#also yes this is a true story and not a creative writing exercise LOL
sermna · 2 months
Like many schools, we had a selection of ghosts. The woman hanging in the bathroom, the boy in the closets, whatever it was that lived in the long, low hallways. Most notable, however, was the one that could be seen any time you liked, provided it was dark outside. All you had to do was approach the auditorium from outside, head on, and stare upwards at the highest window. There was a severed head there, and it stared.
My friends and I made this little ghost adventure more than once, giggling and nervous as the building slowly loomed over us, it's bodiless denizen staring slack jawed. You had to be brave enough to reach the stairs to the door before you'd see the truth— the "head" was only a clock.
No one knew how the illusion worked. The clock itself was standard-issue; black numbers on white backing, no ornate details. But you could know full well what it was from a distance and still only see the formless details of a staring face. This was in the 2000's, so video of the phenomenon was useless, and the auditorium itself was torn down long before phone cameras would be good enough to capture it (if they even could).
It was maybe the easiest ghost we had to debunk. It was also the realest one we had.
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ahiddenpath · 9 months
For the ask the fic writer meme!
3, 4, 24, and 26!
Hi Sloane, thanks for the ask <3 Answered beneath the cut :D
3.) Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I have a neat writing process post here! It basically goes like this:
-Idea dump, mostly focusing on themes, where characters are now vs where I want them to be, what everyone is feeling/struggling with, etc
-Several drafts
Check the post out if you're interested, I included the entire process for a chapter of PdA with PDFs of the idea dump and drafts.
4.) Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
I hope this doesn't sound too weird, but I'm not a big... Fan of? Believer in??? Inspiration. Ideas are a dime a dozen, and everything has been done before. What matters is the execution, which requires showing up and doing the work reliably- and never waiting for lightning to strike with ideas or a certain mood/desire to create.
Yes, I'm painfully aware that I'm the least exciting human ever, lol!
Generally, my issue is deciding which of an endless pile of concepts to work on. Once I've done that, the concern is effective project management. How do I see this new concept to its completion in a (hopefully) reasonable amount of time?
Allocating finite time is probably the most challenging part of life in general!
24.) Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
Ohhh man, this one is really fun!
My blissfully naïve fourteen-year-old self made the mistake of printing the first few chapters of my novel in progress and taking them to high school, where I showed them to my friends. I received an absolute cacophony of feedback that ranged from strange to mean, but most of it was simply... People projecting the story they wanted onto the story I was writing for myself.
The bit I remember today concerned my main character. She was young and had lived a physically pampered but emotionally neglected life. Circumstances sent her on a journey, and she chose a calm, sensible horse as her mount. And though she had only ridden in leisurely group settings, a friend insisted that... Um, well, if I didn't plonk her onto a stallion that no one else could control, I was bowing to the patriarchy. Yes, my friend wanted a horse girl story, lmao!!!
Joking aside, exploring strength in women and girls is the most resounding theme of my writing. I'm not looking down on the badass woman character type, but I am keen to show that there are so many kinds of strength. Obviously this is true for everyone, but women are so often neglected in entertainment, and their stories are the ones I most want to tell.
What I'm getting at here is that you should never mistake someone else's preferences for meaningful criticism/advice. The ability to deliver meaningful writing criticism is learned, and not many people are trained in it. Most audiences regurgitate their own preferences when asked, and that has nothing to do with your story.
If that sort of dialogue interests you, pursue it! But I'm generally wary of seeking criticism unless I have some sense of the person's literary background and how they engage with media.
26.) Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Hahaha, in terms of writing it? Probably Voices. Voices was a year-long exercise in developing character voice. I followed the six oldest Chosen and Eimi through a Japanese school year, writing a journal entry from one of the kids every day. EVERY DAY. FOR A YEAR. A JOURNAL ENTRY.
I leaned heavily on tropes because there was no time to plan, lol! I flew by the seat of my pants for a whole danged year!!!! In a lot of ways, it's my least favorite fic, because there was just no time! But it was a huge challenge, and frankly, audiences love tropes. It was popular with a lot of my readers. It's also probably one of my more shippy offerings?
Seeking Resonance is a stand out for me in the sense that it took me three years to nail the climax and decide how I wanted the last 20% of the story to wind down. THREE YEARS of thinking and exploring and simmering! But I genuinely could not have made a product I was happy with without quietly tending to it. Honestly, sometimes I think we need to... I don't know, grow or learn something or experience something??? Before we can be where the story needs us to be, as a person.
Oh, but that doesn't mean we should wait to start the story! The three years of thinking on it were definitely work and part of the process.
So You Were Alive was an interesting one in that I sat down and wrote the whole dang thing in under two hours. Like, within two hours of starting, it was published, with all the images and everything. At the time, the Kizuna feels were strong. The imagery and some of the dialogue from the first reboot episodes fed right into the Kizuna feels, and before I knew it, I was clicking the publish button!
Note that none of these are my favorite or best fics, in my opinion. But they are standouts in regards to the process.
Thank you so much, this was fun!
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divine-mistake · 3 years
hi lovie, congratulations on your milestone!! you deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer 💗✨💗
i thought i would ask you a coupl’a questions ✨ bc i love listening to other writers talk about their love for the art 🥺
how did you find your passion for writing? was it something you’ve always enjoyed, or is it something that’s become more personal to you, as time passes?
& how do you find inspiration for your stories? what motivates you to begin, and continue writing?
lastly, bc i can’t help but ask, most (if not all) your stories feel very vulnerable to me, do you write based off of real life experiences? or is it purely fantasy? maybe a healthy mix of the two?
also, i’m sure i’ll be back bc i can’t help myself, and the idea of being shipped w a beautiful mcu character seems v fun to me lol
anyways ily!! and i hope you’re doing well 💗✨💗
hi honey lovey!!! thank you for participating!! 💖 these are great questions!
how did you find your passion for writing?
i have most definitely always loved written word. i think i was about 9 when i first discovered Edgar Allan Poe’s work, and i loved his poetry so much that i started to write my own, and that’s really where all this began! but i mean, i’ve loved literature since longer than that. as soon as i could read i was reading and it just progressed from there y’know, especially being into the poetic stuff. i went from Poe to Emily Dickenson, Plath, Shakespeare, and on and on and on, and that was just early inspiration for me. but it’s definitely become more personal, for sure, as writing evolved into a form of expression for me rather than just me mimicking something for creativity. i largely write about emotions i think most of you guys know, and that becomes personal so quick. so when i started discovering short stories and books and memoirs and then fanfiction, idk, it just really got out of hand in the best of ways! so the answer is kind of both. it’s inherent, but it’s also very learned. i know that’s kind of a complex answer but it’s the truth haha. and my relationship with writing has been hot and cold because of those evolutions in the past. i have loved writing and i have hated it and it’s been a one night stand and a booty call and we’ve been married and divorced just as well. i’m just happy that right now, it’s pretty steady, and it’s what i truly love to do.
how do you find inspiration for your stories?
the easy answer is i find inspiration in books, in art, and in music. the much more complex and difficult answer is everywhere. there is inspiration in everything that i do. i think that’s easily the most wonderful and frustrating part of being a writer. i can’t look at someone drinking a coke out of a can and not think about what their story is. i can find meaning in a beat up old pick up truck and abandoned tires, and i can find meaning in how the surface of water ripples even when nothing has touched it. it’s beautiful, but it’s tiring i think. i write every thing down (omg the notes section on my iphone... y’all should ask me to show you screenshots sometime) and i constantly think about philosophy, how humans exist and how characters can come to be. that’s the hard answer.
what motivates you to begin, and continue writing?
