#also this means Logan is retaining
milesworld96 · 1 month
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m00nz-artpad · 2 months
I give you...
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X-14 aka Olivia Hope Howlett, Logan's biological daughter. And yes, I am aware that Honey Badger exists, but Liv takes place exclusively in the filmverse of X-Men. I gave Liv the hero name of "Badger" because she's more like a badger than a female wolverine like Laura. This is also why she doesn't have claws on her feet.
ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble
I have a Marvel / Heroes (NBC) crossover because I am mentally ill and these things work well together, especially with the X-Men storylines. Liv is an X-Man and the art teacher at the institute, which is just Liv's base story with or without Heroes. Olivia becomes involved with the whole storyline of Heroes because she and Melanie (YES, MY OTHER MARVEL BABY MAKES A RETURN!!!!!!!!!) live in the same apartment complex as Peter Petrelli and she (Olivia) becomes romantically involved with him.
Olivia may be a hero in appearance and name, but she's morally gray because she doesn't care about morality. She cares about survival. She protects the innocent and murders the guilty, because she isn't afraid due to the blood already on her hands. Also, much like Laura, Olivia casually steals stuff. Small things, but still. Does she have money? Yes. But Liv says "fuck capitalism", as we all should.
Liv becomes the basically unstoppable force to be reckoned with when it comes to her going up against Sylar, because she can't be scared by him due to being a literal weapon created by a separate Weapon X program. While she may have not been raised in it as Laura had due to being saved at 5 years old by Logan, she still retained what they had taught her and she is still full of metal (no. we will not think too deeply about it.)
She isn't actually unstoppable, of course, but she does make the enemy's life so much harder because unlike the other evolved humans, Olivia is full of metal and rage. Plus, she's Logan's daughter, so we all know that means that she can and WILL murder. Which she does, but only in dire situations.
Anyways... I'll make better pictures later of Olivia. Right now it's midnight and I need to sleep. Because I'm eepy.
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eastgaysian · 11 months
where do you get the sense that shiv feels tom getting her pregnant was a physical betrayal...?
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my beautiful mind :)
eh it's definitely not the most clear or elegant phrasing on my part, written on my phone at 1am etc, also realize it's kind of dependent on an understanding of the tomshiv gender-body-fucked/fucking matrix that only exists within my mind palace. and people are ofc free to disagree with my reading of anything, i have, like, extremely specific takes that have built up over time.
shiv's feelings about her own pregnancy/specifically that tom got her pregnant are obviously extremely complicated - 'physical betrayal' is not the clearest expression of what i'm trying to say there but, yeah, imo, a sense of betrayal is part of it.
(NB: i am 100% aware that scenes set after it's revealed shiv is pregnant were not all shot afterwards/with knowledge that shiv was pregnant. i will still be talking about them in the context of the show as reflective of shiv's feelings about her pregnancy/her body etc because i think not talking about the show the way it aired and we watched it is nonsensical.)
like, i don't think it's totally accurate to say either that shiv wants to or doesn't want to have a kid - in one sense it happened to her and she went along with it, and in another she did have to work towards and choose it to some degree. it's something that she wanted to be able to choose but couldn't bring herself to decide. she distances herself from the prospect with the suggestion of freezing 'baby popsicles' but never fully rejects it. i believe lucy prebble on the official podcast post-honeymoon states said that she felt there was a part of shiv that wanted there to be some kind of issue with the fetus so she could justify terminating it - hearing that everything is fine is partially a relief, and partially terrifying because it means whatever shiv decides about her own pregnancy is completely her decision and her responsibility.
the concept of having/raising kids isn't innately repulsive to shiv, imo. there are some aspects that appeal to her, which have less to do with the actual child than what that child could represent - logan's approval and affection, as she imagines in honeymoon states; getting one over on kendall/her brothers as a whole by successfully having her own biological child; spiting caroline by proving actually i can be a mother, and a better one than you. deciding to never have kids means giving up on all of that and tacitly admitting to a deficiency. at the same time, shiv knows that child's going to be fucked and is daring someone to call her on it by continuing to drink and making jokes about fobbing the baby off on a nanny. it's a bad decision, but nobody's stopping her, so it's her bad decision to try and prove something.
the physical aspect of being pregnant, though, is definitely disturbing to her. her whole life shiv has been limited by and demeaned for being a woman, getting reduced to her body and its perceived sole function of carrying children. (kendall voice) it's only your teats that give you any value! the corporate world has no respect for a pregnant woman or a mother and shiv cannot stand feeling disrespected. related to this, shiv highly prizes her bodily autonomy. to her being impregnated by someone else is always going to feel like a violation, being treated as an incubator for someone else's purposes. (citing dalia oreganosbaby's post that explains this better than i do.) her keeping the pregnancy a secret/continuing to drink is in some ways an attempt to retain her sense of agency and bodily autonomy by refusing to let it affect her lifestyle or emotions.
in this sense being impregnated by tom particularly registers as a 'betrayal' in that, like, because tom was unique as the man she felt safe around emotionally and physically - because shiv felt she was the one with the power/the one doing the fucking - he became the man who was able to truly fuck her emotionally and physically (betray her to logan/impregnate her). she thought she had control over him (he was more openly emotionally invested than her, she fucked other people and he didn't) and he turned it around to subordinate her positionally and physically. the broadness/masculinity that made her think he was reliable humiliated her instead.
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risingsh0t · 11 months
apologies that this took me forever! i was tagged by @aragorngf @corvosattano @minaharkers @jackiesarch @marivenah @aartyom @leviiackrman @nightbloodbix @chuckhansen @fenharel @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @detectivelokis and @sstewyhosseini , THANK YOU ALL MWAH 💖
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definitely a difficult task, but i think willa has potential to retain this title. she's protective, compassionate, and a good cook -- like what's not to love?? yet she also has her complexities because of hard decisions she's had to make and her loyalties. i put a lot of myself in her story and she has one of the most thorough backgrounds i've given to an oc. i find she brings me a lot of comfort and i'll continue to return to her.
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technically, this title would probably go to my shepard since i played the m*ss effect trilogy in high school. but, she's not very well developed aside from the general base character. therefore i'm giving it to wren...who's not very old. a year and a half old. but oc creation is more of a recent creative outlet for me so she's definitely going to stay extra special.
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my spider-woman and my crochet artist girlie. very excited about both! although piper kind of swept in and took the braincell while i was still working on yaz.
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i mean. she's a demon who tortured people in hell for centuries. and not a demon looking to be reformed or anything, she literally thrives off chaos. she's not constantly aggressively mean though.
