#also you can't really tell in the photos but this dude was fucking RIPPED
isawken · 10 months
currently obsessing over: these chaotic photos of circus clown Lou Jacobs teaching classes at the Ringling Bro's clown college
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sayakxmi · 5 months
[Magi reread] Night 73: Rukh's Will
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I feel like this shot looks a little better.
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The only valid reaction at this point ngl.
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Literally never paid enough attention to realize there are human silhouettes
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Well, NOW I can tell
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Cute, and tbh I'm absolutely reading too much into this, but Aladdin looks kinda sad, so I suspect he KNOWS.
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Alibaba thinking about Cassim;;;
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Anise genes are strong af. All Rashid gave Alibaba is hair color, the horn and insecurity.
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That. Smile.
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Love it, but it also makes me think that the pairings go as follows: Alibaba (Amon's a Heat Djinn) + Aladdin (Heat Magician), Kougyoku (Vinea's a Water Djinn) + Judar (Water Magician) and Hakuryuu (Zagan & Belial are both Lfie Djinns) + Titus (Life Magician). Idk, made me think about combos when I read that, and it's kinda funny that all the main KVs have a fitting Magi.
RIP Sinbad
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Alibaba... really tends to get caught by some weird tentacles, huh.
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This action will have severe consequences.
Like, seriously, do you ever think how if Judar hadn't been shown this by Aladdin, he probably wouldn't have left Al-Thamen for real & team up with Hakuryuu? Like, maybe he would've, but he would've been still under Al-Thamen's control in some ways, like, I doubt he would've put his all into supporting Hakuryuu. Before that he was just vibing. Now he has a goal and it's revenge, which is what unites them later on. Not to mention, Judar was kinda Meh magician before (probably cuz Al-Thamen, I recall some extra abt him having to practice magic in secret), so he would've been much weaker.
Anyway, all I'm saying is, Aladdin created his own most powerful adversary, and I think that's neat. Wouldn't have it any other way.
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Enlightened. In the worst way.
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The more you look at these panels, the sadder it gets. And I'm starting to think about them more, and I'm starting to get sadder, too. Like. Lil Judar reaching towards his father. His dad is crying, his mom, too, but she's smiling, probably trying to console him. Do you think lilttle Judar is crying, because he can tell something is wrong? Or maybe he's laughing, because he doesn't fully realize the danger?
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Did he reach him just in time to get killed? Oh my god.
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There's blood on his blanket. His parents' blood. God.
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No shit dude gets immediate breakdown, who wouldn't.
Man, I didn't come here to be sad for Judar.
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THAT'S what I'm here for. Oh man.
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What do I even say
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What a fucking mess, man
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The thing is. I don't think Alibaba's ever suspected that Cassim actually hated him. Least of all that he hated him the most. Their relationship was a mess, and Alibaba knew it was a mess, like, since post-palace Cassim had treated him awfully from what we've seen. There's no way Alibaba didn't understand at least that Cassim was angry with him. But to actually hate him? And what's more...
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...to hate him since they were kids? If it started later, then at least Alibaba could've reasoned it in some way, like after Mariam's death, because Alibaba was gone when they needed him etc, but sinec they were kids? What had Alibaba done to earn this? If it's not something he'd done, then the only thing left is that it was just... him. That Cassim hated him for the way he was.
Which is exactly what it is. I'll never get over their (and also Hakuryuu & Alibaba, bc they share some similarities) mess of a relationship. Because as much as Cassim hates Alibaba, he loves him just as much. It probably infuriates him even more.
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Sorry for sending the entire page, but I'm near photo limit, so I had to make some changes.
The sheer irony is that half of the time it was Cassim keeping him safe. Because the fucker couldn't make up his heart whether he really wanted Alibaba ruined or to remain as pure as possible. God.
Bro's traumatized. Can't blame him. Imagine the last living member of your family who's also been your best friend since forever & you love him more than anything & you spent half of your life confused about him betraying you and then justifying that, because you cannot even consider an idea that he could've actually wanted to hurt you, only for him to just say straight to your face that nah he hates your guys and wants to fuck you up as much as possible.
