#also tired of getting game of groans ads shoved down my throat. fuck that awful series
tinysylveon · 2 years
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Together (USWNT x Reader)
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Request: team x reader where r gets hurt (needs crutches) during practice and the team is of course really worried for her and r stops eating and is upset and takes it out on the team the rest of camp (because she doesn’t think she can make it back in time for Tokyo) but it gets resolved after reader is crying and team is there to comfort her? (maybe some christen x reader) could you also do at the end where the reader either gets named to the roster/ the first game since injury?
You stared unseeingly at the hotel room ceiling, the doctor's words rolling endlessly through your mind. It was an accident, you knew that and you still loved Ali, but the situation fucking sucked. It wicked that her tackle had been late. It sucked that your ankle had gone in the opposite direction of your body. It really sucked that you had needed surgery to fix the compound fracture that had resulted in the collision. And it Really Really fucking sucked that you would “be lucky to walk without a limp for the rest of your life, much less run around on a field,”. 
You were only 22, and the doctor had basically but a death sentence on your career. The only reason you hadn’t been sent home was that your team moms Kelley and Alex hadn’t made the argument that there was no one there to take care of you. It would have been easier if they had let you leave. Then at least you would have more time to figure out how to tell them that you were never going to play soccer again. 
A knock sounded from the hotel room door, and you glanced at it for a few seconds, before retiring your attention to counting the texture in the ceiling, contemplating what the fuck you were supposed to do with the rest of your life. 
The knocking stopped for a second, before starting up louder. Maybe if you didn’t respond, they would think you were asleep and leave you alone. You didn’t want visitors right now anyway. No one else deserved to have the rest of their camp ruined with your sour mood. You needed to make them hate you so it wouldn’t hurt as much when you left. When they stopped talking to you because you weren’t useful anymore. When you lost the only family you had ever had. 
But the telltale click of the door lock told you that the women would not be so easily deterred. You didn’t bother to look at the women as they slid into bed beside you, Kelley on your left and Alex on your right. 
“What ya looking at kiddo?” Kelley asked, nudging your shoulder softly. 
“Just thinking,” You shrugged, your eyes never leaving the ceiling, even as Alex drew circles on your cheeks with her fingers, sharing worried looks with Kelley. Their little ray of sun was even more cloudy than it had been when they left earlier. One of them should have stayed with you. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Alex asked, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear, trying to coax you to finally look at her. 
You bite your lip, your eyebrows furrowing as you try to get the words past the lump in your throat. 
“I can’t play,” 
You could practically feel Alex’s eye roll at the statement. And you frowned. She didn’t understand that this wasn’t just a temporary thing. 
“Don’t worry about that right now sweetie. Just worry about getting better,” She murmured, using a careful finger to tilt your head so you were making eye contact with her. You stared into her concerned blue eyes, praying that she couldn’t see just how much pain you were in. She didn’t need that burden. 
“Yeah ducky, just work on getting better and you’ll be tearing up the field with us again in no time,” Kelley added, propping her head on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes, nodding slightly. 
Normally they would have attacked you with tickles to get you to smile, but this time they didn’t. They simply sat up and offered you their hands. Even they had given up on you already, what was going to happen when they found out that you were useless to them now. 
“Now, dinners ready and you already skipped lunch today,” Alex said softly as you stared at their hands in discontent. 
“Wasn’t hungry,” You grumbled. The truth was that you didn’t want to confront your new reality. You wanted to stay in your little bubble and pretend that everything was going to work out fine. 
“Sure you weren’t,” Kelley laughed, growing tired of your resistance to them, and grabbing your shoulder to force you into a sitting position. 
“What we mean is that you’re not getting out of it,” Alex shot Kelley a disapproving look, but helped Kelley hoist you up. Her forehead wrinkled when you didn’t laugh at their antics, and instead just crossed your arms. 
“I hate you guys,” You huffed, pouting. 
“No you don’t, now, up you get,” Kelley laughed, kissing your cheek. 
