What do you think Elsas first day/week with the northuldra was like?
Oh boy. Ooooohhhhh boy. 
“Are you okay?” Asked a gentle voice behind Elsa’s back. 
The blonde shuddered, trying to compose herself, and she wiped her mouth with the cloth Honeymaren held out to her. 
“I’m... I’m fine”, muttered Elsa, retrieving a normal breathing, and focusing as much as possible to prevent the world from spinning around her. 
The brunette softly approached and bent next to her to watch her pale face as the Snow Queen had been holding herself to a tree - cleverly chosen to be far from the working Northuldra, to not be noticed. Honeymaren inspected her features as she rubbed her back to help her ease out of her horrible feeling. 
Elsa shivered at the touch, and the woman instantly retracted her hand. “Sorry! I just... I’m so sorry, I should have asked before touching you. I...”
“It’s okay.” Assured Elsa, clearing her throat to chase the last remnants of vomit she felt. The brunette’s palm on her bare skin had taken her out of her sickness for a whole new and different sensation, but she preferred to ignore it for now. She didn’t realize that having a bare back on her Fifth Spirit outfit would lead her to such a moment, and had settled to simply vanishing her double train for easier movements during their task. She stood up properly, adopting a better attitude. 
She wiped her mouth one last time. “Thank you.” 
Honeymaren blinked. “For the cloth? It’s normal, I’d have guessed that it’s a difficult thing to do on one’s first time...” 
“No, thank you for teaching me how to skin a rabbit.” 
A silence passed, and the brunette smiled tenderly. “You’re welcome. I mean, I feel very bad when I see your state, but... Hey, you know what?” 
Elsa turned to her, her face now recovering her normal colors and stretching in an interrogative manner. Honeymaren smiled. 
“Think of it as a... How you call that again... Pajamas?” 
The blonde couldn’t help but chuckle. The Northuldra’s accent wasn’t right, but she didn’t take note of it. “You want me to see it as if I’m stripping the rabbit out of its clothes?” 
“Yes.” Laughed Honeymaren. “That’s the kind of technique Ryder and I used to think of when we were kids to not be repulsed.” 
Elsa blinked, intense relief filling her soul. “So you were repulsed too on your first time...” 
The brunette gave another one of those smiles that seemed to radiate good energy through the whole forest, and the Snow Queen felt her heart flutter. “Of course. You know, you shouldn’t be ashamed. I’m actually admirative of how curious you are and how many things you want to learn at once. You’ve been here for like... A week, isn’t it?” 
Elsa nodded. 
“And I feel like I only have a few things remaining that I haven’t taught you.” Giggled Honeymaren. “You’re a fast learner.” 
“Not a fast skinner, though...” Winced Elsa, only half joking. 
“It will come with experience.” Assured Honeymaren, not giving up on her. “And some Northuldra don’t like to do that at all. Everyone is polyvalent in the tribe, but we still have some assigned tasks, don’t worry.” 
Elsa smiled. “You learn Arendellian words quite fast too.” 
Honeymaren simply shrugged at the compliment. “I teach you hunt, you teach me Arendellian vocabulary. It’s fair.” 
They laughed for a moment, and it joined the chirping of birds in this quiet area of the forest. The Fifth Spirit didn’t only teach Honeymaren Arendellian vocabulary, but also helpful ways. While, on every day that passed since Anna went back to the kingdom, the Northuldra had showed her how they spear fish, how they tie their clothes, how they herd reindeer, and so on to make the newcomer adapt to their rhythm of life, Elsa had done her best to show them how to improve those activities, however being genuinely careful to stay appropriate and respectful of their culture. 
The very barrels they were currently stocking the dried meat in were a good example of this collaboration; Elsa could create as much ice as she wanted, and when she had showed them the properties of cold to preserve the meat, they all had thanked her deeply, for they were using salt before she dropped ice cubes in there. 
A few Northuldra wanted to tell her that she actually hadn’t invented anything at all, because when Winter came, they traveled North and harvested ice themselves to put it in their stock. But the other Northuldra, led by Yelena, forbid them to tell Elsa for she had helped in a really nice way, completely clueless. 
