#also you're not going to get much out of autobiographies if you dont think the author is saying anything about their real life
1d1195 · 6 months
Bestie I had to search my email for the answer to the personality quiz because i took it YEARS ago lol The email said INFJ-T but then I decided to take it again because I think i have changed a bit since then lol The one I took today, i got INFP-T which is the "mediator". I think in some ways most teachers having an extroverted personality makes sense in my head lol In my head it also makes sense that might would be an ambivert but then again idk lol And i Use to LOVE those buzzfeed quizzes! I have a vivid memory of taking those quizzes with friends on the school bus ride back home in middle school lol
Your bf may have a point bc it's pretty common that when parents want to be "friends" instead of "parents" with their kids it mainly stems from other issues which then their kids are exposed to that. BUT I AM IN NO WAY DISSING YOUR MOM! literally being a parent is hard and that's just a generalization and very simplified version from what i've studied!
It's okay! I dont think any less of you or anything negative like that! Some people just don't get too much exposure with other cultures and that's okay as long as you are respectful, questions are always good to ask! Especially with Latinx/Hispanic cultures, they often get clumped together but there's a lot of diversity within those too! Ngl i BAWLED my eyes out Coco when it came out and I saw it in theaters with my parents and they cried too lol But its a yearly rewatch just to cry lol especially since my family actually celebrates the day of the dead it's in some ways therapeutic lol and I've never seen Encanto but i have seen clips and generational trauma is REAL so i understand how people found it so appealing, plus the songs were catchy lol And don't worry about unloading! At least for me, if it got too much I would tell you and I feel comfortable to do so because I know you wouldn't do anything with negative intention!
i will be SAT when you get to TA Harry! my TA is just SO AHHH like idk something about his vibe is something! Like he exudes confidence but not in a way where he's a jerk! plus bestie... HE HAS A SLEEVE OF TATTOOS! he wore a short sleeve today and ugh😵‍💫 I was going crazy in my head! i HIGHLY recommend going to a drag show! i love the drag scene! I think you would probably enjoy a nice drag brunch since those are mainly not in clubs or late at night lol But i do get not wanting to do too much when it's not needed lol like I DONT BLAME YOU!
BAHAH A COUPON! i kind of love thinking of it like that now! And my week is going okay! I went to the bookstore on campus today and got one of those "blind date" with a book so that was fun! I hope your week is going good!! ILY SO MUCH!! thank you for always taking the time to read my messages and responding 😭-💜
I so had a feeling we'd be similar!!! INFJ/INFP either way. I know there's a distinction but four out of five is pretty normal.
No my mom is def one of my best friends and that comes with good and bad. My mom relies heavily on me emotionally and kind of physically. My dad's in rough shape and my sister is also one of my bff's but she's useless when it comes to family stuff. Do you have siblings? I think you said you were an eldest daughter (but I totally could have made that up).
Okay long-winded thing that I talked about with my sister the other day, here we go: I saw this thing that said "you're only remembered for three generations." I thought that was so devastating and tragic because I hardly know my great-grandparents and I know NOTHING about anyone before them. I think I said to my sister word-for-word: "ya know, Day of the Dead is where it's at. That's how you're remembered that is the nicest, sweetest way to remember your family, your heritage." Like I'm really into my ancestry and I want to know more (but there's really not much about us--bunch of European peasants more than likely HAHAHAHAHA). But part of me wants to write an autobiography (it would probs be the MOST boring biography in the history of the world). It just seems sad to me that after a few generations I'll be forgotten, through no one's fault or anything. It's not like I'll be a famous politician or celebrity or a composer. It's just so wild. Anyway, all of this to say I think Day of the Dead is SO nice and cool (also it kicks of my b-day month) But I would love to learn more about your culture if you'd like to share! 💕
A SLEEVE OF TATTOOS OKAY SAY LESS 😍🤤 I'd melt. TA-Harry is writing itself! I have a thing about forearms--not like in a WEIRD way just like okay what was the reason for someone's forearm to look sexy? Like how does that work. There might just be something wrong with my brain.
