#also to answer the first tag: the ao3 tag 100% has been thriving
ragdollrory · 3 years
20 Fic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag, it's been forever since I've done one of these!!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
60 works in total.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
220,400 words.
A nice number! Not that big perhaps, but for about two years I mostly RP'ed, so there's a lot more words there for me to put up on Ao3.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
5 fandoms.
ATLA, TLOK, VLD, HP, SK8 and Given
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Because I love you (Kyalin): 260 kudos
2. Come back to me (Kyalin): 125 kudos
3. Now that I found you (Sheith): 120 kudos
4. Kosmo duty! (Sheith): 119 kudos
5. The Prince and the Blade (Sheith): 111 kudos
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I answer every comment, but sometimes it will take a while for me to do so.
On average, I have 3 jobs and run various accounts (some for other people) so I usually wait the comments out a bit, and answer in like 70-100 comments batches, or else I'll never get anything done.
But I love comments, I read them all, and I get stupid happy whenever I get them.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I mean... that is posted?? I don't know, Miscalculation is MCD, but also She who lives in the mirror is pretty heavy, and it took a lot out of me.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I'm going to say Kosmo duty! but I honestly couldn't decide. I guess my readers should decide that, and if anyone wants to tell me which one they think ends the happiest, then I'd love to know!!
8) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I ADORE crossovers!! I don't know about craziest, but I'll leave the two I'm most proud of, which are:
Her fire - a Voltron Legendary Defender meets Avatar the Last Airbender fic, which I'm insanely proud of, and anyone that reads it will have a special place in my heart forever.
Hold my hand - Harry Potter crossover with Avatar the Last Airbender, which is angsty, but lovely, with a hopeful ending.
(Both of them are basically me being in love with Azula)
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have gotten hate on anon asks on Tumblr, both for fic and RP, and recently I got a pretty shitty comment on a Harry Potter drabble that I uploaded to Ao3 from a Tumblr ask.
I've always deleted them without interacting, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
People, if you don't like it, no-one is forcing you to read it, least of all to comment. Don't be shitty, and let everyone have their own fun!
10) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have. I've written hate sex, and dub-con, some voyeurism, guided masturbation, idk, varied stuff... the thing is, I'm not good at writing smut on command, so it's very, very little compared to the angst, hurt/comfort and fluff that I have going on.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had a Kyalin translated to Chinese, and I'm good friends with the girl that did it now!
I also have an irl friend who doesn't speak English (my first language is Spanish) who uses the google built-in translation to read my fics, and I've checked it out to see if it was too awful, and it's not the best, but at least it keeps things pretty accurate. She also asks me if something doesn't sound quite right.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have an ongoing series called What's in a Word that was started with my RP partner, and I guess RPing is also co-writing a story, so yes.
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Linko, always. Bumiroh, OTP. Sheith, an addiction.
Idk, it's impossible for me to pick one, I'm a multishipper for a reason, hahaha
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have faith that I will be able to finish all my WIPs, because I try to stay as positive as I can about everything. However, I do understand that sometimes readers are anxious or eager to know what comes next, but authors can't push the fic forward at the time.
So for those who might be reading WIAW, if you happen across this, I ask you to be patient. I love that verse, and I'll get to it, but Lin and Mako deserve me at my best to give all of you something of quality.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Angst. I thrive in pain. Probably love too. I think I can write a good painful yet love-filled fic. Very tragic.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not particularly happy with my setting descriptions, but I'm also not sure I want to change that. Like, if you read one of my fics you'll realize I usually describe the bare minimum of a room, or house, or whatever place. I don't like it, I don't feel comfortable talking about the vase in the corner table, and I think readers do a much better job of filling those blanks while I squeeze their hearts with my hurt/comfort.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I say people can write whatever they want.
Would I appreciate it if they took the time to make it work? Yes.
I think the most that I've written in another language (including my own) is like three Spanish sentences in a silly "possession" twitter thread, and a few words here and there in Japanese, mostly for honorifics.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote a very dark HP fic, that will never see the light of day, and I admit I have also written a Twilight fic that has been reduced to ashes.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I can't choose one, but anything that has Azula in it. Honestly, like, if you ever want to make me happy, read my Azula stories, I have poured my entire life there.
