#alternatively Abed thinks they're already dating
doppel-dean-er · 2 years
I think realistically if Troy and Abed ever got together between seasons 1 and 4, it would play out like this:
imagine they're just on the Greendale campus, Troy pulls Abed aside and gives him this whole heart-felt, long-winded confession where he tries to be super stoic in the beginning and then just breaks down and everything spills out. Once he's done crying, Abed says "cool", kisses him, and leaves with a thumbs up and a "pkew" (idfk how to describe the sound, you know what I mean).
Troy just stands there for like a half an hour thinking about how his lips taste like special drink
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psych 3x2 commentary: murder, anyone, anyone, bueller?
So happy abt the highschool romcom ep, & so happy that there are only 2 ppl & the audio is so clear.
Brokeback episode? An ice storm episode? Shawn & Gus in a Tent? Yes please.
Shawn: perfect memory High school: Nowhere in his brain, so he claims
Rachel Lee Cook
Yes! So glad that they're together!
"There... there is already confirmed a season 4."
An ACTUAL high school "this was filmed at lunch" XD ok
Nah I looove tracking shots. "If you admired any of James Roday's thigh tone, it's from this work"
"Judd Nelson is watching the podcast commentary right now at home"
"that's an actual stunt guy we threw off the building. He is no longer with us. I would like to thank him for his commitment to the show." "It was Andy Berman!"
I just realized, there was no flashback here!
"It was cold. Vancouver is not Santa Barbara." "You can see the, what do you call it?" Me: Fog? Breath? "Their spirits leaving their bodies."
"It's because I can't find another job"
They're treating the podcast commentary like it's a job interview now XD
Huh, first ep ehe filmed, good for him
they actually filmed the maddie/henry phone call live on opposite sides of the sound stage!?!? That's actually cool, I love if when they discuss this sort of thing on film commentaries.
Lassiter, not Juliet? ig he is head det
"The wonderful Tim Omundson" Your reunion, my date, your case but your reunion, I'm on it with you but no I'm not also why are you
""wE COULD HAVE BUT WE DIDN'T""The background is red because it's evil" "It's deeply religious"
Oh her pills & rushmore
"Yeah but your script was 140 pages"
"Look at that package" was not in the script "Actually it's in every andy berman script"
I love background artists
Wow henry is sad
"We record these in the morning & I'm on my starbucks Green, & I am so regular, BMs like a champ" Buddy why are you telling me this on the commentary track? "You could do it in Kelly's trash can" !???
(in singsong voice) phallic!
Guy in green jacket! Guy in green jacket!
"Don't you hate it when your parents show up at the high school reunion?" 'Oh yeah mine ruined the whole night' "Mine won king & queen"
That was Corbin genuinely lasting
"Painted whore" That was like a two-AM inspiration on my part
All pills & a pair of scissors
*reads label* "Well that figures"
This man did the dance of EVERY character & he had to come up with what specifically to do On Set
Aw man imagine if they DID have russian strippers
*Out of the blue in silence* 'Do you think John Hughs saw this movie?' "No." '...End of commentary'
I hate on Lassiter a ton but he really loves Juliet. When the chief comes in all sus, he says she was helping him arrest his date. He's great. Then Karen says "Ok, I believe you" but immediately turns around with "Whatever it is you're really working on, you're not getting paid" & like... yeah ok lol. I like his little face with the small mouth
Talking about puberty now & armpit hair in jr high, what are these commentaries?
I would have loved to see the entire slideshow, going down the row of guys in speedos & then Gus at the end fully clothed. I WISH it was a thing on the DVDs
We literally see juliet arrest eileen maswell
That one guy "Alternatively we cut to the whitest guy with a blank face"
"Sometimes you see extras & some of the people are making out, & did they naturally start making out or were they directed that way?" Buddy you're the one who works in TV
I miss psych but this fixation is leaving me
0 notes
kaypeace21 · 2 years
Theories for s4 .
May be wrong but whatever XD I will mention movies said to inspire s4 as well. Also throwing in some of my crack theories in the small chance they're right. This will be just a quick rundown of ideas. I will also briefly discuss leaks, merch etc so just warning you now. To not read-if you don't want to see that.
