#also tom yum/tom kha soup
23rdhunter · 8 months
Someone drank the last of the too-much-carrot ramen broth i made, 😔. wdym i don't get to eat ramen for lunch 8 days in a row because i'm the only one who will consume this entire gallon of homemade broth?
Time to make more I guess. maybe a mushroom broth?
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Tom Yum/Hot n Sour VS Sinigang
Tom Yum, also know as Hot & Sour soup, is a type of spicy Thai soup, usually cooked with shrimp or prawn. (disclaimer, not the same as previous contestant Tom Kha)
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Sinigang is a Filipino soup or stew, with meat, vegetables, tamarind, and fish sauce.
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zyrafowe-sny · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
@avephelis tagged me in this about a week ago when I was still a little loopy on cough medicine and @imperfection-you-will-find tagged me in this today, so I'll give it a go. :)
-Clockwork Boys by T. Kingfisher (I love her worldbuilding here and in the related The Saint of Steel series, I love her characters, I'm not always in the mood for the romance B-plot)
-Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (rereading the original French a chapter at a time and then listening to the French language audiobook of that chapter - this is partly because of the Collector in TOH, partly because my French is super rusty, and partly because I'm generally way overdue for a reread)
-various fanfic on AO3
It's not easy to guess based on my stuff or clothes, but it's yellow. I love the pure joy of it and it makes my heart sing, but I only want it in small quantities. I own a lot more purple and teal, and enjoy navy, brown, and warm charcoal as neutrals.
Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan to understand a reference my partner made using a recent MoringMark comic meme template
Wakanda Forever. We never did manage to see it when it was in theaters/at the drive-through, but it just got on Disney+.
If I have to choose, then spicy. It's delicious and medicinal when I'm sick (especially when it's spicy soup). I love vegetarian Tom Yum, vegetarian Tom Kha, and vegetarian spicy miso ramen.
I also really love the mix of sweet and spicy in pineapple and jalapeño pizza and Mexican hot chocolate.
-Finally shaking off this bug
-Beta-reading A Potter's Field for theprincessofdenial (read her stuff!)
-An angsty Grimwalker Bilentine's Day fic (I've had the baby plot bunny since November or so but only started writing writing yesterday - might wind up wrapping up after Valentine's Day but that might be fine since this won't exactly be fluffy)
-A Collector one shot (started this almost immediately after watching FTF but then we got sick and this stalled out)
-A few one shots in my la familia Noceda series (most actively a couple Camila-focused one shots and a missing scene from Blood Brother)
-Plotting, writing, and revising in my Palistrom & Promises series (have to rethink Skara's characterization a little post-FTF, so I might bounce to another planned fic in this series first)
-Early stages plotting for a MannyLives!AU and other fic ideas
It's nice to have multiple WIPs/plot bunnies (I only got back into creative writing last October after a many-year hiatus - thanks, TOH!), but between executive dysfunction/bouncing between lots of things/writer's block/life, I'm a very slow writer.
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papaya-inspiration · 2 years
7, 11, and 28 for the ask game :)
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
Probably the otters and the jellyfish! The otters are fun because they are so active and I love to see them diving through the water, and the jellyfish are so beautiful and tranquil (especially when they are lit up with a black light!) Also shout out to m'bois the penguins. <3
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
A good number of things, actually! The main thing that comes to mind are a couple stuffed animals I've had forever, most notably a rainbow fish named Lips and a plush of Bix from Dinotopia. (We love Dinotopia in this house!) Also a handful of books I've held on to since I was a kid, including my almost-falling-apart copy of The Phantom Tollbooth! OH and I have a lovely set of Pentel art markers that I've had since elementary school and miraculously still work? I still do art with them on occasion.
28. last meal on earth?
Oh no, this one is really hard. I'm really omnivorous, I like nearly all foods across many cuisines... I might just go with the flow for what I'm feeling that day? But I think a very strong contender would be a huge meal of some of my favorite Thai dishes: pad thai, mee krob, tom kha gai soup, some yellow curry, throw in some spring rolls and fried tofu for extra yums, and finish it off with a warm plate of mango and sticky rice for dessert... mmm I'm hungry now.
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lgcjaehwa · 17 days
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jas can cook! ep 06: thai tom yum kha word count: 429
creating this series felt like traveling around asia all over again. from the day jaehwa started planning which countries to feature to the weekends spent practicing the recipes, she enjoyed learning about various cultures and how each country prepared its dishes. if given the chance to extend her series, she would love to explore other continents and immerse herself in their cultures, learning about their food even if it's through the screen.
"sawadeekap~" jaehwa greeted the audience in thai, her palms clasped together as she bowed to the camera. "welcome to another episode of 'jas can cook!' in today's episode, we'll be making a popular thai cuisine, tom yum soup! being sour and spicy, it's one of my favorite soups. so without further ado, let's get started! i'm getting excited for this already." the scene then cut to the ingredients on the counter before panning back to her.
"there are two types of tom yum soup. tom yum goong nam khon is the creamy version, and tom yum goong nam sai is the clear version. today, we'll be making the creamy version! we'll first start with the broth." jaehwa smashed the garlic and lemongrass, throwing them into a boiling pot along with the prawn shells and crushed kaffir leaves. "let it boil for ten minutes then we'll strain the broth and discard the prawn shells."
after ten minutes, the broth was strained, and more ingredients were added. "for the last step, you can add sugar and fish sauce if you want the clear version. but if you're going for the creamy version like me, add sugar and coconut milk. you can also opt for evaporated milk, but i feel coconut milk will make the soup more fragrant." once done, jaehwa poured it into a bowl with a plate of rice on the side.
"another fun fact: if you use evaporated milk, the dish is called tom yum goong nam khon. but if you use coconut milk like me, it's called tom yum kha! anyway, i shall dig in!" taking a spoonful of soup, she poured it over her rice before taking another dip into the bowl, blowing on the liquid and taking a sip. "mmmm~ could be creamier. i'll make sure to add more milk in the future. but the soup has the right amount of spicy and sour. an eight out of ten from me!" she took a bite of the soup-soaked rice and closed her eyes. delicious. "i hope you enjoyed this episode as much as i enjoyed cooking it. see you in the next episode, bye!"
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halftheguilt · 8 months
Coconut Curry Soup (Tom Kha soup) Recipe - Half The Guilt
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Coconut Curry Soup (Tom Kha soup) is a beloved Thai classic that has captured the hearts and palates of food enthusiasts around the world. Its distinctive combination of creamy coconut milk, fragrant herbs, and a harmonious blend of flavors makes it a standout in the realm of comfort foods. In this recipe, we'll take you on a culinary journey to Thailand, where the balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy elements creates a taste sensation that's truly unforgettable. Indulge in the rich and aromatic flavors of Thailand with our Coconut Curry Soup, also known as Tom Kha soup. This Thai-inspired dish combines the creaminess of coconut milk with the perfect balance of spicy, sour, and savory flavors. It's a delightful addition to your diet plan, offering both taste and nutrition.
Cultural Background and Significance
Tom Kha soup is a popular Thai dish known for its distinctive blend of flavors, influenced by the vibrant culture of Thailand. It's often enjoyed as a comforting and nourishing meal, showcasing the balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy elements in Thai cuisine.