“I can do it myself,” You hissed once you were sitting upright. You grabbed your crutches and forced yourself to your feet. The crutches rubbed uncomfortably against your ribs, but you ignored it. You didn’t need any more help. You didn’t need to give them any more reason to leave you. 
“Stubborn as always,” Kelley sighed, opening the door for you, and you held in your groan. They probably wouldn’t even miss you. 
The ride to the dining room was spent in uncomfortable silence. Neither woman quite sure how to broach the subject of your foul mood. 
“Hey gimpy, need help with your plate,” Ashlyn smiled, clapping you on the shoulder and nearly knocking you over. Kelley glared at her, reaching out a hand to steady you. 
“I got it,” You grumbled, shrugging off their steadying hands and beginning to maneuver yourself towards the food table. You didn’t want to eat (what was the point) but if you didn’t, they would make an even bigger deal than they already were. 
They watched you struggle for a moment, trying to balance a plate and hobble along the food table. Ali sighed, standing and making her way over to you.
“I’ll help you, this is my fault after all,” she said softly, grabbing the plate before you dumped its contents onto the floor by accident. 
“I said I got it,” You huffed, looking away from the woman, frowning as Christen joined you. God, you weren’t a child. You could get a plate of food by yourself. Ignoring the good intentions of your crush, you ground your teeth toge
“Is this all you’re going to eat? You need to keep your strength up kid,” Kelley scoffed at your choice of three dinosaur nuggets. 
“Like it matters now? I can’t play so what’s the point,” You grumbled, ripping the plate out of Ali’s hand and struggling to the closest seat. Christen sat down heavily beside you, followed by Ali, Ash, Kelley and Alex. 
“I’m sorry Y/n,” Ali whispered. It killed her to see you so distraught. To know that she was the reason you were so upset. 
You glanced up from your nuggets, making eye contact with the woman. You took note of the pained crinkles by her eyes. She didn’t have a right to be in pain. You were the one who just had their future destroyed. 
“I know,” You shrugged halfheartedly, playing with your nuggets rather than eating them. 
“You sound super convincing,” Ashlyn rolled her eyes. 
“Well, what would you like me to say?” You snipped back, quirking your eyebrow up at her. 
“We’re not your enemy babe,” Christen soothed, rubbing you back. 
“I know I’m just-.” You huffed, shaking your head frustratedly. What were you? You were angry, sad, a complete and total washout now. What was the point? You paused, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. To do what needed to be done. It would hurt less in the end. “I’m tired and not hungry and I just wanna go to bed,” You finished, staring down at your untouched nuggets. Your hands fidgeted in your lap for a second before you reached for your crutches. 
Your fingertips brushed the dreaded walking device at the wrong angle, sending it crashing to the ground. Just like your dreams. You shoved your plate away, leaning as far as you could in your chair to retrieve the crutch, only for the other one to join it on the floor. You glared at the items, oblivious to the worried mother hens watching you fall apart over being unable to get them on your own. 
It was Christen who took potty on you, lifting the crutches off the floor and presenting them to you. “Let me help you,” she smiled sadly, and you grit your teeth. Your cheeks flamed red as you grabbed the items. 
“Aw kid, don’t feel bad, we all need a little help sometimes,” Ashlyn smiled kindly. The rage and embarrassment boiled inside you. They didn’t fucking get it. 
“Im not a fucking invalid. I don’t need your fucking help. I don’t need these or anything else,” You growled, throwing your crutch across the room and into the food fable with a crash, the other on suffering the same fate as you forced yourself to stand. Pain shot down your leg, but you ignored it, determined to prove to them all that you could do it yourself. 
The room sat in stunned silence. They knew you were upset, but you had never ever lashed out like this before. 
Christen was the first person to jump into action. She held her hands out as she approached you, as if you were a wounded puppy she needed to show she meant no harm. 
“Babe, don’t, you’ll just make it worse and if you ever wanna come back..-“ she tried softly, wrapping her arm under your armpit in an attempt to prevent you from putting weight on your injured foot. You shrugged her off, taking a bold (and excruciatingly painful step forward). What was the point. You would never see the pitch again anyway. 
