destinyisall-tlk · 3 years
SIGTRYGGR AND STIORRA ARE MARRIED IN S5😭 Saw an article with Eysteinn talking about Sigtryggr so here.. i’ll post the screenshots😁
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“Stiorra and Sigtryggr are madly in love” Ahhhh im screaming!🥰🥰🥰
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He will be good friends with Uhtred😍
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Alsooo we will see a big battle including Sigtryggr😁😁 like yes we suspected that but now it’s confirmed.
And this is a screenshot from Ruby Hartley talking about Stiorra:
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“Other than a ring which Sigtryggr gave to me, i think. Nice wedding ring” That’s beautiful!!!😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sorry for the long post but i wanted to show the article in case you haven’t seen it😬
oh wow, that's amazing! thank you for sharing that with me, i would have never known about it otherwise.
i'm even more excited now. so glad stiorra and sigtryggr are married and that they are in a loving, respectful relationship, can't wait to see that play out on screen. now all we need is to see if they have kids, 'cause that would be super cute.
I'm also really excited to see sigtryggr and uhtred's friendship play out. i love how eysteinn said, "these are two men that care for each other and respect each other". it'll be a really cool dynamic to see. sigtryggr + cookham squad, bring it on!
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lauwrite1225 · 3 years
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Aethelstan dangerous attack in Season 5 Episode 3 for @alternative6666 :')
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fefe-marty · 3 years
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 2 years
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A variety of Sigtryggr icons for @alternative6666
Photo by @destinyisall-tlk and can be found in this post
Please like and reblog if using 💜💜💜
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queen-of-dane · 2 years
@alternative6666 ❤
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
Sigtryggr for the character ask😁
favorite thing about them
i don’t think i could pick just one, but if i must, ahaha. i would say my favourite thing about sigtryggr is his devotion and loyalty to those he cares for. stiorra has said he has a tender heart and we’ve seen that through his actions and words. he’s soft and gentle, but knows when to be fierce and cunning. underneath it all he is such a multi-layered character, and the 10 episodes did a good job at showcasing the surface of who sigtryggr is. but i feel like if we dived deeper into his back story we would get more of a better or another view of sigtryggr.
also, i can not go past without mentioning his voice. the way he can command with that voice, lord have mercy.
least favorite thing about them
not so much to do with sigtryggr, but more so the writing. i felt like in order for edward to “win” the writers had to reduce sigtryggr to the “typical” dane. his whole motto was “we do not succumb to anger”. and yet, it seemed like that was his driving force in order to attack without thinking strategically like he did in S4. and i understand the circumstances were different and it became more personal. but i kinda felt there was a major shift in how sigtryggr went about the battle in order to favour edward because that was the story. but in truth, i think sigtryggr would have beaten edward (again, lol) if the writers really dived into his more strategic, cunning side and we got to see sigtryggr S4 version but more bad-ass.
favorite line
i have too many, so i’m just gonna give you my top 5
1. "my wife will not die trapped like a rat! i did not conquer all i have conquered to let her suffer this!" 2. “i held the peace so i may hold you”. 3. "we meet these armies, take my homestead. kill the bitch". 4. “i will wait for you in the halls of our ancestors. will you find me?”. 5. “if they were the greatest, then where are they now?”.
finan x sigtryggr. i mean, if you can’t see the bromance potential, then i can’t help you. but it would be such an epic dynamic.
sigtryggr x stiorra. he was the perfect gentlemen and husband. protective over her but not possessive. cared for her and her opinions/feelings. he respected stiorra and loved her endlessly. and i’m sure he devoted each year of peace to building a life with her that both would enjoy.
no one, because sigtryggr is madly in love with one woman.
