#also this is a little short bc I'm brain dead; I apologize
constellationcrowned · 11 months
~"The veve etched on the surface is scratched---should we open it anyway?" (for Kariom from Miche! uwu)
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For a few seconds he has the notion to just...push on the door. It looked to be falling apart even without the FOUR, HEINOUSLY DEEP CLAW MARKS marring its surface, with the glyph of warding that had been etched there ruined underneath. Plus the DOOR WAS STANDING FREELY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NOWHERE and that couldn't mean anything good, located in the Stream or otherwise.
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"I say leave it be." Kariom pushes his glasses up further on his nose as his gaze flicks away from the gouges left behind in the wood only to LOOK AT THE FOREST SURROUNDING THE DOOR. If either he or Miche opened it there definitely wouldn't be a forest on the other side---much less the same forest they were standing in now---and they were already so close to a boundary gate. This was a trap. This was definitely a trap. Maybe it wasn't a trap set specifically for them but even so....
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"....Akaran." Beware. As if he needed to say anything else. "Maybe we should....write it on the door? Just in case one of our own happens by....?"
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writing-for-the-gays · 3 months
The whole being dead thing
Beej being really into the readers body, fat4fat bitches rise up. Beetlejuice is a tummy guy.
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- Death was something you were well acquainted with. Working with the dead like it was second nature.
- and to you it was, underneath florescent lights and protective gear you felt at home.
- you'd had run-ins with the recently deceased, it wasn't uncommon, in fact a representative of the underworld had given you a couple dozen copies of 'handbook for recently deceased'.
- ghosts were just a part of your job, so when Beetlejuice showed up you didn't think too much of it.
- until he stayed around.
"So why exactly do you stay here with me?" You ask, hands busy gently applying a layer of foundation on an older woman's face. Beetlejuice hums.
"I just like the vibe."
- one night after a particularly rough day (even as a seasoned mortician some things can still get to you.) you smoked a joint in the car before you left the parking lot.
-irresponsible? 100%, but you don't do it often, so Beetlejuice is high-key surprised.
- you're his favorite breather, so of course you smoke weed! And also a lil worried, but he's not exactly sure why yet.
- you end up falling asleep in the car and when you wake up you're leaning on him, he's just kinda looking at you with wide unblinking eyes.
- like a cat focusing on prey?? But y'know kinda lovingly .
- acts differently from that point
- he stops staying there for the 'vibe' he starts saying he just wants to hangout.
- outside of being at the funeral home.
- at YOUR house.
- he still came and went while you worked.
- one night you spark up maybe a little too much, and are just a bit too touchy, and- ah shit he's hard.
- you kiss him; he tries sobering you up. You think he's mad at you. You fucked up.
- you wake up the next morning and Beej checks up on you, and you apologize like crazy and low-key confess.
- he kisses you this time and you reciprocate. And soon his hands are wandering all over your body, and he finds your belly and it's soft and squishy and he can grab at it and and and-
-he short circuits, he can't produce new blood you assume so when it goes to his dick he def gets light headed.
- lets out just this fucking noise from deep in his throat, he's so turned on man.
- you grind on him and he almost cums in his pants 🤩.
- your hands find his body, and you run your hands across his folds and just hold his love handles
- you fuck so hard that night you genuinely have to call of work because you can't walk.
- if you're trans masc he sucks T dick like a binki btw! Runs his tongue over the tip and slurps it down with the filthiest fucking noises, literally bobbing his head up and down, moaning when you pull his hair.
- T shots are followed by head, he can't go without it.
- trans femmes he sucks girl cock like it's his fucking job, will literally only come up to call you a good girl and finger you :3!
- what I'm trying to say is he's super good at giving head, and it's mostly bc he doesn't need to breathe, so he could go until your legs shake and you're crying 🩷.
- also takes it up the ass like a fucking CHAMP, whining for it and his voice literally cracking. (Oh God if you're teasing him, don't get me started, "you take my strap/cock so good pretty boy." "MORE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!")
- he pulls hair, scratches and bites, no you can't convince me otherwise.
-it sparks up... Interesting conflicts in your brain. "It's... not necrophilia, right? Technically??? You're dead, but not like... Dead dead, I can talk to you, and you can consent?"
- he's soft for you.
- but also you'll probably need to wrangle him into the bath.
