#chat noir being a dunce
eliyah-de-dark · 5 years
Two Lies and A Truth, part 3
Here it is, the part 3 that you’ve all been waiting for. Sorry that it took me a bit longer to get out, I kept rewriting and having to put it away so I could focus. Put it’s here! It’s ready! ...i hope...
Tag list will be at the end of the doc so...yeah, here we go!
Marinette stared at the akuma in the doorway. His costume was a flamboyant display of red and black diamonds and a stretched grin that looked painful. Poor sap, she shook her head. That wasn't going to look good blown up onto TV screens.  
The akuma cartwheeled around Madame Bustier's desk, cackling like a fool. He paused in front of the sickly sweet teacher and extended his hand. When she didnt move, he mimed a handshake.  
"Come on, Madame. Wouldn’t want to be rude and set a bad example." Marinette muttered to herself. 
Bustier slowly brought her hand up to his and took hold. As soon as they touched, another loud explosion went off and a cloud of smoke filled the room.  
"The windows! Open the windows!" Someone yelled. The whirling of a fan sounded above Marinette as Markoff set about helping. The smoke billowed out of the room in large black plumes.  
The clean air was perfect for screaming. The Harlequin was gone, and large black scorch Mark's showed where Madame Bustier used to be.  
Written on the board in black letters were the Harlequin's message. 
Confusion spread like a virus through the students. No new people had appeared. What... 
All across the floor near their teacher's desk and the door were small black and red marbles. They gleamed in the sunlight. Marinette stayed in her seat when the rest of the class crept towards them. Suzette stared at the board. 
"What should we do?" Mylene asked. Her voice was the pin that pricked the silence and set a flood in motion. Everyone began talking, trying to be heard over everyone else. Everyone that is, except Marinette and Chloe of all people.  
Chloe sat on her desk and turned to face Suzette, her gaze a proverbial spotlight on the stunned girl. Anyone who caught Chloe's eyes followed them to her and began demanding she do something.  
"Go take him down!" 
"Get us out of here!" 
"Help us, dudette!" 
Suzette shrunk with every word that the class said. Her eyes darted around to anything other than her classmates. "The window!" She shrieked. "We can escape through the windows." She lead the charge to the openings and looked out.  
A two-story drop met her gaze. Light glinted off small objects on the sidewalk below. More marbles. Marbles, black and red diamond stickers, and more littered the streets and sidewalks.  
Marinette glanced out just in time to watch a Parisian step on a diamond and trigger another explosion that left only scorch marks behind. She bit her lip. This is bad. Really really bad. Ladybug has to step in.  
A hulking form towered over the bluenette, looking out the window with her. "This is bad," Ivan whispered. At first, Marinette thought he was just talking out loud. Then he looked down at her and said, "What should we do?" 
Ivan stood up straight and rubbed his neck. "Well, I figured you're our everyday Ladybug. Maybe..." His gaze dropped to Suzette and Marinette caught a hint of disgust in his eyes. "Maybe you can figure this guy out." He jammed his hands in his pockets. The look he gave Marinette reminded her of a little kid after saying sorry. That searching, pleading look that begs for any response. 
She nodded. "Let's try." Ivan lit up like a Christmas tree. He sank into the seat next to her and waited. Oh, Marinette thought. He's waiting for me. "So what do we know?" 
Adrien had been lucky to be in the bathroom when the Harlequin entered his classroom. That's about where his luck ended. He walked out into a hallway devoid of life. Scattered on every walking surface were black and red diamonds stickers every few steps.  
“Don’t do it!”  
Adrien watched a girl from Medeleiev’s class – Aurore, he recognized her from her Stormy Weather situation – step carefully out of her room. 
It was for naught as a loud bang and a lot of smoke made her vanish.  
Plagg hovered near one of the diamonds. He circled the strange object with a gleam in his giant eyes. “Kind of cool, right Adrien?” He flashed up to his wielder’s side and  the odor of camembert radiated off him like an old stain. 
“Seems like Chat Noir’s scene. Plagg, CLAWS OUT!”
The Black Cat leapt onto the handrails. Balancing like his life depended on it, which it most certainly did, he made his way to the Bustier classroom. My Lady will be able to fix everything, he thought happily. She always does.
As he approached the open door, he heard people whispering. Peeking in, he saw a class reduced to eight people and a robot. Suzette, Lila, and Alya were at his desk, whispering to one another. Alix was on her knees crying next to a scorch mark, Kim’s sweatband in her hand. Chloe stared out the window, Sabrina nowhere in sight. Max and Markoff stayed at the highest point in the classroom, talking about the marbles and their properties.
That left Marinette and Ivan talking together by the window. She had a piece of paper in front of her and a pencil making big arching lines on it. Weird time for fashion design, but okay.
Suzette spotted him first. “Chat Noir, thank goodness you’re here!” She cried. The class spotted him, Marinette smiling ever so slightly, and tears of joy started spilling from the students. “Harlequin trapped us in here. You have to get everyone out!” Her voice didn’t sound like it normally did when she was giving him orders. She sounded...afraid. Where was her confidence? Why hadn’t she transformed?
He asked and she looked away, ashamed. “The Guardian has my miraculous right now, chaton. He needed to borrow them for a while.” She looked back with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry I won’t be of much help.”
“Nonsense, m’lady!” Chat Noir chirped. He didn’t notice his baker friend flinch when he used that nickname. “We’ve got this.”
“Chat Noir, wait!” 
The remaining students stared at Marinette. Ivan looked shocked as he stared up at his friend. “You should take Suzette to the Guardian, get her miraculous. We can last in here, but there are people out there who need Ladybug and Chat Noir.” She ignored the mild terror on her classmate’s face in favor of the confusion on her partner’s. Perhaps ex-partner. She’d have to talk to Master Fu about that.
To Suzette’s dismay, Chat nodded. “You’re right. Hang tight.” He jumped in, grabbed the protesting Suzette, and vanished out the door. 
Marinette sighed and slid out onto the steps. She eyed her target, Chloe, who had gone back to staring out the window. “Hey Chlo-” Her foot snagged something, and she caught a glimps of Lila’s amused face as she fell onto the exploding marbles.
As soon as she made contact with the floor, the rest of the classroom exploded.
@justanothersepticeyefan @ml-cartoons @enchanted-nerd @aegyobutpsycho2 @kristycocopop @kris-pines04 @totellismert @f0xylegs @writingishfanonsideblog @spookycat 911 @persephonebutkore @crazylittlemunchkin @pandabearsamm @rudy-ruby @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mvaree @melhuney @chatsladybabe @miraculous-of-salt
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wallflowerfangirl · 2 years
I could handle Felix being a sentimonster but I will riot if Adrien is a sentimonster bc it literally does not fucking work with all the shit we have seen with MLB.
