#alya cesaire you dunce
eliyah-de-dark · 5 years
Two Lies and A Truth, part 3
Here it is, the part 3 that you’ve all been waiting for. Sorry that it took me a bit longer to get out, I kept rewriting and having to put it away so I could focus. Put it’s here! It’s ready! ...i hope...
Tag list will be at the end of the doc so...yeah, here we go!
Marinette stared at the akuma in the doorway. His costume was a flamboyant display of red and black diamonds and a stretched grin that looked painful. Poor sap, she shook her head. That wasn't going to look good blown up onto TV screens.  
The akuma cartwheeled around Madame Bustier's desk, cackling like a fool. He paused in front of the sickly sweet teacher and extended his hand. When she didnt move, he mimed a handshake.  
"Come on, Madame. Wouldn’t want to be rude and set a bad example." Marinette muttered to herself. 
Bustier slowly brought her hand up to his and took hold. As soon as they touched, another loud explosion went off and a cloud of smoke filled the room.  
"The windows! Open the windows!" Someone yelled. The whirling of a fan sounded above Marinette as Markoff set about helping. The smoke billowed out of the room in large black plumes.  
The clean air was perfect for screaming. The Harlequin was gone, and large black scorch Mark's showed where Madame Bustier used to be.  
Written on the board in black letters were the Harlequin's message. 
Confusion spread like a virus through the students. No new people had appeared. What... 
All across the floor near their teacher's desk and the door were small black and red marbles. They gleamed in the sunlight. Marinette stayed in her seat when the rest of the class crept towards them. Suzette stared at the board. 
"What should we do?" Mylene asked. Her voice was the pin that pricked the silence and set a flood in motion. Everyone began talking, trying to be heard over everyone else. Everyone that is, except Marinette and Chloe of all people.  
Chloe sat on her desk and turned to face Suzette, her gaze a proverbial spotlight on the stunned girl. Anyone who caught Chloe's eyes followed them to her and began demanding she do something.  
"Go take him down!" 
"Get us out of here!" 
"Help us, dudette!" 
Suzette shrunk with every word that the class said. Her eyes darted around to anything other than her classmates. "The window!" She shrieked. "We can escape through the windows." She lead the charge to the openings and looked out.  
A two-story drop met her gaze. Light glinted off small objects on the sidewalk below. More marbles. Marbles, black and red diamond stickers, and more littered the streets and sidewalks.  
Marinette glanced out just in time to watch a Parisian step on a diamond and trigger another explosion that left only scorch marks behind. She bit her lip. This is bad. Really really bad. Ladybug has to step in.  
A hulking form towered over the bluenette, looking out the window with her. "This is bad," Ivan whispered. At first, Marinette thought he was just talking out loud. Then he looked down at her and said, "What should we do?" 
Ivan stood up straight and rubbed his neck. "Well, I figured you're our everyday Ladybug. Maybe..." His gaze dropped to Suzette and Marinette caught a hint of disgust in his eyes. "Maybe you can figure this guy out." He jammed his hands in his pockets. The look he gave Marinette reminded her of a little kid after saying sorry. That searching, pleading look that begs for any response. 
She nodded. "Let's try." Ivan lit up like a Christmas tree. He sank into the seat next to her and waited. Oh, Marinette thought. He's waiting for me. "So what do we know?" 
Adrien had been lucky to be in the bathroom when the Harlequin entered his classroom. That's about where his luck ended. He walked out into a hallway devoid of life. Scattered on every walking surface were black and red diamonds stickers every few steps.  
“Don’t do it!”  
Adrien watched a girl from Medeleiev’s class – Aurore, he recognized her from her Stormy Weather situation – step carefully out of her room. 
It was for naught as a loud bang and a lot of smoke made her vanish.  
Plagg hovered near one of the diamonds. He circled the strange object with a gleam in his giant eyes. “Kind of cool, right Adrien?” He flashed up to his wielder’s side and  the odor of camembert radiated off him like an old stain. 
“Seems like Chat Noir’s scene. Plagg, CLAWS OUT!”
The Black Cat leapt onto the handrails. Balancing like his life depended on it, which it most certainly did, he made his way to the Bustier classroom. My Lady will be able to fix everything, he thought happily. She always does.
As he approached the open door, he heard people whispering. Peeking in, he saw a class reduced to eight people and a robot. Suzette, Lila, and Alya were at his desk, whispering to one another. Alix was on her knees crying next to a scorch mark, Kim’s sweatband in her hand. Chloe stared out the window, Sabrina nowhere in sight. Max and Markoff stayed at the highest point in the classroom, talking about the marbles and their properties.
That left Marinette and Ivan talking together by the window. She had a piece of paper in front of her and a pencil making big arching lines on it. Weird time for fashion design, but okay.
Suzette spotted him first. “Chat Noir, thank goodness you’re here!” She cried. The class spotted him, Marinette smiling ever so slightly, and tears of joy started spilling from the students. “Harlequin trapped us in here. You have to get everyone out!” Her voice didn’t sound like it normally did when she was giving him orders. She sounded...afraid. Where was her confidence? Why hadn’t she transformed?
He asked and she looked away, ashamed. “The Guardian has my miraculous right now, chaton. He needed to borrow them for a while.” She looked back with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry I won’t be of much help.”
“Nonsense, m’lady!” Chat Noir chirped. He didn’t notice his baker friend flinch when he used that nickname. “We’ve got this.”
“Chat Noir, wait!” 
The remaining students stared at Marinette. Ivan looked shocked as he stared up at his friend. “You should take Suzette to the Guardian, get her miraculous. We can last in here, but there are people out there who need Ladybug and Chat Noir.” She ignored the mild terror on her classmate’s face in favor of the confusion on her partner’s. Perhaps ex-partner. She’d have to talk to Master Fu about that.
To Suzette’s dismay, Chat nodded. “You’re right. Hang tight.” He jumped in, grabbed the protesting Suzette, and vanished out the door. 
Marinette sighed and slid out onto the steps. She eyed her target, Chloe, who had gone back to staring out the window. “Hey Chlo-” Her foot snagged something, and she caught a glimps of Lila’s amused face as she fell onto the exploding marbles.
As soon as she made contact with the floor, the rest of the classroom exploded.
@justanothersepticeyefan @ml-cartoons @enchanted-nerd @aegyobutpsycho2 @kristycocopop @kris-pines04 @totellismert @f0xylegs @writingishfanonsideblog @spookycat 911 @persephonebutkore @crazylittlemunchkin @pandabearsamm @rudy-ruby @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mvaree @melhuney @chatsladybabe @miraculous-of-salt
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