Life Update
so far I have been stable and haven't switched out much. I think things have been calmed around us which caused that. Once in a great awhile I'll switch. I still feel like I'm a fake but remembering bits of different times in the past and still have blanks made me realise that I'm not a fake as I had thought. I guess it's called Imposer Syndrome which I'm having lately. Its probably why I hardly post on here lately. Besides working hard in school and finishing it. I was supposed to have therapy but I missed it once then twice and I feel terrible about it but my therapist is quite understanding about missing appts. She did say that we are doing fine than in the past years. This is our 5th year in therapy, Next year will mark the 6th. There are times when I feel like I did not improve again I think its a fear of therapy coming to an end. Im not sure when will be our final day but I hope not soon. Its a big change and I guess I am afraid of it. I mean I am autistic and I don't like sudden and major changes in my life. I think its normal to feel that but I could be wrong. -sighs- Currently, I am dealing with a dental infection. I don't normally brush my teeth more than once a week cause it just feels wrong and such. Again an autistic thing. So, I ended up getting a sore above my tooth and now I am on antibiotics for the rest of the week. Next week I be hoping to see the dentist to make sure its gone completely. First, though I need to setup an appt which I worry about. Why? Its because my hearing has gotten worse and I have been misinterpreting words as different words. I do have Purple's P3 app but my account to that had been closed for some years now as I haven't used it much. I really need to learn ASL so I can start using it more. Calling and being tone-deaf makes it very difficult to understand people on the phone. Other than all those issues that I am having right now, Im just taking it easy and just make it through the day, one at a time. I also found out that I have Fibro, which is annoying as it makes the pain ten times worse than it normally is. It's what Im dealing with at the moment, it making my tooth pain hurt more than is should be. Anyway I guess that's all I can say on here and I will try keep this updated more often but I'm not sure. I will try through. - Alex Leonheart
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theanarchysystem · 5 years
Sup hoes
I’m Alex and I never fucking post here so here I am, I’ve been playing minecraft during any free time we have and Allie (host) is really upset about it but honestly??? Masterpieces. Everything I’ve built. Fucking masterpieces.
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Am I...Ginger? The Mourning After
Chapter 31
In Pete's World, the gang discover that things are not what they seem when parts of their prison start to disappear before their eyes.
Season 2 of Am I...Ginger?
Chapter 1
"You know," Ginger said. "You're pretty fast for someone who's high."
"Yeah, well, I'm a female Earthling," AlterAlex said. "After the third time I got drugged on a mission, I started insisting on being drugged during training until I could fight in all conditions."
"Wow," Ginger said. "I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"That must've been hard."
She scoffed. "Like you can't do the same."
"Yeah, but I don't want you to have to go through that. I mean that sounds horrible."
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Am I...Ginger? The Mourning After
Chapter 28
In Pete's World, Ginger finds herself in a curious moral dilemma.
Season 2 of Am I...Ginger?
Chapter 1
"So why do you think it was destroyed?" Ginger asked. "I mean, why would I have a reason to?"
"I can think of why I would," the Doctor said. "It's dangerous. I'd shut it down to prevent anyone from disrupting reality and causing chain reactions."
"Yeah, but you didn't do this," Ginger reminded him. "You took the fall for me."
"So this is the inevitable part of it all," AlterAlex said. "We get you here, which was your plan all along, and-"
"I won't do it," Ginger said softly.
This genuinely seemed to stump AlterAlex. "What?"
"I won't risk blowing a hole in the fabric of reality," she explained. She turned to the Doctor. "I know you could probably figure out a way to do it safely, but the danger is too great. I won't put any of you in harm's way if this goes Fringe-level. If any of you had to be Ambered because of me..."
AlterAlex couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You're serious?"
"This is your ticket home," the Doctor said gently. "Maybe I could fix it up to be one way then immediately close the bridge-"
"No," she said sternly. "I know you well enough to see that you're only saying that to make me feel better. You don't like your chances any more than I do. I won't ask you to compromise yourself for me. Not again. I won't put you in this position."
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