Health Benefits of Coconut Curry Soup (Tom Kha soup)
- Rich in coconut milk, which provides healthy fats and creaminess. - Packed with tofu and mushrooms for plant-based protein. - Lemongrass and galangal have potential anti-inflammatory properties. - Aromatic herbs like kaffir lime leaves and Thai chilies add antioxidants and flavor.
Tips for a Perfect Cook
- Choose Quality Ingredients Use fresh lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and Thai chilies for authentic flavors. - Adjust Spice Level Control the spiciness by adding more or fewer Thai chilies. - Tofu Texture For firmer tofu, press and pan-fry before adding to the soup. - Balance Flavors Adjust soy sauce, lime juice, and sugar to achieve your preferred balance of sweet, sour, and salty.
Variations and Modifications
- Protein Variations Substitute tofu with chicken, shrimp, or other protein sources. - Vegan/Vegetarian Use vegetable broth and tofu for a plant-based version. - Add Vegetables Enhance the nutritional value with veggies like bell peppers, carrots, or broccoli.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Boiling Coconut Milk Avoid boiling the soup vigorously, as it can cause the coconut milk to curdle. - Overcooking Tofu Add tofu towards the end to prevent it from becoming too soft. - Skipping Key Ingredients Lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal are essential for the authentic flavor.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Tom Kha and Tom Yum soup?Tom Kha has a creamy coconut base, while Tom Yum is clear and spicy with a sour flavor.Can I make this soup ahead of time?Yes, it reheats well, but add fresh herbs just before serving.How can I make it spicier?Increase the number of Thai chilies or add chili paste.Is there a substitute for kaffir lime leaves?You can use regular lime zest, but it won't be quite the same.Is Tom Kha soup gluten-free?Yes, as long as you use gluten-free soy sauce.Is there a difference between galangal and ginger, and can I substitute one for the other?Yes, there is a difference. Galangal has a unique, peppery flavor, but you can substitute it with ginger if needed.What can I do if I can't find kaffir lime leaves in my area?You can use fresh lime zest as a substitute, although it won't replicate the exact flavor, it will add a citrusy note.Is there a low-fat version of this soup available?While the coconut milk adds richness, you can opt for light coconut milk for a lower-fat version without compromising too much on flavor.Can I freeze Coconut Curry Soup for later use?Freezing is possible, but the texture may change slightly. It's best enjoyed fresh, but you can freeze leftovers in an airtight container.What side dishes complement Coconut Curry Soup (Tom Kha soup)?Thai jasmine rice or steamed jasmine rice noodles are popular choices to serve alongside this soup. Thai spring rolls or a fresh cucumber salad make excellent accompaniments as well.
Coconut Curry Soup (Tom Kha soup) is a delightful Thai-inspired dish that perfectly balances flavors and textures. Whether you're following a diet plan or simply seeking a comforting meal, this soup will satisfy your cravings. Try it today and experience the magic of Thai cuisine! In closing, Coconut Curry Soup (Tom Kha soup) is not just a meal; it's an experience that transports your taste buds to the vibrant streets of Thailand. With its incredible depth of flavor and versatility, it's no wonder it has become a global favorite. We encourage you to embark on this culinary adventure, savor every spoonful, and share your delicious creations with your friends and family. Join us in celebrating the joy of good food, and remember, you can always find more delightful recipes like this one on our blog. Try this recipe today and share your culinary journey with us on social media using the hashtag #HalfTheGuiltRecipes. Follow @HalfTheGuilt101 for even more delectable dishes that allow you to indulge without all the guilt! Read the full article
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caesar-valles · 1 year
10 Essential Spices For Creating Delicious Thai Meal
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Are you looking for "Asian food near me" for your next meal? Do you want to bring an authentic Thai flavour to your foods? 
Thai cuisine is known for its balance of salty, sweet, sour and spicy flavours. The Thai kitchen is full of fragrant spices and flavours, making it one of the most popular cuisines in the world. 
There are health benefits to eating Thai food too, it's low in fat, high in fibre, and full of vitamins and minerals. To make a delicious meal at home, you'll need to have the right spices on hand. Here are 10 essential spices for creating a delicious meal:
Dried red chilli flakes 
The most commonly used spice in Thai cooking is dried red chilli flakes. These spicy flakes are usually added to stir-fries, soups and curries to give them extra heat and flavour.
Black pepper
A must-have for any dish, black pepper adds a spicy kick to your meal. Tom Yum Soup is one of the Thai dishes that use black pepper and kaffir lime leaves.
Oyster sauce
Oyster sauce is a sweet and salty condiment that’s used in many Thai dishes. It adds umami flavour to stir-fries and curries and can be used as a marinade for meats or seafood.
Seasoning sauce 
Seasoning sauce is a salty, sweet and slightly spicy condiment that’s used to give dishes an extra kick of flavour. It’s made with soy sauce, sugar and chilli flakes, and can be added to stir-fries or soups. Thai people also often use it as a dipping sauce for meats and seafood.
Mala sauce 
Mala sauce is a spicy and sour condiment that’s made with chilli peppers, garlic and vinegar. It’s often used in stir-fries and curries to add a unique flavour. Thai red curry dishes often include mala sauce for an extra kick of heat.
Fish sauce
Fish sauce is one of the key ingredients in Thai cooking. It’s made from fermented fish and provides a salty, umami flavour to dishes. It’s usually added to soups and stir-fries, or used as a dipping sauce for meats or seafood.
Curry powder and paste 
Thai Green Curry and Thai Yellow Curry are two popular dishes that are created with curry powder and paste. Curry powder and paste are essential for creating classic Thai curries. Curry pastes usually include a blend of herbs, spices, chillies and other aromatics like galangal and lemongrass. Curry powders are also a great way to add flavour to dishes like stir-fries or fried rice.
Anchovy sauce 
Anchovy sauce is often used as a condiment for soups, salads or stir-fries. It’s made from salted anchovies and has a salty and slightly sweet flavour.
Black soy sauce 
Black soy sauce is a thick, dark sauce made from fermented soybeans. It has a deep umami flavour and is often used to enrich the flavour of stir-fries, curries and soups. 
Coconut milk 
Coconut milk is the creamy liquid extracted from fresh coconuts and is essential for creating many classic Thai dishes like curries and desserts. It adds sweetness and richness to all kinds of dishes and can also be used as a dairy-free alternative in vegan recipes. Tom Kha Gai and Panang Curry are popular dishes that are made with coconut milk.
With these ten essential spices for creating delicious Thai meals at your fingertips, you'll be able to recreate popular local dishes in your own kitchen!If you want to know more about Thai foods, you can search for "Asian food near me" on the internet. There are many Asian groceries and restaurants that offer authentic Thai ingredients and recipes.
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okipullupcapy · 2 years
Phuket Thailand itinerary
Have you ever wanted to visit a tropical place and just sit and relax under the hot sun? Maybe to get a gorgeous tan? Then Phuket is the perfect place to go to! Thailand itself, the land of smiles, is a place of hot temperature, astonishing culture and temples, and beautiful beaches. Out of all the provinces, Phuket is a must-go place, because it is one of the most tropical places in Thailand. The southern province has many beaches, markets, and many more, so here is a list of the many things you can do in Phuket Thailand! One of the attractions in Phuket is the Big Buddha. The Big Buddha is a massive and towering statue of the Buddha, as Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand. The Big Buddha sits high above the rest of Phuket. Underneath the Big Buddha, there are many other smaller statues, and you can learn more about the culture.
