the adorableness of Rewind (weren’t we all?). 
She then asks Sakura to not use the card except in emergencies, and to bring all other items to be repaired to her instead (she even makes a pun on the card’s name by saying “repair” in English, which was cute). I also find Tomoyo’s protectiveness of the dresses she made to be really cute. I hope at some point CLAMP allows her to tell Sakura how she feels, as it would not only continue their trend of LGBTQ+ inclusiveness (another aspect which seems to be lacking in Clear Card), but would be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how much Sakura has matured in the supportive answer she would surely give to her dear friend.
Suddenly, enter Syaoran! He apologizes for being late and talks about his conversation with the teacher. We are also blessed with this precious image:
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Anyway, something interesting is that since Japanese typically doesn’t require pronouns if they’re implied, the gender of his teacher is never revealed, but in other languages, these pronouns are necessary. The Spanish and French translations both chose female, but the English translation chose male. 
Syaoran mentions how the teacher was worried about him taking care of himself when he’s living alone. I agree with your teacher (and Yue, and Sakura, and Eriol...), Syaoran! Please make sure you’re taking good care of yourself!
Then poor Syaoran goes on to do what he always does: doubt his own abilities and claim to not be able to do anything. As much as I hate it when he does this, I can honestly relate to him a lot. I hope he learns to develop more self-confidence and realizes how important his contributions are!
Sakura does her best to reassure him a bit, but it doesn’t look like it did much. Another thing I am hoping for in the series is for Sakura to at some point attempt to help Syaoran with his anxiety, instead of just commenting about it to others. I get that she’s trying her best, but I wish she would realize the extent of Syaoran’s insecurities and actively help him to overcome some of them. 
Thankfully, Tomoyo brightens the mood a bit by starting to film them, leading them to start quickly opening their bentô in embarrassment, where we are graced with another beautiful picture of Syaoran:
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Syaoran informs the two that the teacher also told him that on Saturday, their school will be having a zyugyôsankan, an event in Japanese culture where parental figures visit the school to observe their child in class for a day. And that’s the last we see of Syaoran in this chapter...
Sakura brings home the information, worried that her father will be unable to attend due to work. Tôya begins to offer to go in his place, but Fujitaka interrupts and excitedly declares that he can go, calling the university to arrange for him to not work that day. It feels like Fujitaka has been shown to be very cheerful and innocent in Clear Card. Sakura’s personality is often compared to Nadeshiko, but it is nice to see that she gets some of it from her father as well. 
We then see that Akiho is having a similar conversation with Kaito. She talks about how she told the teacher that no one could come to observe her, as all her family is living overseas. She also mentions that there were other students who didn’t have any family members who could come, one of which would obviously be Syaoran. Since we don’t see him at school at all on Saturday, I wonder if he went about his school day alone or just stayed home. I just wish someone (like one of his friends, maybe? Looking at you, Sakura and Tomoyo) had remembered him that day and made sure he wasn’t lonely :(
But anyway, enough about my favorite character, since CLAMP clearly doesn’t feel the same way.
Kaito slyly remarks that he could go to the school as her parental figure, if Akiho so desired. Akiho, blissfully ignorant of Kaito’s evident malicious intent, says she would be very happy if he did so. I must admit that while I wish Akiho were a bit more perceptive, her elation is very cute. I hope Kaito listens to Momo and realizes how much Akiho cares about him before he decides to do any evil stuff around her--or worse, continue to use his time magic and sever his soul beyond repair.
After Akiho is safely out of earshot, Momo asks Kaito if he intends to “do something”; i.e., attempt to cause the creation of another Clear Card. Kaito says that he would like to if he has an opportunity, but explains that his real reason for wanting to go is that there is a person he assumes will be there whom he would like to meet. 
The day comes, the parents see the children in class, et cetera. The topic of Sakura and Tomoyo resembling their parents comes up, and Sakura asks Akiho if she looks like any of her family members. Akiho says she doesn’t know, as she has rarely seen the faces of any of her family members, and she was told her parents passed away right after she was born. This is very interesting information. While the depiction of the person assumed to be Akiho’s mother on the cover of Chapter 37 having angel wings did suggest that she was not alive, it has now been more or less confirmed. However, Akiho’s phrasing unnerves me a bit. The creepy and clearly evil Clan to which she belongs, which has always valued the gaining of more power above even the lives of its members, informed Akiho that right after she was born, her parents “passed away”? I wonder what terrible fate befell the two of them after their failure to bear a magical child...
Sakura, being kind as always, takes Akiho’s hand and tells her with a smile that she is the first person whom Akiho resembles. An innocent comment that, with the knowledge of the forced magical synchronization of Sakura and Akiho, becomes slightly less cutesy.
Kaito comes in to watch the choir practice, and Fujitaka seems quite startled--I wonder if, with half of Clow’s power, he can sense Kaito’s presence?
We find out that the person Kaito wanted to meet was indeed Fujitaka. Here lies another bit of discrepancy between translations. In the Japanese and Spanish versions, Kaito says that the vessel they have created (i.e. Akiho) holds even greater magic potential than Fujitaka, half of the reincarnation of Clow Reed. In the English version, however, he says that Fujitaka himself is a vessel, and that he is an even bigger one than Akiho. (I did not finish the chapter in French, and it seems CLAMP has taken down the video now, so I unfortunately do not know how the French version translated this scene.) The quality of the official English translations for Cardcaptor Sakura, whether the original manga or the Clear Card chapters, is just pathetic. It’s no wonder I spend half my time in the fandom answering basic questions for English fans--the garbage translations can’t even bother to properly translate essential plot points. Just how is it that the unofficial fan translations people produce are more accurately translated than all of the OFFICIAL English translations? Alright, I’m done being salty. Back to the chapter.
