#always dropping in my inbox and gassing me up
m1ckeyb3rry · 21 days
Ok I’m just gonna merge and put my response to both responses here so I don’t keep double sending stuff into your inbox LMAO
Tbh from what I’ve seen he’s still a pretty volatile player (maybe he’s got brother trauma too) so your kiyora probably cooks LOL
TRUE I do enjoy the Prince yuki duo…imagine Chris giving him tips on training to help him build up stamina so he doesn’t get as tired and strain his eyes as much I’m crying….pause Chris cameo in yuki oaeu….youre onto something
FS I lowk forgot about kurona for a min (sorry bro) but Reo’s physicality esp after the training with Chris would seriously up the plays that Isagi could make too omg I have to admit I’m mainly in it for the character development though LMAOO like Reo and Isagi becoming besties /hj Id honestly love to see them interact more on good terms because a good chunk of what we’ve seen now is Reo being like “Isagi give me back my loser” I dying with the nagi slander hiori would totally be like “if he can haul his ass out of bed to kick a ball maybe I should start moving too” but LMAOOOO I actually laughed out loud the “your mom” comment is BRUTAL I can totally see it happening like Kaiser crumples on spot gripping his next and Nagi’s just standing like wtf is “your mom” that powerful maybe I should try “deez nuts” next time (imagine he does and Kaiser just stares at him like wtf are you 12) Noel noa and Nagi being the ceos of no thoughts brain empty to the point that they have no other option and it forces a Nagi awakening…
I’m just imagining a mean girl powerpuff trio….i guess by color default Rins buttercup and hiori is bubbles so Nagi’s gotta be blossom LMAO I see the vision though
I can imagine asks being distracting especially since our convo is always so long LMAOO (I live for it though) Mira on that grind…flashbacks to your mention of that one baby Justin Bieber audio (I love how I can remember this but not whether or not I’ve sent in an ask)
OH IM WALKING ALRIGHT let’s go grab coffee while we’re at it I think you’re gonna wanna sit down for this convo…ok but wait this is actually dangerous you can’t just drop this thought into my mind and dip!! Yotd x bllk crossover…hold on….im ngl it has been a bit since I’ve watched but imagine aiku or Otoya as jaeha too…both personality wise and color…
Ok now kiyora notes response response LOL
OFCCC and tbh I figured you’d be on the mark with his character (as usual) LMAOO miraverse just too powerful…
Ok wait I think the street fighter thing fits with him perfectly…like he’s always raring to go with breakdance battles and whatnot so I can lowk see it? He lowk would be a street dancer I feel in bllkverse so not that far off in terms of vibes I feel…we also saw him straight up squaring up with Nagi (soccer wise though) in epinagi LMAO so definitely a relatively combative character
LMFAOOOO that panel is so funny but FR thinking back on epinagi where Karasu insinuates that Kiyoras the weak link of the team and kiyoras like “you wanna go bro??” it all makes sense…makes me more excited for epinagi though I wanna see how they interact mid match!! Maybe Karasu and Otoya really were carrying their team (as expected) I’m also crying because from the clip I saw the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE the top of kiyora head reaches like the middle of Karasu ear they really said “ok time to really show how small he is”
- Karasu anon
HAHA i’m abt to post in the next hour or so i hope so you can see for yourself 🙂‍↕️ also side note i can’t stop using the head nod emoji JFNSKKS
AWW no because chris somehow getting involved and teaming up w aiku too?? he gives very blustery sweet but embarrassing uncle vibes where he def has no clue what’s going on but he’s doing his best…gasses up yuki whenever he sees reader meanwhile aiku is giving yuki tips to pull…absolutely insane combo LMAOAO honestly the best part of the oaeu is how many random combos that i can write about (for example i think the premise of the nagi one is going to be that aiku’s going on a double date and he needs another guy who’s going to make him look good in comparison so he picks nagi who’s like tall/cute/athletic enough to not embarrass aiku but uninterested and weird enough to not steal aiku’s thunder but then he accidentally DOES steal aiku’s thunder so he becomes aiku’s opp 😭 aiku turns into the anti wingman fr meanwhile reo and chigiri are like “nagi likes a woman???” so they’re beefing w aiku as well because they need nagi to touch grass FJDJSJSJ)
EXACTLYYY it would help isagi develop as a player and reo develop as a person >>>> no because hiori is def like hold on if THIS idiot can enjoy himself playing maybeeee it’s not thatttt bad 😩 PLS nagi thinks kaiser is just weak to fortnite insults so he’s like “kaiser do you know what happened to candice” and kaiser is like ? who IS candice ? and nagi’s like “candice nuts fit in your mouth 🤣” kaiser considers ending it because wdym he has the most fuck ass immature teammate ever 😰 also wait imagine wildcard kunigami but with nagi instead of isagi 😭 he’s all emo and traumatized and nagi is just like wow you have big muscles it reminds me of barou 👍 or he’d accidentally bring up how he beat him in the 3v3 and it would make poor kuni spiral 😓 also a nagi + kunigami bm vs rin + shidou pxg feels like such an ultimate second selection get back like they def wouldn’t win because plot but it would be insane!! LMAOOO forget nagi developing a new ego because he’s creative or curious he’s forced to because noel noa is NOT abt to help him in any way shape or form 😟
LMAOOO no i love our convos but sometimes i have to just lock in 😩 HAHA the justin bieber audio is a miraverse staple like that’s literally me writing about sooo many random characters it’s unreal (but very enjoyable!!)
i thought abt otoya for jaeha but i feel like jaeha is more extroverted than otoya (plus ponytail) so i thought reo fit better!! although i can def see the aiku vision especially because jaeha is much older than all of the other dragons…also lowkey kaiser kinda serves soowon (cunty blond) it’s too perfect HAHA i’m just thinking yk 🤭
miraverse always ends up connected to canon even unintentionally 🤫 i do agree considering he likes when people provoke him it just made sense to me to put him in that au!! and yeahhh bro karasu is actually kinda mean to kiyora but honestly that’s just the tabito signature like love him but he is top ten assholes in bllk (he’s just joking around though so it’s okay) HAHA okay wait kiyora and i are almost the same height (he’s 165 cm and i’m 163 cm) so that’s good to know for ah…research purposes…hehe so basically i’d barely even come up to the middle of karasu’s ear 🤗 that checks out though because i knew a guy who was 6’3 (nagi’s height) and i deadass had to actively look up to talk to him it kinda made things awkward though because even hugging was lowkey a gymnastic endeavor 😭 i’m perfectly alright w lime 5’9 that’s still tall to me (also that’s otoya’s height i believe…so basically more proof that miraeita 🔛🔝‼️)
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Hi! Follow up question to that ask about Buck's awareness (or lack of awareness) of his feelings for Eddie. What is your take on Eddie's relationship to his feelings about Buck? @evcndiaz once said that Eddie is incredibly self-aware and it really stuck with me. I think about how his self-awareness gives him sophisticated tools to compartmentalize his feelings in strategic ways.
Anyway, we know it's a lot more complicated than a simple binary question of does Eddie know/is Eddie in denial? What is your sense of Eddie's emotional landscape right about now?
(Your metas bring me so much joy I cannot tell you 💜)
Hey bestie! First of all, Thank you! I'm glad someone enjoys reading my word vomit lmao 😂 I have so much fun writing them and I'm glad they can bring joy to others! I'm just here to have a good time and find that serotonin hit , y'know?
Let's dive right in. Absolutely Eddie is all about control, and absolutely this translates to a white-knuckled grip on his own life.
But. "Compartmentalize his feelings in strategic ways," you say. I love that wording, because it's super applicable to his character, and I've talked in a different meta about how he views his worth as an extension of Christopher's existence, and I think that would tie into any feelings he has toward Buck. It's not a mistake that pretty much every major Buck and Eddie moment involves Christopher. Most if not all of Eddie's major gestures toward Buck involve Christopher, because Eddie's value is contingent upon Christopher, and so he is the proxy through which Eddie can express and receive love. Eddie's throw-down with Shannon wasn't a dilemma about what he wanted, it was ultimately about giving Christopher a mother figure. His tragic self-destructive streak in S3 still wasn't about him healing for the sake of his own mental well-being, but so Christopher wouldn't suffer the consequences. He courts Ana because he's still stuck on Shannon and re-creating that mother-father-son picture that's been shoved into his head since forever.