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If you are looking for a place to relax, then you should visit some of Phuket's beaches. Phuket is quite tropical, and the beaches are a good place to swim at. Beaches like Freedom beach, Naiharn beach, or Kata beach are fine choices. At the beaches, it's easy to get tanned, ride a small boat or ski boat, surfing or just swimming at these breath-taking beaches.
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If you love animals, then you should certainly play with the adorable elephants at the Elephant Sanctuary! There, you can play, shower and feed the cute and charming elephants. It's not common to have the opportunity to play with these tropical animals. The elephant is the national animal of Thailand after all.
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A place that many love to go to, including Thais, is Phuket Town. Phuket town is a popular place in Phuket, where it is lined with cafes and restaurants. Phuket town is a marvelous place to go to, especially if you like taking walks and trying new foods. Phuket Town is also one of the many historic places in Phuket. In Phuket Town, other than cafes and restaurants, there are many street food restaurants where you can try appetizing, traditional Thai food. There are many known delicious Thai food, such as: Tom Yum Goong (spicy shrimp soup), Pad Thai (Thai-style fried noodles), Khao Pad (Thai fried rice), Tom Kha Kai (Thai chicken coconut soup), and much more.
In Phuket Town, there are also many attractions and unusual things there. In the middle of Phuket Town, there is a tall big clock, which quite looks familiar to the Big Ben. All around Phuket Town, it also is common to see artistic and abstract graffiti painted on walls. There are big, thorough murals, and there are smaller ones. Phuket Town is quite odd, but it is a must-go place!
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Speaking of Thai food, you can take cooking classes! There are places in Phuket where you can learn to cook. Cooking classes are available, so you can learn how to cook Thai food. Instructors will help you learn to cook, cooking with Thai food is like tasting some Thai culture. Thai food will make you have a lot of appetite!
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Long Bangkok write-up after spending a January 2022 there PART 1
This first post is focused on Thai cuisine tasting menus:
Wow. I ate at Nahm many years ago when David T. was there, and that meal stands out as the best Thai meal I had ever had at that point. I have since eaten at Aksorn, David T's new place, twice, and found the meal to be spectacular from start to finish each time. Really fabulous, Thai food at its best.
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Samlor was spectacular. This was perhaps the best meal of my trip. Sadly, at the moment they don't have a tasting menu available on a regular basis. But once a month they do a special tasting menu pop-up, so booking on one of those nights is key. As Chef Joe said at the end of the meal, this isn't a meal of Thai food, but its a meal where each course aims to highlight Thai flavors and ingredients. And the meal did so with such poise and elegance. There was a delicious fish watermelon starter topped with cavier, a clever play on a traditional Thai summer snack. Then a delicious and spicy shrimp tartar, a beautiful oyster which stands out because I find often dressed up oyster dishes mean you dont really taste the oyster, and here you could despite so much going on in the bite. Then there were many other incredible bites, too many to detail, but the highlights for me were a slice of beef in a penang mole that was stunning, a dessert that perhaps needs to be ranked as my favorite of all time, with fried shallots on top of frozen passionfruit, jasmine cream, and kaffir lime. It was so incredible- a combination that shouldn't work, but did, and honestly could easily be included on a Noma menu, and then finally a foie gras ice cream coated in chocolate with caramelized sweet fish sauce. It tasted like the best magnum ice cream you have never had. What I saw in this meal was a chef that is truly brilliant- he understands flavors in a highly sophisticated way, and has excellent technique, and will be blowing up very soon in my view.
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Samrub for Thai
This place is the bomb. Chef Prin is serving the rock-n-roll of Thai food in my view- edgy, funky, punchy, and so much fun to eat. We went twice, and the first time the monthly theme was a Khmer/Isaan inspired menu. There were some stunning bites including baby fried crabs that a month later I keep dreaming about snacking on, a fish soup so unbearably fragrant, and a coconut fish relish that I wanted to bottle it up and keep it as a daily snack to smear on toast. On our second trip, much of the meal centered on clams, a range of different ones all of excellent quality, and the meal was an equal joy. Chef Prin is a very exciting chef! Don't miss their rum steeped in local olives.
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Getting a booking here is tough, getting to Chef Dylan’s house is far, and it’s largely BYOB. But once you arrive you can tell it will be worth it. Chef Dylan has a great 60s vibe going through the house that meshes with the menu, which is made up of vintage 60s and 70s Thai recipes. Our meal was fabulous, with each dish packing a punch. Some favorites were a burnt pineapple, prawn and chili jam salad, a shrimp relish with crab and gooseberries, and a stir-fry cabbage with duck egg and orange chilies. The opening bite of rose apple with prickly ash relish was also superb. If you are in BKK, you should be pulling every string you can to get a seat here.
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Sra Bua by KIIN KIIN
A very uneven meal. The starters were amazing, a parade of very elevated Thai street snacks, served with lots of showmanship (which I thought was a tad much but they made it work). And many of these bites really were better than the original. Some less so though- their tom yum was definitely not the best we had in Thailand, and the shrimp dim sum bites weren’t great. Then we got to the plated dishes, and there was a scallop dish that was plain weird, and a fish tom kha that was ok (though I thought odd they served a tom yum and a tom kha in the same meal, a bit too much soupiness for my liking), and a very unsuccessful beef carpaccio. But one highlight among the plated dishes was a fabulous crab curry. For dessert there were two nice ice creams, the coconut one was good but nothing compared to JING JING Ice-cream Bar and Café in my view, and they were served next to crepes that were not made fresh to order, with an odd mix of toppings that were flambeed table-side. This really was weird, in the country of some of my favorite desserts in the world, to get a not very good sort of crepe suzette… Not sure if I would recommend this meal to others.
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Wana Yook
This was an uneven meal. There were some exceptional bites. There was a burnt coconut dessert that is the best dessert we have had this entire trip. The final main course with different salads, curries and rices with two different cured egg yolks and crispy fried egg whites was also fabulous. And his reconceptualization of Tom Kha Gai was amazing. Overall highlights were the way he treated the proteins, in every dish they were prepared to perfection, and his featuring of so many different types of rice. However, some dishes fell quite flat. And the overall setup of the restaurant, the lighting, interior design and choice of music were a bit off-putting.
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This was a bit of a strange meal for me. First, I didn't like our table setup, we felt a bit like we were seated in a sort of hallway. But the first bites came out and they were fantastic, including a beautiful and fragrant crab curry. But the mains were a let down- a beef cheek that was not very tender, and a wagyu beef course where there were so many herbs used in the dish that you lost the delicate beef flavor completely. Overall a mixed experience.
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Le Du
Similar to Nusara, at Le Du we had some stunning bites including a beautiful soft-shell crab curry, a fermented rice noodle and savory ice cream bite, an amazing Thai risotto, and a beautifully complex cucumber and fish ceviche. But other bits were less exciting and it didn't feel like a meal that had a thoughtful progression to it, as opposed to a string of individual dishes.
