#also this is i think easily the most adaptations ive put in one poll so far and its STILL far from comprehensive so
adaptations-polls · 1 month
Which version of this do you prefer?
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Putting an extra text note on the poll too just because I'm seeing more of these types of comments on this poll than I have on many previous ones: Please read the pinned post of my blog and look at my original notes on this poll before asking why a certain version was not included. There are going to be more Robin Hood based polls later with another set of adaptations. If there's a particularly notable version- such as Men in Tights- that is not on here it is probably because it is going to be part of the second set. This is true of most polls I do where there are many many adaptations. They will eventually receive another poll and possibly eventually a compilation poll presenting all the most popular options from previous versions together.
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
7 YouTube Marketing Tips and Tricks To Promote Your Business
YouTube can be a haven for business growth where you get consistent traffic, leads, and more sales. If your business is currently not using YouTube as one of the marketing tools, then you are missing out on big opportunities. But, it’s never too late to start leveraging the power of YouTube in your marketing strategy.
In fact, there are a lot of opportunities to use YouTube to gain a competitive advantage of overtaking your rival brands. And that’s the focus of this blog to teach you how to use YouTube for your business growth.
If you are planning to begin marketing on YouTube, you need to be savvy about it.
This is because YouTube has over 50 million active content creators who passionately create videos consistently. For your brand to grow on YouTube, your content has to stand out in the crowded streaming space.
Another major challenge is reaching and engaging your core audience. Most YouTube viewers aren’t fans of watching advertisements, so you will have to carefully strategize how to raise your brand awareness when keeping your audience entertained.
 Even though this sounds intimidating, it is doable with the right approach.
By the time you finish this blog, you will have a good grasp of how you can benefit from YouTube marketing.
In short, leveraging YouTube to grow your channel focuses on the following key areas.
Creating and optimizing the YouTube channel for your business.
Analyzing your target market.
Leveraging YouTube ads. 
1) Create a Youtube Channel for Your Business
Before doing anything, the first step is to create a YouTube channel using a brand account. Using a Google account, you can easily start your brand account on YouTube. This gives you access to YouTube analytics, which will give you significant insights into your viewers and the type of content they like the most. After creating the channel, you can customize it by adding links to your channel banner and updating the information.
The next step is to create a good channel layout. This is important as your audience visit your channel, they must understand the types of videos your channel hosts. This means both the color scheme and value proposition must match your business site. Constantly adding new videos to your YouTube channel will keep your feed active and you can establish your YouTube presence and build a loyal audience. You must create at least one video on your channel but can increase the number of content depending on your business goals, the type of content, and your target audience. One simple technique to continue creating new content is to create a short version of long content. Create a theme around a specific topic and post small size videos weekly to keep your viewers coming back to your channel for more.  
2) Learn Your Target Market
With your YouTube channel, you can access the Analytics tab which hosts plenty of statistics related to your channel. You can use this quantitative insight to learn about your view count, audience behavior, average watch time, interaction rate across your videos, and revenue generated. The analytics tab also contains a lot of significant data on your user demographics.
Even if you think you know who your users are, have a look at the demographics tab to move beyond assumptions and make sure you are on the right track reaching the right audience.
Analyze the analytics to answer questions like:
The age of your audience
The device used to view your videos
The gender of your viewers
Beyond quantitative analysis, you can also gain qualitative insights about your viewers by managing your comment section. Reading the comment section is a hectic task but the information you get from here is invaluable for learning about a different aspect of audience interaction.
A pro tip would be to check out the community page of YouTube, it is an underrated space to find out about your target audience. You can interact with your viewers directly through this page to create a poll or questions to gain an in-depth analysis of how your viewers think.
3) Research Your Competition
Researching your competition is crucial if you want to pull ahead of your competitors in your niche on YouTube. Competition analysis also becomes relevant when you are thinking about how to create a website like YouTube. Luckily, a lot of valuable information you need to understand is readily available on the channels of your competitions. Browse the channels of your competitors and analyze which videos get the most and least viewers and why.
If you want to go a step further and watch their videos to know why your audience likes to watch them so that you can adapt it to your own content strategy. Look into the video descriptions of your competitors to study the keywords they are using in their search optimization. If your competitors are serving their ads on your video, try to block them sing Google’s ad manager.
