#also walten kids because i said so. they love the guy and he loves them but you couldnt get him to word it like that to save his life
rosemaryfuckingwalten · 6 months
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butchsophiewalten · 3 years
pls give us the autistic headanons I have a chronic illness called projecting and if my faves aren't like me I die
Okay so! I actually do have like. extremely specific ideas about the way I think these characters experience autism, but something that permeates through all of them is my thinking that, because of the time period, they'd likely go most of/their entire lives undiagnosed (and maybe not even self-diagnosed). Otherwise I think I will have to split them up into paragraphs, which i will be putting under a readmore because this got very long !
Jenny- I'm starting with Jenny actually because I feel like no appreciates autistic Jenny hcs. I think she experiences echolalia (specifically as in, repeating the last few words of a sentence that has been spoken to you before responding, as a way to process what was said) and that she has a LOT of trouble with volume control. I also think she has a difficult time just, phrasing sentences? Similarly to how autistic people sometimes speak very formally because of the way their brains process speech and vocabulary, except her vocabulary isn't formal, it's just very particular.
She was also (canonically!) a bit of a 'weirdgirl' rowdy-type kid (digs in mud plays with worms) when she was little, and I think for that she was pretty ostracized by her peers, who considered her annoying. And I think as a teenager she learned to like, massively overcorrect for it, and became a huge wallflower who kept her head down and never opened up to people and had very little friends, and absolutely no close friends (i also imagine like, late 60s early 70s internalized homophobia compounding this. just in a lot of ways she felt like the way she was was unacceptable and that she needed to try and suppress herself as much as possible.) And eventually she grew out of it, but i think she still has a problem with looking too far into/being too vigilant about social cues, which is something she does as a self-defensive mechanism, so she can back off when she thinks people are getting annoyed with her.
I've talked about it before on my blog but I really love the idea of Jenny like. connecting with other queer people in her early adulthood. and those relationships giving her like a comfortable, reliable social network and a sense of self-assurance. So as a 26 year old woman I think she's finally settled into a happy middle-ground between being able to mask as a means of self-preservation, but also being confident in herself and not feeling the need to mask in every social situation all of the time.
Jack- Most of my Jack Walten autism headcanons come from my friend Samsa @pespillo, i love the idea that he has shaky, fidgety hands, and that instead of being adverse to eye contact, he's too direct with it and maintains it for too long, and ends up accidentally making people uncomfortable. In terms of my personal headcanons, i think he gets overwhelmed by loud/intrusive noises and bright colors relatively easily, but that instead of making him uncomfortable or nervous, it makes him extremely frustrated, which is where he gets the reputation of having a bad temper.
Which is where i also get the idea that him and Jenny wouldn't get along because of their conflicting neurotypes, Jenny's just too loud and sporadic and excitable, it would really get on his nerves. I remember Martin also mentioning in the discord server that Jack "wouldn't get Jenny's jokes" which stands out to me because Martin generally considers Jack to be like a funny guy who jokes around a lot, and the idea of there just being like a complete mutual (autism-related) misunderstanding between him and Jenny where they just do not get eachother is hilarious to me.
Susan- I really like the idea of Susan having both autism and ADHD, but I don't have any personal experience having ADHD, so I have far fewer extremely specific 'im-projecting-this-onto-her' kinda headcanons for that. I feel like of anyone Susan's the most likely to have gotten a diagnosis, or at least to have figured out on her own that she has some kind of neurological condition, but I don't think she would be able to identify the differences between her symptoms of ADHD and her symptoms of autism (and in some ways neither can I. there's a few things i imagine for her that could be caused by either) especially considering there's already so much overlap between the two.
For specific things, I think engineering is like a lifelong special interest of hers, and she could talk about it for a very long time if given the opportunity. I think the BSI tech support audio logs function for her both as a log of the work she's doing with BSI and as an excuse to infodump about the engineering work she's passionate about. I also think she stims a lot by playing with her hair, and that's really the only reason she keeps it long. Otherwise it's actually pretty troublesome for her since she has to tie it up to keep it from getting caught in the machinery.