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What a let down. I don't know if the issue is that we went here for a pop-up after they have been closed for months, and don't have the full kitchen staff working, but the meal was more expensive than almost any other we had in Bangkok and the food really just wasn't exceptional. Besides an opening bite (special rice with a special coconut jaggery powder on top) and a pre-dessert bite (a rice and coconut bite), nothing else was exceptional, nor was it even particularly good. And while that might just be a taste issue, which I can acknowledge, what bothered me the most was the quality of what was being served, given the price. For example there was a beef curry, and in it, all we got were hunks of fat, or hunks of chewy beef that were attached to hunks of fat. There was a prawn salad, with prawns that were not very nice, etc. Again, while I accept that maybe my taste is different to the chef's, I dont accept bad quality beef and seafood when the price tag on a meal is that exceedingly high.
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thehungrykat1 · 2 years
New Gastronomic Thrills at The Shops at the Boulevard in City of Dreams Manila
More dining experiences beckon at City of Dreams Manila as new restaurants open at The Shops at the Boulevard. With the addition of Italian, Thai and Korean outlets and a popular local café, the integrated resort further steps up its evolving dining landscape with diverse gastronomic offers. Adjacent to Jing Ting and Hidemasa, the newly opened Rossi Pizza is a casual trattoria that boasts of Roman-style pizza, bringing in the expertise of Italian pizza masters to Manila. The popular Roman-style pizza known for its scrocchiarella (light, crispy texture) characterizes Rossi’s dough, which consists of a mix of five different flours made with entirely Italian grains, water, olive oil, and salt, is matured in 18 hours of low temperature, following a recipe that is a result of intensive study of pizza in Italy. The highest quality imported ingredients, with sustainable and plant-based options complement the famed scrocchiarella crust. Rossi uses a purpose-built Moretti Forni Oven to consistently deliver authentic Roman-style pizza experience that diners will enjoy in a typical trattoria.
Among the chef’s recommendations are: Capricciosa pizza (with, prosciutto cotto, champignon, artichokes, and olives); the classic Margherita with basil; Quattro Formaggi (with parmesan, gorgonzola and taleggio cheeses). Vegetarians will delight in the Funghi (creamed mushrooms, roasted mushrooms, vegan TVP and arugula); and Vegana (eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, and onion). Rossi’s pasta favorites are also available: Rossi’s Carbonara (spaghetti, egg yolk, pecorino cheese, and guanciale cured pork); Fettucine con Polpette alle Abruzzese (medium ribbon pasta, beef and pork mortadella meatballs, and tomato sauce); and Spaghettone “Mancini” alle Vongole (spaghetti with clams from Bicol in olive oil, garlic, and white wine sauce). Salads, snacks, desserts, and an extensive selection of gelato complete the menu. Rossi seats up to 72 guests and is open daily from 12 noon to 9 p.m.
Explore Thai cuisine served in a contemporary stylish ambiance at Mango Tree. The 148-seater restaurant with private dining rooms that seat 10 to 70 diners is well-loved for its authenticity in offering cuisine from the four regions of Thailand, as offered in the heart of Bangkok where the restaurant chain was founded in 1994. Among the chef’s recommendations are: Pla Neung Ma-naow or Steamed Sea Bass with Lime Sauce (sea bass, chili, lime, lemongrass, basil, tom yum, served with seafood sauce) Phad Phong Ka Ree or Stir-fried Crab in Curry Sauce (signature crab meat with egg and yellow curry sauce); Massaman Kha Gae or Mussaman Australian Lamb Shank (slow cooked lamb shank with mussaman curry, potatoes, peanuts, onion); and Phad Thai Goong (stir-fried rice noodles with shrimp, roasted peanuts, tofu, chili flakes, bean sprouts, lime, and egg net). The eighth Mango Tree outlet in the country is open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Sundays to Thursdays, and until 12 midnight every Fridays to Saturdays.
Diners on the lookout for the newest authentic Korean barbecue experience at the resort can head out to J. Park Garden and savor popular samgyeopsal with traditional grill-in-table in a modern setting. Premium sampgyeopsal, Korean beef, Wagyu, US beef ribs, and other excellent meat choices are available, along with an extensive selection of ala carte fare including all-time favorite Korean stews and soups such as Bulgogi Jeongol(beef hotpot) and Kimchi Jjigae (kimchi stew); noodle dishes such as Mul Naengmyeon (cold wheat noodles), and Japchae (stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables); and other well-loved snack items like teokbokki (spicy stir-fried rice cake), gimbap (seaweed rice roll), and mandu (dumpling). J.Park Garden can seat 76 guests and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 3 a.m.
Café Mary Grace is the home of the ensaymadas and cheese rolls that Filipinos love. Apart from the extensive selection of bestselling fresh-from-the-oven pastries and cakes, Café Mary Grace also offers hearty meals including all-day breakfast items, soups, salads, pastas, and sandwiches complemented by signature drinks including their famous hot chocolate. Café Mary Grace is open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Sundays to Thursdays: 11:00 - 23:00 and from 10 a.m. to 12 midnight every Fridays to Saturdays.
Other outlets at The Shops at the Boulevard are Red Ginger, Hidemasa, Café Society, Jing Ting, Modern Table 082, and Starbucks Café, which complement the luxury integrated resort’s signature restaurants Nobu Manila, Crystal Dragon and Haliya. Besides the vibrant dining landscape at the upper ground level of City of Dreams Manila, the retail strip is also home to some of the world’s most sought-after brands and stores that provide indulgent shopping-therapy for the most discerning of cosmopolitan shoppers. These shops are Mont Blanc, Hugo Boss, Bally, Coach, Furla, Eye Society, Ray-Ban, Estee Lauder, Lacoste, Resveralife, Kultura, G Shock, Seiko, Pandora, Owndays, Apple premium store Beyond the Box, and Tempus, which offers Swiss-made watches including Rado, Tissot, Frederique Constant and Alpina.
For inquiries and reservations, call 8800-8080 or e-mail [email protected]. For more information, visit www.cityofdreamsmanila.com. Explore more of City of Dreams Manila’s promotional offers, rewards, or instantly check Melco Club points with the new Melco Club App, available for free download on iOS and Android.
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pinkmangafish · 3 years
Noodles ... and a few surprises
Rating: General
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Kougami and Tsunemori (Shinkane)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kougami, and pretty much everyone else alive at the end of PP3: First Inspector. 
Summary: Part 1 - Kougami collects Akane from the isolation centre and quickly realizes something is wrong. Part 2 - Kougami arranges a surprise party for Akane, but is that what it really is?
Author’s Notes:  I had hoped to finish this in time for shinkaneweek, but it kept growing. Please point out any glaring canonical mistakes, and if possible, I'll fix them. This is my second piece of fanfic, so I am very new to all of this. I find that I am torn between the relationship between Kougami and Tsunemori, and how the plot moves forward to, hopefully, an end to the Sibyl System.
Akane Tsunemori stepped outside for the first time in what seemed a very long time. Well, it had been … No, she was not going to think about that now. Today, though technically an enforcer with limitations on her movements, she was free. Free of that windowless room.  Free of the probing questions from the perfunctorily concerned doctors. Free of the constant surveillance. Free of the need to be on her guard even when she was asleep. Free to go outside and feel the sun and wind and rain on her body. She lifted her face to feel the sun, but it was already late afternoon and the sun had lost most of its warmth. Never mind. There was always tomorrow.
She dropped her gaze and saw the man waiting for her. She caught her breath. This was better than the sun on her face. Shinya Kougami was leaning against a car as nonchalant as ever.
“I’m here to get you.” he shrugged. “Sorry.”
