#also very smooth save aero
difeisheng · 9 months
"which does [di feisheng] love more: fighting or li xiangyi?"
subtitles by me :)
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mnmovdoom · 2 years
DAY 11 - Self-Done First Aid (Luke Skywalker & Sergeant Kreel)
SCAR Squadron and Luke had started off the wrong foot - Kreel and Luke had started off the wrong foot.
But now the war was over, and Lord Vader was Emperor, and the pesky little Jedi that Kreel had been obsessed with capturing was actually Lord Vader’s son.
It had taken Kreel about five minutes to overcome the horror of having damaged Lord Vader’s son all the times they had crossed paths, and now Kreel had vowed to himself that no harm would come to Luke. Just as easily as Kreel had deemed Luke his prized nemesis, Luke was now his prized little brother of sorts - a little brother with a penchant for trouble.
As everything is on a plan, it was supposed to be a simple mission: as per Emperor Vader’s command, Luke was going to visit this temple on a Forceful planet to meditate and strengthen himself in the Force, see what he could learn in the temple. Luke was to be escorted by SCAR Squadron and be kept safe at all costs.
It wasn’t like Luke actively looked for trouble, but he was a karking trouble-magnet, problem-beacon, disaster-bait, and whatever kriff was meant to happen on a planet radius, Luke inevitably stumbled upon it. Kreel found it equal parts hilarious and exasperating.
Anyway, the plan was simple, and it was actually going fine until the moment SCAR Squadron and Luke reached the temple. It had been a short trek from the clearing where the shuttle had landed, and where Aero and Misty were waiting; and here, sprouting from the jungle, the ruins of what once had been the temple.
The only existing set of stairs in those ruins was down, spiralling into a pitch-black well. Like the sensible man he was, Kreel had Mic walking all around the perimeter of the temple to make a scan of the underground levels and assess structural stability or lack thereof.
In the one minute Kreel turned his back to order Zuke and Shrap into patrol and instruct Mic on the scans, Luke sneaked down the well.
And now Kreel is Force-knows how deep underground searching frantically for Luke, because of course comms don’t work. It’s darker than night, so much that Kreel's night-vision is pretty much useless - his best source of light is his lightsaber. He also has no map, diagram, or whatever miserable schematics of the temple because he couldn’t have waited for Mic to run the damn scan. He also just has water and rations to last him a few hours, because of course he’s going to find Luke and drag him out of this place. See, Kreel knows that Luke hadn’t meant to get himself into whatever he’s gotten himself into by coming down here on his own - Kreel knows that Luke follows the Force like massiffs follow the scent of blood, he knows because he had accompanied Lord Vader on missions before being sent to Nar Shaddaa and he had seen Lord Vader just up and leave because the Force. Of course, Luke doesn’t need to know Kreel is such an understanding man.
So far, Kreel’s search has been fruitless. The stairs had ended in a long corridor, and he had only found and inspected three chambers that were dead-ends. There is nothing here, no statues, no objects, no inscriptions, and according to the display in Kreel’s helmet, he has been walking along this corridor for two hours now. Luke can’t be far, he doesn’t have that much head-start! He does have the Force, though…
Now the corridor is starting to narrow, and ends abruptly in a steep set of stairs going down for about a klick. But at the bottom of the stairs, there seems to be a shimmering light.
“Luke??!” Kreel bellows, but there’s no reply. Rolling his eyes, Kreel disengages his lightsaber, clips it to his belt, and crouches down to properly examine the steps - they’re very steep, and the stone feels smooth and polished under Kreel’s gloves, which translates as slippery. Now, Kreel has a jetpack, but he’d rather save it for - Force forbid - an emergency exit. So he sits on the first step, gripping the edge of the stone and planting his feet firmly on the fourth step, then uses his hands and feet to help himself sitting on the second step. And step by step, for a painfully long time, Kreel moves down the narrow stairs. The closer he gets to the bottom, the steeper and narrower and more crooked the steps are, and no matter how much Kreel wants to hurry, he forces himself to slow down.
Gradually, the light at the bottom of the stairs becomes stronger.
It’s probably two metres or so to the bottom when Kreel’s feet slip before he manages to sit on a step. He doesn't even have the time to unclip his lightsaber and stick it into the rock to at least slow down his fall: he’s tumbling down the remaining narrow, crooked, slippery steps. He curls in on himself as best as he can, trying to protect his helmet as he hits against the walls as he falls. The sound of reinforced plastoid hitting cold stone echoes loudly through the corridor, the sound stunning Kreel more than the fall does.
Until finally, he reaches the bottom of the stairs and rolls, until stopping on his side and flopping on his back with a groan. Pain engulfs him immediately, but he zeroes in on the throbbing, sharp pain coming from his right shin. Cursing under his breath, Kreel fixes the helmet on his head and, though he still can't see much, he looks down at his leg: apparently, all is good. But when Kreel tries to do as much as bending the knee and moving his ankle, pain flares up his leg. Fan-karking-tastic! With yet more cursing, he undoes the clasps of his shin guard and removes it - he knows his shin is broken and is going to swell, he can’t have it encased in the shin guard. But he also can’t just sit here because he has to find Luke!
Looking between the shin guard and the passageway from where the light is coming, just a little distance away, Kreel works his jaw, thinking. If he cuts the shin guard in half with the lightsaber, he can immobilise his leg - if he finds something to tie the reinforced plastoid to his leg, of course… Grunting and moving sluggishly because he’s sore all over, Kreel searches the pouches on his belt frantically, until he finds what he’s looking for: a roll of fibercord for climbing. He needs to make the most of his adrenaline rush from the fall and the early, bearable stages of pain to immobilise his leg and get going. Quickly, he uses his lightsaber to cut the shin guard and the fibercord, then ties the two pieces on each side of his leg as tightly as he can, regardless of the pain.
Now… standing up. Cursing yet again, he scoots over to the steps, folds his good leg, and using muscle strength and support from the steps, Kreel manages to stand up and balance himself on his good leg.
And now… the hardest part. Gritting his teeth, Kreel puts weight on the heel of his injured leg, swallowing down a pained whimper when pain licks up his leg like a flame. But he has to move, and so he staggers as fast as he can towards the passageway, trying his best not to put weight on his broken leg.
The light… comes from the top of a staircase, as long and steep as the one Kreel has just gotten rid of.
“You gotta be kidding me…” Kreel chuckles, tilting his head to the side. “Luke??!” But even amplifying the speaker in his helmet, there’s no response. What to do now, save the jetpack or his leg? With a resigned sigh, Kreel starts climbing - at least, he’s not engulfed in darkness anymore, and climbing the steep stairs with just the aid of two hands and one leg isn’t too difficult - if only his injured leg wasn’t constantly getting jolted, of course…
Kreel focuses on his breathing and on climbing, muting the pain. Breathe in: move; breathe out: pause; breathe in: climb; breathe out: stop. Sweat trickles down his face despite the cooling system in his helmet, and by the time he reaches the middle of the staircase, the muscles of his arms are on fire and seemingly tearing with each little movement.
But then… he’s no longer climbing, but floating, wrapped in invisible warmth. Without completely understanding what’s happening, Kreel watches the steps go by, seemingly endless as the light becomes brighter and brighter until he has to screw his eyes shut, even behind the protective lenses of his helmet.
His body is set down gently, face down, and the warmth around him withdraws. He’s shaking, aching all over and panting, his injured leg throbbing insistently with sharp sparks of pain. Vaguely, Kreel hears steps approaching.
“Little Jedi!” Lifting his head as much as he can, Kreel watches Luke approach and kneel next to him, with a worried crease on his brow. “You are so screwed when I report to Lord Vader…” Groaning, Kreel manages to prop himself up on shaky arms, slowly turning his head to look at Luke’s openly distressed face:
“You’re injured! What happened to your leg?” he asks in a guilty tone, that only makes Kreel point a threatening finger at him:
“The same that will happen to yours if you ever run off again!”
“You weren’t supposed to come after me!” Luke complains, and just like that, Kreel is floating again. He flails his arms and kicks his good leg, trying to reach the ground, but as Luke stands up and begins to walk away, Kreel floats steadily next to him:
“I’ve got orders to-” Kreel begins, hooking his fingers to a stone. But his traitorous arms have turned to jelly and he doesn’t have the necessary strength to resist the Force. Vaguely, he notices that he and Luke are now leaving a wide, shallow cave and walking into the jungle.
“I had something to do here, Kreel. Something I had to do on my own,” Luke explains, scowling at Kreel like he’s the misbehaved child here. “We’re going straight to the shuttle, your leg needs proper treatment. Call the rest of the squad.”
“I give the orders, kid,” Kreel reminds Luke, tapping his pauldron with pride - even though he’s being floated through the jungle. “What were you looking for in that cave? There was nothing there, it was just a walk in the dark.”
Kreel is a simple trooper. He likes lightsabers, and the Force, while cool and whatnot, isn’t actual martial prowess - but he has no pretence of being knowledgeable in Force matters. In his eyes, that underground complex is just a stupid tunnel leading to a cave in the jungle.
But Luke has a little, amused smile, and when he looks up at Kreel, he narrows his eyes a little:
“And what was at the end of the walk in the dark?” he asks, and Kreel shrugs:
“A cave into the jungle.”
Now Luke has that smug smirk for when he knows something interesting and won’t share. Whatever. Kreel doesn’t want to think about that damn temple or tunnel anymore.
“What were you still doing there? I bet you didn’t have trouble with those stairs, you can just use the Force to leap around,” he asks instead, earning a chuckle:
“That’s one way of putting it. I was meditating, because I got what I came here for,” Luke explains, ducking the lower branch of a tree and lowering Kreel a little, but still keeping him floating steadily. “Then I felt your presence,” His face turns sheepish. “I’m sorry about your leg. I didn’t think that-”
“That’s the problem with you, Luke. You don’t think,” At the chastisement, Luke pushes out his bottom lip and looks away from Kreel. “But if you break me out of the medbay, I might not tell Lord Vader that you disobeyed a direct command.”
Again, there’s a little smile to Luke’s lips. The jungle closes in around them, but still Kreel floats steadily without hitting on anything whereas Luke keeps tripping on roots. Sometimes, dressed in black and commanding the Force, he almost reminds Kreel of Lord Vader. A clumsier, more graceless version of Lord Vader.
“Technically I’m a prince, so I outrank you. Sarge, sir,” Luke says, in an even, fact stating tone that ends in a yelp as he trips on a root again.
And Kreel just shakes his head fondly.
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kessielrg · 2 years
Mega Man X WIP
The first part of -potentially- seven sections in a Mega Man X story I want to write, and have had the idea for awhile now. This was all written today because I miss X and Aero, and I needed a change of pace- there’s about 900 words at the moment so click on the Read More cut off. I dunno when the rest will be finished (if ever).
. . .
“The first step to knowing yourself is to know your limitations. Through trial and error, we learn more about ourselves by what we are able to do or not do. The phrase ‘everything in moderation’ is not just for wine tasting, listeners. It is, in fact, how we should approach everything. You truly never know unless you try it first!”
X made a displeased frown as he smoothed out the corners of his clay figurine. This was his latest little project- something to keep him busy while he tried to figure out his purpose in life. So far, clay modeling wasn’t exactly a favorite, but he did find he liked working with his hands.
“But what if I don’t have any limitations?” he mumbled to himself. He raised his figurine to eye level to get a better look at it. It was going to be a small dog. Something not quite Reploid, but not quite natural either. He still had to make impressions on its face for when he added the glass eyes.
“During this time of discovery,” the self help narrator went on, “It is important to have a good support system. While in the perfect world, we could find the upmost patient saints that will follow our every whim and moment without complaint, but we do not have that luxury in the real world. Instead, make the encouragement two sided. If you decide to start a symphony for the experience, also join your support for the recital they have worked months toward. At the same time, you should avoid anyone who would suffocate potential growth by-”
The narrator was cut off when an incoming call came through to X’s headset. X set down his figurine, quickly wiped a hand with a damp towel, then placed that hand at his headset to answer it.