Martin's mentioned in the discord server that's she's very blunt, in like an honest-to-a-fault kinda way. She has a tendency to blurt things out to people that end up coming across as really rude, though Martin insists that shes not mean, which is important to me. She also seems pretty deadpan whenever she's not talking about her lifelong passion of engineering, and i like imagining that all of that is autism-related.
Sophie- Ok autistic Sophie is like a classic at this point. Like this is a very widely shared headcanon which I'm appreciative of honestly its nice :) I like the idea that she's generally pretty deadpan and soft-spoken, and I imagine her being pretty low-empathy because I'm. projecting that onto her. I feel like she both masks all of the time and doesn't really mask at all, because she's only ever noticed certain tendencies that seem to make people uncomfortable and tried to mask them, but she doesn't really think to do things like inject emotion into her voice because she doesn't really notice that she's deadpan otherwise. Its like, she doesn't really know what masking is and how to either start or stop doing it. She probably knows that there's something that makes her 'weird," but i doubt she attributes it to autism. I can imagine her rationalizing it as either something her pills are doing, or as a symptom of whatever it specifically is that she's being medicated for.
Random specific things, I think horror is a big special interest for her, I think she bounces her leg a lot and, in private, flaps her hands and rocks back & forth. I think whenever her and Jenny started sleeping in the same bed together, sleeping became a lot easier for her, and she may or may not have connected that part of the reason for that the sensation of being held by Jenny, like the pressure of it and the warmth of her body heat, is really comforting to her.
I also feel like her temperament irt autism is a lot like Jack's, and in that she does actually end up clashing with Jenny a bit. I particularly imagine Jenny getting panicked or nervous when she's seeking out social cues from Sophie to know she's not annoying her, and isn't getting any because Sophie just. doesnt do that. Like, Jenny just isnt used to spending time with other autistic people and there's a huge learning curve for it that she couldn't have expected. Also Sophie just getting overwhelmed with Jenny for being too loud or too physically affectionate. But they're working it out because they love eachother :)
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filthficdump · 3 years
Good Thing This Job Has Benefits.
AN: I wrote this in one day, I’ve developed a hyperfixation on The Walten Files, so you get to enjoy this absolute mess I’ve made.
You can also read it here on AO3. There’s no romance, it’s a gender neutral, nameless reader fict. There’s no death, because I am NOT about to write angst about a happy family :(
When I had you to myself, I didn't want you around. Those pretty faces always made you stand out in a crowd.
The gravel under my tires crunched as I drove through the night, bopping and tapping the steering wheel to the beat of the song, singing along. It was late, most likely near or after nine PM, but I wasn’t about to take my eyes off the road to check. That’s just asking for trouble.
But someone picked you from the bunch, one glance was all it took. Now it's much too late for me to take a second look.
New job, it’s been going great! I wouldn’t have thought I’d get to use my programming degree so soon, but I’m so happy I got this job. Sure, it’s for a kid’s burger joint, but there’s animatronics and other stuff, plus that finance minor rocketed me straight to an assistant manager position!
Oh, baby, give me one more chance, to show you that I love you. Won't you please let me, Back in your heart.
In the distance I could see a pair of headlights and slowed my car a bit and moved a bit to the side to provide them more room. These roads were narrow and I really didn’t think I wanted to get into a car crash and have to deal with that with what’s left of my savings and likely my first check.
Oh, darlin', I was blind to let you go (Let you go, baby) But now since I see you in his arms (I want you back)
The thought ‘That car looks like it’s moving really fast- too fast’ is the last thought in my head as the car got close, too close to stop the car or move away, there’s a ditch and trees on my side of the road. My hand hit the horn hard, blaring, but they served and-
Yes, I do now, I want you back. Ooh, ooh, baby, I want you back.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I want you back. Na, na, na, na.
When I come back to, I’m upside down, held up by my seat belt. Ho-ly-shit. I got into a fucking car crash.
Oh shit! I got into a car crash- The other car! I struggle to turn to look out the window and I see the other car against the guard rail. It’s hard to get a good look at the other car, seeing how I’m upside down and in the goddamn ditch, but I need to get out of the car.