She had half expected Shimotsuki to collect her or to at least send a drone for her, but somehow, she was not at all surprised to see him. She walked down a few steps and then stopped and looked up around.
“I’m hungry,” she announced.
He laughed. “Is that all you can say?”
She walked slowly over to the car and smiled up at him. There were some new lines there that she had not seen in all his visits to her. Most of the time, they had leant on either side of the door as they talked, but even so, she was surprised. She almost reached out and touched his face.
“Yes. Treat me to something,” she replied.
“Yes, ma’am,” He paused as if considering something. Then, abruptly, “I’ll drive.”
Akane nodded and got in the car. If she had expected him to start a conversation she would have been disappointed, but then, she knew him and was not. She did not feel the need to chat, either. Content to be with him she wondered if she was going to have the courage to say what needed to be said. But that was not a conversation to be held in the car. It could wait a little longer. For now, she stared at the city flowing past her window. As they got to areas that she knew, she saw signs of her time away in the shops and cafes that had taken the place of others: a florist where there had been a gift shop or a mall with a new name and look. This is what Yayoi, Kagari and the other enforcers must have felt like she thought. Some of them, she knew, had spent many more years than she had in the isolation center before being granted a reprieve of sorts. A life of boredom and isolation swapped for one of danger and death, but also friendship and the chance to feel like they belonged. Her thoughts abruptly changed direction. She wondered what Homura’s plans for her were. She was under no illusion that he was responsible for her freedom despite the Sibyl System’s claim to have made the decision itself. Assigning her to Shimotsuki as an aide had been a bold move. Staring into traffic, her head against the window, she questioned whether her and Homura’s aims were still in alignment or was he now playing a different game? And if so, was she now a pawn? Then there was Arata, and Kei and the new team of enforcers. So many new variables were in play. She needed to catch up quickly. And … she had to talk Kougami. She sighed heavily.
Kougami glanced at her. He was not comfortable with this pensive version of Akane but he knew her better than to try and distract her. He waited until the car had parked and his door was open. “Akane, we’re here. Let’s get some noodles.”
 She looked at him and then at their surroundings. She recognized the small mall as the one near her old apartment. How had they got here so quickly? She was out of sync. She was unreal and everything else was too real. Had she really been that lost in thought? She would need to be more careful, more alert. Her stomach growled. Noodles? Yes, of course he’d take her to eat noodles.
“I hope Thai is okay? The old ramen place closed down six months ago,” Kougami led the way across the street not waiting for her. She nodded. Then wondered how he know about the ramen shop. She could not remember having eaten there with him. He glanced down at her, “We’re practically neighbors now. I live in that block over there,” he pointed to a small apartment building behind them. So near, she thought.
The small Thai noodle shop was a reminder that the city, no, the country, was changing and changing rapidly. Immigrants were starting to open their own businesses and that, she knew, was a good thing. The restaurant was barely that, just a few plastic tables and chairs. Kougami led her over to a corner table by the window. She wondered whether he even realized he had assessed which table gave them the best vantage point. Probably not.
A waitress appeared with a menu and set down a bottle of fish sauce and a small dish of chili in vinegar. “Sawatdee, kha, Kougami-san,” she said giving Akane a quick, interested look.
Akane realized that he had been telling a story. “I’m sorry, Kougami, I spaced out. Who were you trying to hold onto?”
He looked at her steadily. She had seemed fine when she walked out of the isolation center. Now, though, he could see the signs of exhaustion in her face. “Oh, just some junked up trafficker. He’d been bringing in kids from … doesn’t matter. Except that to bring him down both Gino and I had to hold onto him while Kei shot him with a paralyzer.”
“No!” She looked at him in amusement, her attention finally on him. “You got shot with a paralyzer again?”
“Well, technically, Gino and I are secondaries. We were holding onto the perp, so … Kei wasn’t actually trying to shoot us,” Kougami smiled at her but his eyes were watchful.
“Hmmm, are you sure about that?” she asked. “You had a bit of a run in with him just a couple of weeks ago.”
“Ahh, you know about that?” Kougami shook his head. “I’m not saying that we’re friends now. Hell, I don’t even like the man that much. But we can work together.”
The noodles arrived. Tom yum goong, hot, spicy and delicious, she slurped slowly and steadily. She smiled at him, “Much better than AI hyper-oats.” Then her eyes fell back to the table and she was quiet again. She stayed still staring at the soup that remained in her bowl, but her eyes were moving as the thoughts and questions flooded her mind. At one point she looked up quickly at Kougami and opened her mouth, but then closed it, and dropped her head down again. She stayed like that for so long that Kougami began to worry.
“Akane, what is the matter? Please, tell me … if you can.” He leant forward so he could hear her, but she said nothing. “Akane, you are okay now. You are out. You are safe.”
To her surprise, Akane felt large, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. Bemused, she watched them as they slid off her chin and fell into the soup. She wondered reflexively what the soup would taste like; if she would be able to taste the salt from her tears. Then she felt a gentle hand drying her cheeks and looked into Kougami’s eyes. He seemed to become aware of what he was doing and started to pull his hand away, but she grabbed it and held onto him. His eyes widened as her grip tightened and then he stretched out his other hand.
She clung to him desperately, tears still falling and her breath uneven with sobs. All she could hear was that one word, “safe”. She was safe. She was safe. And yet, even though it was true, it was also a lie. She knew that the most dangerous part of the journey was ahead. And yet again, and yet again, she was safe. She held onto his hands for all she was worth.
Kougami began talking again, softly, in no hurry. His voice providing her with another anchor. “One time, in Tibet, I went on a raid with this guy, Dawa, I think his name was. Anyway, he was as tough as they come. Not nasty, just through and through tough. The kind of guy you are glad to have at your back or to follow. The raid went badly. Someone had leaked the plan and they were waiting for us. The fight was brutal, and we lost several people, all friends of his from childhood. One guy literally exploded in front of him as if he’d been hit by a lethal dominator, but Dawa just kept going. A natural leader. Eventually, we got the upper hand, got what we came for and escaped. It took us almost a week to get back. The whole time, Dawa just held it together. Two more died on that trek - one from his wounds and the other slipped into a crevice. Dawa didn’t flinch once, just kept going and kept his people together. When we got back to camp, one of his men was waiting for us. He handed Dawa the body of an old dog. This man, who could wipe off the blood of his friend and keep going, collapsed where he was and started crying like a child. I don’t know if he really did love that dog as much as that or if it was his way of grieving for his friends. I do know that keeping those kinds of feelings inside is a kind of death.” His voice trailed off.
Akane sighed deeply and pulled one hand away and mopped her eyes with a paper napkin. “Thank you, Kougami. I’m feeling tired. Can we go?”
She waited at the table while he paid the bill. By the time he returned, when she smiled at him, her eyes were almost clear. “Thank you for the noodles.”
“You’re welcome.”
Out on the street the strange hyperreal feeling returned. Colours were a little too bright, noises a little too loud and the sidewalk seemed to be moving under her. It was like walking in a distorted holo. She saw a street scanner and flinched. Kougami frowned down at her. Apart from when she had first started work as an Inspector, he had never seen her this unsure of herself. She put her hand into his and felt his fingers tighten slightly. Safe.
Her apartment was only a few minutes’ walk from the mall, so they left the car where it was. About halfway there, she realized she had forgotten her small bag of belongings. “My keys, they’re …” she began to turn back.