I see myself in this part of Eddie. It's the whole, "You accept the love you think you deserve," only, what happens when you don't think you deserve any? When you shape your entire existence around being life-support for your son, until you look around and realize you have built nothing for yourself? I mean, damn, I don't want that for Eddie, and I think ( I hope!) Eddie's next character arc is about him making a space for himself, separate from Chris.
This is my house so I can say what I want, and I truly believe the end of S4 was Eddie's first selfish act. Because, the show implies everything Eddie did with Ana etc. was for Christopher, not himself, and then we're given Carla's big redirect, and then the Will Scene. There's something so deliciously selfish about Eddie naming Buck as Christopher's de facto legal guardian. Something about the way it probably wouldn't make sense to anybody on the outside looking in, something about the way Buck is no more guaranteed safety than Eddie, something about the way Eddie still hides behind Christopher during the scene but just barely below the surface is the whispered, You are what I want for him, this is my decision, it might not make sense but this is what feels right for me.
Oof, I have no idea where this has ended up, but what I'm trying to say is, I think Eddie is just now opening himself up to carving out space for himself to separately exist from everything else, including and especially from his son and the memories of Shannon. And I think this is the headspace he would have to be in to explore whatever his feelings are toward Buck. With Shannon and Ana he didn't put a whole lot of himself on the line. He never dared to consider a factor besides Christopher. But with Buck, it's selfish by default; it's putting himself out there exposed and vulnerable; it's him having to ask for things and want things and need things, explicitly for himself, apart from Chris. Mmm. I love it.
Thanks @yramesoruniverse, I had a blast with this like always!
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angel-deux-writes · 4 years
Now that Honor Compels Me is finally done, I wanted to do a round-up of all the things I remember that made me say “I feel like I need to tell someone what almost happened here” or “I should probably explain this later lol”, along with my reasons for cutting the last few chapters/what would have happened in them. It’s prob going to be very long, which I apologize for, but I’ll bold the headings so that you can skip to the parts you’re interested in!
I’ll reblog it and add more as I think of them, but for now: 
Dark Dany: VERY originally, like way back in the OG plotline from 2017, Dany was an antagonist, and Margaery Tyrell was Robb’s queen. Dany would have died fighting Cersei in Kings Landing, with the same result (Cersei was ALWAYS going to go out by wildfire lmao). I changed it both because a) it seemed like too many Conveniently Alive people for one story and b) after the shitty ending Dany got, I decided I would try my hand at writing a Dany I could actually root for! For years I’ve been a big proponent/fan of the idea that Dany is eventually going to be an antagonist in the books, but the way it was handled in the show was so irredeemably stupid (gassing her up and gaslighting/scolding her fans later who didn’t see it coming, making her switch at the drop of a hat for the majority of the general audience just for the sake of a twist, etc). I ended up really loving the version of Dany I created. I tried not to soften her TOO much, which is why I had her wrestle with herself even up to the very end (like thinking “I won” after the explosion in Kings Landing and hating herself for it). I didn’t want all the flaws that make me not support canon Dany to disappear just because I started to like her! I do think that writing this story made me like Dany more overall. I still don’t support her canon actions, and I also probably won’t in the books, but I came to find her more compelling as I wrote her. I’m a lot less afraid to write her now than I have been in the past, though I’ll continue to add warnings to all my stories that feature Dark Dany, bc yall Dany stans have been through enough. 
More Death: At various points Dany, Theon, Bran, and Arya were going to die. 
Dany was already pointed out. 
I had Theon die in the Long Night in the plot outline just out of laziness/in keeping with canon, until I remembered that Redemption = Death is stupid and I wasn’t gonna do it. 
Bran was going to die after warging into Drogon and being caught in the explosion of the Red Keep. That actually stayed in until a few weeks ago! I told a bunch of people that Bran was going to die! It was the plan all along! And then I realized that “somebody has to die” was a shitty way of looking at it, and I changed it. I think a lot of this process of changing things was me trying to write what I thought people wanted vs what story I actually wanted to tell. Sure it’s a little fairy tale ending this way, but it’s my story, and who cares? Happy endings are nice. Fuck off. 
Arya...I probably wouldn’t have ever actually gone through with it, because I am a coward, but there was an idea of a VERY heavy-handed “revenge is bad” message with Arya where Arya was much more savage and instead of turning back into Arya, she was turning farther and farther away from her. She couldn’t reconcile with the Lannisters, she rejected her bonds with her family. In the end she would be unable to let go of her list, would refuse to grow and change and realize that she had other things to live for, and she would have set off one of Qyburn’s traps in the Red Keep, igniting the whole thing, killing Drogon and Rhaegal (and Bran) and leading to the deaths of thousands. AGAIN I was like “that’s too dark” and scrapped the idea, but it was definitely toyed with. I love Arya as a character, so this plotline for her would have definitely been more a reaction to fans of her who seem to want her to hold on to that vengeful seed inside of her. 
Prophecies: Listen, I do not give a fuck about any prophecies. I really don’t. Every fantasy universe has some kind of involved backstory that some fans love to get mired in, but I am not one of those fans. Still, I tried to deliver on two of them lmao. 
Azor Ahai ended up being Jaime, with Ice/Oathkeeper and Maiden’s Heart being Lightbringer. Originally, I had Brienne killing the Night King, without any thought to the prophecy at all, but that was another case of “people will like it if Brienne kills the Night King” and I realized that I would like it better if it was Jaime. I’m not sure how it checks out literally, but I figured it worked with a) tempering in water = splitting Ice. b) heart of a lion = Jaime’s change of heart after the Highgarden Battle. c) Nissa Nissa = Brienne’s “maiden’s heart” breaking during the Highgarden Battle. It was Brienne who did the stabbing, but it was Jaime who made it happen, so I figured that made sense. I made sure to mention Brienne’s tears and all the smoke when Jaime was wounded, so he could be “reborn amidst salt and smoke” or whatever, and I had Bran mention a rebirth for him in the next chapter. Which was maybe a little on the nose, but IDK GUYS I FEEL LIKE IT CHECKS OUT! 
I know the show never dove into the Valonqar prophecy at all, and I think we all know that I absolutely HATE the idea of Jaime being the Valonqar, so I would rather not think about it AT ALL. But Bran AND Rhaegal were both kind of responsible for Cersei’s death in the end, so take your pick of which Little Brother actually did the deed! 
Deleted Chapters: I promise you, you are not missing anything with these deleted chapters. They were always messy, and no matter how many times I edited them, they felt too forced and “now let me explain the ending”. 
Sansa: Sansa’s chapter followed Jaime’s and was primarily about her going to Robb and Dany and the three of them talking about the future of Westeros. The Dany/Robb conversation about it was originally absent--the last Robb chapter was added to fill in the gaps when I deleted this and the other chapters--so this would have been the first time it was discussed. It then would have had a time jump and a wedding scene, which I could never make work! It was such a jarring time jump in the middle of a chapter, and I didn’t think the wedding was particularly exciting to write about lmao. 
Tyrion: Tyrion’s chapter would have been Dany being crowned and announcing to everyone that she and her people are going to be dismantling the monarchy and setting up a new government. I think I had her give a period of a few years in which she and Robb would rule, but they were going to be transitioning governments in that time. Kind of the same idea as in What a King Should Look Like. Bronn also showed up, DID in fact get a minor holdfast, and was mocked by both Lannisters for bowing out before he could have earned himself a better one. Olenna found some bastard daughter to legitimize and continue her house.
Brienne: Brienne’s arc was a lot more drawn out in the original draft, and I ended up editing it a few times and making it shorter. VERY originally, this chapter would have been her wedding with Jaime, at which she has the “wow he actually loves me, huh?” realization. Which I thought was funny as I plotted it out, but in execution it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be, so I moved the realization to an earlier chapter. The original was also going to be Jaime giving up his name entirely, and Brienne cloaking him, but as we have discussed before, I am in fact a coward, so I just deleted the whole chapter lmao. In all seriousness, at this point the endings just felt like Return of the King, and Into the West was actually the chosen song for this chapter, because I knew even as I was writing it that I was doing Too Much lmao. 