Kaito is all ready to start causing mischief in order to inspire the creation of a new card, when who should appear...but NADESHIKO. Oh my god. The intensity of her expression, the mild fear in Kaito’s eyes...I am entirely ready to see Nadeshiko protect her husband and the two little Alices in Chapter 41!
If you read this far, thank you so much for taking the time to hear my thoughts!
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kirankowda · 5 years
Google Ads Management Ideas From Top 25 Experts
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As an eCommerce store owner, most of your effort goes into creating and setting up a perfect PPC campaign. Once the campaign goes live, the chances of the campaign’s success lie in continuous monitoring and changes made to the campaign. The chances reduce drastically if it is not managed properly. Results could be even worse if it is mismanaged by some adwords account managed services.
Before you start the PPC Management process of your campaigns, you should consider the following important points.
Answers to these questions help you to get a clear idea about your business which in turn helps in creating better campaigns for your business.
Google Adwords management Ideas from Experts:
After setting up a google ads campaign and ad group, it needs to be optimized regularly to get the desired results. Optimizing all of your campaigns is the most complex task in Google Adwords. It means along with a lot of hard work, you should be able to extract actionable insights from data and be able to put those insights into action.
According to experts, the following are a few areas which they recommend you to concentrate on to optimize your campaigns and get desired results.
1.Keyword Managing ideas
Keyword selection is core to campaign performance. Better keyword selection leads to better campaign performance. More often than not, you would find out that your keywords are not performing as you had planned. The following are a few areas where you can investigate and optimize your keywords.
1.1- Poorly performing keywords
The first step regarding keyword Management is to find out those keywords which are generating clicks but not generating enough conversions. Reduce the bids to a smaller amount for these keywords to avoid too much ad spend. If the keywords do not convert at all, You might want to add them as negative keywords. It is better to use the budget elsewhere than spending it on non converting keywords.
AdNabu automates the above by automatically reducing bids for poorly performing campaigns during bid optimization. You only need to set a cost per conversion target and AdNabu will make changes automatically.
1.2 — Negative keywords
Next, you should concentrate on negative keywords. Negative keywords are those keywords using which you can avoid showing ads for irrelevant searches.
For example: If you are selling calendars, the online calendar keyword should not trigger your ad.
Make an extensive list of negative keywords. It is a best practice to keep updating your negative keywords regularly. Though it is a time-consuming activity, it is a very important factor in the success of the campaign. We highly recommend creating a shared negative keyword list so that it can be used for multiple campaigns.
AdNabu’s negative keyword tool automatically suggests negative keywords based on conversions. Our software will find keywords which are getting a lot of clicks but not resulting in any conversions (included in conversion tracking feature).
1.3 — New Keywords
You should also keep adding new keywords to your campaign. With continuous changes in your external environment (such as campaigns from competitors, changes in the economy or any other viral trends), you need to keep adding new keywords to be relevant with your audience. AdNabu’s long-tail keyword tool can automatically find long-tail variations of the keywords used by users in Google. But it is highly recommended to discover new keywords manually once in a while.
Working in the above-mentioned areas is just a starting point with respect to keyword optimization. Although time-consuming, the impact of these tactics is huge. You can automate most of the tasks if you are using AdNabu. In addition to AdNabu, we highly recommend you to look at campaign health once in a while.
2.Improving your google ads quality score
Google Adwords calculates a quality score for every single keyword in your account. The higher your keyword Quality Score, the better your ad positioning and lower will be the cost.
Quality score depends on click-through rates, ad relevance, and landing page experience. These parameters are evaluated by Google and a score gets assigned to every keyword. Although the exact way Google calculates quality score is still a mystery, Improving the CTR (which also increases return on investment), relevance, as well as landing page experience, can have a positive impact. We have created a guide to improving quality score.
It is important to have a good quality score which in turn helps in achieving better chances of success. One easy way to find opportunities to increase the quality score is to look for parameters which are average or below average.
3.Bid Managing ideas
Bid Management helps to minimize costs by finding the most effective keywords in your campaign and focusing on them exclusively.
To optimize your bids, you should identify the conversion rate of every single keyword. This data will then help you segregate high performing and low performing keywords. While manually optimizing campaigns, you can follow the simple rule of increasing bids for high performing keywords and reducing bids for low performing ones.
This task, however, is repetitive and error-prone. We highly recommend the bid optimization software by AdNabu which does all the heavy calculation automatically.
AdNabu only needs a number to optimize on (either the cost per conversion or the ROI), It can then do all the calculation down to keyword and device level to get maximum conversions out of your campaigns.
4.Ad Copy Management ideas
Ad copy plays the most important role in conveying your unique selling points to the consumer. The ad with high relevance leads to high click-thru rate and lower CPC automatically.
An expanded text ad consists of 2 Headlines, a Description line, and 2 URL paths along with the final URL. We will explore each of these parts of the ad copy and the ways to optimize them.
4.1. — Headline
Headlines are displayed prominently in Google Ads. They are usually the first line of the ad with a bigger font size. Both headlines can have a length of 30 characters each. Since this is one of the first things your prospective customer would be seeing, We highly recommend to include an attractive offer or service as one of the headlines.
One can also use dynamic keyword insertion to improve the relevance of ads. The ad text or part of it will be replaced by what the user is searching for while using this feature.
4.2 — Description line
Once you get the customer’s attention, the description lines convey the value proposition of the service or product. You can express the reasons why your product should be given priority over others here.
An 80 character limit gives description line the maximum ability to express the product or service in detail.
