#also to the other anon that messaged me about the most recent pod… I’m with you and I’ve felt that for awhile
petrovna-zamo · 2 years
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The “old” pictures of T&K framed at Katya’s
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fallinnflower · 5 years
reaction: Day6 confessing
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a/n: i’ve never done one of these before, but i received a request about day6 confessing and figured that meant you wanted a reaction. anon, if you’re out there, i hope this is what you were looking for...
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JAE You and Jae have been friends ever since he moved it Korean to try his luck at becoming a musician. The two of you met via online gaming before eventually realizing you lived realistically close to one another, and the two of you decided to meet up. Jae’s rise to fame really didn’t make you view him any differently (except that it was a little more difficult to make it to his concerts now that tickets were pricier and in higher demand); he was still the same meme-loving boy you’d always known. 
When you first met Jae, you’d been shocked at how attractive he was in person — the two of you had jokingly flirted online, but you hadn’t actually expected him to be funny and good-looking. However, knowing he wanted to be an idol, you decided to keep your feelings under wraps; you didn’t want to end up jeopardizing the career he’d left his home to pursue, after all. It would break your heart if Jae’s talents went to waste because of you. 
Even though his rise to fame made him busier, he still made time to game with you online (or in person, if he had time). It was less than a week since they’d returned from their most recent tour circuit, and while you’d told Jae to take it easy you had trouble refusing his offer for you to come over for games. So, you donned low-key clothing and made your way to the dorm, where you were met at the door by a pajama-clad Jae. 
“Did you even brush your hair today?” You asked, reaching out to try and brush the wild strands down. Jae shrugged. 
“Nope.” You couldn’t help but laugh as you hung your jacket by the door. “I have everything set up, though.” 
You followed him into the living room, dropping down onto the floor beside him and draping your legs across his lap before he could say anything. He shot you a look, but didn’t make any move to remove your legs — he just passed you your controller as you stuffed some chicken in your mouth, and gaming commenced. 
It had been over half an hour of pure gaming banter before Jae decided to take a chicken break, and as the two of you leaned back and chatted about how your lives had been during Day6’s tour, Jae sighed. 
“Touring is cool, MyDays are always lit,” he said, “But I missed this. I missed you.” You nudged him with your elbow. 
“Are you sure you aren’t sleep deprived? You’re getting all soft.” Jae just laughed. 
“Maybe.” Suddenly, he leaned in close, so that your noses were almost touching, “I like you even when I’m rested though.” After watching you turn shy, Jae leaned back and continued,
“Wanna go out sometime?” You smirked,
“Only if you can win the next game.”
He did, and the rest is history.
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You’ve known Sungjin for a while, having worked at JYP around the time Day6 debuted. Although you had since switched jobs, you kept in contact with a handful of the idols you had met during your time there. At the time, you’d been shocked that Sungjin wanted to keep in contact with you — you’d assumed it was out of sheer politeness, but politeness wouldn’t require him to message you nearly everyday. Even as Day6’s schedules ramped up, he still managed to find the time to at least send you a ‘good morning’ and a ‘good night.’
Somehow, despite a greater physical distance growing between you, you found yourselves getting closer and closer. 
You’d always thought Sungjin was attractive, ever since you’d first found him in a practice room. At the time, of course, you’d opted to do nothing about it for the sake of your job — and because he was an idol, so how would you even stand a chance? — but now it was becoming increasingly hard not to catch feelings for him. 
When Day6’s first international tour was announced, you were one of the first people to know outside of JYP staff. You’d congratulated Sungjin, but at the same time your heart felt heavy. Surely he’d be too busy to message you every day when he was so far away, seeing so many new things and meeting so many new people. You tried to ignore that feeling, but in the day they were meant to leave the heavy feeling came back tenfold. You hadn’t even been able to see him between the time of the tour’s announcement and their departure, you’d been too busy at work. 
Be sure to send pictures! You sent, and after a bit of hesitation followed it up with, Try not to forget about me on tour~
You expected it to take him a while to respond, but your phone pinged almost instantly. 
I could never forget about you, Y/N. I like you too much, he wrote. And then, before you could reply, Let’s talk when I get back, okay? I want to tell you that in person.
Suddenly, you couldn’t wait for their tour to start — just so it could end.