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w0rmc4k3 · 3 years
ML Felix twins AU character outline
-Felix is Hawkmoth’s sidekick guy under the peacock miraculous
-general angsty shit, exploring and developing individual characters
-Some costume and weapons change
-points and story will be changed as developed, nothing is set in stone
-Felix is Adrien’s fraternal twin brother
-he holds the peacock miraculous and helps alongside Hawkmoth (unwillingly)
-Gabriel ropes Felix into his plans because Emilie is in that catatonic state bc of him
-mega trauma and guilt because of his involvement with both his mother’s death(?) and being a villain + jealousy over his brother who lives the life he wished he had
-knows that Adrien has the cat miraculous bc that kid ain’t slick but doesn't tell his father because despite everything, Adrien is one of the only decent person left in his life and he doesn’t want to destroy the thing that makes his brother happy
=subtly helps out Adrien in his alibis (the dunce doesn’t realize it bc he’s 90% air in the brain)
-doesn’t try too hard against Ladybug and Chat noir because he doesn’t even want to fight to begin with
-torn between taking the ladybug and cat miraculous to save his mother but also wanting to do the right thing and he’s not sure what is right
-starts attending public school with Adrien, isn’t as sociable as his brother so he’s more so of a loner
-stays in the back and reads during class
-doesn’t hate the class but doesn’t know how to talk to bc people (thanks Gabriel) and is honestly too tired half of the time to try
-the peacock miraculous takes a toll on his body and he finds himself feeling more and more fatigued the more he uses it
-Gabriel doesn’t really 100% care that much bc he blames his son for his wife’s death(?) but is more lax on him in terms of work and schedule (which Adrien is fussy over bc he doesn’t know)
-genuinely wants to do the best she can but has adhd that prevents her from being able to focus on her work and gets easily distracted by multitasking and the chaotic environment she’s in
-burning house everything is fine meme
-does just fine on her own since her parents were busy running a shop when she was younger so she learned to take care of her basic necessities 
-people pleaser 1000, caves into pressure pretty easily
-she feels inclined to do work that people ask her to do because of her need to feel useful and productive that she doesn’t feel enough bc of her adhd and bc she always feels like she doesn’t contribute enough
-total door mat in the beginning, Chloe continuously bullying her up till now, her people pleaser mindset and her being taught at a young age that girls needed to listen → slowly realizes that that’s complete bullshit and tries to be more confrontational 
-as ladybug she feels a tad bit more confidence that bleeds into her everyday life, being a hero gives her that sense of accomplishment that she craved in her everyday life
-she doesn’t use a yoyo and her outfit is more Chinese-inspired (weapon still pending)
-pretty iffy about PM!felix (Possible name Paon) but realizes that he doesn't genuinely want to fight them
-she figures out the subtle clues he gives during their fights and establishes an alliance with him as their double agent
-naturally optimistic and tries to see the silver lining in all things
-he loves his brother from the sun and back and is pretty hurt about how distant he had been lately
-still he tries to bond with Felix over books he doesn’t understand and games he’s eager to introduce
-like Marinette he’s non-confrontational and always wants to keep things civilized and stable (after his mother death he learned to shut his mouth when his dad was in a mood)
-also like Marinette he gains more confidence as chat noir because he’s not under the stress of his father’s reputation, he lets out his frustrations during battle and finds joy in being able to be himself without any fear 
-when they start public school he’s overjoyed, ever since they were kids he always wanted to experience that cliched school life he’d only seen in movies 
-has no trouble fitting in with his peers, isn’t a total doormat but tries to accommodate as well as he can
-he feels guilty when he has to cancels plans and is secretly jealous of how much freedom his classmates have, even his brother
-he’s not a complete idiot and notices that his father is more lax on Felix, he also knows the difference in their treatment 
-Adrien takes after their mother while Felix takes after their father, Adrien doesn’t make the connection of his father’s preferential treatment over him but Felix does (haha more angst)
-his father pays more attention to his life than Felix and that both feeds into Adriens need for more parental attention but also adds more stress to his life because of the pressure
-he wants to make his dad happy so he does what he’s told without a fight, which causes him to more and more of a bystander and more used to problematic behavior to the point he doesn’t know that it’s problematic 
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Marichat May Day 31: Time Travel
Chat Noir and Marin both get swapped with their future counterparts while fighting an akuma.
Notes: Sorry for the delay, I had some technical problems involved with day 30 so I had to postpone everything one day, but an accident caused me to take an extra day on this fic.
Marin and Chat Noir where on a shopping mall searching for abirthday present for Kitty Noire when there was an akuma attack. Given that Chat Noir was currently in a disguise in his civilian form to buy without attracting attention, he and Marin had to search for some place where he could transform into Chat Noir. They found a deserted dead-end alley and used wisely the chance for Chat Noir to suit up, having Marin guard him to avoid anyone seeing Chat's transformation. Once he was back on his feline attire, Chat Noir picked up Marin and leaped away to bring him somewhere else safe. But just as he leaped out of the alley, a blast from the akuma hit both of them perfectly and their vision faded to black.
When both of them regained their senses, they each were on different places that neither of them recognized. In Chat's case, he woke up on an unkown room, laying on a strangers' bed and with a beautiful girl next to him. When he tried to move, the girl turned around to face Chat Noir and all of his senses stopped working for a solid minute. The girl was undoubtely beautiful, but she was even more cute. Her raven short hair mesmerized Chat's attention, her pale-white skin gave of a slightly noticeable fragance that raptured his sense of smell, her sapphire-like eyes made it impossible for Chat to look away from then and her lips tempted Chat to have a taste. The girl was a bit surprised at first, but her expression quickly turned into that of a fond smile and she extended her arm to pet Chat Noir, making him purr instantly and making him forget about anything but her touch.
Menwhile, Marin regained his consciousness on a kitchen. He was sitting on a chair by the kitchen island with what appeared to be a half eaten breakfast. He turned around to analyze his surroundings but didn't saw anyone in his immediate vicinity. Instead, he noticed that behind him was the living room and it was plagued with photographs. On all the photografs appeared some brunet dude and a blonde girl, sometimes accompanied by more people and sometimes not. Then, he hears a door being unlocked and a blonde girl in her late twenties comes throught wearing what seemed to be the hero suit of Kitty Noire. When she saw him, she let out a plastic bag she was carrying, but soon enough a smile appeared at the corner of her lips and she got closer to him, booping his nose as he only could blink in awe of what he was seeing. His mind bean to work at an amazing speed to analyze the situation, but the girl interrupted him as she freaked out and put down all the pictures in the living room.
"Hello there Marin" says the supposed Kitty Noire. "Please, tell me you didn't saw the photos".
"I did saw them, but I didn't pay much attention to them" says Marin. "You... You're Kitty, right? We're in the future, right?"
"Correct as always Purrince Charming" says Kitty relieved. "It's good to see you in your teens again".
"Thanks I guess. You look stunning" says Marin. "Can I ask a question? Why am I in your house? It's just to make sure if my guess is correct".
"Well, if your guess is that we're married, then you're spot on" puns Kitty giggling. "And yes, we know our secret identities in the future".
"But, if you're Kitty right now, then Hawk Moth is still around" points Marin.
"Well yes, but actually no" memes Kitty. "Your Hawk Moth was defeated together with the other villains at the time, but I can't tell you more or Alix and Alex are going to kill me".
"I understand... I guess I can't ask you how did we end up married then"says Marin shrugging.
"Don't worry about that Pretty Face, I can assure you that it will go smoothier than you think" says Kitty messing with Marins hair. "Oh, I missed your hair like this so bad, not that your short hair is bad".
"I like your new hairstyle and suit too" says Marin. "It makes you even more gorgeous than before".
"My, my~ I almost forgot about your unpredictable smoothness" says Kitty flattered. "But that's something I've always liked about you, being smooth in the spur of the moment and then lament about it internally. It's so cute!"