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i...actually have a lot of soft ocs apparently 😭 but nicole has such a big heart. despite the people she's lost, she remains a warm and kind and fiercely protective presence for those she loves.
honorable mentions: juliet rhodes, oriane, willa lau, piper perrault, cyrus virani, daeana velaryon
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she just doesn't really like talking or people. she assumes they'll let her down if she gets too close. but she's a hard worker and her jobs require some amount of socializing so she'll do it lmao
honorable mentions: logan campbell, darcy campbell, poe newman, kerenza astrya
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has a phD, is a librarian. she's worked and lived in several different countries. speaks six different languages. she intimidates me, honestly.
honorable mentions: wren elsher, melina holmes, piper perrault
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my silly guys. zane kinda has himbo energy, tries to be a good father but doesn't always do the "right" thing. with cyrus it's pure vibes. kate specifically brings out the dumb in him because he's so smitten.
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a punk pop princess! she'd be so much fun to have as a friend... and she's an extremely loyal, ride or die, friend.
honorable mentions: willa lau, piper perrault, nicole ortiz, anzu adachi
tagging: @indorilnerevarine @loriane-elmuerto @calenhads @shadowglens @leondaltons @malefiicarum @morvaris @umbertors @ladysanjo @florbelles @unholymilf @confidentandgood @jacobseed @arklay + anyone else who wants to! sorry if you were already tagged and/or did this forever ago!
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lyinginthesnow · 1 year
the way the story concluded for the roy siblings is interesting to me in terms of .. the tragedy of it all.
like, to the viewer, kendall’s ending seems like freedom! We’re used to talking about waystar like it’s a cage, and the CEO position like it’s a curse that turns you into a carbon copy of logan, and “getting out” like the best outcome. But kendall doesn’t see it that way. He WANTS to be in the cage. He doesn’t know how to live outside it. to understand the devastation that has descended over him, we have to contradict ourselves: we have to want him to stay in that cage too. we don’t agree with that goal, but on some level we have to root for him achieving it, so we can be crushed along with him when he fails. and to the viewer, roman’s ending is also a form of freedom! he never really wanted CEO, he just wanted to want it, and now he’s released from that expectation! he has escaped that world of bullshit! but he doesn’t see it that way. all he knows is proof of his own weakness and the emptiness of everything that was supposed to matter. to understand roman’s tragedy, we have to contradict ourselves: we have to see his inability to model himself after his father as a FAILURE, just like he does, so we can feel the shame and alienation along with him. and to the viewer, shiv’s ending is: she’s stuck in the cycle! attached to the company forever! she’s been reduced to a wife and womb of the male CEO! but shiv doesn’t see it that way (or at least, not exactly). while we’re upset that she stayed in the cage, she’s upset that she can’t get FURTHER INSIDE IT. to her, the tragedy is that she failed to achieve the top job, and she must submit to those who have wronged her, going through someone else (a man, her husband) to retain even a sliver of power, a sliver of access. so to understand shiv’s suffering, we have to contradict ourselves: we must mourn the loss of that coveted place in the centre of the cage where she desires to be, but where tom is now sitting. the tragedy is not just what happened to these characters. it’s how they view what happened to them, too.
the situations of the roy siblings are not very relatable to the average viewer. we generally disagree with a lot of their beliefs and values. so i dunno i think it’s like… a study in empathy, almost, to require the viewer to put aside their own perspective in order to understand the tragedy of these characters. and maybe what im saying is ridiculous, idk man, and maybe you could say the same about many tragic stories, but i think it’s especially true here. it’s not simple. these characters didn’t die. they didn’t lose all their money. but they lost things that, in their incredibly warped worldview, mean the whole world. the show spent four seasons teaching us to understand that.
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while i work on recouping after the loss of a bunch of my drafts (fuck you wattpad), i think ill share some of my personal headcanons for the sides
(these arent explicitly sexual; theyre just generally how i picture their body types)
king is the biggest. hes the tallest, and hes very round. its a mixture of muscle and fat, though it means hes incredibly intimidating. very strong, but soft to lay against. he commands power and respect solely because of his looks, and when he flexes he definitely looks extremely muscular, but the fact that when he relaxes and essentially turns into a pile of pudge reflects the fact that he has a soft interior, despite his initially cold and sadistic front. hes also extremely hairy.
patton is the second biggest. nowhere near as tall as king, but definitely bigger. picture a dad bod, but a little hefty-er. hes not the greatest cook, but he definitely likes to eat, and is always snacking on something. hes also hairy, but a lot less well-kept than king, like a tired dad with little time. hes a softie, and his body reflects such; squishy and fat and extremely warm because of it
anxiety and stress can cause weight fluctuation, and can lead to either weight loss or weight gain. i picture virgil to gain weight easily, and generally be fairly pudgy. he sometimes forgets to eat or is too stressed to do so without feeling nauseous, but the other sides generally make an attempt to remind him, or bring him food. similarly to king, he looks rough and acts tough, but is secretly a softie whos just scared of vulnerability. a bit rough around the edges, but generally a caring person in his own blunt, sarcastic sort of way
logan! logan is healthy. he takes care of his body, eats proper foods, and has a general work out schedule. hes also chubby. he has a broader chest, thicker thighs, and generally a bit of stomach pudge. while some is muscle, most of it is just because he eats well. hes not a boastful or intensely proud person, but hes not ashamed by his body, and cares about his own health above appearance, and encourages the same mindset in the others. 
roman is tall and broad, and is extremely muscular. hes got to be strong if hes going to save his prince one of these days! he works out a lot, and wears clothes that reveal such. it does mean that when he relaxes, hes softer and squishier, but his own insecurity influences him to constantly be flexing. it means hes tense and achey a lot of the time, because he doesnt feel like he can ever relax and potentially be unappealing, despite the fact the others find him significantly more comfortable to lay on and cuddle with when he isn’t flexing. 
janus is petite. he has a pretty average build, but is a shorter guy. he seems thin, but hes healthy, aside from all the alcohol. his long cape and hat are to give him a wider and taller silhouette, because on his own hes not very physically intimidating. he provides the most praise towards the other’s bodies though, expressing his own adoration when they take care of themselves or are feeling insecure, encouraging them to see and love their bodies the way janus sees and loves them. 
finally, remus. he is tall, just like roman, but is extremely thin. its not that he doesnt eat; quite the contrary! hell put everything into his mouth! he just metabolizes so fast that he hardly retains anything. but despite his lean, bony stature, hes not sickly, and he still has a limitless amount of energy.  
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intrulogical · 2 years
logan, thomas, and wrath in wtit
short essay here, but after rewatching WTIT for the nth time i realized that there’s this. massive thing we’ve been overlooking. look at this sequence of events:
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we all know this; the first time logan snaps and admits that thomas has been negligent towards him. we recognize that logan’s emotional suppression biting him in the ass, and now he’s mad. he’s reached his breaking point.
but, i think we overlooked how logan’s anger is shared with thomas.
again, look at the sequence of events above: logan’s getting progressively irritated at remus, thomas checks his phone and realizes nico hasn’t replied yet, and finally, logan gets mad. i want to specifically talk about thomas checking his phone because, if you hadn’t realize, he furrows his eyebrows! his cheek twitches! 
when logan screamed “stop ignoring me”, he’s not only speaking for himself, but he’s also speaking on thomas’ behalf. thomas was feeling angry, specifically because he thought nico was ignoring him.
in fact, we see thomas getting angry in other moments of the episode too! 
