#also usually soulmate au isn't my cup of tea
petitmimosa · 6 months
This or That Ask Game
Tagged by @alittlefrenchtree for an obscure reason. Should've made you guess what I was going to answer and you'd get one sugar per cup of tea for each one you got right.
Iced or hot coffee ☕
Why would you make me drink coffee in the first place? Why was coffee even discovered and who decided it was an acceptable beverage? If I have to make a choice, then iced and with a shit ton of sugar/chocolate/white chocolat syrup. You know Starbucks' white chocolate frappuccino? Very little coffee, lots of everything else.
Iced or hot tea 🍵
Why would you ice TEA? This is why the human race is doomed I'm telling you. Tea is to be served hot but never burnt so get that kettle off before it boils.
Lemonade or sweet tea 🍋
Sweet tea is an abomination. Why would you give me BAKING SODA TO DRINK? Ugh. Lemonade is alright if homemade by someone who's not addicted to sugar though.
Fruity or minty gum
Not allowed to chew gum anymore but I was more of a mint person. Fruity flavors were too chemical for my taste.
Pasta or potatoes
Niak. This is a hard one. Potatoes are fun and you can fry them and they're creatures of God but pastaaaaaa... Parmesan goes on pasta and for that reason only it gets my vote.
Olives or pickles
There are two things you need to know about me if we're gonna share food together: I will never, ever willingly consume olives and will have pickles with absolutely everything. The small ones though, cornichons. Not the gigantic ones people in America like to grow.
Rice or bread
Bread. Bread. BREAD.
Cookies or brownies
Brownies take too long to bake and you have more fun with cookies. Also, that's my cat's name and if I don't say cookies he will know tonight when I get home and he will bite me to punish me.
Handwritten or phone reminders-
That notes app is somewhere on my phone because I can't uninstall it. But I hate my handwriting with a passion so I just remember everything since I have an excellent memory.
Zip-up or pullover hoodie
I hate zip-ups, I look like a whale in them. And hoodies are COZYYYY.
Jeans or sweatpants
I look even more like a whale in sweatpants so I'll have to say jeans. But when I'm home I'm just wearing pjs.
Flip flops/thongs or slides
Both are evil so they can crawl back to where they belong. I'll sleep with socks (even thin) all year long. I'll take them off when we reach 40°.
Paperback or ebook
I use my kindle before bed but paperback all the way when you want to spend hours reading.
Enemies to lovers or FWB to lovers
Enemies to lovers all the way. The hatred, the tension, the angst, the oh, oh maybe I was wrong? the messy feelings, GIVE IT TO ME I'M READY.
One bed or fake dating
That one bed trope has been alive way too long and needs to be put to rest, pun very much intended.
Hurt/comfort or whump
Hurt/comfort. I'm all for angst but the heavy hurt usually deals with atrocities and, nope.
Mutual pining or amnesia
Amnesia! That's the kind of angst I like.
Canon compliant or AU
It depends on the ship. I usually prefer canon but there are some excellent AUs out there.
Soulmate or Sports AU
My issue with sports AU is that it's almost always about the characters in the sports world rather than the chosen sport itself. I end up frustrated with how poorly depicted the sport is or how irrelevant it is to have them in this world in the first place all.the.time. Like okay they're figure skaters but why would you have them do 3 triple lutzes in one program when it's not a thing and yolo spins without telling me if it's a flying sit spin or a back camel?
Celebrity AU or Coffeeshop AU
I may have outgrown the coffeeshop AU, so, celebrity.
One shot or long fic
Quality over quantity. Which isn't an answer but :D
Anyone who wants to answer this, have at it!
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spitdrunken · 8 months
I read this Valentino/Reader fic that had a Soulmates AU going on and I... didn't really like it lmao but I loved the idea behind it.
A lot of Val content has him pimping out Reader which... yeah! Isn't personally my cup of tea though. The idea of this foul asshole ending up with a soulmate and being restricted in how they can treat them without suffering harm himself is really interesting. I just think it'd be fun if there was someone he's wired to want, but can't actually control in his usual manner and how much it'd infuriate him.