"I- Uh- I didn't- I'm not- UGGGGH" says Marin blushing and crouching in defeat as Kitty chuckles.
"Sorry, sorry. To make it up I'll give you a hint: Even in your time, we're closer than you expect" says Kitty booping his nose. "Now, if you excuse me, I'll make a call to say that you aren't going to work today because an akuma attack".
On Chat's side, the girl had stopped petting him, which made him pout a bit since she only scratched the best spots, and got up. She stretched as if Chat Noir wasn't there next to her and went behind a changer. For some reason he didn't know, Chat couldn't take his eyes fom her and promptly followed her every action with his gaze, unaware of how fast was his heart beating. When she went out of the changer in a very cute outfit, Chat's racing heart skipped a beat as his jaw hit the floor by the stunning view in front of him. Then, the girl went up to him with a somewhat sly smirk, slowly approaching him as she made his heart malfunction. She grabbed him of his ankle and pulled out of the bed, making his but make a big thump against the floor.
"For how much longer are yu going to sit there and stare at me Kit-Cat?" asks the girl smirking. "Don't tell me you don't recognize me".
"M-M-Marinette? Is th-th-th-that yo-you?" asks a blushing Chat quite confused and surprised.
"Of course it's me silly" says Marinette giggling.
"B-But you... You look so dif-fferent" says Chat.
"Of course I do you dum-dum, I'm older than you right now" says Marinette olling her eyes amused. "You could say that we're in the future, even if this is the present for me".
"I'm in the future?" asks Chat confused.
"Yes you are. If I recall correctly, you and Marin were sent to the future together while this time Marin and Chat Noir got sent to the past by that akuma" says Marinette.
"I have to find Buggz or Bunnix then!" says Chat Noir. "I need them to get me to the past!"
"No can do Chat. You'll eventaully go back when your Ladybug uses her Miraculous Cure" says Marinette.
"What do I do then?" asks Chat Noir.
"I don't know, I guess I could answer some of your questions" says Marinette.
"Then... Why... Why was I on your bed?"  asks Chat shyly.
"Aww, so cute, you didn't realized it yet" says Mariette flickering his bell. "It's because it's our bed. We're married".
"We're.... Married?" asks Chat truly surprised.
"Yeah, and I know your identity as well Adrien" says Marinette.
"Does that means that Hawk Moth is no more?" asks Chat hopeful.
"Yours was defeated, but there's something else right now" says Marinette. "But I can't tell you aout that because of time travel shenanigans and that".
"Of course, it could create time-loops and paradoxes to reveal crucial information" says Chat Noir thinking out loud.
"That's right, my physics nerdy dork" says Marinette smiling. "If only you were as bright as you're smart".
"Hey!" complains Chat Noir.
"Don't hey me you oblivious 'She is just a friend' dunce" says Marinette annoyed surprising Chat. "You don't know how stupid you are right now and you have the guts to deny your own feelings! Dunce!"
"I'm sorry please spare my life" says Chat hiding from her. "I'm too young and too hot to die now".
"Then you better get straight your own feelings before you want to deny how dense you are" says Marinette. "Do you know how much did Nino suffered hearing to you ramble about me just to then say that I'm just a friend to you? Spoiler, he almost was akumatized when we began dating. So did Alya, your sister and Marin, but that's not the point".
"Am I really that dumb?" thinks Chat Noir.
A phone rangs and Marinette picks it up. "Hello?"
"Hey Mari, I've got a situation over here, a Marin time travelling induced by akuma situation" says Kitty from the other side. "So he won't be going to work, also remember to call me Kitty right now".
"Gezz Kitty, did you forgot already? Marin wasn't the only want affected by the akuma, I have Adr- I mean- Mini Noir with me" says Mariette. "Also, Marin and I took the day off today and hewas going to surprise you with a date, but I guess it was all for naught".
"He what?! I'm going to kiss him senseless when I see him again and then kick his butt for not telling me!" says Kitty.
"As long as you don't kill him it's fine. Also, remember to take care of the baby, we don't want you risking your pregnancy for kicking Marin" says Marinette.
"Wait, I'm an uncle?!" exclaims Chat Noir.
"Not yet Chat, Kitty is only four months pregnant, her belly isn't even inflated yet" says Marinette.
"Is my young brother over there listening? I left Marin alone in another room" says Kitty.
"Keep an eye on him before he does smething stupid. Even if he wasn't like Chat, he was curious about your identity because of his crush on you" says Marinette.
"Marin has a crush on Kitty?" asks Chat Noir.
"One on Kitty and one on Adrienne and one big headache due to his moral conflict" says Marinette.
"y the way Mari, if you're free, how about you two come over here? I just want to talk to someone without constantly having to be careful not to reveal too much info" says Kitty in what sounded like a plead.
"Give me ten minutes and we'll be over there. Lunch is on you?" asks Marinette.
"As if, I want to taste Marin's cooking" says Kitty being childish.
"Fine by me" says Marinette shrugging. "See you in ten minutes then!"
"So... Where are we going?" asks Chat Noir.
"To Marin's and Kitty's house. Spoiler, they are also married and as you heard, Kitty is pregnant" says Marinette picking up he things.
"How comes Marin got both of his crushes?" complains Chat. "Not that you're bad Pricess. You're lovely. You're lovable. I love you- I mean you're great!"
Marinette smiles and kisses him on the forehead. After seeing him somewhat disapointed, she giggles. "Come on Kit-Cat, if you want a real kiss from me, you'll have to kiss my old self senseless when you return".
"I- I didn't- Uh- I-" tries to say a very flustered cat.
"Now, now. Don't blush so much about this minor teasing and let's go to your sister's place" says Marinette as she pushes Chat out of the room.
As the young Chat Noir and young Marin experienced a bit of their future, their future counterparts appear mid-air in the old Paris they hadn't seen for fourteen years. To top it off, Adrien was a civilian on pajama and was carrying Marin, who still had the piece of melon he was having for breakfast inside his mouth. In a flash, they remebered about the time-swapping akuma and managed to relatiely safely land on a rooftop unscathed. Making use of what their wives had told them about the fight, they devised a plan to reenact the same fight and each of them left to make what they needed to make.
In Adrien's case, he simply transformed into Chat Noir to avoid getting caught by the paparazzi in his pajamas. then, he set out towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery to get the one person they needed to clean this mess: Ladybug. Jumping from roof to roof, he manaed to get to Marinette's balcony despite being somewhat lost after running agai over so many rooftops that had changed in the future. When he arrived to the baclony, he knocked thrice on the trapdoor as he used to do to call for Marinette and let her know that it was him. But when the trapdoor opened, instead of being greeted by Marinette, a pillow came out and hit him right on the chin, managing to knock him off the ground. When Chat tried to stand up while rubbing his chin, Marinette was peeking her head out of her trapdoor with another pillow ready to throw.
"Who are you?!" demands Marinette.
"Princess... It's me, Chat Noir. I'm fom the future" says Chat getting  up.
"Don't move! I can't know if you're telling the truth!" says Marinette. "Prove me that you're Chat".
"Let's see. First of all, I can tell you who Ladybug is because I know that in the future, but that wouldn't convince you" says Chat Noir. "So, I'm going to tell you each and every attempt you did to make Agreste boy fall for you. Including the stolen phone that time where the statue of the heroes was inagurated".
"Okay! Stop! I trust you!" says Marinette embarrassed. "I can't believe you know all that in the future".