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hi hi hi it is late and my brain is a little mushy and sleeby but i would like to hear about immor!!!! could i possibly have a basic rundown?? 👀👀
hello hello multi!!!!!! thank you for the ask!!! I ended up falling asleep but I am still very much in the mood to talk about him so absolutely you may!! :D
(I am writing this after everything else bc this post got way out of hand so tldr: dad with a sword and trauma that is mostly related to war and being a prisoner of war loves his friends and family very much despite never emoting and has worked very hard to secure a good life for him and his family despite everything being at odds with him. more detailed information below jdbdhsvdhdv)
so Immor. where to start. he is one of my most fixated-upon characters so as you can imagine there is a lot lol
I guess physical description is a good starting point! he is 6'9" tall (yes funny number I know, it plagues me /lh), he's very built from spending centuries in the military, he has long silver hair with about three dozen small braids in it (this is a culture thing, but basically the braids are to honor dead people—I should absolutely make a whole post about this later actually), gold eyes (which the fact that he doesn't have heterochroma of any sort in his eyes is about as rare for shining elves as the reverse is for humans), and like all older elves it's very hard to place his age by looking at him—he could easily look anywhere between his early thirties and early fifties, but there are so many incongruencies with anywhere you'd try to put him on that spectrum that trying to guess his age based on human assumptions is useless. his actual age is 306 at the start of my wip, and that is vaguely of the lifespan equivalent of 30. this equivalency also falls apart if you look too hard at it so just remember that it's more about lifespan and less about life experience if you know what I mean by that? finally this man does not emote in any obvious way, apart from very rare occasions. this doesn't detract from the fact that he definitely feels emotions and strongly too he just does not show it. anyway I tried to keep it short and that was still long-winded so I apologize lol I'm gonna move on
he is Immerlias and Aryaea's dad and Regaya's husband! he's also commander of a squadron of guards, which is sort of like a second family to him. his best friend, Strendthras, is his second in command and while they have a... uh... chaotic? dynamic with each other they do make a very good team, especially when shit hits the fan. Immor's other best friend is Embrist, a very busy transgender surgeon that saved his life about 200 years ago, then they lived in the same house for about a decade, and also he was the one who introduced Immor and Regaya to each other and officiated their wedding. he also is the person that delivered Immerlias when he was born so there is that too. Regaya and Embrist are very close as well for their own reasons so he is a mutual friend. Immor loves all of these important people in his life (and more I haven't mentioned!) very, very much and at the same time in a very quiet way, kind of just. being a listening ear and offering advice when they need it and doing favors without being asked, silently holding onto anything they give him and paying quiet attention to the things they care about. except Strendthras. that is a very different dynamic because of how long they have been friends. if you didn't know they were friends you'd think they spent every minute of their lives trying to kill each other from how much they roughhouse and (affectionately!) bully the other. Regaya is also an exception to this because she is his wife
god that was long I'm sorry I'm just gonna briefly go through some important backstory notes SO:
Immor was born illegitimately and raised by his single mother and grandparents
said grandparents died around when he was hitting adulthood and about 40-50 years later his mother (also in the military) died on the first day of a 6 year long war
Immor fought in said war and about halfway through was captured and spent over a month as a prisoner and very, very nearly died. Embrist managed to save him but the fact that he survived this is basically a miracle. he still has ptsd mostly over his time as a pow but the war overall factors in as well for certain. the scars he has from this experience is the reason why he wears sweaters 100% of the time and the reason he's claustrophobic and the reason he's a vegetarian
once the war ended his girlfriend at the time decided to break up with him and kicked him out of her house so that's why he moved in with Embrist.
nine years later he and Regaya met when she accidentally broke his nose in a bar. #meetcute but they proceeded to get together anyway
about 20 years after that he and Strendthras's third friend Cadaea died of a fever, which sucked.
very shortly after that Immor and Regaya got married
a century and some change later Immerlias was born, then a few months after that Immor found Aryaea (who was the daughter of some family friends) in the burnt rubble of the town they had lived in while on a patrol. he took her back to her grandparents but basically ended up adopting her anyway
and fast forward another 50 years and Aryaea and Immerlias came of age and left town for a backpacking trip. this is roughly where my wip begins :)
THAT WAS SO LONG I'M SORRY but thank you for asking about him I highly highly appreciate it and I am sorry for probably giving you way more than you bargained for lmao
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vaspider · 3 years
I'm getting married Saturday! Any words of wisdom to impart for someone starting that new chapter (if you're comfortable with it)? Thanks for being a parent figure to so many of us on here. Goodness knows lots of us need someone like that.
In any case, Shana Tovah, and many blessings to you and yours!
