#malik is trying to keep everyone safe
teecupangel · 1 year
Thinking about a Desmond time travel au where because of the Bleeds whenever Desmond is alone with one of his ancestors his hindbrain defaults to oh this is a hallucination and he just loses all filter between his thoughts and what he's saying just compete steam of consciousness because it's funny to think of someone going up to the ancestor in question (I'm imaging Altair because he's my fave) and being like why do you trust Desmond he's the most secretive and quiet person ever and Altair responds with something like "Desmond has never once been quiet or secretive in my presence"
“He’s hiding something.”
Oh, he was.
But he had said all of it to Altaïr in complete confidence and Altaïr was not inclined to share the knowledge and secrets Desmond had imparted to him.
“He cannot be trusted.”
Trust had always been a leap of faith and any trustful person could easily betray them without a second’s warning.
Al Mualim showed that. 
“He’s dangerous.”
All of them were. They were Assassins. That was the point. 
This is getting ridiculous.
“He’s planning something.”
Oh, he was. But he was also not that good with planning or thinking ahead but, it was alright, Altaïr was helping him in that regard.
The idea of ‘one-upping’ one of the beings that had played with the fates of mankind to push for the future they desire sounded like petty revenge and Altaïr was all for it because he could be quite petty if he wanted to.
“Are you even listening to me, Altaïr?”
“Yes.” Altaïr replied calmly, “You have made your point clearly, Malik.” 
Malik glared at him as he retorted, “But you will not heed my warning nonetheless.”
“I will heed it.” Altaïr said, “It won’t matter if I do or do not though.”
“Altaïr…” Malik’s tone was both a warning and an annoyed resignation that Altaïr was quite used to.
“It’s fine, Malik.” Altaïr looked down at the reports he was meant to be reading, “I will keep a close eye on him and will act accordingly.”
“I am worried by what you think ‘accordingly’ means in this situation.” Malik dryly stated before sighing, “But I know you long enough to know my words will fall into deaf ears now that you have made your choice.”
“I truly hope it’s the right choice, Altaïr.” Malik said before walking away, “I will check in with the recruits and tell Rauf the changes we’re making in their training.”
“Thank you, Malik.”
Malik paused by the door and turned to look at Altaïr, looking both concerned and disturbed as he said, “Now I know you are planning something. You just thanked me.”
“And now I know you’re more paranoid than usual.” Altaïr retorted lightly before waving him off, “Have tea after talking to Rauf, Malik. It seems you desperately need a break.”
“I do not-” Malik stopped and let out an infuriated sigh before finally leaving the mentor’s open office on the second floor of the main room of Masyaf Castle.
Altaïr waited until he was sure Malik had left the castle before he looked up and asked, “And how are you today, Desmond?”
Desmond immediately admitted, “I started a rumor that Abbas cries during sex.”
Altaïr blinked at the honest answer before laughing.
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papaziggy-devblog · 6 months
I can imagine mc eating Malik's gummies not knowing they were editables and eating a handful then freaking out when they get high and don't know what is happening. how would everyone react?
If you're having a bad time they'll all be a lot more attentive
Harper will still be cuddling and coddling you
Gavin will be trying to distract you and make you laugh
Sophie will insist you stay in the infirmary with her till you come down
Dante will still be disappointed dad but also attentive dad mode
Jazz will still plan on scolding you but may forgo writing you up and will be having you lay down in the office so she can keep an eye on you, keeping you company
Cammie will have you lay your head on her lap while you ride it out
Malik will be talking you through it, having you stay in a safe, comfortable area complete with blanket/pillow nest, and he has a little stash if peppercorns you can chew on
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okay here I go 😈 @omgselinabeckendorf
so I don’t have it completely planned out bc I have fifteen years to write about and such
and I procrastinate (a lot)
but I’ll try my best to sum it up 👍
ok so his name is Keith bc my name is Keith and me is he maybe one day he’ll have a last name I’ll figure it out
It starts in the very beginning before Minecraft Diaries starts! He’s born in Phoenix Drop and is raised there. He’s a little bit younger than Garroth so they never meet at the guard academy. Keith mostly kept to himself anyways, only wanting to learn. After he’s finished with training, Keith goes back to Phoenix Drop and becomes Matilda’s personal guard as she has married the current lord while he was away. I like to think Matilda is around the same age as them, so they did grow up together. They become close friends during this. He considers her the sister he never had and him her brother. He considers Lord Malik a brother as well and they get along well.
Time passes and eventually Garroth shows up. They’re all rightfully confused as he doesn’t even give a last name. But he’s chill so they leave it. More time passes and Garroth gains the trust of the village, even if he is a bit secretive. Keith and him become close friends, as Garroth is appointed head guard and personal guard of Lord Malik himself. Soon enough, Keith realizes his feelings of friendship have turned into something more, even if he hadn’t seen the other man’s face. He tries to keep it secret, but much to his surprise Garroth returns the feelings. As they explore this new part of their relationship, Garroth trusts Keith enough to show him his face. (Keith has no idea who he actually is as he never had seen the Okhasis family’s faces) Keith only falls more in love. They start dating!
One day a mysterious group appears in the forest. They’re cloaked in red and black, seemingly glowing with dark magic. The village had never seen anything like it and were on high guard. The people were friendly enough at first and Malik met up with them in private. Afterwards, though, he began to act strangely, but wouldn’t say anything about their conversations. Keith was confused and worried, but he hoped that Malik would tell him and Garroth if it was serious. But then Matilda started to act strange as well, and she wouldn’t say a word. Now he was hurt as he thought she trusted him and Keith tried to understand.
Matilda told Keith she was pregnant and he was ecstatic. She had been a little distant since the group had showed up, but this brought them back together. He was going to be an uncle. When Matilda was close to giving birth, Keith and her were walking through the forest. They were spending some time alone together when they were ambushed by one of the strange people from the group that had been staying in the village. Keith did his best to defend his sister, but got knocked out.
When he awoke, Keith didn’t know where he was. He was injured and disoriented with all his weapons gone. The same person from before showed back up and revealed himself to be a ‘Shadow Knight’. Keith had no clue what that was. The Shadow Knight tortured him over the course of two weeks, leaving severe injuries and wounds. Keith bid his time and found a way to escape. He had to wait even longer while he healed and regained his strength. He had to wait almost another two weeks before he could return.
Upon his return, he found Matilda and Malik’s house burnt to the ground. He was in disbelief. Hoping they were okay and safe, he continued on to the village, but it seemed as if he was invisible to everyone. They barely spared him a passing glance. Confused and scared, he made his way to Garroth’s home, hoping his boyfriend could explain. Garroth did not recognize him. His soul was crushed as he struggled to piece together what happens when he was away. It had to be that group, as they were missing too.
Heartbroken, Keith decided to leave Phoenix Drop and travel to see if he could find Matilda and Malik as well as reverse what had happened to the village. To begin, he headed to Bright Port. One night, as the sun went down, Keith was heading back to the inn where he was staying when he got attacked. It was fast and unexpected and.. weird.. The attacker had bit his neck. Not long after the attack did he become sick. It was a slow and painful process, but he realized that the attacker was a werewolf and had transformed him. He knew of a wolf tribe close to Bright Port and sought them out for help. Fortunately, they welcomed him with open arms and taught him their ways. He stayed there for a while, learning all he could. He couldn’t leave when he wanted to as the Bright Port and Tribe started to have a strained relationship after Visher died and the lord went missing. Of course, the tribe knew where he was. He had jumped in the Nether portal to help Kiva, a wolf pup. When the nether portal was erected, Keith recognized the power from it as the same one from the Shadow Knights.
Tensions were even worse when a pure-blooded wolf pup Lowell went missing. The Bright Port guards had taken him and the tribe was unable to get him back. After a patrol, Bodolf came back with Lowell and a human woman in tow. Her name was Aphmau and she had rescued Lowell herself. With his new abilities, Keith found she had the familiar smell of home. He was curious about her, but before he could speak to her, she went onto the Nether to rescue Kiva and the lord of Bright Port. He was amazed at her bravery and courage. While she was away, two men and a woman came out of the portal with a shadow. They smelled like the Shadow Kmights that had come to Phoenix Drop. They attacked the tribe and set it ablaze, fire ravaging their homes. They tried to fight back, but they were too strong and escaped unscathed.
Keith wanted to speak with Aphmau, but she had to leave to find the lord still. He stayed behind and waited (im)patiently for her to return. When she came back to Bright Port, Keith traveled into the village to meet her again. He met her at the docks before she left and he struck up a convertsuin about why she came to Bright Port in the first place. She told him of a guard back home that had been hurt severely and needed to be healed. Garroth. Garroth had been hurt and was close to death. Keith asked to go with her. Aphmau was surprised, but accepted, happy to have company. After he said his quick goodbyes, Keith left with Aphmau back to Phoenix Drop. As Aphmau rushed to see Garroth with her potion, Keith stood dumbfounded. He followed her and watched from the doorway as her and Garroth spoke. He didn’t even look Keith’s way. He found out that Zenix, Garroth’s apprentice, had turned against them. Keith listened to them until he couldn’t anymore. He left, feeling hurt and distraught over what was happening. He explored around, finding out all the things that had changed while he was away.
this is like
all I have written for the beginning in order
but I’ll make little plot points for other stuff
* Keith stays in the village and tries to stick close to Garroth, wanting to protect him
* Garroth tries to befriend him and Keith is hesitant to let him get close in the condition he’s in
* No one knows he’s a werewolf except Aphmau and he asked her to not say anything
* when Garroth goes to the Irene Dimension it brings back his memories and he’s distraught over everything (I want to have the village remember too, but it’ll probably be after Aphmau gets the relic)
* Keith grows his hair out after Garroth goes missing bc it was the last thing he touched and he couldn’t bring himself to care
* there will be more of this hehe
* also I was going to have like a thing where Garroth falls in love with Aphmau and Keith is like 😦
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I’m thinking something like that fic ‘The Double Edged Sword’ by AuRon_Scaleless where Ezio and Altaïr are being manipulated by the apple of Masyaf to hate Desmond.
Difference is, the apple of Rome is also there because Ezio brought it with him by mistake so now it sits with Malik for safe keeping. The Masyaf one sits with Altaïr because the man studies it.
Anyway! The two are mistreating Desmond and he’s slowly falling apart with the mixture of bleeding effects and the after math of using the eye to save the world. With the added words and jabs at his apparent ‘betrayal’ it just deteriorated him more.
Malik is just as distrustful of the young man as anyone but at the same time he can feel that there is something more going on here. He just can’t figure out what.
This is until the Rome Apple decides to show him just what Desmond had gone through before popping up here. He sees the farm, the way he grew up, the borderline abuse disguised as training, the years of running and constantly looking over the shoulder, the eventual capture.
He sees Desmond fighting tooth and nail against the modern templars and he sees them drug him, forcing him into the animus to do their bidding. Then there’s the assassins doing pretty much the exact same things to him, his time in the machine growing longer and more frequent as his symptoms get worse and worse and worse.
And when Malik thinks it’s finally all over, that this used and abused young man can finally get a break from everything the ones who promised him a painless death and swift passing on do the exact opposite.
Malik can feel the wisps of pain that Desmond experiences and even that is almost too much for him. He sits there and watches Desmond scream and writhe for what felt like hours but must have been mere seconds.
Then Desmond is transported here, a few months after his second ancestor mind you, only to receive treatment just as bad as his original life.
Malik is practically thrown out of the memories, breathing turned ragged and tears that he didn’t event notice before streaming down his face. The apple in his hand pulses gently, as if it is saddened by the memories he had just witnessed, imploring him to do something to save the young man.