"Of course I know Princess, we're married! Do you really think that Alya wouldn't explain me i detail everything?" says Chat Noir smirking.
"Okay, that does sounds like Alya" admits Marinette. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"
"Me? Oh, not too much. your Chat Noir and your brother were hit by an akuma attack and swapped positions with us, so they are in the future and here I am, taking a scroll to get my buggaboo" explains Chat.
"How come you're still calling me that?!" says Marinette pouting. "And what happened to your hair?! Where is your mane?!"
"And here I thought that you liked my hairstyle because I look like Captain America" says Chat with crocodile tears.
"Yup, you're definitely Chat Noir, only you can be such a drama queen" says Marinette.
"Marinette! Chat Noir! Akuma!" says Tikki getting out of her hiding spot.
"Shoot she's right! I'll be going then! Come back me up as soon as you can M'Lady!" says Chat Noir leaping away.
"Tikki... What exactly happens in the future? Chat looks so... So..." says Marinette.
"Hot? Muscular? Sexy?" says Tikki giggling.
"I wasn't- He's not- I'm not-" tries to say Marinette flustered.
"Come on Marinette, leave your hot catboy fantasies for later, there's an akuma to catch!" says Tikki.
"Stop teasing me Tikki! Spots On!" protests Marinette before transforming into Ladybug.
While future Chat and Marinette had their so touching reunion, future Marin had a more complicated mission. First of all, he had to inform the citiziens of Paris about the akuma's powers via the two most influential blogs in Paris: The Lordblog and the Ladyblog. That's why, he headed to the Cesaire household to find Alya and Alen, explain them about the akuma's powers and then make sure that they wouldn't go out after the akuma to film the battle. He arrived in no time to the Cesaire's home and rang the bell, but insteadof having Alya or Alen answer the door, it was Nora who was using the intercom. It was a bit hard to convince her that he was Marin from the future, but after showing her several different ID and showing her the photos in Marin's phone, she was convinced and let him in, not before of warning everyone thought.
When Marin put one foot on the house, instead of being swarmed by a curious duo of teenager reporters, he was tackled by the four curious little Cesaire girls and ended up in the floor as they inspected him. Luckily for him, Marlena and Otis took the little girls away and helped him out to be on foot again, complimenting the young man on his change after the years. However, not much later he was tackled down to the floor by the two very excited and curious reporters he had expected on the first time. This time thought, it was Nora and Nielle who picked up the duos from Marin's top and let him stand again.
"Thank you for that, even if I expected to be tackled by them I wasn't prepared for it" says Marin rubbing his neck.
"Marin! Dude! You look like this in the future?!" says Alen surprised. "Man, at what age did you turned into a hot man? I bet the ladies swarm to you".
"I'm married and expecting a baby in five months, so no swarm of ladies for me Alen" says Marin laughing. "But I'm twenty-nine at the moment, and I'm not the only one who's got more handsome with the years".
"You're married? To whom?!" inquires Alya. "You better give me all the deets Bakery Boy!"
"Alya, you haven't changed one bit in fourteen years" says Mari chuckling. "I'm married to A- I mean, Kitty Noire. And no, I'm not telling you her secret identity. Or Chat's. Or the bugs'".
"So mean!" complains Alya.
"Now, now, Alya. I'm sure Marin hasn't come all the way fom the future to just be interrogated by you" says Nielle.
"Technically, I didn't com voluntarily from the future to warn you about something, rather, I had planned to take my wife to a date today" says Marin. "But the thing is that an akuma didn't let me".
"An akuma? There's an akuma on the loose?" asks Alen with his eyes shinning.
"Easy there man,you can't go to film this time. I'm here to explain you everything and ask you to post something" says Marin. "If you don't, Ladybug won't win and Hawkie will get the miraculous".
"Oh come on! How comes we can't go out this time?!" protests Alya.
"The akuma has time-travelling based powers. If they hit you, you'll be swapped with yourself from another time, be it past or future" says Marin. "The last time, neither of you went out and Ladybug won flawlessly, so to keep the timeline correct and don't erase me into nothingness, you have to stay in here".
"Man, these time-controlling akumas are the worst!" says Alen.
"Hey, look at the bright side, I'm here to give you all the deets so you can make a post on your blogs to warn all of Paris to stay at home" says Marin.
"We're all ears! Explain everything to the most minimal detail Baky boy!" says Alya with her phone already out.
"That's what I wanted to hear! And remember, no going outside after I leave" says Marin before he procedes to explain them everything about the akuma.
After accepting the interview and checking that they posted the information about the akuma and the interview, he left the Cesaire and headed over the remote park where Adrienne was supposedly having a photoshoot. Of course, given that he couldn't precisely transform due to the fact that his identity could be compromised, he had to take a taxi all the way over there. Once in there, he had to search for the exact spot of where the photos were being shot at, which wasn't as fast as he expected on foot. Luckily for him, he didn't take much more to spot Adrienne's bodyguard, the Orangutan. He rushed over there and picked up his attention, to which the bodyguard frowned and readied himself to expel Marin from the premises.
"Wait! I'm Marin, from the future! There is going to be an akuma attack in here soon" says Marin as he takes out his ID and his phone with a picture of the Orangutan working for him.
The Orangutan carefully examines the photo and the ID and grunts in approval.
"Thanks. I need you to take the cameramen as far as possible, this akuma can make you swap you with yourself from the future or the past, so take cover. I have to take Adrienne to cover to make the events happen like the last time" says Marin.
The Orangutan nods and grunts before taking the cameramen out of the improvised set. Meanwhile, Adrienne is confused as to why her bodyguard is forcing everyone out until she sees future Marin.
"Who are you? What is going on here?" asks Adrienne.
"Oh, I'm from the future and there is an akuma attack" says Marin. "Guess who am I? Here's a clue: Your future husband".
"M-Ma-Marin?!" stutters Adrienne in surprise. After checking him out twice, she can definetly confirm that he got more handsome with the years and she blushes.
"That's me my feline knight" says Marin. "Yes, I know your identity".
"H-How is this possible?!" says Adrienne blushing as Marin gets closer to her.
"The akuma has time-related powers. Your Marin is currently in the future enjoying breakfast with my very gorgeous wife" says Marin. "And let me tell you something, we're expecting a baby but you still go out as Kitty Noire".
"A-A-A baby!?!" exclaims Adrienne flustered. She squeals happily and hugs Marin.
"Yeah, you did that also in the future" says Marin laughing and hugging her back. "But come on, we have more things to do".
"O-Okey..." says Adrienne blushing as she lets him go.
"You have to transform into Kitty Noire and then you have to head over Eiffel's Tower. I hope you don't mind carrying me" says Marin with a wink.
"Of course not~" says Adrienne without thinking. Then she blushes. "I mean- It's no problem!"
Meanwhile, in the future, Marinette and Chat Noir arrived to Kitty's home and were enjoying a fresh lemonade while Kitty shamelessly flirted with Marin as he cooked their lunch. Chat Noir had inspected all the house and seen all the photos around since there was no identity to reveal for him. Apparently, Nino and Alya were married and both very famous in their respective fields, even after Alya's quintuplet pregnancy. On the othher side, Nina and Alen were also married and famous, but they still didn't have kids. He saw the portraits of a lot of people, some where somewhat familiar, other where completely unknown to him, but all of them seemed to be important people for Adrienne. Then, a loud chomp sounded in the kitchen and he turned around.