“You just don’t fucking get it so you? I’ll never ever get to come back. That sloppy tackle made it so I’ll be lucky to walk normally again, much less kick a fucking ball,” You spat, tears finally making their way down your face. 
You could feel the weight of the teams putting gaze. The heaviness that filled the room, like a wave of realization crashing over them. You kept your eyes on the floor, you hand clenching and unclenching around nothing, eating for them to disown you. For the next logical step to happen. 
“Y/n,” Ali started, tears evident in her voice, but your venomous scowl stopped her. “I’m fucking useless now, so just fucking drop it, alright?!” 
You attempted to take another step, using the chair as support, and forcing yourself forward. You nearly collapsed as your full weight landed on your very injured foot. You were stubborn, and you were determined to give them a reason for you to stay. You wobbled, nearly keeling over from the pain, gritting your teeth to stop the anguished cry from threatening to spill out. 
You pulled yourself back upright, about to take another step away from the chair supporting you, but soft calming hands on your shoulders stopped you. “Y/n Stop. You’re going to hurt yourself, more, and then we’ll have even bigger odds to beat,” Christen murmured into your ear, hugging you back into her chest and supporting your weight as she sat back into a chair and pulled you into her lap.  
“Yeah kid, fuck what the doctors say. You’re amazing and so stubborn that I dare them to try and keep you down,” Kelley added, coming to kneel in front of you, her hand in your knee. 
“Plus you’ve got all of us behind you, no matter what,” Alex said, coming up behind her. A sob ripped from your throat. That was your greatest fear. That they would leave you. Your family only tolerated you when they wanted something when you were successful, so you thought your soccer family would feel the same. 
“You promise?” You asked softly. 
“Absolutely kid,” Alex and Kelley said together firmly. You nodded and allowed the women to hold you as you cried. You would all get through this. Together. 
You bounced lightly on your feet, cracking your neck as you waited for the match to start. There had been a tremendous amount of time and effort put into this moment. Hours upon hours of rehab, soccer training and therapy, but here you were in the starting 11 for the Olympic finals. 
“You ready baby?”  Christen hummed, her arms wrapping around you, kissing your cheek before resting her chin on your shoulder. 
You smiled, grabbing her hand. The woman had been instrumental in your recovery, and though it had taken you an embarrassingly, long time to ask her out, you had sacked up. You loved the woman so much that it scared you, and now she was your girlfriend (bum leg or not). “Always baby,” 
You had come a long way, and you had so much further to go. You would win like you always did. Together. 
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rudysrings · 4 years
Twin Pogues of the OBX - 6
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A/N: Shortest part yet, but I promise more is coming tomorrow and I just couldn’t bring myself to figure out a good stopping place other than here :)
Warnings: underage drinking, cursing...I think that’s it for this one? 
Word Count: 2.2k
The next morning, you guys took out the HMS Pogue, before realizing the only way you could figure out the location of the wreck and with it, the gold, was to get access to the internet and plug in the coordinates.
Of course, with the power out on the Cut, there was no way you could get online from home. JJ worked as a busboy at one of the fancy hotels on the kook side, and offered to let you guys in.
As always, the familiar warmth of the sun felt nice on your skin. Somehow, after the events of yesterday, it felt like forever since you guys had just hung out on the boat—tanning, swimming, drinking.
You felt uncomfortable today, uninterested in your usual bikinis and shorts. Instead, you borrowed one of your brother’s long-sleeved shirts, usually saved for the winter, and pulled on some faded, worn skinny jeans over your bikini bottoms.
Of course, Kiara noticed, giving your ass a friendly slap as she asked, “What’s with the fit today?”
You threw an arm over her shoulder, hers circling your waist as you walked towards the van. “I just wasn’t feelin’ it today.”
“You’re gonna get real hot, real fast. It’s breaking 100 today.”
“I’ve got my suit under. If worse comes to worse, I’ll just strip down to that.”