4.3 — URL Paths
Two URL paths now constitute display URL now along with the auto-generated domain name URL. URL paths need not be valid URLs and are simple to make the ad look attractive. There is a 15 character limit of URL paths and they are not compulsory unlike headlines and description line. We at AdNabu, highly recommend you to use URL paths as they increase the real estate of ads and make them more prominent.
4.4 — A/B testing of ad copy
A/B testing is nothing but comparing two versions of the ad to see which one performs better. You can do A/B testing with the complete ad or with a section of the ad. We at AdNabu recommend you to test things one at a time.
For eg: Test your 2–3 variations of Headline 1 or Test 2–3 variations of description line.
Doing multiple tests at the same time might not give you desired results easily as it takes much more time. Also, decide why you are doing an experiment. It can be to increase CTR or to increase conversion ratio but it cannot be both.
5.Usage of Google Ads Extensions
Extensions expand your ad with additional information-giving people more reasons to choose your business. They typically increase the click-through-rate of an ad by several percentage points. Extension formats include call buttons, location information, additional links, additional text, and more.
To maximize the performance of your text ads, Google Ads selects extensions to show in response to each individual paid search on Google. For that reason, it’s a good idea to use all the extensions relevant to your business goals. Some of the common extension used by businesses are listed below.
5.1 — Sitelink Extensions
Sitelink Extensions allow you to promote additional landing pages below your standard ad text. These sitelinks helps the users to directly land on the specific page of interest.
For eg: You main ad might lead the user to the homepage but a sitelink can directly take the user to a subcategory page.
Additional lines also give more real estate for the ad compared to your competition. This helps you stand out and get even more clicks.
5.2 — Call Extension
With call extensions, you can add your phone number to Google ads. This makes it easier for users to call your business, especially on mobile phones.
If you generate leads to your business through phone calls, it makes sense to have this extension for all your campaigns.
5.3 — Location Extension
Location extension helps the advertiser to add your business location address and phone number. This extension can be used by users to navigate directly to your business and can show helpful information like opening hours. It is highly useful for brick and mortar businesses like restaurants, salons, etc.
5.4 — App Extension
App Extensions allow you to add a mobile app download button next to your Search Ad. It attaches thumbnail icon, name and text below your main ad. This should not be confused with app install campaigns whose main aim is to drive installs and show up only on devices which are eligible to install them.
5.5 — Review Extension
Review extension helps advertisers to show reviews from google trusted websites. In order to use review extensions, you need to have reviews on reputable third-party sites like TrustRadius, TrustPilot, etc. The main point is that it has to come from a third-party site that’s well-known enough to get approved by Google.
6.Improved ad targeting Ideas
Targeting ads to ideal customers lead to better campaign performance and lead to the success of the campaigns. Geography and device play a major role in targeting your ads efficiently. An ad which works in city A might not work in city B. Below we will explore the ways to optimize your ad targeting based on geography and device.
6.1 — Optimization based on Geography
Ad performance varies with geographies due to multiple reasons. To optimize your campaign, you should review the campaign performance in each one of them.
You can go to the Dimensions tab, then click the View button and select “Geographic.” to see the campaign data based on geography.
Find out top-performing geographies which have the highest conversions and lowest cost per conversion. If you are getting leads from the geographies where you can’t serve, you should exclude those geographies from the campaign. You can also concentrate your top-performing geographies, reducing your spend on poorly performing geographies.
6.2 — Optimization based on Device
Increased consumption of mobile devices has lead advertisers to think about ad placement on various devices differently. Ad performance varies with the size of the device on which ad is delivered.
You would be able to see three categories, computers ( includes desktop & laptops), mobile devices with full browsers, Tablets with full browsers.
For example, If you find that the cost of conversion on tablets is significantly higher than mobile, you can adjust the bid in bid adjustment column and reduce your total costs. AdNabu automatically does device based bid adjustment for your campaigns once you have set it up in bid Management job.
Final words
Apart from the changes you make to your campaigns, there are many parameters that may impact your campaigns. For example, new products launched by your competition or a new substitute for your product/service or change in government regulation or sudden change in weather or local events may impact your campaign performance.
It is important to take those data points into consideration while analyzing your campaign performance. With a continuously changing environment, it is advisable to monitor and take steps to optimize your campaigns to get the best results out of your campaigns.
AdNabu was built to automate above mentioned and other mandatory tasks that help online advertising free up their time for other critical tasks of business. The tool helps every Pay Per Click advertisers to put your adwords campaign on autopilot and reduces the stress of managing large Google Ads accounts campaigns.
Source: Google Adwords management ideas - AdNabu
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blackberrywidow · 6 years
The Deaf Leading the Blind
Summary: In which Steve confesses his feelings for Tony to Clint, not realizing he can’t hear a damn thing he’s saying. Based on this post by @ironmanarmor
Warnings: Just two idiots doing what idiots do. 
Pairing: Implied Tony/Steve
Word Count: 1.5k
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“Uh, Clint… Can I talk to you for a second?”
Steve was… uncomfortable, to say the least; but his desperation outweighed any discomfort he was feeling. He wouldn’t be there, looking for advice in the lowest of places, otherwise.
Not that Clint was a badadvice giver, per se. He just wasn’t… very good at it. But out of all of the Avengers, Steve knew Clint would be the one most likely to give it to him straight without any gloating or the possibility of their conversation reaching a certain someone. He was, of course, expecting some teasing and a generally superior attitude during their little talk, but it was a far cry from Natasha’s conniving smile or Thor’s loud insistence that he “follow his heart.” It was a side effect that he could live with, given it led to some sort of decision.
Clint, though not an ideal person to spill one’s deepest secrets too, was the lesser evil in this situation. If only he were paying attention to him.