Before he can even move there is a hesitant knock on his door, a familiar head of brown accompanied by a face that is much too gaunt popping through the doorway with a hesitant smile. Despite everything the man still tries to smile at everyone and gain their trust, a feat he has not quite achieved with everyone sadly.
Desmond opens his mouth to speak, Malik hasn’t a clue as to what he’s about to say because he’s already up and across the room. He pulls the young man into a firm yet gentle hug, mindful of his still tender arm and trying to convey every single jumbled emotion he feels in that moment. God, Malik’s sure he has never despised missing an arm more than in this moment.
“I’m so sorry Desmond… you didn’t deserve… any of this. But you worked so hard for the brotherhood, for us and I am so proud of you.” There’s a moment where the young assassin doesn’t move, frozen in his arms before his chest suddenly hitches, body collapsing against Malik’s own as he lets out a quiet, bitten back sob.
The sound just makes the pain radiating through the Dai even worse. God the man couldn’t even cry freely without fear of something happening to him. He ignores the thoughts though, bringing Desmond to the pile of cushions he has set up in the corner of his office for those late nights he can’t quite make it back to his sleeping quarters.
They collapse into the mound together, Desmond burying his head deep into Malik’s chest and clutching his robes as he shudders and silently cries against him. The Dai can feel the young man’s mouth opening against his chest, as if he wanted to scream and sob aloud, but no sound escapes. Just ragged breaths and quiet sniffles.
They lay there for several long minutes, Malik keeping his arm looped around Desmond and running the tips of those fingers up and down what little of his spine he can reach. The young assassin doesn’t seem to mind though, relishes in it even as he slowly begins to calm down.
Before either of them realise it Desmond’s fast asleep, face looking peaceful and form more relaxed than Malik’s ever seen. He can’t help but plant a tender kiss on the younger’s forehead, breathing him deep as he tries to think on what to do next.
Apparently today is a day for interrupting him since there is another knock on the door, the noise loud and startling in the now quiet room. Desmond doesn’t even flinch at it though, an apparent testament to how exhausted he is.
Before Malik can get up the person enters, pleasant greeting on his tongue dying before it fades into an annoyed and angry scowl at the sight that greets him.
The Dai feels his own annoyance and anger rise at the sight of it, all those previous moments over the last few weeks suddenly springing to the forefront of his mind. Malik growls lowly at his longtime friend, glaring at him in a way that he knows the other is somewhat scared of, though the man would never admit to it.
“Get out Altaïr. I will speak with you later.” The mentor isn’t as easily cowled apparently, already opening his mouth again before stopping when Malik suddenly shoots to his feet. He had been extracting his arm and Altaïr hadn’t even noticed until now.
“I said leave novice. Do not make me say it again or I will make sure you regret it.” The mentor looks down at the still sleeping form of Desmond with one last glare before turning on his heel, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
Malik huffs out an annoyed breath at his antics, turning around only to be met with wide and frightened eyes, scanning over everything as if looking for an escape route.
Also I suddenly thought of this. Desmond goes to the poor districts to help treat the sickly people (he has first aid knowledge because of his need for survival while he was on the run. Nothing like surgery but basic shit like how to prevent an outbreak and set a bone sort of stuff) and as a result the people there love him. It’s the only place he can feel like he’s doing something right and feel as if he belongs.
Nobody else knows of this for obvious reasons. They’d either spread the rumours there and make everyone hate him or they’d do something equally as bad. But that’s where he escapes to when things get to be too much for him in the bureau.
He’s not allowed to leave either because they have to ‘make sure he isn’t a threat to the people’ even though they don’t spare him a single thought the second he goes missing.
Malik follows him one day and when he sees just what the man does in order to help people he can’t help but feel even more anger toward Altaïr and Ezio. How could they treat a man so broken and pure like that? How could they hate him so when he smiles that reassuringly toward a child who has merely scraped his knee? It makes no sense.
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whumperofworlds · 3 months
🫡 and 😨 for Alder and Hawthorn and/or Theo and Malik please!!!
Thanks Gala :D
🫡- Are they a good leader?
Alder smiled slightly. "Hawy is definitely a good leader to me. I know that if something has happened to me, my team will be in good hands with him."
Hawthorn grinned. "Alder is the best out of all of us, and his leadership skills are phenomenal. He is definitely a great leader, and I know that he'll keep us all safe."
Theo nodded with a small smile. "Mally would be a good leader! Hmm... maybe if something happens to me, he could take over as the leader. It's just that... I don't know how to bring that up to him..."
Malik chuckled. "He's the best leader I have ever known. I've worked a few jobs, and out of all of them, my Teacup is the best. Firm but fair, protective of his team... I wish we had more people like him."
😨- What's their greatest fear?
Alder sighed. "My Hawy is so afraid of losing me... I cannot blame him, though."
Hawthorn's eyes averted. "Alder's afraid of failing his goal: his team being in shambles and Brennus taking over forever. In fact, I think that's everyone's fear, mine included..."
Theo shook his head. "Mally is so afraid of getting shot. I noticed it; whenever a gun is fired, he froze like a deer. I'm slowly helping him to try to face his fears though."
Malik closed his eyes and frowned. "Teacup is afraid of spiders, to be honest. He explained to me how he woke up and got bitten by a black widow when he was a child. I can't really blame him..."
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oculiaperticlausi · 10 months
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welcome to marina, MALIK KING ( cis man, he/him ) ! they are a/n TWENTY-EIGHT year old who has lived on the island for TEN YEARS. word on the street is they’re currently living in TOWER HILL and works as a BOUNCER AT TRINITY. everyone also says they look a lot like KEITH POWERS. what do you think? — ALYSSA, 29, PST, SHE/HER.
Malik was unplanned, a pregnancy that came while his mother was fucking around with one of the worst men on the outskirts of Roswell during a vacation.
when she came home and found out she was pregnant, she had to hope to God he would never find out.
for the first two years of his life, his mother did her best. she loved him unconditionally, tried to provide with the best meals, the most love and clothing that would go with any weather.
she didn't expect him to find her, all anyone could say about the mystery behind the murder of Valentina King is that they found her two year old son, sitting at the table with blood on the bottom of his feet and his mother in the bedroom.
He jumped from home to home after that. People were worried he was too quiet and when he tried not to be he was too loud. It seemed like they found any excuse to throw him out.
at ten his older brother who was eighteen found him, went through the courts and collected him.
for their father, their father had been searching for Malik for years, knowing he was out there somewhere drove the man crazy.
at the age twelve, Malik became the delivery boy for his father's empire, according to everyone Malik was more like his father than they could have ever imagined.
at sixteen, he was helping collect money from businesses and knew how to take a gun apart.
it was seventeen that changed things for the worse, someone came in on the territory and tried to take his father out, putting him in a coma and the person was his uncle, his mother's brother.
his uncle snatched him and brought him to marina, in hopes to protect him from the monsters he was partially raised by.
it took a while for him to adjust, to stop trying to rob stores every time he walked in them, from constantly looking over his shoulder afraid his father would kill him if he didn't follow his every order.
melody was a safe haven, someone he found peace within. yet they could never get the timing right.
he works at trinity now, tries to keep his nose clean but as he watches deals go down he is finding himself itchy to get on them.
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assaultvvyvern · 8 months
thinking thoughts....... ygo borderlands au...... thinking HARDER thoughts....... under cut
- atem being some sort of eridian high royalty/prince stuck in an eridian weapon after attempting to seal a dangerous vault guardian
- yuugi has No Interest being a vault hunter bc hes just not that type of guy, but inherits the weapon regardless
- jou, honda and anzu r all Very vault hunting for different reasons and goals and eventually yuugi gets dragged along
- SETO KAIBA IS ANGEL. SETO KAIBA 👏🏻 IS 👏🏻 ANGEL 👏🏻. trans girl seto who comes out only after the fact so she can also be a siren. imprisoned by her asshole ceo father for her powers and trying to keep her little brother safe. eventually kills the shit out of gozaburo and becomes hyperion ceo.
- yes there Will be prideshipping. idk how but there will be. and theyre t4t!!!
- bar owner otogi who knows everything about everyone in sanctuary, kinda like moxxi, same bisexual swag
- extremely proficient vault hunter mai who comes in town one day and the nerd herd is all over her like "CAN YOU TAKE US OUT OF HERE AND TEACH US PLS????? 🥺🥺🥺"
- ryou is very into eridian lore and research. unbeknownst to him he's also possessed by a haunted weapon
- i think all the millennium items should be guns here bc 1) its borderlands and 2) its funny. give mahad and mana a gun
- idk abt the ishtars yet but eridian bandit underground cult sounds cool. bandit king malik???? COOL COOL COOL
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drabblesfromthevoid · 2 years
Thinking about Desmond time travel back to Altair's time. Read a fic the other day with a Malik/Desmond pairing, and I thought it was neat, so the pairing might be that, I guess?
For some reason want to throw in Clay too, just because. Anyways. Jerusalem. Our intrepid (hah!) pair goes and absconds with the Apple before Altair and friends get there.
When the time comes, Altair does his foolhardy thing. Everything goes more or less the same, except that everyone is very confused as to where the Apple went and taking their frustrations out on each other. Now, Desmond, who has lived as Altair - who has, in a sense, grown along side the man as he becomes a better version of himself. That Desmond wants to save Kadar.
Clay, who is very irritated about being dragged along in this merry trip to the past, is absolutely incensed. Of course, this doesn't stop him from following along with Desmond to rescue Kadar. (It also doesn't stop him from falling in love with Kadar, but that's a different story.)
Kadar wakes up to a face like Altair's but not and the sounds of someone who really likes complaining ("This is horrible, Seventeen. We're going to die of the common flu within a month-"). They don't have the resources to keep him knocked out forever, but they try to cover up as much as possible to prevent Kadar from recognizing them. Kadar begins to wonder if the Altair twin was just a figment of his imagination or not.
When Kadar is well enough, Desmond knocks him out as safely as he can and they basically do the equivalent of dumping him on the Jerusalem bureau door then knocking and running.
Malik is very surprised to see his brother - not cold and dead but warm and alive, if still wounded - and if you told him it was a gift from the gods, he would believe you wholeheartedly.
Meanwhile, Desmond and Clay move to a whole different section of the city. Desmond, who has a 21st Century knowledge of medical practices, introduces the importance of cleanliness and begins to make poultices with the rudimentary survive-in-the-wild knowledge he got from the Farm.
The poor begin to know him as Healer. He sells his products at the market, and they're good enough to keep him and Clay financially stable.
Clay, meanwhile, has grown bored of complaining and is now fully invested into bringing science early, fuck the timeline, Seventeen. He's here, queer, and ready to bring all of these fools into a new age even if he has to drag them kicking and screaming.
Now that they have disposable income, it'd be easy to move into a more affluent place, right?
But Desmond - who ran away at sixteen, who has known hunger and fear - sees the children on the streets, gaunt faces and wide eyes and he buys the staple crops.
The first time he drags out a large cauldron into the street, Clay throws his hands up and goes back in. "You're going to get mobbed, Seventeen."
Desmond adds in staple grains and vegetables and meat and what sort of seasonings he's managed to scrounge up. The end result isn't a five star meal or anything, but it tastes all right ("Seventeen, I can't decide whether or not I miss Abstergo's lovely meals or not.") and it is warm and it is as good as Desmond is going to get, what with an unfamiliar form of cooking and the sheer size of the meal.
By now, there are children and teenagers and adults and all sorts of poor population nearby, scenting the air. Desmond spots a child - maybe roughly eight years of age - licking his lips and staring longingly at the pot.
"You," he calls, pointing at the child. "Boy, come."
For a moment, it looks as if the child is going to bolt, but then he steps out from the shadows and shuffles closer. He stops out of arms reach, eyes darting everywhere, prepared to run at the slightest sense of wrong. "Mister?"
