#also yes i totally love the multi use of the same study in arendelle's castle and i like to imagine all the history it will go through later
Prompt cause I can’t stop thinking of the art that was done: Anna has a horrible day with queen issues and she just needs Elsa to snuggle with her and calm herself down?
(A day? Hon let’s make it more angsty, shall we? Rise it to a week.)
“It’s good to catch up with you guys.” Grinned Elsa. 
Kristoff petted Sven’s nose after feeding him a carrot. “And it’s good catching up with you too!” He said in Sven’s voice. 
The blonde chuckled. Kristoff cleared his throat and added: “It’s true, you know. Sven missed you as well.”
The reindeer nodded, and Elsa bent her head in awe. Olaf turned to Elsa, still bouncing in joy to see her. “Anna missed you even more. Like, a huge lot.”
“It’s been a long week for all of us, I see.” Smiled Elsa. “She hasn’t even got the time to send me a letter since last Friday.”
“She didn’t?” Briskly said Kristoff, and his eyes had widened. He exchanged a glance with Olaf, and their happy faces had suddenly faded. 
“Oh.” Simply muttered the snowman. 
“What?” Asked Elsa, and worry started to form in her. “What is going on?”
“Nothing bad happened”, assured Kristoff, who knew his sister-in-law’s natural stress too well. “She’s just… Very busy lately.”
Elsa stared at him. “…She hadn’t even send me a reminder for game night tonight. I mean, not that I forgot, I’m even early, but… Yeah, it’s not really her style.”
Olaf shook his head. “Nuh-uh.”
The Snow Queen gulped, trying to manage her worry. “Okay, I’ll see you later, I have to go check on her.”
“I thought you wanted to surprise her, and that’s why you came in the stables?”
“Yeah, didn’t you want to hide for when she’d go down and greet us after our day of ice harvesting?” Frowned Olaf. 
She looked at him with a sad face. “Say, did she come to greet you at least one evening this week?”
The three of them suddenly pouted and winced. “No.”
Blood ran cold in Elsa’s veins, and it wasn’t in the normal way. She immediately turned around and crossed the courtyard to the doors of the Arendelle castle. 
She ran so fast that she bumped over Gerda and slipped on the Great Hall’s floor. The servant grunted as Elsa grabbed the staircase railing at the last second to not fall.
“Careful! We just waxed the floor!” Gerda said to whoever just knocked to her. 
“Well, that explains it”, muttered Elsa, trying to calm down her heartbeat. 
She usually never slipped, especially on ice which she always walking on like regular ground, but here her ice sandals were sliding on the parquet like glass. 
Gerda widened her eyes when she recognized the familiar radiance of white who was facing her. 
“Elsa! It’s you!”
“Hi, Gerda.” Chuckled the blonde. “Sorry for coming in running. I know you hate it. I won’t run in the castle anymore, I promise.” 
The maid put her hands on her hips. “Always in a hurry for some reason. Anna really is rubbing off on you.” She said, shaking her head as the woman she knew since her birth smiled nervously in front of her. “Oh, she’s in her study, if you’re looking for her.” Gerda added, one thought joining another. “She… She’s been quite busy lately.”
“So I’ve heard.” Gulped Elsa, and she was about to run the stairs two by two, but restrained herself right in time to go slowly. 
She could feel Gerda’s eyes staring at her in her back as she went to the upper floors, but she could also tell that the servant was worried for Anna as well. 
As Elsa walked with a fast pace in the corridors, her fists balling at her sides, a thousand questions turned in her mind: Was Anna okay? Was she eating properly? Was it because of Queen duties? Was it the stress? Not feeling like she belonged on the throne? Doubting about her role? Charged with complex paperwork? All those were topics of discussion they already had many times in the previous months. Was one of them coming back? Was it a new one this time? 
Elsa shook her head as she reached the study’s ajar door. 
