#always was something that worked similarly to how the grey wardens can sense darkspawn
northern-passage · 2 years
I assume you get a lot of questions of people asking if you have read/played witcher and if tnp is inspired by it, so instead can I annoy you with a different question?
Have you ever heard of the manga(or the unfinished anime) Claymore?
It's about an order of half mutant women who hunt Yoma(humanoid shapeshifters that prey on humans)
Due to having half yoma blood, their powers are very unstable and they can transform into creatures even more dangerous than the ones they hunt, the monster designs in the later parts of the story get very creative.
Not even asking if tnp draws any inspiration from it, just curious if you have ever heard of it.
ah yes.... my nemesis, the witcher...
i was just talking about this with someone the other day actually, i always find it interesting that people compare it to the witcher but no one ever says anything about grey wardens, which is actually where i got most of my inspiration from. it will probably become more obvious as the story continues... but i suppose the witcher did influence it in some way, just probably not in the way most people think... i could never get into it (sorry everyone i find geralt to be the most boring protagonist alive and could never connect with him) and i barely managed to get through even an hour of both the first and third games combined. tnp is kind of my response to a lot of the genre being quite boring and male-power-fantasy centric... so in that way, the witcher did inspire it, hahaha.
anyways, as for your question, i have not heard of it, actually! i can't say i'm a big fan of the human character designs (where are their organs and how is she lifting that sword with those twig arms) but to be fair i feel that way about a lot of animation in general when it comes to female designs. that being said i actually think the art style is pulled off better in the manga than in the anime, and i like the look of a lot of the monster designs. i really like whatever the hell is going on here:
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some of the designs remind me of H.R. Giger's work which i always love to see.
i don't really watch a lot of anime or read any manga, unfortunately. it's probably obvious that i have seen and read Fullmetal Alchemist, the way the hunter's transmuational alchemy works is directly inspired by it, but other than that i've only watched Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain, which i both only saw when i was a teen.
thanks for telling me about this, i'll keep it in mind if i ever feel the itch to read some more manga. if nothing else i really liked checking out the art and the monsters :-)
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. tagged by: @theharellan ty so much! tagging: if you read this entire post I’m tagging you
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated 
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. Velanna is minor enough there isn’t a lot of talk about her either way (and I get it, given she’s a dlc character from Origins it’s understandable not as many people even know her), but I definitely see more dislike towards her than appreciation.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Honestly do not know! I have seen Debates about her personality and actions, but I don’t recall seeing people comment on her looks.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Not particularly as far as I’ve seen, though I haven’t seen people say she’s weak either. Tbf given her introduction has you investigating murders that no one seems to think were caused by a single person and she literally turns a forest against those who pass through it, I think it’s hard to deny she is strong, though.
Are they underrated?  YES! / NO / IDK. Like I said, there’s very little talk about her at all, and very little appreciation. Velanna deserves more love c’:
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. She isn’t relevant for the story of any of the main games, given she isn’t even in any of them askdjfnskndf She is relevant to Awakening’s story, given she causes some trouble on the road to Amaranthine, and that’s how you meet her. You can kill her on that encounter, though, so for the rest of it she’s not essential (but killing her is boring guys why would you)
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. In a way, since she’s causing some of the problems the Warden-Commander has to solve. Other than that, it truly depends on how you play it.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. Nope. Just a Dalish gal who became a Grey Warden.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. I lean towards neutral because Velanna isn’t a widely discussed character either way, but I would say it leans towards bad. Many people dislike her actions, and many more dislike her for her harsh ways towards the PC in the beginning (a non-dalish PC, that is). Velanna is very opinionated and angry and a lot of people seem to think that makes her annoying. A bad take imo but I think that’s pretty obvious dkfasndkfjanskdfjn
How strictly do you follow canon?  — For the most part I follow it, only expanding it for what we haven’t seen and filling the blanks. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  I don’t know how to sell her to others so I will just talk a bit about what made her interesting to me. When you meet her, she’s so angry she’s been terrorizing the road and nearby villages so much people don’t even know what (what, not who) is responsible for the bloodshed. If you don’t bother to get to know her, it’s easy to think she’s just the anger, but if you do, eventually you learn a lot that might not justify her actions but makes them understandable, and that she’s so much more than Angry™. Velanna cares so much! For the Dalish, and preserving their magic and culture; for her clan, in spite of the fact her sister was the only friend she ever had; for her Keeper, even though they parted on bad terms; for Seranni, even after she chooses to leave with the Darkspawn instead of leaving with her. She’s outspoken and a great defender of her people, but not in a blind or arrogant way, and not in a way that causes her to inherently resent humans (it’s not history that causes that, but her own experience with having humans act violent against her clan and prefer to destroy the land to drive them away than attempt peaceful coexistence). She’s not driven by personal retribution, but by a relentless pursuit of justice that indeed is twisted into something more akin to vengeance. She acts on anger but she learns to be better. She’s been an outcast all her life, well before becoming the only Dalish in her group of Wardens, and she learned to be harsh to defend herself. She’s not easy to love, but she’s capable of loving deeply, and her loyalty to those dear to her is unwavering. She can be harsh because she’s so used to keeping people away in self defense, even if she’s lonely, even if it’s clear all it takes to get past that is treating her with kindness and respect. Velanna has a good heart, but that doesn’t mean she’s only capable of good.