Also would be funny if Reader hated him and in the process grew closer to Vox or Velvette instead.
I dunno! Just keep thinking about it.
I was really debating on whether or not to respond to this, but honestly, I just wanna say that you might have better luck having people respond to ur prompts if u shift your phrasing just a little?
I'm not looking for an apology or anything, it's not that big of a deal, but it seems a bit silly to me to come into the official 'Valentine-pimps-out-reader' house, and then make this semi-judgemental comment about it. Either you don't really know the kind of stuff I post, just don't care and left that part in, or sent this ask to a bunch of different writers. In any case, it turned me off from writing for your idea.
Plus, I don't think there are a lot of authors who have done an idea such as Valentino with the soulmate AU. What if that author sees this comment? I feel like it's like a completely unnecessary jab to keep in there, and also just not very nice. People are writing stuff for free and for fun and, even if you don't like something, it's best to just keep that to yourself/in private.
Anyway!!!! That's all on that, I try to keep this a welcoming and positive place. You probably didn't have bad intentions, anon, but maybe just be a bit more mindful in the future of how you phrase things?
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sagemoderocklee · 4 months
Behind the Scenes of Fic Writing
5. What is the perfect environment for you to write in? Quiet. I really need to have like only white noise and whatever environmental sounds are in my area, but like sometimes in the summer our neighbors have these lil mini concerts with a live band and like it's great and all but i canNOT write in those conditions. i need it quiet with zero distractions. the only distraction allowed is miss kitty climbing into my lap to cuddle while i write. i also like having a cup of tea while i write. and i prefer to be in bed cause it's just generally more comfortable for me than sitting at a desk.
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
mhmmm that's a hard one. i feel like im always less focused on tropes as like 'oh i need to write x trope' and if there is something i do want to write that falls into that sort of fanfiction specific realm im usually more focused on like what kind of AUs i wanna write. there are like so many tropes out there and obviously tropes make up all the stories we write, i just don't think i've consciously set out to fill a whole lot of tropes per say. i've done the 'there's only one bed' trope and i've done a handful of different AUs.
i think the trope that ive always been the most fond of is enemies to lovers, and quite frankly i would consider Absolution to be that. im a fan of the arranged marriage trope, and i've got that. love a good pining fic and i'd say generally speaking my fics hit that pretty regularly. secret lovers def comes up... i've had the chance to do some battle couple things with Gate of Dreaming and there'll def be more chances with other fics... um... don't really like the idea of 'fake dating' for GaaLee
mhm yeah i guess the only thing i'd really wanna do i haven't done is like reincarnation and soulmate deconstruction.
20. What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
Assuming this is like minor character within the story itself and not the canon, since technically all the characters i focus on are supporting characters and some are even more minor than that.
so fave minor character i've written in a fic is probably... god this is hard cause it depends so much on the fic itself too. okay im gonna say i really enjoyed the Ame shinobi i wrote into TAoL when Temari's sick from the manacles Shinpiko has put on her. those characters were fun.
23. If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
oh boy this is a hard one. like i've certainly thought about like doin a remix where i write a story from a different charactes' PoV, which i think would be fun and easy enough for like Flyweight Love, but i already have a sequel planned for that from Gaara's PoV which would include like flashbacks or references to the first fic
and i could see a remix of Kado being cute too. RtS would be fun, and i think probably provide the most interesting challenge since so much of what happened from Gaara's PoV was off-screen anyways.
and it would also be fun to like write something from someone's PoV that isn't gaara or lee. i have a lot of like lil behind the scenes one-shots for Absolution... but mhm i guess RtS really would be like the best one to do tbh. there's a lot of stuff there that could be really fun to explore from Gaara's PoV and it's def my most popular fic so i think people would enjoy it
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devvari · 7 years
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The ink is flowing through like rivulets, staining along his arm so smoothly it fascinates Rin although it’s also terrifying. His soulmate is definitely know how to use a pen brush, he thinks. Though—
“This person is so crazy!” He laughs out loud. He has a competition tomorrow and there’s no way he can rub out the ink till then.