random headcanon
sometimes when sigtryggr is in the hall having a meal or on the rare occasion when he is conducting king duties, his daughter would often run in and interrupt. not being able to refuse those beautiful eyes of hers that remind him of her mother, sigtryggr would let her sit in his lap. if she gets fussing sigtryggr would entertain her by giving her his crown as he knows she loves how shiny and gold it is. afterwards, they would sit together on his throne or in the chair and sigtryggr would start telling her stories. and he would always end them by putting the crown on her head and encouraging her to conquer all that her heart desires.
unpopular opinion
i don’t think i have any, or none i can think of right now. maybe what i said in the “least favourite” section could be classified as an unpopular opinion.
song i associate with them
i have a whole list, ahaha. but the first one that comes to mind is “from the ground up by dan + shay”.
however, if it’s sexy sigtryggr time then it would be “ride by somo”.
favorite picture of them
from season 5:
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from season 4:
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
Eysteinn did an interview with The Screen Chronicles (A youtube channel that does TLK content and interviews lots of the cast members) and in that interview he said that his favourite scene in season 5 was in episode 2 with the Coccham squad in the forest after Brida attacks Eoferwic. He actually said that he begged the directors to let him have some scenes with “Uhtred’s pretty boys” 😂 He also said that Alexander told him that he doesn’t have to follow the script and can just improvise so the whole “My wife will not die trapped like a rat” was basically all him and not in writing. And he said that if Finan wasn’t sitting down in that scene he would improvise by grabbing him and shaking him while screaming that but since he happened to be sitting down he just screamed (but i just like to think how COOL would it be to see Sigtryggr grabbing and pushing Finan while screaming that in his face😂) The other scene that was his favourite was when Brida sent him in search of Uhtred, he said he loved the way that looked with the music and the moon. Oh and also he said that he saw people talking about what hair was best and he actually said that his favourite was the one Brida gave him😂😂😂 If you haven’t seen the interview yet i really recommend it!
i watched a little bit of that interview, need to go and finish it.
bless eysteinn for advocating/improvising one of the best scenes in S5! goes to show that when eysteinn improvised the “my wife....” line how familiar he was with sigtryggr and his love for stiorra. now i wonder what was originally in the script? if it was similar or if eysteinn completely changed it?
i’m long hair sigtryggr all the way. but that second haircut was pretty good too. wish he kept it for longer. now whenever i gif sigtryggr with that shorter hair i’m gonna think of it being eysteinn’s favourite, ahaha.
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
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Sigtryggr touching Uhtred’s hand in this moment completely broke me. It’s amazing that they added this physical touch between them. It was simple but yet very important. We saw how much Uhtred was struggling and Sigtryggr touching his hand and reassuring him that it’s okay was a very special moment between them.
the friendship between them in such a short space of time (on-screen wise, ‘cause we didn’t see those years in between) showcased what a great friendship they had. there was mutual respect and a trust there that really shined in that scene.
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destinyisall-tlk · 3 years
I just realized something heartbreaking.. In season 4 when Sigtryggr asks Uhtred why would he exchange gold for silver Uhtred answers “because you’ll have the saxons greatest warrior and because you know that in time i will kill you”
Was that foreshadowing? Because that’s exactly what happens.. Uhtred kills Sigtryggr. 😭😭😭
i forgot about that! what a heart-wrenching parallel. and sigtryggr asked uhtred to kill him. 😭
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destinyisall-tlk · 3 years
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Ahhhhh im screamingggg. We can see Alexander is talking to Eysteinn and they’re in a field which can only mean that maybe they had to film a battle or something😬 Im so happy to see this photo because it shows us that Sigtryggr will be hanging out with Uhtred and his squad😭💖💖
Sigtryggr looks so fucking good tho😮‍💨 How can a man’s side profile look this god damn good.
wait, wait, wait. where is that photo?. i looked on their insta page and it isn’t there? 😮‍
are we going to get a lot of wet sigtryggr looks, ‘cause i’m all here for that, ahaha. also, the power of this photo, can you imagine what the actual scene would do? 🙃
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destinyisall-tlk · 3 years
Its really amazing how Sigtryggr has one of the softest voice but then when he screams or raises his voice it becomes so deep and rough😍 Love that when he fights he seems to always roar and growl.. that’s so badass😎
when he growls/raises his voice it does things to me. i hate people yelling, but when sigtryggr does it, i have no words. the husky/rapsy tone in his voice, honestly, is one of the hottest things about him.