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^ thomas gets mad because logan misinterprets what he was trying to say.
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^ thomas finds the tissue paper where nico left his number on, gets mad, and hits the door.
so what does this all mean? well, buckle up for a bit.
i’ve established in past posts that an important balance thomas needs to retain would be logan’s logical and pragmatic perspective in life AND roman’s ideological and emotional perspective on life. it’s what WDWGOOBITM aimed to establish; that’s why thomas was able to become productive by the end of the episode.
but if there’s an imbalance, there will be consequences.
after LNTAO and SVS, we can observe that thomas prefers to act out more using his emotional side. this is what causes logan to be more ignored in the first place (you can read more about my analysis on this here). and while we get to see the way logan is negatively impacted by this, we’ve never actually considered the extent of how thomas would be affected by suppressed logic.
of course, we see that thomas’ complete trust in his emotions has caused him many moral dilemmas and a dip in mental state. how can it get any worse? well, we’re gonna jump into speculation territory, but let’s talk about the orange side for a bit.
@lost-in-thought-20 introduced to me the theory that the orange side represents “darker” emotions that thomas suppressed growing up. just like how remus represents the “darker” side of creativity, the orange side could represent emotions typically looked down upon by thomas’ catholic upbringing. while we do not know the extent of these repressed emotions, it’s heavily hinted that wrath takes up a huge chunk of the role. 
and if thomas is prioritizing the more emotional side of himself, do you know who would fit under that exact umbrella and gain more power? of course, in this hypothetical scenario, it would be the orange side. if thomas is ignoring the more rational side of his head, then it won’t be long until the orange side reveals himself. we can practically see him through thomas in WTIT, and there's nothing to say that it won't get worse.
now, if this is the case, one thing i’ve been wondering about is how logan fits into this little puzzle. while i cannot say for sure, it’s important to denote that as much as we say emotions and logic are opposites, they’re still aspects of ourselves that work a lot with each other.
with a clear and calm head, we can listen to our logic more clearly. but if our mental state dips and we are at an all-time low, it’s more difficult to listen to rationality. when this becomes the case, when this happens almost every day, the irrational, nastier feelings we have in our head become our standard for logic. the more we’re stuck, the more we believe in it, the more the irrational becomes rational, no matter how warped it may seem.
and thus, our logic becomes skewed. in logan’s case, he’s being pushed aside. he’s losing his influence on thomas, overruled by the growing powers of the orange side. i won’t be surprised if, in the season finale, this orange side would leech on logan’s neglect and act on his behalf as thomas’ voice of reason. 
despite this, one thing i want people to realize is that logan’s anger is his. a lot of people theorized that logan only became angry because he was “brainwashed” or “possessed” by the orange side. but, if we reduce logan’s anger to just that, then all this buildup of him being frustrated about his neglect would literally mean nothing. say it with me: logan is angry because he was ignored and belittled for so long by thomas and the other sides. 
if logan’s emotions were in any way influenced by orange, i can only see it via orange enhancing his emotions. maybe orange can unrestrict your emotional suppression, allowing you to act completely on emotional intuition. he doesn’t make you feel new emotions, rather he just enhances what’s already there.
anyway, that’s it! thank you for reading, and if you have more thoughts on orange, logan, etc. feel free to add to the post, say it in the tags, or send me an ask! much speculation is appreciated <3
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Hello sbg nation, I've read the latest ep and am full of thoughts. I'm going to vomit them all down here.
So obviously with that burst of violence from the gang, the phantom world is changing them in some fashion, right? A lot of the comments I saw on webtoons are calling that they're all turning into phantoms.
I 100% agree. In fact, going off the discussion the Origami Crane Group (OCG) were having, they should have turned into phantoms the minute they entered the shadow world at the start of the school year.
As the OCG member following the group said in ep 38, "All of those kids should be at least comatose, especially the girl!"
With the fact that the gang started sounding like phantoms to Ashlyn during the fight and that both Ashlyn and Logan have "spoken" the phantom's language-- Ashlyn naturally, and Logan when enraged with Barron-- I'm assuming that the process of turning into phantoms is finally taking hold of the gang.
The timeline of how long they've been in the phantom world is slightly vague, but the Savannah trip happened early in the school year and by the newest episode they've just finished midterm exams, meaning that it's been about 4ish months since then. Which is a pretty long period to avoid becoming a phantom when the change is usually instantaneous!
My main thoughts on what's going on are this:
The OCG are studying/messing with the phantom world for currently unknown reasons. Because of this, the Sorrel-Weed House "guide" picked the group after somehow identifying that Ashlyn has a connection to the phantom world.
The expected result would be for everyone in the group to end up comatose as their souls/shadows/whatever turn into phantoms. For some reason, perhaps the fact that Ashlyn's connection to the phantom world is somehow different from other people's (borne from the fact that her parents brushed with phantoms during her birth?), she prevents the phantom-ification and everyone retains their minds in the phantom world.
Except whatever Ashlyn is doing can't keep the others safe from the effects of the world forever, as seen in how violent and "mindless" they became in the fight before Ashlyn ordered them to calm down. The property of the phantom world that changes them is still trying to do it, and the passive use of her power isn't as effective anymore, now Ashlyn has to purposefully tap into the phantom language to stop them and let them regain their senses.
Another thing of note from the dialogue in ep 38 comes from Jasmine (tattoo lady) going over her interaction with the gang again. At the end, she mentions that after the gang left, the "rift" was permanently closed. If this isn't just what happens when anyone enters the rift, then that means Ashlyn and the gang entering the rift somehow ended up closing it when they shouldn't be able to.
I think this could link to Ashlyn's powers in two ways:
She has a natural ability to close rifts between the worlds, but because she didn't know about it, she couldn't do it properly, leaving her and the gang stuck in the phantom world at night anyway. Still better than being comatose, though!
Instead of actually closing the rift, Ashlyn instead sort of "became" the rift, triggering her and everyone to keep getting stuck in the phantom world even without being near a rift. This could also explain why her parents are seeing phantoms again and the phantoms' are able to semi-interact with the real world at times.
Why are the OCG chucking phantom-sensitive (and non-sensitive) people into the phantom world? Unclear. Since the "Boss" of the OCG has ordered them to keep an eye on the gang to figure out why they aren't reacting instead of, idk, killing them, I'm assuming there's a research segment to the OCG. I do wonder if they're using the power to assassinate people? Or planning to do that, with the random groups at the Sorrel-Weed House being tests.