The root of Cassim's anger is his self-hatred, and that just breaks me a little. His self-loathing is just that bad, and the world made him feel like trash, and so did the trauma, and so did his childhood near Alibaba who'd had an opportunity to be a happy kid unlike him, just reminding him how different they were. Man.
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Can we just talk how Aladdin is in the middle of fighting Judar & he still does everything he can to guide Alibaba?
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Neat image.
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And that's the horrifying part. The fact that these are his real feelings. And it will hurt. But only Alibaba can do something about it now.
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I fucking love this image. And the whole, "You're my candidate to be king!". Like, Aladdin is embracing his role of a Magi, now that he truly understands it, and he chooses Alibaba. Because of course he does. And the contrast between Alibaba and Cassim... Ughh, that's the good stuff.
I could probably talk more, but I have to go now, but anyway, man, I love this series.
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queen-boudicca · 2 years
First up in the nuwho rewatch, Rose!
It's ya girl! 
I love how RTD sets look like actual places people live. Like that looks like an living room
Love the music so much omg
MICKEY i love you and your dorky dancing
This music is an absolute bop
Wait did she forget to bring down the till or did she hope nobody would notice before she left and didn't have to do it
Why is the ceo's office in the basement? And she knows him on a first name basis? Oh wait i bet that means chief electrical officer or something (judging by how there's the lightning sign on his door idk)
Don't like this music as much
Oh okay so it did stand for that
Rip Wilson
"I'm gonna go up there and blow it up! Which might well kill me in the process, but don't worry about me; go on home and have your beans on toast"
God i missed nine so much omg he's so sassy 
Lol their cute bickering it's amazing
"You need something stronger let's to go the pub"
"There's a match on isn't there?"
"Well I've got no idea what you're talking about how dare you even insinuate—"
Wakes up, goes back to bed
"I know she is Greek but that's not the point" amazing
"Well anything could happen" "no" the doctor is ace af and we stan 
Love the implication that nine hasn't seen his reflection, when later we get a whole series of audio dramas that took place after he regenerated and before he met rose so he hasn't looked in a mirror or anything in all that time
Jackie blow-drying her already dry hair for... reasons?
God he's such a bitch i love him
NINE'S THEME (which yes is basically the same as tens theme shut up his is softer and just has the vocals)
Rose googles "doctor" expecting anything other than a list of doctors and then goes to an internet stranger's house and would've gone alone if Micky hadn't insisted on coming
Also how the fuck is that picture supposed to look anything like nine
Also why was the doctor at the Kennedy assassination? 
Oh look another photo that looks nothing like him at all
At least the drawing does, though that's mostly bc of the outfit
'His constant companion is death' dude didn't you just say that he visited a family who then decided not to go on the titanic and thus survived? 
Oh i love these effects
Not gonna blame Rose for not realizing Mickey was sus bc nobody would think someone they know would be kidnapped and replaced by an evil plastic replica
lol love rose running right out even though fake Mickey is chasing them
She's so beautiful
And nines purposefully avoiding caring about Mickey bc he's jaded and doesn't want to be distracted and wants to think that sacrifices are justified bc that's how he copes
And rose is rightly like hey wtf how can you forget about him
God I love how a character calls out the doctor on his flaws (which are justified and understandable and make even more sense the more we learn about him) and it's actually true and not immediately criticized by the narrative certain showrunners could never
Nine in the middle of the London eye I'm gonna cry
I love how the doctor always cites the specific article or whatever from the shadow proclamation. Like even when alien species are governed by it do they really know every article and shit? I could cite maybe like five articles of my country's founding documents there's way everyone knows what part of whatever law he's citing
Hc that they just name random numbers and shit and nobody knows enough about it to contradict him
The grief in his voice holy fuck and how he's choked up and stuff
God Eccleston deserves an Oscar for this
People say he should get one for dalek and they're right but this is fucking incredible too
Aww Clive no
Jackie you are not doing a good job of running away
Rose i love you taking time to monologue before you save the day king shit
No i can't even lie i actually love her little speech you go queen
Mickey my beloved are you all right
Rose maybe tell your mom you're okay before you hang up lol
Rose maybe consider that Mickey didn't have any time to adjust or anything and he was just kidnapped and didn't really get to talk to the doctor at all
Aww nine is so sad :-(
Anyway the other possibility is that this was right after he regenerated but then he left w the tardis and had all the audio adventures before coming back and telling rose that it also travels in time
Now I'm filled with an overwhelming desire to read some nine fanfic (if only I fucking had any someone please rec some to me)
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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Please let me know if you wanted to be tagged 😊
Summary: Where Colson meets the girl in a strip club and kept thinking of her the whole time. 