- Eddie may die . he has a skull with lighting on it (on his d&d book). This is probably hinting he dies in the (lightning filled) upsidedown. Billy had a skull tatoo before he passed away, ( so it has precedence) . Eddie may distract the bats with his guitar (inhibiting their echolocation) and sacrificing himself to protect the others. maybe another hint he dies is how bob died and was a vampire for Halloween (vampires = bats /un-dead).
- satanic panic is alive and well, and false rumors about the hellfire club(being linked to chrissy or others de*ths spread). S3 foreshadows the satanic panic (and it's historical ties to d&d). In the 80s (on 20/20) was literally a "news report" claiming d&d was correlated to :Satanism, witchcraft, necromancy, m*rder,  being gay (rolls eyes the homoph*bia of conflating that with the others), and many other things. The gang probably first gets involved to clear eddie and Co.
- I feel like we will hate Jason and Freddie. My guess is Freddie with his school newspaper and Jason with his popularity help spread the satanic panic and witch hunts. Their names are probably from the villains in the freddy vs Jason franchises . Which is why I think we will dislike them. Also maybe a weird coincidence but in friday the 13th: Jason and the heroine chris were enemies. Despite in st, jason/chrissy dating. Could just be an Easteregg but maybe Jason is a jerk of a bf to chrissy. We also have nancy and Freddie working on the newspaper- and given how elmstreet is inspo. Freddie and nancy probably don't get along. Similar to freddy kreuger and nancy thompson -in elmstreet.
- appears like max and Co break into the counselor's office. My guess is: they look at the psych notes of the missing students for leads . Maybe that's where the drawing of the creel house comes in? Chrissy or someone else may have had nightmares of the house before they're attacked by vecna. The ripped drawing is also a callback to nancy finding the ripped photo of the demogorgan and later investigating it. So the drawing probably is what causes robin and nancy go to pennhurst (mental hospital) ,in addition to the creel house.
- already explained 2 possible theories for vecna. Skip this bullet point if you want to avoid leaks. Ok so if leaks are true. My theory is then ...henry creel, later peter ( who maybe changed his name to start fresh ) worked at hnl as a guard. And prob had powers and became vecna when trapped in upsideown. Since vecna is based on freddy k... St's vecna's backstory is probably based off the freeddy k comics. Freddy was a boy with ab*sive (step) dad, he was bullied because his dad was in an mental asylum (victor). He later becomes a dream-monster who targets kids with similar ab*sive backgrounds to himself. Explaining why the monsters targeted: Will, el, billy, max, chrissy etc. The clock immagery of the monsters- may be correlated to the m*rders and the cursed creel clock). maybe it's like a metaphor for being stuck in the past ( to the creel m*rders)? "Wanting to turn back the clock" to a better time. Vecna also makes dreams based on peoples' fears, secrets,etc. And s1-3 made direct references to Alice in wonderland/wizard of oz (which have dream worlds). And if vecna is a ruler of the upsidedown it could explain why the upsidedown monsters already mirrored the fears of el, hopper, and the byers boys in s1-3. Silent hill is st inspo: the alternate version of the town (silent hill) is filled with monsters and they reflect the tra*ma of various towns people. This alternate version of silent hill was first made by an ab*sed psychic kid . Apparently Peter can also manipulate minds /memories too which mirrors the mindflayer's ability to do so. And I already explained this , plus the alternative crack theory that could be connected to the creels in part 2: about a time paradox/loop-Here.
