#altaïr is enjoying the chaos desmond is creating
teecupangel · 1 year
Thinking about a Desmond time travel au where because of the Bleeds whenever Desmond is alone with one of his ancestors his hindbrain defaults to oh this is a hallucination and he just loses all filter between his thoughts and what he's saying just compete steam of consciousness because it's funny to think of someone going up to the ancestor in question (I'm imaging Altair because he's my fave) and being like why do you trust Desmond he's the most secretive and quiet person ever and Altair responds with something like "Desmond has never once been quiet or secretive in my presence"
“He’s hiding something.”
Oh, he was.
But he had said all of it to Altaïr in complete confidence and Altaïr was not inclined to share the knowledge and secrets Desmond had imparted to him.
“He cannot be trusted.”
Trust had always been a leap of faith and any trustful person could easily betray them without a second’s warning.
Al Mualim showed that. 
“He’s dangerous.”
All of them were. They were Assassins. That was the point. 
This is getting ridiculous.
“He’s planning something.”
Oh, he was. But he was also not that good with planning or thinking ahead but, it was alright, Altaïr was helping him in that regard.
The idea of ‘one-upping’ one of the beings that had played with the fates of mankind to push for the future they desire sounded like petty revenge and Altaïr was all for it because he could be quite petty if he wanted to.
“Are you even listening to me, Altaïr?”
“Yes.” Altaïr replied calmly, “You have made your point clearly, Malik.” 
Malik glared at him as he retorted, “But you will not heed my warning nonetheless.”
“I will heed it.” Altaïr said, “It won’t matter if I do or do not though.”
“Altaïr…” Malik’s tone was both a warning and an annoyed resignation that Altaïr was quite used to.
“It’s fine, Malik.” Altaïr looked down at the reports he was meant to be reading, “I will keep a close eye on him and will act accordingly.”
“I am worried by what you think ‘accordingly’ means in this situation.” Malik dryly stated before sighing, “But I know you long enough to know my words will fall into deaf ears now that you have made your choice.”
“I truly hope it’s the right choice, Altaïr.” Malik said before walking away, “I will check in with the recruits and tell Rauf the changes we’re making in their training.”
“Thank you, Malik.”
Malik paused by the door and turned to look at Altaïr, looking both concerned and disturbed as he said, “Now I know you are planning something. You just thanked me.”
“And now I know you’re more paranoid than usual.” Altaïr retorted lightly before waving him off, “Have tea after talking to Rauf, Malik. It seems you desperately need a break.”
“I do not-” Malik stopped and let out an infuriated sigh before finally leaving the mentor’s open office on the second floor of the main room of Masyaf Castle.
Altaïr waited until he was sure Malik had left the castle before he looked up and asked, “And how are you today, Desmond?”
Desmond immediately admitted, “I started a rumor that Abbas cries during sex.”
Altaïr blinked at the honest answer before laughing.
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