#also what does bnf mean /gen
princemick · 8 months
can’t believe it. i try to bring back omegaverse discourse and i get two likes. you try and bring back omegaverse discourse… smh. and they say there are no BNF😔
gio, you've not been here long enough, you dont understand that I was known as the omegaverse guy for far to long
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contentment-of-cats · 11 months
The narc is right on schedule.
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Here we go again. Narcs love to spoil shit they can't control, and @cordeliaperry - formerly cyberwitch85 and who knows how many sockpuppets - pops up. She's got a hard-on for Merry Chissmas now, because if you've shit your pants in front of an entire fandom, what's one more fart in all the stink?
My first experience with her was when she threatened a friend with revenge porn. Another more comprehensive link here. It was not a rumor - it was something she did. She likes to delete her replies and edit her posts, so you have to document every interaction.
I did not dox her, though I do have the information from a post that she herself made. She's locked her archive and blocked me, but I do have screenshots and her showing her whole ass on other blogs. Receipts, baby.
The reason she’s accusing me of doxing is because she donated to my cancer fund and I offered the money back. Someone, not me, sent her the money. I also turned over the $100 she funded me to a cancer charity. She also does not know the meaning of the word 'doxxing' which is the public exposition of personal information such as name, address, and so forth. However, it is a hot-button word that gets attention - and since she's a textbook narc, that's what she feeds on.
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Not a Boomer - it's an ageist dogwhistle from a person desperate to recruit her own army of flying monkeys. Gen X, represent.
She went full bunnyboiler on a writer formerly in the fandom, sending multiple hate anons - that were so obviously her. And there are so many, many, many of them.
She is alleged to have used her Discord server to spy on her 'friends' - one of the reasons I now avoid Discord servers.
Since she was not getting any traction attacking said author, she turned on one of the author's friends with a bloodthirsty campaign of harassment.
She bullied a Thrawn fan out of the fandom and from their blog. She might have done this to others that I don't know about, considering how many fans disappeared from the fandom when I was sick starting from February 2022 (diagnosis) to March/April of 2022 (recovery from last surgery).
She hates me because I've gotten very fucking tired of narcs torpedoing fandoms because they want to be a BNF. She bullied a lot of people, and people are scared to stand up to her. I don't give two farts in a tornado. I'll punch back on the bitch.
People are afraid of her - one reason that Merry Chissmas has an anon submission option. She allegedly gathered people's contact info to organize a fandom penpal activity, then also used an author's contact info to harass them. Nobody wanted to be next.
As she cycles through her narcissistic rage, she's staying on brand. Narcs love to ruin holidays and make it all about them. You can find out about the darker side of fandom here with history, tutorials on protecting yourself, resources, and other informative articles.
And finally, I offer a video of wisdom from Darren F. Magee - an excellent psychologist, fellow sci-fi nerd, and man on a mission.
If she can't control an event and if she can't be the center of attention, she'll do her level best to ruin it for everyone else. In the spirit of the holidays, I think I'm going to - a few times a week - post a screenshot of her clownery along with an appropriate Darren Magee video just to make the point.
Merry Chissmas, 🤡
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titconao3 · 3 years
2021 Fic Year in Review
Tagged by: @beguilewritesstuff​ (post here)
Number of completed works: 11. i only publish finished works, but i started more fics than that.
Total word count: published: 182,699. Significantly less than previous years.
Fandoms written in: Marvel (DD, Punisher, Loki stuff, and WOW that Venom/DD fic was published in 2021 and not 10 years ago? some Foggy, some Thor, some Stephen Strange, and some Cap!), What We Do In The Shadows (TV). Shippy stuff, gen stuff.
Did you write more, less, or about what you’d expected? Less that i wanted to, but i could tell early on that it wouldn't be a very productive year compared with previous ones.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? that i wrote? hard to say. i don’t really like pimping my own stuff because it feels like if anyone says something nice about it afterwards, then it’s because people feel they have to, to be polite or something like that, and it’s not deserved or genuine. Not that i don’t want to get nice feedback ;-) just that i don’t want to feel like i’m only getting it because i’m pestering people into leaving some. i did enjoy collaborating with artists for several events i participated in and one spontaneous collab (shout-out to @rrr-nightingale, @dichotomystudios, iithril, @pesticide-for-gods, @talking4the1 )
Did you take any writing risks this year? i’m not sure what that means... taking risks? Does branching out into a new fandom count? Otherwise, i’m not trying to break literary ground or anything like that. i tried new tropes, new characters. i did write my longest fic to date, and quite a bunch turned out longer than i’d thought.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? No profic for me. i don’t want to make this a job. fanfic... well, i’d like to get back in the groove? But generally speaking, i don’t want to set goals and fail at reaching them.