- there's most likely a lot of infighting in the government and that is shown via sullivan's team attacking the cali/owen's base. People think the sbp gang save her. But I think its more likely she uses the fighting between gov agencies as an opportunity to escape and head to Hawkins... maybe even hitchhike like s2.And she only reunites with sbp later. I also think el may have shaved her own head trying to "turn back the clock" to a time when she had powers while in the lab. She may try anything to regain her powers and help her friends. A few movies involve a character having a breakdown and cutting their hair (most likely El). She probably gets her powers back when in the sensory tank (called nina). Since  the hnl-pre teaser has the opera song sung by nina - and the character NINA had  repressed memories- El may recollect something before her powers reactivate (probably involving the lab massacre). In assasains creed: a character also sees their repressed memories/ past while in a water tank . Also I think it’s interesting that creel can mean ‘fish trap”. An nina can mean “enclosure of fish"” (and el is stuck in a tank like a poor fish in an aquarium). :(
- vecna forces El to have a vision of the rainbow room. The inception totem is a  and eye imagery of El/vecna is a hint of this. What may be weird is the person playing chess looks like Will. But could be a coincidence. However it is weird that when max enters a vecna dream- the grave of billy changes to William. Or the fact the creel clock also says "williams". link here
- I do wonder if jonathan and Will have vecna flashbacks of their pasts as well ,in part 2. Especially regarding lonnie. Because some s4 movies have trippy dreamscapes - one film "the cell": involves a dream memory of an ab*sive, h*mophobic father hurting his young son. Bill and Ted's bogus journey: teen turns into little kid, chased by giant rabbit monster, told he's a horrible big brother, is harassed by older relative (in dream flashback)- reminds me of jonathan, etc. Also some trippy swing flashbacks - in "terminator 2 " and " enter the void" (so mike or Will?). I agree with 0aurelion-solo theory that Will's true sight may let him eventually see past the illusions/break the code (of the dream) like Alan turing. Because in d&d truesight allows you to see past illusions.
- the fake name used for filming s4 was "ocerat", an anagram for tareco- in d&d he's a "wizard hunter". He believes the world would be a better place if he could k*ll all wizards.  He often would st*lk his victims for weeks and try to isolate them to attack them. He obviously isn't a fan of El (a mage). But... is sullivan's group just getting rid of the byers cause they know too much? Why not be subtle and make it look like an accident *like what they did to Hammond? Barb? Etc? Are they unaware El isn't there? If sullivan's crew attack the base and house at the same time: that would ring alarm bells for me, that something else is going on. Maybe the sbp crew doesn't realize sullivan is after them for other reasons. I mean will is a "wizard" -could be a part 2 twist. And since Utah (suzie's house) is between California and Indiana. It appears the sbp crew is going to Indiana maybe to warn their friends they are in the "eye of the storm". A monoply card claimed suzie would help them find el... but idk if it will be that simple ... maybe they learn El isn't even at the base anymore. And or ...
- crack theory: I still think there's a strong chance suzie and her family may be spies and working for the gov. May betray the sbp gang initially. Theory and reasoning here. If not her- I do wonder if there is some other betrayal or spy. It's a common theme in the s4 films. Even the s4 videos store has a movie poster about a undercoverspy gf , and another film poster about basketball. 
- hopper's imprisonment probably has parallels to el's time in the lab (especially cause irl: soviets experimented on soviet prisoners in the "psychic armrace" ). But in the show they use the soviet prisoners to train and weaponize the demogorgan. If what david said is true: We probably see flashbacks of vietnam ,his dad,sara. Along with possibly solitary confinement in the prison etc. I think vietnam/prison scenes may be pretty messed up if in the show (just from the s4 movie selection). Historically the usa also did questionable experiments on vietnam soldiers as well. So his time in the war (buzzcut , being trained to be a weapon) probably echos el's time being in the lab , and being trained to become a weapon/experiment.
- also not sure if it's symbolic or something else. We see a Russian doll at the creel house. And in the st mobile game Victor's favorite food is a Russian dish borscht. So is it just simple easterggs, are they of Russian descent - or is there some type of parallels/symbolism we will see later on in the season relating to the creels and the soviets. Perhaps all 3 storylines: lab , creels, and soviets are all linked via experimentation gone wrong.
-the creels probably will have parallels to: the byers and  el (which we’ve already seen),  along with max , maybe chrissy and her ab*sive mom. And I think I heard Eddie had an ab*sive dad too. So there may be parallels there as well...
- Max seems to be having nightmares connected to vecna- before they realize it’s supernatural in origin. She obviously is grieving and vecna’s pursuit of her probably is a metaphor of survivor’s guilt , tra*ma , etc. It’d be interesting and cool if Max and Nancy bonded over this commonality (since they both suffered through it). Wouldn’t it make sense for Nancy to be super protective of a red-head after what happened to Barb? Not sure if they’d do it- but it’d be nice if Nancy was like a mentor-friend to Max. 