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Vegas has the best strip clubs. Dang the girls here are hot. Like with this one and Colson has been staring at her while she perform. He couldn't take his eyes off her.
"What's your name baby?"
Aww what a vixen. She stood out among all the strippers here, and she's the star stripper for tonight.
"Candy."  That's her stripper name but he wanted to know her real name. "Well I'm curious how sweet you taste Candy, wanna have fun tonight?" Candy leaned down in front of him, both hands on his lap.
"Oh? But aren't you a community dick?" His friends 'oohed' by Candy's remark. He felt himself blush too because he was never sacked like what this girl did.
"Sorry Mr. Hotshot, got better dicks to pull." The woman blew him a flying kiss and a wink leaving him agape.
"Yo! What the fuck! Kells you alright?" Slim slapped his shoulders then the gang started laughing again.
That was so mean, shouldn't be strippers throwing their selves to the famous? Then what the hell was that?
Shaking his head and shrug off what happened, Kells looked around to see if there's someone who can give him a lap dance or something to forget that Candy girl.
But he couldn't, so he brought a girl in their hotel and fuck her senseless thinking she is Candy.
The gang just got back to L.A when Colson recieved a call saying he's been invited to Paris fashion week. Even though he barely rested he flew to Paris for the said event, heck he still have hangover.
Some of the guests are A-list celebrities and he feels a bit out of place he thank gods when Douglas is also here too.
"Dude, this is overwhelming." Douglas is pacing back and forth in their dressing room while he's pulling up his tight leather pants.
"Yeah, to think you have to wear this expensive clothing."
Kells is still trying to zip up his pants and when he did he groaned because his bulge is too obvious, for sure everyone in the net will be feasting his package later when their photos will come out.
"Can we fast forward and go to the after party already?"
Kells grinned. "Hell yeah." Kells loves party and he will party hard later and weed of course, he haven't smoked a blunt since he got here.
Douglas and him went to the event running late, they were mob by paparazzis before peacefully entering the venue.
"Now showtime."
They were seated not too far from T-stage and can clearly see the models. Kells started get bored so he scrolled in instagram looking from time to time to the show.
He almost drop his phone when he saw a familiar looking woman walking down the runway.
He even blink his eyes to check of he is not hallucinating.
"Holy Shit. I didn't take any drugs or weed am I?" His mouth in agape while his sight followed a certain someone walking in the damn catwalk. It's Candy.
The stripper from Vegas, the only difference is this one is a brunette Candy was blonde.
Impossible. He shook his head, maybe he was just hallucinating or hangover. Damn that woman, can't get off his mind, he needs a fuck later.
Suddenly he is interested in the show. He waited until the final walk and all models are on stage.
His gaze landed on Candy, and never look anywhere.
"I see you are already interested at someone." Douglas nudged him but his sight never left Candy.
"That's Nicole Mckagan." He look at Douglas this time, brows furrowing.
"She's related to Duff Mckagan?"
She is related to Duff Mckagan, indeed she is.
"Yep. She's the third daughter, she's his wife's niece but the couple adopted her."  No wonder this one has the Susan Holmes edge.
But he could be wrong, this couldn't be her. She is known in the industry and why would she be a stripper?
The show was a blast and everyone hugged together backstage after the show. Nicole was overwhelmed by the success and also being part of it.
This was one of her dream, to walk in Paris fashion show though runways aren't new to her anymore. She only wish Mae was with her but her sister is also somewhere doing a show, they are kicking ass in fashion and their parents couldn't be more proud.
"What are we waiting for? Let's get the party started!"
Everyone changed to their after party outfits, Nicole changed into her body con dress pairing it with a high thigh boots and a faux fur.
It was all flashing of lights and shouts from paparazzis when they one by one left the venue. Famous models were mobbed by pops and some A-list celebs.