Most popular story of the year? it’s probably Bridge Over Troubled Water according to AO3 stats (i don’t know how else to measure popularity?), but that’s because it was published early in the year, and it’s one time i posted one chapter per day (per prompt) for @frattweek, so it got more hits plus some people commented on several chapters, so that’s cheating compared with all my other fics which, whatever the length, i publish all in one go. The Loki stuff isn’t very “popular” in comparison with my DD stuff (not that i’m a BNF there either ;-), and the WWIDTS fic was published late in the year so it’s hard to say.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: i mean, i’d like each and everyone of them to get all the love, obviously ;-) but all got kudos/comments, whatever the exact number, so... thanks ^_^
Most fun story to write: the easiest to write was probably the WWDITS one, but i can’t say it was fun - it was easy to write because it was a bad day mood-wise and i was in exactly the right headspace for what i wanted to achieve. The DD/Venom/Eddie one was maybe fun to write, but it was written the year before and published on the first day of 2021, so does it count? Hm. Maybe the Tiny Matt one. There was a lot of giggling with @dichotomystudios while back-and-forthing ideas.
Biggest disappointment: so many WIPs that i never finished, languishing on the computer. i have some that are two years old or more, but whenever i tried to pick them up i just hated what was already on the page. i don’t know if it’s because they’ve been left unfinished for too long, or because they're actually crap, or because it was just not the right time.
Biggest surprise: Hm. Getting into a new fandom (What We Do In The Shadows - come sign up for the exchange! /pimp over)? But also, i didn’t expect to write so much Loki stuff. i’ve read Loki fics on and off for years, but i never expected to actively dip my toes in that pool; i thought there were already so many great works and creators that i didn’t need to add my words for the longest time. Funnily enough, while i did watch the Loki show, it’s not what i want to explore in fics.
Tagging: whoever wants to do this! i’d love to see some artists do this too *winkwinknudgenudge*
My AO3 page is here, if you’re curious. You can easily filter out the fandoms and characters/ships you don’t like. They were all betaed by @pixelbypixelfanfic, without whom many of those wouldn’t have seen the light of day.
Also, there’s a fanweek ongoing on @daredevilexchange - details here!
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maychorian · 7 years
Get to Know the Author
Tagged by @eastofthemoon. Thank you!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
“Maychoria” was the name of the main country in the fantasy novel I wrote when I was thirteen and fourteen. It means “happy land,” based on two words I found in a Greek dictionary we had in the house. So “Maychorian” basically means “inhabitant of the happy land.”
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
On AO3, A Split-Second of Violence still has the most views and kudos and bookmarks, over 46k hits and almost 2500 kudos and 762 bookmarks. The first and second Boom Crash stories combined beat it, though, and Sell Me Your Nightmares beats it for comment threads. Over all platforms, I’m pretty sure my most famous fic ever is still Entertaining Angels, a deaged Castiel fic I wrote at the cusp of Supernatural fandom, just as Castiel was starting to get popular. I  happened to write that story at the exact right time, in the mid-season break when everyone was hungry for more of the intriguing character we’d just been introduced to, and cute deaged angel boy trying to help Sam and Dean with their respective traumas was bound to be a hit no matter who wrote it. Plus I gave him pneumonia. It’s a thing I do.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Same as my current tumblr icon. Cuz Lance has the best expressions and he’s the cutest and the best.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I do, and I love them and appreciate them so, so much. If you comment on a lot of my fics and/or chapters, you’d better believe I notice, and I love you, even if I don’t respond.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Basically anything in this tag: https://maychorianrecs.tumblr.com/tagged/personal-favorite.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
Oh, golly. My work subscriptions at AO3 is currently at fifteen pages. A lot of those are completed or abandoned, though. No idea how many fics and authors I’m still subscribed to on ff.n, mostly in dead fandoms. I have 80 bookmarks on AO3 at the moment, but that is not an accurate representation of the fics I like and recommend others read. That would be @maychorianrecs, which currently has 681 posts and isn’t even complete even for the Voltron fandom, let alone the other fandoms I read now or have read in the past.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
The Dream Seam ‘verse is definitely the one that owns the largest part of my brain right now, but I’m also looking forward to getting back to my DnD AU once I finish my current big projects. I tend to write more canon-divergence AUs than alternate realities, in most cases. I like exploring how things can differ across time if one small (or large) change is made in the setting we know and love. Like what if Castiel went back in time and ended up as Sam and Dean’s older brother? Love that one.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
User Subscriptions: 617 Kudos: 27064 Comment Threads: 5019 Bookmarks: 5631 Subscriptions: 2713 Word Count: 1169905 Hits: 325489
That’s insane, and it’s only in the last three or four years, since I didn’t really start using AO3 until mid-2014. I have a lot more before that on ff.n and other sites.