If nothing else, we do know at least two more groups know about the phantom world; an OCG member mentions them. "Both sides are still trying to track us down."
Who are these two sides? There's not enough info to know much, but I'm leaning towards one group doing similar things to the OCG, while another opposes them. This is because the OCG member specifically refers to them as "sides" rather than just other groups.
So one group is doing the same stuff as OCG, and would want to strike them down to create a monopoly on the phantom world, and the other group wants to stop them altogether and use the phantom world some other way. Both are trouble for the OCG, so they have to stay low after the Sorrel-Weed House incident, as it was somehow noticeable to the other two groups and could be tied to the OCG, placing them in Savannah.
With the knowledge that there are other groups, it makes me wonder where Mr. Thomas (the teacher) fits into all this. The fact that he could see the difference in Ashlyn's shadow has lead to the assumption that he's part of the OCG, but I'm not sure that I buy it.
For one thing, you'd think that if he was part of the OCG, he'd already know that Ashlyn and the gang have ties to the phantom world and that strange things are happening to them, but he seemed genuinely thrown by the sight. For another, it's been shown with Ashlyn's parents that one can see and experience things like/related to phantoms without being a part of the OCG. (To different degrees, though-- the parents can see the phantoms but not Ashlyn's shadow, while the teacher can see the shadow.)
I think there are two possibilities with Mr. Thomas. Either he's someone who is slightly sensitive to the phantom world but is unaware of the OCG or other groups, and was startled by Ashlyn's shadow because he had no idea it could happen, or he's a part of one of the other sides and was startled by Ashlyn's shadow because he didn't realize she was tied to the event in the Sorrel-Weed House.
Anyway. There's some thoughts.
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mexxs-blog · 5 months
The first night after the plane crash.
They haven’t found the cabin as of yet during this time. Instead, everyone just opted to sleep near the airplane while attempting to find communication with the outside world but after several attempts, they decide to give themselves a break. They simply sit around a bonefire while eating small amounts of junk food that they were able to retrieve from whatever was left intact on the plane.
Rhea is sitting with her boys side by side while the others also sat around. Most of them were patched up due to minor injuries that they received post the plane crash, others had jackets and blankets around them because of the breeze of the cold night. They were all extremely silent, the crackle from the bonefire being the only thing that they could hear as well as the sound of crickets from afar. That is, until one of them broke the silence.
"… You know what's funny?" Seth suddenly mumbled as this caught the attention of many. A smirk then formed on his face as he spoke. "Had we already been at Wrestlemania tonight, I would've retained."
"Yeah, keep dreaming." Damian snorted. "CM Punk would've beaten your ass, bud."
"And you would've had a failed cash-in, bud. How about that?"
"Very funny, Seth. Very funny."
"Well, he isn't lying…" Zoey mumbled. Some of them were snickering while Damian rolled his eyes.
"Hey, I mean, if we're talking about what could've happened tonight if we didn't crash, might as well hear everyone's guesses here." Finn suggested. "And frankly… Seth would've retained."
"Hm. Okay, I never thought I'd get to hear it from you." Seth hummed while he nodded his head. "And while we're at it— and thankfully since he ain't here to hear me say it- I think this would've been the night Gunther lost."
"Oh, I agree." Raquel commented. "Although I don't see Brock winning that title…"
"Girl, he's a monster, of course he would win it."
"Yeah but still—"
"Dom, with the way you've been gettin' better in the ring with no interference, I'd say you would've been able to beat your dad's ass for once."
"And won the US Title from Logan later on?"
"… now let's not get that far up with your ego—"
The others chuckled and eventually blended in the conversation after their moment of silence from earlier.
"What do you think, Raquel?" Becky suddenly commented, popping a small bite of Snickers into her mouth. "Women's World Championship. Liv or Rhea?"
"Well I—" Raquel suddenly paused when she noticed Rhea's expression change when the ginger haired woman asked such question.
Sorry but realistically Rhea. Being delusional, Liv.
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Part 1 here ⬆️
If 4Kids got Love Live(Part 2)
Yuri undertones would be removed obviously
Sad moments would be downplayed or turn more lighthearted
Any Japanese references would be Americanized
Japanese text would either be turned English or removed entirely
The songs would be replaced by generic pop songs(they would either be about the lesson of the episode, or about stereotypical "girly" things, like boys and shopping).
School Idol - School Popstar
Costumes would be altered(such as skirts being lengthened, girls being given digital tights/shorts, midriff/cleavage being covered, etc.)
All instances of slapping will be cut
Ellie, Diana, and Nella's actions would be downplayed prior to becoming School Popstars
Sad moments would be altered to be more lighthearted or downplayed
School Idol(Popstar) Project
Lynn and Hannah would be related(similar to Uranus and Neptune from the infamous Dic dub of Sailor Moon)
Episodes would be cut(like Rin's focus episode, or the diet episode, either that they'll change it to promote healthy eating instead)
The Washi Washi scenes will be removed, instead Nora is just going to love hugging people
A-Rise would be popular mean girls instead of friendly rivals
Speaking of A-rise:
Tsubasa Kira - Tiffany Keller
Erena Todo - Ellen Todd
Anju Yuki - Annie Logan
Nico Nico Nii - Nikki Nikki Lee
Otonokizawa - St. Olga Girls Academy
It will take place in New York instead of Tokyo(and I guess for the movie they instead go to London?, or perhaps Time Square?)
The drama between the third years(seniors) would be downplayed. Katie instead would have gotten genuine stage fright, and would still be embarrassed about it
Marie would be British
Scenes were the girls say "I love you" would be changed to sound more platonic, like "Thank you for being a good friend" and stuff
The show would take place in Miami, Florida instead of Numazu
Hazel would be given a Southern accent, and will not say "zura"
Joanne would be a "witch" instead of a "fallen angel". And all references to demons and stuff will be replaced by references to witchcraft and stuff
All kabedon scenes will be removed
Uranohoshi - St. Helena Girls School
Just like A-Rise, Saint Snow would have also been turned into popular mean girls. They would retain their first names, but their last name would be changed to Collins.
Nijigasaki(Rainbow Academy)
The scene where Yuu(Lori) leaps onto Setsuna(Stella) would be cut
Episode 11 might be skipped?
It will take place in Queens, New York instead of Odaiba
Mia would be British instead of American, and would probably be aged up?