She turned when she heard that familiar voice. It's none other than her sister/cousin Grace. The eldest among them.
"Grace." Grace Mckagan ran to her and embraced her in a bear hug. Because of her heels Grace looked even smaller. They are all gracefully tall but Grace is the shortest of the three. "Can't believe you flew to Paris." She kisses her sister's cheek.
"Well mom and dad went to NYC for Mae so I came to Paris for you."
Their parents are supportive and never misses when it comes to their big shows so someone must come to watch.
"I love you, now why don't you come to the after party with me?"
They went to Nicole's car waiting. "Yes please. You're killing that faux fur though."
They both giggled. The two catch up while in the car. Grace had been busy with her gigs, she's the only one who pursued music in the family. Mae is good with music too but it is not just her path of career.
Even though they aren't her real parents she is thankful for them for bringing her into their life. She couldn't remember her real parents, because they died in a car crash when she was just a baby and the Mckagans adopted her. Her mom now (Susan) was her aunt biologically but since they adopted her she considers her as her real mom same with Duff.
They arrived at the party and everyone turned their direction to them. They are quiet known but not that famous so its no surprise when there are head turning sometimes.
"Oh my gosh Graceyy!" Taylor, Nicole's friend ran to Grace to hug her.
"Tay!" Taylor is a Victoria Secret Angel and a humble person who really worked their way to the top.
"What's up Tay, nice show by the way." Grace kissed Taylor,  Taylor rolled her eyes. "Well yeah but RIP to my feet. These heels are killing me. C'mon girls let's enjoy the part."
The place is crowded but not in a suffocating way.
"You go girls I'll just go to the washroom."
Taylor and Grace went to their fun while she went to the long line of bathroom.
She is rummaging through her purse when she bump into someone really tall.
"I'm sorry I wasn't look---"
"It's alright Candy."
She stopped in her tracks and look up to see the person she bumped with.
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"Fancy seeing you here eh?"
He knew her. He recognized her. The person she avoided to see ever again.
"Come on forgot me already?"
A smirk formed in his lips. She dreaded this day that they will meet each other again after that stupid dare in sin city.
They were having fun that time in Vegas, she lost in a game and stripping was one of the consequences it was just unfortunate that she encountered Machine Gun Kelly and they meet again today and for sure he already found out who she is. She will be in doom.
"I'm----I--I----fuck damn it."  
Nicole pulled him out of that place and they went somewhere less crowded. She lets go of his hand and face him.
"O-okay first, forget that it happened and I wasn't the person you  met that time. It was------ god just forget it."
Kells smiled. He don't know but he find the situation amusing.
He just wanted to know her and fuck her but Nicole Mckagan is something else. Why was she in that strip club by the way?
"Well Candy---"
"And don't call me that." Nicole cut him off. He grins.
"Okay but Candy, you know I'm not the type of person who forgets easily. Especially when they blackballed me."
Candy--Nicole's jaw dropped again for the second time.
"Please just forget it and---and don't tell anyone."
He isn't like that but he could use it as an advantage in the situation.
Nicole's eyes lit up. "But one date."
She look at him unbelievably.
"I'm sorry what?"
Kells is grinning at her again.
"One date. Tomorrow before I leave Paris."
Even if this fashion week will be over, she doesn't know whe he will be over, at some point they will meet or bump each other again in L.A.
So for the sake of her dignity.....
"Fine, one date. Tomorrow."
Kells gave her a triumphant smile.
"I'll pick you up at 10. Enjoy your night Candy."
He leaned to give her a peck almost kissing her on the lips.
What did herself got into?
Nicole woke up at 9:30 with a slight hangover. She didn't drink much last night because her thoughts were running about MGK and their date. Which is today. God why did she agreed when she saw how he was with the girls last night.
"Jesus its 9 go back to sleep Nics."
Grace said in groggy voice. She was the one who had really fun last night.
"God. I hate you, now I have to deal with him because of that stupid dare."
She got off from their bed and went to the bathroom. She took a bath and brush her teeth and Grace went inside while she is doing her make up.
"Oh my god. Nicky! It's destiny!" Grace gush while leaning on the door frame.
