#also this dress is wayyyyyy too small for me now but that’s okay
skinreflectsthesun · 11 months
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“She wore poetry”
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politics-notmything · 4 years
We fell in love in November
YEah, we back at it with another one shot... I don’t normally write these but after my recent post and the Parrlyn discord, now could I not 👀 Anyway, this took wayyyyyy longer than i thought it would - Part 15 of She Used to be mine is out tomorrow :)  
Tw- implied nudity (nothing over PG-13), bad language, coming out. 
The euphoria Cathy Parr felt around Anne Boleyn was extravagant. Even now when they lie in bed together trying to come down from their high, Cathy still felt energised. The writer rolled over to face her girlfriend, with the bedsheets pulled up to her neck and subtly smiled. Cathy ran her left hand through the Boleyn girl’s hair and cupped her cheek with the other.
“You look so beautiful,” Anne opened her eyes and grinned when she met with Cathy’s.
“As are you.” she simply replied as she moved forward to tenderly kiss her girlfriend. No one could’ve expected that Catherine Parr and Anne Boleyn would become a thing in their second life. Heck, they didn’t even know they had the possibility of a second life! Anne paused their kiss and Cathy looked unexpectedly at her gremlin, “You should tell Aragon.” 
The moment was ruined. 
Cathy tensed as she sat up, pulling the duvet with her and laughing when she pulled too hard, so Anne was left bare, “What?” 
“I said-” Anne smirked as she deliberately rolled onto Cathy’s chest, making her blush, “You should tell Aragon.”
“What if I don’t want to tell Aragon…” Cathy whispered, not looking away from Anne’s eyes.
“You can look at my tits, Cath, I don't mind.” 
“ANNE!” Cathy profusely blushed and shoved the Boleyn girl to the side, 
Anne snickered and pulled the writer into a cuddle, “It isn’t like you haven’t seen them before.” 
“But seriously,” Cathy hummed when she went back to being serious, “I don’t want to tell my godmother, she might not like it.” 
“But she came to pride last year and threw confetti at that proposing gay couple?” 
“That’s different. Not only am I her goddaughter, but I’m also dating the woman who stole her crown.” 
“Yeah, I feel a little guilty for that,” Anne confessed.
“You shouldn’t. ‘Lina isn’t mad about it now because we know you were forced to do it,” Cathy snuffled closer, “but it still doesn’t change history.” 
“She’s family Cath. I told Kat, now you should tell Aragon.” Anne gently kissed Cathy’s curls before removing her grip around the writer’s waist, allowing her to go downstairs. 
“I might.” Cathay smiled as she grabbed her underwear and a towel from Anne’s floor, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Cath.” 
Both queens had been dating for a significant amount of time, and their story started when they ‘accidentally’ made out in Cathy’s dressing room after Anne trapped them for an hour. After that, there had been a series of confessions, secret glances and planning from both parties, so they didn’t come across as suspicious. Then, once they felt ready, Anne told Katherine who has been a useful distraction when the lovers want some alone time. 
One of the first things Catherine proposed was developing small ‘habits’ that the others would believe. For example, Anne was known to sleep in, so they both took advantage of that when Cathy would sneak out of her room and cuddle Anne in the early morning before heading downstairs for breakfast. Another trick was when Cathy ran out of coffee and needed to take a last-minute trip to Tescos. Anne would always hide the coffee and midnight then plan a Tescos trip the next day when Cathy would happen to tag along. 
And it worked surprisingly well. 
“Morning Mija.” Catalin de Aragon was at the head of the kitchen table, reading a novel and drinking tea, alone. 
Cathy walked over to her coffee machine, “Morning ma, where is everyone?” 
“They decided to go on a walk. Katherine said something about trees helping you live longer,” 
Cathy suppressed a laugh, Anne...
“Yeah, I read that too.” 
“Of course, in our second lives, no one wants to take any chances!” Aragon continued, oblivious, “Knowing Kat, she probably just wanted to look at the dogs.” 
Catherine picked her fingernails, and her stomach churned over, “Can I confess something?”
“Of course…” Her godmother removed her reading glasses and gestured for Cathy to take a seat. 