She paused for a moment, thinking about the history of this room. She remembered when Anna and her were little and would burst in it to surprise their father as we was working, and he would pretend to be scared to make them laugh. She remembered how, after the Great Thaw, Anna had knocked and came with many different treats and lots of hugs to make her have some breaks in her royal paperwork days. And Elsa’s heart squeezed as she realized how, now she was living away, she wasn’t always here to give Anna back the love she received from her all that time. She chased her tears and entered. 
Anna didn’t see her, too focused on the papers she was scribbling on. She was drafting letters, Elsa could tell, because her pencil was dancing on the pages and she was fidgeting with the rubber in her other hand, making it twirl and pass between her fingers, her elbow on the desk. 
Her teal blue eyes were switching from one word to the other, and she was muttering to herself as she phrased her sentences. 
Elsa smiled tenderly and knocked to the wood of the door.
“Yes, I’ll take another coffee, Kai, please. Black. I need to finish this before–” Anna said, distracted at first and then lifting her head, now meeting her sister’s eyes. “–ELSA!!”
She comically dropped her pencil and rubber on the desk in a loud way, and her eyes widened as the blonde stepped to her in with a smile. Anna blinked.
“Wha… What? When did you… What time is it?” She blabbered, looking at the little clock on her desk. 
“I’m early.” Informed Elsa in soft voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“Are you kidding? No, it’s fine! It’s even amazing! I’m so happy you’re here.” 
She quickly stood up, her chair’s legs scraping the carpet, and practically ran around the desk to jump into her elder’s open arms. 
Elsa giggled above her shoulder, taking in her warmth, her joy, but also her smell that she missed so much. She couldn’t help but notice how it was accentuated with hints of sealing wax, blotting paper and coffee, and easily concluded that she spent a lot of time in this very room since they last saw each other. And she noticed that the hug was longer than the ones they normally had. She was craving it.
After a while, the blonde gently parted the hug.
“How are you?” Inquired Elsa. 
“You first.” Smiled the Queen, who didn’t see how serious her elder was. 
“No, I insist, Anna. How are you. What’s going on. You barely went out this week.”
The redhead pouted a bit, disappointed. “That’s a bit rude.”
“I saw Kristoff, Olaf and Sven before entering the castle. I know. They told me.”
Anna seemed shocked that they had told her, but another emotion passed on her face, detected by Elsa immediately: she was heartbroken to not have seen them as often as they deserved. The younger looked down, and her silence was un-characteristic. 
“Hey, hey, I’m not reproaching anything.” Assured Elsa on a soft caring voice. She took her hands in hers. “Are you okay? That’s all that matters to me.”
A smile stretched Anna’s lips. “I know.” 
She shrugged. “I’m just… Very busy.”
“Okay, it’s the third time in a row I hear this of you. Can you be a bit more precise?” 
Anna didn’t know where to start with. “Letters for foreign countries, now that we have all those new trading contracts. Writing said trading contracts. And writing to the foreign officials again. And meeting scheduling. And organizing the venues. And there’s all those new inhabitants. Oh, and we have those celebrations to welcome them, and–”
The redhead interrupted herself, thinking Elsa had something to say, and once she registered the advice, took the time to actually catch her breath. 
“Anna…” Muttered Elsa, bending her head, and her hands squeezed her sister’s. “I told you many many times that you can ask me for help day and night, you just have to send me a letter, I’ll interrupt everything and come here to guide you, you just–”
“No, no, no, don’t give me that look.”
“Huh-huh.” Glanced Anna with a frown and a head shake. “I’m 22, I’m fine, I can handle myself.”
“That’s obviously not what I meant, I’m not treating you like a child, quite the opposite… I just… Please, you always tell me that we should never shut each other’s out. Well, I’m here for you, and you deserve- You should ask me for assistance if you need it. Not overwork yourself.” 
“I’m fine, Elsa! Really.”