“You’ve reached Mega Man X. How can I help you?”
“Spare an ear for a rant?” the warm voice of Aero Sephira questioned. She sounded amused, but at the same time rather impatient. “I just found out my beloved grandmother is purposely ignoring me now. She tried to tell me she had to turn off her hearing aid in order to save the battery. X (X!), she doesn’t even need a hearing aid!”
He didn’t mean to, but X let out a small chortle. He started to work on his figurine some more as he continued his conversation with Aero. Thankfully his headset made hands-free communication easy.
“I didn’t know you could rant that long about something,” he mused. “Was it about Zero?”
“Har.” Aero snorted in return. “You would just love that, wouldn’t you? Then you can give me the good old ‘you’re different, but you still have a lot in common’ speech.”
“Well if the shoe fits…”
In her silence, X could almost see Aero purse her lips together and give a slow nod of acknowledgment. Another smile etched itself onto his lips. It was true- he usually was telling one or the both of them they’d be good friends if they just let each other be friends. An exercise in futility, sure, but one of these days it was going to stick. He hoped it would, at the very least.
“But in all seriousness,” X then said, “What’s wrong? Did something bad happen?”
“No.” Aero admitted with a sigh. “It’s my school. They’re doing this banquet thing this weekend. Black tie-ish, tickets are half price if you bring a plus one, and all the announcements make it seem like it’s mandatory. I don’t even like anyone at school enough to ask them out. A good portion of them want to get in my pants so they can get to Cain, or you. Like I’d ever be with people who’d use me as a power trip again.”
X flinched. It messed up the detailing on his figurine a bit, but he could fix it.
“Does someone from your school have to be your plus one?” he asked.
“No. Gran’s offered to go with me, but who would take their grandmother to a school banquet?”
“Maybe I could go with you instead.” X offered.
There was an uncomfortable amount of silence before Aero let out a flat, “What.”
X could feel his cheeks flush a bit as he explained. “Well... it’s been awhile since we’ve done something together. Let alone something formal. My schedule is pretty clear for the next month or so, and since we don’t know when your next exam will be…”
The line was silent as the two stirred over his suggestion.
“X…” Aero carefully started to say, “It’s supposed to be human only…”
“Oh.” X mumbled, his heart immediately sinking like a stone. But then he remembered something. “I can take off my armor. I don’t do it often, but I can for you. If we’re lucky, no one will even notice. A lot of people can’t even tell the difference as is.”
At this point, X had already made up his mind. He set down his figurine, confident that it was ready to be baked now.
“Send me the details later, and I’ll pick you up an hour before.” he told her. Even his voice sounded rather confident with itself. “You can count on me, Aero. I promise it.”
“I… I know.” Aero softly admitted. “Thanks X.”
X gave a firm nod before ending the connection. It took him a few seconds more before considering that he might have just asked Aero on a date.
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hoverboardsbrands · 3 years
Best Hoverboard Brands
In today's busy life, people do not have enough time for their leisure time activities. We should do the things that give us peace of mind. Today many people like to spend their free time with electrical appliances. We will talk about one of them. We'll talk about hoverboards. Hoverboards are a great way to spend your free time. Hoverboards are available in the market with many brands. Let's take a look at those famous hoverboard brands.
 1.     Epikgo Self Balancing Scooter
With a range of 10 miles from starting, Epikgo Self Balancing Scooter is one the best electric hoverboards. The running capacity is double as a one hour as compared to other hoverboards. It can be your commute vehicle. It takes only two hours for charging. With the size of 8.5-inch tires, Epikgo hoverboards are capable of wet and dry both conditions. The most important thing is that, the Epikgo Hoverboards are water-resistant.
2.     Tomoloo Hoverboard with LED Lights
One of the top pick by kids as well as adult Tomoloo Hoverboard with LED Lights is fast and easy to learn and operate. The LED lights built–in Bluetooth speakers in Tomoloo Hoverboards. With a 4-hour long-life battery and it only takes 1 hour to charge, which is one of the shortest charging times on our list. You can operate Tomoloo Hoverboards in both wet and dry places with a top speed of 7.5 MPH. The top feature of this hoverboard is that, you can play music directly from your mobile phone with a Bluetooth system and it is connected with LED flashing lights which make your ride more wonderful.
3.      Jetson Aero All Terrain Hoverboard
Hoverboard lover who likes a ride on grass and gravel, here is one of the suitable model for this surface is Jetson Aero All Terrain Hoverboard. If you’re planning to leave the flat surface, you should definitely go for Jetson hoverboards. This hoverboard has a 300-watt dual hub motor which helps to ride on any surface. Riding in low light is a bigger problem so the colorful LED lights of Jetson Aero Hoverboards illuminate your path. On one charge, you can ride up to 7 miles easily as well as it can accommodate loads up to 195 pounds.
4.      XPRIT Hoverboard
One of the affordable hoverboard on our list is XPRIT Hoverboard. It is a perfect hoverboard for kids considering features like Bluetooth wireless speakers and LED lights. XPRIT hoverboard comes in multiple colors. It is easy to operate and carrying because of lightweight, that’s by this hoverboard is the most favorite and best pick by kids as well adults. Colorful LED lights are of the premium feature which makes the ride more bright and smooth. The colors change according to music. XPRIT hoverboards don’t sacrifice too many premium features in order to save some money.
5.     Viro Rides Free-Style Hoverboard
The Viro Rides Free-Style Hoverboard is an evolution of design that featuring two side-by-side central wheels instead of one. Riding Free-Style hoverboards is just like riding a skateboard. But it is really more like snowboarding. The ride of Viro Rides Hoverboards is very safe as compared to others. It also displays a handy dashboard with your current speed and battery level. The rider can ride viro up to 6.5 miles on a single charge with a maximum speed of 7 mph. Viro Rides Free-Style Hoverboard can accommodate riders up to 220 pounds.
Visit Our Official Website - Hoverboard
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hardestcopy · 3 years
The Supreme Tips To Investing In A Road Bicycle
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Driving a road bicycle is just really a terrific task that keeps you active in addition to giving a unique method of meeting new people and undergoing your own surroundings. It's also a outstanding way to keep fit at any given era due to the deficiency of effect on the physique. Additionally, street bikes possess the capacity to meet the competitive types, thrill seekers and/or adventure searchers, even in the event that you are that way inclined.
If it comes time purchase a new bike, there is an abundance of alternatives that can be daunting. To help you make an educated selection we've established the greatest guidebook to buying a road bike that will allow you to sort through all of the information and find the ideal Bicycle for you.
What's a Road Bike?
A road bike is distinguishable by some Essential particulars;
Athletic Placement
Built to decrease your frontal account from your wind, street bicycles typically put the rider in an even much more athletic, rather more lower, situation in contrast to additional recreational bike styles. This also helps to recruit additional muscle groups, like the hamstrings and glutes. You may get more info about bicycle by visiting goodtopick.net website.
Reduce Bar S
While horizontal road bikes can be purchased, most road bicycles include the exact curled-shape decline handlebars. These give several hand positions and make it possible for the rider to correct their frontal profile to accommodate the terrain.
Skinny tyres
Tyres to an street bicycle are normally 23mm, 25mm or 28mm in width, together using some endurance orientated tyres at 30mm+. Although it had been previously rare to see tyres wider than that new developments in endurance bicycles and"All of Road" bikes are seeing road bike tyres go as a wide as 33mm.
No suspension
In contrast to mountain bicycles, street bicycles rarely feature suspension. Most surfaces insured onto a road-bike are smooth and flat, maybe not requiring the extra comfort that suspension gives. If street bicycle consumers do need extra relaxation, it's commonly in the form of broader tyres or inbuilt compliance to this framework and fork.
A Number of gears
Road bicycles will ordinarily possess two cogs around front twist and up to 12 gears on the back cassette providing around 2 4 gears. The large span of equipment lets passengers to pedal at high rates (descending or rapid flats) and lesser rates (climbing).
Which form of road bike?
There are several sorts of highway bicycles offered to specifically concentrate to that terrain or variety of driving you'll do. There are'aero' bikes for flat roadways,'lightweight' bicycles for mountains,'stamina' bikes for long excursions, all-road or sand bikes for experience riding and recreational bicycles that are just for pleasure.
Beneath is a description of each to help you settle on which form of bicycle satisfies you.
Aero bike
Aero highway bicycles are built for one matter... speed! They are not overly concerned about weight loss or comfort. It really is all about cheating the wind and saving watts. Aero road bikes are distinguishable from other streets bike by their large tube profiles, deep section wheels, and component integration.
Endurance bike
Off-road street bikes really are rapidly becoming one of the most popular type of road bike using their comfy geometry, stable trip and also focus in your relaxation. Off-road street bikes are distinguishable from many other road bikes by having stable control and an erect, comfortable riding position.
Lightweight bike
Lightweight bikes are the bike of choice to get general classification contenders in the pro peloton and cyclists who love seeking out a few altitude. As far as race bicycles proceed, all these will be the allrounders.
Gravel bicycles
Gravel or all road bicycles fall into a very wide category that makes it possible for the riders to get into all kinds of terrain on one bicycle. As a way to do so, the bicycle needs to be lasting, comfy and possess adequate functionality options.
Touring Bikes
Touring bikes really are a marginally different kind to dirt bicycles and perhaps not focused on the performance element of driving. Touring bikes are thicker compared to other road bikes with the focus on relaxation,durability and the ability to transport equipment on the bike.
Leisure or Fitness bike
Recreational bikes forgo the bells and whistles of all operation road bikes (actually, they usually come with bells) and focus on comfort and practicality. They truly are best suited to brand new riders that are looking to be more busy and readily get from A to B.
Flat-bar road bike
Any bike which includes a more"level bar" may be considered a flat bar road bike nevertheless the quality and goal may vary greatly. As mentioned above, most recreational bikes will probably feature a level pub . however, it's not unheard of to observe that a far more performance frame using a level bar instead of drop handlebars.
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mercenarywriters · 3 years
Coffee Maker - Important Techniques To Pick The Most Effective One
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It is difficult to find the top coffee maker. There are a lot of coffee makers on the market in the present. It is necessary to dive into the world of coffee makers to explore all available coffee makers to find the one that is perfect for your requirements.
These tips will help you identify the top coffee maker. There are many different types of coffee maker you will find on the internet.
This coffee maker is an excellent option for those who want to start the morning with a traditional cup of coffee. The machine can be programmed over night to produce a warm coffee in the morning.
The coffee is made after the water has heated in the reservoir. It is sprinkled over the grounds of the filter. After the coffee is brewed, it drips down into the serving vessel below. The type of filter determines the grind of coffee. Medium-grind coffee can be filtrated using flat-bottomed paper filters and permanent plastic filters or gold filters. For the best grind, you must choose cone filter. Serving pots can hold up to 14 cups of coffee and the warming plate can keep it warm for a while.
Moka Pot or Stovetop
If you're a fan of espresso, think about buying an oven or stovetop.
It has three separate chambers: one for water, one for grounds, and a third for extracting coffee. The steam-pressurized boiling water gets passed through the coffee ground for the making of the brew. This kind of coffee maker can produce up to 14 cups of espresso, and is very easy to clean. The moka maker has a very classy design and is also simple to use. A cup of moka-made coffee is the only coffee that can be measured in strength with espresso.
Pour Over
If you're a skilled coffee-maker then this is the coffee maker for your needs. It can make a single cup of coffee it has to be operated manually. It has a funnel-shaped filter and dripper.
This is among the most simple to make use of and is the most practical coffee maker with grinder. To heat grounds of coffee, a plunger mesh filter, carafe, and carafe are employed. The blooming process takes around 30 minutes to complete. The next step is to stir and steepen the coffee for three half minutes. It may take between 15 to 12 minutes based the size of the French press is to make 12 cups of coffee.
Grind and Brew Coffee Maker
This coffee maker has a built-in grinder. There are two kinds. Burr produces uniformly-sized and smooth ground. Blade can cut the beans into different sizes. A built-in grinder can make it easier to save money since there is no need to purchase an additional mill.