“I’ve been seeing someone,” A beat, “romantically.” 
The confession slipped out and jumping the first hurdle was surprisingly easy, but unfortunately, it wasn’t as straightforward as that. 
The godmother corrected her posture and licked her lips, “Oh? For how long?” 
“About 4 months.” 
“And you never told me?” 
“I didn’t think it was necessary,” Cathy replied, sheepishly. 
While Catherine may not be her mother, it didn’t change how she acted like one. One of Cathy’s strongest memories was when Aragon comforted her every night after she was reincarnated.
“What’s his name?” 
Another hurdle appeared that Cathy had to somehow jump over - the gay hurdle. 
“He’s a she.” Catherine wouldn’t say she was scared of her godmother, but she certainly valued her approval and beliefs. 
The Spaniard paused to think this over before leaning back in her chair, closing her eyes, and smiling. The smile grew, and a flower of hope blossomed in the Survivor’s chest. Aragon then opened her arms for Cathy to hug her, and the writer reacted all too quickly. 
“I’m happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me.” 
“Does this mean you’re okay with this?” Cathy mumbled into her shoulder, 
“Of course Mija! Now, who is she?” 
“Okay, okay” Cathy could burst with excitement! Even though her godmother didn’t know it was Anne, Cathy could still describe her lover in perfect detail. “She has dark brown hair, which has a subtle wave at the end. She is pretty pale, so her freckles stand out but her cheeks are always red because she is somehow always blushing!” Cathy continued to gush, “Her eyes are grey, but they change with the light, and her favourite colour is green-”
“You told Aragon yet?” Anne Boleyn leaned in the doorway with a giant smirk on her face, “or are you just going to keep describing my facial features?” 
Anne stopped as she realised what she’d said. 
Cathy looked between Anne and her godmother. She loved the gremlin, but she really needs to learn to read a situation.
Aragon stood and looked between Anne and Cathy. Her brain slowly puts the puzzle together in an organised fashion. The hair, the skin, the freckles, the blush, the eyes and finally, the favourite colour. 
The history hurdle. 
The grinding of Cathy’s chair against the kitchen floor wasn’t enough to pierce the tension between the 1st and 2nd queen. The writer took Anne’s hand, and cautiously walked her over to her godmother. 
“Anne, this is my Godmother. Ma, this is-” 
“I know who Anne is.” Catherine’s voice was a deadly monotone. 
The awkwardness had obviously got to the Boleyn girl who proceeded to bite her lip as she glanced around the room, eyeing the wall tiles with great curiosity. 
“Boleyn.” Anne’s head snapped back to the situation as the Spanish queen addressed her. “Are you dating my goddaughter?” 
“Well-” Anne didn’t know what to say, and thankfully, Catherine didn’t want to hear it. 
“Catherine Mary Parr.” Cathy flinched at the use of her full name. 
“Your middle name is mary?” Anne tentatively asked before Aragon shut her off. 
“Are you dating the woman who stole my husband?” 
“Well, when you put it like that…” Cathy trailed off as her godmother rubbed her temple. 
“After all these years?” Aragon tried so hard to keep her composure, she really did. But some situations are just too much. “No puedo creerlos a los dos!” 
“I can’t fucking believe you both.” Cathy translated. 
“Después de todo lo que hago por ti,” The Spaniard flung her arms around, “así es como me pagas?!”
“After everything, I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me?” 
“Mierda, mierda, mierda, odio a los malditos franceses!” She turned to Cathy “Te estas follando ella?” 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I hate the fucking french, and I verbally can’t repeat the final phrase.” 
“Are you?” ‘Lina demanded to know the answer.
“sí señorita.” Cathy’s reply was quick and timid.
Catherine turned to Anne, “First, you stole my husband, then you stole my crown, and now you steal my goddaughter?!” 
“Oh, I stole more than that from her,” Anne winked at Cathy who couldn’t hold her laugh as she remembered the recent events. She buried her head in the Boleyn girl’s shoulder to try and stifle it. Forgetting all about the angry Spaniard, Anne kissed the top of Cathy’s curls and smiled fondly down at her. 