Robb: Robb’s last chapter was essentially just a total wrap up chapter. Just Robb and Dany being sappy, Robb being happy he was still alive, and the two of them planning the future. They were at Riverrun for this part, i’m pretty sure, or it might have been Dragonstone? I had trouble even filling this chapter with enough words for it to be a full chapter, because it was basically just an epilogue. As the story progressed, this chapter felt more and more like I was just performing to the “Robb’s Alive” crowd, which I didn’t particularly want to do, because Robb being alive was always a feature, not the focus, of this story. 
That’s all the stuff I can think of for now! If anyone has any particular questions you can message me or inbox me about them and I’d be happy to talk about it! 
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agl03 · 7 years
So one of the prompts I have sitting in my inbox is “Evil Dadcliffe” in response to my “Good Dadcliffe” fic.   And my muse actually came back to me a little and this popped up....anyone interested in seeing it continued?
Radcliffe couldn’t keep the smile that blossomed on his face as he heard the Submarine dock in the distance of the base.  He had sent Aida and the Superior off on their retrieval mission what had seemed like ages ago.  His trap perfectly sprung.  Agent May’s abduction successfully luring not only Coulson away but the formitable Agent Mackenzie as well.  This leaving the new and desperate to please Director Mace alone with Fitzsimmons and Daisy, his abduction serving just as marvelous of a distraction as taking Agent May’s had.  
Coulson played right into his hands and right into his trap.  Allowing him to acquire his true target all along.  
He knew AIDA would be there in a matter of moments and turned his attention from the Darkhold to the Framework cradles that were awaiting their guests, Agent May already tucked away and awaiting her friends.  
“A better world for all of us is coming,” Radcliffe said cheerily as he placed the final touches on the program.  
Fitz came around slowly with his head pounding and heart racing.  He knew in an instant he had been gassed with the Dendrotoxin gas and made a note to work with Jemma on a way to counteract that from happening. Something small and compact agents could keep in their pockets.  There was something about being knocked out by your own invention that simply wasn’t right.  
As the initial wave of nausea passed he tried to remember what had happened.  They had been in the Superiors base trying to find May and Mace, he had been pulling components of the Framework and Jemma….
“Jemma!” he cried as he tried to sit up only to find to his horror his arms and feet restrained with thick straps.  
AIDA appeared at his side within moments, this version an exact replica of the last.   “Easy Leopold, just relax and this will all be over soon,” she tried to sooth even as she placed the Frameworks head gear into place.  
Panic seized him and Fitz tried to shake it off, not wanting to be trapped in there like May had been.
“AIDA please stop,” he tried.   “You were programmed not to hurt anyone and you are hurting me now.”  
She simply ignored him and continued to work.  Fitz could only watch as she began to scan him.  “Please,” he tried again.
“It’s okay my dear boy, I would never harm you,” Radcliffe said appeared to be a lab.   With a start Fitz realized Radcliffe was dressed as he was, in simple grey pajamas.   “Your friends are already settling into the new world, safe, sound and happy.”
“I trusted you!” Fitz shouted as he pulled again at his restraints and allowed the tears of frustration to fall.   This was all his fault.  He had vouched for Radcliffe, allowed him in,  let him see his work, perfected ADIA and the Framework, and had encouraged AIDA to read the book.  
Radcliffe offered a soft smile.   “You are like a son to me Fitz, the son I had always wanted but could never have.”
“You have a funny way of showing it!” Fitz snapped back.  
Radcliffe ran a hand over Fitz’s forehead in a fond gesture.   “I was so appalled when I heard of how Alistair had treated you. He complained on the train nearly every day that you’d tear apart the radio or the toaster.  How you were shy around the other kids at your school. And the cost of your advanced classes.   He  squandered  such a gift because he was too thick to understand your genius.  But I understand and appreciate it my boy.  Look at what we created in a mere few months, imagine what we could do with a lifetime.”  
Fitz felt his eyes widen and couldn’t jerk away from the cold touch.   “I’ll never work with you ever again.  Not after what you’ve done, so let me and the others go before you make this any worse than it already is.”
The elder man chuckled to look at the progress, a simple not from AIDA indicating the scan was complete.   “I have it all arranged, you’ll have the father you’ve always wanted…deserved….and we’ll make the world a better place.   You’ll see when you wake up.”
“Your mad!” Fitz pleaded again. Completely helpless as AIDA began to activate the program.  
Fitz knew he only had moments before he was pulled in, “Please tell me Jemma is okay, she wasn’t harmed.”
Radcliffe’s hand was smoothing his hair again, “I would never harm her Fitz, I know precisely how much she means to you and you mean to her.  What you have is as beautiful as what I have with Agnes.  I would never take that from you.  Jemma will be collected shortly and you will be reunited before you know it.”
Darkness was coming and the final tears escaped.  If he couldn’t save himself he could at least try to save her, “You have me, please leave her alo….”
Warm sun streamed through the windows and illuminated the long figure curled up in the bed.  
Jemma hadn’t felt so content in ages, snuggled in one of the most comfortable beds she had ever been in, completely surrounded by the comforting scent that was distinctly Fitz.   It took a few moments for the memories of the day to catch up to her and her eyes to snap open.  
The Framework.
She had gone into the Framework to save Fitz and the others.  
She sat up and took in the room in order to piece together where she had landed.  The room was grand yet managed to be warm all at the same time. Rich hardwoods, with antique furniture decorating it.  Jemma felt tears turn when she realized what it was.   She had shown it to Fitz a few months ago when she had started shopping for an apartment.  It was the master bedroom from a Castle in Scotland she had fallen in love with.   Even going as far as to put it in her book as inspiration, intent on decorating their room at their apartment in a similar, yet much less costly, fashion.  
Her attention fell on the nightstand where a picture sat in a fine silver frame.  Fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.   The picture was of her and Fitz on their wedding day.   Like the room it was what she had always dreamed of.   Fitz in a kilt though the tartan in the picture definitely wasn’t that of Fitz’s family.  Jemma remembered Fitz’s mother proudly displaying them and the coat of arms in her living room.  Her dress was simple and elegant lace, her hair swept up and adored with small diamond pins.  
It was only when Jemma reached for the frame that she caught sight of the wedding bands on her hand.   An engagement ring with a large diamond nested with a band of Vibranian of Fitz’s own design.  She would know his work anywhere.  
She was careful as she slipped out of bed.  Listening for the shower or another clue where Fitz had gone.   If he was her husband it should be that hard to get him to the back door.  He could possibly assist with helping to find where Daisy had landed.  
The door suddenly sprang open and the young maid started, “Lady Radcliffe, wasn’t aware you were awake. My sincerest of apologies mam.”
Jemma wasn’t able to stop herself from collapsing back on the bed, Lady Radcliffe?
The maid let out a startled scream as Jemma fell, running to her side and calling for help before Jemma could stop her.  
“I just stood up too fast, no need to fuss,” Jemma insisted even as she tried to calm fight the panic that welled within her.  
Jemma’s pleas fell on deaf ears as more servants streamed in, one with water, and another with fruit.   “Master Leopold is on his way,” another said.  And in that moment Jemma was torn, still reeling from what she learned and wanting to see Fitz again.  In the end she allowed them to lead her back into the bed and sipped the offered water.   Unable to stop her eyebrow from raising when she realized it had been infused with strawberries.   A rare treat for herself she hadn’t had time for in ages.
The different tartan suddenly making sense, it was Radcliffe’s, not Fitz’s.  
“Oh God,” she breathed, those attending to her looking pale.  
Jemma’s head whipped up at the sounds of his voice.   Desperate and cracking as it had that day on Maveth when he had come through the portal for her.  
The servants cleared away as Fitz burst through the door, “Out!” he ordered as he ran to her side and took her hand.   The servants gone within a matter of seconds.  
“What happened?” He said his voice going from authoritative to gentle in the blink of an eye.   “Is it the baby?”
Jemma felt herself go weak again and this time fell into Fitz’s arms, the shock nearly too much to process.  
His arms closed around her in and instant and he dropped a tender kiss to the top of her head.   “Do I need to call my parents to come and look you over?”
Jemma wasn’t sure how many more surprises she could bear.  For if she was Lady Radcliffe, that would mean that Fitz wasn’t Leopold Fitz he was Leopold Radcliffe, most definitely the son of Doctor Holden Radcliffe.   This was supposed to be Radcliffe’s paradise after all and he appeared to have given himself a family along with god knew what else.  