On the other hand, Elsa’s ingenious mind brought new perspectives to the tribe, and many learned from her too; she told them about some technology they could built based on what they have, or how to gain time on certain things. What Honeymaren admired at every occasion was how bashful and modest she was when making those suggestions; she never insisted if the Northuldra found her ways weird. But once, several lavvo builders had came back to her a few hours after her intervention to know more about her architectural point of view. Honeymaren had seen a particular light sparkle in Elsa’s eyes in that moment, and she had smiled at how passionate the Snow Queen was when she pointed at structures, or crafted ice models to make herself explicit. 
The brunette blinked as the call of her name took her out of her reverie. She felt a bit ashamed. How long had Elsa tried to get her attention? 
“Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?” 
She saw that they had walked back to the part of the camp where the Sami people were stretching pelts on wooden frames to make clothes later. 
“What’s next for us?” Asked Elsa. 
The Northuldra blinked, her cheeks heating up for some reason. “Uh... I’m... What?” 
“What do we do next? Is there another workshop I can attend? Does someone need our help somewhere?” 
Honeymaren sighed internally, then was stunned by how enthusiastic Elsa was. “What, already? But you should take a break.” 
“No, it’s okay.” 
The brunette pointedly stared at her. “Elsa, you just threw up. You should rest. Or eat. Yeah, it’s pair of toxic all, but you should, because your stomach must be empty now and you’ll feel weak in a moment.” 
Elsa grinned. 
“What?” Frowned the Northuldra. 
“It’s ‘paradoxical’.” Corrected the Snow Queen, biting her lip in a cute way to try her best not to burst of laughter. 
Honeymaren didn’t feel embarrassed, rather confused. “It’s not a pair of toxic all?” 
Elsa giggled, really struggling to not laugh out loud. “What would that even mean?” 
The Northuldra put her hands on her hips exaggeratedly. “I don’t know, you tell me. Most of your words don’t mean anything.” 
Now Elsa laughed openly. “I’m sorry. It’s just... Par-a-do-xical. But I’m happy to see you remember this word. I can’t even remember when I used it.” 
“You keep using weird words.” Smiled Honeymaren, now teasing. 
“Oh, do I?” Replied the blonde, her jaw dropping a bit at her sass. 
A Northuldra approached as they were grinning at looking at each other in the eyes, and he sighed at the particular tension. “Say, when you two will be done, maybe you can go pick up wood.” 
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terfy-goddess · 4 years
@discoursedystopia @babybeau @autonomy-is-a-right @honeygaymaren are all islam apologists that will parrot salafi talking points to silence women rightfully criticizing Islam for being the misogynistic religion that it is. All of these have come after me like they know better than me lol. Guys, I was a very religious Muslim and I left that shit, and I’m gonna talk about it. I’m islamophobic?
I’m asking every one of you 4 to please explain what in that @leftistmagneto post was islamophobic exactly.
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Pls collect your trash
Block and report @honeygaymaren for targetted harassment against ppl who ship Elsanna.
Y’all take care of your own
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the-blue-fairie · 5 years
@raventrigonsdaughter @sniperct @grctw @honeygaymaren @frozenbassist and everyone else, I’ve begun a multi-chapter Elsamaren story! Please tell me what you think! I hope that you enjoy! Reviews are joyous things!
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Can Elsa just freeze Trump already?
Oh my gods can you imagine the tremendous amount of times she would internally lose her shit if Frozen was set in modern times 
Elsa and Anna at the UN meeting being forced to listen to his bullshit and incompetence when he takes the mic......... 
very often Anna has to put her hand over Elsa’s freezing one under the desk to calm her down and avoid the world to quite literally enter a second cold war
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Frozen prompt: Maybe Elsa and Maren,or just eksa telling Yelena that there a couple? And Yelena saying something about wanting grandkids or something before she dies? :3
"Grand... Grandkids?" Blabbered Elsa, blushing really hard.
She was nearly as red as the tomatoes Yelena had been picking up before hugging the two women in delight at the good news.
"Why, yes." Said the wise older with a warm smile. "You two are the unity of humans and spirits, and your couple respresents the best way we embrace and celebrate Nature. Grandkids would be an excellent way to show that, and perpetuate that symbolism for the future..."
Elsa was blinking so fast and confusedly that Honeymaren grinned. She blabbered again.
"But, Yelena, we... We both are... Women... That's not... Possible..."
She was so embarassed that the brunette wondered how her ice outfit had not melted with the warmth of her blush so far.
"We'll find a way."
Both turned to Honeymaren who had just spoken.
"Excuse me??" Squealed Elsa.