"I've told you not to touch my butt while I have a knife in my hands!" exclaims Marin indignatn, yet blushing. The knife in question was stuck in the cutting board.
"Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist to compare it with you current butt" says Kitty Noire.
"Sister!" complains Chat Noir also indignant.
"Complain all you want little bro, but you're best fiends with him in the future and have also fondled his butt, ableit it was an accident" says Kitty Noire.
"Kitty! Don't spoil them the surprise!" says Marinette. "Come here with me you mangy cat, I have things to discuss with you about the bakery".
"The bakery?" ask Chat and Marin at unison.
"Yup, I'm currently working in the best bakery of Paris with your parents Marin" says Kitty Noire leaving Marin's side.
"We're the CEOs and head designers of our own brand by the way" says Marinette. "And Chat Noir is a physics teacher in a nearby college".
"Wow, have all my dreams come true?" asks Marin surprised.
"Nope, your dream of boiling Cleon in a tar jar is still not true" says Marinette non-chalantly.
"When did I exactly began to have that dream exactly?" asks Marin afraid.
"No, why do you have that dream? Or will have, this time-travelling stuff is confusing" says Chat Noir.
"Let's just say that Chloe, Cleon and Lila only got more evil with the years" says Kitty Noire. "To the point that even I'd be clad to push them off a cliff".
"On the other side, Felix and Felicia Graham de Vanilie have stopped being villains and are currently one of our most important comercial partners and our best inversors" says Marinette.
"Felix and Felicia will be villains? I know they intentionally helped Hawk Moth for some reason and that they are a bit... Wicked. But how comes that they became villains" asks Marin.
"Oh, they'll discover Hawk Moth's secrets and will try to take the Miraculous to take revenge on him, but since they only attacked us and harmed no one, once Hawk Moth was defeated with their help, the police didn't arrest them" explains Kitty Noire. "They will also be the one who'll tell you who's Hawk Moth".
"But Hawk Moth... Let's just say that a lot of people suffered when his identity was revealed and he was arrested" says Marinette looking worried at Chat Noir.
"He was our father" whispers Kitty to Marin's ear. "But don't say a word about this".
"I- I will" says Marin trying not to be agitated. After all this time, a clue to Hawk Moth's reveal was there, but revealing the secret would make Kitty and Chat suffer.
"Conversely, our identities were revealed among us also thanks to them" points Kitty. "And it indirectly leaded to Marinette and Chat having a relationship".
"Which we could have had before if he wasn't so dense" says Marinette.
"I said I'm sorry!" exclaims Chat Noir.
"No amount of apollogies will make up for our suffering" says Kitty. "It was so painful to see you two revolving one around the other!"
"Even I can tell you that just by seeing how you behave around Marinette"points Marin.
"And he doesn't even know your secret identity!" adds Marinette.
"Can we please go back to preparing lucnh and drinking lemonade?" pleads Chat Noir.
Back in the past, the present Ladybug and Kitty Noire altogether with the future Chat Noir met in the Eiffel Tower after Kitty left the future Marin on the ground.
"Aww, I forgot how cute you two looked at the beginning" says Chat Noir.
"You're my brother?!" says Kitty Noire surprised.
"Unfotunately, he is" says Ladybug.
"Hey, you're annoyed because you can't concentrate because of this tremendous body of mine" says Chat Noir flexing as Ladybug blushes frustrated.
"See what I've been having to put up with?" says Ladybug.
"Oh don't worry, I also had a visit from my future husband. I'm going to be a mommy in the future apparently" says Kitty still blushing.
"Right, but there are at least five monts left for that" says Chat Noir. "In my time standards obviously".
"Who's your husband?" asks Ladybug curious.
"I'm just going to say that the best blonde won" says Kitty Noire smugly.
"Marin?! Is Marin from the future also here?!" exclaims Ladybug.
"Yeah, since your Marin and Chat were hit by the same attack, they went too the same period of time" says Chat Noir. "I didn't expect to wake up by appearing fourteen years ago, mid air, in my pajamas and with Marin on my arms".
"Wait what!" say Kitty and Ladybug together.
"I had the day off and my lovely wife as well and we were just chilling in the bed, cuddling a bit and then poof! Wrong twin in my arms" says Chat Noir smirking.
"No need to get explicit!" protests Ladybug.
"Why is that? Are you getting jealous of Marinette purrhaps?" says Chat Noir, now grinning.
"Brother! Stop teasing Ladybug! We have an akuma to fight!" reprimands him Kitty.
"I know, but the akuma will come to us. Trust me, I'm from the future" says Chat Noir.
"What do you mean it will come to us?" asks Kitty Noire.
"Well, why do you think your future hubby told you to leave him under us?" says Chat Noir. "He's going to bait it towards us, I'll destroy the ground under Eiffel's Tower, Kitty destroys the akumatized object and Ladybug purifies the akuma and cleanses everything".
"WHAT?!" exclaim the heroines at unison.
"Yeah, I don't like the plan either, but it's what happened before and it has to be done exactly in the same way" says Chat Noir shrugging. "When Eiffel's Tower collapses on the akuma, you'll see a white band, destroy that".
"If we get out of this one, I'm going to kick both of your butts before cleansing everything!" exclaims Ladybug angry.
"I'm sorry about this Buggaboo, it is how it is. Use your luacky charm for me?" says Chat making puppy eyes.
"Lucky Charm!" chants reluctantly Ladybug. A spray bottle falls on her hand and she instantly knows what to do with it. "You'll get your punishment later Chaton".
"I hate those ottles" says Chat Noir half hissing at the bottle.
"And you're supposed to be a grown cat?" says Kitty sarcastically.
"Say what you want, it's nearly impossible to get you in a bath in the future. Marin has developed amazing skills with the ropes just to neutralize you, thought I'm sure he uses them for something else as well" says Chat Noir smirking.
"Too much information Chat! And you know that's completely false!" says Marin as he rushes under the tower, being followed by the akuma.
"Now!" says Chat Noir jumping and cataclysming the floor, making Eiffel's tower fall on top of the akuma immobilizing them.
Kitty Noire had grabbed Marin before he fell into the pit created by Chat's cataclysm. "Wait here for me. I'll kill you later!"
"Catacysm the white band Kitty!" says Marin as he frees himself.
"Cataclysm!" chants Kitty before furiously hitting the akuma's white band.
As Kitty hits the akumatized object, the white band begins to crumble and slowly turns to dust. From the dust, the akuma emerges and tries to escape, but Ladybug reacts quickly enough to catch it and purify it. When the battle is definitely over, she hits Marin with her spray bottle and sprays chat with the water, clearly annoyed by their plan. At the same time, Kitty hits her brother with her baton and the procedes to slap Marin with tears on her eyes. Before the stupefacted boys can react, Ladybug evokes her Miraculous Cure and cleanses all the damage caused by the figh and by the akuma, thus sending the boys back to their respective time and returning Marin and Chat Noir to the present.
"Oh come on! I finally had finished cooking!" complains Marin.
"Hey, I don't mind to be back, but this kitten is still hungry" says Chat Noir. Then, they notice the angry expression from Ladybug ad Kitty's crying face and they shut up awkwardly.
"Um... Hello?" says Marin.
Kitty hugs him. "You idiots!"
"I'm glad to se you too?" says Marin blushing a bit. "Uh... Kitty? Mind giving me a bit of room to breath?"
