#no promises I am able to get my must to cooperate and finish this
agl03 · 7 years
So one of the prompts I have sitting in my inbox is “Evil Dadcliffe” in response to my “Good Dadcliffe” fic.   And my muse actually came back to me a little and this popped up....anyone interested in seeing it continued?
Radcliffe couldn’t keep the smile that blossomed on his face as he heard the Submarine dock in the distance of the base.  He had sent Aida and the Superior off on their retrieval mission what had seemed like ages ago.  His trap perfectly sprung.  Agent May’s abduction successfully luring not only Coulson away but the formitable Agent Mackenzie as well.  This leaving the new and desperate to please Director Mace alone with Fitzsimmons and Daisy, his abduction serving just as marvelous of a distraction as taking Agent May’s had.  
Coulson played right into his hands and right into his trap.  Allowing him to acquire his true target all along.  
He knew AIDA would be there in a matter of moments and turned his attention from the Darkhold to the Framework cradles that were awaiting their guests, Agent May already tucked away and awaiting her friends.  
“A better world for all of us is coming,” Radcliffe said cheerily as he placed the final touches on the program.  
Fitz came around slowly with his head pounding and heart racing.  He knew in an instant he had been gassed with the Dendrotoxin gas and made a note to work with Jemma on a way to counteract that from happening. Something small and compact agents could keep in their pockets.  There was something about being knocked out by your own invention that simply wasn’t right.  
As the initial wave of nausea passed he tried to remember what had happened.  They had been in the Superiors base trying to find May and Mace, he had been pulling components of the Framework and Jemma….
“Jemma!” he cried as he tried to sit up only to find to his horror his arms and feet restrained with thick straps.  
AIDA appeared at his side within moments, this version an exact replica of the last.   “Easy Leopold, just relax and this will all be over soon,” she tried to sooth even as she placed the Frameworks head gear into place.  
Panic seized him and Fitz tried to shake it off, not wanting to be trapped in there like May had been.
“AIDA please stop,” he tried.   “You were programmed not to hurt anyone and you are hurting me now.”  
She simply ignored him and continued to work.  Fitz could only watch as she began to scan him.  “Please,” he tried again.
“It’s okay my dear boy, I would never harm you,” Radcliffe said appeared to be a lab.   With a start Fitz realized Radcliffe was dressed as he was, in simple grey pajamas.   “Your friends are already settling into the new world, safe, sound and happy.”
“I trusted you!” Fitz shouted as he pulled again at his restraints and allowed the tears of frustration to fall.   This was all his fault.  He had vouched for Radcliffe, allowed him in,  let him see his work, perfected ADIA and the Framework, and had encouraged AIDA to read the book.  
Radcliffe offered a soft smile.   “You are like a son to me Fitz, the son I had always wanted but could never have.”
“You have a funny way of showing it!” Fitz snapped back.  
Radcliffe ran a hand over Fitz’s forehead in a fond gesture.   “I was so appalled when I heard of how Alistair had treated you. He complained on the train nearly every day that you’d tear apart the radio or the toaster.  How you were shy around the other kids at your school. And the cost of your advanced classes.   He  squandered  such a gift because he was too thick to understand your genius.  But I understand and appreciate it my boy.  Look at what we created in a mere few months, imagine what we could do with a lifetime.”  
Fitz felt his eyes widen and couldn’t jerk away from the cold touch.   “I’ll never work with you ever again.  Not after what you’ve done, so let me and the others go before you make this any worse than it already is.”
The elder man chuckled to look at the progress, a simple not from AIDA indicating the scan was complete.   “I have it all arranged, you’ll have the father you’ve always wanted…deserved….and we’ll make the world a better place.   You’ll see when you wake up.”
“Your mad!” Fitz pleaded again. Completely helpless as AIDA began to activate the program.  
Fitz knew he only had moments before he was pulled in, “Please tell me Jemma is okay, she wasn’t harmed.”
Radcliffe’s hand was smoothing his hair again, “I would never harm her Fitz, I know precisely how much she means to you and you mean to her.  What you have is as beautiful as what I have with Agnes.  I would never take that from you.  Jemma will be collected shortly and you will be reunited before you know it.”
Darkness was coming and the final tears escaped.  If he couldn’t save himself he could at least try to save her, “You have me, please leave her alo….”
Warm sun streamed through the windows and illuminated the long figure curled up in the bed.  
Jemma hadn’t felt so content in ages, snuggled in one of the most comfortable beds she had ever been in, completely surrounded by the comforting scent that was distinctly Fitz.   It took a few moments for the memories of the day to catch up to her and her eyes to snap open.  
The Framework.
She had gone into the Framework to save Fitz and the others.  
She sat up and took in the room in order to piece together where she had landed.  The room was grand yet managed to be warm all at the same time. Rich hardwoods, with antique furniture decorating it.  Jemma felt tears turn when she realized what it was.   She had shown it to Fitz a few months ago when she had started shopping for an apartment.  It was the master bedroom from a Castle in Scotland she had fallen in love with.   Even going as far as to put it in her book as inspiration, intent on decorating their room at their apartment in a similar, yet much less costly, fashion.  
Her attention fell on the nightstand where a picture sat in a fine silver frame.  Fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.   The picture was of her and Fitz on their wedding day.   Like the room it was what she had always dreamed of.   Fitz in a kilt though the tartan in the picture definitely wasn’t that of Fitz’s family.  Jemma remembered Fitz’s mother proudly displaying them and the coat of arms in her living room.  Her dress was simple and elegant lace, her hair swept up and adored with small diamond pins.  
It was only when Jemma reached for the frame that she caught sight of the wedding bands on her hand.   An engagement ring with a large diamond nested with a band of Vibranian of Fitz’s own design.  She would know his work anywhere.  
She was careful as she slipped out of bed.  Listening for the shower or another clue where Fitz had gone.   If he was her husband it should be that hard to get him to the back door.  He could possibly assist with helping to find where Daisy had landed.  
The door suddenly sprang open and the young maid started, “Lady Radcliffe, wasn’t aware you were awake. My sincerest of apologies mam.”
Jemma wasn’t able to stop herself from collapsing back on the bed, Lady Radcliffe?
The maid let out a startled scream as Jemma fell, running to her side and calling for help before Jemma could stop her.  
“I just stood up too fast, no need to fuss,” Jemma insisted even as she tried to calm fight the panic that welled within her.  
Jemma’s pleas fell on deaf ears as more servants streamed in, one with water, and another with fruit.   “Master Leopold is on his way,” another said.  And in that moment Jemma was torn, still reeling from what she learned and wanting to see Fitz again.  In the end she allowed them to lead her back into the bed and sipped the offered water.   Unable to stop her eyebrow from raising when she realized it had been infused with strawberries.   A rare treat for herself she hadn’t had time for in ages.
The different tartan suddenly making sense, it was Radcliffe’s, not Fitz’s.  
“Oh God,” she breathed, those attending to her looking pale.  
Jemma’s head whipped up at the sounds of his voice.   Desperate and cracking as it had that day on Maveth when he had come through the portal for her.  
The servants cleared away as Fitz burst through the door, “Out!” he ordered as he ran to her side and took her hand.   The servants gone within a matter of seconds.  
“What happened?” He said his voice going from authoritative to gentle in the blink of an eye.   “Is it the baby?”
Jemma felt herself go weak again and this time fell into Fitz’s arms, the shock nearly too much to process.  
His arms closed around her in and instant and he dropped a tender kiss to the top of her head.   “Do I need to call my parents to come and look you over?”
Jemma wasn’t sure how many more surprises she could bear.  For if she was Lady Radcliffe, that would mean that Fitz wasn’t Leopold Fitz he was Leopold Radcliffe, most definitely the son of Doctor Holden Radcliffe.   This was supposed to be Radcliffe’s paradise after all and he appeared to have given himself a family along with god knew what else.  
“Jem,” Fitz said again.
Not ready to face Radcliffe or anyone else Jemma shook her head and burrowed deeper into his chest.   “That won’t be necessary, pregnancy is a fickle thing as you know.  All I need is you right now.”  
Fitz kissed her again, “Then it’s me you shall have.   Madame Hydra can wait for those specs on Looking Glass from us, Da will understand.”
His simple statement the final straw and Jemma allowed the Darkness to overcome her.
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monicashipsnickyjoe · 4 years
soulmate/modern au
Nicky has a nervousness about him that he’s never been able to explain. He keeps feeling like something’s missing. Like he’s forgotten the name of an important thing and it’s sitting, impatient, at the tip of his tongue. He can’t recall. Or he doesn’t know. It’s all terribly confusing, and so, so frustrating.
He’ll walk down the street, see a family of duckings that makes him smile, and turn to his right to tell... someone. No one’s there.
Sometimes, when he’s tired, he’ll order two coffees at the shop on the corner, making one much sweeter than he likes it. Only when he walks away does he remember he’s alone.
When his friends encourage him, he goes to bars. He meets men, and occasionally he will let them touch his arm or his shoulder or his thigh from the bar stool beside his. Sometimes, he lets them kiss him. Never, is he able to ignore the feeling of wrong that prickles over his skin and twists in his stomach. Always, he leaves without them. If he has their number, he will delete it before he gets home.
Tonight, he cooks at the stove. He doesn’t realize he’s made any mistakes until, holding two plates, he thinks of something Booker said at work and turns, ready to share. There are two chairs at Nicky’s table. Both are empty. Nicky looks at his hands, and cursing, leaves one plate on the counter and takes the other into the living room. He sits on the couch, plate on his lap, and turns up the sound on the tv until he forgets that he’s forgotten.
The next morning, on his way to work, he sees a selection of sketchpads in an art store window. He buys one, and a set of charcoals. He carries the bag proudly until he gets to the office, to the cubicle he shares with Booker, and realizes with a deep sigh and heavy frown that he does not draw.
Booker looks at the bag, then at him. He lifts one lone brow. “You start taking art classes?”
Groaning, Nicky throws the bag under the desk and collapses into the chair. Whatever this is, it’s getting worse. What started as tri-monthly slip-ups are turning into daily routines. “Maybe I should see a doctor,” Nicky says.
“Maybe.” Booker scratches his chin. Behind him, on his computer screen, a game of solitaire is opened over the report he is supposed to be writing. “Or it could just be what it obviously is.”
“Don’t start.”
“Soulmates, Nicky,” Booker says.
Nicky rolls his eyes. “Be serious.”
Booker swivels his chair the whole way toward Nicky and leans forward. “I am serious.” He’s not smirking. That is his serious face.
But soulmates?
“I’d have better odds at the lottery,” Nicky says. He’s seen thousands of soulbonds... in movies. To find one in real life is a one in a billion chance. More, perhaps. Nicky is just a regular guy with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy he doesn’t use, a desk job that he hates, and a caffeine addiction. Normal. Boring. Not near special enough to catch the attention of another person’s soul.
“Maybe you should play the numbers, then.” Booker twists his chair back toward his desk.
“Soulmates,” Nicky huffs. He shucks off his coat and starts his computer. “Ridiculous.”
Across town, Joe has purchased two coffees, one much too bitter for him. When he realizes, he’s so excited, he nearly drops them both. He stops on the street, places both coffees on the ledge of a windowsill, and opens his phone.
“Nile,” he says before she even finishes saying, “Hello?”
“It happened again.” Joe can’t stop laughing. “That makes everyday this week!”
“That’s great, Joe.”
“Do you think I’ll meet him soon?” Joe bounces on his feet. “If it’s happening everyday, then surely -”
“Maybe? I mean, who knows? There’s not a lot of concrete info on this stuff,” Nile says. There’s a yawn in her voice. He woke her - again. They go to the same college - Nile for the first time, Joe for the second - but their shared classes aren’t until the afternoon. He feels a little bad about it now. It dampens his spirits somewhat. “Except movies, but who knows if those are right.”
Joe tries to reel in his excitement. “Right. Of course.”
Nile must be able to tell, because she immediately perks, brightening her voice. “But, Joe. If it takes a little time, it will be worth it, right? He’s out there. You just have to find him.”
“Thank you, Nile.” Joe’s smile presses his cheek tightly to his phone. “I am sorry I woke you.”
“Swing by, bring me that coffee, and we’ll call it even.”
“I promise.” Joe hangs up.
He thinks of the groceries that stock his cabinets at home. More pasta than he’s ever needed before.
He thinks of the book of Roman philosophers that he purchased that now sits on his coffee table, waiting.
He smiles at a family of ducklings he sees by a pond, and turns, ready to tell the person beside him. No one is there.
“Soulmates,” Joe tells the ducks. “Amazing.”
The following day, it’s raining when Nicky leaves the office. He doesn’t have an umbrella, so with a lengthy sigh, he hunches his shoulders and presses forward. The rain is cold on the back of his neck and he shivers. But once you are wet, you can’t be more wet, so there is some comfort in that.
He makes it to the bus stop and sneezes.
“Bless you,” says the man already there, standing beside the soaked bench. He has a blue umbrella open, hiding his face, and another, this one green, closed, tucked under his arm.
“Grazie,” Nicky says and wipes his nose with his sleeve. It’s damp, but so is everything.
The blue umbrella shifts up a little. Nicky looks the other way, down the street, for the bus. Something nudges him in the side. He looks, and it’s the handle of the spare, green umbrella.
“May I tell you a story,” the man offering it says. Nicky looks up into a pair of warm brown eyes and with a wide, welcoming smile. Soft-looking curls cover his head, and a well-groomed beard rounds his face. He’s wearing a leather jacket with a t-shirt underneath. Paint splotches cover both, in a rainbow of colors.
Nicky, stunned by this man’s beauty, can only nod. The man moves the umbrella, poking him again, and Nicky takes it. He doesn’t open it, though, he can’t get his hands to cooperate.
“I saw the weather report this morning,” the man says, voice so bright and happy, it warms Nicky up from the inside out. “And I grabbed two umbrellas before I left the house. Two. I didn’t even think about it until I walked into the studio and my friend noticed.”
He’s looking at Nicky and Nicky should say something. He tries, “That’s interesting.”
The man looks at the umbrella in Nicky’s hands, at the way he’s clutching it and not opening it. He takes a step closer, so that his open blue umbrella covers them both.
This close, Nicky can only see freckles.
“I have a question to ask,” the man says, “and I really hope the answer is yes.”
Nicky swallows hard. He nods.
“Do you like bitter coffee, pasta, and philosophy?”
Nicky’s breath catches in his throat. It cannot be possible, but... if it is. And if it is this man... Nicky’s heart leaps out of his chest with hope.
He clears his throat, he must find words now. “Do you...” Nicky stops and tries again. “Are you an artist, do you like things too sweet, and do you notice the ducklings?”
If Nicky thought this man’s smile was bright before, he was mistaken. For now, it is a beaming sun, pushing back all the gray.
“I love the ducklings,” the man says.
Any moment now, Nicky will awake, having fallen asleep at his desk, and Booker will mock him.
Instead, the voice in Nicky’s heart whispers, This one, and he knows.
The man reaches out a hand and places it on Nicky’s chest. Nicky must look like hell, drenched in rain, but this man stares at him with open reverence like he can see the moon in his eyes.
“Hello, my heart,” the man says. “I have been looking for you.”
Nicky’s having trouble with full sentences again, so he takes a step closer instead.
“My shared soul,” the man continues, speaking for them both now. He knows the words Nicky’s heart whispers. “My light. My warmth.”
He motions to himself, then. “Joe.”
Nicky does the same. “Nicky.”
“Nicky,” Joe repeats, and it takes all Nicky has not to melt into a puddle on the sidewalk, ready to be washed away with the rain.
“Joe,” Nicky says, and it’s sudden relief. The word he could never quite remember right there on the tip of his tongue. He says it again, loving the feel of it in his mouth. “Joe.”
It’s perfect. It’s everything.
Later, Nicky will cook the pasta in Joe’s cabinets, and Joe will sketch Nicky with the charcoal.
For now, Nicky places his hand over Joe’s on his chest and knows he’s home.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader] — Eleven: Love - SMUT
Summary: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person’s relationship with his son. You’ve heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You’ve felt his pain and anguish and you’ve never been able to relate to anything more. But things don’t come easy for you, and they certainly don’t come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: 18+ smut, unprotected p in v, cunningless, tit play, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, cursing, food and drink mention, emotional because we’re nearing the end, a family being brought together and our favourite soft, sad dad loving his son and, well… you.
Word count: 4300>
Previous - Chapter Eleven - Next
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Just entering Black Gold Cooperative again, when you thought the previous night would be your last, drew tears to your eyes. This extensive size office was the place you’d first journeyed too upon venturing to the world of man. The building meant more to you than you had first realised, and it held so many amazing memories of self discovery. Your eyes flicked between the velvet sofa where you had once slept on, and the plants that peppered each corner of the lobby. They were vibrant and filled with life, symbolic of new beginnings. Now, the only magic in the air was love. You could feel it, Maxwell could feel it, and from the way Alistair perked up as you sneaked up behind him, he could feel it too. Love truly was the most powerful thing.
Seeing the way Alistair ran into his father’s arms, and the way he squeezed Max so tight -- like he was afraid to let him go, was enough to make your heart melt into your chest. “Daddy! You’re back!” he exclaimed excitedly. “Did you win?” He asked, his dark brown eyes glittering with hope. Alistair tugged on Max’s dark blonde shaggy hair as he waited for a reply.
“Yeah buddy, I won,” Max chuckled breathlessly. With those two words of affirmation, Alistair burst into tears. You took a step back as you watched the interaction, sensing how high the emotion was. You knew that Max had waited for this day to come for a long time. “No no, don’t cry. You should be happy.” Max cooed apologetically, his eyes widening as he tried his hardest to comfort his son. You were no longer a Goddess, and you had been stripped of your powers, but you could still feel the compassion between them both. And it was beautiful.
“I am happy,” Alistair choked out in between sobs, pulling back to look at his father. Max wiped away Alistair’s tears and offered him a weak smile.  “This is all I’ve ever wanted.” Alistair confessed, nuzzling his face into his father’s chest.
Max sniffed and pressed a kiss to his son’s forehead. “I’m going to redeem myself for everything, Ali. I know… I know I’ve done terrible things and made big mistakes, and I really am a pretty messed up loser but--”
“No,” Alistair cut him off, his tone chaste. “Daddy, you’re a winner. Thank you for fighting for me.”
“Always,” Maxwell hummed, picking up Alistair and cradling him in his arms. “Let’s go home.”
Maxwell drove, and Alistair insisted that you sit in the back of the car with him. You obliged, unable to ever refuse the bright eyed little boy. Alistair’s small, clammy hands squeezed yours and he watched intently as you gazed out the window, entranced by all the things you passed. There was still a lot you had to get used to, but it brought you comfort knowing that now, at least you had the time. There was no pressure to return back to Themyscira. D.C. was your home. Wherever Alistair and Max was, you were home.
Alistair nuzzled his head into you and closed his eyes, feeling completely content with your company. “I like your new outfit.” he hummed, his fingers tracing your glimmering gold belt.
“You do?” you asked curiously, and felt Alistair nod against you. “You know Ali, I sorta prefer the normal clothes.” you shrugged, and caught Maxwell smiling in the reflection of the rear view mirror.
“I like this,” Alistair admitted. “You look like a superhero. Like… from my comic books.”
“You don’t need a fancy costume to be a hero, Alistair,” you said, tapping his chin so he looked up at you. “Your dad is proof of that.”
Maxwell dropped his keys on the side table by the front door when the three of you returned home. “Are you guys hungry?” he questioned, scratching the back of his head. After a day in court, he’d worked up quite the appetite, he must admit.
Alistair grinned and nodded his head. “Starving! Can we get pizza? Please daddy, oh please can we get pizza?” 
“Hmph,” Maxwell grumbled, displaying a faux annoyance before bursting into an adorable grin. “I suppose so. Since it’s a day to celebrate.” 
“Yay!” Alistair cheered, running into the living room and jumping on the sofa. By the sounds of it, he’d found the remote control for the television and turned on one of his favourite kiddie TV shows.
Walking over to the telephone, Maxwell caught a glimpse of his reflection in one of the many mirrors in the hallway and frowned. He was happy, but Gods did he still look a mess. The blonde in his hair was rapidly fading out and he was in desperate need of a trim. He’d been neglecting his biotin supplements and forgetting to moisturize, and oh, his tired eyes. You caught him hyper analyzing his appearance and approached him from behind. Pressing a kiss into his shoulder and wrapping an arm around his waist, you sighed.
“What are you thinking about?” you wondered out loud.
Maxwell swallowed. “I just… I’m not the man I once was,” he ran his fingers through his hair and gestured down to the power suit that he’d worn to court. “I’m not Max Lord anymore. Not this… big oil tycoon businessman. Not on TV anymore. This whole thing is a facade. It’s not me. And everytime I look at myself… I’m reminded of all the mistakes that I made,” he admitted quietly before taking a shaky exhale. “It’s fine,” he quickly backtracked. “Guess I’ll just have to suck it up.”
“The worst part is over, Max. And you’re a survivor,” you told him, taking his hand. “The world can forgive you, but it means nothing if you can’t forgive yourself. You need to learn to love yourself.”
“Will you help me?” Maxwell asked quietly, a nervous tone prominent in his voice.
You offered him a warm smile. “That’s why I’m here,” you reminded him sweetly. “To help.”
Maxwell turned around to face you fully and placed a hand on your cheek. You swore, in that moment and under his touch, that you had forgotten how to breathe. Max might not have been able to see it, but he truly was so beautiful. The gold in his former life may have been gilded, but the gold in his heart was pure and authentic. And now, it was all yours.
Maxwell pulled his tie off his neck and shuffled out of his suit jacket. “I think it might be time for me to hang up this tie for good.” Maxwell sighed sadly, running the patterned silk material between his fingers.
“Do you want to?”
Maxwell paused for a moment. “No, I don’t think so. I’ve worked so hard to get here… I just can’t give Black Gold up.”
“Then don’t.” you whispered, shuffling your body into his. He snaked an arm around you and sighed even louder.
“It’s not that easy, darling. I don’t have the money to keep it going.” 
“I won’t let you give up on your lifelong dream, so… we’ll figure something out. Maybe you’ll have to downsize. If oil isn’t making you any money then maybe… you might have to specialise in something else. If the past week has proved anything it’s that all our problems can be figured out through the power of love. And you have that. Right here,” you maneuvered his hand and placed it on your heart before pointing your free hand into the living room at Alistair. The door stood slightly ajar. “And right there.”
Maxwell smiled. “There’s a thing, here. In the world of man…” you could tell he was about to start rambling about Goodness know what. He looked up slightly, avoiding your eye contact as he talked. “Where two people… love each other, a lot. And so they make a promise to dedicate themselves to one another. Asking you to be my girlfriend sounds a little childish,” Maxwell chuckled softly and your eyes widened when you realised where he was going with this. “But I guess… if you wanted…”
“I do!” You said quickly, cutting him off before he could even finish.
“You do?” Maxwell asked, truly stunned that you had agreed so fast. He couldn’t believe someone as magnificent as you would love him back, let alone want to be with him. He never thought he was deserving of love, especially after everything that had happened. If Maxwell had never met you, he would’ve been certain that he’d grow old, cold and alone. 
“I do.” you confirmed, grinning and pressing your lips into his.
The genuine smile that was on his face when he pulled away was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. More beautiful than the sands and oceans on Themyscira. More beautiful than the landmarks and caves in Athens. It differed to his television smile. This was one hundred percent authentic. This was Maxwell Lorenzano. “I’m going to change into my pajamas,” you announced. “And I’ll bring Ali upstairs with me and have him get ready for bed.”
“Okay,” Max acknowledged, still grinning. “I’ll set the dining room table for the pizza.”
You guided Alistair upstairs and followed him into his bedroom. You sat down on his bed, and pulled him down to sit next to you. “I told you I had a gift for you, from Athens.” you smiled and watched as Alistair’s eyes lit up with excitement.
“Yes!” Alistair cried out, bouncing up and down.
You detached the lasso of Hestia from your tunic and placed the rope gently in his hands. “This is my lasso of truth. Remember that one night when I met Julianna and Theodore, and I came to visit you? And I showed you how it worked? Do you remember?”
Alistair nodded slowly. “Yes. You told me the lasso wasn’t powered by you. It was powered by the truth.” 
“That’s right,” you confirmed, your heart swelling at how Alistair had retained that piece of information. “The lasso is important to me because it was a gift from my mother. And now, I’m passing it down to you. I didn’t get this in Athens, but it is from Athens originally. I hope my lasso will be a constant reminder for you to always tell the truth, and always see the good in people.”
Alistair’s jaw was agape and he was struck with awe as his fingers traced the magical rope. “I love it…” he whispered.
“I’m glad,” you smiled. “It’s very powerful Ali. Who knows, one day you might be able to use it.”
“And I can be a superhero just like you…” Alistair grinned before biting his lip. “And just like my daddy.”
“Exactly. Just like your daddy. C’mon now, I want you to go brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Then we can go order our pizza, okay?”
Before you left his bedroom, Alistair called your name. You sensed hesitancy in his voice, almost like he was nervous. “Can I… can I try out the lasso... on you? Maybe?”
You wanted to ask him why the child might possibly want to do that, but then you realised, he was probably just curious. So, you obliged, and held out your wrist. Remembering how you’d shown him before, Alistair wrapped the rope around your arm and took a deep breath.
“Do you love my daddy?” Alistair asked, after taking a deep breath.
“Will you promise not to leave him, ever?” 
“I promise.”
“Would you mind if… if… I called you mommy?”
You felt warm tears prick the corners of his eyes. A mother. It’s everything you had always wanted to be. You were the goddess of home and hearth. The urge to one day have a family was in your nature.
“I’d love that, Ali.” you admitted.
Alistair pulled the rope from your wrist and enveloped you into a tight hug. “Okay. Because I love you mommy.”
“I love you too.”
“What do you want?” Maxwell asked his son, pen in hand. He’d been scribbling down the order, the businessman in him wanting to have everything planned out before he made the phone call.
“Pineapple pizza! The biggest one!” Alistair exclaimed gleefully, stretching out his arms. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ali, you won’t eat it all,” Maxwell frowned. You nudged him, as if to say, ‘let him have this’. “Okay,” Max sighed. “The biggest pineapple pizza. And what do you want?” he asked, turning to you this time. You furrowed your eyebrows together, taking another look at the menu that had been passed around the dining room table.
“How do I know what’s good?”
“Well, not pineapple.” Maxwell grumbled. 
Alistair gasped, unable to believe the words that had just left his father’s lips. “Don’t listen to him,” Alistair said, grabbing your hand. “Daddy is wrong. Pineapple pizza is so delicious. Will you try some of mine?”
You squeezed the little boy’s hand. “Sure,” you agreed. Maxwell swore his heart melted everytime he witnessed interaction between you and his son. It was so pure, it was like you and Alistair had known each other forever. Granted, you’d known the little boy longer than you knew Maxwell. The day you woke up in the park felt like yesterday. “What do you like, Max?” you quizzed, eventually giving up on the menu. 
“Pepperoni, I guess. I don’t eat pizza much.” He admitted sheepishly. Before you could reply, Alistair’s voice made you jump up in shock.
“Boring!” He called out. Max shot him a playful glare and you rolled your eyes. 
“Don’t be rude!” Maxwell chastised, wiggling his index finger, and you couldn’t hide the smile on your face.
“He’s like you,” you pointed out. “Always has something to say.”
“My son.” Maxwell declared proudly, pulling Alistair into his lap and ruffling his dark hair.
Just like Max had anticipated, Alistair couldn’t eat the large pineapple pizza. In fact, he’d fallen asleep on the sofa after only two slices, a Star Wars blanket draped over him and a stuffed toy curled tight into his chest.
“Alistair asked me if it would be alright if he called me mommy,” you admitted quietly as Maxwell gathered the plates and empty glasses. His head snapped to face you the second the words left your lips. “I told him yes. But I figured… maybe you should have some say in it? I don’t know.”
“It means a lot to me that Ali can put his faith in you, and that he sees you as his mother. But this is a big deal. Family is for life and I don’t… he’s already lost one mother. I don’t want him to lose you too. So of course, it’s fine by me. As long as you promise to always be a mother to him, no matter what.”
“Always,” you whispered in reassurance, cupping Maxwell’s cheek and gazing into his dark eyes. “I promise.”
“I believe you,” Maxwell replied, kissing you on the forehead. “I should take him to bed.”
“Let me handle it,” you replied, stretching before leaning down to pick up the sleeping boy and cradling him in your arms. Clearly, somewhere down the line, you had forgotten you had been stripped of your powers and you were now a mortal. You let out a yelp. Once able to carry Alistair easily, you were now struggling. You wobbled slightly and Max hurried to your side to hold you and help you keep your balance.
“You okay?” Max asked, quirking an eyebrow. “He’s heavier than he looks.” you gasped, already a little breathless.
“Wanna trade?” he quizzed, raising a plate.