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You met Brian in college. He wasn’t around often, because of his schedule as an idol, but the two of you had been assigned a project together early in your first year and since then had tried to partner up whenever possible. Since you were in the same degree program and shared multiple classes, it was usually just a matter of convincing the professor that it was easier for you and Brian to work around his schedule than it would be for any student. (It wasn’t really all that easy, but since it was for Brian you were willing to put up with it. You’d been smitten at first sight, as corny as it sounded — but how could you resist a smile like his?)
In exchange for your hard work, Brian usually got you tickets to their shows whenever possible, and you attended each one even if it meant rearranging your schedule to be hellish. You never passed on an opportunity to hear one of your favorite voices in the world, or to support one of your closest friends. 
The two of you not only shared a degree and a passion for music, but also a love of food. The two of you were constantly sending each other links and Instagram posts, adding to an ever-growing list of restaurants to try out. Of course, you had to be discreet if you wanted to go together, but you’d managed to do it before — for as good-looking as he was, Brian was pretty good at blending into crowds. 
After graduation, you’d worried you wouldn’t really be seeing as much of Brian — and while you should have been excited to graduate, it was hard to be when you thought you might be losing touch with someone you had come to care so deeply about. Even during the ceremony your feelings were mixed; however, as all the students went inside to change out of their robes, Brian gently pulled you aside. 
“Since we’re both going to have more free time now, I figured it would be a good time to ask,” he started, smiling that adorable smile. “Y/N, will you go on a date with me?”
That very night, you checked another restaurant off your list — but this time, as a couple.
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Wonpil was full of surprises. You’d known he was destined to do great things from the moment you met him — actually, you’d felt that way about every member of Day6 when you met them during the filming of “Congratulations,” but there was just something extra special about Wonpil. You understood immediately why people referred to him as a happy pill after their debut, and you’d felt honored that he wanted to stay in touch with you despite your relative unimportance in the industry. 
As the both of you worked your way up in the entertainment business, with him in the spotlight and you behind the scenes, you actually managed to work together more often. Day6 liked you and your work, so they were able to request you from time to time. It was after a long day on set that Wonpil pulled you aside and handed you a pastel pink envelope. 
“Don’t open it until you get home, okay?” He said, and despite your confusion (and honestly your concern, because he looked pretty red in the face) you agreed. 
When you finally got home, you immediately opened the envelope and unfolded the note inside. Before you could start reading, you were distracted by a ticket falling into your lap — and not just any ticket, but one to a special exhibit opening gala at a museum you’d been raving to Wonpil about when it was first announced. You’d told him you were concerned you wouldn’t get a ticket to even see the exhibition, let alone go to the opening gala with the artist present, because the artist had had a recent spike in popularity. Already fighting back tears at his gesture, you looked down at the letter. 
Dear Y/N, I’ll be waiting, if you’ll have me. Your (potential) Date, Wonpil
Despite the late hour, you immediately texted Wonpil to find out what color tie he was planning to wear. After all, if this was going to be your first date, you had to be sure you did it right.
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You’ve been friends with Dowoon for as long as you can remember — long before he ever became a part of Day6, he was a part of your life. The two of you were stuck together like glue throughout most of your childhood, and even though you both had gotten significantly busier since then you still dedicated a large amount of time to each other. You were a regular at the dorms; since Dowoon spent most of his free time there, so did you.
Your relationship with Dowoon had never really advanced beyond friendship, though many people assumed it had. The two of you were really two peas in a pod, balancing each other pretty much perfectly. Jae and Brian took every opportunity to not only tease you about your relationship, but also hype you up about it — as far as you knew, they didn’t give Dowoon nearly as hard a time about it as they gave you. As much as you wanted them to stop, it was heartwarming to know that they thought you two were a good match, because you’d thought that for a long time. You were just… too scared to make a move.
So you let the boys tease you, with the promise that they wouldn’t breathe a word of your crush to Dowoon himself. 
The new year rolled around, and you asked Jae about his resolution as you waited for Dowoon to bring snacks back to the living room. 
“Go on a date,” Jae laughed. You snorted in reply and flopped back against the base of the couch. 
“Right? Maybe we should both get on some dating apps or something. We could proofread each other’s profiles,” you snickered, and Jae shrugged. 