I instinctually went for the pocket at the door, looking for my seatbelt cutter, but it had fallen out. Thanks, gravity. Thankfully, it’s on the roof of the car and I grabbed it before grabbing the handle of the door, pushing it open before I pressed my free arm against the roof of the car and-
“ FUCK! ” I yell, feeling the pain shooting up my arm and shoulder. Holy fuck, why did it hurt so bad?! We’re in the middle of the woods and I can’t remember the last home I passed and my car is upside down.
Either someone comes or I’ve got a long walk. I grit my teeth and cut the seat belt, falling head first into the ceiling and then out the door, tumbling until my butt hit grass. I flung the seatbelt cutter to the side and struggled up, using my door as support before I had to climb up the slippery slope of the ditch and onto the road.
My more useful arm held the other to my chest as I limped. Just about everything hurts. My chest, my shoulder, my leg, my face. Why did this have to happen? I was having such a good night, and now I’m in a wreck and about to give this jackass a piece of my mind. If he’s not dead.
I got closer to the car and looked inside. The man was unconscious, leaning against the steering wheel. I looked to the back instinctually, not expecting to see two terrified children! Oh god, wait- No, they’re alive. They’re looking at me.
I pulled open the driver door, still looking back at the kids, “Uh… Hey. Are you kids okay?” I asked, leaning down to look at them better. A boy and a girl, clearly siblings. They were sniffling and crying, but nodded, “Is this your dad?” I asked, pointing at the unconscious man. The car reeks of booze.
“N-No…” The boy sniffled, “He’s our uncle!”
“Okay, okay… Well, I’m gonna get us to help.” I said and went over to the passenger side, opening it up. The paint was scratched and the panels dented, but the car was still running. It would be shorter to keep going the way I came from, the city and a hospital is that way.
I reached over and wrapped my arm around the unconscious man’s chest, dragging him over into the passenger seat where there were beer bottles on the floor. Not even a seatbelt? He’s lucky he didn’t die.
I buckled him in and shut the door, walking back around to the driver’s seat before getting in and shutting the door. I tested my foot on the gas and hand on the wheel, my other arm resting in my lap.
Thank god the car still worked! I just started driving, the car feeling quite literally fucked as it went over the road, but it’s a working car!
It was perhaps ten or fifteen minutes down the road, “Um… So, what’s your guys’ names?” I asked, looking back at them through the crooked rear view mirror. They must have been so terrified. They were just in a car crash, and now their jackass drunk uncle was unconscious and a stranger was in the car with them.
“I’m Edd… She’s Molly…” Edd said, his sister was holding a grey bunny toy. Looked like one of those prize stuffed animals we keep at Bon’s Burgers prize counter, but it wasn’t blue or purple, and the restaurant hasn’t been opened yet.
I introduced myself and really focused on the road, “That’s a really cool bunny. It’s like the ones we have at my work.” I said, smiling, “Ever heard of Bon’s Burgers?”
The girl looked confused, “Y-Yes? Our dad works there.” She said. Oh no, were they my co-worker’s kids? Which co-worker?
“O-Oh? What’s your dad’s name?” I asked, glancing over at the man in the passenger seat. I couldn’t see him very well in the dark car, but I could hear his deep breathing and slight snoring.
“His name is Jack Walten. Our mom is Rosie!” Edd said, and for a moment I thought I was going to get into another accident. Jack… Walten…?
My boss's kids?!
“Ha-Ha, oh wow… Small work. I started working there. Today was my first day, actually…” I said, muttering a few swears under my breath, “I met Jack! Um… Do either of you know his phone number…? We’re gonna need it when we get to the hospital.”
The boy nods and I sighed- Wait, if these are Jack’s kids, then the man...
Another glance. We’re getting to the part of the road with street lights. I recognize those glasses. This was my other boss, wasn’t it? Please don’t say it is, I just crashed into my bosses’ car. Wait, no, he crashed into me! This wasn’t my fault!
The bastard is too drunk and irresponsible. He could have killed himself, the two kids, or even myself! For god sakes my car is in a ditch!
“Let’s just… Listen to some music, okay?” I offered and put on the radio, driving with my knee for the moment since my injured arm was starting to go numb. It better not be broken, I swear to god.
Once we got into the city I went straight to the hospital, parking in the emergency parking lot. “Okay, can you guys walk?” I asked, unbuckling my belt to look at both of them. They opened their doors and the girl winced.