- Lucas’ pursuit of basketball and popularity echos how steve who was on the basketball team and learned popularity is over-rated. And being your authentic self is the best thing to do. I think Lucas’ is still very loyal to his friends even when on the team. But is initially torn. And quickly sides with his friends. Hopefully he gets some good characterization like s2. 
- I think Hopper may escape on his own, he also may use fire as an escape method. We saw in the trailer- an explosion in a snow covered place. We already see hopper using a flamethrower etc. Also, there's little evidence for it ... I just worry the joyce/murray's rescue mission won't go as planned. It could. It just seems ... too easy tbh. I kind of wonder if joyce is stuck in russia at the end of s4.because of a st comment of hers. Plus, their plane literally crashed so...
- I still wonder if in part 2: Will and el are captured at the end of the season by brenner (where he may have restarted his program at pennhurst mental asylum ). Or maybe Will goes with Lonnie and El goes with Brenner. Especially if joyce is m.ia. Mkultra historically did experiments in mental asylums. Lucas made a joke in s1 ,  that el is from pennhurst (foreshadowing?). There's movies where questionable guardians, dead beat dads etc- got custody. Plus s4 films where psychiatrists do unethical supernatural experiments on patients.
-crack theory: I still wonder if chrissy's death will be faked (and they find her in water like Will). And at the end of the season it's revealed she's at pennhurst (where Brenner may have restarted his program). Theory and reasoning here. Ofcourse 50/50 chance she may be another Heather but we will see.
-kali may return in s4 part 2 or s5. It was foreshadowed: Kali also wants to take down Brenner and suggested to El they work together to do so. Maybe they team up again?Not to mention in a season exploring El's past: why not bring back Kali? Or maybe in s5 she helps the gang rescue El- if El's in need of rescuing. Plus, in s4 bts: there was a pic of a guy that looked very similar to axel (Kali's friend ) in Hawkins.
- not really a theory but alot of s4 films have plays, musical numbers, drawings, etc foreshadow huge plot points later. So obviously we will pay attention to the d&d game and anything similar for foreshadowing.
- alot of s4 films have a boy or boys be bullied due to h*mophobia so I feel like given how Will has been bullied in the past he may also be bullied similar to el (just for different reasons).especially after the Alan Turing project. Ofcourse mike and Robin may be bullied for similar rumors? But more likely Will , just given the fact he has a history of being bullied. Also a few films , the boy snaps and beats up the h*mophobic bully or the bullied kid snaps and attacks the bully over very very messed up jokes about him and his family. Whether it happens is hard to say. It may happen in s5 or 4 . Who knows.
- I think jonathan is struggling alot and argyle helps him. Maybe , and hopefully, we get more insight on Jonathan's character and past because of it.
- based on the s4 films: the byers dinner scene is either going to be cute or dysfunctional as heck.  Maybe be related to Will’s b day? We already know the creel dinner doesn't go as planned - could be a loose parallel??
- part 1: most of the canon couples breakup /or struggle in their relationships. Part 1 probably has ambiguous byler scenes too. And Part 2 m*leven and others may break up.
- crack theory I hope is wrong and probably won't happen. elmstreet dream warriors is said to inspire s4. In that film nancy tompson (who nancy wheeler is based on) is killed in a dream by freddy k (who vecna is based on) specifically after doing an investigation at a mental hospital -correlated to a character named Kirsten (chrissy?). I feel like the duffers love Nancy too much to do this(nor do this to any other original main). She's my favorite girl in the show so I'd be really upset If it happened tbh. Probably have nothing to worry about. But just in case.
- and who is in front of the car on fire... honestly there's so many possibilities. Fire was first associated with Will.But has frankly been associated with various other characters since then. So it could be theoretically anyone. Heck... there's 2 s4 films that have someone (In a dream world) burn alive the fake-dream- version of their ab*sive relative. for all we know it's simply a vecna dream. Could be Will or a different victim of vecna? Or just something more realistic we wouldn't expect . Of course could be the more obvious predictable choice - since el has messed up cars before ,using her powers in s1 . We will just have to wait and see.