“Suit yourself.”
It was rare that you felt insecure. You weren’t ashamed of your physical appearance, no. It might’ve been the realization that your dad had intentionally abandoned you that had shaken you so much. You were feeling vulnerable already and being exposed all day would be a physical manifestation of your fear.
You were quieter than normal, but the pogues didn’t question it, noticing the opposite in John B. It was as if last night had given your brother purpose, something concrete he could actually put his mind to, rather than wonder for days on end.
Once inside, you guys had found out it was about 900ft down, almost off the deep end, but reachable. Though not totally legal, the pogues hatched a plan to ‘borrow’ the drone from the salvage yard that JJ’s dad used to work for.
You asked if you could sit this one out, and, taking one look at your defeated figure, no one disagreed. “I’m going to go and try and write for a bit today, alright?”
You had been a part of a band with a few kids from school, scoring gigs here and there to scrape in whatever money you could. It allowed you a living while doing something you loved at the same time. You were thankful for it, and for Kiara’s dad, who made sure you knew that the band was always welcome to play at the Wreck and earn something for the time they performed. Part of it had to do with the fact that the band always improved business, people staying longer for dessert just to hear you play one more set, but part of it was that he just liked you. Though you were just as crazy, if not crazier than the other pogues, it was easy to see that you had an idea for your future and that’s all that Mr. Carrera ever wanted for his daughter. Though the band had broken up before the summer, with both the drummer and the lead guitarist having graduated high school and moved out of the outer banks for college, you still wrote from time to time. It was your own sort of therapy, the cathartic ritual of trying to reach somewhere within your mind to actually create something. 
Kiara grinned. “Yeah! You should definitely come down to the wreck later tonight; it’s karaoke night!”
You assured her you wouldn’t miss it for the world.
John B gave you a pat on the back as you exited the van. They dropped you off at the Chateau and drove off, JJ shooting finger guns at you and making you smile.
You spent the day at the Chateau, working through your songs and nursing a rare bottle of old wine you had managed to hide from the others underneath your bathroom cabinet. 
You contemplated the last few days, not just about how unloved you felt by your parents, but also the growing thing between you and a certain blonde haired boy. 
You smiled as you strummed the guitar that your brother had given you for your thirteenth birthday as you remembered when you and JJ had first met. 
The third grade was hard enough without a twin brother that radiated energy, leaving you looking like the evil twin who lived in the shadows and collected the limbs of barbies in different containers. Which you did, but you didn’t expect to be so ostracized for it. 
You were alone that day at recess, walking across the black top with your arms hugging yourself. Your dad had done a poor job of helping you with your hair, leaving it a stringy mess across your back. 
Suddenly, your face met the ground and you groaned, turning your head to see a halo of gold behind you. You blinked quickly, pushing yourself up to see a blonde boy with crooked teeth apologizing profusely. 
“Dude! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, this guy—”
You noticed something in his hand. A Gameboy?
Behind him, a pudgy boy with a sweater vest and khaki shorts was quickly approaching and you soon understood what was going on. So this blonde little boy was a thief?
On instinct, you grabbed the gameboy from the blonde boy and shoved it in your backpack as his attacker came running up. 
He shoved the blonde boy to the ground and shouted. “Where is it? You took it, you thief!”
Furious at the violent treatment of the blonde, even though he had stolen, you threw yourself at the bully, your nails scratching him. 
In the end, all of you got in trouble, but when you walked to the bus that day, you gave the blonde boy the game boy and invited him to your place, where you had your own. He gave you a wicked smile, before giving you a big hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, pretty. I’m JJ.”
You didn’t know why, but you had always been protective of the boy, without a single good reason. He had always hidden his best qualities, but maybe some part of you recognized a part of yourself in him instantly. A kindred spirit of sorts. A hotheaded mess that was awful at suppressing his emotions but didn’t know how to deal with them any other way. A boy that would do anything for his friends. You didn’t know it at the time, but you found a mirrored version of yourself in that nine year old boy, and you brought him home with you. 