“My ankle hurts!” She cried. Edd thankfully didn’t seem too injured, but he had a burn from the seat belt.
“Okay, okay. Hold on, I’ll carry you.” I said and got out. My leg felt like it was covered with biting fire ants, but I wasn’t about to leave her alone for them to just get a wheelchair.
I bent down and she reached up, one hand clutching the stuffed bunny as she wrapped her arm around my neck and I held her up on my hip, my only good arm holding her up, “Okay, okay, okay.” I mumbled softly and the boy was by my side, “Okay, grab my hand.” I said, offering my injured hand. I didn’t care that it hurt, I knew he was putting on a brave face.
He took my hand and I walked them both in. The tired nurse at the desk looked up at us and looked terrified before she quickly called for help, “We have another in the car. The black one out front.” I said, “We were just in a car crash.”
“Oh my god!” She said as more nurses came, one that had a gurney and I put the girl up on top and the boy got to sit in a wheelchair, “Are you their mother?” The nurse asked as one of the other nurses tried to sit me down in a wheelchair as well.
“No… I’m the one their uncle crashed into.” I said and reluctantly sat down. I didn’t realize how fast my heart was beating, it must explain all of the wandering thoughts that clouded my mind.
I was brought to the same room that they were, but curtains separated me from them. Doctors and nurses came shortly and my vision grew quite spotty. Information was exchanged, my nearest relative was an hour away and it was late, so it’s a toss up if they got the call.
One of the children gave a nurse the phone number to their home, and already my head was coming up with the worst thoughts of what would happen. Will I be fired? Is he going to sue me? I’m probably just as guilty as Felix in his eyes.
Speaking of Felix, if Jack doesn’t fire me he will! If he doesn’t get arrested.
“Pardon me…” One of the nurses said, drawing my attention, “We need to cut off your shirt. Your arm is likely dislocated and we don’t want to move it.”
Oh god, if they cut off this shirt I’ll have to pay 25 dollars to get another. “Um… No, it’s my only uniform.” I said and with my one good arm undid the buttons before another nurse pulled from my uninjured side and I pulled it the rest of the way off, letting the nurse take it.
Unfortunately, pants and shoes too, but I got a nifty gown and now they could resume looking me over. What I didn’t appreciate was them having to pop my arm back into place, that was awful.
They had to bandage up my cuts and test me for brain damage (just a mild concussion) and put my arm in a sling, my ribs were also likely fractured. Molly's ankle had to be splinted as it was strained and Edd had a slight concussion.
At least I got to change back into a spare set of plain clothes that they happened to have, but that required a nurse's help with the newly relocated arm that ached and hurt when I moved it.
Felix hadn’t been brought to our same room, and an officer came to question us. I told the whole story, and just to be sure they breathalyzed me. Unlike a certain driver I blew a 0.0 BAC.
Our stories matched up and they pulled back the curtains to allow us to see each other and talk. They were still shaken up, but they were told their mom and dad were on their way a while ago. Great. I’m just glad their parents were still awake and were on their way, even though I knew there was going to be so much to talk about and I was going to have to justify myself to both of the worried and likely angry parents.
I talked to them about school and what they liked to do, how they just came from a school party. Molly was excited to have her friends sign her ‘cast’ and Edd thought he would be the coolest kid in school for surviving a car crash.
I remembered being their age and smiled and nodded along as I was put on a low grade painkiller and we were given water to drink. After about 20 minutes I could hear a commotion and a man and two women calling out for the two children. They called back and moments later a frazzled looking man, my boss Jack Walten and his wife Rosemary, along with his worried looking teen daughter Sophie rounded the corner of the doorway and in that moment I had never seen anyone look so relieved.
The reunion was toothrottingly sweet, all five hugging and just overjoyed to see their children okay and alive. I couldn’t help but smile, even though it felt like I was intruding on something that should have been private.
Edd brought me up and Molly joined in, the both of them talking at once and practically over each other as they tried to explain everything that happened. I’m not sure if their parents or sister fully understood, but what was grasped was that Felix crashed into me, and I drove them to the hospital.
