#also yes that was one (1) hecula breadcrumb. yes i am going to hell
kachimera · 9 months
I am thinking about... Dracula and his biases regarding his opinions on his two forgemasters
This is mostly just me and myheadcanons but: Dracula seeing traits of his former life in his two apprentices. Hector is the perfect extra competent man, cold and in control of himself, the person he wanted to be and thought of himself to be. Meanwhile Isaac is someone who's smart and hardworking but dramatic and keeps getting dragged around by his too strong emotions. And that last part does not bother Dracula bc he never lost control of his emotions as a human w his intelligence making it it worse, he did not dishonored the two people he loved the most and did not coldly planned the murder of an innocent kind woman who just wanted to help him, he did not created his nemesis in the VK and the Belmont clan, and he definitely did not cursed his own being and soul for eternity. Besides, he is a perfectly controlled and reasonal vampire lord now and not a simple animalistic human, he's beyond those things now.
So basically Hector, aside from being a special little guy and looking like his hot ex, reminds him of the traits he favored of his human self, while Isaac reminds him of the traits he disliked. And Dracula, an expert in denial and carefully crafted self delusions, probably doesn't realizes this, but at least on a subconcious level he isn't happy with Isaac.
And i'm sure he mostly kept this to himself, after all this kid is still excelent at his craft, blindly loyal, and it's always better to have two forgemasters rather than one. The people around him (specially Isaac) would still be able to notice but it's nothing out of the norm.
But after Lisa died and he went mad, he very openly manifests his favoritism to the detriment of both forgemasters (yea Hector didn't came out unscathed from his Lord's appreciation) and it gets worse after Alucard, him and Lisa's child and his number 1 specialest little guy, decides to oppose him. He's on a bad mental state and the last thing he'd want to see is the reminder of his lack of control, of how much yet how little he has changed.
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