That wasn’t normal. Catherine of Aragon knew how Anne Boleyn worked when it came to a relationship. She would look at her target with a seductive smirk and a classic wink, she would follow them around before leading them out the room in the dark and alone. Anne Boleyn would destroy families and ruin a country. Manipulate the king and destroy the church, but she would never look at someone with such value. 
In all the years Catherine had been alive she has never seen Anne Boleyn blush as much as she did now or look at someone with so much compassion and… love? 
“No me importa que seas gay” Aragon finally sighed. 
Cathy swiftly removed her head from Anne’s shoulder to translate, “I don’t care that you are gay.” 
“And I shouldn't care who you date either.” Catalina looked at the interlocked fingers. “Forgive me for being so crude, it was a shock.” 
“It was a shock to me too!” Anne quipped but received a slap from Cathy. 
“I apologise for my use of language too, it was-”
“Descriptive?” Cathy finished. 
“Extremely.” It was still a little awkward between the trio, but ‘Lina was determined to settle things, “I just want you to know that I accept you both as family and as lovers.” 
“Thank you, ma.” 
“I really appreciate it.” 
“Now, I know the others will be getting back soon so we should really get started on breakfast.” 
“Let me reheat your coffee, babe.” Anne carefully took the mug from Cathy, who whispered a ‘thank you.’ 
“I have to admit,” Aragon cleared her space on the table and handed her goddaughter the placemats, “You make a pretty good couple.” 
“Right?!” Anne beamed with delight,
“Does anyone else know?” Catherine continued, 
“Only Katherine and you. We both wanted to keep it on the down-low, but Anne said I should tell you because you’re family.” Cathy explained.
“Well, I’m glad you told me, even if it took some convincing. And know that I’m here for the both of you if anyone tries anything!” 
“We’re back!” The younger cousin’s voice echoed off the walls, and she bounced into the kitchen to see Cathy kissing Anne’s cheek as she was handed her mug and ‘Lina placing the apple juice on the table. 
“Did the air work?” Cathy asked Kitty as she took her seat next to Anne around the table,
“I feel younger already!” 
“I’m definitely going to be immortal by the end of the century.” Anna threw her hoodie over the back of her chair and poured herself some apple juice as Jane finally walked in. 
Once everyone was sat, Anne nodded at Kat from across the table and tried to suppress and smile as Cathy subtly linked their arms together. A small gesture of affection which had humungous meaning.
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avengerofyourheart · 6 years
NYE Retro Bash with Chris Evans
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I still feel like last night was just a dream but then I see all the amazing videos I took and it all comes back. This is without a doubt the most memorable New Year’s Eve of my life and I’ll look back on it for years to come. 
SO. Here’s how it all happened. I saw a post on tumblr about this New Year’s Bash and GASP. It was taking place only 40 minutes from me! Double checked the tweet Chris had retweet and....ITS REALLY HAPPENING WHAT. Texted a friend to see if she wanted to come, she doubted the reality of it because HOW, WHY, WHAT. But yes. It was happening. We had to go. So I bought 2 tickets. 
Apparently, other people had trouble buying tickets but I guess I was super lucky. I heard that tickets were limited but I didn't realize HOW limited until I checked the venue and saw that the capacity was only 125 people. AHH. IT’S GONNA BE SMALL AND INTIMATE AND I’M NERVOUS AND EXCITED I CAN’T WAIT. That was my thought process. 
There was some drama regarding transportation and the friend I was going with I hadn’t actually met IRL yet (not from tumblr, more like snapchat and Instagram. It’s an interesting way to meet people.) But in the end I drove 45 minutes south to meet her and then we headed up the canyon in her friends car to Park City! :D 
For those who have never been, Park City is a small-ish skiing town in the mountains were Sundance Film Festival also happens every year. (Which was founded by Robert Redford, who played Alexander Pierce in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, in case you weren't aware.) Anyway, we park in a parking garage and walk through the lobby of a hotel and once we reach the street, the venue is RIGHT THERE. AHH. There was a bit of a line and it was SOOOO COLD.  Like, single digits. Fahrenheit. We only had to wait about 10 minutes before they started checking ID’s and letting people in.