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
If there’s something I want to write and share, I will find a way.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I wish I was better at action. It always takes me a lot time to sort of choreograph it in my head and then describe it in a way that makes sense. I also need to work on writing believable romance, since I want to eventually write more mainstream fiction, and it’s pretty normal for characters to have romances. I can’t just write everyone as being aro/ace or siblings, though I kind of want to. I wish I wasn’t such a procrastinator and had more energy to spare on responding to comments, because I really do love them and appreciate them.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Only if you count gen as a rarepair, which it kind of is. Otherwise, no ships for me, ever. I tried it. Didn’t much like it.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
70. Some of them are reposts. Eventually I need to get all of my fics over to AO3. It’s definitely the superior platform nowadays.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Unposted? Mm, more than five, less than a dozen. I tend to post things as soon as I’m halfway satisfied, because I crave that sweet, sweet feedback.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
They’re mostly up in my head. If it changes by the time I start to write it, that’s fine. And if I forget an idea, a new one will come along sooner or later. I write in the now.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes, a few times, most recently with ardett for Sewing Patches. It was a great experience.
16. How did you discover AO3?
Back when it was just getting started, I got an invite to the beta from an LJ friend. It wasn’t until years later that I got into sports anime fandom and decided I wanted to start using it, so I searched my email to find that years-old invite and used it.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
I’m well-known in the gen corner of my fandom, which is not the same thing as being a BNF in the fandom as a whole. I have no doubt that 99% of Klance fans have no idea who I am, and Klance basically IS the Voltron fandom, much to my annoyance. But I’m fine with the way things are. I interact with cool people all the time and get to show them awesome stuff and get nice feedback when I post fics, and that’s what I want.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Nah. That seems kind of pretentious and arrogant.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I’ve wanted to write since before I knew how to read, as far back as I can remember. As soon as I understand that those scribbles on a page meant something and told stories, I wanted to tell my own. Certainly in my teenage years I was very inspired by the fantasy and science fiction authors I adored, like Tolkien, Lewis, MacDonald, Orson Scott Card, Stephen King, Tamora Pierce, etc. I have been encouraged along the way by many, many fellow writers, as well. But as far as an instigating person at the very beginning, I can’t think of one. I just always knew that this was what I wanted to do with my life.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Just do it. Post it if you’re brave, keep it to yourself if you’re not. Make yourself happy first. Find one person who will read and enjoy your stuff, otherwise it will get stale writing only for yourself. But first and foremost, stoke the fire in your own belly until you have no choice but to use it, to let it fly from your fingers in words and paragraphs. Once you start, keep going, even when the fire burns low. Discipline is more important than inspiration in the long term, but inspiration is how you start.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Mostly the latter. I’ve written from outlines in the past, and I sometimes do extensive freewriting before I start something to give myself some semblance of structure, but working from a strict outline isn’t really fun for me. I’d much rather  discover the story as I go. I subscribe to the Stephen King school of writing, the idea that a story is a boulder you dig up with a lot of hard work and exploring. Granted, that doesn’t always work perfectly, and it can lead to stories that are overlong and oddly structured or dissatisfying, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take in order to enjoy the process as much as possible.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Occasionally, mostly not on AO3. My feedback there is by and large very kind and enthusiastic. Every once in a while I’ll get a weird comment on ff.n complaining about some choice I made or chastising me for not doing what they wanted or expected with the story. Mostly I just laugh and let them go, though they used to bother me a lot. Once in a while they’ll make a solid point, and I’ll think about it, and maybe change the story a bit to satisfy the issue that’s bothering me, not for their satisfaction but for my own. That’s exceedingly rare, though. I think I’ve done it twice.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Action is hard, yes. Dialogue and emotional scenes come easily, so naturally that’s the bulk of my stuff.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
My ongoing series and stories are all currently in posting. I have some ideas on the backburner that I haven’t started working on yet, but I’m not the kind of writer who finishes a project before posting, so there’s nothing going on that my readers don’t already know about.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Often as I’m finishing up a long project my mind will already be working on what’s next, yes. Not really planning so much as just daydreaming and working out scenarios in my head, but I do like that I never run out of things to do.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
I try to write at least 750 words every day. Not always fiction, though, sometimes it’s freewriting or a diary entry. This post will probably be my writing for today. 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Indubitably, since for the very first story I wrote I asked my mom how to spell the word “fan.” I was five.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Oof, that’s hard. In Voltron, probably Bury the Sun. I keep going back and re-reading that one. It just…hits my buttons. On purpose. I did that. In all of my fandoms ever, probably Coming Down on a Sunny Day. It came together in an extremely satisfying way, and I’m very proud of it, even though the last part never got very much feedback since the fandom had moved on by the time I wrote and posted it.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
I started writing an original fantasy fiction called Cat by Night with the idea of posting it on Amazon and making money with it. But I started it out in very YA fashion with an incipient romance, and it just bored me to tears. I hated it. I couldn’t do it. Romance is not for me.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I would love to develop my original fiction and discipline myself enough to actually start publishing stuff on Amazon and eventually make enough money to live on, maybe with the help of Patreon. RIght now, though, fanfiction takes up all my creative energy, and I don’t know how I would justify making a living off that.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
Making characters cuddle.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Getting characters to the point where the cuddling makes sense and feels in character.