Both Jack and Rosemary looked at me and I awkwardly waved. He looked confused, like he recognized me but unsure from where, “Hi, boss…” I said, introducing myself for the second time that day.
We only met for ten minutes earlier today, but his eyes widened in surprise. “You… Felix crashed into you?” He asked, “And you got my children to safety?”
I timidly nodded. Please, please don’t be angry.
The officer presented himself and cleared his throat, “Your employee here was driving home when Mr. Kraken, who was intoxicated, who was driving the other way crashed into them and knocked them from the road into the ditch while Mr. Kraken’s car hit the guardrail.” The officer explained.
“I um… I was upside down but cut myself free and climbed out to check on the other car, and I saw that he had Molly and Edd in the back and my car wasn’t about to get out of the ditch any time soon so I just… drove them here.” I finished, punctuating the end by nervously drinking the rest of my water.
“He was drunk?!” Rosemary said, stunned and clearly angry. The officer nodded while Jack’s fist clenched, clearly enraged. I would be just as shocked and angry if I had children and they were put in danger by someone who’s supposed to be their friend.
I should probably be just as angry that some drunk asshole- who is my boss no less- nearly killed me, but I was just glad that we were all still alive. Sure, my car is fucked, and so is about 50% of my body (exaggerating), but my bones will heal and I’ll repair my car or get a new one. I mean, that’s what insurance is for, right?
What I didn’t expect out of all of this was to be hugged by Rosemary. Oh yeah, it fucking hurt but I just kept that to myself. She sniffled and I awkwardly patted her back with my one good arm, “Thank you for keeping them safe…” She said quietly.
“I-It was nothing, really.” I said timidly, “I wasn’t about to leave them alone.”
“Nothing? You saved them!” Jack said and shook my hand when his wife pulled away to dry her eyes and hug all of her children once more, “I can’t ever thank you enough for what you did for my family. I… I couldn’t stomach the thought if…”
I gave him a reassuring squeeze of his hand and he clasped my good shoulder, “It sucks that this happened in the first place but… I’m just glad everyone is alive…” I said, giving a nervous smile.
“Is he alive?” Jack asked, looking at the officer as he let go of my hand and shoulder.
“Yes, he is. We will be pressing charges, he blew above a 0.3.” The officer responded and Jack nodded, seemingly ‘pleased’ with that.
After exchanging contact information and addresses with both Jack and myself he departed, leaving the family to resume their reunion. I smiled awkwardly and looked away awkwardly, scratching my neck.
I haven’t heard anything about my relative having called or if they were coming, so I could only assume I wouldn’t be getting a ride from them. Or a ride tonight at all.
For a moment I was lost in my head, feeling a bit too sorry for myself. I moved all the way out here because there were jobs and rent was cheap, but I was so far from my family and friends, and even though I helped their children would I even still have a job?
I refilled my paper cup and sipped on the cold water before a nurse came to let us all know that after a final check over, we would be set to go home in an hour or so. Great, I better start making calls or something.
For a moment I didn’t realize that Rosemary was talking to me. I looked up as she repeated my name, “U-Uh yeah?” I said, looking a little confused.
“Do you have a ride home…?” She asked. Ah, oh no. I’m not about to ask these clearly exhausted parents for a ride home, I could only imagine they just wanted to get home and be with their children.
“No… But I can get one, don’t worry.” I said, but Jack shook his head.
“Nonsense, it’s the least we could do. You look like you need some sleep.” He said, making me chuckle.
“So do you two.” I laugh, “Really, you don’t need to. I’ll get a hold of someone eventually. Really!”
Rosemary shook her head, “No way, sincerely it wouldn’t be a bother. Where do you live?” She asked, and I reluctantly gave my street address, “Oh, you live just a bit down the way from us!” She said. Looks like it’s out of the question.
The doctor came and checked us all over one last time before giving me a prescription slip for painkillers for the next week and a half and we were permitted to leave. Jack carried his daughter while Rosemary held her son’s hand and I followed behind them.
I won’t lie, I’m pretty damn nervous. Checking out of the hospital took a little while as well, but soon we were free to go. That will be a fun bill to pay.
Rosemary sat in the back with the children, not giving me any chance to protest as I had to sit in the passenger seat next to Jack. Edd and Molly were clearly tired, cuddling up to their mother as Jack turned on the car and carefully pulled out.