She had a knowing smile. “Besides, you’re not one to talk. You were on your own for three years, and had to handle all the queen issues alone.”
Elsa frowned. “What? What are you talking about? You were always there for me. Always supporting me.”
“I didn’t mean the three years after the Great Thaw. The three years before. After… After Mama and Papa died at sea. And you became Queen overnight.” 
The elder blinked. This seemed like centuries ago. Like another life. She barely believed that it had happened. 
“Oh. Yes.”
“See? I have all those years to compensate.”
Elsa was shocked. “Are you saying that you’re purposely working on your own so that we’re even?!”
“Of course noooot, you silly!” Smiled Anna, nudging her arm. “It’s just… I want to be a really good Queen, and the more I’ll practice on my own…”
“Anna, that’s the most stubborn, stupidly obstinate thing to do!” Scolded Elsa. 
“Hey.” Frowned the younger.
“You shouldn’t… Oh, you dork.” 
“Nhgn” Was all Anna could say when Elsa tackled her in a sudden hug. 
Her eyes widened, surprised by the gesture, which was unusual coming from Elsa. The Snow Queen normally was the one welcoming the hugs, not giving them. She felt her hands rubbing her back. 
There was a silence, and Anna’s weight in Elsa’s arms seemed to grow. The latter could tell that she was enjoying the hug more than she admitted. She held Anna tight. 
“I’ll stay all weekend.”
“Wha–?” Started Anna on her shoulder. She was about to step back to look at her, but Elsa kept her firmly against her. 
“Please forget about every issue starting from now. We’ll make it a relaxing weekend, okay?”
Anna didn’t know what to say, and her throat tightened with emotion. Or maybe it was Elsa’s strong embrace.  
“I… Okay. Thank you.” 
The Queen slowly stepped back and put her hand on Elsa’s arms. “I missed you.” 
“Me too.” Smiled Elsa.  
Someone knocked at the door. Both sisters startled, and turned to the entrance. Kai was standing on the threshold, holding a tray with a steaming coffee mug. 
There was a silence as they stared at him. “I brought you another coffee. I figured that…”
“You did well.” Smiled Anna, assuring the man that he was welcome in the room, which he seemed to doubt of. 
“Hello, Elsa.” Saluted Kai, smiling at the elder when he approached. Elsa nodded with a smile as he put the mug on the wood of Anna’s desk. 
“Thank you.” Said the redhead. 
She was about to take the handle, but Elsa grabbed it and put the coffee mug in her hands. 
“No, wait, don’t cool it down!” Jolted Anna. “I prefer it piping hot. I really need it right now.”
“You’re aware that my magic isn’t linked to my emotions anymore, unless I want it to. It won’t get more fresh if I touch it.”
“I know that. I thought you were going to blow on it to make it colder for me.”
“No, I actually really need a sip right now.” 
On those words and without further warning, she drank a long sip of the coffee under Kai’s amused eyes and Anna’s outraged gaze. 
“Sorry.” Said Elsa after swallowing. “You really stressed me out earlier. Magic may not be connected to my fears anymore, that doesn’t change that I still have panic attacks.” She paused to look down at the black beverage. “Ahtohallan, I miss coffee in the forest, but yours is really strong.”
“I call it the Anna brew.” Smirked Kai. 
“Are you two done? Can I please have my coffee back?” Grumbled Anna. 
Elsa smirked as she gave her the mug, and the younger grunted when she saw the portion she took from it. As she gulped the rest of the coffee, Kai bowed and exited the room, leaving the door open as Anna always requested it. 
The blonde watched how quickly her sister finished her coffee. 
“Waow, you really needed it, uh?”
Anna exhaled loudly after drinking. “Yeah.” 
She smirked to Elsa. “Now I have all the energy to beat you tonight.”
Elsa’s eyebrow lifted at the challenge. “You seem to forget that it’s draw-and-guess this week.” 
Anna’s smile vanished. “Oh, shoot.”
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