Stella would be obsessed with cartoons instead of anime
Emma would be given a Swiss accent, or her Swiss heritage would be removed entirely, and her family would instead live in a farm in another state
The scene that looked like Sumire(Samantha) kissed Keke(Coco) would be removed
The episode where the girls through that Ren(Lena) and Mei(Mae) were dating would either be skipped or they'd be mistaken for something else(like spies or something)
Lena's mother would not be dead, instead she would have disappeared when Lena was very young
Cindy would be given a Southern accent
Natalie would want fame instead of money, and will be turned into a valley girl
Shirley and Mae's relationship would be more platonic
Wien Margarete would be a popular mean girl. She'd probably retain her name, but go by Margarete(but only change the spelling to "Margaret")
Sunny Passion:
Yuna Hijirisawa - Luna Hilton
Mao Hiiragi - Maya Hilton
They would be sisters for no apparent reason
Yuigaoka - Harolds Girls Academy
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transmutationisms · 1 year
could you talk more about catholicism vs protestantism in succession? I think roman accidentally buying the protestant football team instead of logan’s catholic team is super interesting
yeah the hearts/hibs mixup is a great detail. so in general i think this is a really funny level of the show. like, if you're making fun of american or british billionaires the obvious choice is to make them protestant. it's like, demographically likely, and in the american context in particular protestants have all these overt ways of reconciling their faith with capitalism and the desire to accumulate wealth. like, making money is configured as a signifier of bourgeois masculinity; it means you're productive (often implying and signified thru bodily fitness specifically, even though capitalists are ofc not the ones actually performing whatever labour is generating surplus value). catholicism is more uncomfortable generally with the open pursuit of worldly wealth, which is NOT to say catholics are never wealthy or that the church lacks wealth (it emphatically does not) but just to point out that this is a contradiction in ideals that catholics often just kind of uncomfortably ignore.
this is an undercurrent with the roys generally. they're ultrawealthy but rarely seem to enjoy their wealth all that much---like, they're comfortable and cosseted but they all have weird relationships with their bodies, food, sex, etc; also, their ways of signalling wealth are chronically uncool (their clothes) or else nouveau riche tacky (logan trying to host wine tastings or whatever that pierce make fun of him for). this also plays into how america has a relatively recent history of overt anti-catholic sentiment (like, see how people talked about jfk lmao) and combined with logan's canadian-scottish identity and lack of generational wealth, it gives him that persecution complex he retained even when he was literally one of the most powerful people in the world.
more to the point, logan has, like, the absolute worst and funniest case ever of catholic man who is uncomfortable with bodies disorder. it's tolerable if you're using your body to assert dominance in some way (pissing on kendall's floor, how logan wanted roman to say he was harassing gerri with the dick pics) but yuckydisgusting if you just like, have a body that is vulnerable or god forbid perceived by others (logan's attitude toward his illness, his disgust when it becomes clear roman was actually engaged in some kind of sexual affair with gerri---who is old and a woman and therefore also has a body). this is why it breaks logan's brain to think about shiv having affairs, and why, even though he is a misogynist, including to her, he does NOT talk about her body. it's also why he's so invested in getting roman "straightened out" and why he uses accusations of homosexuality to convey how much of a flop loser he thinks kendall is. his whole deal with masculinity is that Men Do Not Have Bodies. bodies are gross and physical, what are you, some kind of sissy? like, entire essays you could write on how each of the kids fits into this schema.
anyway, the obvious points of comparison here are the pierces (east coast blue-blood protestants), tom (germanic midwestern social striver protestant), connor's mother (american, lowbrow, implied/assumed protestant), caroline (protestant english aristocrat), and mencken (implied catholic convert, which is a whole other level). again you could write essays about this on any one of these characters, but in general the protestantism on the show is funny bc it's contrasting with logan's disgust at his body yet simultaneous desire for it to be Strong And Masc (NOT GAY!). caroline and the pierces bring out his persecution complex and insecurity about being boorish; tom is able to be "striving and parochial" partly bc he doesn't have the baggage of the roys, who are like, tormented by being wealthy in a gauche way ("how to control us news media in a god honouring way").
this is all like, peripheral obviously, but it's deeply funny also. and i do genuinely think the roys make more psychological sense when you understand that they have chart-busting levels of catholic martyr syndrome (kendall), guilt (roman), and repression (logan, shiv). even connor's "i'm like if napoleon was a us president" type beat is funnier through this lens (remember that napoleon very famously restored state relations with the catholic church after the revolutionaries had severed them and tried to found a secular 'republican religion').
with the three younger sibs in particular, this is one of the ways in which they fail to understand logan; they're aware on some level that he's catholic and were probably raised with some degree of religious practice, but it's heavily implied caroline interfered with this and the kids grew up less catholic than logan wanted, which was kinda the tradeoff for him having basically sought out an aristocratic pedigree for them. so, a misunderstanding like hearts vs hibs is a throwaway joke, but also hints at this much deeper level on which logan's kids don't get him or his priorities, and are never going to be able to respond adequately to his internally contradictory, repressed and repressive catholic-military-bourgeois standards for how they should relate to their bodies and how that affects his political worldview.
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shapa-likes-art · 1 year
back with more questions for the supervillain because god im hyperfixating on this au rn dhhdkjskh
You probably answered this one before but I forgot :,)) how does virgil figure it out? is it like over time or suddenly all the pieces snap together
Could you elaborate more on roman's nanobots?? the concept of it is so cool omg
If Logan was in this au (I know you and skye mentioned if he was he'd be like some sort of agent after Roman), how would he try and discover the Phantom? Like just any overall elaboration?
Does Roman have somewhere specific where he tortures and murders his victims? Is it in his lair?
Since Roman is powerless, does he use any weapons aside from his disguised gadgets/knives? Like guns or stuff like that?
Considering he goes for corrupt business owners and rich people etc, do many heroes still go after him regardless of that? Or is he more like an anti-hero rather than a supervillain?
If he does manage to take over the Cardenia (if that is one of his goals), what does/would he do?
again you dont have to answer all of them if its too many! im just really interested in it sm 😭😭
No problem 🫡
I will answer these to the best of my abilities <3.
1. Virgil figures it out and had been picking up on small little things but the main thing that makes things click is Roman's voice. You see When Roman's the phantom his voice is deeper, tougher, and incredibly filled to the brim with manic murder and bloodthirst. He talks like everything is a game. Roman as himself is soft and buttery smooth, Very proper and charming while retaining a calculative-ness to it. When Roman does his phantom voice once, everything immediately snaps into place.
2. Have I mentioned that Roman studied abroad for his college years? Well he did and he went to a prestigious tech college in Germany and he apprenticed under a prolific nanobot engineer. His nanobots are never larger than a fruit fly and are generally undetectable. Most of his nanobots are multi-use for hacking and messing up cameras but he has some specified for hacking, chipping, recording audio, and recording footage. He could probably make something like the MCU Spiderman suit if he pleases but he just prefers to be fashionable.
3. Logan would either be working in the government or under one of the hero agencies. Skye and I never really plan to make this a fully fledged thing so we never felt the need to flesh our his role or give him a presence at all.