In game, her growth depends on the PC of course, but the way I see it (and write her) there is no reason why her connections to other characters, such as Sigrun and Nathaniel, wouldn’t be just as important for it. They allow her to see beyond her anger, to move past her resent, and to stop judging people as if they were all equally bad. She goes from someone terrorizing humans in a forest and nearby road to someone who selflessly stands to defend them, even should it cost her own life. She goes from joining the Wardens as a means to finding her sister to actually taking on the role and its duties, not just as in fighting the darkspawn, but in being a protector.
And the way she values history, but not just the actual facts, the tales and legends and culture, how she understands their place as something of great importance definitely helped a lot in endearing her to me. According to Velanna, "Stories connect us to our past. They shape a people in profound ways. Without them, we are lost.” and I think about that a lot you know? It really gets to me c’:
Also she’s an awesome powerful mage who could and has killed a man (uh many men actually) but who blushes and stutters if you call her pretty because what are compliments she is not prepared to deal with those
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — Velanna killed people so she’s evil and deserves no forgiveness ever (which isn’t always similarly applied to other characters BUT ANYWAYS). She’s angry and mean towards the protagonist and because of that she’s not cool. She’s whining about the Dalish all the time too so she’s just annoying. Also I never tried to talk to her and often don’t even leave her alive after the Wending Wood. aidsnfkajsdnfkjn seriously though, I can see why people might not like her, as she isn’t made to be likable initially and you gotta get past that to get to the more interesting bits. Velanna is indeed very much tied to her Dalish background, as it is not only her culture and origin, but also a great motivator for her actions, and often even the means through which you get to know her, so if you’re not interested in the Dalish I guess she wouldn’t be an interesting character (but imo, it’s only natural her culture is so important to who she is, given her background and her own feelings about her people. she’s so proud of her heritage, even if being part of that people makes her a target for no other reason than prejudice. even then, she’s so proud of it and so ready to fight for and defend her people and speak and stand for them! I just love her a lot but ok I realize I should be talking about why people might not like her so let’s get back to that). She’s not funny, she’s not friendly, and she’s actually rather angry and outspoken, and I feel like that ends up pushing her to the more ‘controversial’ side instead of being part of the popular or likable characters.  
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Literally just played Awakening and ended up like OH I WANNA WRITE ONE OF THEM and I wasn’t sure about who. It wasn’t clear to me, at least, so I ended up thinking about them and at first I was like hm maybe Nathaniel, but it didn’t feel right even though he was the first one I thought I wanted to write. So I thought about Velanna, and the more I thought about her the more invested I became so I was like yeah that’s the one and added her here aksjdnfkjasndf
The first thing that got me really invested in her while playing was the conversation you have with her when you gift her the diary. I just really love her talking about the Dalish and preserving what they have and how important and meaningful stories are. That said, the moment I met her in the Wending Wood I immediately wanted to get to know her. 
I’m just a big fan of elves in case you guys haven’t noticed yet asksjnfsjkdnfkdjfn
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  replaying DA, but specially Awakening, Dragon Age content in general, discussing her with others (talking about my muses is always very helpful to me in that sense), and honestly, others being interested on her too. Discussions about the Dalish or headcanons or other people discussing Dragon Age and their respective characters also help my motivation too tbh! I’m always the slowest to answer to anything, but that’s just how I always am. Those are all things that keep my love for her alive, and thus great part of my inspiration for her.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I TRY!
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? when the inspiration hits I literally cannot shut up
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. I’m usually more about them 5 page headcanons and threads and ask answers than drabbles 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. she lives in my head rent free (as do most if not all of my muses tbh askdfnaksdf)
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF?
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Depends but not usually askndfkajs
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Depends on what that criticism is and if I asked for it? aksjdfnkjfn I do ask about my portrayals sometimes, and in that case I’m open to constructive criticism --- if there’s something you think I could do better and you can explain why in a nice way, I’ll definitely listen (though I may disagree, so there’s that). But if it comes down to rudeness or ‘you’re not writing her like I think she is’ then well that’s not my problem, I write her how I understand and interpret her. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  I LOVE THEM! Send me questions about my muses literally any time I absolutely love them!! 