"We'll find a way." Repeated the Northuldra with a soft and caring smile. "We can ask Ahtohallan. They're a magic source, surely they can help us have kids, right?"
Elsa nearly fainted at that solution.
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(Sorry) What about the first time Anna visits Elsa in Northuldra?
“Waow, that’s a long hug.” Noted Honeymaren, blinking at the warm embrace. 
The two sisters smiled. 
“I missed you so much.” Sighed Anna happily. 
“It's only been a month”, chuckled Elsa on her shoulder, though her voice was tender, and she actually kept holding Anna tight against her. 
The redhead detached from the hug with a smile. “Hey, you smell nice.” 
The Snow Queen snorted. “What, did you expect me to smell like reindeer?” 
Her younger smirked, a bit guilty. “Maybe. What I mean is that, you smell like... What’s that flower again...” 
“Lavender.” Smiled Honeymaren, helping. 
The two sisters turned to her, and she felt a bit awkward to have intruded the conversation. She explained herself. 
“I know that because I’m the one who picked it up for her at dawn this morning. It was a fresh bouquet, and she used it along soap to wash herself.” 
Anna gave her a look, and the Northuldra felt like her cheeks were on fire. “Not that I know how she washed herself... Uhm... It’s just that... It’s how we do it. In the river. I just disposed it for her. Hum. I... I’ll let you two alone.” 
She cleared her throat and went away in a rapid pace, which amused Elsa for how similar it was to Anna when she felt embarrassed, and amused Anna because Honeymaren clearly had just spilled something she didn’t mean to. Thankfully, Elsa didn’t notice, and the redhead grinned at how clueless her elder was. 
“You can stay, it’s fine.” Invited Elsa, not wanting her to be impressed by the two girls. 
“Yeah, Honeymaren, you can stay.” Smirked Anna. “I’m glad to see you again too.” 
The brunette turned around, and did a clumsy bow. “It’s... An honor, your Majesty. Is it ‘your Majesty’? I’m afraid to use the wrong word or to have a weird pronunciation...” 
“Don’t worry, it’s perfect.” Assured Anna. “Though I’m not exactly Queen yet, there are still a lot of things and paperwork and stuff to take care of in Arendelle.” 
Elsa suddenly got alarmed. “Is this why you came? Do you need my help again? Because I can come, you just have to ask--” 
Her younger gently tapped her arm. “No, silly. You have been of immense help until now. In fact, I couldn’t have done anything without you. I mean, obviously, because of the delegation and so on... But it’s fine. Can’t I visit you in your new home just for fun?” 
Elsa’s panicked face melted in a warm smile. “Of course you can. Hey, come along, I’ll show you all the changes in the camp.” 
“Gladly!” Exclaimed Anna, clapping her hands. 
They passed by Honeymaren, who had been still since Anna’s sentence. 
“Are you coming?” Smiled Elsa. 
“Yes, sorry.” 
In Honeymaren’s brain echoed the words ‘your new home’, and she had a shy smile at them. 
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Prompt if you want it: How does Anna find out about Kristoffs accidental proposal to Yelena?
I’m dead because there are so many ways this could have happened in canon and I just hshagfdshgsdjkf 
my favorite two options are 1) Yelena casually talked about it to Anna - 2) Kristoff told Anna with the biggest blush ever
either way Anna probably had a lot of trouble keeping a serious face when the anecdote is told because she doesn’t want to be rude and bursting of laughter probably would be impolite lol 
now I want to read it instead of write it ahhhhh
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PROMPT TIME!!: since photographs are now a thing how about the frohana fam (with Anna as queen) get a family picture taken? :)
I can’t help but picture Anna yelling “SELFIEEEEE!” lol no I’m gonna keep it canonverse haha
Elsa laughed out loud after re-reading the end of Anna’s last letter. 
“I know that Gale, Bruni, Nokk and each one of the hundreds of Giants are technically family, but please don’t bring them along. Remember how much time it took us to clean their mess in the courtyard two months ago? Won’t do that again thank you. 
I just want you to come, you goddess half bridge being I have for a sister. I’ve heard that the photographer can adjust the luminosity of the picture, so I better tell them that you are extra enough to wear blinding white all the time and that it needs some adjustments. Don’t want you ruining it :P
See you tomorrow morning
Love you
PS: How many Giants are there, by the way? I tried to count them on two occasions, and they weren’t the same guys. I’m legit scared.”