First of all, mazel tov! So much joy and happiness to you both. 💓
I had to think about this for a bit. @dadhoc and I have been together for 17 years and married for 12, and we've been with @apocalycious for 2.5 years, so I think we're doing something right. In no particular order:
Know when you need to be Right and when you'd rather be Happy. If your spouse wants to build a house with a Jell-O foundation, keep arguing/discussing/etc. bc you need to be right - it could hurt you both if you don't! If you're arguing over which one of you said what when you clearly had an unfortunate misunderstanding and accidentally hurt each other's feelings... wouldn't you rather be happy than right? Take a deep breath, apologize for your part in the misunderstanding, and figure out how to not have it happen again.
Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Don't go to bed angry with each other or actively arguing. That kind of stuff calcifies.
Figure out how the other person expresses love and says they're sorry, and honor that. Communicate how you need to be loved and apologized to. @dadhoc doesn't always say "I love you" out loud, but they make the leftover challah into French toast on the weekend, and they work really hard on NerdyKeppie stuff. I write poems and make art for people and get silly little presents, like an enamel pin with a red panda or a penguin on it for my boos. If you mention something you might like to do someday offhandedly, or a question you wonder about, Evie will remember that and research it for you! Steve also often doesn't say "I'm sorry" out loud - they will go wash the bedding and clean the bedroom so we can all spend time watching TV and snuggling together when the argument is resolved... but I need to hear "I'm sorry" out loud. So I acknowledge and appreciate the things they did, and they say the words out loud.
Respond to what your partners say, not to your baggage or to what you expect them to say. This becomes more of a Thing the longer you're together: you have so many conversations and talks and arguments that you fall into a comfortable groove with each other. That's great! But. Make sure when they're talking that you're not responding to something your dad said that hurt you 20 years ago, or to your ex who was hypercritical of you, or to who your partner USED to be, 6 years and a bunch of discussions ago.
Celebrate each other's successes, even the little ones. Get ice cream together when you finish a project at work. Take each other out for self-care time. You're together because you're each other's biggest fans, after all, but also...
You don't have to be each other's everything. I'm fact, you shouldn't. Make time for yourself. Spend time with your friends. Cultivate your friends, not just our friends. (Evie is friends with people I can't stand, and I'm happy they get along!) Have your Own Things that you do and are.
Spoil each other just a little. If you won't do it, who will?
Laugh with each other but never at each other. Human beings are ridiculous!
Go to therapy. It's preventative maintenance for your brain.
Find something you enjoy doing together that has a finished product at the end. Build a model, bake a cake. Evie and I really like cooking together. Even cleaning is nice if I'm doing it with my partners.
Don't stop going on dates, even if a date means eating dinner outside instead of in your kitchen.
Speaking of which: try to make Family Dinner a thing. Sit at an actual table presuming you have one, trade off making food, put your phone somewhere else while you're eating, and talk to each other without distraction for at least that long every day. I know I sound like a mom in a Pixar movie, but I'm serious, this works! When I was sick, we stopped having a dining room table really bc of how our house got rearranged, and we didn't eat together at a table for years. Now our Family Dinnertime is sacrosanct. Even if we're all eating leftovers, we eat at the table right around the same time every day. It makes a difference in our ability to connect with each other. Eating together is an important human bonding activity.
You're going to change. So is your spouse. That's not just okay - that's great! Life means growth. I'm not who I was in 2004, thank G-d, and neither is Steve. I'm not who I was in 2019, for that matter. That change and growth is who you're becoming together, so honor and celebrate that. You can't grow old together if you don't grow old, after all.
If you're so inclined generally speaking, never stop looking at your sexy-ass spouse with the same wide-eyed delight you do now. Just... enjoy it when they're getting changed in the room with you. If I ever stop saying "... butt... " dreamily when one of my partners is changing, or informing one that they're missing out on seeing the other's butt, just bury me, I'm dead. Appreciate them out loud. They're cute!
Smooch daily.
Take care of yourself. You can't be a good spouse if you're not eating food food, getting enough sleep, etc.
