#although really this is more of a grogu w/ momma reader fic
pcrushinnerd · 4 years
What Did You Just Say?
Warnings: Unapologetic use of the word FUCK. Sorry but in this house our SW characters use real curse words.
A/N: Somewhere around here I saw a prompt re: teaching the baby/hero’s child to curse, much to their chagrin��my apologies I can’t recall who came up with it. 😆 Totally hit up my dms if it was you if you want to be credited.
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Din’s head snapped around so fast he was surprised the weight of the beskar on his head and shoulders didn’t cause him whiplash.
“What did you just say?”
The only response he was met with was the gentle fall of wide, pointed ears and a slight tilt of his son’s tiny head. Grogu was silent, as he stood near the fresher where he had been playing with a set of wooden blocks and balls the two of you had purchased for his first Life Day present.
“I could have sworn....” Din looked between his rifle he had been cleaning and his son, before shaking his head. His helmet’s tech must have been glitching a bit today. There was simply no way he had heard his son say—
The bottle of oil he had been working with was allowed to fall to the floor, before Din swiftly set aside his firearm and rushed to his tiny green boy, who was looking up at him with wide eyes as he picked him up. “I know that wasn’t just in my head....”
Just then you came up the ramp of the Razor Crest. Since you had taken a detour to this remote, peaceful planet in the Outer Rim Territories for a small break in between bounties, the two of you took an opportunity to build a campfire and gather up the provisions to make a homemade stew and bread and really enjoy a true break. To stretch your legs and really relax.
You had headed inside the ship to retrieve some spices you had initially forget to bring out with the rest of your ingredients, but a Mandalorian stepped into your path.
“What did you do to our son?”
“What??” You were genuinely confused.
The helmet moved down to the child, who Din bounced in his arms a bit. “C’mon ad’ika, do it again. Say it again.”
You gave your spouse a questioning look. “What the fuck—”
“Fuck!” Grogu chirped out cutely.
The helmet snapped back up to you, and you suddenly understood. “Oh....”
Din didn’t say anything, but you heard the sigh of disappointment through his modulator, as he stared down at your child for some moments. The baby had actually learned some Mando’a from his father already. He knew buir—although he would call Din “boo-bah” and you “boo-ma”—as well as me’sen (starship) and skraan (food or meal). But Din did not seem happy that his first real Galactic Basic word was....
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The baby giggled as you sheepishly tickled his tummy.
“I mean,” you shrugged, “how do we know he learned it from me? Cara was just babysitting him a month back.”
You faced the dark visor, and even though you couldn’t see his eyes or any sign of his expression through it, you were sure you were getting a look of “you gotta be kidding me” behind it. He had once called it your favorite expression, especially when the two of you were in the heat of battle, fighting off Imps or chasing down a quarry.
You gently took your son from your husband’s arms. “Now, now, Grogu”—which got his full attention—“you can’t use that word. Not, um, for a long while, anyway. Or at least, you can’t just say it all the time, little whomp rat. It means something serious....something that um...makes babies—how you got here! Or...I guess we don’t really know that for sure....” That earned the smallest chuckle from your beskar-wearing mate that you weren’t even entirely sure you heard. “But because of that, you can only use it at the most serious times—and, only when you’re older, like a hundred maybe?” You glanced up at Din briefly and shrugged, before looking back down at your son.
Grogu looked up wide-eyed at you, but his little mouth stayed shut. Somehow, you felt like he understood what you were saying. His little claw-like hand reached up and tugged on a loose lock of your hair. “Boo-mahhh.” You smiled down at him.
Another sigh came from your Mandalorian, this one more of relief. “Hopefully he won’t say it too much more.”
And Grogu didn’t for the rest of the night. At least, until you were laying with him in the Crest’s sleeping compartment, trying to lull him to sleep while his father was up above in the ship’s cockpit, piloting all of you toward the next bounty. You hadn’t jumped into hyperspace yet—and it seemed as if you must have run into an asteroid field or something similar, because suddenly the ship was lurching back and forth, to and fro.
You were quick to reach out and wrap your arms protectively around your little green boy, who started to coo and squeal a bit in distress.
When the ship had evened out a bit and it stayed that way for a few seconds, you pulled Grogu back. “You okay?”
A smile grew on your face, and you started to laugh. You held up a hand, palm-open to him. “Atta boy,” you whispered proudly.
Little Grogu mirrored your smile as he reached forward and touched one of his little hands to yours.
Tags? @takemepedropascal @16boyfriends-and-me and I thought you might enjoy @daincrediblegg
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