4) Optimize Your Videos for SEO
To get views, your YouTube videos must be search optimized if you want to get the most value out of your efforts. However, don’t worry if your first few videos fail to gain a lot of attention. You can work on perfecting your YouTube optimization over time.
Optimizing your videos for SEO starts with writing great descriptions that include keywords. Additionally, you can also add those keywords and put them in your closed captions. However, make sure you don’t force anything and stuff keywords.
i) Choose the Right Title
When you are picking the title, make sure you add high-ranking keywords and make sure the title is relevant to the video topic. If possible, include the exact keywords matching the commonly searched keywords, it will get you to help more clicks. The ideal title can go up to 70 characters, but it is recommended to keep it to 60 words or less than that.
ii) Make Appealing Thumbnails
When you upload your YouTube videos, make it a practice to make your own custom thumbnail as it will make your content stand out. Choosing your thumbnails is as important as crafting a great title. One effective way to improve your brand awareness is to add your logo on the thumbnail. Therefore, even if you don’t get any clicks on your videos, you will still draw awareness and spread awareness of your brand.
iii) Write Compelling Video Description
Your video description needs to have a short explanation of your video topic along with the links to your site, social media accounts, and relevant hashtags.
Here are some of the important things to consider:
Front-load important keywords.
Link out to different playlists on your channel.
Maximum up to 5000 characters.
Add up to 15 hashtags.
Hashtags are really helpful as it makes your content more searchable on YouTube. Choose a few super- relevant hashtags rather than adding a lot. If you use over 15 hashtags, users won’t notice it at all. Another important thing is the closed caption of videos. Have you ever tried searching a popular dialogue from a TV show on YouTube and found the exact clip? You were able to find it easily because the phrase was added in the title, description, or closed captions.
Closed captions are a great way to make content accessible to viewers. You can use automatic captioning where YouTube can use speech recognition technology to automatically create captions for your videos.
5) How to Create Great Youtube Videos?
This is one of the most important parts of YouTube marketing. A significant part of creating great YouTube videos is to create a great opening and sustain viewer attention. It helps to hook the viewers so that they will feel like watching your entire video. Try experimenting with vibrant visuals and a few great opening links to keep your audience entertained. At the end of the videos, you can add CTAs as well to get your users to check out other videos on your channel on your website.
i) Upload and Schedule Your Videos
After creating a few optimized videos, it’s time to update your videos so that is the best way to schedule your videos. Most of your subscribers would like to see regular content for your side. If you promise your viewers they will get a few videos every day at a particular time, you need to commit to staying the schedule.
A tip would be to shoot several episodes beforehand and keep it ready so that your videos will be more consistent in quality and quantity.  If you have a couple of videos ready, you can schedule it whenever you want even if you are not able to create videos at any point in time.
ii) Optimize Your Youtube Channel to Attract Followers
After optimizing your videos, the next thing is to optimize your channel itself. By offering a consistent experience to your audience across your channel, you will be able to bring in more viewers and convert them into regular subscribers. Filling out your YouTube profile is an easy place to start. Fill out as much relevant information on your profile as possible like a keyword-rich bio, appealing banner image, links to your website and social media profiles.
iii) Location and Contact Information
You can also add a list of the featured channels to your YouTube channel. Your list of the featured channel gives your audience easy access to other YouTube resources they might be interested in, adding more value to your channel.
Though this sounds like giving free promotion to your competitor brands, there is a lot of scope for your brand to grow from this. YouTube is a community and networking with different channels will help you build relationships with other creators in the community which offers you opportunities for valuable collaborations or cross channel promotions in the future. When you make quality relationships on YouTube, it is a win-win situation for all.
iv) Organize Your Videos to Playlists
If your videos are well organized to playlists, they will autoplay till the playlist ends keeping your audience on your channel for longer. This helps in increasing that important metric-average watch time on your channel. However, to benefit from playlists, curate them thoughtfully. Ensure there are logical progressions of ideas from one video to others instead of adding random videos to the playlist.
If there is a continuity, viewers will stay till the playlist ends and reduce the likelihood of your viewers going away from your channel. You can either build playlists using your videos alone or by adding videos of other channels as well. Additionally, if you are collaborating with other YouTubers, you can also ask them to add your videos to their playlists. Remember to include relevant keywords in your playlist title to give that extra SEO boost to your playlists.
v) Promote Your Videos
Creating and uploading your videos to YouTube isn’t enough. You need to promote them effectively for those videos to appear in the search of your target audience. YouTube allows you to run ads on your users and other user’s videos as well. If you are planning to make a site like YouTube, you can follow the same business model until you gain a consistent user base.