"It's a nightmare. It was embarrassing...." It was really embarrassing. They met in an odd circumstances if things were different...what? He won't even noticed me Nicole thought, but she shrugs it off.
"It's okay to date Nics after that dick ex of yours."
That's one of the reasons why they were in Vegas. To have fun after her break up.
She changed into one of her turtle necks, a pair of high waist jean and a pair of high heeled boots.
Nicole is doing her hair when there's a knock on their hotel door.
It must be him. She suddenly felt nervous. Relax it's just a fucking date. She convinced herself. Grace open the door for her her sister hasn't even fix herself.
"Oh, I do really believe in destiny." Meanwhile Kells was furrowing her brows when someone opened the door for him instead of Cand--- Nicole.
"Go back to bed Gracey. I'll be back later bye."
She kissed the other girl's cheek before closing the hotel room's door that makes the two of them in the hallway.
"Uh sorry about my sister. She's just hangover."
He checked her out first before responsing. The girl is simple yet elegant and Colson can't help but smile. "No it's okay. Come on."
He made sure not to drink too much last night so he that he isn't hangover for their date. He also have his polaroid camera with him, just to take photos and remember this day in Paris with her.
They had their brunch in a French restaurant near the hotel and to be honest she had no idea where he is taking her.
The two talked about what they did last night, all about the fashion week while listening intently to each other.
"I really thought you were a stripper. Turns out your a model, imagine my shock when I saw you walked on that runway.But if you are a stripper I don't mind its much better." Nicole giggled at Colson. He is a funny guy and a dork. And she didn't label her as Duff Mckagan's daughter, back in high school she was just befriended because she is the daughter of Guns n Roses bassist.
"Well Mr. MGK I believe women should be mysterious."
Colson cringed when she called him MGK. "Dude, call me Colson or kells. And yeah I like mysterious ones especially when they left you blackballed." Nicole blushed, she never thought that he finds her sexy.
"Why are you so after me."
She asked. She's just curious why someone like him (who have girls throwing themselves at him) is interested to an average model like her? Well he's famous, he is good looking and sexy. He is funny too.
"Why not? I like you." He answered in a casual way. Another blush crept to Nicole's cheeks.
"Well...whatever Colson."
She can't help but grin. After their brunch he brought her to Seine taking a boat cruise and having a view of Eiffel tower.
After the cruise they went biking around the Eiffel. They laugh the whole time because they are too tall for the bike especially Colson.
"Yeah, run along chicken legs." She stuck her tongue out at him. Colson is behind her trying to fit himself in the goddamn bike.
"Hey Candy look!" She stop to look back at him. He's holding a polaroid and looks like he's taking a photo of her.
"Hey! I wasn't prepared!" She protested, probably he took the shot where she looked like she is lost in Paris.
"Nice try Candy! Hahahaha." And she was right. Her mouth was open and her brows are furrowed, looking like a lost tourist.
"God I hate you."
Colson keep taking candid shots when she isn't looking. Nicole cursed out, why didn't she brought her camera?
She could take a lot of pictures here, the view is just aesthetic.
"Why don't we do something crazy and stupid?" Colson suggested. That's the last thing she wanted to do. The last time she did it in Vegas it led up to her meeting him.
"Like what?"
And seems like the heaven is listening to him when the rain pours.
"Oh my god!" She held his arm and they both started to run.
"Wait!" Colson halted causing her to stop running to.
"We're wet already why don't we just have fun?"
Nicole look at him like he is crazy but fuck it. They are wet already might as well enjoy the rain.
The two of them soaked in the cold rain of Paris, dancing and playing like children. Nicole never felt this childlike again. Passersby are looking at them like they gone crazy, but this is fun especially when you have someone fun too.
Nicole won't forget this very moment, under the rain with a guy in a leather trench coat, leather pants and a boots.
It was dusk already and they are already dry. The two of them watching the sunset.
"You're fun for a rapper you know."
"And you're fun to be a stripper." Nicole threw her the nerds they are eating.
"Well today was epic. Thank you though." Colson's gaze landed on hers and smiled.
"Nah, I should thank you. Not gonna regret saying yes to the date."
It was her turn to smile at him.
"Why were you at that strip club though?" Her smile twitched and she looks back to the sun setting.