You'll get the best taste fresh ground beans. The programmable grinder and brew maker can produce as much as 12 cups. The burr model is less affordable, but it has the best flavor and the highest quality results.
Turkish coffee or Ibrik-Cevze
This coffee maker will give you a unique flavor. It is a long-handled pot that brews Turkish coffee. These are gorgeous and make coffee brewing easy.
Apart from the coffee makers listed above, there are also some other types to consider, like Single Serve Coffee Makers, Aero Press, and Vacuum Pot, among others. But, you won't be wrong with the options discussed above. Select the coffee maker that best suits the taste you love and enjoy an inviting hot cup of coffee each and every day.
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debtblog381 · 3 years
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out For
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Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out For Men
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out Forget
MAC Huggable Lipcolour will be available in twelve shades with a January 4, 2014 release date. MAC Huggable Lipcolour seems similar to products MAC has already released like Sheen Supreme Lipstick and So Supreme Lipstick however, I felt the formula was different. How To Use MAC Huggable Lipcolour? Exfoliate and moisturize your lips. Swivel up the MAC Huggable Lipcolour. Starting from the cupid's bow, apply the lipstick to your upper lip following it's natural contour. Glide it across the entire bottom lip. Blot your lips with a tissue paper to even tone the. That little splash of color is like a nap, doughnuts, ice cream and chocolate rolled into one. I almost want to hug it out with these pretty lippes, the appropriately named MAC Huggable Lipcolours ($20 each, coming to the MAC website May 7, and a week later to MAC counters and stores). Do you remember this line of medium-coverage lipsticks? Yup, the 12 Huggable Lipcolours have a completely new gel-based formula, and they make their big debut January 2nd at all North American MAC locations and internationally the same month (in all countries outside Asia). MAC claims the formula makes them mega moisturizing and capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound!
Free shipping and returns on MAC 'Huggable' Lipcolour at Nordstrom.com. Cover your lips in gorgeous hues with Huggable lipcolour by MAC. The high-shine formula features a blend of creamy emollients to give you a lasting, glossy color that leaves your lips smooth and sculpted. Its unique gel base allows each shade to smooth effortlessly onto your skin with a featherlight finish that lasts.
OK, so…what the heck is it about wearing lipstick that instantly makes me feel so much better? That little splash of color is like a nap, doughnuts, ice cream and chocolate rolled into one.
I almost want to hug it out with these pretty lippes, the appropriately named MAC Huggable Lipcolours ($20 each, coming to the MAC website May 7, and a week later to MAC counters and stores).
Do you remember this line of medium-coverage lipsticks? (Cue flashback to waaayback in 2013.) Of the 10 slick, moisturizing shades coming out next month, all of them, with the exception of Fashion Force, look new to me (as far as I’m remembering now).
They last from 2-3 hours for me and have that classic MAC vanilla flavor and scent.
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The MAC Huggable Lipcolours…
Bare Hug — a creamy, soft peachy orange
Soft Talkin’ — a warm peachy nude
I’m Game — a creamy raspberry (which, incidentally, sounds incredibly delicious to me right now)
Love Feeling — a deep, vibrant orange
I’m In — a warm rose
Play It Soft — a bright coral-red
Glamorized — a creamy, vibrant pink
Flaming Lips — a deep creamy red
Fashion Force — a soft tangerine
Dramatical — a bright cherry red (not pictured)
As you might imagine, Tabs is a big fan of these, mostly because of their name.
You see…he is extremely huggable as well. 🙂
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out For Men
MAC Huggable Lipcolour Limited Edition Collection Swatches: Feeling Amorous, Rusty, Touche, What a Feeling, Rich Marron, Love Beam, Red Necessity, Cherry Glaze, Commotion
Okay so this has to be the most ignored LE MAC Collection in the lipstick history! Whats up beauty bloggers? Why no noise about this new launch? I can’t say about the rest of the world but Indian beauty scene is so quiet on these new MAC Huggable Lipcolours that I can’t help but wonder if I am the only one who seems to like these glossy lipsticks. The other day when I went to check if the Retro Matte is back yet, I saw these Sheen Supreme look-a-like tubes sitting at a corner and I asked the MUA if thats the Huggable Collection. You see.they didn’t have even a rack or stand to themselves! Okay seriously whats up? I collected the swatches of the 9 shades out of 12 I could find at the MAC Store in DLF Promenade. Two shades have not been launched in Asia.
As far as the reviews go, they seem to be quite good. The texture is very creamy and they glide on like butter. And give this gloss like shine. Even though these are quite creamy, they still seem to last a decent amount of time (according to Temptalia). The pigmentation varies with shades. But mostly these are sheer lipsticks and have to layered a couple of times to show up. The deeper shades are quite pigmented but the lighter shades lack pigmentation and look almost like the MAC Lustre finish lipsticks.
Swatches from left to right:
Rich Marron: is described as a “mid-tone nude.” Its a sheer nude brown shade and reminds me of MAC Hug Me.
What a Feeling: is described as a “mid-tone cool pink.” Its a lilac toned pink shade which would probably wash out Indian skin tones.
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Touche: is described as a “light beige.” A sheer peachy nude. Again not for medium and dark skin.
Rusty: is described as a “deep auburn.” A warm brick brown shade.
Feeling Amorous: is described as a “mid-tone fuchsia.” A blue based hot pink. Liking it a lot.
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Commotion: is described as a “deep cool plum” A deep berry which looked a little vampy. Totally a fall shade. Applied unevenly. I like it ever since I got into such reddish berry shades!
Cherry Glaze: is described as an “orange red” A bright warm orange toned red shade. Reminds me of MAC So Chaud. A little less bright than Lady Danger. My favourite out of all!
Red Necessity: is described as a “deep warm wine”. A deep cherry red shade.
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Love Beam: is described as a “mid-tone warm pink” A light warm pink quite similar to MAC Lustering. Less brighter than Speak Louder.
Pros of MAC Huggable Lipcolours:
Very creamy and buttery
Hydrating and moisturizing. You can skip lip balm with them.
Glide on like butter. Literally!
I can see a lot of shades working for Indian skin tones.
Cons of MAC Huggable Lipcolours:
Uneven application of a few shades.
Pigmentation varies according to the shade. Lighter one are more sheer than the darker ones.
The main problem behind these lipcolours is the uneven application. Even while swatching I found the texture a little difficult to work with. Adobe photoshop free download. You need to be extra careful while applying or they can look blotchy. Commotion is the unevenest and creamiest out of all.
Dupes: Revlon Lip Butters
Price: Approx Rs.1600 (not sure)
Shades meant for Indian skin: Commotion, Cherry Glaze, Red Necessity, Love Beam, Rich Marron, Rusty, Feeling Amorous. Err.okay all of them except Touche and What a Feeling! My favourites are Cherry Glaze and Feeling Amorous.
PS – Happy Holi!
PPS – What’s the mystery here? Girls I don’t want to be left out!
Mac Huggable Lipcolour Out Forget
Have you tried the MAC Huggable Lipcolours? Share your views with us.
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perfectirishgifts · 3 years
A Tried And Tested Guide On How To Win The War Against Maskne
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/a-tried-and-tested-guide-on-how-to-win-the-war-against-maskne/
A Tried And Tested Guide On How To Win The War Against Maskne
Asian beauty woman putting on mask on face. Wearing corona virus prevention masks for long hours are … [] creating irritation, skin problems, acne pimples.
Its starts with a seemingly harmless blackhead. Then you notice redness and swelling that will inevitably birth a dreaded pimple. The next thing you know one zit has multiplied to cover almost an entire area of your face along the jawline or chin. Like most skin breakouts, once acne takes over your life, it will often feels like a losing battle.
My bout with acne took over three months of my quarantine life with wounds (okay, maybe scars is a better word for it) that remind me to never again take this skin pandemic lightly. The guesswork was tedious and for weeks seemed futile. There were trial and error attempts, in search of a balancing skincare routine that would clear skin without stripping it off its moisture. This is most important especially for those with combination skin. I even cheated on my trusted dermatologist, only to get a subpar facial that did nothing to improve skin’s condition. Said facialist, however, offer sound advice: “Forego products that will leave your skin oily until the acne has subsided. This will take a while.”
Before getting into the meaty details of this war against maskne, let’s talk about causes. Maskne is basically acne brought about by wearing face masks for prolonged periods of time. Heat, dirt, sweat and bacteria, when covered by fabrics or other materials used to make face coverings, trigger skin flare ups. Even in cooler temperature, maskne continues to be a bane especially for sensitive skin that’s dry and flaky. So yes, the war is far from over, but the good news is it can be won.
A GENTLE AND THOROUGH SKIN CLEANSE is your first step to beating this very frustrating skin condition. I looked far and wide for natural cleansers that would help to control the oil, sebum and dirt. Oil-based cleansers seemed to aggravate the flare up. Bar soaps left skin feeling tight, dry and flaky. Clean facial wash formulations with tea tree oil work wonders as an anti-microbial skin solution. Of the many choices on offer, an all-natural Philippine made Acne Defense Facial Wash from HUMAN NATURE fulfilled its promise of soothing a nasty flare up without drying skin.
Alpyn Beauty’s Wild Huckleberry 8-Acid Polishing Peel
Alypn Beauty’s Wildhuckleberry 8 Acid Polishing Peel is a multitasking skin treat that works as a … [] mask, skin peel and polish.
After a refreshing facial wash, double cleanse with an ultra gentle, multitasking mask, peel and scrub and polish in a jar. ALPYN BEAUTY’s Wild Huckleberry 8-Acid Polishing Peel has sold out several times since it launched in October—and for good reason. This skin treat harnesses the powers of a natural salicylic, citric, malic, tartaric, glycolic, azelac, ferulic and lactic acids to exfoliate skin and dissolve dead skin cells. Wild crafted huckleberry protects skin barrier, while bamboo power combined with blueberry seed paste effect natural microdermabrasion of skin. This light and delicious skin peel is so gentle you can use is daily, day and night. Ingredients used for this heaven-sent are all sustainably sourced and wild-crafted so you know that it does your skin, soul and planet good. This peel is also ideal for prepping skin before makeup application.
M-61 Power Glow Toner exfoliates away impurities, refine pores, and smoothens skin texture to … [] prevent blemishes and quickly improve existing acne
Wipe away deep seated dirt and impurities with M-61’s PowerGlow Toner. Formulated with Glycolic Acid and Salicylic Acid, this gentle skin toner exfoliates impurities, refines pores and smoothens skin texture to prevent blemishes and existing acne. Unlike other harsh anti-acne toners that leave skin dry, extra sensitive and flaky, the PowerGlow brings out soft, hydrated and glowing skin. It is also ideal for sensitive skin types that need an extra anti-acne boost.
ZITSTICKA’s Press Refresh Sheet Mask combines functional technology and skincare tailored to fight … [] acne. It is formulated with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, Niacinamide (to calm) and vitamin A.
Skin flare ups and breakouts in the past have taught me that the first thing to go when pimples take over are heavy creams and moisturizers. As much as we all love a good dose of hydration, war against maskne calls for heavy reinforcements like a hardworking, skin saving face mask. ZITSTICKA’s Press Refresh Hydrogel Sheet Mask is a warrior that combines functional technology and skincare tailored to fight acne. It is formulated with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, Niacinamide (to calm) and vitamin A.
Cutting-edge Graphene Technology is used in the sheet mask, which “emits infrared rays into the skin, offering enhanced absorption of each ingredient.” There are five sheets in every box of Press Refresh. Applied during evenings on alternating days, Press Fresh does a remarkable job in reducing redness and inflammation. By the time the last sheet was used, skin texture had dramatically improved. Pores also appeared smaller. Post acne, Press Refresh is highly recommended as a routine mask for preventing future breakouts. ZITSTICKA is a brand dedicated to creating innovative skin solution that help to fight acne breakouts at all stages.
Peace Out Healing Dots combine Hydrocolloid, Salicylic Acid, Vitamin A and Aloe Vera to clear up … [] acne-causing bacteria and reduce redness overnight.