"Go to my house. There's a pile of bowls - bring it out. Ask the man inside if you can't find them. There's a bowl of this for you if you do."
Hunger winning out over suspicion, the boy scampers inside.
("What? What are you doing in here?" Clay grumbles. "What does that bastard want now? The bowls are over there, now leave me alone.")
The boy comes out with the nine bowls of differing colors and patterns that Desmond had been able to scrounge up. Some of them are chipped but all of them work well enough. As promised, Desmond scoops out some of the unholy amalgamation of a porridge into one of the bowls.
"You will eat here," he says, pointing to the carpet he had laid out. "You will wash your bowl when you're done, with the soap over there."
The boy nods earnestly, and Desmond hands him the bowl. He scampers over to the rug then sits and positively inhales the food.
"Slowly," Desmond warns, half afraid the child is going to end up choking and vomiting.
The child slows.
Other children inch their way closer, staring at the boy and his food in something like envy. A few look lime they'd be willing to come to blows over it, but Desmond keeps a sharp eye on them.
"I need some chores done. Same payment," he says, tilting his head at the food, and the children come even closer.
A girl of maybe ten years of age draws up the courage to step closer. "Mister? What do you need done?"
And that's how Desmond ends up feeding the poor population of Jerusalem.
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Out of Control Sway
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Request: Instead of Daisy being swayed by HIVE, it's her Inhuman girlfriend. (Her powers being, control of Fire.) Daisy Johnson x fem!reader. - @imapotatao​
Word Count: 2.3k
Based On: 03x17 “The Team” | 03x18 “The Singularity” | 03x19 “Failed Experiments” | 03x20 “Emancipation”
A/N: Hey guys sorry i’ve been MIA, just been trying to adjust to the adult life haha. I finally finished this request and I hope you enjoy it.
You were there when the team had saved Coulson and Fitz from the planet Simmons was previously stuck on. Coulson had debriefed the team letting you all know that Ward was finally out of your lives. What you didn’t know was that Ward wasn’t out of your lives for good and he was walking around inhabited by an inhuman named HIVE. You didn’t know this until HIVE had taken you by surprise during the mission to retrieve Malik, putting you under his sway. 
HIVE had sent you back to base in order to get your loving girlfriend, Daisy, to join the two of you. You had been going through your normal tasks as a SHIELD agent not wanting to raise any suspicion. You knew you wouldn’t be able to hide for long, but you were willing to keep your true intentions a secret for as long as possible. Not long after the successful mission of capturing Gideon Malick, the team had found out one of the Inhumans was “infected”. Before anything could happen you had made the necessary precautions to make sure you weren’t made, by framing Lincoln. 
Daisy led you all to one of the containment rooms in the base and “unbeknownst to you”, you and the other Inhumans were locked in the room. You kept your cool to make sure that your plan went accordingly, as well as make the team think that you weren’t against the idea of having everyone locked up to keep the rest of the SHIELD agents safe. Soon enough your plan was set in motion, Lincoln had gotten enraged by being accused of being “infected” which led everyone to the point of needing to apprehend him. 
“I wasn’t anywhere close to HIVE!” Lincoln says as he starts to power up.
“We can fix this, Lincoln. Let us help you,” Daisy says, trying to calm him down.
“Leave me alone!” Lincoln says before setting off some electricity. You try to apprehend him, acting along with the others. You were ready to shoot a warning flare but Daisy had knocked him against the wall before you acted. After the fact, every one of you were put in your own containment room. You had a feeling that Coulson would want to talk to you so you waited until after then before you acted. 
“We’ll have to test to see if anyone else is infected and for now we have to keep you all quarantined. We have to disband yours and Daisy’s team, for the safety of everyone else,” Coulson says to you.
“But HIVE is out there, if we stop now then we’ll get behind,” You say playing along.
“I understand, but we can’t risk anyone else getting infected or the safety of the rest of the team. I’m sorry,” Coulson responds back.
“Fine, but as soon as we know who isn’t infected then we have to get back out there as soon as we can,” You say. Coulson doesn’t say anything back, he just pats your back and leaves the room. You wait a good 10 minutes before proceeding with your plan. 
Once you felt that enough time had passed you went to work getting yourself out of your containment room. Thankfully Daisy had taught you everything you needed to know about the security protocols, mostly in the case that there was an emergency, but in this case, it allowed you to continue your plan without any hitches. Once you got past all of the protocols, you made your way into Daisy’s room.
“Hey,” You say.
“Hey, babe. What are you doing here?” Daisy asks.
“I’m sure you were already on your way out but I thought I’d beat you to it. I’m here to tell you that I think that if Coulson won’t do anything then we’ll have to take it into our own hands,” You say.
“I agree. But I also think that we stay in our rooms to keep the team safe,” Daisy responds.
“I agree with that too, but we made an effort to apprehend Lincoln. Shouldn’t that be proof enough that we were not infected?” You ask Daisy. 
She takes a moment to think,” You’re right, let's go.” Daisy says, making her way to the containment door. 
“Great,” You lead Daisy to the hanger, where you had a Quinjet ready.
“Why are we heading to the hanger?” Daisy asks and looks at you questioningly but you don’t say a word. You lead her into one of the quinjets and quickly close the door.
“Where’s Coulson?” Daisy asks you.
“I heard something about them going out. We’re meeting them there,” You say, prepping the quinjet for flight.
“Why don’t we just wait for them to get back?” Daisy questions as you take off. 
“This is urgent, my love. We can’t just sit back and do nothing,” You say and put the quinjet on autopilot with the coordinates to HIVE programmed.  
“I’m sure a few hours won’t hurt,” Daisy says, trying to make her way to the console.
“No! We need to do this now,” You say slightly, raising your voice.
“Babe is there something you’re not telling me? Are you ok” Daisy asks, worried.
“I’m fine,” You respond, with a calmer voice.
“You’re swayed. He’s using you, Y/N. You’re sick,” Daisy says with more worry in her voice.
“No. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, even more now that you’re with me. You get it. We’ve both felt an emptiness our entire lives until we found eachother, which only filled the emptiness halfway. I found a way to fill it completely and it’s beautiful. It’s–It’s a bond,” You respond
“People are dying! Did you kill Malik?” Daisy asks. 
“Malick doesn’t matter. He could only hurt us. What we are trying to build–,” You say feeling enlightened
“You don’t have a bond with HIVE. We do! Babe, please come back to me. I know you can fight this,” Daisy says and you notice the concern in her voice. She tries to take your hand but you light it on fire, keeping her away from you.
“Don’t make this hard. I don’t want to hurt you,” You say while your hand is still lit.
“I don’t want it to be. But we have to get back to base, keep you quarantined, and keep everyone else safe,” Daisy pleads.
“You’ll understand,” You say before knocking Daisy out. “Which is why I have to bring you to HIVE, so we can be the happiest together,” You to an unconscious Daisy. You approach your destination and bring Daisy to HIVE. He waits until she wakes up before proceeding with the plan.
“Where are we?” Daisy asks from across the room.
“Good, you’re awake,” HIVE says walking into the room. Daisy tries to go at him, but he gives you the nod to restrain her. You heat your hands up just to a slightly unbearable temperature to keep her from fighting. HIVE then pours himself into her and you can see the enlightenment on her face. Daisy smiles at you before pulling you in for a tight hug and kiss.
“Now that we’re all on the same page. You two know what to do next,” HIVE says and leaves the room. 
You and Daisy make your way back to the base to retrieve the Kree Orb and the terrigen crystals. Before you left the base again, Daisy quaked the ground below to make sure the SHIELD agents were going to be preoccupied and not focused on the two of you and HIVE. For the next few days, the three of you sought out other Inhumans to join your team and to find Holden Radcliffe. He was the key to completing HIVE’s goal. Once you had all of the materials gathered, you all quickly went to work on recreating the Kree experiments. You and Daisy were willing to contribute anything, even if it meant bleeding you dry.
While you and Daisy were graciously giving your blood for the experiments. Daisy was busy hacking into the base's security system to get a look at Lincoln, hoping to find a way to get him on your side. Radcliffe rudely interrupts what conversation HIVE and Daisy were having to, you guess, check on the two of you. 
He shines a bright light in both of your eyes, “I think that’s enough for one day. For both of you. Don’t want to kill the golden geese. Both of you just take it easy. Drink this and get some rest,” Radcliffe says and hands you both some drinks.
“I think you’re the one who needs to rest,” You say, taking the drinks and handing one to Daisy.
“Well, we’ll rest when we’re dead. Not you two. I–I didn’t mean. It’s just a phrase. No need for any deaths. We’re ready for the alpha test.” Radcliffe replies awkwardly and walks off. 
You go to lay down as Daisy keeps an eye on Lincoln, seeing if he'll reach out to us or find a way to get him out. Eventually, Daisy wakes you up and tells you that Lincoln is ready to join you. When HIVE returns from whatever “mission” he was on, you see a couple of men being escorted into a shipping container. 
“Their lives have been filled with such hatred. Now they’ll find peace with us,” HIVE says.
“They don’t deserve it,” Daisy replies.
“Every human deserves to be freed from his prison. Their emacipations will be my gift to the both of you,” HIVE replies back. “Are you confident?” He asks Radcliffe.
“One hundred percent fairly certain,” Radcliffe replies back and begins the procedure. 
HIVE pulls Daisy away to ask about the base’s security system before telling you both to rest as more blood may be needed to be donated. You go back to laying downa nd Daisy continues to work on getting Lincoln out of the base. You wake up to hear that Lincoln is on his way to you guys and that HIVE wanted to show the two of you how the experiment turned out. When they open the shipping container, you see the 5 guys had turned into something that didn’t quite look human or inhuman. 
“What happened to them?” You ask.
“They’re part of us. Our children, really. From our own flesh and blood, and we’re gonna make more of them. So we’ll need more blood,” HIVE says.
“How much?” Daisy asks for the bpth of you.
“All of it, from both of you,” He replies.
As you and Daisy are giving more blood you hear the arrival of a quinjet, which means that Lincoln arrived.  But then you start to hear what sounds like fighting and Radcliffe looks out of the window of the room you’re in.
“We’re being attacked by… I– I– I don’t know, some kind of a–a–a monster,” Radcliffe says. Both of you struggle to get out of your chairs to see what’s going on. 
“You–you shouldn’t do that. You both have lost a lot of blood. I stronly advise against that,” Radcliffe says as both of you get out of your chairs. The two of you didn’t care and Radcliffe had decided to help you both downstairs and you see Lash fighting the people.
“Where’s James?” Daisy asks.
“He’s on a beer run. I suggest we do the same or at least the running part,” Radcliffe says, trying to pull you both with him but you resist. 
“Stay away from him!” You say. Daisy uses her quake against Lash but it does nothing. You try to send fire his way but it doesn’t even reach him and you both fall to the ground. 
Lash then makes his way to the two of you, pulls HIVES “virus” out and destroys it. “Now both of you are free,” Lash says before carrying both of you back to the quinjet. Before you could react or say anything, Lash is killed by James.  You and Daisy then use both of your powers to push James and the new inhumans back before giving attention to Lash, but he died before you could do anything.
You and Daisy then get ready to head back to the base. “Tagtag base, come in. This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N and Daisy Johnson. We’re coming home. Repeat. We’re coming home” You say into the headset.
Once you two make it to the base, the whole team is there to greet you. “Welcome back Agent Johnson and Y/L/N,” Coulson says as neither of you could really look at him.
“Lash died trying to save us,” Daisy says.
“Did he manage to kill HIVE?” Talbot asks. You respond by lightly shaking your head “no”.