"It was just a stupid dare of my friends. I lost a bet and then I became a stripper with a name of Candy." The dare was just to dance. She was just being reckless to entertain him during that time.
"Oh, well you nailed it." She is flattered by his compliment.
"You're really nice Nicole Mckagan and I'm looking forward to knowing you more."
Her heart raced, she stare into his blue orbs and captivated by its color. She never thought he could be this beautiful and captivating. His eyes never left hers when he lean forward, forehead to forehead and nose touching.
Nicole licked her lips and Colson's eyes landed on itss lusciousness.
She closed her eyes when he moved closer and closer but interrupted when his phone rings.
Colson muttered a curse before leaning away amd answered the phone.
"Sorry about that, its my manager. It's our flight."
Nicole nodded. Of course, he is going back to L.A. She don't know but she is saddened by the thought.
"Well I should bring you back to your hotel though." She nodded again. They made their way back to her hotel but her mind is still stuck of what happened. Were they going to kiss?
If they weren't interrupted maybe? God what was she thinking. You couldn't like a person you just met right? Plus she doesn't even know if he is serious. He said he likes her, he didn't specify if as a friend or what. Maybe she was just his distraction while he's here or he is just bored and took advantage of the situation.
"So I guess this is you." She was deep in her thoughts she didn't realize they are already in her hotel room.
"Thank you, for today."
Colson smiled and went to hug her.
"And for keeping our little secret." He giggled while she blush. "I believe in the saying, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
And today, what happens in Paris stays in Paris.
"Nice to meet you Nicole. See you when I see you."
Nicole smiled. She's a bit sad but she know that they will meet again someday.
"Thank you Colson. Bye have a safe flight." She was hesitant to do this but anyway she tiptoed and gave him a peck on the cheek.
She didn't wait for his reaction and went inside her room leaning on the door while her heart race. She stood there for a minute before realizing she forgot something. She didn't have his number.
She opened her door again hoping he's still there but no. He already left.
With a heavy heart she laid down on her bed thinking about how this trip to Paris went.
Her phone vibrated in her pocket, a piece of paper fell from the pocket of her jeans when she fished out her phone.
Just in case you forgot Candy
Nicole can't help but smile. He's cute, what a sneaky bastard.
She opened her phone and her notifications are blowing up.
She opened the one from TMZ and her eyes widened when she saw their photo from last night. When he and Colson are talking and the one where he kissed her.
Oh god. Duff Mckagan will lit her ass.
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mx-in-words · 6 years
Jooheon friends-to-lover!AU.
Fluff, some angst. Kind of smut maybe? Nothing big.
That's my first au so please let me know if you guys liked. Enjoy ♡
~ I'm so soft for this picture shit
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So, my english it's not good at all but I will give this shot okay? Sorry anyway
You are a artist in your "free time" and during the day you actually work in yours parent's company, since you did administrative college and the work pay your bills - also, it's not bad at all. It's a tourism company so you just enjoy taking care about the most political things.
It happens that you know Hyungwon because your parent's and his parent's know each other for a looong time, which it's okay for you??? Yeah, hyung it's a nice guy... but you just don't like him that much, not that close friends you know?
It's Friday night, your friends are in your apartment listening some Lo-Fi Playlist while taking about boring stuff of life, broken hearts memorys and how you all love the idea of having a art gallery together. Some of them are plastic artists, some are photographer's , writers and of course, like you, the painters.
The wine and some crazy cocktails with too much vodka were making everyone's take long laughs and blush more than normally.
You just stopped a moment to appreciate your friends.
" hey y/n, wake up lil bitch, can you do this for me?" You shaked your head to pay attention in your friend.
" hm, sorry, what? " you turn completely to her, showing that you're absolutely focusing on her straight away.
" please help me with your friend hyungwon~~~ " she was making the cutest face ever, you rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile. Your thoughts actually came seen both of them as a couple and Yeah, can work quite good... why not?
" sure, but you know his an idol right? The only reason why any of the fans have killed me yet it's because they know that we are like cousins, almost family and we are not THAT close."
She keeps saying how you should help her and you just did it.
After thinking a lot you called hyungwon with a good idea in your head.
" hey sleephead, how are you?" You smile, FaceTiming with the most sleepy boy ever.