Bruni chirped from Elsa’s wrist at her sudden laughter and bent its head, trying to understand. The blonde looked down at him and stroked its adorable face. 
“Sorry, Bruni. No photograph for you.”
The salamander didn’t seem to comprehend, and Elsa laughed again when he stared at her with a clueless smile, and licked one of his eye balls. 
“Alright… Tomorrow morning then. I better not be late.” Said the Fifth Spirit, walking to her hut. 
Once in, she stored the letter in a wooden box in which she had put every one of Anna’s letters without exception, and smiled as she thought about how jealous Nokk would be. 
She already prepared her mind to the drilling mental pulse of the Water Spirit being offended to bring Elsa to Arendelle and back and not even being on the photograph. 
On the following morning, Anna was confused on why Nokk seemed to snort behind Elsa when she parted the welcoming hug with her. 
“What’s wrong with them?” 
The elder smirked, and shook her hand. “I’ll explain to you later. We better get inside.”
Nokk did a head gesture that looked like they were sticking their tongue out, and snorted again as they ran back to the fjord. Elsa was willing to bet that she would have trouble calling them to go back to the Forest after that. 
As they walked through the castle, Anna bouncing in excitement, the blonde decided to bring some humor on this day that her younger had been waiting for since a long time, and had to reschedule many times due to Queen duties. 
“Please tell me that Olaf won’t get dressed.”
Anna’s laugh echoed within the walls, and filled Elsa’s heart with happiness. Right on. 
“No”, chuckled the Queen. “Not at all. He actually hates it. Kristoff on the other hand, insisted to wear something very fancy, and I had to repeat day after day that there was no need. It’s better if he wears something he likes.”
“I agree.” Nodded Elsa. 
“Speaking of wearing something one likes…” Said Anna, stopping in the middle of the corridor to turn to her with a very understating gaze. If that weren’t enough, she also stared at her elder from head to toes. 
“What?” Frowned Elsa, half teasing and half serious. “What’s wrong with my outfit? It’s great!”
“It’s SO white.”
Elsa eye-rolled, and flicked her wrist. In less than a second, all her clothes turned to a dark-blue tone. It kept the diamond-shaped crystals, the motives,  and the double train, but now even her sandals had changed their color.  
“Here. Better?” Grumbled the Fifth Spirit. 
Anna wasn’t expecting that at all, and stared at her with a dropped jaw. 
“How did you do that?” She muttered. 
Elsa switched from an annoyed face to a touched one. Every time Anna was amazed by her magic - and the beautiful thing was, she never stopped being amazed - she had that sparkle in the eyes that was the same than when she was little. 
“It’s very simple, really.” Smiled Elsa. “I just had to change the density. There’s a whole spectrum of possible colors to render depending on--”
“Yeah, thanks nerd. Please don’t get into details, I’m on a break today. I have enough gibberish with the geopolitical meetings, thank you.”
The blonde shook her head, and they continued to walk. 
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous.” Teased Elsa. 
“Of course I’m jealous!” Exclaimed Anna, her arms lifting to the ceiling exaggeratedly. “You get to craft yourself clothes in no time. Say, how long did it take you to dress this morning?”
The Snow Queen bit her lip to hide her smile. “One, maybe two minutes?”
“I hate you.” 
“I know.” 
They both smiled and turned at an angle with a chuckle. 
“You know, I’m very jealous of you too.”
“How so?” Wondered Anna. 
“Do you remember how much time it took me to get my coronation portrait made after the Great Thaw?”
Anna obviously did - she couldn’t stop coming in and out of the painter’s room, bored to death when Elsa was busy - and nodded happily. 
“Well, since then, photography came and...” Continue Elsa with a sigh. “It took you only a couple of minutes. You just had to pose. And flash. And done. Whereas I still remember the cramps I had after standing still in the same pose for so many days.”
The redhead cackled, clapping her hand on her stomach as she wiped her head back and laughed. 
“Ah, Elsa! I knew that you were around when I heard that laughter.” Said a familiar voice ahead of them. 
Elsa turned her eyes from Anna’s puffy cheeks to Kristoff, who was walking to them accompanied with Olaf and Sven. 
“Only you make Anna laugh this hard and freely in the castle. Usually, she keeps it down and even puts her hand in front of her mouth.” 
Anna shook her head at Kristoff’s words. He winked and was about to lift his arms to join Elsa’s open ones for a hug, but Olaf tackled his hip aside as he ran to her. 