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destinyisall-tlk · 3 years
I don’t understand why Sigtryggr and Stiorra didn’t have any kids? They literally spent years together but yet they had no kids? Would be awesome if they had a daughter named Gisela like they have in the books. I mean now that Sigtryggr is dead Stiorra is literally left alone.. with no kids to continue Sigtryggr’s name and his legacy.. There will be no Sigtryggrsdottir or Sigtryggrsson😭😭😭😭
it was a shame they didn’t take that from the books and put it into the show...
to me, sigtryggr is still alive as i haven’t watched his death scene. i know he dies, and i knew he would way before season 5 aired. but he’s still alive for me, so it’s just weird reading “i mean now that sigtryggr is dead”, when he isn’t for me yet, ahaha.
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destinyisall-tlk · 3 years
Sigtryggr really cares for people that he loves and i love that about him. He suffered so much when his brother betrayed him.. You can really see it on his face when Rognvaldr faced his trial, Sigtryggr was broken to put his brother through so much pain and when his brother survived those 3 days we can see the obvious relief on Sigtryggr’s face🥺
he was so conflicted with showing mercy to his kin, or treating rognvaldr the same way as the captured men.
stiorra said it so well, “you’re tenderhearted”. and that is so sigtryggr. while he looks, perhaps, intimidating. underneath, all he wanted was peace and to protect his home, stiorra and his people. and i can’t imagine how much it would sting to be betrayed by family. and also, i think apart of sigtryggr feels guilty for not doing a better job in looking after rognvaldr.
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destinyisall-tlk · 3 years
At this point im just sharing every new photo of Sigtryggr i can find so here’s more😅
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And one more because Sigtryggr x Stiorra😂
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Alsoooo look at our girl boss Stiorra:
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I can just see Sigtryggr being so turned on by her at this point😂😂😂 i love her.
share any and every photo you find of sigtryggr, please. 🥰 
i’ve seen the top one, but i haven’t seen the other two, so thank you! they look so bad-ass in the the middle photo, gosh, we are going to get some good stiorra x sigtryggr moments, i can feel it.
is that rognvaldr or a random dane?. whichever it is, the fact sigtryggr is probably sitting back and just watching his wife be all bad-ass is amazing. honestly, he would be beaming with so much love. can’t wait to see it all.
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
Ahhhh im absolutely obsessed with Stiorra’s dress in season 5 😩❤️ That maroon colour suits her so much and the amber necklace is perfect 🤩 And don’t even get me started on her hairstyle😍 The braids are so cool and badass. Every time that she was on screen i was just amazed at how good she looked🔥🔥 Not to mention how cool it was for Stiorra and Sigtryggr to have similar outfits. They are literally the same just that Sigtryggr had black and she had maroon
the costumes in the last kingdom were beautifully done. although, i do wish we got to see stiorra wearing more outfits.
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
I think there would be a chance for Sigtryggr to get baptised if Stiorra asked him to. The man did everything for her.. He was prepared to not march against Edward if she asked him. I mean everything he did, he did for Stiorra. He even tells her that he holds the peace so that she may be unfractured. Maybe like you said if there was more time and if Stiorra and him talked instead of Rognvaldr immediately interfering it would be different. The only reason he got baptised in the books was that he secured a treaty with Edward so that he could turn his full attention on avenging Stiorra’s death, so even in books he did it for Stiorra.
i’m really surprised that stiorra didn’t try and ask him to consider getting baptized, but then again she knows how much being a dane means to sigtryggr, so maybe she thought it would be selfish to ask him to give being a dane up?
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