" I am a very hard worker miss y/n! I am going to see you in the barbecue in two days, why did you call me?" The fact that his voice was so soft and calm made your heart melt for your friend.
" I am not going to the barbecue... neither are you actually..." " it's that so?" He laugh putting his hands on his mouth
" yes mister, I will tell why!!!! Party at my place, pizza and some snacks, my crazy but very artistic friends anddd your idols friends. What do you think?"
"yes mister, I will tell why!!!! Party at my place, pizza and some snacks, my crazy but very artistic friends anddd your idols friends. What do you think?"
"sounds GReAT! Let's do it but I am bringing the alcohol because literally you are weiiird" he rolled his eyes.
" whatt? What do you mean crackhead?"
" if I put sugar plus sixteen shots of vodka its your perfect drink, but if I gave you a sip of beer you're making the most gross face ever!"
you literally said that you will kill him but he's right. You ended the call, thinking that you know hyungwon for decades but never meet his members.
Of course you knew monsta x, you're not a dumb shit but you never talked to them. Only Wonho, twice, he was in hyungwon bedroom and pick up your call but that's it.
you texted to your friends in the chat group saying about your plan to get hyungwon with your friend, but nothing very pushy... just to give a little hand.
You searched the names of the others members and find yourself having,,, a,,, crush in ... jooheon?
You decided that the best thing you can really do is sleep and let it go. He's an idol, nop, let it go girl...
this two finals days have been very slow but not boring, actually you worked very hard and everything was looking just fine,,, which is strange!!!! But you just thought " yeah maybe life is planning something huh? I can see it coming"
okay, Friday night, you were getting your makeup ready, really soft glam but nothing too big. Dressing a revealing outfit but very comfy also, high waisted ripped jeans with a white cropped and a militar jacket. Your hair was beautiful, just do way you like it and you smile seeing the final result.
your friends were coming and soon hyungwon was in your door, holding a lot of snacks and the drinks. You greet him and two of the members that get in with him: minhyuk and shownu.
Minhyuk was really loud and that matched with your friends just instantly. Shownu was more quiet but he's sweet personality make everyone fell warm around him.
Soon Chankyun, Wonho and Kihyun arrived. Everyone was playing a drinking game and no sign of jooheon. You didn't want to make this weird question because you didn't know him anyway.
The bottle was pointing you and hyungwon.
"So loser, truth or dare?"
" Dare but remember that I have some photos of you before you fixed your eyebrows so be careful"
you were like BiTCh ShUUUt UPPP okay ~~ " yeah yeah chill boy, I dare you to give a kiss IN THE CHEAK CALM DOWN in the two most beautiful girls here"
he let a sign but just smiled, he got up and kissed your cheak - of course since he likes to breath - and OMG YOUR FRIEND OH SHIT IS HAPPENING.
everyone just give them a " uhuhhhh" " nice"
you hear the door and opened very quickly.
" hi, you're y/n right? " and that was it. Your heart just skipped a beat, the most handsome men with the brightest and most beautiful smile in the world was right in front of you.
" yes! Hi, come in, jooheon right?" You give him space to come in. Calm. The. Fuck.down.
every since jooheon got in, the game got more focused in actually make people drink, everyone was wasted in less than two hours.
" hyungwon" Wonho was supposed to ask a true " is it true that you said to us to not even look at y/n BUT if someone was suppose to do that it can only be jooheon?"
you blushed very hard trying to not laugh and jooheon did the same, what on Earth is happening?
" yes but really y/n!!! jooheon and you!!! I always wanted to introduce both of you but I don't want to make things weird." Hyungwon was saying slowly, moving his hands and petting your head like a lil kid.
The night continued and you finded yourself in the kitchen putting more snacks when jooheon was right next to you.
one minute was like hey and other both of you were talking about the music industry and real talents,, like bffs omg.
" yeah like Chris Brown its nice but he's sexist!!! Look, you and your band can't even get a fucking tattoo and guys like him can beat up his girlfriend or some of them can rape woman and everyone still liking them? Unfair to me bro. " you said eating one of the chips.