i kind of had this conversation with someone earlier and i’m going to do a condensed version (hopefully) but i do not rely on motivation to write. if i relied on motivation to write i would simply never write. writing is hard. it’s a really tiring, difficult, and time consuming hobby and a lot of people don’t recognize that. but it’s also the thing i love to do most. so it’s like, i could watch netflix or hang out with friends or play video games or i could write. i’m never going to choose to write. so instead of focusing on finding motivation, i have really taken a turn to practicing discipline when it comes to writing and YES i know, i know that sounds like shit and that’s an awful answer and not the answer anyone wants to hear bc the first time i heard it i was pissed that someone would tell me that. but it’s so true. you cannot rely on motivation if you want to write a lot, and if you want to write for a living, and that’s my dream. so in the last year, i have taken writing a lot more seriously. i can’t write every day - i’m way too busy and too tired to do that - but i do think about writing every day. and i do TRY to write every day if i can, even if it’s just a little bit. sometimes it’s not on any project, and instead it’s just me typing out my feelings from that day. sometimes i do exercises, like i write about an emotion i’m feeling in detail or a character monologue or even a scene’s setting and description, just to stretch my writing muscles. and honestly, sometimes you just have to sit down and do the thing. and that’s really hard, because writing is really hard, but sometimes you just have to do it. otherwise, you’re not going to get anywhere.
so i guess the short answer to this is i am motivated by my dream of being a full time author some day. i’m motivated by my love of writing. i’m motivated enough to learn the discipline that writing for a living will require of me some day. and really, i’m motivated a lot these days by my readers. i know that people want to read my work and that makes me insanely happy. confused? yes. but insanely happy. and that really keeps me going when i’m feeling insecure or down about my writing abilities. (whew sorry that was so long eeep)
do you write based off of real life experiences?
yes! everything i write, no matter how fantastical or mythical or magic it ends up somehow comes from a part of me. everything is very very very personal. my main characters are extensions of myself, some facet of myself that i want to explore. the themes in my work largely deal with things i care about - like politics, racism, not belonging, not feeling loved. take bloom for instance! bloom, my sam wilson fic, is a metaphor for disordered eating, something that i have struggled with almost my entire life. my mom put me on diets when i was 8 years old lol. you don’t ever fully recover from something like that. and TCOR, my loki series, is deeply personal. in fact, it’s probably the most personal story that i have, which is why it’s the hardest to write. so yes. writing, to me, has to be personal. i don’t think i could write something that didn’t have a part of me in it, because isn’t that what writing is? a very long time ago when i first started writing, someone told me that writing is lying. you're telling the truth, but you're writing it as a lie. and i’m not sure why, but i've held onto it forever. what i write is my own truth spun into a fictional world - a lie. so yeah, everything i write is an extension of me in the most sacred of forms.
thanks for these questions!!! i’m so sorry i never know when to shut up haha but i love questions like these and i hope that maybe someone reads them and finds merit in them! come back for a ship soon lovely, i’ll be waiting!!
thank you for 1k! join my sleepover and ask me anything!
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notcrypticbutcoy · 6 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
*All answers should be about works published in 2017.
I was tagged by the lovely @magnusragnor and @confidentalec -- tysm babes!
1. List of works published this year: 
Fives Time Alec Hates the Internet and One Time He Doesn't
I'll Love You in a Thousand Lifetimes
A Year of Firsts (cowritten with @malteser24)
Lies of Ruined Men
Every Time I Close My Eyes
Fives Times They Didn't (Officially) Go On A Date and One Time They Did
A Year of Second Chances (cowritten with @Malteser24)
Of Lattes and Lawyers
Fall Without Wings
(And there are some things floating around on tumblr that I don't think ever made it to AO3...)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
I mean it sounds too obvious to be true, but Fall Without Wings. It's the biggest WIP I've ever attempted, and it sprawled from a silly little one-shot I wrote after watching David Attenborough bang on about birds for a bit. The stats are lovely, but on a personal level, I have put so much into this fic, and I feel like it's stretched me and made me a better writer in so many ways. It's been a huge challenge, but I've stuck with it. 
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Definitely the first fic I posted this year, Five Times Alec Hates the Internet and One Time He Doesn't. Scrutinising it, and having reread it during the writing of the next part in that series, just made me realise that there are so many bits of it that I'd just change, if I were to write it again. 
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
“Stars glittered high up ahead, twinkling points of light in a sea of infinite darkness. It was cold, wind whipping through the streets and rustling the trees, sending golden brown leaves tumbling to the ground, a carpet of invisible colours underfoot.”
This is from the opening of I'll Love You in a Thousand Lifetimes, and while its structurally not the most amazing thing I've ever written, I made a real effort in this fic to be a little more grounded, to focus on setting as well as character and emotion, because it's something I'm super lazy about, and I was really pleased with how it turned out.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
I've had some absolutely beautiful comments this year, and I genuinely treasure all of them. I love that people have challenged me and I love that people have disagreed with me as well as just totally losing their shit about some angst in the comments, because that's always fun ;) My favourite comment was actually from a fic I wrote late 2016 about soldiers who get deployed at Christmas -- it was personal, and I found it really touching and incredibly humbling. 
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
The last couple of months have been a real drive for me. I picked up a little during nano in November, but I've had things going on IRL that have totally drained me of creativity.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Maybe the Magnus&Raphael scene in Lies of Ruined Men -- it was a slightly different style for me, and it was quite metaphorical and just...yeah. That fic is less than 1000 words but it was definitely a step out for me.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I think I've gained a new appreciation for how one story, one scene, can be perceived in a hundred different ways that will never occur to you, as the writer. I've definitely seen things from other people's perspectives a lot more this year, and it's made me more aware of what I'm writing, which is a good thing. But at the same time, I think I've realised that I can only write for myself. I can't change what I'm writing because I get some pissed anons, or some people in the comments who disagree -- I've learnt how to differentiate between constructive criticism that should absolutely be taken on board, and just...people running their mouths. 
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I'd really like to grow more consistent in the quality of what I produce. It's definitely something I struggle with. I can flip between styles and deliberately alter the way I'm writing, but I also do it without meaning to. You can really see it if you pick random bits of FWW -- there are definite discrepancies in the quality of writing. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
This is the first time I've worked with a beta consistently on a multi-chap, and Alex has been absolutely golden. (I'm still trying to convince him to get swallowed down into tumblr... Goal for 2018 lol) 
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Yes, absolutely. I think I always have bits of my real life bleed into my writing, and, actually, I've had a couple of things in my real life that I wrote about as a sort of therapeutic exercise -- I have yet to publish any of it, but, 2018, look out 👀
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Never stop. There are two things that I firmly believe make the difference between someone who writes and /someone who writes/ : practising, and reading. If you don't read other people's fiction (published fiction, quality fiction online) you never get out of your bad habits. You don't go, ugh, I hate this style, I will never do this, or, oh my goodness, this is so sweet, maybe I should try this. Read. Read everything you can get your hands on. Never underestimate the value of a book.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
Fall Without Wings!!! Don't get me wrong, I've loved writing FWW, and will continue to, but at the same time, I am so excited to finally see it completed and move onto some of the other things stirring around in my mind. I'm super gassed to start on my fic for the SH Big Bang!
14. Tag five writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read.
@lecrit @actuallyredorchid @malteser24 @champagnemagnus @maghnvsbane @idontwantheworld-iwantmalec
(My apologies if you’ve already been tagged/absolutely hate these sorts of things! Don’t feel obliged, and Happy New Year!)
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
college! minhyung
a/n; inspired by a series of unfortunate events that happened to yours truly, and it’s my first time writing a college au so please enjoy:’)
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major: music and audio tech
mark really liked music and making music so when he heard there was a course for it he immediately signed himself up for that
and he’s in the school’s dance club,, a very underrated dancer
tbh he partially got in because of his looks
also an underrated visual in nct
but mostly because this boy got those sick moves and he does music too?? yes please
i’m not saying that he’s the campus hottie but that’s exactly what i’m saying
but he’s really low-key and just wants to pursue his passion in music
and do well
you and mark met through this thing where you get admitted early into a course you like
you,, chose communications and media management or mass communications, as you would like to call it(i shall refer it to cmm)
and mark was there for the early admission exercise too because he had it as a backup if he couldn’t get into music and audio tech
at first the whole room was super tense because,, cmm is fiercely competitive
and you needed more than just language to get through this whole thing
when you arrived, you took a seat at the back because,, isn’t that what students do
and then mark came into the room like a really awkward bean
literally bows to everyone while saying excuse me
and he takes his seat beside you(!!)
you were lowkey screaming because,, why would someone as hot as mark sit beside you,, an average girl who just wants to get into the damn course
and your school didn’t had guys like that
let’s take a moment to imagine mark in casual clothes, like that red lacoste polo tee and ripped jeans and black vans and a kanken?? did that made your heart race? because it made my heart do just that
ya’ll know exactly which pic im referring to
so you decided not to be a chicken and make friends w him
“i’m really nervous,, i’ve yet to internalize my script for the screen test later”
“same,, i’m more worried for the written test tbh” with that shy smile of his
ok b4 we move on there are 3 components of your early admission exercise thing
1. written test 2. screen test 3. interview
and basically you have to go through all of that lmao
ok let’s get back to the story
“i’m sure you’ll do well, uhm..”