“Who knows. You kids have fun.” You stuck your tongue out at him, only proving his point really, and as the door closed behind him Dowoon returned to the living room. However, whereas he’d been smiling when he left for snacks, he now had a deep crease between his brows. 
“Hey,” you said, poking at his furrowed forehead to try and smooth it out. “Turn that frown upside down—”
“Are you really unhappy?” He asked, looking a bit like a kicked puppy. Now both your brows were furrowed, but it seemed to be different emotions you were portraying. 
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“You said to Jae you were going to get on dating apps,” he clarified. “Are you that unhappy with me?” You blinked at Dowoon once, then twice, trying to make sense of his question. His expression didn’t change, his dark, earnest eyes gazing into yours. 
“Dowoon, what...? We’re not dating,” you finally managed to say, feeling your face heating up. Dowoon’s expression went from angry and sad to pure confusion.
“We’re not?” He asked. You felt like you were having a stroke or something. Was this a dream?
“I mean, you never asked me out or anything,” you said, thoroughly confused. Suddenly, Dowoon’s cheeks began turning red, and he let out an awkward laugh as he ruffled his hair. 
“Oh. I thought it was obvious I like you.” You feel as though someone has punched you in the stomach. You dropped your head into your hands. 
“Dowoon, you’re so lucky I like you,” you groaned, feeling thoroughly exhausted by the whole situation. You moved to rest against Dowoon’s side, eyes closed — the need for a nap was suddenly very real. For a while, there was no sound but your breathing and the faint sound of videos playing on Dowoon’s phone as he gently stroked your hair. However, just as you were about to fall asleep—
“So, does this mean we’re dating now?”
“If you let me nap, yes,” you grumbled, muffled by the material of his sweatshirt. 
He let you sleep.
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Not sure why you say ‘we’ anon because you don’t appear particularly empathetic to WM, CH or to D’s situation, whereas I am. If it was just about ‘self respect’ don’t you think it would be a lot easier to just come out? I nearly didn’t post because this just feels like you asked as someone who is no longer a fan. However I wanted explain a few things to you and the post got longer longer. So it’s under the cut.
Both C and W have talked about the experience of being in the closet and both say it was a choice. However they also say their experiences were driven by the intense pressure both felt to appear straight, because they wouldn’t get work and that any executive hiring would go for a straight man to protect financial investment and not upset certain demographics. A straight man always being the safer hire. CH below..
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Then there’s this article in by WM below.
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The message is clear for those with ‘heart throb’ images to maintain. If you want to succeed in the business you love and get work you HAVE to appear straight.
I think D’s problem is confounded by his heartthrob beauty, that his career is still developing, the fact his renowned successful roles in the industry are lgbtb ones and possibly his wonderful daisy moments and the fact he is tied to a notoriously closeting, conservative studio F/ox. He’s stuck in an industry that values straight, but is known predominantly for playing lgbt roles. So is a harder sell to those executives. I think that explains some of how the OTT excessive bearding escalated.
It’s further complicated by who reps D. CO/lton had SS and E/ric PO/dwall. These people rep D too. SS made their presence known after the encage announcement and they have a reputation for closeting celebs. CH rightly called EP out for his responsibility in closeting celebs. If you look at EP’s rosta for camp/pod/wall it has celebs that were closeted (K McHa/le) and ones that are suspected to still be closeted. I’m like oking at Matt M, C/hace C amongst others. If you don’t think D’s tied tightly to EP look again at how intertwined D has been with B Rhap/sody this year. From it’s initial promo at E/lsie, D’s endless renditions of DSMN, to the recent pics with J/oe Mazz/ello with the straight narrative bass guitar on show. Let’s also not forget the new heterosexual besties the ‘Leec/hes’. I don’t know enough about AL to decide if he’s closeted or not but I suspect EP may have wanted to straighten out AL’s image after his stunning turn as the manipulative GAY boyfriend of Fred/dy M in B rhaps/ody. All of this imo relates back to EP.
D’s situation is also one where his own team aren’t helping him either. Especially RR who’s role seems to be reduced to promoting M and using D for advertising income and to promote other clients that he seems to have developed any further sophisticated strategy on how to do that other than wheeling D out.