“Get them to the med bay,” Simmons says. The other agents then guide you to med bay. Soon enough Simmons comes to examine you guys and determine what you need.
“Prep for immediate blood transfusion and full cranial scan. On both of them,” Simmons tells her team. After all of the medical stuff was completed, you fell quickly asleep.
It wasn’t long before you woke up screaming from a nightmare. “Hey, Hey. What’s wrong?” Daisy says making you jump.
“Sorry I woke you,” You sigh.
“No, no. It’s ok. What’s wrong?” She asks.
“I just… I–” You say starting to break down.
“It’s ok. You don’t have to walk about it,” Daisy says, pulling you into a tight hug, knowing that you feel terrible for what happened. 
“I just feel horrible for what I did. How much I hurt everyone. For– for killing Lash,” You say sniffing through your tears. Daisy doesn’t say anything, knowing that you just need her to hold you.
The next morning you wake up, on a mission to apologize to the whole team. You gather everyone in the living room like area. “Hey guys, I – I just wanted to say sorry for everything I did. For hurting you all and for getting Lash killed,” You stutter. At first you didn’t know how the team was going to react but they said nothing and gave you a big group hug.
“We’re just glad you’re safe,” Mack says.
“We’ll deal with the details later. Just rest for now,” Coulson says.
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duelingdestiny · 2 years
Welcome to DuelingDestiny
Hello everyone and thank you for checking out my blog! Below is Atem’s about. Malice’s about and the rules will be linked.  About Atem: 
After losing to Yugi in the ceremonial duel, Atem found himself in the monotony of exactly the things he detested most: Being Pharaoh. One day, Atem is bothered by the sounds of someone pleading for their lives followed by a blood curdling scream. It is then he decides then he needs to return to the living world in order to aid whoever it is. He is fairly certain this is something that is going to happen in the future and not something that has already happened. He decides that he will do whatever it takes to aid the person who has called out to him, no matter the cost.  But what a cost it is... While is he granted the chance to return, it is not without difficulty, and it will come with a price. Anubis warns him of this before he starts The Trials: Three brutalizing tests to measure if Atem is strong enough to return to the Land of the Living. He passes, only just barely escaping with his soul, and is allowed to return. But the way is not for the faint of heart. Washed up on the docks shivering and alone, Atem finally finds himself in domino again. As part of the deal with Anubis, the God of the underworld tell Atem he will set him up with everything he needs, including identification. Anubis cryptically tell Atem it’s the least he could do for what Atem has done for him.  Atem now lives in a ostentatious flat and is trying his best to live his new life, but…he hasn’t tried to find anyone. He’s too afraid.
He has no idea who he heard cry out in the night, but he knows he needs to find out and help them…before it’s too late. The price of leaving the Afterlife was nothing he expected. Anubis gave an ominous warning about unending darkness, but Atem was not prepared for what that meant. Now, living with Malice, a spirit he is all too familiar with, Atem is avoiding people at all costs. He wants to keep his friends safe, and if that means hiding from them, so be it.
So, I’ve noticed that I don’t have enough people to rp with. I wanted to just toss out there some characters I would love to have Atem interact with. I saw these going around awhile back and I thought it was a great way to get info out to the fandom.
This is just some characters that I know will have good plot and character development with Atem:
Yami Malik
Yami Bakura/ Thief King
literally any Kaiba ever.
Jou/ Joey
Priest Set
Other Atems
I would love to get some of these characters interacting with Atem so if you’d like to rp one of these with me give this a like. Multi-muses are ALWAYS more than welcome and even if we have a thead, if you rp a different muse I don’t mind starting a new thread! Also I am crossover friendly as long as your character is animated. I am also OC friendly as long as your OC has a back round I can read, and they fit will with Atem’s storyline.
I love to ship people with Atem. My main rule is I will only ship with you if Atem and your character has chemistry. I don’t do pre-established relationships because I believe half the fun is getting there lol. That being said, there are definitely ships me and him gravitate towards more than others. I thought I would list them for everyone so they knew what chance they have with my loser boy. I will NEVER EVER force a ship on you. If you feel like I am red light my ass. I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. On the other had, dude if you want to talk about shipping I am there for it all day every day. 
Here are the ships me and Atem tend to lean towards:
Prideshipping (Atem x Kaiba)
Darkshipping (Atem x Yami Bakura)
Casteshipping (Atem x Thief King)
Mnemoshipping (Atem x Malik)
Clashshipping (Atem x Yami Malik)
Dragonshipping: (Atem x Jou)
Even if your character is not on this list as long as they’ve got chemistry I will ship with you in a heart beat. I will give any ship a try and some of the best ships I ever had I would have never thought about. *coughs* fateshipping *cough*. Also I’m down for crossover ships and duplicate ships. 
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cozycryptidcorner · 3 years
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To Train Up a King, Chapter 1/5
Note: For this story, I'm going to do something a tad different. Instead of a full 10k multi-chapter story or a single oneshot, I'm going to do about five episodic 1.5k chapters that capture very short snippets of these character's lives as an experiment. I'd like to see if I can pull off full character arcs with that kind of restriction. There will be smut chapters that are longer (I think, I have them planned anyways), but the bulk of their relationship will kind of be like tv show episodes. 
Prince Naga/Assassin Reader
Chapter content: sfw, no warnings besides some innocent breaking and entering, and one decapitated head :)
He’s just as beautiful as the songs say.
This isn’t the first time you’ve crept up onto Shahira al-Malik’s balcony, flush with vines and florals, just to catch a glimpse of the famed bastard prince, but you’ve never done so intending to reveal yourself. Tonight, he’s hunched over a large, intricately carved and gold-gilded chest, silver-blond hair billowing out with the night breeze. You think he might be asleep, his scales glittering in tandem to the stars as you shift your view in the moonlight.
His room could easily swallow the entire apartment you hovel up in, large, sweeping ceilings with jeweled mosaics covering the floor and walls. Despite its majesty, you know it barely holds a candle to what the rest of the palace offers, a biting commentary to just how little he is valued in the family. Despite the bed being large enough to host a variety of characters, he seems to be satisfied with hunching over that chest, made of simple wood, an arm crossed over the top to keep his head off the distorted surface. His tail lays limply on the floor, twisting and crossing at odd angles.
Creeping around the capitol as natural to you as breathing, so even though you stand in full view of the room, he has yet to notice your presence. The bag hanging from your belt is heavy, you are careful not to drop it as you unstrap it from your waist, and even though your fabric rustles and your boots scrape at the floor when you shift, he still doesn’t raise his head.
Awkwardly, you clear your throat, and that catches his attention, head jolting up, body tensing. When he finally spots you looming over him, bag in hand, large, wicked knife at your hip, he slithers back, mouth opening to shout for help. Calmly, you raise your hand, showing you hold no weapons, and press two fingers to your mouth as a gesture of silence.
“Who are you?” He asks, but still loud enough to get attention from the guards he still thinks are posted at his door. Despite the low light, you can tell that he must have been crying, lips swollen, nose and the crescents beneath his eyes a deep purple.
“Do not be afraid,” you say, hoping to soothe his nerves with a neutral tone, “I am the assassin one of your brothers hired to kill you.”
His viridescent eyes widen with fear, his chest quaking as the idea of his shortened mortality reverberates through his soul. There are strange marks on the underside of his wrists as he raises his hands outward, as though trying to give you some wordless order. Instead, though, he’s yelling, “guards!”
He’s scared, you think, satisfied. His brother, the cocky thing, didn’t show the same fear even at his very end. “Your guards have been removed from duty for the night.”
He knows that you hold his fate in your hands, back pressing up against the chest as his tail folds itself out in front of him, as though trying to keep his vital organs guarded. As you watch him, letting him steep in that fear for just a moment more, he seems to accept the fact that he’s about to die. No whining, no pleading, a grim sort of terror keeping his body still, despite the fact you’re so much smaller than he, almost as if he’s well aware that you are so much more than your size and strength.
Satisfied that you place a healthy amount of fear in his mind, you throw the bag, and he flinches as though it might explode.
Keeping your tone soft and gentle, as though speaking to a child, you prompt, “go ahead. My gift to you.”
You don’t know what he might think is in there, but judging from his trembling fingers as he undoes the ties, you suppose that he might consider his death is inside. The moment he pushes the thick fabric open, though, his eyes widen and his chest heaves. Slowly, unsurely, he pulls his brother’s large head out from the bag, features so similar to his it could almost be like looking in a mirror.
His voice trembles as he asks, “why?”
“He wouldn’t give me what I wanted,” you say, taking a step back. “You can.”
“And what do you want?” He’s trying very, very hard not to allow his voice to hitch.
You pause for a moment, wondering how you’ll be able to put it into words. It’s a complicated thing, your desires- for you have many, and some are of greater importance than others.
“I will tell you later,” you promise, taking another step back. “This will not be the last time we meet.”
“Wait!” His voice trembles, traces of panic thick in his mouth. “How do I know this isn’t a trick? I- I could be the one to fall for his death.”
Ah, so his mind decides to start working again. You suppose you don’t blame him, you did catch him at his weakest, and you almost owe him some reassurances. Ensuring your movements are nothing like your usual quick and off-putting cadence, you tug at the scarf around your head and mouth. Just below your left eye, you have a large, gaping scar that almost looks like a cartoonishly drawn teardrop from a time when your reflexes weren’t as quick, and your sneaking skills weren’t as honed.
“How-” he starts, but you’re quick to interrupt.
“A knife,” you say, holding out your hands. “I will rid you of the head. The body will be found in the desert, plundered by bandits.”
It’s almost like a burden has been lifted from his shoulders, one much more severe than the thought of death. You know that his path to the crown is that much clearer; though the second prince would put up more of a fight than the first, it’s still one less that he has to worry about. When you take the bagged head back, he’s staring at your face, intently, though not just at the scar.
He’s trying to commit a murderer’s face to memory, you tell yourself, even though his quizzical expression looks more confused than focused.
As your fingers brush together, though, he blurts out, “you’re my age.”
You blink, almost taken off guard. “How do you know?”
“Your face,” he says, eyes roving over your features. “And voice. You’re not much older than I am, aren’t you?”
Everyone knows how old the princes are; even a crowned bastard like him gets fanfare and feasts when his birthday comes around, the bells in the mosques and cathedrals chiming once for every year he has been alive. You know you’re roughly his age, but your birthdays come and go without you even knowing the precise day, no fanfare, no gifts.
“I suppose,” you say, strapping the bag back to your hip, “though it doesn’t matter.”
“Everything matters,” he says, retreating back to a safe distance as though unsure of how much longer his good fortune will last. “I should thank you for not killing me.”
“You should,” you say, “that would have been the easier thing to do.”
“Then, why didn’t you?”
You pause for a moment, not entirely sure of how to put into words why you didn’t. Defiance, maybe, you never did like how pompous and sure of himself the first prince acted. It is definitely not self-preservation; this is possibly the most foolish thing you’ve done since you broke into that knife-obsessed banker’s house.
Finally, you settle on a simple enough statement: “I’ll tell you later. Goodnight, my prince.”
You hear him follow you as you leap from his balcony, watch him search for you in the shadows. From your perch among the trees and stones, pressed up against the outer walls of his small garden, you wait until he retreats back into the safety of his room.
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bakugouisabitch · 3 years
nono, i care about your very specific highschool au. rant about it please.
dgslsjs omg youu 🥺
well if you insist.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
okay, i once had a discord group which i miss sm rip where i shared some ideas from that AU so i’m basically gonna repeat them here now shsjs under the read more 👇
this AU includes both Maliks as siblings (+ Isis and Rishid ofc) and both Bakuras as siblings too. The two Yamis are the elder brothers of the non-Yamis so they also have their own name ofc. 