“mark, yep”
“and you’re?”
“that’s a pretty name ^^”
you swore your heart dropped
fast forward to the interview, you and mark were in the same group
and the damn lecturers had their radar on you bc wow reader you’re a catch
“so y/n, we saw that you write fiction in your portfolio, right?”
you broke into a sweat bc they ain’t gonna reveal that you write fanfictions in front of mark
“yeah i do”
“so could you please come up with a plot and characters for a current affair you know?”
you were pretty shook because fanfic ideas only hit you when it’s the right time(ff writers do you feel me)
so you were stuttering,
“i lost my childhood friend in a tsunami??”
and the lecturers literally cracked up at your idea
but they couldn’t blame you though, its hard to come up with an answer on the spot
at the end of the interview, mark was also lowkey cracking up
“omg i can’t believe you said that y/n, but i gotta admit it was pretty creative”
“i know right, why did i say that…” 
“i thought it was really creative and different though, i liked it”
there goes your heart
fastforward to the beginning of the school term
mark and you exchanged numbers on that day and when you guys received the results of the posting he wasn’t in cmm but music and audio tech
tbh you were rlly happy for him bc you guys were convenient friends from that day on and he was so excited and passionate about making music its just so so heartwarming
and well, the first assignment the lecturer gave was about a collaboration?? article
it can be between any student as long as its a different major
and it applies to every student on campus gdi
so the first person that came to your mind was mark
so after your lecture you ran straight to the block mark’s lecture hall was at
and as soon his lecture ended you ran up to mark who was busy chatting with his newfound friends
“mark! did you get the collaboration assignment?”
“yeah i did, why?”
“c-can i collab with you?”
and all his friends were all stunned like,, why is this girl suddenly coming up to mark to collab
“s-sure, why not?” with the mark giggle, you know what i’m talking about
“good, i’ll see you soon then,” you winked, leaving mark dumbstruck
and when you left your heart was leaping out of your chest and you mentally slapped yourself for winking at mark
anyhow, you and mark would meet up every other day to work on the assignment, with mark as your protagonist of your article
and mark makes a music piece, as you take part in producing the music piece
but the song is actually about you!!
basically mark talks about what he learns in the course, like making music and stuff
he also plays the guitar which is a plus
whilst you guys were collabing
mark gained attention for his insanely good looks, which he often denied and pushes the campus hottie title to taeyong,, his senior
and also his music making and lyric writing talent
have you seen his rap freestyle in snowball project??? like how did you even mark lee 
and you gained attention for your writing, one of the top cmm students in school with a bright personality and media sense
and rumour goes around the campus that the best students of both majors are collabing and are already scoring those As lmao
that rumour was true and everyone was looking forward to the finished products of the geniuses of the school
while you two were collabing you two got to know more about each other
and you know,, you,, like,, like,, each other its so cute 
you two keep sending signals to one another
for mark its adding smileys to his texts and a few hearts and like holding the door when you enter the recording studio and all those gentlemanly stuff ugh so sweet
for you,, its just more affection and skinship and playful slaps on the shoulder
the rest of the school; “pLEASE DATE ALREADY”
both of your friends literally could sense those signals but the both of you couldn’t
so on the last day of doing the assignment you and mark would show each other’s completed assignment
you showed mark your article of him, alongside with a candid picture of him working on the music you took secretly
“omg y/n,, this is so good, thank you so much”
“you’re welcome mark,, it’s nothing,, really”
and mark showed you his finished music piece and you were so proud of him because the song actually sounded legit and not by a college student
after the music ended, mark looked at you seriously and started fiddling with his hands
“you know,, y/n,, i’ve been wanting to tell you this in the longest time…”
“what is it?”
“that,, i really like you,, since the d-day we met, i really like how you are so passionate about writing and stuff… and how pretty you are and…”
“i like you too, mark, i really really like you”
and the you two hug and boom youre dating aAAAA so cute
dating college!mark would be the softest thing ever
he would memorise your favourite drink and buy it for you every morning without fail
you reckon mark would be broke by the end of the year from buying your favourite white chocolate mocha from starbucks every morning lol
and wait outside the girls’ dorm for you
and the main point is he looks good while waiting for you that sometimes you come down a lil later to just take candid pics of him waiting for you LOL
if mark’s lectures end earlier than yours, he would wait for you outside your lecture room like omg sweetest boyfriend ever
basically you guys are like inseperable
but he’s a lil shy with the pda during the first steps of the r/s so expect loads of blushy mark
but when he’s warmed up to it he’s like the clingiest baby ever
he does give you space tho,, which youre thankful for
and when he stays up too late to do his music assignment you would creep into the studio to bring him some snacks and coffee
and make sure he gets sleep because this boy can’t be stopped unless youre around
you joined the dance club soon after he joined an like you two are the literal power couple with the visuals and talents just,,, debut together please
when ya’ll did 1million dance studio’s All I Wanna Do choreography iT WAS LIT AND SLAYING EVERYONE WAS CHEERING
mark is generally rlly shy with compliments so you always compliment him so that people dont take advantage of his humility if that makes sense
like there was once he had a group project and je did most of the work and everyone was like “mark you did all the work!! this isnt a group project”
mark was like no omg my teammates did the work too
and his jackass teammate was like “oh mark only did half of the work and we did the most”
you were ready to fight that asshole and mark had to literally hold you back 
mark really likes it when you steal his hoodies and wear it to lectures bc you look so cute in them
and his graphic tees too this boy has gr8 fashion ngl
when the break rolls around you guys would go cafe hopping and eat till your stomachs were almost exploding
and also shopping for clothes and all that
mark was willing to be your human guinea pig when you buy makeup when your hand runs out of space for swatches
and when its time to pay mark just shoves his credit card to the cashier and youre like
“mark youre gonna be so broke thats $128 worth of makeup”
and you pouting and mark had to use his fingers to lift your lips up into a smile
“you’ve done so much for me for just being my girlfriend, babe, just let me pay for it this once”
and it was the 34th time he paid lmao
anyhow dating!college mark is all pure and fluffy and innocent
please give mark lots of love
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txxil · 7 years
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( your MASQUERADE; I don't wanna be a part of your parade. everyone deserves a chance to WALK with EVERYONE ELSE. )  ———  task 001. character questionnaire sheet 
general info
full name: nam taeil nickname(s): tae? i dont think he has any nicknames tbh. gender & pronouns: genderqueer male, he/him/they/them sexual & romantic orientation: demiromantic/demisexual age & dob: twenty-two ( 22 ) year’s old / November twenty-sixth, 1994 ( 11/26/1994 ) birthplace/hometown: andong, south korea parents/siblings: mother, father, younger brother astrological sign: scorpio dominant hand: ambidextrous  handwriting style: flows very easily; he usually writes in cursive language(s) known/spoken: korean, a little bit of english religion: n/a!  current living arrangements: a small one story house near a middle school, something like this maybe? occupation/major: stay at home author! i like to think he’s actually very popular
picture reference:  [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] blood type: O+ nationality: korean skin tone/color: light tanned birthmarks & scars: n/a! height: 177cm build: 65kg hair color: black hair length: covers his forehead and down to his ears! eye color: brown eye shape: [ X ] diet: taeil doesn’t have a strict diet, but he loves little sweets and eating salads, especially really dressed up ones. it’s safe to say he has a pretty good diet. exercise & level of fitness: the most exercise taeil gets is walking around outside when it’s chilly how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )? he’s got a decent posture ! typical style of dress: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] - taeil dresses really casually? but he also likes to wear aesthetically pleasing things; like his rolled up jeans and sometimes ripped, shirts tucked in and he loves wearing hats too. he sounds like me, yikes. body modifications: none! 