At sunset, you gave up on your songwriting. You had made little progress anyways, instead heading to the Wreck as you promised Kiara. 
When you walked in, the pogues were already shoving their faces happily after a long day. Kiara gave you a huge smile and beckoned you in to hear what had gone down. 
You gave JJ a kiss on the cheek for no reason at all, and he blushed, quipping, “Hey, wifey!”
You pulled your brother and Pope in for a big hug, feeling nostalgic after your lingering thoughts of childhood memories today. 
Before the pogues could comment on your drastically improved mood and sudden need for affection, you suggested that you all get started on karaoke before downing a beer, getting all of them excited.
You danced with Pope John B’s awful, fast-paced rapping of fifty-cent, but that was the point of karaoke, you guessed. 
Pope twirled you, before grabbing your hands and pulling you towards him, shaking his head in a silly fashion. You threw your head back and laughed, catching JJ smiling at the sight from his seat. 
You continued dancing with Pope as Kiara kept vibing on her own a few feet away. She finally had enough of John B’s voice and stole the microphone from him, replacing his screeching with her gorgeous velvet tones as she began singing her go to — Come and Get Your Love. You watched as JJ finally stood up, striding over shyly, with his hands shoved deep in his pockets, raising his eyebrows at you in question. You let John B whisk Pope away as you pulled JJ to you by his forearms. 
You turned around, letting him cage you from behind as you swayed within the comfort of his arms. John B and Pope were waltzing beside you, making you chuckle. 
JJ sang softly to some of the lyrics, so low that you barely heard, only catching some when he bent close to your ears. “What’s the matter with your mind...And you’re mine, and you look so divine...If you want some, take some.” You tried to keep down the goosebumps, but of course, you failed, the fluttering of emotions you always tried to bury making its way up your throat. Or was that the alcohol?
He dropped his head to your shoulder, smiling as his hair brushed your collarbone. “You smell nice.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows and turned in his arms. “I haven’t even showered today!” 
JJ shrugged. “You always smell nice.”
The beer made you giggle, “Do I? Are you getting soft on me, Maybank? You dance and sniff girls’ hair now?”
JJ scoffed, before saying. “Soft? Me? Get outta here, Trouble.” He added smoothly, “And it’s only your hair I sniff.”
You wrinkled your nose. “That’s a little stalkerish, don’t you think? Should I be concerned? C’mon Bear, you’ve gotta live up to your rep.”
JJ shook his head, pulling you back towards him so that you were chest to chest, forced to wrap your arms around him to keep your balance. “Fuck that, just dance with me for fuck’s sake.”
You felt Kiara’s eyes on you, smiling as she moved on to another song. 
Eventually, you got tired and let Kiara pull you away from the guys for a breath of fresh air. 
You walked across the beach, arms crossed over your abdomen. Kiara kept looking at you with that teasing smile and you finally had enough. “What?”
Kiara shook her head. “Nothing, just, you know it’s kind of obvious? You’re so thick headed sometimes, but you clearly –”
“Have feelings for JJ?” You finished for her. She looked at you in surprise as you turned back to the waves. “I’m not so thick-headed. I know what I feel. I’m not stupid.”
She nudged your side, giggling. “Well, he’s really feeling you, too. Like all the butterflies and shit, I swear.” Kiara gave you jazz hands, emphasizing the jittery feeling of a crush.
You smiled. “Yeah, I know.” You knew JJ liked you. You knew it in the way he was always looking out for you, no matter what was going on or what he was doing, his focus was involuntarily always on you. Even your own twin brother didn’t pay that much attention to you. There had always been a tension in the air between you two, a sort of understanding of mutual attraction. It weighed heavy, not just in the air, but on your shoulders, on your heart. Because you knew that you couldn’t let anything come of it. 
Kiara stopped, holding your elbow to keep you from walking any further. She looked confused. “Then why don’t you do anything about it? The rule’s bullshit, anyways.”