It’s terrifying. Like the person wants to mark him. It’s adorable.
A HaruRinHaru gift exchange for  @dandelionmeadow !
I’m so sorry for being so late!!! ><;;; Though I must admit the prompt is just soooo interesting that I don’t know where to start aaaa
I don’t know why but the first thing that across my mind after reading the prompt is their younger self so I start with that. I can imagine something like alternate reality where they finally meet and it’s like in the anime but with the soulmate twist. Yes, it’s adorable
Gosh I’m rambling--- Happy (belated) New Year!
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Sutures - Chapter Ten: Amiodarone
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): family member hospitalization, therapy, angst if you squint
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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The first thing you felt--before you opened your eyes--was Yoongi's white T-shirt against your cheek and the warmth of his skin beneath it. His arm was around you and his hand rested on the peak of your hip. You opened your eyes and looked up to see his hair splayed across his forehead and his lips pouted.
You smiled as you slowly removed yourself from Yoongi's arms. He stirred as you stood up and were away from his grasp, but he softly moved as he rolled onto his side and his arms reached for where you had once been. You could get used to waking up next to Yoongi every morning. Something about the way he missed you--even when he wasn't awake--made your heart swell.
You quickly pushed those thoughts away as you took two mugs from the table and flipped them right side up. While you were used to cheap hotels with packages of instant coffee and--if you were lucky--an electric tea kettle, this hotel, however, had a full coffee maker and a few coffee brands to choose from. You chose a brand you recognized and placed it in the coffee maker.
It wasn't long before the entire room smelled of coffee. As you were pouring the second cup of coffee, you felt a soft touch on your waist and turned to catch Yoongi's soft smile and messy hair as he reached for one of the mugs.
"Thanks," he said, his voice raspy and deep.
You nodded and took a sip of your coffee and sat down at the table, Yoongi soon following and sitting across from you.
"You like it black?"
"Yeah," you said. "My dad would always drink it black and when I was old enough that's how he made it for me. It just kind of stuck."
"Do you miss them?"
"Of course," you said. "It's hard when they're so far away, but I don't regret staying here. I can make a living here, more so than I could in the US."
"When did you see them last?"
"Around a year ago. Minki came with me and it was the first time he'd been to the US and the first time he met my family. They didn't like him that much. I guess I should've listened to them." You chuckled sardonically and took a large sip of coffee, creating a silence--while not uncomfortable--had a small bit of tension laced in. "What about you? You don't get to see your family much either, right? Being an idol and all?"
The question caused him to sit up straight and meet your eyes before quickly looking back down at the wooden table. "Uh, yeah, we usually see our families a couple of times a year. Usually towards the end of the year and then sporadically throughout. Some see their families more often cause they live near Seoul, but getting to Daegu is hard. We didn't always get along when I first moved, so it was hard for a while."
"Oh," you said. While all families fight and disagree, you couldn't imagine not talking to your family or not having their support. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," he said. "We've moved past it. It was a long time ago. We talk more often now and they really want to meet you."
You laughed, not sure if it was from the nerves of thinking about meeting his family or simply because the idea itself was laughable because you weren't in a relationship. "Why? I mean, they know what we're trying to do, right?"
"Yeah," he said. "They're convinced it won't work though. We're soulmates. We'll always come back to each other."
"It's worked before. Pairs of soulmates able to distance themselves and move on. I think we can do it."
"Yeah," he said, his words punctuated by sips of coffee. "Yeah, we can." There were a few moments of silence before he set his mug down and his eyes met yours. "So, I promised you a proper date, but after everything that happened yesterday, do you want to risk going out into the city?"