The Snow Queen giggled and almost fell back when the snowman suddenly jumped on her. 
“Oof!! Olaf!” 
“You’re here! I thought you would come later!”
“I couldn’t wait any longer.” Smiled Elsa, giving him his hug back. “And Anna was very excited, I had to come as soon as possible.”
She turned to the others with a knowing gaze. “Has she even given you a break from her obsession?”
“Hey!” Exclaimed Anna. 
Kristoff shrugged. “She only talked about it every day and night since a whole week.” 
“She wouldn’t stop!” Precised Olaf. 
Sven grunted in approval. 
Anna couldn’t believe her eyes, and looked at them all with hands on her hips. “Are you all even serious? Okay, no chocolate cake for any of you tonight.”
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Not a prompt but do you think Elsa could still be queen of arendelle and the fifth spirit?
Definitely. In fact, when the first leak of the ending appeared online, I thought that it was going to be that way. 
It was a journalist I think, who had seen the movie (probably in storyboard version at some parts) and then he spoiled the very end online to people asking, stating that in the final scene, Elsa rides Nokk towards the horizon and she’s happy. 
We had no idea at the time that Anna would become Queen and that Elsa was, in fact, riding afar from Arendelle in that scene. So I interpreted the end for a long time as going to be sort of “My name is Elsa. To most people, I’m the Queen of Arendelle. But now I’ve also became... The Snow Queen.” with a close shot on her determined face at the end as she rides to the horizon and then bam title card. 
And it made sense to me! I was 100 % considering it canon coz it was legit, you know. 
And then that famous novelization page screen dropped stating that Anna took her role as Queen, and I was like Oh. OH. Okay, alright!
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Ok prompt: Kristanna and Elsamaren double date? :3
ajasgfdkjhjfds but what if it’s not planned lol 
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here??”
Anna’s tone had been slightly more accusative than Elsa’s. 
“What do you mean?” Frowned the blonde. 
“You’re not supposed to be here.” 
“Excuse me? I had planned to come here tonight for a long time.” 
Anna snorted. “Oh, I surely planned longer than you.” 
“This is ridiculous.” Sighed Elsa, and she walked past Anna with Honeymaren following her. 
The redhead however put an arm in front of her to stop her way. 
“Elsa, this is unfair. This is my spot and you know it.” 
“Yes, and that’s exactly because you introduced it to me the other day that I found it romantic, and--” 
“That’s still MY place! And I showed it to you, which means that I have the right to... Wait, what? Did you just say romantic?” 
Elsa furiously blushed, her pale face becoming all red. Honeymaren smirked. She had suspected something was up, and now it was clear thanks to her slip of the tongue that she meant do have a romantic stroll, not a casual one like she pretended when they walked out of the castle. 
“There are plenty of other pumpkin patches in the village.” Mumbled Elsa, searching for an excuse to make her sister leave. 
She didn’t mean to be rude, she only dearly wished that the situation wouldn’t ruin her evening with Honeymaren. Bad habits died hard, and she couldn’t help but push away the problem. 
Anna lifted a sarcastic eyebrow, her hands on her hips. “I’m not giving up my spot. We’re not leaving.” 
Kristoff chuckled next to her at their dispute. “Come on, you’re not gonna argue about this...” 
Honeymaren smiled and shook her head, also agreeing that the sisters were being dramatic. It wasn’t the first time she assisted to such a scene. 
“Elsa, this is fine... It’s the first time I visit Arendelle, every spot of the village is new to me.” 
The blonde pouted slightly. 
“So everywhere we will sit will have a romantic setting.” Added Honeymaren with a teasing smirk. 
Now the blonde blushed even more, if that was humanly possible. Anna giggled discreetly. 
“Are you sure that you don’t mind then?” 
Elsa was unable to formulate a sentence since she had frozen still at Honeymaren’s deep hazelnut eyes staring at her at the word ‘romantic’. The Northuldra thus answered. 
“It’s fine. Truly. Elsa, this is a lovely night, I’m sure that the harbor will be beautiful with the lights and the docks. I’ve never been in a harbor for my whole life, remember? And I never get tired of admiring this fjord.” 
It took a moment for Elsa to be convinced, but she didn’t add anything else than a ‘humph’ and turned around, followed by a grinning Honeymaren. She gave a wave of the hand to Kristoff and Anna in excuse, and followed her date down the hill to the heart of the village. 