Tagging: @firelxrdsdaughter @linguini17 @chiefbaefong @watercaressesearth
And whoever sees it and wants to do it, you're tagged!
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schrijverr · 4 years
Ashes O’Reilly, Hero of the People
When the Mechanisms have to return to Malone, Ashes, along with Jonny, Tim and Ivy, discovers that they’ve been made a hero.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: not really, but tell me if I missed something or if you want me to tag something!
Ashes had never claimed to be a good person. However, they wouldn't call themself evil either.
At their core they were a survivor, who had navigated a cruel world with equally cruel survival tactics. When the world had hurt them they had hurt it in return. Been burned and burned the world back.
Although Smooth Mickey had been right and there wasn't enough gasoline to burn down an entire planet, at least not at that time, but Ashes had burned all that was rotten. They'd planned to come back later and finish the job, but by the time the crew had rid themselves of their creator and became independent that plan had been long forgotten and abandoned.
That didn't stop Ashes from stocking up on gasoline when they needed to go back to Malone. Something about Ivy wanting a specific book that was only published there or whatever, Ashes didn't really care. They were forced back home and they were going to leave it more scorched than they had found it.
At least that had been the plan.
They along with Jonny and Tim went with Ivy to collect the book. Ashes suspected that Brian had send them with Ivy, because that way they would be less likely to mess up the Aurora in their boredom, but still it worked in their favor and they weren’t about to complain.
However, Malone looked nothing like Ashes remembered it. Seedy motels and shady pubs had made place for pretty bars and high class saloons. The dark alleyways were now big clean streets and the people weren’t dressed in rags and starved to the bone anymore.
They looked around in wonder and confusion, snapping out of it when Jonny commented: “The way you told it, I was expecting it to look a lot seedier. There better be a good casino with a stocked bar around here, Ashes.”
“I hope it too.” Ashes replied, “This is nothing like the Malone I left. Are you sure we’re on the right planet, Ivy?”
Ivy nodded, not looking up from her map.
They were distracted again by Tim, who yelled with manic glee: “Ashes, look! Is that you?”
He pointed at something in the middle of a busy plaza in the distance. It was a large statue of a person, the stone figure could be Ashes, but Ashes noted that if the artist had tried to make them, they had made them much lighter than they’d ever been.
Jonny and Tim seemed a bit too happy with the discovery and pulled them and Ivy along to the plinth to read the inscription. There in golden letters it read: Ashes O’Reilly, hero of the people, who burned the vicious gangs so that Malone could thrive once more
Once they’d read the inscription Jonny and Tim both burst out laughing. Jonny shrieked in delight: “You see that, Ashes? They’re calling you a hero, You! Ahahaha, I can’t believe that that’s-  that’s how you went down in history. That’s amazing.”
He and Tim were taking turns, bowing for Ashes while exclaiming in different and exceedingly posh voices: “All hail Ashes, our hero. Hero of the people.”
Meanwhile Ivy examined the statue and inscription closely.
With everyones antics and Ashes likeliness they were gaining a small crowd, which was whispering and pointing amongst themselves. Ashes shot them a glare and snapped: “Piss off, mind your own fucking business.”
A small boy pointed at them and asked: “Mama, is that the Ashes we learn about in school?”
The mothered had sheltered his ears with Ashes’ strong language and pale of shock she told her son: “Of course not, sweetie, that Ashes is long dead they died for us, remember.”
“But my teacher also said they’re immortal.” the boy pouted.
“Your teacher is wrong.” the mother answered, trying to pull him along, but the kid didn’t budge. He broke free of his mothers grasp and ran up to Ashes and asked: “Are you Ashes O’Reilly? The one who burned the gangs?”
As a fuck you against the mother Ashes smiled and for once told the truth: “Yep, that’s me.”
“How are you still alive?” the boy asked.
“I’m immortal.” Ashes answered, with a smirk to the mother.
“Really?” the kid exclaimed in excitement.
The mother grabbed him and berated: “You shouldn’t bother other people, Ashton.” then she turned to Ashes and said: “And you shouldn’t lie and play into kids fantasies.”
“Oh, they aren’t lying.” Jonny told her, “Here look.” then he shot Ashes through the head making bother mother and kid and bystanders scream.