"Not really," you said. "I don't even want to leave the room. I want to see the city, but it makes me nervous just thinking about going back out there."
Yoongi reached across the table, his fingers brushing over the back of your hand. "I'll bring you back someday when we can properly wander the city."
Your stomach flipped. You knew it was probably just an empty promise and supposed to be comforting, but considering you had just talked about distancing yourselves from one another, it seemed unwise to promise, even something empty and trivial.
Two hours later and the two of you were laid on the bed, close, but not touching. Empty plates littered the bedside tables and each of you held a wine glass in your hand. You smiled as you sipped the deep red alcohol and felt as a buzz came over your senses. It wasn't unpleasant, just like a small vibration in your head. The same one that had convinced you to sleep with Yoongi the first time you met him.
"You're sure this isn't too much?" you asked, glancing down at the nearly three hundred dollar room service bill.
Yoongi laughed. "You really don't have to worry about it."
"It makes me feel bad," you said. "Will you let me pay for something later?"
"If it makes you feel better." His fingers glided over the skin of your left hand that rested on the bed, dangerously close to his thigh.
The couple in the movie you were watching kissed and you felt a stirring low in your stomach. It had been so long since you'd felt Yoongi's lips on yours. You knew he was feeling the same way, as he squirmed slightly beside you.
"You feel it, too?"
"Yeah," he said. "We need to try and resist it."
"Didn't the therapist say to try and get through it with mainly friendly things?"
"I think so."
His arm came around you and his skin felt like ice on a sunburn. You nearly let out a moan. You wanted to feel his lips on your neck and his hands on your thighs. The bruising way he grabbed your skin without leaving any bruises. How his hair looked pushed back and the way his lips swelled after even the softest of kisses.
"Yoongi, can--can I kiss you?"
"I don't think that's exactly friendly."
"Just one," you said. "It'll be less than we did last time this happened."
"All right," he said. "But, we can't let it go too far."
You nodded and shifted so that you faced him, the front of your body pressed into his side. His hand came to rest on the small of you back and his lips came to meet yours before you'd fully closed your eyes.
They were soft, like always. You could taste the red wine on his lips and the hesitation as he pushed the tip of his tongue into your mouth. His hand bunched the fabric of your T-shirt and your hands laced in his hair. You never wanted to let go.
Yoongi pulled away first, although his eyes were pained as he did so. He reached up and smoothed your hair back.
"Damn," he said. "If only I'd met you before Jihee."
"Yoongi, you can't mean that."
"Maybe if it was a different time, or if I wasn't an idol, I don't know, but I like to think there's a universe where we work out."
Your lips formed words you hadn't thought of yet when your phone vibrated on the bed beside you. You reached for it and saw it was your mom. It was nearing 9 p.m. in Los Angeles and your mom normally called you just after dinner. 
"I--uh--have to take this." 
You walked into the bathroom and answered the phone as you shut the door. 
"Mom? Hey, what's going on?" 
"Sumi!" Your mom's voice sounded panicked. "Are you still in Japan?" 
"Yeah, we're flying back to Korea tomorrow?" You paused. "Is everything okay? You don't usually call me at this time." 
"Well, I don't want to worry you. I want you to enjoy the rest of your time in Japan, okay?"
"Grandma fell and is in the hospital. She broke her wrist and the doctors say her blood sugar was too low. They don't know what caused it yet, but they're going to monitor her for a few days." 
You nodded and already felt the tears forming in your eyes. Your grandmother was nearing ninety and you knew your time with her was limited, but she'd been the one to encourage you to stay in Korea and do what you wanted. She always knew and wanted what was best for you and you loved her more than anyone for it. 
"Okay," you said, your voice cracking. "Is there anything I can do?" 
"Call when you get back tomorrow. If she's feeling better, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you." 
"Of course. I'll call as soon as I'm back." You reached up and wiped the few tears that had managed to squeeze out. "Just keep me updated."