body language and mannerisms
how does your muse walk? with his hands in his pockets if he is wearing a jacket, usually looking too far up and taking small, slow steps because he loves walking. how does your muse talk? quietly and subtly? he doesn’t like to talk that much, but observe, and he usually sounds really calming and poetic, i guess. what accent/dialect does your muse talk with? gyeongsang dialect ! how high (or low) is the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet? taeil probably has a bit of a monotoned voice that is in the middle of high and low, but he is very quiet. what is their laugh like? have you ever heard jhopes laugh? probably the same, but less loud OTL how does your muse typically smell? he probably smells like pine. what kind of air do they carry? are they intimidating? a calming air, people probably feel like they can trust him easily because of the way he carries himself around quietly and calmly.
what makes your muse happiest? talking to his baby brother over facetime/texts/etc. what upsets them the most? being in a place he is still a bit unaccustomed and unknown to does your muse have any quirks? uhm, i don’t think he has any weird quirks, besides his tendency to go out at 1 or 2 am and walk the city when it’s cold. what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them? he loves to write, obviously! and i can imagine taeil likes to do word puzzles, like crosswords and word searches, and maybe he likes to draw a little and probably read the newspaper? because of his ‘create your own work schedule’ deal, he actually gets to do most of things he enjoys a lot. do they have any guilty pleasures? things/people who smell like flowers, indie/acoustic music, beautifully written poetry. is your muse an extrovert? an introvert? neither? introverted for sure, although he can be open depending on his relationship with you. do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence? uhm, i would say taeil is in between for both? he is very emotionally distraught at the moment because he is in a place he is uncomfortable with and he still misses home, but he has high hopes for his dreams and himself. he knows he’s a decent guy. are they easily stressed? how do they respond to stress? taeil is not easily stressed due to the fact that he is constantly under pressure for his books. he has learned to deal with it by taking time off from what is stressing him and doing things he knows will make him happy. what is your muses worst fear? that he won’t ever see his family again, probably. what is your muses biggest dream? to be a best selling author! but also to provide for his family and loved ones with the royalties he makes. is your muse an early riser? a night owl? a night owl for sure. how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it? uh, he’s probably fairly smart? not book smart though, but probably more in the.. he knows random facts and about the subject he is writing about smart. what is their sense of humour like? uhm.. probably nonexistent OTL he has his moments though ok
relationship tendencies
what’s their sexual orientation? what about romantic? taeil is a demisexual and demiromantic! the same as yoonsik. are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships? no they’re not :( what is their experience with relationships? uhm, probably NONE lol. taeil never really cared for relationships because they were always harder for him? how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one, or would they ever? he wouldn’t really care, tbh, BUT he also wouldn’t care for having one. he’s not like that. sex, is it important to your muse? yes! what are their biggest turn on and turn offs? see below!
sexualy turn ons: body worship, slut shaming, vanilla sex, orgasm denial, over stimulation sexual turn offs: bondage, gagging, pain, forced domination, forcefulness in general natural turn ons: lip biting, glasses, smooth talking, poetry natural turn offs: loudness/obnoxiousness, desperation, overly flirtatious 
does your muse find it easy to make friends? not really to be honest. how important is friendship to them? very important! he really values his friendships to help him get through his hardships of living in seoul. quantity or quality of friends? quality. how important is family? VERY important. are they close to their family? why or why not ? yes! taeil’s parents ( specifically his mom ) have always accepted him for who he is. his brother was always a key role in his life, too, and he always protect his baby brother with everything he had. his family is what keps him going every day.
001. you know those people who are creative in every single fuckin’ way? that’s taeil, but he won’t admit it. 002. as you saw above, he writes with both hands, but he is better with his right. 003. at least twice a week, he has the same dream about going back home and when he wakes up to see it’s not true he gets kinda sad? 004. while most of his stories are on a computer and typed out, he has one or two that he hand writes just for the hell of it. one of these stories is about his baby brother. 005. every other day he calls his family to check in on them, specifically his baby brother. 006. anyone who knows taeil well would easily be able to tell how homesick he is. 007. his favorite genre to write about is modern realistic. his favorite genre to read is probably modern fantasy or crime novels. 008. he doesn’t watch a lot of television. 009. nature muses taeil the most out of everything; other things that muse him are music, other people, his surroundings, flowers ( specifically ), weather, etc. i think all the BASIC things. 010. he never holds grudges and is easy to forgive. you could toy with him and he would still be your friend. he’s a doormat, basically. 011. his favorite season is fall, his favorite weather is when it sprinkles and is chilly, his favorite time of day is sunrise, and his favorite day of the week is Monday.
i did eleven headcanons because i did eleven for yoonsik, too! this was so much fun to do.
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epersonae · 7 years
28(i want more stuff to read, lol), 37, 7, 13!
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
This one sort of stumped me initially; I realized that I don’t much follow specific authors (except for smut, weirdly enough), and then lolz, you’re actually one of those few. That said:
I will read pretty much anything Evitcani @evitcani-writes writes, because it’s damn good writing, and they do such interesting things putting TAZ characters in really different situations. (Current movie-monster AU is funny and also has an intriguing overarching plot.) A+ Taakitz content.
When I was scrolling back through recent TAZ fic, I realized I’ve been enjoying hops/@maegnus‘ work quite a bit even before we became shouty-Magcretia-buds. Good characterization; I think we have a tendency to explore similar corners of the canon with interesting overlapping results.
Dareandwriteit writes great Dad!Magnus, and has a fantastic long work exploring Angus’ relationships with basically all of the other characters.
Overall, I care about writing quality, because I’m a fucking snob, and characterization that feel true, which is a really subtle thing, but when someone nails it, I’m SO THERE.
Talk about your current wips.
This has gotten to be such a list!
Magretia/Taagnus Midsummer Festival shenanigans (sort of a response to a prompt from @lesbianlaracrovt -- yes, I’m working on it!)
Character study of Lucretia and Angus, starting from the premise that she didn’t know he was a little kid
Longer fic:
Year 30, which is the parley/Tesseralia Winners/best meal ever year but entirely from Lucretia’s POV. What is she up to on her own? I started it before episode 65 came out, so I was thinking a lot about how she was going to be growing into The Director. I still think there’s a lot more to it than just that hell year, but tbqh I’ve been having a tough time getting back into it.
Fantasy Fast, Fantasy Furious, telling the story of Hurley & Sloane using the first F&F movie as the plot. Because I totally, 100% unironically, love the Fast & the Furious movies, and I’ve shipped Dom/Brian in my head for years, so it’s a really easy transition to Hurley/Sloane. I’ve written the first chapter and then rewatched the movie to write down a list of story beats.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I’m going to zag and post something that’s not fic, and actually not even fiction. The gal that got me into TAZ founded an online zine about video games, and I wrote a piece about GTA and being from SoCal, and I’m pretty proud of this paragraph:
I’ve probably watched more GTA than anyone alive who hasn’t played it. I know it intimately, but from the outside. The same way that GTA San Andreas knew my youth: as a simulacrum of a thing. And now how GTA5, Los Angeles, and I circle one another. Which one of us is “real”?
I had thought about this subject for a long-ass time; I wrote a big chunk, and then I went on a trip to SoCal and it just kind of blew me back emotionally. I had to work on this a lot; there’s a whole section about music and race I had to cut because it just went way off topic. I don’t think it’s my best writing ever, but it said something that I really needed to say. Plus, technically, it includes my first ever fanfic, because there’s a postscript that’s basically one of my headcanons about a thing in GTA Online.
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Best single piece of advice: read your work aloud when revising. So many awkward constructions become instantly obvious.
Also, the best book I’ve ever read on writing fiction, and which I recommend to literally anyone who wants to write, is Steering the Craft by Ursula K. LeGuin. It’s SO GOOD. Lots of great craftsmanship tips, excellent exercises. I’ve had it for probably 20 years, and I still use stuff about POV and exposition all the time. Plus it has great rules for running a writing group that I think are helpful for any type of creative critique.
