#also think its funny that taryn killed locke tbh
bloody-shadow666 · 1 year
Personally I think the appeal of the Folk Of The Air series (or the cruel prince, whichever you call it) is that the protagonist is just straight up fucked up. Like she's not as outwardly bastardly as darling Kaz Brekker (another groundbreaking protagonist, imo) but Jude Duarte is 12 shades of Horrible and she is mostly unapologetic about it. She's like 17 years old and has a shockingly high body count. She stole a whole ass kingdom. She almost murdered her own sister over a boy. She poisons herself willingly. She watched her parents die in front of her and is more upset that the man who killed them won't take her seriously than the fact that HE KILLED HER PARENTS IN FRONT OF HER. (daaaad you just don't UNDERSTAND). She spent her whole life learning how to read between the lines to avoid shitty faerie bargains and misses a super obvious one because she thinks her boyfriend (husband??) just dumped her so she watches Yuri On Ice with a pint of Ice cream and cries about it. She beat the shit out of a cannibalistic ex General with a rusty metal pipe with such ferocity that said cannibal became one of her most trusted advisors. Everything she does is deeply fucked up and cool and also reeks of the rage that somehow builds up when you are, tragically, a like 17 year old girl. Her twin sister is supposedly so much more calm and collected and well adjusted until one day she shows up in tears like "help I killed my husband that you hate" just straight up stabbed him one day. Because she is also suffering from being a like 17 year old girl. It's so funny. I love these books.
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wanderingpages · 3 years
Anon M (Dark AU) part 5 i think
(My [wanderingpages] responses are in this color!)
Um cardan its an ECON class, ofc it wasn’t gonna be interesting (I... liked my Econ class 🙈🙈)
U are a glutton for punishment, dude (yes)
Wait its pain relief
Lol im dumb (hahaha too many drugs to stay on top of things)
“I want to bang my fucking head against the nearest wall. There’s a good reason I dropped out of school and never attended college. Dropped off in a cradle in front the fire house then bouncing from shitty foster home to shitty foster home until the day I finally said fuck it and left the stove burners on. School was never on the forefront of my mind, but I could have gone far had I the chance. To my dismay, while the abusive shit that was my foster dad and the little fuck buddy he shared needles with had died, my foster mother managed to get away from the fire. Turns out foster Daddy had one hell of a life insurance and although, for a while, Asha was under investigation – a cracked out woman profiting off her dead husband? – she managed to fuck her lawyer fees away to get out of charges that in no way could have ever lead to me anyways.”
This whole para is a fucking mood
Wow cardan got a very tragic past (how else do I justify his behavior without making him full psycho in which I can’t even redeem him enough for Jude to like him 😥😥 lol but he just never gets a break huh 😳) (also... told u balekins wife ain’t shit 😉)
Wtf cardan knows this shit
Ahhhhhhhh eldred
Geez cardans thoughts are fun to read (thank you, I go a little trigger happy with his POV cus I can get away with a lot more than I can with others lol)
…..prince is so much better than king to me lol (haha then he wouldn’t be the baddest killer on this side of the lake. He’d be the son of one 😔 and tbh eldreds hands are clean.)
Madoc isnt judes dad here, is he (nope)
Is he talking about lollipop rn (yes)
Fucking both dain and locke lol I have no sympathy for nis after HTKOELTHS (lmao leave my girl alone I love her!!)
Judes wishing theyd actually been doing what nis thinks they were (hahaha nah not quite yet)
Aw im liking this interaction
Oh wow
Oh (yeah see he has morals, who wouldn’t want to kill a pedophile if given the chance, plus money on top of that? Win, win 🥰)
Vigilante lol
Babe lol
Aw this got sad really quickly (😔)
THIS IS FUNNY I LIKE THIS CARDAN…..not as much as CEO cardan (didja really think I wouldn’t say anything about him) (haha I like dark Cardan toooo he’s my problem child 😫😫 lol ceo is my successful child)
Dains wife is good with him cheating good to know (dains wife don’t give af. She just want that 💰💸💳 🤑)
Why is jude flustered (she saw sumn)
“pick a color” lol
“pink” LOL
HE HAS A DICK RING DOESN’T HE (hahaha it’s a pelvis piercing! The base of the dick)
Cardans turned on
Jude has mentioned sophie
Not so turned on anymore (rip)
Dain and Madoc….. sure theyre a GREAT parenting team sureeeeeeeeee (better than the previous parental team hahaha)
Cardans sad (just a sad boy doing bad things 😔)
Make it stop pls
What happened
This was a wild ride
Im loving this (thank youuuu)
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