“Jem,” Fitz said again.
Not ready to face Radcliffe or anyone else Jemma shook her head and burrowed deeper into his chest.   “That won’t be necessary, pregnancy is a fickle thing as you know.  All I need is you right now.”  
Fitz kissed her again, “Then it’s me you shall have.   Madame Hydra can wait for those specs on Looking Glass from us, Da will understand.”
His simple statement the final straw and Jemma allowed the Darkness to overcome her.
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genesiselijah-blog1 · 7 years
The Story Of  The ‘I Ain’t Even Charging Bruv 2′ EP. How Everything Went Wrong. . .
Ok. It's Friday night (Or it was when I originally posted this on facebook) and if you're reading this you're either home and bored out out and bored. I'm gonna tell you a story. A story of when I really realised that the music game is not about talent or quality of music. Ok so you ready? I'll take that as a yes. It all started in 2012. Early 2012. I was at a high point musically. Painkillers & Pilkington (https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/a…/painkillers-pilkington) had just dropped and had done really well. Radio 1 play. Psalms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQrYMQ0Cf98) was my highest viewed video at the time. Life was good. So now it was time to drop new music. This time I was gonna go all out. Heres what happed. . .
So my idea was to drop an EP so good people would really notice. First I'd have to have it hosted on a big platform. At the time SBTV were killing it and I'd just done a warm up session that summer so Jamal was cool with that idea. . .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYN_JdsLwaM
Track 1: Underground King. My goal was to drop 7 of the best tracks I'd ever done with the biggest artist I could get at the time and really make some lasting music that would push me to that next level. So the first track was a track called 'Underground King'. This track was actually written in Brighton a few weeks before the first Boom Bap Festival. I was up there shooting a video for another artist and all though I was aware that the festival was happening I wasn't really aware who was on the line up. All I knew was I wasn't. As I was going around Brighton I saw one of the flyers and saw the names that were on it. I got pissed. How the fuck can you have a uk hip-hop event like that and not invite me?? I went off on twitter. You know how I do. I think either Dike or Gizmo inboxed and told me to chill but I was too far gone. Then I reached for pad (Yeah I was still writing bars at that time). I had to remind people who I was. So this happened. . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-s2BHEeN3Y
Track 2: What I'm On. This was a track I did with Boris Berlin. We had previously done an EP (https://genesiselijah-beezwax.bandcamp.com/.../civil-unrest) together and as far as modern sounding beats in UK hip-hop he was way ahead of his time. I wanted something that would really bang and this beat had that feel. The flow is fire. The hook is big. I love it. We filmed the video at English Frank's Hip-Hop Ain't Dead night and had a bunch of cameos. I loved this vid cos it really gives you the vibe of the night. Unfortunately SBTV but a Mic Righteous Xmas advert before it which is just fucking annoying (Sorry Mic I still love you bro haha) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g3W-zmjoJM
Track 3: Alive. Ok so now we're getting serious. So I had this beat from the amazing Anton Nutty P Flanders. First of all I have so much love for Nutty P. Not just because he's top 3 producers in the country but for some reason he's always been up for giving me beats that he could have sold for thousands to bigger artist. I'm so grateful to even be one that guys radar. Anyway so yeah I have this beat. It's fucking hard as fuck. Now a little while before I'd built up a really good relationship with an MC called Context. I'd jumped on a bunch of his tracks and then he'd got signed and whatever and was doing really well. I asked him to drop a verse and his brother Well Read to jump on the hook. I wrote the hook with his brother voice in mind. I really wanted a crossover record. Like a pop/dubstep/grime rap track. Once it was done I knew it was gonna be a smash. It just sounded so radio ready. Anyway all it needed was a video. I hollered at Context to do the vid but he wanted to rewrite his verse. . .WAIT WHAT??? Bro. . .the track is done. It's out. It's on the SBTV Bandcamp page! I have a camera NOT A FUCKING TIME MACHINE!!! FFS. . .I was gutted. I still love Context but I was so pissed off at the time. I felt like my chance to have a hit was dead before it even had a chance. . .But hey. Life goes on. https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../alive-feat-context...
Track 4: What We Do. Fuuuuuucking hell!!!! Ok this track is fire. First of all some how I managed to get a beat off Teeza Musič. That in itself had me so gassed! I asked Polly Yatesto jump on the hook and she came through and smashed it. The beat was just so next level and her voice on it just gave it a different feel. I loved it. Then it gets mad. So hollered at Loudmouth. he came through with fire. I mean some of the funniest punchlines. Man had me cracking up! But I also got a verse from Swiss. He is one of my idols. A So Solid legend. We all know he's nice but when e sent me the verse I was in shock. Yeah me and Loud did our thing but he killed us and every MC within a 10,000 mile radius. Fucking hell. Fucking hell. Listen to this. . .https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../what-we-do-feat...
Track 5: Coming Up. Damn. Even I forgot how sick this is. Hiram O'Connell is a PHENOMENAL producer. Like world class. He's one of the only producers I would ever do a full project. he's incredible. So hollered at 2 of my favourite MC's for this one. Pyro Rapper Barz to me is a flawless lyricist. Go check his music. Every verse. Flawless. He's one of the only rappers I would ever do a full joint project with even though he'd kill me on every verse hhahaa. But yeah he came through and killed it. So at the time Dream Mclean was about to go clear. He was signed to chase n status and as there's no way the label would have cleared the verse we had to keep it hush. That meant no video. No radio push. Again I was gutted. But this is the game. he killed that verse too. Pure flames all round. . . https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../coming-up-feat..
Track 6. Army. This was another mad one. Ok so this was produced by Sibling who is Little Donatella's (Love & Hip-Hop Hollywood) brother. For some reason they have always shown me love. He was another producer that has worked with some massive artist but chooses to work with me and always goes out of his way to tailor make beats for me. It's not like "yo I got these beats" it like "Yo I've made this track with you in mind and think you should come at it like this". I got so much love for him. Any way he hits me up with a concept. I love it. He then gives me a hook! He smashed it. I was blown away. I remember Emmy Williamson telling how much this song meant to her. It made this song mean so much more to me and one of the reasons I had to put her on my album 2 years later. But yeah I went hard on this one. . .https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../army-feat-sibling...
Track 7: Yuck. There was no way I was gonna put out an EP without a Dead Man Walkn beat. These might be two of my best verses. I went hard. I went over hard. I went so hard that one time I performed this in a club full of metal heads and they went so crazy we couldn't even finish the song. The beat is. . .Yuck. It's just nasty. The bars. . .Nasty. I don't even know what more I can say. As for the video. I was so much fun making it. It's very disturbing also. . .You'll love it. Well actually that's not true. No one really did love it. Today it has only 6652 views. And what makes that sadder is that the video dropped almost a year before the EP hahaa. Fucking brutal. Again. That's life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9y8AvyqbyA
So there you have it. A project that I put so much blood sweat and tears into that pretty much just got ignored but everyone apart from the SBTV staff and my core supporters. Someone tweeted me yesterday and said "Your bars have got so much harder" If we had been face to face I would have laughed straight in to his. My verses on this project and all the ones before it were so fucking hard. I dropped so much knowledge and insight and did it with so many patterns, multis and punchlines it would give your average baggy jean backpacker a chubby just in the first 2 bars. But it was never really appreciated. To date it has only been downloaded from my band came 344 times. I'm not sure what it did on the SBTV Bandcamp but I'm guessing way less. To put that in to perspective How To Loose Friends And Alienate Listeners is on 857 and has only been out for 3 months. I'm sure there's a moral to this story but for the life of me I can't find it. But yeah. Support the music you love and the person who makes it will make more of it. . .Have a great weekend. 5AM In Wakanda is out now. . .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x16oAp8-WF4
0 notes
footballleague0 · 7 years
How do the Packers put the loss behind them?
Hi everybody. Thanks for logging on. Week 3, here we go. Let’s get to it.
Comment From Tom
Mike, why does this chat need a sponsor?
It doesn’t need one, but we’re glad to have one.
Comment From Guest
Martellus Bennett dropped a number of passes against Atlanta. Are you concerned about his part in the offense going forward?
I’m not sure Bennett is fully comfortable in this offense yet. I mentioned in Inbox this morning it took until Week 3 last year for Cook to start making things happen, and then unfortunately he got hurt. I think it’s coming with Marty.