You mumbled a ‘yes’ and passed Alistair over to his father. “I’ll do the dishes and meet you upstairs.”
Max was still with Alistair by the time you had finished up the dishes and headed to the bedroom. You sat by the dressing table, brushing out your hair, and looked at the pile of discarded armour sat in the corner of the room. Maybe one day it would come of use, but for now, this was it. This was the start of a new life where you didn’t need no Amazonian armour. With Maxwell and Alistair, you had all the protection you could ever need.
“Hi,” Maxwell whispered, padding into the bedroom. You turned to face him and smiled. “I’m glad to be home… now… with you. Glad this is all over.”
He placed his hands on your shoulders and began to rub them affectionately. “Me too.” you replied warmly, leaning into his touch and nuzzling your head into his chest. You closed your eyes in contentment. Every second you spent with Max, you spent wishing it would last forever. Although you knew better than to make a wish.
“Are you tired?” Max pondered, smoothing out your hair and admiring your face.
Pushing back your hair and admiring your beauty was up there with one of his most favourite things to do. Your eyes looked like home, your lips tasted like home. You were home.
“Mm, no, not really…” you confessed, staring at the image of both you and Max in the reflection of the dressing table mirror. But Max’s gaze was fixated only on you. “Actually. I had an idea, since you know, we’re celebrating and all,” you confessed after a brief moment of comfortable silence. Maxwell raised a curious eyebrow and waited for you to continue. “Remember our first night back in Athens when we…” you trailed off and glanced over towards the bed.
“Yeah.” Max answered, already breathless from the thought.
“I liked it a lot.” You admitted bashfully as you reminisced on your first time with Maxwell.
“Me too.” he agreed.
“So do you want to do it again…?”
Max didn’t reply with words, but instead he pulled you up from the stool that you were sitting on and twirled you around so you were facing him. He crashed his lips onto yours and let his large hands freely roam your back, desperate to feel every inch of your body. He’d been waiting to do this again.
Without breaking away from the kiss, you pushed him towards his bed and climbed on top of him. You straddled his hips and began to run your hands over his chest, leaning over and kissing along his jaw and down his neck. Feeling his cock already hot and heavy, he cursed under his breath, dipping his hand under the hem of your silk nightgown and smirking upon finding that you weren’t wearing any underwear. He slowly slid his thick fingers between your folds, causing you to gasp at the sudden bolt of pleasure that ran through you. His thumb began to circle your clit and you dug your fingers into his shoulders as he worked at your bundle of nerves.
He loved to look at you and watch as your face twisted in pleasure. He liked to know you were feeling good. His fingers were like magic, and he truly had a golden touch.
“Want you to cum on my fingers, okay?” Max asked, increasing the speed. You tried to push out a word but just came out as a mangled moan. You nodded your head, feeling your cunt desperately clench around nothing and your thighs tighten as you neared orgasm. 
When you came undone, Max’s dark eyes gleamed with desire and pride. He pulled his fingers from under your nightgown and placed them on his tongue, sucking your arousal from his own digits.
“You taste amazing baby,” He praised, unable to contain his smile. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You replied back with a smile.
Both you and Max made your way over to the bed, stripping yourself out of your clothes and intertwining your bodies together. 
“I don’t ever want this moment to end.” you confessed with a shaky exhale as Maxwell squeezed your breasts, peppering kisses down the valley of your chest.
“It doesn’t have to, princess, we have the rest of our lives to spend together.”
There it was again. The dumb nickname he’d called you from the day you first met. You’d insist that you weren’t a princess, and by no means royalty, but to Maxwell, you were. You were his princess. A rose stuck amongst a bush of thorns. You were the epitome of hope, beauty and love. And you were all his.
So the nickname grew on you, and you’d come to like it.
You felt the tip of Maxwell’s cock tease against your entrance as he swiftly rubbed his length up and down, between your glistening wet folds. By the time he pushed himself inside of you, just the scrunched up look on his face was enough to make your stomach erupt into butterflies. The crinkle in between his eyebrows and the way his perfect lips parted into an ‘o’ shape as your walls clamped around him.
“Fuck, you-you’re so tight,” He gasped, the Adams apple in his neck prevailing as he tried to swallow away his desire. “Always so tight. So per-perfect. Good girl. Such a go-good girl.” he praised, a small strand of dark blonde hair falling out of place and crossing his forehead.
You shuddered at his words.
“Look at me,” you begged, and he obliged, his chocolate coloured eyes snapping open. Despite the glaze of lust that seemed to cloud his vision, he was able to fixate on you, spending a few moments adoring your face -- the face he fell in love with -- as he remained seated deep inside you. He was stretching you open and Gods, it felt delicious, but you needed more. You desperately needed more. “Move, please.” you whimpered, bringing your hands up to cup his face.
Maxwell began to rock his hips into yours, his cock hitting that sweet spot inside of you with every thrust. He leaned over you and pressed his forehead against yours as he picked up his speed. “Don’t be too loud,” he warned quietly, his warm breath fanning over your ear.
It wasn’t long before he felt his cock twitch inside of you. “Shit,” he moaned, squeezing your shoulder to signify that he was close. “Neither of us are protected-- fuck, I need, I need to pull out.” 
“Mm, no, no Max. Keep going. Don’t stop.” You begged, your fingers tugging on the hair at the nape of his neck.
“You could get pregnant.” he rasped out, suddenly remembering you were now a mortal.
“Would it really be so bad?” you asked, and your question alone was enough to throw Maxwell over the edge.
Would it really be so bad?
You had a point. Max had never imagined having any more kids. Hell, he’d never really planned on having Alistair. But times had changed, and he was so in love with you. He figured -- maybe kids were something he could give another go at. Little mini you’s running around the house would simply be so adorable. And who better to have children with, than the goddess of home and hearth? Having a family was written in your destiny. It was always meant to be. Given the time and the place, the prospect of having kids, getting you pregnant… it just felt right.
The start of a new life… both figuratively and literally.
Of course he was certain that this was what you wanted, and evidently, you wanted it to. But the idea of seeing you swole and round, carrying his children… well that was a whole different thing.
“Fuck princess, you’re gonna look so good carrying my baby.” Maxwell grounded, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.
You felt your orgasm wash over you, and your walls clamp around his cock. That was enough to push him over the edge.
Maxwell came inside of you, and he made sure to cum deep, too. Once he’d regained his breath, he grabbed two pillows from his side of the bed and propped them under your butt so the lower half of your body was higher than your upper half.
“What are you doing?” you giggled.
“Making sure not a drop of it goes to waste,” Maxwell replied as he pressed sloppy kisses along your inner thighs.
And when he caught a glimpse of his seed beginning to spill out of you, he plunged his index finger and pushed it back in. 
“I love you so much.” You whispered as Maxwell smoothed out your hair and kissed your lips.
“I love you too, darling. And I can’t wait to embark on this new life together.”
You pondered for a moment, relishing in the comfortable silence before you brought your index finger and pointed it towards Maxwell. “Life is good, but it can be better.”
Maxwell was trying his damn hardest to fight the grin that was edging to cross his lips. How could one person be so adorable?
“It can always be better.” he whispered, bringing his hand down to your stomach and kissing you again.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73 @softmedics
I Believe In Love taglist : (tagged in replies!)
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Pain Without Love || UshiTen x Reader
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Pairing: Ushijima x Reader  |  Tendou x Reader
Summary: Soulmates meant to find each other with a link, bound by pain.  Tendou and Ushijima thought they had it easy when they found out they were each other's soulmates. Until they started finding injuries not caused by either of them. It turned out a piece was missing from their puzzle. You.
Notes: This started off so small and I just couldn’t stop. I have no explanation. Just poly yandere Ushijima and Tendou here for you.
[Part Two] 
When Wakatoshi and Tendou first met, they thought the search for their soulmate was over. It wasn’t hard to figure out. The pain they shared constantly lined up. The stinging on their arms and hands from constant blocking and receiving. Whenever Tendou got hurt, Ushijima felt it, and vice versa. It couldn’t have been easier. Until one day, Tendou skipped out on practice to take a test after school, while Ushijima stayed and worked with the rest of the team in the gym.
Ushijima was mid serve when suddenly he felt a random pain on both his hands and knees, causing him to swing too late and miss the ball completely. While his teammates poked fun and teased him, Ushijima’s thoughts went to his other half. 
He must have fallen. 
There was no more pain after that, so Ushijima assumed he was fine and returned his attention back to the court. It wasn’t until he met up with Tendou after practice, that he brought it up.
“Tendou, you should be more careful. I can’t focus on practicing if you keep getting hurt. It’s distracting.”
Tendou looked up at his partner confused. “What do you mean? I thought that was you.”
And then it clicked. The boy’s eyes shot up to one another, sharing the same shocked, yet knowing expression. They weren’t done. Not by a long shot. There was a piece missing from their otherwise perfect puzzle.
“How could we not realize sooner!? We’re the worst soulmates ever. They’re out there right now, Waka!”
“I’m sure they’re fine. We’ll find them.” Ushijima tried to reason with his frantic partner. This news was definitely a shock to the both of them, and while Tendou grew more agitated, wanting to find you as soon as possible, Ushijima remained calm and collected, going for a more reasonable approach. “We just have to wait. They’re our soulmate after all. They’ll come into our lives sooner or later.”
What they hoped would be sooner, turned out to be later. Much later. Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months, and eventually months turned into years, with still no sign of you. The only reassurance they got were random pains brought on throughout the day. A small reminder that you were still out there. That you were still waiting. And it was driving them both crazy.
The older they grew, the more desperate they grew. While Ushijima remained calm, knowing one day they would find you, Tendou grew angrier, unsatisfied until he had you. It wasn’t until a few years after they knew you were out there that they found you when they were least expecting it.
There was a competition for a few of the schools in the area. Boys teams, girls teams, high schools to colleges. If you played volleyball, you were welcome to compete and improve your skills. And while their school wasn’t participating, they thought it was a good idea to watch and scope out the competition.
The boys watched intently at the matches before them, making small comments of improvement as the players went on. Neither was a school that either of them had ever heard of, but they still watched with interest.
“Next up, we have a boys vs girls match-” The announcer began, but Tendou didn’t wait to listen. Already starting to get bored he began leaning over to Ushijima.
“Wanna head out after this match? It’s getting kind of late.”
Ushijima said nothing. Only nodded before turning his attention back onto the court. Both teams showed promise. Giving it their all to throw back every ball hit their way.
“Hey, their wing spiker’s not half bad,” Tendou praised.
“He has power, yes. But no control. Only about 20% of his spikes actually make it within the boundaries.”
As if to prove Ushijima’s point, the spiker hit another ball, this time right into one of the opposing players’ faces. While most of the crowd cried out in shock and worry. Ushijima and Tendou cried out for a completely different reason. They cried out in pain. As soon as the ball made contact with your face, the two boys felt it, as if they had gotten hit as well.
“Ow, ow, ow… fuck! That hurts.” Tendou cried out, palm placed over the side of his face where you got hit. Ushijima was more silent, while still in just as much pain, he was less vocal and just groaned. Wincing and hoping the stinging would die down a bit as the seconds passed. As realization sunk in, both of their heads shot up to make sure you were okay.
They panicked slightly seeing you curled up on the floor, your teammates and coaches gathered around to make sure you were okay. When you finally stood up, they released a breath they didn’t even realize they were holding as relief flooded through their bodies. You were okay, they reassured themselves. After a short huddle with your team, and what looked like a lot of arguing on your end, you walked back onto the court as if nothing had happened, and continued on with your match. 
“They’re not going to check in with the nurse before continuing?” Tendou shouted out, confused by your rash actions. “Why is their coach letting them continue? They need to be checked out. They could have serious injuries.”
“Maybe, they’re okay to continue.”
“You and I both know they’re not okay. Fuck, it still hurts. How can you even focus on a game when you’re in this much pain? It’s obvious they don’t know when to quit, Waka.”
Ushijima was never one to laugh as often as others, but he had to admit it was slightly amusing to him, watching Tendou worry about you so early on. They hadn’t even met you yet, but he was already scolding you for not taking better care of yourself. He’s not going to lie, Ushijima is also concerned, just not as vocal about it as Tendou is. He couldn’t help but worry at the thought of you being hurt, it wasn’t his fault. The three of your soul connections were strong. He was certain that you were the one. They both were, and they couldn’t wait to finally meet you.
As soon as your match ended. Both men made their way to the gym doors to greet you upon your exit. For a second they thought they were too late. Finding no sign of you, or your team. Luckily their height had its advantages as they were easily able to look over everyone until they spotted you stopped at a water fountain further down the hall.
You continued drinking, completely oblivious to the two giants that stood towering behind you. Patiently waiting for you to finish up. When you did finish, taking a deep inhale to catch your breath, and quickly wiping the spare liquid off of your lips, you were more than surprised when you turned around. Being caught completely off guard, by the two intimidating strangers.
Ushijima was the first of them to speak up. Probably picking up on your slight confusion and looking to calm your nerves.
“That was a great game you played. My name is Ushijima Wakatoshi.” He spoke up, extending his arm. You smiled, giving his hand a quick shake and responding with your own name. His hand was much larger in comparison to your own. After introducing himself, he motioned to the redheaded man next to him, “This is-”
“Satori Tendou,” the man cut in, “That was one nasty hit you took out there, shorty,” Tendou smirked, leaning down a bit so you were making direct eye contact. “How’s your head feeling?”
“Oh, it didn’t hurt as bad as it looked,” you laughed, embarrassingly rubbing at the back of your neck. Both men gave each other a quick glance, each one thinking the same thing. Liar.
“Thank you for your concern,” You bowed, “but if you’ll excuse me, I should get back to my team. Our next match will be starting soon.” As you went to dash off in the direction of your court, you were pulled to a halt when Ushijima’s hand wrapped around your arm, holding you firmly in place.
“You shouldn’t jump back into the game so soon. You need time to heal and make sure you don’t have a concussion. Let us walk you to the nurse’s office.”
You were caught off guard by this stranger’s interest in your well being but ignored it. Chopping it up to him just being a nice guy. “I really am okay. Thank you. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
Again with the lies. They knew it still hurt. Fuck, they still felt the pain from where the ball made contact with your face. It slightly diminished from the beginning, but it was definitely still there.
“Listen. If you get checked out, and the nurse gives you the green light, then we promise to let it go. Plus, you won’t do your team any good if you play with a head injury. You’ll only hold them back, so it would be better for everyone if you just play it safe. The faster you get checked out, the faster you’ll get to jump back onto the court. You can trust us. We’ve been in the game for a while, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t gotten a few balls to the head myself,” Tendou joked.
You stood quiet, glancing at the ground as the two men stood patiently awaiting your response. You sure were a stubborn one.
“Okay.” You nodded, allowing the two to lead you in the direction of the nurse’s office.
“Wasn’t really a choice, but we appreciate your cooperation nonetheless.”
The office wasn’t too filled, so you actually got helped faster than you thought you would. Which was great since you were eager to get back on the court.
“Any head pain?” The nurse asked sweetly. To which you shook your head.
You heard the sound of someone clearing their throat and looked over to see Ushijima and Tendou looking over at you sternly from the corner.
“Umm… maybe a little.” You corrected, sheepishly.
The old lady smiled. “Okay, hun. Can you do me a favor and hop up and try to walk in a straight line for me?”
You got up. Following her directions and trying your best to walk as straight as possible, but found yourself losing your balance ever so slightly.
“Alright, go ahead and take a seat for me again, and I’m going to check your pupils real quick.” The second the light met your eyes you felt yourself flinching away, finding the small flashlight to be almost blinding.
“Well, I think that settles it, my dear.” The woman frowned. “It seems you have a slight concussion, but don’t stress too much. Nothing some over the counter pain meds and rest can’t fix. Unfortunately, that does mean no volleyball for at least a few days. Your brain is going to need some time to recover and we can’t have you worsening your injuries.”
You didn’t even look over at the two boys, already knowing a look of ‘I told you so,’ would be clear across their faces. It really sucked that one good hit would take you out of the game. Especially since you were really hoping to get the practice in with competitions starting up again soon. You hung your head low, making your way out of the office, and heading back to the gym.
“Where are you going?” A deep voice questioned from close behind.
“Back to the gym. Even if I can’t participate. I still want to cheer them on.”
“Did you even listen to what the nurse said?” Tendou sighed, clearly frustrated by your lack of ability to follow directions.
“I did, but I’ll be fine! I don’t even feel the pain anymore,” You argued.
“Why do you keep on lying to us? We know it still hurts. We feel it.”
You froze. Looking back and forth between the two men as the weight of their words slowly began sinking in. “...you both...the two of you…”
“Yes, we know this must be a shock Y/N, and your concussion probably isn’t making this any easier for you,” Ushijima began, before Tendou came in. Abruptly cutting him off.
 “But we are your soulmates. So there’s no point in trying to cover up your pain because we know how you feel.”
You definitely weren’t expecting this when you woke up. You knew you would find your soulmate eventually, but you weren’t expecting to have two. Sure it’s not unheard of. In fact, you’ve seen quite a few people with more than one soulmate, but that being said, you never thought that you would be one of them as well. Especially not now. 
You didn’t have time for a relationship. Not when you're gaining such a steady momentum in your volleyball progress. Plus you were never a big believer in soulmates, to begin with. When you were younger, sure. Who didn’t dream of getting swept away by their future love? But as you grew older, reality started coming more into light, and you learned that however bright one's love can glow, it can also go completely dark just as quickly. 
You’ve even seen it happen to one of your friend’s first hand. They were so happy when they found their soulmate, they looked like they were on top of the world. But as time progressed, their soulmate fell in love with someone else, and their once unbreakable love for one another slowly began getting chipped away at with every small fight. Until both of their hearts completely shattered. It hurt you to see them go through that, and you never wanted it to happen to you.
“Y/N?” Ushijima questioned
“I-I’m sorry. Did you say something? I spaced out there for a second.”
“Umm,” Your soulmates shared a look of concern as they glanced over at you, “I think it would be best if we took you home. You don’t look too well.”
Of course, you didn’t look well. Your head was pounding and you just found out that these two men you thought were strangers are actually your soulmates. You were surprised that you were still managing to stand considering how badly your head was spinning with this new information.
“I appreciate your concern, but I don’t feel comfortable going home with two strange men, I’ve only just met.”
“Strange men?” Tendou repeated, sounding shocked and slightly offended, by the use of your words, “Were not just some strange men. We’re your soulmates!”
Tendou was starting to get frustrated. While he and Ushijima were in a panic trying to find you, you seemed completely unfazed by the arrival of your soulmates. Were you ever even looking for them?
“Listen, I’m sorry, but I’m not looking to find my soulmates. The main focus in my life right now is volleyball, and school, so I have no interest in, or the time for forming a relationship at the moment. I think it would be best if you just forget you ever met me. I’m sorry, but at least you have each other, right? Isn’t that enough?”
Your words felt like a punch to the gut. How could you brush them aside so casually? Did they really mean so little to you?
...No, this wasn’t you. You weren’t thinking straight after that hit to the head. You don’t know what you want. You don’t know what you need.
“You’re right. We understand.” Ushijima lied, gripping Tendou’s shoulder so he would play along. “However, with your concussion, it would be far safer if you let us take you home,” Ushijima tried to reason.
“I’m telling you, I’m okay!” You tried to explain, turning to head back to your team, but you barely made it a few steps before losing your balance. You didn’t connect with the floor. Ushijima and Tendou not even giving you the chance before they were each at your side. Holding you upright.
“I’m sorry,” Tendou teased, the smirk he wore, obvious in his tone, even without looking at him. “You were saying what exactly?”
“Y/N, we just want to make sure you get home safely. We won’t even go inside if that’s what you’re afraid of. We’ll just walk you to your porch.”
You felt hesitant, but at the same time maybe it was for the best. Your teammates we’re already in the middle of a game, and there was no way you would feel okay with stealing one of them away to take you home. You also wouldn’t feel comfortable taking the train or bus home this late. Especially with your concussion leaving you extra vulnerable. Maybe letting them take you home was the best option.
“Okay.” Your soulmates grinned, and after you shot your teammates a text, saying you’d be going home early, you headed in the direction of the parking lot. Ushijima started the car up, while Tendou opened the back door for you, making sure to close it after you were settled. 
Maybe this was a dream. A weird long dream. Maybe that ball knocked you unconscious and you're really in the hospital right now. That would somehow make a lot more sense.
“Seatbelt.” Ushijima’s deep voice cut in, snapping your attention back to reality. “You need to put on your seatbelt.”
You obeyed, clicking the belt in place, then giving your address to Tendou so he could type it into his phone.
“Try to get some rest. We’ll wake you when we’re close.”
You didn’t know if it was the concussion or the fact that you played three volleyball matches in a row, but you felt exhausted. Already feeling yourself dozing off as you placed your head against the car door.
As you slept soundly in the back seat, Ushijima and Tendou stayed silent in the front seat so as not to wake you. Your words from earlier echoing through their brain like a broken record stuck on a constant loop.
‘I think it would be best if you just forget you ever met me. I’m sorry, but at least you have each other, right? Isn’t that enough?’
Did you even hear the words coming out of your mouth? Of course, it wasn’t enough. How could they go on with their lives as if they had never found you? They already felt such a strong connection to you, that it would be nearly impossible for the two of them to just forget about you completely. Yet, you say it so casually. As if it would be so simple to just walk away. But what you were asking for was just not in the cards. They needed you. And you needed them. You just didn’t know it yet. But that’s okay. They could help you realize just how much you needed them too.
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aewhore · 3 years
Like Old Times ~ Christian Cage x reader
Request by @heatherdawn82 (Hope you love it) 
Summary: Reader and Christian had a casual fling back in TNA and even though they both wanted more neither said anything, so when Christian left for WWE they lost contact, now they’re both in AEW, Fluff ensues! 
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Working as a makeup artist for AEW was insane, making these larger than life characters TV-ready was an honour. You would usually be jetting across the country with AEW but due to the pandemic, you were stationed in Daily’s Place and honestly you couldn’t be happier. You were currently doing Britt Baker’s iconic red eye look as you listen to her (lovingly) rant about her boyfriend. “...and so obviously he did eat the last brownie but he refuses to admit it, He’s also blaming the dog! as if that’ll work, can you believe it?” you laugh at Britt’s snack related problems. “I can not believe it! Although I’d love to hear more of your relationship problems, you’re all done, honey.” Britt rolls her eyes at your sarcasm. “Girl when you get yourself a man, you’ll understand.” Britt patted you on the back before walking past you to get back to her locker room. You let out a sign at Britt’s reminder of how single you truly were. You turn back to your make up station to tidy up your brushes and such.  
You were almost finished when you heard the door behind you open. “Oh hey Riho, You can take a seat there and-” You were interrupted when you felt a pair of hands rest around your waist. You look up into the mirror in front of you to see the one and only Christian Cage standing behind you. You immediately turn on your heels to face him. “Hello, beautiful” A smile creeps onto your face hearing that nickname he always used to call you. “Christian, what- You’re here? What are you doing here?” You were completely shocked to see your former lover standing before you. “I’m debuting here tonight and I thought I'd catch up with my favourite lady before I go out there.” He pulled you in closer to him. You were completely shocked, You and Christian had a fling back when you both were in TNA  you had always wanted it to be more than a fling but when he left to go back to WWE, you lost contact but seeing him here in the flesh brought back those same butterflies in your stomach. “You’re debuting tonight? Here? As in AEW?” You couldn’t hide your shock,  You were sure he was going to be in WWE for the rest of his career. Christian laughed at your bewilderment. “Yes, sweetheart I am debuting here, like right out there.” You roll your eyes at Christian’s teasing. “WWE wasn’t cutting it huh?” You were dying to know. “WWE wasn’t going to treat me like the star I have proven myself to be.” You felt for Christian, they never treated him like the star he truly was. You were ready to affirm him in his star quality but a knock at the door interrupts the both of you. “That must be Riho.” “I better get on my way” You and Christian speak over each other. Christian takes his hands off your hips as he turns to walk towards the door, he stops before he reaches the door. “I’ll call you after the show, we can catch up properly.” You smile at his request, excited at the idea of being able to see him again. “I’d like that.” he returns with his million-dollar smile before nodding at you and walking out the door. Riho walks through the open door looking between you and Christian’s now retreating figure, giving you a curious look. “Don’t start.” You jokingly warn before starting to glam up Riho. 
The anxiety of whether Christian would call or not slowly built and built throughout the night. Even after all this time you always saved his number on every phone you had. The night was coming to a close and you were cleaning up your station, unconsciously going slower than usual. You were disappointed however when you finished packing your things but still nothing from Christian, You tried not to let it bother you, it was his debut night he probably just forgot or maybe he’s busy with media stuff. You make your way out of the building and into the car park towards your little mini cooper that you’ve been driving for at least 10 years by now and you’ll continue to drive it till one of you gives out. As you were about to lift your last, heaviest suitcase into the boot of the car you were interrupted. “Hey let me help you with that.” It was him.  
He showed up. You couldn’t stop the smile that broke out. You allowed him to take the case out of your hands and lift it in your boot (even though you could have done it yourself) “Jeez what do you have in this thing? Rocks?” Christian joked after closing your boot. “Thanks Chris. You looked amazing out there.” You had to give the man his dues. “I went to your station but you were gone, I was worried you had left but I came out here to check and-” “And here I am.” There was a comfort that radiated off of Christian. “Here you are. I’m surprised to see this guy still trucking.” Christian laughed as he kicked one of your car’s rear wheels. “Hey, don’t kick my baby! She’s never failed me yet.” You joked back with Christian. You both had been unconsciously moving closer and closer to one another as the conversation flowed between the two of you. It was only after a natural lull in the conversation that you realized that he had covered your hand with his own, giving it small squeezes as he spoke. He had been holding your hand and you hadn’t even noticed, it had just felt so natural like that’s where his hand belonged. 
It seemed when Christian noticed what was distracting you, he moved to pull his hand back. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep” You didn’t allow him to pull his hand away however, you kept your grip. “It’s ok, I don’t mind, it’s nice.” he looks slightly taken back but a gentle smile washes over his face as he settles his hand back into yours. “You know I promised you a proper catch-up, I know a fantastic little family-owned restaurant down the street I think it’s called Mcdonalds, How about I drive you up there and we can eat in the car like how we used to do after the TNA shows?” You laugh at Christian’s idea of a fancy restaurant. “Are you really asking me for a catch-up or are you perhaps asking me on a date?” You were teasing him because you wanted to hear him properly ask you. “Y/N you know what I meant but if you need to hear it, Y/N may I have the honour of taking you on a date?” You giggle at Christians reluctance to be romantic, Men never change. “Why of course Mr Cage, I would be honoured.” You put on a southern belle accent to make Christian laugh and you were successful. “Gimme your keys, I’ll drive us.” You give Christian a side-eye before digging through your jacket pocket to get your keys, before handing him your keys you had to warn him. “I don’t just let anyone drive my car, by the way, you better treat her right.” You place your keys into Christian’s hand before getting into the front seat. It felt strange to be in the passenger seat but seeing Christian settling into the front seat gave you a sense of ease you hadn’t felt in a long time, a sense of ease you could see yourself getting used to.
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wordstro · 3 years
[11:26 AM] + hero/villain au + "you think he'll stop? after what he did to you?" + part 6
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 masterlist
2k, hongjoong's pov for the first half but it goes back to y/n's! warnings for lots of cursing lol
kim hongjoong felt responsible for you. he'd seen you around when he was younger, but he hadn't truly known you until years after the Incident. you lived three streets down from him, near the park with the hydrangeas. he remembered this because he spent time in that park often with his parents, and later his friends. it was the best spot to hide whenever he and his friends wanted to smoke or drink before a party, or if he wanted to spend time alone with a date.
neither of you ran in the same circles. hongjoong smoked cigarettes behind the school next to broken CCTV cameras. you kept to your small circle and he never saw you at parties. hongjoong only cared about his music classes. you cared about your classes so much, you even went to supplementary after school classes. he hadn't known much about you in high school, aside from the fact that some time in ninth grade you were teased briefly for your tattered shoes. he never cared enough to find out if that escalated any further.
when hongjoong turned sixteen, he was used to screaming matches with his parents. he wasn't used to his powers. they came one day all at once, bursting from him one morning. he'd touched his toothbrush and it disappeared. he hadn't thought much of it that morning, assuming he had been severely hungover and dropped his toothbrush somewhere. but, when he came home late that night and his parents confronted him for missing classes, his emotions burst from him. he never knew what they had said to him in that moment, he only felt a rush in his ears and the feeling that his heart was attempting to burst out of his chest. when he woke up in an unfamiliar white room surrounded by people in white hazmat suits, he was told he wiped out his entire town.
when he returned to the spot where his home should have stood, after months of government-issued rehabilitation, all that was left was a crater where his hometown once was and his inability to figure out where the hell he put them. dimensional storage, he learned, was his power. he ran himself into the fucking ground trying to figure out which dimension he sent everyone.
his mentor insisted he go to university, try to live a life outside of trying to redeem himself, try to be happy. he'd obliged only because he respected his mentor. he didn't think it possible because he basically killed an entire town. hundreds upon hundreds of people. and that burden would live on his shoulders forever.
when he saw you in his first year calculus class, wearing the same tattered shoes he remembered you were teased for, he knew he had to speak to you.
you told him what happened, how you went to seoul for a supplementary class, and you'd missed the last bus home and had to spend the night at an overnight bathhouse. when you returned everything was gone. your parents, your home, every single thing was gone and all that was left was a giant crater filled with rubble. from there on out, you were left to fend for yourself.