It was incredibly clear that Jack was very, very focused on the road, not wanting to get his family into a car accident as well. I couldn’t imagine what he was thinking, but I was just so glad that this didn’t end in tears.
The car ride to their home was mostly quiet, only some light conversation made. Jack was interested to know how I enjoyed my first day on the job.
“It’s been exciting…” I chuckled and he laughed softly, but I wasn’t all that comfortable or any less nervous. I did just want to get home and rest, because tomorrow morning I likely had to call my insurance and figure out how I’ll be getting to and from work.
If there even was a job anymore. With one half of the business owners likely going to jail I didn’t know if Jack would take on the massive workload, or if he would even want me to work there anymore.
“We’re here.” Jack let them know.
We pulled into their driveway and Sophie was the first to get out to help her mother take her siblings into the house with Jack telling them that he would be right back after he dropped me off.
“Have a good night, everyone…” I smiled and waved at them. Edd and Molly sleepily waved back before they went inside and shut the door.
It was surreal, everything that had happened. And now I was alone with my boss as he started to drive towards my home.
“I can’t believe he happened to crash into you…” Jack said and I nodded silently, “I could never thank you enough… You… I just can’t believe…” His voice cracked and he brought his hand up to wipe his cheeks.
“I’m sorry this happened… I’m just glad your children are safe…” I said, fidgeting with a stray string on my pants, unsure if I should pat his back or would that be too far? “You have a beautiful family, Jack, I’m sorry that you’re having to drive me home…”
“Don’t be sorry, you drove them to the hospital with a dislocated arm! I couldn’t imagine what it was like, being run off the road and into a ditch, upside down!” He said and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“To be honest, it was like a dream. One moment he’s coming towards me and I move aside since the road is pretty narrow, the next I see that he’s a bit too close over to my side and then finally I’m upside down in the ditch.”
“And- It was you! Who would have thought that my new employee would be the one to get hit.” He said, smiling softly, “Oh and don’t you worry about rushing back into work! I will be paying you your wages, you helped my family out, I’m going to help you too.”
“You-You really don’t have to do that. I’ll be okay!” I insisted, but he shook his head. He wasn’t having it.
“I want to, you don’t understand how stressed and worried we were…” He said, “I called Felix over 20 times, I thought the worst had happened and I… I started to lose hope I would ever see them again.”
“He’s going to jail for this, no doubt…” I said, “Will you be taking over the business…?”
“Yeah… It’ll be a lot but I think I have someone who I can rely on to help.” He said, smiling.
“Oh, good! I’ll try my best to pull my own weight.” I said, smiling, “I know you guys took a big risk hiring me fresh out of college but-”
“I- It’s you!” He said, “I know you just started, but your finance and programming degree is going to be a massive help!”
“Wha…?” I gaped at him. Me? Did I get a promotion? “I would be honored to help!” I smiled. I think I just became a manager or something, I’ll figure that out when I go back to work.
I pointed out my house and he pulled up in front, “I won’t let you down, I promise.” I gleamed and he smiled, holding his hand out for me to shake.
I did, not expecting him to pull me in for a hug. Looks like this was a really huggy family, it was pretty similar to my own family. “I know you won’t. Would you mind if you gave me your number so we can speak tomorrow? I imagine Edward and Molly would like to hear that you’re okay.” He asked.
I nodded and waited until he got a pen and a small black book to put my number in it before I opened the door, “I’ll speak to you soon, then… Have a good night, boss.” I smiled and he laughed.
“Just call me Jack. Really.” He said, “Have a good night.” I nodded and got out before shutting the door, walking to the front door. I grabbed the spare key from the mail box and gave one last wave after I unlocked the door. He flicked his high beams at me before he started to back up and I opened the door, shutting and locking it behind me.
It’s been a really strange night.
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vampire-fanboy · 2 years
☥ Interests ☥
Interests: Italicized interests are major interests. [Click on a fandom name and it’ll take you to my blogs tag for said media!]