“Great,” Ivy said, “there is now a 97% chance law enforcements will be involved and our chances of getting out without being imprisoned have dropped to 12%, but they can be raised to 35% if we leave Ashes behind and don’t get the book.”
“We won’t as the Captain-” Jonny began, getting cut off by Tims: “First Mate.”
He got pushed down by Jonny who pressed on: “As the Captain I will defend Ashes until they get back and you two quickly get that book.”
Tim and Ivy rushed away and Jonny thought he heard Ivy mutter: “Despite what the calculations say the chance of things going wrong should be 100% with these people.”
Fifteen minutes later Ashes came by to the sound of Jonnys manic laughter along with rounds being fired. They looked around and saw Jonny singlehandedly holding off a big police force. Ashes didn’t even ask what was going on, just started firing as well.
A few moments later Ivy and Tim came running towards them, their arms filled with books. Tim disposed off his books in Ivys arms, almost making her fall in the process, and drew his guns with a big grin.
The four of them fought themselves back to the Aurora, well three, Ivy just tried to keep her books intact until they were off planet. In they end they made it. Marius was standing at the entrance of the Aurora and covered them as they boarded.
When the door was shut behind him Marius asked: “How the fuck do you always manage that?”
Breathlessly Jonny grinned: “Ashes is a hero.”
“What?” Marius asked, just more confused with the answer.
Tim added: “They think they’re a hero, it’s amazing. There was a statue of them.”
“What!” Marius repeated, “How?”
Ivy opened a book and showed them a page, she had picked up some extra books about Ashes in the store they had robbed, she said: “Apparently the burning of the gangs, which Ashes did, helped the planet better themselves and they were given the status of hero that has been warped throughout time.”
“Let me see.” Ashes said, snatching the book out of Ivys hands.
They scanned the page and scoffed, before reading out loud: “Ashes O’Reilly joined the Lucky Sevens against their will. They served under Smooth Mickey until the Aces started to move up on the turf of the Lucky Sevens, finally having an excuse to confront their capturer they fought against both gangs at the same time, until they had burned all the rotten parts of Malone, leaving the rest to prosper. Historians still debate if they were just such a skilled fighter or immortal. Some even believe they are still out there watching over Malone.”
Jonny and Tim fell back in peels of laughter at the idea of Ashes burning down stuff out of obligation and needing to be forced to join a gang, like they hadn’t thought it would be just fun. Marius also joined the them, now understanding what that all was about.
After a while of catching their breath and falling back into giggled every time they’d made eye contact or looked at Ashes, Marius asked: “Was there really a statue?”
“Yeah and it wasn’t even accurate.” Ashes moped, only making them laugh again. They frowned at them and said: “Yeah, whatever laugh it up. It’s not that funny.”
“You don’t get it, since it’s about you.” Tim said.
“Exactly!” Jonny nodded, “That’s like finding out Earth has made Tim a hero for blowing up the moon.”
That idea made Ashes chuckle and they could see the appeal, something lit up behind their eyes and they said: “We should go to earth, see if Tim’s in the books!”
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Author Interview 💻
Thank you very much dear @lin-ful! I’m a huge fan of your work, and I feel truly flattered to be tagged by you! 💕
Name: Kristen 
Fandoms: L365,  SLBP, MLQC, Ikemen Sen/Vamp/Rev & MidCin. 
Want to do in the future: I would like to finish writing the original novel I started. I’ve actually set aside the time to sit down and start writing it, and I’m already a few chapters in. (Which finding the time is half the battle!)
Where You Post: I post mainly on tumblr, but due to recent glitching issues on the site, I’m going to start posting my fanfics to AO3. At least we will see how it goes over there for now!
I’m going to keep the prompts and special event stories on my blog here though. 
Most Popular One-Shot: I don’t know if a HC is technically considered a “one-shot”, but if it is my most popular one would be Bath Time with the Bidders. 
If that doesn’t count, then these stories for Gavin and Victor are both currently tied for first based on the note count: “Show me how you play with yourself.”--Victor  &   “I’m not feeling well.” “Then that means you’re on bed arrest today, and I’m your bed mate.”--Gavin
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: A Reassuring Reminder which features Gavin from MLQC. 