For Yami Malik I’d go with Amir cause the name is beautiful and fits him somehow (it means ‘prince’ or ‘chief’). This AU is literally so self-indulgent where I can finally write Amir just how I picture him in my head as the funny himbo he is, who makes some creepy jokes at times but is generally a nice guy and is just constantly stoned sdfgskh
For Yami Bakura i haven’t thought of a name yet 🙃 He’s low key the protag and I still don’t have a name for him 👏 good work, Ziggy 👏 I was thinking about something that makes his initials still be YB so a name with Y actually (Yamato maybe ?) Everyone calls him Bakura/Bakura-kun anway and they mostly call Ryou “the little Bakura”/Bakura-chan (affectionately) since he is the little brother ahsksfsj
In this AU Amir and YB are like really close friends. They are classmates in their last year together and they are known for being trouble makers. But not just like Honda and Jounouchi in the anime - they are worse than that. They have risked being expelled many times and smoke on the school’s rooftops and even hang out with older guys who sell illegal shit and such (it’d be tw for drugs ofc). OH and lots of spray painting on public places 👊 They are really best buds and bonded over same interests and music taste and same hate for the society and family and such. This fanart was a major inspiration to write these two as high school best buddies.
Also, I did a quick redraw of the typical anime boys sleeping in the classroom pose with these two. That’s them:
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 (might finish it one day and post it seperately idk my motivation is swinging lately 🤷)
All their “criminal” behaviour ofc stems from a sad background/past because i’m just a sucker for angst and i keep making my boys suffer 😔 i’m sorry. Every guy in this AU has daddy issues or just family issues in general
YB is VERY overprotective over his little brother Ryou (who’s just two years younger than him, and just like Malik, starts his first high school year in Domino High School). He is literally responsible for raising him up because ever since they lost their mother and Amane (Ryou’s twin sister) at a very young age their father fell into a very deep depression and he’s constantly away “for work” and just generally neglects his two remaining sons. YB hates their father because of that so he has taken it as his own responsibility to make sure Ryou is always safe and protected and acts like the parent in their home (where there is usually just the two of them). Also, another self indulgent thing here: YB being an ass with everyone except for being an overprotective good big brother for Ryou 🥺 please! so cute!! (They ride a bike together on their way to school like this fanart)
The Ishtar’s parents are both dead. Their mother died when giving birth to the youngest one (Malik) and their father died under very tragic circumstances (still gotta think how 🤔 it definitely wasn’t Amir tho’) and they used to have a very abusive household thus why Amir HATES their dad. Contrary to Malik, who keeps saying he deserved a second chance and was a good father and wishes he could have made him proud ~ this always makes Amir and Malik fight amongst other things and this is what also bonds Amir and YB so much: the hate for their old man.
It would be a very psychological AU that deals with a lot of issues and shit and traumas the boys have to live with + adding all the typical teenage angst at that age so it’s CHAOS. and I’d also have the perfect soundtrack/playlist for it 💆‍♀️ (it would be set in the 90s)
Ofc it’d be bakumali because I can’t help myself (and maybe also Ryou x Amir as a side pairing 👀)
Since it’s Malik’s first year in domino high school he wants to be recognised as one of the “cool kids” and befriend the older boys from the class. he just hates it that his big brother (Amir) is always there as well. Compared to the Bakuras these two have much more of a turbulent kind of relationship going on as siblings, where they constantly fight and Amir says Malik “ruined” the family whenever their fights get harsher and Malik says father never loved him anyway. Isis and Rishid try to keep the family and the boys under control as young adults but it’s hard 😔
YB visits the Ishtars sometimes to hang out with Amir in his room where they listen to music, smoke weed, and play PS and such and this is when Malik “spies” on YB. he thinks his big brother’s friend looks so cool with his ripped jeans and eyeliner and black nail polish. One night YB and Amir are smoking weed in Amir’s room and playing PS when Malik would use the chance. He’d piss Amir off and tell him it’s his turn to take the trash out on purpose to make him leave his room. Ofc Amir says no but then Malik “threatens” him with “I will tell sister you smoke weed if you don’t take the trash out”. And so Amir leaves (slamming the door behind him like an unruly teenager and saying he’s gonna kill Malik) and leaves a stoned YB alone in his room. And this is when Malik uses the chance to be alone with a very confused and very stoned YB who wonders why Amir’s little brother seems to be so interested in him sdfghjkl and yea this is basically their first encounter.
Malik has basically a kind of obvious “fangirl crush” for YB but the latter is so confused why and what he even sees in him. Because for him there’s nothing “cool” in skipping school and breaking the rules, it’s just the only thing he knows. But for Malik this is the coolest shit he’s ever seen.
this little sketch i made kinda shows my idea for their relationship in this AU better sdfghjk:
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Malik befriends Ryou (who is in his same class and school year) out of convenience ofc cause he wants to get closer to YB. Yes Malik is a lil bitch in this AU. And Ryou is like extremely nice and polite, he’s the weird silent kid who doesn’t have a lot of friends and lives in his own world. He falls victim to bullies a lot and YB also keeps that rough facade to make sure no one messes with him. Ryou befriends Malik and tries to answer all of the weird, intimate questions he has of his big brother...
One night I, like, imagined a scenario where Amir and YB are out spray-painting a wall behind the station with some other thugs and Malik and Ryou followed them secretly (it was all Malik’s plan) even if Ryou was totally contrary to the idea. Once they see the guys have drugs and alcohol Ryou wants to leave, but Malik says this is exactly what makes it exciting and joins them without warning. When Amir and YB see Malik they panic, wondering what he is doing here. Amir gets particularly pissed off and wants to just leave. ofc YB tells him he can’t just leave his young brother alone in a place like this with people like that. But Amir ignores him (and this will lead to one of the first big fights between the two best buddies 😔 they will punch each other. I told you it will have a lot of angst)
Anyway at the end Amir leaves and YB is decent enough to bring both Ryou and Malik home but then Malik insits on wanting to crash at their place. So YB is like “i guess??” And they spend the night together at the Bakura’s place :) YB takes the couch and leaves his bed for Malik to sleep in but Malik will have none of that ofc sgksksj
Okay sorry for boring you, I could go on forever with so many scenarios of this AU or like actually sit down and write it... and yea.. that’s it.... just angsty and misunderstood boys in a shitty society with shitty parents trying to find a sense with their lives 🥺
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emilia3546 · 3 years
You And Me - Casteel and Kieran
When Casteel escapes from the Ascended, he loses everything, his brother, his fiancee, but all he knows is that he has to make it home, to the brother racing across the world to find him before its too late.
It could have been days, could have been weeks since he'd stumbled out onto that beach, but none of the voices around him were familiar. He only caught a few words here and there, but each time he tried to respond, to move, his voice died in his throat, his limbs wouldn't respond. He couldn't even blink his eyes open, not when someone spoke, saying something familiar, then again. He concentrated on that voice, trying to make out the word,
"Casteel," that was it, he'd heard that before, but he couldn't remember what it meant, if it meant anything any more. "It must be," that same voice, "Open your eyes," the voice, the man, was talking to him, he had to open his eyes, but he couldn't, he tried, but he couldn't. 
"He needs to regain his strength,"
"How? None of us are Atlantian," Atlantian, he knew that word too, that was what he was, an Atlantian, and that other word, Casteel, that, that was who he was, his name.
"My Atlantian ancestry will have to be enough for now," the first voice again, he tried to move, to open his eyes again, perhaps this was another trick, another cruel game, to make him think he was somewhere else, somewhere that seemed safe. He was still trying to move when someone tipped his head back, and something pressed into his mouth, he tried to pull away, but he had no strength, "Come on, Prince, bite," this was familiar too, his body knew what to do, even if his mind wouldn't remember, but when the thing in his mouth jabbed up, into his teeth, his fangs, something started flowing. He drank hungrily, his mind clearing with each mouthful, strength returning to his limbs, he grabbed hold, and bit harder, "Good," was that a note of relief? He wasn't sure he could comprehend anything so complex, but it was, whoever it was, they were relieved. But all too soon they tried to pull away, he held on, he needed this, needed their blood, he wasn't ready, he couldn't let go. Someone else pulled his head backwards forcing him to draw in a sudden breath, the cold air making his eyes fly open. There were three men, in just one small room, one of them wrapping up his wrist in some sort of bandage,
"Welcome back," he blinked, this wasn't the place he'd been in before, this was different, he slammed backwards, hitting a wall, wooden, not stone, this was real, he was out. "Whoa, steady, you're safe here, you're safe." Safe? He didn't know the meaning of the word any more. "Casteel, you're safe." That was his name, these men knew his name.
"Safe?" he whispered, his own voice alien in his ears,
"We want to get you home." Home. He hadn't been home in ages, since he'd failed, failed at something, he couldn't remember what. "Steady," one of them gripped his arm as he tried to stand, helping him to his feet, "Steady," he repeated, "It will take time, my Prince." He was a prince? He was a prince, a prince of a fallen kingdom, he'd been trying to save his people, he'd failed. And he, he wanted to go home, to Momma, to Papa, to his brother. But Malik wouldn't be there, because he'd failed. The door opened, and he stepped outside, guided by two of the men, the third standing silent behind them, the one who'd fed him,
"Thank you," he hated it, his voice, it was so raw, raspy, but he lost all thoughts of anything else when the castle loomed into the sky, that was where Malik was. Tears started to form, slipping down his face, but there was something else, someone else. She'd left him, she'd tried to give him up, she was the reason Malik was there, he hated her, he was glad she was dead, and she was dead, he remembered that much, she was dead by his hand. Casteel was still staring at the castle when the third man started explaining that they needed to leave.
Days later, he still wasn't strong enough to ride on his own, hardly managing to keep his eyes open long enough to hold a conversation, but the men had now been joined by a few others, including another that had offered his blood. It was twice a day that one of them offered to feed him, and he was so tired, so hungry that he never refused, even when they started to seem paler, more tired. Casteel knew he should refuse, but he couldn't, he could barely hold himself back from lunging at one of them and draining them completely, the few mouthfuls here and there were barely enough.
"We're almost there, almost there, then you can drink as much as you need, there's more of us there." Casteel didn't know where, he just knew that he wanted to get there, if he could feed properly, if he could finally escape this monster that the Ascended had made him into.
He hadn't realized that they'd arrived at wherever it was until someone roused him from sleep, helping him down from the horse and half-carrying him to a seat. He leaned back against the stone wall, so different from the last one he'd leaned against, here he was outside, free. Casteel drew in a deep breath, the scent of outside helping, he was out, he was free, he was safe. There were others here, others whose scent drew him in, he lost track of exactly what happened that evening, but he knew there were several scents int he room they'd given him to sleep in, those words ringing in his ears, from blood and ash, we will rise. Casteel. my Prince. Your Highness. He didn't deserve those words, but as he started to drift off to sleep, his mind cleared, more than it had for the gods only knew how long.
This place, a temporary settlement that he'd learned wasn't safe permanently, was filled with people, his people. They all said he had to go, but no-one could be spared to accompany him. He'd fed his fill last night, but he fed again that morning, and ate a full breakfast, bacon, sausages. He spoke to these people, so much that his voice didn't sound so hollow, so foreign, he spoke until it became normal again to do so. He remembered their names, there was the woman called Jess who'd helped him find clothes, and spare one to pack with him, the man who'd first fed him, Edward, who promised to watch the road, to keep him safe, even when Casteel had insisted that he'd done enough. There was the woman called Isabelle who'd given him a map, reminded him of the way home. He had hugged her, unsure of how to do anything else, just needing to show his gratitude somehow.