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aqua-lien · 5 years
5000 Question Survey - Part 5
401. Some say that high school is the best time of your life. Was that true for you? So far, I would say that it was for the most part. 402. What do you find yourself encouraging others to try? I always encourage people to look at their birth charts or get a tarot reading lol. 403. Which is better: Mel Brooks or Woody Allen? Mel Brooks. 404. When was the last time you were up all night? I can’t remember. 405. __ is life. The rest is just details. Fill in the blank. Ball 406. Are people too complex and different to be categorized? Not necessarily. The deeper you look into a person, yes. But there are reasons why demographic surveys categorize people in specific ways. 407. Is it good to have pride in your own race or does that separate people from each other because it makes them think of everyone else as 'outsiders'? I think it’s incredibly important to recognize & take pride in one’s own diversity in one way or another. It’s much more important for people of color, not so important for white people. 408. What fictional story would you like to live through? The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. 409. Are cats or dogs smarter? Cats for usre. 410. Have you ever guessed someone's password and broken into their diary? No. 411. What teacher, if any, has affected you the most in your life? My Injury Prevention & Control professor because she offered me my first research assistant position. 412. Are you more easily bored or excited? More easily excited, I don’t get bored easily. 413. What's the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done? I don’t remember. I don’t make a lot of daring or valiant decisions. 414. "What's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?" (- Adam Ant) To exercise power. 415. If your man or woman served you breakfast in bed as a treat what would you want? Waffles. 416. What do you do only when you are upset? Have a mental breakdown. 417. What's the oddest CD in your collection? I don’t own any CDs. 418. What's the best diary name you ever saw? ???? 419. What would your friends be surprised to learn about you? I can only cross one eye. 420. Who owes you an apology? LOL my ex boyfriend. 421. Who deserves an apology from you? The list of people I’ve ghosted. 422. How would you like to treat your kids differently from the way your parents treated you? I don’t want children. But I would make it more okay for them to cry & would respect their emotions more. 423. Which do you like best: 60's, 70's or 80's fashion? 60s makeup, 70s fashion. 424. What is the worst pick up line ever used on you? “Hey Victoria, what’s your secret?” 425. Of the following, which word best describes you: inventive, kinetic (energetic), light-hearted, mature Mature. 426. Do you own a record player? No. Do you use it? Don’t own one. 427. How easily do you make friends? Not easily at all. 428. What is the difference between having character and being a character? Having character is more reflective of who you are as a person. Being a character is being someone else. 429. Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch? Probably ones that have poisonous skin, like poisoned dart frogs. 430. Do you care about your weight? Not really. I have a set weight at which my body runs comfortably, & I can usually tell when I need to gain or lose some weight. 431. Did you/will you go to the prom? I went to both junior & senior prom. 432. Have you ever wanted to date twins? No. 433. What one thing would you change about high school if you could? That they hyped up dual-enrollment more than APs. 434. If you came with a warning label, what would it say? WARNING: Will sass if provoked. 435. Are you artistic and creative? Kind of. I’m working on it. 436. What were you (probably) doing on this date last year? Working. 437. What are you obsessed with? As of recently, Doja Cat omg. 438. What was the last compliment you received? “I like your backpack.” Today. 439. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, two younger brothers. One is 15, one is 18. 440. Who would you like to be alone with right now? My crush lol 441. Do you push people away when you really want them to come closer? Yes but I’m working on it. 442. Is a prenuptial agreement necessary or does it take the romance and trust out of marriage? A prenup is ALWAYS necessary. People can lie & double-cross you at any point. 443. Do you lie your way out of things? No. I always tell the truth, & I don’t normally put myself in situations in which I would have to lie. 444. Are you better at talking or listening? Both. 445. What will only happen to you once in this lifetime? Death. 446. Know of any conspiracy theories you think might be credible? Avril Lavigne died & was replaced by her body double. 447. What are the most beautiful words that have ever been spoken to you? “You have such a beautiful soul.” 448. If it were legal would you own a human slave (race unimportant)? Absolutely not. 449. Have you ever read your own writing at a poetry reading? No. 450. What is one simple thing that gives you the happy shivers? Music. 451. What do you do for exercise? I walk to and from class every day (about 2 miles each way). I also do yoga & meditate. 452. Would you rather have a strict teacher with a sense of humor or a lenient teacher that doesn't teach? Strict teacher with a sense of humor. 453. If you ever have a baby what might you want to name it? If it’s a boy, Gabriel. If it’s a girl, Venus or Memphis. 454. If you won free tickets to a concert from a radio show and had to choose between Inxs, Poison, Blondie and Moby, which would you choose? Poison. 455. Are you a good cook? Yes. 456. Do you prefer when things come with no assembly required, even if they are a bit more expensive? No, I like putting things together. 457. Start a sentence with the words: what if What if we kissed on top of the neighborhood power box. 458. Are you more spontaneous and unpredictable or loyal and routine? Loyal & routine. 459. What is the highest number you can count to in your head? Idk, definitely over 100. 460. How do you go about losing weight? I just eat a little cleaner & healthier & drink more water. 461. Do you have street smarts? Some, yes. 462. Do you have a lot of common sense? Yes. 463. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Strawberry. 464. What's your favorite movie that involves dancing? High School Musical. 465. Would you ever want to become a guest on a talk show? If yes what would the show's theme be? Yes. Just throw me on The Eric Andre Show. 466. Do you like the way you look naked? Yes, I’m hot. 467. Have you ever dissected an animal? Yes, a fetal pig, a rat, a frog, & a cow eye. 468. Who do you know who is brilliant? Me. 469. Who do you know who is dull? My grandmother. 470. Do you ever think about time travel? Sometimes. 471. What is one interesting fact you know? The number of people who die every year from coconuts falling on their heads in Asia alone is greater than the number of people worldwide that die from shark attacks. 472. Do you talk to yourself? All the time. Do you talk to your pets? Yes. 473. Do you believe that humankind has a future in space (will we live there someday)? Yes. 474. Would you rather wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty or more delicate outfits? More casual clothes. 475. How do you 'live life to the fullest'? I try to do things that make me happy without worrying so much about what other people think. 476. Are you sloppy or a neat freak? Kind of both. I have my moments. 477. Would you rather have a trunk full of nickels or half a trunk full of dimes? Half a trunk full of dimes, it would weigh less & equal the same amount. 478. What is the worst mistake you've ever made? Dating my first boyfriend. 479. Are you in good health? Yes. 480. Are you patriotic? No. Let's play fact or crap. Is it a fact? Or is it crap? 481. The greenhouse effect is bad for your health. Not directly, but fact. 482. There are about as many molecules of air in one breath as there are hairs on your head. Crap. 483. The Miss America pageant started out as a contest in which people decorated wheelchairs and one chair was judged the prettiest. Crap. 484. To remove a tattoo a physician can place a small balloon under the skin, which is inflated so that the tattooed skin gradually stretches. Then they cut the stretched skin away. Crap. 485. Cockfighting is a sexual sport. Crap. 486. It is the warmest time of the day during the hour that the sun is the highest in the sky. Fact. 487. Certain scientists specialize in studying cow farts. Fact. 488. The brilliant colors (reds, oranges, yellows) across the sky that we get from sunsets are caused mainly by pollution. Fact. 489. In Grimm's original fairy tale, Rapunzel is pregnant. Crap. 490. Dracula was the first movie about a vampire. Crap. 491. The inventors of Corn Flakes, the Kellogg brothers, ran a school for delinquent youth. Fact. 492. "Kemo Sabe" means "soggy shrub" in Navajo. Fact. 493. Sir Thomas Crapper invented the toilet. Fact. 494. The Earl of Sandwich invented the Sandwich. Fact. 495. Some Chinese alchemists were trying to invent an immortality medicine and accidentally invented gunpowder instead. Fact. 496. The human body is made of about 99% water. Crap. 497. Bubble gum contains rubber. Fact. 498 This survey to the zero power = 0. Crap. 499. Most lipstick contains fish scales. Fact. 500. There are 86401 seconds in day. Fact,
0 notes
northpolenotes · 5 years
Fun Games and Activities To Play While Babysitting
List of 20 awesome things to do while babysitting!
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So what is babysitting? Babysitting is when a Mom or Dad have commitments and/or engagements and want or need to be kid free for a period of time. And who should they call upon as their most trusted babysitter?
Well, if they have the option, an Aunt is a great choice for this very task. We’re a trusted resource for parents and it’s also a great way for us to build strong bonds with our niblings (especially the younger ones).