It’s funny because this was never intended to turn into a multi-chapter story, but lately Gavin has been one of the few characters that I’ve actually been feeling really excited to write for, and this story ended up continuing for that reason!
Favorite Story You Wrote: The Prequel to Paradise 
This was a story about how I pictured Yosuke and Taki meeting for the first time. I enjoyed really having to think about the box with this one, because writing for a character in the past can be tricky (at least for me) since we often only have a snapshot to work off of. I was very proud of being able to finish this one, and it really forced me to think
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Feelings Amiss
This was the first fanfic I ever wrote, and the very first one I ever posted to tumblr. I kept deleting the post when I originally first published it, but this was the story that helped me overcome the initial fear I first had. 
Also, it was my first one ever, so please don’t judge it too harshly! 😂
How You Choose Your Titles: In case it wasn’t obvious already, I LOVE alliteration and I will sit there and desperately try to make it work with the title, before I eventually give up and move on to something else. 😂
I can’t start writing the story without having the title, so the title process is a huge deal for me personally as a writer!
Completed: Is a lot an acceptable answer? 🤣🤷‍♀️ I honestly don’t know the count.
Incomplete: See answer to the question above. 😂
Do You Outline? NOPE! 
Been there, done that, and it’s not for me. More times than not I end up deviating from my original thought process anyway. 
Plus, I’ve been having difficulties managing my schedule lately, and that just adds another step for me to have to worry about.             
Do You Accept Prompts? I have a lot in previous requests sessions. I still will moving forward, but with the added disclaimer that despite my best efforts,  I won’t be able to guarantee anything. 
It’s nothing personal-some ideas just click while others have proven to be more challenging. 😣
Coming Soon/Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m a rebel and combined these two questions since they had the same answers. 😂
I am SO unbelievably excited for the new events to get started!!! (I won’t list them all again, but you can find them HERE if you haven’t seen them yet.)
I’m going to be posting a calender shortly with the info on when you can expect to see them!
I’m also really stoked to start writing out for some of the newer fandoms I recently joined! I found some new characters that I really have grown fond of, and I already have a ton of ideas for them! 😊
What do you use to edit?: I write in Word and besides the basic catches it flags (and let’s be honest it misses a lot) I don’t edit. I HATE editing with a passion. 
I do edit in my freelance work (and I still dislike it) but for my hobby writing I “post and pray.” I know this is bad, and I truly do apologize in advance, but I overthink everything and I would start to second guess myself. 
This is 100% a me problem, but it’s a vicious cycle I prefer to avoid!
Writing setup: Chaos. Sheer and utter chaos. The more chaotic the better. 🤣 Seriously, I tend to thrive in a more busy environment. 
I sit on my couch and binge watch all the shows on Netflix that I can’t watch when my kids are awake. (Currently I’m watching Dexter in case anyone cared to know that.)
While I’m writing, I’m normally chatting with friends and I’m trying to use my energy/stamina so I can clear one of many events I’m probably playing. (cough-IkeSen right now-cough).
I end up getting distracted a lot throughout this process, but that’s alright! Sometimes the most randomest things can spark the slightest idea!  
Do you use a beta reader? 
I recently asked a friend for her opinion on the characterization for a newer character I was writing for, but otherwise I don’t on a regular basis.
Nearly all my writing lately has been taking place very late at night, and I always immediately post a story once it’s completed. The exception being the special event stories, but otherwise it’s all published right away. Even if I could find a patient enough soul willing to do it, my writing schedule is sporadic and it would be difficult for me to communicate consistently.  
Additionally, if I’m left alone to wait with my own devices, who knows what would happen?!😂
Where do you get your writing inspiration?  
A lot of times random thoughts will pop into my head when I’m reading a route. Or something I see or hear in real life may trigger an idea that I think would be perfect for a story.
Also, I hate waiting for new content to be released, so I need something to entertain myself with in the meantime! 😊
Can we get a quote from an upcoming WIP?
“You’re finally awake?”
MC groaned as her eyes flickered adjusting to the newfound darkness of the room she was currently being held captive in. 
“W-Where am I?” MC questioned, while glancing around the room trying to find any sort of clue that would provide her with the answers she was seeking. 
A tall intimidating cloaked figure, furtively scuttled over and roughly pinched the side of her bruised cheeks. 