Comment From Jeff P.
We’re on to Cincinnati… Love it. Can only pull that out every couple years
Once every 4, to be exact.
Comment From Nathan
Hi Mike! It’s way too early in the season to be doing this, but which player would you most like to see healthy on Sunday?
I think I’d like to have either Bakhtiari or Bulaga healthy if the Packers can’t have both. We know Spriggs is out multiple weeks, and playing McCray out of position is a tough deal. I’d like to see at least one of the tackles back out there this week, if I had my druthers.
Comment From Dean
Mike, when the Packers ‘work out’ a player, what does that entail?
Taking a prospect through some drills and conditioning workouts, kind of like a combine-style thing. They do it regularly, most of the time on Tuesdays. They’re constantly keeping and updating files on players they might want to sign later to the roster or practice squad.
Comment From Lori
What are your biggest concerns as the Pack faces the Bengals? Is confidence lacking?
I don’t sense any lack of confidence. With the Bengals, A.J. Green and Geno Atkins are the keys, one on each side of the ball. Don’t let either have a big day. That’s where I start.
Comment From Willie
The Bengals had extra time to prepare for the Packers. Do you see that as an advantage for them?
There’s always an advantage to extra rest. The Bengals are 0-2 out of the gate and have had extra time to think about getting their season back on track. I expect to see a highly motivated opponent on Sunday.
Comment From Ethan
FYI, the website showed the chat starting at 10am, but when you clicked on the page it said starting at 11am. Not sure if that’s happened last 2 weeks as I missed those chats.
Yeah, sorry about that. Last week I had to go at 10 a.m., and then it was going to be the same this week but I was able to change it back to 11. The media schedule for today changed late yesterday, so bear with me.
Comment From Ray L
Let’s get this one out early. Any injury updates?
Sgt. Schultz, right? I know nothing.
Comment From Joe
Do you think the “Nitro” package is just a gimmick defense that most OC’s will catch up to it quickly?
It’s not a gimmick. It’s a personnel package based on the offense’s personnel. If the O goes heavy run formation, the Packers won’t be in nitro, and if out of regular personnel they can run the ball down Green Bay’s throat, the Packers would have to adjust from nitro.
Comment From Guest
Do you think Patriots and Cowboys nations get as upset about loss one as Packers’ nation does?
I would imagine so. That’s the nature of it. Everyone gets all jacked up for the one game per week, and losses are disappointing. Other teams are better sometimes.
Comment From Matthew
Mike, thanks for your take on the replay system in this morning’s Insider Inbox. I wholeheartedly agree. Taking it one step further, it would be great if the replay official had no prior knowledge of the call on the field (if possible).
Interesting thought, but even that wouldn’t be necessary if they just changed the “indisputable” language of the rule. I’ve heard from many that disagree with my take because this is finally a rule that favors the defense. I don’t look at it that way. I look at it as trying to get the call right as often as possible.
Comment From Jerry Erie, Pa.
Rodgers has never beaten the Bengals yet. Is this weekend the time?
It better be. Packers can’t let this one get away.
Comment From Bruce
Mike, Two part question. Is this a critical year (#3) for Rollins and Randall as far as remaining on the Packers’ roster? SEcondly, how would you rate the Packers over the last several years as far as hitting on top draft choices (rounds 1-3)?
I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily critical for them remaining on the roster, because they’ll have one year left on their rookie contracts after this year. But their performances this year will determine the future path/decisions in free agency, draft, etc., at their position going forward.
Comment From Sean_C
Mike, I couldn’t help but be annoyed/aggravated when we were marching down the field in the 4th and the ATL defender “went down” with an injury. They were tired and on their heels. Is there not any rule or penalty for that? that seemed like a good cheap way to get a break for ur guys and get some subs in.
It happens all the time. I’m not really sure what anyone can do about it.
Comment From Willie
I disagree with you replay take this morning. The Falcons mobbed Rodgers and he got rid of the ball. Protect Rodgers and that play does not happen. Can we still get along even though we may disagree?
Sure. Even Rodgers admitted he needs to get the ball out quicker. The linemen were all cut blocking to get their defenders on the ground. That means the play was designed to be a quick throw. He can’t hold it like that and set himself up for the big hit.
Comment From Joe
Mike, I haven’t like the rub play since it first came into the West Coast Offense. It gives an unfair advantage to the receivers. Band it for good.
I hate those plays, too. This isn’t basketball.
Comment From Ray L
Looked like Rodgers had someone over the middle on the fumble play if he got it out quicker. Did you see that?
I did not, but I can take a look at the film later.
Comment From Linda P
Mike, If the Falcons are the best in the NFC at this point..early as it is, are the Pats the best in the AFC? Steelers and Bronco’s looked good.
Chiefs are right there, too. I think the AFC is harder to call right now, but I don’t think anyone in the NFC is as good as the Falcons … right now.
Comment From Ben
Will the referees hear from the league about the calls made in the game? Not to perseverate on last week — just curious in general. League wide, no one seems to be happy with the referees.
Teams send in plays to be reviewed all the time. It’s part of the process.
Comment From Dean
Mike if you had a chance to be a fly on the wall in the Packers draft room, would you? And of the last 5 drafts or so which year would you have liked to listen in?
I would love to do that sometime, and I requested it years ago, but no one was ever too keen on the idea.
Comment From Richard
I’m getting tired of everyone bashing the defense over Sunday night’s performance. the problem was that they got no help from the offense like they did against Seattle. Don’t you agree?
They didn’t get much help from the offense against Seattle either. 17 points, with a 6-yard TD drive after a turnover. I look for GB’s offense to hit its stride at home this week.
Comment From Jeff in Idaho
Hello Mike, 25 years ago Favre comes off the bench to win the game and life as a Packer fan has not been the same. I remember the day like it was yesterday.
I was playing in a college golf tournament and came into the clubhouse after my round to see the dramatics in the fourth quarter. I’ll never forget it either, even though at the time I didn’t really know what I was watching.
Comment From JD
I had a lot of respect for the work the backup tackles did on Sunday night. For anyone unhappy with their effort, go back and watch the Giants on Monday night. This is one of the reasons I believe Campen is a great coach. His players are always ready to give it a go and know what is expected.
I give Murphy and McCray a ton of credit for what they did, and you’re right, Campen deserves props too.
Comment From Mark
Mike, it seems the Packer’s injuries occur most on some type of artificial turf. With all the talk about player safety, is it time to make all surfaces uniform?
How can you? Several stadiums are indoors, where you can’t grow grass, and the outdoor teams with grass won’t want to switch.
Comment From Joe
Is Ty averaging over a 100 yards total offense per game? 1600 total yards is good for any back in the league.Isn’t it?
That would be a heck of a year, but the Packers need to sub for Montgomery more if they want him to last, and be effective, all the way through the season. McCarthy knows he can’t have this type of workload for 16 games.
Comment From Dennis
Were you as impressed as I was by the silence from the crowd in the 4th quarter? If the Falcons are the best team in the NFC, we were hot on their heels with an injured roster and their defense was gassed. If we can keep closer earlier, we can beat them.
To be honest, the place was emptying out. I hear traffic is awful in Atlanta, plus it was a night game, and with the score what it was … a lot of folks didn’t stick around.
Comment From Joe
Cook was a better fit for the Pack then Bennett but with the problems they now have at the Tackles sure nice to see him block.
Bennett is a very effective blocker, one of the better blocking TEs McCarthy has had, I think.
Comment From Razer
Given that injuries are inevitable, do you think we have enough depth on the D-Line?
Everybody would love to have more depth everywhere, but you only get 53 roster spots, and 46 on game day. No team can account for every scenario.
Comment From Ray N
Before we get too concerned about the Lions, consider the team they beat on Sunday night. The Giants’ O-line is epically bad, Manning is an aging increasingly immobile QB, and the G-men have not scored more than 20 points in 8 straight games. The Lions have improved but, before the start of the season, the Giants were arguably the most overrated team in the League …
I don’t follow the Giants closely, but it seemed their O-line was an issue last year, and I’m not sure what they did to address it. They didn’t add any dynamic running backs to help Eli, either. McAdoo will figure out a way to get it going, but for an 11-win team last year, they’re off to a really rough start.
Comment From Ben
Do you read other journalists’ articles about the Packers, or do you keep your head clear of all the other opinions?