Steve’s brow furrowed as Clint continued to wolf down his sandwich, blissfully unaware that Steve was even in the room apparently. If the topic was any less important, Steve would have simply walked away and given the two—Clint and his foot-long meatball sub—some privacy. But unfortunately, this conversation had already waited long enough.
So, Steve did what he did best and persisted, clearing his throat and walking further into the kitchen, coming to a stop at the table Clint was sitting at. “Clint,” Steve repeated, voice raising an octave as he took a seat across from him. “I asked if I could talk to you.”
Wide, panicked blue eyes rose to meet his own, sandwich still partway in his mouth. After a moment of rapid blinking and a general deer-in-headlights impression, Clint hurriedly chomped down on his sandwich, managing to get out a muffled “yeah” as he chewed.
Okay then… here goes nothing.
“Well, you may have noticed that I uh… Well that I’ve been a bit distracted lately, I guess,” Steve began, deciding to just dive right in and get this over with. He paused to glance up from where he had been nervously scratching his thumbnail into the wood of the table to see the archer’s reaction though, hoping for some kind of encouragement. The moment he caught Clint’s eyes, the other blonde nodded exuberantly.
“Oh, yeah,” he agreed, the words coming out too loud in the quiet of the kitchen now that his mouth wasn’t crammed full of food.
Steve couldn’t help but frown. He had hoped that it wasn’t that obvious but… if Clint of all people had picked up on it so easily, he must have been worse than the thought.
“Oh. Well, okay then. So, you know what I’m talking about?”
Clint hesitated, that wide-eyed, stricken look returning as he slowly nodded, cautiously taking another bite of his sandwich but saying nothing more.
“Okay,” Steve continued, clearing his suddenly dry throat. “I’ll just cut right to the chase then. I’m worried that my feelings for Tony are beginning to affect my work on the team. It was fine when it was just a harmless crush, but things are… different now. You know what I mean?”
He paused again, looking up at his friend with beseeching eyes, hoping that he was making sense. He couldn’t think straight half the time when it came to Tony, which was roughly 90% of his current problem. So, he was relieved when Clint replied with a bright “Yup” after only a moment’s pause.
Maybe he wasn’t so clueless after all.
“Right? It’s like… sometimes I’m sure that he knows how I feel. I mean, you’ve seen the way he flirts with me. It’s ‘Captain Handsome’ this and ‘it would be my patriotic duty as an American to buy you dinner’ that. But he’s like that with everyone, isn’t he?”
Steve’s stomach dropped a little when Clint affirmed this statement as well, but it wasn’t unexpected. At least he was being honest with him. “Yeah. That’s what I thought. But sometimes it feels different than others. Like when he rescued me back in Bosnia last month. There was just… I don’t know how to describe it. Some kind of pull and instead of giving in, he pulled away instead. We’ve been kind of distant ever since and it’s killing me Clint. He may not return my feelings, but I wish that he’d at least return my calls for Christ’s sake.”
He took a moment to collect himself, realizing that he was become perhaps too heated, too loud for what was supposed to be a calm discussion of feelings. But Clint urged him on, giving him a sharp nod and a boisterous, “Yeah.”
“Yeah! I mean, what we do is dangerous. I don’t have time to beat around the bush or allow whatever it is we have distract me. But how can I stop it? I mean… Tony is everything to me here Clint. After the war, after everyone I knew died while I took the world’s longest nap, I… I just don’t have anything else. At least, nothing like Tony. He’s…” Steve paused, struggling to find the words to explain the way Tony’s existence simultaneously tore his heart of his chest and stitched it back together, but Clint’s encouraging nod pushed him to push through it. “He’s just Tony. That’s the only way to describe him. Because only Tony can be so egotistical, rash, and clueless while also being the most gifted, intelligent, brave, selfless, caring person I know. He’s like a walking contradiction, and he should be the last person I love but I do.”
Steve stopped short, choking on his next words before they could leave his mouth. Nothing else mattered after that.
His were eyes wide as they flashed up to Clint’s equally bewildered expression. “Oh my god,” he breathed, as the words settled in his heart moments after they had left his mouth, reaffirming the truth in them. “I love Tony Stark.”
“Uh, yeah,” Clint responded, looking at him as though he had no idea what he was getting at.
Steve supposed he was right. He loved Tony, so why was he sitting here talking to Clint when he should be talking to Tony?
Screw his fear of rejection and his doubts about his ability to have a successful relationship with Tony. He loved him—cared for him more deeply than anyone else on this planet—so why waste any more time being afraid? He stood up in the face of fear every day, why should this be any different?
Well, the obvious answer was that he was risking his friendship with Tony if he approached him with his feelings and they weren’t returned. But he also risked a lifetime of unhappiness and regret if he didn’t.
The choice was so obvious now, because just as Clint seemed to believe, there really wasn’t one.
“Thanks Clint,” Steve said, rushing to stand from the kitchen. “You’re a great listener. If everything goes well, I’ll really owe you one.”
And with that, he was rushing out of the kitchen, off to find Tony and confess his love to him. He could only hope it was the right decision, but he was through with sitting around and doing nothing regardless. He had always been a man of action—it was time to prove it.
Clint watched him go, slowly chewing the last bite of his sandwich in silence. He didn’t even notice that Natasha had practically danced into the room after Steve left until she threw box at him.
“Ow!” he hissed, clutching his head and bending to pick up the box. However, his mood brightened considerably when he realized what they were. “Oh, thank God.” He rushed to take his hearing aids out of the box and put them on to spare himself further trouble.
“Did you lose something again?” Natasha chuckled, smirking at him as she plopped down in Steve’s now vacant seat.