Even in the shitty parts, which will happen, remind yourself that you've got backup. From now on, you've always got backup, and it's much easier to go through crises with your biggest fan by your side. It'll be a great story on the other side, right? I'll forever tell the one about how when Steve was in the hospital for afib, and the docs had to knock Steve out to shock their heart into behaving, they woke up and started immediately asking "where's my [husbutch]?" They got so insistent about it - still loopy on the anesthesia - that the nurse came to get me. I called from the doorway and Steve calmed down... for 5 seconds, and then their short-term memory cycled, and they started asking for me again. This happened half a dozen times until I asked "do you want me to just ... squeeze in?" bc Steve's insistence was slowing the doctors down, the docs said yes, so I worked my way up to the head of their hospital bed and said "here I am, please calm down so the doctors can work." Steve said, "oh! My [husbutch]. Hello, [husbutch]!" and took my hand and calmed down. It was a TERRIBLE day but I LOVE that story in retrospect.
Smooch lots.
Mazel tov! Love each other. Building a marriage is work, but anything worth building takes effort. It sounds cheesy but it's so true. 💗
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hannya-writes · 3 years
Hihihi! I know it's kinda crazy and I just found your acc but I was LITERALLY thinking about a Marvel-SVU crossover and found yoooooou. I mean... The algorithm lead me to you. It's ✨ Destiny ✨ haha So I was wondering if you could write something Marvel-SVU kinda with Carisi x reader (i don't know if you watch agents of shield) where reader has to go UC for Shield and falls in love with him and he finds out she's Shield etc. I don't know if I'm making any sense rn I'm just really happy I found you. And now I sound creepy but it's already too late and I'm sending this.
Dear @lapaquerette : I do not watch Agents of shield, but I did my best! I swear I did! 😭 you totally made sense! But I feel like there's part of this story that are not so good, anyways~ let's get to the story!!
Title: Don't Tell anyone
Fandom: MCU and Law and order SVU
Pairing: Sonny Caruso x Reader
Other characters: no, I think no
Category: romance
Warnings: this doesn't have a happy ending bc I'm bad writing those! This is long I think.
Author's note: for a moment I thought of making this a serie, but my head couldn't stand it! I don't feel like I can picture Carisi in the right way so probably he's going to be very OOC. Also I'm not supper proud of this because I literally did what I wanted with the time line, Captain America: Winter Soldier happens in 2016 however Caruso es ADA in 2020 if I'm not wrong but in this case the events of winter soldier happen in 2020. Also there's like 2 years of difference btw WS and Civil War, and I tried my best! To make everything fit, but you know, you can kick my ass in comments.
• • •
The mission was supposed to last just a couple of days. Y/n had to pose as an assistant to the Junior ADA's why did they need assistance she didn't know, but when Nick fury assigned her there she just didn't dared to ask.
"Find out what's going on there" he had said as if it was a life or dead situation.
Pepto. That's what happened. High expectations was the other thing happening. The Junior ADA's where being pressed, running towards death case by case.
It was boring, the first two days Y/n had played "who's the jerk of the room?" She had found more than one, stress made that to people. Who cares about cordiality when they had to put people in jail? The answer was Dominic "Sonny" Carisi.
Sonny never yelled or snapped at people, he always asked nicely about papers, he said "Good Morning" and "thank you". He was a gentleman, a knight in a shiny armor. He made funny jokes even when he was struggling with a case.
Y/n had felt a weird desire to help him after just one encounter. The puppy eyes, she reasoned. After that day when he was in court she appeared there, sat and suddenly the people being cross-examined poured the truth without control or bursted in fit of rage confessing everything. She wasn't making something bad, she was helping, which she was supposed to do. No one was going to link her to those incidents. No one knew what she could do.
— copies, now — one of ADA's order her and she almost pushed the asshole and told him to do it himself, it was only a copy machine, he only had to push a button! However, Y/n was a trained spy, she had control over every muscle in her face to not make a disgusted expression at the tall and skinny man. 63 ways to kill him appeared in her head in a second.
— Sure thing — she said in a gently tone, entertaining her mind in the more horrible ways to deal with Tommy.
Tommy Parish, a bully in and out of court, linked to the Irish Mafia. He thought he was a big fish, prepotent but surprisingly brilliant. He was like a weasel. He wasn't that important. Shield wasn't interested by his night activities. They thought there was something else, something more important. Y/n didn't think so. The more interesting thing there was...
— Oh, Sorry didn't meant to...— Sonny said as he almost hit Y/n with the door.
— my fault, I was standing here like a creep — she took the guilt with a sheepish smile.
— A penny for your thoughts — he said as he walked outside and Y/n instinctively followed, as she usually followed after director Nick Fury,
— I think I'm being punished — she said while walking aimlessly, if Sonny had walked in the male restroom she would have probably followed him blindly.