But what do you do with them when you’re babysitting? Turn on the TV and let the time pass until Mom and Dad get home? Not if your’e an awesome babysitter.
Go in with a plan to have fun, be safe, and bond with these little ones. Playing with them is the best way to bond in my opinion.
Need some ideas on what to play or how to have fun? I’ve put together a list of games and activities that babysitters can play during your visits. Enjoy them!!
What kid doesn’t love to play with bubbles? It’s fun to blow them, but what every kid loves to do is POP the bubbles. That’s why I prefer to have a bubble maker around so I can pop them too.
This bubble maker creates over Frog Over 500 bubbles per minute!
Get creative! See if you can..
Make a bubble snowman – catch and stack 3 bubbles on top of each other before they pop!
Have the kids count how many bubbles they can pop before you count to 10
Click here to check it out on Amazon:
Bubble Maker
Play Doh & Play Doh Sets
Play Doh is also a fan favorite for nearly every child. It’s not only for fun, it’s also functional. Play doh is great for exercising their fine motor skills.  Kids need fine motor skills for writing, eating, and tying their shoes, etc.
You can do so much with it too! Roll it, flatten it, chop it, cut it, poke it, squish it, pinch it, mix it and more!
I like to have both a play doh sets so they have some tools to work with while making their masterpieces. However, it’s also a good idea to have extra on hand. The more colors the better!
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Play Doh
Play Doh Playset
Make Believe
Playing make believe comes naturally to children and it’s a great way to build a bond with them. I find that sometimes all they need is to set up a scenario and then they’ll take it from there.
Here’s a thought, mold some fish and sharks out of play doh, turn on the bubble maker, and make believe you’re under the sea!
When you find yourself babysitting your niece or nephew (which many Aunts do on a regular basis), it’s a good idea to have an action plan.  Picking out a movie to watch or playing a board game can be a lot of fun. But you know what? You’re gonna want to have a quiet activity planned too – like coloring.
 It helps them develop their fine motor skills!
 It’s relaxing!
 It promotes creativity!
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Get Your Free A-Z Animal Coloring Book!
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Drawing is sort of my thing, but I know it’s not everyone’s strong suit. My niece and nephews often ask me draw them a picture of their favorite characters and superheroes. We’ve gotten to the point now where I have to do a good job because they want them framed!
I highly suggest Art for Kids Hub on YouTube. This channel breaks down all the steps to drawing popular cartoon characters, to emojis and more! He does it all with his kids drawing with him! It’s a kid friend channel and fan favorite in my family.
Scavenger Hunt
Send them on a scavenger hunt! Whether you have one child a few, it’s an easy way to add fun to your babysitting duties. Plus, you can turn almost anything into a scavenger hunt!
Get your Spring Scavenger Hunt Printable!
Would Your Rather
Select the first player and have them ask a question that begins with “Would you rather…?” The player will provide two scenarios for the other players to choose from.
Each player must pick one of the two scenarios he or she would “rather” do.
“Both” or “Neither.” can never be the response. You must choose ONE of the two options given.
I’ve created some questions to get your game started. Click here for 20 FREE would you rather questions for kids!
I Spy
To begin, one person looks around the room and spies something. The person keeps it a secret. Then they say out loud, “I spy with my little eye, something… The spy must give a descriptive clue, i.e. something orange, something that starts with R, etc. The item must be visible to the other players.
Whoever guesses correctly then becomes the new spy.
20 questions
One player is starts the game by picking a word and keeping it a secret. They are the word keeper.
Everyone else is a guesser.
Each guesser takes a turn asking one yes or no question.
We usually start off the game with the first questions being is it an animal? Is it a vegetable? Is it a mineral?
The word keeper must answer the questions honestly. Lying is never allowed.
If any of the guessers figure out the secret word in 20 questions or less, they become the word keep for the next round.
If the word is not guessed, the word keeper for that round goes again.
Build a couch or pillow fort
Stack pillows and couch cushions in a square space, leaving room in the middle to sit.
Place a blanket over top.
Us this space to tell stories, read a book, or better yet…as safety for your sock wars!
Sock war
This was a favorite game of ours when we were growing up. Your ammunition? Dirty socks!
Establish boundaries and safe zones.
Take off your socks and fold them into a ball. Each player tries to hit their opponent with their dirty sock. The game only ends when you’ve had enough.
Use the forts you just built as home base for each side.
This is safe play because socks won’t hurt anyone, but it’s also loads of fun to hit someone with a sock.
Mega Bloks
Lego sets are great when kids get older and can read and follow directions for putting them together. However, I like Mega Bloks because they’re super easy to clean up, they’re great for little hands, and I won’t limp for an hour if I accidentally step on one.
Build a tower, knock it down! Let their imaginations sore with this kid friendly toy.
It’s great to bring in other toys such as stuff animals, action figures, LOL surprise dolls, etc. to build a home, bed, school, or anything else you can come up with.
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Mega Bloks
Paint a Rock
I literally just used this paint a rock kit with my niece and nephew the last time I babysat them.
My niece Layla is older and had a great time getting detailed and making her rock look like the ones on the box.
My nephew, Julian is only 3, but he didn’t care. He went to town mixing colors on his rock and had a blast.
Get creative! Paint these rocks, allow them to dry, let the kids hide them and then add them to your scavenger hunt!  
Layla and I didn’t put on that many coats of paint so our rocks dried pretty quickly. I can’t say the same for Julian’s so just keep that in mind if you want to hide them immediately. Let the kids know the more paint you put on, the longer it’ll take for them to dry.
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Rocking Painting Kit
Build a Puzzle
When you’ve had enough active play and you’re ready for a quiet activity, I suggest doing a puzzle together. It’s relaxing but it keeps their attention because they have to focus on putting the pieces together.
Sit down together and build this underwater scene!
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Under The Sea Puzzle
This giant floor puzzle by Melissa and Doug is made from durable, extra-thick cardboard pieces. It’s broken into 48 pieces which is not too many pieces where they get overwhelmed and lose interest. It’s also not too few pieces where they would complete it in 4 seconds.
Minute to Win it Games!
M&M Challenge
Supplies needed:
Empty Cup
Kitchen Timer
Setting up the game:
Start by spreading M&M’s on the table or inside a bowl.
Hand each player a straw and empty cup. Place the cup next to the child on the table.
Players must suck up one M&M at a time and place it into the empty bowl next to them. They cannot use their hands to pick up the candy.
Players have ONE MINUTE to suck up as many candies as possible and drop them in their empty cup!
The player who transferred the most M&M’s is the winner! Everyone gets to eat their M&M’s though!
Put the empty cups farther away on another table and have them walk their M&M’s to the cup! This will get messier so if you want a simply clean up, have them closer. However, if you don’t mind the mess, try it – IT’S FUN!
Balloon Challenge
Supplies needed:
Inflated Balloon(s)
Kitchen Time
Free Space
How to Play/Objective:
I suggest allowing one person to go at a time to avoid injury, but use your discretion based upon space.
Players will each take an inflated balloon, toss it above their head and keep it up by lightly taping it into the air.
They have ONE MINUTE to keep it above their head. If it falls below their chin, the game starts over.
Add more balloons! Think it’s too easy with 1 balloon? Try 3!!
Too hard to keep it above your head? Change the rules so that they only have to keep the balloon in the air, not above their head.
Cookie Challenge
Supplies needed:
Empty chair or floor space
Kitchen timer
How to Play/Objective:
Sit in a chair or on the floor. Give a cookie such as an Oreo to each player. Have them lean their head back and place a cookie in the middle of their forehead.
When the timer begins, players can only use their facial muscles to move the cookie from their forehead to their mouth.
They can tip their head and move their neck, but players cannot touch the cookie with your hands.
The cookie must remain in contact with their face. They can’t try to toss it from your forehead and catch it in your mouth.
If a cookie falls before it reaches their mouth, they must start over by placing it back on their forehead.
The cookie must actually go in your mouth to count.
Give them 2 or 3 cookies to start. After the first cookie makes it to their mouth, they must remove it and start over with another one on their forehead. The challenge is completed when all 3 make it to their mouth before the minute is up.