“Yeah,” Clint agreed, voice back down to a normal volume as he smiled at his best friend. “Thanks, Nat.”
“No problem,” she sighed, sounding strangely happy as she continued to smile at him like the Cheshire Cat. It was… unsettling to say the least.
“What? Do I have food on my face or something?”
“No.” Nat rolled her eyes, voice losing some of its dreamlike quality now. “You didn’t catch any of that, did you?”
“Oh, you mean Steve? Nah. Couldn’t hear a thing, obviously, but he was talkin’ so damn fast I didn’t even try to read his lips. Why? Did I fuck it up that bad? I couldn’t tell why he ran off so suddenly.”
Natasha, petite, graceful ballerina assassin Natasha actuallysnorted. “No, Clint. Though, a word of advice? When Steve comes back up here grinning like the biggest idiot on the planet, just take all the credit you can.”
“What? Why?” Clint asked, cocking his head to the side and raising a brow. “What did I do?”
“Oh,” Natasha purred, grin impossibly widening, making Clint extremely suspicious and slightly afraid. “You’ll see. Everything’s finally working out, just two years later than we had hoped.”
Clint, though he didn’t know what it was they had been hoping for, decided to take Natasha’s word for it and simply shrugged. As long as Steve never found out he had had an entire conversation with him without hearing a thing he said, he didn’t care.  
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spring-emerald · 6 years
oh, shoot
For KuroDai Weekend Day 1: Celebrity AU / Hanahaki AU
“Kuroo,” Yaku puts his hands on Kuroo’s shoulder, looking him in the eyes with seriousness. “Your photographer for today is a well-known photographer, alright? We’re lucky to work with him. You are lucky to work with him. It’s an honor, a chance of a lifetime. So please, I beg of you, don’t mess this up,” he articulates carefully, punctuating his words with a dig of his fingers on Kuroo’s shoulders.
“Yaku,” Kuroo also puts his hands on Yaku’s shoulder, a little heavily, enough to make anyone else wince but not him, apparently. “You gotta chill, alright? I promise, I won’t.” He grins and pats Yaku’s shoulders, but it doesn’t ease the frown on his manager’s face. Really, he deserves more faith than this.
Modeling is something that Kuroo didn’t see himself doing as a full-time job. He didn’t believe himself to be that kind of handsome after all. (His grandmother thinks otherwise, but that’s his grandmother, so it doesn’t really count.) But he finds himself in the industry after dipping in it for a desperate part-time during a rough time in college. And while it’s not as glamorous and glitzy as one perceives it to be, he found himself liking it enough to accept more jobs and change the course of his future by signing up with an agency.
Two years into the industry and he’s worked with a lot of different beautiful people and a lot of different photographers. But it’s his first time to work with someone that has what could be considered a celebrity status in the modeling and fashion circuit.
He’s done his research about Sawamura Daichi, as per Yaku’s instruction. He’s glad he followed it because he learned that Sawamura is the same age as Kuroo, younger than him by a month even, and entered around the same time he did. He’s got a Cinderella-eque early life story, about how he supported himself and his family through doing side-jobs and assistants during college, started his own studio from basically nothing with the help of trusted friends and underclassmen, until he’s reached the place where he is right now. He’s far more accomplished than his contemporaries, especially in terms of portfolio.
(It’s also been said that he’s Oikawa Tooru and Sugawara Koushi’s-two of the top and most-sought actors in the business today-named him as their favorite photographer. That’s from a celebrity tabloid but he thinks it’s worth its dime.)
The point is, that’s how good he’s touted to be.
And really, Yaku was right when he said it’s an honor to work with him. Not just with him, but working in this campaign as a whole. Out of the many, more beautiful models from their agency, like the Haiba siblings, he was the one handpicked by Nekomata-san to be included in the anniversary line of one of the famous clothing brands in the country, and it will be advertised in electronic billboards and fashion magazines. It’s a miracle to be handed such a project like this and Kuroo would be a fool to mess this up.
So yeah. He promises to be in his best behavior and he will not mess this up.
Kuroo is messing this up.
He’s half-naked, only clad in high quality jeans, hair pushed back and tamed and he’s sweating. The studio is cold enough and he’d been in front of the bright lights numerous times already, but none of those had affected him for him to sweat like buckets like this. He knows he’s not looking very attractive right now and far-fetched from the model he claims to professionally be.
In his defense, none of those photo shoots had Sawamura Daichi as the photographer.
God, he’d seen what he looks like when he was researching about him and he had believed the articles when they said that he’s plain but kind looking. Because he is. Kind looking, that is, a strange softness to his define jaws. And god, he’s plain, alright.
Plainly gorgeous.
Downright stunning with a great one dimpled smile and a firm handshake. It doesn’t help that he’s down to earth and friendly to the staff.
Basically, Kuroo’s a goner.
He is not shallow to fall just for looks especially when his work allows him to be surrounded by a lot of good-looking people, where beautiful is a word that can generally describe them all and not be wrong. Gorgeous is the one word he reserves for really special individuals that it would be an insult to call them just beautiful.
But by gods if he doesn’t have a problem describing Sawamura like that.
Kuroo can only dazedly follow the instructions, lost in the play of Sawamura’s arm muscles every time it involuntarily flexes when he poises to shoot. Kind of jealous of the camera strap that get to rest on his well-defined chest under the tight Henley that he forgets to project the feeling that the shoot is asking for, which definitely isn’t the dumb smitten model look.
Did Kuroo mention he’s messing this up? No? Well, he’s messing this up. Big time.
Yaku’s going to chew his head off after this and Kuroo will actually let him, just so he doesn’t have to live with the embarrassment.
