#although licorice not that interesting to me anymore to be honest.
wonderfull-star · 11 months
I’ve been wanting to raise this topic for a LONG time and it looks like the time has come. And this is about poor character development.
...or rather not really about that. Well, SERIOUSLY, to screw up your own characters like that, you still need to try. Admit it, who is now as interested in watching the release of new updates as it was 1-2 years ago? If we compare the updates with the last year and the year before, the characters seemed more interesting to me..?Like Strawberry Crepe, Dark Choco,Red Velvet, Licorice Cookie,Espresso Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Cotton Cookie, Sherbet Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Black Pearl... It feels like the game is missing more morally gray characters. And all we end up getting or perfectly good characters who get along with absolutely everyone, or just crazy sociopathic villains who definitely won’t redeem. Of course, there are a lot more good (or rather blank) characters. Well, if I say in the end, there are very few characters who are actually remembered (and this problem, unfortunately, is not only in this fandom). And those characters whom we have known for a long time are already slowly wasting their potential. Or to be more precise, they were just stupidly neglected. Seriously, when was the last time we saw an update with Red Velvet, Licorice, Pomegranate and Dark Choco? After all, they are really very important characters for the plot, who are also the most beloved by the fandom.
I have nothing against new characters in the game, but it would be better if previous and older characters also participated in the new updates. I think this is the reason why I stopped following the game in general because I just became simply bored.
Well, what about the wasted potential of the character? Licorice’s stats. BRUH. I expected that in terms of strategy and solving puzzles he would be at least a little better. But THIS is too much lol. Devsisters ended up making him completely useless. Even in terms of strength, Licorice is not that good, although it is not clear where he got it from if he mainly deals with magic (you will of course say that this is due to the fact that he carries books a lot, but have you ever seen how he handles a pickaxe??). In theory, his statistics should have more of a strategy. Since all Licorice usually does is make various plans. So this is some kind of nonsense. In the end, from the “misunderstood genius” with whom everyone empathizes, we simply get an idiot. Congratulations 👏
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