#also would’ve loved to do pete in his skirt but it made his legs too busy so i settled with leather pants x
alonetogether · 10 months
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peterpcrkcr · 7 years
Study Sesh | A Peter Parker Imagine
Peter Parker x Reader Words: 1,958 Summery: You’re nervous about a big test in a shared class you have with Peter, and since everyone knows that Peter is that smartest kid in school, you asked for his help studying. What you don’t know is anything about him outside of school, so the two of you have normal, cute, friendly conversations.
His room was small, but large enough to fit a bunk-bed, a desk, a folding card table, two chairs, and space before the window. The two of you standing there filled up just about the rest of the space, but it was comfortable. You couldn’t be sure, but when you glanced up to Peter he seemed to blush. Had he ever been this close to a girl before? It didn’t matter because you were blushing yourself.
“So you can sit anywhere,” he started, gesturing to the whole of the room. You nodded and replaced the fallen locks that’d freed form behind your ponytail to behind your ear. He stepped back to give you room and accidentally bumped into the folding card table. “This isn’t usually in here...”
“That’s okay.” You laughed a little to yourself, trying to shake the nerves.
Peter turned with you while you skirted around him to sit at the seat at his desk. The desk was cleared out just enough for you to set down your notebook and textbook. You hadn’t really ever needed to study with someone before, but your friends in the grade above you made it sound like the test for Mr. Cammick’s class was going to be super difficult. Thus making you ask the smartest kid in your grade to help you study. It didn’t hurt that when you heard Peter answer a question in class it made you wish you could hear everything he ever thought about, ever knew. Peter turned on some music and decided he would sit at the folding card table Aunt May had set up for extra room.
“So, what should we do first?” He asked, leg shaking just a little bit under the table.
“Do you mind if we just work on homework right now? I didn’t get to finish my advanced trig in class because Beth Copper was talking about her new car the entire time. We both know she didn’t get a new car and that she just got her older brother’s beater, right?” He nodded. “I’m not saying that having her brother’s old beater is a bad thing, I’m just saying why not be real about it? You know what I mean?”
He had stared at you the entire time, eyes wide, taking in every word you spoke. On a normal occasion Peter would’ve had something to say in return, but was rendered speechless when he watched you put the pencil eraser to your lips. He nodded in response to your question and ducked his head down to his notebook before speaking so the sound of his voice was flat. “I already did my homework.”
“Oh! Okay. That’s fine, I can just do it later.” You said taking the textbook atop the desk down, and trading it for the one that was for Mr. Cammick’s class. Peter scribbled on his paper the whole time you readjusted your set up. He hummed along to the song playing around the two of you. Once settled you sighed and tilted your head as you looked over to Peter. “What are you doodling?”
“Uh- it’s nothing.” Peter said glancing your way, a hand over the corner of his paper.
“Show me?” You asked lightly, a smile on your face. Peter sat up a little more and moved his hand from his notebook. He spun it around and lifted the top up to show you what he had drawn. It was a doodle of Spider-Man and Iron Man standing next to each other, fist bumping. You giggled. “That’s so cool.”
“You think so?” He asked, eyes shining. You nodded.
“I love Spider-Man.” You started to say, which made him move a little closer to you. He set the notebook down on the table and listened intently. “I think he’s such a good guy. He cares about everyone so much, and doesn’t care about the fame or fortune, he just wants to do good. I also heard he’s really cute, too, and that he has a bunch of girlfriends all over town.”
“I don’t know about that last part...” Peter said nonchalantly. You shook your head.
“Oh? You don’t think he has a bunch of girlfriends all over town? He’s an Avenger, he has to have someone like that in his life. Someone who holds him after a hard day, or bad fight. Someone to kiss and hug him and... someone who... listens to his favorite music with him!” While you spoke he parted his lips slightly, as if in awe. “You okay, Pete? What do you think?”
“Uh... I hadn’t thought about Spider-Man’s dating life that much.” He had, he knows he had and he knows that everything you said was what he wanted for himself too.
“On that note, I’d like to say that I love your taste in music. Is this entire playlist just 80′s hits?” He nodded. “That’s cool.”
The next few moments were spent with you and Peter studying. Aunt May brought you popcorn with M&m’s mixed into it. When you would get a question right, Peter would toss an M&M at you as a treat. You usually missed the piece of candy and had to find it on the desk behind you just about every time. Only once did you actually catch it, and Peter cheered for you. When Peter got a question right, which was every time, you would toss him a piece of candy too, but he never missed. Not once. Not even when you threw it over his head. He jolted up and out of his seat to catch it. You were so amazed that you stopped studying for a minute just to throw him candy.