The horse they'd given him was the fastest, and strongest, not that he had much to carry with him, just the spare clothes that Jess had found him, a bedroll, and a few weapons that they could spare, even having fed, craven were still a threat, especially alone, he would hope to all the gods that they left him alone. Some part of him was sad to leave, these people had helped him when they had no obligation to do so, when anyone who was smart would have left him, and he had no way to repay them. He marked the settlement on the map, if he could, one day he'd bring them home.
Avoiding towns was difficult at times, but no less necessary than it had been at the start, not with word having gotten out about his escape, with anyone and everyone desperate for a few extra coins. If he were found, the Ascended would try to take him back, he wouldn't allow it, he would die first. Still, avoiding towns kept him in the forest, vulnerable, especially when he slept. He'd taken to only sleeping a few hours, then moving on, but it was taking its toll, he'd only been free for a couple of months, he wasn't yet strong enough to truly travel hard, so when he fell asleep that evening, he stayed asleep, his body taking the rest it needed, at least until an unearthly scream rended the air.
The horse reared up onto its hind legs, showing the whites of its eyes as it tugged at the rope tying it to the tree beside where Casteel was stumbling to his feet. He reached for the frightened animal,
"Shhhhh," he muttered, patting its neck to try to calm it. It only took a few moments to pack up the bedroll and to arm himself, but it was a few moments too long, and before he could swing up into the saddle to make a run for it, something launched through the air towards him. He ducked sideways, relying on his instincts to avoid the craven screaming at it lunged for him again. He stumbled on a tree foot, rolling to minimize the impact, but still stumbled to regain his footing, losing precious seconds, and yelped when something slammed into his shoulder, sending him sprawling onto the floor. He stabbed blindly in its direction, wishing he'd been able to get his hands on a proper sword, but the dagger was the only thing he had that would kill a craven, the only bloodstone weapon there'd been in the whole temporary settlement, and they'd given it to him. Now it had saved his life, and he swore that if he made it home, he would make sure that everyone there was brought home, to Atlantia. If he even made it there himself.
The craven screamed as the dagger plunged into its shoulder, still struggling forwards, fangs bared, desperate to sink them deep into his flesh. Casteel didn't think, he just reacted, rolling backwards to his feet, he pivoted, burying the dagger into another craven's heart before ducking and rolling forwards to end the injured one still coming at him. He was too weak for this, already he was panting, tiring, but there were more coming. He would never survive, in his last thought before turning to face his death, he sliced through the rope holding the horse in place, wishing it at least to save itself. He slowly backed away from the craven, forcing them to chase him taking one at a time with the horse's hoofbeats still ringing in his ears.
Craven after craven lunged for him, but one at a time was manageable, at least at first. Gradually, his movements began to slow, and when a second craven lunged for him while he was still drawing the dagger out of another's chest, it crashed into him, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Casteel cursed as he fell, the craven's teeth clashing by his ear as he twisted out of its grip, the dagger flying away and disappearing in the trees. He reached for it, but the craven landed on his shoulder, pinning him to the ground as it twisted to lunge for him again. He squeezed his eyes shut, this was it, he was never going home, and he braced himself for the sharpness of its fangs, a blow that never came.
Moments after falling, the weight of the craven was ripped off him, and he saw it fly into a tree, its head torn from its shoulders. He stumbled back to his feet, ready to fight whatever had come, but froze when his gaze met a familiar icy blue gaze. He had hardly a moment before the wolven turned to tackle another craven, scattering the last ones, leaving Casteel staring in disbelief, until he turned back, he wasn't dreaming, he couldn't be, the pain when the craven had hit him was real, the scent was real,
"Kieran?" He wasn't sure when he'd started crying, but the tears were flooding down his face now, and he sobbed out Kieran's name again as he sank to his knees on the floor. Within seconds, the wolven was by his side, wrapping a paw around his shoulders, resting his head on the other. Casteel gripped his fur tight, he was real, real. He sobbed again, burying his face in Kieran's fur, holding on as tight as he could, he was never letting go again, ever, he was safe now, truly safe.
Casteel was still sobbing when fur melted away, becoming smooth, brown skin, still sobbing when Kieran lifted his head, meeting Casteel's gaze, eyes filled with tears as he murmured,
"I've got you, Cas, you're safe now," he couldn't respond, could only squeeze his brother tighter, clinging on to him as he sobbed.
Kieran was here, he was safe, and Casteel held on to him as they walked through the forest, in the direction the horse had gone in, finding it grazing not too far away,
"I knew you were out, I just knew, and I knew I had to get to you," Casteel nodded, letting Kieran help him back onto the horse, walking beside them, "It's you and me, Cas. It's always been you and me."
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I just read the pregnancy rowaelin angst and it made me feel so many things. Would you write a second part, where Aelin actually find out she's pregnant again and is all happy but also scared to tell Rowan? And then the first ultrasound happens? Maybe they already have an adopted child and they are so excited to become a sibling and it's all cute and fluff. ❤️
This is so sweet. Like so fucking sweet it gave me toothache. I threw as much fluff as I possibly could because as I said, pregnancy is something personal to me and I love happy endings. It’s fucking long but I hope you enjoy every single second of it. This is the part one!
Warnings: literally none, it’s just really cute
Safe haven 2
Aelin was resting against the hood of her car, arms crossed and eyes scanning the crowd for…
“Mommy!” A little girl screamed from the school’s door. Her inky black hair bounced as she ran to Aelin, her green eyes shining with excitement. “Mommy, here!”
Aelin’s face broke into a wide grin as she jogged in her daughter’s direction and grabbed the little girl in her arms. She immediately peppered her daughter’s face in quick kisses, earning delighted laughs.
“Hello, Aurora. How was your day at school, baby?” Aelin asked, standing up with Aurora in her arms. The girl hugged Aelin’s neck fiercely, resting her head on her mother’s shoulder. “Made any friends?”
Aelin fought a smile when she saw Aurora blushing and smiling sheepishly. “His name is Lachlan, and he’s new to the school. He speaks nice.”
“Oh, he does?”
“Yes. He said is how people speak where he come from. Some kids made fun of it, but I think it was pretty. Just like daddy speaks a little different too.”
Aelin nodded, kissing her daughter’s crown. For all her excitement and free spirit, Aurora was awfully shy around anyone who wasn’t her family or people she knew since her adoption. Her best friend, Aedion and Lys’s daughter, was a year younger so they couldn’t be in the same class. Rowan and Aelin had been hoping for weeks now that Aurora would make at least one friend in school. She was six and smart like her dad, which caused her to feel a little bit different from the other kids.
Aelin couldn’t wait to see the relief on Rowan’s face that their baby had made a friend.
“So now you guys are friends?”
“Yes!” She smiled excitedly and clapped her hands. “He said he’s gonna bring me some candies from his kingdom tomorrow, and I said I would bring a picture of Fleetfoot.”
“That’s so great, baby.” Aelin smiled, putting Aurora in her seat and buckling her up. “We’ll find the most beautiful picture of Fleetfoot to show Lachlan.”
Her daughter squeaked with delight, and Aelin laughed as she opened her window and closed the door. She stood on the side walk once more, looking around again, searching for someone else.
“Mom!” A teenage boy called her.
“Nino!” Aurora shouted from the backseat. “Nino, I made a friend!”
Nino smiled at her voice, his friend group smiling too. They all waved at Aelin as her son jogged in her direction, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead. Although Nino was adopted, everyone liked to joke he had gotten Rowan’s genes. His and Aurora’s green eyes were the exact same shade as Rowan’s, and Nino was becoming as tall as his father.
He waved back at his friends and they were shouting their goodbyes as they walked away.
“Bye, aunt Aelin!” Evangeline shouted.
Aelin smiled at her and waved back. Evangeline had been Aedion and Lys’s ward much before Aelin and Rowan had even considered adoption. Eva was much as Lys’s daughter as Nino and Aurora were her kids.
“How was your day in school?” Aelin said, getting in the car as Nino took the passenger seat.
“Fine.” He said, and Aelin only raised a brow at him. He sighed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. “I bombed math.”
Although she should be pissed, should act like the strict mom and reprimand him from bombing another math test, Aelin had to fight a smile. “Your dad is gonna eat your liver with a spoon if you keep failing math exams.”
“Mommy! That’s disgusting!” Aurora said, and Aelin looked back to see her frowning her whole face with disgust.
Aelin laughed, and so did Nino.
“I know, I know. Evangeline also barely passed, Malik did worse than I. Phedre said she could teach me.”
“Oh, she did?” Aelin was absolutely certain that her son had the biggest crush on one of his best friends, Phedre. Whenever Eva came to their houses with Aedion and Lysandra, she would also tease her cousin endlessly.
She batted her eyelashes innocently. “Yes, sweetie?”
“Stop that shit.” Aelin also knew she should reprimand him from cursing, but she fully believed that a sixteen year old boy should be allowed to say some curse words here and there. Never in important occasions, but both she and Rowan were fine with it during their daily lives.
Aelin only snorted, and silence fell upon the car.
She quietly looked at her two kids, Aurora playing with a doll she had found and Nino typing something on his phone, and a small smile played on her lips.
When Aelin learned that she would have difficulty getting pregnant three years ago, her world fell. She didn’t want to base her whole life on that fact, but it was like seeing some of her biggest dreams getting crushed right in front of her eyes. Even when Rowan started explaining to her how the adoption process would be, a part of her was still sad by the prospect of not getting pregnant.
It hadn’t taken them too long to go to foster care. Aelin had to admit, she was only half paying attention during the beginning of their visit, her mind still heavy with a sort of mourning. She still remembered the feeling of being completely devastated, and only Rowan’s pine green eyes had taken her out of her stupor.
She stopped mid track when she again saw Rowan’s pine green eyes staring at her, only it wasn’t Rowan because he was walking behind her. Aelin took in the little three year old sitting on the floor, playing with two old dolls.
That moment had been Aelin’s epiphany.
It was like a whole new path had been revealed to her, a striking realization that she might have dreamed of getting pregnant, but that wasn’t all that there was. She could keep trying, but she wouldn’t waste away in grief.
“Who’s she?” Aelin’s voice was low, and the social worker stopped talking to Rowan, both of their heads turning to her. “The little girl with black hair. What’s her name?”
“Who? Aurora?” At that, the girl smiled at Aelin and Rowan, extending one of her dolls.
For the first time in a week, Aelin’s smile was genuine. Her heart was beating so fast, hope blossoming where grief had been. She approached the girl and seated on the floor with her, taking the doll and starting to play. She felt Rowan’s soft gaze on them, and also heard the whispered words with the social worker.
“How old is she?”
“Three.” The woman responded. “Although our highest demand is for babies, Aurora would have a greater chance being adopted if she didn’t have an older brother. Not everyone is willing to take in two kids, much less when one who is so much older.”
“How old is he?” Aelin said, turning to look at the social worker and Rowan standing behind her. Aurora seemed content with playing with Aelin’s doll even though Aelin wasn’t moving it.
“Dominique is thirteen. We all call him Nino because Aurora couldn’t pronounce Nick, only Nino.”
Aelin stared at Rowan, and he stared right back. They had come here to look for babies, that’s for sure. Aelin wanted to be there every step, wanted to see every phase. They didn’t even know what they would do with a teenager. Or with two kids at once. But Aelin’s heart had almost burst out of her chest when she took a look at Aurora, and the thought of just going home and never seeing her again hurt.
“Can we meet the boy?” Rowan asked, not taking his eyes off Aelin.
“Of course, just a second.” The woman wandered off, and Rowan came to sit by Aelin.
Aurora eyed him suspiciously, but relaxed when he gave her a reassuring smile.
“I’m Aelin, this is my husband Rowan.” Aelin gestured between them, her voice soft so she wouldn’t scare the girl.