Kristoff eyed Anna as she walked over the barrier to enter the patch. “You truly are a drama queen, you know that, feisty?” 
“With a sister like that? I’m no match.” 
She then gestured to a spot further, which had been entirely prepared; there were lanterns, candles, a picnic set, with wine, sandwiches, raisin grapes, cheeses and slices of bread. Anna dramatically showed her preparation with stretched arms and hands. 
“Waow.” Smiled Kristoff, his eyes sparkling. 
“See? That’s not something Elsa would have made.” Smiled Anna. 
She bit her lip with emotion at his reaction while he admired everything she had done. 
They sat, and he patted the ground under the picnic cloth, then smirked. “You’re right, Elsa would have crafted ice chairs so we could get more comfortable.” 
Anna twisted her head and glared at him with fire in her eyes and a big frown. 
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Prompt cause I can’t stop thinking of the art that was done: Anna has a horrible day with queen issues and she just needs Elsa to snuggle with her and calm herself down?
(A day? Hon let’s make it more angsty, shall we? Rise it to a week.)
“It’s good to catch up with you guys.” Grinned Elsa. 
Kristoff petted Sven’s nose after feeding him a carrot. “And it’s good catching up with you too!” He said in Sven’s voice. 
The blonde chuckled. Kristoff cleared his throat and added: “It’s true, you know. Sven missed you as well.”
The reindeer nodded, and Elsa bent her head in awe. Olaf turned to Elsa, still bouncing in joy to see her. “Anna missed you even more. Like, a huge lot.”
“It’s been a long week for all of us, I see.” Smiled Elsa. “She hasn’t even got the time to send me a letter since last Friday.”
“She didn’t?” Briskly said Kristoff, and his eyes had widened. He exchanged a glance with Olaf, and their happy faces had suddenly faded. 
“Oh.” Simply muttered the snowman. 
“What?” Asked Elsa, and worry started to form in her. “What is going on?”
“Nothing bad happened”, assured Kristoff, who knew his sister-in-law’s natural stress too well. “She’s just… Very busy lately.”
Elsa stared at him. “…She hadn’t even send me a reminder for game night tonight. I mean, not that I forgot, I’m even early, but… Yeah, it’s not really her style.”
Olaf shook his head. “Nuh-uh.”
The Snow Queen gulped, trying to manage her worry. “Okay, I’ll see you later, I have to go check on her.”
“I thought you wanted to surprise her, and that’s why you came in the stables?”
“Yeah, didn’t you want to hide for when she’d go down and greet us after our day of ice harvesting?” Frowned Olaf. 
She looked at him with a sad face. “Say, did she come to greet you at least one evening this week?”
The three of them suddenly pouted and winced. “No.”
Blood ran cold in Elsa’s veins, and it wasn’t in the normal way. She immediately turned around and crossed the courtyard to the doors of the Arendelle castle. 
She ran so fast that she bumped over Gerda and slipped on the Great Hall’s floor. The servant grunted as Elsa grabbed the staircase railing at the last second to not fall.
“Careful! We just waxed the floor!” Gerda said to whoever just knocked to her. 
“Well, that explains it”, muttered Elsa, trying to calm down her heartbeat. 
She usually never slipped, especially on ice which she always walking on like regular ground, but here her ice sandals were sliding on the parquet like glass. 
Gerda widened her eyes when she recognized the familiar radiance of white who was facing her. 
“Elsa! It’s you!”
“Hi, Gerda.” Chuckled the blonde. “Sorry for coming in running. I know you hate it. I won’t run in the castle anymore, I promise.” 
The maid put her hands on her hips. “Always in a hurry for some reason. Anna really is rubbing off on you.” She said, shaking her head as the woman she knew since her birth smiled nervously in front of her. “Oh, she’s in her study, if you’re looking for her.” Gerda added, one thought joining another. “She… She’s been quite busy lately.”
“So I’ve heard.” Gulped Elsa, and she was about to run the stairs two by two, but restrained herself right in time to go slowly. 
She could feel Gerda’s eyes staring at her in her back as she went to the upper floors, but she could also tell that the servant was worried for Anna as well. 
As Elsa walked with a fast pace in the corridors, her fists balling at her sides, a thousand questions turned in her mind: Was Anna okay? Was she eating properly? Was it because of Queen duties? Was it the stress? Not feeling like she belonged on the throne? Doubting about her role? Charged with complex paperwork? All those were topics of discussion they already had many times in the previous months. Was one of them coming back? Was it a new one this time? 