— punish? For what? Did Tommy said something mean to you again? — the blond man sounded concerned and for Y/n it was refreshing, people around her tended to be more defensive around her than being worried about her well being.
— no! I think Tommy is warming up to me — Y/n said proudly — it's my umm... Dad, he send me to live here and I think is because he is mad at me —
There was a small silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
— why would he be mad? You are amazing! — Sonny sounded so positive and brilliant, he always seemed to have that aura around him, even in the worst cases. Y/n noticed it, and worried her when he started to lose his shine.
— in my last job, I made a mistake and people got hurt — the confession was sincere. She wasn't lying, she was omitting that those people didn't just "got hurt", they died. She had killed them.
— You are human, humans make mistakes — he said stopping in front of an embellished door. — talk later? — he asked and Y/n nodded with a smile.
After a month everything still was normal. No conspicuous action, no weird people. Y/n wondered why was she there? Was she really being punished by Fury? She had made a mistake, she had chose to save a person, she couldn't know that the objective was going to detonate the whole place. She couldn't read every single thought, her brain would melt if she even tried.
— Sorry, I need to... — said Sonny pointing at the copy machine, y/n blushed for being caught spacing out, again for the 4 time in a week
— I'm so sorry, allow me — y/n extended a hand offering to make the copy for Carisi.
— don't worry, I can push a button — he said making her smile and feel weird.
— please Mr. Carisi, let me be of help — she offered tilting her head a little bit, Sonny found that little action distracting and cute enough to give her the papers he needed to copy.
He saw her move, she was so elegant even just making copies.
— thank you — he told her sighing exhausted.
— don't worry Mr. Carisi, I'll do this, get it in a folder and get it back to you, why don't you go rest your eyes a bit? — she asked with a smile, noticing his tired demeanor
— I'll do it, if you start calling me Sonny — he negotiated and she laughed whole heartedly — come on, everytime you call me Mr. Carisi I feel like you are talking to my father —
— fine, you got yourself a deal — she offered her hand and he took her in his bigger one. Sonny felt asleep with the sound of the copy machine working.
— Sonny, Sonny — Y/n soft voice took him out of dreamland, he found out in that moment that his Nickname sounded awesome from Y/n lips.
From Sonny's eyes y/n was an amazing woman who was able to help everyone with their tasks, she made copies, keep archives ordered, got everything for everyone. She made time to know all of the junior's ADA's of "her room", she served coffee when needed, got them food, kept clean clothes for them just in case. She was like a mother. Sometimes she even helped them found the info they needed. She made all of that and made it with a polite smile. She had been there for like a year and their interactions where short, but he was head over heels for her.
Why? Because she got a great sense of humor, she was nice, smart, sassy when needed, had an excellent memory, she made the best black coffee he had ever tasted. She never got nervous no matter the circumstances. He didn't understand how or why was she assigned to be the "mother hen" of 7 ADA's, but he was thankful. Some days became better the moment she gave him a smile and he imagined that smile was just for him.
Sonny pinched the bridge of his nose in pain. It was past midnight and he was still in his office, working on papers. Practicing his opening statement.
— the truth... The truth....— he repeated trying to remember the next point of the speach. He grunted frustrated.
— Sonny? — the sudden voice made the attorney jump and Y/n laughed.
— Geez, doll! — he exclaimed surprised — You should use a bell — added more awake than before.
— doll? — Y/n questioned rising an eyebrow, Sonny turned red.
— Sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you — he quickly apologized.
— you didn't, I actually like it — she admitted — I'll allow it — added in a solemn voice — with a condition councilor, only in private I don't need more gossips going around—
After saying those words, Y/n knew that she was digging her own grave. She liked Sonny.
Y/n looked at her phone horrified. Nick had send her and encrypted message. Which was resumed to: You are free of SHIELD, live the life of Y/n Veith. The life he had created for her, an identity that couldn't be connected to the Spy agency. Y/n Y/l/n had died in what they called something like the purge of Hydra. He didn't needed her. He had died. Captain america had basically destroyed the corrupted SHIELD. This was her life now. She was what? a secretary? An assistant?
She should had fail with SHIELD, she should had been there with Fury, protecting him. But she didn't. She pretended nothing happened and followed his last order to her: live like Y/n Veith.
She went with the flow. Acted like everything was just fine, made a routine, followed it to the last point. Untill one day out of the blue she broke down crying in Sonny's office. He was her friend.