“It’s okay, Akane, Yayoi gave me your spare set. I’ll get your things later.”
She thought about asking why he had her keys, but then decided she could not be bothered. As soon as he opened the door, it was obvious. The underfloor heating was on and there was the unmistakable feeling of stepping into a clean apartment. She kicked her shoes off in the hall, walked into the living room and looked around. The large sofa where she had slept so many nights seemed enormous after the one in isolation. She looked over at the kitchen in the corner. There was even a bowl of fruit on the counter. She glanced up at him surprised, “Thank you, Kougami.”
“Well, it isn’t much. I just set the auto-cleaner to do its job and bought some fruit,” he shrugged, but she could see he was both embarrassed and pleased by her reaction.
“I’m tired.”
“Then I’ll leave you to sleep. I’ll come back with your things, but I’ll just leave them by the door,” he stepped back, but her hand did not let go of his. His expression remained neutral as she raised a finger to her lips and began to walk towards the bedroom. She gave a small shake of her head and her own expression was so serious he was in no doubt that this was not a seduction.
With her finger still against her lips, she let go of his hand and opened a small cupboard. When she pulled out a small, plastic, white cat with a pink bow he looked totally perplexed. She set the cat down and pushed a small button on the back, then held her fingers up as she counted down from five.
“Now we can talk. This little kitty has a jammer. Any bugs, and I am sure there are some, will pick up nothing more than a silent room,” she sat down on the bed. Another sigh.
“Where did you get that thing?” without thinking, Kougami sat next to her.
“Long story short? Shion.”
Kougami grunted. Then he shifted so he could look at her. “You said we could talk. So talk.”
“You know there are somethings that I can’t tell you? Not that I don’t trust you, because I do. I trust you with my life. But knowing those things will not only endanger you, but also me, and possibly others, and what we are trying to do.” She had taken hold of his hand again. Her eyes grew wide and very luminous. “But you are right about what keeping things in does to you. To me. Th … there is one thing I do need to tell you, Shinya,” she paused and then gave a little nod to herself. “I love you.”
Then, as he registered and reregistered her words, “Say that again!” 
“I love you, Shinya,” another pause. She did not take her eyes from his, “And you love me.”
“Yes,” he breathed. “I love you, Akane. You have no idea how much.” He began to reach for her but stopped.
Akane frowned, “What’s the problem?”
He looked embarrassed, “Well, the effects of the dominator haven’t worn off yet. I’m, I’m not going to …, I mean, I can’t … I’m sorry.”
She smiled ruefully, “I have just put your life in more danger and that is what you think about? That can wait. This can’t. The most dangerous phase has begun. It is quite possible that one of us, even both of us, won’t see the other side. You know this.” She put her hand against his cheek as he protested. “And I have put us in more danger. Yes, yes, I have. There is no way we can hide a relationship, and I don’t want to, but it can be used against us. I’m so tired of being on my own, so scared that each time you walk away it might the last time I’ll ever see you and I never told you how much you mean to me. How much I love you. That I’ll be killed, or you will be. Maybe it was all the time I had to think in isolation that did it. But that thought kept growing inside me until sometimes it felt like I couldn’t breathe. Especially after you’d come to see me. I finally realized that I can’t go on without loving you, without being able to love you and yet I have to keep going to help bring down the System. So, I guess I’ve grown a little selfish. I couldn’t live with not telling you I love you. I do you, know? I love you.”
His eyes had never left hers as she spoke. The words rushing from mouth and her expression changing at the end from serious to joyous. She allowed him to pull her over to him. She wrapped her arms around his chest and dropped her head on his shoulder and sighed deeply. She breathed in his scent. He chuckled, “Hey, I’m the one that is supposed to be the hound.”
“You were never a hound. More a wolf,” she returned. The relief of telling him that she loved him was beginning to make her a little lightheaded.
“A wolf, huh? Well, that gives me a few ideas for tomorrow,” he dropped feather kisses across her forehead.
“Only a few?” she asked in a disappointed tone.
 “Oh, Akane, you have no idea,” he looked at her with a wicked smile.
Akane looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as she toweled her hair dry. She barely recognized the woman looking back at her. The muscles around her jaw were relaxed and her eyes shone. Even her hair looked fuller. Was this what she looked like when she was happy? And she was. Happier than she had ever been.
They had not slept much despite Kougami’s insistence that she needed to rest. Soon one or the other would start talking, words of love falling into the safety of the warm dark room. Or he would hold her hand so he could kiss every line on her palm again and again and only release it to kiss the other. Too long had they waited for this night, words tumbled from their lips and their whispers became a confession of hopes, loss, pain and then again hopes as life brought them together, tore them apart and reunited them. So many years had gone by and they had so much to make up for.
“Akane, food’s almost done,” Kougami called from the other side of the door. “Oh, and put some clothes on.”
She blinked and returned to the present. He was up to something. She opened the bathroom door and a blast of cold air hit her. Quickly dressing she joined him in the living room. “Shinya, why’ve you opened all the windows in the bedroom? And …” she took in all the food on the counter. “Just how hungry do you think I am?”
Her doorbell chimed.
“Oh, hell! They’re early,” He threw her a sly look. “Ah, you stay here, I’ll be right back.”
“Kougami, what have you done?”
“It’s a surprise,” and he was gone.
She wondered if he had ordered more noodles from the little restaurant to add to the mountain of food in front of her. Then she heard the front door open and the sound of several people shushing each other as they piled into her little hall.
Akane got up and, laughing, went to greet them.
“Akane!” said three voices at once.
Shino, Yayoi and Gino, if anything could make her happier on this day, then this was it. She hugged them.
Shion laughed, and poked Kougami’s ribs. “I see you’ve talked,” she said winking outrageously and laughed as Kougami went red. “Well, there is a sight I never expected to see. Shinya Kougami bashful.”
“Shion, Yayoi, you look amazing,” laughed Akane holding the latter at arm’s length. They were both wearing party dresses. Then she turned back to Ginoza, “Hello, Gino, it is good to see you. I hear that you got in the way of a paralyzer.”
“Ha! He told you about that, did he? Ignatov better watch out is all I can say. Right, Ko?”
“What? Oh, yes, Kei has it coming. Again.”
The doorbell chimed again. Akane looked at Kougami in surprise. “Who?”
 “And speak of the devil!”
Kougami came back leading a small group of people. “Everyone, Akane Tsunemori in person. Akane, you know Arata and Kei, and this is Maika Ignatov and Sho Hinakawa. The last two are Mao Kisaragi and Kazumichi Irie.”
“Hey! What about me? Why does no one ever introduce the old enforcer!” demanded Todoroki pushing his way forward. “Pleased to meet you, Inspector. I’m Tenma Todoroki.”
“Just Akane, I’m not an inspector anymore,” smiled Akane. “I remember seeing all of your photos in the files. It is wonderful to finally meet you all. I guess we’ll all be working together now.” The serious looks they all gave her made her pause. “I mean, I’m an enforcer now, even though I’m not assigned to Unit 1 …”  
Mao nodded at her teammates and they relaxed. “You’re welcome in Unit 1 any time, Tsunemori … Akane. Err …. I’m sorry if it’s rude, but we’re starving, and we don’t get to eat out very often. Come on, Irie.”
Todoroki grimaced, “Can’t take them anywhere.” But he and Hinakawa followed them quickly into the kitchen.