General: Art, OCs, Rats, Vampires, Clowns, Demons, Angels, Zombies, Cats, Birds, Bats, Roses, Horror Genres, Autumn, Halloween, Monsters, Greek Mythology, Merfolk, Pumpkins, Anime Figures, Collecting. yaoi /j
Aesthetics: Vampiric, Emo, Scene, Dark Academia, Steampunk, Circus, Lovecore, Y2K, Early 2000's, Victorian, Gothic, Celestialcore, Angelcore, Horrorcore, Gyaru/Gyaruo, Visual Kei, Medicalcore, Kidcore.
Media: Creepypasta, Monster High (G1 & G3), Ever After High, My Little Pony (G4), Starters, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, Madness Combat, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Tangled/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, Mirai Nikki, Watamote, Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions, The Walten Files, LPS Popular, Mob Psycho 100, Happy Tree Friends, Chainsaw Man, Osomatsu San, South Park, Scream, Invader Zim, Coraline, Corpse Bride, The Owl House, Futari wa PreCure, Bocchi the Rock!, Madoka Magica, ENA, Bugbo, Adventure Time, Sweeny Todd, Popee the Performer, Tinkerbell, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Trolls.
Games: Team Fortress 2, Ace Attorney, Megaman, Cookie Run (OB & KNG), Guilty Gear, Blazblue, OMORI, Don't Starve, Roblox, Muse Dash, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale/Deltarune, Life is Strange, Liar Liar, Monster Prom, Cuphead, Doki Doki Literature Club, Night in the Woods, Sally Face, Higurashi: When they Cry, Ib, Mad Father, The Witch's House, Corpse Party, Aria's Story, Angels of Death, Misao, Project Kat, Jackbox Party Games, Skullgirls, Left 4 Dead, Cult of The Lamb, Needy Streamer Overload, Skyrim.
Music: S3RL, Lady Gaga, 6arelyhuman, horrormovies, Brokencyde, BLACK DRESSES, Goreshit, 100 gecs, KOKAYNA, Your Favorite Martian, Slayyyter, Tyler The Creator, femtanyl, Starberry, STYXVII, System Of A Down, Jazmin Bean, Elita, My Chemical Romance, That Kid, Sub Urban, siouxxie sixxsta, The Beatles, Michael Jackson. Hyperpop, Breakcore, Speedcore, Emo, Scene, Early 2000's, Goth, Metal, Techno, Electronic, Vocal Synths (Vocaloid, UTAU, etc), Happy Hardcore.
[DON’T assume I ship something just because I reblog fanart of it, if I want to state my ships that badly then I will. Thank you.]
"What is a Synpath?"
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-Espresso Cookie-
[For personal comfort I will not elaborate on him being separated from the rest, it's not your business. He still counts as a Synpath to me personally, I will say however I may block you if you claim to be him, or kin him, etc, I can confirm though I am so less strict on this nowadays. Just don't take it personally if I do LOL. It's also encouraged you block me too if you claim to be him/kin him/etc.]
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-Jyushimatsu, Todomatsu, Licorice Cookie, Pizza Cookie, Lychee Dragon Cookie-
-Timekeeper Cookie, Tohru Kunikuda, ENA, Spinel, Pinkie Pie-
-Fluttershy, Muffins, Vinyl Scratch, Basil, Tomoko Kuroki-
-Chespin, GIR, Yellow Guy, Gotou Hitori, Sayori-
-Toy Bonnie, Kyle Broflovski, The Collector, Ame-Chan, Simon Petrikov-
-Betty Grof, Flame Princess, Candy Queen, Queen Poppy, Mr. Dinkles-
[These are all characters I relate to for multiple reasons! They aren't "me" I just relate to them! So no, anyone who is kin to these guys or anything alike are not "doubles" to me nor would I be considered a "double" to you. However if me relating to any of these characters despite personally not seeing them As Me makes you uncomfortable, you're free to block me! Put your comfort first.]
If a character is listed here, but their original media isn't listed in my interests. That means I am not a fan of their original media.
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-Cats/Kittens, Bats-
[I specifically relate more to small silly looking kittens then cats as a whole, but at the same time I do relate to most cats! I also relate to bats quites a bit too, but not nearly as much as cats/kittens. I however do NOT consider myself otherkin/therian though, to clear up any confusions! These are purely Synpaths for me!]
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