— what happened? — he asked on the other side of the desk, surprised that in the middle of his speech, y/n started crying. The case was difficult, a father died to protect his daughter. The teenager girl had been raped and her father was killed by the rapist. It was way more complicated but, that were the facts.
— sorry, sorry — she said cleaning her face with her hands, Sonny approached and offered her a handkerchief that she took hesitantly. — I lost, I lost him — she stuttered.
Sonny kneeled by her side, took the handkerchief and cleaned her beautiful face.
— I'm so sorry, doll — he said even if he didn't understand, Y/n felt his consternation.
— my father died — she said with a soft voice — my house burned down — she added and Sonny understood, her father adopted her, he had saved her and then lost it all. The case had hit too close to her.
— Come on, we had enough of this case — he decided getting up, taking her hands to get her to stand — I'll take you home — he said and she smiled with sadness.
— I don't want to go to my department — she confessed getting up and Sonny gave her a soothing smile.
— We can go to my place — he offered without a second intention, she nodded and they walked away from the office, Sonny ordered an Uber.
Outside of One Hogan place with a heavy heart, y/n leaned against Sonny and he hugged her while waiting for their ride, and during the ride.
Y/n fell asleep without nightmares for the first time in the 6 months after the dead of Nick. Sonny by her side, over the covers and behind a "wall" of pillows fell asleep with the image of a peaceful Y/n.
Three months later, Y/n entered Sonny's little office, she said a "sorry to interrupt", the blond man stopped writing and turned to her eagerly, he tried to suppress his desire to look into her eyes but he wasn't that good at that.
He hadn't seen her in more than 14 days thanks to his overflow of cases and her being stole by homicides DA, who had discovered she was very good in investing.
She muttered a "what?" In mockery, as if the distance and time hadn't even happened and added a "I got you a donut!". A donut that he had craved since morning but wasn't able to get. He sighed a laugh, sometimes it was as if she could read his mind.
— you are life saver, doll— he sighed in relief taking the donut from her hand.
— Should I get you some coffee? — she asked with that caring tone that made him feel special.
— I would love that — he accepted as she merrily went to the coffee machine and poured him a cup and then a glass of water.
Sonny wondered about where did those pretty and elegant glasses came from, have they always been there? She left a bag in the table and walked back to him. He pretended to be working but it was hard to act when she was walking towards him with that dark red pencil skirt that hug perfectly the curb of her hips, the black blouse making contrast, hanging a bit loose over her torso.
— thanks doll — he said when she put the coffee and water in a corner of the desk, he looked at her with a smile — water? — he asked with a joking tone, y/n nodded
— yes, sir — she said in the same joking mood — I took an account of the caffeine you ingest by day, this could be dangerous for your health, so for every cup of caffeine, one of water — she explained with as much confidence as a lawyer making an opening statement.
— are you worried about me? — he was almost flirting, she blushed even if they sometimes flirted a bit.
— I worry about all of you — she pointed out and gave a mischievous smile that made Sonny blush.
— thank you, doll — he quipped with a smile, she smiled back and walked away to Parish desk, the man sat there looked down to his papers as Y/n put a bagel by his hand.
Sonny noticed how Tommy's ears got as read as a tomato and turned to look at her with adoration, the same look the other ADA's got everytime she was near. He had seen how things slowly changed with Y/n presence, at first they were rude, condescending, then they realized that she was excellent in her work. She had saved all of them more than once with little actions.
Y/n had a charming aura and some men in the office had asked her out, Tommy included, but she always turned them down, with an excellent excuse. "I'm seeing someone".
Carisi wondered who. Who was she dating?
— Coffee — she announced as she took a folder and put it carefully away.
Sonny smiled and suddenly thought of Y/n lie about she seeing someone. She had never tell him about her boyfriend, he thought of all of those slice of life moments they had, the banters they have, the many times she had helped him. The times she would stay in his apartment so she wouldn't be alone.
Was he the person she was seeing?
— do you have plans for tonight? — he asked abruptly and Y/n looked at him surprised.
— I got a date with my bed, but I can reschedule — she offered with a smile, she could rest later, she had to enjoy every moment with Sonny.
— do it, I'll take you to a wonderful place — He said with all of his confidence, she giggled — after work? — she nodded contently.
— It's a deal — she said before walking away with a big smile in her face.
Sonny felt stupidly happy. It was him. She was dating him unofficially.
That night Y/n tried to look as perfect as was possible in work clothes, she had refreshed herself, use a little more of make up. She was excited, she really liked Sonny and had wanted to go on a date with him, no work talk, no solving ways to state a question. She wanted to know him in a more personal way.