"it was you, wasn't it?" you asked him, a few months later.
hongjoong tried to deny it, but you'd spent enough time with him to see past his facades. you'd leveled him with a frown and said, "i spent years trying to figure out what the fuck happened that night. the internet has everything, joong. besides, you and i are the only survivors."
hongjoong would always remember the guilt that lay heavy on his shoulders as he looked at you. he'd spent enough time with you to learn the consequences of his actions. you lost everything because of him. you'd gone hungry often and never quite had a home since that night. even now you worked multiple jobs to pay for university classes. because of him.
"it was an accident." he began, and to his surprise you didn't grow angry. you only sat and listened. it was more than he deserved.
when he disclosed his powers to you, you'd only picked up a rock off the ground, crushed it in your hands, showed him the dusty remnants, and said, "i assumed that was it. mine's not as cool as yours though."
from that day onwards, he felt responsible for you. he refused to let your applications to the hero-villain alliance go through. perhaps it wasn't his call to make, but he could not live with himself if you got hurt on the job because of him. not again.
eventually, he gave in, when he realized just how rundown you'd become from your multiple jobs and how often you spent weeks on his couch while searching for cheaper apartments, when he realized it wasn't his place to make such decisions for you. so he made a few calls, had your application bumped up, and made seonghwa, yunho, san, mingi, jongho, yeosang, and wooyoung swear they would not let you get hurt on the job.
it worked, until a year ago.
until he pulled you from the rubble and took in the burns wooyoung left on your neck.
until he had to face you in battle, your eyes looking right through him as he tried to speak sense into you.
until now.
"what the hell are they doing here?" san grits out the words, his gaze narrowing as he stares at the camera footage in front of him, at you standing at the front door of the alliance, your back ramrod straight and your knocking incessant.
hongjoong drags a hand through his hair, "we should let them in."
"and what if they go berserk on us the moment we do?" san bites out.
"what else are we supposed to do?" hongjoong turns a glare on san, "shoot them on sight?"
"maybe that's the best course of action."
"you don't believe that," yunho's voice is quiet, but it rings between them, his kind eyes on san.
san does not meet his gaze.
"just," hongjoong takes a deep breath, "get the chains, mingi. tranquilizers, too. hopefully, they cooperate. yunho, tell taeil to scout outwards up to radius five in case they're a decoy for someone else."
san stiffens at that. hongjoong just squeezes san's shoulder as he steps around him, "we outnumber them right now. don't worry."
"i'm not worried," san mutters, but his shoulders relax under hongjoong's touch.
hongjoong takes a deep breath as he approaches the door, the months and months of guilt that had accumulated while you were gone heavy on his shoulders.
you wake up to a bright light and the inability to move a single inch. your breath catches in your throat and you think, oh god, is this eunwoo's lab? and your chest feels tight with the thought, the very idea that you did manage to escape, that maybe you dreamt yeosang helping you escape, or wooyoung made due with his promise and has left you in eunwoo's clutches to do whatever experimentation he's wanted to do to you or -
"woah there, hey, it's okay."
the deep voice is familiar. kind. the touch on your arm is not cold like eunwoo's. you blink away your confusion, and your heart flips at the familiar face.
"mingi?" your voice cracks.
mingi smiles, but before he can say anything, the door behind him swings open and in walks san, his expression fixed into a tight glare. yunho eyes you warily, and he keeps a distance you don't blame him for. hongjoong enters last. his gaze flits over your form, assessing you quickly as he used to do. you've missed them. even as you assess your own situation, understand that you are strapped to a chair the same way you were when wooyoung and yeosang first kidnapped you, the relief swirling in your chest makes you want to cry.
you open your mouth to say something, anything, but you have no idea what to say. the guilt and fear and relief creates a lump in your throat you can't move past. you can't even remember the awful things you must have done to them. the distance makes you want to disappear.
hongjoong steps close, crouching in front of you, his gaze searching yours, and he simply says, "explain."
you tell him everything.
hongjoong drags a hand through his hair, "that's...a lot."
san hovers close, and though his hostility has lessened it's still there, still so potent, but you understand it because you'd watched him act that way before wooyoung and yeosang took you.
san's face is inches from yours, "how do we know you weren't ordered to come here?"
"you don't," you say, "but i left that pouch on purpose and yeosang risked his life to get me out of there and...and my word is all i can give you. i know -"
san cuts you off, "how do we know you won't try to finish the job the moment you're set free? i watched you kill those people, y/n." he jabs a finger against your chest and you wince when he touches the injection bruises, "that was all fucking you. how do we know what's going to come out the moment we test the words you gave us? how can you guarantee our safety in all this?"
his tone is accusing, and it only makes you feel worse. you glance at yunho, mingi, and hongjoong, but neither of them step towards you. only yunho looks away, closing his eyes.
"i don't know, i'm sorry," your voice breaks. the thought of having lost their trust and not being able to fix it breaks your heart.
"crying isn't going to help," san grits out, though he does step back a little.
"san, stop it," yunho pushes san's shoulder, dabbing at your face with a handful of tissues, his gloved hands noticeably hesitant. still, he powers through, frowning between you and san, "you don't need to be so hard on them."
"yes, i do," san snaps, "one of us needs to be hard on them, and i know it's not going to be any of you. i'm not letting us go through the same shit all over again."
you drop your eyes to the floor and yunho lets out an audible sigh, "hongjoong, please tell him to lay off."
you look up, meeting hongjoong's gaze for a long moment. his eyes are heavy with the same kind of guilt you've seen on him since the day you met him. an existential, bone-deep guilt you know he will always feel when he sees you. you remind him of his past, of his moment of weakness, of everything terrible he's ever done. he thinks you never notice the guilt, but you do. hongjoong looks away. he says, "san's not wrong. we need to be careful."
yunho rolls his eyes, and mingi sighs.
san opens his mouth, hands crossed over his chest, when he's interrupted by the high whine of a siren. it pierces through the room, startling all of you. yunho drops his gloved hand from your face. mingi frowns.
"it's a level one breach," hongjoong says, though you all know exactly what it is. you've had training on it, sure, but the last time you heard this exact siren go off was when wooyoung, yeosang, jongho, and seonghwa betrayed the alliance and wreaked havoc on the city. it means there's an attack on the city and it's predicted to be devastating.
your heart drops just as san spins on you and grabs your collar, "what the fuck is going on?"
"i don't know," you shake your head, "i really don't."
"now's not the time," hongjoong yanks san's arm off you, "we need to go to the debriefing room and figure out the threa-"
a loud, distant boom has hongjoong snapping his mouth closed, eyes widening. the floor quakes beneath your feet, your teeth chattering at the intensity of the trembles.
"oh fuck," yunho grips the table to steady himself, "we need to go. now."
another boom fills the silence, followed by screaming, loud and shrill.
"what about -"
an explosion echoes right above them and the room lights start to flicker. you flinch at the dust falling into your eyes.
"let me out."
san lets out a bitter laugh at your demand, "see? this is exactly what the fuck i was talking about. you just -"
"we can't just leave them down here." mingi snaps, "we're in the fucking basement, san."
"we should! do you think it's a coincidence that we're having a level one attack while we're all preoccupied with y/n showing up unannounced at our doorstep?"
"stay with me if you want!" you shout, "i just want to see wooyoung."
hongjoong swivels on his heels, meeting your gaze. it's the first time he's looking at you so candidly since you woke up and you nearly recoil at the intensity of it. "why do you want to see him?"
"to stop him."
"you think he'll stop? after what he did to you?" hongjoong grits his teeth and, for the first time, you can truly see how angry he is, how affected he is by everything. he never shows his anger so blatantly, but now it rolls off him in waves. the world is silent, eerily so, like the calm before a storm.
you resist the urge to recoil and look him dead in the eyes, "if i have to break every single bone in his body to stop him, then i will." you turn your gaze to san and repeat, "i will."
after a beat, san says, "i'm holding you to it."
you nod and he looks away.
"great, glad we got that figured out," yunho sighs, "now let's get the fuck out of here."
suddenly, a sharp creaking noise cuts through the eerie silence. the groan reminds you of a wailing whale, low and drawn out and a chill runs down your spine and straight to your toes. mingi yanks at your chains. you pull an arm free, just as there's another keening wail and suddenly -
"holy shit."
the entire building above you is gone. sunlight fills everything. at least, you believe it to be sunlight at first, until you realize just how bright it is. it's searing. hot, like the sun.
your eyes widen.
or like wooyoung.
"y/n, come on. get up."
you're yanked out the chair, ignoring the pain running up your leg when the chains scratch at your calf.
when you reach the ground, you cough around black smoke filling your lungs, your eyes widening as you take in the sight of wooyoung on fire, brighter than the sun, hotter, flamed wings surging from his form. below him marches an army of skeletons, dragging their bones as they lay siege on your city.
your heart drops to the pit of your stomach when wooyoung's eyes meet yours.
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Not just a soft princess - Azula x female reader imagine: Part Three
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Your relationship with Azula develops but a reality check makes you question if you are wise to trust the princess of the fire nation...
Part one here
Part two here
Part four here
Part five here
Part six here
Your POV
Since the day Azula stood up to Ozai for you things changed. You supposed word got out Azula was protecting you that’s why people started treating you better but it could also be due to Azula’s presence herself. After that night you saw a lot more of her and you weren’t complaining. She attended your lessons more frequently and even took over some portions of them herself. You got more freedom granted to you and when you were with Azula you didn’t even need a guard anymore. Thanks to the clause Azula placed in the contract there was no reason to force you and Zuko together and so you no longer dreaded all the formal occasions. Instead you were free to do as you wished at such events and that often included Azula. You found her presence comforting but also enjoyable. She was witty and clever, making you laugh with her deductions and well timed quips. You liked the proud blush that would fill her cheeks when she made you laugh and the only thing better was when she’d laugh at one of your own jokes. The way her mouth upturned into her signature smirk, how her shoulders would shake lightly and then she’d realise you were admiring her and be unable to meet your eyes for a few seconds. You’d never seen a sight so beautiful and were convinced there wasn’t anyone as beautiful as Azula, ever. You realised you’d developed more than a fondness for her when you found yourself thinking about her when she wasn’t around. The realisation made you nervous but also excited for one reason in particular. You were pretty sure the fire princess liked you too.
You were thinking about Azula as you dressed for the party that night. You had been at the fire nation for 2 months now and the constant feeling of dread and uncertainty was now more of a memory. You still missed home but it was no longer painful being here, you were adapting. That thought in mind you frowned when your maid asked you what dress you would like to wear tonight. There were dozens of beautiful options but they were all green given Ozai’s desire to make you up as a earth kingdom doll. You were sick of the colour green now and wanted to wear any other colour at this point. You’d noticed Azula constantly wore red and it always looked flattering. You couldn’t tell if that was because of Azula herself or if red was simply a flattering colour but the fire nation certainly did fashion better than the earth nation and if you were forced to live here you thought you should benefit from that. "Are there any red dresses?" you asked and the maid looked at you "red?". "Yes...i just thought as i’m part of the fire nation now maybe i could show it?". The maid smiled 'that sounds lovely princess y/n, i’ll go find one right away".
Azula’s POV
Azula stared out of the window as her father complained about some nobleman. Typically Azula would hang on her father’s every word and rush to assure him he was superior to everyone but lately her mind had been elsewhere...well it’d been on you more accurately. The truth was Azula had greatly enjoyed her time with you and found herself looking forward to the next chance she’d get to interact with you. Sure she’d had her friends Mai and Ty lee growing up but she’d never had someone she could relate to or feel solidarity with. With you Azula felt that. She’d always figured she was the exception to the typical princess role but you had made her see that was incorrect. You were smart and outspoken, you weren’t intimidated by the fire nation anymore and it showed. Your confidence seemed to grow each day and while it clearly bothered her father Azula relished in it. Despite the nation you were from, she couldn’t help but root for you and it had nothing to do with the fact your fate was tied to hers. It was because she genuinely liked and cared for you, something she’d never expected to happen. 
Azula was ironically pulled out of her thoughts about you because of you.
"What is she doing?" Ozai snapped and Azula was so distracted she didn’t turn around for a few seconds. When she did her breath was knocked out of her. Her eyes were drawn to you immediately and they widened as a smile formed on her face. You were wearing her favourite shade of red and you looked amazing. The dress was simple and so was your hair and makeup but that seemed to make the effect all the more impactful, Azula remembered when she saw you back in Ba Sing Sei and how then you’d been dressed simply but still managed to look amazing. You didn’t need to dress up a diamond, it was beautiful no matter what adorned it. Azula was biased but saw this as a good sign, you had donned their colours, surely this showed your willingness to cooperate? 
Her father didn’t agree. "I ordered all the maids to give her green clothing only! What use is she to us if you cannot identify her as earth kingdom royalty at a glance". Azula thought the emphasis on colour scheme a tad ridiculous but tried to appease her father "i think it is only for one night, this is good though. It seems she is showing loyalty to us". Ozai scoffed "as she should given all we’ve done for her, less of a prisoner and more of a honoured guest considering we’re housing and educating her for free". "She will get us the whole of the earth empire". "So you keep saying but so far all she has brought is Ba Sing Sei". Azula’s eye twitched. Ba Sing Sei was the biggest victory for the war in decades and was the brightest piece of the earth empire. For her father to disregard that was ludicrously idiotic but Azula knew he was just in a strop. He knew your use he was just annoyed he couldn’t exploit every drop of it at once and she was more determined than ever to prevent him for ever being able to do that to you.
Your POV
"You must've been dreadfully bored to make such a bold statement" a silky voice called and you didn’t even have to turn to know who it belonged to. Azula always found you sooner or later but she was definitely getting quicker. When you looked at Azula confused by her comment she gestured to your outfit "the dress, I can’t imagine what provoked you to don our colours". You laughed smiling "i thought a change would be nice, plus if this is to be my home now i thought showing some loyalty to it couldn’t hurt, but given your father’s reaction...". Azula almost scoffed but caught herself. "He was anxious but i made him see it correctly, that this a symbol of unity. How you were proclaiming your support and love for the fire nation simply by wearing a colour...a very subtle but effective political statement”. You smiled "yes but honestly? I’m just sick to death of the colour green". That thought never occurred to Azula and it caught her off guard making her laugh aloud. Something the princess had never done at a formal event. She caught herself quickly but blushed to see you were beaming at her reaction. "I’ve seen you wear it so successfully i thought i would try" you smiled and Azula looked at you surprised. "I...i am flattered". Azula’s slight blush deepened making you more confident and so you stepped back from her and opened your arms "so what’s the verdict? Did i pass in red?". Azula glanced over you very quickly her blush still very evident as she purposefully avoided looking you in the eye "you know you did, the colour suits you rather well, especially with your skin tone...." Azula trailed off before coughing "so yes you passed". You blushed smiling too "i would wear it more but i do not know if that is wise". Azula shook her head "i think green is safer". You nodded your head but felt deflated "i thought as much". "It’s lucky you look good in that colour too then i suppose" Azula commented suddenly and you looked at her in shock. "Maybe it is simply all colours?" she suggested "that wouldn't surprise me". "It wouldn't?" you asked and Azula shook her head "not at all princess". You looked away first, flustered and now blushing too and Azula grinned widely.
Mai and Zuko’s POV
Mai and Zuko watched you and discussed your show quietly. Zuko was worried what this would provoke from his father and Mai was worried Ozai would like seeing you in red. They were discussing which outcome was most likely when Azula approached you. They carried on talking when they noticed Azula laugh. An actual genuine unprovoked laugh. The couple went silent and Zuko spoke first after a delay "did my sister just....". "Burst out laughing? Yes". "When has she ever...". "Never" Mai finished "i’ve only seen her laugh when somebody falls or says something stupid". Zuko nodded "what on earth did y/n sat to her?”. Mai narrowed her eyes wondering just that too. "Could Azula...are they friends?" Zuko asked watching you two talk and Mai paused "Azula did keep her promise to protect her and she did add that marriage clause to her contract risking your father’s wrath". "But Azula never likes anyone" Zuko frowned "especially enough to put her neck on the line". "She must really like y/n then" Mai frowned as Azula suddenly blushed. Her and Zuko watched the two of you both blushing vividly, glancing at each other excitedly and they both inhaled. "She really really likes y/n" Zuko gaped and Mai nodded "and y/n her it appears .
Azula’s POV
Azula knew she had secured your place theoretically but she still worried you were physically vulnerable. She knew you were a skilled earth bender but you didn’t know how sneaky fire nation fighting was. The earth nation was upfront in their attacks but the fire nation was a fan of knives in the back and so Azula thought it wise to prepare you. So she invited you to join her for an hour a day to train.
Your POV
When Azula first invited you to spar with her your initial thought was suspicion. Why would the fire nation want to train you physically? However that was quickly overshadowed by excitement as Azula assured you that you’d be alone and that she just wanted to show you some basics. You’d seen Azula fight and were more than eager to receive tips from her. Not to mention it would make the seemingly never ending days go faster. You arrived at the sparring yard before the agreed time to find Azula already there. "You’re early" she commented dismissing your guards and you frowned "i apologise i thought the walk would take longer". "Do not apologise being early or on time are the only two acceptable options". You smiled getting the feeling Azula was early for everything and your smile lingered as the princess had you warm up. After your cardio Azula started showing you forms. Basic crucial ones first like how to avoid a knife strike or block a blow. She made it look so easy but was also a very good teacher. By the end of your third session you were able to successfully block Azula at her fastest pace and you were thrilled. Azula had been springing surprise attacks at you all session and even once she declared the session over she attacked you once again. You didn’t even register it but instead your body reacted and blocked her using perfect form. Azula looked at you impressed and a smile broke your face "i didn’t even think about it I just blocked you! I did it Azula!". Azula smirked at your endearing excitement "yes well done". "You are a very good teacher, i am a slow learner but you helped me master that in three days!". "It is only one of many forms" Azula replied "we still have many more to go before you are truly a master or i a good teacher". "Of course but this is a good first step is it not?" you asked. Azula would’ve said no. She was always hard on herself and didn’t believe in small victories but your smile was infectious and so she agreed "yes, you did well".
Azula’s POV
As your hand to hand combat improved Azula turned her attention to your bending. She was more than excited to have you display your bending again and not just because she found it enjoyable to watch. She also knew you’d been strictly forbidden from bending ever since you’d stepped foot in the fire nation. She figured it might make you more comfortable to be able to bend again and so she quickly worked it into your curriculum. She was impressed again as soon as she saw you bend. Earth was the element of strength and you were very skilled in that aspect. Azula would catch herself admiring your back and arms as your muscles tensed before she’d catch and scold herself for being unprofessional.
It soon became tradition that at the end of every session you and Azula would spar using your bending and it was the favourite part for both of you, You were both in your element (no pun intended) and Azula could get caught up in the feeling easily. Sometimes too much...
The two of you were sparring and it was going as it always did. You would stubbornly hold territory and refuse to move while Azula would flit around attempting to dislodge your stance. It took a while for either of you to wear the other down and so when Azula saw you starting to grow tired she got excited. She attacked your left side with a flurry of attacks coaxing you into exposing your other side to attacks. Azula knew you’d block the attack with your quick reflexes but when she finally saw you neglect your right side defences she acted. Azula reached out for your exposed arm directing a whip of fire straight for it. She smiled as you noticed and went to block it when you lost your footing. The floor was littered with debris from all your rocks that Azula had shattered and a piece had wormed it’s way directly between your feet. You stumbled over the rock your defence forgotten as you tried to regain your balance and Azula’s fire sped at you. Azula tried to yell but it was no use as her fire hit you knocking you over, a trail of smoke following. 
Your POV
“Y/n” you heard Azula yell as the blast hit you. You had been knocked flat on the floor but managed to sit up. You arm had took the brunt of the attack and you clutched your arm tightly into your side as it pulsed in pain. Azula appeared by your side and stared at your arm horrified. The moment you saw her worried look you tried to play it off and smile. "I’m fine" you assured her but Azula shook her head "no you’re not, come here". You glanced down at your arm but held it out to her.
Azula inspected the burn and frowned. It wasn’t serious, the skin would be healed in a few weeks and it shouldn’t cause you too much pain in the meantime but it would scar. “It’s not too bad but it needs dressing...come on”. Azula soaked your arm and apologised as you winced. She carefully dried it and applied a cooling balm onto it. You flinched and she frowned “does it hurt?”. “Yes but that feels nice, it feels cold”. Azula nodded. She waited for the gel to soak in before bandaging your arm carefully. “We’re lucky it was just your arm...if you’d fallen and my fire hit you somewhere else...” Azula paused “I should’ve been more careful”. “It wasn’t your fault, it was just an accident” you tried but Azula shook her head “fire benders aren’t allowed accidents, accidents get people killed”. You watched Azula’s concentrated tense face and wished you could ease the guilt she seemed to feel. Azula finished bandaging your arm and tucked the bandages away expertly, you watched amazed as her fingers worked softly and swiftly. For the first time you noticed there were many small scars from burns and cuts along her fingers and you watched her face closely. The princess was immaculate but on closer inspection, you could see the small scars and flaws of any person. It didn’t surprise you Azula kept hers hidden, she seemed like the type to tightly guard her weaknesses and you frowned wondering if she’d been told to do that as a child. From how faded some of the scar were you were guessing she had and it made you angry. Azula was a powerful force of nature but she was still a human with flaws. Not despite those flaws but because of them you viewed her as the most beautiful and intelligent woman you’d ever known and you wanted her to know that.
"Finished" Azula declared and then looked up to see you staring at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked. In response you blinked and leant across the table to kiss her. Azula jumped pulling away as soon as you touched her and you jumped back too, upset and horrified you’d read her signals wrong. "You shouldn’t do that" Azula said and you blinked "i’m sorry i just thought...we’ve been flirting and I thought you might like me...". "No i meant here" Azula said cutting you off "we shouldn’t do that here but other places...". You paused and slowly smiled at Azula’s tone "other places....so you do like me?". Azula shushed you "not here too many ears come on" and held a hand out to you "but yes" she whispered as you took her hand. You smiled at her and Azula’s cheeks turned a shade of pink as she shot her eyes away from you. Azula led you through the palace confidently and to the royal gardens. You frowned figuring this was an open space with many prying eyes and ears but Azula just smiled more "as a child i learnt all the best places to hide are in here". "You had need of many hiding places?" you asked as Azula led you into the maze. She nodded "this was my mothers favourite place and so the last place she'd think to look for me when she wanted to yell at me, i hid right under her nose and avoided detection". Azula led you deep into the maze before she stopped suddenly "here".  A large hedge stood before you and you frowned “Azula it’s...” but Azula just smiled “watch”. She pressed her hands under the left side and pushed the bush to the side. It moved aside easily and Azula stepped through. You followed and found yourself behind large grass sculptures. They perfectly obscured you and gave you a small secluded area. You were still admiring how the hedge just bounced back hiding your entrance perfectly when you realised Azula was close behind you staring at you. Suddenly she couldn’t wait any longer and she kissed you. You laughed at her eagerness but kissed her back. As you were taller Azula wrapped her arms around your neck to be able to reach you easier. You rested your hands on her waist and smirked as Azula almost made you lose your balance in her excitement. You were thoroughly enjoying the kiss when Azula broke it and shot away from you "come on we have to keep moving" she laughed and tugged you out of your hidden area. “Why?” you asked and Azula smiled “you only go undetected as long as you keep moving so that’s what we’ll do”. Azula tugged you into another perfectly hidden alcove and brought her lips to your again before pulling away again just as you were slipping into it. Azula smirked at you exasperated look and you got the feeling she was toying with you. So in the third hiding spot Azula brought you too as soon as she had hidden your entrance you trapped her against it. Being taller had it’s advantages and you gripped Azula’s waist while hovering over her “No more running princess”. Azula grinned and happily accepted her fate.
You liked these hiding places in the garden and apparently so did Azula. She leant against your arms the most content you’d ever seen her. You could see why she loved it here. You could hear other people in the gardens but it felt so wonderfully private. The weather was beautiful and you laid down looking at the sun. “This is one thing I have grown to love about the fire nation, the weather...it’s so nice and warm here” you smiled. “Well it is summer” Azula smirked leaning on her forearms to look down at you “but it is beautiful, wait until you see the festival for the summer solstice. The sky stays light all night and the streets are lit with lanterns everywhere, the whole city glows and all night you just bask in the beauty” Azula sighed “I can’t wait to show it you all”. “Yeah?” you asked and Azula nodded “it’s beautiful even in winter too! We don’t get snow but it gets colder meaning there’s fires on every street corner. They even make a hot chocolate with fire flakes that you have to try” Azula told you “we can take a trip into town and get one....and the restaurants serve festive dishes that are spiced to perfection we will see it all” Azula declared and you smiled. “That sounds amazing”. Azula smiled up at you before leaning further into you.
A while later with a large sigh Azula sat up moving off you “I have to go...my father requested to see me and Zuko, it must be important...if it wasn’t there’s no way I’d go” she told you and you smiled “I know, it’s fine i’ll find someway to manage without you”. Azula smirked “I know Mai and Ty lee were going shopping, you could always tag along with them...they’re not as good company as me of course but it may distract you until i’m done”. “Until you’re done?”. Azula nodded “how about I come join you when i’m finished?”. You nodded your head “sounds perfect” and kissed her softly. Azula smiled and lingered with you as long as she could before pulling back “come on”. She stood up swiftly before helping you up. You walked out of the gardens together and Azula stopped at one path “Ty lee and Mai will be that way, you should hurry so you catch them”. You nodded “have fun at your meeting” and with a purposeful brush against her hurried away. You noticed Azula stayed long enough to watch you walk away before she rushed off for the meeting and smirked, she was definitely going to be late for that.
You came around the corner abruptly and both Mai and Ty lee jumped. “Y/n” Ty lee said surprised “are you okay princess?”. You nodded “I was actually looking for you both, I was wondering if i could accompany you into town? Azula mentioned you were going and suggested you wouldn’t mind”. “Of course we don’t” Ty lee cried and Mai shot her a look. You glanced at Mai who paused before sighing “of course you can come princess”. You smiled “thanks” and went to walk out of the open door but Mai held out her arm “are you forgetting something? A royal can’t leave the palace without a quadrant of guards and a royal precession”. “But she’s not fire nation does she really have to?” Ty lee asked and Mai sighed “you know she does” and turned to call the nearest servant.
It was easy to forget everything the fire nation stood for while you were running around the gardens with Azula but it had a way of reminding you. Mai and Ty lee were not permitted in the royal procession with you and had to walk behind you. The fire nation guards cleared the way through the streets mercilessly and you could see why Mai hadn’t wanted you to come. The citizens were either excited to see you and got beaten back or had been pushed forwards accidentally and suffered the same fate. When you finally reached your destination you felt so malevolent and cruel as the towns people stared but dared not come close. You’d never left the palace in the earth kingdom but there were often parties when normal people could come and they never hesitated to approach or touch you, here you bet the guards would have their hands if they tried. “Y/n?” Ty lee asked as you stared at the guards *controlling* the crowd. “Are you okay?” Ty lee asked and you paused before nodding “i’m fine” and you followed her inside.
Everywhere you went caused a fuss and you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb. Ty lee wanted to go clothes shopping with Mai but because none of the shops sold green clothes you couldn’t join in. Every time you left a store you had to get back into your stupid cart even if the store was simply down the street. Each store you went into ignored Ty lee and Mai and only focused on you being the royal. You hated all the special treatment you received. You didn’t deserve it and you didn’t want it but there was no escaping it. This was the fire nation.
“What’s wrong y/n?” Ty lee asked “ you’ve barely touched your food” she said noticing how you were just pushing it around. You frowned “I just feel like i ruined your day, everywhere I go I causes a scene, it must be so annoying”. Ty lee shook her head “you haven’t ruined anything we’re used to it”. “How?” you asked and Mai fixed you with a look “you’re not the first royal we’ve travelled with, Azula and Zuko have the same rules but they revel in it a lot more than you”. “They enjoy it?” you asked shocked. “Well not so much Zuko” Mai admitted “but Azula does, she says it reminds people of their position....beneath her”. Mai’s disgusted tone wasn’t lost on you but it did make you think. You didn’t doubt Mai was being truthful, you’d seen first hand how Azula could act but recently you’d started forgetting. You realised with a crashing taste of reality that Azula was probably only like she was with you, with everyone else...who knows how cruel she was. You stared down at your hands feeling guilty for your morning activities with her. What on earth had you been doing sneaking around with the princess that conquered your city. Azula had taken over your home and sent your uncle into exile. The only reason you were here was because she liked you, if you hadn’t have appealed to her would you be exiled too or worse? These thoughts worried you and you couldn’t help but feel like a hypocrite. You’d personally sworn to detest the fire nation but had fallen for the princess? You couldn’t allow that and so you decided to call whatever this was off with Azula. As soon as she joined you.