4. He never brings them to his lair or have any hideouts. He kills them and tortures them right where they are <3. He ALWAYS makes sure they're secluded without any means of escape and in the dead hours of the night. He. Does. Not. Bring. Them. Back
Too much risk that way.
5. He is proficient in using knives; He has a whole collection of knives in his lair, all ornate and lethal. He also knows how to handle a gun but he prefers Knives because, like, majority of guns are clunky, obvious, and not as ornate as Knives. Knives win overall. However, He can improvise and use anything as a weapon if he so chooses. He also can just use good old fashioned hands, arms, feet and legs.
6. Yes because apparently killing corrupt people are still ✨Crimes✨. The people in heroes agencies have a black and white way or thinking which is what makes them SHIT at their jobs. They're like the police force but has powers and unnecessarily even shittier at getting the correct people.
In the people's eyes, He is an antihero but in the Government's and Authority's eyes, he is nothing but filth and a villain.
Roman prefers a Villain title, honestly. Even if he does good, It's for his own benefit and self-satisfaction. He is no hero and will kill an innocent regardless of they annoy him or if they bother Virgil.
7. He NEVER wants to take over cardenia. Period.
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siover · 1 year
2 4 and 7 for succ?
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom?
how compelling it is has the jury out ofc but i've changed my mind on shiv being a bottom i don't think she'd do it. i think the way she looks at sex as it relates to power is almost entirely logan's and she'd see being a bottom as something degrading. i do think now released from logan's presence in her life it could be different, but as the canon of the first three seasons stands she wouldn't consider what she sees as debasing herself as a conduit to pleasure (unlike roman). having sex with a woman means she needs to counter the deviation w control--i think of sarah snook saying shiv has addictive tendencies like kendall but has turned them outward; she obviously needs things that branch out of the traditional model but the way she neutralizes and contends w those needs is by putting herself in full control. obviously this is all described as she sees it lol but yeah i think she's a power top its what would validate her
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
being stupid and annoying about tomshiv godbless. ALSO roman as youngest sibling truthing but that does have to be the last straw in a list of unserious takes i dont think ive blocked ppl for that opinion alone
7. which character did you begin to hate not because of canon but bc of how the fandom acts about them?
chained to previous answer lol tom. now thankfully i have mutuals w good takes etc and i barely venture out of these circles on tumblr but when i first watched the show i already identified w shiv and her treatment of tom struck a chord in me viscerally i needed to yell at what she was doing through the screen sooo bad....... she literally was self sabotaging to some extent the whole time it was the most painful thing to watch. that meant i retained a lot of sympathy for tom's character (though i never disliked shiv obviously) but coming online and seeing how stupid ppl were being about his flaws and how much they were willing to excuse made me bat for shiv real hard lol. like i said im less one sided abt them now but those first few weeks after i watched succession were sooo annoying
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Disclaimer! :D
I should make clear the Cursed Ghosts Au is supposed to be a horror au, so like... body horror? Unethical shit? The posts I made where they're behaving kinda cute like little racoons/cats are a tiny fraction of the universe.
They're literally cursed so they suffer chronic pain. When not in their other form it's "compressed" inside their human bodies, so they feel cramped/claustrophobic. It's bearable for a while but they do have to change eventually or they'll be driven mad by the pain.
The cursed form itself isn't much better. The pain goes away but their sense are sharper/expanded. Their hearing is sensitive enough to hear people's heartbeats. They have excellent night vision. Their olfactory sense is good enough to smell fear. While that all seems very good, it leads very quickly to sensory overstimulation. Too many noises/light/smells/sensations literally hurts them. That sensory overload triggers them into a fight/flight scenario and it's more often the prior. (The curse also means they got constant bloodlust going on, human or cursed form.)
They do retain their human intelligence but it honestly doesn't help much. All it means is that they can strategize, cooperate as a group, recognize people, and also that they have to deal with the guilt of being fully aware of their actions in the case that they get too pissed and hurt someone they didn't want to.
Again, there's a fair bit of body horror. I don't remember if I directly stated it in the published one-shot (COD:Ghosts dribbles, Operation: Sand Viper.) but their skin/hair hardens as something of a protective exoskeleton. What I'm focusing on here is their lips/mouths. For Keegan, that means he has two rows of chompers: The outside "teeth" which are his lips, and then his actual teeth. He can speak, but it's difficult due to his lips hardening, and he's a bit hard to understand. For others, like Kick, the lips fuse to their teeth, so they can't speak at all. For Logan? His lips fuse together: His mouth seals shut. Completely. In his cursed form he can't eat, he can't drink, he can't speak, he can barely even scream. He can brute force it open but it hurts him, seeing as he has to literally break his face to do so. He can also just kinda... unhinge his jaw like a snake, provided his face is broken.
I realised I should probably explain because me and Crow (@satan-incarnate-666) were having a fun back and forth yesterday about the Cursed Au and I realized that all I've said of them (Besides the one shot.) was them just kinda being adorable? They are, but also they like... kill people. Like it sounds obvious because they're soldiers, but I figured I should make explicitly clear that they are in fact MONSTERS in this au.
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@erionlextib keeps enabling me
Not that I’m mad.
I’m also sorry it took me so long to do.
Malachi HCs are First
Sometimes he accidentally gives himself nightmares (via his magicks) but he laughs about them after the fact.
He is fairly protective of Levin, and a smartarse. So if someone spouts some untrue nonsense about him, he corrects them. Usually ends up with him getting punched. But he doesn’t seem to want to stop.
He avoids being alone with people because he fears he might accidentally use his magicks on them.
He has about four daggers on him at all times. Two in his boot, one in his sleeve and one on his belt. Can’t be too cautious.
Since becoming alive once more, he has suffered from body pains that come and go. Aching joints, feeling really bruised, splitting pains in the back of his head etc. Zoey has diagnosed it as the Yggdrasil sapling not completely fixing him, and his body retaining some damage from his death.
Black hair, milky eyes and freckles. I’ve mentioned these HCs before but I will mention them again. He also has a scar on his nose that I’ve mentioned before.
He has a fear of heights and falling. For obvious reasons.
MCD Aaron HCs are second
He can like.. steal peoples pain. If he makes skin to skin contact with someone in pain, he can feel their pain instead of them. But it can also work vice versa. So… get in a fist fight with this fucker and you will hurt.
When using the magicks he inherited from Shad, his eyes turn black, but when using the magicks he inherited from different ancestors, they glow gold, like Aphmau’s do. Mix them together, black sclera and gold irises. Pretty cool looking actually.
He has nightmares a lot. He is used to them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t interfere with his sleep.
Aaron can’t help himself, if he sees someone doing something wrong, he has to correct them. This has lead him to basically become the mentor of the group.
He trains aphmau the harshest out of everyone he trains, because if people believe she is so great, she has to atleast be half of what they expect her to be.
He is surprisingly religious.