Peace Out Acne Serum is formulated with Salicylic Acid, Niacinamide, Vitamin C & Zinc that work … [] together to clear blemishes, prevent them from returning
Maskne is stubborn and often requires a stroke of mad brilliance to beat. PEACE OUT, the leading anti acne skincare brand at Sephora, has changed the way we address breakouts with a full range of innovative skincare solutions. The Acne Healing Dot combines hydrocolloid polymer technology with clean, active ingredients to zap zits. Instead of applying gel or liquid formulas on the surface, PEACE OUT offers fun, stick on skin solutions for hardcore breakouts. I had to try it to believe. To use, simply apply the sticker directly on the affected areas and leave on for a couple of hours. Hydrocolloid dressings absorb moisture and toxins trapped underneath the skin’s surface, which effectively helps to reduce redness and swelling. Use of this technology also helps to speed up healing of acne. For best results, pair the Healing Dots with PEACE OUT’s Acne Serum. Salicylic acid infused with Niacinamide and Vitamin C decongests pores, while reducing the appearance of dark spots and blemishes.  
Heraux Molecular Anti-Inflammaging Serum shielding stem cells from the effects of stress and … [] promotES their overall youthful function.
It’s also essential that you give skin the protective barrier it needs against stressors and irritants. This helps to form a layer that will keep it from inflammation and ultimately, breakouts. HERAUX Molecular Anti Inflammaging Serum uses the first and proprietary Biomimetic Lipid, HX-1, to target “inflammaging” or aging caused by inflammation. Through the discovery of two stem cell scientists, this breakthrough skincare formulation “shields stem cells from the effects of stress and promotes their overall youthful function by modulating the protein that regulates regeneration versus inflammation.” The layer has also helped me to protect skin and bring back its radiance and texture.
I’ve been using Heraux for a month now, applying a pea-sized amount on thoroughly cleansed skin before getting on with my day. This potent, light serum leaves a matte finish on skin which is brilliant especially when you are paring down on makeup. Pores appear smaller and more importantly, skin barrier is less likely to react to friction or contact with face coverings. After a few weeks of continued use, skin was visibly more youthful and refreshed.
Femmue Lumiere Vital C Serum to help lighten post acne blemishes and dark spots.
Gradually bring back skin hydration into your routine with FEMMUE Ideal Creme Riche
Dull and dry skin with are some of the after effects of a maskne breakout. You can also expect unsightly blemishes and dark spots. To revive clear, smooth and radiant skin, FEMMUE’s “flower therapy” serums and mask did not disappoint. Using modern botanicals, products like Lumiere Vital C Serum and Ideal Cream Riche are skin super healers that restore skin’s glow and texture. Lumiere is a multi-tasking lightweight formula that works as both an antioxidant and brightening solution. It stimulates collagen production while refining skin surface and lightening dark spots. It is also specially formulated to work beautifully with extra sensitive, acne-prone skin types. For a restorative nighttime skincare routine, pair this serum with FEMMUE’s Ideal Crème Riche every other night. Apply a very thin layer all over your face, making sure to tap excess cream with facial tissue. I love to follow with a 10-minute LED Face Mask session just before dozing off.
Scelido Anti Bacterial and Anti Virus Masks are breathable, washable face coverings made with Aero … [] Silver fabric and Copper threads.
The best way to keep maskne from taking over your life again is to choose invest in a an antibacterial, breathable face mask. I love a stylish statement masks and have built quite a collection over the months. For long days that will require hours of wear, however, opt for cotton face masks that allow skin to breathe. Infusion of copper and metal ions into the fabric also help to fight off bacteria. SCELIDO Nano Antibacterial and Antivirus Cooling Mask uses ASKIN and Aero Silver fabric, which gives 99.9% antibacterial and UV protection. It is as effective in protecting wearers from viruses as a KF80 but is light, breathable, reusable and effective in preventing acne. Copper threads enhances protection level and seamless ergonomic design (with sizing from XS to Large) allows this facial covering to sit perfectly on skin without causing traction and irritation.
We all look forward to the day when masks and maskne become things of the past. War wounds, otherwise known as acne scars, are slowly beginning to fade. Till then, lessons from this battle remind us that nature truly is the best healer. And as we continue discover the skincare and self care routine that works best for us, any maskne survivor will tell you this: do your research, look at ingredients and don’t go into guesswork.
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automotivegearz · 4 years
Top 7 Best Silicone Wiper Blades: PIAA, Bosch or Aero (2020 Reviews)
If you’re looking for the best silicone wiper blades, then PIAA 95055 is your best solution. But if you stay around through till the end of this article, there’ll be more options that might suit your needs as well.
As you might know, a windshield should be clean enough so that you can have a clear view when driving. A wiper blade will help sort this out. A robust product can even wipe away the water when the rain is too hard.
In the past, only rubber wiper blades were available. They worked quite well; however, there were still a few limitations. Nowadays, things have changed with the upgrade invention of the silicone wiper blades.
A new issue arises when you have to choose the best product, as there are too many options. This article can help you with this. I will highlight the seven best silicone wiper blades in 2020 in this post, following by a buying guide. Check it out!
Top 7 Best Silicone Wiper Blades 2020 Reviews
#1 Best Overall: PIAA 95055 Wiper Blade
PIAA is a famous company with high-quality products. The 95055 wiper blade has remarkable features from design to quality.
It is made of patented silicone rubber, which can resist water and UV rays. Whenever the blades wipe, the windshield will be coated with a water-repellent silicone. So you don’t have to re-apply it all the time. And the blades can perform well in different types of weather conditions too.
There is an aerodynamic frame that can keep your car streamlined and sleek. At the same time, it allows a streak-free and quiet wiping. Due to the instant beading action, the screen can be cleaner even when the wiper is not working.
Moreover, this wiper blade is very durable. The company provides a hook to make the installation process easier for you. It can be compatible with more vehicles easily.
Made of patented silicone rubber to resist water and UV rays
The windshield will be coated with a water-repellent silicone at every wipe
Work well in different weather conditions
An aerodynamic frame to keep your car streamlined and sleek
Instant beading action, the screen can be cleaner even when the wiper is not working
A hook included for easy installation
Don’t function too well in heavy snow
#2 Best Value: Bosch ICON 15A Wiper Blade
I think I don’t need a lot of introduction to this brand. Bosch is well-known for producing innovative and reliable products. The ICON 15A is one of them.
This blade features a patented beam design with a shielded connector, which is also a unique point. This will optimize the blade’s visibility so it can perform well even in extreme weather conditions.
It is quite simple to set up this blade. There is an original high-quality hook adaptor (Hook arm 9×3 & 9×4). You can choose the wiper arm as you want. The ICON 15A is very durable thanks to exclusive fx dual rubber, which can stand against the heat and ozone deterioration.
The flexible asymmetric spoiler distributes the uniform force along the entire blade. It goes in a downward direction. As a result, the wiper will be held to the windshield firmly at high speeds.
You can customize the blade’s fit with the windshield thanks to the exclusive tension spring arcing technology.
Highly quality and durable
Patented beam design with a shielded connector to optimize the visibility
Work well in all weather conditions
Simple to set up
Customized fit
Hold well to the windshield in high speeds
It may be streaking when it is old
#3 Best Budget: Rain-X 5079281-2 Wiper Blade
The Rain-X wiper blade won the 2017 Product of the Year. It only has excellent features but also offers excellent prices that you can’t miss.
This wiper blade can perform well in all types of weather thanks to the synthetic rubber blend material. This also means you can foresee the Rain-X’s durability. Or at least, you should rely on the award-winning product.
This blade comes with advanced beam blade technology to make it suit the curvature of the windshield. As a result, the wiping motion is smooth and streak-free.
In terms of installation, it comes with ease, thanks to the universal adaptor. The blade can also fit around 90% of the vehicles. This can save you time.
Moreover, the wiper blade can apply a water repellent coating to the windshield. This helps remove the water efficiently even if the wipers are not functioning. The most amazing part is that this coating can last for months. That is why it is called 2– in 1 product. It can clear and repel the water. Besides, an aerodynamic spoiler is equipped to avoid wind lift and create a quiet wipe.
2- in -1 (water repellent and wiper blade)
Durable works in all weather conditions
Can fit 90% of the vehicles
Quick installation process
Advanced beam blade technology to suit the curvature of the windshield
Some people claimed the quality of the adaptor
#4 Best for all seasons: AERO Voyager Wiper Blade
If you don’t want to change the blade depending on seasons, then the AERO is a great option to go for. I am confident to say this is a perfect blade for all weather.
The AERO is specially blended rubber, which can deliver a clean, smooth, and non-squeaky wipe. The Teflon coating is an added value to this too. Besides, this blade can deal with different atmospheric elements such as ozone deterioration or extreme temperatures. It can also last quite long.
This blade comes with an aerodynamic design that can reduce the noise and avoid the up-lift of the blade from the wind. You can speed up as fast as you want because the blades are very stable.
They design a bracketless style that creates trouble-free from snow or ice build-up. A dual tensioned springs strip is equipped to keep the blades fit well with the screen. The AERO is a direct OEM replacement.
Work well in all seasons
Made of specially blended rubber which can deliver a clean, smooth, and non-squeaky wipe
Aerodynamic design to reduce the noise, at the same time avoid the up-lift of the blade from the wind
The bracketless style to create trouble-free from snow or ice build-up
Dual tensioned springs to keep the blades fit well with the screen
Direct OEM replacement
No instructions included
#5 Best Easy-installation: Beigaon Wiper Blade
The Beigaon Wiper Blade is a durable and versatile product. The producer equipped this with a universal adaptor that can fit the J and U hooks. Thanks to this, the installation process becomes effortless, and anyone can do it.
The blade is made of silicone. It is softer. Also, it can fit the windshield easily, at the same time, resist the cold or heat well. It is confirmed to be 60% more durable than other natural rubber material.
The wiper also coats the windshield with water repellent when the blade is used. This can last for some months. Thanks to this, the water can be bead off the windshield quickly, then the visibility will be optimized.
This product features advanced Aerodynamic and beams design. This provides a smooth and streak-free wipe. The blades, for sure, can contact firmly and adequately with the windshield. Six months of warranty is offered by the company.
Easy and simple installation process
Resist the heat and cold
Water repellent coating will be applied while using
Advanced Aerodynamic and beam design
Six months of warranty
Before installing this blade, you have to ensure your windshield is 100% clean.
#6 Best Friendly: SILICAR Wiper Blade
The Silicar wiper blade is outstanding from the market for its friendliness to the environment and users. It works quite well in wet conditions too.
This blade is made of high-quality silicone rubber, which makes it last longer. It is also friendlier to the environment. The water repellent technology is an extra point that you will like from this product. The windshield will be coated to wick the water quickly and can last for some months.
The wiper blade has a beam and aerodynamic design, which can reduce mostly the noise when wiping or from strong wind. You can freely speed up, and the wiper blade will take care of the rest for you.
The Silicar is resistant to different environments from -80 degrees to +200 degrees. The manufacturer offers you six months of warranty.
Very friendly to the environment and users
Made of high-quality silicone rubber
Water repellent technology
Beam and aerodynamic design
Resistant to a different climate from -80 degree to +200 degree
Six months of warranty
Some people claimed about its durability
#7 Best Durable: San Auto Wiper Blade
The San Auto Wiper Blade is a great product that is sold with two items at one purchase. The Cartilage curves can avoid the deformation and keep the silicone more uniform. This made the blades more durable. 
This blade is designed in U shape. They followed the dynamic spatial principle. It can also eliminate noise. The U shape design makes it fit the windshield better. Thanks to this, it can prevent snow and ice build-up.
The product features a streamline bayonet design, which avoids some issues related to jumping or even force. Moreover, it is elementary to assemble this blade.
Very durable
U shape design to eliminate the noise
Streamline bayonet design
Simple to assemble
Comes in 2 products once purchase
No installation instructions included
How To Choose Best Silicone Wiper Blades
1. Type
There are two types of silicone wipers that you should consider, namely pure and dual. The pure silicone is made of silicone only. It makes contact with the windshield softer. It is more water-resistant too.