However Azula never made it to the cafe. When you returned to the palace in the evening there was still no word from her and you weren’t sure if you were relieved or not. The evening pressed on when suddenly there was a knock at your door. You opened it to find Azula smiling widely. “I know I missed this afternoon but I have a good reason!” she waved some servants into your room and you watched confused as they started packing your belongings. “Azula what on earth....”. “We don’t have time!” she said excitedly “we’re leaving tonight! Mai, Ty lee and Zuko have to come too but it will still be great y/n”. “What will be...where are we going?”. “Ember Islands” Azula smiled.
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
If you still have the square open, fingore for Tarlos? I looked it up and the definition made me all cringy lol because I am a giant wuss, so I was thinking maybe threat of fingore (or actual fingore if you want to go for it because you are clearly made of cooler and tougher stuff than me ;) ), something with Carlos hostage on a case and the bad guys want him to give up some information? Or Carlos is protecting TK somehow and won't tell them where he is?
holly's august extravaganza day 8: we'll hold each other soon
unfortunately the square had already been taken when this came through but i hope you like what i came up with! thanks for the prompt! tied into chapters five and eleven from the breeze in my austin nights
ao3 | 2.1k | angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, torture, carlos briefly thinks tk is dead but he's not
Carlos had known this would happen. He’s known for weeks; he’s felt the suspicion in the gang growing, sensed his cover crumbling bit by bit. It’s been especially bad since his run-in with Paul and Marjan, but that was really just the final straw.
Things with this mission have been going sideways for a long time. He’d reported it to his supervisors, of course he had, but all they’d said was that the case was too important to give up just because of one man’s feeling.
He wishes he could take satisfaction in being proved right.
Unfortunately, him being right means nothing to his supervisors. For Carlos, it means getting dragged out of his temporary apartment in the early hours of the morning and taken, blindfolded and gagged, to a remote corner of town, probably unknown to everyone outside of the gang.
Carlos doesn’t struggle as he’s shoved into a chair and chained by the feet, his hands and torso bound to the wood with a rough rope that rubs his skin painfully. By the low mutters and footsteps echoing around the room, it’s clear there’s more than just one or two of the gang holding him, so he figures that fighting will only make things worse for him.
Once he’s sufficiently tied up, the blindfold is yanked from his eyes and the gag removed. Carlos gratefully sucks in a few deep breaths, blinking hard as his vision adjusts to the harsh fluorescent lighting in the room. There are six men surrounding him and Carlos recognises one as the gang leader, Manese. Another, Daniels, is holding a crowbar, and all of them are armed with at least one gun, probably more.
Carlos, meanwhile, is lucky he’s wearing socks.
Thank god for draughty apartments.
Manese steps forward, his hard stare betraying little emotion. “I’m gonna cut the bullshit, Reyes,” he says. “We know who you are, we know you’ve been passing information to other cops, and we know you’re probably not doing it alone.
“So, you’ve got two choices. Either you make it easy for us and we’ll make it easy for you—I’d say I’d let you live, but you and I both know I can’t do that. But I will leave a body to bury. Or, you make it difficult and we’ll return the favour. And, believe me, we can make things very, very difficult for you.” He grins and spreads his hands out, tipping them in a mimic of a set of scales. “This only ends one way for you, Reyes. All you gotta do is decide how fast you want to get there.”
The look Manese sends him lets Carlos know that he already knows exactly what decision he’s going to make, and that he’s going to enjoy it. Carlos sighs and closes his eyes, briefly hanging his head. He spares a thought for his family back in Austin—his parents, TK—and prays that, whatever happens, they’ll at least be able to get some closure.
Then, he steels himself and looks Manese dead in the eyes. “Do what you want. I’m not telling you anything.”
Manese’s grin takes on a shark-like quality, and Carlos has to force himself not to react to the way he leers at him. “Excellent choice.” He flicks his hand and Daniels steps forward, a manic look in his eye as he flexes his grip around the crowbar.
Carlos barely has a moment to prepare himself before all he knows is pain.
He screams as the crowbar comes down for what feels like the hundredth time, eliciting a sickening crack as his arm breaks. Carlos’s vision white out and he folds in on himself as much as he can, his left arm straining to cradle his right, but all he achieves is the already abused skin becoming more raw and sore. He breathes heavily, blinking rapidly as the room slowly swims into view once more. Daniels looks bored, the crowbar swinging loosely in his grasp, and Manese seems to be running out of patience.
“Got your memory back yet, Reyes?” he asks tersely.
Carlos just shakes his head and braces himself for the next hit.
Which doesn’t come.
And doesn’t come.
And doesn’t come.
Carlos squints up at them, frowning when he sees Manese with a hand on Daniels’ arm as he studies him closely. The calculating glint in his eye sends a flash of dread through Carlos; nothing good can possibly come of this.
“Go for his fingers next,” he orders after a while, releasing Daniels. “I don’t care how—break them, shoot them, crush them, whatever—just get me answers.” He turns to Carlos and tuts, sighing heavily in mock regret. “This is your own fault, Reyes. All this can be over like that”—he snaps his fingers—“if you just give me what I want. A couple names, a location or two, that’s all I’m asking. Not much, right?”
Carlos stubbornly stays silent—at this point, he’s not sure he has enough breath left to speak even if he wanted to—and Manese sighs again.
“Your funeral.” He shrugs and steps back to give Daniels room, but before anything can happen, one of the others in the room rushes forward to whisper something to Manese. Carlos can’t hear what’s being said and he’s too exhausted to try; all he can feel is relief for the brief reprieve. His arm is screaming at him, the pain in the rest of his body paling in comparison, and he’s not sure how much longer he can stand it.
The hushed mutters continue for another minute, until eventually Manese nods sharply and four of the six men in the room file out. He smiles at Carlos, sickly sweet, and claps his hands together once, rubbing them for good measure. “Looks like it’s your lucky day, Reyes,” he says, with a lazy drawl that can’t mean anything good. “Business calls.”
Carlos doesn’t have time to comprehend what that means before Manese and Daniels are also leaving, flipping them lights off as they go.
And Carlos is left alone.
Time means nothing as Carlos waits for someone to return and finish what they started. The only thing he’s certain of is that something must have changed to get Manese to halt his torture, and it probably isn’t a very good something.
Not for Carlos, at least.
He thinks about trying to escape, but even slight movements are so painful that he fears he might throw up or pass out or, more likely, both. Besides, even if he did manage to get out of the bonds on his arms and torso, there would still be the chains on his feet to deal with, and Carlos knows there’s more of a chance of rescue than him dealing with those on his own, especially with a broken arm.
His mind is left to wander, and he keeps circling back to one point that seems to solidify itself more with each second that passes.
He’s not getting out of here.
A fresh wave of pain—not physical, this time—washes through him, and his whole chest aches as he thinks of TK. He’d been so worried for Carlos ever since they found out about the case, and he’d begged him to stay safe the morning he’d left just over three months ago.
“Be careful, please,” TK said, smoothing down the lapels of Carlos’s shirt. “Whatever happens out there, whatever you have to do, just promise me one thing. Promise you’ll come back to me.”
Carlos knew better than to promise something like that, and TK knew better than to ask it. But because it was him, and because it was TK, Carlos just nodded and leaned in to press a kiss to TK’s temple.
“I promise,” he whispered, pulling away. TK didn’t let him go far before dragging him into a real kiss. It felt like it lasted forever, only to seem far too short when they broke apart, still clinging to one another. Carlos allowed himself another minute in TK’s embrace, then forced himself to move away, giving his boyfriend one last smile.
TK returned it with a smile of his own, and Carlos carried it with him long after the door swung closed between them.
It’s the last good memory Carlos has, and he’s going to hold onto it for as long as he has left. If he’s going to die, then the last thing he wants to see is TK’s smile, even if it is just in his mind.
Carlos is nearly blinded when the lights suddenly turn back on, revealing Manese and two other gang members standing in front of him. He only vaguely recognises these two—it’s possible he could dredge up some names if he thought about it for long enough, but his attention is locked on Manese, who looks far too pleased with himself, in the same way a predator must look before it catches its prey.
“You’ve made it clear you’re not going to give us any names,” Manese says, “so now I’m going to give you one.” He steps closer and lowers his voice, grinning like he’s sharing a secret just for the two of them. “Tyler Kennedy Strand.”
Carlos’s blood runs cold at the sound of TK’s name.
TK’s full name.
“What—” but his ruined and dry throat refuses to cooperate. Instead, he levels a glare at Manese, and hopes that it’s enough to convey every single question and threat running through his mind right now.
If possible, Manese’s smile widens. “Recognise it do you?” he says lightly. “I thought you might. See, Carlos, we have people all over, not just in this shithole town, and once we knew who you were, it was child’s play to track down your nearest and dearest. And who is nearer and dearer than that pretty boy of yours?”
He steps back and snaps his fingers, holding his hand out. One of the others hands him a slip of paper, which Manese then presents to Carlos, dropping it carelessly in his lap. “Take a look.”
Curiosity getting the better of him, Carlos looks down at what he realises is a photograph. He can’t understand it at first, but slowly the details become clearer and more familiar, and—god.
“I’ll give him credit, he put up quite the fight,” Manese is saying, but he sounds like he’s shouting down a tunnel, the roaring in Carlos’s ears blocking out most other sounds. “It’s unfortunate that fists can’t stop a bullet.”
Everything stops making sense after that.
TK is dead.
TK is dead.
It makes no sense, so why should anything else? Carlos stares and stares at the photo, and keeps staring even after it’s snatched out of his lap, the image burned onto his retinas by now. He’s aware, distantly, of voices and sounds and sensations but they’re all muted, happening outside this bubble he’s created around himself.
He wishes they’d just get it over with.
Carlos blinks, and there’s someone new in front of him, someone unfamiliar who touches him gently and looks at him kindly.
He blinks and the scenery changes. He’s in a vehicle, staring up at a white ceiling, being taken...somewhere. He feels warm and the pain has dimmed, but he’s sinking again before he can put a thought to what that means.
He blinks and he’s in a bed, a woman standing in front of him and asking him questions. Carlos doesn’t really understand what’s going on, doesn’t know what could possibly be more important than the fact that TK is dead and it’s all his fault. He shakes his head at the woman and turns away.
He blinks, and TK is there.
And, when he blinks again, TK is still there.
And it’s—it’s impossible. He’s hallucinating or dreaming because TK is dead, and dead people don’t come back to life just because he might wish it.
So he tries, and he tries, and he tries to snap himself back to reality. But it doesn’t work, and TK is still in front of him, that crease between his brows growing with every second that passes. Carlos wants to reach out and smooth it away but he knows he can’t, and—
And, TK takes his hand and presses it to his chest.
Hallucinations don’t feel that solid.
They also don’t have a heartbeat.
This time, when TK doesn’t disappear, Carlos allows himself to believe.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby,” TK whispers in his ear, holding him close, warm and solid and alive. “I’m always going to be right here.”
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Welcome To The Pack: Sing My Song
Part One
Summary- 6.2k Steve Rogers x You. Having you back makes the Alpha very happy, and has a hard time keeping his hands to himself. Which you don’t have any issues with that. Shuri continues her work with you, and making progress everyday, enough so Steve hopes to take you on a run through Wakanda. Bucky and his team are drawing in on Brock, but will they be able to take out the ex Alpha and his bitch for good? Warnings- Smut and Violence. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
A/N- Im breaking this into 2 parts. Its long and I feel like its just a lot to handle all to once. So next chapter will be posted soon. As always, Thank you for sticking with me and The Pack, I hope you all enjoy. As always feedback and your thoughts are encouraged, I’m always open to hearing what you all think and would like to see for them in the future. Happy Reading 🐺❤️
Chapter 8 / Pack Masterlist
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You scanned over the crowd, but you still couldn’t see Steve. There were so many people passing mingling, and the room was huge, fit for a palace. You closed your eyes instead and tilted your head slightly to sort through scents, inhaling for him. It made you wish your Little Wolf was back, she would have honed right in on your Alpha. But you could do it on your own, Steve would stand out, woodsy pine and iron, it would stand out from so much of the panthers that the moment you found it, your body curved into it, craving to find the source. Your eyes slid open to look once more and that's when you saw him. His long powerful strides coming towards you, blue eyes roving all of you as if he hungered, all Alpha Male, all your Alpha Male. The white button up was stretched taut over his chest, and the black slacks, crisp, his hands were shoved in his pants pocket for now. Glancing up you could see his hair swept back from his forehead, and underneath his eyes were honed in on you as if stalking you down. In a way he was, as large as Steve was, he weaved through the people with one thing in mind. You. It was simple, and a fitting look for Steve as you felt your breath hitch a moment. His hand swept through his hair, and you could see that he still had a look of surprise on his face, as well as pleasure. Steve seemed to like you looking like this, and that alone made you bite your lip a bit shyly and glance down momentarily, but the moment he paused in front of you, his slight rumble from his chest drew your attention to his warm heated gaze all for you. 
“Little One, you look beautiful.” His hands immediately slid along your side, and stepped in closer, your head tilting up to meet him. 
“You really do like it? Natasha swore up and down that wearing blue would be the best choice.” Your fingers danced up the buttons of the white shirt while Steve circled an arm around you, there was music playing and the two of you started to barely sway while talking. Steve’s hand pressed against the small of your back, heated through the thin fabric of the dress, and you leaned in against him. 
“She was right, reminds me of sitting out on the deck under the night sky when you're wearing this blue.” He assured you and grasped your chin lightly, kissing you deeply. “Come, we must mingle with the Panthers, I know Shuri has been waiting for you.” He nuzzled you gently before tucking you into his side. Already the Alpha felt calmer, more in control having you at his side. The Wolf preened being able to show off the Little One at his side, and Steve had to agree that it did something to him to be escorting you around. 
The night proceeded, and although the function was formal, Steve couldn't seem to keep his hands off you, letting it slide from the small of your back to the curve of your ass, pulling you aside onto the open balconies to steal nipping kisses. You were sure that there was at least a red mark on your neck from where he couldn't help himself, the lash of his tongue and a touch of his teeth making you whimper excitedly while you two were just out of sight. Steve hissed in your ear. “I can't wait to get you back upstairs, make you all mine where I don't have to share you with anyone else.” 
You would tug on his shirt with a whimper, and brush your own lips against his ear. “Still have to play guest Alpha.” And you would lead him back inside, your hand swallowed in his, together getting lost in the crowd, going back to dancing with one another and being introduced to members of the king's guard and other leaders of the tribes following the King. Steve currently got caught up in proper military techniques when you split a way to go to the bar, opting to switch from the liquor they had been serving you to ice water. Tipping your head back and drinking deeply, the ice cold water cleared the parch from your throat when you heard Natasha sidle up to you. Her pale cheeks flushed red from dancing, and her lipstick slightly smudged. 
“Been having a good time Nat?” you smirk, and she winks at you. 
“Just as much as you have been. I've seen you disappearing with Steve every chance you two can get. Plus your lipstick is smudged. More than mine I'm sure.” Natasha pulled out a compact from a wrist bag and handed it over. Grabbing a napkin off the bar, you used a dab of water to clean yourself up. 
“You were right, with this dress, he can't help himself.” You admitted quietly to Natasha so no passersby were aware of their conversation. “I don't know how much longer he's going to want to stay.” 
“Then don't.” Natasha turned around to keep an eye on the crowd, Smirking as she caught the eye of someone. “Speaking of the devil, and he shall appear. Hey Rogers, looking for someone?” she grinned teasing at the Alpha as his hand slid up your back and cupped the back of your neck, his fingers massaging the column loosely. 
“Not you, but there was a panther over on the other side of the room, wondering where you disappeared to.” Steve motioned over his shoulder with his free thumb, and Natasha finished off the last of her drink at the bar. “Then I shall go, I had promised him I wouldn't be long.” She leaned over, pecking your cheek with a grin. “Enjoy your afterparty Y/N.” Before Steve could shoo her away, she disappeared from sight, and you turned towards Steve, sipping from what was left of your glass of water. “Thirsty Alpha?” you held up the glass and he groaned. 
“I am thirsty, but not for water.” He pulled away the glass from your hold and pulled you in for a deep kiss, taking your breath away. Pulling away before he got too carried away, Steve dipped his nose in against your neck, growling possessively against your pulse when you started to arch into his body, the whisk of fabric between you two reminding you both that you were not back home. 
You and Steve put in some more effort to mingle with the others, but once you nudged against Steve's shoulder about an hour later, whispering into his ear that you were tired, Steve nodded while placing a kiss against your temple “Give me a moment to excuse us.” He left you for a moment at a table to bid T’Challa a good night, and thank the queen for her hospitality. When he returned to the table, offering his arm to you, you grasped it lightly and moved to a stand. “You ready Little One to go up?”
“Yes Alpha” You stifled a bit of a yawn, that made Steve chuckle and together you headed for the elevator to the top floors. 
 Back in the room, Steve was quick to pin you up against the door once it shut behind you, his mouth heavy and demanding on your neck. It had been torture for Steve to wait to be alone with you after T’Challa brought up the idea of future children. It made him heated thinking about it, wanting to bury inside you, watching you come undone all for him. Add that dress that clung to all your curves he was becoming familiar with, well it made him left with a hard on that was driving him crazy. 
You tilted your head back to let him inhale you and leave his own scent, his beard rough against your flesh while burning a trail in that way that made your knees shake and your body want more. Your fingers nimbly tug at his shirt until buttons popped across the floor and you pressed hands against the muscular wall of his chest, and around to his bare back, digging your nails into the muscles jerking in response. “Steve, you feel so good.” you panted his name and he lifted his head up enough to look at you. “Get me out of the dress.” You flipped around so he could undo the ties and he tried. Fuck he tried. But there was just so much, and Natasha tied it so tight, his fingers wouldn't cooperate in just this moment. Giving one frustrated growl, Steve yanked hard once and the fabric ripped, making you gasp. 
“STEVE! This was Shuri’s dress.” You giggled softly, and he drew it off, his hands grasping against the globes of your ass through your panties, making him growl in a teasing manner as he pulled your ass back into him. 
“You tore off my buttons.” He hissed against the back of your neck while pressing his groin into you, clearly able to feel the outline of his cock through the fabric of his slacks, making you tilt your head to look at your Alpha over your shoulder. “I will buy her a new dress.”  
“You should probably replace the shirt as well, right? We did borrow it for tonight.” You giggled softly. Steve gave a sharp laugh, amused with your attitude and he gave a sharp nip to your neck which made you yelp with a laugh as his arm circled around you to lift you, bringing you to the bed. He let you bounce on the mattress while he worked on getting his pants and boxers off with a sense of urgency. You twisted and laid on your back, watching Steve while you pressed your hands against your breasts and arched into your hold as you teased your nipples through the fabric of your bra, saying his name again. “Mmmhh, Steve.” 
Finally ditching the last of it, he grabbed your ankles and dragged you down the bed a bit. “Little One, I don't think so. Only one allowed to touch you, is me. Only one to get you off is me.” You gave a playful pout as his shoulders parted your thighs open till you spread them. Giving a inhale against your clothed core and running his tongue over your soaking cotton panties, you wriggled as another rush of wetness filled you. “Fuck you smell so good, just like sex.” growling out as his fingers found the elastic band holding it all together and snapped it sharply, making you yelp at the sting while he peeled the wet cloth away from you.  
“We are all about destroying all the clothes today Alpha?” You lifted your head to look at him, biting on your lip as he dragged his tongue along the red mark the snap of the band had caused.  
“When you look and taste this good, you don't need them Little One.” His eyes lust blown, lips wet and bright red where he had dragged them against your skin. Your gaze followed him as his tongue buried into your folds while his hands pressed against the back of your thighs, folding you back. 
“Oh Fuck!” You cried out, feeling your body stretch tight with the way he folded you and his tongue tease your sensitive cunt while he groaned and growled just enough to vibrate through you. A tug at your clit had you snapping your back and twisting to find something to grasp and Steve angled a forearm against the back of your knees to keep you open for him. Fingers soon started to stretch you open, adding to the full sensation he was demanding from you. At first your hands sought to grip the sheets, but it wasn't useful to tug on them. Instead you pushed your fingers into his hair, pulling harshly and rocking your hips to grind yourself against his face for more. Steve’s beard burned your thighs and sensitive folds roughly, causing you to cry out once in a while. But he didn't stop till you were locking around his digits, rush of your juices escaping to coat his tongue and lower jaw. He wouldn’t stop though, if anything when you came, he doubled his efforts, his mouth and fingers working you through it to the end when you collapsed back against the mattress. 
“Steve you gotta stop for a moment.” you tugged gentler on his hair, trying to get him to lift his head. But his eyes lifted and you shuddered from his look. Steve had no plans on stopping yet. 
Fingers twisted to stroke your walls, and just the motion made you want to do just as he asked for. He nipped the back of your highs he had held back, worked down to sink his teeth in plump ass cheeks enough to leave a playful imprint before going back to tease and suck on your clit. 
The Alpha had you coming once again, locking around his fingers, and he nuzzled against you while lapping your essence with satisfaction. “So good Little One.” His beard dragged a moment along the back of your thighs, leaving a trail of yourself in its wake. It was only then that Steve let your legs fall back and his hands framed your hips to slide you up the bed, pressing kisses and gentle bites to your fluttering stomach till he had you where he wanted you. Steve pushed himself up your body to drag that soaked beard along your skin, biting just hard enough to make you jump slightly, whining his name. 
He rumbled from his chest in pleasure hearing you call him Alpha, his hands palming your breasts through your bra, and working your bra down enough to expose your breasts. “Yes Little One?” He asked before he claimed a nipple, sucking and tugging on it, pressing a finger back into your heat, spreading slick and teasing your spot only his long fingers could reach. He was bringing you high again, rather quickly as you never came back down from before. Your whine turns needy, your fingers grasping at anything, his back, his shoulders, his hair. None of them could quite save you, not when he was looking at you while swirling the tongue over your nipple until they were hard peaks, so sensitive that you were arching into it over and over “You're going to make me cum again.” 
A particular hard suck made you shudder as he smirked. “That's the goal Little One. Your not leaving till I’ve had my fill and I fuck you good. Seeing you dolled up like that made the Wolf hungry.” He promised, before switching to the other, and his weight across your body kept you in place while you came again all over his hand that was pumping and grinding your cunt. 
“Steve, oh I need a breath.” you said in a gasp, your hands fisting in your hair as you tried to drag air into your lungs. But he didnt give in yet. Sliding up the rest of your body, his lips interlaced against yours, tongue that was warm and still tasted of your taint took control, and at this point, you just hung on, trying to draw air where you could. Only when you were gasping for air against his lips did he lift away from you, taking a lingering look at you. 
Steve’s eyes were like caresses all on their own, taking his own sharp inhale to enhance the moment before his gaze fell back to yours and a smile ghosted his lips. “You look beautiful tonight, especially right now, all dazed and breathless Little One.” His hands eased along your hips and twisted you to your stomach, lifting your waist up so your ass was raised above you, his palms cupping your curved globes and letting his fingers sink in. It was no secret that Steve loved seeing you in this position, and truth be told it was one of your favorites as well. It reminded you of your heat with Steve having you this way, and you felt him for days afterwards. His marks would be left on your hips, and every time you caught sight of them in the mirror following that heat, you were excited, turned on knowing he couldn't contain himself, having sent him into a rut.  Here you took a breath, drawing it deep and humming in satisfaction when he leaned over you to place hungry kisses against the back of your neck. 
“One day when you're ready,  I'm going to give you the bite Little One, I will take away the memories of these scars. Of those hands.” His nose traced the back of your neck, dropping your head to let the sensation fill you. “These will be the only ones to trace your skin, hold your body still. The only one to love you like this.” 
How badly you wanted just what he said, curling your fingers into the pillows you were pressed against and took a dragging breath. You wanted to tell him to do it, you wanted it, you only wanted his bite to be the one that mattered on your body. But you didn't want to do it without your Little Wolf, the bond belonged to both of you. 
“You promise?” You whined, shivering wherever his hands traced you, and his mouth laid claim to the curve where your neck met your shoulder. “When the time is right?” 
“As long as you will have me Little One.” He growled as his cock pressed against your cunt, and so easily stretched you open for him, your head was thrown back and he wrapped a hand around the front of your throat while he thrusted himself in further. The stretch, it felt so good that tears formed in the corner of your eyes and you arched back to meet him, pressing yourself to accept all of him. Steve set the pace, rutting behind you with a slap of hips against your ass, and shared grunts and groans between you. You were pressing your chest into the mattress till he pulled you up to your elbows, shifting your angle and tilting his hips to grind into you, you gasped when he pressed against your spot. 
“Again Steve- fuck- right there, fuck!” 
“Such a dirty mouth on you Little One.” be licked along your neck and you whimpered when he obliged, now aiming just for that spot over and over till you were crying rather loudly in pleasure, tears streaming down your face and sobs of incoherent words falling from you. Your cunt squeezing and flexing around him for relief, to feel him spill in you. 
“Fuck, your right there.” He hissed out from clenched teeth, and his hand slipped around to press against your lower stomach to feel his cock drive into you, swelling and pulsing as he pressed down making you whimper once more at the sensation of how full you were. Steve could have came right there hearing you whimper at him like that, knowing he was taking you apart just to bring you back together. It was then he let his hands fall lower between your thighs pressing and rolling your clit, making you buck underneath him.
“Alpha, Oh-!” you cried out, and Steve just growled in response, a loud animalistic sound ripping from him.
Your nails dug into the pillows until you pressed a knuckle into your mouth, biting down. The rush, it was fast coming, those coils in your belly snapping one by one till you locked around him, flooding him and half collapsing if it wasn't for his hold on your throat. “So good Little One.” Steve grunted in your ear, and moaning softly to let him know you heard, his thrusts started to slow, groaning as he dragged his cock through your swollen cunt. His breaths heavily against the back of your neck and his chest pressed hotly against your back . 
Steve's hands grasped your hips and straightened to chase his own rush, sure to fill you with his own seed, the drive to fuck a child in you made both him and the wolf happy, and he let those images drive his hips forward till he started to tilt over the edge, with several hard thrusts that pushed you hard into the mattress beneath you, the air from your lungs escaping in a harsh gasp. Steve's release painted you with his seed, pushing it deep to the womb. “Fuck Little One, I’m never going to get enough of you.“ He groaned as he sank to drape over your back and his weight kept you pinned there for a moment as he came back to you. Nuzzling your neck, he wasn't able to move away, the knot still buried deep, but he could relieve the pressure on your back. 
“I'm gonna roll us a bit.” He huffed against your shoulder and you whined as he tipped you and him to your sides, spooning behind you now while you still were catching your breath. 
Your face was pressed into the pillow for a few moments, until you tilted your head to breath, drawing in the sex filled air, heavy with the scent of your sweaty satisfied bodies. You could feel the rasp of Steve's chest against your back, his hands pressed to your hip keeping you drawn back against him while the feeling of his knot was still holding you to him. Your hand reached back for his, weaving your fingers through his and bringing it to wrap around your midsection. 
“Alpha?” You said softly, and you could feel him nuzzle the back of your neck, scenting you as he hummed in response. 
“Are you okay Little One?” he shifted enough so that he could kiss your shoulder. Gentleness compared to his mouth before on you. 
“Yes, I am fine.” You tilted your head to look at him over your shoulder, your fingers squeezing with his just a bit. Your Little Wolf would have been so proud, and how you wished she could have been with you for this. “I love you Steve Rogers, Alpha. My Alpha” 
Steve's eyes widened, although he had felt this for you well before Pierce, or what he felt was love, it was so very different this time then it was before with his ex, he had never wanted to push you into feeling the same way. But hearing those words fall so easily from you, he knew what it was. You were quick though to press your fingers against his mouth before he could say anything. 
“Dont, you don't have to say it back. You don't have to Steve.” Your eyes flickered over his before you settled back down, Steve gave an open mouthed kiss to your neck, his tongue pressing against the thrum of your pulse, just barely grazing his teeth against the very spot he would give you the bite once you say you were ready for it. 
“Y/N, Little One, I love you too, my Omega.” You shivered a bit hearing him call you Omega, his omega. It was a term honored for someone truly special to an Alpha. You could feel your heart almost ache hearing him. 