He’s also pretty speedy. Which Aphmau was surprised by because he’s huge and she imagined that would slow him down a bit. But no.
Nekoette (hate that name. Hateithateithateit) made him a bracelet out of beads she found on the floor around the village and he refuses to take it off.
If he lived long enough, he would have planned on settling down in a small little house somewhere with Aphmau. And maybe have a kid or two, if she was comfortable with that. But he’s dead. So whoops.
Visher HCs
Anyone know the ‘ah, I didn’t see that coming! Probably because my back was turned’ video? That’s all I need to say for this HC.
He was very tall. And very buff. Like weirdly. But not like ripped. He had got some weight to him. So he was like a soft buff dude. If that makes sense?
If he were to have not died, which may or may not be an au I am suddenly urged to write, he would not have Liked Logan. He would pretend to, but behind closed doors, he would threaten the shit out of him.
Way too confident in his own skills. Would try to do something, do it wrong, insist he can do it right, hurt himself, and then ask for help.
Would flirt with people at bars to get free drinks, but when they ask if he wants to get a room with them, he’d respond with ‘sorry I’ve got a wife’ and leave.
Second best alcohol tolerance in Ru’aun, behind Aphmau.
Slight bit of a pickpocket, but it’s an old habit, he hardly does it anymore. get it? Because he’s dead.
He had fangs. Which is weird because they’re super uncommon in werewolves. However, he was thankful he had them, and he put them to pretty good use. Like untying knots. And violence.
Heavily censored himself around kids, and Aphmau, but around anyone else he would swear like a sailor.
Rip the man who I would willingly let rearrange my organs because the relationship I have with my father is terrible at best.
Cadenza HCs now. Because we ignore the last one I gave to Visher.
She’s not got the best alcohol tolerance, but there are still a few people she can out drink. Including pre-SK Laurence.
She got stuck with the nickname ‘Denny’ for four years after she, stupidly, told Laurence she hated it.
She’s got magicks. But she doesn’t notice. They’re simply that Roses bloom anywhere that she is. Oh also she can speak to dead people. But she also hasn’t noticed that. She just kinda thinks they’re alive.
Lesbian. Because I said so.
Castor was like a second father to her, even if she would never admit it.
She has a lot of scars on her hands from her needles slipping whilst she sews.
She has freckles.
She adored Aphmaus wolves, and the feeling was mutual. Until they died.
She will go to any lengths necessary to make Laurence Happy.
She stabs Laurence with her sewing needles if he’s annoying her. Only lightly, hardly enough to make him bleed. It’s more of a warning that he’s actually annoying her than anything.
She’s flirty with younger men. Because they’re pretty.
She doesn’t like doing things for herself. So she finds excuses to get other people to do things for her.
She has the most dramatic ways to fix the simplest of problems.
She’s older than Irene. So she’s like old old.
She’s a dark-skinned native, like her daughter is. Which makes sense
Her eyes are pink, not blue. Because. Like. Why not? It’s pretty. Leave me alone.
She likes wearing a lot of gold, and will often ask for gold jewellery as payment for her help.
Once hit Zenix so hard he was knocked out. This was during one of Vylad’s trips to visit her, and the two of them fell out a bit when he found out. All was made better when she made him tea.
She’s the only witch better than her daughter. And she is proud of that fact.
Somehow always knows what people’s favourite kind of tea is.
Garroth MCD HCs. Because we’ve got a theme of doing MCD characters.
He feels like Zane’s insanity was his fault, but it wasn’t, it was his parents.
He has a light stutter. He manages to keep it under wraps most of the time, but when he’s nervous, angry or excited, it shows up a bit more.
He always sort of knew he was gay. But like. He never knew what it was.
Him and Aaron actually could’ve been good friends. They both had the silent mysterious thing going on at some point. And they both had Aphmau’s best interest at heart. Plus they’re both queer as fuck and definitely would’ve fallen inlove.
He’s scared of wolves.
Tales of Dragons were always his favourite growing up. Shame they aren’t real.
He kind of maybe slept with Matilda/Matijda and is Levin’s biological father. But like also maybe he didn’t and isn’t. Who knows?
Him and Hyria get along very well. She doesn’t flirt with him, and he doesn’t break or touch her stuff. So neither of them have reason to dislike eachother.
He gained a scar on his cheek in the Irene Dimension. It goes all the way from the side of his head to right before his nose bridge.
Donna. My love.
She didn’t really have anyone after she left home. And she wasn’t very good at hiding that. Visher ended up finding her and took her in. It was only meant to be a temporary thing to get her used to being on her own, but after she found out about him being a werewolf, the two kept in contact, and eventually they were practically family.
She used to patch up John’s injuries when he was little. Because he was a bit of a clutz
She doesn’t care for modesty. If she wants to have her boobs out, she’ll have her boobs out. That said, she does care for the modesty of her girls, and if they have anything they don’t want anyone seeing, she ensures it isn’t seen.
She tells scary stories to the kids of the village to spook them. But they always come back for more.
Has been mentioned in my rewrite: but she used to have a bunch of siblings. They all died after her village (which was just outside of the O’khasian walls) was attacked by werewolves. Well, they were turned and her mother killed them. Not fun.
When she’s sad, she sits next to Logan. And then he notices she’s sad, comforts and hugs her, and then when she’s better, he sends her on her way because he has work to do.
She has magicks users in her family, but isn’t one herself.
Currently don’t have any more about Zane that I can remember off of the top of my head. And those I can aren’t detailed enough. Same goes for Paul.
Brian first joined Zane’s side when he joined the O’khasian guard academy. He was promised a nice life within kingdom walls, and he was sick of living in poverty. He was willing to do anything, even betraying his own family.
He’s scared or wyverns. Especially Raven.
He gets captured by the Phoenix Drop Guards shortly after the main cast went to the Irene Dimension, and gets questioned. He gives up everything he knows pretty quickly (which isn’t much) hoping to avoid the punishment of betraying Phoenix Drop. He wasn’t so lucky.
The typical punishment for betrayal of a village or town is exile, leaving them to fend for themselves in a forest filled with bandits and thieves. But for this one occasion, Dante allowed Dale to decide the punishment. And Dale is not merciful, not even towards his own children. Brian was dragged into the middle of the village, and executed. It was pretty horrific, but Dale had a lot of anger towards his son and Zane after everything that happened to the village, and Alexis, and people were more bothered about having to clean up the blood than the execution itself.
Tales of him spread around the nearby villages, and he was used as a cautionary tale to young children not to betray their towns.
He had bruises and sores from where his armour (which was too big for him) would rub and hit against him.
He bulked up quite a bit during his short time at the Guard Academy. But he was still pretty scrawny.
The merchant guild.
It started off as a group of merchants that would drink together and exchange gossip, but over time they gained a lot of power and influence, and their ranks grew. That said, drinking and gossiping is still a usual thing for them. Their gossip also influences a lot of people’s opinions on merchants and other people.