Sawamura’s looking down on the screen of his camera, a small frown on his face. Kuroo knows it for the look of dissatisfaction. Goodness, of all times to flop his shoot, it has to be this one. Sawamura looks at up him, head tilted a little to the side. He drops his camera down gently and walks toward Kuroo.
Kuroo glances at Yaku, sees how he’s biting down on his thumbnail and swallows the nervous lump that grew in his throat.
“Kuroo-san,” Kuroo straightens his shoulders at being addressed. Thank god he’s taller than Sawamura and he’s the one slightly looking down on him. His pride won’t be able to take the hit if it had been the other way instead. “This isn’t how your hair is usually styled, is it?”
Kuroo blinks, hand coming up to touch his styled hair. “Uhm, yeah. It isn’t.” The unexpected question unbalanced him enough to answer truthfully.
Sawamura nods and hums thoughtfully. “What do you say about changing it back to your more, natural style?”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with it, pushed back. And you really look good and register on the camera fine,” Sawamura quickly explains, and if Kuroo isn’t nervous and confused, he would’ve found the gesticulating adorable. “But… there’s something missing?”
Kuroo shakes his head then. “No, I mean, you’re the boss right now, so whatever you say goes, but I just feel like I have to be completely honest you know? My hair, well, naturally, it’s,” Kuroo pauses, looking for a word that won’t completely embarrass him and settles with “…untamable.” He looks at Sawamura pointedly, conveying that he would probably look and do worse if he changes back to his hairstyle.
Sawamura gives him a small smile and Kuroo remembers why he’s doing so badly in the first place. “It can’t be that bad,” he assures.
Kuroo doesn’t have the heart to say that oh yeah, it can. It is. His friends tease him Rooster Head for a good reason. He can’t say that his performance and bad frames have nothing to do with his hair, but just with him being useless in the face of someone handsome. Kuroo’s not that above blaming Sawamura.
“Anything you want,” Kuroo says instead. He meant it casually and professionally, really, but given that his mind is in the gutter at the moment, he thinks it comes out way more than he intended.
Sawamura looks taken aback by the words and coughs lightly, clearing his throat. “Uhhh, yeah.” He gestures to the direction of the hairstylists awkwardly, stepping back and away from Kuroo.
Kuroo purses his lips and nods stiffly then leaves before he can say or do something even more stupid.
When he comes back, hair styled in its usual get up, only a little tamer, Sawamura studies him, nods with approval and asks him if he’s ready to do some test shots. Sawamura points and clicks, letting Kuroo pose as he please and looks at the few frames he’d taken, a satisfied smile on his face.
“Hmm, it’s better,” he says smiling, catching Kuroo off-guard yet again. He doesn’t think he can take the fact that Sawamura had just basically complimented him, saying he looks better with his natural style on. Or maybe, he’s reading too much into this and the guy is just being kind, so stop thinking so hard Tetsurou and just do your job.
And do his job he did. He followed Sawamura’s direction and obeyed every instruction, listened well to suggestions and was glad that he can freely suggest some of his own and met with approval, growing more confident and relaxed as the shoot progress. It helps that Sawamura talks to him like a friend, casual and light, unlike some photographers who’re extremely stiff and all business. It’s a great bonus whenever he smiles, something that Kuroo had grown accustomed to, thank god.
He’s putting on the last pair of jeans he’s had to model for the shoot-a tight, skinny one-when Yaku approaches him and gives him a pat on the shoulder.
“You’re doing great, Kuroo,” he starts, but the pause offsets the word. Kuroo waits for him to drop the ‘but’. “But maybe you can try to be a little, you know, playful? Flirtier?”
Kuroo scoffs at Yaku, looking at him funny as he zips the jeans up. “Flirtier?”
“Yeah! You’re good with that, right? I mean, it’s really nice to see you this serious, but also a bit disconcerting? Especially since you actually look like you. Let your personality shine through. I think that’s what Sawamura likes to happen too.” Yaku shrugs.
Kuroo snorts. “Alright, one, despite my appearance, I’m not flirty. And I’m pretty sure that’s not what Sawamura likes to happen.” He’s just really generous with his compliments, like a good professional should be. There’s no way Kuroo is going to read more into that. Anyway, “two, this hair is actually charming and not the disaster you all think it is. And three, you can just say that you like me for me, Yaku-paisen.” He grins, which earns him an eye roll and a hard slap on the arm.
“Whatever. Forget it. You’re insufferable.” Kuroo’s laugh follows after him.
Kuroo returns to the set, a small smile still on his face because of his conversation with Yaku and he startles when the lights go off along with a sound of the shutter. He looks up and finds the camera trained on him.
Sawamura lowers it, looking guilty at getting caught. “Sorry. It’s just…your smile was nice and I just,” Sawamura shakes his head. “Never mind, sorry. Anyway, uh, are you ready?” He rubs the back of his head self-consciously and tries to give Kuroo a confident smile.
Kuroo thinks that if he steps closer, he’ll see the blush on Sawamura’s cheeks.
Adorable. He wants to see Sawamura make that face again. He remembers Yaku’s words and a smirk blooms on his face.
“I’m always ready for you, Sawamura,” he says with a wink, ignoring the inner Kuroo cringing at him at the line he used.
Sawamura stills, eyes wide because Kuroo isn’t even being subtle, then clears his throat and shakes his head again, harder this time. “…Right. Okay.”
Kuroo counts it as a win since he got flustered again. Yaku doesn’t think so.
“Kuroo!” Yaku seethes, eyes bulging out and looking between him and Sawamura, expression alternating between scandalized and apologetic. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“What? You said to be flirty.”
“Yeah! But I meant the camera, not the photographer!”