Steve never pulled out, you ended up drifting to sleep like that, your Alpha wrapped around you, inside you, your head cradled on his bicep. His other arm was splayed against your stomach as he held you close to him, his nose buried in your hair. Both of you are satisfied and at ease. The dreams that night, Steves Wolf continued howling for his Little Wolf, and you saw pale flashes of fur in your mind and barely audible howls back to him, or were those just his echos? 
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Days turned into a week, and daily Steve would bring you to Shuri’s lab, then back to the room to rest as you would be tired. Her technology was fascinating to Steve, Him and Natasha would watch Shuri work from just outside her lab. Steve didn't want to be far from you, and Natasha was keeping an eye on her Alpha. When Shuri got to work, large images would be portrayed before her, and it didn't take long for both the wolves watching to realize that they were seeing an image of your mind, the electrical current of your thoughts and memories, your brain telling your body what to do. Shuri chased each one with intense concentration till she would isolate it, figure out what the charge was for and right the issue. Each day a little more would happen. One day at lunch with Steve and Natasha, you suddenly grasped Steve’s forearm in surprise. “I saw her, she wouldn't answer me, but I saw her.” You would say, your eyes snapping shut to seek her out. Natasha paused mid bite with her food, and Steve turned towards you. 
His hands cupped your face and a soft rumbling demand escaped. “Open your eyes.” They sprang open for him to search them, sure that the Little Wolf would make herself known to him soon. A spark of yellow, a soft howl for his Wolf. Anything, but nothing yet. “She will be back soon, a little more everyday.” Steve assured you afterwards. 
And it happened again, Steve was gentle in his love making that night. His hands clasped against yours that were pressed on either side of your head, rolling himself in and out of you as you withered beneath him with soft cries and moans. Chanting his name in that soft whisper the closer you were about to come for him like it was a way to keep yourself from falling apart beneath him. 
He flushed kisses down your neck and chest. Keeping his thrusts slow and deep, letting you feel that stretch and drag of his cock through your channel. It was an afternoon of lazy lovemaking for you both. No desire to reach an end, but enjoying the feeling of each other.  Your legs ached with tension when they locked around his hips, the rest of your body stiffening underneath him while arching your chest into his. You head tilted back into the pillows and instead of your passionate cry, you howled instead. It started out in a soft tone and rose sharply till you collapsed underneath him, your eyes opening to show hints of yellow. You were too dazed to even know what happened, and Steve didn’t say anything while you were like this. He dropped his head to yours, catching your lips to kiss you while he found his own ending, lowering himself to keep you secure between him and the mattress while you clung to him. 
Afterwards you were laying against his chest, his hand sliding up and down your back, and your breathing telling him you were asleep. Steve thought back on that intimate moment, and how you had let yourself go to your wilder side. 
<She’s close. I can smell her coming back.> The Wolf said excitedly, his muzzle lifting to smell for her. <It will be the Full Moon here soon, she will want to run.> 
Steve's head dropped against your head, inhaling deeply. Sure enough you smelled like you always did to him, soft honeysuckle and fresh ferns, but there was that other distinct scent. You. You and Your Wolf. She was coming back. 
Just a few more days. Your right. Just in time for the Full Moon. We will speak about it to T’Challa. 
When Steve did bring it up with the Panther, he was more than understanding, as his people used the Full Moon to do their own gathering. “Of course, if she is ready, You, Natasha and Y/N feel free to go anywhere in Wakanda. No one will stop you from your Run.” 
Elated with this news, Steve was sure to thank him profusely, and go tell Natasha. A knock on her door and she opened it, ushering him into her room. You were curled up on her couch, currently using a phone to talk to Sara. 
“Just here and there. Steve said he noticed her the other night. I’m hoping for it any day now. I really do miss her.” Catching Steve’s scent, and hearing him greet Natasha, you turned back to your phone call. “In fact he’s here right now. Would you like to talk to him?” You questioned while unfolding from your spot, and approaching him. His arm held out so you could tuck into him while handing him the phone. “It's Sara, she was just checking in on us.” 
Pressing the phone to his ear, he could hear his friend's sleepy voice. “Hey Alpha, Y/N tells me you all are really doing good in Wakanda.” 
“Yes, we are. I know Natasha’s been enjoying the extra sun for sure.” His gaze turning to the red wolf, who now was sporting a tan, she grinned and nodded, speaking a bit louder. “I might just stay, there's this one Panther Sara, who is just… whew!” 
Steve scowled at her while you laughed, hiding your face in his side, and Natasha had no shame in her Cheshire Grin. 
“You would fit right in here, you're basically a feline now Romanoff.” Steve replied with a shrug, feigning he wouldn't care, but both you and Nat knew better.  
Sara on the other end was howling with laughter, Sam could be heard in the background. “Go back to sleep!” A shuffle sounded, and a click of the door signaled she left the room to Sam. 
“How’s Sam liking you two being the stand ins?” Steve turned it back to the conversation. 
“Oh he grumbles and complains, but he's just fine. You know Sam. We have this place running just fine till you and Y/N come home.” 
“And Bucky, Clint, Wanda and Pietro?” Steve questioned, almost hesitant. He hadn't heard anything from Bucky since he arrived, and had hoped Sara at least had. But the sound of her voice was soft. 
“No Steve, nothing. I have left several messages. To be honest, I'm getting worried about them.” 
Steve and the Wolf didn't like that, a slight rumble brushing through the Wolf in worry for his packmates. Torn between wanting to go back to find the group, and making sure you had everything you needed to bring back your Little Wolf left him unsettled. “I don't expect to be here much longer, if you don't hear from one of them in a few days, send out a call to the packs nearby. Maybe one of them has seen the group.” 
Natasha sat on edge of the couch, near you listening intently. Once Steve hung up, she got up. 
“Let me go home. You two are fine without me now.” 
Steve hesitated and you shrugged at him softly from behind Natasha. It seemed like a good idea, as he had said before, they shouldn't be here too much longer. and the Alpha nodded. “Starks jet is still here, go and see if they are okay. If Brock did something to any of them… “ He led off in a growl and Natasha nodded, going to gather her stuff. You pushed off the couch and went to Steve, rubbing at his rumbling chest and looking up at him. 
“I'm sure they are okay Alpha.” you said, and he nodded, letting his hands ease along your back, the simple move making him relax, regain his calm.  
“I'm sure they are just busy on the trail.” 
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Busy was right, Bucky watched out front of where they found Brock and Alanna, holed up. A series of trails finally led them to here, in this suburban looking area where every house looked exactly the same. The last place Brock would have thought they would look for him, seeing how he hated people as much as he did. It was exactly what Bucky suspected him to do. 
<Clint and Wanda are out back, Pietro with us. It's probably the best time to storm the place. Most of the neighborhood is at work.> The White Wolf cautious to his surroundings, as vigilant as his human counterpart. The beast craved to be more hidden, out of sight. Right now Bucky was leaning against the door of the car with a pair of binoculars, scoping the place out for any sign of movement. Any sign of Cassandra still being alive. 
I hate to go in when nobody is there, we will just blow our cover and they will be gone again. I can smell them easily, but I can't tell if anyone is inside. 
There was a slight crackle to Bucky's earpiece. “Barnes, we just had a curtain move upstairs and Alanna looked out. She’s at least there, and I doubt she would stay all alone.” Clint's voice came over. Pietro looked at Bucky expectantly, waiting for him to make the decision. 
<He’s in there. Rumlow is a son of a bitch, but he's untrusting of anyone, including a bitch he claimed as his. He won't leave Alanna alone with Cassandra. He knows Alanna is a jealous bitch.> Bucky pondered the White Wolf’s words a moment and then responded to Clint. “You and Wanda go in the back, we will go in the front. Watch yourselves.” 
Pietro and Bucky left the van, quick to go across the street. Bucky heard a loud bang of a door, and his foot also connected to the front door, ramming it in as they entered. Hoping for an element of surprise, expecting it actually. What they weren't expecting was several smoke bombs to go off, their senses overwhelmed with the burning smoke. Clint tried to get up higher, above it while rushing up the stairs, a boot connected to his chest to push him back down. A masked Rumlow leaping over the bannister and landing in front of Bucky. “Fuck, good to see you again Barnes.” He laughed muffled into his mask while he went after the White Wolf, who was still coughing and trying to catch his breath. He was able to match Brock's throws, blocking them, and giving off his own while he wheezed in more of the gas. 
From behind Alanna went for Wanda, who was trying to summon enough of a breeze to dislodge the gas, red sparks shooting around her, but a swing connected behind the woman's head before she even knew anything hit her, and Wanda was down. Pietro was doubled over coughing when he happened to notice Wanda collapse nearby and made his way to his sister. He leaned down next to her to slide his arms underneath her to bring her out of the house, when Alanna caught him unaware as well, Pietro collapsing next to Wanda. Alanna was quick to pull out two sinister looking collars from her back pockets, and latched them around each person's neck while calling out. “two out of four Brock!” 
“Get the fucking archer!” He snarled as he blocked Bucky again while the two men moved crashing around the room. Both of them tripping over living room furniture and trying to get the upper hand against the other. Bucky faltered for a second, hearing that two of his team were already taken out. Brock took that moment to send him sprawling back to crash into a bookcase, sending its contents scattering.
Alanna paid no heed to who was getting the upper hand between Brock and Bucky. She had her order from her Alpha, and that sent her scrambling to get to the staircase, and up the stairs to take care of Clint. Looking up she didn't see any sign of him, and fear of where he might be made her and her wolf hesitate in a cower for a second. She knew she wouldn't be a match for him. Not single handed.  Smirking she turned back to Wanda and Pietro, who were now collared, and starting to come around. “Sobaki.” Alanna called them dogs in Russian, and they both turned their attention to her, eyes lowered and vacant as they stared ahead, waiting for her command. 
“Ahh, that's better. Go get Clint and put this on him.” She handed Wanda another collar, and barked out. “NOW!” 
Without hesitation, both the siblings went racing up the stairs, and Alanna could turn her attention to Brock and Bucky, who were both evenly matched. But Bucky was starting to get the upper hand, placing more hits to Brock, instead of blocking. Taking advantage of his opponent getting tired, using his speed and size to back him up, leaving him no way to escape. “Where is she?” Bucky screamed his question as he started to corner Brock, his teeth bared at the ex alpha. 
Brock spit blood off to the side while dragging his forearm across his mouth. His whole demeanor changed from a scowl to a red stained grin, his face going hard and cold as he squared his shoulders, a smirk sliding in place. “Cassandra your sweet little village whore? Is that who you're talking about?” Bucky closed the gap between the two, a hand flipping a knife out from a holster at his side, and pressing the blade to Brock’s bobbing adam’s apple.
“You tell me where she is Rumlow, and I might kill you quickly.” Bucky threatened.
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is-it-art-tho · 3 years
This is Chapter 9!
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.   Chapter 7. Chapter 8.
Summary: Dick begins the healing process.
By all accounts, Dick should not have survived.
That was what he gleaned from murmured conversations between nurses and snippets of news coverage. His medical records had filled in some blanks, too.
Concussion, multiple fractures, internal hemorrhaging, lacerations, cardiac arrest.
Cardiac arrest. The words had played on a loop in his head ever since his doctor had first said them, and even now Dick couldn’t quite make any sense of it.
The doctor had smiled at him afterwards, informed him of how lucky he was to be alive. “Usually when someone goes into cardiac arrest in the field, they don’t even make it to the hospital,” she’d said. “Good thing Batman was there, huh?”
“Mhm. EMTs saw him. He must have been doing CPR before they got there.”
“Hm,” was all Dick had offered in response, but internally he had clung to those minor details like a drowning man grasping at driftwood.
The majority of that night was lost to him. Listening to the news helped somewhat, but reporters only knew so much. And none of the others – Barbara, Tim, any of them – had been very forthcoming, either.
Dick hadn’t pressed, though. The haunted look in their eyes whenever they came to visit him in the hospital had been enough for him to decide never to bring that night up again. He already hated that he might have inadvertently become added fodder for future nightmares; no need to throw gas on the fire.
He could live with not-knowing what had happened if it meant keeping them from reliving it.
The young voice dragged Dick’s gaze away from the curtains he’d been staring at to the doorway. He’d been back at the manor for nearly two days now, in bed mostly, and in that time he had yet to see Damian except for the ride back from the hospital.
Now the boy was standing at the threshold with a tea service in his hands, his mouth curled in an uncertain frown. “Am I… interrupting?”
Dick smirked and made a show of looking around the empty bedroom. “Yeah. I’m pretty swamped here, as you can see.”
“You know what I meant.”
“I know, but it was a dumb question, anyway. You know you’re never interrupting, Damian. C’mon.” Dick waved him in with a jerk of his chin then froze and winced as a jolt of pain shot up his spine and into his head.
Damian entered stiffly and set the tray on the bedside table, shoving aside pill bottles and a glass of water.
“Damian?” Dick asked after what felt like a long pause. Damian’s eyes were locked on the tea set, his face scrunched in a way that made him look nervous and uncomfortable and young.
Dick reached out with his good hand and tugged on the boy’s sleeve. “Hey, you okay?”
“Of course, I am,” Damian snapped, pulling his arm out of reach. He scowled at a bookshelf. “Drake is having a difficult time.”
“Tim?” Dick tried to push himself more upright and quickly aborted that mission with a hiss when he felt a sharp tug at the sutures across his abdomen. “What do you mean? What’s going on?”
“He blames himself for what happened. For not locating you sooner.”
“He told you that?”
“I overheard him talking to Stephanie.”
“Aw, Tim.” Tim had been noticeably distant, it was true, but Dick had interpreted it as general anxiety about the whole situation. Never in a million years would he have guessed that Tim had managed to convince himself this was his fault.
Damian muttered something, hands now shoved into his pockets.
“I said he is a fool. To act as if he is the one who…” Damian swallowed hard, glowering at the carpet.
Birds were gathering and chirping in a bush by the open window, and though the curtains were drawn to protect Dick’s concussed brain from harsh light, hazy beams still found their way in, spilling across the floor and along the foot of the bed.
“He is not the one to blame,” Damian finished.
“No one is.” Dick couldn’t tell if it was the drugs or his injuries that were making this conversation so hard to follow, but he felt like he was missing something, straggling two steps behind. “At least, not any of you.”
Damian looked at him with open disbelief. “I failed you, Richard. If not for my ineptitude, you wouldn’t have– I should have gone with you when you left that night. None of this would have happened if I had just–”
“Stop.” Dick had meant it to be firm, but the word sounded more like a plea. His head was really pounding now, and keeping the pain out of his voice was becoming increasingly difficult. “You can’t let yourself start doing that or else you’ll never stop. It was a freakish, sucky thing that none of us could have anticipated and therefore probably couldn’t have avoided, either. And yeah, maybe if you had been there it wouldn’t have happened. Or maybe something worse would’ve happened instead. We don’t know and we never will, but what I do know is that you did the best you could in the moment.”
“And it was not good enough.”
“It is my job to be good enough,” Damian maintained. “If I can’t protect you then…” He let the rest go unsaid, his lips pressing together as his eyes glistened. “I am supposed to be able to protect you.”
Oh. So that’s what this was about.
“Damian,” Dick tried again, and what was meant to be a sigh turned into a low groan as his ribs refused to cooperate.
Damian tensed, wide-eyed.
“We’re good. I’m okay,” Dick promised before the boy could sound the alarms. Then, “I’m not Batman anymore, Damian. You’re not my Robin. You don’t have to put that kind of pressure on yourself.”
And again, Damian gave him a look like Dick still just wasn’t getting it, like he missing something glaring and obvious and not worth explaining except to say, “Yes, I do, Richard.”
Dick started to say something, but Damian continued, “You are saying that excessive self-reproach is counter-productive. I understand the sentiment. And I appreciate it. Thank you.”
He turned to the tea service and begin pouring a cup, his entire demeanor changed, suddenly casual . “How is your pain?”
“I…” Dick paused, once again feeling off balance and too slow as the tone and subject of the discussion switched so suddenly. “A four.”
“So, a seven,” Damian deduced, taking one of the pill bottles from the nightstand and opening it after checking the label. “Alfred said if it is above a five then you are to take two of these.”
Dick considered fighting him on this, reluctant to lose the rest of the morning to a drug-fueled haze, but the pulsing ache beneath his skull and the one radiating through his ribs made it difficult. He let Damian tip the capsules into his open palm and threw them back without complaint.
“You got anything planned this morning?” Dick asked, accepting the cup the tea Damian held out.
“Nothing important.”
“Great.” Dick reached across his chest with his good arm to pat the open space in the bed beside him.
After a brief hesitation, Damian circled the mattress and climbed in, his movements so careful that Dick hardly jostled at all.
“What language are you on right now?” Dick asked, settling back into the pillows. It might have been psychosomatic, but already he was feeling drowsy.
“Huh. What happened to Korean?”
“Too easy. I finished that a week ago,” Damian said dismissively, though there was a self-satisfied smirk tugging at his lips.
Dick chuckled. “Show-off. How far along are you?”
“More or less conversational.”
“Nice.” Dick’s eyes were closed now. “Show me something.”
“I am not circus monkey, Richard.”
“Y’know, I grew up in the circus,” Dick mumbled. “The monkeys were my favorite. Miss those little guys.”
He thought he heard Damian sigh – or maybe it was a laugh – before the boy asked, “What do you want to hear?”
“That song Bruce hums all the time. The one he sings when he thinks he’s alone. What’s it called?”
Damian’s voice sounded muffled and far away when he answered, “Am I Blue.”
“Yeah. That.”
Damian cleared his throat and began to recite the lyrics in near-perfect Hungarian. He paused occasionally to search for a word, at times reversing to correct a conjugation before moving on.
Dick was almost completely gone now. The bed had fallen away, and he felt like he was floating through the air with Damian’s voice as a welcome backdrop.
He didn’t notice the quiet chatter had stopped until Damian asked, “Richard?”
“You’re not just Batman to me. I mean, that is not why I feel responsible for your wellbeing.”
“’Kay. Y’too…”
After a brief pause, the gentle half-singing began again, and Dick slipped away on the familiar melody.
All of the lights were off in the den when Alfred breezed in with a tray of hot chocolate just as A Charlie Brown Christmas began on the TV. Cass and Stephanie’s arms sprang up from their spots on the floor like weeds, and he placed mugs in their waiting hands before circling around to the others. Tim, curled up on the sofa, accepted his with a muttered thanks without looking up from his phone. Bruce took one for himself and one for Damian who was smushed into his side, mouth hanging open in dead sleep. When Alfred got to where Barbara and Dick were sharing a blanket on the couch, he smiled and set their mugs on the end table.
“Thanks, Alfred,” Dick whispered, glancing over at Barbara’s head on his shoulder to find that she had fallen asleep.
“Of course,” Alfred said. He set the tray aside and took a seat in a nearby chair. “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Dick answered, perhaps a bit too quickly because Alfred raised a dubious eyebrow at him.
“Honest,” he added with a rueful grin.
“Well, I’m glad to hear it.”
They sat in silence for a while, the only noise coming from the TV and hushed laughter and whispers between Cassandra and Stephanie on the floor.
The air was thick with the ghost of Thanksgiving dinner and fresh hot chocolate, creating a warm bouquet that was at once comforting and nostalgic. Bruce had a faint smile on his face as he watched the movie, colors and lights splashing across his face. He had one arm draped over Damian’s small frame as if holding him there.
At some point, Tim had stowed his phone and turned so that his legs dangled off the armrest and he could see the screen better, hot chocolate clutched between his hands.
It was one of those admittedly rare moments where there was no clock ticking anywhere in the background. There was work to be done, for sure, but it was not a looming obligation. Tonight, the city for once was quiet. Dick couldn’t remember the last time he had passed an uninterrupted holiday in this house.
“Something is on your mind,” Alfred noted, taking a small sip from his mug.
“I was just thinking about today.”
“Nothing short of a miracle,” the older man said, instantly understanding.
“No kidding. It almost feels suspicious. Like the calm before the–”
“Don’t,” he said firmly, his face illuminated just enough by the TV for Dick to register the stern frown there. “I will not allow you to sully this gift with your dark premonitions. Just enjoy this for what it is: a welcome and much needed respite after the events of the past few weeks.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” Dick conceded, cringing a little in self-reproach. “Sorry, Al.”
The old man nodded, his face softening. “Now, would you mind telling me what is actually on your mind?”
Dick let out a breathy, half-hearted laugh. “You’re good.”
“I am indeed.”
With a sigh, he looked toward the TV. A Black Friday commercial was advertising half-priced gaming systems.
“Hey,” Tim whispered, waving his arm at Stephanie.
“Get me that.” He pointed at the commercial, and Stephanie scoffed at him before resuming her muted conversation with Cass. After a few days and a much-needed conversation, Dick was happy to see Tim back to his normal self.
“It’s been a while,” he admitted now, returning his attention to Alfred who was watching him patiently, “since I’ve heard from Jason. Over a month, actually. Not the longest we’ve gone without speaking, but it’s the longest in a while.”
The cup paused halfway to Alfred’s mouth, his brow creasing. “Over a month?”
“Yeah,” Dick sighed. “We went on patrol together in October and things got a little rough. I said some stuff and we haven’t spoken since. I’m not even sure he’s still in the city.”
When Alfred continued to look at him, Dick asked, “What?”
“If you don’t mind my asking, how has your memory been as of late?”
Dick adjusted himself, gingerly repositioning Barbara’s head on his shoulder when he felt her beginning to slide off. “Fine now. I can’t remember much of that night. Or, pretty much anything, really. But otherwise I’m all right. Why?”
“And the others? What have they told you?”
“About what happened? I haven’t asked. I didn’t want to... Well, you know.”
“Indeed,” Alfred said with a somber nod, setting down his mug. “It is a night, or a week, rather, that I’m certain we would all like to leave firmly in the past. But even so, I believe there are at least a few details that you ought to know.”
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huihuiheart · 4 years
D&D Series Pt 4 - For the Crown
Summary: Heading into the haunted forest might not have been the wisest of choices for the escaping trio. Especially, when things don’t go according to plan and hard choices have to be made, the prince’s secrets are revealed, and a mischievous ‘little’ figure appears.
Pairing: F! Reader x Dark Prince! Hyunjin
Warnings: Injury, blood, falling off horses, kidnapping (kind of), use of magical abilities, unprotected sex, dom/sub themes, brat taming, spanking, biting, teasing, marking, bondage, degradation, overstimulation, hair pulling (giving and receiving), fingering, oral, heartbreak (kinda), betrayal.
Note: Series will be on a semi-hiatus until I am caught up with the special stuff you’ll see dropping on the 28th! 
Word Count: 6,518
Previous Part ______ Next Part
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You had never been one to truly fear something that was haunted, but seeing how everything else in this world had made you a little uneasy about racing into the haunted forest like this. Mostly due to the fact that you were unsure what to expect, fearing the unknown more than anything else in this strange world. You had no time to contemplate it, though, as you followed behind Chan and Felix, needing to get away before Hyunjin and his men could catch up to you. Not knowing what might happen if you were caught, again, if he was as cruel as you had heard that he was, who knew what kind of future you would have if you were not able to get away. Tree branches lashing out in an attempt to snag you as you raced in, letting the boys lead the way as you had no idea where you were going or what to do if you came face to face with a threat in the forest. The deeper in you got, though, the harder it became to keep up. The other two were easily far more experienced riders than you. They could effortlessly navigate through, while you struggled to follow, it only became worse as a heavy fog rolled in. Chan and Felix, occasionally calling out to you to ensure you were following behind them, though while they could still make out your outline, they did not grow too concerned, unlike your current doubts.
Hyunjin had no hesitations about following your group into the forest. His men, on the other hand, came to a swift halt at the edge of the forest, causing Hyunjin to turn to look over the anxious men who were eyeing the forest as if it would reach out and swallow them whole at any second.
“Well? What are you all waiting for?” Hyunjin raises a brow, eyes burning through each and every man that was hesitating before him as his horse trotted along the edge of the forest.
“H-Highness, all due respect, but are we actually going to go into the haunted forest? Y-You much have heard the very same stories as we have about the things that happen to anyone that enters.” One of his men stuttered out, uncertain what he feared more, the forest or the prince’s wrath.
“I have, and that’s all they are....stories...myths. I do not fear anything that this forest holds, I have been through and back more times than anyone else and have yet to face any true danger, but if I am the only one. Then I guess I will just have to retrieve the princess myself.” Hyunjin huffs before guiding his horse to turn back towards the forest and racing off in the direction that you three had gone in only moments ago. Seeing shadows in the distance, fog blurring the details of their forms, but they were moving nonetheless, and that was all he needed to know to determine that he had found those whom he was tracking.
The men you followed were sure you knew what you were doing, after years of training that the princess must have had in riding. Yet you, you were no princess... you had appeared in this world with no warning and such a lack of experience in this area that you truly struggled at this moment. Hope was not yet lost though, as long as they remained in sight, you would likely find your way out of this forest alive. Your heart starts to beat in time with the pounding of hooves, though not those of your horse, the ones slowly gaining on you from behind, a single, distinct set. Something you attempted to speed up and away from, wanting the safety of being closer to the men you were traveling with. It seemed futile, though, as the same entrancing blue speck of light from the forest dances before your horse now, starting him into bucking you off with a startled yelp before racing off in the opposite direction and directly towards the figure chasing you. Chan and Felix’s shadows disappearing within a matter of seconds into the thickening fog before you, only allowing you to hear their distant calls to you. Something you would have returned if your chest wasn’t currently radiating pain after the wind got knocked out of you during the fall. A thick liquid, feeling running down your forehead from your hairline, but you hurt too much to bring your hand up to see what it was. Barely able to lift your eyes enough to see a figure approaching as the fog clears around him, slowing down at the sight of you, before stopping. Your eyes feel heavy as you try to remain conscious, knowing it could be a danger that those approaching feet hold, it seems confirmed as the figure crouches over you and finally shows you their face...Hyunjin...
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“You took a nasty fall princess, just go to sleep. I’ll get you someplace safe and fix you up.” Hyunjin, gently stroked over your hair, his words seemingly casting a spell on you, finally making you give in to the looming darkness. Hyunjin lifting you carefully onto his horse before heading towards a cabin that he already knew, was hidden among these very woods.
Chan and Felix coming to a halt and panicking as they no longer heard or saw you following. Turning back to look for any sign of you, only finding some blood and then further back your horse alone. Panic setting in as they were unsure what to do. 
“Felix head to the kingdom and give them this map, I’m going after Y/N!” Chan insisted, holding the valuable item out to him, causing Felix’s eyes to widen and him to scoff.
“You can’t be serious, they would never let me anywhere near the castle. No one there knows me! You have to take it! I swear to you on my life, I’ll find her and get her back safely.” Felix shakes his head, refusing to take it and sticking Chan in a predicament. Could he trust Felix to find and save you? At the same time, Felix had a point though there was no way they would let Felix in without someone familiar with him. Making the situation only further complicated as he tried to think of what would be best.
The first thing you were able to do was groan about the throbbing pain radiating in your head as you regained consciousness. Feeling something cool and damp gently prodding at where the thick liquid had previously originated and eased the pain some. Hearing Hyunjin clicks his tongue disapprovingly as your stirring starts to cause too much movement.
“Hold still, or you’ll make your injuries worse. I’m trying to help, but I can’t do that if you don’t cooperate.” Hyunjin’s words were firm and would almost come off as harsh if there wasn’t a certain fondness in them. Your eyes slowly squinting and blinking as they tried to open again despite the heaviness still present until you could see Hyunjin sat beside you. His form leaned over yours, gently dabbing the blood off your head injury and other scratches he could find.
“Where are we?” Your eyes fluttered around the room, it seeming much smaller than what could be expected at the castle, much quieter as well. Finding it odd that Hyunjin seemed so at home in such an abandoned-looking place such as this, moving between you and the medical supplies a few feet away as if it were second nature.
“We are still in the woods, in a small cabin. You are not really in any condition to travel right now, so I brought you here to care for you. Once I finish this, I’ll make us something to eat so you can rest and recover. However, you may not have that much energy for a few days.” Hyunjin explains before gently pressing over your sides and abdomen, trying to feel for any further injuries, “Does it hurt anywhere when I do this?” 
You give a soft shake of your head, blushing a little at his caring nature, "It doesn't my back is a little sore, but I think that was because of how hard I landed on it. Mostly just that and my head, though.”
Hyunjin nods, “Well your head is already bandaged up, though it might bleed through, so I’ll likely have to change it a few times. As for your back, I’d like to check that and your ribs further, but I promise to provide you with decency. I can give you a shirt, something I can lift enough to see while keeping the rest covered. If you’re feeling up to getting it on, that is. I could unlace you and help you sit up. If you don’t feel up to it, I can try to think of something else.” 
“I think I can change myself just fine if I have that bit of help.” You agree to allow him to help you roll over so his fingers can gently unlace and loosen your corset top before turning you back around to help you sit up. Once it was loose enough, he wasn’t worried about it doing further damage. Hyunjin helping you to sit with pillows propped behind you. Going over to a drawer and pulling out some pants and a loose shirt to sit beside you on the bed. Your confusion must have been evident on your face because he chuckles when he looks at you again.