You took a deep breath, looking at your friend with heavy guilt as you tried to put into words why you knew that it was a bad idea. “Because we’re so similar. Neither of us have our heads screwed on right. We’d eventually destroy each other. And the worst part is...After the chaos, I wouldn’t have my best friend to help me pick up the pieces.” You shrugged. “I figure if there’s one time in my life I’m going to think before I act, it’s with this. Because this is one of the most important things in my life and I know there wouldn’t be any coming back from that.”
Kiara opened and closed her mouth multiple times, before finally asking, “But what if it works out? What if you create something beautiful?”
You laughed in denial, your throat tight. “It wouldn’t, Kie. It kills me to say it, but I know myself. I can’t be what he needs. I can’t bank on what ifs, anyways.”
Kiara pulled you towards her, wrapping you in a warm embrace. She looked behind you at the guys, who, from the looks of things, were beginning to get suspicious of you guys.
You and Kiara began walking back. Right before the two of you were within earshot of the rest of the pogues, Kiara took your hand and said to you, with complete surety, “For the record, Y/N, I think you guys are being idiots. You were lucky enough to find something real and you’re throwing it away. Because what? Because you’re scared? I just—I just don’t get it.” She scoffed, shaking her head as walking back inside, leaving you back at square one, wondering if you were being foolish and cowardly.
Tag List (If there is a strike through your user it’s bc I couldn’t tag you bc tumblr is wack sometimes...)
@hurricane-abigail @omigodyall​ @timotaychalabae​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​@caswinchester2000​ @meghanisdeadinside​ @harrysbbby​ @official-maddibrown @xdelicates@maybebanks@yourwonderbelle @treestarrrrrrrr @loco-latte@sspidermanss@theradvibes @eviction-notice-no666@screamingnewsies @the-fandom-life-forever @dolanfivsosxox@vibin-n-thrivin @em-aesthe  @the-real-jort @riverdaleserpent04@free-pool-trash @mileven-reddie @drewswannabegirl@queen1054 @eternalharry@alwayshopelesss @superqalifragilistik@smileyxdolans@fangirling-all-day @dianaillusion@catonthesideoftheroad @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise​ @thelovelydreamer17 @http-cherries​ @pit-zuh​ @kisssmefree​ @starryblueeyesandstarryblueskies​ @outerbankstings​ @oliviadrake1​
I’m also kind of new to tagging and rlly bad at it so if something is wrong, I’m sorry and pls let me know and I’ll try my best to fix it!
I also lost my updated tag list i’m so dumb so let me know if I told you i would tag you and i didn’t oop
Stay safe and stay healthy!
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blurry-fics · 6 years
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol consumption and drunken behavior, angst
Word Count: 1873
Request: basically Josh and the reader have a love hate relationship, maybe she is best friends with Tyler who we all know is friends with Josh. maybe she loves to push his buttons till one day he admits he is in love with her. i can see it like she gets an attitude and calls Josh our real fast, he laughs his fucking gorgeous laugh and goes “God, i’m in love with you and your attitude.” -@svintsandghosts
Author’s Note: Just realized I diverged from the request a little, but hopefully you still like it! Also, this is the first post with the new schedule. I tried adding a gif this time around, is that something all of you would be interested in as well? I’m just trying lots of new things out. Anyway, enjoy this fic!
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“Y/N!” Tyler called from the living room.
You rolled over in bed, groaning to yourself. The clock on the bedside table read 11:30. That was to be expected, you had gone out again last night and stayed out way later than you should have.
“What?” you called back.
“Get up! People are going to be here in like half an hour.”
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it!” you answered.
You got out bed and headed towards the bathroom. The smell of alcohol was still highly evident on your shirt, a result of forgetting to change into a proper pajama shirt when you finally stumbled home. It fell to the floor in an unceremonious heap as you stripped it off and tossed it into the corner of the bathroom.
You wondered who was coming over. Tyler hadn’t mentioned having company, which he was usually pretty good about considering you were roommates. That meant that the plans had been last minute, most likely meaning that it was Josh who was coming over.