High West Distillery is basically a ski-in/ski-out bar. It was even smaller than I envisioned so people got cozy really quickly and there was a velvet rope sectioning off part of the dance floor with some stools and couches there. The second friend, Natalie, went in search of the bathroom so it was just Vanessa the Instagram Friend and I. 
She leaned toward me. “Read my eyes.” Um...what? It took me wayyyyyy too long to figure out that she was hinting that Chris was standing RIGHT OVER THERE BEHIND THE ROPE 15 FEET FROM ME. WHAT. I spotted his friend first, the one who posted the photo on the plane. Adam LaVorgna, another actor who I recognized from the Jonathan Taylor Thomas movie “Home for Christmas” haha! But then I saw who he was standing next to and...I whipped my head back around toward Vanessa, eyes wide. 
“See?? That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” she yelled over the music. 
Holy. Crap. I tried to get another covert sneak peek but it was almost like looking directly at the sun, I had to avert my gaze. Wow. I just saw Chris Evans with my very own eyes. Dressed in a pair of jeans, dark blue sweater, bit of scruff on the chin, and a blue Boston Red Sox baseball hat, he looked gooooood. *swoon* 
We still had no idea what the “plan” was for the night, since he was supposedly the host, but we mostly just danced to the music, chatted with friends and tried not to panic at his close proximity. The room continued to fill and some people were let past the velvet rope and he greeted them. Such a sweetheart. I know they were calling it a “Retro Bash” but I guess I didn’t realize it was so literal??? People were arriving in full-on 80s regalia and a few guys wore mullet wigs and sunglasses (one of which turned out to be Miles Teller, but I didn’t find out til later. oops.) 
Anyway, a DJ played for the first hour or so until The Midnight came on stage. I knew some of their music before finding out about this, but the past few days I put their albums on shuffle to familiarize myself. They’re more techno than I’m used to but I really liked it and in the party scene, their vibe was perfect! Chris got so excited and sang along, dancing or air drumming to the beat. ha! So cute. He kept saying “This is my favorite song” but he said that about 4 songs. :D Bless him. 
There was a guy in the VIP section who looked familiar and I finally figured it out. He’s also a friend of Sebastian’s, Charles Chu (Choodius_maximus on instagram) he was wearing a huuuuuge black afro wig. We bumped elbows a few times while dancing so that was cool. One degree from Sebastian Stan!! I’m getting there! ha! :D 
Ironically, The Midnight did NOT play until midnight. Their set ended around 11:15pm so the DJ returned and he was great. Interesting song transitions and a good variety, too. Dancing continued and I got a few more videos of Chris, covertly. I didn’t want to seem creepy so I kinda panned the camera around and caught him a few times. Seeing Chris Evans dance and sing to “Living on a Prayer” is official a highlight in my life. I have evidence of it, too. :D He seemed to be living his best life, having a few drinks and dancing with friends. I loved seeing him this way, personally, rather than situations that might make him anxious or uncomfortable. He is a gem and we don’t deserve him. 
Midnight crept closer and the DJ started the countdown. Happy New Year!!! I caught the moment on video and finally showed my face. :) I was there, too!! Couples kissed and hugs were shared. From what we could tell, no smooches for Mr. Evans but plenty of hugs. I don’t like to speculate about his personal life, I just want him to be happy. :) 
I really wasn’t sure what to expect initially and I did wonder if he might interact or step up to the mic at some point as the “host” but as a whole, I had an amazing time! People asked if I met him, talked to him, got a pic with him. No, I didn’t, but that’s perfectly okay with me. Proximity while in his element is good enough for me. Maybe I’ll meet him at a con some day and mention last night. Maybe. As for now, I have photos and videos and memories that will last a lifetime. 
Thank you all for following my Instagram story. It’s now in my highlights there on my page and I will continue to share videos here. I’m infinitely glad that I jumped at the chance of seeing him and it was more than worth the money, 3 hours of driving, lost sleep, temporary hearing loss, and sore legs from dancing. :) 
Happy New Year to you all!! 
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