Then we have M and her family connections and contracts, which I won’t make this post longer by discussing.
This all feels like a Hobson’s choice to me anon. In that there isn’t one.
On coming out he’s NOT waiting for his ‘self respect’ to kick in. It’s not as simple as you say and tbh it makes me angry you say that.
Coming out took a long time for WM because as he said in attitudemagazine-
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D’s only route may be to out himself. It’s what G M eventually did. Btw GM and WM both spoke about how coming out was a long and difficult journey for them. So did CH as did EJ. As you can see it involved way more than discovering some ‘perceived’ self respect.
D is different in that I do believe D has wanted to come out twice and has been stopped. His closeting imo is forced. It may also involve an element of fear too and I understand that. It must be terrifying.
So anon please don’t come on my blog with your simplistic reasons for closeting by saying it’s a personal and that coming out is as simple as finding your self respect because it’s more complex than than most people think.
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yoonohnct · 7 years
I Never Thought It Would End Like This
Mark x Reader
Wordcount: 2,698
Contains: Angst, cheating
Requested by anon:
hi !! can i request a scenario where the reader & mark are both idols (both from sm) and mark is cheating on you with a girl from your group, and you start catching on, that he’s cheating, you end things with him, and leave the company, and you can pick the ending !!!!!
“I don’t think I can make our date tomorrow (y/n),” Mark said, avoiding eye contact with you.
Again? This was the third date in a row he had cancelled.
“Practice again?” You sighed.
“Yea… I just feel like I haven’t been doing my best on stage lately, I want to practice as much as possible.  I’m sorry,” he responded, still not making eye-contact.
He had been like this for weeks.  Avoiding you, seeming distant, not joking around like he usually would…  It was a miracle he had actually agreed to meet you for lunch.  You had tried asking him about it once before, but he had gotten defensive, claiming that he was just focusing on practicing a lot more lately and was stressed.  Not wanting to fight with him, you had dropped the subject.
Mark was your first love, and you were his.  Both moving to Seoul from Vancouver to train at SM, you had a close connection from the first time you met.  Being together felt like being home.  It had taken a few years for the two of you to develop romantic feelings for each other, and months to confess.  But once it happened, you couldn’t imagine not being in a relationship with Mark.  The two of you were peas in a pod; you liked the same music, movies, and food, and you laughed at all the same things.  It was well known around SM that the two of you were an item.
You had debuted as the lead vocalist of a girl group shortly after NCT’s first subunit debuted, and both finally being in idol groups had put stress on your relationship.  Busier schedules, more distance, and stricter rules had changed the dynamic.  But no matter what, the two of you had always been on the same page, and worked through your problems together.  At least until recently.
“Mark, you know if you’re going through something you can talk to me, right?  I want to help you,” you almost pleaded.
You needed him to explain what was going on. All kinds of thoughts had been running through your mind.  Was Mark overworked?  Had his managers told him to cool things with you for the sake of his career?  Was there someone else?  Thoughts like that had been driving you crazy - especially the last one.  You hated thinking Mark could be capable of something like that, but his uncharacteristic behaviour lately was driving you to think the worst.
“I’m fine (y/n), really.  I just… I just need some space I guess,” he solemnly replied.  “I need to go practice, but I’ll see you later, okay?” He said, finally looking at you, a forced smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.  He stood up, grabbing your hand and pulling you up with him to give you a hug.
“I love you Mark,” you whispered into his ear.
He pulled back, looking you directly in the eyes.
“I love you too (y/n).  Only you.”
“Oh my god, May, just tell us who he is?!”
“Who who is?” You questioned, walking in on your group members grilling your leader, May.  You had just arrived at your group’s rehearsal for the upcoming K-pop festival.
“The guy May likes!  You know she’s been giddy lately, right?  And messaging someone all the time?  But she STILL won’t tell us who he is!” Your maknae and female rapper-extraordinaire Sora whined.
“Just give it up May, we already know there’s someone,” your fourth member and main dancer, Minyoung prodded.
“Yeaaaaaaa, come on!” You whined, joining in on the interrogation, causing the others to laugh.
May looked at you for a brief moment, eyes blank.  You narrowed your eyes at her in confusion before she quickly looked away.
“I just want to see how things go for a while before I expose him to you crazy ladies,” she laughed.  “Now, let’s start practicing.”