Whenever you two were together, you always seemed to be pushing one another’s buttons. It had been like that ever since Tyler had introduced the two of you a couple years ago. Things between you had been normal at first, until the one fateful day that you learned just how fun it was to see Josh mildly annoyed. Your relationship hadn’t been the same ever since.
You pushed the thought from your mind and instead directed your attention to getting ready for the day. One glance in the mirror told you that you looked just about as bad as you currently felt. A shower would help you feel--and look--a little better, you hoped.
“Who’s coming over today?” you asked as you arrived downstairs.
Tyler was in the kitchen, making himself some toast. You walked over and leaned against the counter.
“Josh for sure. There were a couple other people that said they might be able to hang out today, but they didn’t have a definite answer.”
“Great,” you muttered.
“Hey, maybe you two will get along today.”
“Yeah,” you scoffed. “And the sun will set in the east too.”
“Come on, Y/N,” Tyler said as you made yourself some cereal. “I know you two could get along really well if you tried.”
“But it’s just so much more fun to press all his buttons! I mean, you’ve seen the face he makes when I sit too close to him, right?”
Tyler sighed, “Many times.”
“So you get it!”
Tyler grabbed his plate of toast and moved into the dining room, “No.”
“Fine, I’ll try to be civil for you, Ty. But if he makes one comment that rubs me the wrong way, it’s game over.”
“As long as you try to be nice.”
“I think your definition of nice is different than mine,” you huffed as you sat down at the table.
“You know, I think you two could really get a good thing going if you weren’t at each other’s throats every second of the day.”
You snorted, “Ty, you aren’t really implying what I think you are, are you?”
“I’m just saying, there may be a deeper meaning behind why you two are always pushing the other’s buttons.”
“Definitely not. I could never imagine being any type of intimate with Josh.”
“Sure,” Tyler said before taking a bite of his toast.
You idly stirred your cereal around as you thought over Tyler’s words. Thankfully, he was too busy looking at his phone to notice the color that was now in your cheeks. The relationship between you and Josh wasn’t anything other than your stereotypical love-hate friendship.
“Josh is here!” Tyler called up the stairs.
“Ok!” you answered.
You grabbed a sweatshirt from the back of your desk chair and pulled it on as you headed down the stairs. The boys were already in the living room as you arrived downstairs, and Tyler had done you the honor of leaving an empty spot on the couch next to Josh. With a sigh, you made yourself comfortable at the end of the couch.
“You’re awake,” Josh smiled. “After how much you drank last night, I thought you would have been sleeping your hangover away.”
“Trust me, that’s what I wish I was doing.”
Tyler shot you a look from the other end of the couch, but you ignored it. Josh, on the other hand, seemed amused by your comeback.
“Glad we’re on the same page then.”
Tyler sighed and ruffled his hair, “I was really fooling myself when I thought you two were going to get along today, huh?”
“Probably,” Josh laughed.
You slowly began to stretch out your legs so that your feet were pressed against Josh’s thigh. The second that he noticed, he pressed his tongue into his cheek and slowly turned to you. He raised an eyebrow, but you simply smiled at him.
“What are you doing?”
“My legs were getting tired from being bent, so I decided to stretch a little.”
“And that involves touching me, why?”
“Well, you’re kind of taking up the whole middle of the couch, so I don’t really know how you expect me to sit here and not touch you.”
“Tyler is doing it just fine.”
You looked to Tyler, who simply shook his head a little. He obviously wouldn’t be of any help in this situation.
“Fine,” you huffed, swiveling your body so that your legs were now rested on the coffee table. “Better?”
You crossed your arms and tried to mask the fact that you were disappointed you could no longer annoy Josh. Meanwhile, he had turned to Tyler and began to talk about a festival that they had played together recently. Since there wasn’t much you could contribute to the conversation, you leaned back against the pillows and closed your eyes.
“Feeling alright, Y/N?” Tyler asked.