“You have questions, don’t you princess?” Hyunjin inquires, humming as you nod. He heads towards the door to give you privacy as he answers you, “When we’ve finished this and eaten, I’ll answer all your questions...Call me when you’re decent again. I’ll be right outside, okay?”
You nod, letting him go while doing your best to change out of the trapping dress you’d been stuck in for so long. It is a relief to have some clothes that allowed you to move more freely. Even if not for the best reason or if it was the easiest with your current injuries. 
“You can come back in Hyunjin.” You eventually call, slowly trying to ease yourself back onto the bed again, something Hyunjin rushes over to assist you with doing.
“I can look yes?” Hyunjin asks, looking to you for confirmation once again, waiting for your nod before continuing. His fingers, slowly pushing your shirt up to expose your abdomen, only touching your skin when he has to, so he would not make you uncomfortable. Careful with his touch as well, pressing gently on the bruises that are exposed, to make sure that’s all they are before gently pulling your shirt back down, to help you roll over and do the same with your back. After he has checked you over, he helps you lay on your back again, tucking you in to stay warm.
“Everything looks alright, only surface stuff other than your head. I think you’ll be alright, though, if you simply rest. I’ll go make you something to eat, but if you need anything, just call me.” Hyunjin brushes your hair out of your face in one last fleeting touch before he’s gone. 
You know you should be trying to rest, being left alone with your thoughts though you find yourself unable to. So many questions coming to mind and making your thoughts race with possible answers. Wondering why others would paint such a horrid picture of Hyunjin when here he was acting like this. More than that, though, why did Hyunjin seem so at home here? Someplace so normal looking, unlike where royalty typically stayed, and in the middle of not just any forest, but a haunted one. Deciding to test your luck, you move to get out of bed. Unable to take it any longer, needing to start getting answers before you completely lose your mind. 
“If you’re going to try and sneak out, you should just be aware that my horse doesn’t take kindly to strangers...and I don’t think you want to take another fall like you just had,” Hyunjin speaks calmly, without turning to you though. Only adding to your confusion as you wonder how he picked up on your nearly silent movements.
“I’m not trying to leave........not yet anyways. I want answers first because I’m quite thoroughly confused right now...though I can’t make promises in regards to later.” You respond as you move closer. Hyunjin turns towards you with a slightly scolding look as he moves over to gently pull out a chair for you. 
“I promised you answers. You shouldn’t have gotten out of bed. You could make yourself worse.” Hyunjin tsks softly, his attitude whinier and brat-like though. Him showing you what you more so expected from the spoiled, dark prince.
“Well, I couldn’t rest without answers, so it seems what would be best for both of us would be if you just let me ask now.” You shrug, earning a soft sigh from Hyunjin, who mumbles some excuse about needing to cook, “I won’t interfere with that. Just let me ask, and you can take all the time you need to answer. It’ll put me at ease, though.”
Hyunjin glances over his shoulder at you for a moment, debating with himself before he turns to face you again. Snapping his fingers, the spoon he had been stirring the food with moves on its own now as he steps over. Leaning on the counter across from you and motioning for you to go ahead with your questions. 
“Why do you seem so familiar with this place? It doesn’t seem like the kind of place a prince would consider home...”You’re brows furrow as Hyunjin chuckles quietly, licking his lips.
“Well, as you might have noticed, princess. There are things I can do that humans can’t. Magic I hold, that your kind doesn’t. Just because I have it, though, doesn’t mean that I automatically know how to use it, though. I had to learn. I still have to learn and practice, I never did well in the group, however. I was too volatile.  So every year, I would be sent away to find a place alone to practice. It didn’t matter how long I was gone for as long as I didn’t come back before learning something. I stumbled across this place one year and decided after that to keep coming back here every time as I learned how to control my magic, I was able to make it a little homier.” Hyunjin explains, being what you considered oddly open about his past. Though you appreciated the fact that he was at least seeming genuine with you, despite not being sure what exactly to expect from him, “I’m guessing that’s not all you’re curious about?”
"No, I'm wondering why you're caring for me like this? The wedding isn't my choice after all, so why didn't you just drag me back? Why do you care?" Your question comes out soft-spoken yet bleeding with genuine curiosity, and Hyunjin hums.
"My intent was never to harm you. In fact, under other circumstances, I wouldn't be doing this to you either. I would have tried to get your attention in another way, princess. However, I'm sure you know we can not always do what we want in our positions. For the sake of my people, I will do what I must. I'm sorry if that, in turn, brings you more pain than it already has. I have no desire to be cruel, though." Hyunjin insists, gently reaching out to brush his thumb over your cheek before getting up to physically return to the cooking, "Here, it's done, you should eat before we talk anymore. It'll give you time to process what you've learned so you won't be overwhelmed."
You nod, appreciating the logic at least of what he says, knowing you would have more time while you recovered to question him about other things. Your body was weak from all that your body had faced throughout the day. Humming at the taste of the food, Hyunjin had made, it was already energizing you some and making you feel much better.
"We'll likely stay here at least two days to allow enough time to be sure that your head especially is okay before we start to travel." Hyunjin informs after you finished, moving to help you stand up again, leading you back towards the bedroom, "I'll let you take the bedroom while I'm down here."
"Let me guess if I need anything just call you?" You tease him lightly as you accept his help under the covers again. Having to hold back your giggles as you see his skin flush a light pink.
"Well as I said, I mean you no harm....and in other circumstances, I would have preferred to try and win over your heart instead of this," Hyunjin speaks the quietest he has all day, feeling shy at the admission. He's not impossibly shy, however, as he leans down to kiss your forehead as he tucks you in, "I hope to see you in the morning Y/N."
The way he says your name instead of calling you by a title tugs at your heart. Hearing the yearning in his voice, his feelings seeming genuine. The way Hyunjin was so caring and yet so considerate of your feelings thinking that his own was entirely one-sided, making your heart hurt for him. You're too tired tonight to try and bring him comfort, already drifting off into your world of exhaustion, not able to stay up in an attempt to sneak out even if you felt you needed to. After questioning Hyunjin some, you didn't see the need to try and escape from him. Not understanding the dangers that the others saw in him. His heart, seeming pure, even if the way he went about things wasn't always so innocent. His concern, showing through again the next morning.  When you woke to him bringing you breakfast in bed, helping you to sit up. You watched curiously as he silently left you to eat alone, you taking the privacy to clean yourself up a little as well. Hyunjin is back in the room when you step out of the bathroom again, looking up at you with wide eyes looking over you like he’s checking if you’re okay. 
“I’m fine Hyunjin, nothing to worry about.” You try to reassure him with a small smile, him returning it with a tender smile of his own. He offers you his hand, guiding you to sit on the bed as he stands to bring the medical supplies over beside you.
“I’m going to clean up your head again and just make sure it’s okay,” Hyunjin explains as he reaches out to delicately undo the bandaging he’d put on the night before, not wanting to hurt you or anything. He tries to make quick work of cleaning and rebandaging it. The bandage was already smaller than the day before. His hands shake slightly, though, feeling an odd type of nervous knowing your gaze was on his face the whole time.
“Hyunjin? Do you love me?” You finally find yourself asking the question that’s haunted you since he started to care for you. Hyunjin’s skin flushing brightly at the question blinking at you in shock at the bluntness.
“S-Something like that yes, t-though I know it’s not what you want, princess.” His words are joined with that longing stare once again. His hand, reaching out to brush your hair behind your ear. The sad smile on his face was replaced with surprise as you grab his hand softly in yours before his touch could fade entirely.
“Who says?” You inquire softly, looking into his eyes without hesitation and using your grip to gently tug him closer until you can press your lips to his. Your arms, slipping around his neck to prevent him from running away from the kiss and you.
Hyunjin is stunned for a moment, entirely frozen as he processes what is happening before he returns your kiss. Soon, taking over as he puts more force into the kiss, letting his longing take over, controlling his actions. He nibbles on your lower lip slightly when he finally pulls away, looking at you with darkened eyes as his arms slip around to cradle you and gently lay you back, mindful of your injuries.
“And you were still going to leave me anyway?” He growls lightly, not letting you answer before his mouth is on yours again. His actions fueled by just a hint of anger, “Knew you were a spoiled, fucking brat, princess.”
You feel the shift in the air, dominance shifting to Hyunjin, who looks down at you with a darkened gaze. A smirk adorning his face as you squirm slightly beneath him, flustering as heat rises to your cheeks. His actions are not what you would have expected out of him after the way he had been acting the last 24 hours, but you weren't going to complain about them either.
“In a way, you are lucky you’re hurt doll, means I’ll go easy on you tonight. Of course, you’ll still be punished, considering you made me think you didn’t care about me, and you ran away.” Hyunjin tsks as his tone and touch teases you, running the faintest trail over your sides, “What will I do with you, pretty girl?” 
“You talk like you aren’t a spoiled brat yourself.” You remark back, grinning up at him in response. Your inner brat proud of the fact that you showed no hesitance in your response, despite his heated stare, “Maybe I should be the one punishing you right now, little prince~”
You watch Hyunjin visibly bristle at your condescending tone, hand smacking your clothed thigh just enough to give a slight sting, before he’s gripping them tightly, “That’s cute, you thinking that pretty, little mouth of yours can get away with saying whatever. We both know that even if I gave you control, though, you would have no idea what to do with it, princess.” 
Hyunjin’s fingers dance over your inner thighs before gripping at the hem of the shirt you were wearing. He pushed it up slowly, much like he had when looking over your injuries, though this time, his fingers brushed delicately over your skin as he did. Pulling it off entirely and letting you do the same with his before picking up on your smug expression again and raising a brow.
“You say that like you’re in control right now.” You mock him as his gentle nature shows through again, baiting him into doing worse if he dared, “Please, little prince, we both know you are too soft to actually do anything to me.”
Hyunjin hums, licking his lips as he eyes your form, “Maybe, you are right, princess.” He leans down to kiss over the expanse of your neck, gently until reaching your collarbone, where he bites down. Sucking and kissing over to leave a blooming mark and make you moan, squirming beneath him, “ But then again...maybe you’re wrong.”
You mew, feeling heat pool in your gut, you know Hyunjin would easily pick up on that if he looks at your panties. He is in no rush currently, though, leaving a trail of marks leading towards your cleavage, letting your arousal build over time. Willing to take as much time as it takes to see you finally snap, wanting you to fold and beg for him. You expect him to take your bra off next with how he teases marks along the hem of it, but he doesn’t. Instead, he chooses to move lower, creating marks leading down to the hem of the pants you’re wearing. His fingers, working to undo the tie on them, while his mouth works to distract you. Only, letting register what he had done when he was already tugging them down your legs, spreading them and exposing your soiled panties, only making him lick his lips in anticipation. He would have to wait for that still, as your resolve stayed strong yet. Something Hyunjin was not having any part of as he kissed your thigh, trailing marks lower, until he left one last fleeting kiss to your ankle before working his way up the other leg, never speeding up his actions. He knew it was a waiting game, a matter of whose patience would give out, and he was determined to win. After all, he had been a patient man thus far, holding back the whole time his feelings grew he could wait a little longer if it meant getting what he wanted. You, on the other hand, weren’t prepared to endure this level of teasing, ignorant to the possibility of the events currently unfolding before today. 
Hyunjin practically beamed against your inner thigh, locking eyes with you when he heard your soft restless huff, “You seem eager, princess. You know you could get what you want. Well, if you start acting like a good girl.”
Your eyes narrow into a glare at his mockery, still not learning your lesson. Still finding his tactics too soft to tame your brat, she was masochist after all. “Why don’t you fucking make me then? If you even can.” 
Hyunjin seems surprisingly calm at your remark this time, climbing over your form and slipping a hand around to unclasp your bra as soon as it’s off, an invisible force pulls your hands up towards the bed frame, securing them there. “You talk a lot of crap for someone whose panties have been soaked this whole time, princess. Your mouth might say one thing, but your body says another.”
"Fuck you, Hyunjin." You hiss, glare sharpening, and yet it still doesn't faze Hyunjin in the least. If anything, it makes him chuckle, finding it cute that you think you are going to be able to intimidate him.
"Oh, you could, sweetheart, if you would only cooperate." Hyunjin flicks his tongue over your nipple, loving how you gasp and wiggle again. What doesn't make him so pleased is when you start trying to squirm away so that he would not have so much control over you, wanting to hold out longer. Hyunjin, nipping at your bud with a warning growl of your name, making you shudder at the promise the rasp of it held. Your body, submitting on its own and letting the man tease your breasts, taking his time as he alternates between them much as he had done with the rest of your body.
"All you are is a tease, Hyunjin. A tease playing like he's a firm hand-" Your quip gets cut off by his hand slapping down against your clothed pussy without any warning.
"You think I'm playing princess? No. I simply know your game. You enjoy being punished. You like the pain...which is why you won't get that. Not unless you beg for it just like anything else you want from me, even if I have to tease you all night for that to happen." Hyunjin shrugs before moving between your legs to lick over the wet patch, moaning against your panties at the taste. Just a hint of the feeling passing through and letting your mind race with all the possibilities of what could happen if you just gave in already, the fact that he wouldn't even punish you the way you wanted without a beg driving you mad.
"Fine, fine, you win Hyunjin. Just stop with all the goddamn teasing already." You whimper, hips lifting slightly, and Hyunjin dares to laugh at your desperation. Hooking his fingers on your panties to drag them down and flick his tongue over your clit before circling it relentlessly.
"I don't know, princess. It didn't seem to me like you meant that. Why don't you try again? And this time, try to be a tad more convincing little girl." Hyunjin nips at your most sensitive parts, making you mewl again at finally another twinge of painful pleasure.
"I'm begging, aren't I Hyunjin? This is what you wanted, isn't it? For me to beg for you? Well, now that I am. So can't you just fucking ruin me?" You almost wish you could smack him as he pulls away, but the next second you are sighing in relief as you're flipped onto your knees, ass on display for him. Hyunjin's hands move to knead the flesh, almost aggressively despite not even being the part intending to bring you pain.
"Oh, I'll ruin so much princess, you won't be the only thing, though. No. I intend to fuck you so well that even if you go to another man, you'll think about me and how good I was instead. I intend to fuck you so well that you crave me the same way I've craved having you like this for so long now." Hyunjin emphasizes his words with the first smack to your backside, "Though if that doesn't happen tonight, then I guess I'll just have to try again and again until it does."
Your body is practically buzzing with anticipation at this point after such a long build-up, unable to do anything but moan as Hyunjin finally gives in, delivering blow after delicious blow to your ass. Increasing the strength behind them as he sees you can take more and loving how color blooms across your skin, the flesh bruising in beautiful marks that you'll be sure to feel for days after. His touch, leaving your ass to collect the wetness that’s seeping down the plush of your thighs, before lightly patting your pussy and watching how you clench around nothing with a dark chuckle and another hard spank.
“What’s this? Are you going to cum around nothing? After acting like I couldn’t even do anything? Tsk, are you really that pathetic princess?” Hyunjin acts disappointed, but the way his cock throbs in his pants tells an entirely different story, “Go on then, tell me how unaffected you are with that bratty little mouth while your body tells me the truth. While this little pussy tells me how slutty you are, begging me to fuck you until you can’t say anything other than my name.” 
Hyunjin gives you that final push you need to go over the edge by slapping your pussy, watching how it pulses for a moment before two fingers find your clit, and ride you through your high. His skilled fingers, not letting up even after your orgasm has run its course. Your attempts to squirm away mean nothing as more invisible ties lock around your form, holding you in place to take all that Hyunjin is giving you. Hyunjin’s curls two fingers into you, searching for the spot that would have you quaking beneath him, wanting to make you fall apart over and over because of what he can do to you. His plump lips, leaning down to press against your spine, not even willing to leave that part of you unmarked, his fingers drilling into you relentless against your most sensitive spots as soon as he found them. His hand, weaving into your hair to pull your face up, out of the mattress, freeing your sounds.
“Don’t you try to hide from me, princess. You wanted to run that smart mouth of yours, so now you’re going to show just how wrong you were with every perfect fucking sound you make, whether it be from your lips or your cunt.” Hyunjin’s own impatience showed in the form of his bulge, pressed against your prettied ass, grinding in time with the thrusts of his fingers, egging you on, “Do you think you will have earned this cock once you’ve cum on my fingers, princess? Be honest?”
“I-I’ve earned it whenever you say I have, b-but I want it so bad...p-please Hyunjin.” Your words show how much you have really slipped into a submissive role for him. Hyunjin’s ego growing at your words, loving every second of them.
“You sound so pretty whining my name like that little girl.” Hyunjin slips in soft praise as a result of your obedience, “Go on then princess, earn it. Fucking cum for me again, make a mess of my fingers just like you would my dick.”
His words only further tightening the knot in your stomach until it snaps, making you tremble beneath him with each scorching wave of pleasure. It, numbing you to the point where all you knew for a few moments, was Hyunjin’s fingers thrusting into your, riding you through the intense feeling. Feeling as if the bonds have loosened, Hyunjin laying you onto your back again, brushing away tears you didn’t even know were there and giving you a moment to catch your breath. 
“You alright?” He questions, caring side returning as he places a sweet yet fleeting kiss to your lips, looking over your face carefully.
“Hyunjin I did not spend all that time begging for you not to fuck me now, if it’s too much I’ll tell you. Otherwise, you better get the fuck on with it before I actually lose it.” You insist, already gently tugging him between your spread legs. Barely giving him enough time to free his cock, before trying to get him inside of you. Only then do you feel the binds slipping around your thighs to hold you still and open for him while he fully removes his clothes and teases your entrance with his tip for a moment before pushing in. His arms on either side of you, watching as your face scrunches with pleasure and relief as he stretches you open. Hyunjin, groaning softly, when he bottoms out, feeling you tight around him. You take advantage of the fact that your hands are free, seeing Hyunjin’s dark locks fall over his face, to push them away, and let you see his face as well. Feeling you tug at his hair, pulling him closer, he kisses you while giving a quick, hard thrust to tease you while swallowing your pretty little noises. Hyunjin, biting down on your bottom lip and tugging it as he pulls away, giving slower, shallow thrusts.
“Look at you, princess. You can’t stay still. Is it just too much for you to handle? Or is it not enough?” Hyunjin muses, knowing you want him to pound into you, and that you would try to take control if you could move more freely, he lets you tug at his hair though, keeping the tidbit of control you did have, making him bare his neck to you so you can leave matching marks on him. That is all you could do anyways, too far gone to answer, not that you would know what to say anyway, seeing as how it was somehow both too much and too little. All of your senses lit with bright licks of flaming pleasure, while deep down, you wanted to fuel them even more at a quicker pace.
“Just be a good girl with your words one last time, princess, and I promise I’ll give you everything baby.” Hyunjin’s fingers skim over the trail of marks he left behind before rubbing circles onto your clit. Letting each movement bring you enough pleasure to make your head spin, but still not enough to give you the relief you thirsted for. 
Your fingers weave through his hair, tugging again, “Hyunjin, I’m giving you all of me, so take it already, please. You already have me falling apart from barely anything, so show me the worst you can do.”
Hyunjin chuckles, placing a kiss on your jaw before picking up the pace. Holding nothing back down as he gave in to the desires both of you had, letting pleasure overtake you both. “Oh, I will, princess. You’re in for a long night.”
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You had expected to wake up besides Hyunjin the next morning, after falling asleep in his arms the night before. Something seemed off though when you fully registered what was going on the next morning, and finding an empty bed and the surrounding area eerily quiet, slipping a shirt on to quietly peek out of the room to see if Hyunjin was simply cooking breakfast again, which he was. That wasn’t all you noticed, though, a glass orb placed delicately on the counter by Hyunjin and swirling with colors as Hyunjin spoke to it. 
“No, I’m not letting my feelings get the better of me. No matter what my feelings are for the princess, I know what the most important thing here is.” Hyunjin huffs at the little glass piece, your heart sinking as you realize he’s talking about you.
“So she has the map then? You can bring both her and it back so we can finally get on with this?” A woman’s voice echo’s through, making your eyes widen, though there is no face to make out and let you see who it could be.
“She doesn’t, but we need her either way. Besides, the ones with the map will come back for her as soon as they realize I have her again, let them come to us instead of wasting our time searching every hiding spot for them.” Hyunjin shrugs, tasting the food, still unaware of your listening in from the bedroom doorway, only barely peeking out so that you could hide again if necessary.
“Very well, just don’t let your heart jeopardize this after all we’ve done and given up. More than a crush or not, if she gets in the way and you won’t deal with it...then I will.” The woman speaks one last time before the orb stops going. You take that as your cue to slip back into the bedroom. 
Sure, Hyunjin’s feelings for you were apparently genuine, or at the least for the princess form of you. That didn’t make this acceptable, though. He was obviously up to something now, and there was no way around it, and he was willing to use you to lure Chan and Felix right back in and give him what he wanted. That being something that you simply could not allow. You scour through the clothes in the cabin, finding something you can move freely in, before slowly creaking the window open to look outside. You step away to sneak another look at Hyunjin to ensure that he was still occupied with food. Before carefully climbing out the window and closing it behind you. Sneaking off into the woods, worried first about being quiet and not giving yourself away before just bolting. Not entirely sure how you’d find Chan and Felix, but knowing that you certainly couldn’t do it if Hyunjin caught you again. The dazzling blue light, appearing for a third time now. Twirling around you before leading the way off until reaching a small stream and disappearing, leaving you to look around curiously until it flashes before your eyes again and turning into a person, not just any person though...you’d finally found Jisung.
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My whipping today
I should start with some background; I was staying over at my uncle's house with my cousin Bella (no real reason, just because). At the time things between my uncle and my cousin were a little tense, Bella has been known to be a troublemaker but especially around the time this happened she was getting into more trouble than usual. And I didn’t have a problem with it, Bella is my best friend but he’s her dad and I understand he’s in charge of keeping her in line at all. The thing was that it made him a little short with me and that annoyed me a little bit so I was a little short with him.
When I got up and had some breakfast my uncle was a little annoyed with my attitude and even gave me a swat over my pajama bottoms warning me not to act up anymore. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but my point is I was kinda on thin ice with my uncle. I guess thinner than I realized. Anyway I didn’t have to work until noon so I decided to go to the gym first.
When I got back I took a shower but I took a little too long. Before long my uncle barged in, turned the water off, and gave my butt a slap. I of course was a little shocked and tried to turn around and cover up. I had shampoo in my hair and was not ready to come out and go to work yet so after a quick lecture he made me turn around and gave me another spank. He told me to finish up ASAP and meet him in his room after I was done. I was pretty sure that meant he was going to spank me but I wasn’t sure until I got out and realized he took all my clothes.
At least I was able to dry off (wet butt spankings are the worst!) before putting on my hand bra/panties and making that awful long walk to my uncle's bed room. (I thought about wearing the towel down to his room but it was pretty obvious it was going to come off anyway.)
“Young lady that was the last straw” he said as I walked in his door
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you”
“Please uncle I’m sorry, this is so embarrassing and I have to go to work can we please skip the spanking. I’ll behave better I promise!”
His response was predictable.
He grabbed me by the hips and turned me sideways to slap my butt.
“Okay, let’s try to make this quick without letting you go too easy. Over my knee” he said as he sat down on his bed and pointed to his lap.
I laid over his lap and he started spanking me. Even with just his hand, my uncle gives notoriously hard spankings and this was no exception, considering all I really did wrong was take too long in the shower.
He spanked me really hard and totally steady, slapping the exact say part of my sitspot. One cheek and then the next. By the time the spanking was done I basically had two hand prints on my butt (I kid you not, I could literally see the thumb mark separate from the rest of the hand print). Usually I would get a periodic break where my spanker stops to rub and lecture or ask if I’m learning or whatever, but not this time. Obviously, it wasn't long before I had problems holding still. Pretty soon I was wiggling, then I was kicking, then I tried covering up my backside.
Eventually I found myself held down and that’s about when my uncle stopped to look at his watch and said:
“Okay, I know you need to go to work so 5 more good spanks and I’ll let you go”
(I’m certain he gave me 6 and I’m still salty about it)
“Okay young lady, up you get”
And with that I got off his lap and immediately went into a very embarrassing, butt naked, “spanky dance”.
My uncle gave a very quick lecture about behaving and following instructions and blah blah blah he doesn’t like to do this blah blah blah...then gave me one more slap and told me to get ready for work.
It wasn’t the worst spanking but this wasn’t exactly how I wanted to start my day before work. I only had like 15 minutes to get dressed and eat something before I had to be out the door. Which didn’t leave much time to collect myself or nurse my butt or anything. So I scrambled to get out the door on time, which I was able to do but not without forgetting my mask so I had to circle back which made me late.
When I showed up, I was maybe 10 min. Late, and my boss was giving me crap but all I could focus on was that my butt still hurt lol
Anyway, I never had a chance to get some lotion on my butt so I took my lunch break early and headed over to a CVS near my job to get some lotion. When I got back I applied some to my backside in the bathroom and it did not work as intended! OMG I don’t know what was wrong with it, it was just normal lotion but it felt like I rubbed poison ivy all over my already spanked butt.
It was probably the first time in my life I did a full spanky dance without immediately receiving a spanking.prior. So yeah...one of those days.
But the day didn’t end there…
Once I got out of work, it was about 8:30 and I had to go back to my cousin’s house. When I showed up I wasn’t expecting my uncle to be there and only Bella’s car was in the driveway so I thought it was safe to assume my uncle wasn’t home, right?
So I walk in the door, only expecting Bella to be there and don’t forget I was having a bad day. I just want to remind you of that before you read the next part.
I walk up to the stairs and yell:
“Bella, do you have any lotion? You’re asshole dad spanked the shit out of me this morning”
...no reply.
I walk up stairs to find Bella’s room very much empty. I was a little confused until I turned around to see my uncle standing in the hallway with his arms crossed with a very stern look on his face. My heart just sank and my confusion turned to fear.
“Uncle Jack? I didn’t expect you to be home”
Again, his response was predictable, a smack on my butt.
“I can only hope you didn’t”
For what felt like an eternity but was probably only a couple of seconds I just looked at him and he looked back at me. I think he was deciding how he wanted to handle it..
“Young lady, I’m not going to stand here and give you a long lecture. You already know what you did wrong. What’s going to happen is I’m going to take you downstairs, you’re going to take off your pants, you’re going to lay over my lap, and then you’re going to get a very hard spanking. Hopefully when it's all over you will have learned your lesson.”
He immediately followed up with a smack on my butt before grabbing me by the elbow and pulling me downstairs.
“Yes sir” I reluctantly agreed and followed him downstairs into the living room.
“Okay young lady. Pants down. Get in my lap. I’m not going to allow you to behave this way.”
I took down my pants, but thinking I might get lucky I didn’t pull down my panties. Much to my surprise, my uncle left them on as I went over his knee.
My butt was still a little sore and the spanks hurt so bad, I just wasn’t able to hold still and started kicking and wiggling almost immediately.
“Hold still” my uncle demanded as he embarrassingly grabbed me by the butt to pull me back in position and pushed my shoulders down before continuing the spanking. But now he started pulling my panties up my butt leaving my cheeks exposed.
“Up you get young lady” My uncle finally said.
I got up and he swiftly pulled my panties down. But foolishly, I pulled them back up.
“Please no, not on the bare. It’s so embarrassing please it hurts so much already”
He didn’t hear a word of it. He just pulled them back down, then put me back over his knee, and pulled my pants and panties clean off my legs.
:”You’re going to regret that” he said calmly
It wasn’t long after that before my uncle let me off his lap for a second time. Only this time I was instructed to get the spoon.
I walked as slowly as possible into the kitchen rubbing my butt and crying all the way there.
Once I got back my uncle made me “ask” him to please give me a spanking with the spoon (as if it weren’t embarrassing enough already).
“Uncle jack, will you please spank me with the spoon”
“Yes I will, now get back over my lap” he said as he put his hand on my butt and pushed me over his leg while grabbing the spoon with the other.
This time he must have known I was not going to be able to cooperate very well over the knee so he bent me over one of his legs and preemptively used the other to hold me down.
Now that I was pretty much totally restrained he started smacking me with the spoon.
Finally, my uncle set the spoon on my lower back and rested his hand over my butt.
“I hope you’re learning your lesson young lady”
“Yes sir I am”
“Good, I sure hope so but he aren’t done yet”
“Up you get, go fetch the paddle”
“No please, not the paddle! I learned my lesson! I promise!” I begged but didn’t get off of his lap
Of course it was useless. If my uncle told me to get the paddle, I was going to get a paddling.
As with the spoon, I waddled as slowly as I could to get the paddle, rubbing my butt all the way to my uncle's room where he kept the paddle and back.
Even though neither the spoon spanking or the hand spanking took too long, I’m sure you can understand how it was getting real old, and real embarrassing, going back and forth over my uncle's knee and fetching implements.
