#also. the ringing of a bell wards off evil and brings good luck. i carry a bell w me everywhere. usually on a bag or as one of these pins
identityquest · 1 year
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lucky cat pins 🔔
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magicoldcottage · 1 year
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The Power of Bells
Everyone knows of protective circles made of salt, but carrying enough salt in a travelling kit simply wasn't practical so which kits instead carried a bell. Ringing the bell cleansed the immediate area prior to crafting. Below is a Witch Kit I found in an antique shop in Cornwall England. The contents are fairly simple silver spoons, herbs, a snuff box, bones and the bell.
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Around the world
Bells have a long and rich history in pagan traditions across the world. They can be used for communication, music, ritual, and decoration.
Morris dancing is a form of folk dance that originated in England and involves rhythmic steps, handkerchiefs, sticks, and bells. Morris dancers usually wear bells on their legs or shoes to accentuate their movements and create a lively sound. The bells are also believed to ward off evil spirits, bring good luck and celebrate the seasons. Some Morris dancers also wear costumes that reflect their local traditions or the characters they represent, such as animals, clowns, or hobby horses. Morris dancing is often performed at solstice festivals2
 Bells can also be used to create harmony, balance, or peace in oneself or in the environment34
Bells have many other uses and meanings in folklore around the world. For instance, in China, bells were used as musical instruments, religious symbols, and status indicators since ancient times. Bells were also believed to communicate with the gods, to ward off evil forces, or to bring prosperity and happiness56 In Japan, bells are often found in temples and shrines, where they are rung by worshippers to express their gratitude or wishes. Bells are also used to mark the passage of time or to announce important events7 In Europe, bells were used by the church to call people to prayer, to celebrate weddings or funerals, or to warn of danger or disaster. Bells were also thought to have supernatural powers, such as preventing lightning strikes, driving away demons, or curing diseases89
Bells are more than just simple objects; they are expressions of culture, faith, and art. They have a unique ability to resonate with our emotions and senses, and to connect us with our past and present. Bells are part of our human heritage and deserve our appreciation and respect.
Want to know more visit the following websites: The History of Bells, Bell - Wikipedia, Bell History | National Bell Festival.
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On Sale Now!!! Only two left in the shop, once they are gone these OOAK beauties are gone for good!! ⚡️🔮⚡️. Rita's House Blessing & Protection Amulets have been designed as blessing and protection door amulets! Although when I had them in mind I created them to hang on your door knobs, they can also be hung on the door itself, in the hearth of your home, in front of a window or above your altar or even in the Southeast corner of your home to draw on the luck properties. Each Amulet carries with it properties of luck, protection, prosperity, manifesting wishes, banishing negative energy and helping to resolve worries in the home. Each piece was created with a Lucky Horseshoe Amuletfor bringing luck and pouring blessings down upon you, also carries mystical powers known to ward off evil spirits and provide protection against foul play! Each amulet is charmed with different talisman such as an evil eye, ling nut bat root, brass bells, 100 dolla bill charm, mojo bean, worry doll or cimaruta. All carrying energies with them such as protection, good luck, ward off evil spirits and energy, abundance, wishing, manifesting, love, blessings, release stress and worries, and great spiritual energy and flow for your home. Each time the bell rings (like when you open or shut your door) it wards off negative spirits from entering your home while inviting the fairies of abundance and blessings! (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLfXmJqnMZz/?igshid=147hvx9mysqvj
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shintowitch · 7 years
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Bells might just be the earliest form of superstitious practise that I remember. My baba attached three sakura-patterned suzu bells on my schoolbag as a kid, purportedly for good luck and protection from evil spirits -- and Japan is far from the only place to have associated bells and bellringing with mystic practise. They’ve been used worldwide to ward off evil and carry messages – and in a more metaphysical sense, sound is the movement of energy through substance. Sounds have the potential to work powerful magic.
Here are some of the ways I’ve found utilising bells to be helpful to my craft. While I’m more likely to use traditional suzu type bells, your own background, path and culture will likely have its own types of bells – and as ever, bells can be ornate antiques or they can be a bottle cap in a tin can, as long as they’re used with intent.
🔔 As with so much of the craft, if you’re new to the witching bell, it’s a matter of exploration and experimentation. Get a “feel” for what works for you and the specific bell you’re using.
🔔 It’s good practise to ensure that the bell itself is cleansed, warded and protected – you don’t want anything nasty tapping into that power. All witching tools can do as much harm as good, intentional or accidental.
🔔 A good way to begin incorporating bells into your craft is infuse them into any typical ritual that you’re comfortable with, or even just a prayer or moment of contemplation at your altar if you have one.
🔔 Give the bell a soft ring while focusing on the energy it’ll ripple and move, try to track the movements it creates and what it touches. The tone it’s sending out.  The most primal and versatile use of the bell – and what many of the below come down to – is simply another manner of physically channelling energy, giving it shape and direction.
🔔 “Passive” bells such as windchimes or small bells attached to belongings you don’t want disturbed are a starting point. They will scare off some forms of spirit all by themselves, especially if appropriately blessed, charmed or enchanted. Or cursed.
🔔 Gently tolling can draw energy into a ward or circle you are forming and enforce its protective properties, or for a simple cleanse, letting the sound travel to every corner of the area you are protecting. It’s a little more “cutting” than a smoke or incense cleansing, which I view as more “gentle” forms of cleansing. Both have their uses.
🔔 Harder tolling is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful ways in which to enforce a banishing -- however, it’s best to you know what you’re doing with the bell before you go bashing it about.