Popsicle/Dice Challenge
Supplies needed:
Popsicle sticks
5 Dice
Kitchen timer
How to Play/Objective:
Players must hold one end of a popsicle stick in their mouth.
Take each die and one by one stack them on the other end of the popsicle stick on top of each other.
They must stack 5 dice in a tower at the end on the stick.
Players have ONE MINUTE to complete this challenge.
If they dice fall off, have them pick it up and start over before the time runs out.
Use fewer dice in the tower
Spaghetti Challenge
Supplies Needed:
Six uncooked penne or tube shaped pasta per player
One uncooked piece of spaghetti per player
Empty table space
Kitchen timer
How to Play/Objective:
Place the pasta around the edge of the table so that the open end faces outward.
Players must stand at the table with their hands behind the back.
When the timer starts, the player can then pick up the spaghetti with their hands and put it in their mouth.
The player then goes around the table skewering the pasta, one at a time, with the spaghetti.
If the spaghetti breaks, just give them another piece
To win, all six pieces of pasta must be on the spaghetti within ONE MINUTE!
Card Shark!
Supplies Needed:
1 Deck of Playing Card
Kitchen Timer
How to Play/Objective:
Shuffle 1 deck of playing cards.
One player at a time goes unless you have more than 1 deck of cards
Players make 4 piles of cards with each pile containing only one suit in ONE MINUTE!.
To make it harder! Player must put 1 pile in order from ace to king!
Even harder! Player must put 2 piles in order from ace to king!
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mononoavvare · 6 years
Character Solidifying: Odd numbers 19 - 39
good god,
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
i mean he used to be brainwashed so that’s a pretty big one. he used to believe that the village was to be protected no matter the cost of life or the depravity of the acts he must commit, and he believed that following orders was all there was to life, but he got better :^) proud of him. discovering danzo was a steaming pile of garbage was a real journey and it hurt, tbh, and now he feels like he has Things to make up for, but who doesn’t. 
thanks to things like The Power Of Friendship, he’s now under the impression that the village is nothing without the relationships within it, and he realizes the importance of the lives of the people protecting and living in it, blah blah, other gay shit 
i wouldn’t say he’s currently disillusioned with his relationship with team kakashi, but he definitely feels replaceable to at least 3/4 of them. he thinks he’s fine with feeling that way, but he isn’t.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
manners: bad / hero: naruto / hates: people that fuck with his friends
a lil bit of elaboration:
manners: he pretty much functions well enough to pass as normal, if a little uncomfortable, in most social situations. sometimes he deliberately acts like he doesn’t understand a social norm specifically to rile up his friends. 
hero: he’s never really had a concept of a hero before he joined team kakashi. yes, he admires the likes of the captains, what with their strength and infamy and how cool they are, but to him a hero is someone like naruto: some dipshit that suffered as a child and still works his ass off to see the good in people and try to lift them out of the darkness, no matter how many times he gets hurt. sai genuinely admires that, and also admits maybe his standards for heroics are a little high.
that last bit probably doesn’t need an explanation, really, but. if u hurt someone he cares about, he’ll ruin your life. one way or another.
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
generally sai.... just wants to have fun. he’s really out here for a good time, not a long time. he wants to feel good, but what he really wants is to make his partner feel good because that’s the shit he likes. 
his feelings on sex in order of importance to him: 1) useful and 2) fun for the most part
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
obviously he enjoys art, but he also likes writing and people watching. he thinks people are incredible and fascinating, so sometimes he just goes and talks to strangers and learns as much as he can about them, and writes down as much as he can remember (which is usually all of it barring outstanding circumstances) later. literally has a whole shelf dedicated to people and their life’s stories, or someone else’s life story through their eyes. usually he gets these from older people but sometimes the youths overshare as well.
there were like six months where he tried to learn how to make music and/or sing, but he was only mediocre at it and thus did not last long
outside of this, he genuinely enjoys exercising and training tbh. picking up new hand-to-hand styles counts as a hobby, right? since he’s a ninjutsu specialist? sakura why are you sighing at me?
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
sai is aware that he’s what most people would consider striking at the least, if not full-blown good looking. in a mission-setting he’s very good at working this to his advantage, but in day-to-day life it’s kind of... rough, starting out. he’s never had to pick out his own clothes, u kno, always had a uniform, so he generally just wears that until his friends start gifting him soft tee shirts and shorts and other like.... normal clothing items for functional adult humans to wear. 
eventually he starts going out and buying his own shit, u kno, and generally it makes him feel silly to buy anything that isn’t functional, durable, well-fitted and dark-colored. any outrageous/silly clothing he owns would have to be a gift, no matter how much he fucking loves wearing stupid novelty tees cut into a crop top.
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
his biggest weakness is his bitchy personality lol,,, he self-sabotages his closest relationships by bickering all the fucking time and Seriously offending people and then has the fuckin audacity to blame the fact that he’s gonna die alone on the idea that he was just a temporary replacement. instead of, u kno, taking some time to self-reflect and realize not everything has to be a fucking battle all the time.
sai also, and i cannot say this enough, does not have the good sense god gives all the small children. 90% of this is attributed to the fact that he was conditioned to have very little self preservation instinct outside of “survive to complete the mission” as a child, which unfortunately does not lend to good real-world decision making, but 10% of that is that he’s just genuinely fucking dumb. he has 0 people sense starting out and has to learn a majority of his lessons the hard way.
31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate?
no kids. he personally believes he would be a terrible father if he ever lived that long, even though that’s probably not true. other peoples’ kids he likes well enough, and they seem to think he’s Neat(TM), but he’s deathly afraid of making a small child cry and thus tries to avoid them for the most part.
33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health?
drinking yes and drugs.... sometimes, if he’s really having a rough week and is unable to find a better outlet for Feelings and Thoughts. because he’s obviously not going to talk about things. generally though he prefers to go out and have anonymous sex and never call them again. if he’s gonna take a drug though it’s usually an upper 
as far as his health goes.... physically he’s alright, his body holds up pretty well under all the stress he puts himself through physically. mentally and emotionally he’s basically a minefield except instead of blowing up he just :| and stews in it 
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
sai is a perfectionist and will take any failure, perceived or real, extremely personally. if he fucks up, he can usually handle anger just fine, but having someone disappointed in him makes him want to crawl out of his skin, under his bed, and die. 
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
the extent of his imagination generally applies to difficult conversations he rehearses between himself and others before actually having them and immediately being completely wrong about they would react to whatever he’s saying. 
that being said, he is an extremely creative problem solver and detective, and genuinely enjoys solving puzzles and problems. to him, doing shit like recreating a crime scene or a scenario based on evidence is a little bit like drawing from memory :^)
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
hand to god i cant think of something. he likes teasing his friends but that isn’t genuine ridicule. mostly he minds his own fuckin business u know? 
i guess if he were so inclined to confront someone about their stupidity, it would be about treating someone like shit. yes, it’s rich coming from him, and no, he don’t appreciate you pointing that out.
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janniesanjuan-blog · 7 years
I Want To Become An Actress
Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / TV/Movies / I Want To Become An Actress (10238 Views) How Do I Break Into Nollywood As An Actress? / My Girlfriend Wants To Become An Actress! / I Want To Become An Actress (1) (2) (3) (4) (0) (1) (2) (Reply) (Go Down)I Want To Become An Actress by Anoushka(f): 4:51pm On Mar 15, 2006 Hey,does anyone know how I can act in Nigeria and do adverts as well? and i can actually act(not like our so-called nollywood actresses).Please i've always dreamed of it.Thanks 1 Like Re: I Want To Become An Actress by hazeleyes(f): 11:02pm On Mar 15, 2006 Hi Anoushka,
I really do hope you get what you want, however, isn't it a bit harsh dissing the 9ija actors.
obviously, you might be good, but lets encourage them
Yeah Re: I Want To Become An Actress by keliscia(f): 5:16pm On Mar 23, 2006 Hi!