You were the lead vocal, and having recent troubles hitting your high-notes, you needed to focus on practice.  But May’s glance from earlier kept playing through your mind.  Why did she look like it was you specifically who she didn’t want to tell about her boyfriend?  Come to think of it, she had been acting a bit strange for the past few weeks…  About the same time that Mark had started distancing himself from you…
No.  There was no way they would betray you like that, right?  They couldn’t.   Your boyfriend and your leader, the two people you had leaned on the most during your time in Korea.  To be fair, the timing was definitely worth questioning.  But the more you thought about their behaviour, the more you began to let your thoughts run wild…  You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but maybe it was worth investigating…
Practice ended, and Sora and Minyoung headed back to the dorm.
“Where are you going (y/n)?” May questioned, addressing you directly for the first time since practice had began.
“I’m pretty hungry, so I might go get something to eat.”  In reality, you were going to visit Mark.  You knew he practiced around the same time everyday,  and it just so happened that your practice had ended right around that time.  You weren’t sure why you lied about going to see Mark, but something inside of you told you to hide it from May.  It was probably just your stupid suspicions getting to you.
“Sounds good.  I feel like going shopping, so I’ll just catch up with you guys later, okay?”  May filled you in.  “I’ll bring dinner back for all of us,” she said before grabbing her bag and leaving.
You hung around the practice room for a while longer, deciding to practice your high notes a few more times before going to visit Mark.  It was really just a sad attempt to give yourself time to think about how you would approach the topic of May with Mark, but with every passing minute, you realized that no amount of time would be enough to think of what to say.  You would just have to ask him flat out, and deal with him hating you for a while when he told you that you couldn’t be more wrong.  You had had arguments before, but you always got past it.  You just needed to hear him tell you that your suspicions had no validity.
Grabbing your bag, you headed to the floor below, and to the room where you knew Mark would be practicing.  You paced outside for a few minutes, worried about what you would say when you saw him.  He was either cheating, or more likely, wasn’t and you would be THAT girlfriend that thinks the worst.  At least the latter was better than cheating.  It would be something you could work past.  Mark never stayed angry at you for long, and really, could he blame you for being suspicious with the way he had been acting?  Deciding it was best to just bite the bullet and get it over with, you swung the door open.
You never expected to see what was on the other side of the door.
Mark and May scrambled to pull themselves together as you stood there, silently watching.  Your mouth was agape from shock.  They had been making out.  Mark’s shirt was on the ground a few feet away from them.  His hands were up May’s shirt, gripping her waist.  Her hands were tangled in his hair.  Tears began to stream down your face almost immediately at the sight of two people you loved, two people you trusted, betraying you.  You had your suspicions, but you never truly believed that they were true.
Not knowing what to do, not having any comprehensive words to say,  you began running.  You weren’t sure where, but it didn’t matter as long as it was far away from that practice room.  
Breaking: (Y/N) leaves group.  Remaining members to perform as 3 at K-pop Festival.
Update: (Y/N) to leave SM Entertainment following departure from group?
Latest:  Other agencies already looking to sign (Y/N). Departure from SM still not confirmed.
You sighed as you scrolled through the headlines.
The last two weeks had been an absolute whirlwind.  That evening after catching Mark and May together, you had ended up crying in your manager’s office.  Without needing to think twice, you had told him that you wanted to leave your group.  He tried for what seemed like hours to convince you to change your mind, but you wouldn’t budge.  Having your own leader betray you was too much.  She was supposed to support you, guide you, be there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on or motivation to practice harder.  But no.   She had been fooling around with your boyfriend for weeks.  
It was a hasty decision - one you definitely struggled with at times, but ultimately, you knew it was the best option.  The alternative would be staying in the group, hating May, and the atmosphere always being tense.  You couldn’t do that to Sora and Minyoung.  You felt ashamed for abandoning them, but they understood your decision, knowing how hard it would be for you to be around May.  It was an issue between you, May and Mark, and your members shouldn’t have to suffer anymore than they already had with you leaving.  As for the fans, there were some who had voiced their hatred towards you on social media, but there were also some who left messages of support, stating that they would follow whatever you chose to do with your career.  You expected fans to be angry, but it meant a lot to you that some were still showing you their support.