- 8 minute clip that was on youtube-skip if you haven’t seen it. we also saw the parallels between the m*rder scenes: with victor creel (at the house) and el (at the lab).  We have shots of both El and Victor’s backs (as they stare at a window) and bodies are at their feet. It also reminds me of how Will’s back is shown as he stares at a window (while possessed). It Appears el/victor  were either  possessed during these events. For example when Will was possessed he also caused a massacre at hawkins lab-which could be a parallel to El. Or maybe victor/el were tricked by vecna/henry/peter into seeing things that weren't there- and thus hurt innocent people. Some leaks say- el didn't do anything and she was just framed. But I'm not sure tbh. It's possible. I think it'd make more sense if it was one of the former explanations- just based on what's in the clip (el smiling after wards). But again we will see.
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voidstilesplease · 4 years
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i’ll never wear clothes again
For @sterek-kinkmas​ day 2: Exhibitionism
Tags: Alternate Universe-Human, Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age, Alternate Universe-College/University, Best Friends Stackson, Roommates Derek/Jackson, Humor, Fluff, Mentions of Nudity
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1,601
"Tell your roommate to fucking wear clothes."
"Tell your roommate to fucking wear clothes," Stiles hisses through the phone, shoving clothes after clothes into his duffel. The response he gets to his complaint is a groan from Jackson.
"This is still going on?" His tone suggests that he's exasperated with the deep rumbling from his throat, but Stiles can hear the undertone of amusement. "Just fuck already, for Christ's sake."
Stiles pulls the phone away from his ears and gapes at it for a second. He scoffs and presses it more firmly to his ears, putting the speaker close to his mouth so Jackson can hear his every word and intake of breath. "How many times," Stiles even stops his packing to wring his other hand and place it on his hips. "must I tell you that I'm never going out with Derek Hale?"
"At least a hundred more in the next 24 hours," Jackson deadpans.
It makes Stiles's agitation grow because, honestly, what kind of best friend would not take this harassment seriously? "Jackson, he's flashing me!" the hand on his hip is now in the air brandishing like a fly swatter. "Whenever I'm over at your apartment, and you're not around - hell, even when you are," he shakes his head. "Derek parades himself naked, putting all that," he gestures wildly in his silent room, having started pacing as well. "rippling, flexing muscles and huge fucking dick on display like a fucking porn star!"
Stiles is not expecting Jackson to be sympathetic to his plight, but he should, at least, show a little concern for Stiles. Instead, what he gets is one of the done/finished/over-and-done-with exhalation that means he's ready to drop the call and leave Stiles to his predicament. Jackson really could show a little care since it's his roommate that's giving Stiles nightmares in both waking and sleeping worlds.
"If you want Derek to stop inviting," there's a sound of a car door shutting close in the backroom and the jingle of keys. "Then stop looking like an interested guest."
Before Stiles can ask what he means by that, Jackson has started the ignition and clicks the disconnect button. He sputters for a moment and then drops his arm with a resigned huff. As usual, Jackson is a useless friend.
Stiles sighs once more and goes back to packing. This weekend is going to be hellish. He's spending a few days at Jackson's place while the heater and ventilation are getting fixed at his second-rate dorm. 
He pulls the sleeves of his red hoodie down on his hands. He's going to die freezing if he doesn't stay over at Jackson's, and there's nowhere else to go. California in winter months are still frequently sunny with a mild temperature, but this is one of those times not covered by the term. It can get frosty when it deems to be. Jackson's apartment is the logical, financially-wise option. But of course, Stiles has to be prepared for Jackson's roommate. Derek is the worst -a flasher and an overall douche. Of course, he was also Stiles's sexual awakening in high school, but that's beside the point.
His hand hovers at the box of condoms on his nightstand. He hesitates, nibbles on his lower lip, grabs the box anyway and stuffs it inside along with his clothes and toiletries. He zips up the duffel bag, hating himself.
He's not an interested guest, and the condoms are not part of his preparations for Derek. Yeah? Okay.
He picks up his bag, thinks belatedly about stopping by at the pharmacy to buy lube, and hates himself some more.