“That’s enough out of you,” he snarled. “Today, I’ll be the only one asking the questions around here.”
(This is from the final chapter of A Reassuring Reminder)
Tagging: @iluvsexyvoltageguys & @that-wasnt-so-bad
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secondhandskootur · 9 months
Headcanons I have about the shark dudes
After briefly sharing with one of my mutuals some backstory lore for a Jaws au I'm working on, I got asked to share some of my character headcanons:
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Honestly, I have so many headcanons for these guys (particularly Quint and Hooper), that if I listed every single one I think I'd have an entire novel, and we'd be here for ages, so I'm just going to list the ones that I think are the most interesting or... relevant, I suppose? Instead of just re-blogging the other post again, I decided to make a separate post. Some of my headcanons might be kinda far-reaching/out-of-character, and it's a bit all-over the place because I didn't bother to make it sound nice, but fuck it we ball so I'm sharing this anyway. I'll start with Brody first since he's the one I have the least headcanons about.
Martin Brody:
While I wouldn't say that Brody is "normal" — everybody is unique and quirky in their own way — he's certainly the most conventional out of the the big 3, doing things and living in a way that is generally socially accepted. He typically acts as the straight man (no pun intended) when Quint and Hooper decide to go off the rails, and is definitely the most laid-back. In most situations, at least.
He's a genuinely nice guy who doesn't like to offend or hurt people. Somewhat of a people pleaser, but he does put his foot down if he feels that he needs to. Brody isn't really afraid of confrontations per se, but he definitely doesn't like them either. He's mostly a goody-two-shoes. Mostly. He's actually kinda slutty lol. I mean have you seen those form-fitting turtlenecks got dayum.
He's an avid reader. The man is a total bookworm and in his free time, he actually really enjoys sitting down with a good book. Brody will read pretty much anything and he can do it quick. Like, this guy can finish a 1,000+ page book front-to-back in less than a day if given the opportunity. He really enjoys horror/murder mysteries as well as detective fiction like Sherlock Holmes.
Brody also writes his own stories (usually short stories), and he's damn good at it. They're beautifully written. Ellen occasionally encourages him to get a few of them published but every time she does, he's just like "nah" because he's scared to do it.
He has crippling anxiety. I can't explain how I know this, but I know this.
Brody is an only child. From time-to-time, he'll watch Michael and Sean interact with each other and be like, "Ooohhhh so this is how siblings interact." It's a bit foreign to him, to say the least.
Matt Hooper:
Hooper is very intense. He can either be the biggest sweetheart or the biggest bitch, and there is no in-between. I personally think that his sassy, bratty "take-no-shit" attitude is a defense mechanism. He got bullied and harassed a lot growing up and in college so he's developed a spitfire personality as a result.
He's pretty witty and has a comeback for just about everything.
He's definitely kinda cocky and arrogant, albeit in a slightly different way than Quint. He's insanely smart and skilled, and he knows it. And it gets a little to his head sometimes. Quint knocks him down a few pegs though.
Hooper's pretty bad at hiding his emotions in most situations and he has the worst poker face. 99.9% of the time, you can tell how he's feeling just by looking at him. He's better about expressing his feelings and communicating than Quint is, but that really isn't saying much. When he does feel like he's about to cry, he usually tries to run away and isolate himself because he hates being seen crying. He 100% ugly cries, too.
He isn't at Brody levels of bookwormery, but he definitely likes reading (I'll just go ahead and say right now that I think all of the big 3 like reading). He mostly reads scientific books/documents, especially relating to oceanography & marine biology, and stuff about sharks.
Hooper will collect just about any shark-related item. Or anything to do with sea animals. Sharks are his absolute favorite but he loves all of 'em.
I've seen this one floating around a bit on Tumblr so I know I'm not alone in thinking this, but honestly I get so much trans guy energy off of him that I just like to imagine him being trans. (Yes, I realise that he canonically isn't trans. But then again, Quint canonically dies and I ignored that shit too.)
He has one (1) older brother. No siblings other than that. He actually does have a brother in the book, but it's never actually specified whether or not he has siblings in the film.
I also think that a lot (though maybe not all) of his family members are artsy hippie types, and that he's a bit artsy himself. I haven't exactly decided which yet, but I think he either draws 60s/70s style cartoons or paints really weird abstract shit as a fun little hobby. So far I'm leaning more towards the 'toons.