They sat in a table of a nice looking bar, a decent one. It wasn't pretentious, they actually served food and not just greasy fast food. She had told him distorted versions of stories with her "family and friends", (since she couldn't talk about her real life and training) like that time her father had taught her how to use a gun for her homework and she discovered she had weak fingers.
She heard about his time as a Police officer, a detective nonetheless! Sargent Benson seemed to be a very empathic person, Detective Tutuola was definitely a funny man, Amanda was for him like one more of his sisters. And Sonny discovered that she was adopted by a man called Nick, Nick Veith he guessed, since he thought that was her real last name.
She had two "adopted" sister and a brother: Maria, Natalie and Clinton. Maria was righteous, Nat was smart and sassy, Clint was funny and sometimes really annoying. Sonny thought he would get along easily with them.
They laughed between stories, they were getting fun untill Y/n felt there was something wrong. Something was about to happen. Something bad.
— Something wrong? — Y/n barely registered Sonny's voice before jumping over him yelling a "get down". A telekinetic wake made the other around people fall to the ground just in time as a rain of bullets came from the broken windows.
Sonny heard the glass breaking, people screaming in panic. Saw the bullets fly over him and the bottles in the bar breaking in slow motion. He had never experienced anything like that. The light weight of Y/n over him. And his monkey mind thought about how right that felt.
There was a "clank" from a gas' bomb, then a flash and a cloud of white smoke. People stood up and started running.
— Y/n — Sonny pulled her to see her face, he thought she would be scared, paralyzed from fear. However, when he saw her face there was no fear, she seemed confused, puzzled. — come on, we have to move —
Y/n was thinking the same, but she didn't know what was the right move: defend everyone there using her not-so-human powers? Run away and pretend to be a delicate woman, scared of the situation?
— doll? — Sonny sounded worried and in almost panic, a switch turned as boots hit the floor of the bar.
— Stay behind me — Y/n said with confidence getting up, feeling the presence of 8 people surrounding them, circling them. — and... — she looked at Sonny worried — don't get scared — she pleaded softly.
— Y/n Y/l/n surrender yourself — someone yelled and the woman felt her skin crawl, she hadn't hear her name in more than a year. It sounded good.
— is this about the accords? — She thought, aware of the Sokovia accords and what they proposed. She hadn't signed them. No one was supposed to know about her, her powers, she hadn't expected the government to notice her.
Nat? Clint? Maybe Maria had told them.
— That's right, put your hands in the air — the man ordered in a shout. Y/n closed her eyes and closed her hand in a thigh fist, making the fog disappear.
— Sorry, I can't do that— she confessed pushing the man with telekinesis. — I'm not a weapon you can use —
A new row of bullets flew towards Y/n and Sonny. A bright green light appeared in her eyes and all of the bullets stopped in the air, traces of the same light that made Y/n shine seemed to contain the little bullets like tendrills, the bullets turned in the air pointing at the squadron that was attacking her
— Y/n, no! — Sonny made her react, the tendrills disappeared and the bullets fell useless to the ground as the woman turned to see the Attorney.
— Sonny, sonny — she stuttered worried— no, no, no, no, I would never hurt them, I'm not a monster, I'm not! — she said almost in panic,not because of the attack but for the ideas Sonny could get.
Sonny saw the green and now red light form an eyes over Y/n, then monsters from nightmares formed from the light, monsters like dogs, with skulls covering the hideous animals with blood dripping from their snouts, bodies wet with a black substance. The animals roared and jumped to defend them.
Y/n saw fear in Sonny's eyes. She recognized it, a bright tendril started to form in the exact point of her heart, the fear taking form in her presence. Her hand squished the light over her chest, stopping something else to form.
He didn't know what to say. Carisi knew about the avengers, the new york incident had affected his work, he had saw everything about "ultron", he was informed about Tony Stark and the avengers every move. But he didn't know what was he supposed to say? "Sign the accords" was what he wanted to say. It was selfish for him to ask that, he couldn't do it.
— doll, you're not a monster— he finally found his own voice to say that. — but you have to go —
— Sonny, I... — the ADA put a strand of hair behind Y/n ear taking her by surprise.
— If you don't mind, I'll like to kiss you — he said making her blink in disbelief.
— yes please...— she said and Carisi smiled brightly, his large hand caressed her cheek and softly leave a tender kiss in her soft lips. It barely lasted more than a second. When Carisi opened up his eyes, everything was back to normal. Like a couple of minutes ago, right before the shooting.