OMG I've never tried a blind-date with a book! I love it! That sounds like so much fun! Let me know how you like!
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larnax · 2 years
assuming that everything anything an author writes 100% accurately represents their real life opinions and experiences shows a lack of reading comprehension, but, crucially, so does assuming that authors never write things that do accurately represent their real life opinions and intentions. the reactionary response to people taking everything an author write at face value that's "HAH, you dumbass, i'm a million times smarter than you because i understand that any time an author writes about murder they're not condoning it" is also really shallow and counterproductive because analyzing an author's work to try and discern which parts of it they genuinely believe and which they don't is an extremely valuable type of analysis. at the very least if you don't have this skill it's impossible for you to recognize propaganda, which a lot of these people helpfully demonstrate.
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thinking about your post urging people to reading various genres and content and to challenge their reading skills... and i agree with you so much i definitely think it can strengthen one's reading comprehension and broaden prospective. like even if the quality isn't good or the genre isn't your thing, it can be a fun experience to read something outside of what you're used to. your post just makes me think how nice it can be to just read and gain anything, whether that's maybe knowledge or new queries, out of something new.
also i have to ask do you have any book recommendations? :)
YOU!!!! YOU GET IT!!!!!! one of the many values of reading is what you GAIN from books, and how you can apply that to ur life - whether its philosophical/existential questions or entertaining moments or parts that made you emotional in some way. even if you didnt like a book, walking out of it with the feeling that youve gained/felt something new or intriguing is its own reward.
and as for recommendations.....i have to say my favorite genre is definitely murder mystery, and my favorite author is agatha christie!!! the queen of plot twists imo. her books can be offputting to some bc a lot of the time her books dont always open up with the murder itself; many chapters are dedicated to the events LEADING UP to the murder in order to provide context and drop hints. not all of her books do this, but i can see why some people might become impatient when reading some of her work. that being said, my favorite book of hers had got to be the murder of roger ackroyd, but i also love the abc murders and hercule poirot's christmas.
as far as standalone books go, one book ive been devouring recently is i'm glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy, an autobiography about a former child actress who faced considerable abuse both in her home life and on set for some of her most famous works, most notably "icarly" and "sam and cat." its a hard read that contains descriptions of abuse, eating disorders, trauma, and child exploitation (sometimes sexual). ultimately, though, it becomes a book about healing as she describes life before and after the death of her abusive mother. mccurdy's writing style is so creative and snarky and clever, with some dark humor thrown in. not for those sensitive to the discussed themes, but definitely an engaging read.
i would also like to recommend a book that ive recommended to other people in my life before: penpal by dathan auerbach. this is a horror novel with themes of stalking, death (both humans and animals), and kidnapping. it originally started as a series of short stories online before being published as a full book. i dont want to talk too much about it bc i dont want to spoil anything, but its one of the most suspenseful and chilling stories ive ever read. highly recommend going into it blind bc it hits so much harder when u dont know whats coming.
finally, and this is a VERY different and more unconventional choice, i strongly recommend reading calvin and hobbes. it was a newspaper comic strip that ran from 1985-1995, and it was what inspired me to start drawing and writing stories in the first place. there are several books and collections containing various comics from the strip's run, and theyre all fantastic. they will make you laugh, cry, and think. i know what youre thinking: "how can a newspaper comic be so good?" but trust me, TRUST ME, its one of the most inspirational works of art i have ever come across. without calvin and hobbes i likely wouldnt be where i am today, it literally changed my life. please read calvin and hobbes i am BEGGING you.
theres a LOT of books i love but i am currently living in an apartment farther away from my hometown, where i have a bunch more on my bookshelf. so sorry if these recommendations arent extensive enough i dont have access to my actual Book Supply akskdkdkd
thank u for letting me talk abt books!!!!! have a wonderful day/night/etc and always remember to keep reading :)
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