Elsa shook her head as she reached the study’s ajar door. 
She paused for a moment, thinking about the history of this room. She remembered when Anna and her were little and would burst in it to surprise their father as we was working, and he would pretend to be scared to make them laugh. She remembered how, after the Great Thaw, Anna had knocked and came with many different treats and lots of hugs to make her have some breaks in her royal paperwork days. And Elsa’s heart squeezed as she realized how, now she was living away, she wasn’t always here to give Anna back the love she received from her all that time. She chased her tears and entered. 
Anna didn’t see her, too focused on the papers she was scribbling on. She was drafting letters, Elsa could tell, because her pencil was dancing on the pages and she was fidgeting with the rubber in her other hand, making it twirl and pass between her fingers, her elbow on the desk. 
Her teal blue eyes were switching from one word to the other, and she was muttering to herself as she phrased her sentences. 
Elsa smiled tenderly and knocked to the wood of the door.
“Yes, I’ll take another coffee, Kai, please. Black. I need to finish this before–” Anna said, distracted at first and then lifting her head, now meeting her sister’s eyes. “–ELSA!!”
She comically dropped her pencil and rubber on the desk in a loud way, and her eyes widened as the blonde stepped to her in with a smile. Anna blinked.
“Wha… What? When did you… What time is it?” She blabbered, looking at the little clock on her desk. 
“I’m early.” Informed Elsa in soft voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“Are you kidding? No, it’s fine! It’s even amazing! I’m so happy you’re here.” 
She quickly stood up, her chair’s legs scraping the carpet, and practically ran around the desk to jump into her elder’s open arms. 
Elsa giggled above her shoulder, taking in her warmth, her joy, but also her smell that she missed so much. She couldn’t help but notice how it was accentuated with hints of sealing wax, blotting paper and coffee, and easily concluded that she spent a lot of time in this very room since they last saw each other. And she noticed that the hug was longer than the ones they normally had. She was craving it.
After a while, the blonde gently parted the hug.
“How are you?” Inquired Elsa. 
“You first.” Smiled the Queen, who didn’t see how serious her elder was. 
“No, I insist, Anna. How are you. What’s going on. You barely went out this week.”
The redhead pouted a bit, disappointed. “That’s a bit rude.”
“I saw Kristoff, Olaf and Sven before entering the castle. I know. They told me.”
Anna seemed shocked that they had told her, but another emotion passed on her face, detected by Elsa immediately: she was heartbroken to not have seen them as often as they deserved. The younger looked down, and her silence was un-characteristic. 
“Hey, hey, I’m not reproaching anything.” Assured Elsa on a soft caring voice. She took her hands in hers. “Are you okay? That’s all that matters to me.”
A smile stretched Anna’s lips. “I know.” 
She shrugged. “I’m just… Very busy.”
“Okay, it’s the third time in a row I hear this of you. Can you be a bit more precise?” 
Anna didn’t know where to start with. “Letters for foreign countries, now that we have all those new trading contracts. Writing said trading contracts. And writing to the foreign officials again. And meeting scheduling. And organizing the venues. And there’s all those new inhabitants. Oh, and we have those celebrations to welcome them, and–”
The redhead interrupted herself, thinking Elsa had something to say, and once she registered the advice, took the time to actually catch her breath. 
“Anna…” Muttered Elsa, bending her head, and her hands squeezed her sister’s. “I told you many many times that you can ask me for help day and night, you just have to send me a letter, I’ll interrupt everything and come here to guide you, you just–”
“No, no, no, don’t give me that look.”
“Huh-huh.” Glanced Anna with a frown and a head shake. “I’m 22, I’m fine, I can handle myself.”
“That’s obviously not what I meant, I’m not treating you like a child, quite the opposite… I just… Please, you always tell me that we should never shut each other’s out. Well, I’m here for you, and you deserve- You should ask me for assistance if you need it. Not overwork yourself.” 
“I’m fine, Elsa! Really.”
She had a knowing smile. “Besides, you’re not one to talk. You were on your own for three years, and had to handle all the queen issues alone.”
Elsa frowned. “What? What are you talking about? You were always there for me. Always supporting me.”
“I didn’t mean the three years after the Great Thaw. The three years before. After… After Mama and Papa died at sea. And you became Queen overnight.” 