“But-” Oh. Oh. Damn… that’s not what Yaku meant earlier. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. “Sawamura, I am-”
His apology gets interrupted when Sawamura snorts softly, covering his big smile and flushed face with his hand. He’s unable to hold it, and to Kuroo’s utter mortification, he laughs. A full bellied, mirthful, music to Kuroo’s ears actually if it isn’t done in his expense. The make-up artists and hairstylists join in and wow, can some of the light stands just fall on him now, or maybe all of them, he’s not picky.
“Oh, god,” Sawamura breathes, chuckling still. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He waves a dismissing hand, while the other wipes a tear on his eyes.
“It’s alright, really. It’s fine. You’re good. I mean,” his smile turns into a bashful one. “I don’t mind.” He glances up at Kuroo shyly. “But,” he continues. “Maybe we can…talk… after the shoot?”
Kuroo blinks and snaps out of his daze of asking how this guy could be real, and seeing Sawamura’s hopeful face boosts his confidence and eagerness to finish the shoot. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
A few months later, Kuroo sees his photo displayed in one of the electronic billboards. People stop and stare, some girls even squeal, not noticing the real thing is just among them.
“You really look good in that,” Daichi says, stepping up beside him, looking at the big screen with a small smile.
Kuroo hooks an arm around his shoulders. “Nah, my photographer’s just the best.”
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hydrus · 5 years
Version 354
os x
I had a great week. The first duplicates storage update is done, and I got some neat misc fixes in as well.
false positives and alternates
The first version of the duplicates system did not store 'false positive' and 'alternates' relationships very efficiently. Furthermore, it was not until we really used it in real scenarios that we found the way we wanted to logically apply these states was also not being served well. This changes this week!
So, 'false positive' (up until recently called 'not dupes') and 'alternates' (which are 'these files are related but not duplicates', and sitting in a holding pattern for a future big job that will allow us to process them better) are now managed in a more intelligent storage system. On update, your existing relationships will be auto-converted.
This system uses significantly less space, particularly for large groups of alts like many game cg collections, and applies relationships transitively by its very structure. Alternates are now completely transitive, so if you have a A-alt-B set (meaning one group of duplicate files A has an alternate relationship to another group of duplicate files B) and then apply A-alt-C, the relationship B-alt-C will also apply without you having to do anything. False positive relationships are more tricky, but they are stored significantly more efficiently and also apply on an 'alternates' level, so if you have A-alt-B and add A-fp-M, B-fp-M will be automatically inferred. It may sound odd at first to think that something that is false positive to A could be nothing but false positive to B, but consider: if our M were same/better/worse to B, it would be in B and hence transitively alternate to A, which it cannot be as we already determined it was not related to A.
Mistakenly previously allowable states, such as a false positive relationship within an alternates group, will be corrected on the update. Alternates will take precedence, and any subsequently invalid false positives will be considered mistakes and discarded. If you know there are some problems here, there is unfortunately no easy way at the moment to cancel or undo an alternate or false positive relationship, but once the whole duplicates system is moved over I will be able to write a suite of logically correct and more reliable reset/break/dissolve commands for all the various states in which files can be related with each other. These 'reset/set none' tools never worked well in the old system.
The particularly good news about these changes is it cuts down on filtering time. Many related 'potential' duplicates can be auto-resolved from a single alternate or false positive decision, and if you have set many alts or false positives previously, you will see your pending potentials queue shrink considerably after update, and as you continue to process.
With this more logically consistent design, alternate and false positive counts and results are more sensible and consistent when searched for or opened from the advanced mode thumbnail right-click menu. All the internal operations are cleaner, and I feel much better about working on an alternates workflow in future so we can start setting 'WIP' and 'costume change'-style labels to our alternates and browsing them more conveniently in the media viewer.
The actual remaining duplicate relations, 'potential', 'same quality', and 'this is better', are still running on the old inefficient system. They will be the next to work on. I would like to have 'same quality' and 'this is better' done for 356, after E3.
the rest
The tag blacklists in downloaders' tag import options now apply to the page's tags after tag sibling processing. So, if you banned 'high heels', say, but the site suddenly starts delivering 'high-heel shoes', then as long as that 'high-heel shoes' gets mapped to 'high-heels' in one of your tag services, it should now be correctly filtered. The unprocessed tags are still checked as before, so this is really a double-round of checking to cover more valid ground. If you were finding you were chasing many different synonyms of the tags you do not like, please let me know how this now works for you.
The annoying issue where a handful of thumbnails would sometimes stop fading in during heavy scrolling seems to be fixed! Also, the thumbnail 'waterfall' system is now cleverer about how it schedules thumbnails that need regeneration. You may notice the new file maintenance manager kicking in more often with thumbnail work.
Another long-term annoying issue was the 'pending' menu update-flickering while a lot of tag activity was going on. It would become difficult to interact with. I put some time into this this week, cleaning up a bunch of related code, and I think I figured out a reliable way to make the menus on the main gui stop updating as long as one is open. It won't flicker and should let you start a tags commit even when other things are going on. The other menus (like the 'services' menu, which will update on various service update info) will act the same way. Overall menu-related system stability should be improved for certain Linux users as well.