And yes, with your departure from the group came talks about you leaving SM.  You couldn’t bear the thought of having to see Mark and May at work or at SM Family concerts, and you especially couldn’t imagine having to practice in the room where you had caught them.  You were lucky to be a popular idol, with many fans and the talent to support you.  It was true there were other agencies looking to recruit you already, it was just a matter of settling your contract with SM and choosing where to go next.  It would be a difficult transition, but you needed to do it for yourself.
You had spoken with May one last time at the meeting where your manager informed the members that you would be leaving.  She tried apologizing, but you told her not to bother.  She had betrayed you and that was something you would never recover from.  It was obvious she felt terrible, which you appreciated on some level.  But you couldn’t pretend nothing had happened.  You hoped that would be the last time you saw her.
There was only one loose end left to tie up before you could focus on moving on - Mark.
After a day of meetings regarding your departure from SM, you texted Mark. For the past few weeks, you had been avoiding his messages, but you knew you had to see him one last time before you could truly move on.  He agreed to meet you at NCT’s dorm while the other members were practicing so you could talk in private.
“So you’re really leaving the company?”  Mark asked as the two of you sat down.
“I can’t stick around after what happened.  We all just need to move on and the best way to do that is if I’m not there,” you reasoned, more for your own sake than Mark’s.
A moment of silence passed by before he spoke again.
“What if I don’t want you to go?”  He suddenly questioned, taking your hands in his.  You quickly retracted your hands.
“Isn’t it better for you if I go?  Then you and May can be together guilt-free,”  you hissed.
“I ended it with her.  We should have never even started anything, but it just happened and I hate myself for it,” Mark said, once again avoiding eye contact.  You knew now that he was doing it out of shame.  “(Y/n), I still love you.  It was a mistake, a huge mistake.  But I need you.  Come on, it’s been us against the world since day one,” he begged, beginning to tear up.
“If you think I would ever believe a word out of your mouth, you’re wrong.  How do you expect me to believe you still love me after you cheated?” You countered, incredulous at his attempt to win you back.  The truth was you still loved him too, and a part of you wanted to take him back.  Despite what he did, you couldn’t just suddenly stop loving him.  Your heart wanted him, but you knew in your head it would be a mistake to take back a cheater.
“I was so so stupid (y/n).  May came on to me one day and I just…  I caved.  I put lust before love.  But (y/n)…  Just…  Just please don’t leave,” Mark pleaded, his tears now streaming down his face.
“I’ll never be able to trust you again Mark.  How can I be with someone I don’t trust?”  You blinked quickly, trying to suppress the tears you could feel forming.  No matter how badly he had hurt you, you still hated to see him hurting too.
Mark stood there, silently crying.  Once again he was avoiding eye contact.  You knew that like May, he was ashamed and that he felt terrible for what had happened.  He wasn’t a bad person, he just made a stupid mistake.  But it was a mistake that you wouldn’t be able to forgive and forget.  He had made his voice, and you had made yours.
“You know Mark, I wasn’t naive enough to think that we would be together forever, but I never thought it would end like this,” you shook your head at him, ashamed on his behalf.
“But I love you, and I know you must still love me.  We can make this work if we try.  I’ll do anything,” Mark managed to get out between his sniffles.
“You don’t love me.  You know how I know?  Because you don’t betray the people you love,” you responded, your voice now flat and emotionless.  You felt numb.  Over the last few weeks, you had been dreading confronting Mark.  You had come to Mark for closure, not expecting him to try and patch things up.  But you had to stand your ground and move on.  Being with Mark would never be the same as it was before.  You would just be jealous, angry, and suspicious all the time.  The love you felt for him would never be the same as before, and you would never be able to get past what he had done.
“I think it’s just best if we all try and move on.  Goodbye Mark.”
“(Y/n), please don’t go!  We can-”  His words were cut off as you shut the door to the dorm, pausing on the other side to lean against it for a moment and clear your head, leaving Mark alone on the other side.  You knew he wouldn’t follow you.  It was clear that you didn’t want him to be apart of your life anymore, and he wouldn’t force his way to your forgiveness.
You began walking, leaving the building and making your way to the hotel room where you had been staying since you had moved out of your own dorm.  Putting on a playlist of breakup songs, you made your way to the bathroom to take off your makeup and get ready for bed.