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Depends, again. I’m not against discussing it, hearing what other people have to say and why they disagree (and if they say they disagree, I’d probably want to know why), but ultimately, again, it’s my portrayal so it might just be a case of seeing things differently. Like I said, I don’t mind discussing it, though. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  As to this, I just honestly expect people to act the same way I act when I disagree with someone’s portrayal, which is just moving on with my life and not interacting kasjafksdnfjk
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  Depends. They don’t have to like the character, but if it influences IC interactions or if it’s just people who hate a character getting off of bashing them through IC interactions even if it doesn’t make sense that’s a no for me. I don’t like seeing people hating on characters I love, but people are free to do post what they will. If there’s a tag and I can block it that’s fine by me, if it isn’t tagged I’m likely to unfollow.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  If it’s done politely I don’t mind. English is not my first language and learning about errors is a way to improve, to me.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think? For the most part? I do tend to get defensive over characters I love and asks that aren’t clear in tone and come across not so nicely (OOC asks, I mean), but other than that I think I’m pretty chill? Idk though you guys tell me aksnkajdsfnkjan
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biserker-kadan · 6 years
My Wardens.
Kilani Aeducan used to sneak out, armour up and march the deep roads. She only truly got away with it once when Bhelen covered for her for over a week and a half before her parents discovered what she continued to plan to do. They tried and failed to keep her from picking up a Great Blade and marching then again so instead her father chose to have her trained as future military commander. Young and curious she devoured the knowledge given from those training her until she could recite strategies backwards. She's good at telling people what they want to hear but isn't malicious and prefers kindness to killing. She's poised, elegant and swings a sword with all the surety of a seasoned veteran, she took to being a Grey
Similarly to Kilani, Evianna Cousland was also born into nobility, however, she grew up with a keen sense for rogue abilities; easily picking locks and becoming invisible during the best of opportunities (the kitchen). Her brother and Sir Gilmore were her childhood and early adulthood companions, along with her Mabari: 'Sir Doggy'. Training at her mother's disapproval in blade and sword work, she dreamt of battle. After the events that led to her becoming a Greg Warden she hated it, hated herself for wanting to become one and was so full of anger and hatred that it changed her fundamentally. Prior to being a Grey Warden Evianna was kind, slightly sarcastic, elegant and positive, afterwards she was pessimistic, aggressive, sarcastic to the point of being an asshole and untrusting. She rarely got along with anyone at first but learnt to trust others (especially Alistair, Sten, Wynne and Morrigan). In honour of her mother, and father, Evianna chose to hone her archery skills and only used a bow and arrow. She used the last arrow stolen from her mother to put in Howe's throat.
Alaric Mahariel is also a rogue that prefers a bow. Having grown up in a Dalish Clan, the Dalish elf felt most at ease when hunting, especially alongside Tamlen: his best friend and lover. He has always been curious, although protective of his family, and a slightly temperamental type. Usually quick to stop a fight, the eventual Grey Warden has no trouble starting and finishing one. Loosing Tamlen, his Clan and becoming sick all in a few days took a toll on him and he never really regained the easy going nature he favoured. Alaric is a skilled archer, lock pick and overall fighter; happy to stay behind and act as backup but also able to over power most enemies in skirmishes. He's helpful, kind spirited but a very angry, very sad young man. He gets along very well with Alistair, finding a brotherly bond with the man and Wynne. He falls in love with Morrigan and grows up a lot with her, she treats him as the smart individual she knows he is. They bonded over both coming from different but similar upbringings (alone, woodland based and away from humans).
Meira Tabris is the most violent of Wardens; a real shoot first, ask questions never type of gal. A rogue as well, she's very skilled with blades and the such, usually found twisting one sharp enough to cleanly slit someone's throat through her fingers. She trains every morning before sunrise, going through the steps her mother taught her until she's sweating and her muscles ache. A constant reminder of having let Shianni down. She's unafraid and overly violent, most happiest twisting and weaving around enemies in battle. She doesn't like humans, doesn't trust them at all but has a soft spot for children. She understands that they are young and should be taught to understand elves rather than fear them. She can be warm to others (Morrigan, Zevran, Oghren, Sten) but prefers to keep people at a distance. Honouring the hisband she didn't want wears his wedding ring until the day of her death, something Zevran understands and respects. It makes her love him even more. She does come to understand Alistair and eventually becomes friends with him. Eventually. She's passionate, unafraid, protective and never apologies for her existence. She's ready to cut a Shem.
Natia, or better known as Echo Brosca is full of life. Sarcastic, cheerful and helpful, she'll make sure that everyone is okay before she even begins to worry about herself. She, like all other Wardens, is a talented fighter and has always dreamt of fighting darkspawn and taking care of her family. She's hella gay and hated that her sister was whored out to care for her and her mother. Her mother hates her, was abusive and a drunk and made Echo feel horrible and broken for only being Rica's half-sister. Where Rica has pale skin and red hair, Echo has dark skin and black hair. Becoming a Grey Warden was the best thing that ever happened to her (second best) and she'll always be thankful to Duncan. She gets along well with everyone and has a positive outlook on most things. She is respectful but distrustful and doesn't like when people make assumptions about her. Just because she's nice doesn't mean she won't destroy you. She will.
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