But Stiles hates Derek the most.
Also, Jackson, because where the hell is he?
Stiles has been in the apartment for five hours, but the asshole hasn't gone back from the university yet. Stiles knows he should be back by now, but he's not even responding to text messages. It's like he vanished on purpose.
Now, Stiles is stuck sitting stiff as a board on the couch in front of the TV, absently watching a show he doesn't even like. Derek is on the far end of the same couch, cozy, and very relaxed like he's not lounging about in his tight underpants and plastering his bulge and abs all over the place, the fucking exhibitionist.
Stiles pointedly trains his eyes on the screen, seeing motions but not comprehending them. All he can focus on is the loud hammering in his chest and the stirring low in his stomach. He's getting bothered just by Derek's proximity. Jesus, it is embarrassing even for his standard. It was probably forgivable when he was sixteen, having his first sexual fantasies about the unattainable, out-of-his-league lacrosse star Derek Hale. But Stiles had survived high school, his hopeless crush, and Derek toying his feelings wearing a straight face. He's a big college boy now, who has gotten rid of his spectacles, might still flail a little, but has gotten the attention of a few people. He shouldn't be falling back into the Derek Hale bandwagon; he was over that.
"Are you okay?"
Derek's voice startles him. Stiles jerks back wide-eyed as he turns to Derek's drawn eyebrows. His throat catches, he clears it, and then says in a hopefully even tone, "Yeah."
"You're sweating,"
Stiles is sweating in the forehead; he usually is when he's nervous, tense, or aroused. It isn't all that fulfilling to note that he's all three currently. He averts his eyes back on the screen, "Something must be off with your air-conditioning."
In his peripheral, Stiles can see the smirk on Derek's stupidly gorgeous face. God, Stiles hates people like him. They know they're attractive, confident with their toned bodies, exuding sex-appeal, and they make others twitch in their seats uncomfortably, racing with their heartbeats and gasping for air. Oh, and sweltering at 80°F.
"I'm sure that's not the case,"
Stiles must have imagined the suggestive tone when Derek says it because there's no way, right? He ponders for a second before shifting back to face him. Derek's staring at him, shamelessly, blatantly running his eyes all over his flushing face. Stiles's pulse quickens at the hooded looks.
Derek's eyes meet his again, "If the heat is bothering you," he starts, lips stretching to a small smile. "You should take off your clothes."
He's too stunned inside, but he forces himself to face away once again, feeling his skin beginning to burn. "Not all of us have washboard abs to show off."
"Your body's fine," Derek says offhandedly, but Stiles is tingling from the words.
"How can you know?" He tries to sound indifferent, but the pitchy quality of his voice is not helping his case. "You haven't seen me."
Two beats pass, then, "So, show me."
Stiles can't whirl his head fast enough. He gapes at Derek's serious expression. "Is that-" he sputters, surprised. "Are you-"
Derek cocks his head to the side, "Finally catching up?"
He gapes in disbelief; even his breathing falters. Words escape him for a moment. Then, he exhales, "What are you saying?"
Derek adjusts in his position, moving closer to Stiles. This near, Stiles can see the nervous tick on his jaw, which -unreal. Derek Hale doesn't know anxiety. He's the epitome of arrogance and narcissism and unwavering confidence.
Derek's green eyes settle on his dull browns, "I don't strut around naked for just anybody."
Stiles's eyes stray down to Derek's red lips and lock there. He licks his lips, instinctual, "Well, why didn't you ask?"
A bashful expression crosses Derek's features. He ducks his head a little, "I tried. You rejected me."
At this, Stiles rears away, incredulous. "Rejected you?" He puffs a laugh. "Me, turn you down? In what universe, Derek?"
Derek's brow draws together, looking confused. "In senior year," he tells him like it's obvious. "I asked you to go on dates with me," a shadow passes his face, lips curling downward. "You sneered at me every time."
He hears his jaw hitting the floor, remembering all those times, but dismissing them as Derek's asshole antics, "You were serious?"
Now, Derek looks offended, even hurt. "I sent you notes, blackmailed Jackson for your number, asked you in the middle of the cafeteria, even went to your house one time -how did you think I wasn't?"