33. Why do you write?
For the sake of the cuddles, mostly. Also because I can’t imagine not writing.
No tagging today because I’m exhausted, but feel free if you want to do this. 
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huntypastellance · 7 years
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A follow up to the posts about the Nazi art (drawn by a Klance artist), the Pride Parade Klance sign & all those edits where Sheith scenes in canon got turned into Klance ROMANTIC scenes by people who constantly spam “I ONLY SEE THEM AS BROTHERS, BROGANES, THAT’S SUCH A PLATONIC BROGANES SCENE” everywhere.
NOTE: This is referring to the Klancedom, NOT Klance shippers. If you do NOT do any of these things, this post is NOT talking about you.
This interview has been approved of by MisterPoofOfficial (names were blacked out at her request).
Do NOT harass any of these people in the screenshots.
The events:
> Misterpoof creates a parody animatic of the Heathers song “Dead Girl Walking” & makes it a Sheith video. At this point, Poof was already known for not wanting to make any content for Klance & only making content for Sheith, Keitor, Pance & gen stuff.
> Klancers fill the comments section, whining for a Klance version. Misterpoof blacklists the word “klance” from her notifications & deletes all comments mentioning them. Poof’s fans tell the klancers to knock it off.
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> A Klancer makes a yandere Klance PORN version of Poof’s animatic, directly advertising it on the comments of Poof’s animatic. (Keith & Lance semi-graphically have sex in this video).
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Lord Pastel Lance: The Klance version was Keith TRYING TO RAPE AN UNWILLING LANCE (he gives in after Keith "reasons" with him) Oh god, klancers Never change Poof: Oh dear lord;;;; that’s gross I didn’t even watch the video, I was too scared it was gonna look like mine;;;” Lord Pastel Lance: NOPE It's got yandere creep faces & is genuinely disturbing with dark colors & Lance PHYSICALLY shoving Keith away from him And like, actual sex Like, they fuck
> Meanwhile, as Klancers & antis flock to the Klance version, the plagiarist upvotes & responds positively to anti-Sheith & anti-Poof comments. She claims that she admires Poof’s stuff even though it’s Sheith & she hates Sheith & doesn’t like going on Sheith vids while also saying that Sheith content on youtube should not exist at all (even joking that she will start a ship war).
Poof: And my video was dedicated to my friends--It wasn’t even supposed to be taken seriously yet people think that me assigning Lance as the "bad guy" means that I hate him Lord Pastel Lance: Seriously, who says "I was inspired by Poof" & then promotes & likes comments basically saying "I hate Poof & Poof's stuff".
> She even went so far as to react negatively & shut down an upset Sheith fan who was just asking for others to let people ship whatever they want. > She also agrees (multiple times) with fans that gay sex is sin & that they are sinners for getting off to her Klance porn video. > She also claims to be a 14 year old who openly draws BL porn on her parents’ laptop & says that she got all her knowledge from BL stuff & yaoi.