What was all that about? All three had become so serious in a blink and then back again. Looking around the room, she began to get the feeling that she was missing something obvious. Before she could begin to think about it, the doorbell chimed. Again. She glared at Kougami as he passed her to get the door. He smiled at her, but she could see he was getting a little tenser each time he went. And that was strange, she thought, it did not quite make sense.
“It will take a little time,” said Arata with his mouth full. He was bouncing from foot to foot and balancing a plate full of food.
“Sorry, what will?” she turned her attention to him.
“Being out. Getting your senses back as it were. But,” he glanced in Kougami’s direction, “you are already on the right track.”
Her eyes widened and she started to ask him what he meant, but he just beamed at her and slightly shook his head. So, something was going on. Well, she would trust them to fill her in when they could. Right now, she had a party in her apartment. Shion had taken control of the music, which was now loud enough to annoy the neighbors. Akane shook her head, that would not be a problem. It was the middle of the afternoon, no one would be home.
“Sorry, Gino, what was that?” She shook herself. Get a hold of yourself Tsunemori.
“I just said that Sugo and I are your neighbors. We’re sharing an apartment down the street.”
“Oh! That’s great! Are you in the same block as Sh… as Kougami?” she asked. 
Gino smiled, “No, we’re down the other way.”
She looked at him, then at Kougami, and saw that Sugo and Frederica had arrived. What were they doing here? In one sense, since Gino and Kougami worked with them it made sense to invite them as well, but …. somehow it felt more deliberate than that. Yes, something was definitely going on. Everyone was behaving normally. Normal for a party, that is, she thought. Mao and Irie were dancing with Yayoi and Shion, Sugo and Kei were playing a holo game and everyone else was chatting and eating.  
An arm slipped around her waist. “Are you enjoying yourself, Akane?” His next words were so low that even though he had bent to whisper them in her ear, she almost missed them. “Say yes.”
“Oh, yes,” She turned to look up at him and he smiled down at her; she did not miss the flick of his eyes at the wall. “Walls have ears,” he breathed.
She laughed, “Shinya, you wretch!” It was all she could think of saying. Of course, everything they were doing and saying was probably being monitored. She had been the one to point that out yesterday. So why remind her of it?
The familiar sound of her doorbell interrupted them. She raised her eyebrows questioningly. Kougami kissed her head. “Patience. You’ll see. This is a surprise party, after all.”
He wouldn’t have invited her parents or Kaori. Her parents had been distraught when she was arrested. They had been steadfast in their support for her and called all the time. Even so, this was not the right time for a family reunion. And Kaori had made it clear from her refusal to accept Akane’s call at the start of her sentence that she did not want to be associated with a latent criminal. So who else was there?
“Sorry we’re late, everyone. Work, you know,” beamed Homura with a nervous looking Shimotsuki beside him.
If Akane’s mouth dropped open she made a valiant recovery. “Hello, Sir. Hello, Chief. How good of you to come.”
Shimotsuki, to everyone’s surprise, rushed forward, threw her arms around Akane’s neck and burst into loud sobs. “Oh, Akane, I’m so, so sorry.” Akane instinctively hugged her sobbing boss.
A tiny whisper, “We have to talk. About It.”  
Akane pulled back and stared at Mika who returned her stare and nodded, only to sob even harder, “I really am sorry.”
Homura shot a look at Akane, “Let’s take her into the bedroom for some quiet. Arata,” he threw over his shoulder, “Could you bring her some water?”
Together, Akane and Homura led the still sobbing woman into the bedroom. Arata followed immediately with the water. “Here’s your water, Chief. Get some rest, we’ll all be next door.” Then he paused and shut the door but stayed in the room.
“Well, hopefully we’re safe,” he said. “If we’re not all arrested in ten minutes, I reckon Akane’s jammer is working.”
“Yes, sorry about all the subterfuge,” added Homura. “Here, Mika, have this.” He passed a now dry-eyed Shimotsuki a perfectly folded handkerchief.
Akane sat down next to her. “Mika, did I understand you? You know what Sibyl System is?”
Mika looked pale and nodded. “For a few years. And now, Arata, too.”
“We’re the only ones who know what it really is,” said Homura. “Though I haven’t actually seen it. My father did and he told me.”
“So is this a council of war?” asked Akane.  
Arata answered her. “Not quite, but we all,” and he nodded towards the door to include the rest of the party, “agree that somehow we need to bring it to an end. We just don’t know how yet.”
“So, it is not just the two of us?” asked Akane looking at Homura.
“It never was. I know people who will support us, but it is safer if you don’t know who they are. It is a reasonable bet that all the enforcers will help. While you were inside, we’ve been making all sorts of small changes so we can be ready.”
“You mean like getting everyone to live within a three-block radius?” suggested Akane.
Mika actually smiled, “Yes, exactly like that. Unfortunately, because of our positions, Shizuka and I can’t move, but it was surprisingly easy for SAD to arrange for their people to move here, and then Kei and Arata. Obviously, the enforcers have to stay at MWPSB.”
“For now, at least,” said Homura.
“Is that wise, though?”
“What is more natural than colleagues and neighbors getting together for lunch or dinner or to play a holo game?” smiled Arata.
Homura looked at the time. “This meeting is just luck. We had no idea you had a jammer, so when Kougami said he wanted to give you a surprise party this afternoon it seemed a bit unusal. But when we arrived, he showed us a note about the kitty. Hmm, I think we’d better rejoin the others. They’re covering our absence, but I don’t think we should push our luck. Arata, you and Kei had better come in a few days so Akane and I can give you an “official” briefing on things.” 
Opening the door, Homura pretended to check on Mika who said she was fine and would be out in a minute. As soon as they had all left, Akane pulled Kougami into the bedroom.
“You’ve been planning this all along?” she demanded staring up at him fiercely.
He grinned, “What you thought we couldn’t mange without you? Ouch!”
“I’ll do more than poke your ribs if you’re not careful, Shinya Kougami!”
His smile got bigger, “Akane, you couldn’t expect me and Gino and the others to do nothing. We knew that something was going on, but you couldn’t or wouldn’t say exactly what. Ouch! Ouch!”
Akane poked him in the ribs. He caught her hands and folded them together in his. “Akane, please, I had to do something. I was going crazy. I love you.”
She glared up at him, “Say that again!”
“I love you.”
She sighed happily. “Okay, I suppose we’d better join the party. How long do you think everyone will stay?”  
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oneshortdamnfuse · 3 years
Totally forgot about Tom Kha and Tom Yum for favorite soups. Those are easily my favorite, right now. Also Egg Drop Soup.
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 years
In a modern AU, what kind of food (sushi, Mexican, Chinese) would be the ROs' favorite?
Ooh, good question! 
Blade: Japanese food (leaning more along shioyaki salmon with rice and miso soup rather than sushi or tempura)
Trouble: American food (or hamburgers, hot dogs, sub sandwiches, pizza, etc.). He’d also love Chipotle!
Tallys: Healthy or paleo food (salads, wraps, vegan desserts, etc.)
Shery: All things cheese (I don’t know why, it just seems right…)
Riel: French food (pate, ratatouille, confit de canard, crepes, etc.)
Chase: Chinese food (roast Peking duck, street noodles, dumplings, etc.)
Red: Greek food (pitas, gyros, hummus, etc.)