🔔 Bells can have quite the effect on your perception and awareness. Ringing and then stopping, listening to the silence left in its wake, can bring you new perceptions or make things you’d previously missed obvious. Let it attune your mind and senses to something new, whether that’s in your thoughts or something with a little more presence. Visualise travelling with the sound, taking heed of the energies it touches and disturbs. Take note of the echoes -- you’ll learn what they mean with experience.
🔔 A set of windchimes can let you know if something is passing through or if there’s some unusual energy afoot – and, yes, it may also just be letting you know that it’s a particularly breezy day, but that’s witchcraft for you.
🔔 This can be as simple as calling good energies to witching tools, spell jars, tarot decks, crystals, altars and shrines, your favourite teddy bar, anything at all.
🔔 With spirit work, it can truly help to magnify your “calling”. This can range from gently bringing your latest offering to the attention of your friendly neighbourhood house spirit -- all the way to trying to catch the attention of something more. Be mindful, however. As I said, I consider bells pretty powerful tools and a call that’s too loud is not good spirit work practise for the spirit worker’s own sake. It can really help coax something out of hiding if you’re gentle with it, though.
🔔 Some use bells to mark the beginning and end of a ritual, and I’ve read that in Wiccan practise an altar bell can be used to invoke the Goddess, although as a non-Wiccan, I’ll welcome corrections on that if I’m wrong.
🔔 In my experience, very simple forms of communication via bell work a lot better than anything too complex – “come here” and “stay away” have already been covered, and other than that they can serve as greetings or signals of a start or end of some practise or ritual, the opening or closing of a door, etc.
🔔 They can also serve as a warning or a litmus test regarding spirits, a signalling of your presence and awareness, lack of fear, or willingness to defend -- but be prepared to deal with whatever responses these garner.
🔔 Bindings are where you most often see that famous (clockwise) circular motion of the bell, embodying the meaning of the spell. This can be a simple binding to seal a spell or charm or enchantment, or a spirit-binding.
🔔 Personally, spirit-binding is something I do as little as possible simply due to my beliefs holding the autonomy of spirits in very high regard. However, sometimes situations arise that call for it, and I’m aware that not all bindings are unwilling. Far from it -- and some spirits are dangerous when unbound.
🔔 As an animist (believing that all things, including inanimate objects, contain a spirit of their own), I consider gently nudging a spirit back into its physical form a sort of semi-binding, and that can be useful.
I’ll leave you all with a note that I am an urban apartment-dwelling witch through and through, so I understand that we can’t all be jangling away at all hours. I myself have a glass windchime in my front window that makes a distinct but muted sound when disturbed by passers-through, and highly recommend wooden ones also. I also only use my small and relatively quiet suzu bell for my crafting – one given to me by my baba herself.
Feel free to add any of your own findings, and happy tolling.
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OOAK in the shop now!! Rita's one of a kind hand crafted, witch crafted amulets, charms, talisman and altar shrines are the perfect addition to any witch's or spiritual conjurer's home. The will bring in the energy needed to help you manifest your dreams or banish negativity. You can use them as a focal point for mediation, a working altar tool, or simply as a good vibe piece in your home. Sure to bring in good juju, don't miss out on the one calling to you today! They also make perfect unique gifts that people will treasure for life. ⚡️🔮⚡️ Rita's House Blessing & Protection Amulets have been designed as blessing and protection door amulets! Although when I had them in mind I created them to hang on your door knobs, they can also be hung on the door itself, in the hearth of your home, in front of a window or above your altar or even in the Southeast corner of your home to draw on the luck properties. Each Amulet carries with it properties of luck, protection, prosperity, manifesting wishes, banishing negative energy and helping to resolve worries in the home. Each piece was created with a Lucky Horseshoe Amuletfor bringing luck and pouring blessings down upon you, also carries mystical powers known to ward off evil spirits and provide protection against foul play! Each amulet is charmed with different talisman such as an evil eye, ling nut bat root, brass bells, 100 dolla bill charm, mojo bean, worry doll or cimaruta. All carrying energies with them such as protection, good luck, ward off evil spirits and energy, abundance, wishing, manifesting, love, blessings, release stress and worries, and great spiritual energy and flow for your home. Each time the bell rings (like when you open or shut your door) it wards off negative spirits from entering your home while inviting the fairies of abundance and blessings! (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-qZhN1HeDs/?igshid=927yb245ad7t
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Staring putting these beautiful amulets up after I got some better pictures with sun!! 💛 Rita's House Blessing & Protection Amulets have been designed as blessing and protection door amulets! Although when I had them in mind I created them to hang on your door knobs, they can also be hung on the door itself, in the hearth of your home, in front of a window or above your altar or even in the Southeast corner of your home to draw on the luck properties. Each Amulet carries with it properties of luck, protection, prosperity, manifesting wishes, banishing negative energy and helping to resolve worries in the home. Each piece was created with a Lucky Horseshoe Amuletfor bringing luck and pouring blessings down upon you, also carries mystical powers known to ward off evil spirits and provide protection against foul play! Each amulet is charmed with different talisman such as an evil eye, ling nut bat root, brass bells, 100 dolla bill charm, mojo bean, worry doll or cimaruta. All carrying energies with them such as protection, good luck, ward off evil spirits and energy, abundance, wishing, manifesting, love, blessings, release stress and worries, and great spiritual energy and flow for your home. Each time the bell rings (like when you open or shut your door) it wards off negative spirits from entering your home while inviting the fairies of abundance and blessings! ⚡️🍀⚡️ (at Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-EDdqYHFds/?igshid=ncnz4hlki3es
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