" yo you are so fucking right! Like wtf he can be good but that's a lot of new good people that will act like Jesus to get one percent of this guys fame" He said very seriously.
you two keep talking until your friends called you in a rush.
everyone was pointing to the roof, where the window was open and you could see hyungwon very close to your friend, FLIRTING AF!!! YOU WERE SO PROUND AND HAPPY.
" wow I think you are a Cupid right? " jooheon smiled at me and we joined to everyone's conversation until 3 am.
when everyone left, jooheon put his hand in your shoulder and asked your number. You give it to him smiling, saying that you will wait for his text.
since that day, everyday that passed you and jooheon became inseparable and you just felt so safe and warm with him.
after four mouths, he became your bestie. No, you didn't tell your feelings because you were afraid!!!! He's too much, you can't!!!
' can I just come over to cuddle with you? Tough day :( ' he texted you. 'Sure dude, doors, my sofa and my arms are open to you.' You texted back.
'on my way little bee' since you called him joohoney or just honey, he started to call you lil bee, it was cute sure thing but made your heart beat faster than normal, what is not actually good.
" heey little bee, I am here" he said closing the door " I brought you Chinese food".
" I can't live without you anymore, you bring me food!" You hugged him but he hugged you tight, for maybe more than just 20 seconds. " hey joohoney, are you okay?"
- he looked at you with tearing eyes, shaking his head in a no. You hold his hand but pushed him to the sofa. You put a blanket on him, brought his food for him, putting in the table in front of him and hugged him inside the blanket.
" you know you can tell me anything right?" I smiled to him, holding his hands.
" y/n " he looked deep in your eyes " please tell me you don't see me only as a friend."
you have no answer. Of course you don't, but what if... You don't want to screw up everything, you don't see yourself without jooheon anymore. Also the fans, the idol life, your busy jobs...
" please look at me and say that you feel the same. Say that you want me too"  he was really close to you, you can feel his slow breath and how good he smells.
fuck it.
you kissed him. You don't know why but you just did it, and giiiiirl it was dawn good.
his lips were smooth, he put his hands in your face to make the kiss more deep but still soft.
you just feel him anywhere everywhere and all you could think is " why did it take so long? I been ready for this kiss since hyungwon get it monsta x"
since you were apart now, jooheon hugged you and whispered in you ear " please be mine, please"
you felt goosebumps and look at him again. You felt his lips on yours once again but this time hungry, with passion and desire. You couldn't stop, we was addictive, like a dream but so much intense.
his hands now were all over your body and he layed you down in the sofa. The make out session was becaming something more. He's volume now was pressing against your sex and you could feel yourself getting more and more wet every kiss and everytime his hands traveled for your body.
" we should stop right now or I will be hard for me to stop, princess" he whispered looking to you breathless.
" please don't stop jooheon" you said that with all your heart, you need him. " I need you".
that was all jooheon need to know. He didn't stop and girl, cof cof the boy IS GOOD.
you slept together cuddling in your sofa, naked and feeling like finally things were right.
in the next day, you woke up and turn over to see jooheon. He was sleeping like an angel, he was so beautiful and that was scary for you, why would he choose you?
" what is going on in this pretty head huh?" He asked slowly opening his eyes and giving you a soft kiss in your forehead.
" nothing, just happy to be with you."
" God, I am waiting for this for so long, don't ever let go, I am really in love with you y/n so please be my girlfriend."
you smiled and nodded, kissing him. " of course, you're my honey boyfriend, and I am in love with you too"
since this day you were a couple.
jooheon was the best boyfriend.
rap battles to see who gets the last slice of pizza.
pillow talk with some chill lo-fi. Deep stuff and the most funniest inside jokes that make you cry for laughing so hard.
sometimes when you open the door for him he just closes the door with you and take you right there ;) " I been thinking about you and your sexy body the hole day, do you know how crazy I am for you?".
trying to cook for you in the dorms but kihyun and minhyuk can't let him live in peace.
watch some classic films with you. Cry in some fluffy scenes and says how grateful he is for having you :').
making you massages in bad days.
but honestly he is so jealous about hyungwon and you. Even tho hyungwon and your friend are dating for longer than you two.
no big deal, he just get like " please give me more attention I love you more than him :( " and it's a big teddy bear uwu.
... part 2 is here.
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