"I don't want to! I was very worried thanks to your stupid future self!" says Kitty hugging him tighter.
"Okey... It seems there's a lot you have to explain us...2 says Chat Noir.
"No explanations for you! You'll agree to Marin risking his life!" says Ladybug still pissed.
"Woah there Milady! Calm down a bit for me? I don't know what did my future self exactly do but I want to be alive to make something I promised in the future" says Chat Noir.
"Chat, not the moment to worry about kissing my sister! Help me a bit in here!" demands Marin trying to escape the iron-clad grip of Kitty's hug. "My intestines are about to go take a tour to the outside of my body!"
"K-Kiss?!" says Ladybug blushing. She begins to hit Chat Noir. "You horny cat!"
"Why am I being punished for? I swear my intentions were pure! I wasn't thinking on passionatelly kissing Marinette until I'm out of breath!" says Chat trying to protect himself.
"Bad choice of words dude" says Marin as Ladybug gets more flustered. "Kitty? Please, I need to breath".
"I'll only let you go if you promise me something!" says Kitty Noire.
"Whatever you want! I need oxygen!" says Marin.
"Then kiss me! Be my boyfriend!" exclaims Kitty Noire blushing and Marin turns red.
"Kitty, let go off me" says Marin suddenly serious.
She let's him go, afraid of having pissed him, but he takes her hand and guides her somewhere else. "Wh- Where are we going?"
"Somewhere more private... Like here" says Marin before turning to Kitty Noire and kissing her pasionatelly. "I- I want to be your boyfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"YES!" squeals Kitty and kisses Marin.
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forkanna · 4 years
WARNING: Miraculous and all related characters © Zagtoon. This story ©2020 to me! All rights reserved.
NOTE: This fanfic was commissioned by Anonymous. Happy Easter or something!
SIDE NOTE: Yes, I am alive. No, I do not have Covid-19; all good on my end and I'm being safe. I just have been wrapped up in a lot of other projects. Obviously my commissions are still open. But I promise-promise, other fics you may be daydreaming about will return. Soon!
Chloe Bourgeois counted herself lucky that she had been on the way to the wedding of her one-time object of affection, Adrien Agreste, when she heard the outcry. The antics of Crepe Of Wrath had gone completely unnoticed by the future fashion magnate because she was too busy making sure her hair and makeup were flawless. If she was going to let go of Adrien once and for all, she was going to make sure he would know what he was missing when he glanced in her direction.
And now, some ninny was screaming and interrupting her mental preparations for finding someone new to crush on. Rolling down the window of her limo, she began to shout, "HEY! WHAT IS THE IDEA OF-"
Oh no.
What the hell was Marinette Dupain-Cheng doing flying through the air — especially in that billowy wedding gown, all white poofs and elegance? Maybe she would hit the pavement and become a greasy splatter. What else was going to lift her spirits than seeing her rival for Adrien's affections meeting an untimely demise?
But no such luck. Chat Noir sailed out of nowhere and snagged her out of the air before she could strike ground. Fine. As much as that would have simplified her life, she couldn't deny that in the back of her mind she actually was glad that she didn't witness one of her Françoise Dupont High schoolmates die - at least, right in front of her. That would have been gross.
Besides, Marinette might have deserved to lose Adrien, but not death. Even someone as irritating as her was a human being.
When the limo finally came to a stop in front of the church, she saw Marinette rushing up to the crowd congregated out front. There was some kind of discussion, tears were shed… boring. Because it wasn't about her. Just as Chloe opened her door to exit the limo, too impatient for her servant to do the honors-
Before she had enough time to do anything more than squeak out "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, just what on Earth do you-", she found herself being shoved backward into the vehicle again as a well-dressed bride climbed in after her.
"Chloe, I will let you put a picture of my underwear all over the internet if you drive away right now!"
Oh, that was too good to pass up. Chloe bade her driver to take off from the curb, even though a couple of fists had begun to pound on the windows just then. What did she care? Money would take care of their commoner fingerprints.
"Well, I did what you wanted, you insane pleb. When do you cough up payment?"
"What?" Marinette was still too busy gasping for breath and fanning her face, trying to evaporate the sweat that was beginning to break out all over her pale skin. Disgusting. "I… what do you mean?"
Rolling her eyes, the blond primadonna folded her arms over her slight chest. "Are you even stupider than I thought? The deal was that I helped you make a getaway from whatever, and I get to post nudes. Your reputation is history, Dupain-Cheng."
Drooping visibly, she whined, "Aww… come on, Chloe, have a heart. I just really wanted to get away from there, I…" Her eyes started to water. "He didn't show up."
He didn't? How horrible. Marinette must have been devastated. Well, Chloe was fresh out of hearts — at least, ones that bled for people who put themselves in situations like these by marrying someone who couldn't possibly love her when Chloe Bourgeois existed on the same planet. The way she saw it, the universe was correcting a cosmic mistake. "Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Start getting naked or I'll even make you take off your underwear."
"That's awful! And how are you going to make me do anything? All I have to do is jump out of this limo."
"Go ahead." Marinette tried. And failed. "The locks are controlled by my driver for safety reasons. Only I know the secret code to open them from back here. But don't worry; I will be very glad to kick you out. Just as soon as you live up to your end of our little deal."
The irritation in her rival's dopey face was priceless. Chloe lived for that. Even better when Marinette began struggling out of the wedding gown, grumbling and swearing under her breath all the while. Though probably not actually swearing; that didn't seem like the little goody two shoes at all.
However… the mayor's daughter's feelings begin to shift the more of Marinette's trim body she saw. Maybe she wasn't being entirely objective when she called her "ugly". Once the slip came off, Chloe found herself clearing her throat and looking away. Why? Wasn't this exactly what she wanted? To humiliate the object of all her rage and disgust?
"Okay, hurry up," the girl grumbled. "I just want you to drop me off at my place so I can forget this day ever happened."
When Chloe turned and raised her phone, she had been expecting to see something cute, like strawberry patterns or pink bows. Juvenile, like Marinette. Why was she so shocked to see the red-and-black lace? It wasn't that weird — especially considering it was supposed to be the brat's wedding night.
"Chloe? Um…" Marinette was shifting awkwardly, cheeks beginning to turn red. "Can you hurry up and take the picture, if you're going to?"
"R-right! Of course, let's make sure you're humiliated everywhere." But her finger hesitated over the shutter button. Why? She couldn't possibly have been feeling any kind of sympathy for this pustule on the face of society.
Nope. Marinette deserved it several times over. So she took a couple of pictures. "That's it… now turn around and let me see that nonexistent derriere of yours."
The absolutely flushed baker-slash-designer did as she was asked, her high heels clattering to the floorboard of the limo as she knelt on the seat. Hips shifting awkwardly from side to side. Chloe felt her heart racing now; this was obscene. And why on Earth was her body reacting to it? What was wrong with her?!
"Well? Did you get it?"
"Don't… rush me…" Click. Now she felt like a total pervert for taking these pictures, even though she knew the purpose was to humiliate this dunce whom had been a thorn in her side throughout her entire school career.
Wasn't it?
"Chloe, you really are the worst," she breathed, eyes brimming with tears as she looked off out the window. As if trying to distract herself.
"No, you're the worst." But the whole situation had her second-guessing herself so badly that she sighed and bit her lip. "Looking like that… making it weird."