In the table was a note: "Don't tell anyone" he recognized Y/n writing. He wondered if everything had been a dream, a hallucination. A part of him told him that no, that couldn't be his imagination. Y/n had left.
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poguesofthebau · 4 years
hiiii okay so i'm a capricorn and i'm 5'6ish and i have long brown hair and green eyes and im pale! i like swimming, going to the beach, going to the movies, going for drives umm and i'm very shy 👉🏼👈🏼but i can be firey when it comes down to it bc im very stubborn and a little opinionated and i dont take shit from anyone. but i love with my whole heart and im very affectionate and i love love laughing so much and making people laugh and making sure ppl are comfortable! hope thats enough info!
i ship you with john b!! (honorary mention: pope definitely had a phat crush on you when you first came into the group, but like one of those short-lived, week-long friend crushes if ya know what i mean)
[ev’s pre-blurb rant about john b: okay this may just be my brain making jb into a better character than he actually is, but i feel like he is such a social butterfly, and even though he sucks a lot of the time i see him as super family (friend, in his case) oriented. before the whole treasure hunt, we hear him talk about all of his friends in such an intimate, loving way, and like, the guy’s whole summer goal was to have a good time all the time. seriously, he has to be kinda nice when he’s not adamantly searching for some fuckn treasure. but also like the dude’s dad is dead so give him a break he was in denial, okay?? but yeah i just feel like there’s kind of a lot of john b hate around here so i thought i would clarify my feelings abt the mans before i dove into this]
i feel like you would be that girl that john b always knew. like, even before jj, there was you. maybe your dads were friends, or your mom helped big john out right after jb’s mom left or something like that, but you probably wouldn’t remember the first time you really ever met him-- you just always knew each other. it wasn’t until his dad went missing, though, that you two would get really close. before, you’d smile at each other from across the hall at school, and if you were in the same science class he would ask you to be lab partners. but most of the time, your interactions were limited, and your relationship was simply acquaintances. once you heard about his dad, though, it would be your natural response to have to check in on him. you’d drop down next to him in class the first day he showed up after the news broke, and the look in his eye would absolutely break your heart. he was smiling, but it didn’t reach his eyes, and even though he put up that facade for 9 months, you knew that he knew. big john was gone, and he might never come back. maybe he wasn’t necessarily dead, but he wasn’t with john b, and that was enough to cause an inexplicable pain.
so you’d start going over to his house after school to drop off his assignments, because you knew sometimes he couldn’t ignore the really big swells that happened after lunch and wound up missing history and maybe a few math classes. you brought him homework a couple of times, and then one day he asked you to stay a bit longer to help him out with the history paper you both had due the next day. while you were sitting on the couch reading the essay, jj barged in without warning, eyes widening when he spotted you in his spot. “jb... did you know there’s a girl on your couch?” you would immediately jab back, barely making eye contact with him before going back to editing. “nice to see you, too, jj. maybe i should read your paper next-- that is, if you even have it written yet.” john b chuckled at the interaction, strolling back over to you and dropping down on the cushion next to you. when he picked up another notebook, jj squinted at the two of you in disbelief and slight confusion. “are you guys... are you doing homework?”
“yes, j,” john b would sigh, half of him wishing his friend would shut up, and the other half wishing he would leave altogether. “we are doing homework.” when john b went back to what jj [barely] recognized as pre-calc, jj stood there for a few more seconds, dumbfounded, before spinning on his heel and going into the guest room. hearing some rustling from the room, you looked up to find john b already glancing at you. “whatever he’s about to do... i apologize in advance.” you smiled, shaking your head and going back to his paper once again. a few moments later, jj walked back into the room, arms full of notebooks, papers, and books, while his mouth held two highlighters, a mechanical pencil, and a blue pen. he would plop down in front of you, spitting out his writing utensils and dropping his books before looking hopefully at you. “i got some homework to do, too. i fucking hate this shit. but i would also like to graduate some day. help?”
after another look was exchanged between you and john b, you smiled at jj and leaned forward to ruffle up his hair. “sure, buddy. i’ll help ya out.” he groaned at the affection, but started flipping through worksheets anyway. john b finally choked out a surprised sound, knowing it usually took much more to get jj engaged in anything educational. “you’re gonna be a real good thing for us, aren’t you?” with one last smile, you nodded and returned to his paper. it wouldn’t be the last thing you did with the pogues, or the last thing you did for john b.
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