“Alright young lady, I’ll take that. You stand right there and bend over with your hands locked behind your knees”
“Please don’t spank me too hard” I said as I handed him the paddle and bent over like he told me to.
“Count them” he said, tapping my butt with the paddle.
“OUCH! One sir” I said as I immediately jumped up and rubbed my backside. He wasn’t spanking as hard as he usually did with the paddle but given how much my butt had been smacked that day, it was hard to hold still.
“Back in position” my uncle said as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back down until I was bent over.
“OUCH! Two sir”
“OUCH! Three sir”
And I finally couldn’t take it anymore so I broke position and started rubbing my butt. My uncle responded by again grabbing my shoulders but this time pulling me back to the chair and back over his knee.
“Young lady, you are going to do as you are told!” he said before letting me back up.
“If you’re not going to stay in position, I want you to keep your hand on your knees, your knee slightly bent, and keep that butt out” he said tapping my butt with the paddle before I was even in position.
Now that I knew he was totally serious I stayed in position for the rest of the swats. Like I said, they weren’t full strength swings, but it was more than enough to keep me in tears.
With my back arched and butt sticking out, it was a pretty embarrassing position and I had to stay like that for the rest of the spanking. Periodically my uncle would slow down and use his hand to spank me, asking if I was learning my lesson or give me some kind of banal lecture.
He didn’t make me count them after that but there was a lot and it felt like forever! Finally he told me to stand up straight and put my hands on my head.
“We’re almost done here young lady” he said
‘You used some pretty gross language earlier, that and your attitude lately is why you’re here getting such a hard spanking isn’t that right?”
“Yes sir”
“And what happens when you use language you’re not supposed to?
“I get my mouth soaped”
“That’s right, now let's get your mouth and that butt in that bathroom to finish up your punishment” he said as he gave me a sorta light smack on my behind.
“Keep moving young lady”
I tried walking nice and slowly to the bathroom but was sped up by the occasional hard smack on my butt.
“Okay young lady, you can use your hands to cover up your front if you’d like. But keep your hands away from your bottom. You’ve still got some spanks coming.” He said once we reached the bathroom.
“Yes Sir”
Once we made it to the bathroom I got the usual uninteresting treatment. I had to stand in front of the mirror while my uncle wetted up the soap, stuck it in and out of my mouth, smacked my still naked butt, and lectured me. Finally he told me he thought I learned my lesson and gave me permission to wash my mouth out. Then he gave me a big hug.
“You know I don’t like spanking you like this” he said
“I know you don’t, I’m sorry” was my reply.
Then came the awkward part (because nothing up to this point was the least bit awkward). My uncle said something to the effect of
“That bottom is awfully red and sore. Now that your punishment is over so I can be a little nicer, how about I put some lotion on them” he said, putting his arm on my shoulder and guiding me outside the bathroom and back into the living room.
Now my uncle has seen and spanked my bare bottom more times than I count, not to mention I had just finished up my second bare bottom spanking of the day with him, so I guess I could only be so embarrassed by him rubbing some lotion over my bottom. That being said, I found it pretty humiliating.
It’s not like he hasn’t done it before, or even that I would say no if he asked if I wanted him to. It was just that every other time I’ve had someone rub my butt with lotion after a spanking, I’ve either asked them to do it or at least they asked me if I wanted them to first. I honestly don’t think he was trying to make it awkward or anything, I think he was trying to be nice actually, just felt pretty awkward.
Anyway he grabbed some lotion from the bathroom and we walked back down into the living room. He sat down in the same chair that he was spanking me in earlier. Not going to lie, even though I knew he wasn’t going to spank me, it was a little scary going back over his lap in the same exact position.
“Wow that is one very hot bottom” he said as he cupped his hand around my butt.
“I’d have to spank bella awfully hard before her butt got got this hot” I didn’t really know what to say, I felt a mix of mildly annoyed and embarrassed over the comments on the temperature of my bottom.
“Yeah, you spanked me really hard. It hurts a ton.” I wasn't trying to make him feel bad but I just didn’t know how to respond.
“Sorry, I hope this isn’t too embarrassing for you. I know you’re a grown woman now.” Felt a little stange for him to say that with my literally half naked over his lap, with my butt in his hand.
“No, it's okay” I said, totally lying through my teeth.
It was about then that he started rubbing the lotion. And I’m not going to lie, it was very reliving. Not like I was feeling great or anything, butt my backside was hurting pretty bad and the lotion did make it fell a lot better
We had some light, sorta awkward, conversation while I was over his knee and I was starting to feel very relaxed. Finally he asked if I felt better now and I said yes. Then he gave me a spank that I was not at all expecting and told me I could get up. It wasn’t a super hard spank but it shocked me and almost ruined the whole point of putting lotion on my butt.
Anyway, that’s pretty much what happened, Not my best day, but at least I learned something so hopefully I don’t get too many more spankings like that
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jenniferrpovey · 4 years
ABC Test Explained
Okay, so apparently there are a lot of people who love the PRO Act.
For the most part, I love the PRO Act too. Unions are good. I’m not in a union (I’m in a guild, which is a different thing), but I could join two if I wanted to. In my specific situation, unions don’t benefit me.
But I want other people who DO need them to join them.
Unfortunately, something has been slipped into the PRO Act that is terrible in the same way SESTA/FOSTA was, except it’s not just for sex workers this time (not to diminish the impact on sex workers).
It’s called the ABC Test and there’s a move to make it the national standard for who is considered an independent contractor, across all industries.
It’s very simple. To pass the test, you have to meet all THREE of these criteria:
A. The worker is free from the employer’s control or direction in performing the work.
B. The work takes place outside the usual course of business of the company.
C. The worker is customarily engaged in an independent trade, occupation, profession, or business.
A. is pretty easy.
C. is mostly easy, but causes issues for publishing that I’ll explain later.
B. outlaws 90% of freelance work with NO workaround that I know of. (I have yet to consult a lawyer on this. Lawyers are expensive).
C primarily causes a problem for sensitivity readers. My last one was a college student who needed the extra money. Under this, I wouldn’t have been able to hire her. If you are looking for a very specific sensitivity reader, that will become illegal if this test is codified, because they will HAVE to be doing it regularly. That’s hard for if you want, say, an African-American asexual person. Multiple sensitivity readers probably won’t help. Also, if somebody has to be an employee, they also have to be a U.S. citizen or legal resident. So much for hiring a sensitivity reader in Finland to make sure your Finnish character acts like a Finn.
B. causes a problem for *everyone*. As an author-publisher, I would no longer be able to hire an editor or a cover artist. Which means I would no longer be able to produce quality books.
I would have to onboard my editor as an employee every time I needed her, pay her by the hour not by the word, then fire her when she was done.
I could get around cover art by purchasing pre-made art, which is buying IP.
It’s also possible that a court could rule that authors are employees of the publisher, which would be absolutely terrible because then the publisher owns the book. Publishers might have to get around this by not providing editing/feedback, and the author can’t hire an editor, and...
 Basically, this would absolutely destroy publishing. I can think of workarounds such as author’s cooperatives.
The point is that if you need somebody to run your business they must be an employee. Which makes absolute sense if that person is working for you 40 hours a week...or even 5 hours a week.
It’s an undue burden if they are working for you 30 hours a year. Or once ever for 5 hours.
The point is to make us hire people, but we can’t. Instead, the only option for me and other self publishers will be to let down our readers either by ceasing publication or by producing inferior work.
If you enjoy self published books, if you enjoy books by diverse authors, if you enjoy weird shit that the big publishers won’t take a risk on, then please contact your Representative and Senator.
Do not tell them to vote against the PRO Act unless there’s no other choice. Tell them to push for an amendment to either carve out exemptions to the ABC Test or replace it for a more sensible test.
Biden has already promised to sign this. (Consider contacting the White House too).
If you are an artist who ever does work for a publisher, if you are an author yourself, talk about how it will affect your business.
If you are a reader, talk about how it will affect publishing as a whole.
I realize this all sounds like a capitalist argument, but wouldn’t you rather have your favorite independent authors writing and not doing a ton of paperwork every time they release a new book...and wouldn’t you rather read books that had been edited by a person not the author?
To explain, if I have to onboard an editor as an employee, I have to:
1. Have them fill out a W-4 form.
2. Verify their immigration status.
3. Register them with the state. Brakes on! My editor is in a different state. I just got nexus in that state...which will last for years. Now I can’t sell books directly to people in that state without collecting sales tax. And I don’t even know HOW you do it when your employee is in a different state. This involves four different sets of paperwork.
4. Pay worker’s compensation, so if they get carpal tunnel working for me they’re covered. Given I can’t actually control their working conditions but am now liable for them.
5. Send them half a dozen OSHA and safety notices.
Then I have to have them track their time and bill me by the hour. Again, you can no longer charge by the word. I have to pay payroll taxes (which they normally do themselves for all of their projects at once).
Then when the project is DONE, I have to fire them, so I’m not paying worker’s comp until the next book is finished. Then do all of this AGAIN even if it’s the same editor.
This compares to one single tax form and a contract.
Then I have to do this all again for my cover artist.
Either my costs go up significantly, or I have to take workers’ comp out of the amount I’m paying them. So ONE of us loses a ton of money and BOTH of us waste a ton of time.
(My editor that I use will probably stop editing if this happens).
If I don’t do this, I could be fined $30,000...per violation...which would not just put me out of business but wipe out my savings.
If you value independent publishing, then please, again, tell your representative and senator how you feel about the ABC test.
Oh, and it also:
1. Destroys the owner-operator model of trucking. Prices on everything will go up and large companies that can employ their own drivers will benefit. I.e., straight into Bezos’ pocket.
2. May impact the ability of construction companies to hire subcontractors. It’s really murky at this point.
I’m going to have to consult a lawyer if this goes through and I may pay a few hundred dollars to find out I have to polish up my resume.
And how ridiculous this is has already been shown with AB5 in California. I want them to come up with a test which nails Uber, Door Dash, etc, but not entire industries.
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Jamil Viper - M-My heart...
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You can unlock this story by getting Jamil’s SSR Dorm Uniform
Translation under the cut
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Jamil: …Once again, you made a promise without thinking about the consequences.
Kalim: But the principal said he didn't know where to go on a holiday right? Our home country is the best, don't you think? We the Scarabia dorm are representatives and we should show him the charms of the Country of Hot Sands! I'll leave the decorations of the lounge and the cooking to you Jamil. I will make the preparations for the parade!
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: …And for him to tell me that the day before. And he especially invited the principal. If the banquet is half-baked, it will have an influence on our evaluation. For Kalim's, the banquet…and my sake, I'll have to make this banquet a success. Okay. For the decorations. However it wouldn't fit if the decorations were just pretty, they also have to represent the culture of our country. ..All the ideas I have will take a long time. Hm… To have both beauty and culture…beauty and culture…beauty… Ah! I know!! I guess I should hear out "that" person.
Pomefiore Dorm - Lounge
Vil: …So you came to ask me for advice for the design of the party.
Jamil: Yes. A beautiful interior, a beautiful table set and beautiful entertainment… When I thought about "Beauty", your face suddenly appeared in my mind.
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Vil: Ah. Is that so.
Jamil: Kalim has prepared traditional fabric from our country to use for decoration. They're the ones I'm carrying now. They're deep red, patterned with large peacocks. I thought that someone with an aesthetic sense as yours would be able to teach me how to use this cloth the best…
Vil: I understand what you want to say. …But surely you don't intend to consult my knowledge free of charge?
Jamil: Haha, I knew he would say that! My preparations are flawless.
Jamil: You don't think that I presumed the charismatic beauty, Vil Schoenheit would cooperate free of charge! I'm not that impolite. In the case you do give me advice, I offer you one roll of this fabric. The textiles made in the Country of Hot Sands are very valuable after all. Moreover, the goods woven by the purveyors of the Asim household aren't even available in the stores…
Vil: I could estimate the value of this cloth by a glance so you don't have to explain. I was searching for a fabric for my new suit, so I shall accept your request.
Jamil: Really? I am so glad!
Vil: Show me the textile.
Vil: …I see. The weaving was done carefully, but the large pattern has a strong impact. Framing it like it is or using it as a rug will certainly give of the "traditional crafts" feeling. If I fiddle with this a bit…
Jamil: I see~ I will study this~
Jamil: And now I just leave everything to Vil. I should just sit back and nod when appropriate…
Vil: Can someone bring me scissors!
Pomefiore Student: Here!
Jamil: Are those sewing scissors? …Wait please, what do you intend to do with those scissors. You're not going to…
Vil: I've already decided. I'm cutting this.
Jamil: Aaah!! You cut this super expensive cloth in two!!!!
Vil: I'll cut it more so I can make a long and narrow flag.
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Jamil: Y-You cut it again! You know one roll of this can feed a 4-person family for one month right!! How wasteful… Hm? No…T-this is…? By cutting in this traditional pattern, you made an innovative design!!
Vil: Yes. If you come out of your comfort zone you will avoid being unfashionable. However, a certain someone who came to me just couldn't stop giving me harmless but pointless compliments…
Jamil: Shit.
Vil: Whatever you do, you should never forget to be bold. Aim to be sensational. There's nothing that I produce that can be considered "inocuous"! Now, I shall have you be brought another scissor and you shall cut this cloth according to my instructions!
Jamil: Y-Yes!
Main Street
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Jamil: Sigh. I'm tired… Being unrelenting is a good thing but the way he handles people is way too rough. There were a lot of scraps, so cleaning up took forever. …Oh well, for now the matter of decorations is settled. Next I have to prepare the food for the banquet. It's past 3 pm right now so I should… Wait it's past 3pm!? That's less than 3 hours 'til the banquet!! Because Vil was prattling on, I forgot to keep an eye on the time. I won't make it in time for the banquet! Whatever I do, I won't be able to prepare the food in time. Cooking….Cooking…Aha. This time I shall just ask "that" person!
Chapter 2
Jamil: Kalim suddenly planned to throw a banquet for the principal to introduce him to the Country of Hot Sands… If I want to make this party a success, I'll have to cook something from our hometown… If I was on my own, I wouldn't be able to make it. So I had to call in someone to help me. And if it's about cooking, this person will certainly…
Jamil: Trey. Please take care of me.
Trey: I'll do my very best. Since… in return you would prune all the rose bushes at Heartslabyul, wouldn't you?
Jamil: …Yes. If I can safely make it through the banquet, that is. In terms of labor, I lose. Keep the cool face and look at your feet…
Trey: So, did you decide on a menu?
Jamil: Yes. I intended to set up some bases of the traditional food of the Country of Hot Sands. The main dish will be a goat roast. Usually, you have to let it marinate in spices for three days but… I already seasoned one and put it in the freezer. Today we will use that.
Trey: You're so careful to the point that it looks like you knew about the party beforehand.
Jamil: Kalim loves inviting people over so I prepare stuff every day. I'll put the meat in the oven and have it slowly roast on a low fire. Meanwhile, we can start with the other meals. Seafood sauté, green salad, thin baked bread and dessert… Anyway I'm short of hands. First of all, please peel the potatoes!
/Cooking sounds
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Jamil: Okay, now all of the cooking is done.
Trey: All of them smell fantastic… Especially the well-cooked meat looks delicious! …However… by appearance you could say it looks kind of miserable.
Jamil: Huh, do you think so?
Trey: Yeah. There's only light brown on the plate, it's kind of unsatisfactory. I picked roses to put in the jam. If I scatter the petals like this… Look. If I add some red to it, doesn't it look more brilliant?
Jamil: You're right! It gives of a luxurious impression. Sometimes my younger sister tells me that my cooking looks plain by appearance. Back in the days we quarreled about it but… to think it was about the color.
Trey: Haha. There are plenty of people who think that Heartslabyul's sweets are gaudy, so I understand you. The most important thing in cooking is flavor after all. That's why I want to tell you that "Appearance doesn't matter!" but… you went through great troubles to make it delicious. It should be enjoyable from the start to the finish.
Jamil: I'll do my best remembering that. The next time I'll go home, my sister will be in for a surprise.
Trey: Let's decorate the other meals as well. I also have edible flowers that I use for cakes.
Main Street
Jamil: Thank you very much, Trey! …Okay. I managed finish up cooking perfectly. …I wonder how Kalim's preparations for the parade are coming along.
Kalim: It seems the animals have arrived. Let's pick them up at the front gate!
Jamil: Hm? When you speak about the devil you see his tail. I'll watch secretly…
Scarabia Student C: Did you really get lions and elephants? What if they broke loose in the school…
Kalim: Hahaha, it'll be fine! You guys. What do you think is the most important thing  when you communicate with animals?
Jamil: Heh, that's super easy. The answer is "Animal language". With that you can tell the animals which route to take for the parade…
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Kalim: The most important thing when you communicate with animals is… PETTING!!!!
Jamil: !!??
Kalim: Everyone is a living being after all, so if you rely on them it will turn out alright. If you want to take a small break, open the cage and deepen your bonds with the animals!
Jamil: …Is he releasing the lions and the elephants without any preparation…? Why…Why are you so incautious when it comes to animals…! Ever since you were little, you tottered over to the likes of tigers and panthers to give them pet food… It's worrisome. No matter how I look at it, it's worrisome. I can't trust Kalim with anything. I shall talk to the animals…!
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Kalim: Principal. Please experience the hospitality of the Country of Hot Sand with all your might today. Then let's start this fun banquet!
Jamil: Somehow… we managed to finish up the decorations, cooking and parade on time… I ran more today than I do in a basketball game. I'm completely exhausted…
Kalim: Hey Jamil. Don't you look a little bit tired?
Kalim: Really? Okay.
Crowley: The decorations are wonderful, and the food is absolutely delicious.
Grim: Chomp, chomp. It's so good!
Yuu: Come on, manners! Chomp Chomp.
Kalim: It seems that the principal and the guests are enjoying themselves. Thank you for preparing the decorations and the food. Jamil.
Jamil: …  Don't mention it. But it's too early for you to let your guard down. As the organizer of the event, don't you still have to appear in the finale? Hurry up and get ready.
Kalim: Okay, gotcha!
Jamil: Good grief…
Grim: Jamil!
Jamil: Hm?
Grim: Your cooking, all of it is amazing!!
Jamil: …Yuu, what do you think? Do you like the cooking of the Country of Hot Sands.
Yuu: It's yummy. I want to eat it every day.
Jamil: Heh. I'm glad.
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Jamil: Ah, it seems that the parade is starting. Principal, please go out to the balcony and enjoy the welcome parade of the Country of Hot Sands.
Scarabia Student C: U-Uhm! Vice dorm leader Viper!!
Jamil: Hm? Why are you in such a hurry.
Scarabia Student C: That's because… whisper…whisper…
Jamil: … What!?
Crowley: Hm? Is there something, Viper?
Jamil: N-No! There's nothing. I'll just have to leave my seat for a while… please continue enjoying Scarabia's banquet!
Chapter 3
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: KALIM DISAPPEARED!? The animal parade is a tradition of the Country of Hot Sands. The most valuable seven-colored parrot have to fly… And the organizer is supposed to give a grand welcome!
Scarabia Student C: We searched everywhere but we couldn't find him… We can't do the finale of the parade like this.
Scarabia Student D: Wait! Instead of the dorm leader, we should have the vice dorm leader do the greeting.
Jamil: I can't. It would dishonor the organizer…Kalim.
Scarabia Student C: But we can't find him…!
Scarabia Student D: And the parade is still going on… what do we do!
Jamil: …Calm down everyone. Panicking won't help. You guys are the farsighted and deeply designed students of Scarabia, aren't you? When an unexpected situation comes up you should be calm.
Scarabia Student D: …It is as Viper says.
Scarabia Student C: Sorry for getting upset.
Scarabia Student B: Uhm… dorm leader Kalim wanted to me to bring you a message…!
Jamil: …I see. Because of your error, the seven-colored parrot fled. And Kalim went to search for a substitute.
Scarabia Student A: Yes… The dorm leader said that it was fine to start with the parade… Sorry. It's all our fault.
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Jamil: Let's leave the investigation of your guilt for later. Let's first think about the problem we have in front of us. According to your story, Kalim has gone to Diasomnia… Even if he flyed on the magical carpet he would take 10 minutes. We have 5 minutes left until the finale of the parade. No matter what we do he won't make it in time. …We have to stretch time until Kalim gets back.
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Crowley: Tigers and elephants, lions, monkeys and peacocks… there are plenty of other animals marching lively. I'm so moved that I'm able to watch such a wonderful parade from the dorm's balcony!
Grim: Yes! The parade is going 'til the fountain. The music is getting louder as well…
Yuu: It's time for the finale! Let's get excited together!
Crowley: What kind of surprising show will I be able to witness at last!? …
Grim: …
Yuu: The animals seem to be circling in the same spot?
Crowley: How strange, I wonder if something happened. Can it be… that they ran into some trouble?
Scarabia Student C: The principal is muttering… Is the dorm leader Kalim still not here!?
Scarabia Student D: At this rate, our party we worked hard on will fail…!
???: The Asim household does not fail.
Jamil: …As long as I'm here! I'm on top of the roof… the shadow of the tower is just right. I'll rely on my wind magic to make it flashy!
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Crowley: Oho? Something is falling down. The red blizzard making the white Scarabia glow is truly beautiful…
Grim: The way it flutters and sticks to my noise is annoying!
Crowley: Grim, you don't understand. Isn't this a chic show. If it's this, I could watch it forever.
Jamil: The scraps of cloth that Vil cut off and the petals I got from Trey… Who'd have thought they'd play this role. Even I couldn't predict that. Anyway, I managed to stretch the time of the show. Now there's only…
???: Heey!
Jamil: The thing flying over there is…the magic carpet! He has arrived!!
Kalim: Principal! And Yuu and Grim as well, thank you for coming to Scarabia today! I've never been this happy that I could entertain my dearest guests!
Jamil: Sigh… And with this the parade is over without a hitch. I should go back to the lounge. My broom, where is it… And how long is Kalim planning to ride that carpet? I'm getting anxious watching him stand and move around on that carpet…
Kalim: A, Ah I'm losing my balance…aah! I'm falling!!!
Jamil: !!!?? WATCH OUT!!!!!
Kalim: …Man I was really surprised. I was careless and fell in the fountain. …Hm? But I'm not hurting anywhere…? …Ah, Jamil! You made me float with wind magic. Thank you. Thanks to you I wasn't hurt.
Jamil: M-My heart…I thought it was about to stop…tch.
Kalim: But I'm completely soaked… How cruel. Hahaha!!
Jamil: You feel like laughing huh. I felt like I was about to pass to the other side! Stop trying to imitate people rashly!!!!!
Kalim: Yeah. …Sorry for making you worry. …Anyways, did you see the finale? I did my best!
Jamil: …Yes, I saw it. Well done. Me.
Crowley: Well, the decorations, the food and the parade made for a wonderful banquet!! It must've been awfully troublesome to plan all of that, no?
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Kalim: Nah, absolutely not. Right, Jamil?
Jamil: Yes.
Yuu: Good job! Good job…
Jamil: Today was a harsh day. If I had to plan another party like this…
Kalim: Principal! Disregarding your holidays, you should come again…
Jamil: Kalim!
Kalim: Hmpf.
Jamil: If the principal tells you something again, just say that you'll consider it. No matter what, first consult everything with me. Understood?
Kalim: …Hah. I thought something was up when you suddenly shut my mouth. Okay. I don't really get it, but I get it!
Jamil: You're really such a reliable dorm leader…
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rainbowvamp · 3 years
No Body, No Crime (Mercelot)
It's 4am and some of us don't know how sleep schedules work! Here's your angst fill for Mini @mercelotweek. Sorry in advance :)
Warnings! Death of Major Characters. Merthur, but Arthur is Evil. No Happy Ending. Check AO3 for more extensive warnings.
Summary: Merlin was the love of Lancelot's life. He could stand watching him marry someone else if it meant Merlin was happy. He could not stand watching that man get away with murdering him.
Angst, Morgana&Lancelot team up that canon adherent people won't like maybe?, unrequited love, pining, one-sided Merlin/Lancelot, except I head canon that it's not
“Lancelot, have I ever told you that your eyes are so warm?” Merlin asked, stroking a hand over Lancelot’s cheek. Merlin is so clearly drunk, but Lancelot still feels his face warm beneath the soft touch. He knows that Merlin doesn’t, couldn’t, mean that the way he thought, not with how head over heels he was with Arthur Pendragon, but… it still made his heart skip a beat when Merlin talked about him like that.
When he doesn’t answer Merlin just keeps tracing the lines of Lancelot’s face. Lancelot knows he should stop him, when he runs his fingers over Lancelot’s softly parted lips, but he doesn’t. Let’s Merlin’s hands stroke down his neck, shoulders, and chest, so obviously taking in his muscle tone.
“You’r beefier than Arthur. Did you know that? Not by a lot, not like Percival is, but… so much muscle.” He squeezes Lancelot’s bicep, and Lancelot swallows hard.
“Lancelot, have I ever told you that your eyes are so warm?” Merlin asked, stroking a hand over Lancelot’s cheek. Merlin is so clearly drunk, but Lancelot still feels his face warm beneath the soft touch. He knows that Merlin doesn’t, couldn’t, mean that the way he thought, not with how head over heels he was with Arthur Pendragon, but… it still made his heart skip a beat when Merlin talked about him like that.
When he doesn’t answer Merlin just keeps tracing the lines of Lancelot’s face. Lancelot knows he should stop him, when he runs his fingers over Lancelot’s softly parted lips, but he doesn’t. Let’s Merlin’s hands stroke down his neck, shoulders, and chest, so obviously taking in his muscle tone.
“You’re beefier than Arthur. Did you know that? Not by a lot, not like Percival is, but… so much muscle.” He squeezes Lancelot’s bicep, and Lancelot swallows hard.
Lancelot’s been waiting for Merlin for a little over ten minutes. Merlin tends to be a bit scatter brained at the best of times, so Lancelot isn’t particularly worried, but when Merlin walks in, looking flustered, Lancelot is immediately on guard.
Merlin pulls his chair out almost violently and is just barely politely to the waiter, obviously holding back a sort of curt near-anger that Lancelot didn’t see often. He ordered a glass of wine, their usual white, and only when the waiter was gone did he finally look at Lancelot.
“What’s wrong?” Lancelot asked him, and Merlin’s blue eyes were fiery, angry in earnest now.
“The sheets smelled like perfume.” Merlin speaks through gritted teeth, and Lancelot is at a loss.
“I don’t understand.”
“The sheets. Our sheets. Smell like perfume. I don’t wear perfume, and neither does Arthur.” He glared and just barely managed to be courteous when that waiter brought him his glass. Their Tuesday dinner was a tradition, and the waiter seemed to sense something was wrong because he brought the bottle and left it on ice at the table.
It took Lancelot a few second to process that, before he finally, stupidly said, “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.” Merlin took a sip of his wine that was more like a gulp, but Lancelot didn’t say anything about it. “I can’t prove it. I don’t know who it is, but I just know he’s sleeping with someone else. And in our bed.” Merlin was seething, and Lancelot couldn’t blame him. He’d been pining after his dear friend for years, and if Lancelot had Merlin he’d never dream of anyone else, let alone bring them into his bed.
“You’re sure there’s no chance it’s your soap? Maybe he switched colognes?” He doesn’t believe this, but he hopes, because he loves Merlin, that Arthur wouldn’t betray him like this.
“I checked the entire bathroom. Nothing. Not the detergent, not his soap, nothing.” Merlin downed the rest of his glass in one swallow and when he reached for the bottle, Lancelot put his hand over Merlin’s.
“Maybe let’s wait until we have some food, yeah?”
Merlin glared. “My husband is cheating on me. If there’s ever been a time to get fucked up on wine, it’s today.”
“Yes, and you have every right to do that, but let’s get you fed first, so you don’t overdo it.” He guided Merlin’s hand back down the table and left his own on top of it for longer than he probably should have before releasing it. Merlin was still glaring, but Lancelot knew it wasn’t him Merlin was upset with. He’d just have to deal with it. His friend needed him.
“I’m going to catch him. I’m going to make him admit what he’s doing. The damn cad. Bloody prat. Fucking wanker.” Merlin is just muttering insults to himself now, and if the situation weren’t so tragic, Lancelot would probably have laughed at the absurdity of suck language coming from Merlin of all people.
“Is there anything I can do right now? You can stay with me tonight, if you don’t want to go back.” Lancelot offered, but before he was even finished speaking, Merlin was shaking his head.
“No, it’s fine. I need to confront him, and if anyone should leave, it should be him. I’m not the faithless one, and I won’t be chased from my own home.”
Lancelot nodded and when their food came, he didn’t protest the overfull glass of wine Merlin served himself before giving Lancelot a regular serving.
“Merlin, you should probably go to bed. Everyone else is asleep.”