"What do you mean, I'm making it weird?! You're taking pictures of my butt!"
"I-I am not!" She was. "Okay, but they're for blackmail purposes! Or something!"
"I thought they were as payment for the escape…?"
"Sh-shut up!" Sighing, she put her phone away, still staring at Marinette's pert little rear. For some reason. "I'm… oh, just get out of this limo before I actually do post these."
Marinette was clearly stunned when she turned and sat down, looking at Chloe. "Wait… I thought you already did. And whoa, why are you blushing?!"
"I'm not blushing, you're blushing."
"Well, yeah! But you are, too. Is everything alri-"
"Shut UP! Just shut up, alright?! Making everything difficult, always ticking me off and- j-just GO AWAY!"
Marinette started trying to struggle back into her dress, clearly panicked by the irate tone of her rival. And of course, she was so klutzy that every movement basically set her back to the start; she dropped her shoes, picked up her dress, slipped on her slip and dropped everything again. But something about the way she was crying and undressed, and the way she finally collapsed into sobs because nothing was going right…
Chloe… wasn't laughing at her. For some reason.
"It's alright," she finally sighed irritably, kneeling next to her on the floorboards and patting her shoulder awkwardly. "You can't help that you're stupid, and lame, and Adrien obviously realised he was making a mista-"
Her words cut off when she felt arms flinging themselves around her body. Marinette was sobbing into her shoulder. Just because of that insignificant shred of sympathy?! Clearly this dumb girl was overwrought, and not even the queen of the school could bring herself to push her away because the sobs were just so pathetic.
And… her back was really soft. She smelled sweet, like macarons and sunshine. Chloe felt her brow furrowing as she embraced her a little tighter.
"I'm sorry," Marinette finally breathed brokenly as she clutched at her back hard.
"W-watch it, this is a Versace blouse." She cleared her throat, petting over her soft raven locks. "It's worth more than your life, you boob."
"S-sorry for that, too, then. Aughhhh…" She drew back, swiping hard at her eyes. Why did she miss that hug already? "Thanks for getting me out of there, and like… p-putting up with my breakdown."
"This was bound to happen. But… yeah. Um, and you should get out of here before I change my mind."
"It doesn't matter," Marinette sighed as she started struggling back into her dress in the confined space. At some point, a foot smooshed into Chloe's face, and she sputtered and squealed words that were incoherent due to the high volume. "Ngh… you still have the pics, you can blackmail me anytime. Doesn't matter."
"Oh yeah? That's what's bothering you? Gimme your stupid phone, stupid."
Marinette did. And Chloe snapped a quick selfie from a very low angle and handed it back. The dumbfounded girl whispered, "Did you just… take a… a p-p-"
"I believe it is called an 'upskirt'," Chloe grunted, even as her cheeks burned brilliant crimson. "And you're such a goody-two-shoes that you would never post it anywhere unless provoked. So there; it's insurance. Get out of here."
They were quiet as Marinette finished dressing, though she still looked disheveled. The limo dropped her off in front of the bakery. Just as Chloe moved to close the door, the ex-bride suddenly asked a pertinent question.
"Wait - why didn't you just delete my pictures? Why take one of your underwear on my phone, instead, Chloe?"
"That's… I'm-" Why did she have to have a valid point? "DON'T YOU EVER SHUT UP?!" She slammed the door shut and snapped, "Drive!"
The answer, of course, was that she had no idea. But given the way that she kept taking out her phone to glance at Marinette's lithe form, Chloe Bourgeois had an inkling - one that she was going to stubbornly ignore until it went away. Hopefully.
"I hate you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng," the panicking princess muttered as her heart thudded loudly in her chest, thumbs caressing up and down the sides of her phone screen. "Hate you with a passion."
                                                 ~ Le Fin…? ~
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secret-eggent · 5 years
Lady Bird!AU pt2
Only one person kinda asked, (probably since I'm still new here, and it's Kagami), but it's not like that was actually gonna stop me from writing a 24+ bullet list for this AU. ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ
🐞Thanks to some convenient time alterations; Kagami got the earrings after the first incident with Stoneheart. Marinette saw her taking tryouts for that year's fencing lessons, and made the decision based on her interpretation of Kagami's personality, that she would make a better heroine.
(So basically another What-Would've-Happened-if-Mari-Had-Given-Up-the-Earrings-After-Stoneheart?plot, but to someone other than Alya.)
🐾She IS a great hero. Chat Noir still falls for her courage, righteousness, and intelligence. The only problem: Lady Bird's too serious. She believes that so much responsibility should be handled as a job, not a joyrun.
🐞She despises how aloof Chat acts, treating him like he's a child, sidekick, or just inferior, for not treating Hawkmoth's threat as something as dangerous as it is.
🐾Adrien goes to the same school as Kagami, since nO OVERBEARING PARENT WOULD ACTUALLY LET THEIR CHILD ATTEND A SCHOOL THAT WAS THE FIRST TARGET OF THE LATEST SUPERVILLAIN?!?!? ((speaking as someone who HAS an overprotective control freak of a parent!)))
🐞Though, that was only after D'Argencourt (the fencing teacher) convinced Gabriel that group classes were a good idea for Adrien's skill development, where he met Kagami, and later convinced his father to let him attend her school.
🐾Chat Noir still has the habit of throwing himself in front of/sacrificing himself for Lady Bird, still resulting in the akuma controlling him.
🐞Lady Bird snaps after one too many times trying to fight him and the akuma; feeling like she's done all the heavy lifting, and been the only one taking it seriously, and she's just so stressed.
She told him that he and the first Ladybug were the wrong choices for heroes.
🐾Adrien is depressed because sh*t, with his life, it's pretty obvious no one wants him for him. His mom is gone (for all he knows she left, probably without saying goodbye,) his dad is a cold dou**e and completely discourages Adrien being himself, his first 'partner' ALSO left without a word, and now his new partner completely despises him when he was just trying to help.
🐞The people of Paris actually are NOT fans of Chat Noir, either.
🐾They follow Lady Bird's projected opinion; that he's a goof-off sidekick. And not to mention he can literally destroy anything. It's actually kinda scary, to think a power like that is in the hands of an irresponsible kid.
🐞Marinette has issues because she realizes what an opportunity she passed up, and how she feels unfulfilled, now, without the miraculous. It doesn't really tear her up inside, until she has the run-in with Chat Noir, on the night of Glaciator.
🐾Lo and behold, she realized that Chat isn't quite as much of an insufferable dunce as everyone believes, and is really pretty mad that people have thought that for so long, because he was her partner, and he is a good person.
🐞THAT'S the reason Marinette and Kagami become rivals. Because Mari decides to put the blame for all that on Kagami. (She knows it was her own fault giving up Tikki— But she still feels like she wasn't meant to be a hero; But it's still not justifying Lady Bird taking it out on Chat.)
🐾Kagami doesn't actually understand why Marinette is so snarky to her all of a sudden during any run-ins, since she doesn't know that she was Ladybug, but honestly she doesn't really care. (She makes accidental enemies all the time, if people don't like to be buttered up, they don't have to talk to her.)
🐞Marinette ends up becoming Chat Noir's main supporter, showing up to the battles with Alya for the Ladyblog and basically being the only one cheering him on, and Adrien does what he can to help her with her fashion career and overall happiness, too.
🐾She's his first choice when Master Fu gives him a miraculous for an extra hand.