Stiles sags on the couch, shocked and disoriented at the turn of events. When he is composed enough, he lifts his eyes back to Derek's expectant gaze. "So, you decided to," he gestures at Derek's lack of clothing. "Strip for me?"
At this, the smirk returns. "It seems to be working," Derek points out, glancing brazenly at Stiles's middle, where his boner is apparent.
He gets flustered but doesn't deny it. There's no point in pretending he isn't affected. Stiles laughs breathily, "Fuck, you have no idea."
It must be the correct answer because Derek's face breaks out in a cheeky expression. "Then, I reiterate," Derek moves to his feet, and stands before Stiles in all his half-naked glory, boxers tenting. It's the most covered he's been since this whole shenanigans started. Stiles's mouth waters at the view, and he swallows conspicuously, Derek watching the movement of his throat. His green eyes darken when he tips Stiles's chin up to bring their gazes together. "Show me."
"Wait, Jackson knows?"
"Yes. I blackmailed Jackson again so he'd stay out tonight. Or he can come home and watch, I don't care. Now, will you please get back to what you were doing with your tongue?"
"Oh, fine."
"Yeah, that's -ah. Yeah. I'll never wear clothes again."
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I just finished rewatching Community and after the last episode I feel kinda lost :( any good fic rec (or movies or something)? Ps: I already read all your fics on ao3 and they're so good!
omg thanks for coming to me! and i’m so glad you liked my fics! 
i’m gonna put all this under a readmore because it might get a little lengthy... (also in terms of fic recs, i mainly read j/a, so i’m sorry if that’s not what you’re into! i’ll try to include other pairings as well!) (im guessing you do, since thats mostly what i write, but a) just in case lol and b) there are some REALLY AWESOME rarepair fics out there!) 
i’d say the biggest three (j/a) multichapter fics in the fandom are 
guess what we’ll discover by dearygirl
What We Don’t Know by wright_or_wrong (ongoing!)
At Least It Was Here by nyclove3 (ongoing!)
a few other multichaps i’d recommend are: 
The Art of the Meet Cute in the Alternate Universe by geekinthejeep
Testing The Waters by wordy
Just Until I Know What I’m Feeling by cori_the_bloody
Everything Is Better the Second Time Around (series) by CeleryLapel
Pins in the Map by wright_or_wrong
Neighbours AU by PepperF (series)
Aim True by randomramblesff
Jump. by randomramblesff
Prove Me Wrong (series) by PepperF
Everybody Knows by jeffwik (Portioncontrol)
of course there are SO MANY OTHERS out there (check the ao3 page!) but these are just a  few :)
some oneshots: 
Now It’s Just You and Your Queen by elspunko
and the days were bright red by postcardmystery (not overly shippy, more of a character study!)
No Season Can Contain It by wright_or_wrong  (kinda holiday-based, but very cute!)
(It Starts) Like This by nereid
some writers that have A Whole Lot Of Good Fic in general:
jeffwik (Portioncontrol)
i’ve probably missed a bunch of people, but here’s a list off the top of my head!
rarepair fics: 
Things you said at 1 am by Waywardwiz (jeff/abed)
Mandatory Futures in Make Believe by cereal (jeff/britta)
Wardrobe Emergency by thingswithwings (britta/annie)
nothing’s quite as sweet by gayclaryfray (britta/annie)
i haven’t seen many movies with Joel McHale in them (you’d have to ask @harryspaceshipmchale for help with that...) BUT i have seen quite a few with alison brie! (yes, these are ranked in order of how good i think they are)
Sleeping With Other People
How To Be Single
Save The Date
The Five Year Engagement (wouldn’t really recommend unless you’re SUPER desperate like me)
i haven’t seen many movies with other cast members in them sadly, but can recommend a few TV shows!
L.O.V.E (Netflix)
Powerless (NBC) 
GLOW (Netflix, coming in 2017)
Dr. Ken (ABC)
Atlanta (FX)
The Great Indoors (CBS)
Drake and Josh (Nickelodeon) (lollllll)
once again im SURE there’s stuff i’ve missed out, but here’s an overview! hope i helped and have fun!!!!!!
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