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Lord Pastel Lance: Google research: literally just a click away Poof: Honestly......I mean they’re using their parent's computer after all Lord Pastel Lance: They already drew twinks fucking on their parents' computer Are they seriously that worried that their parents will see them reading about gay sex
> She also linked Poof’s video directly on her Klance video & self-promoed her klance version directly in the comments of Poof’s vid. (And mentioned how much she hated Sheith). [Reminder that the Klance version was watched predominately by Klancers/antis who were bashing Poof for not making Klance stuff. This was essentially painting a huge bulls-eye on Poof. And that the Klance artist was encouraging these types of comments in her own comment section.]
Poof: The comments I’ve gotten in the video (are removed) -- I’ve been called a "pedophile" for liking Sheith and making content for it -- another comment was talking about age discourse (also removed) I recall getting a comment (also removed) saying this wouldve been better with Klance
> Poof finally disables all comments (just on her Heathers video though).
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Lord Pastel Lance: Also They're blaming YOU & your fans in the comments Poof: I KNOW I READ IT AND IT’S RIDICULOUS
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Lord Pastel Lance: ??? If they wanted to apologize, why didn't they just send you a fucking ask? Poof: Exactly??? I have my tumblr and twitter on my about on youtube Lmao they could’ve looked and said sorry instead of talking shit
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Poof: I found this in my Dead Keith Walking part 2 Lord Pastel Lance: Amazing Poof: Funny.....You say that Lord Pastel Lance: And yet they can't seem to send you a single comment apology Poof: Yup Lord Pastel Lance: It costs zero dollars to say "sorry for causing people to bash on you" Like damn gurl, you don’t need a tumblr to talk to misterpoof Poof: Exactly??? And they don't know how to use it ------------------------------------------- Lord Pastel Lance: By the way, Did the plagiarist ever apologize to you (directly) on tumblr/youtube? Poof: Nope! Never got a single message from them apologizing to me Lord Pastel Lance: Damn It's been like a whole week or so, right? Poof: Yeah Lord Pastel Lance: Even toddlers can use smartphones to google "how 2 do this" now Poof: Lmao true Lord Pastel Lance: Seriously, there is no way that it takes them over a week to figure out "HOW DO I SEND POOF AN ASK ON TUMBLR" Poof: I mean sure they're new to it and they don't know how to use tumblr, but seriously, it's not so hard to just go to my channel and apologize or send me a message Lord Pastel Lance: Yeah, but A WEEK In 2017 Plus they already send you comments on youtube There's nothing stopping them from sending you an apology On youtube Poof: Mhm ------------------------------------------- Poof: So apparently they "apologized", but through instagram and it was just...
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:/ You know, I was expecting a message since there is an option on instagram. Not...being tagged in something where everyone can see it.......... I checked my instagram for once jfc, I don't go on it often, but they tagged me in their post to say "sorry"... Lord Pastel Lance: With like zero context Poof: Yup They just straight up said "I’m sorry" and nothing else :/ Lord Pastel Lance: Sorry for what? Plagiarizing? Shitting on you? Self-promo-ing in the comments of your own vids? Promoting comments that shit on you & your vids? That's SO vague Poof: Exactly??? I'm not replying back to the post because not only is it awkward, but it's just not right to forgive them for what they've done Lord Pastel Lance: I don't think they've fully understood their part in this either I think it's more like a "oh noes, a BNF is upset & people think it's my fault that she's mad!!! D:" sort of thing Poof: Mhm
Twas not the straw that broke the camel’s back, but a never-ending pile of sticks instead.
The entitled hypocrisy of the Klancedom is outrageous.
Claiming to loathe Sheith, but constantly looking at Sheith content & whining to the creators that the content would be “so much better if it was Klance & Broganes instead”. Taking no responsibility when people use your Sheith->Klance content to harass the original creators. Excusing anything & everything fucked up that a Klance fan does with “they didn’t know any better!” even though everybody in the discourse is talking through the INTERNET -- the information multilingual multicultural highway. Encouraging discourse & ship hate while pretending to be ignorant about it. Dismissing all the harassment shaladins receive while using the “Not All Klancers” card whenever shaladins complain about the harassment. Doing NOTHING to stop/prevent the Klantis from harassing people while you yourself bitch endlessly about how Shaladins are such hypocrites for generalizing Klance fans as hate-spamming anti-Sheith douchebags. Calling yourself an anti to “protect children & the LGBTQ+ community” while squealing happily about how gay sex is “sin” unironically.
The second you start allowing/encouraging people to trash on someone, who you CLAIMED to like, & that person’s stuff, which you REPEATEDLY mentioned that you dislike, you have chosen a side in the discourse. You are NOT being neutral.
You don’t want to get involved in discourse? Fine. THEN DON’T GET INVOLVED AT ALL.
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