Ayla: Indian food (curries, tikka masala, etc.) or Thai food (spicy noodles, tom yum kha, etc.)
Briony: Southern US comfort food (chicken and biscuits, cornbread) or Northeast comfort food (lobster rolls, clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl)
Lavinet: Italian food (delicate pastas, seafood, arancini, etc.) or Spanish food (paella, tapas, etc.)
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lonnapdmurfin-blog · 6 years
Best Thailand Travel Guideline
Thailand, an isle region located in the southeast of Asia. Thailand is a national country rich in culture and natural beauty. That has been hallowed with liberal normal parks, productive flatlands, isolated jungles, shorelines washed by tuiquoise color waters and moist islands bathed in endless sun. The country has considerably more visible historical sign of its earlier cultures than some other country in Southeast Asian. It is record is very composite, relating to the incursion of many distinct peoples, the guideline of several emperors, the concern of various kingdoms and the conversation of dissimilar cultures. Thailand is known for its dominant hospitality, an almost holy temple, and exceptional natural beauty. Among the famous temples in Bangkok, Wat Arun or Temple of the Dawn is one of the best. It was built during 17th century on the bank of the Chao Phraya river, it consists of five towers overlooking the Mae Nam Chao Phraya. Thailand is a land of natural magnificence. Not simply does it have excellent white colored beaches, tropical islands full of deck palm and chairs trees, waterfalls and natural rises that could have been the backyard of Eden, waterways, lakes, caves, but it has high mountains and even a skiing season also. Thailand has many beautiful national parks that you can visit throughout the full year. There is the Doi Suthep National Store which contains Thailand's highest peak and covers an location of 260 rectangular kilometers. Throughout Thailand's national parks you may go hiking, climbing, camping, picnicking and many various other activities. You can indulge in guided tours by simply experienced local courses and rangers or maybe rough it out by itself or with a few good friends. And while you are there, check out the Northern Hill Tribes, descendants of China's, Burmese, Laotians along with Vietnamese who all moved to Thailand covering the generations. Still dressing in traditional clothing and very much living the way they always did still, these kinds of friendly people is a superb experience not to get missed. Wat Arun is located on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River, opposite to Grand Palace. This is a must-visit temple where you find see different architectural design when compared to other temples in Thailand’s capital. This spire sits directly on the river bank is covered from top to bottom with minute pieces of colorful glass and Chinese porcelain. This 70-meter high spire boasts the best views of Bangkok’s skyline. In Thailand travel can find many temples which are so attractive, many statues of lord buddha in various poses gives the mesmerizing feel to the people. The temples are designed with the yellow metal and glazing surfaces which increases the glitter of the temples. We already know the fact that, Thailand is a country with various religions and it exhibits the perfect blend of the respective cultures of the region. The religious visit to the temples is not based on the religion or the region. It just gives the ambience of spirituality. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in almighty or not, the place itself offers the divine feel and peacefulness to the visitors. Intercontinental flights generally get there in Bangkok just where people can be connected to flights during the country simply by one of many local airlines. Thai Airlines, Bangkok Air carriers, and Nok Air have multiple flights a full day to all major cities and tourist resorts in Thailand. All these airlines offer promotions from Bangkok to most of their destinations currently. Shell Pond Temple: The temple is better known for its architecture comprising of various traditional colors of Chinese and the captivating sculptures. This place leaves an everlasting suspicion in the minds of the visitors. Popular dishes include Pad Thai (stirfried rice noodles), Thai curry (red or green, usually with vegetables or chicken), Tom Yum soup (hot and sour soup, traditionally with shrimp) and Tom Kha Kai (Thai coconut soup). Just be sure to finish off your meal with Kao Niew Ma Muang (sticky rice and mango) for dessert. Thus, don’t miss any of the above things in Thailand. The northernmost city in Thailand is Chiang Rai which serves as the main commercial hub of the Golden Triangle, and it has the borders of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. A busy town offering something for everyone, Chiang Rai is often used as a base for exploring the surrounding region. There is a package available for temple tour in Bangkok, if you want to make only temples visit. There are more than 400 wats(wats means temples) disseminated all around Bangkok but, everyone rushes to three most famous ones: Wat Pra Kaew, Wat Arun and Wat Pho. Other temples which are worth-visiting are Wat Saket, Wat Traimit, Loha Prasat, Wat Mahatat, Wat Benjamabhopit and Wat Prayoon etc. Memorials and Landmarks
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detroitpigout · 2 years
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Love this place open during Covid business is booming. Just opened dining room for very first time how cool. Today Peanut Noodle n Chicken Medium Heat right at my highest level. So good only 10 Bucks could only eat half. My 4th visit since open. They have 2 other locations in Commerce and West Bloomfield. HOT n New another faboulus Thai place Downriver bottom of the hill next to Lowe's tucked in the corner. Owners have another location open almost a decent very popular as I believe this one will be also. One only for take out hopefully in November don't room will open. Got both the Thai Tom Soups Definitely Delicious *TOM YUM -Thai’s favorite soup with straw mushrooms, tomato, lime leaves, lemongrass, lemon juice, and a touch of chili paste. Topped with green onion and cilantro. *TOM KHA -Coconut soup with limes leaves, lemongrass, and lemon juice. Topped with green onion and cilantro Kha so addictive very best ever eaten I buying 2 next visit a must try OMG. Had the great dish mega portion CURRY FRIED RICE -Fried rice with eggs, onions, pineapples, tomato, cashew nuts, and curry powder. Ordered medium at the top of my heat level next time mild so I can share with family. Actually a perfect meal for 2 on 19 bucks. Find them on Facebook Yelp and Google a Website too Enjoy. #spicybangkokcafe #tomyumsoup #tomkhasoup #curryfriedrice #thaifood #downriverfriendseat #motorcitymunchers @spicybangkokcafe (at Spicy Bangkok Café) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc8zMWNPCwD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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extraordinarylegend · 3 years
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When we picked up the kids on Thursday they were on the edge of a hangry melt down. It was hot, school was out and they were on some psyco kid stuff! La Ericka was coming from Chandler and I was coming from South Tempe so Soda Bun Thai Food was in direct crossing point for us. When we entered we were greeted by a friendly woman. I always try speaking Thai when I go eat at Thai places in honor of my time in Thailand when i was known as Ryan of Phra Khanong. “Sawatdee khrap! 😀” I announced and she replied “kha!😁” As by routine I ordered Spicy Tom yum Goong (lemon grass and mushroom soup shrimp) and Som Tom Pbu (green papaya salad fermented crab). She learned me on my pronunciations. To my surprise, the had the fermented crab! No other restaurant I’ve asked for it in Az has had it! IMAGINE. MY. EXCITEMENT. I also tried some spring rolls, deep fried tofu in sweet sour sauce and got rice and noodles for the kids. This food was so legit and so delicious, we all sat around and ate while mumbling and groaning “yummmm ummmmm yessss oh yeah yummmm” We enjoyed the sweet sticky rice abs mango for desert. It was heavenly. I am so glad this spot is one major street away from my house. Khob Kuhn khrap!!! Arroy jang maak maak! #THAIFOOD #somtompoo #phrakhanong #loswinkles #family #iheartmesa #doitfortheneighborhood #smallbusinesseveryday (at Soda Bun Thai Food) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTr1ajIFoKQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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