“You have amazing reflexes, Peter! How did you learn something like that?” You asked popping a piece of popcorn onto your tongue. He shrugged.
“I guess I just grew into it?” He suggested, but you shook your head.
“No, it’s not that. This happened overnight, I know it. Six months ago you were sorta scrawny. I remember because those kids had that nickname for you, what was it? Oh yeah-”
“Peter Porker....” You both said in unison.
“Right! I think they thought it was funny because you weren’t chubby at all, you were actually average sized. Did Flash give you that nickname?” You asked, but he shook his head. “You’re right, Flash is a jerk but he wouldn’t shame someone’s weight.”
“How did you remember that? We didn’t really start talking until about a month ago.” Peter asked. You shrugged as you felt heat creep into your cheeks.
“I’ll be honest, Peter. I’ve sort of wanted to be friends with you for a while now. Actually since I transferred classes last year and got into one with you. Does that sound like I’ve been stalking you this whole time? I hope not.” You had been talking to your feet, but when you looked up to Peter he was grinning. “What?”
“I’ve wanted to be your friend too!” He sounded so happy, and you started to smile. “I’m glad you asked to study.”
“So am I.” You admitted, and then the two of you settled into a quiet and content moment. “Do you want to clear out the table and chair and lay on the floor and listen to music?”
“Yeah...” Peter said with a shrug.
He removed his things from the table and set them on the desk with your stuff while you folded up the legs of the table. He set it against his closet door and dropped two pillow onto the carpeted floor for the two of you to lay your heads on. Peter brought his portable speaker from the top bunk down the the floor above where your heads would rest. The two of you sat down on the floor at the same time, and he watched as you took your hair out from the ponytail. As you hair fell to the side of your face his lips parted and his eyes widened. He actually gasped and reached a hand out as if to want to brush his fingers through your hair. Instead, he ran a fingertip over your cheek and held it at your nose height.
“Eyelash.” He said simply. “Make a wish.”
“I wish to pass Mr. Cammick’s stupid test tomorrow.” You said outloud right before blowing on Peter’s fingertip.
“You’re not supposed to say it out loud.” He said jokingly. You shrugged.
“I know I’m going to pass because you helped me study. I don’t have to worry about it. I have the best studying partner there is.” He was blushing as you spoke, leaned a little bit toward you bravely. You started to lean toward him just slightly, unsure of what your body was doing while it was doing it. Were you about to kiss him?
No. Aunt May knocked on the open door, causing the two of you to jump backwards and away from each other.
“Hey, Aunt May.” Peter said sheepishly, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“Hey, May.” You said. “Thank you for the snacks earlier.”
“Oh! No problem. I love when Peter has friends over, he’s always too busy for them. You must be special.” Aunt May said with a sly grin on her face. She winked at Peter and he shook his head and rested his forehead onto his palm, embarrassed. “I made fruit punch, so if you guys want some...?”
Peter looked to you, you shook your head. “No thanks, I’m okay.”
“Me too.” Peter agreed. Aunt May nodded a couple times as she looked back and fourth between the two of you.
“Okay kids, proceed.” She said right before pulling the door closed enough for a small opening in it.
You turned to Peter who was blushing wildly. It was very cute, but you shook that thought away. “She is so nice, Pete. You’re really lucky.”
“I know it. I don’t know who I’d be without Aunt May.” He said, still looking at the place where she had just been standing. You admired his profiled, the tilt of his nose. The waves of his hair. His long his eyelashes were. Being around Peter for such a long time, and alone together, was doing something to your head, but you couldn’t be sure if it was just starting now. When he looked to you, you quickly turned away.
“Where are you parents?” You asked to your feet. He was quiet for a while, and when you glanced to him he seemed to be lost in thought. “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. My dad’s in jail for a petty theft charge. Times is hard, you know?”
“They passed away in a plane crash when I was six.” He said it calmly, like he had made peace with it.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Peter.” You looked to him as he was lost in thought.
“It’s okay (y/n). That was a long time ago, I don’t mind talking about it now.” He met your gaze and it made butterflies flutter in his stomach. You looked so concerned for him, so engaged in what he was saying. It wasn’t worked sympathy or pain, he could tell you really meant it. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” You said setting a hand over his. He smiled at you, and you smiled at him, and when you thought he had glanced down at your lips you turned your head and cleared your throat. “So let’s listen to some music, shall we?”
He nodded and turned on a song that had the both of you laying back onto the pillows and gazing softly at each other.
(Ha-ha-ha, ha-ah-hi) I know this much is true (Ha-ha-ha, ha-ah-hi) I know this much is true
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