I read a lot of other coverage of the team online. Other writers on this beat do a lot of good work and I appreciate the chance to learn things I might not have thought of on my own.
Comment From Picard90
I just finished reading the article on the interview with Eddie Lacy at ESPN, it’s really heartbreaking to see trolls piling on him for his struggles with weight. We need to remind ourselves that football players are human beings, too. I wish him the best of luck in his NFL journey. Now, I’m excited to see what our 3 rookie RBs bring to the table. I think Williams and Jones are off to a good start, do you agree?
I read the Lacy piece, too, and while it’s sad the way people attack others on social media, Lacy could just shut it all out, too. To each his own. As I said before with Monty’s workload, I think we’ll see more of Williams this week.
Comment From PAPackersFan
Just ONCE, I’d like to see us play Atlanta with a healthy roster. Start 2 O-linemen short, and then lose your best D-lineman and 2 WRs….. sheesh
Yeah, it was tough to hear 90 minutes before kickoff that both tackles were out. I wasn’t expecting that. Then losing Daniels and Nelson in the first quarter just piled on. Maybe next time GB can finally be healthy against them.
Comment From Jim_flat
Do you think the fact that there is a game next Thursday it will effect what injured players play Sunday?
I don’t think so, in the sense that if a player is cleared medically, I think he plays. How quickly he can bounce back to play again might be another matter.
Comment From Don H
I’m not worried. One game is not a trend. String together three sub-standard performances then we have trend to worry about. The game against CIN will go a long way toward defining the first quarter of the season …
With two home games coming up, Packers have to hit the quarter pole at 3-1.
Comment From Nathan
Who is Andy Dalton now? The guy who was a byword for mediocrity early in his career, or the one who was playing at a Pro Bowl level a couple years ago?
Hard to say. He’s won his share of games in this league. He didn’t suddenly forget how to play QB, and he’s got a dynamic target in Green Bay. I guess we’ll find out more Sunday.
Comment From JD
Kind of surprised that Jones got so many reps after Brice went down. With the way Evans performed in the preseason were you surprised and is this a result of his draft round or do you think he’s really surpassed Evans at this early point in the season?
I felt Jones was ahead of Evans on the safety depth chart, so I wasn’t surprised. I think we could be seeing more of Jones.
Comment From Ethan
Any chance we could ever get Mike and Wes in the chat? Or Wes has more important things to be doing, like stealing your lunch maybe?
Comment From Rodney
Do you think we get to see King go one-on-one with Green this weekend?
At times, maybe, but I’m also looking to keep a safety over the top of Green and try to single-up on the other guys more often.
Comment From Ben
Hi Mike, what will the Packers have to do to put that loss behind them?
Win on Sunday. That’s it, that’s all.
Comment From Matt W
Do you think the Packers D keeps the Bengals out of the end zone for the 3rd straight week?
That would really get the wolves howling in Cincinnati. I think the Packers could do it, but just get the win, whatever it takes.
Comment From Joe
I’m sorry I see Sunday as a typical “trap game”
I’d actually think that if the Packers were 2-0 right now, not coming off a loss.
Comment From Matt W
Mike can you handle 2 post game Insider Inboxes next week? At least they are both home games.
It makes for late nights/early mornings, however I decide to do it, but I’ll do my best.
Comment From Joe
They were coming off loses last year when Indy came to town.
Right, and then they allowed a 99-yard kickoff return TD to start the game. So not doing that would be a great start to this one.
Comment From Jeff P.
This will be the Bengals first game with a new OC, do you think it will be feast or famine? Also how hot is Marvin Lewis’ seat? To me it seems like Bengals fans have wanted him gone for some time now?
The playoff record has hung over Lewis for along time, and if the decision on the OC doesn’t pan out, his seat will get hotter. But Lewis is a heck of a coach and he’ll remain in the NFL for a while yet, I imagine.
Comment From Kevin
Hi Spoff, thanks for the chat today. I was predicting before the season started that we’d be seeing Ty in an almost equal share of the RB touches with Williams. Do you think that will come to pass at some point, or was I just wrong again?
Montgomery is going to continue to be the main guy, but I expect a greater division of labor with Williams from here on.
Comment From George
I was pleasantly surprised with the play of King at CB… Going into this game I wasn’t all that high on the kid.
The Packers drafted him 33rd for a reason. There’s no doubting all his athletic talent. It’s too bad he had to miss almost the whole offseason program, but he’s clearly settling in now.
Comment From Dean
I’m hoping to see more of Jones in the Nitro at linebacker with Burnett back. Seems like Jones size and aggressiveness and Burnett’s experience would work well in that alignment.
I’m curious to see what the decisions are in that regard.
Comment From Linda P
Mike, Seems Like McAdo is on the hot seat. I read an article that said he is the worst head coach in the league. You know him. What do you think?
The worst? C’mon. The guy reached the playoffs last year in his first season at the helm. Beat a 13-3 Cowboys team twice. They’re off to a slow start, but McAdoo can coach. Like I said before, I just don’t see where they addressed their roster issues.
Comment From Lynn
When do we expect an update on injuries?
The first injury report will come out late today after practice, but tomorrow’s will be more meaningful, because it will be after a full-pads practice.
Comment From Guest
If Jordy and/or Cobb are limited, who do you see stepping up more within the wide receiver corps?
Other than Adams, I think it’s Allison. His first game was last week, and based on what he showed in camp and preseason, he’s a player on the rise.
Comment From Bruce
As Packers’ fans who do we root for this weekend? The 2-0 team within the division or the 2-0 team who most believe to be the front-runner for home-field advantage throughout the NFC playoffs? Maybe we hope for a tie?
Good question. The Packers will get two cracks at the Lions, so if you’re pushing for the top seed in the NFC, you probably root for Detroit to win this one. The Packers will probably have to beat the Lions twice to be in the top-seed mix anyway.
OK, folks, my hour is almost up. I’ll take a few more.
Comment From Joe
Why do you think that there are less and less quality Offensive Line men in the league? College offensives, CBA, or both?
I’m no scout, but I think the proliferation of spread offenses in college must have something to do with it.
Comment From Matt W
Baseball has set the record for most number of HRs in a season and is on pace for over 6000. Do you think it’s really the launch angle, or is it the new ball, or something else?
Both of those, plus nobody takes the old “two-strike approach” anymore, because strikeouts are shooting up at just as high a rate.
Comment From Steve
Cubs or Brewers win the division ??? Big four game set coming up …
Cubs have been hotter than heck since the Brewers swept them, so it’ll be tough for the Crew. I don’t mind seeing the Rockies take some more losses, though.
Comment From Ethan
See, if Wes joined, we would close out with Game of Thrones questions instead of baseball.
He’d love that.
Comment From Ray L
Just beat Bengals, and take solace in the fact that either the Lions or the Falcons will have a loss on Monday.
I like that for today’s last word. Thanks everybody. Have a good week. Take care, Mike
The post How do the Packers put the loss behind them? appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
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giantsfootball0 · 7 years
How do the Packers put the loss behind them?
Hi everybody. Thanks for logging on. Week 3, here we go. Let’s get to it.
Comment From Tom
Mike, why does this chat need a sponsor?
It doesn’t need one, but we’re glad to have one.
Comment From Guest
Martellus Bennett dropped a number of passes against Atlanta. Are you concerned about his part in the offense going forward?
I’m not sure Bennett is fully comfortable in this offense yet. I mentioned in Inbox this morning it took until Week 3 last year for Cook to start making things happen, and then unfortunately he got hurt. I think it’s coming with Marty.
Comment From Jeff P.
We’re on to Cincinnati… Love it. Can only pull that out every couple years
Once every 4, to be exact.
Comment From Nathan
Hi Mike! It’s way too early in the season to be doing this, but which player would you most like to see healthy on Sunday?
I think I’d like to have either Bakhtiari or Bulaga healthy if the Packers can’t have both. We know Spriggs is out multiple weeks, and playing McCray out of position is a tough deal. I’d like to see at least one of the tackles back out there this week, if I had my druthers.
Comment From Dean
Mike, when the Packers ‘work out’ a player, what does that entail?
Taking a prospect through some drills and conditioning workouts, kind of like a combine-style thing. They do it regularly, most of the time on Tuesdays. They’re constantly keeping and updating files on players they might want to sign later to the roster or practice squad.