You heard a soft knock on the door as you hung up the door. You opened it and met with a soft-eyed Yoongi, his arms almost immediately coming to rest on your hips. 
"Everything okay?" 
"Uh. yeah," you said. "My grandma's in the hospital. It's not too concerning at the moment, I just, uh, get a bit emotional when it comes to her." 
He nodded and led you back to the bed. He didn't say anything else, just electing to keep one of his arms around your shoulders and turn the volume on the movie up. He handed you an unopened bag of cookies as if he knew it was exactly what you needed. 
A few days later
"So, how are things going?" the therapist asked, her notebook resting on her lap and her glasses slid down the bridge of her nose. 
"Uh, well, we get along better now. I-I think we understand each other better now. But, we've run into something a little more worrisome." 
"What's that?" 
"Well, we had a fight a while ago. I'm fairly close with his other members and one of them was trying to comfort me and when he touched me, I burned him." 
"Yeah, I also have a weird emotional attachment to her. Like, my emotions are tied to hers. If she's sad, then I feel overwhelmingly sad until she's happy again." 
You turned to Yoongi with your lips pursed in curiosity. "What?" 
"Oh, I thought you'd caught onto to that." 
You had noticed that Yoongi had seemed to understand you better recently. He was always there whenever your mood flatlined, you soon found Yoongi coming with a snack or a cup of tea. Sometimes he stuck around and sometimes he didn't, but he never failed to jumpstart your mood.
"Is this happening constantly or only after a conflict?" 
"I'm always tuned into her emotions. However, negative emotions always come through the strongest, whether caused by me or not." 
You felt him looking at you and it caused your cheeks to heat. "Oh, the burning happened twice. Once as we mentioned and the second time I burnt through another's T-shirt, but I didn't actually burn him." 
The therapist nodded and chewed on the end of her pen. "There aren't many precedents for these sorts of things, as you know, soulmates are rare. It's even rarer for a pair to decide they don't want to be together. The physical symptoms we've seen before were not that different from the ones you're exhibiting." She jotted down a few notes and flipped back to a previous page. "Now that you're exhibiting these symptoms though, it means that you've grown to the stage where we can begin to back off the connection.
"The only things you two need to do is to try and minimize the conflict between the two of you, continue resisting urges to the best of your ability, and we will be prescribing some medication. Since such a high profile soulmates case has come up, the interest in research recently has increased and so your medical treatment may change. So, you'll need to go in for a checkup in after about a week on the new medication."
"I have a quick question," Yoongi said. "My, uh, parents really want to meet Sumi. They know we're trying to break this and everything, but we have some time off and I was wondering if that would hurt things if she came with me to Daegu?"
The therapist shrugged. "I don't see why it would. It's perfectly fine for the two of you to act as friends and you have to stay together until the bond is completely severed. However, if something feels off during the visit, leave." 
You looked at Yoongi. He'd left you speechless for the second time during the appointment. He never brought up meeting his parents, only that they wanted to meet you. Your palms went clammy and you began to pick at the skin around your fingernails. You wished you'd brought your needles.
"You never mentioned actually meeting your parents," you said, carrying your prescription and ducking into the car before anyone could catch sight of you and Yoongi. 
"I didn't really think it was happening, but, I don't know. If we only have one soulmate, I want them to meet mine."
"Okay," you said. "I-uh-I just don't have much time to prepare." 
"What? Why would you need to prepare?"
"So they'll like me." 
"You don't need to worry about that, Sumi. They'll love you." 
Mom (3:45 am): Sumi!
You (3:47 am): Yes? Is everything all right?
Mom (3:49 am): Hey, isn't it early there? Shouldn't you be asleep?
You (3:50 am): It's all right. How's Grandma?
Mom (3:52 am): Oh, she's fine. She's getting discharged now. She's actually in fairly good spirits. You'll never guess what arrived this morning.
Sumi (3:53 am): What?
Mom (3:55 am):
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Mom (3:55 am): From Min Yoongi. It made her so happy. Give him our thanks.
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