Hooper doesn't come from a family of seafarers. Rather, he had either a neighbor or family friend who was a seasoned captain. He would hear stories about the sea and being on boats and genuinely became interested in it, so he was taught at a young age about seamanship and sailing. He picked up on it pretty quickly because he was so hyper fixated on it.
Hooper is a hippie, counter-culture type. He loves tacky/vintage clothing in general and stuff that isn't mainstream. He absolutely fucks with bell bottoms. He would totally love those ugly collared grandma sweaters that frequently get sold on Depop, too.
Quint really likes fucking with people because he thinks it's funny. He 100% enjoys gaslighting, and he has a knack for making stuff up on the go. He'll tell people the dumbest shit imaginable — with the straightest face and most serious tone — and actually get them to believe it most of the time.
More on the "fucking with people" thing, whenever people do come over (very rare), he goes out of his way to make them moderately uncomfortable. Not by harassing them or anything, but in a "He owns exactly 37 copies of Moby Dick that are the exact same edition with the exact same cover and he stacked them in a really weird horrendous way right before you came over, and other subtle ways to be deranged" type of uncomfortable. Don't worry though, he also owns another, 38th copy of Moby Dick that's a different edition with a different cover just for variety! (I actually made a post a couple of days ago about another headcanon that kinda goes in line with this).
He's pretty cocky and arrogant (tbf, that's actually canon lol). Not to the point of being a complete narc or anything, but enough where he can be a dick about it. He's a very experienced fisherman with a lot of skills up his sleeve and it does get just a wee bit to his head. Luckily Hooper is there to knock him down a few pegs.
Quint's also much, much smarter than he lets on. Maybe not as smart as Hooper, but pretty damn smart. Unfortunately, he does sometimes let his arrogance cloud his judgement a bit (again- Hooper keeps him in check. And vise versa).
Speaking of skills, he has so many hidden talents that he just. Does not tell people about. Ever. And then they get whiplash when they find out that he's actually really fucking good at [insert thing here]. For starters, he loves drawing. He's definitely more of a pen and ink type of guy, but he does work with watercolor and oil paint sometimes. He also likes etching and scrimshawing, and can absolutely whip-up some badass, Gustave Doré type stuff. He dabbles in pretty much any kind of craftsman/handyman thing, especially if it involves wood. Also he plays several different stringed instruments and the piano. Seafaring and shark hunting is still his main thing, but he finds a new hobby to try every few years because he gets bored after a while and gets good at the new hobbies stupidly quickly.
In contrast to Hooper, Quint is usually pretty good at hiding his emotions unless he's really pissed off. He's got a good poker face and half the time you'd have no idea how he's feeling. He's also notoriously bad at communicating and expressing his feelings. He's very much a "walk it off" kind of guy and would rather bottle it up, but that doesn't always work.
Most of the deranged shit he does is actually a bit to keep people away. On the highly unlikely chance that he does warm up to you, he'll actually let you get to know him, and he'll take the time to get to know you. That weird Moby Dick book stack? He does like Moby Dick, but the whole stack of them is just to weird out unwanted guests who he's hoping will end up leaving early. He'll show you his bookshelf with other stuff he likes reading. He'll let you see the stuff he's working on, tell you what his latest hobby is, and he might even open up to you about how he's feeling and be vulnerable with you. Might. Point is, he'll actually let you in. To an extent. He's still a grump, though; that's just his nature.
He's very much a recluse. Aside from Hooper (and the occasional hangout with Brody where they sit and crack open a beer and choose not to say a got damn thing), he actually doesn't really talk to people much and doesn't really go out anywhere when he's on shore.
Quint is surprisingly good with kids. Although he doesn't have any of his own — nor does he want to have any — he did grow up with a lot of siblings. I'm not sure exactly how many, but I wanna say he had at least 6 or 7. He was one of the oldest, but not not the oldest, and therefore was expected to help look after the younger ones.
More on his family, he was born into a long line of sailors and was pretty much learning about seafaring and sailing since he could walk. He was raised in a Christian, conservative household. He was also relatively poor and had a rough childhood. Quint's estranged from his family and has been since at least the USS Indianapolis. Most of them don't even know if he's alive.
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