It was Merlin’s Bachelor Party. A guys weekend away. They’d done a pub crawl in London of all places, and now they were all shacked up in a couple hotel rooms (on Arthur’s dime, so they were very nice room).
“You’re not asleep.”
“I’m also not drunk off my arse.” He smiled. After the decision had been made to call a car so Lancelot could drink, he’d had a few, but he wasn’t nearly as gone as everyone else had been. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” And damn if he wasn’t kicking himself for phrasing it like that.
“Lancelot Du Lac, I’m engaged.” Merlin tries to feign offense, but he starts giggling too hard for it to be effective. Lancelot rolls his eyes even as his ears burn and he lifts Merlin up under one arm so that he get him off the bed long enough to pull the bed covers back and pour Merlin in.
“You used to be fun.” Merlin complained, and Lancelot laughed earnestly.
“No, I didn’t. You’ve just gotten more irresponsible.”
Merlin frowned but soon became distracted by the soft texture of the sheets. “Stay with me. I don’t like to sleep alone anymore.”
“I am staying with you. We already put Gwaine and Elyan in the other room.”
“No, I mean here.” He slapped the side of the bed beside him.
Lancelot was tempted, but ultimately shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Merlin.”
“Because you love me?”
Lancelot’s breath catches. The casual way Merlin says it almost drives Lancelot off the deep end. Years of secret keeping about to be toppled by a drunken night when Merlin was already engaged.
“You don’t have to say anything. I know you want it to be shecret. Shecret. See-cret.” He smiled when he finally managed to get his tongue to cooperate with him, then turned that beaming grin up to Lancelot. “I promise I love you too.”
“I-I- I need some air.”
He hears Merlin call after him as he leaves the room, but he ignores it. He can’t look at him, right then. He can’t see those blue eyes and those soft lips and pretend that he hasn’t just had his heart forcibly exposed. He can’t. He can’t. He can’t.
The next Tuesday, Merlin was nowhere to be found. He’d called, texted, done everything short of showing up at his house. When Merlin was a half hour late, too long even for Merlin’s scattered head, he got up from the table without eating, left more money than was needed to cover the water he’d been nursing, and went to look for Merlin.
He drove by Merlin’s work first, thinking maybe he’d gotten lost in a project except his car wasn’t there. He went inside, just in case.
Mithian, the very competent front desk worker that Lancelot suspected did more than work the front desk, smiled up at him.
“Lancelot! Are you looking for Merlin?” Her smile was just the tiniest bit tight.
“Yes. He’s not here, is he?” Lancelot feels his heart get heavy, suddenly. His chest is tight in a way it hasn’t been since his parent’s car wreck years ago. He swallows hard as Mithian speaks.
“No. No one’s been able to get ahold of him today. We called his husband, but he didn’t answer either.” Mithian has a distraught look on her face that even her usual calm demeanor can’t hide. It’s the same way Lancelot feels
“I’ll see if I can track him down. Thank you.”
“Let me know if you hear anything, please.”
“Yes, of course.” He nodded and left, making a mental list of places to visit.
“Lancelot!” Merlin scrambles out of bed far too early for someone as hung over as he must be. “I was worried. You didn’t come back. Why didn’t you come back?” Merlin looks him over like he might have managed to get into some trouble on his own for a few hours, and Lancelot shook his head.
“I needed to time to think. I’m alright. I’m sorry I worried you.”
“Sorry? Sorry? I put my foot in my mouth while drunk and your response is to apologize?” Merlin looks exasperated, and it makes one of Lancelot’s lips quirk up a bit.
“Sorry. Should I apologize for your foot instead.”
Merlin groaned and leaned his head against Lancelot’s shoulder. “You scared the shit out of me. I thought I’d fucked up our friendship.” Merlin’s hands wrapped around Lancelot’s waist in a hug, and Lancelot returned it easily.
“Nothing could ruin our friendship. Just… Please don’t ever do that again.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not, but I promise not to… be so blasé in the future.”
“Thank you.”
He drives by Merlin and Arthur’s house first, but their car isn’t there. He gets out and knocks on the door anyway, just in case. He has a key for emergencies, and he decides that this is an emergency. He lets himself in and goes straight to Merlin and Arthur’s bedroom.
He’s never been in here before, and the way that everything is clean and tidy feels wrong for Merlin. The Merlin Lancelot knows has always been messy, and chaotic. When they’d been roommates years ago, Merlin had never been able to keep his room any nicer than slightly unkempt, but the place is spotless. It looks wrong.
He knows he shouldn’t, but he goes through Merlin’s bedside drawer, looking for clues to where he might be. He tries not to think about the full bottle of lubricant he finds there, looks over the pads of paper, half written lists, books with dog-eared pages. This looked much more like Merlin.
As he’s sifting through pages, a half sheet, ripped along one edge, catches his eye.
“Working Late”
Jewelry charge
Lipstick stains
5 months no sex
Lancelot shoved the list into his pocket on a whim and closed the drawer. Merlin had been talking about confronting Arthur. Maybe he had. Maybe…
Lancelot had never cared much for Arthur, but Lancelot could admit that even for Arthur, that would be too far. Lancelot leaves the house without disturbing anything else. Maybe Merlin and Arthur reconciled and went for a whirlwind trip to Fiji or something else ridiculous. Lancelot wouldn’t actually be surprised if they had. Merlin was impulsive like that and Arthur had money.
Arthur calls him later that night. Asks with the calmest tone that Lancelot has ever heard if Merlin had been by his place, or met him for dinner. Lancelot says no, and Arthur hangs up without even a pass at formalities.
Lancelot drives by Arthur and Merlin’s house. He means to stop, ask after Merlin, except…
Arthur’s car is missing. In it’s place is a sleek new white sports car. Nothing like the practical car that Merlin had insisted on.
Lancelot drives straight by, and doesn’t stop.
He hears from Gwaine that Arthur has a new girlfriend on a pub night of all nights. A woman who’s moving into the house with him. It’s been less than a month since Merlin disappeared, and Arthur had a new woman on his arm already? Lancelot and Gwaine had never been overly close, friends by virtue of knowing Merlin and being cared for deeply by Merlin, but even Gwaine seemed to pick up on Lancelot’s stormy mood.
“Don’t do anything stupid, mate. He’s not worth it. I know how much you cared for him.”
“Everyone cared for Merlin.” It’s a curt, snappish tone, so unlike Lancelot’s usual soft demeanor.
“Not like you did.” Gwaine takes a sip of his beer and calls the bartender back over, ending their conversation.
“And do you, Arthur Pendragon, Take Merlin Emrys to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Arthur’s tie is a bright red that compliments the blue of Merlin’s well. Lancelot can’t see Merlin, because he’s standing right behind him, in the position of the best man, but he can see Arthur, who looks… Well Lancelot is sure he’s in love, but if that were him, Lancelot would probably be on the verge of tears.
He reminds himself that everyone is different, and he tries not to judge Arthur on his wedding day. This is the man that makes Merlin happy, the man Merlin loves, and so Lancelot just has to accept that.
“I do.”
“And do you, Merlin Emrys, take Arthur Pendragon to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” Merlin’s voice is a little thick, and Lancelot knows that means he’s holding back tears. Lancelot is holding back tears of his own, clenching his jaw to try and force his face to stay neutral. Over Arthur’s shoulder he catches Morgana’s eyes, and she looks at him in a way Lancelot doesn’t understand.
“Then by the power invested in me, I pronounce you married. You may kiss your groom.”
Lancelot looks away when Merlin surges forward to kiss Arthur, and Elyan, one of the other groomsmen, squeezes his shoulder. Lancelot doesn’t know if it’s sympathy or some strange gesture of happiness, but Lancelot uses it to ground himself while he waits for Arthur and Merlin to pull away from each other.
Lancelot sees Arthur and the woman as he’s taken to internally calling her later that night at the same pub. He’s sitting with Percival, nursing a glass of wine Merlin would’ve liked when he spots them. The woman is hanging on his arm, looking completely smitten, and Arthur looks like the cat who got the cream.
Percival caught the storm clouds in Lancelot’s eyes and followed his gaze before whispering “shit,” and rubbing his temples. “I think that’s Elyan’s sister.”
“I don’t care who she is. Arthur’s a bastard.” Lancelot grit his teeth and Percival reached across the table to put a hand on Lancelot’s elbow and hold him steady.
“Let’s not lose our heads. We can go if you want.”
Lancelot kept his gaze firmly fixed on them, still angry right down to his very core, but eventually, Percival squeezed his arm and broke his stare, making Lancelot snap out of it.
“I think that would be best.” He murmured, quiet in his rage to keep it from bursting form him.
“I’ll get the tab, go flag a cab.”
Lancelot nodded and left out the back so he wouldn’t have to walk by them.
“Morgana, I’m going to do something stupid.”
Morgana was in a black night dress, with her hair pulled back into a French braid, obviously getting ready for bed. “Well, hello to you too, Lancelot. What do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“Can I come in?” He asked, not rising to the bait, and that seemed to get her attention because she simply stepped away from the door and let him in.
She walks into her small kitchen and pulls a bottle of wine from the fridge. She gestures at him with it and he shakes his head, but she still pulls a glass down for herself and fills it.
“What the problem? Does it have anything to do with a certain blonde airhead who I’d personally like to strangle?”
Lancelot tensed a bit in his chair. “Why do you want to strangle him?”
Her tone was too cool when she spoke, swirling the deep red wine in the glass in a way that was disconcerting. “He killed my brother, Lancelot. The fact I haven’t put a blade to his throat myself is only because I’ve got a child who’s very eager to come home with me. You can’t adopt with a murder charge.” Her face looks so sweet when she says it, but Lancelot can see the mirror of his own rage in her.
“You and Merlin were always quite close.”
“Closer than I ever was to Arthur. Blood only runs so deep. There’s a lot to be said for the connection of like-souls.” She smiled at took a seat at the table, made more dramatic by the flowing motion of her skirts. “So, what’s the stupid thing you’re planning on doing?”
Lancelot smiles half-heartedly. “If I tell you, you have to promise not to go to the police.”
Morgana’s smile turned evil. “Oh, do tell.”
They stay up half the night, and Lancelot calls himself an Uber home from hers, to establish a paper trail, as she puts it. The plan they’ve hatched is only half baked at best, but they had time to revise, make it even better.
They would avenge Merlin.
Merlin and Arthur have only been on holiday for three days when Morgana shows up at his flat with a bottle of wine, more food than any one person could possibly eat, and a sour expression.
“I hate that they’re so damn happy. It’s disgusting.” Morgana said, collapsing onto his couch.
The two of them had grown closer once Merlin and Arthur got engaged. Merlin was always talking about her, Arthur’s half sister who he almost liked better than Arthur, actually, too bad be wasn’t straight because if so…
“We’re supposed to be happy for them. They’re in love.” Lancelot said, but he took the bottle from her and broke the twist seal without being asked.
“Well, if my Arthur wasn’t such a cad, maybe I would be, but I know him. This is… I don’t know what it is, but it’s temporary, and Merlin doesn’t know that. It’s going to break his heart.”
“They did get married. Maybe it’s not.” Lancelot tried to stomp on the little part of himself that hoped it was temporary. He wouldn’t wish heartbreak on Merlin, even if it would give him a chance to be with the man of his dreams.
“You haven’t known Arthur as long as I have. It never bothered me before that he was like this, but I like Merlin. He’s probably one of my favorite people.” She huffed and took the glass Lancelot offered her, filled with wine.
“Mine too.” He sighed and sat down on the couch beside her.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t fair. I know you’re… well, everyone knows that. I’m sorry.”
“If Arthur makes him happy, that’s what I want for him.” Lancelot took a deep drink from his wine glass.
“You keep telling yourself that, Lancelot.” She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder, picking up the remote and putting on trash television.
“Lancelot, have you seen Arthur? I’m sorry to call, I know you’re not fond of him after everything, but… he didn’t come home last night.” Gwen calls him frantically about three weeks later. He’s sitting at the dock with Morgana, one hand draped over her shoulders. They were expecting the call soon, so they were spending as much time together as possible.
“I haven’t seen him. Hold on, I’m with Morgana.” He pulls the phone slightly away from his ear and makes a show of informing her of the news like her ear hadn’t been practically pressed to his phone as well. “Mor, did you hear from Arthur at all last night?” He tries not to smile to himself, but Morgana doesn’t even try to hide it.
“No, I haven’t. We haven’t spoken in a few weeks, actually. I don’t really want anything to do with him.”
“He’s missing.” He says softly enough that Gwen could still hear it. Putting on a show of being concerned was actually a part of their plan.
“Serves him right. Not like he looked very hard for my brother when he went missing. He’s probably drunk in an alley somewhere.”
“Mor, come on.” He sighed and put his ear back to the phone. “Gwen, do you need any help? We can be down there in a bit. Have you talked to the police yet?”
“No. I was hoping someone had heard from him. I was going to call Morgana next. Will you just call Percival and Gwaine and them? I don’t think they like me very much.”
“Gwaine likes you plenty, and Percival is just shy. Don’t worry about it. I’ll call them. You getting his work friends?”
“Yeah. Thank you, Lancelot. I appreciate this so much.”
“Anything, Gwen.”
When he hangs up, he and Morgana grin wildly at each other, triumphant that their plan is going to work.
Gwaine tells Merlin that Lancelot and Morgana are sleeping together and Lancelot never corrects him. It’s not wrong, necessarily, it’s just not what Merlin thinks it is. Morgana is aromantic. Lancelot is in love with Merlin. It’s just sex. But Merlin has these fanciful ideas about he and Arthur getting to be best men at Lancelot and Morgana’s wedding, that he immediately takes back because “of course it’s too soon to talk like that, but can you imagine?”
No. He couldn’t. He couldn’t imagine standing at an alter with Merlin behind him, instead of in front of him, but he just nodded, had a sip of his wine, and said nothing.
The rumor circulates through their entire friend group, eventually. He and Morgana do spend a lot of time together, for two people who aren’t dating but are sleeping together. A part of Lancelot wants to break it off, but the small smile on Merlin’s face every time he mentions his and Morgana’s relationship keeps him from doing it.
They feel like partners in this giant conspiracy to hate Merlin’s marriage, and their connection is the only thing that keeps him sane. Well, that and the very mandatory Tuesday dinners he and Merlin always have, no matter what.
Watching poor Gwen get carted off in handcuffs probably isn’t supposed to satisfy Lancelot, but it does, just a little bit. He doesn’t even feel guilty, because Prison is a better fate than Arthur or Merlin had.
She looks at him with this howling anger that Lancelot pretends not to understand. She has suspected him since a couple weeks into the investigation of Arthur’s death. How convenient that he’d managed to let it slip to the police that Gwen had taken out life insurance on Arthur. How convenient that the only person who could corroborate his testimony was Arthur’s sister, who had always hated her. How convenient that Arthur had disappeared on a night where he was supposed to have plans with her but canceled for some unknown reason that couldn’t be corroborated or exonerate her.
Yes. How very convenient.
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Nowhere to Run by  GleefullyCaptainSwan
Read on AO3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Or on FF
Tagging: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jonesfandomfanatic @jrob64 @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx
Chapter 8: The Plan
Emma woke as the sunlight reached her face. She snuggled down into her blankets, enjoying the warmth they provided to her. The blankets were plush and soft against her skin, something she did not have the luxury of having the last ten years. Henry and Emma had been afforded a single woolen blanket that they shared on their old mattress in the basement or whatever room he would trap them in for the moment. Many times, in the winter, they had huddled together using her body to keep her son warm.
Looking over she watched with gratitude as Henry was curled into the comforter, Rogers nuzzling against his chest, a smile on the boy’s face.
She heard a noise echoing through the house, the clang of metal in the distance. She sat up, yawning before stretching her feet to the floor and wandering into the bathroom. She found a brush in the bottom drawer, one she recognized as hers, and ran the bristles through her hair. Killian had left two new toothbrushes on the sink for her and Henry.
When she finished getting ready, she slipped quietly out of the room, Rogers following at her heels. She found Killian in the kitchen, hunched over the stove while he stirred a pan of scrambled eggs. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants, and nothing else. Emma stood in the door frame, admiring the man in front of her, she had forgotten what it was like to desire someone.
She had determined that even ten years later, he was still the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. His body had changed in the years since she had been with him, but he had stayed in excellent shape, his back was firm and taut, even though she could tell he had gained weight since they were together, but it made him even more attractive to her. By the time she realized her gaze was lingering over his firm backside, Rogers betrayed her by drawing his attention toward her.
“Morning, Emma. Hope I didn’t wake you. I thought you and Henry might want some breakfast before we met with David.”
He turned, leaning against the stove, crossing his arms in front of his chest. She mentally reminded herself to keep her eyes on his face, not to trail down his body or spend time wondering if he still went commando when wearing sweatpants.
She flinched, realizing she had been stuck in her head, staring at him. “Sorry, still sleepy.” She laughed. “Um, breakfast sounds great. I’ll get Henry up.”
She retreated quickly to the bedroom, waking her son to ensure they had time to eat and make it to the station before 8am.
By the time they pulled up to the station, they were ten minutes late, and had missed multiple calls from David who was clearly concerned about Killian making good on his promise to return Emma first thing in the morning.
“Sorry, I’m not used to getting a kid out the door in enough time to get across town.” Killian replied honestly as Robin glared at him as soon as they reached his desk.
“Hello again, Emma.” Robin smiled, looking over at Killian with concern. “Captain has a guest in his office, he wants to see you both. I can watch Master Henry.”
Emma followed Killian nervously through the building toward the Captain’s office. The blinds were closed, and they knocked before entering the room. When Emma stepped inside, she recognized the woman sitting across from David at his desk. She had met her twice in the hospital after more than one brutal attack she had received from Neal.
“Jones, Emma. This is Mary Margaret; she works over at Harbor View Medical Center.”
The woman looked up and stared at Emma. “I remember you.” She said softly.
“I remember you too, Emma. I’m so happy to finally see you again.” The woman stood from her seat.
“Emma, we would like to be able to use your hospital records as evidence.” David declared.
“I didn’t use my real name.” She said with a frown.
“I actually flagged them after trying to report your injuries, I figured it wasn’t your real name and you were always gone before I could alert security, but I hoped that one day I would see you again. Your injuries were especially memorable, and no one should have to continue to live with that.”
Emma glanced at Killian nervously, swallowing before speaking. “Can I…can I talk to you privately?”
Mary Margaret looked at David, and he nodded, “We’ll just be outside. Take your time.”
Killian lightly grazed her shoulder and she turned toward him with a nod, offering him a shy smile before he followed David out the door.
“How are you doing, Emma?” The woman asked taking a seat and offering her a chair beside her.
“I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for me in the past. I know you tried to help, and I wasn’t very cooperative.”
“Emma, you did what you had to do to survive. No one faults you for that.”
“I had to protect my son. Neal never let him come with me to the hospital. He always kept us separate so that I wouldn’t do anything.”
“That must have been terrifying.” She said softly, reaching out to take her hand. “How are you coping with being away from him?”
“I’m…” She sighed, guilt overcoming her as she turned her eyes to the floor. “I feel like I’ve done something wrong. By leaving him. How fucked up is that?”
“Emma, you were with this man for ten years. He conditioned you to be afraid of him, to want to please him. It’s natural to be scared or feel that you’ve disappointed him in some way.”
“How long am I going to be like this?”
“I can’t answer that unfortunately, I can recommend you a good therapist. Dr. Hopper is the best around.”
“Therapists are for weak people.” She grunted.
“Therapy is to help you talk about how you’re feeling and the way those feelings cause you to interact with others. It will help you resolve what happened to you. It doesn’t make you weak. You are a very strong woman to have withstood the violence and emotional abuse you suffered.”
“Will I always be afraid of being close to another person?”
“How do you mean?”
“Killian, he’s my…my husband.” The woman looked confused for a moment before the realization of her words were met with understanding.
“I’m sorry, Captain Nolan didn’t tell me you were married.”
“It was complicated.” She said with a light snort. “But now, every time he touches me, I flinch.”
“It’s going to take time for you to react normally. The important part is for you to know that you are in a safe environment. He’ll need to be patient, take things slow. Try the little things until you feel like you are ready to move to the next thing. Start with something small, like holding his hand, or a hug. It may be easier if you initiate contact with others for a while, until you get used to someone else showing you affection. But there is no right or wrong way to heal, Emma. Neal broke your self-esteem, took away your ability to trust and violated your will to choose, only you can take back what he stole from you.”
She smiled at her, looking down at her hands, feeling comforted by another person.
“I’ll leave Dr. Hopper’s card with David.”
“Thank you for talking to me. I don’t know what to say to Captain Nolan or Killian.”
“They both seem to care a great deal about you, I have a feeling they will let you take all the time you need to come to them.” She paused. “How is Henry handling things?”
“I’m not sure. He doesn’t trust a lot of people. He seems to like Killian, but I know this isn’t easy on him.”
“Dr. Hopper sees kids too; it might be a good idea for both of you to have someone else to talk to.”
“Thank you, I will look into it.”
She was happy to have had the opportunity to speak to the woman. Not that she felt better, it was just nice to know that what she was experiencing was normal behavior. Emma laughed to herself, it wasn’t like anything going on around her was normal.
When they stepped out of the room, David and Killian were huddled in the corner with Robin. A man and woman, she thought were named Belle and Will who had been their back up the night they got Henry out of the house was sitting with her son, who was currently laughing loudly at something the man had said to them.
Neal’s picture was displayed on the wall at the back of the room, her own photo was below it, she cringed when she realized that it pointed toward Officer Perry. She made her way to the men in the corner, taking note of the way that Killian stared at her with concern in his eyes as she approached.
“So, what’s the plan?” She said shyly as she approached.
David turned around, “Ah you’re done, let me see Mary Margaret out, Killian and Robin can fill you in.”
“We’re gonna have you call Neal from a phone in the building, tell him that you got picked up while you were shopping. Just tell him that the officer told you they have Henry. It’s going to be really important for him to believe you are desperate to get him back.”
Emma nodded. “Ok, he’ll believe all that, he’s not exactly smart. But how is that going to get him to you?”
Robin pointed at the map on the wall. “We want you to tell him to pick you up on the docks, here.” He said as he pointed toward the map. “Will he come get you? Or will he expect you to come to him?”
“I’ll tell him I need him, that always gets him to do what I want.”
Killian’s jaw tensed beside her but he nodded his head. “Ok then we take you to the docks. He shows up, we take him down.”
David walked up behind them. “And she needs to wear a wire, we want to get him to talk about the bank job. Get him to say that he killed Officer Perry.”
“No way, too dangerous, he’s not an idiot. He’ll check her for a wire.” Killian argued.
“He’s right, Neal doesn’t trust anyone and if he knows I’ve been with the cops for a whole day without contacting him, he’ll suspect something.” She added.
“That’s the conditions. She wears a wire, or they want her back in lock up.”
“That’s a fucking death sentence.” Killian screamed and she jumped. “There is no way we do this. I’m not sending her out there so he can fucking kill her.”
“We’ll be safe, he won’t find the wire. I get that this is risky, so it’s Emma’s call.” David looked up at her apologetically.
She turned toward Killian, reaching out and taking his hand in hers. “If we don’t get Neal off the streets, he’s a danger to all of us. He won’t stop until he’s killed you, me, and Henry. I have to protect him.”
“Emma…” He choked out, his thumb caressing the top of her knuckles.
“I can do this, and I know you’ll be there to back me up.”
He ran his hand through his hair, an exasperated groan leaving his throat. “Fine, but if things go wrong, I’m putting a bullet in his head.”
“Don’t make me pull you off this, Jones. I need you thinking straight.” David warned.
“He’ll be fine.” Robin added, stepping up to tap him on the shoulder and sending him a warning glance.
“Ok let’s make the call.”
Emma felt her nerves rising as they dialed the phone, Killian listening on another line from his desk.
“Neal, it’s Emma.”
“Where the fuck have you been, bitch?” He growled into the receiver.
“I got picked up from the grocery store, some dumb cop recognized my face from the robbery footage they’ve been blasting all over the tv.” Her heart was pounding in her chest. “Neal, they took Henry.”
“Who has Henry?”
“The cops, when they arrested me they told me they have him, how did that happen, you said he would be safe at the house.”
“Where is he?”
“They didn’t tell me, they just released me.”
“What do you mean they released you?”
“The video isn’t clear, they don’t have the gun, I told you I dumped it.”
“That’s my good girl.” He cooed and Emma wretched, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she recognized the look of anger shading Killian’s face from the desk on the other side of the room.
“I need you to come get me, I’m heading out of here right away, you told me to never stay near a station, so I’m going to the dock, Pier 50 where all that construction is going on.”
“Ok give me a couple hours. I want to make sure you weren’t followed. If you see any signs of trouble, you call me back ok? We’ll get Henry back. Everything will turn out exactly how it’s supposed to be, you’ll see sweetheart.”
“Ok I’ll see you then.”
“Emma…” She could hear the warning in the throaty growl, she tried to ignore it. “Baby I want to hear you say it.”
She looked up nervously, her face red with anger. Not here, not now. “I’ll say it when I see you.”
“Goddamn Emma, say it.”
She flinched as he raised his voice. “I love you.” She said in a hoarse whisper. Tears sliding down her cheek as the phone left her ear. She could barely hear his voice as she put the phone on the receiver, the words that made her feel dirty, worthless, and terrified.
“I love you too, baby.”
She dropped down into the chair behind her, tears falling slowly into her lap. “Mom, it’s gonna be ok.”
She reached out and pulled Henry into her lap, hugging him for dear life. She needed Neal to pay for everything he had done to them.
“You did good, Emma.” Killian’s voice was soft as he approached her. “Let’s get you ready.”
Henry looked up at her. “You can do this Mom. I believe in you.”
She stood and walked with the men toward the Captain’s office to set her up with a wire. Once the door closed David approached her, holding the wire in his hands.
“Cap, perhaps we should have Belle do this?” He glanced at Emma and then back at David who paused.
“Yeah good idea, I’ll go get her.”
Once they were alone, Killian turned toward her. “Are you alright, love?”
“I will be once this is all over. Thanks for, um…suggesting Belle.”
“Figured that might be a bit more comfortable for you.”
The door opened and Belle walked in, Killian nodded to her, passing the bundle of wires into her hand. “Make sure a pat down won’t find them.” He turned back to Emma, smiled, and left the room.
“So, tell me, this Neal, is he a nervous man, distrustful? Do you think he’ll try and search you?”
“He’ll definitely check my shirt. He’s not an idiot, but he’s not the most brilliant criminal either.”
“Ok so we’ll go with the legs.” Emma nodded and turned around, unbuckling her jeans, and pulling them down her legs. “Ok stand over here.” She pointed in front of her, and Emma closed her eyes, sighed, and then opened them with a new resolve.
“Those are much slimmer than I remember.” She remarked, the mic pack and wires that didn’t resemble the clunky ones they practiced with in the police academy.
“It’s been ten years dear; a lot has changed.” She said apologetically. “Ok, I’m gonna touch your leg. I’m going to try and run this up the inside of your thigh, I’m going to keep the mic pack low on your hip. That way if he searches you, he’s most likely to go for the small of your back.”
“I met you once before, do you remember that?” Emma looked at the girl, trying to remember her. “It was really quick; you were graduating when I started the academy. You know people talked about you all the time. First female to have the highest score on the shooting range. You beat all the guys in your class.”
Emma laughed, it seemed so long ago that she earned her place among the men in her ranks. She knew she was a good shot, better than anyone else in her class, but proving it had meant more to her than she had realized.
“You were a hero to all us women that came after you. Only female in your class.” Belle continued.
“It wasn’t easy, but I’m sure you know that. Looks like you made your own way, Detective.”
“Damn straight.” She patted her leg. “All done.”
Emma looked down at the wire, traveling up her leg and onto her hip. “Thanks.”
“Just remember, you’re stronger than him.” She patted her on the shoulder and walked out the door, “I’ll get the Captain.”
The ride to the docks made her feel like she was stuck in a wind tunnel, everything was spinning by her at 60 mph, but she was frozen in place. The car stopped moving, and both Killian and Robin turned to face her.
“Ok Emma, you’re going to walk to the end of the pier, then wait. I’ll be stationed behind the row of shipping containers on the right, Robin will be on the left. Belle and Will are flanking the entrance. As soon as Neal is on the way, we’ll know it. Just get him to come in, get him to say whatever you can and then we’ll get you out of there.”
They opened the door and Emma nervously stepped onto the pier. Killian leaned against the car, watching her. Emma nervously approached him, turning around to lean against the door. “Don’t get jumpy and shoot over my shoulder.” She teased.
“Hey that only happened once.”
“What if he doesn’t show up? What if he does show up but he finds the wire? What if…”
“Emma, nothing ever goes the way it’s planned. If something goes wrong, I’ll figure it out.”
Emma leaned against his shoulder, sliding her hand down, her fingers tentatively reaching out and slipping into his. “I know you will, you’ve got my back.”
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