Comment From Lori
What are your biggest concerns as the Pack faces the Bengals? Is confidence lacking?
I don’t sense any lack of confidence. With the Bengals, A.J. Green and Geno Atkins are the keys, one on each side of the ball. Don’t let either have a big day. That’s where I start.
Comment From Willie
The Bengals had extra time to prepare for the Packers. Do you see that as an advantage for them?
There’s always an advantage to extra rest. The Bengals are 0-2 out of the gate and have had extra time to think about getting their season back on track. I expect to see a highly motivated opponent on Sunday.
Comment From Ethan
FYI, the website showed the chat starting at 10am, but when you clicked on the page it said starting at 11am. Not sure if that’s happened last 2 weeks as I missed those chats.
Yeah, sorry about that. Last week I had to go at 10 a.m., and then it was going to be the same this week but I was able to change it back to 11. The media schedule for today changed late yesterday, so bear with me.
Comment From Ray L
Let’s get this one out early. Any injury updates?
Sgt. Schultz, right? I know nothing.
Comment From Joe
Do you think the “Nitro” package is just a gimmick defense that most OC’s will catch up to it quickly?
It’s not a gimmick. It’s a personnel package based on the offense’s personnel. If the O goes heavy run formation, the Packers won’t be in nitro, and if out of regular personnel they can run the ball down Green Bay’s throat, the Packers would have to adjust from nitro.
Comment From Guest
Do you think Patriots and Cowboys nations get as upset about loss one as Packers’ nation does?
I would imagine so. That’s the nature of it. Everyone gets all jacked up for the one game per week, and losses are disappointing. Other teams are better sometimes.
Comment From Matthew
Mike, thanks for your take on the replay system in this morning’s Insider Inbox. I wholeheartedly agree. Taking it one step further, it would be great if the replay official had no prior knowledge of the call on the field (if possible).
Interesting thought, but even that wouldn’t be necessary if they just changed the “indisputable” language of the rule. I’ve heard from many that disagree with my take because this is finally a rule that favors the defense. I don’t look at it that way. I look at it as trying to get the call right as often as possible.
Comment From Jerry Erie, Pa.
Rodgers has never beaten the Bengals yet. Is this weekend the time?
It better be. Packers can’t let this one get away.
Comment From Bruce
Mike, Two part question. Is this a critical year (#3) for Rollins and Randall as far as remaining on the Packers’ roster? SEcondly, how would you rate the Packers over the last several years as far as hitting on top draft choices (rounds 1-3)?
I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily critical for them remaining on the roster, because they’ll have one year left on their rookie contracts after this year. But their performances this year will determine the future path/decisions in free agency, draft, etc., at their position going forward.
Comment From Sean_C
Mike, I couldn’t help but be annoyed/aggravated when we were marching down the field in the 4th and the ATL defender “went down” with an injury. They were tired and on their heels. Is there not any rule or penalty for that? that seemed like a good cheap way to get a break for ur guys and get some subs in.
It happens all the time. I’m not really sure what anyone can do about it.
Comment From Willie
I disagree with you replay take this morning. The Falcons mobbed Rodgers and he got rid of the ball. Protect Rodgers and that play does not happen. Can we still get along even though we may disagree?
Sure. Even Rodgers admitted he needs to get the ball out quicker. The linemen were all cut blocking to get their defenders on the ground. That means the play was designed to be a quick throw. He can’t hold it like that and set himself up for the big hit.
Comment From Joe
Mike, I haven’t like the rub play since it first came into the West Coast Offense. It gives an unfair advantage to the receivers. Band it for good.
I hate those plays, too. This isn’t basketball.
Comment From Ray L
Looked like Rodgers had someone over the middle on the fumble play if he got it out quicker. Did you see that?
I did not, but I can take a look at the film later.
Comment From Linda P
Mike, If the Falcons are the best in the NFC at this point..early as it is, are the Pats the best in the AFC? Steelers and Bronco’s looked good.
Chiefs are right there, too. I think the AFC is harder to call right now, but I don’t think anyone in the NFC is as good as the Falcons … right now.
Comment From Ben
Will the referees hear from the league about the calls made in the game? Not to perseverate on last week — just curious in general. League wide, no one seems to be happy with the referees.
Teams send in plays to be reviewed all the time. It’s part of the process.
Comment From Dean
Mike if you had a chance to be a fly on the wall in the Packers draft room, would you? And of the last 5 drafts or so which year would you have liked to listen in?
I would love to do that sometime, and I requested it years ago, but no one was ever too keen on the idea.
Comment From Richard
I’m getting tired of everyone bashing the defense over Sunday night’s performance. the problem was that they got no help from the offense like they did against Seattle. Don’t you agree?
They didn’t get much help from the offense against Seattle either. 17 points, with a 6-yard TD drive after a turnover. I look for GB’s offense to hit its stride at home this week.
Comment From Jeff in Idaho
Hello Mike, 25 years ago Favre comes off the bench to win the game and life as a Packer fan has not been the same. I remember the day like it was yesterday.
I was playing in a college golf tournament and came into the clubhouse after my round to see the dramatics in the fourth quarter. I’ll never forget it either, even though at the time I didn’t really know what I was watching.
Comment From JD
I had a lot of respect for the work the backup tackles did on Sunday night. For anyone unhappy with their effort, go back and watch the Giants on Monday night. This is one of the reasons I believe Campen is a great coach. His players are always ready to give it a go and know what is expected.
I give Murphy and McCray a ton of credit for what they did, and you’re right, Campen deserves props too.
Comment From Mark
Mike, it seems the Packer’s injuries occur most on some type of artificial turf. With all the talk about player safety, is it time to make all surfaces uniform?
How can you? Several stadiums are indoors, where you can’t grow grass, and the outdoor teams with grass won’t want to switch.
Comment From Joe
Is Ty averaging over a 100 yards total offense per game? 1600 total yards is good for any back in the league.Isn’t it?
That would be a heck of a year, but the Packers need to sub for Montgomery more if they want him to last, and be effective, all the way through the season. McCarthy knows he can’t have this type of workload for 16 games.
Comment From Dennis
Were you as impressed as I was by the silence from the crowd in the 4th quarter? If the Falcons are the best team in the NFC, we were hot on their heels with an injured roster and their defense was gassed. If we can keep closer earlier, we can beat them.
To be honest, the place was emptying out. I hear traffic is awful in Atlanta, plus it was a night game, and with the score what it was … a lot of folks didn’t stick around.
Comment From Joe
Cook was a better fit for the Pack then Bennett but with the problems they now have at the Tackles sure nice to see him block.
Bennett is a very effective blocker, one of the better blocking TEs McCarthy has had, I think.
Comment From Razer
Given that injuries are inevitable, do you think we have enough depth on the D-Line?
Everybody would love to have more depth everywhere, but you only get 53 roster spots, and 46 on game day. No team can account for every scenario.
Comment From Ray N
Before we get too concerned about the Lions, consider the team they beat on Sunday night. The Giants’ O-line is epically bad, Manning is an aging increasingly immobile QB, and the G-men have not scored more than 20 points in 8 straight games. The Lions have improved but, before the start of the season, the Giants were arguably the most overrated team in the League …
I don’t follow the Giants closely, but it seemed their O-line was an issue last year, and I’m not sure what they did to address it. They didn’t add any dynamic running backs to help Eli, either. McAdoo will figure out a way to get it going, but for an 11-win team last year, they’re off to a really rough start.
Comment From Ben
Do you read other journalists’ articles about the Packers, or do you keep your head clear of all the other opinions?
I read a lot of other coverage of the team online. Other writers on this beat do a lot of good work and I appreciate the chance to learn things I might not have thought of on my own.
Comment From Picard90
I just finished reading the article on the interview with Eddie Lacy at ESPN, it’s really heartbreaking to see trolls piling on him for his struggles with weight. We need to remind ourselves that football players are human beings, too. I wish him the best of luck in his NFL journey. Now, I’m excited to see what our 3 rookie RBs bring to the table. I think Williams and Jones are off to a good start, do you agree?
I read the Lacy piece, too, and while it’s sad the way people attack others on social media, Lacy could just shut it all out, too. To each his own. As I said before with Monty’s workload, I think we’ll see more of Williams this week.