Aurora smiled at them, and was opening her mouth to say something when her brother entered the room.
If Aurora had been Aelin’s epiphany, Nino had been Rowan’s.
Rowan looked at Aelin and both of them shared a secretive smile.
And that had been that.
Rowan got all the papers to bring the kids to live with them and then the adoption papers. It was strange in the beginning, the new addition to the house, but they soon feel in such natural normalcy that Aelin sometimes wanted to cry when she thought of it.
Nino absolutely loved Aelin, but he adored Rowan. His father was his role model, and Nino did everything to build a relationship with Rowan as fast as possible. They went to hockey and football games together. Rowan always took Nino to practice, and they would always go out just the two of them after to eat something. Aurora was closer to Aelin, but she adored her father just the same and had him wrapped around her little finger.
There was so much love on Rowan’s eyes when he looked at their kids that Aelin’s heart skipped a beat.
She loved her family so much that sometimes she felt she could die from it.
“Mom?” Nino woke her up from her memories. She parked the car in front of Rowan’s clinic, and when Nino started taking off his seatbelt, she put a hand on his wrist. He looked at her puzzled, but didn’t say anything. He rested against the seat again, playing on his phone as Aelin took Aurora out and walked in the clinic.
Rowan was a surgeon, but he sometimes did some clinic consults. On those days, Aelin would bring the kids to spend the day with him. She waved at Fenrys who was talking with a patient, and he waved back and winked at Aurora, making her giggle at her uncle.
“Dada!” Aurora shouted the moment she saw Rowan’s silver head, and his head snapped up with a smile already on his face.
“If it’s not my two favorite girls in the whole world.” He stood, walking to them. Rowan took Aurora out of Aelin’s arms and bent down to give her a kiss. He gave another quick one before standing straight again. He gave a peck on Aurora’s forehead and she laid her face on his shoulder. “Where’s Nino?”
“Sick.” Aelin lied. “I’m taking him home. Nothing serious, just a little headache and nausea.”
Rowan’s brows instantly furrowed, and he looked to the entrance as if he could see his son sitting inside the car. “Want me to check on him?”
Aelin laughed. “He’s not that sick and would hate the fussing. He’ll be better once you go home, but for today is only you and Aurora.”
He nodded, still not fully convinced.
“Actually, Aurora has something to tell you.” Aelin said with a smile. “About her new friend.”
Rowan’s face broke into a curious smile and he looked at his blushing daughter. “Oh?”
“His name is Lachlan and he speaks nice.” She said shyly.
Rowan bit his lip not to laugh, and Aelin did the same. She stepped closer to him, giving him another kiss. “I’ll see you home. Love you.”
“Love you too, Ace.” He called after her as she left, immediately turning to his daughter to hear about her new friend.
The moment Aelin got into the car, Nino looked at her. “So, what are we hiding from dad?”
“Why would you think that?”
“You say you know me because I am your son. Well,” he shrugged. “I know you because you’re my mom.”
She smiled at that, but it slowly fell. “It’s a secret, Nino. And I really need you to keep it.”
He was suddenly serious. “You can tell me whatever, mom.”
She blew a breath. “I’m pregnant.”
He stared at her for a few moments before a smile broke on his face. Nino had known since the beginning how much his mom wanted to get pregnant. It had never made him feel less wanted or loved, and he couldn’t be happier for her right now. “Mom, that’s amazing! Why can’t dad know?”
“What if I lose it again, Nino? I can’t put your dad through it again. I remember the miscarriages from years ago and although he doesn’t think so, I knew the devastation on his eyes. I never held for more than three weeks. I’m so sorry to put this weight on you, sweetheart, but I just couldn’t go to the ultrasound alone.”
“It’s no weight, mom. Of course it isn’t.” He was still smiling at her. “How long?”
“I don’t know. The treatments mess up my periods so I haven’t had one in two months, but that doesn’t mean anything. I started getting morning sickness a few days ago, so maybe a week.” Aelin was tense, her palms clammy as she started driving to the hospital. “I’m so nervous, Nino. It crushed me three years ago, and I haven’t had a pregnancy scare since then.”
“You had three years of treatments, mom. Everything is gonna be alright and Aurora will have a little sibling to pick on.” Despite her tension, Aelin laughed. Nino was always calm, always a steady presence. His reassurance made her calmer, even though she wished she could call Rowan. He was the only one who really knew how to soothe her nerves.
The last few days had been torture. Her hands had been trembling when she bought a pregnancy test. Trembling even more when it came back positive. She wanted to tell Rowan so, so bad. Wanted to have him by her side as she discovered if she would be able to hold it or not, but she couldn’t bring herself to break his heart again. They had been so happy for the past three years with Aurora and Nino that Aelin wouldn’t dare to break his peace.
In the waiting room, Nino talked to his mom about anything to distract her. Aelin forced herself to listen about his classes, about hockey practice, about how Malik, his best friend, had gone to the infirmary after Evangeline accidentally decked him during gym. How he and Phedre had laughed their asses off while watching the scene.
She was smiling softly at her son when the nurse came in, asking her if she was ready. Just like that, all her calm disappeared. Her heart was beating so fast that it was all she could hear as she walked entered the room.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Whitethorn. How are we doing today?” The doctor asked as Aelin laid down. He rode her shirt up to expose her belly, applying the cold lubricating jelly onto her skin. “Your son?”
“My oldest, yes.” Aelin answered automatically. She was too nervous to elaborate further. Nino was sitting on a chair by the bed, elbows on his knees while he stared at the black monitor.
“So let’s get over with it, shall we?” He said with a smile, asking her a few questions before putting the transducer against her skin. Immediately the black screen lit up, and the doctor stared at it, moving the thing across her belly.
Aelin couldn’t tear her eyes away from the screen, trying to understand what was going on. Her heartbeat was steady but so strong that she could feel her whole body shaking with it. “So?” She asked after a few moments.
The doctor was silent, still analyzing what was on the screen. When he turned to her, he gave her a smile. “Everything seems fine, Mrs. Whitethorn. Because of your treatments your period was irregular, and that was most likely what stopped you from noticing the pregnancy earlier. Judging by the size, you have two healthy and strong babies inside of you for two months now. I would still recommend biweekly visits just to make sure nothing changes but... The pregnancy seems fine, nothing apparent to worry about. Congratulations.”
Aelin’s whole world stopped at that moment. She could feel her cheeks dampening, her mouth letting out a small sob but she wasn’t really there. Her mind was spinning and she had never known this feeling. She wanted to put her hand on her stomach, above the two little things she could not even feel but knew that were there.
“Would you like to hear it?”
She nodded, her eyes glued to the monitor. When Aelin first heard the two soft heartbeats twining together, she was fully crying. It was like hearing the response to so many questions she didn’t even know she wanted the answers. It cracked a damn inside of her, and she closed her eyes, basking on the sound of her babies’ heartbeats.
She turned to Nino and he was smiling at her. “Damn, now I have to share my heritage with two more people?”
Aelin laughed out loud, the sound merry to her ears. “Can I record it? To show my husband?”
“Of course, and if you want a picture we can provide that.”
Aelin nodded eagerly, and held onto the recording and the pictures all the way home. When they arrived, Rowan’s car was already parked in the garage.
“Where were the two of you?” Rowan asked the moment Nino and Aelin stepped inside. “And I thought you were sick.”
Nino smiled at his father, speaking to him as he went up the stairs, his voice gloating. “I knew first.”
Rowan’s face was a mask of confusion as he watched his son disappear. He turned back to Aelin, sitting on their couch. “Knew what first?”
Unable to help herself, tears started falling from her eyes and she went to him. He immediately grabbed her in his arms, holding her on his lap. Even not knowing what was going on, Rowan whispered soothing words to her and rubbed her back.
He gave her a strong kiss to the forehead. “Fireheart, what happened?”
She wordlessly took out her phone, looking for the recording. He watched her intently, worry showing on his face.
Rowan was a doctor, he would understand what that was without her explaining, she she silently played it. It took him a moment of listening to the recording to understand what it was, for the expression on his face to go from worry to absolute exhilaration.
He put a hand on her stomach, the other one going to the back of her neck to hold Aelin in place when he kissed her. His lips were warm and soft against hers, and Aelin sighed in complete happiness as she hugged his neck. She could feel the smile on his lips, all the love and happiness he was feeling in that kiss.
“You’re pregnant?”
She nodded cheerly, her eyes watering again. Her tears started falling the same moment a single one fell from Rowan’s eye. “Two months, Ro. And they’re fine, healthy and big and strong.” She laughed, kissing him again. “We’re going to have two more kids, Ro.” She showed him the picture of the ultrasound, the two little things laying next to each other.
He grabbed the picture with one had, staring at it in awe. When his eyes fell upon Aelin’s face, the expression changed to so much love and adoration it knocked the air out of her lungs.
He boomed a loud and happy laugh, standing up with her in his arms and sweeping around. Aelin was laughing, her arms tight around his neck. “I love you. I love you so much, fireheart. I love you so fucking much sometimes I think I’ll combust from it.”
She was crying again, holding onto Rowan as if he was her life line. “I love you too, Ro. I love you so much that just looking at your face makes me loose my breath. I love you so much that I think it’s impossible to love you more, but it happens every day.” Aelin kissed him, euphorically and sloppy.
“The two of you are disgusting. Find a room, for fuck’s sake.” Nino said from where he was standing at the stairs, Aurora in his arms. She was beaming at her parents, and Rowan held Aelin with one arm as he extended the other one to their kids.
Nino smiled and went up to his father, hugging his side as Aurora threw herself at him. She was blabbering about the babies, about being an older sister and Rowan, Aelin and Nino were quietly laughing at her. Aelin, still holding one of Rowan’s hand, pulled Nino into a hug. “Thank you for going with me, Nino. You’re the best son I could ever dream of.”
His cheeks turned a shade of pink but he hugged his mom back, looking at his father. “I knew first.”
Rowan faked impatience, narrowing his eyes. The intimidating effect was completely ruined by Aurora in a pink tutu in his arms, pulling his hair in all directions. “You’ve gloated already, boyo.”
“I’ll never let you forget.” Nino was grinning, his arm around Aelin’s shoulder. She bit her lip to hold her laughter.
“Gods help me.” Rowan muttered.
“You could even say I am mom’s favorite man in the house.”
“You’re asking to get grounded.”
“Lost your position, old man.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “How was your math test?”
“Actually,” Nino said, taking his arm off his mom’s shoulder and backing up a step. “You can have the favorite man position.”
“Nino Galathynius Whitethorn.”
“It’s all yours!” Nino shouted to his dad as he ran up the stairs.
Rowan looked exasperatedly at Aelin, and even with all her efforts she couldn’t keep her joyous laugh from escaping her lips.
“He gets being shit at math from his mother.” Aelin shrugged.
Rowan huffed a laugh. “The bunch of you will give me silver hair.”
“Dad!” Aurora shouted from his arms. “You already have silver hair, duh!”
This time, when Aelin’s laugh rang out, Rowan’s did too.
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khxpresh · 3 years
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// This is an updated version of my old post, in regards to the main big differences between Yami Seto Au and the normal DM stuff. This is also a quick run down of the timeline.
The very first duel: Set wasn’t aware that the pharaoh had returned, he was blinded by a mix of his and Seto’s ego as well as pride. Because of this, he enabled and further fed into  Kaiba’s plans of kidnapping Yugi’s grandpa. Set “remembers” of his  original mission, when they are defeated and Yami Yugi “shatters their mind”. It’s important to highlight that Set has been sharing Seto’s body, years prior to the serie’s events.