The dual version is made of silicone and plastic. It still works effectively, yet it is a little harder when contacting the windshield. They are also built for snowy or heavily rainy weather.
2. Size
Every car needs a wiper blade with a different size. Don’t expect a one-fit-all product. That is why it is vital to measure the numbers of length, front and rear carefully. Most of the manufacturer produces sizes ranging from 14 to 28 inches. I am quite sure your size will be available within this range.
3. Quality
To me, the most vital factors to consider before choosing any product is its quality. You should look through the quality of the silicone as well as the frame. You also need to see how well-fit they are together. If you are buying online, you should read the descriptions and the reviews in detail.
1. Can I use silicone spray on wiper blades? 
If you now own a silicone wiper blade, to eliminate the noise, you can clean your windshield blade with water and soap, then spray silicone.
2. How often should I change my wiper blade? 
I recommend you replace your wiper blade every 6- 8 months. It also depends on the weather, frequency of use, and the types of products you are having.
3. Are expensive wipers worth it? 
In terms of wiper blades, you don’t have to get the most expensive products to own the quality. The cheaper ones do their job well too.  
4. How do I clean my silicone wiper blade? 
First of all, you can use soap and water to clean the dirt. Then you can dry the blade. After that, you can apply the cleaner by using a paper towel.
Final Words
To summarize, it is essential to change the wiper blades when they can’t be used anymore. Fortunately, we have various options on the market. But it is also one of the difficulties when you have to pick the best item. In my options, I will choose PIAA 95055 Wiper Blade for its quality and durability. If you want a more economical option, go for Rain-X 5079281-2 Wiper Blade. They can provide excellent quality, at the same time, a reasonable price. 
I hope you will find this article helpful. Choosing the best wiper blade is so much easier now. Good luck!
Guide: Install PIAA Silicone Wiper Blades!
source https://automotivegearz.com/best-silicone-wiper-blades/
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alexandriathegreat · 4 years
How the Dumb Design of a WWII Plane Led to the Macintosh
At first, pilots took the blame for crashes. The true cause, however, lay with the design. That lesson led us into our user-friendly age—but there's peril to come.
THE B-17 FLYING Fortress rolled off the drawing board and onto the runway in a mere 12 months, just in time to become the fearsome workhorse of the US Air Force during World War II. Its astounding toughness made pilots adore it: The B-17 could roar through angry squalls of shrapnel and bullets, emerging pockmarked but still airworthy. It was a symbol of American ingenuity, held aloft by four engines, bristling with a dozen machine guns.
Imagine being a pilot of that mighty plane. You know your primary enemy—the Germans and Japanese in your gunsights. But you have another enemy that you can’t see, and it strikes at the most baffling times. Say you’re easing in for another routine landing. You reach down to deploy your landing gear. Suddenly, you hear the scream of metal tearing into the tarmac. You’re rag-dolling around the cockpit while your plane skitters across the runway. A thought flickers across your mind about the gunners below and the other crew: "Whatever has happened to them now, it’s my fault." When your plane finally lurches to a halt, you wonder to yourself: "How on earth did my plane just crash when everything was going fine? What have I done?"
For all the triumph of America’s new planes and tanks during World War II, a silent reaper stalked the battlefield: accidental deaths and mysterious crashes that no amount of training ever seemed to fix. And it wasn’t until the end of the war that the Air Force finally resolved to figure out what had happened.
To do that, the Air Force called upon a young psychologist at the Aero Medical Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. Paul Fitts was a handsome man with a soft Tennessee drawl, analytically minded but with a shiny wave of Brylcreemed hair, Elvis-like, which projected a certain suave nonconformity. Decades later, he’d become known as one of the Air Force’s great minds, the person tasked with hardest, weirdest problems—such as figuring out why people saw UFOs.
For now though, he was still trying to make his name with a newly minted PhD in experimental psychology. Having an advanced degree in psychology was still a novelty; with that novelty came a certain authority. Fitts was supposed to know how people think. But his true talent is to realize that he doesn’t.
When the thousands of reports about plane crashes landed on Fitts’s desk, he could have easily looked at them and concluded that they were all the pilot’s fault—that these fools should have never been flying at all. That conclusion would have been in keeping with the times. The original incident reports themselves would typically say “pilot error,” and for decades no more explanation was needed. This was, in fact, the cutting edge of psychology at the time. Because so many new draftees were flooding into the armed forces, psychologists had begun to devise aptitude tests that would find the perfect job for every soldier. If a plane crashed, the prevailing assumption was: That person should not have been flying the plane. Or perhaps they should have simply been better trained. It was their fault.
But as Fitts pored over the Air Force’s crash data, he realized that if “accident prone” pilots really were the cause, there would be randomness in what went wrong in the cockpit. These kinds of people would get hung on anything they operated. It was in their nature to take risks, to let their minds wander while landing a plane. But Fitts didn’t see noise; he saw a pattern. And when he went to talk to the people involved about what actually happened, they told of how confused and terrified they’d been, how little they understood in the seconds when death seemed certain.
The examples slid back and forth on a scale of tragedy to tragicomic: pilots who slammed their planes into the ground after misreading a dial; pilots who fell from the sky never knowing which direction was up; the pilots of B-17s who came in for smooth landings and yet somehow never deployed their landing gear. And others still, who got trapped in a maze of absurdity, like the one who, having jumped into a brand-new plane during a bombing raid by the Japanese, found the instruments completely rearranged. Sweaty with stress, unable to think of anything else to do, he simply ran the plane up and down the runway until the attack ended.
Fitts' data showed that during one 22-month period of the war, the Air Force reported an astounding 457 crashes just like the one in which our imaginary pilot hit the runway thinking everything was fine. But the culprit was maddeningly obvious for anyone with the patience to look. Fitts' colleague Alfonse Chapanis did the looking. When he started investigating the airplanes themselves, talking to people about them, sitting in the cockpits, he also didn’t see evidence of poor training. He saw, instead, the impossibility of flying these planes at all. Instead of “pilot error,” he saw what he called, for the first time, “designer error.”
The reason why all those pilots were crashing when their B-17s were easing into a landing was that the flaps and landing gear controls looked exactly the same. The pilots were simply reaching for the landing gear, thinking they were ready to land. And instead, they were pulling the wing flaps, slowing their descent, and driving their planes into the ground with the landing gear still tucked in. Chapanis came up with an ingenious solution: He created a system of distinctively shaped knobs and levers that made it easy to distinguish all the controls of the plane merely by feel, so that there’s no chance of confusion even if you’re flying in the dark.
By law, that ingenious bit of design—known as shape coding—still governs landing gear and wing flaps in every airplane today. And the underlying idea is all around you: It’s why the buttons on your videogame controller are differently shaped, with subtle texture differences so you can tell which is which. It’s why the dials and knobs in your car are all slightly different, depending on what they do. And it’s the reason your virtual buttons on your smartphone adhere to a pattern language.
But Chapanis and Fitts were proposing something deeper than a solution for airplane crashes. Faced with the prospect of soldiers losing their lives to poorly designed machinery, they invented a new paradigm for viewing human behavior. That paradigm lies behind the user-friendly world that we live in every day. They realized that it was absurd to train people to operate a machine and assume they would act perfectly under perfect conditions.
Instead, designing better machines meant figuring how people acted without thinking, in the fog of everyday life, which might never be perfect. You couldn’t assume humans to be perfectly rational sponges for training. You had to take them as they were: distracted, confused, irrational under duress. Only by imagining them at their most limited could you design machines that wouldn’t fail them.
This new paradigm took root slowly at first. But by 1984—four decades after Chapanis and Fitts conducted their first studies—Apple was touting a computer for the rest of us in one of its first print ads for the Macintosh: "On a particularly bright day in Cupertino, California, some particularly bright engineers had a particularly bright idea: Since computers are so smart, wouldn’t it make sense to teach computers about people, instead of teaching people about computers? So it was that those very engineers worked long days and nights and a few legal holidays, teaching silicon chips all about people. How they make mistakes and change their minds. How they refer to file folders and save old phone numbers. How they labor for their livelihoods, and doodle in their spare time." (Emphasis mine.) And that easy-to-digest language molded the smartphones and seamless technology we live with today.
Along the long and winding path to a user-friendly world, Fitts and Chapanis laid the most important brick. They realized that as much as humans might learn, they would always be prone to err—and they inevitably brought presuppositions about how things should work to everything they used. This wasn’t something you could teach of existence. In some sense, our limitations and preconceptions are what it means to be human—and only by understanding those presumptions could you design a better world.
Today, this paradigm shift has produced trillions in economic value. We now presume that apps that reorder the entire economy should require no instruction manual at all; some of the most advanced computers ever made now come with only cursory instructions that say little more than "turn it on." This is one of the great achievements of the last century of technological progress, with a place right alongside GPS, Arpanet, and the personal computer itself.
It's also an achievement that remains unappreciated because we assume this is the way things should be. But with the assumption that even new technologies need absolutely no explaining comes a dark side: When new gadgets make assumptions about how we behave, they force unseen choices upon us. They don’t merely defer to our desires. They shape them.
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fisherandhunterblog · 4 years
Reviews of the Best Trolling Motor Reels, Rods, Battery and Kit
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Fishing is not as complicated as we thought. You can quickly bring enjoyment to those who love doing it. However, most of the anglers until now don’t know how to choose the best equipments like trolling motor reels, rods, battery and kits. They need as they fish both in saltwater and freshwater. Selecting the best doesn’t have to break your wallet. People must not skip directions when choosing for these are the significant things we should consider. Besides, they should pay close attention to precisely what it states on the manufacturer’s packaging.  
Best Trolling Motor Reels
1. Penn Warfare Level Wind Reel One of the most trusted names in trolling reels is Penn. It comes in different sizes to fit what you are finding. They are made with high-quality materials, and they did not skimp on the quality. This reel has a smooth operation that would even make your fellow fishermen and anglers jealous. You can save little with these motor reels, and it is precisely what you need in fishing.   Pros · Lightweight · Graphite frame and side plates · Gear ratio: 5.1:1 · Line capacity rings · HT-100 carbon fiber drag washers · Dependable · Durable · One of the trusted names in the fishing industry Cons · The release button is stiff and small  
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2. Okuma Classic Pro XP Levelwind Trolling Reel Okuma trolling reel has never been hard to find and achieve. It reminds you that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have an excellent quality of the motor reels. This Okuma Classic Pro XP Level Wind trolling reel is one of the best options for bottom fishing. It is strong enough to fight with some fish targets. You can get one of these and enjoy your day without worrying about the expenses. Go further and stay out longer. It comes with an optional line clicker, as well. You can turn it on and off easily. Pros     Corrosion resistant graphite frame   Two ball bearing drive systems  Perfect Self-lubricating gear system     The gear ratio is 3.8:1     Ideal reel for bottom fishing      It can even land 100+ pounds of fish. Amazing trolling motor reels   Con     · Exclusive for right-handed only  
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Best Trolling Motor Rods
1. Okuma Classic Pro GLT Downrigger Rod As we all know, Okuma is well-known for providing us with such high quality at affordable prices. And this Class Pro rod is one of the best. The blank is made of fiberglass that provides a combination of durability and lighter weight. There are many reviews posted about this rod, and it is very a big deal for those who want to purchase one. They said that this trolling rod could withstand heavy pressure and weight throughout the journey. It also has a combination of aluminum oxide and stainless steel with line guides, reel seats and foot guides. They are very promising, durable and robust. It also comes from a dependable line of rods. This Classic Pro Downrigger rod is a perfect fit for you.
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2. Shimano TDR Heavily Trolling Rod This Shimano TDR Heavy Trolling Rod is for optimum performance and control when using trolling applications. It has an Aero glass construction, which enhances the overall durability of the rod. It ensures the rod to maintain its rigidity even under the heaviest of pressure and weight. The EVA grip is harder and reinforced rear grip, which allows for a comfortable setting in a rod holder, easy to troll and eliminates the need for constant supervision. The grip becomes softer and forgiving contact with hands and fingers. If you are looking for a massive power rod and fast action, this rod is undoubtedly for you. This Shimano TDR Heavy Trolling rod is not only durable, but it is also amazingly powerful and robust, making it one of the best trolling rods in the world.