Besides the revenue generated, running ads help you to increase exposure to your YouTube channel and build brand awareness. Another way to advertise YouTube is remarketing and retargeting. When you remarket to your viewers on YouTube, you run ads only to those users and try to get them back to your services, remind them about their abandoned carts, or even give them a discount. The key to good YouTube marketing is matching your message with your target market. Another effective way to drive advertising is to use Google AdWords account to promote your videos so that you can run campaigns efficiently.
When you know your target market well and create videos that offer exclusive value to that audience, promoting videos with AdWords becomes beneficial to grow your channel. However, building a YouTube channel with the only intention of running ads, it doesn’t work. Whereas if you offer quality content ads running ads that align with your content and target the right audience, advertising can give your channel an extra boost of organic growth.
6) How to Monetize Your Youtube Channel?
The best way to take advantage of YouTube is to generate revenue through sponsorships. Mentions or direct promotion of products are the most common type of sponsorships seen on YouTube as the YouTube business model is based on advertisements.
In your videos, you can introduce the brand you are promoting and engage viewers through demos, how-to tutorials, etc.
Here are some of the other ways to add sponsored products to your YouTube channel:
Introduce new products through engaging conversions.
Incorporate products into a conversation where you demonstrate how it is useful in your daily life.
Show off how to use products.
Hype the product or service directly and build the conversation around the dame.
Mention the product in a pre-roll, mid-roll- or post-roll way.
Shoot product reviews.
7) Tips to Create Highly Viewable Youtube Videos
Before you close, here is a quick rundown of tips you can create videos that keep your viewers coming back for more.
There is no one way to predict whether a video is going to be viral but you can still optimize your content to increase your viewership and shares.
i) Follow Youtube Video Specifications
Begin by uploading videos that are optimized according to Youtube’s video specifications. Luckily, YouTube supports a range of video specifications to suit a variety of requirements. Some of the recommended specs are —.MOV, .MPEG4, .MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, or WebM and the maximum length is 12 hours. The size also varies from 240 p to 2160p.
ii) Invest in Recording Equipment
If you are creating original content, make sure you shoot your videos in HD by investing in a good quality camera and microphone. Investing in some good recording set up would help you to keep your content professional.
iii) Grab Attention Early
The first 10 seconds of your videos are crucial for quickly grabbing the attention of your viewers.
Here are some of the best steps to grab attention early.
Pique curiosity by opening your videos with a teaser.
Follow a standard opening theme.
Prompt user engagement by asking questions.
Set expectations by starting the video with a quick summary.
Optimize your videos for mobile devices.
On YouTube, mobile playback constitutes over half of the videos watched on the platform. For the same reason, it is important to record videos that are optimized for mobile devices. A great way would be to shoot short videos that are three minutes or less. As this won’t use as much data, it can be viewed on the go. This doesn’t mean that mobile users don’t enjoy long-form content. The average mobile sessions are over an hour, so filming longer videos work fine. This makes our next point.
iv) Film Long Videos
This is a matter of a straightforward strategy. Because longer video implies more watch time, it is also better for YouTube SEO. You can also integrate more value to longer videos provided that it is well scripted.
v) Schedule Live Streaming Events
Along with creating YouTube videos, live streams are also great to deliver a unique viewing experience to your loyal subscribers. Advertise your live streaming event ahead of time and use YouTube Live to communicate directly with your viewers. You could even use live streaming to get feedback on your regular videos.
If you want to try out a video marketing strategy that works, you must try out YouTube marketing. Using YouTube helps you reach a much broader audience, generate more traffic, engagement, and leads.
A great tip would be to start simple. YouTube marketing for your business is a learning process. As you create more videos, you will get better at shooting refining styles and formats you use, and improve your usage of keywords. Don’t forget to be consistent and create new videos consistently. Over time, you will grow your audience base and YouTube will become an effective advertising media to grow your business.
The post 7 YouTube Marketing Tips and Tricks To Promote Your Business appeared first on CareerMetis.com.
7 YouTube Marketing Tips and Tricks To Promote Your Business published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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