It’s also a code for Visher and Donna to talk about Visher’s lycanthropy. Since neither of them are part of the guild, or interested in joining.
Childhood HCs
He would often sleep in Aphmau’s bed with her, he would have nightmares and Aphmau’s presence was his only comfort for a long time. During the 15 years, when she wasn’t there, he would cuddle up to Zoey instead, even if it didn’t quite work. For the first few years at least. Eventually he felt like he had outgrown relying on others and would get through the nights alone.
He would sometimes accidentally give Levin nightmares. Which made him feel really guilty.
Vylad would sing him and Levin songs to help them sleep, and Malachi would always request the same one. It’s not a real Lullabye, keep that in mind, but it was called ‘ěga en a mǐma saya’ and something about the tune was so soothing to him.
He would often sing the songs that Vylad did, and when people asked where the songs were from, or what they meant (they were usually all in old Ru’aune) he would shrug and walk away.
He would often play tricks on the villagers, and he found them very funny. Laurence began giving him tips once he found out he was the one doing the tricks.
Unlike MS, In MCD, Derek wanted Aaron to be weapon. He lived in isolation, like he did in MS, but only so that he formed no emotional connections, or weaknesses. He would be trained as often as his body could handle, sometimes even more. He was trained with a variety of weapons, and Derek would get some of the best guards in Falcon Claw to fight him, sometimes to the death.
He was forced to show no emotion, and he was good at it, but his eyes would always show when his emotions were strong. And his punishment was to train until his body wouldn’t let him train any further. He hated it. So he tried to remove his eyes from the equation. But his attempts hardly worked.
He could beat some of the most dangerous warriors in FalconClaw by the time he was 18. Which was also the age he was when he was taken out of isolation.
He never spoke during his time in isolation. He was never taught how to. His father ordered everyone who went to train him not to speak to him, and Derek never spoke to him either. So Aaron learned some non verbal ways to communicate exhaustion, hunger, and other feelings. He still uses these sometimes, however only a few people have picked up on what they mean.
The Zvhal siblings
Cadenza kind of bullied Laurence growing up. But he bullied her back so it’s fine.
they would often spend all day together and would alternate between having meals at eachothers houses.
Cadenza used to try to set Laurence up on blind dates all the time whilst they were in their early teens, but all of her attempts failed because he was never interested.
Laurence taught her how to horse ride, and she taught him how to sew. Exchanging skills.
Cadenza was really upset when he left for Guard academy, even if it was only for a few years. And when he returned, she refused to leave his side even when he was on guard duty.
Laurence’s first few jobs as a guard was finding cadenza, or getting her out of trouble.
Cadenza would often have to see Laurence’s clothes back up after he got into fights, or was just being a dick and somehow tore them.
They would often sneak into Castor’s house (back when he lived inside of Meteli) and steal his potions to tip into buckets of water, because the potions made the water pretty colours. But castor found out and scolded them, before informing them that it’s a lot more fun to use potions on people, and handing them a few to play around with.
Cadenza would often find cats from Cat island around the village, and Laurence was always assigned with returning them home.
They were both terrified of Urla, the crazy cat lady, growing up, and would often spook the younger children with false tales about her:
I think that was everything
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slimeypuppy · 2 years
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@rororoy asked on the analysis of Roman's Trauma Post who I think did it, and this is something I wrote like three thousand words on over private message with @heartofmarjan today, but hear me out:
I think it was Kendall, but it was Connor's idea, and Logan knew.
I can explain, I swear. Watching the bachelor party and the family therapy episodes were very telling for Roman. Most important to look at is the way both he and his brothers talk about the Dog Pound game; Roman doesn't explicitly attribute this game to being CSA, but he does classify this game as very traumatizing. He talks about it with a lot of venom. The two main things that stick out is his connection between the Dog Pound game and bedwetting (which I went into on the analysis post), and the second is the way Kendall and Connor talked about it.
"You liked it, though."
"You loved it."
"It was weird, but you really enjoyed it."
Their insistence Roman enjoyed it is what seems to be most distressing to him. He also has unreliable memories regarding this, which is common in C-PTSD, CSA, and general childhood trauma. I believe the Dog Pound game was the first and the most ongoing experience Roman had with CSA, but it was not the only one (given his allusion to other incidents which Kendall genuinely does not recall, which he may be combining due to traumatic memory issues).
I believe that Kendall physically did it, but not that it was his idea. Later on, Kendall and Connor have a conversation in which Kendall asks for assurance that Roman liked what happened, and Connor asserts that Kendall also liked it. He likens it to two dogs fighting, and says Roman was sent away because he was weak.
Unlike Logan, I believe Connor does love the other Roy children, but he's still a bad person. Connor, we've seen, has one relationship (Willa, which is a whole cab of worms), but is frequently more than a little controlling and strange regarding family affairs. The conversation between Kendall and Connor suggested to me that Connor told Kendall to do what he did, and that it was held over both of their heads- Kendall won't tell anyone if he's the physical perpetrator. Connor retains the control and sexual gratification of the act without actually getting his hands dirty. Roman was the target solely for being the family punching bag (see every interaction Roman has with the rest of the family) and as such, was an easy target.
Look at the ages: Roman was four, which means Kendall was seven. Connor would've been in his late teens at the youngest. This also took place over a long period of time, but specifically at Kendall, Roman and Shiv's mother's house, a place Connor would have had no reason to be, but Connor had specific details and knew enough to know Roman "liked it" when Kendall played that game with him?
And, you know, there's the therapy episode, in which Roman threatens to tell their father that Connor abused him. This is played as a joke and I personally believe it was- I don't think that Roman would actually tell on him if Connor did anything. But Connor hems and haws about Roman's joke until saying, "you don't think that, do you?" Because he's not sure if Roman holds him accountable in any way.
I believe Logan was aware- and it's why he sent Roman off to military school. In order to "toughen him up" Roman, he sent him away. This would also allow time for everything to die down and would prevent Roman from telling anyone what happened. Besides that, Connor implies Logan knew about the Dog Pound game.
I think Kendall carries a large amount of guilt over this, and a lot of shame. I also don't think Roman necessarily cares a lot about it, but he definitely does still hold a grudge. While he is angry at Kendall and Connor both about it, especially the present day victim blaming, he doesn't let it define the relationship he has to Kendall in particular. Such is the nature of Roman Roy, who trauma bonds with anything that hurts him.
It should also be said that Roman's trauma response of making every situation sexual includes his family members above all else, which suggests his abuser(s) comes from the Roy family, and this is in my opinion the most plausible version of events.
This was the sparknotes on my full opinion, but in short, I think that a lot of people are to blame for it, and Kendall was the physical perpetrator but not the predator in this situation.
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