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Best Trolling Motor Battery
Trying to find the best trolling motor battery for you might be a little challenging, considering there are so many types and uses. But now, I will show you the best trolling motor batteries that will not disappoint you. 1. Optima Batteries 8016-103 D34M Blue Top This Optima Batteries 8016-103 D34M is a 12 volt AGM cycle battery, which means it is maintenance-free. It has 55 ampere-hours and capable of having up to 3 times more recharges than other marine batteries. You can mount this battery in any position, which could be your advantage and a useful feature when it comes to your kayak. It weighs 43.5 pounds and measures 10 inches by 7 inches. Did you know that this battery works well in colder conditions too? It also has benefited from having a reserve of 120 minutes, which can run at 25 amps for 120 minutes before its amp usage reduces to a minimum level. Having an excellent resistance to vibration is one of this battery’s advantages.  
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2. VMAXTANKS Vmax857 Marine Deep Cycle Hi Battery   This battery is a 12-volt deep cycle marine battery that can deliver 35 ampere-hours and an extra double against vibrations. It comes with heavy-duty Vmax plates in its AGM design. It boasts its performance and gives it resistance and longevity when used always.  It is also good at charging and recharging. This battery also can be mounted in any position, which makes it easier to install on a kayak. It has 7.7 inches in length and 5 inches wide and 6.1 inches in height.
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Best Trolling Motor Kit For kayaking either in freshwater or saltwater, you don’t need a pile of gear. You need to know the crucial gears or equipment you will need to use when kayaking.  Here are the things you need to consider in kayak fishing:     Kayak      Personal Flotation Device   Spray Skirt      Bilge Pump     Dry Bag     Signaling whistle       Headlamp    Paddle
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Finishing Touch Those are the things we need to consider when we go fishing through a kayak or a Pontoon Boat. I hope those details I mentioned above will give you the knowledge and learning about fishing.  Remember, fishing is not always hard. If you know what you are choosing, then everything will be easy. Read the full article
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genderqueerfashion · 4 years
How to speed up windows 7
Hello today, I'm gon na teach you how to speed up windows 7. First, you need to be able to see your desktop. You are gon na right. Click on your mouse and it'll bring up this little window, you're gon na click on personalize and if you've never changed. Your windows theme it'll, be the default Aero theme, and although this is a great theme and it's very pretty, it uses up your system's resources to make it pretty. So what you want to do is either change this theme by going to windows, basic and changing it or at the very least, if you, if you are like the windows, Aero theme at the very least, if you have it selected, go down to window color and Disable the transparency, because this transparency does the up your systems resources. 
So, as you can see, you can see my desktop right now as soon as we disable the transparency, I won't be able to see my desktop, but that doesn't serve a huge purpose anyway. So after you disable the transparency, come down and click on Save Changes. Now my recommendation is that you just use the the windows basic theme. I think it makes Windows run way faster, so I'll, just click on that and use that theme you don't have to hit. Save for this, it will just automatically remember it. If you want to go step further, you can use the windows classic theme, but that basically strips windows all the way and as you can see it looks like you know, an old old version of Windows, because it's Windows classic but windows basic - will be enough. 
For this step, so just click on windows, basic select that one and that's the one we're gon na go with after you've done that all you have to do is close down the window and go to start pull up the Start menu, and you will see computer Here: you're gon na right-click on computer and go down to properties and select that and then you're gon na go up to advanced systems and settings and click on that and right here, you'll see where it says: performance, visual effects, processor scheduling, you're, gon na click on Settings now what this will, let you do is basically customize everything you want and don't want visually and by you know, unchecking.
Some of these boxes you'll basically be freeing up a lot more windows resources because those resources won't be used to make Windows pretty it'll they'll be freed up to you, know, run your applications or speed up Windows 7. So, right now it says let windows choose. What'S best for my computer, you can strip all these completely. You can just say, adjust for Best Performance by clicking that and it'll take away all the checkmarks or you can do a custom one. So you can basically pick and choose what you want, as as some of the visual features like, for example, I will leave this and that's checked. I do like shadows under the mouse and shadow under windows, and I will use visual sounds on windows and buttons. 
Tenace smooth scroll lists for boxes, so after you've selected and decided, which ones you want, of course, the less checks you have, the faster your windows will run, you can click on apply and that will save your changes and then you will click on. Ok, you will click on OK here and then you can just close this window down and you'll be back to your desktop and, as you can see, the visual effects have changed after that, but my windows is also running faster now. The next step is to turn off this search feature. So if you don't use windows search option often I would just turn it off. So, unless you're constantly using it to search for pictures or movies or music or files, then turn it off because it run all. 
It'S always running in the background and it's kind of a resource Hawk, so you're gon na open up, you're gon na go to start and you're gon na go to computer again right click on computer and go to manage. This will bring you to this window and you're going to go down to services and applications and you're gon na double click that and you'll see. Services, double click that, and this will bring up your windows services. You are gon na go down, you're searching for windows search, so go down scroll down and, as you can see here is search when you get to search double click on that and, as you see right now, it's on startup type automatic. 
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What you want to do is disable. So once again, if you don't use search, often you can disable this now, if you're you're, a Windows user and you use search a lot, do not disable this, but if you're never using search which I never do, then you could just disable it and then go To apply and then click, OK and then you can close down this window as well. And lastly, you go back down the start, click on control panel and go to programs, and then you will see programs and features trying Windows Features on or off now there are some programs that are in your Windows Features that some people don't use. 
For example, there are some things turned off already, but there are some things I don't use like. I never play the windows games, so I'm gon na uncheck that box and I never use Internet Explorer 9. I use I use Chrome and Google Chrome, so I'm gon na uncheck this as well. Now this will give me a warning that turning off the internet, explorer 9 might affect other windows features and programs. I haven't had a problem with this, but if you do have a problem, you can always come back here and turn it back on. So just click on. Do you want to continue? Yes, I want to continue and then just click on. Ok and basically this will take a couple of minutes and once that's done, windows will run even faster. Ok, so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
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weirdstuff-blog · 4 years
That Was the Year That Was – 1930
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Monarch – George V
Prime Minister – Ramsay MacDonald (Labour)
1930–1935 – unemployment averages more than 18% in Britain.
Amy Johnson makes the first solo flight from England to Australia by a woman, flying from Croydon to Darwin in a de Havilland Gipsy Moth.
British airship R100 sets out for a successful 78-hour passage to Canada
After the 7 successful trial flights and flights checking the outer cover ripple effect, the decision was made for a transatlantic flight or long distance proving flight by one of the two new airships. As the R101 had been put back in Shed Number 1 for further changes to the design to increase the disposable lift, the R100 was tasked with a trip to Canada, successfully crossing the Atlantic to Montreal to the newly erected mast.
The ship slipped the moorings from the Cardington mast at 02.48am on the morning of 29th July 1930. The ship flew over the Atlantic and headed down the Newfoundland coast to Montreal, arriving on 1st August at 05.37am, after a voyage of some 78 hours and 49 minutes; a journey of 3,364 miles.
The transatlantic passage was smooth but the airship ran into difficulties over the St Lawrence valley on a couple of occasions. Near l’Ile aux Coudres, the R.100 was buffeted by shifting winds like never before. A number of very large tears appeared on three fins and the engines had to be stopped for eight hours so that repairs could be made. The people of Quebec City, forty thousand or more, cheered and waved as the airship slowly flew overhead.
A second incident occurred closer to Montreal as the R.100 flew through storm clouds, and very strong updrafts caused more damage to the fabric of the fins.
Temporary repairs were made in flight and then the cover was replaced at the mast at Montreal.
Upon its arrival, Montreal simply went wild; there were dozens of VIPs on hand,and a huge crowd. Companies used the visit to advertize everything from beerto cigarettes; there were signs everywhere, not to mention special R.100 songs,in both English and French. The forty-six–by–nine-metre sign erected by the SunLife Insurance Company was by far the biggest.
Two dozen aircraft transported sightseers by the hundreds. According to some estimates, more than one million people came to see the R.100 at St Hubert; three thousand actually had a chance to tour the airship, many of them “borrowing” souvenirs along the way. The visit may have been a rare pleasure, but the half-metre gap between the airship’s gangway and the tower’s platform gave quite a scare to many visitors.
The crew were deemed heroes for this voyage.
The crew enjoyed banquets and receptions in their honour. There were banquets too, ten or so in all, in Montreal and Toronto, where Burney and Air Ministry representatives extolled the virtues of airship travel, and greater Imperial co-operation. The two sides did not always see eye to eye; the British officials promoted the Air Ministry’s ideas, while Burney put forward his own.
All offers of help by the U.S. Navy were politely but decisively turned down by the federal authorities; this was, after all, Canada’s day. New fabric panels for the damaged fins were prepared by Canadian Vickers, which also did some interior repair work.
It was seen that this trip would be the start of many crossings and the start of commercial operations. On 13th August 1930 the R100 was required to go on a "local" flight where it was received excitedly by all the towns she crossed over. Flights over southern Ontario, Quebec and the Eastern Townships had been planned from the start, but had to be postponed and modified due to the damage to the fins.
Following the completion of the R101, the R100 followed closely on, being an innovative and modern ship when compared to its counterparts at the time. The daring decision to move way from the more traditional Zeppelin design lines was shown in the more oval, streamlined and aerodynamic shape of both the R100 and R101. It was as early as 1921 during the Imperial conference when A.H. Ashbolt London Agent-General for Tasmania, proposed an Imperial Air Company. The idea being that a subsidy for mails carried and a proposed passenger service to connect London to South Africa, and across to Australia and New Zealand.
This plan later was adapted as part of the 1924 Imperial Air Communications Scheme.In 1923, Barnes Wallis, and Sir Dennison Burney both visited the Zeppelin Company in Friedericshafen to see if agreement could be met in a commercial operation between the Zeppelin Company and the Vickers Company. This plan was later not followed up on. It was after much deliberation and further discussing that in1924, a contract between the Burney-Vickers Group was completed on 1st November 1924.
The decision had been made that separate organisations would construct two ships. One would be built by the Royal Airship Works and the other by a commercial contractor. The contract for the R100 had been awarded to Vickers, who were regarded as one of the best airship constructors, considering their history with lighter than air craft. A new subsidiary of Vickers, the Airship Guarantee Company, was set up purely for the construction of the ship. It was felt by the government that having two prototypes built would lead to twice the level of innovation over traditional lines. Both the R100 and R101 teams were the first to build airships in a more aerodynamic form than the traditional Zeppelin designs.
British designers had always tried to improve the aerodynamic shape to aid efficiency compared to other contemporary ships, the R 80 being the case in point, being the most aerodynamic ship constructed to date.
Not much was written about the R100 following her retirement to the shed in August of 1930 and the crash of the R101. However, recent research made by AHT member Brian Harrison uncovered some very interesting facts regarding the final days of the ship.
The R100 was put back in the hangar on 17th August 1930, and the crew switched their attention to the R101 for the next long trip. It was noted of the poor condion the R100 was, on return from the trip from Canada. The outer cover was in a poor condtion, and liable to split, as had occurred over the St Lawrence River, on the outward journey. Considering the cover was starting to come to the end of it’s life, a refit was in discussion, and more expense required. It had been decided that after the refit and repairs that a return flight to Canada to be prepared for in early 1931.
At this stage of the Imperial Airship scheme, there was only a small group of trained officers to cover both ships. However with the R102 in the planning stage more crews would be required and training was underway. This was abandoned when the destruction of the R101 in October 1930 led to the decision to halt all future flights.
The R100 was deflated on 11th December 1930 and "hung" in the shed. The outer covers were still under inspection but it was seen to be deteriorating in places. After the R101 inquiry, Parliament then had to discuss where the future lay for the R100.