🐞Right— since Adrien is going to school with Kagami, when he finds the book and brings it to school, Kagami is the one who sees it while they're studying. But since she can't justifiably take it, Tikki tells Plagg that Adrien has to bring it to Master Fu, so he's now the one with the majority of intel.
🐾Kagami, however, found it suspicious that some fairly random guy would have something pertaining to the Miraculous. Especially since they seemed to be such a well-kept secret. She decided to investigate by herself. Skip Volpina, straight to The Collector.
🐞It's written off to her as Gabriel was just a collector of rare items, and she and Adrien dismiss him as a suspect for Hawkmoth.
🐾Kagami does have a crush on Adrien, but he sees her as another really good friend. Unlike our cannon Marinette, however, she doesn't ultimately get outwardly jealous or disappointed when he says he doesn't have feelings for her, because she has some decency and respect for him a different personality, like every realistic human is respectably varied in that department.
🐞Chat Noir secretly adopts himself into the Dupain-Cheng family, they don't object because they like having him around, and Tom insists it's safer.
🐾I feel I should mention Tom was already Chat Noir's biggest fan, and got super excited the first time they met.
🐞Yes, a lot of the romance is MariChat, for a multitude of reasons that I'll go into if asked, but for now, would just deviate into a tangent right here. So I'll just say, while LadyNoir is my OTP, I believe MariChat is just,,, critically important to a healthier relationship with each other? (;-;)
🐾I also saw someone point out that it would be interesting to see what would've happened if Adrien and Marinette had met Kagami and Luka first, and how it could have affected their implicated 'soulmate' status quo. I second this, and I like to see where/how it does fit in this AU.
(There was much more to that post that I also support, but this is what's relevant here.)
🐞This started dragging on about four bullets ago, so— while I'm still super gun-ho about this— I'll give you all a break anyways. ;D
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geek-fashionista · 7 years
Lucky Us: Chapter Covers
In honor of Lucky Us ending, here is the complete list of chapter covers!
Marinette and Adrien standing back to back, staring at their phones
Adrien knocking on the bakery door while Marinette panics on the other side
Detective!Manon sticking a magnifying glass in Marinette’s face while Marinette waves her hands innocently
Adrien in the suit jacket and sunglasses, surrounded by drawings of various how-to-meet-Ladybug schemes
Adrien and Marinette holding onto Nino and Alya with one hand and shaking each other’s hands with the other
Adrien ducking away from a bunch of microphones/recording devices being shoved in his face
Adrien down on one knee, holding Marinette’s hand and proposing (the fake date), Marinette seeming to hesitate because Chat Noir is behind her, whispering in her ear
Marinette and Adrien huddled together in the movie theater while Alya uses binoculars to spy on them from the back
Ladybug and Chat Noir, flirting like crazy
Tipsy Marinette flirting with Adrien, who looks endlessly amused
Marinette, dressed like a prince, running towards a tall tower where Adrien is imprisoned
Adrien gazing out at the Chateau Margaux vineyard, Marinette on her balcony gazing out at Paris
Adrien offering a rose to a picture of Marinette
Marinette standing in her old apartment with a stricken smile, heart bleeding all over her shoulder as her Ladybug mask chips off her face
Adrien blushing and holding a hand over his chest, Marinette standing behind him in a cute outfit, leaning over his shoulder trying to get a good look at his face
Ladybug walking out of Cafe Reflekta as Adrien walks in
Ladybug shoving Chat Noir away from her
Adrien sitting between Chloe and Nino wearing a dunce cap and scowling while Chloe and Nino high five each other
Adrien and Marinette standing in front of Notre Dame, Marinette crying, Adrien holding his heart behind his back
Adrien and Marinette sneaking away in prison clothes
Adrien holding Plagg up to hide his face
Marinette, dressed in Ladybug’s colors, embracing crying!Adrien from behind
Marinette in an elegant red gown, lying back against Chat Noir as Adrien crouches over her, kissing her hand
The ten finalists of the design competition standing in a police lineup, all of them wearing Ladybug masks. Marinette is the only one smirking.
An old school mystery cover featuring Adrien (in the blue suit) creeping towards an open door while Ladybug (in a gorgeous femme fatale gown) runs out of another door.
Marinette turned around in her desk chair, gasping dramatically with Chloe and Nino’s shadows cast over her. 
Marinette doing one-handed push-ups with Chloe sitting on her back, Alya holding a cup of water with a straw up to her mouth, and Adrien and Nino cheering in the background.
Fourteen-year-old Marinette standing in a spotlight, holding her injured wrist and crying. Her yo-yo is on the ground.
Adrien and Marinette kissing. He’s holding her Ladybug mask in one hand and has the other hand tangled in her hair.
A wall full of framed photographs: Ange and Alexa and Henry making funny faces, a selfie of Alya at a music festival with Nino DJing in the background, Chloe standing on a mountain with her arms outstretched, Gabriel holding Plagg in his arms, Tom and Sabine with the bakery staff, and in the middle of all those photos is one of Adrien and Marinette holding hands and smiling at each other in front of Milan Cathedral.
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geek-fashionista · 7 years
More LU Nonsense
Because I’ve spent so many years reading manga, whenever I write long fics, I tend to come up with cover pages for every single chapter. I think in my head I’m telling myself “I’ll draw these when I finally get better at drawing” and then I never do. SO, what would Lucky Us’s chapter covers look like?
Marinette and Adrien standing back to back, staring at their phones
Adrien knocking on the bakery door while Marinette panics on the other side
Detective!Manon following a sneaky Marinette around
Adrien in the suit jacket and sunglasses, surrounded by drawings of various how-to-meet-Ladybug schemes
Adrien and Marinette holding onto Nino and Alya with one hand and shaking each other’s hands with the other
Adrien ducking away from a bunch of microphones/recording devices being shoved in his face
Adrien down on one knee, holding Marinette’s hand and proposing (the fake date), Marinette seeming to hesitate because Chat Noir is behind her, whispering in her ear
Marinette and Adrien huddled together in the movie theater while Alya uses binoculars to spy on them from the back
Ladybug and Chat Noir, flirting their pants off
Tipsy Marinette flirting with Adrien, who looks endlessly amused
Marinette, dressed like a prince, running towards a tall tower where Adrien is imprisoned
Adrien gazing out at the Chateau Margaux vineyard, Marinette on her balcony gazing out at Paris
Adrien offering a rose to a picture of Marinette
Marinette standing in her old apartment with a stricken smile, heart bleeding all over her shoulder as her Ladybug mask chips off her face
Adrien blushing and holding a hand over his chest, Marinette standing behind him in a cute outfit, leaning over his shoulder trying to get a good look at his face
Ladybug walking out of Cafe Reflekta as Adrien walks in
Ladybug shoving Chat Noir away from her
Adrien sitting between Chloe and Nino wearing a dunce cap and scowling while Chloe and Nino high five each other
Adrien and Marinette standing in front of Notre Dame, Marinette crying, Adrien holding his heart behind his back
Adrien and Marinette sneaking away in prison clothes
Adrien holding Plagg up to hide his face
Marinette, dressed in Ladybug’s colors, embracing crying!Adrien from behind
Marinette in an elegant red gown, lying back against Chat Noir as Adrien crouches over her, kissing her hand
I still don’t know if this fic is making it to chapter thirty or not. orz
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