The new 'fix siblings and parents' button on manage tags is now a menu button that lets you apply siblings and parents from all services or just from the service you are looking at. These commands overrule your 'apply sibs/parents across all services' settings. So, if you ever accidentally applied a local sibling to the PTR or vice versa, please try the specific-service option here.
full list
duplicates important:
duplicates 'false positive' and 'alternates' pairs are now stored in a new more efficient structure that is better suited for larger groups of files
alternate relationships are now implicitly transitive--if A is alternate B and A is alternate C, B is now alternate C
false positive relationships remain correctly non-transitive, but they are now implicitly shared amongst alternates--if A is alternate B and A is false positive with C, B is now false positive with C. and further, if C alt D, then A and B are implicitly fp D as well!
your existing false positive and alternates relationships will be migrated on update. alternates will apply first, so in the case of conflicts due to previous non-excellent filtering workflow, formerly invalid false positives (i.e. false positives between now-transitive alternates) will be discarded. invalid potentials will also be cleared out
attempting to set a 'false positives' or 'alternates' relationship to files that already have a conflicting relation (e.g. setting false positive to two files that already have alternates) now does nothing. in future, this will have graceful failure reporting
the false positive and alternate transitivity clears out potential dupes at a faster rate than previously, speeding up duplicate filter workflow and reducing redundancy on the human end
unfortunately, as potential and better/worse/same pairs have yet to be updated, the system may report that a file has the same alternate as same quality partner. this will be automatically corrected in the coming weeks
when selecting 'view this file's duplicates' from thumbnail right-click, the focus file will now be the first file displayed in the next page
duplicates boring details:
setting 'false positive' and 'alternates' status now accounts for the new data storage, and a variety of follow-on assumptions and transitive properties (such as implying other false positive relationships or clearing out potential dupes between two groups of merging alternates) are now dealt with more rigorously (and moreso when I move the true 'duplicate' file relationships over)
fetching file duplicate status counts, file duplicate status hashes, and searching for system:num_dupes now accounts for the new data storage r.e. false positives and alternates
new potential dupes are culled when they conflict with the new transitive alternate and false positive relationships
removed the code that fudges explicit transitive 'false positive' and 'alternate' relationships based on existing same/better/worse pairs when setting new dupe pairs. this temporary gap will be filled back in in the coming weeks (clearing out way more potentials too)
several specific advanced duplicate actions are now cleared out to make way for future streamlining of the filter workflow:
removed the 'duplicate_media_set_false_positive' shortcut, which is an action only appropriate when viewing confirmed potentials through the duplicate filter (or after the ' show random pairs' button)
removed the 'duplicate_media_remove_relationships' shortcut and menu action ('remove x pairs ... from the dupes system'), which will return as multiple more precise and reliable 'dissolve' actions in the coming weeks
removed the 'duplicate_media_reset_to_potential' shortcut and menu action ('send the x pairs ... to be compared in the duplicates filter') as it was always buggy and lead to bloating of the filter queue. it is likely to return as part of the 'dissolve'-style reset commands as above
fixed an issue where hitting 'duplicate_media_set_focused_better' shortcut with no focused thumb would throw an error
started proper unit tests for the duplicates system and filled in the phash search, basic current better/worse, and false positive and alternate components
various incidences of duplicate 'action options' and similar phrasing are now unified to 'metadata merge options'
cleaned up 'unknown/potential' phrasing in duplicate pair code and some related duplicate filter code
cleaned up wording and layout of the thumbnail duplicates menu
the rest:
tag blacklists in downloaders' tag import options now apply to the parsed tags both before and after a tag sibling collapse. it uses the combined tag sibling rules, so feedback on how well this works irl would be appreciated
I believe I fixed the annoying issue where a handful of thumbnails would sometimes inexplicitly not fade in after during thumbgrid scrolling (and typically on first thumb load--this problem was aggravated by scroll/thumb-render speed ratio)
when to-be-regenerated thumbnails are taken off the thumbnail waterfall queue due to fast scrolling or page switching, they are now queued up in the new file maintenance system for idle-time work!
the main gui menus will now no longer try to update while they are open! uploading pending tags while lots of new tags are coming in is now much more reliable. let me know if you discover a way to get stuck in this frozen state!
cleaned up some main gui menu regeneration code, reducing the total number of stub objects created and deleted, particularly when the 'pending' menu refreshes its label frequently while uploading many pending tags. should be a bit more stable for some linux flavours
the 'fix siblings and parents' button on manage tags is now a menu button with two options--for fixing according to the 'all services combined' siblings and parents or just for the current panel's service. this overrides the 'apply sibs/parents across all services' options. this will be revisited in future when more complicated sibling application rules are added
the 'hide and anchor mouse' check under 'options->media' is no longer windows-only, if you want to test it, and the previous touchscreen-detecting override (which unhid and unanchored on vigorous movement) is now optional, defaulting to off
greatly reduced typical and max repository pre-processing disk cache time and reworked stop calculations to ensure some work always gets done
fixed an issue with 'show some random dupes' thumbnails not hiding on manual trashing, if that option is set. 'show some random dupes' thumbnail panels will now inherit their file service from the current duplicate search domain
repository processing will now never run for more than an hour at once. this mitigates some edge-case disastrous ui-hanging outcomes and generally gives a chance for hydrus-level jobs like subscriptions and even other programs like defraggers to run even when there is a gigantic backlog of processing to do
added yet another CORS header to improve Client API CORS compatibility, and fixed an overauthentication problem
setting a blank string on the new local booru external port override option will now forego the host:port colon in the resultant external url. a tooltip on the control repeats this
reworded and coloured the pause/play sync button in review services repository panel to be more clear about current paused status
fixed a problem when closing the gui when the popup message manager is already closed by clever OS-specific means
misc code cleanup
updated sqlite on windows to 3.28.0
updated upnpc exe on windows to 2.1
next week
The duplicates work this week took more time than I expected. I still have many small jobs I want to catch up on, so I am shunting my rotating schedule down a week and doing a repeat. I will add some new shortcuts, some new tab commands, and hopefully a clipboard URL watcher and a new way of adding OR search predicates.
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