Some of the original re-design ideas had been started in August of 1930. Documents and plans show that progress was being made in making changes to the R100, to again alow more lift. One of the main ideas was to remove the upper deck of the passenger accommodation, remove the upper deck wooden flooring and wood pannelling, then having some of the accommodation moved to an extended external cabing behind the control car. With some of the weight saving, plus allowing the gasbag to be enlarged above the passenger accommodation, this would gain an extra 9.25 tons. in lift.
It was hoped that by placing some of the car externally to the ship, then this may have given more room in the gasbag which was immediatly above the passenger accommodation. This would have also allowed more disposable lift suitable for more commercial operations. By removing the large passenger areas and reviewing the use of the R100, it was seen that the new class of ship, the R102 class be deemed more suitable for carrying the large number of passengers as orignally planned in the R100 and R101.
It was also planned that the R102 was also to have some of the passenger accommodation protude from below the main hull, and so this could have been seen as early concepts for part of the planned external smoking lounge for the R102. The passenger capacity of the R102 was deemed to be a realistic 50 passengers and so the potential reduction in cabin numbers and configuration on the revised R100 would have been realistic in line with the plans as discovered.
19 January – Frank P. Ramsey, mathematician (born 1903)
2 March – D. H. Lawrence, writer (born 1885)
19 March – Arthur Balfour, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (born 1848)
21 April – Robert Bridges, poet (born 1844)
25 May – Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury (born 1848)
7 July – Arthur Conan Doyle, author (born 1859)
21 August – Aston Webb, architect (born 1849)
29 August – William Archibald Spooner, scholar, Anglican priest and metathesist (born 1844)
4 November – Evelyn Colyer, tennis player (born 1902)
27 November – Johnny Tyldesley, cricketer (born 1873)
1930 UK news and events
The British dirigible R101, at the time the world’s largest airship, crashes in France while on a flight from Cardington, Bedfordshire, England, to Karachi in British India. Forty-eight of the 54 people on board are killed, including Royal Air Force Air Vice Marshal Sir Sefton Brancker; the Irish aviator and athlete Herbert Carmichael Irwin, who was the captain of R101; the noted British airship pilot and engineer George Herbert Scott; and British Secretary of State for Air Christopher Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson.
Autumn 1930 – The Royal Air Force rededicates No. 443 Flight of the Fleet Air Arm as the first British catapult flight of aircraft assigned to operate from battleship and cruiser catapults.
The Surrey Aero Club inaugurates recreational flights from Gatwick Race Course (now London Gatwick Airport).
Housing Act provides government subsidy for slum clearance, and construction of further new council houses as replacements.
New offices for Crawford’s Advertising Agency at 233 High Holborn, London, designed by Frederick Etchells with Herbert A. Welch, are Britain’s earliest significant example of the International Style in architecture.
Start of local authorities’ assisted wiring scheme to encourage people to connect their homes to the public electricity supply.
Poor Prisoners’ Defence Act provides for limited extension of legal aid.
Rosemary Bank is discovered approximately 120 km west of Scotland by survey vessel HMS Rosemary.
Philco produces the first of its "Baby grand" designs of radio of which it will sell two million.
16 January – On speed trials, the British airship R100 reaches 81 mph (130 km/h), making her the fastest airship in the world.
1 February – The Times publishes its first crossword.
10 February – The Air Union Farman F.63bis Goliath F-FHMY suffers a tailplane structural failure during a flight from Paris-Le Bourget Airport outside Paris to Croydon Airport in London with six people on board. The pilot tries to land at the Pagehurst Emergency Landing Ground in Marden, Kent, England, but the plane stalls and crashes at Marden. Two passengers die, and the other two passengers and both crew members suffer injuries.
March – fitness organisation the Women’s League of Health and Beauty set up by Mary Bagot Stack; by 1939 it will have over 100,000 members.
1 April – Poor law unions and workhouses abolished under the Local Government Act 1929, responsibility for public assistance transferring to local authorities and workhouses becoming hospitals or public assistance institutions under their control.
9 April – Flying his de Havilland DH.60 Moth Miss India, Man Mohan Singh becomes the first Indian to fly (solo) from England to British India, landing at RAF Drigh Road, Karachi one month and one day after departing from Croydon Airport.
10 April – The English aviator and ornithologist Mary Russell, Duchess of Bedford, and her personal pilot C. D. Barnard make a record-breaking flight in the Fokker F.VII Spider (G-EBTS) of 9,000 miles (14,493 km) from Lympne Airport in Lympne, England, to Cape Town, South Africa, in 100 flying hours over 10 days.
18 April – a BBC news reporter live on the radio announces “there is no news today.” For the first and last time in history.
22 April – the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States sign the London Naval Treaty regulating submarine warfare and limiting shipbuilding.
30 April – first section of the 132kV AC National Grid, the Central Scotland Electricity Scheme, is switched on in Edinburgh.
5 May – an explosion on the eleventh floor of Bibby’s oil cake mill in Liverpool leaves five dead and almost one hundred injured.
5–24 May – Yorkshire-born Amy Johnson becomes the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia (11,000 miles to landing at Darwin).
28 May – the BBC Symphony Orchestra is formed as a permanent full-scale ensemble under the directorship of Adrian Boult. It gives its first concert on 22 October at the Queen’s Hall, London.
5 July – the Seventh Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops opens. This conference condones the use of birth control in limited circumstances, a move away from the Christian views on contraception expressed by the Sixth Conference a decade earlier.
10 July – Mental Treatment Act 1930 provides for free voluntary treatment for psychiatric conditions and for psychiatric outpatient clinics, replaces the term "asylum" with "mental hospital" and reorganises the Board of Control for Lunacy and Mental Deficiency.
14 July – transmission by the BBC of the first experimental television play, The Man With the Flower in His Mouth.
29 July – British airship R100 sets out for a successful 78-hour passage to Canada.
7 August – two million people are unemployed.
16 August – the first British Empire Games are held in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
29 August – remaining inhabitants of the island of St Kilda, Scotland, are voluntarily evacuated to the mainland.
24 September – first performance of Noël Coward’s comedy Private Lives at the Phoenix Theatre (London) featuring Coward, Gertrude Lawrence and Laurence Olivier in the cast.
1 October – 14 miners are killed in an explosion in a coal pit near Cannock, Staffordshire.
End of Weihaiwei under British rule as it is returned to China.
5 October – British airship R101 crashes in France en route to India on its maiden voyage.
6–10 October – annual Labour Party Conference (at Llandudno), the first chaired by a woman, Susan Lawrence, M.P. Oswald Mosley unsuccessfully attempts to persuade it to adopt the ‘Mosley Memorandum’ on tackling unemployment.
20 October – the "Passfield white paper" demands restrictions on Jewish immigration into Mandatory Palestine.
12 November – first Round Table Conference on the future status of India opens in London.
25 November – Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Sheffield Royal Infirmary, achieves the first recorded cure (of an eye infection) using penicillin.
December – Youth Hostels Association opens its first hostel, at Pennant Hall near Llanrwst in North Wales.
20 December – R v Betts and Ridley: a landmark case in English criminal law which establishes that to be convicted of a crime, it is not necessary for an accessory actually to be present when the offence is carried out.
24 December – in London, inventor Harry Grindell Matthews demonstrates his device to project pictures to the clouds.
FIFA World Cup
The inaugural World Cup is held in Uruguay and is won by the host nation as Uruguay defeats Argentina 4–2 in the final. England
The Football League – Sheffield Wednesday 60 points, Derby County 50, Manchester City 47, Aston Villa 47, Leeds United 46, Blackburn Rovers 45
FA Cup final – Arsenal 2–0 Huddersfield Town at Empire Stadium, Wembley, London
Cricket County Championship – Lancashire
Horse racing Champion Hurdle – Brown Tony Cheltenham Gold Cup – Easter Hero Grand National – Shaun Goilin 1,000 Guineas Stakes – Fair Isle 2,000 Guineas Stakes – Diolite The Derby – Blenheim The Oaks – Rose of England St. Leger Stakes – Singapore
Posted by brizzle born and bred on 2019-01-30 10:53:33
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Trends Stainless Barn Door Hardware
. and get the best deals for Sliding Barn Door Hardware Stainless Steel at the best online prices at . Get it by Tue, 2 Apr – Tue, 9 Apr from Melbourne, Australia. Stainless Steel Sliding Barn Door Hardware SS04 Australia Barn Door Expert – Made of 304 grade stainless steel and POM, comes in a complete kit with . Stainless Steel Sliding Barn Door Hardware SS04 – Made of 304 grade stainless steel and POM, comes in a complete kit with constructions, easy to install. Ideal barn door is a professional supplier of barn doors and barn door hardware in Australia. Our store located in Sydney and Melbourne. We deliver Australia . Stainless Steel Hardware – Stainless Steel Hardware. 87 items – Shop latest stainless steel barn door online from our range of Other Door Hardware at au.dhgate.com, free and fast delivery to Australia. DHgate offers a . 34 items – Shop latest stainless steel sliding barn door hardware online from our range of Other Door Hardware at au.dhgate.com, free and fast delivery to . Find barn door hardware stainless ads. Buy and sell almost anything on Gumtree classifieds. Sliding Barn Door Hardware Stainless Steel 1; Sliding Barn Door Hardware . retail price for the same item as reported by Serrano Australia on 29/03/2019. TMS 6.6 Ft Stainless Steel Interior Modern Sliding Barn Wood Door Hardware Track Set. 4.4 out of 5 stars 61 · $99.95 · Yescom 6 FT Carbon Steel Sliding Barn Door Hardware Kit Track Rail Roller . Excellent quality, the best value out there. TMS Stainless Steel Wooden Barn Sliding Door Floor Guide Hardware w/ The overall quality and performance appears to be excellent HOWEVER be aware . Goldberg Brothers makes an attractive line of barn door hardware in brushed stainless steel, for use with almost any barn door, including many glass doors. Results 1 – 16 of 238 – Our 48 barn door hardware using top grade stainless steel. . Heavy duty, superior quality, and quiet operation make this a great choice! Bring upscale style to any door with Everbilt’s Decorative Sliding Door Hardware. Perfect for incorporating barn door style doors and functionality in your home, . Quiet and smooth rolling wheels; 250 lb weight capacity per hardware set–see instructions; 304 grade stainless steel; Accommodates doors from 1.25-in to . Only the hardware is sold, not include the door. Door weight capacity: 150-230lb each door. The hardware kit has superior quality with heavy duty, 5 years . Sliding Door Track Kit, Modern Sliding Barn Door Closet Hardware Track System Unit . Fantastic i used 2 rails together for double sliding barn door looks great. 2018. 7. 25. – Find the best barn door hardware kit for your needs. . Easy Step-By-Step Installation Video Superior Quality, One-Piece Rail Ultra Quiet, Tested Beyond 100,000 Rolls . 3. TMS Stainless Steel Barn Door Hardware Kit. TMS 6.6 Ft Stainless Steel Interior Modern Sliding Barn Wood Door . Yescom 6 FT Carbon Steel Sliding Barn Door Hardware Kit Track Rail Roller Set . Not only does it look great, but the quality once I received the hardware blew me away. EaseLife 8 FT Top Mount Sliding Barn Door Hardware Track Kit,Stainless Steel,Heavy… 4.4 out of 5 stars 42 . unique way. It is also a good choice for saving room. . The look and feel seems very high end with this hardware. Read more. Stainless Steel Pull and Flush Handle Set for Sliding Barn Door Hardware. $25.99. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Free Shipping. 99 watching; ; 210 sold. Both sides . 