Apparently you hadn’t been as well rested as you thought, considering Tyler’s voice had pulled you back from the edge of being asleep. You slowly blinked your eyes open and leaned up so that you could see him.
“Still don’t feel great after last night,” you laughed.
“That’s because you were plastered,” Josh chimed in.
“You drank just as much as I did.”
“At least I could walk straight at the end of the night.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault that the sidewalk was wobbling.”
Josh mocked what you were saying, so you reached out and shoved his arm. He barely moved, which only added to your annoyance.
“You want to try that again?” Josh asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No,” you huffed as you crossed your arms.
Tyler had pulled out his phone in an attempt to block out the feud between you and Josh. He looked up when he realized that you two had stopped fighting.
“Are you two done now?” he asked.
You threw an arm into the air, “I’m not the one causing the problem.”
Josh’s eyebrows shot straight into the air as he turned to look at you, “Are you implying that I am?”
“It’s not an implication when what you’re saying is fact.”
“All I said was that you got really drunk last night, then you turned it into an argument.”
“No, I said that we drank the same amount and then you had to make a comment about me not being able to walk.”
“Because you couldn’t!”
“I’m getting lunch, do you two want anything?” Tyler announced, putting a temporary end to the debate.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“The sandwich place down the street.”
“I’ll just have my usual.”
“Me too.”
“Great,” Tyler said. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
“You’re just leaving us here?” you asked.
“Aw, are you scared of not having Tyler here to back you up?” Josh teased.
“No,” you retaliated, although you weren’t sure how truthful it was.
“Try not to tear each other’s heads off while I’m gone,” Tyler said before disappearing out the front door.
The house became eerily quiet as soon as the door shut. You adjusted yourself a bit to try and get rid of the uncomfortable feeling that had formed in your stomach.
“I’m surprised it took him that long to get fed up and leave,” Josh said, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, that might be a record.”
You and Josh shared a look and began to laugh. If there was one thing that never failed to unite the two of you, it was annoying Tyler.
“Are you actually feeling ok? You were in pretty bad shape last night.”
“Yeah, I’m ok,” you smiled, although you were a bit skeptical at his change in demeanor. “I just had a lot on my mind and needed a break from all of it. And everyone knows that drinking to forget is always a healthy coping mechanism.”
“You making questionable decisions isn’t really new information.”
You shot him a look and tried to ignore how much his statement had actually hurt you.
“Not all of us are as well-adjusted as you, Josh,” you retorted, adding a hint of anger to your tone.
“I’m not trying to take a dig at you, Y/N.”
“Then what was the point of that statement?”
“I’m just saying you don’t always take care of yourself like you should and it worries me.”
You should have known that any moment of peace between you and Josh would quickly be ended by some snarky comment.
“When have you ever been concerned about me? You just like to push my buttons and laugh when I get upset. We have a love-hate relationship, Josh, that’s just how it goes.”
“Y/N, I-”
You cut him off, “I just don’t understand why you’re even pretending like you care right now. Tyler isn’t here, it’s not like he’s going to see you being nice to me and think any more of you.”
“Can I just-”
“No, I’m not done talking,” you huffed. “I’m tired of you acting like you’re so much better than me and know so much more about the world just because I’m a few years younger than you and Tyler. It doesn’t mean that-”
“Can you just shut up and let me say what I need to say?”
“Why don’t you come over here and make me?”
Josh answered by leaning forward and pulling you into a kiss. You were surprised at first, but you quickly relaxed into it and rested a hand on his chest. His heart was pounding so hard that you could feel it against your fingertips. When he finally pulled away, you couldn’t think of anything to say.
“God, I’m in love with you and your attitude,” he whispered.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that,” you giggled.
Josh moved back to where he had previously been sitting just in time for Tyler to open the door and walk inside. He was whistling to himself, completely unaware of the entire exchange that had just occurred between you and Josh.
“It’s so quiet in here,” he said as he set the food on the coffee table. “I’m surprised you two aren’t arguing.”
“Yeah,” you said, sharing a knowing look with Josh. “Me too.”
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