To every body, i want to complement all the actresses in nollywood, i think they are great and my dream is to become an actress one day. Kiss Re: I Want To Become An Actress by LoverBwoy(m): 6:00pm On Mar 23, 2006 I think u should enrol in a drama school
u know when your are watching nigerians films, there are some funny directors that put their number on the DVD covers or in the adverts u watch just call them n tell them to hook u up!
make sure u don't go to nigeria just for a film maybe when your on holiday u can plan to hook them up WITH UR PARENTS OR RELATIVE!
they wont pay your flight money by the way Re: I Want To Become An Actress by keliscia(f): 6:05pm On Mar 24, 2006 thanks a lot loverbwoy ,i will do take your advise :d Re: I Want To Become An Actress by freddie1(m): 9:06pm On Mar 24, 2006 just visit my sites and i'll let u in on how to go about it. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by chinani(f): 1:01am On Mar 25, 2006 Hone your craft. I give you props for knowing the difference between "real" acting and some of the Naija actors etc. I give them props too but ppl we've got to step our game up. I think since your in Wales you should join a theatre company if possible. Stage acting is different from acting on the screen but it'll be a great way to meet ppl, learn on the job, and see a little on the production side. If not take a class or do "community theatre", kiddie shows or whatever. Try to meet people, NEVER burn a bridge and think/walk/live being an actress. This means, when you meetsomeone say "I am an actress" rather than "I want to be an actress". They'll say "what have you done?" and you'll say "Not much, but have you heard anything?" You'll be surprised that they have a cousin, blah, blah, blah. This "cousin" will lead to lots of dead ends and some projects that are out of your "range" for whatever reason. But that's o.k. b/c you only get your foot in the door or "discovered" once and everytime you put yourself out there you're getting a step closer.
I'm actually writing a screenplay that takes place in Nigeria. We need more ppl going home to showcase talent so, again, PROPS. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by TYPOP(m): 2:45pm On Mar 25, 2006 @chinani
These actors and actresses are actually trying. So many things are working against them. We are BACKWARD in terms of technology. Thumbs up for them. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by chinani(f): 7:43pm On Mar 25, 2006 @ TYPOP
You're right. I wasn't trying to hate on them. My apologies. I watch the movies and enjoy them as well. However, there is always a place for criticism. In the creative arts/world it leads to improvement. No one can say that the current stars should be content w/ their level of expertise. They should continue improving just like Nicole Kidman, Warren Beatty, Denzel Washington and more early in their career.
I was only trying to encourage Anoushka to do better than those before her. The advice would have been the same if she was heading to Hollywood instead of Nollywood. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by TYPOP(m): 11:44pm On Mar 25, 2006 @chinani you are right. Plenty space for improvement.
@Anoushka you should perform better when we get to see you in films. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by keliscia(f): 6:56pm On Mar 26, 2006 well i think you get wrong when you say that the nollywood people must improve like the hollywood, to say it all i just start wacthing nigerian films, because i live in between London and Italy. And since i was kid i have bean watching american films i mean all those stuf,and i really want to say that the nollywood actresses are really great, i enjoy a lot watching them, they are so SIMPLE REALISTIC CREATIVEand UNIQUE ,i prefer nigerian films hundred times also because at the end of the film there is allways a MORALITY that lead you in life, but americans films are not realistic ,THEY ARE ALWAYS THE SAME. I WANT TO SAY THAT NOLLYWOOD IS MORE THAN HOLLYWOOD in the way they act, CIAO Re: I Want To Become An Actress by TYPOP(m): 8:28pm On Mar 27, 2006 @keliscia I'm not sure I agree with you. There are so many things that are not real in our movies especially most of their love stories. They don't just happen. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by chinani(f): 8:32pm On Mar 27, 2006 @ Keliscia
I wasn't trying to put anyone down. I just meant: keep working to be a great actress. That's about it. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by keliscia(f): 11:47am On Mar 29, 2006 @TYPOP WELL TYPOP (LOVE STORIES ARE THE PART THAT MAKE US DREAM)IT IS TRUE THAT IT JUST DONT HAPPEN, BUT IT IS ALSO TRUE THAT SOME LOVE STORIES START AND END LIKE THAT,THAT IS WHY I SAY THAT NIGERIAN FILMS ARE REALISTIC.
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they all have their contatc number
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the advert was from the film MADAM DEAREST produced by Tunde Ogidan, good quality film OGD pictures/Dove media
Goodluck Re: I Want To Become An Actress by chinani(f): 1:21am On Mar 30, 2006 @ keliscia
I applaud your humility. Yet, I wasn't saying that Anoushka is better than the Nollywood stars or that they were so bad. My intention was for the phrase "I am an actress" to be an exercise in confidence and reinforcement. By saying it you are reinforcing the idea and it takes confidence to say it aloud to strangers. You will start thinking "am I?" and then "OK well, what can I do to bring it to fruition?" On the other hand "aspiring" does not give an individual a timeline or a kick in the pants b/c one can "aspire" their whole lives. This idea isn't everyone's cup of tea. Honestly, it's kind of goofy advice so feel free to ignore it. Alls well. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by vichel(m): 2:30am On Mar 30, 2006 First of all, don't take a picture close to a hamper, it kind of makes u look like a regular chick, and we do not need regular chicks in our movie industry. Please disregard everything i have just said, just kidding. Try to get in contact with right people, am sure your dreams would be met. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by keliscia(f): 2:26pm On Mar 30, 2006 @vichel don't worry thanks 4 your advise :Pkiss Re: I Want To Become An Actress by whiteroses(f): 2:35pm On Mar 30, 2006 keliscia is so fine, that is so gay of me. lol. you look exactly like my school daughter that's why i comment. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by vichel(m): 5:49pm On Mar 30, 2006 Whiteroses, u are definitely creeping me out , but hey u both very cute Re: I Want To Become An Actress by keliscia(f): 12:24pm On Mar 31, 2006 @whiteroses
THANKS A LOT 4 YOUR COMMENT I REALLY APPRECIATE, YOU LOOK GOOD TO. YOU ARE REALLY A BEAUTIFUL LADY Re: I Want To Become An Actress by LoverBwoy(m): 1:01pm On Mar 31, 2006 yo keliscia, who is in that in your profile and who's that up thurrr? ^^^
If u are the one up there , i can be your manager
how old are u by the way ? Re: I Want To Become An Actress by whiteroses(f): 2:10pm On Mar 31, 2006 thanks keliscia and vichel. mwaah Re: I Want To Become An Actress by keliscia(f): 7:00pm On Apr 01, 2006 @loverBWOY YES I AM THE ONE, THANKS 4 THE COMPLEMENT, YES I KNOW AM REALLY BEAUTIFUL(JUST KIDDING ) THANKS!!!!!!!! Re: I Want To Become An Actress by adekemi(f): 1:43pm On Apr 14, 2006 i will like 2 be an actress i think i have this thing inside of me that i want to let the world to see Re: I Want To Become An Actress by LoverBwoy(m): 2:06pm On Apr 14, 2006 yea i wanna see that thing too boo boo
Send it to me @ adekemi , i wil hook u up Re: I Want To Become An Actress by TYPOP(m): 2:19pm On May 06, 2006 @whiteroses ,
@LoverBwoy , Hey, what do you want to do with adekemi? Re: I Want To Become An Actress by eveseh(f): 5:57pm On May 06, 2006 good luck Re: I Want To Become An Actress by LoverBwoy(m): 7:07pm On May 08, 2006 TYPOP:
@whiteroses ,
I was actually expecting to see a white lady on your profile. Was dissapointed, not by the beauty, but by the colour. You look cute.
@LoverBwoy , Hey, what do you want to do with adekemi?
how can you be dissappointed by her color??
what i want to do with adekemi?
i want to see that "thing inside of her" Re: I Want To Become An Actress by smartsoft(m): 10:50pm On May 15, 2006 If she is still intrested, she can mail me to [email protected] and i would hook her up with someone. Re: I Want To Become An Actress by mcmohd: 8:15pm On Aug 17, 2006 Hi!
What I would suggest you to create your profile on http://www.talentgroups.com and then create your own Music Group / Movie Group or you can join any other existing group to participate in movie making or music album. Once your group will become complete then you will be able to make your own movie or pop album.
How it works? Just check it out at http://www.talentgroups.com
Hope this helps
Mohtashim Re: I Want To Become An Actress by Oracle(m): 6:04pm On Aug 18, 2006 Have you people asked Orikinla? I think you should mail him and let him know what you want, he might be able to help
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