Read more due to the length
Duelists kingdom arc
Because Seto is the wielder of the millennium rod, there is an even bigger motivation for Pegasus to try take over KC. The stakes are even higher here, than compared to DM;
They still go through with all the pre-DM stuff that ties them to Pegasus, however Set always remains well hidden within the back of Kaiba’s mind whenever they are in his presence. He always feels an odd sensation, while in the presence of illusion industrial president. The spirit isn’t aware that the man is in possession of the millennium eye.
The next big change happens in the duel against Pegasus. At some point during it, Set realises that their opponent has Aknadin’s item and tries to banter with Seto for them to swap places. After all he knows how the eye works, but due to their current situation, everything they had previously gone through against Yugi not too long ago and Seto’s insistence that he will save Mokuba by himself prevents Set from even attempting the minds swapping strategy. The duel’s outcome is the same, Kaiba is defeated and his soul is stolen. Leaving Set behind all by himself, in his body. This is the first time, his existence is revealed to everyone;
Both Yugi and Yami Yugi, have only had the slightest bit of clue from the existence of the other face (Set). Until this point.
Set is taken hostage, and can’t do anything but wait within his jail cell. By the end of it, he is reunited with both Seto and Mokuba;
Before they find Mokuba however, they have a brief encounter with Shadi. Who investigates their soul rooms, in search of the eye’s thief. It’s here that Set learns about Pegasus’ fate (he is quick to assume that Bakura must have had something to do with it), as well as how it has become impossible to traverse/get inside of Kaiba’s soul room.
Prior to the start of DM’s events, Kaiba and Set have a run in with Y!Bakura who comes close to stealing the rod. (Post going into more details about this event, will come soon).
The dark RPG arc
The game is still something Seto has been working on for a long time. Set has been a helping hand, in testing the VR technology. Thanks to the programming, he and Seto can co-exist with separate bodies;
Seto is kidnapped leaving Set try to get to him, all by himself. However, as imagined he can’t get to him due to lacking a party to take on the game’s late quests;
When Yugi’s party catches up to Set, he and Mokuba try to pass him off as some sort of NPC;
Mokuba still is the one who frees Seto, Set is working alongside Yugi’s party and following their pace.
Battle city:
Malik still is the main antagonist of this arc, however he doesn’t wield the rod. Likely has another millennium item, in his possession;
Set also maintains his presence/existence a secret from the Ishtars. He, alongside with Ishizu, convince Kaiba to start the tournament;
While he may have contributed to the start of BC, there is a huge debacle between him and Seto in regards to the use of the Obelisk in duels. Set refuses to use the God card, out of fear of angering the deities (this is in reference to when he was a pharaoh. He never used the God Kas, during his reign). Whereas Seto, obviously couldn’t care anyway less about the spirit’s concerns in regards to it, and clearly takes immense pelasure out of using its power;
Set participates in the following duels:
The double duel agains the rare hunters, in Atem’s side. vs. Ishizu, that is when he reveals himself to the Ishtars.
Up until Ishizu’s duel, Malik’s primary target was Atem. However, it changes to Set when he reveals himself to be the pharaoh responsible for the creation of the tombkeepers;
Set reveals himself to be someone with far greater knowledge, and control over shadow games than both y!Malik and Bakura. AT some point, they try taking on him, but their attempts prove themselves to be in vain. He is keeping Kaiba and Mokuba safe, from them;
They have another brief run in with Shadi. Seto doesn’t learn how to read hieroglyphs, since Set is there to do that for him. Set also feels y!Bakura being erradicated by y!Malik;
Virtual world:
Set has heard of Seto and Mokuba’s story a dozen of times, but not the thing in its entirety. Not only that, Seto has never learned what happened in his early memory loss episodes when Set woke up. It is here, that the truth is brought to light.
At the start, Set only saw Seto, as nothing more than a vessel for him to fulfill his duty of serving/helping Atem in the present time. And he would speak of him in such manner, with Gozaburo. Needless to say, but learning such things is bound to put a damper in the brothers’ trust on Set.
Unlike in the Dark RPG arc, Set is bound to Kaiba’s body. It appears that no one outside of Gozaburo, are aware of his existence in the first place. Which catches Noah by surprise, when they finally come face to face;
Set is the one who initiates the duel against Noah, under the justification that he was the one responsible for Gozaburo’s death and not Seto. However, he has to swap places with Seto once Noah starts using Mokuba as a meat shield. They are unable to continue, and are turned into stone as a result;
From the duel against Gozaburo, all the way to their escape Set and Seto are in complete sync with one another, in the same way that Yugi and Atem are always seen.
By the end of the duel with Gozaburo, Set finishes what he began all those years ago, the ritual to feed the man’s soul to his BEWD ka. His punishment for all the crimes, against him.
BC’s finals
There aren’t any major differences between them. Set and Y!Malik exchange a few words, mostly just so he can both taunt him and send him after Atem. By the end of the tournament, Set finally gets the confirmation that his pharaoh is indeed back.
Pyramid of Light
Again, there aren’t any major differences between them. Set picks up on the sudden shift in Kaiba’s behavior, he is mostly there as an observer. He gets sucked into the millennium puzzle, when the pyramid of light is played, that is where he stays for remainder of duel/story. He returns to Kaiba as soon as he is fred from the puzzle, and takes over the body while the other is recovering.
In relation to Anubis and the fake relic: Set had yet to be promoted into his high priest position, however he was around to witness Aknadin punish him. He wasn’t aware of the fake relic’s existence, and simply saw the sentence as just another of his mentor’s lessons. But, he recognizes Anubis.
Waking the dragons
The first duel against Amelda: Kaiba still is the one dueling, however Critias is unable to interfere in the duel. Leading to him being defeated, but Set manages to take over the body in time so his soul is the one taken by the orichalcos seal instead. He doesn’t return until the Leviathan is defeated, by the end of this arc;
Seto is trying to recover Set, while attempting to salvage what is left of his company. He doesn’t relate at all to Atem’s situation, even though at first glance they seem to be on similar grounds.
KC Grand prix
Once more, there aren’t any major differences between them. Set is aware of Ziegfried’s existence, but he really doesn’t get to do anything or much of relevance throughout this arc’s events.
He also mocks Ziegfried’s hair & mannerisms, in a similar way that Kaiba does. The other is unable to tell both apart.
Memory world
They travel to Egypt in order to join Yugi and his crew, this means that Kaiba participates in the MW’s events a lot sooner. At first, he is tasked by Set to look for any clues to Atem’s name. There is a fallout between them, when Seto becomes aware that Set isn’t trying to change the course of events, even though he knows what is coming/about to happen;
It should be worth reminding that: Set remembers most things about his life, with the exception of most memories assosciated to Atem’s existence, he doesn’t remember his name neither why he erased it from existence or anything that could possibly lead/hint to learning the name prematurely.
Set is saved from Aknadin’s control with the help of Kisara, Seto and Atem;
Seto and Set are the last ones to leave the MW, because there is one more portion of this story that is exclusively meant for Kaiba to see. Which is the aftermath, of Zorc’s battle. When Set regained consciousness and found himself all alone with the puzzle.
Ceremonial duel
They split up during the ceremonial duel, just like Yugi and Atem and watch over it like that.
Taking place about 1 year after the end of DM. Kaiba’s goal is to meet with Set, one more time. Even though, everyone around him seems to just assume, he is after Atem.
At some point, he recovers the millennium rod and keeps it to himself, even though it has no power. What Yugi says about the spirits being gone, is true. He also can’t feel Set’s presence in his relic. The rod vanishes when Atem returns to his realm.
Kaiba and Set duel each other, Kaiba is the winner and safely returns to his realm.
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zbabyboo · 4 years
The Only One - Zayn Malik 🦋
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I couldn't understand how these girls could be so good in so many different ways and clothes, things it is crazy guys and I'm not kidding. In one of these pages I saw her the amazing top model Gigi Hadid. She's definitely perfect and right now I caught myself being that insecure girl. I mean I'm not insecure all the damn time or jealous but when you're boyfriend dated one of the most incredible and spectacular top models you can't kinda control it.
— Hey sweetheart what do you think about this one? - my boyfriend take my attention off of the magazine with his angelic and calm voice.
— I'm sorry what? I was distracted baby but I'm pretty sure you were perfect as always - I put the bestest smile I could give in that moment on and looked at that face, this man can kill everyone with this pretty face.
— Yeah you was distracted with some stuff in this magazine. What is that you are reading that take you're attention off of me and made your face so sad lovie? - he asked already trying to take the magazine off me and obviously I couldn't let he see what or who was the motive for me being so distracted and 'sad' in his words. So before he do that I hug him while lefting little kisses on his face.
— That's nothing important babe... Could I please saw what my boyfriend is working on? I'm excited for this Z - Zayn is like a kid when you talk about something they like and then they are very excited and making little jumps I'm not complain 'cause I could stay here and watch this for a long time.
We were at his kitchen making some arab foods one of my favorites – and Zayn's abilities – while listening his songs to be specific we are listening Let Me and I can't avoid my mind to think about the person behind this song. Don't judge me some days you are just like a little girl, insecure and thinking if you are enough and I'll make you sure when your boyfriend is famous these types of feelings come harder.
— Love you are worrying me and don't try make me think otherwise - he stoped me before I start make excuses - Y/N you aren't like this babe, you know you can talk 'bout anything with me, right? I'm you're boyfriend and before all I'm you're friend and that person who you can trust and will always be by your side. - he hold my hands with his and immediately interrupting my actions- So tell me what's wrong with you? What's going on?
— I'm feeling like a fool because this is so embarrassing and weird - I turned my face looking at the floor, trying to say the right thing and don't look like a dumb - Remember when earlier I was reading that magazine? Right in one of that pages was Gigi there and I know I shouldn't but I was feeling so bad and insufficient I know I don't have reasons Zayn - I interrupted him before he starts the same speech about being enough, loved and the only one - but she is so perfect, kind and the right one even you saying not. She's everything you deserves, lives in the same world that you live in and you know you two are a beautiful couple and to be honest I don't have idea why you are with me and I didn't want to be playing this role... Just forget it - I looked at the ingredients back blaming myself for being so stupid and speak a lot.
— Hey N/N look at me baby girl - he put his hands on my chin making me look at his face, at this moment my eyes was already watering I couldn't control my emotions - You don't need feel like this babe you know I love you like I never loved someone you are more than enough for me I'm lucky for have someone like you in my life and being my girl. Gigi is an amazing person and we really had good times together I appreciate all the memories we done and one of those is my little baby but it doesn't change what I feel about her. She's only a good friend I assume she is an important chapter in my life but it ended you are the beggining of another and I want you to be with me for the rest of my life. I want marry with you and make a family together. You are one of the reason for why I am happy you're who I always dreamed about and wished one day have. Hurt me seeing you like this because you will never know every single things you've done and do everyday for me. I love you like I never loved someone before sweetheart.
After this sweet words I can't handle my tears anymore and simply hugged him as tight as I can at that moment I was so vulnerable I looked like a child when is afraid and only their parents can calm them down. He is my safe harbor I couldn't ask for more. He was hugging me as tight as me and there I knew he is the love of my life even if it sounds so cliché I had almost sure my belly had butterflies flying and making me feel like a teenager girl with her first boyfriend.
— I love you so fuckin much Zayn - I didn't want to say nothing more at that moment just keep that mood and enjoy the time with my boyfriend. He clearly noticed it and don't asked me or said anything more only stayed hugging me for a long time while he was whispering sweet things close to my ear.
— I love you too baby bear - he left a soft kiss on my forehead squeezing me one more time before let me go and look at me with that smile which can make me fall in love every time I look - Let's make our food now babe? We don't wanna keep hungry, uh? - I smile sweetly at him lifting a little kiss on his thin lips.
— Let's start chef Malik.
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