The elder blinked. This seemed like centuries ago. Like another life. She barely believed that it had happened. 
“Oh. Yes.”
“See? I have all those years to compensate.”
Elsa was shocked. “Are you saying that you’re purposely working on your own so that we’re even?!”
“Of course noooot, you silly!” Smiled Anna, nudging her arm. “It’s just… I want to be a really good Queen, and the more I’ll practice on my own…”
“Anna, that’s the most stubborn, stupidly obstinate thing to do!” Scolded Elsa. 
“Hey.” Frowned the younger.
“You shouldn’t… Oh, you dork.” 
“Nhgn” Was all Anna could say when Elsa tackled her in a sudden hug. 
Her eyes widened, surprised by the gesture, which was unusual coming from Elsa. The Snow Queen normally was the one welcoming the hugs, not giving them. She felt her hands rubbing her back. 
There was a silence, and Anna’s weight in Elsa’s arms seemed to grow. The latter could tell that she was enjoying the hug more than she admitted. She held Anna tight. 
“I’ll stay all weekend.”
“Wha–?” Started Anna on her shoulder. She was about to step back to look at her, but Elsa kept her firmly against her. 
“Please forget about every issue starting from now. We’ll make it a relaxing weekend, okay?”
Anna didn’t know what to say, and her throat tightened with emotion. Or maybe it was Elsa’s strong embrace.  
“I… Okay. Thank you.” 
The Queen slowly stepped back and put her hand on Elsa’s arms. “I missed you.” 
“Me too.” Smiled Elsa.  
Someone knocked at the door. Both sisters startled, and turned to the entrance. Kai was standing on the threshold, holding a tray with a steaming coffee mug. 
There was a silence as they stared at him. “I brought you another coffee. I figured that…”
“You did well.” Smiled Anna, assuring the man that he was welcome in the room, which he seemed to doubt of. 
“Hello, Elsa.” Saluted Kai, smiling at the elder when he approached. Elsa nodded with a smile as he put the mug on the wood of Anna’s desk. 
“Thank you.” Said the redhead. 
She was about to take the handle, but Elsa grabbed it and put the coffee mug in her hands. 
“No, wait, don’t cool it down!” Jolted Anna. “I prefer it piping hot. I really need it right now.”
“You’re aware that my magic isn’t linked to my emotions anymore, unless I want it to. It won’t get more fresh if I touch it.”
“I know that. I thought you were going to blow on it to make it colder for me.”
“No, I actually really need a sip right now.” 
On those words and without further warning, she drank a long sip of the coffee under Kai’s amused eyes and Anna’s outraged gaze. 
“Sorry.” Said Elsa after swallowing. “You really stressed me out earlier. Magic may not be connected to my fears anymore, that doesn’t change that I still have panic attacks.” She paused to look down at the black beverage. “Ahtohallan, I miss coffee in the forest, but yours is really strong.”
“I call it the Anna brew.” Smirked Kai. 
“Are you two done? Can I please have my coffee back?” Grumbled Anna. 
Elsa smirked as she gave her the mug, and the younger grunted when she saw the portion she took from it. As she gulped the rest of the coffee, Kai bowed and exited the room, leaving the door open as Anna always requested it. 
The blonde watched how quickly her sister finished her coffee. 
“Waow, you really needed it, uh?”
Anna exhaled loudly after drinking. “Yeah.” 
She smirked to Elsa. “Now I have all the energy to beat you tonight.”
Elsa’s eyebrow lifted at the challenge. “You seem to forget that it’s draw-and-guess this week.” 
Anna’s smile vanished. “Oh, shoot.”
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Ok ok prompt if you want: Modern au Elsa and Maren are a couple, and somehow Trump finds out and is his usual homophobic self..So Elsa maybe roasts him live on TV? :3
OMG the layers in this... Nah bro I’m unable to write all that it implies sorry lol
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Do you think the southern isles could hear about the Nortuldra and try to get them against Arendelle (again?)
Hmmm it’s hard to tell, because the only thing we know from the Southern Isles is that Hans is a sociopath lol. Maybe the kingdom isn’t that bad after all *shrugs*  This is why I actually place them as ‘neutral’ in my fics lol
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It’s the reindeer charm that got Elsa hooked,then she fell I love with Maren
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She got to seem them after 3 years!!!
She got to know how complimenting they were behind her back!!!
She got to see how much they loved her and believed in her!!!
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