25‏/07‏/2018 – So here is my list of The 10 Best Barn Door Hardware Kits. Industrial By Design Barn Door Hardware Kit. Smart Standard Big Wheel Barn Door Hardware Kit. TMS Stainless Steel Barn Door Hardware Kit. Smart Standard J Shape Barn Door Hardware Kit. EWEI’S Homewares Barn Door Hardware Kit. TMS TSQ07 Barn Door Hardware Kit. Joseph Giles Circular Stainless Steel Flush Pull on Sliding Door Sliding Door 9 Unbelievable Cool Ideas: Cute Backyard Garden Ideas backyard garden . Sliding doors crafted from quality hardware are easy to tell. . Design: Barn doors look great, and part of their good looks include the design of the hardware. . might be made from stainless steel, and will pass with more modern-looking doors. Stainless steel barn door hardware offers beauty and style in a totally unique designer package. Our modern line-up is perfect for wood or glass doors. What’s the difference between MWE stainless steel sliding hardware and a . the Mini is great for people who want the flat track sliding hardware look in a lower . Shop our selection of Stainless Steel, Barn Door Hardware in the Hardware Department at The Home Depot. Discover the best Sliding Door Hardware in Best Sellers. . SMARTSTANDARD 12″ Pull and Flush Door Handle Set Stainless Steel Door Pull Handle Door… Results 1 – 24 of 433‏ – U-MAX 6.6 FT Heavy Duty Sturdy Sliding Barn Door Hardware Kit . Door Handle Set Stainless Steel Door Pull Handle Door Hardware . how to install square rail door track – cheap barn door hardware – 6 Sliding hardware can hold a door up to 400 lbs and is made from a solid stainless steel. . Oil-Rubbed Bronze; Stainless Steel. More Options Available. Exclusive Everbilt 72 in. Dark Oil-Rubbed Bronze Strap Sliding Barn Door Track and Hardware . 14‏/08‏/2018 – Another favorite is stainless steel barn door hardware that combines modern and sleek with a sliding barn door. Paint with a stainless paint . 173 items‏ – Find the best selection of cheap barn door hardware in bulk here at . Stainless Steel Wooden Barn Sliding Door Floor Guide Hardware With Mounting . 25‏/07‏/2018 – Find the best barn door hardware kit for your needs. . Modern Interior Sliding Barn Wooden Door Hardware Track Set, Stainless Steel. 26 items‏ – Shopping for Cheap Stainless Steel Barn Door Kit at DIYHD Official Store and more from sliding barn door track,door track,barn door tracking,sliding . Beautiful, elegant and affordable. Check out Aurora Stainless Sliding Hardware today. Free shipping. Buy online today from Barndoorhardware.com. 21‏/06‏/2018 – enchanting chrome shower door handle set barn door pull and flush tubular door handle set polished stainless. enchanting chrome shower . Amazon.com: Stainless Steel Sliding Barn Door Handle Wood door handle Barn Door Handle Pull: Home Improvement. Barn Door Handle Pull Set: 12”Black Stainless SteelPull And Flush Hardware, For Interior And Exterior Doors, Rust Resistant, Large Handle For A Strong Grip, . 35 Enchanting Master Bathroom Decor Ideas Sliding Door For Bathroom, . Stainless Steel – Contemporary Hardware Stainless steel does not corrode, rust or . When building a barn door on your own, barn door hardware kit . You needn’t knock to enter upon an enchanting melody.yours with a mere twist . Aero Flat Track Sliding Hardware in Stainless Steel — barn door on Real Sliding Hardware. Hardware For Interior Sliding Barn Doors Stylish Door Stainless Steel Oil Rubbed Bronze With Regard To 7. Hardware For Interior Sliding Barn Doors . 88 114 Specialists in restoration of old door and window hardware. . plastic or stainless steel, UV- protected netting, unobtrusive visual devices, sticky gel . 10 593 Remanufacture flooring from reclaimed antique barn lumber. . 101 571 Enchanted Lace offers a wonderful selection of window and table lace designs. Shop Products · Furniture & Door Handles · View All · Handles & Knobs . Sliding, Folding & Tambour Door Fittings · View All · Fittings for Furniture · Fittings for . . 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Hanging barn door hardware with sliding door track and hardware set. SPK-402S Stainless steel bypass sliding barn door track system for double doors. American Pro Decor Soft Close Stainless Steel-304 Grade-Sliding Rolling Barn Door Hardware Kit for Single Wood Doors. Model# 5APD10762. (1). $26589. 61 items‏ – DIYHD 6.6FT Soft Close Glass Barn Door Hardware Stainless Steel Two Sides Soft Close Mechanism Office Glass Sliding Door Track with One Side. Classic J-Style Sliding Wood Track Kit Barn Door Hardware The Stainless Steel Top Mount Dual Wheel Rolling Barn Door Hardware Kit can be used on wood . Stainless bypass bracket for sliding barn door track systems. Fit’s most hardware, free shipping. Products 1 – 48 of 75‏ – ACME 6.6 ft. Premium Black Interior Modern Country Rustic Wood Barn Door Closet Hardware Track Kit. (6). $189.00 / each. Free Shipping. 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Build guide for an easy to make metric barn door tracker for astrophotography. Cheap and simple to construct with DIY build plans, photo gallery and MP3. Build a Motorized Barn Door Tracker.: .shoot stars, planets and other nebulae, with a camera that is. No Arduino, no stepper motors, no gears, just a simple . The Nyx Tracker is a motorized barn door tracker used for astrophotography. This tracking mount follows the stars as they move through the sky. Inexpensive . See more ideas about Barn door tracker, Barn doors and Barnwood doors. . Cheap and simple to construct with DIY build plans, photo gallery and. A barn door tracker, also known as a Haig or Scotch mount, is a device used to cancel out the diurnal motion of the Earth for the observation or photography of . Highlights include a deep dive in barn-door telescope trackers, listening in on . so we’re impressed with what he’s been able to achieve on a limited budget. 15‏/12‏/2016 – Guess again – you can slap together this simple barn door tracker for a Was also thinking a cheap battery-powered clock mechanism with . 12‏/06‏/2017 – I like to mix hobbies, so naturally I’ve been eying astrophotography for a while. I’ve taken a time-lapse here and a moon picture there but, . #SlidingBarnDoors #StainlessSteelBarnDoorHardware #BarnDoorRollen #StainlessSlidingBarnDoorHardware #BarnDoorMotor
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/trends-stainless-barn-door-hardware
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themamil · 5 years
Specialized S-Works Evade 2 MIPS with ANGI - Product Review
I’m not a fan of the helmet debate. In my view, you should wear one. Simple.
With that taken care of, it was time to get a new helmet. There’s a general consensus that helmets should be replaced every 3 years or so. Not only because the helmet itself becomes less stable over time, but after a fair amount of use in the wet and dry, with rain, hail, snow, sleet, sweat and tears to contend with, helmets also become a little unhygienic too.
I’ve been wearing the Specialized Propero II for a few years now and whilst it’s done a decent job, thankfully never being called into question, I did find the helmet a little broad around the sides of the head, almost oversized if you like.
Whilst shopping around I was keen on a few things.
Very Important - safety. Louise has a MIPS ski helmet and all the reviews I have read about MIPS suggest that it is a good thing. I wanted MIPS.
Quite important - I wanted black to match the new bike
Quite important: If there were aerodynamic gains to be made from a helmet I didn’t want to overlook the opportunity
Quite Important: Air vents/ventilation was important - I have a hot head and cooling helps on the bike a lot.
Shouldn’t be but is important: Shape - I wasn’t keen on the oversized look of the Propero. I was quite self-conscious about it.
So that was the list of criteria. I wasn't too fussed about weight (I mean we are talking about grams here and there) but having been a user and appreciator of Specialized helmets I started my hunt there and soon came across the newly launch Evade 2 with MIPS and this strange thing called ANGI.
Long story short, I knew this was the helmet I wanted - I just needed to make a decision between the standard Evade 2 MIPS or the Special Edition Sagan version which had Specialized decals to match my bike. I probably would have gone the Sagan version route had it not been for the signature on the back of the helmet. That’s just not my thing, so standard S-Works Evade 2 MIPS w ANGI it was.
The helmet itself is actually a good looking thing.
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It’s a little glossier in parts than I thought it would be.
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But it’s pretty sleek and has a HUGE vent out the back to allow the air to flow out.
Inside the helmet has a number of removable pad strips along with the most amount of product stickers I have ever seen on a product.
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The helmet is tightened using the single circular adjustment barrel at the back of the helmet and it does an excellent job of unifyingly tightening and loosening the grip around the head.
The straps are smooth and have a magnetic clasp that fasten with an assuring snap and are easy to detach when you want to remove the helmet.
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That’s one side of the clasp
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And this is the other side that engages with it
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And there’s a useful little arrow directing you how to release the magnetic catch should you forget.
On the head the helmet feels light (It’s 290g for all you weight weenies) and very comfortable. It also doesn’t feel at all oversized to me, and whilst this is billed as an aero helmet, it doesn’t stand out like one of those either.
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It does feel like it has a bit more height than the Propero, but not in an oversized way.
One big claim made by Specialized about this helmet is that it saves you 50 seconds over 40km so I tested this theory on the first ride out with the helmet over exactly the same course I rode in November on the same bike (Specialized Tarmac Pro Disc 2019) when I set my current record of 1 Hour 14 minutes and 28 seconds for 40K.
The result? Well it was a new PR over 40k on the exact same course in a time of (cue Top Gear suspense pause) of 1 hour..........14 minutes.......and 6 seconds. 
So I didn’t shave 50 seconds off, but I did shave 22 seconds off which isn't bad. 
I also have no recollection of wind speed of my previous record ride etc etc so hugely unscientific - but given that I did a couple of rides in Barcelona the 2 previous days, this was a worthy effort and I cannot help but think that the helmet contributed to the new PR.
Now a word about ANGI. ANGI is a small device that came fitted to the helmet.
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Using the Specialized Ride app, you pair the ANGI to the app, setup your emergency contacts, decide if they should be alerted only in the event of an assumed event, or alert them every time you go for a ride, and then set the app to start a ride when you head off.
If anything were to happen to you and ANGO detects a fall, your emergency contact would be alerted to a possible “incident” along with a link that would show your last recorded location.
It’s functionality that’s been baked into Garmin (when it works) for free for ages and also as Strava Beacon which you can get if you are a Strava Summit subscriber.
The service costs £29.99 a year (I think, in the UK) although you get a code with the helmet for your first year free. (Note: My code was missing, but I called Spech in the UK and they kindly generated a new code for me and away I went)
For me the jury is out on ANGI. I get the concept and understand the use but as mentioned, it’s something that Garmin provides for free and Strava also provides. For me, there are a few things that Specialized should try and fix if they want people to adopt this capability broader into their lives.
Don’t have separate apps for power cranks, ride etc. Consolidate it all into 1 app. Specialized has single sign-on across all services so there’s no need to have separate apps in my opinion.
Integrate it into Strava, Garmin etc. so it starts automatically. As things stand I currently start my watch and that in turn activates Garmin Livetrack and Strava Beacons. I don’t want to have to start the app on my device every time as well. It’s a faff. Or just auto-detect that there’s movement and a ride has started.
Provide additional functionality like theft detection. Granted I don’t know of too many helmet thefts, but in the app it talks about ANGI being on a range of devices. In that case build it into the power cranks, Speed and cadence sensors, or the bikes themselves, and then use this capability to to not only detect crashes, but in the event of theft, enable the global Specialized user base to act as a network of detectors, so if a bike is stolen, activate detection for  a particular ANGI device and then generate an alert if a phone picks up that stolen unit. Think Tile - but for bikes and accessories, but with the additional capabilities of crash detection, theft detection and other features. 
Then, and only then, do I think it might be worth paying for. But for £30 odd for ostensibly something I get for free with my Garmin, without any of the faff, I just don’t see it. Specialized are not dumb though. They will have (or should have) a broader plan for ANGI, so it will be interesting to see how things develop in the meantime. As it is I have a year to play with it and to see if my opinion changes as a result.
So to conclude, I love the S-Works Evade 2 MIPS helmet. It comfortable, light, airy and fast! Yes it’s a bit of a layout, but not too hard to justify if you care about your skull and you want to get the best performance you can.
I’m not convinced by ANGI. It feels like a public beta right now. Lots of opportunity to create value and a better proposition, but it feels distinctly Minimum Viable Product right now. The good news is that much of the value could be added through software, so it’s just a case of being patient and seeing what comes. 
The S-Works Evade 2 MIPS with ANGI can be bought from these 2 great retailers. Shop around as invariably one of them will have a deal or offer that means you can get a few quid off.
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