You lay your head on your pillow, reflecting on your conversation with Mark.  Thinking about it again and again just made you wish the day was over.  You just wanted to sleep and forget the last few weeks, even if it was only for a few hours.  It was still hard to wrap your head around what Mark and May had done to you, but they did, and that was that.  You closed your eyes and began to drift to sleep.  Maybe when you woke up tomorrow, things would be better.
Thank you for requesting~  A story for my little bro Markers.  I honestly can’t imagine him being the type of guy who would cheat, but I wrote it anyways haha.  I usually don’t write angst so this could be completely terrible LOL.  I hope it’s okay though, and if not, I apologize.  Thank you to anyone who reads it, and please let me know what you think :)  Also requests are open so feel free to leave something in my ask~~  Love you guyssssss
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intriga-hounds · 7 years
Hello! I wanted to pop in and ask you some technical questions. How did you go about finding your breeder for Sivi? And, if you don't mind me asking, how much was he? What was the paper work like to get him? Thanks so much! Hope you're having a great day! Give Sivi some scratches for me!
Hi!!!!!! I’m going to have to start off by saying that I don’t think my breeder was the typical silken breeder LOL………within a few minutes of talking to me, she decided I could have a puppy and even that I could choose him myself. Which is not really typical. A lot of breeders have a questionnaire for you to fill out, or have to know you, and most of them will choose your puppy FOR you, which tbh is what I expected and what I wanted. Some of it had to do with my breeder’s personality–she’s just extremely laid-back–but a lot, I think, had to do with her current circumstances. After Sivi’s mom got pregnant, my breeder had to deal with a wave of tragedy. She lost her brother, for one thing, shortly after the puppies were born. She was also taking care of her father. She already had suffered the recent loss of her mother and was taking care of her husband, who had a brain aneurysm some time ago. Then while still looking for homes for puppies, she dislocated her shoulder. She also discovered one puppy had a problem with one of his eyes. So tbh I don’t think her situation was at all typical. Also, I found her quite by chance. She posted on the Silken Windhound Puppies page on FB that she was about to have a litter of ten. Pretty much no one knew about it bc her presence in the silken world is pretty quiet. This was her first, and probably only, litter. 
But the mama (Morgandell Sunrise Surprise) was a puppy from two dogs I really liked and had stared at longingly on the internet haha…….it did feel a little meant to be, considering her location, timing, and my current living situation. I messaged Leslie about the litter, I visited 4-5 times while the puppies were growing up, and I chose Sivi because he was one of only two pups that really seemed to want to engage with me on a consistent basis. The other pup who always wanted my attention was a little Too Much and Leslie assured me that he was going to be a handful, so I went with Sivi, who was more toned down, while still maintaining that confidence and sociability I liked. They were, of course, all really sweet dogs and it was hard to make a decision, especially since I had over half the litter to choose from! 
Anyway, I think what you can typically expect is to message/email a few different breeders, fill out questionnaires, talk a lot with the breeders you like best, and wait a at least a few months for the right puppy. Sivi was $1500 and that is pretty typical. Some go for less, some go for more, some even go for free, but I usually see it around $1500. Sivi does have a brother who would go for much less, though, since he’s partially blind in one eye. Anywayyyyy that’s enough rambling. Best thing to do would be to join all the silken pages on FB and scope out breeders and owners in your area. If you post asking to meet silkens, people are usually very excited to meet you and let you see their dogs. Another good person to ask on Tumblr would be @silkenagentsofcsbeck, who is a silken breeder in PA. He is who @bandizoi got Obie from!!! You can also talk to @crawshayi about her experience; she has one of Sivi’s sisters, but had her shipped up to Washington state! If you wanna chat off anon and lmk where you’re located, I can also let you know if I’m aware of any breeders near you. 
Overall, I’m very green when it comes to silkens, and even owning dogs in general, so go out there and start talking to lots of people!!!
EDIT: I’m gonna add @the-pasta-pack who has a puppy from Clayborn and @inautumndays who has two from Satsuma and @ofcarnivora I just realized I don’t know where Pod is from, but those are some other people off the top of my head who own silkens! Lots more around here too. :)
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