Comment From PAPackersFan
Just ONCE, I’d like to see us play Atlanta with a healthy roster. Start 2 O-linemen short, and then lose your best D-lineman and 2 WRs….. sheesh
Yeah, it was tough to hear 90 minutes before kickoff that both tackles were out. I wasn’t expecting that. Then losing Daniels and Nelson in the first quarter just piled on. Maybe next time GB can finally be healthy against them.
Comment From Jim_flat
Do you think the fact that there is a game next Thursday it will effect what injured players play Sunday?
I don’t think so, in the sense that if a player is cleared medically, I think he plays. How quickly he can bounce back to play again might be another matter.
Comment From Don H
I’m not worried. One game is not a trend. String together three sub-standard performances then we have trend to worry about. The game against CIN will go a long way toward defining the first quarter of the season …
With two home games coming up, Packers have to hit the quarter pole at 3-1.
Comment From Nathan
Who is Andy Dalton now? The guy who was a byword for mediocrity early in his career, or the one who was playing at a Pro Bowl level a couple years ago?
Hard to say. He’s won his share of games in this league. He didn’t suddenly forget how to play QB, and he’s got a dynamic target in Green Bay. I guess we’ll find out more Sunday.
Comment From JD
Kind of surprised that Jones got so many reps after Brice went down. With the way Evans performed in the preseason were you surprised and is this a result of his draft round or do you think he’s really surpassed Evans at this early point in the season?
I felt Jones was ahead of Evans on the safety depth chart, so I wasn’t surprised. I think we could be seeing more of Jones.
Comment From Ethan
Any chance we could ever get Mike and Wes in the chat? Or Wes has more important things to be doing, like stealing your lunch maybe?
Comment From Rodney
Do you think we get to see King go one-on-one with Green this weekend?
At times, maybe, but I’m also looking to keep a safety over the top of Green and try to single-up on the other guys more often.
Comment From Ben
Hi Mike, what will the Packers have to do to put that loss behind them?
Win on Sunday. That’s it, that’s all.
Comment From Matt W
Do you think the Packers D keeps the Bengals out of the end zone for the 3rd straight week?
That would really get the wolves howling in Cincinnati. I think the Packers could do it, but just get the win, whatever it takes.
Comment From Joe
I’m sorry I see Sunday as a typical “trap game”
I’d actually think that if the Packers were 2-0 right now, not coming off a loss.
Comment From Matt W
Mike can you handle 2 post game Insider Inboxes next week? At least they are both home games.
It makes for late nights/early mornings, however I decide to do it, but I’ll do my best.
Comment From Joe
They were coming off loses last year when Indy came to town.
Right, and then they allowed a 99-yard kickoff return TD to start the game. So not doing that would be a great start to this one.
Comment From Jeff P.
This will be the Bengals first game with a new OC, do you think it will be feast or famine? Also how hot is Marvin Lewis’ seat? To me it seems like Bengals fans have wanted him gone for some time now?
The playoff record has hung over Lewis for along time, and if the decision on the OC doesn’t pan out, his seat will get hotter. But Lewis is a heck of a coach and he’ll remain in the NFL for a while yet, I imagine.
Comment From Kevin
Hi Spoff, thanks for the chat today. I was predicting before the season started that we’d be seeing Ty in an almost equal share of the RB touches with Williams. Do you think that will come to pass at some point, or was I just wrong again?
Montgomery is going to continue to be the main guy, but I expect a greater division of labor with Williams from here on.
Comment From George
I was pleasantly surprised with the play of King at CB… Going into this game I wasn’t all that high on the kid.
The Packers drafted him 33rd for a reason. There’s no doubting all his athletic talent. It’s too bad he had to miss almost the whole offseason program, but he’s clearly settling in now.
Comment From Dean
I’m hoping to see more of Jones in the Nitro at linebacker with Burnett back. Seems like Jones size and aggressiveness and Burnett’s experience would work well in that alignment.
I’m curious to see what the decisions are in that regard.
Comment From Linda P
Mike, Seems Like McAdo is on the hot seat. I read an article that said he is the worst head coach in the league. You know him. What do you think?
The worst? C’mon. The guy reached the playoffs last year in his first season at the helm. Beat a 13-3 Cowboys team twice. They’re off to a slow start, but McAdoo can coach. Like I said before, I just don’t see where they addressed their roster issues.
Comment From Lynn
When do we expect an update on injuries?
The first injury report will come out late today after practice, but tomorrow’s will be more meaningful, because it will be after a full-pads practice.
Comment From Guest
If Jordy and/or Cobb are limited, who do you see stepping up more within the wide receiver corps?
Other than Adams, I think it’s Allison. His first game was last week, and based on what he showed in camp and preseason, he’s a player on the rise.
Comment From Bruce
As Packers’ fans who do we root for this weekend? The 2-0 team within the division or the 2-0 team who most believe to be the front-runner for home-field advantage throughout the NFC playoffs? Maybe we hope for a tie?
Good question. The Packers will get two cracks at the Lions, so if you’re pushing for the top seed in the NFC, you probably root for Detroit to win this one. The Packers will probably have to beat the Lions twice to be in the top-seed mix anyway.
OK, folks, my hour is almost up. I’ll take a few more.
Comment From Joe
Why do you think that there are less and less quality Offensive Line men in the league? College offensives, CBA, or both?
I’m no scout, but I think the proliferation of spread offenses in college must have something to do with it.
Comment From Matt W
Baseball has set the record for most number of HRs in a season and is on pace for over 6000. Do you think it’s really the launch angle, or is it the new ball, or something else?
Both of those, plus nobody takes the old “two-strike approach” anymore, because strikeouts are shooting up at just as high a rate.
Comment From Steve
Cubs or Brewers win the division ??? Big four game set coming up …
Cubs have been hotter than heck since the Brewers swept them, so it’ll be tough for the Crew. I don’t mind seeing the Rockies take some more losses, though.
Comment From Ethan
See, if Wes joined, we would close out with Game of Thrones questions instead of baseball.
He’d love that.
Comment From Ray L
Just beat Bengals, and take solace in the fact that either the Lions or the Falcons will have a loss on Monday.
I like that for today’s last word. Thanks everybody. Have a good week. Take care, Mike
The post How do the Packers put the loss behind them? appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
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chos3non3sp3aks · 7 years
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I'm a hoe?* Because you tried to get me and I said No? * Because I post erotic style pics* Because I still don't want your dick* I'm not here for your sorry ass* I'm confident and ❤️ myself keep your compliments I don't need to be gassed* I'm Chos3nOn3Sp3aks and I do what I do* Working on me so you can Google my truth* I'm not here for you * I have a hell of a boo* All that I ask for he's happy to do* Not many like mine God only made a few * A young man with a mature man's thoughts* Intellectual conversations and sexual satisfaction always brought* The best of both worlds rare and often sought* The kind of love for which many have fought* He loves and cherishes this* Exceptional fat ass you been longing to kiss*😘 Move around better yet delete yourself* I'm sure there's a desperate, lonely bitch somewhere else * I told you why I'm here* You should be satisfied with what I've posted for you to peer* You really think I give one fuck* I got a bag of fucks and you just got none* In my inbox on your video stroking your little newborn dick* I keep telling dumb asses don't send me that shit* Block bloka bloka block* Not enough to make thirsty stop* I should just start posting ya'll names and lil mushroom 🍄 tops* You say eggplant🍆 ha I say NOT!!*😂 😂 I don't give a fuck what size you got* If that bothers you bye 👋 get the hell off my spot* I'm far from mean, but I don't bite my tongue* My words are known as a lyrical gun* 🔫 Now sit the fuck down I'm the star of this page* I still come cute, and sexy no matter my age* Deliciously mature* Self confident, secure* In a relationship that has endured* Accepts me as I am and loves😍 me for sure* Go watch me shine, stroke yourself, cry in your beer* You don't want to challenge me so get the fuck outta here* 🖕 Got access to backup if needed, but I'm Chos3nOn3Sp3aks* I can't be defeated, I just lyrically slayed you alone I'm one deep* I told you don't judge me, by just what you see* I'm barely 4"11"got you down to the ground bowing down at my feet* If I strike my last blow you’ll be missing some teeth* Just a drop less than savage so those I'll let you keep* Now get yo ass up go fix me something to eat*😂😂 (at Lafayette, Louisiana)
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